مذكرة لغة انجليزية بالقصة الأول الثانوى أشرف شاهين...

ذٮو رڈي أڇٹيOliver Twist The Writer " Charles Dickens " Charles Dickens is an English novelist. He is probably the most famous writer in England after William Shakespeare. He is best known for his novels about life in the nineteenth-century Britain. His works were characterized by attacks on social evils like injustice and hypocrisy. Dickens was born on 7 th February, 1812 into a good family in Portsmouth, in the south of England. Dickens was the second of eight children of a family which was deeply in debt. When he was still a young boy, his father went to prison in 1824, because he had got into debt. He went to London to earn money for the family. At the age of twelve, he was working for ten hours a day in a London factory. He saw how hard life was for poor people and many of the ideas for the stories of his novels and the characters in them came from this time. 1

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Page 1: مذكرة  لغة انجليزية بالقصة الأول الثانوى أشرف شاهين ترم أول2015

Oliver Twist أڇٹيٮو رڈيذ

The Writer

" Charles Dickens "

☻Charles Dickens is an English novelist. He is

probably the most famous writer in England after

William Shakespeare. He is best known for his novels

about life in the nineteenth-century Britain. His works

were characterized by attacks on social evils like injustice

and hypocrisy. Dickens was born on 7 th

February, 1812

into a good family in Portsmouth, in the south of England.

☻ Dickens was the second of eight children of a family

which was deeply in debt. When he was still a young boy,

his father went to prison in 1824, because he had got into

debt. He went to London to earn money for the family. At

the age of twelve, he was working for ten hours a day in

a London factory. He saw how hard life was for poor

people and many of the ideas for the stories of his novels

and the characters in them came from this time.


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☻Dickens came to know not only hunger and

privation, but the evils of child labour. He left school

to work in a factory after his father was thrown into

debtor's prison. Though he had little education, he

worked as a clerk and a newspaper reporter. While he

was working for the newspaper, he was also writing

magazine stories. Instead of using his real name, he called

himself Boz for these stories.

☻Dickens married Catherine

Hogarth in 1836. He wrote 15 novels

and hundreds of short stories. From

his masterworks, "David Copperfield"

(1850), "Bleak House" (1853), "Hard Catherine Hogarth

Times" (1854) , "A tale of Two Cities"

(1859), "Great Expectations" (1860)

and "Oliver Twist" (1838) which we

are going to study this year.

☻In 1858, Dickens went to America to

read his novels to people. In 1857,

Dickens hired professional actresses for Ellen Ternan

". Dickens "The Frozen Deep the play

fell deeply in love with one of the

actresses, Ellen Ternan. He separated

from his wife Catherine, in 1858. When

he decided to marry Ternan, she was

18. When Catherine left, never to see Kent her husband again, she took with her one child, leaving

the other children to be raised by her sister Georgina

who chose to stay at Gad's Hill. Dickens died in Kent

on June, 9, 1870 at the age of 58.


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Oliver Twist

( Historical Background )

فٺٮيخ ربهيقيخ

☻In the mid-nineteenth century, England was

suffering from economic instability and widespread

unemployment. At this time, cities like London and

Manchester grew very quickly. Large numbers of

people came to the cities to look for work because they

had lost their jobs in the country. Men, women and

children worked very long hours in factories to earn

enough money to live.

☻During this time, England was at war

with France. The English government

had imposed heavy taxes to pay for the

war, and although these did not really

affect the wealthy classes, they were

a burden on the poor. Prices rose, food

became scarce, and the inflation rose.

☻Also because of the war, French and European markets

for English goods were closed, leading to unemployment

among workers. Workers were also unemployed because

the increasing use of machinery in manufacturing had

made many of their jobs outdated. In "Oliver Twist",

Dickens presented a portrait of the terrible childhood of

a considerable number of orphans who were underfed.

Oliver, one of the oppressed children, dared to ask the

master for more food and was severely punished.


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Oliver Twist

( (Preface)ٽٲلٽخ

☻"Oliver Twist", published in 1838, is one of

Charles Dickens's best-known and well-loved works.

It was written after he had already attained success as

a novelist. It has been adapted as a film and has been

considered a classic ever since it was first published.

☻Dickens uses the characters and situations in the book

to make a pointed social commentary, attacking the

hypocrisy and flaws of institutions, including his society's


☻Oliver is an orphan born in a workhouse, and Dickens

uses his situation to criticize public policy towards the

poor in 1830s England. Oliver is nine when the main

action of the novel occurs. Despite being treated with

cruelty and surrounded by rudeness, he is a pious,

innocent child, and his charms draw the attention of

several wealthy benefactors.


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Character Study

Main Characters

قيبد هئييخ Study

(1) Oliver Twist

☻Oliver, the orphan, was born in a workhouse in a town

in England. He grew under the care of Mr Bumble, an

official from the workhouse. He led a cruel life falling in

the hands of a gang of pickpockets. He was taught to

steal. Oliver was saved from the gang twice. His life

turned to be happy with Mr Brownlow, his first

benefactor after the arrest of the gang.

(2) Mr Bumble

☻He was a minor church official for the workhouse

where Oliver was born. He was proud. He behaved

without compassion towards people under his care. He

took money from Monks, Oliver's half-brother, and let

his wife, Mrs Corney give him the locket which Oliver's

mother had given to her before she died. This locket was

the only thing to prove who Oliver was.

(3) Fagin

☻Fagin took in homeless children and trained them to

pick pockets for him. He was an ugly old man who rarely

committed crimes himself, preferring to employ others to

commit them in his place. In the end, he was arrested and

sentenced to death.


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(4) Mr Brownlow

☻He was Oliver's first benefactor. He was sure that

Oliver was a good boy, but he was sad when he

disappeared with his money and books. Mr Brownlow

was pleased to know that Oliver was innocent and helped

him arrest the gang and get his money from Monks, his

half-brother. Throughout the novel, Mr Brownlow

behaved with compassion and common sense.

(5) Bill Sikes

☻A professional burglar, brought up in Fagin's gang. He

took Nancy as an assistant, and he treated her with

companion of cruelty and affection. His murder of Nancy

was the worst of the several crimes in the novel.

(6) Nancy

☻One of Fagin's pickpockets. Nancy worked with Bill

Sikes. Her work with Sikes and her sense of moral

decency came into conflict when Sikes abused Oliver.

Despite her criminal lifestyle, she was among the noblest

characters in the novel. She helped the arrest of the gang

to save Oliver and offered her life as a price.

(7) Rose Maylie

☻A beautiful, compassionate and forgiving young

woman. She cared for Oliver at her aunt's, Mrs Maylie's

house. Rose was Agnes's, Oliver's mother, young sister.

When Agnes's father died, Rose was sent to live with

a poor family in Wales. Years later she was adopted by

Mrs Maylie. Rose was Oliver's aunt.


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(8) Monks ( Edward Leeford)

☻He was Fagin's friend. He was always looking

around nervously as if he thought people were chasing

him. He looked cruel. Indeed, Monks was Oliver's half-

brother. After his mother had died, a rich relative of his

family left his father a lot of money. After his father's

death, no will was found, so all the money became his.

Monks's mother married again and had a baby, Oliver

Twist. Monks made a deal with his friend Fagin to teach

Oliver to be a thief so he sent Jack Dawkins to bring

Oliver to Fagin. He wanted Oliver to miss the way to his




Other Characters

أفوډ قيبد Study

(1) Oliver's mother ( Agnes )

☻She arrived at a workhouse. Her name was unknown

until the end of the novel. She was ill and weak. After she

had born Oliver, she asked to see her baby. She kissed

him and died.

(2) Mrs Mann

☻She was a woman who was given money to look after

the orphans, but she decided that she needed some of this

money for herself. For this reason, the boys never had

very much to eat. She was no kinder to Oliver than she

was to other orphans.


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(3) Mr Sowerberry

☻Mr Sowerberry, the coffin maker, decided that he

needed an apprentice. He took Oliver to start a new

chapter in his life. Oliver ran a way from his house to


(4) Mrs Sowerberry

☻Mr Sowerberry’s wife, she said that Oliver would cost

them much money to feed him. She gave him some old

food that they had not eaten.

(5) Noah Claypole (Morris Bolter)

☻A tall boy with a red nose. He helped Mr Sowerberry.

Noah insulted Oliver's mother so Oliver hit him hard. He

married a young woman called Charlotte and they went

to London. He met Fagin pretending to have a different

name " Morris Bolter ". Fagin promised to keep Noah

and his wife safe and took him in his gang.

(6) Jack Dawkins (The Artful Dodger)

☻A poor boy of about Oliver's age. He met Oliver on his

way to London and took him to Fagin. He tried to

persuade Oliver to join the gang and take things from

people to be rich.

(7) Charley Bates

☻One of Fagin's pickpockets. Charley is ready to laugh

at anything.


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(8) Mrs Bedwin

☻Mr Brownlow's house keeper. She treated Oliver kindly.

(9) Mr Grimwig

☻ Mr Brownlow's friend, he tried to persuade Mr

Brownlow that Oliver was a thief and he wouldn’t come

back from the bookshop where he was sent to pay for

Mr Brownlow's books. He played a role to reveal that Mr

Bumble took the locket and gave it to Monks.

(10) Toby Crackit

☻Bill Sikes's associate. He took part in the attempt

robbery of Mrs Maylie's house.

(11) Mr Giles

☻A servant at Mrs Maylie's house who shot Oliver

during the attempt robbery.

(12) Mrs Maylie

☻The lady of the house which was attempted to be

robbed by the gang. A kind healthy old woman, who had

enough money to help people. She adopted Rose who

lived with her.

(13) Dr Losberne

☻He was called at Mrs Maylie's house to see Oliver who

was wounded. He succeeded to persuade the detectives

that Oliver wasn’t the thief after he had listened to


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☻Oliver's story. He was chosen with Mr Grimwig and

Harry Maylie to help find Monks and reveal his plans to

take Oliver's money.

(14) Nurse Sally

☻She was a nurse to Oliver's mother when she died. She

witnessed Oliver's birth. On her deathbed, she told Mrs

Corney, who was in charge of the workhouse, a secret.

She gave her the locket that Oliver's mother had given

her before she died. Sally didn’t say anything else about

the locket.

(15) Mrs Corney (Mrs Bumble)

☻She was in charge of the workhouse when Oliver was

born. She had got the locket from Nurse Sally as a proof

who Oliver was. She became the wife of Mr Bumble later

and Monks could get the locket from them for money.

(16) Harry Maylie

☻He was Mrs Maylie's son. He was about twenty-five

and he looked very like his mother. Harry much cared

about Rose. He brought flowers to her room every day

when she was ill. Harry took part in finding Monks and

revealing his plans to take Oliver's money.



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The story in brief

Chapters (1-4)

☻Oliver Twist was born in a workhouse in

England. His mother, whose name no one knew, was

found on the street and died just after Oliver's birth.

Oliver spent the first nine years of his life in a badly run

home for young orphans and then transferred to a work-

house for adults. After the other boys had chosen Oliver

to ask for more food at the end of a meal, Mr Bumble

offered five pounds to anyone who would take the boy

away from the workhouse. Oliver escaped and worked as

an apprentice to Mr Sowerberry, the coffin maker. His

other apprentice, Noah Clypole insulted Oliver's mother,

so Oliver attacked him and hit him hard. Being desperate

, Oliver ran away at dawn and travelled to London.

رڈيذ ٭ى ئالؽيخ ٭ى ئځغٺزوا. ٭ى اٹبه٣ ڇعلد ڇاٹلح أڇٹيٮو ويٮڇٹل أڇٹ ☻

ڇاٹزى ٹټ ي٦و٫ أؽل اپچب ، ٵپب أځچب ٽبرذ ٭ڈه ڇالكرچب ألڇٹيٮو. ٱى

أڇٹيٮو اٹز٤ ڂڈاد األڇٹى ٽڀ ؽيبرڄ ٭ى ثيذ ٹأليزبٻ اٹ٪به مڇ ئكاهح

يڀ. ث٦لٽب ڇٱ٤ االفزيبه ٥ٺى أڇٹيٮو يئخ صټ اځزٲٸ ث٦لڅب ئٹى ئالؽيخ ٹٺجبٹ٪

ٽڀ عبځت األڇالك اآلفويڀ ٹٺت اٹپييل ٽڀ اٹ٦بٻ ٭ى ځچبيخ ڇعجخ ٽڀ

اٹڈعجبد ٥و ٽزو ثبٽجٸ فپخ عڂيچبد ٹپڀ يأفن أڇٹيٮو ث٦يلا ٥ڀ

ٽزو بڇهثوډ. ٱبٻ ځڈڃ اإلالؽيخ. څوة أڇٹيٮو ڇ٥پٸ ٵجى ٹلډ

ڈ جى آفو ي٦پٸ ٹلډ ٽزو بڇهثوډ ثت ڇاٹلح أڇٹيٮو ڇٹنٹٴٵٺيجڈٷ ڇڅ

ب څوة ٭ى اٹٮغو څبعپڄ أڇٹيٮو ڇوثڄ ثلح. ث٦ل أٿ أجؼ أڇٹيٮو يبئ

ڇب٭و ئٹى ٹڂلٿ.

☻Outside London, Oliver, who was very hungry and

exhausted, met Jack Dawkins, a boy of his age. Jack

offered him a place to live and work. He took him


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to Fagin, a criminal who trained homeless

children to pick pockets for him. After a few days of

training, Oliver was sent in a pick pocketing mission

with two other boys. When he saw them taking a handk-

erchief from an elderly gentleman, Oliver was horrified

and ran off. He was caught. He was set free when his

innocence was proved. Mr Brownlow, whose handkerchi-

ef was stolen took Oliver to his home and nursed him

back to health. Mr Brownlow was puzzled by Oliver's

resemblance to a painting of a young woman hung on the

wall in his house. Oliver was happy in Mr Brownlow's

house, but two of Fagin's gang, Bill Sikes and Nancy

stopped him and returned him to Fagin.

فبهط ٹڂلٿ ٱبثٸ أڇٹيٮو ڇاٹنډ ٵبٿ عڈ٥بٿ ڇٽوڅ ڇٹلا ٭ى ځٮ ٥پوڃ ☻

يل٥ى عبٳ كڇٵيڂي. ٥و عبٳ ٥ٺى أڇٹيٮو ٽٶبځب ٹٺپ٦يخ ڇاٹ٦پٸ ڇأفنڃ

ئٹى ٭بعيڀ ڇڅڈ ٽغوٻ ٵبٿ يٲڈٻ ثزلهيت األٮبٷ اٹپوكيڀ ٹيڂٺڈا

ٸ أڇٹيٮو ٭ى ) ٹيوٱڈا ( ٽڀ أعٺڄ ، ڇث٦ل أيبٻ ٽ٦لڇكح ٽڀ ا ٹزلهيت أه

ٽچپخ ځٸ ڇٽ٦ڄ ڇٹلاٿ آفواٿ. ڇ٥ڂلٽب هأډ أڇٹيٮو څناٿ اٹڈٹلاٿ يأفناٿ

ٽڂليال ٽڀ يلا ٵچال ) ٵجيو اٹڀ ( ٭ي٣ ڇأو٣ ٽجز٦لا ڇرټ اٹٲج ٥ٺيڄ

وٯ ٽڂڄ ڇأٺ واؽڄ ٥ڂلٽب صجزذ ثواءرڄ. ٱبٻ اٹيل ثواڇځٺڈ ڇاٹنډ

ٹپڂليٸ ثزپوي أڇٹيٮو ٽزوكا ٥ب٭يزڄ. اؽزبه ٽزو ثواڇځٺڈ ٹٺزبثڄ اٹنډا

ٵبٿ ٥ٺيڄ أڇٹيٮو ٽ٤ ٹڈؽخ ٭ڂيخ ثچب ڈهح الٽوأح بثڄ ٽ٦ٺٲخ ٥ٺى أؽل

علهاٿ ٽڂيٹڄ. ٵبٿ أڇٹيٮو ٦يلا ٭ى ٽڂيٷ اٹيل ثواڇځٺڈ ڇٹٶڀ اصڂبٿ ٽڀ

أڇٱٮڈڃ ڇأ٥بكڇڃ ئٹى ٭بعيڀ. ٥بثخ ٭بعيڀ ڇڅپب ثيٸ بيٶ ڇځبځى

☻Fagin sent Oliver to assist Sikes in a robbery. Oliver

was shot by a servant in the house. After Sikes escaped,

Oliver went into the same house. Mrs Maylie and her

beautiful adopted Rose grew fond of Oliver, and he

spent happy times with them. Meanwhile, it was

revealed that Oliver's mother left behind


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a locket when she died and she asked someone

in the workhouse to take the gold for the child, who

was called Oliver Twist.

أهٸ ٭بعيڀ أڇٹيٮو ٹيب٥ل ثيٸ بيٶ ٭ى ٥پٺيخ ڈ. أيت أڇٹيٮو ☻

ثبٹوب ٥ڀ وي فبكٻ ٭ى اٹپڂيٷ. ڇث٦لٽب څوة بيٶ مڅت أڇٹيٮو

ئٹى ځٮ اٹپڂيٷ. أجؾذ ٵال ٽڀ اٹيلح ٽبيٺى ڇاثڂزچب اٹغپيٺخ ثبٹزجڂى هڇى

٬ٽ٪وٽيڀ ثأڇٹيٮو ڇاٹنډ ٱى أڇٱبد ٦يلح ٽ٦چټ. ڇ٭ى ځٮ األصڂبء أٵز

ثأٿ ڇاٹلح أڇٹيٮو روٵذ كاليخ ) ٥ٺجخ ٽ٦ٺٲخ ٭ى ٺٺخ ( ٥ڂلٽب ٽبرذ ڇٺجذ

ٽڀ ق ٽب ٭ى اإلالؽيخ ثأٿ يأفن اٹنڅت ئٹى اٹٮٸ اٹنډ يل٥ى أڇٹيٮو



Setting ٽٶبٿ ڇىٽبٿ األؽلاس

☻ England, London, and some villages and small

towns nearby. The time is the early nineteenth century

not long before 1837, when Queen Victoria was crowned.

اٹپٶبٿ : ئځغٺزوا ڇٹڂلٿ ڇث٦ اٹٲوډ ڇاٹپلٿ اٹ٪يوح اٹپغبڇهح. ☻

ٻ ڇٹٶڀ ٹي ثڈٱذ 7381اٹيٽبٿ : أڇائٸ اٹٲوٿ اٹزب٤ ٥و ، ٱجٸ ٥بٻ

ڈيٸ ، رٺٴ اٹٮزوح اٹزى رڈعذ ٭يچب اٹپٺٶخ ٭يٶزڈهيب ٥ٺى اٹ٦و.

☻ London is the primary setting for the novel, and the

country village where the Maylies live is presented as

a contrast to London. The city itself is shown as a kind of

prison. It's foggy and crime-ridden, and things aren’t

always what they seem.

اٹقٺٮيخ اٹپٶبځيخ ڇاٹيٽبځيخ اٹوئييخ ٹٺوڇايخ ، ڇٱلٽذ اٹٲويخ ٹڂلٿ څى ☻

اٹويٮيخ ؽيش ي٦ي أ٭واك ٥بئٺخ " ٽبيٺى " ثبٹزڂبٱ ٽ٤ ٹڂلٿ ، ٭ٲل

ذ اٹپليڂخ مارچب ٵڂڈ٣ ٽڀ اٹغڈٿ ٽٺيئخ ثبٹجبة ڇرپألڅب اٹغويپخ ٥و

ٹپب يجلڇ ٥ٺيچب. ٵپب أٿ األٽڈه ثچب ال رٶڈٿ كڇٽب ٽبثچڄ

☻The village in the country where Oliver is so


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happy with Rose and Mrs Maylie is the total

opposite. The narrator suggests that the country can

actually cure some of the bad effects of the city. But even

in the country, Oliver isn’t safe from Fagin's criminal

network. Dickens might be suggesting that the city is

more powerful.

أٽب اٹٲويخ اٹويٮيخ ؽيش ي٦ي أڇٹيٮو ٭ى ٦بكح ٽ٤ هڇى ڇٽي ٽبيٺى څى ☻

ػ اٹواڇډ ثأٿ اٹوي٬ يپٶڀ ثبٹٮ٦ٸ أٿ ي٦بٹظ ث٦اٹڂٲي اٹٶبٽٸ ، ڇيٲزو

اآلصبه اٹيئخ ٹٺپليڂخ ، ڇ٥ٺى اٹو٩ټ ٽڀ مٹٴ ٭اٿ أڇٹيٮو ٹټ يٶڀ آٽڂب ٭ى

اٹوي٬ ٽڀ جٶخ اٹپغوٽيڀ اٹزى ر٦پٸ ٹبٹؼ ٭بعيڀ ، ڇهثپب يٲزوػ كيٶڂي

ثأٿ اٹپليڂخ ر٦ل أٵضو ٱڈح.

☻The novel is set against the background of the New

Poor Law of 1834, which established a system of workho-

uses for those who, because of poverty, sickness, mental

disorder, or age could not provide for themselves.

ثبٹٮٲواء ڇاٹنډ ٻ ڇاٹقب 7381ٹ٦بٻ أذ اٹوڇايخ ل اٹٲبځڈٿ اٹغليل ☻

أځأ ځ٢بٻ اإلالؽيبد ألڇٹئٴ اٹنيڀ ٹټ يزي٦ڈٿ ئ٥بٹخ أځٮچټ ئٽب ثجت

اٹٮٲو أڇ اٹپو أڇ االواة اٹ٦ٲٺى أڇ اٹڀ.


Chapter 1


Late ٽزأفوا Sort ځڈ٣

During أصڂبء Bear (bore, born) رٺل

They had no where to sleep

ٹټ يٶڀ ٹليچټ ٽٶبٿ ٹيڂبٽڈا ٭يڄ

The Industrial Revolution

اٹضڈهح اٹڂب٥يخ

Factories ٤ ٽبځ Breathe يزڂٮ

Find يغل Weak ٦ي٬

Poor ٭ٲيو / ٽٶيڀ Cry ( cried / cried ) يجٶى

Nowhere ال ٽٶبٿ Weakly ث٬٦

Workhouse ئالؽيخ ٹألؽلاس Difficult to breathe ٽڀ اٹ٦ت أٿ يزڂٮ

At least ٥ٺى األٱٸ Need to يؾزبط أٿ


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Whose parents had been destitute

اٹنيڀ ٵبٿ آثبءڅټ ٽ٦لٽڈٿ / ٭ٲواء علا

Too poor to buy food

٭ٲواء ٹلهعخ أال يزي٦ڈا واء ٦بٻ

Pick up يٺزٲ Silence پذ

Tiny ) يو علا ) ٭ى اٹؾغټ٪ Repeat يٶوه / يوكك

Kiss يٲجٸ Angrily ث٪ت

Gently ثو٭ Arm مها٣

Cheek ڇعڂخ فل / Immediately ٭ى اٹؾبٷ / ٥ٺى اٹٮڈه

Die ( died / died ) يپڈد Generosity ٵوٻ / قبء

Orphan ) ق يزيټ ( اٹيزيټ Lock (someone) in ٭ى )يؾج )ق

Nearby ٱويت / ٽغبڇه Message هبٹخ

Parents اٹڈاٹلاٿ " I want some more " "أهيل اٹپييل"

Destitute ٽ٦لٻ / ليل اٹٮٲو Alone ثپٮوكڃ / ڇؽيلا

Look after ي٦زڂى ثـ Beat ( beat / beaten) يوة / يچيٻ

Decided ٱوهد Gate ثڈاثخ

Reason جت Coffin ) ربثڈد ) ڂلڇٯ ٹٺپڈرى

Kind ٥ڈ٫ Maker بځ٤

Outside ثبٹقبهط / ٭ى اٹقبهط Apprentice ويڀ ( جى ) رؾذ اٹزپ

Official ٽڈ٬١ ؽٶڈٽى Inside ثبٹلافٸ

Wretched ثبئ Surprised ٽڂلڅ

Lucky ٽؾ٢ڈ Opportunity = chance ٭وخ

Manager ٽليو Interested in ... ٽچزټ ثـ

For nothing ثلڇٿ ٽٲبثٸ Feelings ٽب٥و

Was introduced to ... رټ رٲليپڄ ٹـ Employer پٸ بؽت اٹ٦

Thin ځؾي٬ Complain يٶڈ

Wear ( wore / worn ) يورلډ Cost ( cost / cost ) يٶٺ٬ / يزٶٺ٬

Hard ثغل Feed ( fed / fed ) ي٦ټ

Realize يلهٳ Downstairs ئٹى اٹبث اٹٮٺى

Easier أٵضو چڈٹخ Strange ٩ويت

Uncomfortable ٩يو ٽويؼ Surrounded by ب ثـ ...ٽؾ

Thin soup ؽبء )ڈهثخ( فٮيٮخ اٹٲڈاٻ Unfinished ٩يو ٽٶزپٸ

Hungry عڈ٥بٿ Kick يوٵٸ )يڈ ثٲلٽڄ( / هٵٺخ

Starve يپڈد عڈ٥ب Red nose أځ٬ أؽپو اٹٺڈٿ

Plan فخ Make sure يزأٵل

Usual ٽ٦زبك By the fire ثغڈاه اٹپل٭أح

The master پ٦ٺټ / اٹپئڈٷ األى / اٹ Freezing cold ثوك ٱبه

Furious = very angry ٩بت علا Pleased ٽوڇه


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Go out يقوط Knock يوٯ / يقج

A broken heart ٱٺت ٽؾټ Loudly ثڈد ٥بٷ

Ashamed ) فغالٿ ) ٽٶڈ٫ Menacing voice ڈد ٽچلك / ٽزڈ٥ل

Hit hard يوة ثلح In surprise ٭ى كڅخ

Help ! ! اٹڂغلح Meat ٹؾټ

Kill يٲزٸ Awake ٽزيٲ٠

Pull ….. away يؾت / يغو Unbearable ٩يو ٽؾزپٸ / ال يبٯ

shoulder ٵز٬ Run away يچوة

At once ٭ى اٹؾبٷ Hurried أو٣

So close to starving

ٱويجڈٿ علا ٽڀ اٹپڈد عڈ٥ب

Died of a broken heart

ٽبرذ ځزيغخ ؽيٿ ليل

Led him to the manager

اٱزبكڃ ئٹى اٹپليو

No good at anything

ٹټ رٶڀ ٹزٮٺؼ ٭ى ئ

Take ( someone ) away

ب ٽب ( يج٦ل ) ق

Feeling both ashamed and angry

ي٦و ثبٹقيډ ڇاٹ٪ت ٽ٦ب


٭ى ؽيبح ق ٭ٸ ٭ى ٵزبة / ٭زوح


زبه ٽزؾوٳ ٹجبة ٽؾٸ يغو ٽڀ أ٥ٺى

A new chapter in the boy's life

٭زوح عليلح ٭ى ؽيبح اٹڈٹل

The owner of the bookshop

ٽبٹٴ اٹپٶزجخ

Relax يزوفي Wearing ٽورليب

Sign كٹيٸ / ٥الٽخ / ئبهح / ال٭زخ Coat ٽ٬٦ / ثٺڈ

Even ؽزى Almost رٲويجب

Silk handkerchiefs ٽڂبكيٸ ؽويو Cheerfully ثوڇه

A wallet ٽؾٮ٢خ Miser ثقيٸ

Pretend يز٢بڅو / يل٥ى Corner ىاڇيخ / هٵڀ

Nothing ال ئ Artful Dodger اٹلاڅيخ اٹپواڇ٧

Practise يپبه / يزلهة Meal ڇعجخ

Jewellery د ٽغڈڅوا Expect يزڈٱ٤

The crowd ىؽبٻ / عپ٤ Dirty ٱنه / ٽزـ

Roughly ثقڈځخ / ثٲڈح Call out يڂبكډ / يزل٥ى

Magistrate ٱبى Ugly ٱجيؼ

Puzzled ٽزؾيو / ٽورجٴ Wooden فجى

Prison اٹغڀ Gentleman هعٸ ځجيٸ

Notebook ٵواخ Waste يچله

Well made عيلح اٹڂ٤ A coach ٽوٵجخ / ؽب٭ٺخ

Mark ٥الٽخ Comfortable ٽويؼ

Pocket عيت Dear ٥ييي / ٥يييډ / ٥يييرى


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Fainted أ٩پى ٥ٺيڄ Pretty عپيٸ / أځي

The same ) ځٮ ) اٹئ Lie down يزٺٲى

The speaker ) اٹق ) اٹپزؾلس Actor ٽپضٸ

The addressed person

اٹق اٹپقبت ) اٹپزؾلس ئٹيڄ (


ٱجڈ/ وكاة )بث رؾذ األه ٹٺزقييڀ(


Summary of Chapter 1

Life in England during the Industrial Revolution☻

بح ٭ى ئځغٺزوا أصڂبء اٹضڈهح اٹڂب٥يخاٹؾي☻ ♣ Many people came to the English towns to find work in


♣ At that time, people were so poor and looked for places to

sleep and food to eat.

♣ Poor people went to the workhouses where they could find

a bed to sleep and some sort of food to eat.

☻Oliver Twist came to life عبء أڇٹيٮو رڈيذ ٹٺؾيبح ♣ An unknown young woman who was ill and weak arrived at

one of the workhouses.

♣ The woman gave birth to a baby boy called Oliver Twist

and died.

☻ in the orphanage ifeL اٹؾيبح ٭ى اٹپٺغأ ♣ Oliver was sent to live with other orphans in an orphanage.

♣ Mrs Mann who looked after the orphans gave them little

food to eat.

☻To the life of work بح اٹ٦پٸ ئٹى ؽي ♣ When Oliver became nine, Mr Bumble who was an official

from the workhouse, came to take him from the orphanage to

work in the workhouse.

♣ All Oliver and the boys ate there was a thin soup.

☻Asking for more ٺت اٹپييل ♣ Oliver was chosen by the boys to ask for more food.


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♣ As a result, Oliver was locked in a cold, dark room

and was beaten by Mr Bumble in front of the other boys

every day.

☻ A coffin maker's apprentice جى ٹبځ٤ اٹزڈاثيذ ♣ Oliver had to leave the workhouse afterwards.

♣ Mr Sowerberry, the coffin maker took Oliver as an


♣ Oliver spent a bad night sleeping among unfinished coffins.

♣ Noah Claypole, who helped Mr Sowerberry, treated Oliver

rudely and insulted his mother.

♣ Oliver was so ashamed and angry that he hit Noah hard.

☻Running away اٹچوڇة ♣ Mr Bumble came and blamed Mrs Sowerberry saying that

she had given Oliver too much meat.

♣ Mr Bumble advised that Oliver should be left in a cellar for

a few days without food then he must be fed with only soup.

♣ Because life was unbearable at Mr Sowerberry, Oliver

ran away.


The Story Text

♣ It was late at night in a town in England during the Industrial

Revolution. At this time, most English towns needed people to

work in the factories that were beginning to open all over the

country. Many people came to the towns to find work, but they

were often so poor that they could not buy enough to eat and

they had nowhere to sleep. So they went to the workhouses

where at least they had a bed and some sort of food. In one such

workhouse, an old nurse and a doctor were working in a small,

dark room looking at a baby boy that had just been born. The

baby found it difficult to breathe. They did not know if he


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would live. "What's the mother's name?" the doctor asked the nurse. "I don't know. She arrived at the

workhouse last night," said the nurse. "She was ill and weak

when she came." When the baby cried, the mother said weakly,

"Can I see my new baby?"

♣ The nurse picked up the tiny boy and the mother saw him for

the first time. She kissed him gently on the cheek and smiled.

Then the mother died. "Poor woman," said the nurse. "She was

so beautiful. We'll never know who she was." The baby was

called Oliver Twist. He was sent to live with other orphans in an

old house nearby. The orphans were all the children of parents

who had been destitute. A woman called Mrs Mann was given

a little money to look after the orphans, but she decided that she

needed some of this money for herself. For this reason, the boys

never had very much to eat.

♣ On his ninth birthday, Oliver was a small, weak child. He had

spent all his life in the old building with Mrs Mann, who was no

kinder to Oliver than she was to the other orphans. Oliver did

not go to school and he did not know the world outside. One

day, an important man called Mr Bumble visited Mrs Mann.

Mr Bumble was an official from the workhouse, where the

older children from poor families were big enough to work

for their food. "Now Oliver's nine, you don't need to look after

him." Mr Bumble told Mrs Mann. "He is old enough to work

for us in the workhouse." Oliver was not sad to leave Mrs

Mann, but he was sad to leave his friends and the only home he

had ever known. He felt wretched as the door to the house was

closed behind him. " Why are you crying ? You're very lucky

to work here," The managers of the workhouse told Oliver

when he arrived. "We'll give you food and a bed for nothing."

The workhouse was a large, cold building. Oliver was

introduced to the other boys who were all as thin and


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weak as he was. They wore old clothes that were

too big for them. Oliver worked hard at the workhouse

with these boys and quickly realised that his life was not going

to become any easier.

♣ His bed was very uncomfortable and the food was never

enough. All they ate was a thin soup. The boys he worked with

were always hungry. After a few months, they were all so close

to starving that they made a plan. They decided they must have

more food, and they chose Oliver to ask for it. That evening in

the big, cold hall, the boys finished eating their usual thin soup.

Then Oliver stood up and walked to the master who gave them

their food. "Please, sir, I want some more," said Oliver. The

master was furious. No one had ever asked for more before !

"What did you say?" he cried. There was now silence in the big

room. "Please, sir, I want some more," Oliver repeated. The

master angrily took Oliver's arm and immediately led him to

the managers of the workhouse. He told them what Oliver had

said. "If he is not happy with our generosity," the managers

said, "he must leave." They decided to lock Oliver in a room

and put a message on the door of the workhouse. It said that the

workhouse would give five pounds, to anyone who could take

the boy away from them.

♣ For weeks, Oliver stayed in the cold, dark room. He cried

himself to sleep each night, then woke up each morning and

began to cry again. He had never felt so alone. He was only

taken from the room when it was time to eat. Mr Bumble did

not want any of the other boys to ask for more food, so while

they were eating, Mr Bumble made Oliver stand in front of

them. Then he beat Oliver. This happened every day until

a man called Mr Sowerberry read the message on the

workhouse gate. Mr Sowerberry, the coffin maker, decided

that he needed an apprentice and told Mr Bumble that


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he could take Oliver Twist. A new chapter in the

boy's life was about to start. The next day, Mr Bumble

took Oliver from the workhouse and walked with him to Mr

Sowerberry's house. As they were walking down the street, Mr

Bumble was surprised to see that Oliver was crying. "Why are

you crying ?" Mr. Bumble shouted. " You should be happy to

have the opportunity to work with someone like Mr Sowerber-

ry." I'll be a good boy," said Oliver. "But" I have no ... '

"You have no what?" asked Mr Bumble. "I have no friends,"

said Oliver quietly. Mr Bumble was not interested in Oliver's

feelings. They continued to Mr Sowerberry's house, but when

Oliver's new employer saw him, he was not very happy. "He's

very small, Mr Bumble," Mr Sowerberry complained. "He is

small, but he'll grow," explained Mr Bumble. "But it will cost

money to feed him," said Mr Sowerberry's wife. She took

Oliver downstairs and gave him some old food that they had

not eaten. "Now get some sleep," said Mrs Sowerberry. "You

don't mind sleeping down in the shop, do you? There's nowhere

else to sleep in our house."

♣ Oliver was alone in a strange, dark room, surrounded by

unfinished coffins. It was not much better than the room he had

slept in at the workhouse. It was not easy for him to sleep. The

next morning, Oliver woke up to the sound of someone kicking

the shop door. Oliver opened it and saw a tall boy with a red

nose eating some bread. "Hello. I'm Noah Claypole," he said.

"You're from the workhouse, aren't you?" he continued,

walking into the shop as if he lived there. "I help Mr Sowerber-

ry. You do what I say, Workhouse Boy. Now open the shutters,"

he ordered, giving Oliver a small kick to make sure he knew

who was the master. Mrs Sowerberry called and asked Noah to

sit by the fire to have some breakfast. She gave Oliver a little

bread and told him to eat it down below. It was freezing cold

there. "Why can't I have a good breakfast like Noah?"


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he asked, but there was no one there to hear him. For

the next few months, Oliver worked with Mr Sowerberry.

He did not like the work, but Mr Sowerberry seemed pleased

with him. This, however, did not please Noah Claypole, who

was told to work inside when Oliver went out with Mr


♣ One day, after work, the two boys were alone in the shop.

"What happened to your mother, Workhouse Boy?" said Noah.

Oliver said quietly, "The nurse said she died of a broken heart."

"I heard she died in the workhouse because she was no good at

anything," laughed Noah. "What did you say?" cried Oliver,

feeling both ashamed and angry. "I heard that if she hadn't

died, they would have punished her," Noah cried unkindly.

Oliver stood up and started to hit Noah hard. "Help!" shouted

Noah. "He's killing me!" Mr and Mrs Sowerberry ran in and

pulled Oliver away from Noah. "Help me lock him in here,"

they said to Noah. They pulled Oliver into a dark cellar and

locked the door. "You poor boy," Mrs Sowerberry said to

Noah. "We must get Mr Bumble at once."

♣ When Mr Bumble heard what had happened, he hurried to

Mr Sowerberry's house and knocked on the door to the cellar.

"Oliver, do you know who's speaking?" he called loudly. "Yes,"

said Oliver. "Aren't you afraid, Oliver?" he continued in

a menacing voice. "No!" Mr Bumble looked at Mr Sowerberry

in surprise. "I understand the problem," said Mr Bumble.

"You've given him too much meat, Mrs Sowerberry. You've

been too kind to him. Leave him in this cellar without food for

a few days, then feed him only soup," he advised. That night, in

the cold cellar, Oliver tried to cry himself to sleep yet again. But

he felt too angry to sleep. When the house was quiet, he went to

the door and realised it was not locked. He waited until it was

just light and quietly opened the door. No one was awake


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and it was easy to leave the house without anyone realising. He

knew he could not stay in that place any longer. His life was

unbearable. It was time for him to run away.


Questions & Answers

1- When did this story happen / take place ? - In the nineteenth century during the Industrial Revolution. 2- Why did most English towns need people ?

- Most English towns needed people to work in the factories that were beginning to open all over the country. 3- How did the Industrial Revolution change the face of town in England ? - Most English towns had factories that were beginning to open all over the country. 4- How did the Industrial Revolution change the style of people’s lives ? - A lot of factories were built all over the country. They needed people. People moved from the country to towns to work there. 5- Why did people come to towns ? - To find work. 6- What were people’s lives like ? - They were often so poor that they could not buy enough to eat and they had nowhere to sleep.

. People had miserable life during the Industrial Revolution -7 .Discuss

- People were often so poor that they could not buy enough to eat and they had nowhere to sleep. So they went to the workhouses where at least they had a bed and some sort of food.

? Where did people who work in factories live -8 - They lived in workhouses.

? tor doingWhat were the old nurse and the doc -9 - They were working in the workhouse in a small, dark room. They were helping a woman at child birth.


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?What is a workhouse -10 - A place where very poor people could live and work.

.cussPeople had an inhumane life in the workhouse. Dis -11 - They just had a bed and some sort of food. Many people share rooms.

? Where was Oliver born -12 - In a workhouse.

? How was the baby " Oliver " when he was born -13 - He found it difficult to breathe.

? dHow was Oliver’s life in the workhouse har -41 - His bed wasn’t very comfortable. The food was never enough.

? What was their main food -15 - All they ate was thin soup.

How did the boys feel after a few month of hunger / lack -16 ?of food

- After a few months, they were all so close to starving that they made a plan.

? What did they decide about starving / or being hungry -17 - They decided they must have more food.

? Who did they choose to ask for more food -18 - They chose Oliver.

. Oliver was a brave boy illustrate -19 - He was brave enough to stand up and walked to the master who gave them their food

How did the master feel about Oliver’s request / demand -20

? more for food ? Why - The master was furious. No one had ever asked for more before !

s reaction when Oliver asked forWhat was the master' -21

? more food

- The master angrily took Oliver's arm and immediately led him to the managers of the workhouse. He told them what Oliver had said.

How did the managers of the workhouse decide about -22 ? Oliver

- They said if he was not happy with their generosity, he must leave. How did the managers punish Oliver for his request for -23

? more food - They decided to lock Oliver in a room and put a message on the door


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of the workhouse. It said that the workhouse would give five pounds, to anyone who could take the boy away from them.

? What did the message that was on the door say -24 - It said that the workhouse would give five pounds, to anyone who could take the boy away from them.

? How long did Oliver stay in the cold, dark room -25 - For weeks, Oliver stayed in the cold, dark room.

? How was Oliver inside the dark room -26 ? How did he feel inside the room

- He cried himself to sleep each night, then woke up each morning and began to cry again. He had never felt so alone.

? When was Oliver taken from the cold, dark room -27 - He was only taken from the room when it was time to eat.

? What did Mr Bumble want other boys not to do -28 - He didn’t want any of the other boys to ask for more food.

What did he do to make sure that other boys wouldn’t ask -29 ? for more food

- While they were eating, Mr Bumble made Oliver stand in front of them. Then he beat Oliver. This happened every day.

? liverHow was Mr Bumble cruel to O -30 - While they were eating, Mr Bumble made Oliver stand in front of them. Then he beat Oliver. This happened every day.

? Who was Mr Sowerberry -31 - He was the coffin maker. He was Oliver's employer.

? Who saved Oliver from Mr Bumble’s cruelty -32 - Mr Sowerberry, the coffin maker.

? Why did Mr Sowerberry need to hire Oliver -33 - Because he needed an apprentice

? Who took Oliver to Mr Sowerberry’s house -34 - Mr Bumble took him to Mr Sowerberry's house.

r Sowerberry’sWhat was Oliver doing on the way to M -35 ? house

- He was crying What made Mr Bumble surprised on the way to Mr -36

? Sowerberry’s house - He was surprised to see that Oliver was crying.


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Why was Oliver really crying on their way to Mr Sowerberry’s -37

?useho - Because he had no friends there. He would be a lone.

? Where was Oliver Twist born -38 - He was born in a workhouse, in a small and dark room.

? Did the nurse and the doctor expect Oliver to live -39 - No, they didn’t know if he would live.

? hat health problem did Oliver face when he was bornW -40 - He was tiny and found it difficult to breathe.

?How was Oliver's mother when she arrived at the workhouse -41

- She was ill and weak. ? What did the doctor want to know about Oliver's mother -42

- He wanted to know her name. What did Oliver's mother want before she died ? What did -43

? she do - She wanted to see her new baby. She kissed him gently on the cheek and smiled.

? Where was Oliver sent to live after his birth -44 - He was sent to live with other orphans in an old house.

? Who was Mrs Mann -45 - She looked after the orphans in an old house. She was given money for that.

? Was Mrs Mann an honest woman ? Why / Why not -46 - No, she wasn’t. She took some money for herself so the boys never had enough to eat.

?How did Mrs Mann treat Oliver -47 - She was no kinder to him than she was to the other orphans.

? Who was Mr Bumble -48 - Mr Bumble was an official from the workhouse, where the older children from poor families were big enough to work for their food.

? Why was Oliver sad to leave Mrs Mann’s old house -49 - He wasn’t sad to leave Mrs Mann herself, but he was sad to leave his friends.

? What did the boys at the workhouse eat -50 - All they ate was a thin soup. They were always hungry.


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? How was life at the workhouse -51 : Life was very difficult at the workhouse because*

- The workhouse was a large cold building. - All the boys were thin and weak and had to work hard. - They wore old clothes that were too big for them. - The beds were very uncomfortable and the food was never enough. - All they ate there was a thin soup, so the boys were always hungry and so close to starving.

?the workhouse Why did Oliver cry when he left -52 - He cried because he had left all his friends at the workhouse and became without friends.

? How did Mrs Sowerberry treat Oliver -53 - She gave him old food they had not eaten. She led him to sleep alone down in the shop among unfinished coffins.

? Where did Oliver sleep in Mr Sowerberry's house -54 - He slept alone in a strange, dark room surrounded by unfinished coffins.

?Who was Noah Claypole -55

- He was a boy who helped Mr Sowerberry. He was tall with a red nose. ? did Noah Claypole insult Oliver How -56

- He called him " Workhouse Boy". - He said that Oliver's mother died in the workhouse because she was no good at anything and that if she hadn’t died, they would have punished her.

? h insulted his motherHow did Oliver react when Noa -57 - Oliver felt both ashamed and angry so he hit Noah hard.

? How was Oliver punished for attacking Noah -58 - He was pulled in a dark cellar and was locked in.

What was Mr Bumble's explanation for Oliver's behaviour -59 ? t the Sowerberry's housea

- He said that Oliver had given too much meat at the Sowerberry's house and that Mr Sowerberry had been too kind to him.

What did Mr Bumble advise Mrs Sowerberry to do with -60 ? Oliver

- He advised her to leave him in the cellar without food for a few days, then to feed him only soup and not to be kind to him.


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Drill Yourself

1- Describe life at the workhouse. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2- What happened to Oliver's mother after he was born ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3- Why do you think Oliver Twist was born in a workhouse ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4- Why do you think Oliver's mother died ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5- What did Oliver's mother ask for before her death ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6- Who was Mrs Mann ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? How did Mrs Mann treat Oliver -7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? as nineWhere did Oliver live after he w -8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? Who was Mr Bumble -9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? Why do you think an orphan's life might be hard -10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? How was Oliver's life at the workhouse -11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? mble was angry with OliverWhy do you think Mr Bu -12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? What does Mr Sowerberry do -13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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? iver hit Noah Claypole hardWhy did Ol -41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? llarWhat was the result of locking Oliver in the ce -15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Why was Oliver unhappy when he was leaving the -16 ? r Bumbleworkhouse with M

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? beat Oliver every day BumbleWhy did Mr -17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? Why was a message put on the door of the workhouse -18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? What happened to Oliver when he dared to ask for more food -19

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What did the boys at the workhouse decide to do -20 ? concerning food




1- " What's the mother's name ? " a) Who said these words ? To whom ? - The doctor said these words to the nurse. b) Whose mother was she ? - She was Oliver's mother. c) What was the reply to that question ? - The nurse replied that she didn’t know the mother's name.

2- " Can I see my new baby ? " a) Who said that ? To whom ? - The young woman ( the unknown mother ) said that to the doctor and the nurse.


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b) Who was that baby ? - The baby was Oliver Twist. c) What happened to the mother after she had seen the baby ? - The mother died after she had seen the baby.

3- " Poor woman, she was so beautiful. We'll never know who she was. " a) Who said these words ? To whom ? - The nurse said these words to the doctor. b) Who was that woman ? - She was Oliver's mother. c) Why wouldn’t they know who she was ? - Because she died directly after her baby had been born.

4- " We'll give you food and a bed for nothing. " a) Who said these words ? To whom ? - The managers of the workhouse said these words to Oliver. b) Where would the listener be given food and a bed ? - Oliver was going to work at the workhouse for food and a bed. c) Why did the speaker say that ? - The managers said that because Oliver was crying when he left Mrs Mann's old house.

5- " Please, sir, I want some more. " a) Who said that ? To whom ? Where ? - Oliver said that to the master at the workhouse. b) What did the speaker ask for ? - Oliver asked for some more food. c) What was the reaction of the listener ? - The master was furious. He told the managers who locked Oliver in a room.

6- " Why are you crying ? You should be happy to have the opportunity to work with someone like Mr Sowerberry. " a) Who was crying ? Why ? - Oliver was crying because Mr Bumble took him from the workhouse to work with Mr Sowerberry. He was sorry because he left his friends there.


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b) Who was Mr Sowerberry ? - He was a coffin maker. c) What would the listener do for Mr Sowerberry ? - Oliver would work with him as an apprentice.

7- " But it will cost money to feed him. " a) Who said these words ? To whom ? - Mrs Sowerberry said these words to Mr Bumble and her husband. b) What does the underlined word him refer to ? - Oliver Twist. c) Why did the speaker had to feed him ? - Because Oliver would work for Mr and Mrs Sowerberry for food.

8- "I help Mr Sowerberry. You do what I say, Workhouse boy." a) Who said these words ? To whom ? - Noah Claypole said these words to Oliver Twist. b) Who was Mr Sowerberry ? - He was a coffin maker who took Oliver to work as an apprentice. c) What did the speaker help Mr Sowerberry do ? - He helped him make coffins.

9- " I heard she died in the workhouse because she was no good at anything. " a) Who was the speaker ? - Noah Claypole was the speaker. b) What does she refer to ? - It refers to Oliver Twist's mother. c) What was Oliver's reaction to these words ? - Oliver stood up and started to hit Noah hard.

10- " Help me lock him in her. " a) Who was the person who needed help ? From whom ? - Mr Sowerberry needed help from his wife. b) Who would be locked in ? Why ? - Oliver Twist. Because he attacked Noah Claypole and hit him hard. c) Where would that person be locked in ? - In a dark cellar.


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11- " I understand the problem, you’ve given him too much meat, Mrs Sowerberry. "

a) Who was the speaker ? - Mr Bumble was the speaker. b) Who was Mrs Sowerberry ? - She was Mr Sowerberry's, the coffin maker, wife. c) What did Mrs Sowerberry really give Oliver to eat ? - Mrs Sowerberry gave Oliver some old food that they had not eaten.


Drill Yourself

1- " I don’t know. She arrived at the workhouse last night. " a) Who said these words ? To whom ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) Who was she ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) How did she look when she came to the workhouse ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2- " He is old enough to work for us in the workhouse. " a) Who was the speaker ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) How old was Oliver when he was taken to the workhouse ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) How was life in the workhouse ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3- " Why are you crying ? You're lucky to work here. " a) Who said that ? To whom ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) Why was the listener crying ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) Where would he work ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4- " Please, sir, I want some more. " a) Who was the speaker ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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b) Why did he / she ask for more ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) How was he / she punished for asking for more ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5- " If he is not happy with our generosity, he must leave. " a) Who was the speaker ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) Was the speaker really generous ? How do you know ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) Where did Oliver leave to ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6- " He's very small, but he'll grow. " a) Who said these words ? To whom ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) Who was very small ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) Where would he grow ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7- " I heard that if she hadn’t died, they would have punished her. " a) Who said these words ? To whom ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) About whom were these words said ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) What did the listener do when he heard that ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Correcting mistakes

Correct Wrong Sentences

Industrial Economical 1- The events of " Oliver Twist " took place during the Economical Revolution.

work houses 2- People came to the English towns at that time to find houses.


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Correct Wrong Sentences

A workhouse A lighthouse 3- A lighthouse is a place where poor and homeless people went to have a bed and some sort of food.

His mother The nurse 4- After Oliver had been born, the nurse asked to see him.

after before 5- The mother had died before she saw her baby.

little much 6- Mrs Mann used to give the orphans much food to eat.

no kinder kinder 7- Mrs Mann was kinder to Oliver than she was to other orphans.

nine ten 8- Oliver moved to the workhouse at the age of ten.

official actor 9- Mr Bumble was an actor from the workhouse.

food money 10- The children at the workhouse worked for money.

his friends Mrs Mann 11- Going to the workhouse, Oliver was sad to leave Mrs Mann.

cried smiled 12- When Oliver had arrived at the workhouse, he smiled.

old new 13- The children in the workhouse were wearing new clothes.

an uncomfortable a comfortable 14- In the workhouse, Oliver slept on a comfortable bed.

thin soup bread 15- All the boys ate in the workhouse was bread.

the master Mr Bumble 16- Oliver asked Mr Bumble for more food.

thin fat 17- The boys ate fat soup at the workhouse.

coffin shoe 18- Mr Sowerberry was a shoe maker.

apprentice official 19- Oliver worked for Mr Sowerberry as an official.

small big 20- Mr Sowerberry complained that Oliver was very big.


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Correct Wrong Sentences

apprentice son 21- Noah was Mr Sowerberry's son.

different the same 22- Both Oliver's and Noah's breakfast at Mr Sowerberry's house were the same.

badly well 23- Noah treated Oliver well.

Noah Claypole Mr Sowerberry 24- Mr Sowerberry called Oliver " workhouse boy".

his mother Mrs Sowerberry

25- Oliver hit Noah hard for insulting Mrs Sowerberry.

cellar bedroom 26- Oliver was locked in a dark bedroom after he hit Noah.

meat soup 27- Mr Bumble blamed Mrs Sowerberry for feeding Oliver too much soup.

unbearable bearable 28- Life at Mr Sowerberry's house was bearable so Oliver ran away.


Drill Yourself

Correct Wrong Sentences

----------- ----------- 1- During the Industrial Revolution, a lot of libraries opened all over England.

----------- ----------- 2- When Oliver was born, he found it difficult to see.

----------- ----------- 3- The doctor and the nurse couldn’t know the address of the mother.

----------- ----------- 4- The door was locked, so Oliver decided to run away.

----------- ----------- 5- Oliver's mother died in the hospital.

----------- ----------- 6- Oliver was locked in a cell when he hit Noah.

----------- ----------- 7- Mrs Mann was an honest woman.

----------- ----------- 8- Oliver led an easy life in the workhouse.

----------- ----------- 9- The boys chose Oliver to ask for more money.

----------- ----------- 10- Mr Bumble, the coffin maker, took Oliver as an apprentice.

----------- ----------- 11- Oliver was sad to leave Mrs Mann.


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Chapter 2


Careful ؽوي Gentleman ) اٹيل ) هعٸ

Hide ( hid / hidden ) يقزجئ / يقجئ Miser ثقيٸ

Relax = rest يزوفى / يزويؼ Notebook ٵواخ / ٽٮٶوح / أعڂلح

Surely ثبٹزأٵيل Well made عيل اٹڂ٤

Follow يزج٤ / يزبث٤ Funny ٽؾٴ / ٽٺى

Sign ال٭زخ / يب٭خ Silk ؽويو

Fields ؽٲڈٷ Handkerchief ٽڂليٸ

Finally أفيوا / ٭ى اٹڂچبيخ Marks ٥الٽبد

Village ٱويخ Take off يڂزي٣ / يييٸ

Opportunities ٭و Game ويٲخ / ؽيٺخ

Coat ٽ٬٦ / ثبٹڈ Pockets عيڈة

Hat ٱج٦خ / ثوځيخ Wallet ٽؾٮ٢خ

Cheerfully ثبثزچبط / ٭ى وڇه Pretend يز٢بڅو / يل٥ى

Artful / ٽبڅو ثبه٣ Shop window ) ځب٭نح ٥و ) ٭برويڂخ

Dodger ٽؾزبٷ Successful ځبعؼ

Too far ث٦يل علا Our little game ؽيٺزڂب اٹجيخ

Dirtier أٵضو اربفب / ٱناهح I felt nothing ٹټ أ٦و ثئ

Call out ييؼ ٽڂبكيب Practise a game )يپبه ؽيٺخ )ٹ٦جخ

Lead ( led / led ) يٲڈك / يڈٸ Point to / at ييو ئٹى

A fire ٽل٭أح Bookshop ٽؾٸ ٹجي٤ اٹٶزت

Corner هٵڀ Thieves ٹڈ

Ugly ٱجيؼ اٹٶٸ Turn round يٺزٮذ

Pan ڇ٥بء / ٱله / ؽٺخ Stop ! Thief ! ! اٽٴ ؽواٽى

Fall asleep ٩ٺجڄ اٹڂ٦ب Fell over و ڇٱ٤ ٥ٺى األه / ر٦ض

Wooden box ڂلڇٯ فجى Crowd ) ؽل / عپچڈه ) ٽڀ اٹڂب

Gold watch ب٥خ مڅجيخ Hurt ( hurt / hurt ) يإمډ / يإٹټ

Expensive ٩بٹى اٹضپڀ Roughly ثٲڈح

Jewellery ٽغڈڅواد / ٽڈ٩بد Police station ٽوٵي اٹوخ

Poorer and dirtier than he had ever

seen. أهكأ ڇأٱنه ٽپب هأډ ٭ى ؽيبرڄ

Taking something out of a wooden

box يقوط يئب ٽب ٽڀ ڂلڇٯ فجى

An ugly old man with red hair

هعٸ ٥غڈى ٱجيؼ اٹٶٸ مڇ ٦و أؽپو اٹٺڈٿ

He must be a miser.

الثل أځڄ ق ثقيٸ

Knife ٶيڀ Nervously ث٦جيخ


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Pointing at him and calling

ٽيويڀ رغبڅڄ ڇٽڂبكيڀ

Felt ill and fainted

٦و ثبإل٥يبء ڇأ٩پى ٥ٺيڄ

Led Oliver roughly down the street

اٱزبك أڇٹيٮو ثٲڈح ٭ى اٹبه٣

Lying down on the street

ٽزٺٲيب ٥ٺى األه ٭ى اٹبه٣

A painting of a pretty woman

ٹڈؽخ ٭ڂيخ الٽوأح عپيٺخ

Put on her best clothes

اهرلد أ٭ٸ ٽب ٹليچب ٽڀ ٽالث

Police officer بث وخ Painting ٹڈؽخ ٭ڂيخ

Magistrate ٱبى Pretty عپيٸ

Puzzle يؾيو / يوثٴ Wall ؽبئ / علاه / ڈه

Prison غڀ / اٹغڀ (Be) amazed ٽڂلڅ

Faint ٥ٺيڄ ي٪پى Threw أٹٲى / هٽى

Go free = set free يٺ واؽڄ / ينڅت ؽوا Deep voice ڈد ٽڂقٮ

Waste يي٤ / يجلك / يچله Angry looking يجلڇ ٩بجب

Lie down يزٺٲى Shoulders أٵزب٫

Coach ٥وثخ رغوڅب اٹقيڈٷ Find out يٶز٬

Warm كا٭ئ Put on رلډ ( ي٤ ٽالث ) يو

Comfortable ٽويؼ Set off ) يڂٺ ) ئٹى ٽٶبٿ

Appear ي٢چو Several days ٥لح أيبٻ

There's a dear ! ! رغ٤ يب٥يييډ Lady ) يلح ) ٽغزپ٤

Well ثؾخ عيلح Wasting my time ئب٥خ ڇٱزى

Taking off the marks يڂي٣ اٹ٦الٽبد Question بة ٭ى يٴ ٭ى / يور

Puzzled ٽزؾيو / ٭ى ؽيوح Owner ٽبٹٴ / بؽت اٹئ


Summary of Chapter 2

☻ : Escape to London اٹچوڇة ئٹى ٹڂلٿ ♣ Oliver hid from people in order not to be taken back to Mr


♣ He decided that London would be a good place for him to

go so he walked 70 miles to London.

♣ He slept in fields and ate very little so he felt hungry and


☻meets Jack Dawkins Oliver أڇٹيٮو يٲبثٸ عبٳ كڇٵيڂي ♣ Jack Dawkins whose friends called him the Artful Dodger

was a poor boy of about Oliver's age.


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♣ Dawkins took Oliver to an old house where he met

Fagin, an ugly old man with red hair.

☻ Welcome to Fagin's gangٽوؽجب ٭ى ٥بثخ ٭بعيڀ ♣ Fagin pretended to be kind to Oliver and gave him food.

♣ After some sleep, Oliver woke up to see Fagin with his gold

watches and expensive jewellery.

♣ Fagin was angry when he saw Oliver looking at his things,

but Oliver said he didn’t see anything.

♣ Oliver thought Fagin must have been a miser to live in such

an old place with so much jewellery and so many watches.

♣ Dawkins and Charley brought what they had stolen to


☻ A new member in the gang ٥ڈ عليل ٭ى اٹ٦بثخ ♣ Fagin, Dawkins and Charley gave Oliver the first lesson in

taking things from people's pockets.

♣ Fagin said that Oliver was a clever boy but Oliver thought

it was a funny game.

☻ In the hand of the police ٭ى ٱجخ اٹوخ ♣ Oliver set off with the two boys to do what he was taught.

♣ Dawkins and Charley did the theft but Oliver was caught.

♣ The owner of a bookshop told the magistrate that Oliver

wasn’t the real thief.

☻Oliver meets Mr Brownlow أڇٹيٮو يٲبثٸ ٽزو ثواڇځٺڈ ♣ When Mr Brownlow saw Oliver, he thought he had seen

him before.

♣ He saw Oliver lying down on the street outside the police


♣ Mr Brownlow was very kind so he decided to take Oliver

to his house.

♣ He slept there for many days in a warm, comfortable bed.

♣ Mrs Bedwin, who looked after Mr Brownlow's house,

cared for Oliver till he was well.


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:A painting of a pretty woman ☻

ٹڈؽخ ٭ڂيخ ٹيلح عپيٺخ♣ Oliver was amazed when he looked at a painting of a pretty

woman on the wall in Mr Brownlow's house because he

could see that the woman's eyes, head and mouth were

almost the same as his own.

☻ OliverWhere's ?أيڀ أڇٹيٮو ؟ ♣ When Fagin heard that Oliver was taken by the police, he

was so angry with Dawkins and Charley.

♣ Fagin was afraid that Oliver would tell the police about the


♣ Bill Sikes suggested sending Nancy to find out what had

happened to Oliver.

♣ The police didn’t know Nancy who worked with Sikes.

♣ She was told that Oliver had gone somewhere on a coach

with Mr Brownlow.

♣ Fagin was worried and said they had to find out where

Oliver was before he told anyone about them.

♣ He gave Nancy and the Artful Dodger some money so as

to find Oliver.


The Story Text

♣ At first Oliver was careful to hide when he saw people in the

street, thinking they would want to take him back to Mr

Sowerberry, but he relaxed after a few hours. Surely no one was

following him now. He saw a sign which said " London, 70

miles." He did not know how long this would take to walk, but

he decided that London would be a good place for him to go.

Even Mr Bumble would not be able to find him in that great

city he had heard of where there would be so many


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opportunities for him.

♣ He followed the signs to London for seven days, sleeping

in fields and eating very little. Although a few kind people gave

him food, he felt hungry and weak. Finally, he sat down to rest

in the street of a small village. Another poor boy of about his

age, who was wearing a man's coat and a tall hat, came and sat

next to him. "You look hungry. Where are you going?" said the

boy. '' I'm going to London," Oliver replied. " Have you got

a room there? Or any money? " Oliver said that he had almost

nothing. "Well, I know a man who will give you work and

a room for nothing," he said cheerfully. "My name's Jack

Dawkins," he continued, "although my friends call me the

Artful Dodger". Jack seemed to be kind. He bought

Oliver a meal and then said he could show him the way to

London, but only when it was dark.

♣ It was not too far to London, but it was not what Oliver had

expected. Jack took Oliver through streets that were poorer

and dirtier than he had ever seen, and he thought perhaps he

should run away again. Then they arrived in front of an old

house, and when Jack called out, a door opened and they went

inside. Jack led him to a large and dark back room with a fire

in one corner. Next to the fire, an ugly old man with red hair

was cooking something in a big pan. Four or five boys sat on

old beds around the fire.

"This is Oliver," said Jack. At once, the boys stood up and

began to take Oliver's few things from him. The old man

laughed. " I'm Fagin," he said. " Sit down and have some


♣ Oliver sat by the fire and ate. Then, before he knew it, he fell

asleep. When he woke up, the room was quiet. He saw Fagin

sitting at a table taking some things out of a wooden box. He

looked carefully at a gold watch and some expensive

jewellery before putting them back in the box. He


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then looked at Oliver. When he saw that Oliver was

awake, he jumped up and quickly closed the wooden box.

"What did you see?" he shouted, taking a knife in one hand.

"Nothing, sir," said Oliver nervously. "Can I get up now?"

"Yes, of course," said Fagin, putting the knife down again.

♣ Oliver relaxed and looked around the room. He thought the

old gentleman must be a miser to live in such an old place, with

so much jewellery and so many watches. He thought that

perhaps Fagin used all his money to look after the boys. At that

moment, Jack Dawkins arrived with a boy called Charley Bates.

"I hope you've been at work this morning, boys," Fagin said

when he saw them. "We've been working hard," said Jack.

"Good. What have you got?" Fagin asked Jack. Jack showed

him some notebooks and Fagin looked at them carefully.

"Thank you, sir," said Oliver. " They're well made, aren't

they?" Fagin said to Oliver. "Yes, very well made," answered


♣ Fagin and the boys found this very funny, although Oliver

did not know why. Then Charley showed Fagin some silk

handkerchiefs. "They're good ones," said Fagin. "But they

have marks on them. We can show Oliver how to take off the

marks." Charley laughed again and said, "The boy is so very

young!"· "Let's have breakfast, then you'll show Oliver our

little game," said Fagin.

♣ When they had eaten, Fagin put a watch in one of his pockets,

a notebook in another pocket and a wallet in another pocket.

Then he walked around the room, pretending to be looking in

shop windows. Oliver thought that this game was very funny.

Jack and Charley then walked very close to Fagin and without

Oliver realising it, they suddenly had the watch, the notebook

and the wallet in their hands. "Very good," said Fagin. "Now

you try, Oliver." Oliver walked behind Fagin and took


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a handkerchief from his pocket. " Has it gone?" asked

Fagin. "Well done, I felt nothing," he cried. "You're a clever

boy. You'll be as successful as the Artful Dodger." Oliver

did not understand how taking handkerchiefs could make you

successful, but because the old man was kind and gave him

food, he did not question his advice.

♣ After a few days of practising the game, Fagin told Oliver

that he was ready to go out into the streets of London with

Charley and the Artful Dodger. A few hours later, Oliver

found himself in a strange London street with his two new

friends. The Artful Dodger pointed to a gentleman who was

reading a book outside a bookshop. "Look! He'll do," he said

to Charley. Oliver watched as the two boys walked quietly

behind the gentleman and carefully took a handkerchief from

his pocket. Oliver suddenly understood why Fagin had so many

watches and silk handkerchiefs and such a lot of jewellery. The

boys were thieves! Before he knew what was happening, the

gentleman turned round and called out, "Stop! Thief!" Oliver

started to run away, but now everyone in the street was

pointing at him and calling, "Stop him! He's a thief!" Suddenly

Oliver fell over and a crowd of people stood all around him. "Is

this the boy?" someone called. "Yes, that's him." Oliver saw

the gentleman looking down at him. "The poor boy is hurt,"

the man said. At that moment a policeman arrived and told

Oliver to stand up. "It wasn't me!" cried Oliver. "Oh, yes it

was," called the policeman, who led Oliver roughly down the

street. The crowd of people and the gentleman followed the

policeman down to the police station. "I don't think he did it,"

said the gentleman as Oliver was locked in a room. "Don't

worry, sir," said a police officer. "A magistrate will see him

soon. He'll decide." The gentleman, who was called Mr

Brownlow, was puzzled. Where had he seen the boy


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♣ A little while later, Oliver was called to see the magistrate.

When the magistrate heard what had happened, it was quickly

decided that Oliver should go to prison. On hearing the news,

Oliver felt ill and fainted. He was carried out of the room. The

magistrate was going to send everyone home when the owner of

the bookshop suddenly appeared. "It wasn't that boy!" he said

to the magistrate. "It was two other boys. He was with them,

but he didn't take anything," he explained. "I saw the other

boys running away." "Why didn't you tell me this before?"

called the magistrate. "Let the boy go free and stop wasting

my time." As he left the building, Mr Brownlow saw Oliver

lying down on the street outside. "Poor boy," he said.

"Somebody call a coach. He must come home with me." Oliver

was carefully put inside a coach and taken to Mr Brownlow's

house, but he did not remember the journey. Oliver was very

ill. He slept for many days in a warm, comfortable bed in Mr

Brownlow’s large house in a good part of London. When he at

last woke up, he said, "What room is this?"

♣ An old lady quickly appeared and smiled at him, "You must

be quiet, or you'll be ill again. Lie down, there's a dear!" said

the woman, Mrs Bedwin, who looked after the house. So Oliver

stayed in bed, and it was several days before he was well enough

to go downstairs. He walked slowly into a beautiful room and

saw Mr Brownlow smiling at him. "You look a little better,"

said Mr Brownlow. Then he looked puzzled again. "But what is

this? Look there." He pointed to a painting of a pretty woman

on the wall above Oliver's head. Oliver was amazed. He could

see that the eyes, the head and the mouth were almost the same

as his own. After Oliver was taken by the policeman, Charley

and the Artful Dodger ran quickly back to the old house.

Fagin was so angry to hear what had happened to


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of coffee at Charley. "Stop Oliver that he threw a cup

wasting good coffee," said a deep voice. Fagin looked round

and saw an angry looking man with big, strong shoulders.

"What are you doing, Fagin?" he shouted. "Sorry, Bill," said

Fagin, "but we have a problem." He explained to Mr Sikes, or

Bill, as Fagin called him, what had happened to Oliver. "Oliver

will probably tell the police where we are and what we do,"

explained Fagin. "We need to speak to him quickly," said Mr

Sikes. "The police don't know Nancy, so she can go and find out

what's happened," he suggested.

♣ Nancy was a young woman who worked for Mr Sikes. She

put on her best clothes and set off for the police station, but

when she got there, she was told that Oliver had gone. "A police

officer told me that he went somewhere in a coach with

a gentleman called Mr Brownlow," Nancy told Fagin when she

got back. When Fagin heard the news, he cried out, "We must

find out where he is before he tells anyone about us!" He then

gave Nancy and the Artful Dodger some money. "Go and find

Oliver. Don't stop until you find him, not even for

a minute."


Questions & Answers

1- What happened to Oliver during his journey to London ? - He hid from people in the streets and slept in fields. - He ate very little food which he begged from people. 2- Why did Oliver think London would be a good place to go ?

- Because it was a great city where Mr Bumble wouldn’t be able to find him. There would be so many opportunities for him. 3- Who did Oliver meet on his journey to London ? - He met Jack Dawkins " The Artful Dodger " who was one of the thieves in Fagin's gang.


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? What did Oliver have to do while running away -4

- He had to hide when he saw people in the streets. People moved from the country to towns to work there. 5- Why did Oliver have to hide from people ? - So that they wouldn’t take him back to Mr Sowerberry. 6- What did Jack Dawkins offer Oliver ? - He offered to take him to Fagin who could get him work and a room for nothing. He also said he could show him the way to London.

? What did Dawkins buy for Oliver -7 - He bought Oliver a meal.

? How did Oliver find London -8 - It was not what he had expected. Its streets were poorer and dirtier than he had ever seen.

? What did Oliver see at Fagin's house -9 - He saw an ugly old man with red hair sitting next to a fire in a large and dark back room.

? What did Oliver see Fagin doing when he woke up -10 - He saw him sitting at a table taking a gold watch and some expensive jewellery out of a wooden box.

? How far was London -11 - It was 70 miles away.

? er's decision about the place he would goWhat was Oliv -12 - He decided that London would be a good place for him to go.

? Why was London a safe refugee to Oliver -13 - Even Mr Bumble would not be able to find him in that great city he had heard of where there would be so many opportunities for him.

? How long did it take Oliver to go to London -41 - It took him seven days to go there.

? Where did Oliver sleep on his way to London -15 - He slept in the fields and ate very little.

? ney to LondonHow did Oliver feel after his jour -16 - He was hungry and weak because he ate little food. Few people gave him food.

? Where did Oliver rest -17 - Finally, he sat down to rest in the street of a small village.

? Where did Oliver meet the boy, Jack Dawkins -18 - In the street of a small village while he was resting.


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? What was Jack Dawkins like -19 - He was a poor boy of about Oliver's age. He was wearing a man's coat and a tall hat.

? What did Jack's friends call him -20

- His friends called him the Artful Dodger.

? tnd to Oliver when they first meHow was Jack ki -21

- Jack seemed to be kind. He bought Oliver a meal and showed him the way to London,

? What kind of streets did Jack take Oliver through -22 - He took Oliver through streets that were poorer and dirtier than he had ever seen. 23- What did Oliver think he should do when he saw the London dirty streets ? - Oliver thought perhaps he should run away again.

? What kind of houses did Fagin's boys live in -24 - They lived in an old house.

? Where did Jack lead Oliver -25 - He led him in the house to a large and dark back room with a fire in one corner.

What was Fagin like ? What was he doing when Oliver -26 ? arrived

- He was an ugly old man with red hair. He was cooking something in a big pan. Four or five boys sat on old beds around the fire. 27- What did Fagin Offer Oliver ? - He asked him / offered him to sit down and eat. 28- Why was the room quiet when Oliver woke up ? - Because nobody was in the room as other boys went out to work 29- What did Oliver see Fagin doing when he woke up ? - He saw Fagin sitting at a table taking some things out of a wooden box. He looked carefully at a gold watch and some expensive jewellery before putting them back in the box. 30- What did Fagin do when he realized that Oliver was awake ? - When he saw that Oliver was awake, he jumped up and quickly closed the wooden box. 31- Why was Fagin worried / panicked when Oliver woke up ? - He was afraid that Oliver saw anything of his stolen things.


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32- When did Fagin feel relaxed / calm down / relieved ? - When Oliver told him that he saw nothing. 33- What did Oliver think of Fagin ? What did he deduced about Fagin ? - He deduced that he must be a miser to live in such an old place with so much jewellery and so many watches. 34- What did Oliver think Fagin did with the money ? - He thought that perhaps Fagin used all his money to look after the boys. 35- Who did Jack arrive with ? - At that moment, Jack Dawkins arrived with a boy called Charley Bates. 36- What had Jack and Charley been doing that morning ? - They had been working hard. 37- What had they got from their work ? Or What things did they steal this morning ? - Jack showed Fagin some notebooks. Charley showed him some silk handkerchiefs. 38- How did Jack and Charley please Fagin ? - Because they got / stole well-made notebooks and silk handkerchiefs. 23- What did Oliver think of the things they got ? - They were very well-made. 24- What could Oliver understand ? - Why Fagin and the other boys laugh at his words. 39- What would they show Oliver? - They would show Oliver how to take off the marks. They would show Oliver their little games. 40- What little tricks did they show Oliver ? Or What did Fagin teach Oliver? - How to pick things up from people’s pockets. - How to steal things. - How to be clever thieves. 41- Why did Fagin praise Oliver ? - Because he felt nothing while Oliver was picking up the wallet. He was a clever boy. 42- What did Fagin predict about Oliver as a thief ? - He would be as successful as the Artful Dodger.


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43- What didn’t Oliver understand ? - He did not understand how taking handkerchiefs could make him successful. 44- How did Oliver discover the place where Fagin kept his valuable things ? - Oliver was asleep ; when he woke up, he saw Fagin taking his things out of a wooden box. 45- How did Fagin react when he saw Oliver watching him ? - He jumped up and quickly hid the wooden box. He took a knife and threatened Oliver. 46- Why did Oliver think that Fagin was a miser ? - He thought he must be a miser to live in such an old place, with so much jewellery and so many gold watches. 47- What game did Fagin and the boys play ? - Fagin put a watch, a notebook and a wallet in his pockets. Jack and Charley took them without Oliver and Fagin realising it. 48- Why did Fagin and the boys play the game ? - Fagin wanted to show Oliver how to steal things from people. 49- To what extent did Oliver learn the game ? - Oliver took the handkerchief from Fagin's pocket ; Fagin felt nothing. 50- What happened at the bookshop ? - The two boys, Charley and the Artful Dodger walked quietly behind a gentleman, Mr Brownlow and carefully took a handkerchief from his pocket. 51- What did Oliver realise at the bookshop ? - He realised why Fagin had so many valuable things and that the boys were thieves. 52- What did the man, Mr Brownlow do when he realised that his handkerchief was gone ? - He turned round and called out, " Stop ! Thief ! " 53- How was Oliver caught ? - After the boys had stolen the gentleman's handkerchief, Oliver ran away but fell over and was caught. 54- What happened to Oliver after he had been caught ? - He was led roughly down the street by the policeman to the police station.


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55- Where did Mr Brownlow first see Oliver ? - He first saw him at the bookshop when Mr Brownlow was robbed by Jack and Charley. 56- What did Mr Brownlow feel when he first saw Oliver ? - He was puzzled and thought he had seen Oliver before. 57- What was the magistrate's judgement on Oliver at first ? - He decided that Oliver should go to prison. 58- The news of his imprisonment had a bad effect on Oliver. Explain. - On hearing the news of his imprisonment, Oliver felt ill and fainted. 59- How was Oliver set free ? - He was set free when the owner of the bookshop said that Oliver didn’t take anything and that he saw Jack and Charley running away. 60- Who saved Oliver from prison ? How ? - The owner of the bookshop saved him from prison when he said that Oliver didn’t take anything. 61- How did Mr Brownlow treat Oliver ? - He was so kind to him. Mrs Bedwin, his housekeeper, nursed him until he restored his health. 62- What did Mrs Bedwin tell Oliver to do ? - She told him to lie down or he would be ill again. 63- What was strange about the picture of the woman at Mr Brownlow's house ? - It was so amazing to Oliver where the eyes, the head and the mouth were almost the same as his own. 64- Whose painting was on the wall at Mr Brownlow's house ? - It was a painting of a pretty woman. 65- What was Fagin's reaction for losing Oliver ? - He was so angry to hear what had happened to Oliver that he threw a cup of coffee at Charley. 66- What was Fagin afraid of ? - He was afraid that Oliver would probably tell the police where they were and what they did. 67- Who was chosen to go and find out what had happened to Oliver ? - Nancy was chosen because the police didn’t know her.


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68- What did Sikes want Nancy to do ? - He wanted her to go and find out what had happened to Oliver. 69- Who was Nancy ? - She was a young woman who worked for Mr Sikes. 70- What was Nancy told at the police station ? - She was told that Oliver had gone somewhere in a coach with Mr Brownlow.


Drill Yourself

1- Describe Oliver's trip to London. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2- Who was Jack Dawkins ? Describe him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3- What was unexpected for Oliver concerning London ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4- What did Jack Dawkins offer Oliver ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5- Who was Fagin ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6- What did Oliver see Fagin doing ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? What things were in Fagin's wooden box -7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? What did Fagin pick up and threaten Oliver with -8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

When did Oliver understand the meaning of the game in -9 ? Fagin's house

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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What did Mr Brownlow decide to do when he saw Oliver -10 ? lying down on the street

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Why were Oliver's days in Mr Brownlow's house happy -11 ? ones

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Describe why and how Mr Brownlow's feelings towards -12 ? Oliver changed

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How was Oliver treated at both Mr Fagin's house and Mr -13

? Brownlow's house --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? What kind of man was Mr Brownlow -41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? How did Mrs Bedwin feel about Oliver -15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What did Sikes do when he heard that Oliver was under -16 ? arrest

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? What did Fagin want to stop Oliver from doing it -17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? Why was Nancy sent to the police station -81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? e with OliverWhy did the gentleman sympathiz -19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

against their accusation/ How did Oliver defend himself -20 charge?

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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hat information did Nancy tell Fagin ?W -21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? What was Bill Sikes like -22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What did Charley and the Artful Dodger do after Oliver was -23 ? caught/arrested

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

How far was Oliver like the painting of the woman on the -24 ? wall in Mr Brownlow’s house

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? Where did Oliver sleep in Mr Brownlow’s house -25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ive examples.Brownlow was kindhearted man . GMr -26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? Who will decide whether Oliver is guilty or not -27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



1- " You look hungry. Where are you going ? " a) Who said that ? To whom ? - Jack Dawkins said that to Oliver Twist. b) Why did the listener look hungry ? - Because he ate very little on his way walking to London. c) Where did these two persons meet ? - The nurse replied that she didn’t know the mother's name.

2- " Have you got a room there ? or any money ? " a) Who asked this question ? To whom ? - Jack Dawkins asked Oliver this question.


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b) What does " there " refer to ? - It refers to London. c) What was the reply to this question ? - Oliver replied that he had almost nothing.

3- " Well, I know a man who will give you work and a room for nothing. " a) Who was the man mentioned above ? - The man mentioned above was Fagin. b) Why would this man do that for Oliver ? - Fagin would make use of Oliver as a pickpocket. c) What did Jack Dawkins’s friends call him ? - They called him " The Artful Dodger."

4- " Nothing, sir, can I get up now ? " a) Who said these words ? To whom ? - Oliver said these words to Fagin. b) What question was " Nothing " an answer to ? - Fagin asked Oliver if he had seen him while he was looking at his stolen things. c) Where was the speaker sleeping ? - Oliver was sleeping at Fagin's old house.

5- " They are good ones, but they have marks on them. " a) Who said these words ? To whom ? - Fagin said these words to Oliver, Jack and Charley. b) What does the word they refer to ? - It refers to some silk handkerchiefs. c) How did the speaker get these things ? - These silk handkerchiefs were stolen by Jack and Charley.

6- " Let's have breakfast, then we'll show Oliver our little game. " a) Who was the speaker ? - Fagin was the speaker. b) What was the game mentioned above ? - Oliver would be shown how to take things from people's pockets. c) To what extent did Oliver learn the game ? - Oliver did it cleverly and took a handkerchief from Fagin's pocket. Fagin felt nothing.


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7- " Let the boy go free and stop wasting my time. " a) Who was the speaker ? - The speaker was the magistrate. b) Why was the boy arrested ? - He was accused of stealing a gentleman's handkerchief. c) When was the boy set free ? - He was set free when the owner of the bookshop said that he didn’t steal the handkerchief, but another two boys did that.

8- " Poor boy, somebody call a coach. He must come home with me." a) Who was the speaker ? - The speaker was Mr Brownlow. b) Why did the speaker sympathize with Oliver ? - Mr Brownlow knew that Oliver was innocent and he found him lying down on the street outside the police station. c) Where did the speaker first see Oliver ? - He first saw him at the bookshop when he was robbed of his handkerchief by Jack and Charley.

9- " Oliver will probably tell the police where we are and what we do. " a) Who said these words ? To whom ? - Fagin said these words to Bill Sikes. b) Why was the speaker so afraid ? - Fagin was a criminal and trained children to steal. He was afraid he might have gone to prison. c) What did the speaker do to stop Oliver from doing that ? - He gave Nancy and Jack some money and told them not to stop until they found Oliver.

10- " Go and find Oliver. Don’t stop until you find him, not even for a minute. "

a) Why should Oliver be found ? - Fagin wanted to find him not to tell the police about his gang. b) Who was sent to find him ? - Nancy and Jack were sent for that. c) Where was Oliver at that time ? - He was at Mr Brownlow's house.


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Drill Yourself

1- " My friends call me the Artful Dodger. " a) What's the speaker's real name ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) What does he / she do ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) Where was this statement said ? To whom ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2- " A police officer told me that he went somewhere in a coach. "

a) Who said these words ? To whom ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) Why did the speaker go to the police station ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) What does the word he refer to ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3- " You must be quiet, or you'll be ill again. Lie down a dear! " a) Who said that ? To whom ? Where ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) What was the speaker's job ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) How did the listener go to that place ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4- " Has it gone ? Well done, I felt nothing. " a) Who said these words ? To whom ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) What did the listener do well ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) What did the speaker decide to do after that ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [

5- " We must find out where he is before he tells anyone about us. " a) Who said these words ? To whom ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) What was the speaker afraid of ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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c) What did they do to solve this problem ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6- " So she can go and find out what's happened. " a) Who said these words ? To whom ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) What was Nancy sent for ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) Why was she chosen for that purpose ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7- " They are well made, aren’t they ? " a) Who said these words ? To whom ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) What does the word they refer to ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) How did the speaker get them ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Correcting mistakes

Correct Wrong Sentences

Mr Sowerberry Mr Brownlow 1- On his way to London, Oliver was careful to hide so as not to be found and be taken to Mr Brownlow.

Jack Charley 2- Charley told Oliver that he knew a man who would give him work and a room for nothing.

Signs Signals 3- Oliver followed the signals on his way to London.

Seven Ten 4- It took Oliver ten days to reach London.

Artful Skilful 5- Jack Dawkins's friends called him " The Skilful Dodger. "

Red Yellow 6- Fagin was an ugly old man with yellow hair.

Meal Hat 7- Jack seemed to be kind ; He bought Oliver a hat.

Wooden Golden 8- Oliver saw Fagin taking some things out of a golden box.


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Correct Wrong Sentences

Angry Pleased 9- Fagin was pleased when he saw Oliver looking at his things.

Homeless Homesick 10- Fagin trained homesick children to be thieves.

Miser Businessman 11- When Oliver saw Fagin's expensive things, he thought he must have been a businessman.

Stole Bought 12- Jack and Charley bought some notebooks for Fagin.

Steal Sell 13- Fagin, Jack and Charley taught Oliver how to sell things.

Game Match 14- The match which Fagin, Jack and Charley played was the first lesson to Oliver.

Bill Sikes Brownlow 15- Mr Brownlow was an angry looking man with big, strong shoulders.

Bookshop Library 16- Mr Brownlow was reading a book outside a library when he was robbed.

Thieves Workers 17- Jack Dawkins and Charley Bates were workers.

Handkerchief Watch 18- Jack and Charley stole Mr Brownlow's watch and ran away.

Money Jewellery 19- Fagin gave Nancy and the Artful Dodger some jewellery to find Oliver.

The bookshop owner

Mr Brownlow 20- Mr Brownlow said that Oliver wasn’t the real thief.

Two other boys

Oliver 21- The bookshop owner said that he saw Oliver running away with the handkerchief.

Oliver Jack 22- The owner of the bookshop said that Jack didn’t take anything.

Coach Bus 23- Oliver was carefully put inside a bus and taken to Mr Brownlow's house.

Thieves Policemen 24- Mr Sikes was one of the Policemen.

Mr Sikes Fagin 25- Nancy was a young woman who worked for Fagin.


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Drill Yourself

Correct Wrong Sentences

........................ ....................... 1- It was a nice journey for Oliver to go to London.

........................ ....................... 2- Oliver walked 100 miles to reach London.

........................ ....................... 3- Dawkins was called the Artful Dodger by his parents.

........................ ....................... 4- Jack bought Oliver a drink nd showed him the way to London.

........................ ....................... 5- Oliver expected to find London a dirty place.

........................ ....................... 6- Dawkins led Oliver to Mr Brownlow's house

........................ ....................... 7- Fagin was a smart old man.

........................ ....................... 8- While Fagin was looking at his books, Oliver woke up.

........................ ....................... 9- When Oliver saw Fagin's expensive things, Fagin threatened him with a gun.

........................ ....................... 10- Sikes was chosen to go and find out what had happened to Oliver.

........................ ....................... 11- Oliver spent hard times at Mr Brownlow's house.

........................ ....................... 12- After the owner of the bookshop had talked to the magistrate, Oliver was imprisoned.

........................ ....................... 13- When Charley had seen Oliver, he cried and said that he was so very young.

........................ ....................... 14- The magistrate set Jack and Charley free.

........................ ....................... 15- Oliver thought Fagin must be a beggar to live in such an old place with so much jewellery.

........................ ....................... 16- On his way to London, Oliver slept in hotels and ate very little.


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Chapter 3


Seem يجلڇ Inside ثبٹلافٸ / كافٸ

Worry يٲٺ Note ڇهٱخ ځٲليخ

Protest يؾزظ Troubles ٽزب٥ت / ٽبٵٸ

Put … back ي٦يل ڇ٤ يئب ٭ى ٽٶبځڄ Let go of me ئه٭٤ يلٳ ٥ڂى

Completely رپبٽب Let him back to يؾجڄ ٥بئلا ئٹى

Suddenly ٭غأح Good to / يت رغبڃ ٥ڈ٫ ٥ٺى

Knock ) وٱخ / فجخ ) ٥ٺى اٹجبة ٽضال Right ڈاة / ؾيؼ

Blue coat ٽ٬٦ أىهٯ Escape يچوة

Quite رپبٽب / ئٹى ؽل ٽب Hold ( held, held ) يپٴ ثـ

Describe ي٬ Beat ( beat, beaten ) يوة

Pay for ) يلك ) صپڀ Stick ٥ب

Pound ٺخ ئځغٺيييخ ( عڂيخ ) ٥پ Middle ٽڂز٬ / ڇ

Change ث٦ل ك٭٤ ٽبٷ ( / اٹٮٶخ ( اٹٮبئ Let …. out ) ب يقوط ) ق

Go back يوع٤ / ي٦ڈك Advertisement ئ٥الٿ

Pleased ٽوڇه Come out يله / ي٦ٺڀ

Arm مها٣ Newspaper عويلح / ؾيٮخ

Really ؽٲب Ask for يٺت

Come back ي٦ڈك Information ٽ٦ٺڈٽبد

Get well, then … ... ازوك ٥ب٭يزٴ ، صټ A lost boy ڇٹل ٽٮٲڈك

Let me help you. ك٥ڂى أب٥لٳ Interest اڅزپبٻ

Need to go back ٭ى ؽبعخ ألٿ روع٤ Got there ڇٸ څڂبٳ

Straight ٥ٺى اٹٮڈه / ٽجبوح Difficult ) ٦ت ئهبءڃ ٦ت / ) ق

Look worried يجلڇ ٱٺٲب Sadly ٭ى ؽيٿ

Walk رپيخ / ځيڅخ Boots ؽناء ثوٱجخ

Grab ) يغنة ثلح ) ثٲڈح At least ٥ٺى األٱٸ

Stop … for يڈٱ٬ ) ق ( ٽڀ أعٸ Join يڂټ ئٹى

In surprise ٭ى كڅخ Rich ٩ڂى / صوډ

Appear ي٢چو Take things بء يوٯ أي

Strong ٱڈډ Held on to him أؽٶټ ٱجزڄ ٥ٺيڄ

Busy streets ڈاه٣ ٽيكؽپخ Leave him alone ك٥ڄ ڇأځڄ

Reach يٸ ئٹى Indeed ؽٲيٲخ / ٭ى اٹڈاٱ٤

Put the books under his arm.

ي٤ اٹٶزت رؾذ مها٥ڄ ) ئثڄ (

Go straight to his friends

ألٱبءڃ ينڅت ٽجبوح ئٹى


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Grabbed him by the arm

عنثزڄ ثلح ٽڀ مها٥ڄ

Those don’t get dirty

ؽزى ال رزـ څنڃ ) اٹپالث (

There you are !

صجذ أځى ٵڂذ ٥ٺى ڈاة / ٵپب ٱٺذ ٹٴ !

For our troubles

ٽٲبثٸ ٽب ځ٦بځى ٽڀ ٽبٵٸ

Run away from house

يچوة ٽڀ اٹپڂيٷ

He has been so good to me

ٵبٿ ٥ڈ٭ب ٥ٺى

Was led away by

رټ اٱزيبكڃ ث٦يلا ثڈاخ

Things would not be so good for

him ٹڀ رٶڀ األٽڈه ٥ٺى ٽب يواٻ ثبٹڂجخ ٹى

Do more than take people's watches

يٮ٦ٸ ٽب څڈ أٵجو ٽڀ وٱخ ب٥بد اٹڂب

They easily broke it open.

بٽڈا ثٶوڃ ڇ٭زؾڄ ثچڈٹخ.ٱ

Countryside هي٬ / اٹوي٬ Gun ٽل / ثڂلٱيخ / الػ ځبهډ

Bring ( brought, brought ) يؾو Fireside ٽٶبٿ ثغڈاه اٹپل٭أح

No good ال ٭بئلح Eventually ٭ى اٹڂچبيخ

Choice افزيبه Brick wall ؽبئ ٽڀ اٹڈة

Cloudy ٽٺجل ثبٹ٪يڈٻ Climb up ) يزٺ أ٥ٺى ) ڈه ٽضال

Long hair ٦و ڈيٸ Top ٱپخ

Rest يزويؼ Understood ٭چټ

Right for the job ٽڂبت ٹٺڈ١يٮخ Break into يٲزؾټ

Had no choice ٹټ يٶڀ ٹليڄ افزيبه Be quiet ئڅلأ

Pick up يٺزٲ / يؾپٸ Menacingly ٽچلكا / ثزچليل

Adult ق ثبٹ٨ Across ٥جو

Through فالٷ Gardens ؽلائ

Easily ثچڈٹخ Bottom اٹغيء األٮٸ / ٱب٣

Break ( broke, broken ) يٶو / يؾټ A loud bang ڈد كڇډ / ٭وٱ٦خ ٥بٹيخ

Space ٽبؽخ Come back ! ٥ل / اهع٤

Light ٽجبػ Pull يؾت / يغو

Push ٽبٻ يل٭٤ ٹأل Shoot ( shot, shot ) يٺ اٹڂبه ٥ٺى

Shout ييؼ Upstairs اٹبث اٹ٦ٺڈډ

One pound change عڂيخ ڇاؽل ثبٱى اٹپجٺ٨ The front door )اٹجبة األٽبٽى )اٹوئيى


Summary of Chapter 3

☻ The painting had gone :ٲل افزٮذ اٹٺڈؽخ اٹٮڂيخ ٹ ♣ Mrs Bedwin told Oliver that they took the painting down

because it seemed to worry him.

♣ She promised to put it back when Oliver got well.


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☻A better life for the boy ؽيبح أ٭ٸ ٹٺڈٹل ♣ Mr Brownlow bought Oliver some new clothes.

♣ Oliver met Mr Brownlow's friend, Mr Grimwig who was

told all about Oliver.

♣ Oliver was very pleased to help Mr Brownlow so he was

sent to the bookshop to pay for some books.

♣ Mr Brownlow gave him five pounds for the books.

☻Mr Grimwig's doubts ٶڈٳ ٽزو عويپڈط ♣ Mr Grimwig didn’t think Oliver would come back and that

he would go to the thieves with the new clothes, the books

and the five pounds.

♣ Mr Brownlow was sure he would come back but he looked


☻Back among the thieves اٹ٦ڈكح ثيڀ اٹٺڈ ♣ On his way to the bookshop, Oliver was suddenly grabbed

by his arm by Nancy, who he didn’t see before.

♣ She claimed that he had run away from home and that she

was taking him to his parents.

♣ Bill Sikes led him to Fagin who was waiting inside an old

shop with Charley and the Artful Dodger.

♣ Fagin decided to take the new clothes and the books and

Sikes took the five pounds from Oliver.

♣ Oliver begged them to take the books back to Mr Brownlow.

♣ Nancy stopped Sikes from beating Oliver, but he was locked

in a room till the next day when Fagin let him out.

☻Mr Bumble in London ٽزو ثبٽجٸ ٭ى ٹڂلٿ ♣ Mr Brownlow put an advertisement in a newspaper to find

out where Oliver was.

♣ Mr Bumble, who came to London read that advertisement

and was able to find Mr Brownlow's house and meet him.

☻Mr Brownlow's sorrow ؽيٿ ٽزو ثواڇځٺڈ ♣ Mr Brownlow was sad to hear that Oliver was

a difficult boy as Mr Bumble described him.


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♣ He admitted that his friend, Mr Grimwig was right

and that he didn’t want to hear the name " Oliver " ever


☻The robbery اٹڈ ♣ Fagin had planned that Oliver would take part in a robbery.

♣ He thought that Oliver would be just right for the job.

♣ Nancy tried to help Oliver before, and promised him to try


♣ Oliver, the small boy, was chosen to climb through a small


♣ Sikes menaced Oliver with a gun to do that.

♣ Inside the house, Oliver heard someone shouting, then he

was shot.


The Story Text

♣ When Oliver woke up the next day, he found that the

painting of the woman on the wall had gone. "We took it down

because it seemed to worry you," said Mrs Bedwin. "But I liked

it," protested Oliver. "Get well, then, Oliver, and we can put it

back." A few days later, when Oliver was almost completely

better, Mr Brownlow bought him some new clothes. Then, one

day, he sat down with Oliver and asked the boy about his life.

Oliver started to tell Mr Brownlow about his time at the

workhouse but suddenly there was a knock at the door. An old

gentleman in a blue coat entered the room. "Oliver, this is my

friend Mr Grimwig," said Mr Brownlow. "Hello, is this the

boy you told me about?" said the man when he saw Oliver.

"Yes," said Mr Brownlow, and he began to tell Mr Grimwig all

about Oliver. He had not quite finished describing Oliver's

life when Mrs Bedwin came into the room with some books.

We need to pay for these new books, Mr Brownlow," she


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said. "Send the boy to pay for them," said Mr Grimwig.

"Yes, do let me help you, sir," said Oliver. "Of course," said

Mr Brownlow. "Here's five pounds. Take the money to the

bookshop. I need one pound change. Some of the books need to

go back, too."

♣ Oliver was very pleased to help Mr Brownlow. He took the

money, put the books under his arm and then left. "Do you

really think he'll come back?" asked Mr Grimwig. "Of course,"

said Mr Brownlow. "Don't you?" "He has new clothes, some

books and five pounds. The boy will go straight to his friends the

thieves and never come back." "I'm sure he'll be back soon,"

said Mr Brownlow. But he looked worried.

♣ Oliver was enjoying his walk to the bookshop when suddenly,

a strange woman grabbed him by the arm. "There you are!" she

said. "I've found him!" "What are you stopping me for?'' asked

Oliver in surprise. "Let go of me." Some people in the street

began to look at them. "He's run away from home," the woman

explained to them. "I'm taking him back to his mother and

father." Then a man appeared who seemed to know the woman

and said, "Come with me, Oliver, you bad boy." Oliver was not

strong enough to run away, and he was led away by the man,

who was Mr Sikes, and the woman, who was Nancy. For half

an hour Oliver was led like this through busy streets until they

reached an old shop. Oliver was taken inside and there he saw

Fagin, Charley and the Artful Dodger. When the boys saw him,

they started laughing. Look at his clothes and books! " What

a gentleman!" laughed Charley. "We must give you different

clothes so those don't get dirty," said Fagin. "And I will have

this five pound note for our troubles," said Mr Sikes, taking

the money from Oliver's pocket. "You can have the books,

Fagin." "Please, take the books and money back to Mr

Brownlow, " said Oliver. "He has been so good

to me. He'll think I stole them!" You're right,


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Oliver". " He will think you stole them!" laughed Fagin.

Oliver tried to escape, but Mr Sikes held on to him and

began to beat him with a stick. "Don't do that to the boy!"

cried Nancy. "He's already a thief like me. You've got his

money. Leave him alone or I'll call the police!"

♣ Mr Sikes looked surprised, but stopped hitting Oliver. "Take

his clothes and lock him in a room;" he said angrily. Oliver was

kept in the room until the middle of the next day, when Fagin

let him out. He told Oliver how kind he had been to him when

he arrived in London. He also told Oliver that, if he said

anything to the police, things would not be so good for him.

♣ A few days after Oliver had been taken back to Fagin's, Mr

Bumble was in London on the day that an advertisement came

out in a newspaper. It asked for any information people had

about a lost boy called Oliver Twist. Mr Bumble read this with

interest, then asked people how to find Mr Brownlow's house.

When he got there, he told him all he knew about the bad and

difficult boy that he knew so well. "I told you he was a bad one,"

said Mr Grimwig. "Sadly, you were right," said Mr Brownlow.

"I do not want to hear his name ever again." One day at

Fagin's, the Artful Dodger asked Oliver to clean his boots.

Oliver did not like doing these things, but at least he had people

to talk to. " Why don't you join our gang? " the Artful Dodger

asked Oliver. "Take things and you'll be rich. If you don't take

people's watches, someone else will."

♣ "I would prefer to go back to Mr Brownlow's," said Oliver.

Fagin won't like that," said Charley. "He has plans for."

you indeed, at the same time in another house in London, Fagin

was planning something for Oliver with Mr Sikes. And he was

going to do more than taking people's watches. "We need

a boy to help us to get inside a large house in the

countryside, " said Mr Sikes.


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"Then use Oliver," said Fagin. "He'll be just right for

the job. Nancy can bring him to your house tonight." Oliver

did not expect to see Nancy when she arrived at Fagin's that

evening. "You must come with me to Mr Sikes's house," she

said. "What for?'' asked Oliver. "It is better that you don't

ask," said Nancy. She looked at Oliver and could see that he was

worried. "Look," she said, "I'm not happy about this either.

I've tried to help you, but it's no good. I'll try and help you

again, but this is not the time .Now, come with me." So, Oliver

had no choice and he followed Nancy to Mr Sikes's house. The

next morning, after breakfast, Mr Sikes took Oliver by the hand

and they set off into a cold, cloudy morning. They travelled all

day, sometimes walking and sometimes going by coach. It was

dark when they finally arrived at an old house somewhere in the

country. Mr Sikes did not knock, but opened the door and they

went inside. "Mr Sikes!" said a voice. Oliver looked up and saw

a man with long hair, who told him to sit by the fire. "Hello,

Toby Crackit," said Mr Sikes. "This is the boy who can help us

tonight." "Good. Now let's rest by the fire," said Toby. The fire

was warm and it had been a long day, so Oliver soon began to

fall sleep.

♣ At half past one in the morning, Mr Sikes woke Oliver up

from a deep sleep. Oliver watched as Mr Sikes and Toby each

picked up a gun, then they told him to go with them. They left

the warm fireside and went outside into a dark night. They then

walked for some time through the countryside. It was cold and

Oliver did not know where they were. Eventually, they stopped

by a high brick wall. "Climb up!" ordered Toby, and Oliver

followed him up onto the wall.

♣ From the top of the wall, Oliver could see a large house in

front of him and finally understood what they were going to

do. They were going to break into the house. "Please, no!


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Don't ask me to do this!" Oliver cried.

"Be quiet. Do as I tell you or there'll be trouble," said Sikes

menacingly, and he pointed to his gun to make sure Oliver

understood what the trouble would be. Oliver followed the two

thieves across the gardens to a small window at the bottom of

the house. It was too small for any adult to climb through, but it

was not too small for a child. They easily broke it open and

there was now a small space for Oliver to get into the house.

"Take this light and go upstairs, then you can open the front

door for us," said Mr Sikes.

They pushed Oliver through the space in the window and Oliver

began to walk into the dark house. Suddenly, Oliver heard

someone inside the house shout something. Then there was

a loud bang. "Come back!" cried Mr Sikes, who took Oliver's

arm and pulled him back through the space in the window.

"What's happened?" Toby asked. "The boy's been shot!" said

Sikes. "Quick, run!"


Questions & Answers

1- Why was the painting taken from the wall ? - Mrs Bedwin told Oliver that they took it down because it seemed to worry him. 2- Who was Mr Grimwig ?

- He was Mr Brownlow's friend. 3- What did Mrs Bedwin bring to Mr Brownlow ? - She brought him some books. The books needed to be paid for.

What was Oliver's feeling when Mr Brownlow asked him to -4 ? go to the bookshop

- He was very pleased to help Mr Brownlow. 5- Why did Mr Brownlow give Oliver money ? - He gave him money to pay for some books. 6- What did Mr Brownlow and Mr Grimwig disagree about ? - Mr Grimwig thought Oliver wouldn’t come back but Mr Brownlow was sure he would.


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What did Mr Grimwig expect Oliver to do when he was sent -7 ? to the bookshop

- He expected that Oliver would go straight to his friends, the thieves, with the new clothes, the books and the money.

What happened to Oliver when he was going to the -8 ? bookshop

- A strange woman (Nancy) grabbed him by arm on the street. er to the people on theHow did Nancy justify stopping Oliv -9

? street - She claimed that he’d run away from home and that she was taking him back to his parents.

? How was Oliver taken back to Fagin -10 - Nancy stopped him on his way to the bookshop and led him to Fagin with the help of Mr Sikes.

? How did the boys in the old shop receive Oliver -11 - When they saw him, they started laughing at his new clothes.

? What was Fagin's comment on Oliver's new clothes -12 - He said that Oliver needed different clothes so those new clothes didn’t get dirty.

? What did Oliver beg Fagin to do -13 - He begged him to take the books and money back to Mr Brownlow who trusted Oliver so much.

? Who took the money from Oliver -41 - Bill Sikes took the money from Oliver.

t the books and the money to be sentWhy did Oliver wan -15 ? back to Mr Brownlow

- Because Mr Brownlow had been very kind to Oliver and he didn’t want Mr Brownlow to think he had stolen him.

. Nancy saved Oliver from Sikes's cruelty. Illustrate -16 - When Sikes began to beat Oliver, she told him to leave him alone or she would call the police.

? What did Fagin warn Oliver against -17 - He warned him that things would not be so good for him if he said anything to the police.

tisement that was putWhat was in the newspaper adver -18 ? up by My Brownlow

- He asked for any information people had about a lost boy called


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Oliver Twist. ? What did Mr Bumble do after reading the advertisement -19

- He asked people how to find Mr Brownlow's house. He went and met him.

?How did Mr Brownlow feel when he listened to Mr Bumble -20

- He was very sad and didn’t want to hear Oliver's name ever again.

? What did Jack Dawkins try to persuade Oliver to do -21

- He tried to persuade Oliver to join the gang so that he could be rich and if he didn’t take people's watches, someone else should do.

What was the new job waiting for Oliver with Sikes and -22 ? Toby Crackit

- They needed a boy to help them to get inside a large house in the countryside. 23- How was Nancy kind to Oliver ? - She saved him from Sikes's cruelty and she wasn’t happy that Oliver would join them in the robbery.

? What did Nancy promise Oliver to do -24 - She promised to help him again but later.

? hat did Sikes and Crackit want Oliver to doW -25 - They wanted him to get into the house through a small window and open the front door for them to get inside.

? Why was Oliver chosen for the robbery -26 - Because the window of the house was very small for any adult to climb through but Oliver could. 27- Oliver broke into the house under threat. Explain. - Sikes threatened Oliver when he pointed to his gun to make sure Oliver understood what the trouble would be. 28- What happened to Oliver during the robbery ? - Suddenly, Oliver heard someone inside shout something, then he was shot and wounded. 29- What did Nancy object to ? what did she threaten Sikes to do ? - She objected to hitting Oliver with a stick. She threatened Sikes to tell the police if he didn’t stop 30- How did Jack Dawkins justify stealing people’s watches ?

If you don't take people's watches, someone else will. -


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31- Nancy is a kind-hearted young woman. She sympathized with Oliver. Illustrate 1- When Sikes was hitting Oliver, she threatened him to stop or she would call the police. 2- When they wanted to involve Oliver in the Robbery, she wasn’t happy with that. 3- She promised to help Oliver again . 32- Did Oliver like the idea of breaking into the house? How do you know? - No, he didn’t like the idea. As he begged them not to ask him to break into the house saying " Please, no! Don't ask me to do this ! " 33- How did Sikes force Oliver to get into the house ? - He threatened him to keep quiet or he would get into trouble pointing to his gun. 34- What kind of trouble was Sikes referring to ? - He would shoot Oliver if he didn’t keep quiet. 35- What did Oliver hear when he entered the house ? - Oliver heard someone inside the house shout something. Then there

was a loud bang. 36- What would Mr Brownlow think if Oliver hadn’t come back ?

- He would think Oliver stole them. 37- What did Oliver try to do ? why didn’t he succeed ? How was he punished for that ? - Oliver tried to escape but he Mr Sikes held on to him and began to beat him with a stick. 38- What did Fagin suggest about his new clothes ? - He suggested giving him different clothes so those didn't get dirty. 39- Nancy was a very clever actor. Explain. - She pretended that she was Oliver’s sister who was looking for him and was happy to find him and take him back to his father and mother. 40- How did the boys behave when they saw Oliver in new clothes? - They laughed at his clothes and books. He looked like a gentleman. 41- What did Mr Grimwig expect Oliver to do ? - That he would go straight to his friends, the thieves and never come back.


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42- How was Oliver Kidnapped and taken back to Fagin ? - Nancy stopped him on his way to the bookshop pretending that Oliver ran away from home. He was led away by Bill Sikes to Fagin’s house. 43- Oliver had to go to the bookshop for two different reasons. Explain - He had to pay for the new books and Some of the books needed to go back. 44- Did Oliver like the idea of taking the painting down? - No, he liked the painting.

? How did Mrs Bedwin comfort Oliver about the painting -54 - She told him to get well and they could put it back. 46- How did Mr Brownlow treat Oliver? How was Mr Brownlow kind to Oliver ? - He cared for him until he got better. He bought him new clothes.


Drill Yourself

1- Who took the painting down from the wall ? Why ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2- How was Mr Brownlow generous to Oliver ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3- What was Oliver told to do by Mr Brownlow when Mr Grimwig arrived ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4- How were Mr Brownlow and Mr Grimwig different about Oliver ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5- How far was Mr Grimwig right about Oliver ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6- Describe how Oliver was caught in the street. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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? What reason did Nancy tell the people for stopping Oliver -7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? Why did Charley laugh at Oliver -8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? Oliver was dutiful. How do you know -9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? did Nancy do which showed that she liked Oliver What -10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ed in the advertisement in the Why was Mr Bumble interest -11 ? newspaper

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? Mr Brownlow How could Mr Bumble meet -12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What role did the Artful Dodger play to try to turn Oliver -13 ? into a thief

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What was Oliver supposed to do with the gang at the -41 ? house they wanted to rob

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? Was the robbery successful ? Why ? Why not -15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What information did Mr Bumble tell Mr Brownlow about -16 ? Oliver

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What thing did the Artful Dodger ask Oliver to do but he -17 ? didn’t like doing

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What made Oliver agree to do these humble things? Why -18 ? did he do it


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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? ododger suggest Oliver to What did the Artful D -19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? What did Sikes and Toby do when Oliver was shot -20

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



1- " We took it down because it seemed to worry you. " a) Who said these words ? To whom ? - Mrs Bedwin said these words to Oliver Twist. b) What does it refer to ? - It refers to the painting of the woman on the wall. c) What was strange about it ? - The eyes, the head and the mouth of that woman were almost the same as Oliver's own.

2- " Hello, is this the boy you told me about ? " a) Who said that ? To whom ? - Mr Grimwig said that to Mr Brownlow. b) Who was that boy ? - That boy was Oliver Twist. c) What did the speaker suggest ? - He suggested sending Oliver to the bookshop to pay for the books.

3- " Send the boy to pay for them. " a) Who said these words ? To whom ? - Mr Grimwig said these words to Mrs Bedwin. b) What would the boy pay for ? Where ? - He would pay for Mr Brownlow's books at the bookshop. c) Did the boy really pay for them ? Why ? Why not ? - No, he didn’t because he was stopped on the way to the bookshop by Nancy and Sikes who led him to Fagin.

4- " Do you really think he'll come back ? "


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a) Who asked this question ? To whom ? - Mr Grimwig asked Mr Brownlow this question. b) What was the speaker's opinion ? - Mr Grimwig that Oliver would go straight with the money and books to his friends, the thieves c) What was the listener's opinion ? - Mr Brownlow was sure that Oliver would come back to him.

5- " There you are ! I've found him ! " a) Who said these words ? - Nancy said these words. b) Who had the speaker found ? Where ? - Nancy had found Oliver in the street on his way to the bookshop. c) Where was that person taken to after he had been found ? - Oliver was taken to Fagin.

6- " Look at his clothes and books ! What a gentleman ! " a) Who said that ? To whom ? - Charley Bates said that to Fagin and Bill Sikes. b) Where did Oliver get those clothes ? - Mr Brownlow bought him those new clothes. c) What else did Oliver have other than the clothes and the books ? - He had five pounds. 7- " We must give you different clothes so those don’t get dirty , " a) Who was the speaker ? To whom ? - Fagin was speaking to Oliver. b) What else was taken from the listener ? - Bill Sikes took the money Oliver was given by Mr Brownlow. c) What kind of clothes would be given to the listener ? - Oliver would be given old clothes.

8- " Please, take the books and money back to Mr Brownlow, " a) Who was Oliver begging ? - He was begging Fagin. b) Why did Oliver have the books and the money ? - He was going to pay for Mr Brownlow's books. c) Why did Oliver beg the listener to return the books and


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money to Mr Brownlow ? - He was afraid that Mr Brownlow would think Oliver had stolen them.

9- " The boy has been shot. " a) Who was shot ? - Oliver was shot. b) Who shot the boy ? When ? - One of the guards shot Oliver when he entered through the small window. c) What, do you think, would happen to the boy ? - I think he would be saved.

10- " Please, no ! Don’t ask me to do this ! " a) Who said these words ? To whom ? - Oliver said these words to Sikes. b) What didn’t the speaker want to do ? - Oliver begged Sikes not to make him break into the house. c) Did the listener respond to the speaker's begging ? - No, he didn’t. He menaced him with a gun to do that. 11- " We need a boy to help us to get inside a large house in the countryside. " a) Who said these words ? To whom ? - Bill Sikes said these words to Fagin. b) Why did the speaker want to inside that house ? - He was a thief and wanted to rob that house. c) Which boy was chosen for the job ? Why ? - Oliver was chosen as he was small enough to climb through the small window at the house. 12- " Why don’t you join the gang ? " a) Who was asked to join the gang ? - Oliver was asked to join the gang. b) What was the gang's activity ? - They were taking things from people's pockets and robbing houses. c) Who was the boss of the gang ? - Fagin was the boss of the gang.


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Drill Yourself

1- " He has been so good to me. He'll think I stole them. " a) Who was good to Oliver ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) What does them refer to ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) What kind of boy was Oliver ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2- " Take his clothes and lock him in a room. "

a) Who said these words ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) Why were these clothes taken from Oliver ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) Why should Oliver be locked in ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3- " Sadly, you were right, I do not want to hear his name again. "

a) Who said that ? To whom ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) What was the listener right bout, according to the speaker's ?

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) Was the speaker right ? Why ? Why not ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4- " I told you he was a bad one, " a) Who said these words ? To whom ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) Who was the bad one mentioned above ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) Why did the speaker think he / she was bad ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [

5- " Do as I tell you or there'll be trouble, " a) Who was the speaker ? To whom ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) Why did the speaker threaten the listener ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) What were they going to do ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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6- " You’ve got the money. Leave him alone or I'll call the police. "

a) Who said these words ? To whom ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) When did the speaker say that ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) What was the listener's reaction to these words ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7- " What are you stopping me for ? Let go of me. " a) Who was stopped ? By whom ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) Where was the speaker going when he / she was stopped ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) Where was the speaker taken after that ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Correcting mistakes

Correct Wrong Sentences

Worry Frighten 1- Because the painting on the wall seemed to frighten Oliver, it was taken down.

Liked Feared 2- Oliver told Mrs Bedwin that he feared the painting of the woman.

Bought Made 3- Mr Brownlow made Oliver some new clothes.

Friend Servant 4- Mr Grimwig was Mr Brownlow's servant.

Mrs Bedwin Mrs Brownlow 5- Mrs Brownlow brought Mr Brownlow some books which needed to be paid for.

Oliver Mr Grimwig 6- Mr Grimwig was pleased to go to the bookshop to pay for the books.

Five Ten 7- Mr Brownlow gave Oliver ten pounds to pay for the books.

Pleased Upset 8- Oliver was very upset to help Mr Brownlow.


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Wouldn’t Would 9- Mr Grimwig thought that Oliver would come back.

Thieves / gang

Bookshop 10- Mr Grimwig said that Oliver would go straight to the bookshop.

Nancy Mrs Bedwin 11- Mrs Bedwin Stopped Oliver on his way to the bookshop.

Home / his parents

Orphanage 12- Nancy claimed that Oliver had run away from the orphanage.

Sikes Dawkins 13- Dawkins helped Nancy to take Oliver to Fagin.

Strong Weak 14- Oliver was not weak enough to run away from Nancy and Sikes.

Laughed Cried 15- The boys in the old shop cried as soon as they saw Oliver in his new clothes.

Sikes Fagin 16- Fagin took the five pounds from Oliver.

Mr Brownlow Mr Grimwig 17- Oliver was afraid that Mr Grimwig would think that he had stolen the money and books.

The Police Fagin 18- Nancy threatened Sikes that she would call Fagin if he didn’t stop hitting Oliver.

The Police Mr Brownlow 19- Fagin warned Oliver against telling Mr Brownlow anything.

Lost Killed 20- When Oliver disappeared with the books and money, Mr Brownlow thought that he was killed.

Join Leave 21- Jack Dawkins tried to persuade Oliver to leave their gang.

Mr Brownlow Mr Bumble 22- Oliver told Jack that he would prefer to go back to Mr Bumble.

Small Big 23- Because Oliver was big, he would be just right for the robbery.

Oliver Toby Crackit 24- Toby Crackit was the first one to break into the house.

A window A balcony 25- Oliver got into the house through a balcony.


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Drill Yourself

Correct Wrong Sentences

........................ ....................... 1- Oliver climbed up the window to go outside the house.

........................ ....................... 2- Oliver was big enough to climb through the window.

........................ ....................... 3- Toby Crackit was one of the policemen.

........................ ....................... 4- Sikes and Fagin decided to use Nancy in the robbery.

........................ ....................... 5- Dawkins told Oliver that he would be poor if he joined the gang.

........................ ....................... 6- Mr Bumble came to London to find Mr Brownlow.

........................ ....................... 7- Mr Bumble put an advertisement in a newspaper to find Oliver.

........................ ....................... 8- It was expected by Oliver to be stopped by Nancy.

........................ ....................... 9- Oliver agreed that the painting had been taken down.

........................ ....................... 10- Sikes was helpless to Nancy in leading Oliver to Fagin.

........................ ....................... 11- It was usual for the boys to see Oliver wearing new clothes.

........................ ....................... 12- Mr Brownlow bought Oliver some new books.

........................ ....................... 13- Oliver was upset that Mr Brownlow would think he paid the money.

........................ ....................... 14- Oliver was arrested during the robbery.

........................ ....................... 15- Sikes pointed a knife at Oliver and forced him to get into the house.

........................ ....................... 16- Oliver had to open the back door for Sikes nd Toby.

........................ ....................... 17- Nancy helped Sikes when he hit Oliver.


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Chapter 4


Robbery ڈ / وٱخ Bandage )پبكح / هثب جى )ٹٺ٦الط

The country اٹوي٬ Criminal ٽغوٻ

Successful ځبعؼ Evil اٹو

Fields ؽٲڈٷ Aunt ٥پڄ / فبٹڄ

Chase يبهك Helpless )٥بعي )ال ؽڈٷ ٹڄ ڇال ٱڈح

News أفجبه Generosity ٵوٻ / اٹٶوٻ

Return ي٦ڈك Be kind to him ٵڈځى ٥ڈ٭ڄ ٽ٦ڄ

Wait يڂز٢و Detective ٽقجو / وى وډ

Nervously ثزڈرو Mistake فأ

Cruel ٱب Enter يلفٸ

Make it harder for anyone

يغ٦ٸ ٽڀ األ٦ت ٥ٺى أډ ق

Had not been successful

ٹټ رٶڀ ځبعؾخ

Was not at all happy

ٹټ رٶڀ ځبعؾخ

Worried by this news

ٱٺٲب ځزيغخ ٹچنڃ األفجبه

Dead ٽيذ Examine يٮؾ

Look for يجؾش ٥ڀ Believe يلٯ

Unconscious ٭بٱل اٹڈ٥ى Oh, dear ! ! ڇأٮبڃ ! / يبٹٺؾوح

Hurt ( hurt / hurt ) يإمډ Send for يوٸ ٭ى ٺت / يزل٥ى

Towards ٭ى ارغبڃ Probably ٽڀ اٹپؾزپٸ

Servant فبكٻ Had a plan ٹليڄ فخ

Cook بڅى / جبؿ Get him in trouble يڈٱ٦ڄ ٭ى ٽزب٥ت

Luckily ٹؾڀ اٹؾ٠ Here they are ! ٹٲل ڇٺڈا

Injured ٽبة Would not stop .. from ٹڀ يپڂ٤ .. ٽڀ

Proudly ثٮقو / ٭ى ٭قو Lead to .... ب( ئٹى يٲڈك )ق

At once ٷ ٭ى اٹؾب Introduce ب( آلفو يٲلٻ / ي٦و٫ )ق

Pretty عپيٺخ Mean ي٦ڂى / يٲل

Carry يؾپٸ True ؽٲيٲى

Patient ٽوي Protect from ... ... ب( ٽڀ يؾپى )ق

Not well planned ٹټ يق ٹألٽو عيلا Discover يٶز٬

Had a job for him ٹليڄ ٽچپخ ٹڄ Get better يزؾڀ

How surprised he was ب بٵو Thankful ٵټ ٵبٿ ٽڂلڅ

Patiently ثجو Work for ي٦پٸ ٽڀ أعٸ

Downstairs ٭ى اٹبث اٹٮٺى Water يوڇډ ثبٹپبء


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Flowers ىڅڈه Important ٽچټ

Safe آٽڀ Sick ٽوي

Excited ٽضبه / ٽڂٮ٦ٸ Realise يلهٳ

Had no choice ٹي ٹليڄ فيبه Bedside ثغبځت اٹويو

Make you happy يغ٦ٺٴ ٦يلا Quietly ثچلڇء / ٭ى ڈد ٽڂقٮ

Look forward to seeing يزٺ٤ ٹوؤيخ With interest ثبڅزپبٻ

Reach يٸ ئٹى You look white رجلڇ بؽت اٹٺڈٿ

Point to … ييو ئٹى Lying in bed هاٱلح ٭ى اٹٮوا

Sold رټ ثي٦ڄ Gold مڅت

Neighbour عبه Locket )كاليخ )٥ٺجخ ٪يوح ٽ٦ٺٲخ ٭ى ٺٺخ

Move )يڂزٲٸ ئٹى ٽٶڀ عليل )ي٦يٷ Closer أٱوة

Warm كا٭ئ Too late ٽزأفو علا

In charge of ٽئڈٷ ٥ڀ Keep her alive أؽب٭٠ ٥ٺيچب ٥ٺى ٱيل اٹؾيبح

Had only been unconscious

ٵبٿ ٭بٱلا ٹٺڈ٥ى ٭ٲ

This first plan didn’t work

ٹټ رٶڀ اٹقخ األڇٹى ٭٦بٹخ

Found it difficult to stand up

ڇعل ٦ڈثخ ٭ى اٹڂچڈ

Went off to examine the house

اځٺ ٹيٮؾ اٹپڂيٷ

Took hold of Oliver's arm

أؽٶټ ٱجزڄ ٥ٺى مها٣ أڇٹيٮو

On his way back from

٭ى ويٲڄ ٥بئلا ٽڀ ...

With a bandage on his arm

ثوثب )پبكح( ٥ٺى مها٥ڄ

Help keep herself warm

ر٦پٸ ٥ٺى االؽزٮب ثل٭ئچب

Evil can live in anybody

يپٶڀ ٹٺو أٿ يٶڀ أډ أؽل

What's that to me ?

ڇٽبما ي٦ڂيڂى ٭ى مٹٴ ؟

Looks so helpless

لڇ ٥بعيا ال ؽڈٷ ٹڄ ڇال ٱڈح يج

Keep her alive

أؽب٭٠ ٥ٺيچب ٥ٺى ٱيل اٹؾيبح

If it hadn’t been for your generosity

ٹڈال ٵوٽٴ

Went up to her bedside

ر٦ل ثغڈاهڅب ٥ٺى عبځت اٹويو


Summary of Chapter 4

☻ To different places :ئٹى أٽبٵڀ ٽزٮوٱخ ♣ Because the robbery hadn’t been successful, the thieves

went to different places.

♣ Sikes stayed in the country but Crackit went to London to

find Fagin.

♣ Oliver was left wounded in a field.


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☻ : Fagin meets monks ٭بعيڀ يٲبثٸ ٽڈځٶ

♣ Fagin met Monks and told him what had happened.

♣ Monks, who looked cruel, said that the robbery was not

well planned and that Oliver must be kept with the gang.

☻: A home for Oliver ٽڂيٷ ٽڀ أعٸ أڇٹيٮو ♣ Oliver was only unconscious so when he woke up, he left

the field and walked towards the house they tried to rob.

♣ Mr Giles, the servant who had shot Oliver, went to tell

Mrs Maylie, the lady of the house, that they had found

the thief.

♣ Mrs Maylie called Dr Losberne to treat the wounded thief

and they all looked surprised how the thief was so small.

♣ Rose urged her aunt Mrs Maylie to be kind and generous

to Oliver.

♣ After Oliver had told his story, Dr Losberne realised that

the poor boy needed to be helped.

☻ain : Saved ag أځٲن ٹٺپوح اٹضبځيخ ♣ The doctor decided to save Oliver from the police.

♣ Mr Brittles, the other servant, had already called the

police and two detectives arrived.

♣ The doctor told them that the doctor was shot by mistake.

♣ The detectives examined the house and went out.

☻Going to Mr Brownlow اٹنڅبة ئٹى ٽزو ثواڇځٺڈ ♣ Dr Losberne offered to take Oliver by coach to Mr

Brownlow's house.

♣ Unfortunately, they found out that Mr Brownlow had sold

his house and moved.

☻ The deathbed secret و ٥ٺى ٭وا اٹپڈد ♣ Mrs Corney, who was in charge of the workhouse where

Oliver was born, was called to see Nurse Sally on her


♣ Nurse Sally was nursing Oliver's mother when she was



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♣ Sally admitted to Mrs Corney that she had stolen

a gold locket from Oliver's mother before she died.

♣ Oliver's mother asked Sally to take it for her child, Oliver.

♣ Old Sally had died before she told Mrs Corney what the

mother asked her to do.


The Story Text

♣ Toby Crackit and Mr Sikes ran all through the night

after the robbery. To make it harder for anyone who was

following them, they decided to run to different places. Mr Sikes

stayed in the country, but Toby Crackit went to London to find Fagin.

When Toby told Fagin that the robbery had not been successful, Fagin

was not at all happy. "But where's the boy ? " he asked. "After he was

shot, we carried him through some fields," said Toby, "but people were

chasing us. So we left him there, in a field." Fagin was very worried by

this news. He visited Mr Sikes's house, but Nancy had no news of Mr

Sikes or Oliver. When Fagin returned, a tall man was waiting for him

outside his house. He had dark hair and dark eyes and looked around

nervously, as if he thought people were chasing him. He looked cruel. "

Hello, Monks!" said Fagin. "Come inside." Fagin took the man to

a quiet room in his house and told him what had happened. "This was

not well planned," cried Monks. "Why didn't you keep the boy with

your gang ? " "Mr Sikes had a job for him," explained Fagin. "And you

should be happy I found him ! " " What if the boy's dead ? " asked

Monks. "The police will look for us ! "

♣ But Oliver was not dead, he had only been unconscious. He woke up

and found himself in the cold field where Mr Sikes and Toby Crackit

had left him. It was morning and it was raining hard. His arm hurt

badly and he was so weak that he found it difficult to stand up. Slowly

he walked towards the house he had visited the night before and after

some minutes, he knocked on the door. Two servants, Mr Brittles and

Mr Giles, were telling the cook about the robbery in the night and

how they had chased the thieves. They were surprised to hear

the knock and Mr Brittles opened the door nervously.


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♣ When they saw Oliver, Brittles called, "Here's the thief ! "

and quickly took hold of Oliver's arm (luckily the arm that was not

injured. Mr Giles went to tell the lady of the house, Mrs Maylie, what

had happened. "We've got the thief that I shot!" Mr Giles said

proudly. " Is he hurt ? We must get a doctor at once," said Rose,

a pretty girl of seventeen who lived with Mrs Maylie. Carry him up to

your room, Mr Giles," said Mrs Maylie. A doctor, Dr Losberne, soon

arrived and said how surprised he was to hear about the robbery

before he went to see the patient.

♣ After about an hour, he returned to the two women who were waiting

patiently downstairs. "I think you should come and see the thief," said

the doctor. "You do not need to be afraid." The women went up to the

bedroom nervously. They thought they would see a big, strong man

and were very surprised to see a small sleeping boy with a bandage on

his arm. " How can such a young boy be a criminal ? " cried Rose.

"Evil can live in anybody," said the doctor sadly. "Be kind to him,

aunt, " said Rose. " He looks so helpless and small. If it hadn't been

for your generosity, I might be helpless like this small child ! "

" Let's wait until the boy can talk to us," said the doctor. " Then we

can decide what to do with him. "

♣ Oliver slept for most of that day, but later, the doctor suggested that

the women come up to his room. The boy was awake and wanted to talk

to them. They listened as Oliver told them all about his life.

When Dr Losberne heard Oliver's story, he realised that the poor boy

needed to be helped. But the servants knew the boy was a thief. What

could Dr Losberne say to the servants ?

"You shot the boy, didn't you?" he said to Mr Giles when he went

downstairs. "Yes, doctor. He isn't going to die, is he ? Will I go to

prison ? " said the servant, looking worried.

The doctor now had a plan. If Mr Giles was worried that the boy could

get him into trouble, the servant might not want to call the police. But

this first plan did not work because at that moment, Mr Brittles said,

"Here they are! It's the detectives from London. I called them this

morning." Two men with short hair and big boots walked into

the room. "My name is Detective Blathers," said one of them.


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" Tell me about the robbery. I hear you have a boy here,

one of the thieves. ''" No, one of the servants made a mistake,"

said the doctor. " So where did the boy come from ? " asked

Detective Duff, the other detective. " Let's talk about the boy later, "

said the doctor quickly. " Come and look at the window where the

thieves entered. " The detectives went off to examine the house.

♣ " I want to help the boy, but I don't know what to say to the

detectives ! " the doctor said to Mrs Maylie. "Tell them the boy's story,"

said Mrs Maylie. "You believe him, don't you ? " " I believe him," said

the doctor, " but it would not stop a magistrate from sending him to

prison. He has run away from the place where he worked, then he

joined a gang of thieves and tried to break into a house! " " Oh dear !

Why did Mr Brittles send for these men? " cried Rose. "We must not

tell them Oliver's story," said the doctor.

♣ The detectives were good at their job. When they returned, Detective

Blathers said, "We think the criminals were from the city. Probably two

men and a boy." " We want to see the boy upstairs," said Detective

Duff. The doctor had no choice but to lead the men to the boy's room.

As they walked upstairs, he quickly thought of another plan. " This is

the boy who hurt his arm yesterday and came here for help this

morning," said Dr Losberne, introducing Oliver. " Mr Giles then took

hold of the poor boy. He thought it was one of the thieves." " You mean

it's not the same boy? " asked Detective Blathers, looking at Mr Giles. "

Did you shoot this boy or not ? " Mr Giles looked at Dr Losberne. He

knew the doctor's story was not true. Was the doctor protecting him

from the police because he had shot someone ? " Perhaps I made

a mistake," said Mr Giles. " If it's not the same boy, why are we here ?"

cried Detective Duff. The two detectives left that night, angry that they

had not caught the thief. They said they would return if they discovered

more information.

♣ Dr Losberne visited the family every day while Oliver was ill. After

some time, Oliver's arm began to get better, and he wanted to show

how thankful he was to these kind people who had helped him.

"Can I work for you?" he asked Rose one day. "Let me water your

flowers or do something to make you happy." "You don't need to

do anything," said Rose, smiling. "I'm lucky because I have

an aunt who has enough money to help people like you."


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♣ " I am very happy to be here, " said Oliver. " Mr

Brownlow and his friends would love to know that I am safe

here. " Dr Losberne got to hear of Oliver's feelings, and when he was

completely better, he offered to take him by coach to Mr Brownlow's

house. Oliver was very excited. He was looking forward to seeing the

kind man who had helped him in London.

♣ He wanted to explain what had happened to his books and his money.

It was a long journey. When they finally reached the street where Mr

Brownlow lived, Dr Losberne looked at Oliver and asked, " What's the

matter ? You look white. Are you feeling ill ? " Oliver pointed to a sign

on the door of Mr Brownlow's house. It said "Sold." Dr Losberne got

out of the coach and asked a neighbour what had happened.

" Mr Brownlow has moved, " said the neighbour. "He went to the West

Indies six weeks ago. "

♣ At about the same time as Oliver was on his way back from London,

a woman was making a cup of tea to help keep herself warm. Her name

was Mrs Corney and she was in charge of the workhouse where Oliver

was born. There was a knock at the door and a poor woman came in.

"Excuse me, Miss. Nurse Sally does not have much time."

" What's that to me? " said Mrs Corney, " I can't keep her alive, can

I ? " " No, Miss, but she says she wants to tell you something

important. " Mrs Corney was not happy to leave her warm room to

visit the sick old woman in her cold room. She saw Nurse Sally lying in

bed and she realised she was very ill, so she went up to her bedside.

" I must tell you something, " said Nurse Sally quietly. " When I was

younger, I was a nurse to a woman who died here. "

" Yes, you helped many people here, " agreed Mrs Corney. " The

workhouse was the wrong place for her," Nurse Sally continued. " She

was rich enough for a good hospital. I stole from her before she died ! "

Mrs Corney began to look at the old nurse with interest. " What did

you steal ? " she asked. " This woman had a gold locket ! She asked

me to take the gold for the child, who was called Oliver. She asked me

to ... .….." " What did she ask you to do? " said Mrs Corney, moving

closer, but it was too late. The old nurse was dead.


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Questions & Answers

1- Where did Sikes and Toby leave Oliver after the failure of the robbery ? Why ?

- They left him in a field as people were chasing them. 2- Where did Sikes and Toby go after the robbery had failed ?

- Sikes stayed in the country but Toby went to London to find Fagin. 3- How did Fagin feel when he had known that the robbery had not been successful ? - Fagin was not at all happy. He was worried by the news.

? Who did Fagin meet when he returned from Sikes's house -4

- He met Monks who was a tall man with dark hair and dark eyes and who looked cruel. People moved from the country to towns to work there. 5- What was Monks's comment on the failure of the robbery ? - He said that it was not well planned. 6- According to Monks, what would happen if Oliver was dead during the robbery ? - The police would look for the gang.

had left himWhat happened to Oliver after Sikes and Toby -7 ? in the field

- He was unconscious, then he woke up to find himself in a cold field. It was raining hard.

? How was Oliver wounded -8 - He was shot. His arm hurt badly.

? ldWhere did Oliver go for help when he woke up in the fie -9 - He walked towards Mrs Maylie's house which they attempted to rob.

? How was Oliver received at Mrs Maylie's house at first -10 - He was taken hold of his arm like a thief by one of the servants.

and OliverTwo women lived in the house that Sikes, Toby -11 ? tried to rob. Who were they

- Mrs Maylie, the lady of the house, and her adopted girl, Rose. ? Who was Dr Losberne -12

- He was the Maylies' doctor. - He was called to see Oliver at Mrs Maylie's house after the robbery.

Rose and Mrs Maylie surprised when DrWhy were -13 ? Losberne took them to see Oliver


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- They thought they would see a big, strong man but they saw a small sleeping boy.

? What did Rose ask Mrs Maylie to do with Oliver ? Why -41 - She asked her to be kind and generous to him because he looked helpless and small.

? What was Dr Losberne's reaction to Oliver's story -15 - He realised that the poor boy needed to be helped.

? How did Dr Losberne deal with the detectives -16 - He persuaded them that one of the servants made a mistake and that Oliver wasn’t one of the thieves.

Why didn’t the doctor to tell the police the real story of -17 ? Oliver

- He believed Oliver but it wouldn’t stop the magistrate from sending him to prison. Oliver joined a gang of thieves and tried to break into a house.

How did Dr Losberne make Mr Giles change his story -18 ? about the robbery

- He convinced him that he could be in trouble because he had shot the boy.

? tude to Rose and Mrs MaylieHow did Oliver show his grati -19 - He wanted to show them how thankful he was to them. He offered to work for them, water the flowers or do something to make them happy.

? Why did Rose say that she was lucky -20

- Because she had a kind aunt who had enough money to help people like Oliver.

Where did Oliver and Dr Losberne go when Oliver was -21 ? completely better

- They went by coach to see Mr Brownlow. What was Oliver's feeling when Dr Losberne offered to -22

? him to Mr Brownlow's house take - Oliver was very excited. He was looking forward to seeing the kind man who helped him in London. 23- Could Oliver and Dr Losberne meet Mr Brownlow ? Why ? Why not ? - No, they couldn’t, because Mr Brownlow had sold his house and moved.


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? Who was Mrs Corney -24 - She was in charge of the workhouse where Oliver was born.

? Who was Nurse Sally -25 - She was a nurse to Oliver's mother who died at the workhouse after Oliver's birth.

? ith Nurse SallyWhat was wrong w -26 - She was on her deathbed and wanted to tell Mrs Corney something important. 27- What did Oliver's mother give Nurse Sally before she told Mrs Corney what Oliver's mother asked her to do ? - She gave her a gold locket and she asked her to take it to her child, Oliver. She died before she told Mrs Corney what Oliver's mother asked her to do.


Drill Yourself

1- Who was Monks ? How did he look like ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2- Why did Sikes and Toby decided to run to different places after Oliver had been shot ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3- Why did the robbery fail from Monks's point of view ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4- Where was Oliver left after he had been shot ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5- What did Oliver do after he had regained consciousness ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6- What did the people in the house do with Oliver ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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nd Rose surprised when they sawaWhy were Mrs Maylie -7 ? Oliver

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? How did Rose persuade her aunt to save Oliver -8

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr Losberne save Oliver from the police ? didHow -9

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? How did Rose and Mrs Maylie treat Oliver -10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? Describe Oliver's life in Mrs Maylie's house -11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

. Show that Oliver was a dutiful boy -12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

How was Oliver disappointed when he went with Dr -13 ? Losberne to Mr Brownlow's house

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? secret did Nurse Sally tell Mrs CorneyWhat -41

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



1- " After he had shot, we carried him through some fields. " a) Who said these words ? To whom ? - Toby Crackit said these words to Fagin. b) Who was shot ? Where and when ? - Oliver Twist, at Mrs Maylie's house when Sikes, Toby and Oliver tried to rob the house. c) Why did the speaker carry him to the field ? - After Oliver had been shot, people chased them. They had to carry Oliver through the fields and run away.


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2- " This was not well planned, why didn’t you keep the boy with your gang. " a) Who said that ? To whom ? - Monks said that to Fagin. b) What was not well planned ? - The robbery of Mrs Maylie's house. c) What was the listener's answer to that question ? - He said that Sikes had a job for the boy.

3- " What if the boy's dead ? The police will look for us ! " a) Who said this ? To whom ? - Monks said that to Fagin. b) Was the boy dead or not ? - The boy was left injured in the field. c) Why was the speaker afraid of the police ? - Because they were a gang of thieves who used to rob people's houses.

4- " How can such a young boy be a criminal ? " a) Who asked this question ? - Rose asked this question. b) Was that young boy really a criminal ? - No, he wasn’t. He was a victim. c) When did the speaker know that he was not a criminal ? - She knew that when Oliver told them his story.

5- " Be kind to him, aunt. He looks so helpless and small. " a) Who said these words ? To whom ? - Rose said these words to Mrs Maylie. b) Why was Oliver helpless ? - Because Oliver was injured in his arm and lied in bed. c) How did the speaker and the listener help him ? - They got a doctor to treat Oliver.

6- " You shot the boy, didn’t you ? " a) Who asked this question ? To whom ? - Dr Losberne asked Mr Giles this question. b) Who was the boy ? - The boy was Oliver Twist.


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c) Why did the speaker ask this question ? - Dr Losberne wanted Mr Giles to change his story about the robbery for the good of Oliver. He didn’t want the police to arrest him. 7- " Tell me about the robbery. I hear you have a boy here, one of the thieves. " a) Who said these words ? - Detective Blathers said these words. b) What was wrong with that boy ? - He was shot and his arm hurt badly. c) How was that boy saved from the police ? - Dr Losberne was able to convince the detectives that Oliver wasn't the same boy and Mr Giles made a mistake.

8- " No, Miss, but she says she wants to tell you something important. a) Who said these words ? To whom ? - These words were said by a poor woman to Mrs Corney. b) What does " she " refer to ? - It refers to Nurse Sally. c) What was the important thing she wanted to say ? - She wanted to tell Mrs Corney about the locket that Oliver's mother had given her before she died.


Drill Yourself

1- " Mr Brownlow has moved, he went to the West Indies six weeks ago. " a) Who said these words ? To whom ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) Who was Mr Brownlow ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) Why was Oliver want to visit Mr Brownlow ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2- " Can I work for you ? Let me water your flowers or do something to make you happy. "

a) Who said these words ? To whom ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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b) What did these words reflect about the speaker's character ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) What did the listener do to help the speaker ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3- " I want to help the boy, but I don’t know what to say to the detectives." a) Who said that ? To whom ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) What did the speaker want to help Oliver ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) Did he manage to help him or not ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4- " Mr Giles then took hold of the poor boy. He thought it was one of the thieves. " a) Who said that ? To whom ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- b) Who was Mr Giles ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c) How did these words save Oliver ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [

Correcting mistakes

Correct Wrong Sentences

a field a house 1- Sikes and Toby left Oliver in a house as people were chasing them.

cruel kind 2- Monks was a tall man that looked kind.

Oliver Mrs Corney 3- The mother told Nurse Sally to give the gold locket to Mrs Corney.

neighbour servant 4- Mr Brownlow's servant told Dr Losberne that he had moved.

servants guests 5- Mr Brittles and Mr Giles were Mrs Maylie's guests.

locket necklace 6- Oliver's mother gave Nurse Sally a gold necklace.


Page 93: مذكرة  لغة انجليزية بالقصة الأول الثانوى أشرف شاهين ترم أول2015

Drill Yourself

Correct Wrong Sentences

........................ ....................... 1- Toby Crackit went to the country to find Fagin after the failure of the robbery.

........................ ....................... 2- Fagin was told that the robbery had been successful.

........................ ....................... 3- After he had been shot, Oliver was carried through some streets.

........................ ....................... 4- Fagin was very excited by the news of the robbery.

........................ ....................... 5- After the attempted robbery, Oliver was only conscious.

........................ ....................... 6- Oliver was welcomed by the two servants at Mrs Maylie's house.

........................ ....................... 7- Rose exclaimed how such a young boy could be a traveller.

........................ ....................... 8- Dr Losberne said that devil can live in anybody.

........................ ....................... 9- Dr Losberne disbelieved Oliver's story.

........................ ....................... 10- Dr Losberne's plan didn’t work because Mr Giles called the police.

........................ ....................... 11- Mrs Maylie's house was visited and examined by three detectives.

........................ ....................... 12- Dr Losberne wanted to help Mr Giles.

........................ ....................... 13- It would be right if Dr Losberne told Oliver's story to the police.

........................ ....................... 14- Oliver could have gone to hospital because he had joined a gang of thieves.

........................ ....................... 15- Mr Giles was afraid because he had killed Oliver.

........................ ....................... 16- Oliver wanted to show how thankless he was and work for Rose.

17- Oliver could meet Mr Brownlow again.


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Correct Wrong Sentences

........................ ....................... 18- Before her death, Nurse Sally admitted stealing the gold ring of Oliver's mother.

........................ ....................... 19- One of the policemen shot Oliver inside Mrs Maylie's house.

........................ ....................... 20- Oliver's mother was not poor enough for a good hospital.

........................ ....................... 21- If it hadn’t been for Mrs Maylie's curiosity, Rose might be helpless.

........................ ....................... 22- Nurse Sally was in charge of the workhouse.

........................ ....................... 23- The doctor thought that Oliver's story would stop the magistrate from sending him to prison.

........................ ....................... 24- Nurse Sally had bought something from Oliver's mother before she died.


Drill Yourself

1- What did Mrs Bedwin do to the painting on the wall ? Why ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2- When did the story of Oliver Twist take place ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3- Why was Oliver crying on the way to Mr Sowerberry's house ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4- Life in England during the Industrial Revolution was dreadful. Discuss. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5- Why did Nurse Sally want to see Mrs Corney ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


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6- What was Fagin's reaction when he knew that Oliver was arrested ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7- What did Fagin suggest about Oliver's new clothes ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8- What did Jack try to persuade Oliver to do ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9- Why was Oliver chosen for the robbery ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10- How was Oliver arrested at the bookshop ? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? What was Mr Sowerberry's opinion on Oliver -11 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? the robbery How was Oliver injured during -12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What did Oliver suffer from when he was born ? -13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? How was Oliver punished when he asked for more food -14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Nancy was not only a good thief, but she was also a good -15 . actress. Illustrate

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Who was Rose ? How did she help Oliver when he was -16 ? injured

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

? What were Mr Grimwig's doubts -17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------