© 2007 ibm corporation lotus quickr 8.1 is here! [email protected]

© 2007 IBM Corporation Lotus Quickr 8.1 is HERE! [email protected] http://Blog.coryma.idv.tw

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© 2007 IBM Corporation

Lotus Quickr 8.1 is HERE!

[email protected]


Page 2: © 2007 IBM Corporation Lotus Quickr 8.1 is HERE! coryma@tw.ibm.com

STORY TITLEWhat is Quickr?

可快速建置各種團隊空間 , 及企業各種網站空間 – 提供各種範本 提供易上手的 Web 界面工具 , 一般使用者可自行維護及建置 - Web


可使用 MS Office, 檔案總管 , Email… 與他人分享內容 – 連接器 迅速建置內容分享空間 – 提供基本的內容管理 延伸企業現有投資 – 可與不同系統整合

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Lotus Quickr self-service workspaces help organizations sharing information

財務部 / 會計部 業務部 人事部 行銷 R&D

• 競爭對手 “ Win room”• RFP 回應• 業務事件管理

• New Content “work room”• Product launch • Budget planning• Competition “war room”• 產品型錄

• 各種計畫管理• 新進員工資訊站

• 專案管理• 預算管理• 財報管理• 報表管理• Vendor Bid mgmt.• Shared sites with


…. 透過訂閱 , 掌握目前企業各種資訊

• 掌控併購案 , 合併案• Innovation Place

• 專案管理• R&D Place• 產品資訊

Thou shall understand the needs of the business, not jump immediately to a proof of concept !

You missed the “Lotus SalesTalk: Lotus Quickr Momentum into 2H Revenue! ”? This is a must-read. Please go to... Extreme Leverage

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Quickr 8.1 Themes and Strategy

Quickr 8.1 Deep Dive

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STORY TITLELotus Quickr 8.1 主要設計理念

如何更凝聚團隊的力量…透過 Social content sharing ( 人際網絡分享內容 ) 更有效更容易地將個人的內容 (Content) 分享給團隊

延伸每個人的 C drives 和 郵件信箱 , 讓企業內部的資訊有一個更好的方法來分享 , 存取以及和發掘

更加好用 - 透過客戶的 feedback 及建議更 全新的外觀 , 讓 Lotus 所有的產品線都有一致的 “ Web UI”, 並且修正許多重

要的 issues

加深整合度 透過更多新的整合功能 , 讓使用者能更有生產力 與 Lotus Notes 8.01, Lotus Symphony beta 4, Lotus Connections 和 MS

Outlook 緊密結合 讓 IT 管理員能更簡單更有效率地來管理 Quickr

New Web 2.0-based administration dashboard providing powerful tools and policy-based management and control of their Lotus Quickr sites

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STORY TITLELotus Quickr 8.1: 提供真正的商業價值產出

Social content sharing: End User: 更有效率及更有生產力 透過更容易地存取資訊 , 能更快速地完成

任務 , 能得到最新版本的資訊內容 , etc. IT: 節省成本 – 減少 Email 附加檔佔用伺服器儲存體空間

更加好用 : End user: 提升生產力及使用者滿意度 :

• Quickr 8.1 的產品重點之一是要能讓使用者更容易更快速地使用• 讓 Quickr 與其他 Lotus 產品線的 UI 一致 , 降低使用者的學習曲線

IT: 減少教育訓練及 help desk calls

加深整合度 : End User: 提升生產力及使用者滿意度 讓使用者使用他們平常最習慣最常用

的桌面應用程式 更容易管理 :

IT: 節省成本 以及加強管控 – 提供完整第 Places 生命週期管理 , 讓 IT 更有效率地管理 Quickr places

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Social Content Sharing ( 使用人際網絡分享內容 ) in Quickr 8.1

A new application template focused on sharing personal content in Quickr Standard

Takes content sharing out of email… Email distribution is “one-to-one” (sender is bottleneck) or “shotgun”

(sender inundates many recipients) Not discoverable by others Only accessible via email client Takes up mail quota space

… and puts it into a purpose-built tool Centralized on an IT-managed server (that gets backed up) Self-service, discoverable by others Accessible via browser and all Quickr connectors Doesn’t use up mail quota space Integrated with Lotus Connections profiles Supports Unlisted files that don’t appear in views (accessible only via URL) Don’t have to decide which team space, just use your personal space

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Personal Team Enterprise

Shared ProtectedFluid StructuredAd-hoc Many authors

Many readersFormal


WCMPortalPlaces LibrariesBlogs

Wikis Forums

PersonalFile Sharing ECM

One Author

Social Content Sharing in the content mgmt spectrum

Quickr 8.0

Quickr 8.1Quickr 8.1

Design Partners

QuickTime Player.lnk

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Quickr 8.1 Themes and Strategy

Quickr 8.1 Deep Dive

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STORY TITLESocial Content Sharing in Quickr 8.1


Owner/Editor/Author 可上傳 , Reader 只能下載檔案

更容易找到使用者的 place

可透過瀏覽器及 Lotus Quickr connectors 存取資料

Policy-based 管理讓集中控管更加容易

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STORY TITLELotus Quickr Entry: Offering Details

Lotus Quickr Entry 讓使用者能用更簡單以及他們最熟悉的方式來分享知識及內容

使用者使用 Email 來寄發 ( 分享 ) 檔案是因為他們沒有更好的工具 Lotus Quickr Entry 是 Lotus Quickr standard 部分功能的集合

Provides the social content sharing template (same UI and capabilities) only• No other collaboration tools (blogs, wikis, team calendar, tasks, discussions, etc)

透過瀏覽器及 Lotus Quickr connectors 存取資料 與 Quickr Std 版提供一樣的 policy-based 管理功能 由管理員批次建立 Entry places

• End users 會收到 email 裡面有 URL 連接至自己新的 place

只支援 Domino infrastructure• 不支援離線使用功能

購買 Lotus Notes 及 DWA 的客戶可免費使用 Lotus Quickr Entry 可對映微軟 “ SharePoint 免費”的策略

Formerly known as

Quickr Personal Edition

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STORY TITLEUsability Enhancements in Lotus Quickr 8.1

Usability enhancements driven by customer feedback Customers liked the core value prop of Quickr 8.0 but wanted a

“fresher”, more “up-to-date” UI and wanted some features simplified to help reduce training costs and boost end user productivity

Quickr services for Domino was primary target of 8.1 usability work

New Lotus “One Web UI” common with Lotus Connections Improved navigation with consistent breadcrumb trails Simplified membership management and place ownership Added easy to use versioning with rollback Simplified check-in/out

Quickr services for J2EE received minor new functionality

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STORY TITLELotus Quickr services for Domino usability enhancements

New “Blue” UI shared with

Lotus Connections

Place navigation and global actions back on left


Switch easily between team spaces and file

sharing places

Navigate back to your list of places

Consistent breadcrumbs

Local actions exposed here, advanced options under “More Actions”

One click download

Drop zone for Quickr Domino

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STORY TITLELotus Quickr 8.1 Linked Value

Linked Value is one of the guiding principles of Quickr, evidenced most clearly by the Lotus Quickr connectors

Lotus Quickr connectors plumb collaborative content services directly into popular desktop applications, like MS Office, Lotus Notes and Sametime

• Collaboration becomes a natural extension of the application and the user’s way of working, driving productivity improvements

Lotus Quickr provides better support for older versions of Microsoft Office than Microsoft itself

Customer comments about Quickr connectors:

“Explorer and application integration is great. Fast and easy to use.”

“This is what ‘makes’ Quickr! Being able to access docs from the desktop and drag/drop from email. This makes Quickr easier to use than not to use.”

“Love the integration with other apps”

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STORY TITLELotus Quickr connector for Lotus Symphony

Lotus Symphony users can author content (in their FREE editors) and share it with Quickr (via their FREE Quickr Entry place) with just a couple clicks

Let’s see Microsoft beat that free offering Will ship as part of Symphony, and will be bundled into the editors in Notes in

the release after Notes 8.0.1

Collaboration becomes a natural part of the content authoring process


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STORY TITLELotus Quickr connector for Lotus Notes 8.0.1 Menu and mail template integration adds attachment and link actions Side shelf integration provides drag-and-drop of files and links Ties content, collaboration, email, calendar, chat, activities, etc all together

Save attachments into personal or team workspace

Replace e-mail attachments with shared links

Drag entire email (body content and attachments) into Quickr


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STORY TITLELotus Quickr connector for Microsoft Outlook Same basic capabilities and user experience as Notes connector

Outlook Task Pane integration provides drag and drop of files and links

Save attachments into personal or team workspace

Replace e-mail attachments with shared links

Drag entire email (body content and attachments) into Quickr

Supports Office XP, 2003, 2007


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STORY TITLELotus Quickr 8.1 & Lotus Connections Linked Value

Lotus Connections and Lotus Quickr are very synergistic—Lotus Connections profiles people, identifies communities, and helps users locate expertise, while Lotus Quickr provides those users with a virtual online forum to support those communities and facilitate collaboration.

Person card integration provides access to that person’s Connections profile, communities, blogs, shared bookmarks, activities, and Quickr personal content sharing space


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STORY TITLELotus Quickr 8.1 Administrative Enhancements

New administration console makes it easy to view and manage the Lotus Quickr environment

Lotus Quickr is end user self-service, backed by IT

Administrators can define policies to define place size or inactivity limits, with specific actions for each

Can set warning thresholds and hard limits Can generate emails or lock places for each threshold

Policies can be assigned to templates (inherited by any place created from that template) or to individual team spaces or personal content sharing space

New statistical reporting give Admin good insight into environment

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STORY TITLELotus Quickr 8.1 Administrative Enhancements

Manage places, templates or policies

Quickly see which places violate policy and need attention

Sort all places on server by size, policy, etc

Admin can select places then easily apply a policy,

lock them, etc.

Admin can receive alerts via ATOM feeds

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STORY TITLELotus Quickr 8.1 Deployments in heterogeneous Domino environments

Quickr 8.1 services for Domino runs on a Domino 8.0.1 server only

Included “in the box” with Quickr 8.1 Can install into, and coexist in, Domino 6.5 & Domino 7 environments

Quickr 8.1 documentation will describe best practices for deploying into a Domino 6.5.x or 7.0.x environment• Standard procedure for upgrading Domino apps and servers• Experienced Domino admins should be familiar with these steps

− Part of the Domino Administrators Guide every release

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STORY TITLELotus Quickr Licensing Terms

4 ways to license Lotus Quickr:• IBM Lotus Quickr Standard -- Authorized User• IBM Lotus Quickr Standard -- Extranet• IBM Lotus Quickr Entry -- Authorized User• IBM Lotus Quickr from Limited Use – Authorized User

Lotus Quickr Standard• Full Lotus Quickr capabilities, available either per user or PVUs• Extranet license terms

Lotus Quickr Entry• Notes / DWA entitlement

Lotus Quickr from Limited Use

• For Portal Extend and Collaboration Accelerator customers




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Getting started with the Quickr Web UI

Look: You can navigate inside a place through the left nav bar or the breadcrumbs

Look: This Quickr place allows “anonymous” access. A place can have both public and private content. You might see more when you log in.

Note: Your access to this place is probably “anonymous” or “public” so you will not be able to log in.

Look: “Public Places” takes you to the list of Quickr places that anyone can access. When you click it, you leave this place. (Don’t do it now…)1 3



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Exploring the content in the example Quickr place

Do: Click “Resource library””

Do: Click the toggle in the upper right to see detail versus summary.

Look: The content is organized in folders.




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Downloading a file

Do: Click “Quickr Overview Presentation w/ Demo Videos”

Look: you have several options for opening or downloading a file.

Do: Select one of the choices to download one of the files




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STORY TITLELotus Quickr Trial

Your customers can Jump into Lotus Quickr too!Trial: IBM Lotus Quickr 8.0

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Strong demand for Quickr and ECM integrationInterest in Quickr as an intuitive web 2.0 front end for ECM systemsDesire to leverage Quickr connectors for desktop access to ECM contentComplement ECM systems with basic content & team services

We are looking for candidates for the Design Partner Program:Lotus Quickr services for PortalFilenet P8Contact Dave Kajmo

Leveraging personal, team and enterprise content

Quickr bridges the gap between collaboration and Enterprise Content Management

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STORY TITLEThank You!!Thank you!!

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STORY TITLE安裝步驟 1. 安裝 Domino 8.0.1

Lotus Quickr 可以在 Lotus Domino 8.0.1/7.x 混合環境中運作 2. 啟動 Domino Server, 並做設定 3. 設定完成後 , 請啟動 Domino Server, 等 Server 完全啟動後 , 再將

其 Shut down(quit)

Quickr 8.1 不支援 ODS 48

If you have used Create_R8_Databases=1" in notes.ini and "lo compact -c" during install/upgrade of Domino 8.0.1 for Quickr 8.1 then it will change the ODS for databses to 48

Currently ODS 48 is not supported with Quickr 8.1 there are no plans for that at the moment. The issue has been reported under SPR KABS7DJTQ8.

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STORY TITLE安裝步驟 4. 執行 Quickr 安裝程式 , 安裝程式會詢問解壓縮路徑 5. 至解壓縮目錄中 , server 目錄下 , 執行 setup.exe

6. 選擇安裝 Entry or Standard 版Notes.ini


1 = Entry Server (Shows Entry UI only)

2 = Standard Server (Shows both Entry and Standard UI)

3 = Standard Server (Shows Standard UI only)

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7. 輸入 quickr 管理員帳號及密碼 (需要牢記 )

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8. 啟動 Domino Server

9. 設定 SSO 9.1 使用 Notes Client 連接至 Domino Server, 新建一個 database -

domcfg.nsf ( 使用進階範本 domcfg5.ntf Domino Web Server Configuration)

9.2 打開 domcfg.nsf 9.3 點選 Add Mapping

9.4 “Target Database file name” 輸入 LotusQuickr/RESOURCES.NSF, “Target form name” 輸入 QuickPlaceLoginForm. 儲存並跳出該資料庫

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10. 打開 server document, 修改 Ports->Domino Web Engine - Session authentication: Multiple Server(SSO) - Java servlet support:Domino Servlet Manager- Language 及 UTF-8 設定 ( 請參考下圖 )

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11. 使用 IE, 連接至 http://yourquickr.com.tw/lotusquickr, 使用您的管理員帳號及密碼登入

12. 選擇”站台管理” 13. 選擇”使用者目錄” 14. 選擇”變更目錄” , 並於上方下拉式選單 , 選擇” Domino 伺服

器” , 按”下一步” 15. 完成

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STORY TITLE提升 Performance (Windows)

更改Windows TCP/IP registry parameters


Here are sample values for these parameters: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters]"TcpTimedWaitDelay"=dword:0000001e "MaxUserPort"=dword:0000fffe"TcpWindowSize"=dword:0000ffff"MaxFreeTcbs"=dword:00011940 "MaxHashTableSize"=dword:0000ffff

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STORY TITLEEnabling connector uploads of 10MB or larger files

1. Use Site Administration → Other Options to increase the maximum allowed attachment size to the desired size.

2. Perform the following steps from IBM Lotus Notes: a. Open the Domino Directory (names.nsf) on the server. b. Click Configuration → Servers → All Server Documents,

and open the server’s Server document in edit mode. c. Click Internet Protocols → Domino Web Engine. d. In the Post Data section, set the Maximum Post Data size to

the desired size. The default size is 10000 KB (10 MB). e. Click Internet Protocols → HTTP. f. In the HTTP Protocol Limits section, set Maximum size of

request content to the desired size. The default size is 10000 KB.

g. Save and close the document.

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STORY TITLE建立 Entry Place

Load qptool createentryplace –e [email protected]

Load qptool createentryplace -i entry.xml

<?xml version="1.0" ?><service>


<place><email>[email protected]</email>


<email>[email protected]</email> </place><place>

<email>[email protected]</email> </place>

</places> </server>

</servers> </service>

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STORY TITLE升級 1. Back up places and PlaceTypes

2. 安裝 Quickr 8.1

3. load qptool upgrade -a load qptool upgrade -p place load qptool upgrade -pt placetype

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STORY TITLE移機 * 同版本才可進行移機 1. 舊機器

load qptool archive -p placename -dir archive_directory load qptool unregister -p placename

2. 將 place 目錄 copy 到新機器的相對應目錄 3. 新機器

load qptool unlock -p placename load qptool register -p placename -install

4. 舊機器 load qptool remove -p placename

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STORY TITLE跨 Places 跨 Servers 搜尋 1. 開啟 Server Document

2. Server Tasks → Domain Catalog, Domain Catalog 值設為Enabled. Note: This step starts the Catalog task and creates the Domain Catalog. The Catalog task keeps the Database Catalog current. You should run the task on a schedule, for example, by including the task name in the ServerTasksAt1 notes.ini setting.

3. 每台 Server 都重複第二步 .

4. Wait for the Catalog task to stop on the Domain Catalog server.

5. In the Server document of the Domain Catalog server, click Server Tasks → Domain Indexer, and in the Schedule field, click Enabled

6. 修改 qpconfig.xml

7. tell http restart

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STORY TITLEQpconfig.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>


<super_user enabled="true">

<dn>cn=Cory Ma,o=demoibm</dn>


<search_places enabled="true" anonymous="true">

<domain_catalog_server ssl="false">






