мемориал Шалом строительство (полная версия)

Строительство мемориала «Шалом» - как это было… The construction of the memorial “Shalom” – how it was …

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Post on 27-Jul-2015




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1. - The construction of the memorial Shalom how it was 2. 2 : , . The Railway station Mysovaya stands at the intersection of three roads: the Great Tea way, the Krugomorskoy road, and the Transsiberian railway. 3. 3 - , 5000 3000 . - 636 , - 1620 . It is located on the shore of the deepest lake in the world - Siberia's Lake Baikal. Lake Baikal is 5,000 kilometers to the East from Moscow and 3,000 km to the West from Japan, the lake is 636 km long and has the depth of 1642 meters. Mysovaya 4. , . 4 There is an ancient abandoned looted Jewish cemetery here. 5. 5 6. . 2013 . 6 Iya and Vladimir Rott had the idea to place a monument to buried people in this cemetery. The discussion of the construction began in Hungary in April 2013. 7. , , . 7 Before the beginning work the cemetery was overgrown, neglected, dug. 8. , , , , . 8 The heaps of stones were thrown off in the pits, thats why we dug, got, cleaned, and washed them. 9. , 9 We fixed the exact location of each stone, 10. , , 10 consider the number of stones, measured, photographed, 11. , . 11 often with the help of our principal assistants, Vladislav and Vadim Chernykh. 12. 12 13. 59 14 , . . 13 Of the 59-extanted stones there were only 14 monuments, which we were able to read the inscriptions. The other stones are grounds for monuments. 14. , . 14 We had a winch to lift monuments that barbarians thrown in dug graves. 15. , . 15 Because the cemetery practically destroyed, we collected the fragments of tombstones piece by piece. 16. , -, , . 16 Sometimes we found completely unique exhibits which probably were the decoration of tombstones. 17. 17 18. 18 , , . Headstone Hebrew inscriptions were deciphered in Toronto by expert Gary Kipper. 19. . 144 . 19 To identify the boundaries of the cemetery we made reinforced concrete columns. There was made 144 pieces. 20. . 20 We took columns to the cemetery. 21. . 21 We manually drilled wells among the thickets and roots . 22. 144 . 22 Just on the perimeter of the cemetery there was established 144 columns. 23. : 23 We applied the Russian ingenuity : from a huge tree stump we cut down the slender column. 24. 24After installing all the columns were whitewashed Svetlana and Taisya Chernykh 25. , . 25 with the participation of our most important helpers, Vadim and Vladislav Chernykh. 26. - , . 26 The place for construction of the memorial as a result of long negotiations was selected at the South-Western corner of the cemetery, where there were no graves. 27. , . 27 The author of design for memorial "Shalom" - Vladimir Rott, P.Eng. 28. , 28 And the "grandiose" construction began. We rooted out stumps and roots, 29. , 29 we marked out the boundaries of the pit to the site for the memorial, 30. , 30 we drilled holes for piles of the site and the memorial, 31. , , 31 We mixed the solution for filling piles for the site and memorial, at the same time we sunbathed, 32. , 32 we brought up rubble for pouring of the foundation pit, 33. . 33 We welded lattice for site right on the spot. 34. -. 34 The concrete to fill the platform was delivered by this vehicle from Ulan-Ude. 35. , 35 Through this "road" the concrete Hauler wasnt able to drive , 36. . 36 Thats why we carried the concrete with barrow. 37. 37 Levelled... 38. . 38 And here is the first photo of the finished site. 39. . , , , . . The frame of the stele was welded in a strange workshop and delivered to the construction site of the memorial. Because of breakage of the camera at this stage, there are no photos of this process and the process of filling memorial. We apologize. 39 40. . 40 There are the first "Shaloms photos after the cameras repair. 41. 41 42. 42 43. 43 At the sunset 44. , . 44 We continued to work in the dark using the generator. 45. , 45 Then the cleaning started, 46. , 46 and we started to clear away the pathways around the perimeter of the cemetery, 47. - , , . , 47 where once old trees grew, instead of which now dry lifeless stumps protruded, sometimes reaching around one and a half meters. And these stumps we had to uproot with great difficulty, 48. , 48 using crowbars and winches, 49. . 49 axes and chainsaws. 50. 50 51. , . 51 All were involved in hard work, everyone to the best of his forces and capabilities. 52. . 52 After cleaning pathways we started filling them with sand. 53. !!! 53 And the pathways are ready!!! 54. - . 54 There is pathway connection at the South-East corner of the cemetery. 55. : . , 55 Well, it was our surprise for organizers and sponsors of the memorial construction: the path to "Shalom." This surprise began with clearing the path, 56. , , . 56 formwork setting, filling it with rubble, manually solution mixing and the path concreting. 57. 57 58. . 58 Then we began to prepare the soil for flowers planting around the path to the memorial and around the site. 59. . 59 We took sand along the perimeter of the land border. 60. . 60 At the next stage we planted flowers. 61. . 61 And that's what we got. 62. , : 62 Now we can say that the construction of the memorial involved many difficulties: 63. 63 Roads 64. 64 Mud... 65. 65 Delivery of building materials by car 66. 66 offroad 67. 67 By trucks 68. 68 69. 69 on foot 70. 70 71. 71 72. 72 73. 73 on improvised tools 74. 74 through the mud 75. 75 dragged through the snow 76. , , . 76 Fearing of vandalism we were forced to hang up, take a picture and remove the slabs before the opening. 77. , . 77 The well-known canadian architect Shandor Rott, Vladimir Rotts son, has developed the logo of the memorial "Shaloms opening. 78. 78 79. 79 80. 80 81. 81 82. 82 83. 83 84. 84 85. , , . , , ! 85 All these moments Vladimir and Iya Rott invisibly presented with us, overcoming difficulties and sharing with us the joys and sorrows, for which we thank them very much. They, like us, have invested in this project their souls and hearts! 86. 86 , , . We thank all who helped us in word and deed in this difficult but noble and Holy cause. 87. 87 , , , This project gave us the opportunity to touch to the history of the Jewish people in Mysovaya station and gave us to understand that good deeds are no borders, distances and obstacles, and without the past there is no future... 88. 88 89. 89 90. 90 91. : , , , , , , . 91 At the photo left to right: Taisya Chernykh, Vladislav Chernikh, Svetlana Chernykh, Vladimir Rott, Peter Chernykh, Vadim Chernykh, Valentin Chernykh. 92. 92 . The metal plate on one of the steles with the names of the sponsors and builders of the memorial. 93. The contents of the metal plate: Memorial Shalom Jewish people in Mysovaya station the world is your ashes The creators of the project: VLADIMIR and IYA ROTT (Toronto, Canada.) The search and recovery of names: TAISYA CHERNIKH Builders: PETR, VALENTIN and SVETLANA CHERNIKH (Mysovaya) Sponsors: the FUND named RACHEL GUTERMAN-YAROSLAVSKAYA, TORATH EMETH JEWISH CENTER (Toronto, Canada) Project stakeholders: VERA and ANTON GORDIENKO, THE JEWISH COMMUNITY OF THE BURYATIYA REPUBLIC SHLOMO CHAIM GUTERMAN DESCENDANTS in CANADA, USA, ISRAEL, ESTONIA, MOSKOW, KRASNOYARSK, ULAN-UDE and MYSOVAYA. 2013 year 93 94. 94 This work is performed by Svetlana Chernykh 2014