- breaking free of workplace negativity

IIA Chicago Chapter April 4, 2011 Breaking Free of Workplace Negativity! Presented by: Julie M. Kowalski Of Spizzerinctum Group LLC [email protected] 262-993-4883

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IIAChicago Chapter

April 4, 2011

Breaking Free of Workplace Negativity!

Presented by:

Julie M. Kowalski


Spizzerinctum Group LLC

[email protected]


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Workplace Negativity

Workplace Negativity is rapidly “emerging as adisease of the 21st century corporation”

Negativity is the number one productivity problem inthe workplace

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, UScompanies lose around $3 billion a year due to theeffects of negative attitudes and behaviors

Negativity can be the deciding factor between successand failure for both workers and organizations

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Workplace Negativity

Signs of Negativity in the workplace



Power Struggles

Lack of teamwork / collaboration

Lack of healthy conflict

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Causes of Workplace Negativity

1. Excessive workload

2. Insufficient recognition, appreciation, reward

3. Insufficient communications (Timely, accurate, complete)

4. Insufficient influence / control over job, policies, procedures, work conditions,benefits

5. Lack of understanding of the “big” picture – where the company is going & how tocontribute / concerns about managements ability / worry about job and retirementsecurity

6. Lack of challenge - abilities, knowledge, skill sets not being taken advantage of –Not being able to contribute to the fullest

7. Perception that no-one listens

8. Pessimistic leadership (Supervisor, Manager, Executive)

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How is Negativity communicated inthe workplace?

Negativity is an attitude we communicate atwork in 4 ways:

Verbally We say things such as "Bad idea, “It will never work," or "This is such a terrible place

to work"

Vocally We complain, whine, or are sarcastic We sigh, make sounds

Visually We frown, avoid eye contact, or use inappropriate gestures We have negative cartoons posted in our workstations

Silently We tolerate / allow negative / wrong behaviors to continue

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Workplace Negativity

Negativity is a trance, often accompanied by astate of agitation or depression – a

predictable reaction to adversity or change…..

The key is to not get stuck here!

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Workplace Negativity

"Life is not the way it’s supposed to be,

it is the way it is. The way you cope

with it is what makes the difference." -Virginia Satir

All people have reason to become negative about their work or theirorganization occasionally. But when negativity becomes a habit for

you, your team members or the entire organization, it is time to TAKEACTION!

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Breaking Free of WorkplaceNegativity!

If your workplace is seething with negativity, nomatter where the bad vibes come from, it's up

to YOU to help make the atmosphere morepositive, productive and supportive!

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Workplace Negativity

One person’s lemon is another’s lemonade!Two people could approach the exact same challenge: one will swim, the other drown.

The one having a tough time would filter out all of the good (What good stuff?)and pay attention to only the obstacles and difficulties. Often this person’sreaction is more determined by their prior mood, stress and energy levels than bythe true severity of the issue. In extreme cases, the mood itself comes fromhabitually seeing the worst in everything!

The one who would swim through the adversity will have the ability to step back,define the issue, look for root cause(s), evaluate options, and take action to changeit or adjust it. Even if it’s the wrong action, any sincere attempt to resolve thesituation will be better than drowning in it.

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Breaking Free of WorkplaceNegativity

Step 1. Look INWARD …Are you part of or do you contribute to the


Stop Allowing yourself to get caught up in someone else's dramaStop listening to negative talk without offering solutionsStop EncouragingStop validating

Stop letting things bother you

Find the positive in the situation and communicate it

Be persistent, don’t give up!

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Breaking Free of Workplace Negativity

Step 2. Communicate to Alleviate

Check your language- Are you using positive words?- Is your body saying one thing and your mouth another?- Did you plan out the conversation or just wing it?- Do you have appropriate responses for objections?- Have you removed bias’s and filters?- Are you communicating or telling?

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Breaking Free of Workplace Negativity

Step 3. Start today make a commitment to break free of negativity

Do it NOW!

Write down 2 things you will do tonight to start breaking free of negativity!



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Breaking Free of Workplace Negativity

Step 4. Be Persistent, don’t give up


Write down what you will do when you get frustrated / want to quit!



Be Patient!

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Breaking Free of Workplace Negativity

Step 5. SMILE … Choose NOT to REACT

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Breaking Free of Workplace Negativity

Step 6. Stop the cycle of un-appreciation!

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Breaking Free of Workplace Negativity

Step 7. Change your environment!

No Negative:-Thoughts-Comments-Feelings-Beliefs-Actions-Energies

Beyond this point!

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Breaking Free of Workplace Negativity

Step 7. Change your environment - Continued

You are entering a positive workenvironment!

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Breaking Free of Workplace Negativity

Step 7. Change your environment - Continued

No sense being pessimistic– it wouldn’t work anyway!

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Breaking Free of Workplace Negativity

Step 7. Change your environment - Continued


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Breaking Free of Negativity in theWorkplace

Gasoline = Engaging in OR Ignoring


Water = Confronting Negative behavior &

holding people accountable for

changing their behavior

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Thank YOU for allowing me the privilege of spending this time with you!

It has certainly been my pleasure!

Please do not hesitate to call me if I can be of assistance to you.

I would be honored to talk to you. I am always willing to brainstorm,learn and share with others as well as come to your work place topresent seminars / provide coaching!

Spizzerinctum Group LLC

Energy Enthusiasm Success

Julie Kowalski


[email protected]