* a* judication ceremony.lib.catholiccourier.com/1952-january-december-catholic-courier-journ… ·...

rtj^Kw***: •as"*™" " %_. 1 sss^Mip^^ -«:^^^^^^^»^=^~--^ *-*"*•*"**"""* ^'4 :U»*«.*.^"*.-i"'» i * •* ^,W(W(»»*K « > I' (*. -" •* t ^53X^'^i&^«a*^i4*^^4^'^''-4^?'^*^'^ i ^-"'^' : i •H*M_ VI —(-4-. ,^©WlI^OtjlWAt»!WUl)Ay > ^il'30,1953 mMm TlmMon Cbroncitio^n Rite f Reception field By Corning Sodality ^Wntog C«s3m$wa of ifae Jtessed 1?frgir* aft* tecep- |io» of it saw TOCTBti^miB , li;e<l Mar eerweea of Our kadVs gtraality of St, Ffitt&as pyrjsh tn tit* church Sunday after- '8««J» .oWofBMO-HA* {•ffai^mowmse-kTflQ Q^M tMAL 6946 FffMiMACY Hi 199% VWW fJIP%^W Stie new- mentis* .received «c^fc JD« l>onoi??ui, assistant -pas- tor oi St, Fatrio&'s sand moder- St£ir of the organization, includ- <*& 2?«iey Marty, Cwe£ Gorman, : &«gggKei JPost, Josephine Castel- Ip«, Mfturenn Ka.il, Jane O'Brien, Marie S^lliftJMtey Jean Cftrlhaeo, Phyllis; Tom?!?* Patricia $eepfel and Betty IDjartyra. The services at 4 p . m opened with, the crowning of » statue of the IBessed Virgin in the firont of; the church by Miss Phyllis S*»fcA\e*Miss Cashing, a Cora- jii^Fiee. Academy freshman, was selected May T^ueen of the so- dality by a vote o£ Jtellow roem-| teas. " 1 His Excellency Bishop Kearney praised benefactors «f the School of the Holy cashing daughter of Mr and Childhood at the ceremonies MKSfting, uaugmer 01 aar. ^ Saturday. May 24. when he Benefactors of Special School "* A * Judication Ceremon y. dedicated the refurbished build* ings at 215 Andrews St. # The building refurbished by union workmen who donated time, labor and materials was tas*/|Se crown was carried to|Sls*» °* St Joseph o f f e r s a the altar on a small pillow held I specially designedI course for the j r t e * Nelson, a Grade 1 « , ; ; = ^ 3 ^ - -.-. / TURMER REfRlfiERATION CO. ;S: OW 2-7021 **VfK C ^ i n « w e r e M i s ^ Mary Helen f h fe a d &"; I ^ S ^ f lS' S'square dances tau^nt to mixed rie »i^^^ £^5*att£'<*«M to increase poise and O ^^J^ ***** W ^^^Ivelop confidence in social living, ro " tt 7 ES ' ._ W iacluded-oathe-JEUDdculun^ JDurlmr the reception of newp^ nwmWCS,' Patker Donovan pre-, SISTER ST. MARK is princl- sacited «*dt member a book of.pal. assisted by Sisters Marie tfee» sodality rides- aaid « "Our Martin and Michael Marya, full l*dy '&&&&!* He told the 11 tiipe instructors. Five parWlme '&*%•• / Walls' rCtotn«»- : Mirwiifiirtitciiiiirf Hit mitaus ^ Wli^^P- 9999W%9^F^nfm' r JW X1VRT3 UAinmiU CT BB ^PUI tllKl . Hughes & Son ftJ*MA,tt.Y. / MAI 4024 gfrJs tl»t C»tIjolIcs are "return- ing Hy? to Maiy audi ceremonies sac3t ai these aire appropriate for the occajsSIoiu They symbolize otnrlovefof M«ry." "" FaUna - Sonovan told the youns girls that a sodality, in a sense, & a rclieious order- for young peojple. H e said a Catholic sodal- ity doei i|ot seek large member- ship because it is founded on the principles of lave, He urj^d tlteu«\s? members to "serve as leaders for others— you, set ^h* pattern today as the leaden,aM citizens oi tomox- r ," Serving as altar boys for serEjqe were 3F*tncis and Thosmas BterwdBet and &tty Bradley Jr. The service* fcere arrarajti and conducted by Miss Teresa Stanlslowski, prefect at the sodality. y wwro .»H Graduates From Loras College D«l«q»f,.!a.—John F. ~MzVf~ choio. 'of 347 eocemrtrce St» Cominir; H.. Y, ia acfteduled to lie eradiated f r o an 'Xoraa GoI3egesf D* ocean <^ltke' I tat' ".h«n% ' .aj ceremotiiea? on M cLydbok; tba »«i ad Mr. Kra«dt Mcl^f* ' dwfe, li vice- ' :: J, 3fd^ft*** pfeaidenfc ol the Student Senates itudteTt Koverntojr body, and> a 'jrtwotoaf xrit tte Livlhi Ptej^ersv. ttodent (fc-iimaUfc crab, $m the Ytrafty.teiKis'team. He U Kfc*ttaict£ W*iv* his bi»i^«lo«««««dei^dfe^ee fttiat- laude) Jit"""""" instructors, also teach the 90 pupils from the ages of 10 to 17. Sister St Mark, who was lauded at the dedication cere- » ~W.""" Hi*H 1HftH ^JHiMfelM. .IMCtilfeAJMhQI ^:i.%ff^^ ' ..I.. 1 T^ .^t". . Tl'.Knit- f ^ ^ ^ P ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f f t i r aWMw fS!**:' •••«!ttra«|r~Ba«*«- « .the out* ea^#:tl«rtaoetah j^fc ifcm b£W» ^gnomai Mott ifoo»dJ|- tabta; ««lt^a2r^ ^ S Mm-tf- * ^W Sfc» -lilir city, m jpa,«wusaer*. ^d-: 1*^*4 F*a««hip Jar ttttdy' " «t' Soi&ii fa.feck' . t ^'01 T««**rtaH^o«cneior. ef** *»»* fete 'Qnatfie tAMtftrJMpfcL SflHa «3ahw. rawiK. sd*^»rsh%j«, one * Jttate 0raa^,;.MMUicr # %he. 'i|s^ver«. -' Addison -*- Mrs,'^oae|h. T*oy *?as Elected grand «ejpnt of St. CalherlBe'8 Court, Catholic l^^t^MT^S'Snaeflea, to suc- ceed Mrs. Francis Kane at a spe- cial meeting here* Mrs. George Bonln was re- elected vie* jjranit regents Miss Catherine Gangewte," Reelected '^ophe.tes8j. Mti, Wtiitik :Eeag*«, rejected •Ifcjttirerf ,SH#. femm 8gK*$$e,"'elected tte# htitorlan |o «i«^?eed M&, Joseph Sterryj Mss, Harold Simmons, reelected financial secretary;; Mrs, Stephen Bufehko elected new treasurer to succeed Mrs. Joseph Sloand; Miss Peggy Berns» new monftor to succeed Miss Sfceresa Beagan; mat. Ollbert Dewey, ^reelected sentinel; Mrs. Jack Coon, elected new ^pianist to ^succeed -Mrs. DKDICA' ChfiiDiOOd Booa iaclnflcd jflHSut tbe- slsiiaC' 1* ta« *uperlat«Ml«t, rt e f t l * Heftr St., Saturday after*// KxeeBeacy. Bisfcop l&yrney »- " t - i phoio). Shown a*. V. Boyhr f a«»ocIatei. . SdMX*, Dkwwe e€ Boche«ter-«; X<Mfactor>> «C 'tfea-^Jiew aehooi. ahowm with Bishop Kearney in lower photo, are: (from kit) John Bowas, Edward J. Uat. cheMer, Ahda Mmller, Andrew SchaeWer, Bow. ard tkOim t the Bishop, Jamms Burke, Anthony Capoae, Kraak Hants' and Margaret K. • RelnJurdt. -monie* hy ,fiia Rev. l?r. Chafes J. Mahooey, jsup&lntetidettt of the Diocasan Schools, »aid the school 1 was? the outgrowth of •Work &m m* totym swale at Mhnic^t^Cc«cej>t^n School. When the^deralnd for such 'ttaln- en Graduation Held , fiMnplBf,,~ Forty-nlne young- shea were graduated Jrora the ~ idin%tgarte« y /.of St ksafi ScSobt dtt^rME cerewoniea fit '•ptftit:^0. a t 3 p « . Sunday 4h>-^vnr~4a-^B«fge- sciiool arranged a^college jtyle'* iwogram lot? the children* whole H«*r*g# "age •«)*, Tbe *ffahr white cap* "StrldaMvty*: parish" prkst [y, aeven, pJayad » Bev. John .A. .... .. 'lit pfie»*nttag--the; ofl»2»nddmrib«tint.the ^1».'thf graduate*. ^Ihe .ptstraw wa* as fOBOWJR j^mm _J:ASR*f* ,.£^EM0lI| was completi and gown*. diplaniaa fn|; oecame mjore t>re»lng, larger facilities were sought The teach- 'imr;staff will have to he-eifc htirged as the rarollment to- crease* from a 3arge exlttlng waiting list. yt The adjoining 'convent yffl soon be ready for occupancy and a altrlne^has been erected in the yard/ £>om children have been grad- Kiated and placed hit joh«, wldle others work-in part-time jobs. Sloandj the Rev^d&^ancis.««. 'i'ur. ner, reelecteCehapiah>; JITJS. je- wwe Hovejrwis eleoted as a nev<? trustee and the, following other trustee* -wilt hold over: Mnfc t)orflJnl^1)oddato, , Ufa, El« len Klckey, Wigs Nan. Murphy, Mr» Martin h, Train and Mrs. Josephine Hickey. ^ After the election of officers, there was a rehearsal of the de- gree team under the direction of the district deputy, Miss Mar- garet Barrett of Corning, in preparation for initiation of the following new candidates held Tuesday evening May* 27, at the court rooms? Mrfc Thomas X,y» ons. North Addison; Misses Kath- erine .Blood, and Alke Doody, mernhera of the Woodhull High School faculty; Mrs. Floyd Dei droaso, Mrs. Betty Zlnte and Mrs. Stracka, all of Addison. _ 0 : Convert Guild Meets > At St. Andrew's Members of the Convert Guild which met every Monday during the winter at Hotel Seneca will again meet on Monday, June. 2 In St Andrew's Seminary, Buf« falo Road at 8 p.m. "Ehe Rev. Joseph L. Hogan of St Andrew's Seminary faculty is in charge of the Guild. miikm fk4*w*kr tt*(N •' : mwcmmt • aMoiNsatBtwa COMTRACTINO ttsnww MK m*n*m m wut Fi»t SUM! Dt«l KiMMt CflROSCIO'S Tile A* Marble i*tnl Clay IB* Rubber - Ai»halt Tilt Dial 20252 414 W. SECOND ST. FRANK c m mr - A MASS*- MARY m. FITZGERALD km D|rec*or —* Catholic Family Center WoJkvtmji the month of May, whidh is especially de- voted t o M p y , Ithe Mother of Gkid, we face the beauty of tee mm the ml rdses, which aare aoeh vivid remincleis of the Sawed "Heart ,of her Divine ration to the Sacred Heart on? Divine Saviour brings to tsy thtoidng that aroiatt leaflet. goal, for which each *nd every nts|t, woman and child was created. Our* !s anVeternal destiny^ - ^edP^^^d^S^^IWhtew^.l^ thf BeWfir vmm ,>. -'AV *£;*• '>.*•• AMD D^JVfRY '''• •B kv> •Itniftt;, ^^^m^ iiS^S^gsi^i iMr.^f M i M H i f M-.tli Bete' Kappa, teowrtry icfaolutic '"' Bete* inwrfviHg the FnlWgnt FfSo^M^- ;i»^e!t ; l|MuX proMd. t a t cloibfcf allowance as weH ^*& - ^ B *f "-^#* •' *«^ ur *ttb*Sorbose, ili» Quiii «s^tiTiK%- #;Cc^n|Hi1fti« ^^^j^U|: •#w«P»iM ;'**^^irt^i!fc|,. wmmL f.GEHEIIH »'MiW|i*lliMt»IDi|>imwmm w »• i «r ii'ij » , - ^^* T™«a MontrAL l^Mlshedt by *»Au Sfei+ice de L* Vooifionf* In <Quebt«, CanadJi it a conscience pclck to tho*e who use familiar with the m&ti pew* and the vacant spaces' at the altar railings In our churches each warning. *»A1I for Jerua ttarouili Mary.** What a. jsweriai i^tcirword ht these tifonbletf tlm«s«# *hen, the hearts, minds and-«nil* are torn. by .force* wittch tharetten^lo de- s»^our-,conflde»c*f ii-Gedi!*^: Ire flttrjsifeej,, ' y" ' *^Sy Jia«i well ur^Jeiiitoodibaft sincerely livedo will Hlh^up niy 1 .whole day *» w y - w # # week *-*: my wiwie }!&**<*&»•*& «fl^*' aft' my actiosMF..^ a *haln of lose*".". .yiS^ H A C«AlK^«ot i^'Mtm'tit socatf' asjtoins» l l a t "fiioaki hlfrf: Us»: t^ jm es^.aiid - 'd«r»w % .:Oinf t$t»mm Hesmthv i»«t the? .hand* ,c«j&et teroptal|ttt*na *&mw> m ate, but a. 'feWBC*t*irnt,*a>- cftellng'idillnv-Msa^hlJifi of fee*' ^ -usfterette* .were '^>m |*i«tesif- Imtapftit coaM :^bl&jti Ca«n%7 fattJda. Cyr,. ««lte &imm:ifam*)}i>fr&f&6 Whynnfe- 1*»,e*Baff. r#dfaiksv *4»< •^^tMMiii Apple,*? JPatrfcl* ftuoecoj f«#- Ji^of**, the' -chssaj :poeen>- ; *tfthdi*ct isst-Chuieh,**- iUQr"l«e .(hrfsi#i.-:daiicfc M*riorie Bee.:, netfc.fiiane^ToMa, GeraMt |wiert? and. WKtori W&aeraWrfourF .potto*, the cjasa. Rhytiun band ... poenii- 'Jesus Hanging on the Crosf," ""' -"*r--^aga»j- vaJedfctoty r therasa Ruocco; hymn, fJOmk -T#a? t *b» claaa. tX)tm.' Fratarcai^elo. Mary Caihetiae laBeemoe and I^ois Ann 4knsT - dlltrtbUttHg', #re> 'Cm& Omningharri, Ju- „, _... ldi*ale^^-Se•iiiiyMEiieor4. Am. Reagan, Mary 'Ate Reyn- .olds' aod Mary Ann $chroed«r, " t Foimed k«n% -0t|hOii»: labor.. 3res«*- gha*^: ';%s8»%*|i>.^if, -fffther/.l Isn*, Italy .ml fc'witarland. ; ^ ; t»e- -fmrnf ejuiioiie:- , vro^irat 'ifxy nu«mmt Wm>:wwm>m. w« r«»ched Tim •aktmtttm tliitifij alw ««t«blto 1 do*. ft* fit ft ihiit*f*n ,h«nt^ oi r tae-Ri»e»,/liiui* very- in :fe«!th'3ndis, a »*w Mil* stem Chuwfc *ffli;-msmfeefleeted-' In honor of St Thomas AqtOnas, . Thla G&jir^teW n g B^nced' ^ t » « Aqutoal^MJs^bsn Ctmfc, "" d *«wr*iBg- to -Sft^B^'laBiHRf' ,. &tdaR***-of Tirac&lrapeili, the Gliding will s«ry« « dual jnif- e *, auft^ OA S«od«y and eiettoffl6#J*fg- the -*#e» f • The. '^d SttX&mi io4lm hnnmcuiate/ •iKeart of: Hl« mm&W&& t . With .the adttoaiffcsi *Pray?'* •m%im- Ihrnugh' - WN#, ! ,»ai SWp a«4'FW.'16e-..iWr%.ana- '0»ck to'#r]iyi-lHsW eeHJfcft-'WWit b* w-aeeepf" a* *^o#»*. #Goct^; WfiitsWwjutftuesttertjr the «ia* .*erftffi tt^strre "of AOtf U t e . ;»** -tisedt'to'the fuileit'^beftiiit-'-' . €e!ehiitles ate oifeii;^comeo1-. in(-»._t'Clty.1itortitjyhf *;faey.: >yn» M BOW .of" the-#peh- '»#*•,of'the, KorHmanity^ which they *** ^Wt' •ijftt. -aaririif^hi«e ;#^« .*t wr: ^t:>^» fM^^liCNM^Wf'I|d«' should be-our primary Interests as we struggle against the in- roads of the World and the Devfl, ' - f The Gate* of Heaven nslght lose their formidable austerity and our fear- of the reception that wiB treat there, would then give way to peace, happi- nesa-iwd aectai^, • \ Ttw prkelesi- Key, Which will, Unlock thole Gates and admit ur to rtfteni}_ 'itikjpplBmtit, i*an fag- CLui^ly ai)d effectively gained th&dujh the frictice Of J)aily Mais, the center and heart of our M|fo!en Hfld wiHchfe'.the Key rioifc only to Beiven hut to t h e TRSea* ure Chelt of Gracee^ which we need so> mdcti Jh our -dairy Hie* Make this then, your l^umher' OM. peeject lot* the Month of t h e sacred Jasert *- '^fy %>*# A MHart.:..- 5 '-- '-^ ' " t .- ;; i ^ li .. n>? „„„„, l> Jr.AuxiikirySets Baked Foods Sale '' ~ '• .*•-)ba*ei,, foods *aJe''wltt'1Je ;; »pojts#ed hi* nSenthera Ol Junior Ati*iliik# l N»- St l&lghfa --of m.- Join-- -ot fSft- 'Peter., arid Fat0St.-- Chiufch* Satttlday, June 7 he- .tw*.c« 5fc : and #$Mn> ht- -the-- patlah-: 'icftcoj-ljall..- . . " •-.'••; . -' Baked goods as Well as salads :iiM l^eahl- vsarioyt -caJ^-kueh*. itm, wasttelft. -p$s, eoo.We^ irttd. : calp-T»*ill-'he : on. «ale> *me piMii *& w»tt *s ntehJhir* oi:Ai»aikry- ^ : |i.«r#in^iteas "F)<uif m*f\yi)k hVJtuie..af.ter- Bafjfs s*ji t Ymm % ilm &maUjfi4f FASHION SHOP MIX vnm tMwr MM 4*1 • P»TP- *«»|s*np«- rvnk upwn «mMi|p •••af.nii jiWr " - 7 • - 11/i *i 1 1 1 DINJT j»r KEEFE'S RESTAURANT AlXlUWAlBirvXKAOMI / r»OHtS4HS7 *•• W. MILUPt 8T. ' IXMIBA, N. Y. *imms*0i+m*4*4mm BUELL'S FLOWERS Dtol 5175 -•• «nw.QMtfsr. PEERLESS DRY CLEANIHG CO. 201-203 W. Fifth St. Cor. IM. Main St. PHOWE 2-3137 Purcell Motor Co. ma. 201411 E Mtrktt St. ifkoMtft CPWOKG. NT. BtoMMd GssaHae ' IptMrvrtM C a n - Ecker Drug Store Kirty i. Etltar, fr* N * . 47f.MwkitatC«4trSe. CORMIN^ N. Y. A.W.UILIYftSOl FUNfML HOMi l»Wafcat«t Diaieaiu COstNING, N . T. . , M.LALLEN&SON -Qtnditj¥mmtitrg - •k«f 435 «2 lrW|» Ifc C0RNIN8. M. Y. CATHOLIC HEADLINES on WHAM 12:10 Sunday by Raw Richard Tornfty for the COUMHWOUINAL 4»suor t t e ' i c b o e l it*Kf»r -ejftd»^wiH-.*e :lftjiai « t ' t H e Ainfffie.-Aujtiu**# -wee'tlllfe' Frf-dSa^; June «'- at- 3;B- |fe»j,-.Mt# vi # -the-'trflsftJte'-^£Qr:'Jie- tttiNStWsjt^*"'. •;', - -•:-'. .._ ;•••.•- •W-»»j»i^.^riW^ 'in .1P i«i ^1 .,1^-m..;., I.~„I ;AMI r,ik,^i* imKHmt.!, .UtUw'i- * ' * » *1»j t^I«tm^ioml radirar s«(dBf n m *f CkriaO-ta Tr«J# Vnk»a.lcfe»rcfa 1 " »- ~ ? --»tiej : ii*»fe//-- -' ..,*...'..- --•--/.'•;:• Aficiwdteg to .the Re*-' Arthur L*o^Mod«at« of the AfUina* 10aMssl. CSnssad*,.. - arrangaitieittii ft» this pircjeet - were made, t»a»«ifc raihar Jus*in mnmm «'MsM* ln«an Priest who *p*n* last year In th* t w * 4 State* aid for th« CathoMe -*m;i«eifA*i^.^1IB«ils|.f*ffr.-' «|Sn«ffA.M>--.:- t ; / ; ^ Baudler, StilesfcKeyes Vwdtf il^)WH|p|' IlkV'. mm M«Mtli: emmmm fwmt tmmtMt. mi ,t. .' irsA*fcSti£?* 4 If***.* -eiijf^.esiiMi^M' •- : ._ PEACE! mm t. Ann Jt rais AVBNue SOENKLL. N. T. REV. U.U»ENCK W. 6AKH0K. P « t « MASSES—Buttday: S,7.g,9,1». 11 - m m. . . 1. i.t-fcai .i« ».«»,«i . . . » « > . « m ». » .i. 1. ^ , /• Fiji C/MJ». r 1 T21 Msia 5t - : - ttmt\5t-» t_ - aoan«t.t, w. ». Ewjilrt •«*FinlCfl.-tT.p, ixaMiilf <•*»»* .VWf Our Naw M.n'» ond ieys , ClolWrtji Di|»t. JACOBS BROS. SttOC STOK . CITY CLUI SHOES * "W« Fit Tin Htn) T. ni"; u II Dairy Jnc. QUALITY MltK end DAIRY PRODUCTS W3-i05 Main Strwt HORNiu, a y. »m<ifimm*mmmmmm'mmmmmmmn tha Hid Cross / Ntltb Your Help Donafa Your Wood F*<(« IRAUHSCHWEIGER'5 PHARMACY SUMBS-eMWri ttH. Si», ttsM, UiM St.Ignatiii« Tuttle & Rockwell Co *f MtMU Sirvht *m**m+m*—*** i'maii •foocrvwy Racfrle Ce^rc«tHi«ar»d<epairiri9 4«t«tM«4«i Mern*Jl,W.T, r r - * '•.OH»,-WlMi W ,awi S. HoHand'i Sotn STEUBEN 'V- lit' Miittfc. tfo - H«rmi|, K. 'T. '• Ajf«noy Ootrum Ck»ld Stript *waastJ«a * OMASOS mo. y •»_ * w^ *~T -***.*«** ^r* «^*N# ^" •* ~^ft - - 1. *»**—rfV-»- [- ^ > -t^fjtlf- A -u**' - J»PV*« ,**» ^ r^t** r— **^^*^^ J«* ^**--*. ,,*• - —*!.•.

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Page 1: * A* Judication Ceremony.lib.catholiccourier.com/1952-january-december-catholic-courier-journ… · rtj^Kw***: •as"*™" " %_. 1 sss^Mip^-«:^^^^^»^=^~--^ ^ *-*"*•*"**"""* ^'4

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• H * M _ VI — ( - 4 - .

,^©WlI^OtjlWAt»!WUl)Ay>^il'30,1953 mMm TlmMon

Cbroncitio^n Ritef Reception field By Corning Sodality

^Wntog — C«s3m$wa of i fae J tessed 1?frgir* aft* tecep-| i o» of i t saw TOCTBti^miB,li;e<l Mar eerweea o f Our k a d V s gtraality o f St, Ff i t t&as pyrjsh t n tit* church Sunday after-'8««J» •



Q^M tMAL 6946


Hi 199% VWW fJIP%^W

Stie new- mentis* .received

«c fc JD« l>onoi??ui, assistant -pas­tor o i St, Fatrio&'s sand moder-St£ir of the organization, includ-<*& 2?«iey Marty, Cwe£ Gorman, :&«gggKei JPost, Josephine Castel-Ip«, Mfturenn Ka.il, Jane O'Brien, Marie S^lliftJMtey Jean Cftrlhaeo, Phyllis; Tom?!?* Patricia $eepfel and Betty IDjartyra.

The services at 4 p.m opened with, the crowning of » statue of the IBessed Virgin in the firont of; the church by Miss Phyllis

S*»fcA\e*Miss Cashing, a Cora-jii^Fiee. Academy freshman, was selected May T ueen of the so­dality by a vote o£ Jtellow roem-| teas. " 1

His Excellency B i s h o p Kearney praised benefactors «f the School of the Holy

cashing daughter of Mr and Childhood at the ceremonies MKSfting, uaugmer 01 aar. ^ Saturday. May 24. when he

Benefactors of Special School "* A * Judication Ceremony.

dedicated the refurbished build* ings at 215 Andrews St . #

The building refurbished by union workmen who donated time, labor and materials was

tas*/|Se crown was carried to|Sls*» °* St Joseph offersa the altar on a small pillow held I specially designedI course for the j r t e * Nelson, a Grade 1 « , ; ; = ^ 3 ^ -

-.-. /


;S: OW 2-7021 * * V f K

C ^ i n « w e r e M i s ^ Mary Helen f h fe a d

& " ; I ^ S ^ f l S ' S'square dances tau nt to mixed ™ r i e » i ^ ^ ^ £^5*att£'<*«M to increase poise and O ^^J^ ***** W ^ ^ ^ I v e l o p confidence in social l iving, ro"tt7ES' „ ._ W iacluded-oathe-JEUDdculun^

JDurlmr the reception o f n e w p ^ nwmWCS,' Patker Donovan pre- , SISTER ST. MARK i s princl-sacited « * d t m e m b e r a book o f .pa l . assisted by Sisters Marie tfee» sodality r ides- aaid « "Our Martin and Michael Marya, ful l l * d y '&&&&!* He told the 1 1 tiipe instructors. F ive parWlme

' & * % • •

/ Walls' rCtotn«»-:

Mirwiifiirtitciiiiirf Hit mitaus ^ Wli^^P- 9999W%9^F^nfm' r

J W X1VRT3 U A i n m i U CT


PUI tllKl

. Hughes & Son

ftJ*MA,tt.Y. / MAI 4 0 2 4

gfrJs tl»t C»tIjolIcs are "return­ing Hy? to Maiy audi ceremonies sac3t ai these aire appropriate for the occajsSIoiu They symbolize otnrlovefof M«ry." „ ""

FaUna- Sonovan told the youns girls that a sodality, in a sense, & a rclieious order- for young peojple. He said a Catholic sodal­ity doei i|ot seek large member­ship because it is founded on the principles of lave,

He urj^d tlteu«\s? members to "serve as leaders for others— you, set ^h* pattern today as the leaden,aM citizens oi tomox-

r," Serving as altar boys for serEjqe were 3F*tncis and

Thosmas BterwdBet and &tty Bradley Jr. The service* fcere arrarajti and conducted by Miss Teresa Stanlslowski, prefect a t the sodality.

y wwro .»H •

Graduates From Loras College

D«l«q»f,.!a.—John F. ~MzVf~ choio. 'of 347 eocemrtrce St» Cominir; H.. Y , ia acfteduled to lie eradiated f r o an 'Xoraa GoI3egesf D *

ocean <^ltke' I tat' ".h«n% ' .aj • ceremotiiea? on

M cLydbok; tba » « i ad Mr.

Kra«dt Mcl^f* ' dwfe, li vice- '::J, 3fd^ft*** pfeaidenfc o l t h e Student Senates itudteTt Koverntojr body, and> a 'jrtwotoaf xrit tte Livlhi Ptej^ersv. ttodent (fc-iimaUfc crab, $m the Ytrafty.teiKis'team.

H e U Kfc*ttaict£ t» W*iv* his bi»i^«lo«««««dei^dfe^ee fttiat-laude) Jit""""""

instructors, also teach the 90 pupils from the ages of 10 to 17.

Sister S t Mark, who was lauded at the dedication cere-

» ~W.""" Hi*H 1 H ft H

^JHiMfelM. .IMCtilfeAJMhQI

:i.%ff ^ ' ..I.. 1 T^ • .^t". . Tl'.Knit- f^^^P^^^^^f f t i r



•••«!ttra«|r~Ba«*«- « .the out*

ea^#:tl«rtaoetah j^fc i fcm b£W» ^gnomai Mott ifoo»dJ|-

tabta; « « l t ^ a 2 r ^ ^ S Mm-tf- * W Sfc» -lilir city, h » m jpa,«wusaer*. ^d-: 1*^*4 F*a««hip Jar ttttdy' " «t ' S o i & i i fa . f eck '

. t '01 T««**rtaH^o«cneior. e f * * * » » * fete 'Qnatfie tAMtf trJMpfcL SflHa «3ahw.

rawiK. sd* »rsh%j«, one * Jttate 0raa ,;.MMUicr # %he. 'i|s^ver«. -'

Addison -*- Mrs,'^oae|h. T*oy *?as Elected grand «ejpnt of St. CalherlBe'8 Court, C a t h o l i c l^^t^MT^S'Snaeflea, to suc­ceed Mrs. Francis Kane at a spe­cial meeting here*

Mrs. George Bonln was re­elected vie* jjranit regents Miss Catherine Gangewte," Reelected '^ophe.tes8j. Mti, Wtiitik :Eeag*«, rejected •Ifcjttirerf ,SH#. femm 8gK*$$e,"'elected tte# htitorlan |o «i« ?eed M&, Joseph Sterryj Mss, Harold Simmons, reelected financial secretary;; Mrs, Stephen Bufehko elected new treasurer to succeed Mrs. Joseph Sloand; Miss Peggy Berns» new monftor to succeed Miss Sfceresa Beagan; mat. Ollbert Dewey, reelected sentinel; Mrs. Jack Coon, elected new ^pianist to succeed -Mrs.

DKDICA' ChfiiDiOOd Booa iaclnflcd jflHSut t b e -slsiiaC' 1* ta« *uperlat«Ml«t,

rt e f t l * Heftr St., Saturday after*//

KxeeBeacy. Bisfcop l&yrney »- " t - i phoio). Shown a*.

V. Boyhrf a«»ocIatei. . SdMX*, Dkwwe e€

Boche«ter-«; X<Mfactor>> «C 'tfea- Jiew aehooi.

ahowm with Bishop Kearney in lower photo, are: (from kit) John Bowas, Edward J. Uat. cheMer, Ahda Mmller, Andrew SchaeWer, Bow. ard tkOimt the Bishop, Jamms Burke, Anthony Capoae, Kraak Hants' and Margaret K.

• RelnJurdt. -monie* hy ,fiia Rev. l?r. Chafes J. Mahooey, jsup&lntetidettt of the Diocasan Schools, »aid the school 1 was? the outgrowth of •Work &m m* totym swale at Mhnic^t^Cc«cej>t^n School. When the^deralnd for such 'ttaln-

en Graduation Held , fiMnplBf,,~ Forty-nlne young-shea were graduated Jrora the ~ idin%tgarte«y/.of St ksafi ScSobt dtt rME cerewoniea fit '•ptftit:^0. at 3 p « . Sunday

4h>-^vnr~4a-^B«fge-sciiool arranged a^college jtyle'* iwogram lot? the children* whole H«*r*g# "age j« •«)*, Tbe *ffahr

white cap* "StrldaMvty*:

parish" prkst [y, aeven, pJayad » Bev. John .A.

. . . . .. 'lit pfie»*nttag--the; ofl»2»nddmrib«tint.the

^1».'thf graduate*. Ihe .ptstraw wa* as fOBOWJR

j^mm _J:ASR*f* ,.£^EM0lI|

was completi and gown*. diplaniaa

fn|; oecame mjore t>re»lng, larger facilities were sought The teach-'imr;staff will have to he-eifc htirged as the rarollment to-crease* from a 3arge exlttlng waiting list. yt

The adjoining 'convent yffl

soon be ready for occupancy and a altrlne^has been erected in the yard/

£>om children have been grad-Kiated and placed hit joh«, wldle others work-in part-time jobs.

Sloandj the Rev d& ancis.««. 'i'ur. ner, reelecteCehapiah>; JITJS. je-wwe Hovejrwis eleoted as a nev<? trustee and the, following other trustee* -wilt hold over: Mnfc t)orflJnl^1)oddato,, Ufa, El« len Klckey, Wigs Nan. Murphy, Mr» Martin h, Train and Mrs. Josephine Hickey. ^

After the election of officers, there was a rehearsal of the de­gree team under the direction of the district deputy, Miss Mar­garet Barrett of Corning, in preparation for initiation of the following new candidates held Tuesday evening May* 27, at the court rooms? Mrfc Thomas X,y» ons. North Addison; Misses Kath-erine .Blood, and Alke Doody, mernhera of the Woodhull High School faculty; Mrs. Floyd Dei droaso, Mrs. Betty Zlnte and Mrs. Stracka, all of Addison.

_ 0 : •

Convert Guild Meets > At St. Andrew's

Members of the Convert Guild which met every Monday during the winter a t Hotel Seneca will again meet on Monday, June. 2 In S t Andrew's Seminary, Buf« falo Road at 8 p.m.

"Ehe Rev. Joseph L. Hogan of S t Andrew's Seminary faculty is in charge of the Guild.

miikm fk4*w*kr tt*(N •': mwcmmt •


COMTRACTINO ttsnww MK m*n*m m w u t Fi»t SUM!

Dt«l KiMMt

CflROSCIO'S Tile A* Marble

i * tn l Clay IB* Rubber - Ai»halt Tilt

Dial 20252 414 W. SECOND ST.



km D|rec*or —* Catholic Family Center WoJkvtmji the month of May, whidh is especially de­

voted t o M p y , Ithe Mother of Gkid, we face the beauty of tee mm the m l rdses, which aare aoeh vivid remincleis of the Sawed "Heart ,of her Divine ration to the Sacred Heart

on? Divine Saviour brings to tsy thtoidng that aroiatt leaflet.

goal, for which each *nd every nts|t, woman and child was created.

Our* !s anVeternal destiny^-

^ e d P ^ ^ ^ d ^ S ^ ^ I W h t e w ^ . l ^ t h f BeWfir vmm

,>. -'AV


'>.*•• AMD D^JVfRY '''•




^^^m^ iiS^S^gsi^i iMr.^f M i M H i f M-.tli Bete' Kappa, teowrtry icfaolutic '"'

Bete* inwrfviHg the FnlWgnt FfSo^M^- ;i»^e!t;l|MuX proMd.

tat cloibfcf allowance as weH ^*& - ^ B *f "- #* •' *«^ ur *ttb*Sorbose, i l i » Quiii

«s^tiTiK%- #;Cc^n|Hi1fti«

^ ^ ^ j ^ U | :

• # w « P » i M




»'MiW|i*lliMt»IDi|>imwmm w »• i «r ii'ij » ,

- ^^* T™«a


l^Mlshedt by *»Au Sfei+ice de L* Vooifionf* In <Quebt«, CanadJi it 1» a conscience pclck to tho*e who use f amiliar with the m&ti pew* and the vacant spaces' at the altar railings In our churches each warning.

*»A1I for Jerua ttarouili Mary.** What a. jsweriai i^tcirword ht these tifonbletf tlm«s«# *hen, the hearts, minds and-«nil* are torn. by .force* wittch tharetten^lo de-s»^our-,conflde»c*f ii-Gedi!*^: Ire flttrjsifeej,, ' y" '

*^Sy Jia«i well ur^Jeiiitoodibaft sincerely livedo will Hlh^up niy1

.whole day *» wy - w # # week *-*: my wiwie }!&**<*&»•*& «fl^*' aft' my actiosMF.. a *haln of lose*".". .yiS^ H

A C«AlK^«ot i^'Mtm'tit socatf' asjtoins» l lat "fiioaki hlfrf: Us»: t^ jm es^.aiid-'d«r»w%.:Oinf t$t»mm Hesmthv i»«t the? .hand*

,c«j&et teroptal|ttt*na *&mw> m ate, but a. 'feWBC*t*irnt,*a>-cftellng'idillnv-Msa^hlJifi of fee*'

^ „ -usfterette* .were '^>m |*i«tesif- Imtapftit coaM :^bl&jti Ca«n%7 fattJda. Cyr,. ««lte &imm:ifam*)}i>fr&f&6

Whynnfe- 1*»,e*Baff. r#dfaiksv *4»< •^^tMMiii Apple,*? JPatrfcl* ftuoecoj

f«#- Ji of**, the' -chssaj :poeen>-;*tfthdi*ct isst-Chuieh,**- iUQr"l«e .(hrfsi#i.-:daiicfc M*riorie Bee.:, netfc. fiiane^ ToMa, GeraMt |wiert? and. WKtori W&aeraWrfourF .potto*, the cjasa. Rhytiun band

. . . poenii-'Jesus Hanging on the Crosf," ""' -"*r--^aga»j- vaJedfctotyr

therasa Ruocco; hymn, fJOmk -T#a? t *b» • claaa.

tX)tm.' Fratarcai^elo. M a r y Caihetiae laBeemoe and I^ois Ann

4knsT - dlltrtbUttHg', #re> 'Cm& Omningharri, Ju-

„, _... ldi*ale^^-Se•iiiiyMEiieor4. A m . Reagan, Mary 'Ate Reyn-.olds' aod Mary Ann $chroed«r, "

t Foimed

k « n % -0t|hOii»: labor.. 3res«*-

gha*^: ';%s8»%*|i>.^if, -fffther/.l I sn* , Italy . m l fc'witarland. ; ^

;t»e- -fmrnf ejuiioiie:-,vro irat 'ifxy • nu«mmt

Wm>:wwm>m. w« r«»ched

Tim •aktmtttm tliitifij alw i » ««t«blto 1 do*.

ft* fit ft ihiit*f*n

,h«nt oir tae-Ri»e»,/liiui* very- in :fe«!th'3ndis, a »*w Mil* stem Chuwfc *ffli;-msm fee fleeted-' In honor of S t Thomas AqtOnas, . Thla G&jir^ te Wng B^nced'

^ t » « Aqutoal MJs bsn Ctmfc, "" d *«wr*iBg- to -Sft B 'laBiHRf' ,. &tdaR***-of Tirac&lrapeili, the Gliding will s«ry« « dual jnif-e*, • a u f t ^ OA S«od«y and

eiettoffl6#J*fg- the -*#e»f • The.

'^d SttX&mi io4lm hnnmcuiate/ •iKeart of: Hl« mm&W&& t. With .the adttoaiffcsi *Pray?'*

•m%im- Ihrnugh' - WN#, ! , »a i SWp a«4'FW.'16e-..iWr%.ana-'0»ck to'#r]iyi-lHsW eeHJfcft-'WWit b* w-aeeepf" a * *^o#»*. #Goct^; WfiitsWwjut ftuesttert jr the «ia* .*erftffi tt^strre "of AOtf U t e . ;»** -tisedt'to'the fuileit'^beftiiit-'-' . €e!ehiitles ate oifeii;^comeo1-. in(-»._t'Clty.1itortitjyhf *;faey.: >yn»


BOW .of" the-#peh- '»#*•,of'the, KorHmanity which they *** Wt' •ijftt. -aaririif hi«e ;#^« .*t wr: ^ t : > ^ » fM^^liCNM^Wf'I|d«'

should be-our primary Interests as we struggle against the in­roads o f the World and the Devfl, ' - f

The Gate* of Heaven nslght lose their formidable austerity and our fear- of the reception that wiB treat u» there, would then give way to peace, happi-nesa-iwd aectai^, • \

Ttw prkelesi- Key, Which will, Unlock thole Gates and admit u r to rtfteni}_ 'itikjpplBmtit, • i*an fag-CLui^ly ai)d effectively gained th&dujh the frictice Of J)aily Mais, the center and heart o f our M|fo!en Hfld wiHchfe'.the Key rioifc only to Be iven hut to the TRSea* u r e Chelt o f Gracee^ which w e need so> mdcti Jh o u r -dairy Hie* Make this then, your l^umher' OM. peeject lot* the Month o f t h e sacred Jasert *- '^fy %>*# — • A MHart.:..-5'-- ' - ^ ' " t

.- ;; i^ l i..n>?„„„„, l>

Jr.AuxiikirySets Baked Foods Sale '' ~ '• .*•-)ba*ei,, foods *aJe''wltt'1Je;;

»pojts#ed hi* nSenthera Ol Junior Ati*iliik# l N » - St l&lghfa --of m. -Join-- -ot fSft- 'Peter., arid Fat0St.--Chiufch* Satttlday, June 7 he-.tw*.c« 5fc :and #$Mn> ht- -the-- patlah-: 'icftcoj-ljall..- . . " •-.'••; . -' Baked goods as Well as salads :iiM l^eahl- vsarioyt -caJ^-kueh*. itm, wasttelft. -p$s, eoo.We^ irttd. :calp-T»*ill-'he :on. «ale>

*me piMii *& w»tt *s ntehJhir* oi:Ai»aikry- ^ : | i . « r # i n ^ i t e a s

"F)<uif m*f\yi)k hVJtuie..af.ter-

Bafjfs s*ji f» t Ymm

%ilm &maUjfi4f FASHION SHOP

MIX vnm tMwr MM 4*1 •

P»TP- *«»|s*np«- rvnk upwn «mMi|p

•••af.nii j i W r " - 7 • - 11/i *i 1 1 1



*•• W. MILUPt 8T. ' IXMIBA, N. Y.



Dtol 5175

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PHOWE 2-3137

Purcell Motor Co. ma.

201411 E Mtrktt St. i f k o M t f t

CPWOKG. N T . BtoMMd GssaHae

' IptMrvrtM C a n -

E c k e r Drug Store

Kirty i . Etltar, fr* N * .





l»Wafcat«t Diaieaiu

COstNING, N. T. . ,

M.LALLEN&SON -Qtnditj¥mmtitrg -

•k«f 435 «2 lrW|» Ifc C0RNIN8. M. Y.

CATHOLIC HEADLINES on WHAM 12:10 Sunday by Raw Richard Tornfty



tte'icboel it*Kf»r -ejftd»^wiH-.*e :lftjiai «t'tHe Ainfffie.-Aujtiu**# -wee'tlllfe' Frf-dSa ; June «'- at- 3;B-|fe»j,-.Mt#vi# -the-'trflsftJte'- £Qr:'Jie-tttiNStWsjt^*"'. • •;', - -•:-'. .._ ;•••.•-

•W-»»j»i^.^riW^ 'in .1P i«i ^1 .,1^-m..;., I.~„I ;AMI r,ik,^i* imKHmt.!, . U t U w ' i -

• * ' * »

*1»j t ^ I « t m ^ i o m l radirar s«(dBf n m *f CkriaO-ta Tr«J# Vnk»a.lcfe»rcfa

1 " »- ~ ?

--»tiej :ii*»fe//-- -' ..,*...'..- --•--/.'•;:• Aficiwdteg to .the Re*-' Arthur

L*o^Mod«at« of the AfUina* 10aMssl. CSnssad*,.. - arrangaitieittii ft» this pircjeet - were made, t»a»«ifc raihar Jus*in mnmm «'MsM* ln«an Priest who *p*n* last year In th* t w * 4 State*

aid for th« CathoMe

-*m;i«eifA*i^.^1IB«ils|.f*ffr.-' «|Sn«ffA.M>--.:- t;/ ;^

Baudler, Stiles fc Keyes Vwdtf il^)WH|p|' IlkV'.

mm M«Mtli: emmmm fwmt tmmtMt. mi

,t. .' irsA*fcSti£?*4

If***.* -eiijf^.esiiMi^M' • - : . _

P E A C E ! mm

t . A n n Jt r a i s AVBNue SOENKLL. N. T.

REV. U.U»ENCK W. 6AKH0K. P « t «

MASSES—Buttday: S,7.g,9,1». 11

- m m1« . . • . 1. • i.t-fcai .i« ».«»,«i . . . » « > . « m » . • » . i . • 1. ^,

/ • Fiji


r 1

T21 Msia 5t - :- ttmt\5t-» t_ - aoan«t . t , w. ».

Ewji lrt •«*FinlCfl.-tT.p,

ixaMiilf <•*»»*

.VWf Our N a w M.n'» ond i e y s , ClolWrtji Di |» t .


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Tuttle & Rockwell Co

*f MtMU Sirvht

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•foocrvwy Racf rle


4«t«tM«4«i Mern*Jl,W.T,

•r r - * ' • . O H » , - W l M i W , a w i

S. HoHand'i Sotn



l i t ' Miittfc. tfo - H«rmi|, K. 'T. '• Ajf«noy Ootrum Ck»ld Stript

*waastJ«a * O M A S O S m o .

y •»_ * •

w^ * ~ T - * * * . * « * * ^ r *

« ^ * N # ^ " •* ~ ft J» - -

1. *»**—rfV-»- [- ^ > -t^fjtlf- A -u** ' - J»PV*« ,**» ^ r^t**


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