1!1 11 ;. l'.oij l :·:·

WEEI(LY EXPONENT. GHAMIPIONSHIP RESTS MONTANA STATE Tiii-' llT l·:Kl.Y F\1'()'\ f:'\T. H ll\\' , "\1!1 11 ;. l'.OIJ l :·:·<Vo·!••!··:--·:-+·:··:·•!••!··:·"··:--·:-·:··:·..:··=··!·•!••!••:O·:-:•-:••!-•!••!··!·+·:··:··!··:··!··:·•!••!••!••!••!••!••:••!•- •!••!••!••:.--.!··=··=· :1: TO THE TEACHERS AND STUDENTS OF THE MONTANA H1GH '.1'. •:• SCHOOLS REPRESENTED IN HE FOURTH ANNUAL BASKET •!• BALL TOURNAl\1.ENT, AND VISITING FRIENDS: To act as your ho-.t has been a real Pleasure to all connected w ith the College. The c it izens of Bc.zeman .. hare heartily in this feeling. The •!· high school ... of the sta te de .. erve congra t ulations fo r the -.pl endid pro grei- s •!• they have made during the past twelve months. A substa nti al gr owth LEE Of GALLATIN WINS EXTEMPORANEOUS GONTEST Consecetive Basketball Championship is Won Montana State---College of Missoula Defeated in Final Game of Season--Score 39-25 ha ... been made in bwldings and equipment, teachers aud 'tudents. Clean :i: by athlE..lics a, nd high :-tandard ... of schol ar ... h ip have been maintained. Many Gallatin •> of 1he best of the ... tate's young people are in the high schools C{'.itscien· :t: •> ciously preparing themselve ... for useful an d succe ...... ful lives. The time •:. : ha ... come when training for leader1'-hip means more than the completion •> : of a high schoo l course. ThE: State College was establi ... hed and is main· :;: :l: tained for the purpc. •e of affording an opportunity to young people to :l: Entry Wins First Place in Speaking Miss Baird Is Second and Margaret Miller Third---Contest ls Close Contest ls + continue thi - tr:tinlng. The Unlled S1ate, government and the state of '!" · 1 tlu• 1oi11t .. :o'\'1)l"•I ' 1• \(•h m::t11 wn .. a .. + ,; BY .1,• t•atin:.r th·· .:..::1 :!;It \Ill 01 1 ' 1 ' toll•iw.. 1 : Montana have jo iued in the E:ndowment and support of thi-. institutiou. + ,.,linll t 1s-.+·1:-- t'10111 lJe :::-.,r.h•u itv + Th e College a nd the Hi gh schools are of one -.ys tem of educatio n. •lo ri·la\ 11 ;!ht b-. ;l ... ,·lH•' 111 thirty-u i1t• \lout 111 :1 f t>tiwr (.-,) auol Lott "' The graduate ... of the the High schocl.s are admiued to the College without I · 1 . 1 1 1 , ( 4 for\\ur.1 .. \\" 1kmuh (ti) 1•1•11h't . Ht•'•' 1...... . -1- J 1\\en•\: f1\ tlu· 1 ·01 ••J!P qurn ,. irnt•' 11 , .,,,,J \l·.ul.Jtix !.!u.ud-.. ·.•., examinat ion and a four year scholarship is given to the one making the j: I th In n1 1 ' th1' u uth i·ous1' , .. .. h·gh t d . h I ., {,o, ..a \fi ... Ri\kt>tt:s :!} Pn•:-;1 ott .111.•l ·.•.. l es gra e -. m eac c a-.s. t 1LH 1 sta·t· .. hip. 'l'lw J!.triw Monta na i .. in its beginning. The natural resource .. have ... carcel y been 3 .. a f 1 .. t o11t• from t J•' 11 --t .. o id of (ti' ton-.:n-l-., "' 111 ' id;in (til touched. Awaitin g technically trained young men and women are marve. i I I I , •1•ut1·J. ,1\\fOr•l (11) ;:tnd .+,. ,. \\ hi!<>tl1•. uit 1 it 1 ' 311 -.ran·" ' lous opportunities. We are justly proud of our s1a1e, of her material e ... a11l tbat it t 1 1P hi o ht> b. :t re<.C', urces and hE:r s plendid promise . The use .. whi ch will be made of a .. the colli•J!wus ll• SCHOOLMASTERS HAVE these opportunities depends upon the kind of men and women we tr ain. l)\\etl tlw Jurm 1•:\hiliit"'•l u th•' 1wo BANQUET AT BOZEMAN The purpo-.e of this tournament is to bring the Hi gh ... chools of the :t 1m1•:-< '\i•h 1.on1 .. l n '' -.11\:. ·> ... 1ate into cl oser tooch with one another aud the College. This anuual •! · .\t th, •11'1 11f 11•• f1r ... t h::df thf' I "\r 1 1 ·' iJ. l. mn .. 1 •rvmi 11 1 .. ,. ,. 01 f.. trip is given to afford a wider acqu ainta nce with the state. \Ve want '1 1 ' u1 h 1 .Joul 1 1. t lt 1 all th e Hi gh ... chool teachers and ... tudents to know from actua l ob ... erva. ...,. Jre s n 1l 1w u ;f'.f't•n lu h,enh oue nH'll oft 11 ' -.t 11 '' \\••r•• iu 1 at tion or from the reports of their re presenta1ive ... what a splendidly fa\·•>r of ;h' :'\I i:::-.011111 tf'arn .. Hut 111 '' 1 •'•'tit1,! •llld l,;lll'l. 11 t't ht' 1 ' 1 equipped College has been built heTe on the hill and to ser i ously CC'.nsi der 1 ollt'" i 1n:s hrr ••d 1 J tht• ;.i-.t 1 • lo" )!nut 11 1 :---" 110 ' 1111 a .. ti·r .. 1 lr!o 1 ,:i: whether or not they can not ... hare in it ... b enefit s 'J" •• ... tt 1' Tlo t•nrn 1 1n11·1 thi-. aft1 1 ri1on11. Tlu• \\t' (', 111, pla.\•;>d tl 11 1-.nal i;.1ron:: loii .. i 1 , .... 111 ,. 1 , 1 11 :.!· ''" 1 1 wa-. ··;,dlt•·l for :; \Ve hope that a11 will carry home with them mo:-.t pleasa111 memorie"> tfJJ not 1 o\\ II:! 1 1P1r 0 1 po11 •rits 1 •:• of this tournament. Y our iii Bozema n during these pao:t three •!• '. -,, .•. ,, f ,,,,, 1)11• li1•111, Ill 1 \\ ('' t •• )'1 po ...• t j• (1>1•t111:: a \\UI ·:· •!-- 1, ",. ,, .• ···llr• 1 ,, 18 , 01111 1 •h 1 111 , :..;,. tr .a 1 ,. 1 0 11 t 1 ., 11 r.,,•'lll :-;o. i;ll , 1 days has been an inspiration to us all. Our wi sh is that through your .. iutercc.urse 'Wit h one another and 1 he College ... tudeni... and faculty you •. :. ni 11 i)IJ. 11 . 1 . 0 mp1i ... lw.! 1111th11 :..:. I 1 ·.:.· ·.'.:. 1h1• \., t.l.• \\U tlw l 1 f' tJ may have acquired broader ideal-., new hopes and high er ambition ... ; that our e.I "ir iunt 1 1 thi•l:!' ·i .. :t you have formed definite re .. olutions to .. ecure the best possib le prepar- a t tn t 11 w1• t nu th" rn. 1 1 11111 ' ot ' 11 ' 11Lt'U1 111 ·r ... " 1 ' 1 •· ni 1 •!• ation fo r you r life work. t t' 011, .!• t •·1111 H u.I ,, t"' 111 .. p, to ii :-u t ' ta :!1' Pi-..- , ..... 111 :;: J M HAMILTON •:• l fill If' f\(' tJi \{ f]H• ll•'UliH'\' .. ' (' rhip::i {lie ,I pt' n Ill r ... ea l ) flt' ui;atinu j,•Jt that 1h1•\" l1aol ·:··: .. :.·:--:-·:··!··:O-<o!••!o:•·:··:··!··: .. : .. :••!••!••!-•!••!••!••!••!•-!• •}• !--•!••!••:••! 0 !•·! 0 !··: .. i>d If\ qf -fl• •t " .. I .. .,.j 111 t Hllt' " 0 .. 1\'' \ I\ W rk oft 11• .. ho11l ll\11, ,l ·i·l tn .!i •. np tlii· t··llu\\ rlRST •itil, u·n t I<' J>l ,.,,. 11 "'" 1 1 \ t r 1I1011 llllt'lii t I lit Uhl' ' 1,, j,., Ill•" 0 Tio»-, ,l,'.·::.;·.,r;,nr.',ll 5[GONO CARBON THIA[) up h ,, onpont 1 t ·s \'} l 1 11• " 1" 111;: 11t>111'-i1• .. r 1 a 1 1•1•111 ,. IJIOU I) I I 11a l"r·• .. j,J, t 11·lfll Jtnri. df'r lO\c' at °' t l!f's a I \\ f iont \\ T>'ll ll \", 1 1 1 •1• .. r11r of ' ep.r 0 I Ir .. , tht• hall !IJ t I•' to--!:',' •'1 ( .11 .. II f Thi ... _\ •1 1 111 t1t• ... lr\\tor wa .. tlie \Jf .. 11•E1:_ .. , dt>J l 111• t 1t 'f .... •11 'l, nl :-- \h1 ot• In rP. .. 1 11.11. }Ip r 1111 goo•l •ltl 11 n"' out ut ee t 1 1rn\\... t• \1 I him tlhl ' 't· '•·j•T on illy ""11. " Helena Defeats Missoula for the Championship of State Carbon Wins from Flathead in Fast Game--Hall ti on. Ju t'l!' inti'f\' 1 1 hl'tw1•f'n th1' I f.I spi a ei 111 ,J thi• u n1111 •111rn" ,f 1111• I• 1 , 1 lllU, I r ,1• 11 11 ltor• (11 1 tlll 1 , 1 1 ,,.,.. of I b1 t 1 II 13 lli'U S;)\ ll t I 01 thfl J11ll it \\ s: ht I t HI 1 to h •ol col ' "'

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Page 1: 1!1 11 ;. l'.OIJ l :·:·



Tiii-' llT l·:Kl.Y F\1'()'\ f:'\T. ~.\Tl Hll\\', "\1!1 11 ;. l'.OIJ

l :·:·<Vo·!••!··:--·:-+·:··:·•!••!··:·"··:--·:-·:··:·..:··=··!·•!••!••:O·:-:•-:••!-•!••!··!·+·:··:··!··:··!··:·•!••!••!••!••!••!••:••!•-•!••!••!••:.--.!··=··=· :1: TO THE TEACHERS AND STUDENTS OF THE MONTANA H1GH '.1'. •:• SCHOOLS REPRESENTED IN HE FOURTH ANNUAL BASKET •!• :~: BALL TOURNAl\1.ENT, AND VISITING FRIENDS: :~: ~

~ :~: To act as your ho-.t has been a real Pleasure to all connected w ith the :~: • :~ College. The citizens of Bc.zeman .. hare heartily in this feeling. The :~: •!· high school ... of the sta te de .. erve congra tulations fo r the -.pl endid progrei- s •!• :~ they have made during the past twelve months. A substantial growth :~:


~inth Consecetive Basketball Championship is Won Montana State---College of Missoula Defeated in

Final Game of Season--Score 39-25

:~ ha ... been made in bwldings and equipment, teachers aud 'tudents. Clean :i: by ~ athlE..lics a,nd high :-tandard ... of scholar ... h ip have been maintained. Many :~: Gallatin •> of 1he best of the ... tate's young people are in the high schools C{'.itscien· :t: •> ciously preparing themselve ... for useful and succe ...... ful lives. The time •:. : ha ... come when training for leader1'-hip means more than the completion •> : of a high school course. ThE: State College was establi ... hed and is main· :;: :l: tained for the purpc.•e of affording an opportunity to young people to :l:

Entry Wins First Place in Speaking Miss Baird Is Second and Margaret Miller

Third---Contest ls Close

Contest ls

+ continue thi - tr:tinlng. The Unlled S1ate, government and the state of '!" · 1 tlu• 1oi11t .. :o'\'1)l"•I ' 1• \(•h m::t11 wn .. a .. + ,; BY .1,• t•atin:.r th·· .:..::1 :!;It \Ill 01 1


' toll•iw.. •


: Montana have joiued in the E:ndowment and support of thi-. institutiou. + ,.,linll t 1s-.+·1:-- t'10111 lJe :::-.,r.h•u itv + The College and the High schools are part~ of one -.ystem of education. •lo ri·la\ 11 ;!ht b-. ;l ... ,·lH•' 111 thirty-u i1t• \lout 111:1 :---rn~i· f t>tiwr (.-,) auol Lott "' The graduate ... of the the High schocl.s are admiued to the College without I • · 1 . 1 1 1 , ( 4 for\\ur.1 .. \\" 1kmuh (ti) 1•1•11h't . Ht•'•' 1....... -1-J 1\\en•\: f1\ tlu· 1·01 ••J!P qurn ,. irnt•'

11, .,,,,J \l·.ul.Jtix !.!u.ud-.. ·.•., examination and a four year scholarship i s given to the one making the j: I th In n1 1 ' th1' u uth i·ous1' , .. .. h·gh t d . h I ., {,o, ..a \fi ... ~oula Ri\kt>tt:s :!} Pn•:-;1 ott .111.•l ·.•.. l es gr a e -. m eac c a-.s. t 1LH1 sta·t· ch~mp1ou .. hip. 'l'lw J!.triw M ontana i .. in its beginning. The natural resource .. have ... carcely been ,...~ 3 .. a f 1 .. t o11t• from t J•' 11 --t .. o id of 'umrniu~s (ti' ton-.:n-l-., "' 111

' id;in (til ~ touched. Awaiting technically trained young men and women are marve. i I I I , •1•ut1·J. L~ ,1\\fOr•l (11) ;:tnd ""tJL•1•1,, .+~ .+,. ,. \\ hi!<>tl1•. uit 1ou~ 1 it 1

' 311 -.ran·" ' lous opportunities. We are justly proud of our s1a1e, of her material e ... a11l tbat it \\:1~ t

11P hi ~t o ht> b. :t re<.C',urces and hE:r splendid promise. The use .. whi ch will be made of ~: a~on. a .. the colli•J!wus ~lf ll• SCHOOLMASTERS HAVE :~ these opportunities depends upon the kind of men and women we train. :~: l)\\etl tlw Jurm 1•:\hiliit"'•l u th•' 1wo BANQUET AT BOZEMAN ,:~ The purpo-.e of this tournament is to bring the Hig h ... chools of the :t 1m1•:-< '\i•h 1.on1 .. 1~1 l n '' -.11\:. ·> ... 1ate into closer tooch with one another aud the College. This anuual •!· .\t th, •11'1 11f 11•• f1r ... t h::df thf' I "\r

1 1·' iJ. l. mn ..

1 •rvmi

11 1 .. ,. ,.01 f.. trip is given to afford a wider acquaintance with the state. \Ve want :~: '11 ' u1 h 1 .Joul 11. t lt1

all the High ... chool teachers and ... tudents to know from actual ob ... erva. ...,. Jre s n 1l 1w u ;f'.f't•n lu h,enh oue nH'll oft 11' -.t 11 '' \\••r•• iu 1 "ii~owi·" at :~ tion or from the reports of their representa1ive ... what a splendidly :~ fa\·•>r of ;h' :'\I i:::-.011111 tf'arn .. Hut 111 '' Hl"'lllt''~ 1•'•'tit1,! •llld l,;lll'l.11

t't ht'1'1 :~ equipped College has been built heTe on the hill and to seriously CC'.nsider :~:

1 ollt'" i 1n:s hrr ••d 1 J tht• ;.i-.t ~ 1·~1 1 • lo" th~ )!nut 11 1



a .. ti·r .. 1

lr!o 1 ,:i: whether or not they can not ... hare in it ... benefits 'J" •• ... tt 1' Tlo t•nrn 1 1n11·1 thi-. aft11ri1on11. Tlu•

\\t' (', 111, pla.\•;>d tl11• 1-.nal i;.1ron:: loii .. i 1, ....


1,1 11

:.!· ''" 1•

1 wa-. ··;,dlt•·l for :; \Ve hope that a11 will carry home with them mo:-.t pleasa111 memorie"> :~: tfJJ • not 1 o\\ II:! 1 1P1r 0 1 po11 •rits 1

•:• of this tournament. Y our pre~ence iii Bozeman during these pao:t three •!• '.

-,, .•. ,, f ,,,,, 1)11• li1•111, Ill 1 \\ ('' t •• )'1 po ... • t j• (1>1•t111:: a \\UI I·~ ·:· •!--1,

",. ,, .• ,~ ···llr• 1

,, 18

,01111 1

•h 1 111

, ~ :..;,. tr.a 1,. 1 0 11 t 1., 11 r.,,•'lll :-;o. i;ll ,1 :~: days has been an inspiration to us all. Our wish is that through your :~ ~ .. iutercc.urse 'With one another and 1he College ... tudeni... and faculty you •. :. ni 11 i)IJ. 11. 1. 0 mp1i ... lw.! 1111th11 :..:. I 1 ·.:.· ·.'.:. 1h1• \., 101~ t.l.• \\U tlw l1 f' tJ • may have acquired broader ideal-., new hopes and higher ambition ... ; that ~ our e.I "ir iunt loin~ 1 1 thi•l:!' ·i .. :t you have formed definite re .. olutions to .. ecure the best possible prepar- :~:

a t tn t 11 w1• t nu

th" rn.1 111111' ot ' 11

' 11Lt'U1111

·r ... " 1'1

•· ni 1 •!• ation fo r your life work. :~ t t' 011, .!• t •·1111 H • u.I ,, t"' 111 .. p, to ii :-u t ' ta :!1' Pi-..- , ..... 111 :;: J M HAMILTON •:• l l~ht fill If' f\(' tJi \{ f]H• ll•'UliH'\' .. :~: • ' • :~: (' rhip::i {lie ,I pt' n Ill r ... ea l ) flt' or~ ui;atinu j,•Jt that 1h1•\" l1aol ·:··: .. :.·:--:-·:··!··:O-<o!••!o:•·:··:··!··: .. : .. :••!••!••!-•!••!••!••!••!•-!• •}•!--•!••!••:••!0 !•·!0 !··: .. :••!0!••:0•:0•!••).,..o!:••>*·~..:.... i>d :;ll•l/I:~ t~l)\l~':r::•:l i!llll!•l'!J~~),:i~:l~ll ltt~I:~' ~ If\ qf -fl• •t " .. I ~, .. .,.j 111 t Hllt' " 0 .. 1\'' \ I\ W rk oft 11• .. ho11l ll\11, ,l ~

·i·l tn .!i •. np tlii· t··llu\\ H[l[N~ rlRST Ml550Ul~ • •itil, u·n t I<' J>l ,.,,. 11 "'"

1 1 \ t r ~ 1I1011 llllt'lii t I lit Uhl' '


j,., Ill•" 0 Tio»-, "~,::,,''.\~,.'.~,.~,o~•"ll,•1•· ,l,'.·::.;·.,r;,nr.',ll 5[GONO CARBON THIA[) up h ,, onpont 1t ·s \'} l 1 11• " 1" 111;: 11t>111'-i1• .. r 1 a 1•

1•1•111 ,. IJIOU I) I I 11a l"r·• .. j,J, t 11·lfll Jtnri.

df'r lO\c' at °' t l!f's a I \\ f iont • \\ T>'ll ll \", 1 1 1 •1• .. r11r of -.,•Jwol~: ' ep.r 0 ~ I Ir .. , tht• hall !IJ t I•' to--!:',' l'h~l •'1 ( .11 .. II f Thi ... _\ •1


t1t• \i~~,H ... lr\\tor wa .. tlie \Jf .. ~c111.ll.1,rllrll1la_\u 11•E1:_ .. , dt>J l 111• t 1t 'f .... •11 'l, nl :--

\h1 ot• In rP. .. 1 11.11. }Ip r 1111 goo•l •ltl 11 n"' out ut

ee t 11rn\\... t• \1 I him tlhl

' 't· '•·j•T on illy ""11.


Helena Defeats Missoula for the Championship of State Carbon Wins from Flathead in Fast Game--Hall

ti on. Ju t'l!' inti'f\' 11 hl'tw1•f'n th1' I f.I spi a

ei 111 ,J thi• u n1111 •111rn" ,f 1111• I•

1, 1 lllU, I r ·~i· ,1• 11 11 ltor• (111

tlll ~I 1, 1•1,,.,.. of I b1 t 1 II 13 lli'U S;)\ ll t I 01 thfl J11ll it \\ s: ht I

t HI 1 to h 1~\1 •ol

·~·· col ' ~l·


Page 2: 1!1 11 ;. l'.OIJ l :·:·


The Weekly Exponent

) h \f Th \Yor~ o. t11

!; "I ,, l,utt l '

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i 1 I 1 htlJ 11

I > ' \ 1 ltl ,!C

\,I l~ Ir \ IJ 1 ~r ... (ll • tj

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i::o-"lll't' lo ''.'·· ,,-.,

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Gt )\1 e 11 1• \fo. t ·1·l. 1·111er \er 0! t·d

tn It

t ,,

The \Veekly Exponent is strictly :i. 1\11

student enterprise. It$ chief purpose is 1~ 11 ; t;t 11 ~

to pr~sent to it:; readers each week an accnntc lll<l complete record of the cle'\"elopmeuts in college afia1rs during that penod and i is intended that ils influence Rhall he exerted !or the UP· building of ~I. S C The 1J11pcr is the result of vo1unt;nr effort put forth by the s uden's who comiu,se the ~1aff,

Tile Tourn 1uent i .. O "l.

' " It '

~I• 1 I

I r1


l1u1t• 1 '11

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o.,llld •" t'P I Ill - 1,, j,\ I .,..,,. II I _t l " I' II l l"t

lht• ~l v ht I *'·I

You Young Fellows who are ambitious to dress smar tly, must know what the prerniling stvles are . We're conducting a bureau of i1~formation this week: this spring style exhibit is educa­tional. Post yourself.


1'or the Student Spalding Athletic Goods--­

The Best Made.

Phillips' Book Store

I\''-. ~\

HAVE A HEART buy a mce classy pennant for

your girl

STAND I POST OFFICE NE\VS t--------=====

Athletic Goods ' '


,, ' ',,


l i..;.'t

I hl' "HI fh•tf

:--.1 t •I,..'' 11iliT oil

..'.,I tin -. I•'


COAL COAL l~~F_l_in_t_-L_y_n_n_L_u_m_b_e_r_C_o_.~~~B-ot_h~P_h_on_e_s_s_2~~-.

Montana State College of Agriculture

and Mechanic Arts

I' ;p 111• 1 111 l'•"'• .1~ r ' J· 11· .•• :1 \j 111 r:1 l~n;! 11 f'r n.:.

.)I I 11 ,. \ •• \.:!'. 11·11l1nrl'. P:1 '· I 11 t11•1 l111rr>. ilo111t· l·'.<.'.,nomi<::- . J i="'' d c 1l·1111 .... 1n 1·:1" 110111 t.• H. 1l•·;...' 4\[11:.1t' n l .\r•

l'e 1 if 1 1..,ro11n• 1l'-. 1·n11t11•odi iu-. l1udu111:,!... 1111 ill 1• n: 111•1 a 111 ... "!' ., 1·x.1•11:-.1\ 1 l.1hnr 1tnr "s 111t11 t•l );: 1el1L' 1 ati.11 :-i,..•Wl J~ ronms,





caa1i P~f ~~t~a 1 l __ J-_:~:_::i,~_~:E_:~~'"-t -----NEW 1914 LINE


ROSE DRUG GO. The Rex:i.ll Store

Can you i-ead with co1nfoi-t?

Or write. or sew "ithout suf 1enug J rom headache .. aJHl other ~ymptom ... of eye strnrn.

Do uot put up with the ... c dis­comforl-. if they can lll avoided.

Ten 1,:h:luecs to cnr. 1he remedy Hrs m "1 p<ur of gla ... ~f's. correctly ntrcrl to your eyes.

The serv ice:-- of two rcgistt red opto•nctrist ... and :i. crn1plete grind· mg plan• are to be obtained here.

Om· eqtupme1n 1s c.·on .... 1dcred 1ne of the be ... t in the s1atc

H. A. Pease & Co J ewelers and Opl omctrists

· · Pca ... c·s for Qua1i 1 y ·'


MOND1\.Y March 9

GUS HILL offer .. 1hat cyclonic uu­ph.meut of laughter that fairly swept

competition into oblivion

It-.. record brcnkrng rnn of four­teen montli... in New York, ~ix months in Chicago, four months in Br.stall.

PreF.cnted by n nrn 1chle$s tompany of f i f1y embracing ... weet singer~ and a corp ... at' comedian .. tha 1 find laugh malting pleasure.

PRICES- .;,oc to Sl.00

Gi;:l .. · Glee Club Give ... Pleasi n g Pro­grflm in A!':scmbly Trio and Can

tata Are the Features.

I IL1 1:1 111 ... :.! 11·1 1· l1 n I Ii 1· nil h•:..:t' 11li:1t 1o111\t1 In lit !I ,, r Lr>

•tn:...1 11, f I 1• lt.18 l t'll ;... \ 1• I tli ... \\hi 1 1111 I :11•1 1· ,. I 1. ·f If(' till'

FLOWERS Daffodil-... Narci ... ~n .... Carnations, H yacinth .... , Ro5es, Flowers,

Violet... in cut. Azalea.... Cinnerarias. PruWllas.. Cyclamens,

Geni ... tas1

and many other varieties in potled plant ... at-

LANGHOR-s GREE HOUSES. ·:)'.'., -...t l I I I) ,ti,• \~.,I~ I l

l 1\ I 111 1 ' ~J' 'I 1 -

ll' .... .i, 11 '•Ii 't

!lo "'' J: ·Ii 'I " '>tr -----------------------------~,,

315 s . Tracy Ave. Both phC'nes

11 •t 11\n I J11_


t ,,,',. '" .l \I•

th1• ·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_,..

25 of Schlechten's Mountain Scenes in Book Form for SOc at Schlechten's Studio

12 South Black

\I\ I l I I h

I I I'_

I ll l_ I J,1• ...! It~

i.11:,." I \I i" f 11

J J)I r11 tlou 11 11\·:-:,

1'11 ....,1111,, I· :..! 1r

Thi l'\\it I j.,,. I:<•.!• \ 1·. rri .. in>t11 ., \tr ii.··



Tli1• l\,, ... p f

" \lt1 I fl TtH\ll

11111ilt 111 "'t•·tl


llhli.!. 111 ln \Ii~:-; l.dl1:1u 1:r1 I or1

\ L:• 1·-. ~1·11• iad1 \infill Jl111·t l~r.t.!

\r ~... I ot ;.! j;i ~ 11lJ11 Ill

\ft"" 111. ( jff,·t'

],._,. ~nn:.! ...

I 111111 r:11 tin.! ~Pl!:!'

\lutt u11a t, rl:-; 4 ·ri fl!

\ ", \l.d'' \1 lofn.,J I·> :,.,_ . I

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"'\,·l1U\if I

T1111 li1111dr1.,[ -..1\\1'1'11 ... 111,h• JI"- i11 lh•'

l '11i\ l.'1 ... 1! 1 nt' I li,l 1 111111a, 111 ~ ... ••' 1·•·111,

f;t 111•11 tu 1•:1~-. i11 all nl t 11·1 11 11d, ia .. t i·•111·"il'I. a•, n1·d II.! 111 t'i:.,:,1 l'"" nl11all1l'd

fr11:11 lw l't':.!iH1a1 ·.., uftln•, .... 1y:-. tlll'

01,J.d111111:111 '1' 1111•!' It llld , .. 1 1hi11.'

r Ii 1d, .... 1 1.[ 1·1111.!it 011-.. 111• ,. !.!.1' •·ti l·:s

Welcome. welcome strangers, Welcome to each bra,·e heart, But we will not forget you strangers If from your money you \\ill part - at the Arcade.

Mcintyre & Kremer, Proprietors

You should take advantage of our


It will save you money

D. D. Smith


l l 111:1tir1~ 1:d t!ll'tt' \Un·::.::., ..!1·:1<1 1• ....

--------------- 1111 th1· ;i ...... u1111'li1111 1hat 1·\t'.1 .... nd1 111

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)II I 1Jl t\11• dt'lll ti-!, ) 1'1. 111 i>t'Sf fit

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\ tz,\ I II, la\111111:1 j .. ll '; 1 11· 1111l.\ S!'h11u!

I\ lt'T•· --111~\l-11t ... f l11t1K

Th11·•· 1111 d11• I t· ~hi' 1'1.!h :-.totdt· 1:-.

al ht• I 1111 1'1"'11.1 111 T,•,;1" t :1 i\1•11 t (I

I.I .1· ;1 j•:i-.. ... H,! :.!I Ioli• I 11 1111• h.1 I 1• Ill

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:111 I 11 l.i. lilt'

\1•11 ,,



I '

HIT up the strok~, :-:-::::; I It t ii class to show spce<l !

V ch-ct hits it Ll? r.iightj- f.:~c ia pipe I Selected middle. l?al -:-­choicest-two yc:.rs ol ugmg Jn·

warehouse - the nature proces ) seasonina - mellowin,~ - takes > years t; let the bite out, put• I ·flavor right-make the whole or smooth. 1 eh·ct hits it ll f' in but rnre manner and when \ · e!vt! your pipc-wcli th~·t':. the turn:· \\'C ' v a friend I D..:.:n' t f 'rgt't. l\\'CI y ...... ~ d -"\ d c.~ ..... ,_'1 l.LJ.l.

Page 3: 1!1 11 ;. l'.OIJ l :·:·


l" If ~ 11 11 .. 1 I 11• e 11' h "' t'' .!I

Hurrah for the Best T earn I \.., :-::q111J I"- th~ I'. "'t• ... •kl i I_\ 1fl

, i.1,, l, ir w I 111• I'll di ... lu l. J-' 1, 1, ,

11 1·11 •!'!':--- Wt'n· \ 11te.1 iutu t 11· l"lnJ .. Th1·,.., I l ·1, .J. I 1!1'SI lh1tdt•r of 11 1u11i11r r·\:1 ~ ••

\Ji:-:-; .l;,111·] 1' L1111il, :\11~:~ :\Tat• t Jar • I SPECIAL


' . I


may they wm. After the excitement 1s all over and you get time to think of ~'\\ ' •"·! 1 \\ ui t 1• it r11l .I uh 11 \\ 111 I , .... it_, -

ut u· fr1•!-'h11 ;1u 1·J;i ......

Spring Suits- I "MUTT AND JEFF IN p AN AMA"

Let Hank and Ed Do It !,.,.. IJ 11·~ ,. ".\lull and ,!l'l

prri,h1t·t1011, 1· dh,il "Ju [•;11wm:1. .. 1...,

iil:1: 1 1:,.: a tra I 11f 1111•rri.1m·111 that 1i,1._

1 't'1 ~l't't! 1•1p1 dl"! hy a p!:1\ u! a 1.

"!•I'! u1 l:har:il"lt:"J. Tlh•r1' "t~1•111s to 111

., I r II I I' a !'- 11', llll'I i11 l I\ l!I limit to t!11· p11.;sihili1 II'" {If !:t11 .. d1

't • (I 1111 1 t! Jl I f• ud11t·i1rg 111:11l•nul In In• eullt••l 11.0

:1111· Jl:)<Jl: :: 1,(



:.:u::a~.c'~d ::~~Lll~'.'1 '.:11 1' 11 ,:11~' Ir H' fa1110u .. Fi-dtt·r 1·artc11111.~. \lhirh :1 "

io1r rnuuin;; II! rnrirt• th:111 1.t•Otl <!ail\j

- •:•- I ·1 ~ 1 '~ :-:.uq,_1;1,\· Ill'\\ ,.;1 1a1w1·,. i hrou:,!l1011r 1 lw

·1 H' :-lioi I I 'l lllli'd :--tat PS an1l t ·:111ada. Till .. ,.; 1 .. 1

I 'll:\11""1' 1'


" hit\\' :-'l'·1·"ll.ll ~ 11ftt·ri11.g i~ l'll11rl'h' !H'" IYl!h.1i;P

k··tf'd •'' ... t' '\1'l!IH'• \·, f·.ad l·'rv ·111 d . ·

Jl11w;n-I ••ris11·n11d as. Ilic• dPlia11: lt:a1n 1 l:;:·*:f't.1111'. v'.. th•• ll\u .~uituita!1ly tlro l

I\ ii··IJ i, 10 lltt•t•I th1' tP:llll l'h11:--l'H l1Y 1!1(• • •. t./ H~.1~;"· _\ •. \1utt au.J Ids littl••

Get Your Pipes, Cigars, Tobaccos and

Candy at


on genuine Baltimore oy ... -

ter "'hells at S2.00 per 100 pounds. Clam shell.. at SI. 7.l per l 00 pcunds.


-foi- the newly hatched chicks. Try Northrup-King & Co. Celebrated bal anced

ration and be succe~sfuL



Owenhouse Hardware Co

1 l. t I · I I ' 1 • · J' lltbl'!tn .. \lout 'l.1111er.1 .lt•f

111•1· l.JH' a1t~ :' 11• :·u11'-;. fril·:-.. . \-. is n;irui-al lo :111•11u~t·. fui.

--------------------------------- ! ' ·.•- ts tl'.l' pa1au111unt nh.)rd of tltt• play.

I -r.l.it• -:rrnst ·011:....' 1lro1·f;1•11:1t111·x 1· 1 n 1 t~':-t .. ''.r1cl tu 1.hur i-t'~Jit·d a,._ WL'll as 1roru th~

JT . he finest I line of 1shirts

ever brought 10 Bozeman.

Tlrnt ... what my new spring

shirts are. Get one of the

new Tango Shirt ... I have

them in all the nE:w shades.

Sure' 1\-iy spring suiting~ are

all here.



II We've Gathered for Our

T racle the Best Shoes

~ for men, women and children the

world's best sboemaker·s could

~~ produce \Vhile we always give

a heaping measure of good sl1oe

k1 value at any given price we can-

r> not itnpre ... s you with figures for

the rea .. ou that all :-.hoe price ..

Ir sound very much alike. \Ve depend

1~ upon our shoes to ... peak for them-

Ill '-elves and they do it wonderfully

well. ---

J. H. Harris & Co. '' The Shoe Men ''

' 'The Home of Good Shoes''


3.000 feet of

Licensed Pictures

Every Night

Thelen & Hanley UP-TO DATE LIVERY


Home Pbcne 254-1 Bell 57 Black




COLLEGE NOTES 111111 It 11.1-- ... i-JH•d111t·d to t:.1kt' Jd:u·p la-.t sta11dpo111t ul a 11111 ... ind prudtti·ticoti,

.lnhii f, 1

'.'-i~ttllr•lay hui 11:1:-; 11nsq10111•1l 111J1il ·1 ··\J11t1 :1111{ .lpff in l'aiiania'' ltns llt>

I le· 11 ' •. r 011 l·'111t I !:JtPJ·. i!nlt·. 11·iJl 111• ht·l1l (Ill Naturdny / l'qH;d iu. t 11 1• :IUlii\ls or. lilll•;in\I 1·on11·i1._v,


TO lEAO ~UINHTTE ll1•11tnu to 1"110 fn ... i-1•:1111 1•\ l'!llll.~. \l:1reh ~n. .Y.lr. )[ill has livi'it !avi,.,h iu his <'X-

-•:• - f ~·:·- 1·~·.1J1lit111e,., n•Ltti1 l' lo -.. 1·t·t1•·ry auil i>li•e

:\! "" 11 1•nr)!1a r dlnru "l•vut thf' WL'!'k '.\Ii·_ { 0111111r 11r j'!Jouti·:iu. eaTUL' itJllni·;d L'lllht•lli:-;ln11t·11t ..... a11•l it i."' not a- --

111 f11~ll'111 \ 1 .... irin~ ht>1 11 utlivr, I lli•t'7.t11:111 u ,·j:.,jt hi,; .... nu_" l'u!..! •• {- 011 _ :ill iitrliki·I.'· tli:i1 1Jotbi11g :-.n 1•J;il1oratl' Elong ated Center is Re-elected to Cap-

J 11ur, :111.! iru·i·l«>llfa J_,. t11 wi111t·s:-. tht• 1 li:l,. '-'\er 111''-' 11 J•n•-...i·11t1•.J :rt 1•opub1 I taincy-A Fitting Tribute to

. I ltHlllWn11•nr l!j• w:1-. :111 :1rdi•nt roo!i"· i J•rtt"t'"· Tht• '-HHH• .rnay nlso ln· lrn1h·. Th i!-- Season's Wok

• I~ 1Pnt !lam• l1f1H \\" 1:-. !J H1l 11,r..; r . , "I f 11 . '.I ' . ' r .

"' 1 •. 1,11 , 111 _.!t'. t•I• li·. - , l or tli·· f(•to11 nit111r. t~·~ill! 1. 1'..·' ::-.111 ll'.:L:1_d1u:.4 h(•:.Horinorl':-.t'Jl


•!• --I ·:· _ .i1.1h· arid .J1,1111n l'\1a11gl•-.. of rn:i:.oiifi-

'.\11"•. 1 •1•ot;..:f• 1·all;1w:1y, 1Yi11• ,,f ~1'1 e·i•ut ('o;;tlJHll'" trllJ'•l Iii· llit' diunis iii _\ta 11wp1i11!_! 11f tlrt' [,a.,.k ·th:tll t••;nn

\{j ...... F 'lit' Hi•i•,/ ,, II ki:i 1 ··ui r•t n· 1 alh111:1.\·nftli1•nill1·,..;l'. u-·1-.op llla•ir dl\·l'l'fi..;r•!IH'llt;-: :tlld TlllUJlil'l'h'"'l'o; \lu11d:1) :1ll1•J'J1unn ··~h111' \\.i!1·1imh

-.; ll I ti H' ',,il(',!1 i-.. 'i:-1ti11;_ . .. • . . . . . . "t1ll:.,:s W1'ilt1•11 h1· 1ha1 ' ·I . . 1 1·11 1

' 0 11 lo1 :q 1 p1~11d11·111 ... al t!11• J)('ll , _

1 1. :111 ' l(ll <ii " 11 11:1-.: n:,.:-ain vli•!'!i-•I rn li•:id thi• hl 11 e and

IH• hill . 1 'I' .. ! 'II.Iii.I Ilg' Hl::i. ~\Jr. r~i'O J:.../wa1·tl-.. ll.i\\ .


"!Jll:i nu l1Psdn_1·. Nlw I"'\ c r l . .. . ' l!!ldtl qu111tt'!t1· du 111;..: !hv ll•'X:t ... ,•11-..on

1·.,110 tt>d ti1 l1t• i111pr1_11·i11:.! Ll)•idly. .' f iii; ... t~.1:llll' l-;uq1.n~1•s j.,. 1!11• j•ll"'"illl;.! qf Thi" hoH111 :-.: ;i fitting triliutt• to It~

E. J:o 11· ttl l11· l!'t''h11111i l.t;.;::-.. h:i-.:I •:.._ .t" '.1 . IL.!,,!!P! :-;liq• t~ll.'Oll!.!lt lht• !.!l"C'al l\f•t·k .Jul' JJ:.! !h(· 11;1sl .l<'~lr. HS '•Sli1n··

I t 'I' 1•'" :tfl1 :1 -.:hort _\111011,..:. I 14' i...: :-1•1! 1td s111ol1•111:-- :i Ir dU.ir11,1 c·a11;d au.] ::o;ad111g- unt int0 1h1• ! .. 1 j . .

111 1·-.. ... h•u l!U!.! tli1• tri111 :<.H1tl'ltl 1··.·0•111 .111,~0•011.·1 l':1l·ifi,· iw1'a11, with t•t11 h•·i-.ip ... ,, \!ult ll.1\' lt>t'll rn11· ul t le• l'llt181 ... \1•11r tlll'll ol

- 1 llr1 .r l·J'f.., u11 hn:1 rd. . . t ll' I P:1 ru, ;11 w:( ,.,..; worl(111i.r h:1 rd . a11d

II 11":-! \1•:1r :'i',;·o:.lare• l\1•11'. F. Fi ti\',\" llld l·:. Bar(•:1 I liui.€'111:111 llp1'l"a 111111-..1'. \fund:tY [>n-.~e· ...... int! :1 r :..!hi ill!!" :--pirit tha in

I "\larelt ~l. :--JdtPd ilic• utlwr 1111•11. llt'\-l'r to ,11 il

1111 I !lit• fin:d \\ hi-.:tlt wa:- ldowu.

l r1 d, IJ'! 0111<11 111 h't'< Lo·l:..!'t j ... d-.. :.:r td -·:·


I "

ii 111;.; llh 1111!)11·1 \\' il1 am ol 1!11 .. 0 /tlt ! i"'l 1 ,,. 11111l111• 1 1:1s,_ 1·~1':1111< i-. a ~111tli•rit 111 fl. 11

·' ~lin1 · !wl!Hll his hl:lsl•Ptli:dl 1·:1n•1~1

ar rhc' J:1•:1n·rl11·:1d ( 11111ty !ligh sd1001.

wli .. r1• ht· I :I,\• l ror fo11r 'P't s. iln

·1 ' :1tl1 dill...; t!i,. 1 1dn 111 111111111 hi:.!11 .... 1·houl, :111d h: 1 ~ J,1.('lJ LPui" 1'1101. 'Jt1, L1• 1h1· tonru •' 111•ri11'.4 \rn11r;111:1 ~t· 1 f" lw rnadi• h('

1 11 '11 u,.,j;hlit st11 •n i•': r1f till· :.-;truu:..:; 11 .. ·,1t a~ c·11:11b 01 i w Tci>111s1•t1d 11•:111 jf1 1 0• !hi.: f; :-:t 1··;1r :111<! Wll ... 1lt 1• nnli

I l • \(,,"-1

i.. 1di1t!! Ill'

ri1·11.j .. i11 J:11;.t•111a 1.

"11•-. ( 11


\t !!-:::> 1:ia11 li1' \J,, 11•1 l _a 1111·111lwr 11!

t t' 1 1:,,,...., •Jf l J 1 11:\s :-1•1'1\J'1 [ a p11,.t1io11

1.~ t '<tt'!t<"' ol ,lil•h fit''-' 11 ~t \"iJ11 ('Ill"'-.:

ho~i· :1l. llill 11~ ...

J>, of1·,..st>r I '!(•11 1\ a,.. oue ol t h1· .ind~"~

1 lia· 1h•l.:11l' h1·t ,, 1't'H 1111• .\ris:-;0111 t

111.f _\ l;\<"Olltb Jii!..dl -.:!'f\OO) .... heJtJ 111

\11ae-1l11du ,...at111"!:1_\· t•11·11iug.

:\Ir l'ord \\:l" .1 I ·di 11111 11d -.1;1r a1 ild1· lr !-'li111:111 u S1·honl tn wi11 hi" li·tli..'l' j;1

•:• - wh1h• :tl (·l•lll':.!I'. ll\\'t1 h1·a11rl11':-- of :1rhl1'ti1·s tlnrint!: tlw

Thi• l"Ct! I~ nf tli, t '111l+n11 1·111111:.v hl!!h - - \'(•11r.

:-.-ht1 11 I l1a\1' !)(•11 :i lo\· ii 1•ro1\\'1I. \niong . lit•!•lllt".1·otHr from th1· 111i-.: ... iouary of l·.1t•r_1- 111:111 PH 1 Li' y1·;1r· ... tl•:11n will

1111 ' lar::l' 1111mh~·r u1 :<l!J'11ortc•r ... pf tli;\I i"11·c· 11 "\1•\\' \"urk that '.\I1"'s 1; :kt' lw llnc·k •n.!ain Jll"Xt "f':1--011 :uHl 1111'il'T'

ft•:t111 111-1 • flu• f<1lln11l11~: \\"u1. J.ar- ! lark. ·11. i:-; m:d-111_~ a 1·1•m:irkald1· ~11·-llli1· :!llid:iu<·t• of th!' 1•ln11~:1Tl•d 1•r11ter

k 11 · lla ·n- ll.1-!1•rlio·l,, Lu1• llaslt•r1ii"(· ! t·t''" nf lit•\' work i11 \t'ri1·a. >.ti,..-. i·1~11l<. rhrrt· i:-- 1•\pn· re:t-.:011 tu lwlil'Yl' that

'\pwi•l l':ltt 0~r:->ot1 •• lnh11 l'rrn i11n•. ).[,.tit• J!" lt·:whi11'..! 1·n11k1tq.! . ... t'l\lll~ :iud la1111ilt'.'" I tlw t1<nth ··h:.1111pio11~h1p \\"ill n•s1 :it

Tltn1111..,,r111, I ha-::. l '011wa1-. 1·:1111111'1 .I 11 11 11 j wo1·!.; t 11 th<-· 11:iri' 1':< .\I 11uta ua 'rat11 •

:--1111 1u1d (iny lh•all. ------

:'II r. :111.! .\Ir ... c )tj.., .\1•\u·11111h. huth

1'11r11n·r -..t111ll·111s uJ' th1• eolli>~1,.·, who are -.:rudl'llf_ ... iu thi• l"niiPrsity ti! ('bi<'a~n

un\\- l'L's11li1n.!· i11 ltutlt', ;1n· Yhl[i11µ 111 durilq! tlil' Inst ·' t~:1r. 'J'h~' torn I rp~1,..

tlit• 1·11y. Tlu·y rnot1·1l for th1• 1·nlh·~e ir;itiun i~ :!,Iii::.

Prof••Ss11r Hn•\1 ('J' .. J11'11r :-<:nnrda.' auil

su11.Ja,\· 111 H11111•. wlu ."!' Ill' \\l'llf tu :11·;

a, .iu.!g1• i 1 t111~ 1':dispt•fl.!:nn1• ·khar1

S:d1 11Lty t'\.l'llilH::.

That ;.rr:id,•:; "'''t'U1·t•d ill ~1·hool d1•1 1·r

mini• th<• f;i 1•r ~111·1·11 ... s nf cln• -.t11dt•PI

rt'•'PiH·" ;1d.titivunl P1id1•u1· 1• IH- thl' ~ 11 ,._ 1·(•-.;s of Fn·d S111111tc>r ill tl1p rt~<·t~nr 1•1n11

-.:ho\\-. \q1j]p :tt11•udi11).! t liP i·nllP;.!C' : 1 ..

:1 'llL'1J1h1•r of 1hl~ ~lion i·ours<.·, "\11. Su 11 ,.

111•r iu hi:-- 111·0 .\'l'itr~ of .. ,·hnoliu.'..! ui·\·C'r

H'1·1..•lq•,( ;1 J,!rndi• l01rL'I' Llrnri H.

~t 1ht· ;.:aull' nit11 tli1· {'ul\1·~1· of <'111· ThP w:1i1l for a dia1un11d phy1·•!:

ti1ral .\1·1:~ r.'.t.· _\li...:s.·uul~1 •. \frs. :\l•11·1·n11d11 Tht• (lltl m:iti t»Lllit' ,\uw11 \\ilh :1 P!uh,

1\:1 .. \jj.,, ... Sut• !honk-... \rt.I thP 't'-:>;!1111 \h(•d tlH• .:.p:\•H'.


:-.;1;111lp1- 'L'rgt',\ ut Tint't' l·\HJ, .... a

·!·- \\a-. u J .r--------------, Jli,..:-; \1:1_1- Trnnq•Pr. i-111111r_\· :<l1!'l'!"i11 1

t 1 1·ndt'Ht oJ l"latli1«1il 1·u1111t.'·· i·l1;q1t•rotH•.! rorif 1·rs \\·;.1 .. hat wJii,·h 1·0.t111P u 1·l'r fr 11111

h1· s1'1':tl\1·r fl-11111 K:.di,1•1'11. Pony, Tiu· ftl!iowi11:..: 111:1.1 1• tlii• irip: 1 ••!\in~·· l!od;.!ki-.::-.. ll'li•1 l:!l'ndu:irt•il

_\I l lod:.!-.l' is-. nf i "liut1l1':111. "']"'Ill r li1 1 FOXHALL

J• :\"-I \\"Pl'], ill th1• ti\,\• \ i"'iLi!1g' Jijs !"(Iii,

'1~·11.'' of thi' '-l'lii11r .-Jn ... ~. ;111•l s1'l'i!l;.!

ht• tnu l"IPI lllPll t.

C 1•11 r:.!P \/cl.1•01111. J>:nr· ll11x. F'rnd ~tnith Jn1111 thl' 1·0JIL·g·1• iu 1!11~. 1·:i11ll· 111 J;L1z1•­

;111d 11·if1'. \fr. ;111d ',[ r...:. L 1•t• :-:.. Tcnn•r. n1;.111 ftH' tli1• to111 tl:ltltl'llt. · · Hiu;..:. ·'

\li~:h (i1·ah;1111. \fr_ .. -. linsh. \11 .... )\1Jlin- whil1' a111•11.Jiu_:..: 1·,dle;..:-1•, 11:1 ... 0111· ol !ht.•

Jfr1·. \/[....-. ll~IJ. El1111•r tirilul :rn•l .Jn" tl111st poj111!ar :-;.11.lt•rit~ nu th1• hill. lll'




11·:i..; t·rq1b1iu of thi· fnoll1:dl t1•;in1 l<h ~

- •:•-•:• - \"l':tl' ntttl ll':J:-- al ... u ,.tar !!U<t1·d {ill tli0

\11·11.\•·l Ila i-i~1111 a1··or1tpa11it·d 111<•! \1th111 -..;,1 1 :-u1i:111~. ·1::. dc·1•at'll'd 'l'up ..... 1·hnn1)'iun \ ir-.1\.\ 11:1:--l,l'thall kan1

t11Ttr• l!:..!"li ""1·ht_11,] lt'!llll tu tla· !fllntta- day lnr _\1\1011. ! 1t!o .. ''"I'll' 111• l1a-.: "' ··J:i11..:·· 111n!l'd ru1 Tl' !Ill 1lu·iu;..: ! Ill


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.\I ....... 11 .. 1,•11 l\r ·er. on .. '-if 1 hi· t· 1:11 n

o·.. I ~u r 1· 111 s1·1· t 11•

~·n1,· 1 l H )•\1.~i11n11 iu tlu• 11tfi•·t• ol hi• to11 ·11anwut

dry laud a.: i 1·1dt l •lt'l•:•rt1111·111 _\f 1

...._,,ai11:111:: I\ 1 ... t' llJ'l••~(·,f ·t,., 1 ..... 1 ... t;iu~ tu \ld1111 1 u1111<>1.

l'111f1· ... ~nr \\J1i1!1lf'k iu tlw ;.:1·:11 11 Ja], 111··1 Ill•• i·11ll1•.!1' l:t .... r W>IS " '""'""' " I

;t·;11, \\<t"> !I till' ntr

!111 I a11w it :--:. 1 b s[<1 ill:! \I lli .\11 .. ,., l11r_1-, a11d .lns"r•I 11111;..:~111, ·1~. 11:1 .. l11•••t

t•1 I 1'd t11 iJ '/H \ ' ll! 1. '1'l11' J• X

)'ll ; t '11 1':\ • '111 .., l 11 \!I :--.1·a Jtl:l ll..., it.., 1'! I t t :--;,.1 .. tt ll 11:1111 I (11\ JJ l.

l •l'l Iii I lit 1tSIl\1·d

\,t" \, ' l 1l'll 1 111• In•"

\] 1 JJ,.t 1 n IP ht•.., t 11

. I 1 i!' \I 111·k.

,..! at JI: I Hiil' ;:t ·.\ "'11·~ 1i 11 I Ji,, ..!rt

I hi' !it\\' (•!d,

(••'fir~·· f ' I • ! :.' HI .... r '-.,._: it•· h ..

j•nsi 1 1nu 1s 1na1 :I,.!'' rd !ht' 1, t•:..::--1111 llt1!

'Jll" ti~"' C'Ollij«lll\ L!ll1 Ii 11ld \\ill !11'1 It

1111\ 1'1111•1 \ ,.. t•llljilo.' 11f 1111 ·1iill'!,!1• ._.,

J•1•11r11vur ..;1:1 illll l1<·r···

•:• J>nlil'I t ftl lrtl:l!l!•·!Jl. \fall,\ (;l'!!l'!.!t' \1u ~·;111, 'I:.', \\ill 1·p11Ttf1' 1111 It

ll111•1111r L:u 1·lol l•·a t':-> to111"r-0 ,, l/11• f;1i·1·r .... i•x from 11 11 • l:Lilill1!'S 1 :...:1 1 1h1· 1•x1•1•r·1111(•11t :-..t:J!11111 011 dn· Jn111![

tor !lit· Lu1\1'1' 'i.• lo1\st11J:P 1n·o,kc-r •.;i•!1n11! an• itlllolt:.! 111" r·ooli·rs, :t11d liw11· p1olil1•1ti.. 1hc latll'l [Jat't of rhi:-. IH.:d;:,

---The best 5-Cent Cigar

on the market. That is

what a great many smok­

ers say . Try one and we

are sure you will say the

same . At




.111U :! l'-t1ir:· Blol'.k

H(lzl'!m!lu. 1toat.



Office and Residence 201 s. Grand Ava.

Phone:s-Beli 49-! red-Ron::e 296:?

Bozeman, Montana

Who are the Money Makers?

You wJIJ sa~· lhe big rich men

~~~~]~~e lion1cs :ire kuo11·11 to cYery-

. .:\.o\ "0• :\fan,\· large enterprises

~'!'. _11Haoct•J. by the ;;aYings ot: cle1 ks. work pt'Ople-the mas:.;es

:'·ho d~J•osit part of their iucome in !'<:tnngs hauk-..

Little sa.,.fogs l'e::tcb large ag­

gre:raks \YonUr-rfully fast. Little

''XllaY~gance nntltipl_\' into Jar{'te

lils:-..rs. ~tan ai-i :lct•onnt in ° Gallatin Trust & Savings Bank

llnzcman. :lfont. \\·. ~. D.\ YIDl"U:\", Cashier.

E. W. Thompson BARBER SHOP

rn(lrr X:niona! R:1uk of Gallatin Yalle.-.

College Studenr~ a Specialty


of the State. we welcome you, and if looking for a

souvenir to take home '\"t'e

have ihem in Silver Sp~on-.., Fobs. Locket'-, Pin-. and

Buttons, in the College col­ors.


E-.:-:.!·~l-l l Bc.zemau, Montana

Three Winners!

Bear Creek Coal; Moun­

tain House Coal; Carney



l Nc~~:0a: cl ~:~ica~0:r~::y

For rnrtil' .... \\.etldings. Etc.

• B1,ll Phoue ~;3" -Home Phone 1962


National Bank (1pit;tj :....tlH Ii

.-.:11q1ln~ :1.n1l !'rni'it" ::.:·1:in.1 HI

:!.~11.~ le It)


Bnzi.?111:1i1, "),f~H1t



Be kind to your boots and Lhey

re .... pond in kind. Let them re­

bound from crease and cnunple

on ' 'trees'· and they serve you


ffill·n• lw wil :--111·11d tlw \\l'l'k iu iu:-1 1 l1rilli:111t .-.\11•at1·r;.: 11:111• h<'1'n i 11 '" i.IPJH'I' I!~· "/'l'tll 1h1· 11111to-l' iu r111• dry laud vl-

tnlt' nnrk. ar :di ,i111P... \JiHltl~ th,• ,-isitor:. f1·i>11\ fin• Of flit• h1•r1•<111 pf pL111 j11<Ju ... 11·y ii

- ·:• - tl11' ;o-;11gnr < 1ty :ire> 1\w tolloi\iti.~: 1'\jf thl' dt•J 1:in11a•11t 111' a~r1ndtnn· i11 \\a ... !i-

:\lr.... 'lhur11as J);1i1d ol ~h•\1·11 ... 1ill1'. fot·il _\lurri"'. llo1wld .lu11t'"· Fr:111k .:\lit- i11~!011. I). (. lit• [{led;: iu thl' ln11r11a

1<t•'<'(l!ll/1a1ti1•.J ltt>r dall).!lll~·r .• \liss !l<JZl·J. 11·!11•11. \"t·rn Laiupvrt. .Juhll ll i•nt.•y, .\L1r- 111Pllt. a11d will lt;.'11\"l~ ... horth· for .\fm··

i1H· ~tr•\·1·11.-.\il!C' (•Xtl'llljlOr:.1111•011"' 'j•<•ak- ~·un•t :--;l'l'l"l',1·, H1•ssi'' ('u1111·:-Ly, l·:1H111al 1·:t,-.1n, l\il1'n' lw \\tll 111!.:1• 1q1 ;.:;u1p1-:1-

l'r, to tht• 1•iry. 'l'IH·.1· :ir1• lil'itJ~ i'llll'r :\Jolt, B1•t·11tlil l·'11rrt•l, \-l'l"ll <; 011 \'lit•r, 111f'ni 1\ork.

I taint·d ar ll:tmilr_"'.' ••• lo-all. l·'r:u1k llarn", l\alph llf'lru, .Joh11 ~hir·

kt'.'" '1'1•:,;sit- ~p<•rling. Ja!o':. f~lliiilt ;ind Tiu' -.:t1Hlt..·111s vf tlil' \lidlig-~111 .\!.!l'it·nl

Roecher's Drug Store Prescriptions a SpeciaJt)


I l I DO THE BEST HEATING AND 1 ---------------

If you want the best see



Bell phone 300 red Home 1685

The more shoes you O\Vll, the

less they CC'c'-t you per pa ir, for

"CHANGING OFF " keeps them

young, ... upplc and wrinkle free .

Nicholson's Shoe Store Let us do your .... hoe repairing

•!••!o!••:••:••!•-!••:•·~"!?· •:· •:-•:••:••:o:••: .. !••!••!• •!• •!••!••!••!•

Neves' Barber Shop :t + -I•

We cater e1.;pccially 10 the College :f; trade.

-I• •!• •!•

T . M . Neves, Prop. 28 w. Main :~:

•! .. !++!••!o!• •!H!••!•'.'••!••!o!• .. ;••!••!••!••!••!o!"•!••!••!••!••!•~:





Pllonc-J7G Black

\[i .... :- lt1g:1 .l<Jlt•11 or /:1lllt'. ~!'{'tit ;-..:1111- .\1111:1 \!;1\• Tbi!:lk 1111'.ll 1·1illt·g·(> 11:111· l"l'l'l'rtil,Y Ol':,!lllliZ 1· d n

il;I\" aud .\Junday :11 lh1tt1i!tott hall. Iii<· - ·!· - ":--il"t1.Jt•11i _\,..,...01·in1icrn .. 1•1111~hti11~ or

;.!lie• ... ! rif \"!is ... l·:1·a \lt·l\"inr11•y. a.-:si:-t:int

.1 .. a11 of \UJIUl'IL

Tilt' .J:.11·k 11·1.ai1!(1 rn llr: 1111 :itie 1·!ul> fli° :1ll f 1L'l':-.u1h att1•111!ing thl' n·~11J:1r 1·011r:--c.

iiit· i·oll1•gt• held tll'n 111t'v1:i11g:-; (h ~ · l:ist Tiu· l1·gi ... Ji11iH• :wd ,ilidh-ial [IOll'~·r:s 01·

w1 ·vk to :crrnng1• for tllt' Jdny iht.•.' l'\ tlit· 11-._-..rn·ia1ro11 :tl'l' 1·1•.,.t1·d iu :1 ··sin·

_\!1 .... , Etl:l f(1•1T 11t' Hut re· . (I st11dP111 j'l'"' lo :o!i\t' ill lh1· op1'ra luHhl' -.orn~ +Jell! i"ci11111·il.. 1·n11q10Sl1d or six lll~'lll

:I! !h1• /•(J]J. 1 _!.!l' l:tt't ,'"P:tr, j,.. ;1 fOlll"l1:trltC'llf Jilli~ illlrillg t/tt' l':1J"ly ll;t]"j nf il1t• ]IJUllt/J li~>n,;-thl'l'l' l"l'jll\'St•llf;Jti\t',..; ft'{)]rl tJip

\ Jsi. or, t lw !.!Ill'"{ of Jfj .. .., Er111:1 L1•S!;('l nr \ 11ri I. TIH· <·ltdi n: pt'(·1-. ! fl hl'j..! i II St'I\ ior da ...... i II 0 l'roll! I lt1• .i1111 ior 1•l;1..;:-;

rd rl11• :-opho11111rc• t•l:I~!". l work u11 tlii• )1:11,1- im1111•di:11 1{1· :wd (•l1a11d Ulli' 1run rh1· !'<Ol1ho11H)li' da:>-.,

FOR ATHLETES Elastic Bandages, Athletic Supporters,

Braces, Etc.

fJl The season's fi rst show­

ing of Tailored Suits Coats

Bozeman Cab Company l Oor1lon .\[ancle1-i11e. l'rup.

<.'nh SC'n·ice Vay nn11 :\ight

< 'o!Jeg-e Partic-; :1 Specialty.

Bell Phoue ~:rn Home Phout! 13~

and Dresses for spring 19 14. ----------­

g Misses' and Women's

Suits in the most recent style

ideas. fJl Novel creation m New

Coats. fJl Lingerie Waists, many


models and high class fabrics.


May We Have

Your Order?

__ G_a_l_la_t1_" n_D_:r_u_g_C_o_m_p_a_11_y __ .!@MJ?~~~~~.~,~R© Kenyon-Noble Lumber Co

320 West Main

Page 4: 1!1 11 ;. l'.OIJ l :·:·

''\ r '\I ..., \ r , 11 \ \ \I \ lil 11 J.11



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I 11'111 \\ 1 '" I Jfl tli t\ Ji••t. t t1l'

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" Liii

_ 1 Ji. I l 1'1'r I t " :HJ :1_,.: I - t10 I ' I I : '

Opening Round of Tou rnamen t Played Thursday---Fifteen Teams Are El iminated in Opening Round- -Teton- Fergus

Game Sensation of First Day's Playing

ill ll , I J h1 iJ I J;J J 11 l !..'." l4· Ill'. l ., ti•

•1 •• t,

I I t tlh ::-1

·ri 1. I ,.j l T 11 :--• • 111

- ,! fl i11_


, , ' .

,, " •I

Strong Billings Quintette Nosed Out in Sensational Game By Last Year Champ ions---Score 28 -24--Eight More

Teams Are Eliminated From Race

I '


"' '" ,,, _., I] I\ 1.:...- I -



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OPE NING G~J\lt!E. •·x"t'J•Tio11;\llv uoud :111.t. !1:1.J 11 11or l1L't'! FERGU S \VINS FROM TETON . BROA.DV'.'ATER 39. LIBBY 3.J.. fnr 1h1• 1 lo-.1 :,:11a·di11~ uf \\._nit! :ind Th<• fir;,;t '..!;:lmP pf 11H• :ift(•rt1oot1 :-t'ril' '

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thl' twn F;\!lh r·o 1.~1oh1· ;l~ d ltn•<l·l t \' ..:::11111 \\Ill 1.11•r11h;dily haH' h1•1•11 dif- 1111<1 FPr:.!ll~ ;111d w:1:-, 11i11innt :1 dc1uht. \1at1'1 li:i,»l p. 1~1·11· ·L'r ;\l:1rld1:nu · .. h•n'lll Tht' Ii 11•111•:-. ;111•1 in.lb idua 1

1 the l1L'"I !_!:I'll!' uf th1• tn11r11;11111•11t llJ' 1n

wl!i ... •11• -.u1111d1•d. an1l tlh· ft111·t'1 annn;l1 1'-l'lll't'-.. n·1•n." 1lt•u11•rh1'rtll-Ft1t1\arl". rhi ... tht11'. Tht• .~:!Ult' w:1 ... f;tsl rhn•11;.!11·

ba:-k1•ih:1ll t 111r11 •• 11H'1•r 11a~ 1111. 'Iht• I h:1]'1t1:111 11::1 ;111.I Jln1111111y ("1: c1~11 nut :111•1 Iii.• pl:1y ou 1hl' p:1n of J.oth ~llllll' :-l11 t~d 1111lt :1 ru:;;h. :rn.I tor two t~·r. l·'11q1rn { " I; :.!ll:n•b. \\.Y;:1tt 1_ti) aucl it«llll:- w;1..;. 1·11:1r:h·t1•n1.l·d Jiy ili1· aphl

miuutt'" :Ji,• !mil \\1'11' f"om on•' !'nil al ~tahl t-i : "llh, 1;n~rn:1n. Pn1n•ll J·'ttr fin• J'H"'"i11:! ;111.t 1•[p.;i- u-n:1rdi11:.!. ' l' ht" the h:tll to tht• l,t!Jt•r \\.th 1a•itht•r lt;>:.lnl l\·ard-., "\[,·\l11lli11 (-1\ allfl \fut' (I); 1•t'll- ""Ort? " • 'i'·~a1\('d l1:11·k :tn.J forih 1luri11);!

rontinPt"I wi ii J: '(la•lw:111•r :'ll1v:n" I t<1W1·r rif ... 1n'll:.!!h tu Jii .. tl·;1111. Th(• th1·ep ti rill 1111:111..- iu th~· ii·ad. To- { 'ol11nil•tl'- tP:llll ,,,,.,.111 .. 1 iu [1·t11ll n-orl-. wa :11

1• ·11d uf 1 11• hall t ,1· 1· -,iwd wu:-. hnr 11:1.J :.!l'•'Hl dit'fi1·1 It_,. in findi11:.; th••

l1n111.::ht ... , r,.; 11'"' hy :1 ,.plt•11<lid t.~,..

•iih !J•lll I I ttt du I\ • I' J.1 diy Ill

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h111\ 1•\ I • I Ii ll' h1•1t t'll 11•tl \\ t 1'

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ll11t h It' llll" +''I '!II' Oii I Ill' tlou 1 I

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ll'.t• t,r1'l"

CARBO~ ~fi. Laurel 18.

nf r W I l f1l1Hll1

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Page 5: 1!1 11 ;. l'.OIJ l :·:·

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en Who ''hll Represent ]tlontana St.ate on Platform are Ready. Eberle and

Steel to Misf'oula. Gonazga Heie

']'d'.' I l' l>t'<I

t II' I •! Ol ~

ti .!11 Till'

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0:1 I 1 .\I l'"(!lil:1 j ht ""f'•'OJL 1ILl'0

l\:&:en 'Vho \Von Their Letter Durin g tlle Fc.otball Sea-.on and Wbo Passed

the E xnm ... Are Elected.

, ,. ...: .... ii!•

Carbon and Flathead Are Eliminated From Race for Gham­pionship--Missoula Easily Defeats former While

Helena Has Little Tra ub e With Latter Five

1 l' Ii 111·111111

\\ l I 11

'' t I 11 - I . 1 t

,111l ii l ('

t 11• I <I.!.! •.!:t

\ '11 I., 1! i I

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Locomotive Given to College By N. P. Tlliny-Four of l'Uoutana 's H1gh School ... R a1lroacl ""\\·m Be Used for Clas... Participate m Fourth Annual Tour-

and Test 'Vc.rk. nament. Arnved ,,~edneo:::day

Fn11 )

1 1•11 er;

T 1.1 ... t K.1li:-:111•l1 t•·<llll t•!f:':c ly 1h•m-111 .. 111• h:ill. Tiii' Ii l 1 '"' ' ' •" ( rea· uu-1 1 r .1•1 '"\IJH" , · t r It.' l't!J ... l'irrw;irl-.. f.·1u" 1 J'a II ha-.ket to ... 't"... 1>11 ' ' auitc' Ptl\IU ,- it. I th1·

lll I 'I'' Iii_ :l d uf tii1 l l\ITI ,,1..:,:1


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au.\ (.-.n \\';ir•lt•ii :! P•'lll• .• l11rda11 ~:! L, 1-.!11:!- 1•1•11tvr, \ff•!JtHlrnt' t \!I : I .!'ll:I ii::;, , illllti' JI :11\• \',1-..(' \'.!i.

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·~11 1• \\Ok n tlw ~1>t.•I\ for hn· t1"11t1 fl'Olll Fi<lihl'a.\ \\a'

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Page 6: 1!1 11 ;. l'.OIJ l :·:·


Just Like Breast of Chicken De Lux Br.1nd Tun<.. Yi. 11. packed ?ll ~il, Chopped Celery, Tuna I'ihll and Yacht CJuh Sal~d Dres ... 111g and yo~ h:l.\'e ~ dl .. h fit for a kmg. A T\VENTY-FI\tE CENT CAN creamed will ser\•e a family of eight.

H aU pound tms One potmd till~

Include a. L-.111 in your uext order.

lfl ceuts 25 cents


Draw Pictures But \Ve can

Ora\\' Soda


\ 1 1 .. r ~I h• ' 111 •11


\\ la-1 \\: 111 hi

t' 1\ h Ji I\ Jo. n .. 1 I 1111' l'

\ 11 I l"'i 11 .. , Ill Id It :tilt!

Fl II Jtlo ... \\ ~· 11 I hr

s1at1. ·111•{ I 1111r I 11· tr I h1n11'.,! 1

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'" Jl I] l 11111 1 ilt !

It.ii .1 1·11•ril\

1 d ,, I 11•

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..,., ti•' 1dll hn11~ rHH' nf 11i1• ~ll •11_ '

t• 111"' Ill 111• \\ ~I

\Y11 r. !111• 111;1!• 11,tl I• 11111 !11,• 1 r••...,I


March 4, 5, 6 and 7

College Agency

Gallatin Laundry Co. Bell 79 Red VV. B. Vesta11 Jr., Agent Home 171

Rubber Sole Oxfords the latest thing in shoes, $4.50

Have You Seen Our New Sun Spot Ties? right off the bat



I I h, 11t:d.tn!!, ! 1111•c11 i 1 :ill. '1'1·11 nl tht·~•· ":lllll':- II '11' I\ 111, \\hiih '.,!I\\'"" Jie

nl •";.!.•' ,I pl'tct'llL1~1' qi .fiti4l. 111111 l.1;;:;; nd ''1th th·· 1111•11 1 nm I 1--t 11•tl i" lt"llll, tlit• 1111tlu11l, lr1m lhb di-..1 .,.------ - -----------------------•

Th" ":ill h;1-.. :tlt•'iid.\' i:'nll•' '1111 fnr t 11d po11il id '"''' '" \1't\ pinltll'<llll! l tr:i.·1, nn'U. \ ~tHlil\.1 1111111lwr ,,f lh1> 1'11111 1111•111h1•1 ... ot 1111• l11s1 "\1:11 "'t·lia111 fullii\\'•'I" of th•• 1·in1l••1· patli h:i11• -..jgni- p1c111 ... hq• .... ,·hnl.1 ... 11< l1':tll1 \\ill 111· out l'i•·d tht•ir inr,.ution ... rit' tr.1·in:.: 0111 fnr 1n1 pl.1~'P!-. ·ts \\l•ll .1 .... Sl'\Pl'!tl !ll•'ll 1111111

ANS CO tlii• Ti':ll!l, :111.t "ithin lh1• 111•xr Wl'l'I; ur

1otlwr pn1t1nnS til tl11• l->l:\!t~ whil h.\\f'

l\\'•l \\'nrk 11il1 !l!':.::11 ill l'l':ll (':\l'lH'St. 1111.1.\t• :.:~wd Ill 1h1-.: 11.11il{'1lltJ ~1·~HL


m Flour and Rolled Oats-Try them Today The Bozeman Milling Company


The picture way of making eujo~nent last f~rever.. ~ vaca1ion time alone, your ANSCO will prove an 111 ... epaiab e CC'.mparuon. alway.-. ready, a true and faithfu l r_ecorder of all those .:c.znes thal make you say, ·'The· be:-.t time I ever had.·'

Roecher ' s Drug Store Prescriptwns a Specialty



A GI imps~~~~: 1 ~sto~ ~f~~ ~~u~:~:~nt S~o~~ ~~ Headquarters for the Famous Owl Creek and Peerless Bear Creek Coals. Your trade will be appreciated. Opposite the Court House.


SPECIAL THIS WEEK The Durham Duplex Safely Demonstrating Razor for

only 35 cents. faery one guaranteed lo giYe satisfac­

tion. Or the Mark Cross Safety Razor only :ZS cents.


I It Has Grown Steadi ly Si nce the First Meeti ng.

Well Received by Highschools of the State

History of the Tournament. l'ltr• 1111111:1! 1;1...:ki..'th:1ll 1011111:11nt•lll

;tlld 1'"\l1'1ll!IOJ'l1ll\'lltl'- -..;p1•:1ki1t~ 1·1~Ul('"-j 11·;,1-.: i11a11t:.111·a.tPd iu th1 1 t':tr 1P1 I aftt•t

, u11-.:id1·1 ldt• ,Ji~··11-.:;-:;in1 .. 11 tht• p t ol

I ·" -.:lll l•·ut .. , 41,,.; \\ p\J as I h1..• f u·u11.1·,

'" it:-: .1rld ... a 11ilit.\ '\o douht 01 tlw i-.+1•1111 " t 11 !H'1w 1a .... 11·t• t'\1' ot

, , I 1 1 t I<' td 1.i .. ot tho ... l· \\ 1111 11 11 • 1 1i~1! a111lh11..!. lo du \\1]1 t\1P .ill


Reason ..... for the Tournament.

1 1.1:-.:-.t'•l lh•• J'l°l 0 ltu1 u;1 ll'S aud touk i•:Hl

11 tH\.' N'!llifiu;-d:-.. JJiJ1111~... 1lt.•i't.•att•1!

1.raniH· hy llle :-l·rn1· 1t :J ' to lU, dt>~ul.'

11·1uu11-.tt·.itw~ tht•n !c'llJ•l'riu1 it.'. .\11a-t11 ~ \\,1 .. lltl· \\llllll'r 01.·1 Flu 1 IH':l·l ln

..!U to ~. Tht.· fi11al ~a:i11..• l11•t1't't'll Hill-11,.:.~ n11•l .\11:.tnlll·\;1 w ..... h1·ld on =-' il 11 :;t,\• <11t1• llllll 1. l'b j.., \\;\-. I_\" (I d11• uu-.t e:\dt1n~ ga111v n! tli1 tutl\'lit',I.

I l ,~, to•iil 1• le tl. 1111 .\11a1•111 ,,n ol' Q Jd l 1•'11 l1Hlh. \ t

'!'ht• .,,.1,.l111,. :.:.i' c•11 ln· 1ho-.1' i11 i':t\ or 01 1i' :011 1 wiia•11t 11 cr1•: T'i. I it"" 1 •l l111t:.!. ,·,n n th1• ·1~t '"n 111\111111'-. nl

111' 1 H· ... trn11;.!1·-.r ~ 11;.!;k ·i. \L•rti~1 :.:: ·1·.11 ti ' lu\ 1111· (·1dl1·.!1• .1111i11~ !Ill' 't•ar:

11( 1 lJ,. 1·011•'~~·: it n clltld lt.~f 1 ht• ' !

Glodowski Will Do the Rest .I'll• uf 1!10• q " 1,""" 1hat 1111• i- ,,,,. t lt' ·,•]\ 1 1_1 1il11 ral 1·nl !!1'. ! \\11 ll I for You •1r, ·1 I;• ,...:1·1 fn .... unrau ,J-i~;;;

1.t. \ 1;1 I ..!, .. r.·~.11 H'il tr~ l1 a• Ill t lt'

l'Xlvnt u( '...!; porn\" tu ~n lu1 \. t.\~·ou•la. \ "rol\d ul ..,;,I !'• .11•h• W r1111 ....... t• l l 1>'

1 uult'~i. and it 1 t'• 111•11th

I I 1 nor. ~II ;.! ·1· 11 l .. t11 1''\1 it,•mt·1.;.

E J>.-temporaneous Speaking Coute-.t. S:lf\ll.\:1\" !llO!'llll ..! " ._ tilt• t. ~ 111 t• • <' ~


GET THE HABIT OF KODAKING 1 ;:,.,':":::;\ 1

'.,'..';~,.,'.:; :'i'.~.:, ·":;;:'1


GLODO\VSKI STUDIO 139 \V .l\Iain 111111 f·I lit•lp 111 h•t lhr u·ntdi· J, 11111' nl ':1 ... 1 !1• for h" ""' 111p01'1"'"11~:-..11 1 111';,! t 1· 11 01 ll•' ··n lt>;.!t': ,,, . .., '. 11 1 11 r, • ., 1 . !' 11 ... , : 1 I ""at

-----------------------------' "111 11 1~ P lii':...h ... ,. 111ul .,\ •hu ~ o 1

la.' tJluTll n.,, \\ 1 ,\ 11 •\\ J,11~ for

"· •1 •' I 1 ~f1~':1 l, !'i I '.I' I 1:

____ -= 1h1• st It· ,.J,....,,., (11!!" )1p1· thl• 11 di~r 111 \\hti

T ourna1nent is Over I H KA WORRY


Dollar for Dollar.

<'t'r t.:llq•-. n1Jt• 01 t\1u • r ... s 1 It -.et· n ~l 1•unr IY ,.rn t llt 0 ti11h' I d I i1·1 '

O.lt1•11 t!ti~ r!; th11 fl lit •11 th' ,.t11.h·~11.



Our ca:-.es nc lilied with the uew t11ings from these lm .... t American mak­er-., with a few imported novel ties from England and France.

The newest. blocks are decidedly full at. the top of the crown, some of them ~; being sliglHly bell ~haped.

Onr .. a1e .. m.eu will welcome au oupor­ttllllty to demonslrate to yc.u ho\V be­commg these new shapes are.

THE NEW HATS $3.50 to $5.00

The Willson Co.

t/I h

\ ' 11 UWi> it 10 your...:dt 1 1 IH

li,• ... t, 11h1•th1•r folk:-. , '!'1c· 1,. ot

Committees in Charge. a 11 l In ' hn•"'I

l t • 11 11 111111•• '' h 11·;1~ a• 111i11 1·.I tl• II tll\1•-.•il!:ti1 lh1• a,1\i,.aJ.!111\ ul 1h1' 1111 1,..:\it mln11+ ,...,· 111111• 111 \\lil•ll tu :.!i <~

rnat 1 r 111 I ill 1:1\ ,. 1· t~tr~·· nl t L\' ,1 J1i:; I tl 1 111 11 l !~\' u 1011 1i-. _

a • 1t w , tit id1 lo 111Jd

1'.11!1..; t •1 I __ I It ti i"

111 ... t t.tlk 11~. .I. 1:. l

'"1"·1 •It .10!111 1!. :\l(·lutn-.h. a1hlt•1i1

dir"•l111, l't.if,.. \\. I" il!L'Wt'I', \\'. !' . 1111111.t1, I.. (, S1·hi•fJIH' IOfll .t111l II. I·' l'at 1' s1.111. .\J1· .\li·l1111i....h had , ha1· Ill 1111• 111!1!, nf rhP ;11h•~l'li~it1::!. 1hc

1•1·1! 1• i1'1 I

luu Ill !"•'l'g'l~ l'UlllLi,. 111111 ~11111.t• 1111 I I•'

..;11Jijt•1·r. ··T 1 l·t ···: 11• l'J i l

( 11:1...,I nl h1• t l11l'11i1t:.! ul t ll' l '.1 J:I a

l ;111al.' · •• 111tur1 I I r .. T 1da. ·1\ ;iud. l._\'u .JaJI J1. \'id~tlfl, 1111 'I 1 11!r1r 111 1·11]\n.:1'.




I -



Printing That I

Different IS l and at the same time we will give you the best that is to be had. We print all kinds of program , cards, in-Yitations, letter heads, envelopes, folders. In fact, any-thing that can be done in the printing line.

A. G. McKEY, The Printer (Successor to the Superior Press)

107 W. Main Street Always on time \\·ith work


SPRING FLOWERS Daffc.dils. Hyacinths, E a.;jter Lilies, aud other l>ulb flowers and plants. \Ve al..;o have a nwnber of fine bird.-.. imported singers and roller ....



LOUDEN MACHINERY CO. E-.1ahhshed 18tJ7 Box E Fairfield, Iowtt


1 OYer; n xl year when vou rel urn don °l for get lo drnp. in and whiie away a few of those idle moments with


at the

Tuxedo Billiard Parlors


Page 7: 1!1 11 ;. l'.OIJ l :·:·


-- I tate Scholastic Athletic Associa iion Decide .... Wbo Sl1all Compete-Com­

mittee... Appointed.

T 1,. \11111:111.1 111 •'f"t Ji11li\..;.l It'

I t11•1•fiL1!.! ill

l"fl 1•_.;t• \\,.!

IHI ''

11.! h


l•'l'l I

\I 1•r "f!L'"


ol 1:11 H I JI

I'll F I\ l:EKL\



William Maddox i ... Elected Vice-Pres­ident-and OU1er Important

l\1at.ters Di ... cusstd

<I lld ,_1 ;_:'.,!I'"! j ~ \\

I 1111 lhods ~o '" t'HI 111 II .J

\\ ,[ ~


I It'


•u tl c

If Illa t' it .t

Slit··.,. ... , \ ['; ul Tli11111pH011 \';1,; iht• l rirst ."'llt'!)],1 r: l[t• fn/ l Ii ;t1fh 111" his "XI•!'!'lo•ll<-l' '' 1111 (•rdl 'J..,1' \ '.\L ' _\. ill

11 111" Of 1hl' Iii~ ..,1·h11nJ, C1f tlH m11l,J!i' \H•s:. Jj,. nutli111•,f ;i f1 w i1!1', ~for rnak·

iug rl11• nr~auizo11 im1 a ~111·1·""""· C'k1.11d1• ~l:trt 11 Wlh thP n1•xt ,.;prnk1•r

JI :-.• too] .. i:t< unr <'•l 11 ~ 1 '' 111• P111J1h:i,...iz~··l tit.-· i111pn1t;11wc> llf r(':.!tl

1, r 111 • .., ado!'l•'•l t1 t t' t {· BIT OF SCENERY NEAR BOZEM..4..N Jar att<'Hdatwi• :it 111

.,ctill!!S. ;tn•l also 11t•t J·t..,t '('l'llll.. 1\' ,.,.11din:.! i11 ;;1 Ji-.t <i .-.-.......- - ---~""'"

BRIEF HISTORY OF MONTANA ·s I ....,,.__A~~a1·d1~11g th·e.Tr-opru·e~s"". - .........,. w<>iit 011 to "':l'" thar 1'\•' 1' Oh'tnhei· Jt• 11 11 ,. 0 m111• in!!. ;111.\ 1 Jal I II 1• - .,.., llt>lt>ua, l:ill111:!~. "-i'>Y\'l'I l•ra ... s ;.111d 111~1·,,; up . ..:\nu1l1t·r ... i11~nl;11 i'a•·t is th:1t slrnnltl 1 11~ :._d,- 1, 11 snuwthiug to ,fo, for

w•l hit i•:n•l tilt' :11u11~d d11<'S. CLASSIC SCHOLASTIC EVENT I ~atni·day l'\i'Hlll!.!. :!llf'l" l'I!' fit1:tl .\ua,·uuda 11:1,-:-;.·d 1lw 11rl'li111inari1'"· :111·1 linth _,·1•:1rs 11ta1 !-'\;1t\w!ld phtl"('d a111m1~ thi:-:. WOlilol giYi• hini an in'••rr~t in rhe "l'ht> 1p11•:-;t1n11 of ad111111i11~ 1111 11 t l•· -- _:..;:11111•-; l'11·-.id1'1tt ll:iniiltnn award 1~,] a tu11"' •p1:!1ifi1•d fo1· tl11• :--1•mifinal:->. Bill thl"' !w:.-1 fonr. -.ht• w;i-; l1l':1t•'ll h,Y .\ll't- a,.: ... odariut1.

-;-.u1·i.1tin11 onl\' lln ... 1• "'• liouJ.; \\·ld 1·!1 ;1 ,. 1 "11t 1111 d flnrn pai.::1· ~i-.: \ :.:·old 1111•dal a 11 d il fou 1 ,\·i·~n "'"hul:~ 1 - ... Jiip 111;.,!"s oil'f1·a11•d ll1•h·11:1 h.\ ·\h 1 "'("Ol'I' n~ ••ouda; and rliat. wliill' l:t~t .'·.:-ar shl' Thomas niii·kh·~· t"•'!Hirnlt•d thosP prcs-t'e' t>dit('d h th,-. :-<1;1!» ill'·t tutinu..; \\;1"' 1-- at ).fu111;111a :-1>ta11• lo l,l.\\l•ll_n 1 .\. 1. 11 ,. 1• :!:~tu'.}.:!__ Thi~ \\;1~ 11111• 111' !ht• 111•-.t ~~1111'" 11rohnbly had tli.1 ..;p1·u11•\ 11\•:-.1 tenm. ,;lie l'lll tlt:1t tl1t• Y. :d. (' .. .\ is .

1 pnrr oi

lieu hi-1111.!ht 111•. :111,J 11 \Cl!:> ,.;ho\\11 h\" ~ix pl;1_,l'l" ... 11 .J uni• f'Xl1·1t1J•tlr~111••011..; :1 sih·1•r rn 1•d:il u 1 !'i•n·,\ ~!OlH' u( :'IJ,s- ni' 1111· \11111111'.'· it hl'iH;.! 1·1•rrai11 :it no ili<l. JJOt l'\-l'll phll'.1' tl\du~ to 111•r <•Ollliilg' tlH• ('OllPt!c' l'dlli'Htirrn and n" ~rn·I ::;1tlinl<l !Je rnll!'ill! 11in11 ol' 1111' "'..;111·ia;in11 1t1:u "'l't'ak.-r .. hotd•I l1l• lint!IP ·'' 1.lw ,- 111l1·'Jl' ,;oula. ;tnd :l hro1tz.1• u1<'d~il aud <t ltux ,1f ri111t' ''liidi 1l•:u11 ,,-nnld wi11. :\o li'a1'1 up M"{aiu:-;t t11i' 1·h:1n11•io1h llH• H'l'Y ri1·-;1 li1,.~ Qh-l'll liw importaui·i" it ilt>·H"rn'!-'. nly 11'1• ..._~·hools :1l1cn~· 1111•111iut1l•d a11• 01 1,j (hL' •·xiu·u~ 1 • of tltt• (:t•·ult\· Jlli>1tdlt.'r i·a.11dy tu ).\is ... _\Ian· 1·. Ktt•\'('th ,if Buttt' le•l for :111.' \1•11~t\i nf tllll•' 1•x1·1•1d ill gam1~. Thl' t'ir..:t. tn11r11:tmL•11t Ph1tl1t>Hil .l.iS("ph ).Iilli·r s:tid thnt thP nien lidhlt.> liy tli•~ Jt 1:.:h i;:l')111.i\. Thi-.: y••ar < ,,a,·h Ii:. hjg\i_ Tltt• llll'lllhl•r ... CJf tliv .\ 11 ai-und:t r\t,, lii-.1 h;df, \\li1·11 ll1•lt>na wns i11 1l!t• wa.,; 0111• !11" the r1rn111•r ... HJ11 \\hill' thn should g••t inti'rPSiP.J in it :inr1 tll("n

\ 1·1111J1111tti>•' 1·nu:,;1,.ri11J..; nt" :\[1. 'J'U\\I' \. ll{H'k ... t:idt•r 1w.t i·liat·i,fl• t>f tht' :ir· t1•a111 "l'l"l' pn.''>l'li[l'<! w11h a ..;il\i'r lining lv:1il fnr <.\\\'lJil1· 11\ ... h poiut..;. :-;111•,•t seclllh[ y~·a1· sli" """~ "'t~(·onrl. lll'kll'\, ~i.u-i•e::;~ wnnld 1. 01111 .. \\"rn. F'lnhr said f I 'orJ\·, .\1 r Thnu1;1..; u JI Pl1•1w. ~1 -1•1 r:u 1 ~ 1~ 1111 ut.., for 1 ht• :.!'IJl1t':'. \\"ill J l:i 1 t- ! •·np aud g,nhl •nt•d:i I". The Flat lit>a•l j: 1 t~ ... heat \ 11 11 u11d.1 ll\ rht• ::;1 on• 111 1 \111rh of tli1• 1<1~t t \\ n \ t u ... , h.i-.. bl't'u OU" I th,tt onl' w•i ,- 111 \\ hu Ii t" maJ,p the r. Ht•111111~t·111 of Helt, ur r1 1prt>"1'll1 'th. n•t"(•i-ei•il. an.J I 'roi'. L. (,. t 1•ain ,,-,.l'l' :ii \'t'JL :t h:iski•tltall :.l nd 15 , J \ ,.1. ~ ~ lo In 111 a ...!,,l!llt' th 1 t \\ .i.... nf In rle ol 1 lit> 1111111t·r~ Ill' iueetllll..!> inti•t i>Stl ng- ,, 011 Id lw I 01 thl'

i\·t~ . .- of thu"•' ..,j•lintli" •• u1.J 1lu• .J 1r1•1·tor ... :-:.,·J1l•11111•r 101 11 111upir•' I. "" ·11 tli1• pt·0\·i- llll'•la!-;_ l'hl' 1111•ml1~•r.., or' tl 11• [-;1ntt' :11111 1nt1 Ii''' !'10•11 tlu• ... 1.111 1l1•11i11r uJ h,1-.1' 1 t I 11 wu to tall, nn tnpi1·s th<tt ,u 1 of 1liiect t tht' tn11111a Ht'HI. Wa"' ;Jj 1poi11h'd Id ous ,.t'a1, both !,!ldn:.:, l'lllll't' ... ;irj .. f;H· llt•!1•u11 r1·~111i:-. \\t'l'l' ;..:-h·t•u 111·0111.P 1111>.\al-- hall I STUDENTS HOLD RALLY \111rerc ... t lo the ... tu1lt•uts. f"'t .111•1 ariatq .. ~,· tur -.01111

1 ll1P1lin•l o 'io 11 • for ,ta,Yitt;! iu iht• 1-011 t':31 ril! tli•• fiuul Th .. t111.1I .r.irn.c ."' .t' 1• tnl111n•\ '' 1 ~ I BEFORE MIS30ULA GAME \\" 111 \fa1J.lox ''.!' ilh.' l;i~t "l'r.,1 \,et.

:1irill-!' t l•' t••:1m:o:; 1t t 11• t nn11:111u•11t. It was •k1·i1led 1hat tli1•r1• 'houl•I hi• ·1 _galll\'. l·'1lllowiu:! 1111• 1•n's••11taiio11 •\ Pl.i,e.i :--.,11\111!<1\ 11 1~!.1 lwtoti"' th<' l,11g !Ir la1•l '"1'('11.d "'tit•Ss 011 thl' t'.td th,1t A11or11•r .-n111111 11'1' 0·011s1-.riu;..:; ur :\f. pr.•li111i11nr' 1•xt1'n1p1ira11t•11t1..; "'J1eaki11~ dau.-i.~ aud J"l'l'l·ptinu i11 hu1101 u1 Uit: \i-,· l·~r i-ni\\d ti'.:\! l'\l'l ". tt1t'"'~_·d :i lia~kl»- 1 ' Fnr tli.· fir,t tiiiw \Yithiu tlh.• m1..•inur~·1011e g('t:-; out ot" auythtu~. uv matter

\:in~t':- nf l'ors,·th, ).I - :\ln-.-. of c:1••;1t cu11t1•-.:t, at whi1•!i ti:n1• ... 11111 t• of tllt' irur..; \\lb lu•IJ. l•:tlJ :.rarne _ 111 .:\lonr:111:t. ~wi~t>t. ht:l~,.. or' thl' 111 ,1, .... 1

nrhaliitant thi• "tlldl'nt·\. what it may hi·. ouly \\hat hl' put<:. into 'all~, <llH \!1· \\"ill 11:t11 ol 1 1nr1(HJk, 'i\ 1-.: 'P~·:-iki·rs nnulol J. 1• t•limiu;itt'd, thll" Tlil· PXJwnsi•:-. of th 1• tonrn~l!llt'lll \\1'1'1' \~·<rn tl1~· . rnt 1 ·t~ 1 ·1Johi...ttt· !·lta1n1 111111i-;l11p lH·ld a haskt>rhall r:ilh la~t Fd.\av it. Hr th1•n a-.kP1l t'nr thr• Rtlllllg: "1111-l'J•Oi1111•.J lo 1·oui'1•r \Yl'h I u:i··h .:\l~.i ·J,;. ,.;hortt•uiu:.: t It' ll'n~th 11 f th,• filwl •"Oll- al11utl :O-;.:.! •• i!l!I, di\ id~·d :tR follu\\~: l-bil- ~:·orn l~dl111g~ h.Y rla'__'"IJl'l' or' ?ti !ti 1I. 1 rnornilJ;: li!•t'ut<' tlll· g::t;Ht' with tlh' l ui- pnrl ni tbP (ng-auizatim1. "l.nt in rl'~;rrd tn rh1· 11!1•.,; 1111.Jl•r \\liirh tt"•·t. l·:i:..:ill uf tl1t• tot;tl uumht•r \\Unld ru;11! f:tn•. -..1,111n; htJ:trd. ""'.)HO; l'IJOl!I lht' 1·rnnd 111'!!<111 111 1111 ll!i• drill h:11l :H IPg:l' ot' \li:-...;oul:i Th,· etitlni,.;ia:-;ti" :;[ti TIH' timt' 111' Tht· rn>'~·ring:s \\:IS ,.Jrn11ged !.J1> ~attl\':-. W•' c' to hl· pllnl•d. r:11\(• p•nt in this Ja ... t ··uu\ 1•-t. n•nt, .<::.!.i; oth1•1· l'\111•1 1,-1•:.-, ~~1111. Tl1ti ::-ix o"·lot·l., :1url :tr l:l.-1 1ht• •lonr ... 1H'n~ dt>Hts ton\, Jlfi ... -.c ... -.tou 111 tlH' "tieet ~.ir 111 the third T\1111 ... d.t'" ot 1'\t'I\ 111ourh

_\,., no1a' nf tl11• 11i.•111l11•r!'i t1f th• 1·0111- Tweut.' ltYP Jiiglt ... dinul"' Jtnd~ pal't ; 11 vullt'g'l' 1·:.1r1h' 1111t {'\I'll 011 t'iualll'•'" ~o. •·lo't'd. ~bit \\'<l'i not dt't'tn1•d 'i:tft' to lt' 1 .tu•l. i>ith .. ait\1.•ur ... tilhiig the ,, 1111 l0 ,,,.., .it 7 311 Tlir> !llt'1'llt1!! \\H" rnd1(•,1tivl' ~ting- tr>arns \u•n• h1'ld i'or ~·li~1h.Jir,v. th.: loa:-;kdltidl tu 111·1wtl!l'llt. n,·pnh--p, 0 ,-tl'\\o..'d frorn 1•\-1'ry .. tcinilp•Jiut. t!ii• ·oiir· fill.\" n11ir1• l'\'tl['li' i11t 11 1h1• 1•:11·k1•d l1all. au<l ilw lttll'lltll .it ihr i'<ll tll!eil \\llit iuf .i lw1lrh\ "l'1111111111t 1n l:no1 nf a

1• r11t••·1in~ 1d.1011n11•1!. ~aniP~ lii•iug i.Ja,,-\.,1. Tlll' ,..;i·huoJ .. pal'- 11 a 11 e 111 wa~ a :-.lltTt~t>...,. A ;.perial tra111 f1 11111 Iii~ Tirnl1n lt1·nn~1· 1

1 l 1 1 I Lron, 1 o\h>ri• ' \I i \ 11111 "as • · · \11;11•u11da. I , l 111111!n·~l 1·uul<•r..;. Tht> .;1·n1t• at tht• l'!ld 11111

$, llw 11111 t'l.!!d• \l,tl\•g :-.j•I' ln l•l'\ll, ~ , ...., - • ' . ','.,'.",',',",'..11u;...1'·1,,·,,,,,,1,·, ',,1,,,,, '''"· ~illi11;.!"'- Third A11nual Tournament. o rh1• fi ~1 wtl1 \\<b n to-; 111 L\\01· ur ''111•1, rli1• i,tll' JllOJ1~·1 ''·'~ ht•I ! q111te nHP11•s1111g

' , l'n1· ... v1h, _\ ,;t1:ikt• dan1·1' \\il" "t·u·h·d .u1d, ,tlt•'!


rofes.. ... ors Bricker, McOlellend and .. Fought Are Secured for Summer

~rork-Good Course As-..ured.

1;.1.;st F:il-.. lli•lt>ua. lla\·l'i', !·'or Ht~ll- l'n•11a• •iinis l\1'••' 11•:.!,111 ,_•a11. '.o Hillilll.!". l111lu•,..,C'1'ol1.l11:1lf~\\"1'1•ll11·1->, wiudiui!;it,.,wa\·•ltJ\\i'1.llll~ll'l'I t"riiiu,

11_111, lrt•l H1•li t' t ,. lli~IJ S• llotd"'. 1-ie·~H 1•r- llL:.11~•· Ill' 1bir I ~lllllll d tut_t IH'\. d•! u!l Ill. l•n1·' Sfl'Ull:.!, :t!ld h1•1 "l!l"llll'!llS IH:1.·1-.. l\l'tllll' l l 1 .i1• h gh ..... - \Oul [IRST ftNNU~l BnurrnN Iii ;1•1. 1:111, d\\;lf•' ·• t 'ar lllll. I l'-l•·I". I h1\. \I ltt'll li ..... .111.J .... _ 1:11;:, rh1• -t t· ~ l'fl' Ill/" 1• t tu ;.!I\" ,, I\ llt1<l1'1 111 .. :--tlldt'lll". lt••l ''·' Wu d um;:; Ill l 'l' ,•r 1 r t\ t\ u rru

Fi·i.!_, ... , 1-'l:iilu•:i.J. 1,,Jllaiii. •·r:iu <1 ·ltor111• 11n:11111•1•\\111·hu lt>t':IJ 1 ..:t111~:ntac· .. lll'rfur\:t l:,;1·!11!t•dtli1· hoiu ... _ .t:tu••"I ia "-,,tu• J'•>"luili····. ltP •. J1•tr't• .. I) '• _\f js~ >1 L I ;,l 'Ii ~\". (('I ai I I .-11;ll _1' ;1 :.,:11';1! 11\>:il ut T}p• l T ..... :... I it\ '.,!!1<~ ,j ... :ll ,\ I Thi~ \\"111 k nf Wh<'l1' (' 1t' •1.; 1\t' t' : .. d\ l'll foJ diff1·11•: I BftNnUET IS HElll ' a~,., :.i I TPI. )J o tlLf\ ii,.:,,\ ., l1uc11s I " I ,._ It lt~i-. 't' id1• ! tu mak1• Ii•• '1\1 •' t ·1 ...... .!11 l I" i\ i l\1111 le1·(111. m1•111 tt•rs uf .1111. t 11a1 t :'II 1 J,Jw 11 t\ ~

Basketball Games. 11n11 .• 11111•1ir ,·um 11in11' .i p~·n11:1 11•11 ·'11 ..! ar li11..! I u•i · ·111'11 ii t' fi1•1111 ... 1111• :iuil r u:t•·i1 1 ~ 1111 ,l'l. \t'ti•r sl'l:J ... iiin~ lu ihi' ..,,. 1ll i1 ... \II 11 .0111 h .tc•J,•:t:,d 1 !<' ,( ill1•t 1· dl ·1·<'111r \\:t' atw:1y~ 111 u i 1 1 :.! 11JI• tilH' li1•!.J li:1sl,l'I tlirliU~ii 1 ,,, mi •~ii ;i 1 iinllt t 1<'

11 1.1 .. 11 ., _.-1 111 ::. :i ntt IH·i ··a>a , ii-tin\ ior a u1 11 u ,, nl tlw 1·0111111nt1'1'. a 1 I e Extc::nporaneous Speakiug Conte-.;t. hnii. h. rL·t 11 , • .J 111 tlH' hill ,, 1, iv Fir ... t Annual Reunion Banquei; of Hou-.\11,11. 1111 ta. J·'brlw<-t•I wnu IJ\ i•r Hiirii• , 1 ,. I .1

l'1!1' 1 '' • 11!' 1 i11· 11th('1~ oJJ tht· "''rlmirtt·l!' 1Ji,• i•xti•tn 1111 ,1111 ., 111 .., ... 1 .... 1, 111 _:_:: ,-nn- uf t Jt' ... [n'<·t ··:i. \\ 1 1 ,1•1.., a;;:: ,1 t:ii~i·Ll I orary Club is Held Saturday-r111, ... ,·111•' of l.i hi 7 i11 a :.!::lltH' i•h:_n;-1··· ~li1Hi!d ,,·n11d1:11'. 111:11-111).! Hulm toi ~1,-11 lt""'t. hi·l·l i11 tll1• idt•'r11uo11 n iilr> F1J; .. · ·1:-; i!1t• ~1111il~ iit" l\:n, nu.!. i\ith .. 111·l ,•11t1 Seventeen Are Present.

Tlu" eo1111111111•1• iu ··li:1r~l' nf 1li,• "ork rn:1d•'. .\ Jlt'\\ l'lati fin !h•• f"uniwia 1 1.J ,tf at ll11• 1·nll••'.!1'. 111•1·;111..;1• ot' iltc iu- hulds. tl1t• i·ai· ;i rhi"I aT rh" , 11 !h·:.:i' 1 1

T<'llZ•'•I h_\ !1

J<' Ja!'~l' t11lllt•l1•1 ol fo11l~lll('\\ Jtlt:tll '••r:-;. j"l•c" li11HSl> !11"-(1•aiJ Clf t l1· :1~ ... 1'lt1'•h liall~!,'111:,! frn1t1 ;t]I tlH• :1'0!Tl;tltlt• l.r:1110\-1

_ loniJ•F11!,! t 11• :-;1111111!!1 1 •OU1'"'i' i"' 1:,•f111·1, ·11·ro1nl 11iar 1·.,wp!r>1••I\· t'iJl 1•.[ tlu• ltmii'.n:ta•nr \\~1 ' l•lll 'ntL~-t·f't'_'"l <hi- ability of 1h1• h r1•1 to ,•(·u111w11dat1• tiai,• tu .\i·li, 1.,. hi• niul•'r ... :ti tlii· ;..:ll't'I '1'111 1•1·-.; :intntal 1:., t1nu :111q11d

akiu,... 1;1pi·I •rO;,.!l'•·..,:-;, ;111d \\ithin :1 1]11' ·l1ill li:dl. 1li1• l·'l:itlit•ad t1·r11n w1•111 ,\Par, l\lll< 11 h: 1" :.!l\t'!l p1·01ii\"lt' ~II 1t'• ,:_ 1' J111111•11-. 0• 111111d11'1, \Jj .. _, Ila,.[ .\ t·lq) 1 ;i ... .,1.111 i,J_,_ \1:1..; i11:1n~11r: 11 l :1: ; 1' 1> 1 ·111:1 L hntd "W <;\t•t•J, ... tit 1•, u1 111 ,J1• • 1· 11 111"-l'" \\JI j, !<11\H to •lt'fr•:-tf l11•t•ff" l t•' "ii ot 111 r 1\orl. 1 i;..:.!d_,. "' 11 '''"''~..,fnl. Tho• !I!'"'" "' 1 r-.. \\t· 1' 1 nl Hurt,• ... •1•al;i11:..: •Ill thi• ... 1111w1·t l:tst :--.:1t11 ·.! .,. •'\ 'll 1:..:. \\ t I 111 iniri:tl 1 101111 '•'d \muu;.:. tlie lit it 1 1h~ i11-.t n·-- " tlw -\ 11 wo11 ta ···:1111 1 :t ~··tJ 1 11 1 l'.1 :i'kl' j to !'ll·d~·· ! ht•!tl"l'I ··- ~' ' ! I"' T; 111• ! lta1 1!11• l"uit1•.J ~t:111•:-. DEEATE COUNCIL l\JAKES ;1tt •11.Ju111•t' nf St' •'lri-l~1·11. .\ :.-nmptn-HS w u ua\t' 1 ., ,], lti·i•u ... 1 •• H1,.,j i~ ;: 1 t:!. T 1i.· 1,, 1 111 l!' ,!:ltlH' \\:b ,.t" :1111rn Ill qf t!il'il" l:i~t \t', r :.- .. 11 i- 1

.• l t1t'1i .. rn 1t_\ Ht"·n;.:.u1z1•1l 1 ll' t 1 w ... ,. 1: 011 ~ hatHf1tt' wi"' 1•·1•1•:1ri·1l, ·1111 I t 1IO"l

' rla id .\. liri1·l-\l'I" ul l i1· I) 11• u1 t•I:!, •t o' 101·1. :Ill•! 11111!.! 11•fu1·, :-<1'\t•,l I i1rl"' in i··i-.1· ut' ~! ,j, fj,- t. T!J1• ;:,,• ,., 1 "1·-..1. !ll't •"l't' ou tl ,, PL...4..NS FOR DEBATES I 1t1·e-." , i 'Xj'I' ''""" ! •11-.el '.. :,-; l1:1\·in~ t'r ... i:, llr 1:ru-,i•r J' 1 'ih'd:1,,.,·•1 Jt1111-.. 111' lh1' J11 iil I.,!",, 1 J1wkl·d ~,,..j,•tl•'" nil ti1_• •l _:ni• •w:,;_ ~1· !1 1:111 :i. •l J,,:..i·:1l t1•:1111111 or h·· :1•l1li:...htt1 tHl•'· It\\ S• !J1'1 ... !ru:it

rurll <'di1·:tti1m. 111 ,j ;\jJ , 1,.Jh1•i· ;1 a:..?.11J:'t 111• ,. 1wl~ rh:i• l 1 ·1·d t nin ~·.:..; 1 ' 1 ~~1 ': 1

1 ~··:t .... ';~t~ 1

11 t','.'.:a 1

1 ~t1 u1 ·,,'.i'. tliJ"~"' t 1la1·•· iii, •1 1'u~!t•r-.;,;1J la l:n~··r ·11111t11 1' H c 1 11 ;--:~::~ ... '~ J111ht•J i,,f lt•1·1t1n•..; :iud l!.:0 1·n11d11P J,, \ 1 tu\\·11 /1;111 . ..;t•r wa~ iii» •1rt1 nlar t hlll.!i• thi• 1·1n1 1t'"'l \\as ,.!n-.r>, ll 0 11 "i' t'

11•·.•,lli ' 1 '·t 1!'1 1 ' 1 . ~ nir"mlwr ... 1\01111 n' J' '"'•'H 1 hiit

a,-~~·~ · j tll1• ... 1 ....... 1.,1 1 ~ 111 t 11• :-<•·hon!. :-.t:i1 11 t 1> ~:1:1:1'. ni;1Jdt12 ;; .... if 1!1e ~!l r' 11 ,~ La!J:.!(• !!" 11( !l·di·1tit1 1•n1 11\ ll'.!1•, \\I"' ill!... \\{· llli•s '"1·\' ''' 111 ;ind ' 1 '

1 t'tl!!<l!..!,1·11\tlt'S t•!t'' 'lli•·d ,;.:, it thl"ll

·• r. 'f. Jl. '!1·1 lt·lla•id uf J_., aud :--.r:ttif, 1r J, poiut"' r'dr It'- 11•aru. ] 1-j .... -.dJ pl:in'd .1 High Schools Participatiug. th1• ·si 1111•r nl' .. i•1 n11°l pl:t•"•'. Ill' iall 1»! .~i·\i'\"i! 1·1tt1'· 111 trt t'"" 1 l'"'' 1 1 •' tp t •t I trn111 <lJ'Jl'''ll'.ll.!.-

"l'\'1·1.111..:r 11 1lw :-;t11d.' ilf ·q11111t1ui11· !!1111°! ~:11111• !or· !·'l,11J1t•:td 111:1l.:i11:... 1 1 qi; T"l'!ll ,..jx 11 i,__!i :-; 1 .J 11111 1~ lnu: '"-I 1 t "ll 111• flll 1~"t1n11, •·Tllo 1'11\.llt· l·~ur1•s.~ {•nl "-<!:· di•li:iti·. 11 ' 1 111 '1

a\\ 1' :i _'' \\'1" d•·1·i·h'il to h;t\i' 11t1 Id~ n• ~·;udz:u1011. i:.- ;tll/'Jl 11'1" 11 1li.- 1·d111·:1- T!i.• ;: 1·ui11 ... for Ii" lt-ltltJ. Yt';11 ,Jtl:t,\"ill~ :I t111ul of l\\\'lli,Y·t"i t :--.hn11ld hi' I ll•l•'I' tltt• j 01Jllt!I 11f tfi1• or t1•.;,olnti1111~ a~l,ill.!, l•' :--r 1.t.•11 '-'~·11 llllli1111 •;L 1q111•l, :111.\ J•tl:--.1 11\ < •l<ith'L'

H~ of 11:.llinurd I JJ lir1 \I ii atfl"H•l Luce Capture ... First. g;tuuis, 1.!11• ma.io1 it\ ii( I\ .111·lt •ll·n•' u·tr- "t:tft• ... iu \\'liirh TIH•Y I.ii• . . lie• :-.hon· 'lt1· tn dn suml'thing tuw.1 ,t tilt' H'111!.!,- t•:1l·l1 "\i'"ll'. :ind i 'h:lll'IW\ l \ ('"' :d ~lp-Je ,,cl.Joo!. Do..tor \[, ·ll II! \\1ll a l-1 ;11·t1•J'IZ!'d ll\ f;,i:-;[ .pluyiug. Tl1t• -1·l1t11d.: 1•l tJU lt1•si!atit1J1 tllld \\(I" ltt• wnst uiliou lll rill' 1·ullP:,!.<' di·1i:tt•'f"': '11ointi:l \ll':-.::r .... lli1•r. Yl'n.!I'. and noh•.

I ress tlu• :-;tudl'll(!'. ir1 :! ""l •'" Hf ),.,._ Thi• i•Xt1·111pm:11wo1i,. '"JH'Bk"11µ; !'11ut.•< 1hat 11ani"i11at1•d \'c'l'•' a;:; follti\\'-.: \•J<,' I 111,·t•J'1tl '!i'':tkt•r ill thl• i·nnlt'"'f, I 'Lir- _\lollil' _\!l('ll, L.n1dall l!<r.n,f.:1111 nu,l of Till' iild 11ll"llll11·1'>, ll.Jd :\!1~:::-:1-., l\:1,!lv\ WU~ h1~ld ~<l\lll'rhl\' .1ft1'1'1JIJO\J i11 !1H~ :•."· " JI f j ' \\' 'l ·q J llll1b 1 d " 'l ire~- Jh. llanil•l !·'11:.dll '-'- rlit I 11 ;1•, Six uf tlt1• fotlt'll'<'u l'JJ· n111d:1, l~t"lt. IVilli1Jg-., H11tr1•, «'l1inm1 t'Ut"1' Mtn·it i1l :\li~:-;01!1:1, ~111•:1ki11:.!, nu tlu• 111" i)\"1 :--101a' t •' , i • •·' , l:\l;tl::;•r ;1ud '\olil1·, i1f tit,• :11· hL' 11tl'tll "'111l1!y li:dl. ! ulu111l11h, i"ur ... ,111 c;,.,,.,,, l·',·111•. II •l•'''' "11h.i1·~·t. "'Phr> l'lnlr•·h j,. J-':1iliul.4 in it£! i•o1111.11irtr'1' ru d1't'!H;ll1' th1• hall lo tlH·l;1~·r .... tu iw1 :1-. :1 i·11111m1tt l' l1 111ak1• tall'~ ltnn~au of ed111·atin11, :t ;:;111•1·ia bl triPs had \11•t>u p/i111 11:1i1•.[ at tlh' 1·1·('h111- . • "'· t a. . . [) - I \[ .. . [I '0!11111''. h•h·1tt' ·111·\ iT "i-- "•'!" It'd to . . 1

t rural ('olu1·ati1111, 1\ill al"o :Jlt•11.J; 1 i;ii_\ r•Jlllt'"'t ill rJi,• rnuruiu!.!. l.t>\\i•l\yll lf:t\rl', l'ouy ~iu.I ~ll'~i'lls\illt.t 1·itY ii·>lljso .. ml tltll'~ to 11 '' · :1"'""1'"'· l'('f'i'l\t'• j' -. ' .' · .'. . 1 1 1 •tll'l:.i11s i11 a•·•·uri\:111•·1• \.\llh this 'l':l.

Hltllh'I' ..... Jioul aud d1•li\('r ·1 111111h1 1 r nf :-;1·lnwl~. aud ]{l';(\VrlH·a.J, l:ru;1d\\rl'~1-lthi»l 1ila•'1'· Tltl' -.t;iHdaid nf' thP •"tl1J-i('lltt'l'1, 01111 11111


1101" \\\ti a t'I'• : I T~,. Hnntf.111s , th1• o\.11• ... :'.•wial nr l...1111- of tl11• l1:tllal It !'llttll .\" ld!.!11 :-:-1·houl. I thf' I u11•r·tlO\\ [

t:turt>,.;_ .'\Pzntiation:-. an~ :1d1n .... • 1·~1r-rw l c <Hli11u, lla\\ .. 1n1, F1-r:..!11s. l·'!n1h1·a·l. r.;1l· tt·"'I \\U" mu(·h.hi;J;lil~r tlwu thn"t' or t H' 'l'I ' ,... · :..:.:iuiz:ninn in ;Ji,• 1·nll,•:..:. !l i•1,.: nrL.!t-. .. ·• ,,·1111 fir ... t_ !.!i,·in~ :111 t-x1·1· l1•11r 1:dk 11!! , 1 . l · I 1 IC' rn·ttt•·I nt' 11••·11;!t11 ill;! lilt' '"o: c

tl\\ithti1t•j1lll'J1o~Pofltri11~11;.:.toH11/.,> '·Hii·,•ut llninlliillll.J. \i·ti\"itii'" t.i':l<l l1ti11,(:rauit1•,.)t'ffl'l''i1/11,:\li . ..;. ... onJu.l';i1·,. j•l"l•\inns ·'·i•ai ..... '~ ~\t"J f•Olllit'• '.0

tti: ot' tlii• ,;l•ltalt'I'' hrnU:.!ht •"oilh ,. 1111 ... it!- i 1 ~1ti·d :tlHlfll }l!lll\1·tlt, 1nt'11lhe·:.:h1oni au H 11n11il11·r11foth•·r111·01ni1wut1•J11•·:1- I\. Tu B1•li••\1' 1h:1r l.:d1n 1·11i111i-. :ll"I' l'u11pJJ. 'l't>lou and '-'1\·1·~~1 i; ,..;.!) •11111t\'1t:u·t tli:tt tlw n11:11r \\:t..; l1t•1·nt111ll:.!" OI ''ral1k di:-1·t1~"in11. au·l th" -.1•n11tH'l1 t·igt.r 1.;1·1•1 ;h lllt'1til11•r,;hq1 l\:tS tl'-Jr ... , and the authoriu~·-. ari· .tn1UL' , r •. 1 liivlJ "'•'l1<J1d..; mon• ,iud llHll'l' rntt'IP"'t In thP lii:...,h

1 ,,.1Jic-tt>d lu 11 or, ,,11.l s1·11i111s ;11111 th1• ~ !111·ulllJ•fi1·ut 111 t huo .. 1• l1011d l.v;1d1·1·,_ I ~ · l I "i'•'ltlt'•I tu h1• 1h:1;- sn:lll' 1•nild1•111 -.hu11I• Tl .

1 tlw1r JmW1·1 tu 111·0,id1• llw llt'"l i11- 1,1, 1,., Stin1i· of ).lissoula, tall,ill;.! •Jll Two Preliminary Game~. .::.-iou . .;, h(' :..!i\l·n 10 thi• 1,1,1-..., 11 J1s \\'ho 1,,,,.,• ... l'nt m1•11tiH'r'hlJ' irnn·~1.,1'.\ tu te11 11 .. 1"' nH·fio11 olJtaiualih· in Tht• hrall•' I•'"' tri 'J' . .-\f11·r tllc f111:1I l1;1s1,,~1h:1ll ):!:1tnf', .:\Ii:--:: rhi' pn•.,,. 111 llll'!id•l'l":-.h I' 1f tlu• 1·l11h .

. _\1111, i1·:1 ·.., l'oli1•\" H1•:.,t:1rdi11u 1h1· i·ltll l\-1l nl _1111• l11•st ga11H~~ o! i u' tllll , •. \rlh11 w:i-. Jirt'"t'11ll'd wit\1 llH' :-.~·l1nbr· \lonrnua Statt• ou h1• 11llltfn1rn \ n1111- l):uw1•::. ~11i.I lt't'<" h:1n· l1t•1•11 IH·1rl fJ-11111 11;111l:~1·:-J'. .... it•~~1ii;:;::·. lo lw tau!!ilt .J11l'ing lul' ""l'\<lllot. ol _\J;1 ... ka11 :\11111•ral"' ms i11'l'll tu11ru1•\ \\1•r1• held thP !Jr:-.t d:t\. \\h•ll ,Jiip ru :\l1rnJ;1Jl:t 0..:.:atP :111d u ~nl•I rnifH'l' l'011si-.ti11;.!. iif :--1·l 1w1 ....,tll ier,!, timl' tn Tllllt' ... int·t• •ts tlJ"~.1111 ;riou. ~11l

Sltort·Slglit1•d :111.! I IJ\\i ... l',. \\r111 :>1·e Hi!liug-." 111':11 ll111!1· hy tlic· !'il'flll' of 1.J llH'd:~I. [)011 La1tl;!'nh1· ll:h ~i\t'll rhP sil· l'<llll Thonl[htl\I a11d 1':11111w1 lt:.ird tit <l g-e1tt•1·:il ~ood riltH' ii' :i\w;1\"~ look.•d ciud plaet'. .\/]~,.., \Ian· I. :-..11'\'i'llS ul lo l L Thi· ~'ll)J't' ;!( tlir• 1•11d q( ti1~· iii \"Pl" lnvd~ll. dt•1101i11'..! -.;,t'<'tilld Jdan'. ('l:n·- 'i\~I<; ;qqioint1"l !\f .[ra\\ up ~l -.t'f ur l'i'"' r.1rw:1r'1 t(I \\"lll'!lt'Yt~l ~1 ll1H1l"t'on ft1\lt

The l1lor1• \'IJll /rm!{ at !'i/Jllll' fll'Ople- n1nt1'. wh•> ... pok1• •>11 ·'Tit(· :--;!tJ;1ll ( nlll'~1· half \\;(S 11 (IJ I 111 fa\OI nf IHlli!Jt;-. I'll!"\' Slr<•il """" ;.:,i\l'll tll\\ l1ru!lZ.l' nt1•d;1l. ol11tio11~ tu lit' 1•r1''il'!J\1'i] f/1 tliP :---~ndvnt tinu i'> lwlil. W 111nr1• 1111 011_• \Olll" do1g.- E.x. Uffc•r-. Bl•ft•·!' l>Jq•nrt 1111 i1 11 · .. fcil' :1 'l'h111 ln1t Hui 1• l'<lllll' ktt'I, :-;Jro11J.! in lltl' ~t·1· Thi• ~l\t'PI t;i:t,.;K t''tlltl \\fh tH'X.l 111,1, ,..'..\,~1wt1'. scttin!.!, J'urth tlw 1"a:,;n11· \Y1_\'

n11cll f·:d1H·atinn than Our Larf!l'l' l'Hi- 1wd !J;cJf. n11d only Ii\ ~rrnn:..; plc-1\ing :-.Pnf"L•il "·itli thi• :-'ihi•r lodu;;t 1,1111 au•l 1hc n11111(·il 1·nn:-;id~·1~ th:it tl1 1' .tvh.ill ·, ThP sl Hl nl .. n11d fa•·11lt\ uf till' h:au- \i'r:-:iricl..,, · wun tlti1d .. I. IL (',1tl1m, nas lhlll11._;-. :Hd1• r 1 111:1i111:dt1 rl11• ll•·1°i. lhl• ~uld lrH'dnl', at"ti•i· thi• t'lH'l'riu~ hilt! ~honld lil' ci\'i'JL ;i'l t':11hl1· 11 uf :-:111111• :-urt

i...; uni\t>rsil\ \\-ill n•lt·ln·;nt• •·1 ullP:,::P 11i1111t•r 111 1!11· ··1111lt·~t tl11• rt·:u· lic•((ll'•'. T\11• l1k:..:.1•-.1 ~1n11ri"' oi' !Ill' (·011h- ... 1 ~uh-.idt••l Sllt't'ii·it•ntl,Y. Thi· \i;i-.ki'ih·!ll fnr tlll'i1· \\'Cl!I.; •ay·· on _\l·tp·IL !i. \ 1,-o.!l"t'n "';ir- tonk p;11t; li11l, owiug r~i Iii..; 110111· \Oi1· • IW:1s '.Ill' d1•fp;,1. nf l·'l·1rl11•;1oi, llL' il1nu ... 1 and .. il\Pl lltl•dal,- Wt't"t' !,.\"i\l~ll t•l l1ill-J [J111'i'11rd.~tt1Ht',Lll.J J),111 L:w~ohr

Tho;.:1• )1!'l'~(•ti+ :it 1 l1t• Ji:1111111 r

'\l1•s::.r-.. \ 1·st·il, 1,,111 ... 1·htdl>. Pi1•r Hnl1'.

I uW:lll. \\'i\1:--011 Hul1i11..;c• l. Y1•r~• H 1i1M'\~·\1. f,drutl1, \11ld1•, :'.\l.rl"• ~ul l .. ·r•:, Tr•1i11, 1111. \\'1<ktll't' · tttl 1·~·]]1•\ 1n}!ei!1 l'i!ll'"i .. illJ:.! of ;1 t 11,. 1111 .1.1 11 ;1111 t11 t;•'u•s i11 f•l'OJllllH'iat1n11. 1ld uu, 1tt1<1111n1011 ... ,·1111•·1·lur1li"1L ... tor--l'•'1Jlltl iu!!-" ;\tPl !hi• hrnii%t' nh•d:ib to \n:l 1ch•<·tcd 1110nd11•r<: of tlt1• 1·vn11 1 iL

('1r mu 111 j 11 :.r a •tl'Llillt'' f:iwi· n +iJ,• 1\·111 ,J;t<'•'. If \\·:c:-- d••,.id1•tl 1hat ''ill- 1da•·1· fot tl11• lUlllJI•·\. hy ;-.\1\1'1'[ j, :1 ...... t'clllda aud lll•IPll!l. ! ---------------~= ~-----~--~==~= ft1·r1wnn a i I • r1•1 •'J•rinu ;iwl :1111111··1 111 '"' ,,f !•"'' in~ i·1111!i'SI· •I 1"1' tlii-.: a •-.1111 '' ,-Ji. u Lli1• t w11 11r1'\ 11111s ·1111 S01r.e Interesling Facts.

1.1 th<' ''''•"lliJJ:.{. .,J11111\.f Hnf •1• ;11!111\1',j In 1:11,,, par!. I ll<-llllt'lll"'. lt:i,J doJJP lirtlf'. \\"h1•11 -Jw' F1·t1111 ,·1 l'•'\·il·W of thl' hi-;tnr_,. nt' thP 1\hi .... tlt· liJPw :-ll 1h1• \'ltd ot' r 1• g-11111• ";1


\\a-; f 111111 d lllat tlu• "l'OI'•' \Ins d<'•I. \ir io11ri1amr11t. t1HL' fad \\'hlch .. ra111h> ou11

... ~.,-t'll mi1111t1•-; Jon;.:i·r !hi• i·•illlt• .... t wn,. j,., th1• n~111arkahil~ :•d10\\i11g- {;:dlatin h:i~ 1Llol•· in tlH' t'Xit'lll!f01':111L'0US "i'l'ilkin::?,

1·oJJll'~I. '1'!11• rirst yr:\r Lyu.l;dl lla Yi1l-1·;11 t'il'd Utl, 1•\'l'J'_\" J/1;111 fi;,:Jitit1~· (1 \ t· \

1l!i1111t1' uf' t Iii• pl:t.\ t'nr tlil' hoi11J1- of' ii:,;

l');-huuJ. .\ foll] W:h ,, 11 JJ.•d Oil J·'!atlil':I•\. ~fill of f'ltt' jfl'f'"'l'lli .i1111i(ll' t·J~-;s ill t'0!­

:-111.j Swl't't {;r;1" ... n1adu tli1• 11oi11r. Bnt. l1·gl', \\'ot1 'l'VOTid; t\\"n .\"('nr~ ag~ Ll'\\'t~I :1,.. a g:lllH' l'HJJUIJ! lw dt>••idL'd 011 trPi• Jyu L1w1~, a ~1'1lior in t1all:i1 Ill hq{h, wun

tl111J1\-., tlH ;..;dt111• •·u11111111t•d Fi11all\ I fir..;t: :ind Ilon L:.ing-ohl' o( till' pn•Sflll1

1 bt• l'.!Sfl'l ll ll':llll "011 I 111• !.! l t1u~ >\ :\ I I ""hlll'I II i;l .i ~:-;. \\OU -.i't'O!U I !I yc,11· lg'O

fit•l.J lia:-;l<c•t :.111d :u rlH• .;:J/llt' tim 1• Jirar· _.\110rltl'I' iH tC'r1'~ting- poiut i:-; that Hill-

li•·: i lly 1·i111•ht··.' tl11• 1uun1anw11r. Tla~ iH:.!-:-., ''hi1·li 1·a1 1tnrf'tl firs!. the fi 1'" 1 I fin<1! s1·01·1• 1\a" II., to J.J. J·'or l 'lat;11•a,1 . \"f•:1r, failPd to d11 nnli'h thL' ..;el·ond vear. l>1isn1ll w;i... Tiil' ..,1:11', as ht• i1:11l h••1·u

1 hnr cultlt' ha1·J, ... tr011J.!. l:i.s1 \·e:\r atJi~

11lc .n•ar h1•fon•. mak1n~ 11 .it" rile !.J WOtl set·ond. .\11ncoudo1 1.; thl' oul,\ point-.. J-'or i"'!.iu•i•! (: 1·;h..,, 110 111011 s.tuod ream that hns bc(•n 011C' of tlll' first uut al10\ t' Id.- tPau1111at1·"· E\·l·n· m·rn four all thn~c ye:Hs. Tiie fir:-t :·l':\J" :;hi•

I I · JI I · 1 • . I ··01i ' ".··0 11d. tl1P ... l~~·oud .\'l'lll' _first, a __ 1111 l ' <l _\'i'• I nl' a t 1:11 wu-.. tn llUl. " .-.. The F inal Games. the rl11rd ~·l•ar :;hl' wa-.: oul' of thr 11111


Page 8: 1!1 11 ;. l'.OIJ l :·:·

P AGE EIGHT 1 • 1!H4

Tf N ARE WMINHfD or1•·l n. \\ Hh ·1 'l'r,,· goo•l pr•~'"'l.'Ut'.t'.

\\h, h n 1... 'ITI fJft••i h.\ )l:IUlHH'rlllg'. lll

ta• -.{l·1i n 111pt""· .\Ji.;~ ~ilki -.hn\\t>d

rhar "hi11• a-. ·' t't litth• h:t•I l1t•1•u ,[1,111e-.

tho• Jllfl)>t' ~j'irit \\,1-. ahrn.1d. s~lf" th1•11

tnJ.I ,1f -.tl'lll' uf tlit> ":l,\ .. ll\ "ln~·ji 1 hi-.




Ten Speakers are El.inriuated rn First

Speakrng Contest. All Contestants

Acquit Thenbelves Cr editably

n;t" .!,•\ 1•TOJ'll1J!. \JJ"S \[iJ!Pr \\;I~ :lll

ntl1t•r of 1he -.1wr t•-.-.1111 •'.t1i.li•l:lh'"·

I (Couttnuee t'rom Pa~e One)

du1ing thi· g:1111t~. Pomp"'un ot F' k11hl'a.l

:1.Jdl'1l :llloth._,r ~1'0ll' hy a h:iskC't .iroru

i\ cflftit•nlt pu-.iri011. L. Jl;it;tt•tli(·k tl1t'11

m:til 1• :111 t•·1s.\ uJJf' lur C':ulmn. <·arhon,

"hil·h h:i.t li•'<'ll gUal'd1•d too 1•lo-.~· flll'

slto1t ~lwt:-., l•Pg'<\11 to f,,. lnngf'l Ollf'"'

" 1rh no t•ff,•d. S111:1ll .-cUn1• 1lU\\ 11 trm11

r-:.1~ar f:utliai·l nf h1· flilliu~ .. !11)!}1

-.1·lwnl. \\:~~ ··!111 ... t'll .1~ lllH' ol tll(' t'l!!h~

nt !t'r talk in:.{ nu lht• -..nhjt••·t of 'l1w

l..tll"J at ii"' l'aminw t'Xi'o"'ition .. II"

._IOI''"' I lt' l\illlh tlf "'11..Jl :t•il l'I j\:.;1111!,

1:1ehl•'<'" 'I""'""'" '"'





1 1

'" h« 111ul ''"" th.It lhr ''"''' 'hnnld "'' ""11 rniRSo<of


11 ''"'·' one aud 11 111011t('J1f 1"tPr

l';!llf tn """'!""' "' Jlw li11




thr /,.l""'''"t•"'- II«"•'' ··h•>••'ll '1'

11 '1"'"


.TohtHnn add•»! '""' 1111 a J' •nl . . lftrr

1•xtem1•01a""""' 'f'""'"'" "'



1 111

" •'I' iu ""' 1i11.il. '"'""" """"''' uf '"''' 1d<1t·in<: Small

1oreh11d "' .' •'•'Hi<''! helol IU Iii"·'"""'' \/1-«mla hieh «'hMI "'ruo»I I '"I''" nf l'l11ilu•11d """ill >'Hllle •lOl'll f1orn

gm11 d aud :id1l1•d t1\o to the Fl:1thr:1ol

... 1 .(1d11~ 1•oh10111. \JH':irth,· •lu1.Ji~·:i.1e1l :t

1111 1mf'11f l:n••r. l'rin llH't~ qf t '111·111111

ldt· h11ll ·'' 111 .in. The •»ght ''"'''''1111

<eutatitc "' •ht> fillid J.y rh• '""1'

111 gi110id


d romt•l th1• J.a-1,ri for fwo

•. ,, 11 ,t, ... t:uii .. ·oulf"''••d 111 tl11· 1iuct/,"h1..!1 \Ir .\luiidi\. JI» "'j111k11 01 1h1• -.u 11t'1•• 1



""' ho•ld 111 lh•• "I"'"' hon•t' this'"""' 111 \l,·xi'""' "'""'''ntiun, 11


"''" '" !! lrl<n"'. }fi•t'


1J11 11111d« 11 loug sl1ot from I

I '~g;~~;~~~;';;:;;"""':~'~!"""'."~~=:§§§~E~~~~~ pniilT'-. l>1i<.;1·11ll n1ail~1 ,!.!'1101 on :l lr1•e

)loll. 1·1,,. '(•t•al1t•1-. "llUk1· fl•l'tl 1h1···· to ,,,1·,·+• ,,, :i.J1·i11t:l:.,:1'. l!r "'lt;H\i'd 110 ]l!'"

---------·-----. I f. 11


Presid ent H amil ton Gives Prizes t o

W inners of Speaking Com e"'t and

Bask etball P layers

\\itt1t· ......... 1 • 111· Iii r:..rt>--t •'ltl\\d-. •h.11 ,., t·r

,111 :1tlll1•tl1• .. 01n 1•:,,1 iu )[on~

1:111.t \\;h 1·11· .. i>nr "J11, t'\t•11.i1...., ~t t 1e- I

1 ·o11 1·~t· 1l1ill hall \\ i11·11 th1;> :i-,ardi11z o

th1' 111·1z»-. 111r tht• 1 .1rio11"' \\ 11111•r:-. took.


l-'ho1tf,~ alter ill•' Jin.I]

O\ t'1'. l 01.1• .. ide11t Jla)l]ilto11 l",dl.·d tho~e

\\hu h~1i1 \\on pJ;.w,• .. Ill rh1' 1'Xt1·m1°01a

ue-011:. ""1'Cald11..: ··n1111, .. t und rht::" \\inue-rs

lt't•nter. )'rn1i111•1• "i1h t lt' \\hok It'• tit« inut•'• "" thP" i·h'"'" ur rnnr itat>pll .. lito•r f'idJJIHI~ th•• l«r11hJ..


'tt I I · ,.,,·,,, 1 j THE BOOSTERS ff> Jij 111 .... 1,lr mi'i'-.P.J an t':.tSY ... Ji.ot. :· Ha"-

,11h,1i••·I-. 11nd th•'' "''"' nnt l'•'r'.m "' '"""lit;.,,,, 111 \l1•xi«o. 1e "'"'" • ."


to 11

... 1, :w,\ m:HPii:d. Thi·' ''''r(' .111d~t"1l thnt .1 w.t" llll Jil:ii•f" for (lllr :1..t1\lllt'' They J\1ake the Touniament. Possible


1<'1'11<'k ul'ltt•d l\\11 porntR tnr < ad1011.

1 J It --------J)ris1·01! lht>tt r~111(lt1 ~ fn>1'. tht1~''· '1'hf'

OJJ ~""""" ,>IJ«• '"'''""'· ""'


tlw '"' ~"• hc,·


·•· th,•


'''"'""' "'''" ,,.,"

11 ~ 1 Tlntnderat ion! ,.,,

11 ... he•·arne to>ter at this potnt an1l u(J, an,f •tu•h•nr-


' 'eh •·olle~e "'""'

\\('rl~ )!1 ... H1·1ri1·k. ·l•':lll of \\ornf'n: Ill!.!' !or lih1•1t\ t111m th,, np111·1• ..... i.crn or BASKfTBAll GOAPH£5 'J'Jn·1•1• maid .. ~it ~I' t:ildl• i11 l.1ho1·a101\. ~'l:tth••a11 fo11~ht •ll'spe1atf'h t11 m·("r- gr1~a1h· 1d1•:1.::;l'd ''ilh th., iull'H~st that

,\ti--Rro"JJ.'11.t•d1ntl•1tJJd \le,1!1<••'- fol«i;,n hondhol,J,,., Allol <On«e--ion'"" LJ I I' I . I fl t l Id l'

er oi rlw 1;u~lt>h ,f,.partun•ut. 1Jlld l'rul. ies l-:xpo'ri111.•11!alion. ,.,,.,,,, the leod. l)f'i"<•oll shot a brtsk•t t

10' ""' «·tiuu' O I >e '" e "' '1'·

iu thl~ to111111•v iOg'f'lher a11d J•lt'M~lllt>d 9

th1•m \\ith thi• tlifter.•ut pr1z1· ... Jn hh

op1~ui11g rC'ma1k" h(' -,tatl'd 1h;.1t thl• fae

\Jkinson. Hi>lt ,-~llt•Y l\H~ lt'pr~ ... t~n •'t !\ - !. PlAr fXGITI onr 'I l "· I "' ... ...,. ' ~ " ., ' ...

t I l \I

NG GAME I' Ill ,,, ., . li'"t•l••i·,,,, l>itof·,, 01., 11 ,1 .. ti·,,1,, ''·"' ''I'· "'cor•'. "·1-i.on-:?J 11./:1.'1'd i11 thf' fon1th :1111111:11 tourr:a


1 t' ;.llltlwnd-l'. tlleUt. lie told ho" the n•t•re•l'lltnlio:i

The J'ii-t 'l"'"l • .-r ot '"" """'";,'" "a' f'elh. """ hi· 'f'•Wh i·o11t1Ji1Jed "'"''' nl<'r1oga wn; "'"l i1J.!h·i•lu11l •Mrr< 1 ltaJ !("'""" t'•om the set <'1Jte1•0 hi~h

.-\lfre·I Jlortoll or lolll$g0'" ""0 'J'Oh<' "OO•l rhon••ht '"" 11< Wll' ill ., ,..... l'iolr->(JJ lonk• at "Ol'lll,-fa,Jmi1rntio11. The lillCllJ'< •l'l101\f, th1• 1ir;r .'•»r to tltitt•--t1•UI

on rh,, ,11

hje«t ol .. hntrh unit.' in .\mo•r· ;IJ,f he,irn:.-.i· llt ii111.s. \\'i!h .1 linle Th"11 "'""'' th•• ro1n11.-<'l'l1•hratio1J! tollo":

;,a. Ji« •J>Of<t• •lo"I.' au.J lugicall.'. •'XP<'•·i,,11

,.,. he "ill f'rO'•' tt\ J,,. a mni·lt Coaches from W estern Part of S late ''ollrth 111aiden :ta•t' to lt•a,,• the htb. t';11

f,.rn-L. lf11,1,•l'!io·k (.~) and

:ind \\!ls :ll ea.::.f' nt :111 tittll~", but lill'ke.! :-tron:zt'r ~·ontt•nd1•r. E t E a tern- / L:impuf:_illon. l'onqi.::nn. i'on\:trds, (·t); Pr(),·ince, n~u-P Jay Coache:-o from as . "' . .

•Utfi.-ieut forn• ro 'ldmit him 10 tlw liu- .\fr. 1 olli"'· 1111• """ <1wol .. •r. 111 ,,.. . . 'l'liird """• ··\\011'! , . .,,. "'"' ll partJ11g/frt· 11 f-h...,t<'rlid;: (11) an11 .Tohnston,

whil'h parth·ip.1te1l in tl1i.., toH:·11('\ :111 U

:-:.peakiu,:;!' 1·011tt'""t. JI, ..... aiil that tlib. llOt

only ludil.'atf'd 1h:it ath!Mi1• P\·e•11-. "t'1 e

al•. t'horeh Ullit.'' is ""l"""'t1oal, lh<' ""'""for i111e""11tion ill 'lexi"o. -tint· crs are V ictori ous kb,i"-lin1t1<ti~"- ,,0"11.:n1 .. : (:~) hC'l'Olliing m011• popular in rhi"i ~hte- ,

· t "

bu< <hat more aud lwtkr •"ln.-.rt1on"I

'ftt:akt>r urniurniuerl. and to prn'!.! It h' t•il nell hnt .. Jn\\t>1l du11n tonard tl111 . ·•s111c .• ' :1h':i.':o.. likr to ()bfigp a. mi ... ..,. ··1· Fl:ithc>:ifl-Driseoll ("i) nnd )(('Cartl iy,

I I /

fa<'ilitit• ... \\"t""l'f' ht>iug ot'rered to tue f1Po-

1·omparo<l the dilfer,•ttt d11u.· 1e<. end. SCRUB S 32. DUB S 17. , -bp,•d1<llo11. . . (Ii) fo""ard•: .Jewell 1<n•l \\'a1le, «Oil- le of }[outona iu the'«"' of n.ore "" 1

.llr. Yonn>!. ll'fll'<''>'ntin" tit•• t<ieat :'Unrtiniel' Jlo11al1ne of l<Htle hi>th 1 lu• ""' '' 1lni1<'.-n1Sstj1atron.


.. H" l. lld "•nail "UaldS (-!.) P . ·

Fall< high «·hoof, i·ho•I' th•• •nhjed oi '"hnol. •J'Okc "" th" lire1·a .. 1 !..SJ. •11.J l'."h"f" t ,,. •110-r """'in~ •'Ollll'SI ot' '<a.'S these"'"'"· "•'>hall I pernut il.'" "'.,:;, ~·.::~,;:] grrnw ,.;.~'"' '":1•1iing """ b,•tt•'r l11gb .• d1ools. .


.,.,.,.,. t•>t fm inrnii!!l':uit ... lie had :i tt·••l ...... a r'iHrnrltuio11

of hi" a1·z11nh'llt I -i1· h 'f •11

l'ltio 1

It t




In ~·out'lu .. 1011 lie "'tatctl that he nn11<'"cl

, " ' -< "

the "''°I'• t11111nan11•11t "'" ''"' ~- 1 · - "JJ· 1· "•'t"'r'ctt tlw )lbsoula ('011nt)' "J!' 1

l<l .- •

cood l;'""'nl'1' "'"I okl"•'ted" '"'" h;1I- tho> frt,t rh11t lh•• """'!' L1hnr vf th.• .. , . l '"h" thiul._ a minute.-llr-it:ition. . .. I•. · 1t11• 1ournan1t"111 \'OU i·on.1n11f• fCJ 2'rO't\

I I look pl1u·,, ""''"'''"Liu·""·"'"' ut IJ , . >l'llolll :irul llrlena lligh to1 J '' "'"' """that tho-.• "'ho 1•11ni<'ipa1e1 wronl•l

,JUce.J tall,, I[,, ,ho"''" that""'' "!!' Enro1wa11 "011n1n.-, i' fn.,eii11g rh,• I I . l' l't't fln•n h1dt's uutlcr the tabl«.-Tr,•p11ln- "·h11!:>-ti1· "hau1pionship OJ lhe state. ,]•r1·,c ,, .. ,,. l<•i1"l'1't.- •"·•1·!1 , .• ,.,', t'1•111i

islatio11 ""' not IH"'l'<SRJ'.'' Mn.f th1tt s!:tn.Ja,.,] or I" inz in \111P1·iea, ]fo \l«»Jo'l'll ilit i-ioll '"" I'""' OI l H o; s lion. , < ' ' <

e•en 11 it ""l'e the prupo·1•d '""''ol.'. ''"'"' "'"" >1tlnahJ,• ·'""'· hnt Jho• '" •'Ill. Thr. """t'''t to»k f'la"" '<atnHlat Pounh t'ollo"' ill l'""nir.-llnimilion. 'l'h" !!Tllll<' ""'' 11 filtii>~ do<c to _thrlthcfr 1><-odation "ith the 1•olleg,· 'In

w:-i:-. not tlll' d~ht 011e. ,.,.,,,io11alh ""'"' ..ta .. ni ih,, ""'llJH'll ui.11- 11111 ~ J.,•r'o 11• 11>,• """11lar ~""'"' """'' Piof. cnt<'rs.-lio,,.1arion! IOtllth " 1111 ""1 ' 0 '"''"". "'" 1 th<' ·~•He· oil'ut- '"''' r'a··111t.' aJJ1] "ith ot wr h;zh

)jj .. .., ld:t .Feutou ot Fu1~.'ch, \\3-. r111~ tn1-. Jllt'\1'!1i1•d liim liom plac·ing-. i·:tlh-il. 'l'ht' E:1'-'tl~111 d1\ 1~im1, \\l11c·h1 1'c)).':-;'J'EH~:\rr10;..;. lwat :1~ rlw T\\U t1·a111s :ool, their 110-.;1- S(' i. u "tt11 \~Ill" ot r lf' s tt-'.

1111 ,.111 iu thf• irum1"'rhe r·ro\\d \\a:-. n_t ff',.t'."

1 1 1 I

next •JH'ak.•r. anol lier snl•ject n·1r. nl<o \[,-, fltllii<'ls ol the l11a1•on.Ja hi"h "'" de-ign.IJ"d th,• ~··11rhs. """ th1• •'""' -~~x.•ha1J~c. n1•11s and thP ret""''"' whisrl,• hll'w. lie tlH'll ··alf,.,] r,,.,, l'ark of <1allatin.1

Jb,- IJte"""' l•»t. l"<hc '""' " to1wful -d1oul. also 'f'ok.• ,rn lh<' i;,,.,.,.,..' ,,,,(. "''t .111d in.-idrnwll.' "'0 tro,.liit'-. "'"' . . . .\ foul \\ilS ('allP.\ almo-;t ;1.;;: soon " lllJt.' ot' fi· .. 1 11la1•e in the "Pl'aking;

-.pe·.1J,·er •, u·,] ,,(1o"e11 e:1rnl'-.fn("-.S. :--iht> t I I 1 II '' 1 I u1ie•l h,· ·1 Ph 1 lJ S ki

POUt•~st. to th<" 1datform an11 11re.:.l~nte1l - " " rat '.er "


'" " ' ' ' '' · · nf thl' h.-a11Jilnl pli7.<'• ""'a ""I' rn 11 de Y' IO ogica Y pea ng as th1• !!''""" l>1•µ:1rn nn }!J'-Oula . .Jone,

111•J>u•<•l ti"' liter111·y It''' and ·ai.! Jl1>tl ha] 111

1 ml,, "' f\JOnni11·i 1t1<1J1 \\ h, I J' h"n "1th ,1 '(Ol•l 1nedal 1lenvtrng th"1


h,) lwtter wa.' \\3:;: tl> apph TL'!>[-. at \'I ::-.,_:' I II r'lf F:n:ih' ;trr h1·•h of ~cl-.rh· l!Llnllt'.' 1:"11,11t11•! 111h11d \\Jth .11 i tlr« ',"' ,J """' lll\' a Cll]I ot· tnr lloiP1Ja m.1!,iui: th1• fieo Jhro"· _\n hono> "ht«h h,• hail "On lie "ontnli-

~' .rAI!•'




·' ' 1 ' 1 ttslu·nlt· d1-iµ:J1"•l Jignt»• ot 1ust Th,• "' " 10' nthe

1 foul""' •·•ll•'<l "" \h--oulo, .Tone' '

the port of •k-1•H<t111« in th.-


11arile -.Ju,,il. ""'the ouh on•• nlw "'""t•o 11 ll \I 1 th, ki, for 1

lo..J· ol hi- htJr' inentr•l h lll <Ill'"' .doiht.' a- .>n e>ren1-

i'fH111tn· :tJHl i1ul to rn:tl,,_• f•1h11allon tlie I" hf'r to •le 1!11• lw11n1 -.\strm J11 lllgh urher i111pln, donal1'• I\ ir~«to1 •• tr, / ·, ' • , , : • . ·., 1th1s 111n,• f,tJliui: Ju"'"'" lr1•ste1 mad•• potan''"ll' -peak«r an•I ou the '1on,,r

~riteri~n b,,. \\hid1 thf', ... Jiould he I 1 1/l1,1•n '""a e<llgt'Oll• d1"11q11h11 "' "'" ta11 hl8 ''""ill "'""'.tu ,Jo,l•l•m,t," J'lllnf Oil a Joni ~h«r i•r of llelOlla I h I h h I

.i1td!!<'d. ,h,, !<110 '"""" "' •''"""'ton. 11 .. , I . . k 11" . In th<''"""' "' his l1"a I "b·1t """' "'- I ti_, I I \ >th-.•r ine<!al. ·l•11nt1111< •e1·nuol pla .. e,

_,],.,,,J, 11 .. , '""''""' "" .(011• ·"" 11111.- "•'•'Olrtli•\JI, "'"·h "·" '"""'nt.•.J IJe .. an-» th1•r1' ..... f'llf•il< thf'1P! / ""' )' "lh1'n• tn1 l\\IJ JOilllS ll\· a that he h.u "OH 101. 10::. I!,~ 'I OQ •

Thr rf•Jin~-.t'llt:Hile ol tht• B11tr•· t :1111- I I l I I I Ill·' d• l1o-.ir.• '"'' " f'<H '111 ' '"11" ' ' ' ' J•n•t'' f1el•l h1sl,d (le,te1 ha,] three . fl l R · I ·

'i'''""h '""" ,("'"


""" "" " '"' '""'' "" ""'" I 11 """'' 111 "ot•I ""' .t •' 5'" ! . ',, ·.. " , h

1 f1 ii rl to '"'" -"" "' "' ."Z» au• ot ''"''II"

ohe hi)!h ""11111!. ~Ir, lf


11 '" 'f'Ok•'

011 11

"'"'·'"'" '"''"'"'"' ltot11 th<' •'Otr<'l'I I - . , . . 1

1h·111"' 1" 1 ti,. thrt1 • '1 1

c /tille The!""''""" ·.r.11 .. 01":ra• darp.j

the -ame 'nh.it•1·t-1!1<• lir""""' tl'•t- '""'" .,_ ,,, r '" • ., 'feo·1. J ,., "'·''" nt 10'1 1 t h

1 1 1 ti ·I - • · • '"'' ou 1 ie , 10" """ • •• """ e in t e


I m1

.. un·l~•1 ... ;.1u.l111u i1 •llfl\ h1• '>Ldl1

1 th.ti I\\ lru 11 1

'' I:-; th<' 1111 dl!e nt' ht" llO:-.t' 11


.. ti>i 1

{'ouut1•r. lfp follnne,J .. horth·

1 1


1 1

. h

an!l."bifrh1•<hu"'"lJ10!11•"i111io,11d•" :•oo•l """"' ll1 the r.1lk <'nahf,o,J '!is, th1• """lltohn "·" «1111"' \ ':"'"""'' ' ' ""''" "'"" s11n~rn:: ,,, root I'" 1J<1tl,i11e" point. .Jo11e' of Helena •·onte-r. The hto11~,, uwdal ~ent to

;uu the pa1h "" r "'ill· ., ....... h. he'"'" i".l1Jo l11ld Jo'"'"'' tho• t1n·il I"' ,fll1'«f '"'' '""'""'"" to I l11h1 nt 'lot h" "'"".'" . ' f11iJ1.,l ln l'l'![iSte1· I 1·11iut 011 a free \f"r«,IJet "\f'llt'r oi n . .-Jw I

" ""' puu• ··ouef,,.,., . TJ., I"'"'"' tit•• ' l>nh •. ,. tor )(•'ll«r.tl ,oft tonn.f I"' tmJ, "" ,hr-' n.! nl ht;;"''''· ~Im"'- llo'-IJ•r "'"'l" '"'" "" " free . - . I I I I 1 l

hlrn"""'"t' •'Onto trn111 <nnlh<•ru """"· BILLINGS-SWE~ GRA; GAME "11111~!11,,.,·k" "nrk. l\IJ11f "''"' h" '·"'" Jiou1 a ,J;p of hi' ··hatl<'t' ai1o! .lnm- d111d""lt••l tnr lfel••nn m11:1~•;::. :ql•:;,,"''.~~ll:,:::: ',~~ll'•rl::: ,·;:~to,;, tr11•, oi ':"'"i'' "11«1"'" <h•• llllllllC ant SECOND DAY'S SENSATION lh1111~ rn t "' f'lt"1 ih1t1 t11• '''""" "'

"1l1i11nt« 111ter. !11 '"" <anw ,,,.. er""" I""'"'" ill tho• i10-k,,·hnll to rnantl'nt I I 1 tu1 :.,:111 ! I I

of foiu


,•r la.', "11- '""' 1111• uo1 '"" ,., ""' '""' to~'" h<'r !wt'""· r.oi11.11 !, 11

ho 1'1'"' ""

1 he drnm< ut' his •'rt rs' J•nini "'"''' ""' atl•l•'•l "' thP so·o1 o of "" ,.,, ""




,-.., ><ard, T'"'


·' hon , un ,

i 1nfl\· 11, tr.•.,, • Ii,.., 11,J \/.II

1 aid,•'""'""""''""",.,,,,,,.;..,.,,,,"" '' Ind""",.,.,, 1" 11 the "" 1 tllol ' 1'' 1"·


1 t.•1111i. '•'1Jtn;111. llJ<• '"'' «onter for "i" ""' .,f ttir b.

I I Ill t le {'U:if" his sto111a1·lt ,,,~tu·,? .

1 ti"am "Pte;

ri, -11<"'"" ih·t th•«•!""'"" II''


(Contmuetl Page Five) al"'''""" Tl,,• llod nf lfa11J111! ot ''"' 11 .. 1.,111

. m1nl« '"""point. in"'!''' sue ii''"'""" t1o•i i. • .,,,""""'"'»""'t'h~

J,.,, able .. it '"''"· I ""1111». '"'' '"'" '""''' 1l11J11 tll1• nth<'1 'a11 '''" •·1onk nf hi' «Ihm" Joe sen! to '"'"inn ln "'" 1>1<<ttt· 1,,,1,J hoskrts. pr,•,i,Jenr -ai.l Ltat, "·bile th,"' lle•lol -

t«•u·o1• \[,.,I Iron ,f ',,,,;,, "' """['''''"''' .1s ho '"' tlH· 1111•kl"""' 11

' I? )l..t/11111

.,.i,. """!" 11 Jm,l«-t foi "\li-<onln. ,Ji,]'"" ,]«note tit,•''"~"" lornn



hiz• .. l'!rnnl. rn.J .. 0111,. ditt1,·11Jt, wit•1

!t'i·r. d\\'JJI.! !will '1111

Lill•' tii•lil h:t"l'.t'l m1w1• 11t•1i;1 .. 11th rh.1n an,· 11f • 1" \1id if so. \\h•u did it .Jn? lli•,t•'I' ,,


· }.1




1.J, rollo\\1•J b.'T .Jo111



t ~ h1•u1g the .. hamJ>;o,,,, ·' ..r r b,.,. -hot<eil

~i .. "lllr.'. l1i1 lu• ''a" 1•e1mitt1•d tP ,J11ri11..: tl11' \\hnh• ~anw. "'"t't'l •l'ft;;slorlio•r "" ,;,,. h•lf""· , 1·'111 r ,.,,. lln" ""'" b.- <hn'I""' h, ,hotJld«r "' lf«IPn11 m1>>.·.f" !Jo«•"''"'"'" "P"'"" ( l

• Ht "l•uk,• on titt> Jit1'lilc•,\ ~ ltl"I'' 111\Ut• <•I Llu• 1•Ja,.,::. th,11 tlJI•\- PX· I . . I l 11 lilaif1•s' I r l t thar rht>Y W1._•re just r\\11 .. 1•p,., rom t 1£>

'Oll•/•o"'" . . . '""'' " /'llll' ot •fra111"' ''""' ''" .It tit« has!., t .' i Rtt•r ,m.11 i• :~ po,111 !Op. 1It- hopt>•l th:n i. li"' a t aione'

(e,t.a1 .. .,,,1.J '"''""' '"'''" 11,.,J,,.",.,( "'""''in th•· rnollll'.'~. ""Ill" "llh ""in~ to the f'll'l th:IJ "" t'reqn••nth 1'11 "" han~ed ;1 I k11u", ,],: tou' 111•! .,, the 'dti-tl" ld," Th1, h.tlt \\Olllo1 h,• iu<·1'r.t.1«• "'"'u~h t<l make

··011-1 h•"dd.- lt,.sir11•io1J. lf,. """"I ltill1""•.

11·l 1t ""' '"'"""tl" th"~"'''" · I 1· · h 1 f th -l·x..Jr'\n"el l I tl l TJa l

rhe a.Joiitrnn of '"ch" lrl\\. <'lto1r,exl'tlt'of in tha' '"""'that told mi-too; "' OJ'[l<lllCllt' ''"' _or e , ' ' ""' dtalOJtttlZC< '.' 10

,. osr "' '\- tho>111 t'i~ht nil the har•lrr '"''t -"'"•·

1111 1111·11~ i1t tlie .!<lUll: .... \\ill1 1nrho11.,hall :ind l1t>(':11i-.r ot th1• dh~u1Jiu:1.t•1n1 llll'' of h\Hh t1•.u11-., all t!J.._o n11•11 guar1-jtO t·arn tht' tiltlf. Tli11 ll~lt't1a hiu:h

}[ l'i'""• of l'ati. ,•onntt·, \\hn '"'' L11111h ·•Ha n,.,f a''"''"' rnjn!l in tlw of hi, '.'l'l•flll<'lll> ''' •1"1•a'.·t111~ t1·om .' Fall Fash10n< "':hi,.• 1 •'ll•h h'am. ";'""'" ,,f <e,·nn•l pla .. e. "'"

t11e only l•'l'l•'S•'ut,llh•• ot iup· k 11·1 . I 1100111 l!rma h•' "'"' Ill trnws nnahi« ~ ntono..f" " a pan1• oi cl.t-. "OJIJ ~'he •<'1'011 I h.1h •tano.J fa<t, "ith uexi ,.,.11,•.J foJ\\at I 'UJ•f J'l'<'•Pnte.J n·ith

iro•u thl'> -.1·ho<1l. spoh:1• nn .\ll"xi1·1u fo. n:.irn11• of :i .. piain iluuu~ tho ... ~·Jo..::01,'.,':. '10 h'a•;lr rh,,' net. .I· the «n•l or th« in""•' ey,· in o.-de« that it> "«arer lll:tt I . th• lir·t . Tl ·1

tenention. "'" l'ir11·e ''th» i'O"""Ol J.,, r, .rud ""' '"'""""" hy ll."i'. ga'111• a tel1·~rnm "hio·l1 e11111r• rrorn .I .I nof •«e •t """time'"" U>ore th.1n he' the ]'It" """"open "";' ~n ' )'; '''""" me.JaJ.. >el"""' <'lit •·on~rat-



~oo•I ioin• an,J n-ed ;, Ill"'""''"' in 1 "'""''"'" ,fo"«•I th<''"'"" down, as llJll ot' ,_,, l'anl """ i·r;cd, offrrin~ i' "'"" to nJ1d«'-t'1n•l..-l'c<'n l'nni·h lb.iii, }f.-1/n<ti•·i·· gn111ole• · '''"""" '. 1' olato>•l tl1<•1J1 on their >ho\\ing. an,J


· ti ] 1· t J II Lumb \\u-. ··011::;i,!e11•11 their -.110ll;:!•':.t Boitl :1 1lt~m01i. llt•~lt'r ma.h.,, 011~ ior ~lh· hop.._ ... 1 th.tr rht•)- ''0111.J ht• ha1.·k nPxt

'"" "" "' . "" . ' "'"• .,,. ,,. ,;,,,,,, '"' " ,,,,,,,,;,,, ,, ''" '"""" ;,, '"'"" "" " ,.,,, ""'"· "" ""'" '" ''"' """''"" ;,, "" ,, ... " ,..,. ""' roun°led 'l"'<'«h. f[,. -ho"•'•l thttt ir ""' m1tn. ,.;!. l'nttl on th« ~~ 11 ,j "' thi, m1rnth. Th,.

· I J

impa~ ... 1hl£• fni :'\ft.xi<'O tl) adj


... 1 ~·oHdi· llo,\1'lll pl.1.\1•d bi-. 11-.11:.il goo<l gamc> •·:-;:,.,.,1h .. WPl't' '\'e)-.;ou, H:llnnnd. ('lule\·, \\o iy i .... tlii" fathPr of in .. ommiiu :ind <lnplil'llff' tht:• ft .. iit ft llllJ!Htl~ at1.,r. 0

111'" no"t'rl om of in tbi-. tonrnamPnt.

1 I I I I I ma1le Olle r111 a free ··br111<·,•. The gall><' .\s the wiu1Jer< "«r ""lled forw11n1 .

:~:1:.11",~~::·t11;;10\:·:~~ri~·1k,,:'lldl:l~l.:."""' rtnd at~""''· 3JJ0JIZI '""'"'""" -uwcr l'rrnn'urd """ Rlunt•li Thi' ''1\111". the traitnt in OJI\''"""" thut ·lamp1•11s ti"hten-. all ihe rolate1- <fi«king 1'10>('. theapj•lulJS•'Ofthel'fo\\-.]inerea.e.J,an.J

., ut' the thau in th1• ntornin~ '''""'· "er,• Thoma<. Pool. t'o,.h.-i1Jr. llt'ti·i· Ir /Jilt Jl"'"lei· an,f '"'Of;eu, "'" aim.-Prr- , II h

rnitr•l State< Jo inteJTe1w. Th,• '""l'I'" i'"" "'otl. ui !be f'aibon and Fiuhr. sonalit". .Tone, was Oil lop ot Tfe,ter a t c it '""• '""'ral minutt•, hefore the speak-

Frnnk Ho\\man ol 1'aibou ,.


n1Jty team ..f10ra1•r.•lize.J their pla.''. .lohll- I ' __ tinw. prP\f'1ith1g tin., star lor\\aril l)l fer eou11l h€' ht•arll. lle prt' ... ~11tt"d rhe-11

hi~h <o·hool. diwu-.


•ti tht· hti•


a".' '"'· son ouol lfosrerlik pl:t."el] cxeelleut Th,· ll,•,)rnien at <lliio i'tat,• l'ui- "\[ontana f1om S••""i"~- lfr,ter '.lroppe.J /"inner- with the silt er lo•ing ,•up anl1

an.! be ,Jid !JOI f:n·or the adO('tlnn of g.1rnes at guard. while l'1·01in.-e "'°' th1• was not i·onrrary 10 the u11tin11al !''"'' '""'" hate uu'lrd in enforcing tb1,/the hnll iu from the fiel.1, "'orrng t"o eorh member of the team wirh gold

it. Ile""' slow an•! •leW1rrllte :iud. to """" fo1·,·e in the -1·01'iug 1•1Jtl of the Jooil law. TJ11 , ile!'i-i11n i- 01,. 01 lh< ""'•t1ing of rl•e Pn•,hmen ""I'» an<l tirillg th•• «'•11<'. llP•lrr shot an- me,Jals. H,, -aid to thell! ""s olue the

rho-e "ho heard ldm ar i•n•tion' .-uu· madtin<'. grer1te-t ;mpoi·taJ"'' to the "·ie11ri"' ot otl1ei ha.k<'t from tlh' t'iel,J un.lcrlhigh,.,t lia<ko'tholl hunoi< in tlie >tare.

te,t-, tlu• irn1"ote111"ut iu bi- •leln,•1." TJ1e t ''t halt' 1esnlte.I "' a ,huto"t <hr country, "ho ato •triting ro hrrn;: Ltl>t·1trv >'nggestiou-\'ounst \\'if«- .Ion••" gnar,J. ::\1•uutrt1J ma.le two from an,] tlrnt h.' their pla."ins:- •lnriug the

ne1?.I tht· laho1e1 Lo •lo ti.11.• \\011' wh1·1·h ~(·oii>d h.\ 1J·L 1~a1\· Oh 10111:->. In tht' foot' f>to1lii•ts. Ji ;, 1'mi•oitnnt. !()1 Th:it JiuddinJ.?: 1 ha\e ,iust madt• for Qm1riit .. mnhP"' two poin1~. Ytith lTC'l· ed tht> ti·Jl\

"·as'"''.'' ""'i"""l'I'" 11,. sal1! tl1at ,,.,, for l~ig Ti11d1<'r. rxi-e1<t for fite point , abo11 t refoim in th<' rnanufr1di11e ni thr fi,•ltl, agrtin tieing the '•'ore. "\Je.


101irnf'.'" sho"~d th:tt rhe.' n-t•ll tlt>~en· · 1 ' ynn i..:: a poPm.

ihe !'"°"'" ,.,,.,,,,, uf 1;,,, l'nit1"l ~'""'' fo,,. 1•a1t of the '""ond l"tlf l>rt11, •<'· tltr nHJJHii'al'!ln-.• 1 may now p.rt "'" 1011 , I 11

,,hh,:- (nd l "'Jlf'llRC J'ru to be ena two point< behin•l. "\!;0,011!11 fonlrd lu a 1Jear Sf«'e.h, 1'npt.tin .Toue•

'"011l.f not do. )11. ""'"'""' ""' on1• "'"•'•! •h• onl.t fil'l•I hasker. <on or adnlrerarion in food prod 11 ,.o, thi• wa-te-hasket.-f:x. nn.J .Tones mntle l?O•"l 011 ihe throw. thanh,•,J rh,• <t1tdl'tn' a111l farnlt.'· of

of the 'n"''"'fol .-01111w1itioi-. Th.- li11eu1": and. it' he priuts 011 th,• falwl flu• info1 __ He!!ott~r nntl .lon1,.~, 111i--sed en.di a. fretl ).fournna :--.tarp for the opportnuit.' of-

lli•l1•11a high -.-1100! ""' rt'l'"''•'Utt•.f • atloon-!11.,terlik rtud Tho1111•so11 matio11

ihat hi, prodnd i·u 11 frti 11 , '""h/ '"l'ht• for.I thin)! ahont "'hting limr .. han"''- }l,•Qua11i1• mi«,•,] nn easv one . lfPrt>tl to 1•omperl' ofr rhi~ pri7.P, au~l he

hy Lr•li1• shohe. aud he """'" for· hi· (\;), !'inwards: f't," "'"" (!~). center: i11

1pnritii•s. nothillJ: ''"" h,. <lo 11 ,, to the " that it "'"'' nut al"'"'" belong to 01111 lle<ter mis,e,f on1• on a Ion!. .lone< also thankr,] the l'<'ople of Bozeman

topi« }Jexh-au i1Jtene11tio11. He hnd a I .toillhDo (111) a11<f Jl11,tprlik (~).guard<. dealer llllft•» It ""n he prot,•11 rh'll th•'.' us,,, tird JhP -.·ore h> making a point.


for the ho-l'itahf.• IJ't'atmeut they hrt.T

goooJ f'll'<Oll<-e ""'! ••·•1nitt,•d 1ii111s1•lt' "'"'•! <:111·•-Lamh, flad- (~) Jlllil are in.iurio 11 , ro rht• ho•I.'-. This i, a Rherrer ma.],• two point-. .lone< ma,fo tr«-ei"e.! - in,·e theil .,,.;,al thr<e do." '

well, hut frlile.l to t•la,·e. ll1s ple11 1111 fl'l.o>nr.'· (;), t'orna, .. 1,, l'omtd. t·e11te1·: se1hr11·k 10 the .,.;.,.,ti,t, t'JJt hi• ha,f/ l'nfoitini:q,,lv !h' .... \,r,~;:ne" .. ot' ,id- one on :l i'rt'~· 1•hari~·e .• \ 1lonh1t.,, fonl i"/:1go. Pn' .. ith•JJr llnrnilton then han1h;•ll 1

the t•ufi,., of th .. !'''''''"'' adJJiiJ1i,f111rio11 llo.


"m ""'' "iieide. g""'""- hoi""' to make H n 11 la"ful 111 ,. ""·' ""·"· '"" 111,,,,,. IHs:s "' ln1Jg "'the hitt"'" >'rtll1'<l, ll1»t«r 1n11l.i11i:" ;11101.1011,•s mis;- him the -ihe1 ""I'· >nt•l the fourth tour-

\\:ls ha,.,1•


1 llll thl


:1s-.11ru111io11 th:n rh1• r . 1 · I r . . t

ina l't "\[·1"11•i·t1'' 'i'tl1 • Joo f' .. j] I l . r b'

er o I'"' lll "' J'fO• "" a111 llllpllntt Ill"' ul do't'i•ut.-J·~x. ~ . . • , " <. ' ,. '"'' '' 1. numcnr pa•••• 111 o MO!'\',

l'JJlled Stat.-, , leadi•r "' th.- ""'"'"'"'" P ROF. W H IPPLE E NTER. .I t't1»· th,• 1-.•.1dinz of th" l'"l"'t', ,. mi''l'of "" 1·ast· Otll'. Witli one and a

fur "Odd i"'""''• shoJtld do ll•1tl1in~ TAINS FACULTY SE M I NAR f'ie-hn,,,11ts, ,. 011,i-tiJtg of ,],. 11 01"'"'' I r· . half mi"'"'" 10 pln". ll«h'na l'ou1t•1l ootl I

"h;i-h "'ullld ' •tltkc a •oJ.11· Jd1'.x11-' .-olf1•« nud rtppt.-. '"'"" '''"' 1•,J. ~.11o.,,,; I """!"''"." '' T.,l\.l'l•·•-'' \\'ill th" I Jfe:strr 11u11h' the' p~lint. lft .. 111

11:1 O'Uaril· LEE PARK \VINS

hJo,,. at i11t«l'llatio11al 1"'"'''" Tit,. lll•llllfih lll•'<'lll1.; ut the f.ti·ttlt' thittt mi•u].,, 1, """ 111 rittcnd"""" lJ·a:u Q«t "' •f>n1J!" <'•l lif,1, ,ft•rnono ro i'"•"•'llt '<'Ollng.-Time EXTEl\1POR.ANEOUS CONTEST"

\Ii-.s Bai1•I or th1• Nft•\1•t1 ... ,ill1• hh.~11 -.em111n i1~u-i lll'l•l \Jonda, '''t'llill•T :\fl ·'lat'.011 \g1•111-· I thutl, >O, th,• t'tJ· """ "l' on1l lfr!on.1 """ th1• founh all-

:;·~~. ".':'.. ::',"".::::~: " .. :·: ";:" ::~ :.:··,,,.~;:::. ~:" : ., ;,":~::' "','.,'.':,: :: ': '.··:.·:· ,., " "" """ "'" ..... ' ~=-'" "" " "' :; ::· ;" '~ "::~. '·;,:.:, ;;::::·: ~· ;.;:·" "" ' "'" ' ::; ' ~·::::: "; ,':' "'. :, : ' .:::· ;" ·::" :: : :.:: SJ>e:llm-. li'"""l '" l'1oi


01 '°'""7,.,,, \\fio tes• lout.I. . - flour. !,•r oi Knli<f•«ll go,., th1• hron2,• medal. a

"he 'J'nko "" tl1e -nl'.to•n "'' \f,»i""" 'f•ol,,. 1111 tilt• <11h1r"t qf '''1'1 11: 1ii,t•H" I" 1""'" lir•tJ'. -'""

11" I td' "1' " 0"'llll ·, II''"" ~'""I' ! 11111•!, ir "'" "' thrrrn'/

.\." alr1•a1h lllf'lltrn11f'd the ~tantla1'tf



'i<J1J, a11d "ithont t 1 '""'' h,., or' lli-.•a,,. """'" ttnt-iole nl' the lli"h.'' l'Ofol." "" tho· hi~h 'i"'"" f,,,•1· l\•1sonalit.'. nf tl1e """'"st wns niul'it higher than 1

itatiull ltau•li<"l l11•r tup1. 'l'l"1d ,f lt"er th« 11'11di1J~ <If Jhi- l'al'"'" n 1111111 . Sh.- saudh· 1111

'"''rrd. "I 1 t'J •'n An Ode to Professors those nr p1•ni11u, tears. th<• sp1•aker-

(Contrnned from rage One}

st.'l1•. Hei 'l'""''h ""' 11111 ot a1,1,ea! J<,,,. ot' rlt.-

1n1.,11 J,,." ""'" shoit i·iJk, ''""' "'"" 1111· "'lh.- '""" '"" "ir, "'"'"'"

an.] 1'«1"011,if '"""" 111 1'1•·t"lill2 fnr I'"· Oil dtti.·l<•ur snl.j1"·t-. tJn" uf JI"''""•! If till' Ida,., tl1i11"·, •nld. 1011• "" >1111 11itl1 tho' o"'"' """"Iii' m11111111e." I tiP1w1' auil noi1~iutt>1\1•11i ou. \Ii~ ... ·11" f"··'i!l!.! uf t ir--.~· \\:\-, ·lr>)hp1·,.,J lit' li:11.'' C'11111 '. ''Tori li:id' Jfr,.1 diht>r I T1•:1<'l1 tllt. nli 1»111-.. teat'li on! ili~pla' ing- 1:11'(' 1·0111111n11tl of th.._~ ~uh- '

I i11d" "hid1 th~y ·rt>~Ht•it :in1l :d-.o 1ht~1r

Bnl!'.J I"'"""' th« t t if,!,. ·on ]i1 101 ,_ I'· f,. '" \l«"ttlJ<••lt"ll•I 011 r•" <>nt !""" -I· x..J11111"'" ""'" !<111!." 1

.iu \11•\'.il'11, a11il ... lid t 1:1r · 11• Jn1,.. 1•111 1nn, 1 l<':!: .. 1 1in•1.

ennd r n;i... \\1'' t te • c111:d of tli•>:-.i' 11 !' of1' .... :-.f11' s\\lUj.!I<'. 11

ii 1:!11,,

'!'l1rnn.,!h "1·it>111if1,· lor1~

Frnn1 1' I 1 1 lf> 1·, 11·l1 tl'\ •iii 1ou, ,, t , 11 t'I: i·

.\d1ni11ing I ij .. - J+• -.h.n\p I *"hat lHll•t

\1•1111011 \\oHl·l I U!! .th11111 r ('j\i

fa, .J .,,1 •\ 1il"J1 ' H Jd Iii• a _ •'at .J.•.iJ J, u 1· ti.

\\Or"I '-.It o\:I" )/l!' fl f h<• JIJ"( I] f1 \.

Lr>I" Pn /, of' t;a 1.H11 l)lJJt\· 1:.d

Sf'.houl, "Poke 11~ "'!i 11,,d of .1 111

f'ran· Tt•-.t O i 1 n1n1~r Jtt'"'. !'u !11"' I n1·

app1•;1rn1111• a 1 :.!'oo.J 'oj,.,.. \\ 1 ... a+ltli>1J n

ron, Hu• n::: "JH'1•1•h. :\Ii. l':lr n·h·o1"1l1•1l

~u1 h t'.:i ... Jnrinn, at1•l 1~ .. ai11 hat ••<lu

t·a1ion """' r 11' •a-.: ... or 111· .:ooil ii­

jz,~n ... bip. :\Jr, 1':1 k \\fi}' .. 1 '1•..ted n;._ onf·

of ·he ·~1nte:-tn11t~ rn th•' finnJ-..

\[j ..... \filJt 'f Fl .d11·ud i.:onut~. :-.11ok(•

OD la> !J t .. ~ (J II r ll 1111•'


IC " ,, 'n•ll'J"" .. It e 't '" "'. ·1.1111 'I uJ !'1· !l>'•""iul' ~\\ii :.,:-le"' I J {' • · h<1\1t

'"•·Hy or !h1• 111•rnl1r•r..- 1 t'r t 1111,,r ,1 I

nn o li .. 1•11-. ... -.on1c> !'Pi1'1lt1fi1• 1111<':-,111Hi

!Ill•! l!J t lP • 1111r ... i> oi' Tho• r ,J \ , II.I 1, I

\!11111111• :1111] r1arri(•11(n. h Uf( Jl':-;llll!..

J,lf•:i,. \\1'11~ 11111·0\t>tf'•l Th1

!all\ Jn

P•urp .. ..,oi. \\.,.alht·rht•Hil 1•:d• \\1th Ill!·

rf'1'1'1l{ J, .. d ... iou 111 lh•1 -. 111rp:11

1 , on r,

"hi1•l1 1l1·1•i.Jt•d 1 hat liJ1 .. teh1u!! t lou . ti

"T\·.1rh on 1

~ \\ h:ir 1h1111i..:h ynn 111p1•at ter1 timt~,., 1l1

I !lllll•t',

\Yh q thou!.!' i 1h,, .. 111.it'llt"' ··~11 'rm 1lnrE\

\\ 11:11 tho111.:l• \nn lt'l«il till :nn1· t'ttt•

.' nlt 'l1ind. To lt'l {llJ 1

Ti·:l•'h on. uh Prof-., tl'nc·h un!

T' 11111:.!:h .di tlw nl·~1n '•·r11"

,.\\'h•I) Tt>th'li on'

t ho11~h t h1• 11 .... hrnt'n

fl':lN, !.:"l\l'

· \\ o r ir-.t"' ~111.J two s1•1·on.b, sho~dn~

•ht• -.:11•n:;r1h 11[ thi"' "'I hool in th s f1t'ld

Th,, .ind~t'S '' 1'1'<' l '1·nf1 .. s-..{11· ( ':111 11 nl·

Jid11\· ,11 rh,~ 1·11111•..:r' ut \1 is ... onla, \ .. r.


1'll ... 1•ril11·1p:ll oi' th1• llt~l,• i:t high

-..~ hunl: .I \\'. sfl'!t'r. 11rint'iptd nf th~

Pl'1'1· l,011!.!r' ('01111n lugil s1°hrn1l: \. H

1:i1pi11, p1in1•1pal of thp \n:it>o111h bi~h

.. t'linol. :11111 H "-. )l1·K1ln7.i1'. prinl'ip:i'

(If the~ 1'01::;:,1 l1 t 'ount \ lu~h '><'h• ol.

I \Hat hlindnl'""' k1.'t't' , our hat 1111 wht1n \ 1111 '' a:-.lt '11u1

Hill. "In· 011 t"lltlt iln

ll1'a1 ... IHt't•?

I \\h.11 ·ho11~l1 ~·on >!'til1hutl1·J,, •ht'ns.. ''Hill.'' ·1'nnst• r·111 .!.!'t.,,ttini.r ,.o hal1l

,-t,, Pr ,.f)ll 1n 1nt1, ht•:11lt.~1l tlia· !lll'l'C :-tin °l 110 kllin~

'1'1 ·11·]1 t11i 1 Ex / "hi•i·~· m.' f:t• ... ~to1•.:.. •" ·r1&