-arnaud doucet, nando de freitas et al, uai 2000-

Rao-Blackwellised Parti Rao-Blackwellised Parti cle Filtering for Dynam cle Filtering for Dynam ic Bayesian Networks ic Bayesian Networks -Arnaud Doucet, Nando de Freitas et al, UAI 2000-

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Page 1: -Arnaud Doucet, Nando de Freitas et al, UAI 2000-

Rao-Blackwellised Particle FilteriRao-Blackwellised Particle Filtering for Dynamic Bayesian Networng for Dynamic Bayesian Networ

ksks-Arnaud Doucet, Nando de Freitas

et al, UAI 2000-

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IntroductionProblem FormulationImportance Sampling and Rao-BlackwellisationRao-Blackwellisation Particle FilterExampleConclusion

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IntroductionIntroductionFamous state estimaton algorithm, The Kalman filter and the HMM filter, are only applicable to linear-Gaussian models and if state space is so large, the computatuion cost becomes too expensive.Sequential Monte Carlo methods(Particle Filtering) have been introduced (Handschine and Mayne,1969) to handle large state model.

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Particle Filtering(PF) = “condensation” = “sequential Monte Carlo” = “survival of the fittest”

PF can treat any type of probability distribution,nonlinearity and non-stationarity.

PF are powerful sampling based inference/learning algorithms for DBNs

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Drawback of PF Inefficent in high-dimensional spaces (Variance becomes so large)

Solution Rao-Balckwellisation, that is, sample a subset of

the variables allowing the remainder to be integrated out exactly. The resulting estimates can be shown to have lower variance.

Rao-Blackwell Theorem

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Problem FormulationProblem FormulationModel : general state space model/DBN with hidden variables and observed variables Objective:

or filtering density To solve this problem,one need approximation sc

hemes because of intractable integrals


)|( :1 tt yzp

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Additive assumption in this paper: Divide hidden variables into two groups,

Conditional posterior distribution

is analytically tractable We only need to focus on estimating

Which lies in a space of reduced dimension

tt xandr

),|( :0:1:0 ttt ryxp)|( :1:0 tt yrp

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3.Importance Sampling and Rao3.Importance Sampling and Rao-Blackwellisation-Blackwellisation

Monte Carlo integration

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But it’s impossible to sample efficiently from the “target” posterior distribution .

Importance Sampling Method (Alternative way)

) | (:1 : 0 , : 0t t ty x r p


xfdxxffI t )(



Weight function

Importance function

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Point mass approximation


Importance weight

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In case, we can marginalize out analytically

tx :0

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We can estimate with a reduced variance)( tfI

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4.Rao-Blackwellisation Particle Filters4.Rao-Blackwellisation Particle Filters

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4.1Implementation Issues4.1Implementation IssuesSequential Importance Sampling Restrict importance function

We can obtain recursive formulas

and obtain “incremental weight” is given by

ttt wrwrw )()( 1:0:0

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Choice of importance Distribution Simplest choice is to just sample from the

prior, => it can be inefficent, since it ignores the most recent evidence, .

“optimal” importance distribution:Minimizing the variance of the importance weig


)|( 1tt rrp


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But it is often too expensive.Several Deterministic approximations to the optimal distribution have been proposed, see for example(de Freitas 1999,Doucet 1998)Selection step Using Resampling : elimate samples with l

ow importance weight and multiply samples with high importance weight. ( ex: residual sampling, stratified sampling, multinomial sampling)

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Examples: Examples: On-Line Regression and MoOn-Line Regression and Model Selection with Neural Networkdel Selection with Neural Network

Goal :

It is paossible to simulate and to compute coefficent analytically using Kalman filters.This is because the output of the neural network is linear in

ttt andku ,



Number of basis function

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Conclusions and ExtensionsConclusions and Extensions

Successful application Conditionaliiy linear Gaussian state-space model

s Conditionally finite state-space HMMs

Possible extensions Dynamic models for counting observations Dynamic models with a time-varying unknown cov

ariance matrix for the dynamic noise Calsses of the exponential family state space mo

dels etc..