- a gnld guide to helping ease the - hqh fitness · - a gnld guide to helping ease the symptoms and...

- a GNLD guide to helping ease the symptoms and maintain good health At around 50 years of age women can experience what’s commonly referred to as “change of life” or menopause. At this time the ovaries stop producing oestrogens and while some women go through this change feeling fine, many women do not. Symptoms of menopause that many women endure can include: hot flushes depression irritability anxiety atrophy of reproductive and breast tissue Compounding the issue is the fact that menopause can also signify an increased risk in heart disease and osteoporosis. These health issues may lead many women to pursue Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) – the replacement of oestrogen (and progesterone) to reflect the levels they were before menopause. But treating menopause with Hormone Replacement Therapy fails to nourish the body with nutrients that it can utilise to produce it’s own hormones. Not to mention that there is currently a great deal of debate as to whether HRT may be a causative factor in the development of certain cancers. Plus, various nutrients can help regulate the action of these hormones necessary for long-term health maintenance, not to mention minimising the unwanted symptoms such as the hot flushes and irritability, that many women fear and experience at this time of change in their lives. GNLD has a complete program of whole food supplements that may help women cope with the symptoms of menopause as well as minimise the health risks and discomfort they may encounter. Vegetarian Protein Supplement – promoting healthy hormonal levels A diet rich in soy foods has been shown to help reduce the transition and symptoms of menopause. In particular, the soy protein, as found in Vegetarian Protein Supplement,is a rich source of important plant compounds known as phytoestrogens. These nutrients have a range of health benefits in the body including: • mimicking the beneficial effects of oestrogens when oestrogen levels are low, as they are in menopause; • minimising the harmful effects of oestrogens when oestrogen levels are high, as may be experienced when on HRT; protecting cells throughout the body against the harmful effects of free radical damage; maintaining the health of tissues and organs throughout the body, such as the skeletal and cardiovascular systems, gall-bladder, breast, prostate and kidneys; regulating the activity of harmful, disease-related enzymes; and potentially • fortifying the body’s natural defences against the detrimental effects of some pollutants and synthetic oestrogens. GNLD’s Vegetarian Protein Supplement provides a convenient source of these beneficial phytoestrogens, as well as an important source of exceptionally high-quality protein needed by the body to manufacture its own hormones. Importantly,Vegetarian Protein Supplement is prepared using methods such as low-temperature protein blending, that preserves these beneficial nutrients and uses only certified non-genetically modified ingredients. Formula IV or Formula IV Plus the foundation to healthy menopause GNLD was founded on the ability of Formula IV to help women overcome a number of chronic conditions involving hormonal imbalances and inadequacies. This research showed that a mixture of plant lipids and sterols taken from wholegrain wheat berry, rice bran and soy bean contained hormonal precursors needed by the glands of the body to produce hormones. These vital compounds, which are stripped from processed foods, are responsible for supporting the body’s own natural production and control of hormones needed to maintain optimum health and well-being throughout menopause. In addition, without adequate levels of the friendly fats found in wholefoods, dangerous saturated fats will replace essential fatty acids within cell membranes. These dangerous fats reduce membrane fluidity and efficiency and thereby initiate the process of premature aging and disease development. The base of GNLD’s Formula IV and Formula IV Plus is derived from natural food sources such as yeast, wheat berry, soy bean and rice bran and fortified with a broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals essential for human nutrition. They are your foundation for nutritional assurance at the cellular level. Menopause

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Page 1: - a GNLD guide to helping ease the - HQH Fitness · - a GNLD guide to helping ease the symptoms and maintain good health At around 50 years of age women can experience what’s commonly

- a GNLD guide to helping ease thesymptoms and maintain good healthAt around 50 years of age women canexperience what’s commonly referred to as“change of life” or menopause. At this timethe ovaries stop producing oestrogens andwhile some women go through this changefeeling fine, many women do not.Symptoms of menopause that many womenendure can include:• hot flushes• depression• irritability• anxiety• atrophy of reproductive and breast tissue

Compounding the issue is the fact thatmenopause can also signify an increased riskin heart disease and osteoporosis. Thesehealth issues may lead many women topursue Hormone Replacement Therapy(HRT) – the replacement of oestrogen (andprogesterone) to reflect the levels they werebefore menopause.

But treating menopause with HormoneReplacement Therapy fails to nourish thebody with nutrients that it can utilise toproduce it’s own hormones. Not to mentionthat there is currently a great deal of debateas to whether HRT may be a causative factorin the development of certain cancers. Plus,various nutrients can help regulate the actionof these hormones necessary for long-termhealth maintenance, not to mentionminimising the unwanted symptoms such asthe hot flushes and irritability, that manywomen fear and experience at this time ofchange in their lives.

GNLD has a complete program of wholefood supplements that may help women copewith the symptoms of menopause as well asminimise the health risks and discomfort theymay encounter.

Vegetarian Protein Supplement –promoting healthyhormonal levels A diet rich in soy foods has been shown to helpreduce the transition and symptoms ofmenopause. In particular, the soy protein, asfound in Vegetarian Protein Supplement, is a richsource of important plant compounds known asphytoestrogens. These nutrients have a range of healthbenefits in the body including:• mimicking the beneficial effects of oestrogens when

oestrogen levels are low, as they are in menopause;• minimising the harmful effects of oestrogens when

oestrogen levels are high, as may be experienced when onHRT;

• protecting cells throughout the body against the harmfuleffects of free radical damage;

• maintaining the health of tissues and organs throughoutthe body, such as the skeletal and cardiovascular systems,gall-bladder, breast, prostate and kidneys;

• regulating the activity of harmful, disease-related enzymes;and potentially

• fortifying the body’s natural defences against thedetrimental effects of some pollutants and syntheticoestrogens.

GNLD’s Vegetarian Protein Supplement provides aconvenient source of these beneficial phytoestrogens, as wellas an important source of exceptionally high-quality proteinneeded by the body to manufacture its own hormones.Importantly,Vegetarian Protein Supplement is prepared usingmethods such as low-temperature protein blending, thatpreserves these beneficial nutrients and uses only certifiednon-genetically modified ingredients.

Formula IV orFormula IV Plus– the foundation to

healthy menopauseGNLD was founded on theability of Formula IV to helpwomen overcome a number of chronic conditionsinvolving hormonal imbalances and inadequacies. Thisresearch showed that a mixture of plant lipids andsterols taken from wholegrain wheat berry, rice branand soy bean contained hormonal precursors neededby the glands of the body to produce hormones.

These vital compounds, which are stripped fromprocessed foods, are responsible for supporting thebody’s own natural production and control ofhormones needed to maintain optimum health andwell-being throughout menopause. In addition, withoutadequate levels of the friendly fats found inwholefoods, dangerous saturated fats will replaceessential fatty acids within cell membranes. Thesedangerous fats reduce membrane fluidity and efficiencyand thereby initiate the process of premature agingand disease development.

The base of GNLD’s Formula IV and Formula IV Plusis derived from natural food sources such as yeast,wheat berry, soy bean and rice bran and fortified witha broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals essentialfor human nutrition. They are your foundation fornutritional assurance at the cellular level.


Page 2: - a GNLD guide to helping ease the - HQH Fitness · - a GNLD guide to helping ease the symptoms and maintain good health At around 50 years of age women can experience what’s commonly

One last word…“It is important to remember that menopause is NOT a disease. It is anatural process in a woman’s life. How a woman views this time of her lifecan have a lot to do with how frequent and severe her symptoms are. Ifmenopause is viewed as the end of youth and sexuality, this time will bemuch more difficult than if it is viewed as the next, natural phase of life. Witha proper diet, nutritional supplements and exercise, most of the unpleasantside effects of menopause can be minimised, if not eliminated.”

James F Balch Prescription for Nutritional Healing 2nd Ed. 1997. P383

Put simply, like most things in life, prevention is always better than cure. Ifwe provide our cells with excellent nutrition, through a good diet andsupplementation, and partake in a little regular exercise our chances ofovercoming any health challenges are greatly increased.

Cruciferous Plus– Guarding your cellsagainst the “bad”oestrogenScience has shown conclusivelythat cruciferous vegetables playan essential role in regulatingthe growth of cells, particularlyof the reproductive tissues, by regulatingthe metabolism of oestrogen and relatedhormones. But to do this, you need atleast one serve of cruciferous vegetablesevery single day! If you do not, you may bemissing out on the protection that yourcells and tissues need. Cruciferous Plusprovides an optimal serving ofcruciferous phytonutrients, includingsulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol, froma range of wholefood sources includingbroccoli, kale, horseradish, mustard andwatercress to maximise nutrient densityand diversity, in a convenient form.

Cal-Mag Chelate– Strong bones, strong heartOsteoporosis and heart disease are twomajor health concerns for women aftermenopause. Calcium and magnesium aretwo important minerals that promotestrong bones and cardiovascular health.Yet dietary surveys have repeatedly shown that only 50%of Australian and New Zealand women meet theRecommended Dietary Intake (RDI) for Calcium. GNLD’sCal-Mag is a valuable addition to your diet, providing abalance of magnesium and calcium, using sources that arerenowned for their purity and potency and chelating themwith amino acids to maximise their bioavailability.

Feminine Herbal Complex– traditional wisdom tobalance your hormonesCertain herbs such as Wild Yam, RedSage, Chinese Angelica,Vitex, St John’sWort, Skullcap and others have beenused for centuries by various cultures to help balance andregulate the female hormonal system. Only GNLD’s FeminineHerbal Complex utilises the best of traditional herbalism touse this synergistic blend of hormone-supporting herbs,botanical relaxants and mood enhancers. And the fact thatGNLD delivers standardised extracts of these herbs to youusing the latest scientific technology guaranteeing purity andpotency is one further reason to help you relax.

Salmon Oil – The good oilfor your bodyOmega-3 fatty acidshave a range of healthbenefits, from their anti-inflammatory effects toreduce menopausalsymptoms, to enhancing the health of theheart and cardiovascular system, toproviding the building materials neededto help maintain a healthy outlook onlife. GNLD’s Salmon Oil provides auniquely rich source of these essentialomega-3 fats, sourced from the flesh (notorgans) of health-screened North-Atlantic salmon, minus the risk ofcontamination from pesticides and heavymetals such as mercury.