cetacean conservation in the u.s. david cottingham division chief, marine mammal and sea turtle...

Cetacean Conservation in the U.S . . David Cottingham David Cottingham Division Chief, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Division Chief, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Office of Protected Resources Office of Protected Resources NOAA Fisheries Service NOAA Fisheries Service May 16, 2007 May 16, 2007

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Page 1: Cetacean Conservation in the U.S. David Cottingham Division Chief, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Office of Protected Resources NOAA Fisheries

Cetacean Conservation in the U.S..Cetacean Conservation in the U.S..

David CottinghamDavid CottinghamDivision Chief, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle ConservationDivision Chief, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation

Office of Protected ResourcesOffice of Protected ResourcesNOAA Fisheries ServiceNOAA Fisheries Service

May 16, 2007May 16, 2007

Page 2: Cetacean Conservation in the U.S. David Cottingham Division Chief, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Office of Protected Resources NOAA Fisheries

Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA)

• Enacted in 1972

• Prohibits “take” of marine mammals, with limited exceptions

- “Take” means to harass, hunt, capture, or kill, or attempt to

harass, hunt, capture, or kill any marine mammal.

• Protects all marine mammals, regardless of population status

- Optimum sustainable population

Page 3: Cetacean Conservation in the U.S. David Cottingham Division Chief, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Office of Protected Resources NOAA Fisheries

Exceptions to MMPA Take Prohibition

• Incidental Take– Commercial fishing

– Other specified activities (e.g., oil and gas exploration)

• Direct Take– Subsistence hunting/handicrafts by Alaska natives – Scientific research, public display, and photography – Non-lethal deterrence– Government officials (Federal, state, local)– Pinniped Removal Authority

Page 4: Cetacean Conservation in the U.S. David Cottingham Division Chief, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Office of Protected Resources NOAA Fisheries

Endangered Species Act (ESA)

• Enacted in 1973

• Prohibits “take” of endangered and threatened species, with mechanisms to provide exceptions– “Take” means to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill,

trap, capture, or collect, or to attempt to engage in any such conduct

• To provide :– a program for the conservation of threatened and endangered

species– a means whereby the ecosystems upon which such species

depend may be conserved

Page 5: Cetacean Conservation in the U.S. David Cottingham Division Chief, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Office of Protected Resources NOAA Fisheries

Endangered and Depleted Cetaceans in the U.S.

•ESA Endangered cetacean species (8):Blue whale, Bowhead whale, Fin whale, Humpback whale,

Killer whale*, Northern right whale, Sperm whale, Sei whale (*indicates that only certain populations of the species are listed as


• MMPA Depleted cetacean stocks (13, with ESA species): Spotted dolphin (NE offshore), Spinner

dolphin (Eastern), Killer whale (AT1 transient), Bottlenose dolphin (WNA

coastal), Beluga whale (Cook Inlet)

Page 6: Cetacean Conservation in the U.S. David Cottingham Division Chief, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Office of Protected Resources NOAA Fisheries

Threats to Marine Mammals

• Fishery interactions (e.g. entanglements)

• Ship strikes

• Marine debris

• Noise

• Disease and contamination

• Disturbance of natural behaviors

Page 7: Cetacean Conservation in the U.S. David Cottingham Division Chief, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Office of Protected Resources NOAA Fisheries

U.S. Management Measures: National Initiatives

• Annual Stock Assessment Reports (all marine mammals)– Population estimates and trends– Estimate of human caused mortality– Used to evaluate progress in reducing bycatch of marine mammals

• Recovery Plans (“endangered” or “threatened’ species)

• National Bycatch Report (first edition: 2008)– Comprehensive quantification of bycatch estimates in U.S. fisheries– Provide a basis for setting bycatch management goals– Bycatch estimates for fish, marine mammals, sea turtles, and sea


• Research– Understanding marine mammal-environmental parameter interactions

Page 8: Cetacean Conservation in the U.S. David Cottingham Division Chief, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Office of Protected Resources NOAA Fisheries

U.S. Management Measures: Fisheries Interactions

• Zero Mortality Rate Goal (ZMRG)– Reduce bycatch in commercial fisheries to insignificant levels

approaching a zero mortality and serious injury rate

• Commercial fishery classifications (i.e., List of Fisheries)– Based on a Frequent (I), Occasional (II), or Remote (III) likeliness

of serious injury and mortality of marine mammals

• Registration- Category I and II

• Observers- Category I and II

• Reporting- all Categories

Page 9: Cetacean Conservation in the U.S. David Cottingham Division Chief, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Office of Protected Resources NOAA Fisheries

• Take Reduction Teams (TRT) and Plans (TRP)– Stakeholder-based teams develop regulatory and/or voluntary

measures for bycatch reduction– TRTs meet periodically to monitor implementation of the plan

• Completed and future Take Reduction Plans (TRP)– Pacific Offshore Cetacean (TRP: 1997)– Gulf of Maine Harbor Porpoise (TRP: 1999)– Mid-Atlantic Harbor Porpoise (TRP: 1999)– Atlantic Large Whale (TRP: 1999)– Bottlenose Dolphin (TRP: 2006)– Pelagic Longline (TRT convened June 2005)– Atlantic Trawl Gear (TRT convened September 2006)

U.S. Management Measures: Fisheries Interactions (cont.)

Page 10: Cetacean Conservation in the U.S. David Cottingham Division Chief, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Office of Protected Resources NOAA Fisheries

U.S. Management Measures: Ship Strike Reduction

• Mandatory Ship Reporting Systems

• Right whale “alerts”

• Ship speed advisories

• Recommended vessels routes

• IMO-approved reconfiguration of the Traffic Separation Scheme that services Boston

• Proposed speed regulations in right whale habitat

• Cruise ship speed limits in Glacier Bay National Park, AK

Page 11: Cetacean Conservation in the U.S. David Cottingham Division Chief, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Office of Protected Resources NOAA Fisheries

U.S. Management Measures: Marine Debris

• Marine Debris Research, Prevention, and Reduction Act– Mapping, source identification, and impact assessments– Reduction through removal– Research and development of alternatives to gear posing threats

to the marine environment– Monitoring– Prevention through education and outreach– Emergency response

• Grant opportunities – National Fish and Wildlife Foundation – NOAA Partnership– NOAA Community-based Restoration Program

Page 12: Cetacean Conservation in the U.S. David Cottingham Division Chief, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Office of Protected Resources NOAA Fisheries

U.S. Management Measures: Acoustics

• Noise Exposure Criteria• Works with partners to monitor and mitigate underwater

sound– U.S. Navy sonar– Shipping industry

• Funds research on potential impacts

• Contributes to public education

Page 13: Cetacean Conservation in the U.S. David Cottingham Division Chief, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Office of Protected Resources NOAA Fisheries

U.S. Management Measures: Health and Stranding Response

• National Stranding Network

• Unusual Mortality Event response and investigation

• John H. Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Grant Program

• Tissue and Serum Bank Program

• Disentanglement Program

• Biomonitoring Program

Page 14: Cetacean Conservation in the U.S. David Cottingham Division Chief, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Office of Protected Resources NOAA Fisheries

MARINE MAMMAL UMEs CURRENTLY UNDER INVESTIGATION1. Bottlenose Dolphins 2. Manatees and Bottlenose Dolphins 3. Sea Otters 4. Humpback Whales5. Seals

6. Harbor Porpoises7. Manatees 8. Bottlenose Dolphins9. Cetaceans10. Manatees


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Page 15: Cetacean Conservation in the U.S. David Cottingham Division Chief, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Office of Protected Resources NOAA Fisheries

U.S. Management Measures: Whale Watching

• Recommended viewing guidelines

• Regulations– Right whales in the North Atlantic– Humpback whales in Hawaii and Alaska– Considering regulations: spinner dolphin “swim-with” programs

in Hawaii– Considering regulations: Southern resident killer whales in the

Pacific Northwest

• Voluntary operator certification programs

• Education and outreach

Page 16: Cetacean Conservation in the U.S. David Cottingham Division Chief, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Office of Protected Resources NOAA Fisheries

International Cooperation

• Research partnering with scientists worldwide

• Multiple bilateral agreements

• Multi-lateral Agreements– International Dolphin Conservation Program (IDCP)– International Whaling Commission (IWC)– Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of

Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)– Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living

Resources (CCAMLR)– South Pacific Environment Program (SPREP) – Specially Protected Areas and Wildlife Protocol (SPAW)

Page 17: Cetacean Conservation in the U.S. David Cottingham Division Chief, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation Office of Protected Resources NOAA Fisheries

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