· pdf fileclassification andchemical tests foridentification ofcarbohydrates. (2x7.5=15) q5....

Sr. No. 8041 Roll No. ------ BACHELOR OF PHARMACY-1st SEMSEMSTER EXAMINATION; DECEMBER-2016 (SUB.-PHARMACEUTICS-I (DISPENSING & HOSPITAL PHARMACY); (PAPER CODE-01260101) Time: 03:00Hrs Max. Marks: 75 1. WriteyourRoll No. on the QuestionPaper. 2. Candidateshould ensure that they have been provided with the correct questionpaperComplaints in this regard, if any should be made within 15 minutes of the commencement of the exam. no complaint(s)will be entertainedthereafter; 3. Attemptfive (5) questions in all. All questionscarryequal marks. 4. Drawdiagramwherever required. Q1. a) Discuss in briefly historical background to the profession of pharmacy in India. (10) b) Write short on B.P.C. (5) Q2. a) Explain the need of various dosage forms. b) Classify dosage forms on the basis of their nature. (7) (8) Q3. Explain prescription with special emphasis on labeling & packing. (15) Q4. a) Define Jellies. Explain their formulation in detail. b) Write short note on elixirs. (10) (5) Q5. Discuss preparation of ointments with emphasis on factors governing selection of ointment base. (15) Q6. Write short note on following:- a) Linctus b) Enemas c) Inhalations (3x5=15) Q7. Define Posology. How pediatric doses can be calculated? (15) Q8. Classify various routes of administration with examples of dosage forms. (15) ***************

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Page 1: · PDF fileClassification andchemical tests foridentification ofcarbohydrates. (2x7.5=15) Q5. a)

Sr. No. 8041 Roll No. ------


(PAPER CODE-01260101)

Time: 03:00Hrs Max. Marks: 751. WriteyourRoll No. on the QuestionPaper.2. Candidateshould ensure that they have been providedwith the correct question paperComplaints in

this regard, if any should be made within 15 minutes of the commencement of the exam. nocomplaint(s)will be entertainedthereafter;

3. Attempt five (5) questions in all. All questionscarry equal marks.4. Drawdiagramwherever required.

Q 1. a) Discuss in briefly historical background to the profession of pharmacy in India. (10)

b) Write short on B.P.C. (5)

Q2. a) Explain the need of various dosage forms.

b) Classify dosage forms on the basis of their nature.



Q3. Explain prescription with special emphasis on labeling & packing. (15)

Q4. a) Define Jellies. Explain their formulation in detail.

b) Write short note on elixirs.



Q5. Discuss preparation of ointments with emphasis on factors governing selection of ointmentbase. (15)

Q6. Write short note on following:-

a) Linctusb) Enemasc) Inhalations


Q7. Define Posology. How pediatric doses can be calculated? (15)

Q8. Classify various routes of administration with examples of dosage forms. (15)


Page 2: · PDF fileClassification andchemical tests foridentification ofcarbohydrates. (2x7.5=15) Q5. a)

Sr. No. 8042 Roll No. -------


(PAPER CODE: 01260102)Time: 03:00Hrs Max. Marks: 75

1. Write your Roll No. on the Question Paper.2. Candidate should ensure that they have been provided with the correct question paper Complaints in

this regard, if any should be made within IS minutes of the commencement of the exam. nocomplaint(s) will be entertained thereafter;

3. Attempt five (5) questions in all. All questions carry equal marks.4. Draw diagram wherever required.

Ql. (Sx3=IS)




Discuss the following about Boric Acid:-a) Preparationb) Descriptionc) Assayd) Usese) Storage

Write methods of preparation and uses of any three of the following:-a) Calcium hydroxideb) Ammoniated Mercuryc) Calcium Gluconated) Aluminium Hydroxide gel


Discuss the essay and uses of any thre of the following :-a) Iodineb) Strong Arrimonium Hydroxidec) Magnesium Sulphated) Sodium Chloride


a) Discuss various sources of impurities in pharmaceutical substances:-b) Discuss the Priricipal and Procedure for Limit tests of

i) Chlorideii) Sulphate


QS. Define buffers and buffer capacity. What are the different types of buffers? Comment of officialbuffers. (15)

Q6. Discuss the following about the Radiopharmaceuticals :-a) Handling and Storage .b) Biological Effectsc) Pharmaceutical applications


Q7. Discuss any two of the following in detail:­a) Physiological acid base balanceb)· Astringents and anti microbiological agents with examplec) Ammonium carbonate as respiratory stimulant


Q8. Discuss any two of the following in detail:-a) Antioxidants with examplesb) Type of antacids and antacid combinations

. c) Protectives and dusting powders



Page 3: · PDF fileClassification andchemical tests foridentification ofcarbohydrates. (2x7.5=15) Q5. a)

Sr. No. 8043 Roll No. ------


(PAPER CODE-01260103)

Time: 03:00Hrs Max. Marks: 751. Writeyour Roll No. on the QuestionPaper.2. Candidateshould ensure that they have been providedwith the correct questionpaper Complaints in

this regard, if any should be made within 15 minutes of the commencement of the exam. nocomplaint(s)will be entertained thereafter;

3. Attemptfive (5) questions in all. All questionscarry equal marks.4. Drawdiagramwherever required.

Q1. Describe the anatomy and physiology of cell with the help of suitable diagram. (15)

Q2. Enlist various types of tissues and discuss nervous tissue with the help of suitable diagram. (15)

Q3. i) Describe the role of platelets in human body.

ii) Explain the cardiac cycle with the help of diagram.

Q4. Enlist various types of blood cells and discuss Red Blood Cells (RBCs) in detail.

Q5. Write the composition, functions and circulation of lymphs.

Q6. Describe the flow of blood form and describe physiology of heart.

Q7. Describe anatomy and physiology of respiratory system.

Q8. i) Explain how transport of respiratory gases takes place in the body.

ii) Discuss the structure and function of mitochondria.










Page 4: · PDF fileClassification andchemical tests foridentification ofcarbohydrates. (2x7.5=15) Q5. a)

b) Explain Homeopathic system of medicines.



Sr. No. 8044 Roll No. _____ -


Time: 03:00Hrs Max. Marks: 751. Writeyour RollNo. on the QuestionPaper.2. Candidateshouldensure that they have been providedwith the correct question paper Complaints in

this regard, if any should be made within 15 minutes of the commencement of the exam. nocompJaint(s)will be entertained thereafter;

3. Attempt five (5) questions in all. All questionscarry equalmarks.4. Drawdiagramwhereverrequired.

QI. Explain in detail scope and history of Pharmacognosy. (15)

Q2. Define glycosides, classify them and explain the procedure for the extraction and isolationof glysides. (15)

Q3. Define secondary metabolites and explain the acetate mevalonate pathway in detail. (15)

Q4. Write notes on the following:-

a) Preparation of crude drugs for market.b). Classification and chemical tests for identification of carbohydrates.


Q5. a) Write a note on different types of stomatas along with examples and diagrams.

Q6. Explain the morphology and microscopy of any monocot root in detail along with anexample. (15)

Q7. Draw a well labeled diagram of a plant cell and explain various types of vascular bundles indetail. . (15)

- Q8. a) Write a note on Lipids.

b) Write the various chemical tests for the identification of alkaloids.




Page 5: · PDF fileClassification andchemical tests foridentification ofcarbohydrates. (2x7.5=15) Q5. a)

Q7. Write short note on any three:-

a) Parenchyma tissuesb) Succulent fruitsc) Floral formulad) Cell nucleus


Sr. No. 8045 Roll No. ------


Time: 03:00Hrs Max. Marks: 75I. Write your RollNo. on the Question Paper.2. Candidate shouldensure that they have been providedwith the correct question paper Complaints in

this regard, ifany should be madewithin 15minutes of the commencementof the exam. nocomplaint(s)will be entertainedthereafter;

3. Attempt five (5) questions in all. All questions carry equalmarks.4. Draw diagramwhereverrequired.

Q1. A) Draw well lebelled detailed structure of plant cell. (10)

b) Explain the functions of ribosoms. (5)

Q2. Explain meiosis in detail with the help of diagram. (15)

Q3. Give the life cycle of Housefly or Taenia. (15)

Q4. Give various ways of classification of plants with their merits and demerits. (15)

Q5. A)· Differentiate between monocot root and dicot root on the basis of histology withdiagram. (10)

b) V.S.offlower. (5)

Q6. Explain structure of mosquito and its life cycle in detail with diagram. (15)

Q8. Explain the following:- (3x5=15)

a)· Meristematic tissueb) Plasmodiumc) Xylem and phloem


Page 6: · PDF fileClassification andchemical tests foridentification ofcarbohydrates. (2x7.5=15) Q5. a)

Sf. No. 8046 Roll No~------


Time: 03:00Hrs Max. Marks: 751. Writeyour RollNo. on the Question Paper.2. Candidateshould ensure that they have been providedwith the correct question paper Complaints in

this regard, if any should be made within 15minutesof the commencement of the exam. nocompJaint(s)will be entertained thereafter;

3.. Attempt five (5) questions in all. All questionscarry equal marks.4. Drawdiagramwherever required.

Q1. a) Define the following with relevant examples: (10)

i) Unit Matrixii) Row Matrixiii) transpose of a Matrixiv) Lower-triangular matrixv) Upper-triangular Matrix

b) If A =[~ ~], B= G ~], find (AB). (5)

Q2. a) If A =[~ -31], B= [~1 ~], find 3A2 - 2B + I where I is the identity matrix.

b) Without expanding the determinant prove that:

1 a b + c1 b c+a = 01 c a+b



b) Find dy in the following question:dx



Q3. a) What is function, into & onto function, One-one function with example?


y = log (ax2 + bx + c)y = ax4 + bx3 + cx2 - dx


Q4. a) Define differential equation, order & degree of a differential equation.

b) Eliminate the arbitrary constants & obtain the differential equation:

i) Ax2 + BI = 1ii) y = ex + c2 •




Page 7: · PDF fileClassification andchemical tests foridentification ofcarbohydrates. (2x7.5=15) Q5. a)

Q5. a) Evaluate :- (9)


Je,mx dxJ ::'sec2xdx

2f(9sinx - 2cosx)dx

b) Evaluate the following integrals; (6)


ii)f eX+e-X dx


. f x2 e+dx

Q6: a} Find the Laplace transform of the following-

i) e3tii) e3t sin2tiii) sin-tiv) sintcos2t

b) Find the Laplace transform of (5cos2t - 4sin3t).

c) Define Laplace transform & state linearity property and shifting property.




Q7. a) What is the chance of drawing a king from a deck of 52 cards? (4)

b) What is the probability that a vowel selected at random from an English book 'e.. (4)

c) A card is drawn from a pack of 52 cards. What is the probability that it is either a spadeor an ace? (7)

_Q8. a) Find the A.M of3,.6, 5,2, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12,& 13.

b) Compute the mean marks from the data given below:



Marks 5 15 25 35 45 55 65

No. of students 4 6 10 20 10 6 4

c) Calculate median from the following series: (5)

X 10 11 12 13 14

f 3 12 '18 12 3.
