© 2009 delmar, cengage learning chapter 17 preparing for the world of work

© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning Chapter 17 Preparing for the World of Work

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© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

Chapter 17

Preparing for theWorld of Work

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© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

17:1 Developing Job-Keeping Skills

• Must develop good characteristics to be a good employee

• Use correct grammar at all times

• Report to work on time and when scheduled

• Be prepared to work when you arrive

• Practice teamwork


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© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

Developing Job-Keeping Skills(continued)

• Promote a positive attitude

• Accept responsibility for your actions

• Be willing to learn

• Without good job-keeping skills, no amount of knowledge will help you keep a job

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© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

17:2 Writing a Cover Letter and Preparing a Résumé

• Job seeking:– Evaluate your abilities

– Decide on the type of job

– Explore job sources

– Identify places of employment

– Prepare to apply for the position


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© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

Writing a Cover Letter and Preparing a Résumé


• Cover letter

• Purpose of a cover letter is to obtain an interview

• Must create a good impression

• Well organized

• If possible, address letter to the correct individual

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© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

Cover Letter Format

• Usually contains 3–4 paragraphs

• Paragraph one contents

• Paragraph two contents

• Paragraph three contents

• Paragraph four contents

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© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning


• Record of information • Thorough, concise summary• Basic information for the employer• Computer printed or typed and attractive

in appearance• Format for résumé can vary• References are separate and not part of

the résumé


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© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning


• Honesty is always the best policy

• List all information before preparing your résumé

• Keep résumé to one page

• Use correct size envelope

• Same stationery for cover letter, résumé, envelope, and references

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Parts of a Résumé

• Personal identification

• Employee objective, job desired, or career goal

• Educational background

• Work or employment experience

• Skills

• Other activities

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© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

Career Passports or Portfolios

• Professional way to highlight your knowledge, abilities, and skills

• Allows for presentation in an organized and efficient manner

• Introductory letter

• Résumé

• Skill list and competency level


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Career Passports or Portfolios(continued)

• Letters of recommendation

• Copies of work evaluations

• Documentation of mastering job-keeping skills

• Organize information in a neat binder or portfolio


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© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

Career Passports or Portfolios (continued)

• Use tab dividers to separate into organized sections

• Use correct grammar and punctuation on all written information

• Effort will pay off at interview

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17:3 Completing Job Application Forms

• Used by employers to collect specific information

• Vary between employers

• Most request similar information

• Read entire form first before completing information


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Completing Job Application Forms(continued)

• Have all required information when you go to an interview

• Basic principles for completing application forms

• Wallet card

• Remember, employers use application forms as a screening tool

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17:4 Participating in a Job Interview

• Usually last step before getting or being denied a particular job

• You have been selected based on your résumé and/or application

• Purposes of interview

• Careful preparation is needed

• Careful attention to the date and time of interview


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Participating in a Job Interview(continued)

• Dress appropriately

• Check entire appearance

• Leave early for the interview

• Points to remember during interview

• Send a follow-up note or letter after the interview


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Participating in a Job Interview(continued)

• Many difficult questions can be asked during an interview

• Federal law prohibits discrimination in regard to age, cultural or ethnic background, marital status, parenthood, religion, race, or sex

• You may be asked to provide proof of eligibility to work

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17:5 Determining Net Income

• Income: money you are earning that is available to you

• Amount you earn and amount you spend may vary

• Gross income

• Net income


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Determining Net Income(continued)

• Calculation of gross income

• Calculation of net income

• Calculation of net monthly pay

• Essential to calculate your net income:– Know what amount of money you have to spend

– Determine your lifestyle

– Manage your money more effectively

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17:6 Calculating a Budget

• Budget is an itemized list of living expenses

• Must be realistic to be effective

• Types of expenses: fixed and variable

• Way to calculate a budget using percentage ranges

• Incorporate savings into a budget

• Calculating monthly payments

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© 2009 Delmar, Cengage Learning

Calculating a Budget(continued)

• Important that budget amounts do not exceed amount of net monthly income

• Final step is to live by your budget

• Creation of a budget leads to careful management of hard-earned money