@ agricultural university of norway. a.a.grimnes eurosun 2000 - copenhagen 1 “renewables” -...

@ al University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 1 “Renewables” - Purveyor of energy to The Globe in the 21 st century. Arne A.Grimnes Agricultural University of Norway – NLH Bente Haukland Næss The Information Center for Energy Efficiency, Oslo Why Education (not R & D) is the Key

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@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 1

“Renewables” - Purveyor of energy to The Globe in the 21st century.

Arne A.GrimnesAgricultural University of Norway – NLH

Bente Haukland NæssThe Information Center for Energy Efficiency, Oslo


Education(not R & D)

is the Key

@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 2

• Insufficient research ??

• Insufficient technology ??

• Insufficient profits ??

• Insufficient public interest ??

• Insufficient political interest ??

• Insufficient information to contractors ??

• Insufficient information/education ??

Why don’t we see a more massive utilization of passive and active new renewables and energy efficiency in our countries than we actually do ?

(even not in cases where renewables would be environmentally AND economically preferable ???)

@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 3

What are the causes of this lack of effort in utilizing renewable energy - where reasons of technology or cost are not involved?

•Powerful economic interests want to avoid competition

•Economic and/or political interests are reluctant to give up the political power which is inherent in traditional, centralised forms of energy supply.

• Lack of knowledge among decision makers and contractors (aged 40-65). Apart from superficial coverage, it has not formed a meaningful part of their education at any level, other than perhaps during short post-education courses.

@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 4

The current generation which holds political and economical power learnt at school that energy means:

• fossil energy

• atomic energy

• and possibly some hydroelectric energy

Solar energy is a “new” idea for most engineers, architects, builders, (aged 40-65).

The architects and engineers who literally build our society have learnt the same during their university studies.

They have all undoubtedly heard something about the new renewable energy sources, but have not acquired a solid foundation of knowledge which an early and basic introduction would have given them.

Lack of knowledge among decision makers and contractors

@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 5

• Local plumber

• Local architect

• Local building contractor

• Local councillor

• Local civil servant

• Town planner

• MP

• Civil cervant

• Minister of energy, Minister of education, Minister of finance, Minister of environment

• Environmental activist

Decision makers

@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 6

SUN: 1000 W/sqrm

1000 kWh/sqrm/year

59°40'N 10°51'E

Case study: NorwayPower consumption: 220 TWh (50% hydro)

New renewable: 6% (bio)

Population: 4 mill. (55000 kWh p.c.)

College education: 40% today

@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 7

Bellona vil ha 20 gasskraftverkHauge jubler over Aker Maritimes planerBellona-leder Frederic Hauge jubler etter at Aker Maritime går ut med planer for å bygge CO2-og NOx-frie gasskraftverk. Hauge mener 20 slike kraftverk bør være et mål for Norge.

HEGE ULSTEINAker Maritimes teknologi er billigere enn den Hydro tidligere har lansert for å kunne produsere CO2-frigasskraft. Ifølge NRK Dagsrevyen vil et kraftverk etter Akers modell koste om lag fire milliarder kroner. Dissekraftverkene slipper heller ikke ut NOX.

KAN REDDE ØVRE OTTA Min visjon er at vi, fordi vi kanbli kvitt CO2, kan bygge mangeslike gasskraftverk. Vi kan bygge20, sier en fornøyd og gladFrederic Hauge til Dagsavisen.Ifølge Hauge er Aker Maritimesteknologi trolig rimeligere ennHydros fordi tar man ut oksygenetog deponerer CO2, mens Hydro tarut hydrogenet.Hauge mener at gevinsten ved åkunne eksportere CO2-frigasskraft i stor stil, oppveierulempen ved at det skal plasseresgasskraftverk 20 ulike steder iNorge.


Bellona leader Frederic Hauge rejoices as Aker Maritim presents plans to build CO2 and NOx-free gas powerplants ...

Dagsavisen (National newspaper) Feb.10. 1999

Bellona is one of Norways politically most important environmental organisations

@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 8

Ranveig Frøyland, 53Minister of energy 96-97Elementary school 7yLower secondary school 2y

Bygg vindmøllene i Holmenkollåsen

Vil ikkje ha dei på Vestlandet: Nyslått fylkes-leiar Ranveig Frøiland i Hordaland Ap varslarkamp mot store vindmølleparkar på Vestlandet.- Kvifor i all verda skal vi ta miljøpåkjenningamed 1000 vindmøller her i Hordaland? Den da-gen dei byggjer 1000 vindmøller i Holmenkoll-åsen seier eg ja. Ikkje før, tordna Frøiland fråtalarstolen i Folkets Hus i går. Den klare mel-dinga frå den tidlegare olje- og energiministe-ren kom under årsmøtet i Hordaland Ap. Frøi-land hadde lite pent å seie om regjeringas ønskeom å bruke fem milliardar kroner på å utviklealternative energikjelder. - Dei vil byggje ut 3TWh med vindkraft. Det vil tilsvare1000 vindmøller. Og kvar trur de dei vindmøl-lene skal byggjast? Jau, sjølvsagt her på Vest-landet og i Hordaland, sa Frøiland. Stygt ogbråkete Frøiland fryktar både støyen frå mølle-ne og at dei vil skjemme ut landskapet. Eks-ministeren viste til at 3 TWh berre er litt meirenn det Naturkrafts gasskraftverk på Kollsnesville produsere. - Vi må ta i bruk gassen i Hor-daland. Vi kan fortsatt eksportere 99 prosent,men ein liten bit bør vi bruke her for å produse-re kraft, sa Frøiland. Etter innlegget utdjupaFrøiland møllemotstanden: - Store vindmølle-parkar er svære inngrep i naturen som førermed seg ei rekkje miljøproblem. Dei som hug-sar striden om kraftlinjene utover i Fjell og Øy-garden forstår at slike parkar ikkje blir upro-blematiske, sa Frøilandtil Bergens Tidende. -For stort og kostbart Fylkesleiaren meiner pen-gane heller burde vore brukt til å utvikle meirmoderne gasskraftteknologi som kan gje mindreCO2-utslepp. - Det er ikkje slik at eg er imot allsatsing på vindkraft,på ingen måte. Men egmeiner den varsla satsinga blir altfor stor ogkostbar, seier Frøiland.´Fylkesleiarens frontal-angrep vart følgd opp av Terje Evensen fråBergen, som like godt ville stryke det einepunktet i fylkestingsprogrammet om vindmøl-ler. Han møtte motbør frå fylkestingsrepresen-tant Espen Villanger frå Fjell.

Chairman of Hordaland Countys Social democratic party, Ranveig Frøyland, March 99:

… Frøyland reacts negativly towards Governmental plans to use 5000 million kroner (650 mill. $) to develop new renewable energy sources. ……….

“They want to build 3TWh of wind energy. This is equivalent to 1000 wind turbines”. ... Frøyland fears both the noice from the vindturbines and the fact that they will spoil the landscape.

@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 9

Norwegian wind resources are three times as rich as the Danish:(Our coastline is 4000 - 60000 km and we have more wind)

NVE advarer mot vindkraft iNorgeUtbyggingen av vindkraft i Norge kan bli en dyrekjøpterfaring, med økonomisk fiasko for utbyggere, sløsingmed statlige tilskuddsmidler og et ødelagt miljø langskysten.Dette er innholdet i den pakken av gode råd somenergiminister Marit Arnstad om kort tid mottar fra Norgesvassdrags- og energiverk (NVE). Sentrumsregjeringen harutbygging av vindkraft som en av sine store satsingsområder,skriver Bergens Tidende.

AdvarerNå kommer advarslene, før utbyggingen starter i Norge, ogetter at en delegasjon fra NVE har besøkt de danskevindmølleparkene. Etter å ha beskrevet dansketilstandene gårNVE så langt som til å anbefale at de som får konsesjon påvindkraft i Norge samtidig må få krav om at vindmøllen skalrives etter en tidsbegrenset driftstid. NVE vil gi råd til olje- ogenergidepartementet, som deretter utformer støtteordningerfor vindkraft, sier Asle Selfors. Han er rådgiver i NVE og haransvaret for vindkraftsaker.

Ute av kontroll

Apr.17. 1998:

director generalNorwegian Water

Resources and Energy Directorate


NVE warns against wind energy in Norway“The development of wind power in Norway can become a costly experience, with economic failure for the companies, waste of governmental subsidies and a ruined environment along our coast” This is the content of the advicory report that Minister of Energy, Marit Arnstad in a few days will receive from Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE). ...

@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 10

The Oslo School of Acitecture

Length of study: 5 years

Curriculum:Daylight in buildings noneNatural ventilation noneSolar energy - passive noneSolar energy - active noneEnergy efficiency none

@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 11

Renewable energy in the national curriculua of Norwegian technical schools:


@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 12

Renewable energy in the national curriculua of Norwegian technical schools:


@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 13

It is not easy to change the way people think, and it is too late to try to change the minds of people aged in their (30’s?) 40’s, 50’s and 60’s.

Norwegian decision-makers anno 2000

@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 14

Marit Arnstad, 37Minister of energy 97-99Elementary school 9yUpper secondary school 3yUniversity (law) 6y

Staten påbyr enøk-tiltakOslo: Regjeringen har bestemt atstatlige bygg skal begynne å fyremed andre energiformer ennelektrisitet. På denne måten skalstaten skal gå foran i bruken avalternativ energi, og spare utgiftertil oppvarming.

Regjeringens beslutning betyr at allestatlige nybygg over 1000 kvadratmeterbør tilrettelegges for å kunne varmesopp med alternativ energi somvindkraft, biobrensel, varmepumpe ogsolenergi når strømprisen er høy,opplyser Aftenposten.En arbeidsgruppe foreslo i januar i år etforbud mot elektrisk oppvarming avstatlige bygg på over 1000kvadratmeter, men regjeringen ønsketikke å gå så langt.

The government orders energy efficiency initiatives… The governmental decision implies that all new official buildings must be prepared for heating from new renewable energy resources, such as wind energy, bioenergy, heatpumps and solar energy …

@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 15

This project is one of many environmental projects initiated by the Ministry of Education, Research and Church Affairs. This project shows a way of introducing solar energy in to the physics curriculum in the upper secondary school. Our main goal has been to measure the global solar radiation continuously and to use the results as a starting point for a discussion about the potential of solar energy.

The project started in 1991. In the school year of 1996/97 55 schools participate. In 1998 there were about 35 active schools. During the year of 1997 Finland introduced SOLIS in ten Finnish schools as part of their new school physics project named SCHOOL PHYSICS. In addition Latvia started in the fall 97. In Denmark SOLIS initiated a daughter project called FotoSOL.

See: http://www.hordaland.vgs.no/fysikk/solis.htm


800 students x 8years

@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 16


Energy efficiency in schools

E.g.: Bergen

104 schools

Pupils register the total energy consumption each week together with the caretaker. Curves are plotted. E/T-curves are produced.

@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 17










Solar energy in Norwegian schools

@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 18

Demonstration and Education project for Renewable Energy as part of university physics teaching:1. Solar heat2. Solar electric3. Wind4. Biomass5. Solar stirling6. Heat pump7. Energy effic.8. Solar food9. Solar music

@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 19

Solar Stirling engine with music box playing “The International”

Stirling engines used in physics laboratory exercises


Stirling engine collection (solar and non-solar)

Heat pump modell

Energy supply: Hot coffe

@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 20


Electric bicycle with student constructed solar power system.Used in university promotion leaflets

@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 21

Anne Gerd Imenes, 25

Physicist. M.Sc. Aug 99. Thesis: Solar energy

Wants to work in Ministry of Energy

Near future decision makers

Gjermund Mamen, 24

Physicist. M.Sc July. 99. Thesis: Solar energy

Physics teacher in upper secondary school Aug. 99.

Roar Fjeld, 27

Chartered engineer May 98. Thesis: Bioenergy

Chief engineer in Energy Efficiency department in Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate.

@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 22


@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 23

Minister of the Environment

Aged 42

Minister of oil and energy

Aged 35

Minister of finance, Aged 41

@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 24

This strategy is a long term one, but an effective one. Every prime minister, energy minister, politician, engineer, architect and town planner has been a school pupil once. All carry with them knowledge and attitudes which were formed during their childhood and youth.

With the limited resources available to people who are active in the solar energy environment, efforts have to be directed to where they will have maximum effect. Let us direct these efforts in particular towards the secondary schools and tertiary education colleges. It is by tea-ching the new genera-tion about solar energy and the other renew-able energy sources, that our work will have the greatest impact.

@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 25

@Agricultural University of Norway. A.A.Grimnes EuroSun 2000 - Copenhagen 26

New scientist – artikkel om co2-utslipp og metan fra kunstigge dammer

Undervisning om atomkraftverk i øst-land