· -1-1-wmtimiklfm .wm$m amt r v um mi j -i 11 r i r m i: tm i...

-1-1-wmtimiklfm . Wm$m amt r v um mi j -i 11 r I r m i: tm I '"j i.tfià miimk.M. '' . i -«cv? àï*>*li . WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 24, 1870. The Blunter Watchman (ESTABLISHED IN 1890.) it rviiiiiio VBBÏ WBONWIAT HORNING AT SUMTER. B. C., BT GILBERT & FLOWERS. Terms. 0 no ysar.<"....$8 00 Six mooth!. 1 *0 Tb reo mon tb g. 1 00 ADVERTIS KM KN TH lnierted at th« rat* of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS per square for the first, ONE DOLLAR for the second, and FIFTY CENTS for efcoh subsequent iusertion, for any period less than three months OBITUARIES, TRIBUTES OF RESPECT and all eomuunieatlons which subserve private ntoreets, will be paid (or as advertisements. J. E. SUARES, SUMTER FURNITURE -,-AND- Chair Ware-Room.s HAS ON HAND A LARGE STOCK OF "FUR¬ NITURE, for tess than oan be obtained in any Southorn market, earing both freight and risk of broakago by Railroad. With ezperlenoe in this branoh of business in tho City of Charleston, for twenty-five years, and having the advantages of tho boat Manufacturer^ he is offering first olass work of which o very article sold is warranted, fho stock consists of * Sofas, Sido Boards, Rook Oeses, Wardrobes' Washstands, Bureaus, Cottage Setts, Whatnots Extonslon Tables Mahogany, Cane and Wood Seat Rooking Chairs Mahogany, Cane and Wood Seat Setting Chairs Cribs, Cradles Trundlo Bodsteads and Cottogo Bedsteads Every style Looking Classes and Mattresses. FIVE HUNDRED PAIR WINDOW SHADES list received, together with a lot of WALL PA« PER AND BORDERING. Main Street, opposite Exprese Office, UP STAIRS. J. E. Suares, Fob 23-tf_ NO. 3 GROCERIES. THE ONLY STRICTLY Grocery and Liquor House | IN TOWN TJIK UNDERSIGNED,bogs leave lol call tho attention of his frionds and the public generally to his NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Heavy and Fancy Groceries Which ho offers lew for CASH ON LT. ^r¿. All articles warranted as rooommonded Ttl- Puro Mod.'clnul Liquors kept constantly on baud. J. U. EBERHART. April 13 tf MARBLE YARD THE undersigned would most respectfully nnnounco to the people of Sumter and sur¬ rounding country has ho huve just roceived a| SPLENDID LOT QF TVE arble. anil is now prepared to receive and oxocuto or¬ ders of all kinds in his lino, with nearness and dispatch. IIION RAILING FURNISHED TO ORDER. W. P. S M I T Hf SUMTER, S. C. Nvo- 17_t Ce T. MASON. WATCH MAKER AND TEWEHsEFl SUMTER, S. C. Has just recoived and keeps always os band New and Beautiful Styles of JEWELRY, FYEGLASSES, &C. WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY RE- PAIRED WITH DISPATCH. March 31 O. F. HOYT. SUCCESSOR TO I HOYT, & SUMTER, so. CA. "^7"0ULD respectfully inform his friends and tho public of Sumter, and adjoining eonntlos, that ha has rocently recoived a choleo selec¬ tion of LADIES' AND GENTLEMANS' '\7S7' eft O ix os, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, &c, &c, His stook'embraoes all ¡tho latest stylos, and will bo sold at reasonablo rates. Sept 29 ROBERT BROUN, Architect, County Surveyor, -AND- Mechanical Engineer. WILL ATTEND TO ANY BUSINESS EN» trusted to bim with acenraoy end desnatob. Refers to F0E8 OR FRIENDS. Address, Manchester June 29--3m_ LOTH AIR, LUCK OF ROARING CAMP, Curiosities-of Literature, Old Curiosity Shop, Piokwiok Papors, and all tho late publications of the day to be had at publisher's prices, At TUE SUMTER BOOK STORE. July 27 vms A H tv« FOLICY. The Louisville Courier Journal is dealing some valiant blows just now for the right, a ad if the great national Democraticand Conservative party ii not victorious fill over the country iu may bo attributed to the failure oí'Southern.-.' impraotioables to foliow tho.wise councils of the Cotirier Journal,-abd>bÜ>er newspapers of simi¬ lar tone. The-Courier Journal has boon taken to toik by the Mobile Register, the leader of the Alabama Barbons, and cornea baok upon it in ' this unanswera¬ ble manner : The Register talks a good deal about "prinoiple" and "truth" ¿nd .white man's party."^ Whwt docs it »can, nothing?;If it^ans .som éjthing, what is that something '¿-if' it'.m.oans no thing, why the agitation whioh it deprecates ? ïho editor*of thVRegis ter, who ought to know wh at he is"nbout, must lay aside his generalities and emotions and tell us plainly and preoieely what he does* really moan, and to'simplity tho. matten and help him along with Jfrs answer,~we will put tho following questions, vii: 1st. Do you propose' to organize "a white man's party," for the express pur poso of repealing or otherwise setting aside the Fifteenth Amendment, oom* Jelling its entiro policy, as well as its iindamental purpose to look solely to that result ? 2d. In the event of success in repell¬ ing the Fifteenth Amendment, disfran¬ chising the half million voters created under it, and obtaining possession of the General Government, do you proposo "to ropeal the Thirteenth Amendment and to remand tho negroes back to a state of slavery? 3rd. In either event, what do you expeot to seoure by the intermediate agitation, the excitement incident to the arraying of class against class and race against raoe, with tho consequent division of public sentiment and the certain action of the Federal Governs ment ? You say that if tho press would but stand firm but for six months, we should "sweep radicalism from the face of thc land." Stand firm for what, and against what ? Stand firm for the repeal of the Fifteenth Amendment nnd against the validity of its ratification ? Did the press not stand firm against it up to the hour when it was declared a part of the Con¬ stitution of the United States ? lias it not stood firm against all tho radical measures of reconstruct ion for five years, and is it not still standing firm against each of the radical measures that np. poars ? Has this prevented the practical realization of negro suffrage ? Whatever may be its legal source, ¡3 it not an ac¬ tual fact put upon us in spite of our firmest opposition ? And who is to set it asido ? How aro you going to secuto its overthrow ? By Congross, or by thc Supreme Court, or by revolution ? Il by Congress, when ? There is no likelihood of changing the present complexion of the Senate for six years. By the Su¬ premo Court? Well, when? Is that tribune not hopelessly Republican for ut least a dozen years ? Como, give us your plan ; what it rests on ; what are its hopes and expectations ; how you expect to carry it out, and all about it* You claim to bo a Democratic organ, and yet you seem to hold tho Democrat¬ ic organization rather lightly, as light¬ ly, if it does not square itself by your foot rule, "as a pipeful of, Kentucky tobacco." Is there no question then in this country, but the negro question ? Is there nothing else to fight for? Arc we gotten so poor off for. issues that wc must break up the great National Dem¬ oeratio organization in order to form a "White Mao's party," with ono lonely and addled idea, rattling Uko a rotter egg in a foul nest until it bursts its sholl and stalks forth onco moro a full fledged demon of war, arraying blacks against the whites, and the whites against tht blacks, and convulsing our whole social and industrial system in its incessant and endless moil ? Is this our duty tc "truth ?" Is this the cardinal "princb pie" which should underlie and direol tho movements of the party of tho futur» searing its mission of peace with blood and turning all its noble purposes o natural freedom and rest into miscrabh Dead Sea fruit? The groat national Democratic organ nization, as represented through th« ablest of its leaders and tho most influ ential of its journals, presents a mon cheerful, a moro wholesome, a faire prospeot for the allurement and tho ec oouragement of the American people It holds out a hand of peace to all men lt urges tho abandonment of all mino differences. It proposes to deal witl present facts and to ignore, as far a may be, disturbing antecedents an warlike possibilities. There must bo lino somewhere. The peoplo of th North havo decided, in spite of ever effort of ours, that the blacks shall hav tho ballot, and with it bo loft to tak care of themselves. This is the doliberato judgment c tho majority of the Northern peoplo wh ohoso between the .bayonet and th ballot, in favor of the latter, as a moac of protecting the negroes whom the; had liberated. Thoy regard this as th rational terminns of emancipation, J few extremist« want to go further ; an a few impracticables proposes to rip asunder ai soon as they oan withou explaining «ny national method b whioh it ie to bo done. The practia Democratic leaders accept the icsucs t made up, and, as they were not respon fliblc for making it, as it was done 1 opposition to them, and os in any even thoy soo no way of getting rid of it, thc mean to mako the best they oan of i and, by scouring quiet to the South an turning to other and more needft topics of discussion, ,to obtain the support and confidence of the people and so to restore the Government to ito purity. The polioy lo£ tho Register would defeat thia * purpose. Its only effeot would he to ktep up at the South an agitation whioh ia alike hurtful to Southern industry and to the Demo- oratio party. Uenoo ito articles are quoted as Radical campaign material and hence our assertion that as long as it makes votes against us instead of for us, and is in direct antagonism to the great Demooratio newspapers of the country, it eau not legitimately olaim to be more than organizer of a new party with a new name outside of the organ¬ ization whioh we recognize as Demo¬ oratio and National. In its issue of Monday last, the Cou¬ rier Journal follows this by an able editorial, in whioh it declares : The negro has been made a freeman, a citizen, and a voter, all in apite of our bravest and most defiant opposition. So far a serious political revolution, brought about in an incredible short space of time, has been ^accomplished. No one proposes to remand the blacks to a state of slavery ; and we think we have made it plain that the repeal of the Fifteenth Amendment is as impracticable os the repeal of tho Thirteenth. The slave is a free man. The free man is a oitizen.. The is a voter. These are facts whioh oannot be denied, and which will not be got rid of short of a revolution, hardly less long and bloody, and perhaps longer and bloodier, than that to whioh each in detail owes its existence. Tho issue before the eountry is not the repeal of the Fifteenth Amendment any more than the repeal of the Thirteenth Amendment. The issue before tho country, but subjeot to the aotion of an already existing Congress, is Mr. Sum¬ ner's bill equalizing by law the social intercourse as well as the political relations of all sorts and conditions of men. We propose therefore to put ourselvos on a peace footing, not upon a war footing. In those of tho Southern States whioh have been suffered to resume the control of their own affairs, tho negro has not proven himself a dangerous politioal clement. In Mary, land, Koutucky, Virginia and Tennessee he is not seriously felt as a pressure on the ballot box. We ore so strong in all these States, and trill bo equally strong in evory otbor which may bo once rid of Federal inter moddliug, that wo can afford to ignore thc negro as a contending forco. Lot us cease to disturb ourselves about a threatened supremacy toward whioh ho contributes nothing, and consider him as an indus¬ trial agent, holding an intimate and practical relation toward our household? and our farms. Let us allay public feeling ngainst him. Lot us give him ever; civil right which can add to his bodily comfort and omjoyment, to his peace of mind, and, to his future prospects. Let us próvido him instruction, and educate and elevate him, trusting to tho good effects of good works and kind offices, to the improvement whioh comes from instruc¬ tion, to tho blessed inlluenco of peace, and to thu mercy aud the wisdom of that God who is the Founder and tho Architcofc of government, aud the Father and Proteotor of hu pcoplo.- Then when bold innovation upon the instincts of human nature (howover per¬ verted) and distruotive of society (how¬ ever artifioial,) aro put forward by vision¬ ary interpreters of the rights of man, we shall be able to appeal to the practical common souse of the intelligence of tho Country, whioh rules it after all, und say to it, "You can point ta noth¬ ing which cither justifies your haste or your violence," and thus, by tho free agency of mind over muscio, and sense over sinow, and a Christian statesman¬ ship over a brutal, warliko spirit ot mere destructiveness, be able not only to "sweep radicalism from tho faco of tho land," but also to preserve both law and order, and to protect those scattered homes of widows and orphans, which no less than tho myriads of silent and unmarkod graves, everywhere appeal to us in behalf of tho poor and stvug- gling, and defenseless women and chil¬ dren of thc Confederate dead. Tho man who says that this good counsel is treason to tho Democratic party; proclaims himself a traitor to all that is holy in tho past and hopeful in the futuro.. - Thc Sohonectady Star is puzzling itself over tho conundrum, why girls can dross as lightly as they do and still keop warm, and relatos the following startling experience : "Wo onoo rodo with a girl m an open cutter, fifteen miles, on ono of the coldest nights in wintor, and while wo sat frozon nigh as stiff as a stake, our teeth chattering Uko castinots, she kept up an animated conversation, overy now and thon ex¬ claiming: "Oh, isn't this delightful! Don't you oojoy it-?" Whon wo arrived at our destination, notwithstand¬ ing wo were dressed a groat deal warmer than our fair companion, sho had to lift us out of tho cutter and conduct us to the tropical atmosphcro of thc kitchen of a farm house. On tho return trip wo wero frozen to death and sho drove tho corps« bomo. It must bo that girls are tougher than we men people." « ea»»»- - The French aro in the habit of imparting an artifioial flavor and fra¬ grance to apples and pears by the following process : The fruit is plucked before being quite ripo, and" is pricked all over with a fine needle; after whioh it is placed in a vessel with essence of any kind desired. Tho exhalations of the latter aro absorbed in a few seconds by the fruit, and tho operation is rc-« poatod several times until tho fruit is ripe, when it will bo found to havo ao- ' quired the desired taste. WAR TOPICS. [From tho Continental Correspondence of tho . English Newspaper!.] Tate German Conscription. When I arrived early this morning at Oberlahsteio, that station was com¬ pletely blooked up, and the large plat¬ form before it, viewed from my carriage window, was a curious and painful sight, its length, breadth and depth being densely thronged with a living mass of true Prussian blue humanity. AU the male peasants cf the old Nassau territory wear azure blouses, and all the females blue cotton gowns, more or less thick¬ ly constellated with white spots ; and as there must have been at least a thou¬ sand of both sexes, closely wedged to¬ gether io expectation of the train.that was to bear off the fighting half of the assembly from its lamenting moiety, things looked very blue indeed at Lahnsteio. There were tho poor, square faoed sun burnt fellows, trying with a ghastly gayety to vindioate their manhood by roaring out staves of patri¬ otic songs, each couplet supplemented by a ohorous of sobs from the women and girls clinging around thom. So few minutes left, and so much to say beforo the parting that may be the last on earth ! So fow minutes, indeed 1 for, ore wo started in the direotion of May* once, the train bound for Coblontz glided swiftly into tho station, already half full of "mobilized" men, who, hav¬ ing got over their partings, had rallied their spirits, and wore ohecring, singing and waving their handkerchiefs as heartily as it' their goal wore not a battle field, but a wedding. Fino fellows, these, in physique and vwral-broad- uhouldered, (sturdy, bronzed youths, ranging, I should think, irom twonty to thirty years of ago, and most of thom already provided with some outward and visible sign of their military calling.- As soon as their train stopped, the poor folks in the station bogan to kiss and embrace one another almost des¬ perately; and I wish never to hear again a sound like that which roached mo from that platform. It was all over in a minute ; tho men got away, some¬ how-I doro say they scarcely themselves knew how-from mothers, wives, sweet¬ hearts and sisters, who were all thrust back to thc inner part of tho station ; then a haif a dozen smart non-com* missioned officers, ono or two of whom quito simply put their coat.slceves up to their eyes as they stepped forward, carno to tho front and told the draft off into tho carriages ; then the miserable women mudo a rush to the steps of tho carriages, and-but I think I would rather not say anything more about the closing of this tragical t-ccnc, if you please. Thank Heaven ! our train moved out of tho station before it was over- and I. do not think there were many dry eyes amongst tho homeward bound tourists and invalids of whom our freight consisted. All Germany Depopulated for tho TVnr. Tho Prussian system is, as you know, unspairing of persons. Let me give you an instance, out of thc many that hare como under my notice, of the grim im¬ partially with which it lays hold of every class. Many of your readers will remember thc tall, good looking and courteous proprietor of tho Hotel du Nord, iu Cologue-a prosperous, wealthy man, quite a personage in Rhineland, an excellent linguist, aud tho head of a largo commercial enterprise, which he has hitherto successfully managed in person. On Saturday last he consigned eight of his best carriage horses to the array service ; and on Monday ho him¬ self was drafted into a cuirassier regi¬ ment. Here is a man taken away from tho conduct of his own interests and from his family, compelled to sacrifice his substance, and to risk his lifo on tho battle ficid. Of course his case is not one whit moro dcplorablo than that of the humblest peasant, snatched from his field or his vineyard ; both jeopardize their existence for the Fatherland ; but tho former, outside that grand equaliz¬ ing slake, suffers actually a greater material loss than tho latter, even taking into account their rotativo positions. In tho towns many of tho shops arc bcit.g shut up ; for their ocoupants are obliged to assume necdlo»gun and helmet, and thoro is nobody to keep tho business going. Tho hotels aro becoming forlorn of waiters-a deprivation that is mitiga¬ ted in its severity by tho fact that but fow guests aro lett to rcquiro tho minis» t ration of those obliging polyglottists.- Tho exodus of foreigners from Germany during tho past week has been some¬ thing astonishing. Having occasion to go over to Hamburg this ovening, I found that essentially British settlement in tho way of becoming a howling wilderness. A week ago, so the last of the Mohicans informed mc, you could hardly struggle through tho crowd on the lower tcrraoos during music lime ; tho glass gallery was in a chronic state of "Moro chairs," and tho play-tables unapproachable under an hour's elbow, ing. Now, tho "gay and glittering throng" is composed of about half-a- dozen faithful Russians, ns many En¬ glish, three or four tenacious Americans, and a hundred or two of the miserable natives, making hollow pretenco of en¬ joying themselves, and risking a double florin twico a day to "keep up appear¬ ances." Thc glory of Hamburg-on tho- Heights has departed, scarcely to return this year. Kins William In Berlin. In an-hour orso we woro in Borlin, and emerged into streets filled with mon in plain olothes proceeding in some sort of military ordor, with small esoorts of soldiery, to the railway station. Many of these wore dooorations-medals, rib¬ bons and crosses-which spoko of service in Schleswig Holstein ana in liobomia. '1 hey were sober, orderly men-quiet, anozcited, and perhaps all tho moro anxious to fight hard to end tho cam¬ paign, because they had boen eallcd away ao suddenly from hearth and home -men mostly of 25 and upwards, several in eaoh band belonging ap- Esr en t ly to the well-to* do bourgeoise, or etter olass of artisans. Large cavalcades of horses, in better spirits, were led off in fours in the samo direction. Detach¬ ments of troops were passing all day, down the Lime tree-walk, and at 2 o'olook the King drove through the streets to tho station in a Russian drosky, and was received with unoovered heads and a bussing sort of suppressed oheer as he passed. He "looked every inoh a King," plumed and helmeted in strictest soldier tunio-a real monaroh of the days when kings led subjeots to battle. What a fine old head and front it is. The stamp of imperator is there already, and it would not surprise ono very muoh to learn that in an hour of of stress that old man, with his piercing blue eye and open brow, and fine lip curved under his massave white mou¬ stache, would out the Cordian knot of a Constitution with a swift, sure sword.- Certainly he is not the sort of man one would like to worry coram populo in a watering placo. And then ha has a faith ; "he believes" and he is sure that He in whom he believes has placed his oause beyond the reach of human harm. [From tho London Telegraph.] WHAT A FRENCH SOLDIEH CAR- BUBS* Tho whole of the Imperial Quard has now left Paris. The last regiment that left-the Fourth Voltigeurs-were marched up to La Villette this afternoon. The weather was intonsoly hot ; tho sun converted the long avenuos to whioh King Haussmann has given his name into a perfect oven, and the maroh must have proved very trying. Nevertheless tho men were picked men, very differ-, cnt trom some of tbe line battalions whioh weat off last week, and carried cheerfully and with an elastic step the enormous load with whioh they wero la len. When will generals and men in authority take the advice given so many years ago by Lamoriclere, more lately by Trochu, and acted on, I bel'OVO, by Havelock in India, and "Stonewall" Jackson in the American war ? This ad¬ vice, which is founded on experience of real warfare, was to the effect that to retain his efficiency as a fighting man tho infautry soldier's "impediments" should be reduced to a minimum, and that the weight he has to carry should bo reduced by two thirds at tbo vory least. Marshal Niel did his very best to effect this by organizing a regimental train consisting of one horse two-wheeled wagons, four of which wore to be attach¬ ed to eaoh company. Dut he died before the organization of this "regimental" traiu could bc completed, and the num¬ ber of these carts id so insignificant that only the Imperial Guard has had about a dozen distriouted to each regiment, and they are used for tho purpose of carrying sparo ammunition only. The result is, that though tho foot soldier has a much lighter weapon in the Chas* scpot than in tho old muzzle loader, ho still has to carry on bis back and should dora a weight of about seventy pounds Fronch, that is, upwards of one third of tho regulation weight carried by a sum¬ ter mule ; one of these Votigeurs, whom I treated to a glass of beer, supplied me with details of his "pack." First, there is tho Chassepot, seven and a half pounds ; the sword, bayonet, and scab¬ bard, throe pounds ; ten pounds of am¬ munition, distributed partly in two pouohes and partly in his knapsack ; a pair of shoes; a four pound loaf of bread, a canvass bag slung over the left shoul¬ der, and containing any creature com¬ forts the man may have procured ; it was jtnpty in many cases, but ray friend carried in it a pound of tobacco, somo cigars, a flask of brandy, a good sized veal and ham pie, and a string of cór¬ velas a l'ail. Over the knapsack-first a great coat; secondly, a blanket; thirdly his share of the canvass for tho tente d'abri, aud sticks for the samo ; aud fourthly, a huge camp kottlo. Inside the knapsack he had a second pair of trowscrs, combs brushes, needles, thread buttons, a pair of gloves, a couple ot pairs of socks, and three shirts ; in ad¬ dition, a flask capable of containing about a quart of liquid is flung ovor tho right shoulder. A long march with such a weight must incapacitate all but tho very strongest men ; and it is only too easy to understand how it happ ens that knapsacks and impediments aro invaribly dropped the moment the first shot is fired. In the French army tho practice is generally to order tho men to lay down their knapsack's on going into action, but tho stamina of tho men has been tried to tho uttermost before they get up to the front, by tbe carrying of such monstrous loads. Picked men may stand it, but it is sufficient to look at an average regiment of the lino altor a few milos' marching to form an opin¬ ion of this vicious system of overloading for tho maintainnuco of whioh that stur¬ dy old veteran, "Qcnoral Routiuo," is alone to blaine. - There is more poison in ono pack¬ age of tobacco than in the tin foil that .surrounds a hundred. If anybody doubts this, let him hold a sheet of white paper over the smoke that curls up from .tho burning tobacco, and after a pipeful or a cigar has boen consumed, scrape the condensed smoke from the paper and put a very small amount on thc tongue of a cat, and he will seo her die of "8troke8 of paralysis" in fifteen minutes. A little theft, a small deceit, Too often leads to moro; 'Tis hard at first, but tempts the feet As through an open door. Just as tho br adest rivers run From numil and dlttant springs, The greatest crimes that men have done, Have grown from little things. DBWAItbf ABOUT SETTING BBNS. Every year thousands of egge ere lost bocauae hens »re given more to hatch than they can properly cover and keep warm. The number of egg« to' a tot* ting should be proportioned to the sise of the hen which ie te eover them. Ao English exohango, Land and Waler, gires some sensible suggestions on these points. It say« : "The state of the weather should also be a guido ; for a hen capable of setting upon and hatohing thirteen eggs in J une, it would not be safe to give her more than ten in January. The great error of setting a hen upon more eggs than she oan cover is a cause of general dis¬ appointment. We have frequently seen small cross bred game hens set upon thirteen eggs when it has bean perfect- ly olear it was not possible for them all to receive a proper and equal share of heat from her body, and it is absolutely certain that a hen cannot hatch out chickens from those eggs which sho cannot draw close up to her body. This hau been very clearly demonstrated to us, for upon one occasion we plaoed fifteen eggs under a hen, not safe at any season to have given more than twelvo, or, at the most, thirteen eggs, and while out at feeding tiree, we examined tho nest and found only thirteen eggs left. We at first thought she might nave eat¬ en them, but after one or two examina¬ tions, wo found sometimes thirteen and at other times fourteen eggs present; so we determined upon catching the hen one morning while off to feed, after fin¬ ding there wore only thirteen eggs in the nest. We cautiously laid hold of tho hen, when she unfortunately drop¬ ped one egg and broke it j upon exami¬ ning her, we found the other missing egg under her wing. We replaced the eggs in the nest, and we found she regu¬ larly removed one or two of the eggs ; thus it was apparent that she had more eggs under her than the surfaoe of her body could possible cover by contact. This marvelous power provod the ex¬ istence of two wise laws-the first being the beautiful prinoiple we term instinot; the second the ardent desire they have for carrying out to the fullest extent the remarkable operation we understand as incubation. "It is quite unnecessary to remind our readers further upon the necessity of giving the setting hen rather a limi* ted than too great a number of eggs. Thus, it may probably occur that a small half-bred hen may be your ohoioe for a natural incubator; if so, nine of her own eggs should be the extent. If a Dorking or a large seized mongrel hen bo seleoted, eleven are sufficient. A Coohin hen of somé of the strains we havo aeon will even cover fifteen ef her own, or similar siced eggs; but even in this instance, it is best to err on the Bato sido, and give her but thirteen eggs. Coohins and Brahmas have a large width of breast and a large amount of fluff and feather, both leatures being highly conducive to successful hatohing by assisting to retain tho heat of the body of tho birds and the eggs also. "There are some hens over anxious about tho ohicks within the shells, whoso cry for deliverance they can dis ¬ tinctly hear, and do not rise from off tho eggs during the prooessof chipping. This is an operation we have continual¬ ly observed with hens that aro very successful in hatching; which set too closely at the last Stages, aro those whoso oxoess of kindness has just produced the non or limited success in hatching out good broods. The only good aris¬ ing from any sprinkling of thc eggs occurs from the faot of their having re¬ ceived an increased and life saving sup¬ ply of fresh air during such proooss, which in many instanocs would other- wiso havo ended in tho chicks eithor being suffocated or glued to tho shell." SLIiBP AND DEATH. FROM THE GERMAN. Tho Angel of Slumber and tho Angel of Death, fraternally locked in each other's arms, wandere i over tho earth. It was evening : they reclined upon a hillside, and the habitations of men were not far off: a sad stillness pervaded the air, and tho evening bell of the village was hus cd. Still and silent, as is their manner, tho two benefioont genii of mankind reposod in a mournful embrace, and night came rapidly on. Then the Angel of Slumber rosp from his mossy couch, aud softly scattered from his hand the invisible slumber- seeds. Tho wind of night wafted them to the quiet dwellings of tho wearied husbandmen, and forthwith sweet sleep descended upon the inhabitants of tho cottages, from tho grayhairod siro to the oradled infant. The sick man forgot his pains ; tho unhappy his sorrows ; thc poor his cures : ovory eye waa dosed. And now, his benign labors being ended, the kind Angol of Slumber again lay down by the eido of his thoughtful brother, ami said oheerlully :- "When tho red morning awakes, then will mankind bless mc as their friend and benefactor. Oh, how sweet it is to do good unseen and in secret ! how delightful is our duty !" Thus spake tho friendly Angel of Slumber. Tuc Angel of Death looked upon him with silent sorrow, and a tear, such as immortals shed, gathered in his large dark eye. "Alas 1" said he, "that I cannot, like thyself, rejoice in their gratitude : tho earth calls me her encmv and tho dis¬ turber of fior peace." "My brother !" replied tho Angel of Slumber, "will not the good whoo they awaken own theo os their friend aud benefactor, and will they not blcsa theo ? Are we not brothers and messengers of our father ?" Thus he spako. Tho eye of the Angol of Doath sparkled, and he Clasped his brother more loudly in his embrace. TWO SITIES OF A STOmV. "What's tlie matter ?" said OrowJer to the blaok ott, M ahe Mt mumping on the atop« of the kitchen door* "Metter enough/' said the eat, turn¬ ing her head another way. "Our cook is very fond of talking of hanging me. I wish heartily some one would hang ber." "Why, what M the matter?" repeated Growler. "Hasn't she beaten me, and called me a thief, and threatened to be the death of me ?" "Dear, dear !" said Growler. "Pray what has brought it about ?" "Oh 1 the merest trifle, absolutely nothing ; it ia her temper. All the servants complain of it. I wonder they haven't hanged her long ago." "Well, you see," said Growler, "oooka are awkward things to hang ; you and I might be managed muoh moro easily." "Not a drop of milk have I had this day," said the black oat ; "and such a pain in my side I" "But what," aaid Growler-"what immediato oause ?" "Haven't I told you ?" aaid the black cat petidhly ; "it's nor temper- what I have to suffer from it ! Every thing she breaks she lays to me. Suoh justice !- it is unbearable !" Growler was quite indignant ; but being of a reflective turn, after the first gust of wrath had passed, he asked : "But was there no particular oause this morn¬ ing ?" "She chose to bo very angry booause I-I offended her," sain the cat. "How, many I ask ?" gently inquired Growler. "Oh ! nothiug worth telling-a mere mistake of mino. Growler looked at her with auch a questioning expression, that she was compelled to say : "I took tho wrong thing for my breakfast." "Oh !" said Growler mnoh enligh¬ tened. "AVhy, the fact was," the blaok oat, "I was springing at a mouse, and I knooked down a dish ; and not knowing exactly what it was, I smelt it, and just tasted it, and it was rather nice, and >> ' You finished it ?" suggested Growl¬ er. "Well, I should, I believe, if that cook hadn't come in. As it was I left the head." "The head of what ?" said Growler. "How inquisitive you are !" said the black oat. "Nay, but I ahould like to know," said Growler. "Well, then, of some grand fish that was meant for dinner." "Thon," said Growler, "say what you please : but now I've beard both sides of the story, I only wonder ahe didn't hang you." Little reader, are you over like the black cat ? SPARE RIINU'JMC P1PBBS DROPPED OUT. Any one endowed with ordinary sensitiveness of naturo will be quite sure to experience a sentiment of melan¬ choly when, after a long absence, he revisits the scenes amid whioh his child¬ hood and youth were passed. Indeed, there is something almost painful about it. During all the years since he step¬ ped, with tho con Ode nt ignorance of youth, from tho narrow door of home into the wide world outside, he has borne with him a lively image of all things as he left them, without being conscious of the great ohanges which wcro taking placo in himself. When, therefore, with a warm yearning nt his heart, ho returns, and would fain lit himself into his old plaoo, he finds cither that it is filled by anothoror that he has outgrown it. He is at onco niadu aware of tho changes which have occurred within and without, and-to feel that nothing can again be as it used. II» can never a^ain- become a part of tho little world whose daily goings on once touched him so nearly. Ho can only observe coldly as a spectator thc oourso of tho little drama of life in which he was once so intense an actor. The play is thc same, the character» tho same, but a now gen¬ eration crowds tho stage, and lid is not at all missed. The careless school boy who succeeded, to your desk has erased your initials from it to carve his own there,blending with them haply those of tho fuir girl opposite, who sits now in the seat where sat ono in the old time, the least rustle of whose muslin frock thrilled your pulso with a joy it will never know again in this world. The same whispers of love fall freshly from young lips, io the shadows of) the samo doorways, and along the moonlight bloom of tho scent* ed lane ; but where are the lips whioh made loving answer* to your loving vows in the old, golden days ? lie who exiles himself Irom tho homo of his childhood oan only return with the sadness of an exile There is no wuiting in>r delay with naturo. Once ho loses his place in tho ceaseless round of local life, it cúmplelas and rcpoats itself without him. "Two children In two neighbor village* Playing mad prank« olong the honthv leas; Two strangers meeting at a festival ; Two lovers whispering hv an orchard-wall ; Two lives bound fast in one with golden oase ; Two graves grass green beside a gray church tower, '.Vashod with still rains and dais y-blossnmod ; Tw» children In one hamlet born and bred : So runs tho round of life from hour to hoar." - Sickness is olten the want of will, or rather tho result of that want. Men and women in whom the will power is strong, resist desease, and fight against it wheu attacked. Courage and a deter¬ mined purpose will oftimes prevent the approach of illness Tho mind, tho im agination, is wonderfully powerful to affect the body. lu times of prevailing sickness it is well to boar these truths in mind. [EVERT DESCRIPTION PROMPTLY KXRCÜTID AT TH* OFFIOl Ot r i |The Sumter Watchman, -tS TEE -- IHiglkest Style of the Art. L8p*©ul Dlajwtcfc to th« Coartar.? â «EBAT SUCCESS. REFORM MEKTINO IN COLUMBIA. COLUMBIA, August 10, Tho meeting of the Union Reform, party to day wat a great auooesa. Nearly. three thousand persons,blaek and while, representativo men from all sootions of the country, were present. Everything passed off quietly, and no dint urban oo oceurred. General Butler did not speak, kio was absent In consequence of an acci¬ dent at Edgefield. Gol. MoMaster, Chairman of the meet¬ ing, in», oduced Judge Carpenter, who made a very eloquent and impressive; speech two hours in length. Me waa frequently interrupted and interrogated by members of the King, but he answer« ed every thing satisfactorily au d sharply. In tho course of bis remarks Judge Carpenter alluded to a lotter of Judge Orr, published in the morning's papera endorsing Scott and his liing. Ho proposed to treat it with duo ' respect because he waa a friend of Jude Orr's Judge Orr said that good men must go into the ring and purify it. Where were tho good men that had gone into it ? Tho only two thut he knew of, were Judge Orr, and a bulky gentloman in Marion-Col. Graham. They had been in the party somo time, and in¬ stead of improviog it, he thought they wore going from bad to worse. Tho respectable men, black and white of the country, refused to go into that party, and yet Judge Orr and Col Graham wont into it. It was a parly led by Whittemore, and ho was tho best man in lit, for he had only been convioted of selling two oadetships, and if others could get off aa light as he did, they would do well. J udge Carpentor charged tho administration with trying to mako war between the races. General Kershaw, General Easloyand the Rev. Jonas Byrd followed. Tho former made the most eloquont speeoh of the campaign. During the meeting Elliot, a oolored Radical, asked if ho could be heard and Colonel MoMaster replied, that if Scott would como Out, he could have the stand, but the party would consent only to put candidate against candidato. He was satisfied, and matters proceeded harmoniously. The meeting was a great success. Everybody deeply regretted the absence of Gonoral Butler. The people ar« thoroughly aroused, and large additions are being mada to tho ranks of the Ro- form Party. The Congressional Convention for the Third Distriot met in Carolina Hall to¬ night. Wm. Robinson, of Fairfiold, was ohosen Chairman. The candidates were Col. Holcome, of Piokens, J. W. With¬ erspoon, of York, and J. G. MoKissick, of Union. The latter roceived the nomi¬ nation on tho fourth ballot, and the Convention adjourned, subject to the oall of the President. MoKissiok's disabilities havo been removod. A mass meeting of the oitizons, black and white, is going on in front ol the Columbia Hotel. Geo. Tupper presides. Col. DePass and Maj. J. E. Baoon are addressing the meeting. Col. R. B. El¬ liott and Worthington were invited but did not speak. ? DADDY CAIN ON THE WHIM; RADI¬ CALS. For over four years, the white Rc- publicans in this State have loudly prated about the rights of the colo/ed man, as a fundamental principio of tho Party, and have with words, fought tho Southern whites, on that ground, as if they were defending tho inalienable rights of mau. They have cajoled the eoloted people into believing that their rights were best scoured by white men, who woro in ibo Republican parly holding all positions, of remuneration und trust, in tho name of the oolored voters of this State. It is very remark» able that, in almost every instance, theso gentry have talked glibly, while ono oyo hus been steadily fixed on some goud .fut offices. We havo observed every ono ol them in their deep devotion» to tho ncgroe's interost, and invariably they have come out at some hole through which has been pulled some office, that would give them a living. Thia hn» been tho course of every ono of th oat* |«vho have taken very prominent posi¬ tions, in the affairs of thia Stnto. Offices of every description havo been taken up, School commissioners, Road managers, County commissioners, City alderman. State officials. Everywhere, in crery county, these gentry swarm Uko tho "lice in Egypt, filling all th« land." - -..-«..»-- - A HAN K Till BU TU, Thc Norfolk Virginian, in an edito¬ rial art icio on thc attitudo of North Carolina in the recont campaign, v. pays our grund old State the foi lowing i beautiful tribute : Willi thesoav+eff weights upon her, and ihcso "'ílturp ü .ads in her sides, tho Old North State, displayed a patient com ago which en titles hor to immortal honor. It is written that he who cointualidèth his spirit is greater than he wbtjp taketh a city, and when Carojioa,eent{uered her impulse to resist tyrjun/jH'u. M>V shape ana from any quarter-an impulse boru ' with the Mecklenburg declaration-she stood in a moro heroic at tiende than when she folded her tat tend, battle- flags Wet with the blood rtf her sons and made glorious on tho gr eat battle fields of thc late war. In congratulating heron her redemption, ve mingle with tho greeting our highest applauso at the patient heroism which sha djAhty- od, and trust that tho future ypk\y-; ho rich ia the blessings nf that pa*co which she hui oonquorcd for herself- by peaceful means - Wilmington Star.

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-1-1-wmtimiklfm . Wm$m amt r v um mi j -i 11 r I r m i: tm I '"j i.tfià miimk.M. ''

.i -«cv? àï*>*li .


The Blunter Watchman(ESTABLISHED IN 1890.)

it rviiiiiio



0 noysar.<"....$8 00Six mooth!. 1 *0Tb reo mon tbg. 1 00ADVERTIS KMKN TH lnierted at th« rat*

of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS persquare for the first, ONE DOLLAR for thesecond, and FIFTY CENTS for efcoh subsequentiusertion, for any period less than three monthsOBITUARIES, TRIBUTES OF RESPECT

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HAS ON HAND A LARGE STOCK OF "FUR¬NITURE, for tess than oan be obtained in anySouthorn market, earing both freight and risk ofbroakago by Railroad. With ezperlenoe in thisbranoh of business in tho City of Charleston, fortwenty-five years, and having the advantages oftho boat Manufacturer^ he is offering first olasswork of which overy article sold is warranted,fho stock consists of *

Sofas, Sido Boards, Rook Oeses, Wardrobes'Washstands, Bureaus, Cottage Setts, WhatnotsExtonslon TablesMahogany, Caneand Wood Seat Rooking ChairsMahogany, Cane and Wood Seat Setting ChairsCribs, CradlesTrundlo Bodsteads and Cottogo BedsteadsEvery style Looking Classes and Mattresses.FIVE HUNDRED PAIR WINDOW SHADES

list received, together with a lot of WALL PA«PER AND BORDERING.Main Street, opposite Exprese Office,


J. E. Suares,Fob 23-tf_NO. 3


Grocery and Liquor House |IN TOWN

TJIK UNDERSIGNED,bogs leave lolcall tho attention of his frionds and the

public generally to his


Heavy andFancy GroceriesWhich ho offers lew for CASH ONLT.^r¿. All articles warranted as rooommondedTtl- Puro Mod.'clnul Liquors kept constantlyon baud.

J. U. EBERHART.April 13 tf


THE undersigned would most respectfullynnnounco to the people of Sumter and sur¬

rounding country has ho huve just roceived a|SPLENDID LOT QF

TVE arble.anil is now prepared to receive and oxocuto or¬ders of all kinds in his lino, with nearness anddispatch.IIION RAILING FURNISHED TO ORDER.


Nvo- 17_tCe T. MASON.



Has just recoived and keeps always os bandNew and Beautiful Styles of





"^7"0ULD respectfully inform his friends

and tho public of Sumter, and adjoining eonntlos,that ha has rocently recoived a choleo selec¬tion of


'\7S7' eft O ix os,JEWELRY, SILVERWARE,

SPECTACLES, &c, &c,His stook'embraoes all ¡tho latest stylos, and

will bo sold at reasonablo rates.Sept 29

ROBERT BROUN,Architect, County Surveyor,


Mechanical Engineer.WILL ATTEND TO ANY BUSINESS EN»trusted to bim with acenraoy end desnatob.Refers to F0E8 OR FRIENDS.Address, ManchesterJune 29--3m_

LOTH AIR, LUCK OF ROARING CAMP,Curiosities-of Literature,Old Curiosity Shop,Piokwiok Papors,

and all tho late publications of the day to be hadat publisher's prices,


vms AHtv« FOLICY.

The Louisville Courier Journal isdealing some valiant blows just now forthe right, aad if the great nationalDemocraticand Conservative party iinot victorious fill over the country may bo attributed to thefailure oí'Southern.-.' impraotioables tofoliow tho.wise councils of the CotirierJournal,-abd>bÜ>er newspapers of simi¬lar tone. The-Courier Journal has boontaken to toik by the Mobile Register,the leader of the Alabama Barbons, andcornea baok upon it in ' this unanswera¬ble manner :The Register talks a good deal about

"prinoiple" and "truth" ¿nd "à .whiteman's party."^ Whwt docs it »can,nothing?;Ifit^ans .som éjthing, whatis that something '¿-if' it'.m.oans no thing,why the agitation whioh it deprecates ?ïho editor*of thVRegis ter, who oughtto know wh at he is"nbout, must lay asidehis generalities and emotions and tellus plainly and preoieely what he does*really moan, and to'simplity tho. mattenand help him along with Jfrs answer,~wewill put tho following questions, vii:

1st. Do you propose' to organize "awhite man's party," for the express purposo of repealing or otherwise settingaside the Fifteenth Amendment, oom*

Jelling its entiro policy, as well as itsiindamental purpose to look solely tothat result ?2d. In the event of success in repell¬ing the Fifteenth Amendment, disfran¬

chising the half million voters createdunder it, and obtaining possession of theGeneral Government, do you proposo "toropeal the Thirteenth Amendment andto remand tho negroes back to a state ofslavery?

3rd. In either event, what do youexpeot to seoure by the intermediateagitation, the excitement incident tothe arraying of class against class andrace against raoe, with tho consequentdivision of public sentiment and thecertain action of the Federal Governsment ?You say that if tho press would but

stand firm but for six months, we should"sweep radicalism from the face of thcland." Stand firm for what, and againstwhat ? Stand firm for the repeal of theFifteenth Amendment nnd against thevalidity of its ratification ? Did the pressnot stand firm against it up to the hourwhen it was declared a part of the Con¬stitution of the United States ? lias itnot stood firm against all tho radicalmeasures of reconstruct ion for five years,and is it not still standing firm againsteach of the radical measures that np.poars ? Has this prevented the practicalrealization of negro suffrage ? Whatevermay be its legal source, ¡3 it not an ac¬tual fact put upon us in spite of ourfirmest opposition ? And who is to setit asido ? How aro you going to secutoits overthrow ? By Congross, or by thcSupreme Court, or by revolution ? Il byCongress, when ? There is no likelihoodof changing the present complexion ofthe Senate for six years. By the Su¬premo Court? Well, when? Is thattribune not hopelessly Republican forut least a dozen years ? Como, give us

your plan ; what it rests on ; what areits hopes and expectations ; how youexpect to carry it out, and all about it*You claim to bo a Democratic organ,

and yet you seem to hold tho Democrat¬ic organization rather lightly, as light¬ly, if it does not square itself by yourfoot rule, "as a pipeful of, Kentuckytobacco." Is there no question then inthis country, but the negro question ?Is there nothing else to fight for? Arcwe gotten so poor off for. issues that wcmust break up the great National Dem¬oeratio organization in order to form a"White Mao's party," with ono lonelyand addled idea, rattling Uko a rotteregg in a foul nest until it bursts its sholland stalks forth onco moro a full fledgeddemon of war, arraying blacks againstthe whites, and the whites against thtblacks, and convulsing our whole socialand industrial system in its incessantand endless moil ? Is this our duty tc"truth ?" Is this the cardinal "princbpie" which should underlie and direoltho movements of the party of tho futur»searing its mission of peace with bloodand turning all its noble purposes onatural freedom and rest into miscrabhDead Sea fruit?The groat national Democratic organ

nization, as represented through th«ablest of its leaders and tho most influential of its journals, presents a moncheerful, a moro wholesome, a faireprospeot for the allurement and tho ec

oouragement of the American peopleIt holds out a hand of peace to all menlt urges tho abandonment of all minodifferences. It proposes to deal witlpresent facts and to ignore, as far a

may be, disturbing antecedents anwarlike possibilities. There must bolino somewhere. The peoplo of thNorth havo decided, in spite of evereffort of ours, that the blacks shall havtho ballot, and with it bo loft to takcare of themselves.This is the doliberato judgment c

tho majority of the Northern peoplo whohoso between the .bayonet and thballot, in favor of the latter, as a moacof protecting the negroes whom the;had liberated. Thoy regard this as thrational terminns of emancipation, J

few extremist« want to go further ; ana few impracticables proposes to ripasunder ai soon as they oan withouexplaining «ny national method bwhioh it ie to bo done. The practiaDemocratic leaders accept the icsucs tmade up, and, as they were not responfliblc for making it, as it was done 1opposition to them, and os in any eventhoy soo no way of getting rid of it, thcmean to mako the best they oan of iand, by scouring quiet to the South anturning to other and more needft

topics of discussion, ,to obtain thesupport and confidence of the peopleand so to restore the Government to itopurity.The polioy lo£ tho Register would

defeat thia *

purpose. Its only effeotwould he to ktep up at the South anagitation whioh ia alike hurtful toSouthern industry and to the Demo-oratio party. Uenoo ito articles arequoted as Radical campaign materialand hence our assertion that as long asit makes votes against us instead of forus, and is in direct antagonism to thegreat Demooratio newspapers of thecountry, it eau not legitimately olaimto be more than organizer of a new partywith a new name outside of the organ¬ization whioh we recognize as Demo¬oratio and National.

In its issue ofMonday last, the Cou¬rier Journal follows this by an ableeditorial, in whioh it declares :The negro has been made a freeman,

a citizen, and a voter, all in apite of ourbravest and most defiant opposition. Sofar a serious political revolution, broughtabout in an incredible short space oftime, has been ^accomplished. No oneproposes to remand the blacks to a stateof slavery ; and we think we have madeit plain that the repeal of the FifteenthAmendment is as impracticable os therepeal of tho Thirteenth. The slave isa free man. The free man is a oitizen..The is a voter. These are factswhioh oannot be denied, and which willnot be got rid of short of a revolution,hardly less long and bloody, and perhapslonger and bloodier, than that to whioheach in detail owes its existence. Thoissue before the eountry is not therepeal of the Fifteenth Amendment anymore than the repeal of the ThirteenthAmendment. The issue before thocountry, but subjeot to the aotion of analready existing Congress, is Mr. Sum¬ner's bill equalizing by law the socialintercourse as well as the politicalrelations of all sorts and conditions ofmen.We propose therefore to put ourselvos

on a peace footing, not upon a warfooting. In those of tho SouthernStates whioh have been suffered toresume the control of their own affairs,tho negro has not proven himself adangerous politioal clement. In Mary,land, Koutucky, Virginia and Tennesseehe is not seriously felt as a pressureon the ballot box. We ore so strongin all these States, and trill bo equallystrong in evory otbor which may boonce rid of Federal inter moddliug, thatwo can afford to ignore thc negro as acontending forco. Lot us cease todisturb ourselves about a threatenedsupremacy toward whioh ho contributesnothing, and consider him as an indus¬trial agent, holding an intimate andpractical relation toward our household?and our farms. Let us allay publicfeeling ngainst him. Lot us give himever; civil right which can add to hisbodily comfort and omjoyment, to hispeace of mind, and, to hisfuture prospects. Let us próvido himinstruction, and educate and elevatehim, trusting to tho good effects ofgood works and kind offices, to theimprovement whioh comes from instruc¬tion, to tho blessed inlluenco of peace,and to thu mercy aud the wisdom ofthat God who is the Founder and thoArchitcofc of government, aud theFather and Proteotor of hu pcoplo.-Then when bold innovation upon theinstincts of human nature (howover per¬verted) and distruotive of society (how¬ever artifioial,) aro put forward by vision¬ary interpreters of the rights of man, weshall be able to appeal to the practicalcommon souse of the intelligence oftho Country, whioh rules it after all,und say to it, "You can point ta noth¬ing which cither justifies your haste or

your violence," and thus, by tho freeagency of mind over muscio, and senseover sinow, and a Christian statesman¬ship over a brutal, warliko spirit otmere destructiveness, be able not onlyto "sweep radicalism from tho faco oftho land," but also to preserve both lawand order, and to protect those scatteredhomes of widows and orphans, which noless than tho myriads of silent andunmarkod graves, everywhere appealto us in behalf of tho poor and stvug-gling, and defenseless women and chil¬dren of thc Confederate dead.Tho man who says that this good

counsel is treason to tho Democraticparty; proclaims himself a traitor to allthat is holy in tho past and hopeful inthe futuro..

- Thc Sohonectady Star is puzzlingitself over tho conundrum, why girlscan dross as lightly as they do and stillkeop warm, and relatos the followingstartling experience : "Wo onoo rodowith a girl m an open cutter, fifteenmiles, on ono of the coldest nights inwintor, and while wo sat frozon nigh asstiff as a stake, our teeth chatteringUko castinots, she kept up an animatedconversation, overy now and thon ex¬

claiming: "Oh, isn't this delightful!Don't you oojoy it-?" Whon woarrived at our destination, notwithstand¬ing wo were dressed a groat deal warmer

than our fair companion, sho had to liftus out of tho cutter and conduct us tothe tropical atmosphcro of thc kitchenof a farm house. On tho return trip wowero frozen to death and sho drove thocorps« bomo. It must bo that girls are

tougher than we men people."« ea»»»-

- The French aro in the habit ofimparting an artifioial flavor and fra¬grance to apples and pears by thefollowing process : The fruit is pluckedbefore being quite ripo, and" is prickedall over with a fine needle; after whiohit is placed in a vessel with essence ofany kind desired. Tho exhalations ofthe latter aro absorbed in a few secondsby the fruit, and tho operation is rc-«

poatod several times until tho fruit isripe, when it will bo found to havo ao-

' quired the desired taste.


[From tho Continental Correspondence of tho. English Newspaper!.]

Tate German Conscription.When I arrived early this morningat Oberlahsteio, that station was com¬

pletely blooked up, and the large plat¬form before it, viewed from my carriagewindow, was a curious and painful sight,its length, breadth and depth beingdensely thronged with a living mass oftrue Prussian blue humanity. AU themale peasants cf the old Nassau territorywear azure blouses, and all the femalesblue cotton gowns, more or less thick¬ly constellated with white spots ; andas there must have been at least a thou¬sand of both sexes, closely wedged to¬gether io expectation of the train.thatwas to bear off the fighting half of theassembly from its lamenting moiety,things looked very blue indeed atLahnsteio. There were tho poor,square faoed sun burnt fellows, tryingwith a ghastly gayety to vindioate theirmanhood by roaring out staves of patri¬otic songs, each couplet supplementedby a ohorous of sobs from the womenand girls clinging around thom. So fewminutes left, and so much to say beforothe parting that may be the last onearth ! So fow minutes, indeed 1 for,ore wo started in the direotion of May*once, the train bound for Coblontzglided swiftly into tho station, alreadyhalf full of "mobilized" men, who, hav¬ing got over their partings, had ralliedtheir spirits, and wore ohecring, singingand waving their handkerchiefs asheartily as it' their goal wore not abattle field, but a wedding. Fino fellows,these, in physique and vwral-broad-uhouldered, (sturdy, bronzed youths,ranging, I should think, irom twonty tothirty years of ago, and most of thomalready provided with some outward andvisible sign of their military calling.-As soon as their train stopped, thepoor folks in the station bogan to kissand embrace one another almost des¬perately; and I wish never to hearagain a sound like that which roachedmo from that platform. It was all overin a minute ; tho men got away, some¬how-I doro say they scarcely themselvesknew how-from mothers, wives, sweet¬hearts and sisters, who were all thrustback to thc inner part of tho station ;then a haif a dozen smart non-com*missioned officers, ono or two of whomquito simply put their coat.slceves upto their eyes as they stepped forward,carno to tho front and told the draft offinto tho carriages ; then the miserablewomen mudo a rush to the steps of thocarriages, and-but I think I wouldrather not say anything more about theclosing of this tragical t-ccnc, if youplease. Thank Heaven ! our train movedout of tho station before it was over-and I. do not think there were many dryeyes amongst tho homeward boundtourists and invalids of whom our freightconsisted.All Germany Depopulated for tho TVnr.Tho Prussian system is, as you know,

unspairing of persons. Let me give youan instance, out of thc many that harecomo under my notice, of the grim im¬partially with which it lays hold ofevery class. Many of your readers willremember thc tall, good looking andcourteous proprietor of tho Hotel duNord, iu Cologue-a prosperous, wealthyman, quite a personage in Rhineland,an excellent linguist, aud tho head of a

largo commercial enterprise, which hehas hitherto successfully managed inperson. On Saturday last he consignedeight of his best carriage horses to thearray service ; and on Monday ho him¬self was drafted into a cuirassier regi¬ment. Here is a man taken away fromtho conduct of his own interests andfrom his family, compelled to sacrificehis substance, and to risk his lifo ontho battle ficid. Of course his case isnot one whit moro dcplorablo than thatof the humblest peasant, snatched fromhis field or his vineyard ; both jeopardizetheir existence for the Fatherland ; buttho former, outside that grand equaliz¬ing slake, suffers actually a greatermaterial loss than tho latter, even takinginto account their rotativo positions. Intho towns many of tho shops arc bcit.gshut up ; for their ocoupants are obligedto assume necdlo»gun and helmet, andthoro is nobody to keep tho businessgoing. Tho hotels aro becoming forlornof waiters-a deprivation that is mitiga¬ted in its severity by tho fact that butfow guests aro lett to rcquiro tho minis»t ration of those obliging polyglottists.-Tho exodus of foreigners from Germanyduring tho past week has been some¬

thing astonishing. Having occasion togo over to Hamburg this ovening, Ifound that essentially British settlementin tho way of becoming a howlingwilderness. A week ago, so the last ofthe Mohicans informed mc, you couldhardly struggle through tho crowd onthe lower tcrraoos during music lime ;tho glass gallery was in a chronic stateof "Moro chairs," and tho play-tablesunapproachable under an hour's elbow,ing. Now, tho "gay and glitteringthrong" is composed of about half-a-dozen faithful Russians, ns many En¬glish, three or four tenacious Americans,and a hundred or two of the miserablenatives, making hollow pretenco of en¬

joying themselves, and risking a doubleflorin twico a day to "keep up appear¬ances." Thc glory of Hamburg-on tho-Heights has departed, scarcely to returnthis year.

Kins William In Berlin.In an-hour orso we woro in Borlin,

and emerged into streets filled with monin plain olothes proceeding in some sortof military ordor, with small esoorts ofsoldiery, to the railway station. Manyof these wore dooorations-medals, rib¬bons and crosses-which spoko of servicein Schleswig Holstein ana in liobomia.'1 hey were sober, orderly men-quiet,anozcited, and perhaps all tho moro

anxious to fight hard to end tho cam¬

paign, because they had boen eallcd

away ao suddenly from hearth and home-men mostly of 25 and upwards,several in eaoh band belonging ap-Esren tly to the well-to* do bourgeoise, oretter olass of artisans. Large cavalcades

of horses, in better spirits, were led offin fours in the samo direction. Detach¬ments of troops were passing all day,down the Lime tree-walk, and at 2o'olook the King drove through thestreets to tho station in a Russiandrosky, and was received with unooveredheads and a bussing sort of suppressedoheer as he passed. He "looked everyinoh a King," plumed and helmeted instrictest soldier tunio-a real monarohof the days when kings led subjeots tobattle. What a fine old head and frontit is. The stamp of imperator is therealready, and it would not surprise ono

very muoh to learn that in an hour ofof stress that old man, with his piercingblue eye and open brow, and fine lipcurved under his massave white mou¬stache, would out the Cordian knot of aConstitution with a swift, sure sword.-Certainly he is not the sort of man onewould like to worry coram populo in awatering placo. And then ha has afaith ; "he believes" and he is sure thatHe in whom he believes has placed hisoause beyond the reach of human harm.

[From tho London Telegraph.]WHAT A FRENCH SOLDIEH CAR-


Tho whole of the Imperial Quard hasnow left Paris. The last regiment thatleft-the Fourth Voltigeurs-weremarched up to La Villette this afternoon.The weather was intonsoly hot ; tho sunconverted the long avenuos to whiohKing Haussmann has given his nameinto a perfect oven, and the maroh musthave proved very trying. Neverthelesstho men were picked men, very differ-,cnt trom some of tbe line battalionswhioh weat off last week, and carriedcheerfully and with an elastic step theenormous load with whioh they werola len. When will generals and men inauthority take the advice given so manyyears ago by Lamoriclere, more latelyby Trochu, and acted on, I bel'OVO, byHavelock in India, and "Stonewall"Jackson in the American war ? This ad¬vice, which is founded on experience ofreal warfare, was to the effect that toretain his efficiency as a fighting mantho infautry soldier's "impediments"should be reduced to a minimum, andthat the weight he has to carry shouldbo reduced by two thirds at tbo voryleast. Marshal Niel did his very best toeffect this by organizing a regimentaltrain consisting of one horse two-wheeledwagons, four of which wore to be attach¬ed to eaoh company. Dut he died beforethe organization of this "regimental"traiu could bc completed, and the num¬ber of these carts id so insignificant thatonly the Imperial Guard has had abouta dozen distriouted to each regiment,and they are used for tho purpose ofcarrying sparo ammunition only. Theresult is, that though tho foot soldierhas a much lighter weapon in the Chas*scpot than in tho old muzzle loader, hostill has to carry on bis back and shoulddora a weight of about seventy poundsFronch, that is, upwards of one third oftho regulation weight carried by a sum¬ter mule ; one of these Votigeurs, whomI treated to a glass of beer, supplied mewith details of his "pack." First, thereis tho Chassepot, seven and a halfpounds ; the sword, bayonet, and scab¬bard, throe pounds ; ten pounds of am¬munition, distributed partly in twopouohes and partly in his knapsack ; apair of shoes; a four pound loaf of bread,a canvass bag slung over the left shoul¬der, and containing any creature com¬forts the man may have procured ; itwas jtnpty in many cases, but ray friendcarried in it a pound of tobacco, somocigars, a flask of brandy, a good sizedveal and ham pie, and a string of cór¬velas a l'ail. Over the knapsack-firsta great coat; secondly, a blanket; thirdlyhis share of the canvass for tho tented'abri, aud sticks for the samo ; audfourthly, a huge camp kottlo. Insidethe knapsack he had a second pair oftrowscrs, combs brushes, needles, threadbuttons, a pair of gloves, a couple otpairs of socks, and three shirts ; in ad¬dition, a flask capable of containingabout a quart of liquid is flung ovor thoright shoulder. A long march withsuch a weight must incapacitate all buttho very strongest men ; and it is onlytoo easy to understand how it happ ensthat knapsacks and impediments aro

invaribly dropped the moment the firstshot is fired. In the French army thopractice is generally to order tho mento lay down their knapsack's on goinginto action, but tho stamina of tho menhas been tried to tho uttermost beforethey get up to the front, by tbe carryingof such monstrous loads. Picked men

may stand it, but it is sufficient to lookat an average regiment of the lino altora few milos' marching to form an opin¬ion of this vicious system of overloadingfor tho maintainnuco of whioh that stur¬dy old veteran, "Qcnoral Routiuo," isalone to blaine.

- There is more poison in ono pack¬age of tobacco than in the tin foil that.surrounds a hundred. If anybodydoubts this, let him hold a sheet ofwhite paper over the smoke that curlsup from .tho burning tobacco, and after a

pipeful or a cigar has boen consumed,scrape the condensed smoke from thepaper and put a very small amount onthc tongue of a cat, and he will seo herdie of "8troke8 of paralysis" in fifteenminutes.

A little theft, a small deceit,Too often leads to moro;

'Tis hard at first, but tempts the feetAs through an open door.

Just as tho br adest rivers runFrom numil and dlttant springs,

The greatest crimes that men have done,Have grown from little things.



Every year thousands of egge ere lostbocauae hens »re given more to hatchthan they can properly cover and keepwarm. The number of egg« to' a tot*ting should be proportioned to the siseof the hen which ie te eover them. AoEnglish exohango, Land and Waler,gires some sensible suggestions on thesepoints. It say« :"The state of the weather should also

be a guido ; for a hen capable of settingupon and hatohing thirteen eggs in June,it would not be safe to give her morethan ten in January. The great errorof setting a hen upon more eggs thanshe oan cover is a cause of general dis¬appointment. We have frequently seensmall cross bred game hens set uponthirteen eggs when it has bean perfect-ly olear it was not possible for them allto receive a proper and equal share ofheat from her body, and it is absolutelycertain that a hen cannot hatch outchickens from those eggs which shocannot draw close up to her body. Thishau been very clearly demonstrated tous, for upon one occasion we plaoedfifteen eggs under a hen, not safe at anyseason to have given more than twelvo,or, at the most, thirteen eggs, and whileout at feeding tiree, we examined thonest and found only thirteen eggs left.We at first thought she might nave eat¬en them, but after one or two examina¬tions, wo found sometimes thirteen andat other times fourteen eggs present; sowe determined upon catching the henone morning while off to feed, after fin¬ding there wore only thirteen eggs inthe nest. We cautiously laid hold oftho hen, when she unfortunately drop¬ped one egg and broke it j upon exami¬ning her, we found the other missingegg under her wing. We replaced theeggs in the nest, and we found she regu¬larly removed one or two of the eggs ;thus it was apparent that she had moreeggs under her than the surfaoe of herbody could possible cover by contact.This marvelous power provod the ex¬istence of two wise laws-the first beingthe beautiful prinoiple we term instinot;the second the ardent desire they havefor carrying out to the fullest extent theremarkable operation we understand asincubation.

"It is quite unnecessary to remindour readers further upon the necessityof giving the setting hen rather a limi*ted than too great a number of eggs.Thus, it may probably occur that asmall half-bred hen may be your ohoioefor a natural incubator; if so, nine ofher own eggs should be the extent. Ifa Dorking or a large seized mongrel henbo seleoted, eleven are sufficient. ACoohin hen ofsomé of the strains wehavo aeon will even cover fifteen ef herown, or similar siced eggs; but even inthis instance, it is best to err on theBato sido, and give her but thirteen eggs.Coohins and Brahmas have a largewidth of breast and a large amount offluff and feather, both leatures beinghighly conducive to successful hatohingby assisting to retain tho heat of thebody of tho birds and the eggs also."There are some hens over anxious

about tho ohicks within the shells,whoso cry for deliverance they can dis ¬

tinctly hear, and do not rise from offtho eggs during the prooessof chipping.This is an operation we have continual¬ly observed with hens that aro verysuccessful in hatching; which set tooclosely at the last Stages, aro those whosooxoess of kindness has just producedthe non or limited success in hatchingout good broods. The only good aris¬ing from any sprinkling of thc eggsoccurs from the faot of their having re¬ceived an increased and life saving sup¬ply of fresh air during such proooss,which in many instanocs would other-wiso havo ended in tho chicks eithorbeing suffocated or glued to tho shell."


FROM THE GERMAN.Tho Angel of Slumber and tho Angel

of Death, fraternally locked in eachother's arms, wandere i over tho earth.

It was evening : they reclined upon a

hillside, and the habitations of men werenot far off: a sad stillness pervaded theair, and tho evening bell of the villagewas hus cd. Still and silent, as is theirmanner, tho two benefioont genii ofmankind reposod in a mournful embrace,and night came rapidly on.Then the Angel of Slumber rosp from

his mossy couch, aud softly scatteredfrom his hand the invisible slumber-seeds. Tho wind of night wafted themto the quiet dwellings of tho weariedhusbandmen, and forthwith sweet sleepdescended upon the inhabitants of thocottages, from tho grayhairod siro to theoradled infant. The sick man forgothis pains ; tho unhappy his sorrows ; thcpoor his cures : ovory eye waa dosed.And now, his benign labors being

ended, the kind Angol of Slumber againlay down by the eido of his thoughtfulbrother, ami said oheerlully :-"When tho red morning awakes,

then will mankind bless mc as theirfriend and benefactor. Oh, how sweetit is to do good unseen and in secret !how delightful is our duty !"Thus spake tho friendly Angel of

Slumber. Tuc Angel of Death lookedupon him with silent sorrow, and a tear,such as immortals shed, gathered in hislarge dark eye.

"Alas 1" said he, "that I cannot, likethyself, rejoice in their gratitude : thoearth calls me her encmv and tho dis¬turber of fior peace.""My brother !" replied tho Angel of

Slumber, "will not the good whoo theyawaken own theo os their friend audbenefactor, and will they not blcsa theo ?Are we not brothers and messengers ofour father ?"Thus he spako. Tho eye of the

Angol of Doath sparkled, and he Claspedhis brother more loudly in his embrace.

TWO SITIES OF A STOmV."What's tlie matter ?" said OrowJer to

the blaok ott, M ahe Mt mumping onthe atop« of the kitchen door*

"Metter enough/' said the eat, turn¬ing her head another way. "Our cookis very fond of talking of hanging me.I wish heartily some one would hangber.""Why, what M the matter?" repeatedGrowler."Hasn't she beaten me, and called me

a thief, and threatened to be the deathof me ?"

"Dear, dear !" said Growler. "Praywhat has brought it about ?""Oh 1 the merest trifle, absolutelynothing ; it ia her temper. All the

servants complain of it. I wonder theyhaven't hanged her long ago.""Well, you see," said Growler,

"oooka are awkward things to hang ; youand I might be managed muoh moroeasily.""Not a drop of milk have I had this

day," said the black oat ; "and such apain in my side I""But what," aaid Growler-"what

immediato oause ?""Haven't I told you ?" aaid the black

cat petidhly ; "it's nor temper-what Ihave to suffer from it ! Every thing shebreaks she lays to me. Suoh justice !-it is unbearable !"

Growler was quite indignant ; butbeing of a reflective turn, after the firstgust of wrath had passed, he asked : "Butwas there no particular oause this morn¬ing ?""She chose to bo very angry booause

I-I offended her," sain the cat."How, many I ask ?" gently inquiredGrowler."Oh ! nothiug worth telling-a mere

mistake of mino.Growler looked at her with auch a

questioning expression, that she wascompelled to say : "I took tho wrongthing for my breakfast.""Oh !" said Growler mnoh enligh¬tened."AVhy, the fact was," the blaok

oat, "I was springing at a mouse, and Iknooked down a dish ; and not knowingexactly what it was, I smelt it, and justtasted it, and it was rather nice, and


' You finished it ?" suggested Growl¬er.

"Well, I should, I believe, if thatcook hadn't come in. As it was I leftthe head.""The head of what ?" said Growler."How inquisitive you are !" said the

black oat."Nay, but I ahould like to know," said

Growler."Well, then, of some grand fish that

was meant for dinner.""Thon," said Growler, "say what you

please : but now I've beard both sidesof the story, I only wonder ahe didn'thang you."

Little reader, are you over like theblack cat ?


Any one endowed with ordinarysensitiveness of naturo will be quitesure to experience a sentiment of melan¬choly when, after a long absence, herevisits the scenes amid whioh his child¬hood and youth were passed. Indeed,there is something almost painful aboutit. During all the years since he step¬ped, with tho con Ode nt ignorance ofyouth, from tho narrow door of homeinto the wide world outside, he has bornewith him a lively image of all thingsas he left them, without being consciousof the great ohanges which wcro takingplaco in himself. When, therefore,with a warm yearning nt his heart, horeturns, and would fain lit himself intohis old plaoo, he finds cither that it isfilled by anothoror that he has outgrownit. He is at onco niadu aware of thochanges which have occurred within andwithout, and-to feel that nothing canagain be as it used. II» can nevera^ain- become a part of tho little worldwhose daily goings on once touched himso nearly. Ho can only observe coldlyas a spectator thc oourso of tho littledrama of life in which he was once sointense an actor. The play is thc same,the character» tho same, but a now gen¬eration crowds tho stage, and lid is notat all missed.The careless school boy who succeeded,

to your desk has erased your initialsfrom it to carve his own there,blendingwith them haply those of tho fuir girlopposite, who sits now in the seat wheresat ono in the old time, the least rustleof whose muslin frock thrilled yourpulso with a joy it will never know againin this world. The same whispers oflove fall freshly from young lips, io theshadows of) the samo doorways, andalong the moonlight bloom of tho scent*ed lane ; but where are the lips whiohmade loving answer* to your lovingvows in the old, golden days ?

lie who exiles himself Irom tho homoof his childhood oan only return withthe sadness of an exile There is nowuiting in>r delay with naturo. Onceho loses his place in tho ceaseless roundof local life, it cúmplelas and rcpoatsitself without him."Two children In two neighbor village*Playing mad prank« olong the honthv leas;Two strangers meeting at a festival ;Two lovers whispering hv an orchard-wall ;Two lives bound fast in one with golden oase ;Two graves grass green beside a gray church

tower,'.Vashod with still rains and daisy-blossnmod ;Tw» children In one hamlet born and bred :So runs tho round of life from hour to hoar."

- Sickness is olten the want of will,or rather tho result of that want. Menand women in whom the will power isstrong, resist desease, and fight againstit wheu attacked. Courage and a deter¬mined purpose will oftimes prevent theapproach of illness Tho mind, tho imagination, is wonderfully powerful toaffect the body. lu times of prevailingsickness it is well to boar these truthsin mind.


OFFIOl Ot r i|The Sumter Watchman,

-tS TEE --

IHiglkest Style of the Art.L8p*©ul Dlajwtcfc to th« Coartar.?



COLUMBIA, August 10,Tho meeting of the Union Reform,party to day wat a great auooesa. Nearly.three thousand persons,blaek and while,representativo men from all sootions ofthe country, were present. Everythingpassed off quietly, and no dinturbanoooceurred.

General Butler did not speak, kiowas absent In consequence of an acci¬dent at Edgefield.

Gol. MoMaster, Chairman of the meet¬ing, in», oduced Judge Carpenter, whomade a very eloquent and impressive;speech two hours in length. Me waafrequently interrupted and interrogatedby members of the King, but he answer«ed every thing satisfactorily au d sharply.In tho course of bis remarks JudgeCarpenter alluded to a lotter of JudgeOrr, published in the morning's paperaendorsing Scott and his liing. Hoproposed to treat it with duo '

respectbecause he waa a friend of Jude Orr'sJudge Orr said that good men must

go into the ring and purify it. Wherewere tho good men that had gone intoit ? Tho only two thut he knew of,were Judge Orr, and a bulky gentlomanin Marion-Col. Graham. They hadbeen in the party somo time, and in¬stead of improviog it, he thought theywore going from bad to worse. Thorespectable men, black and white of thecountry, refused to go into that party,and yet Judge Orr and Col Grahamwont into it. It was a parly led byWhittemore, and ho was tho best man inlit, for he had only been convioted ofselling two oadetships, and if otherscould get off aa light as he did, theywould do well. Judge Carpentor chargedtho administration with trying to makowar between the races.

General Kershaw, General Easloyandthe Rev. Jonas Byrd followed. Thoformer made the most eloquont speeohof the campaign. During the meetingElliot, a oolored Radical, asked if hocould be heard and Colonel MoMasterreplied, that if Scott would como Out, hecould have the stand, but the partywould consent only to put candidateagainst candidato. He was satisfied,and matters proceeded harmoniously.The meeting was a great success.Everybody deeply regretted the absenceof Gonoral Butler. The people ar«thoroughly aroused, and large additionsare being mada to tho ranks of the Ro-form Party.The Congressional Convention for the

Third Distriot met in Carolina Hall to¬night. Wm. Robinson, of Fairfiold, wasohosen Chairman. The candidates wereCol. Holcome, of Piokens, J. W. With¬erspoon, of York, and J. G. MoKissick,of Union. The latter roceived the nomi¬nation on tho fourth ballot, and theConvention adjourned, subject to theoall of the President.

MoKissiok's disabilities havo beenremovod.A mass meeting of the oitizons, black

and white, is going on in front ol theColumbia Hotel. Geo. Tupper presides.Col. DePass and Maj. J. E. Baoon areaddressing the meeting. Col. R. B. El¬liott and Worthington were invited butdid not speak. ?


For over four years, the white Rc-publicans in this State have loudlyprated about the rights of the colo/edman, as a fundamental principio of thoParty, and have with words, fought thoSouthern whites, on that ground, as ifthey were defending tho inalienablerights of mau. They have cajoled theeoloted people into believing that theirrights were best scoured by white men,who woro in ibo Republican parlyholding all positions, of remunerationund trust, in tho name of the ooloredvoters of this State. It is very remark»able that, in almost every instance, thesogentry have talked glibly, while onooyo hus been steadily fixed on some goud.fut offices. We havo observed every onool them in their deep devotion» to thoncgroe's interost, and invariably theyhave come out at some hole throughwhich has been pulled some office, thatwould give them a living. Thia hn»been tho course of every ono of th oat*|«vho have taken very prominent posi¬tions, in the affairs of thia Stnto. Officesof every description havo been taken up,School commissioners, Road managers,County commissioners, City alderman.State officials. Everywhere, in crerycounty, these gentry swarm Uko tho"lice in Egypt, filling all th« land."

- -..-«..»---


Thc Norfolk Virginian, in an edito¬rial art icio on thc attitudo of NorthCarolina in the recont campaign, v.

pays our grund old State the foilowing ibeautiful tribute : Willi thesoav+effweights upon her, and ihcso "'ílturpü .ads in her sides, tho Old North State,displayed a patient com ago which entitles hor to immortal honor. It iswritten that he who cointualidèth hisspirit is greater than he wbtjp taketh acity, and when Carojioa,eent{uered herimpulse to resist tyrjun/jH'u. M>V shapeana from any quarter-an impulse boru' with the Mecklenburg declaration-shestood in a moro heroic at tiende thanwhen she folded her tat tend, battle-flags Wet with the blood rtf her sonsand made glorious on tho great battlefields of thc late war. In congratulatingheron her redemption, ve mingle withtho greeting our highest applauso atthe patient heroism which sha djAhty-od, and trust that tho future ypk\y-; horich ia the blessings nf that pa*cowhich she hui oonquorcd for herself- bypeaceful means - Wilmington Star.