Мониторинг, тюнинг и оптимизация баз данных, используя...

Database monitoring, tuning and optimization using Dell Software tools Vlad Samoylenko | Senior Sales Engineer | BAKOTECH GROUP [email protected]

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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Database monitoring, tuning and optimization using Dell Software tools Vlad Samoylenko | Senior Sales Engineer | BAKOTECH GROUP [email protected]
  2. 2. Say Thank you to Volunteers: They spend their FREE time to give you this event. Because they are love our COMMUNITY. Because they want YOU to learn from the BEST IN THE WORLD. If you see one of these guys in the hall buy them a beer/wine/gorilka/medovukha, they deserve it.
  3. 3. Vitaliy Popovych
  4. 4. Olena Smoliak
  5. 5. Maksim Garnets
  6. 6. Yevhen Nedashkivskyi
  7. 7. Oksana Borysenko
  8. 8. Dell Software? Dell, Dell ? , 12:30 Toad
  9. 9. Big Data Business intelligence Windows Server Dell Software - -
  10. 10. (DBAs) ? ,
  11. 11. , SLA
  12. 12.
  13. 13. , , .
  14. 14. . .
  15. 15. Dells Foglight Dells PA Dells SQL Opt. DELL FOR DB
  16. 16.
  17. 17. Pg. 18 2012 Quest Software Inc. All rights reserved. 1. 2. 3.
  18. 18.
  19. 19. Pg. 20 2012 Quest Software Inc. All rights reserved. drill- down !
  20. 20. Pg. 21 2012 Quest Software Inc. All rights reserved. , ( SQL) !
  21. 21. Pg. 22 2012 Quest Software Inc. All rights reserved. SQL !
  22. 22. Foglight?
  23. 23. Foglight?
  24. 24. Instance real-time monitoring
  25. 25. Sessions and Locks
  26. 26. Locks Blocks Foglight (, .) ?
  27. 27. SQL Performance : Locks Blocks Sessions
  28. 28. SQL Performance : Locks Blocks
  29. 29. Locks Blocks , : Statements Batches Databases
  30. 30. Locks Blocks
  31. 31. TempDB TEMPDB , . TEMPDB , (internal) (user objects) ...
  32. 32. TempDB TempDB
  33. 33. , :
  34. 34. TempDB: . The figures show the general usage profile and sessions that use TempDB (Two jobs and one regular sessions)
  35. 35. Tempdb IO Amount of time spent waiting for IO against Tempdb Tempdb GAM Wait Amount of time spent waiting for a Global Allocation Map (GAM) page of Tempdb. GAM page tracks which extents have been allocated. High amount of wait for an allocation page may indicate that the Tempdb is not configured according to best practice recommendations Tempdb SGAM Wait Amount of time spent waiting for a Shared Global Allocation Map (SGAM) page of Tempdb. SGAM tracks which extents are being used as mixed (shared) extents. High amount of wait for an allocation page may indicate that the Tempdb is not configured according to best practice recommendations Tempdb PFS Wait Amount of time spent waiting for a Free Space (PFS) page of Tempdb. PFS tracks the allocation status of each page and approximately how much free space it has left. High amount of wait for an allocation page may indicate that the Tempdb is not configured according to best practice recommendations
  36. 36.
  37. 37. Statements
  38. 38. Use Cases , ,
  39. 39.
  40. 40.
  41. 41.
  42. 42.
  43. 43.
  44. 44.
  45. 45.
  46. 46. Dell Software Group
  47. 47. SQL , execution plans
  48. 48.
  49. 49.
  50. 50.
  51. 51.
  52. 52. Spotlight on SQL Server Enterprise 24 * 7 SQL Server Monitoring
  53. 53. Spotlight on SQL Server Enterprise Spotlight on SQL Server Enterprise SQL
  54. 54. Spotlight on SQL Server Enterprise, DBA SQL - ,
  55. 55. Spotlight
  56. 56.
  57. 57.
  58. 58. , ,
  59. 59.
  60. 60. End-to-end application dashboard
  61. 61. , (KPI)
  62. 62. enterprise/
  63. 63. SSMS monitoring
  64. 64. ? [email protected] Toad
  65. 65. [email protected]