© 2002 ibm corporation confidential | date | other information, if necessary java workflow tooling...

© 2002 IBM Corporation Confidential | Date | Other Information, if necessary Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) Move Review February XX 2010 Transition from Technology to SOA Marc Dutoo (Open Wide, FR) Christian Saad (University of Augsburg, DE) Florian Lautenbacher (University of Augsburg, DE)

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Page 1: © 2002 IBM Corporation Confidential | Date | Other Information, if necessary Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) Move Review February XX 2010 Transition from Technology

© 2002 IBM Corporation

Confidential | Date | Other Information, if necessary

Java Workflow Tooling (JWT)Move Review February XX 2010

Transition from Technology to SOA

Marc Dutoo (Open Wide, FR)Christian Saad (University of Augsburg, DE)

Florian Lautenbacher (University of Augsburg, DE)

Page 2: © 2002 IBM Corporation Confidential | Date | Other Information, if necessary Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) Move Review February XX 2010 Transition from Technology

Eclipse Foundation, Inc. | © 2010 by OpenWide and the University of Augsburg. Made available under the EPL v1.0 2


About JWT

Reasons to move to SOA TLP


Page 3: © 2002 IBM Corporation Confidential | Date | Other Information, if necessary Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) Move Review February XX 2010 Transition from Technology

Eclipse Foundation, Inc. | © 2010 by OpenWide and the University of Augsburg. Made available under the EPL v1.0 3

About JWT - Overview

Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) aims at providing a complete Business Process Management (BPM) and workflow tooling platform

A special focus lies on a unified approach to BPM design, allowing to bridge the gap between process representation, standards, engines

and deployment environments (platforms, information systems, SOA)

Goals Support for workflow and business process modeling, deployment,

execution and monitoring inside Eclipse Provide a complete, flexible, interoperable and usable BPM toolkit Set of generic and extensible plugins and APIs Extensions allowing support for specific business representations, process

language formats, process engines, service platforms, etc. Targeting and supporting SOA in close collaboration with the former

Eclipse STP projects

Page 4: © 2002 IBM Corporation Confidential | Date | Other Information, if necessary Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) Move Review February XX 2010 Transition from Technology

Eclipse Foundation, Inc. | © 2010 by OpenWide and the University of Augsburg. Made available under the EPL v1.0 4

JWT Screenshot

Page 5: © 2002 IBM Corporation Confidential | Date | Other Information, if necessary Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) Move Review February XX 2010 Transition from Technology

Eclipse Foundation, Inc. | © 2010 by OpenWide and the University of Augsburg. Made available under the EPL v1.0 5

About JWT – Tool Usability

JWT enables a user to model his/her processes and workflows and use these models not only for documentation, but also for execution.

The model can be used to generate code in different languages (such as XPDL)

The model can be transformed to other models (e.g. STP BPMN).

It already provides several extension points where others can build on it and extend several parts of the editor.

If necessary, the meta-model can be adapted to the needs of each user.

Page 6: © 2002 IBM Corporation Confidential | Date | Other Information, if necessary Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) Move Review February XX 2010 Transition from Technology

Eclipse Foundation, Inc. | © 2010 by OpenWide and the University of Augsburg. Made available under the EPL v1.0 6

About JWT - Components of JWT

Page 7: © 2002 IBM Corporation Confidential | Date | Other Information, if necessary Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) Move Review February XX 2010 Transition from Technology

Eclipse Foundation, Inc. | © 2010 by OpenWide and the University of Augsburg. Made available under the EPL v1.0 7

About JWT - Status

JWT is a mature Technology project, already part of the yearly release train since Galileo

Currently still in Incubation phase, but graduation release is planned for 2010 (alongside or after Helios release)

The usage of JWT (Workflow Editor, Transformations, …) is well documented in its Wiki

Several pages on the wiki provide developer documentation. All extension possibilities by external plugins are documented there, and have examples that are available at least in the CVS.

Ongoing development and active mailing list

Page 8: © 2002 IBM Corporation Confidential | Date | Other Information, if necessary Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) Move Review February XX 2010 Transition from Technology

Eclipse Foundation, Inc. | © 2010 by OpenWide and the University of Augsburg. Made available under the EPL v1.0 8

Reasons to move to SOA TLP

Initially placed in Technology with the idea of reaching the required level of maturity before being transferred into a fitting TLP

As a basis for designing executable workflows and building custom workflow tooling solution, JWT naturally fits into a SOA-based environment, and already provides

built-in integration with SOA tools, e.g. transformations to / from STP-IM. Integration with SOA runtimes is available through integrators, e.g. the SCA-based

OW2 Scarbo solution.

Eclipse SOA will allow JWT to have a better, more complete, more consistent SOA integration, by including support for

additional SOA standards and interfaces, through SOA Mangrove an Eclipse-based SOA experience, through OSGi & Swordfish SOA runtime For additional process runtime environments or monitoring tools like the proposed

eBAM, also planned to be included in SOA TLP

JWT will provide Eclipse SOA with a more flexible business-oriented experience, thanks to customizable views, models and transformations

Page 9: © 2002 IBM Corporation Confidential | Date | Other Information, if necessary Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) Move Review February XX 2010 Transition from Technology

Eclipse Foundation, Inc. | © 2010 by OpenWide and the University of Augsburg. Made available under the EPL v1.0 9

Project layout

JWT will become a subproject under the new SOA top level project

All parts (plugins) of JWT will be moved, no changes in the overall project structure

Change in the project lead Current project co-lead Florian Lautenbacher steps down but retains

committer rights (change of job lead unfortunately to reduced time) Current committer Christian Saad becomes new project co-lead No other changes in project leads / committer status

Page 10: © 2002 IBM Corporation Confidential | Date | Other Information, if necessary Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) Move Review February XX 2010 Transition from Technology

Eclipse Foundation, Inc. | © 2010 by OpenWide and the University of Augsburg. Made available under the EPL v1.0 10

Move Plan - 1 CVS/SVN

/cvsroot/technology/org.eclipse.jwt Move JWT CVS to SOA SVN? TODO Maybe we should ask Zsolt about build process first… Won‘t change, so; If we move to

SOA SVN, it must change! It can‘t get the sources from CVS anymore… The code doesn‘t need to change (same package names). The build process stays the

same since it is still an open question in SOA TLP, this will only require minor changes.

Request that the following active committers move with the projects to continue development :

Alain Boulze (aboulze) Guillaume Decarnin (gdecarnin) Stephane Drapeau (sdrapeau) Mickael Istria (mistria) Florian Lautenbacher (flautenba) Christian Saad (csaad) TODO Anyone else ?

Isn‘t Bernhard listedAs active committerSomewhere?If no, we should change that

Page 11: © 2002 IBM Corporation Confidential | Date | Other Information, if necessary Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) Move Review February XX 2010 Transition from Technology

Eclipse Foundation, Inc. | © 2010 by OpenWide and the University of Augsburg. Made available under the EPL v1.0 11

Move Plan - 2 Bugzilla

Move product JWT from Technology to SOA TLP, in the perimeter of all unresolved bugs

Mailing List https://dev.eclipse.org/mailman/listinfo/jwt-dev No need to change mailing list

Newsgroup news://news.eclipse.org/eclipse.technology.jwt No need to change newsgroup Why not? Should not eclipse.technology.jwt be replaced by eclipse.soa.jwt? I agree

Website http://www.eclipse.org/jwt/ Integrate SOA page, link from SOA page? TODO Nothing the web admin needs to work on!

Page 12: © 2002 IBM Corporation Confidential | Date | Other Information, if necessary Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) Move Review February XX 2010 Transition from Technology

Eclipse Foundation, Inc. | © 2010 by OpenWide and the University of Augsburg. Made available under the EPL v1.0 12


Approval from Technology PMC to leave TODO

Approval from SOA PMC to join TODO

Announcement about move in JWT mailing list TODO

Announcement about project co-lead change in JWT mailing list TODO

Announcement in SOA-IWG mailing list TODO

Page 13: © 2002 IBM Corporation Confidential | Date | Other Information, if necessary Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) Move Review February XX 2010 Transition from Technology

Eclipse Foundation, Inc. | © 2010 by OpenWide and the University of Augsburg. Made available under the EPL v1.0 13

Project plan and IP log

The current project plan can be found at http://www.eclipse.org/projects/project-plan.php?

projectid=technology.jwt Is this plan up to date or do we need to adapt it before? I say : it‘s OK because we won‘t have time to do any big developments

till Helios, and beyond that we need to see SOA project plans (none yet)

I think there will be no overall SOA project plan, but only the independent project plans of each subproject. But I agree, that we probably do not need to adapt the project plan in advance.

The IP log can be found at http://www.eclipse.org/projects/ip_log.php?projectid=technology.jwt Currently no open IP requests

Page 14: © 2002 IBM Corporation Confidential | Date | Other Information, if necessary Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) Move Review February XX 2010 Transition from Technology

Eclipse Foundation, Inc. | © 2010 by OpenWide and the University of Augsburg. Made available under the EPL v1.0 14


Project Leads Marc Dutoo, Open Wide

Christian Saad, University of Augsburg

Communication Channel JWT Mailing List: [email protected]