© 2012 university of texas system/texas education agency using rti information to develop ieps for...

© 2012 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency Using RTI information to develop IEPs for students with specific learning disabilities

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© 2012 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency

Using RTI information to develop IEPs for students with specific learning disabilities


The Building RtI Capacity Project

Funded by the Texas Education Agency to:• Develop and disseminate resources to facilitate

RtI implementation in Texas schools• Partner with Education Service Center (ESC)

RtI Liaisons to provide professional development to educators

• Maintain the Web site: buildingRTI.utexas.org

© 2012 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency


Please click each link below to download and print the documents:

Collaborative Instructional Log (CIL)

Dean’s CIL

Julia’s CIL

© 2012 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency


Session Objectives:

Key RTI concepts in IDEA 2004

Using RTI data to inform IEP development• IDEA requirements

Scenario • Student data• Collaborative Instructional Log• Example IEP

© 2012 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency


Definition of RTI

© 2012 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency

“RTI is the practice of

From: National Association of State Directors of Special Education. (2005). Response to intervention: Policy considerations and implementation. Alexandria, VA: Author.

(1) providing high-quality instruction/intervention matched to student needs and

(2) using learning rate over time and level of performance to

(3) make important education decisions. These three components of RTI are essential.”


To identify students with SLD

The group must “…consider as part of the evaluation…(1)Data that demonstrate…the child was provided appropriate instruction….and (2) Data-based documentation of repeated assessments of achievement at reasonable intervals, reflecting formal assessment of student progress during instruction…”

--34CFR §300.309 (b)(1-2)

© 2012 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency


In determining the existence of a SLD…

The group..documents “if the child has participated in a process that assesses the child’s response to scientific, research-based intervention – the instructional strategies used and the student-centered data collected….”

--34 CFR §300.311 (a)(7)(i)

© 2012 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency

8© 2012 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency


Scenario4th grade DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency Scores

© 2012 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency


At Risk 0-70 0-82 0-95

Some Risk 71-92 83-104 96-117

Low Risk 93+ 105+ 118+

University of Oregon Center on Teaching and Learning. (2012).

Dynamic Indicators of Basic English Literacy Skills, 6th Edition Benchmark Goals. Retrieved from https://dibels.uoregon.edu/training/measures/benchmark.php



Ms. Herman’s fourth grade students….

© 2012 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency

Student Beginning of Year


Middle of Year(MOY)

End of Year(EOY)



ORF (50%ile)

Dean M. 86/0/ Some risk

104/0/ Some risk


Julia P. 55/7/At-risk 73/5/At risk (118)

11© 2012 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency


Dean’s Collaborative Instructional Log (cont.)

• How does the special education intervention target Dean’s needs?

• On which strategies did the teachers collaborate?

• How did the teachers motivate Dean?

© 2012 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency


Review of Dean’s RTI data

• MOY score of 104 is just shy of grade-level fluency benchmark

• Responded to re-reading strategies to build rate and prosody

• Uses self-monitoring strategies when encounters unfamiliar words

• Building his content reading vocabulary

© 2012 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency


Recommendations for Dean’s IEP

Plan A: Exit Dean from special education, and provide Tier II intervention and progress monitoring.

Plan B: Continue special education services in the regular classroom (inclusion)

© 2012 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency

15© 2012 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency


Julia’s Collaborative Instructional Log (cont.)

Identify ways that Ms. Martinez and Ms. Herman collaborated

Notice adjustments made to strategies based on data

© 2012 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency


Recommendations for Julia

Julia makes slow and steady progress, but the rate is inadequate to close her learning gaps.

How can we increase the intensity of her intervention to accelerate her progress?

© 2012 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency

18© 2012 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency


Recommendations for Julia’s IEP

Increase intensity of her intervention:

• Increase special education time from 30 minutes to one hour daily for reading

• Replace core reading program with special intervention program

• Collaborate to reinforce learning

• Communicate progress to Julia and her parents

© 2012 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency


Review of IEP scenarios

• Both students were receiving special education services in a school using RTI as an instructional framework

• RTI data provided sufficient documentation for an ARD Committee to make eligibility and IEP decisions

• RTI documentation supports teacher collaboration that benefits students



• Key RTI concepts in IDEA 2004

• Using RTI data to inform IEP development

• Used scenarios for two students to consider use of RTI data to make recommendations to the IEP team


For more information….

• Please visit the Building RTI Capacity for Implementation website at http://buildingRTI.utexas.org

• TEA’s IEP Annual Goal Development Question & Answer Document

© 2012 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency

Activities used on the CIL’s were taken from: The University of Texas Center for Reading and Language Arts. (2001) Essential reading strategies for the struggling reader: Activities for an accelerated reading program. Austin, TX: Author.


Project Team Contact Information

Pamela Bell, [email protected]

Desirée [email protected]

Kathleen [email protected]

© 2012 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency