) corunn *mmmwawmi a...his sentence was iixei for the first »day of the next term. a divorce was...

*MMMwaWMi ) CORUNNA TH E CO U NTY 5 EAT PA PER OF S HIAWAS S EE CO-0 NTY. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. CORUNNA, MICH., THURSDAY, JANUAEY 27,'-1910, VOLUME XXXI, No. 4 When the HairFatts Stop it! And why not? Fall- ing hair is i disease, a regular disease; and Ayer's Half Vigor, as made from our new im- proved formula, quickly and completely destroys that dis- ease* The hair stops falling out, grows more rapidly, and all dandruff disappears* DM* wet tkmgt tie color of At hair. A uers •IlklMkMtlt f Sham f* «e jrovr A4kkim*bo*in. The fink book ta each package gives the foeurala of oaf new Hair Vigor, teUa why e*eh ingredient is used, and ex- plains many other interesting things. After reading you wilkoov why this sew hair preparation does its work so welt* !E»Uby«»J,a.*ywC»^lJW*B.WMS, Lincoln Day Observance Lincoln day, which occurs February 12, 1&10, will be appropriately observed by the ladies of H-F. Wallace Relief Carps, ?fo. 183, A fine dinner wiil be one of the principal features of the occasion, to which all members of the fust are respectfully invited to be present. After diooer a fine program will be carried out in the Battalion rooms in the court house. Full particulars will be given later,—Press Cor. , r ; ',\ // A TB4TELUG SALESMAN H. F. Beers, 6177th AVe., Peoria. Ill, writes: "I have been tmuUed for some time with kidney trouble, so severely aO ^IfiS* I could scarcely carry my grip*. After using one botUe of Fofey* Kidney Pills I have been entirely relieved, and cheerfully recommend them to all." Foley's Kidney Pills are healing and anti- septic and will restore health and strength. Sold by Glen T. Reynold*. (P Get Your Prescription JB&uVG- filled where it ii sure to be dose ac- curately, carefully and quickly. We make a specialty of compounding, and any doctor us town will recom- mend us for exactness and care fat tilling prescriptions. We are rot high priced at all. but we guarantee our drugs and medicines to be the freshest and purest If you toy us once you will come often. Jest wbat yoD call for in Feb'y numbers of all best Mataztnes now com- ing in. See our assort- ment Postcards Post Card Albums Detroit Daily Papers Owosso Daily Papers . Reynolds' CORNER If S3 St i - * j * ' * v r 6»<" New Stock Com&m THE CIRCUIT COURTlTO PAROLE t H l M l LftRSE SCALE JANUARY TERM WILL BE A LONG ONE CHESANING OFFENF-ER ISC NOW IN IONIA MINING OPERATIONS TAKE A BOOM Mehlenbacher Pleaded Guiliy and will Be Sentenced Monday.—Suth- erland Case Now On. For Stabbing Two Men.— Chesaning Peopla Do Not Wish Him Released When the January term of the circuit court opened Monday morning the crimi- nal calendar was afc once taken up. The majority of the criminal eases will be tried this term and but a few of the law cases have gone over. Indications a n that the term will be a long one. There were two liquor cases against Conrad Mehleubacher, one of which was tried in the bat term, when the jury dis- agreed. That case was nolle pressed, and he plead guilty in the other caw Tuesday, fie will be sentenced next Monday. The cases of the People vs. Nicholas Hauck and Carl Smith, of Owosso, charg- ed with violation or the liquor law, are ready for trial Henry Stores was charg? ed with resisting an officer and plead not guilty Monday morning and was remand- ed to jail in default of bail. In the after- noon he changed his plea to guilty and wis fined S15. George Chambers, of Vernon, charged with burglary, pleaded not guilty and was remanded. James Riley, who is charged with the larceny of several boats from Morrice) stood mute. He furnished no bond ana was remanded. The law case of Oren L. Bessihger, an infant, and the case of W. L. Calkins vs. Oren L. Bessinger, are both continued to the next term. Although on the calendar, the case of Ambrose G. Cowle* vs. the Village of Durand will »<>i be heard by a jury. The case of Maggie Sherman vs. Jennie Rust las been continued. The court appointed attorneys to repre- sent the defendant* in the following cases: For Henry Stores, charged with TCS sting on officer, Fred J. Notthway, of Durand; for George Chambers, charged with burg lury with intent to kill, and James Kilty, clarg'ed with larceny, Elmer S. Athertoa, of D /( uraud, . F>ed Flickej released ou 'susptmk'd sent- ence, made his regular appearance before Judge Miuer .Momi&y, and the date for his sentence was iixei for the first »day of the next term. A divorce was granted in the case of Florence against Frank Case. Case did not appear in couit to answer to the charge* made against him by his wife. Roy R. Durham was attorney for Mrs. Case. Four jurors were excused by the Court Tuesday morning for various reasons. They were George Charietoa, M. H. Par- sons, A. €. Howard and W. B. Schad. The four extra jurors drawn were John G. Ab.es, Wellinfton £ge and H. C. McQoinefts, of Owosso City, and Joseph Bradley, of GwOmv township. The esse of Morris and Tower Jackson against Mrs, Cephise Bannister was settled Monday when she paid the judgment se- cured against her by the Jaskaons in the last term of court. The trouble arose over the fad that a heavy rain damaged the contents of a store owned by Mrs, Bannister in Owosso, whOe the Jackson* were putting on a roof. The case of the People vs. Louis Suthar land, of Morrice, charged with violation of the liquor law, is now on trial. It is claimed that Sutherland sold liquor with- out a license. Real Estate Transfer* F. Kugel et al to F. Rowley and wife, part section 14, Rush, 3000. F. Rowley to W. Collins and wife, part section 14, Rush, 2,700. F. Rowley to W. Collins and, wife, part section 14, Rush, 10£. O. Burgess to J. Laverock, lot 6 and part of lot 3, block 4, Owosso, 1,400. J. Laverock to W. Pierpont, part lots 6 and 4, block 4, Owosso, 1,800. G. Sbaw to C. Burr and wife, lot 10, Geo. Thomas 3d addition, Owosso, 1,500. C. Burr and wife to Geo. Sbaw asJ wife, part section 5, Burns, 3,500. A. Dennison to R. Smith, lot 18, A. W. Dennison's addition, Durand, 100. B. Beard to H. Cunningham, lot 28, block 4, Mo?rice, 25. A. McBride toM. Swlnderman, lot 16, block 11, D. L. Co.'s 2nd addition, Durand, 1,300. M. Swlnderman to G. DeLong, lot 16, block 11, D. L. Co/s 2nd addition, The Chesaning Argu? tales that an ef- fort is beicg made to secure the release from the Ionia reformatory of Ernest Draheim, the young man who was sentenc- ed to that penal institution by Judge Miner about a year ago. The paper's comment upon the matter is not favorable. Draheim is the Eestoe young man who about a year ago was oat at night with his younger brother, Albert, his father, uncle and another man, in a double seated rig. The party got liquor at Layton Cor- ners and it was pretty conclusively shown that Ernest and his younger brother at- tacked his uncle and the other man, fol- lt,wi lg a quarrdl over a bottle. The two men were so bally stabbed with a knife that it was long before they were : able to l^ave the house. Ernest pleaded guilty to the charge preferred against him, but the case against his brother was nolle prossed. Judge Miner sentenced the elder of the young men February 1, ,1909, to from one to five years in the Ionia reformatory. Draheim s father was in Comma recent- ly to see what he could do to secure bis son's release. As the latter has be n well behaved while in prison it is probable that according to custom he will be paroled when the year named a* the minimum of his sentence expires. If paroled he will be required to report periodically to some man who will act as his best friend, giv- ingan account ot his habits, his occupa- tion, etc He must make application for parole in person. Since the crime wa? committed the Dra- heims h*ve moved from Easton to the neighborhood of Chesaning. The men in the family are not popular there. Before the stabbing occurred »otne, ot them were fined by a C*w*aniag justice of the peace for attacking their horse on the road, cut- ting the animal's throat with a knife and then beating it with a fence board until it died. The carcass was thrown into a ditch and covered With grass. After the stabbing affair Ernest Dra- heim tried to escape, but was captured by Sheriff Watson's men when about to take a boat across Lake Michigan. Believed Coal Bed Railroad Will Be Extended to New Lothrop.— Will Benefit Farmer* DC IT MOW Corona* People Shcnld Hot Wait Uata it Is Too Late. , The appalling deatb-rate from kid- ney disease is due la most cases to the fact that the iittie kidney troubles are 055-1-7 neglected until they be- come serious. T&e slight symptoms Utve place to cbxocic disorders and the sufferer goes gradually into the grasp of diabetes, drops/, Bright** disease, gravel or some other serious form of kidney compialDt, If you suffer from backache, head aches, dixzy spells; if the kidney secre- tionsare irregular of passage and un- natural la appearance, no not delay. Help the kidneys Rt once, Doao's Kidney Pi!l* are especially for kidney disorders—they cure where others fail. Over one hundred thou- sand people have recommended them. Here's a case at home: A. J. Augsbuiy, State St., Corunna, Mich., says: • 'I think very highly of Doss's Kidney Pills, as also do other members of my family. This remedy has been used in my home for a num- ber of years, being procured from Reynolds' drug store, and it has never yet failed to have the desired effect. For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, Sole Agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan's and take no other. Some important announcements have been made duving the past few i days to the people of this vicini ty wbcii jit is authoritavely stated that the Coal fields north of this city will be .opened up, and that the eoal mine spur of the Grand Trunk will be ex- tended through these fields and to JSew Lothrop. Tod Klrjcald, of this city, acting for Calumet capital, has seen-ed leases ot about TOO acres of coal laud adjacent to the otd Corcun* Coal Co. mines, and that a shaft will be stmk there and mining started oh an extensive scale. , \ . The extettfoo of the Grand Trunk spur ttarouffu the coal fields tc New Lothrop is being brought about by the prospective mining company, the Saginaw Coal Co. and the Owosso and Mt. Clemens sugar companies. / Hundreds of acres of land in Cale- donia, New Haven and Hazelton townships have been secured by these mining companies, and an outlet for shipping is of vast importance. Coal I tests have been made on the lands, and it is declared that heavy veins are found a 1 ! through that section. j The extension of the railroad to 'New Lothrop is something that will j be of inestimable benefit to the clti zoos of that scetios. It would mean that the farmers would have an out- let for their products, and that an j elevator would soon be doing business in that vicinity. The necessary right of way has been secured for a considerable part of the distance, in fact, up to within about three miles of New Lothrop, The proposed line is directly north from Kerby, for a distance of about eUtut or nine miles, and then takes an east- erly course. New Lothrop people are t^ore than elated at the prospect, of pelting a railroad and will extend every Induce- ment to the promoters. If the rail- road should not exteud into that place, an elevator would be built at the end of the spur, and this would be a hard blow for Hazelton's Tillage. With a railroad the people would not have to drive to jftet out of town. J. E. Barnes, of Saginaw, is looking aftet the matter for the Saginaw company, and is t^e man who has done all the leasing of land. He says that the road is a certainty. The company has already expended a large amount of money and the proposition Sticms^o be a sure thing. The proposed line Is through some of the best farming land in the coun- ty, thickly settled, and the freight and psssecger business will be of goodly proportions. 6LEUEBS WttE HERE. How's This? a- *--•• rsad. \:.<m, We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot he cured by Sail's Catarrh Cure. F, J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transaction* andfinanciallyable to carry out any obligation* made by his firm. | Wau>Dio, KIXUAN & MABVTK, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. IfelJ'H Catarrh Cure h taV«n imfnrjv^ly. ASKS BU TO BRING KEMALNS OF MRS. HAWKINS HOME Aaasal MSd-Wfater Meeting HaU at the Cent Hone* Saturday, The annual mid-winter meeting of the Shiawassee county Gleaners' As- sociation Was held at the supervisors' room in the court house Saturday af- ternoon. The meeting was called to o^er at 1 o'clock by President B. W. Mattoon, of Shiawassee. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:— President, B. W. Mattoon. 1st Vice President, F. A.Thompson. 2d Vice President, F. A. Baese. Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Mary Day Marshal, T. J. Hicks. The. coGcrmittee on arrangements consists of Cbas. Shadbolt, Than Perry, Cbas. VanAustin. The other committee which will look after the program for the summer picnic con- sists of Mr*. F. D. Satton and Mrs. G. S. Kentfield. Another meeting will be held in March for the purpose of adopting resolutions concerning state and local affairs. The county association is in a flour- ishing condition at the present time. ' It. consists cf nineteen'arbors, wbish i English Law Forbids It, but Success is Possible Through State Department. The fact that the remains of the late Mrs. W: M. Hawkins, danrhter of Mr. and Mjs. A. W. Green, of this city, have not been brought home, is owing to a law which forbids toe removal of the dead from India. The family here and Dr. Hawkins at Bangalor have done all in their pawet to arrange for the return of the remains to this dty, but their efforts thus far hava been unavailing. Arthur C. Green, brother of Mrs. Haw kins, has been to Chicago, where he had an interview with the British cvonsel, who(explained the international coraphea- tions that have prevented the compliance with the wishes of the family. Efforts will now be made, through the proper channels, to secure the permission of the English government for the removal of the body from India. This is the last re- sort and friends of the family hope it wiH be successful. The assistance of Senator Barrows is being sought to bring the mat- ter to the attention of the state department, asking it to interest the American Ambas- sador at St. James Court to intercede and secure if possible favorable action. Mrs. Hawkins died January 7th and the remain* were prepared for shipuientjbom* with the expectation that there would be no^dimculty in securing a permit. Claims Ordered Paid The board of director* of the Shiawas- see Mutual Fire Insurance Co., in session here Friday; ordered paid the claims of C. E. Godfrey, of Antrim township, t700. Mr. Godfrey* home was desiroyel by fire several weeks ago The claim of II. 8. Ogden, of Bennington township, for $800, was also paid as per the decision of the stockholders in the annual convention here a short time ago. Mr Ogdcn'i claim had been turned down by the board on the grounds that he had violated one of the agreements of his policy, inasmuch as the house is said to have been destroy*d by ore which caught from sparks from a threshing engino in which wood instead of coal was being burned. The fact that wood was used is declared to be a direct violation of the company's rules and the board refused to pay the claim unless the stockholders eo ordered. The Ogden house was destroyed several months *go. *One Teaspoonful of Medicine a whole tot of dnT- ierence when you're sack; " your bciy ia in • weak. If rf• pore and fro**. scribed. It «31 e o *** ***** , it Is lbs „j*t© yonr and may turn AH out* amdlfwfcfs a t e right iHWfili f r o m „. .„_.. If so. vou wul find R E X A t L HEAD- ACHB WAFERS die tin- niest and most effective core for Ifctadaches end neundgia 3NBQ ever employed. They are perfectly suited to w\*» men: quickly stop pain and soothe the nerve*. Abeo- lulely liarnncMy jguarauteed ssee xrocn woctxpwrmo, vyunm, »rnocpbinc or chloral. Sold Jvfch tht.Bsuitt tlHTintHi > YOUR DRUGGIST OPr>OStTE COURT HOUSE CORUNNA Safe and Sure. Among the medifiioef that are recom- i mended and endorsed by phys , £ r^i* and nurses is Kemp's Balaam, the be^jt cough <vue For many rears it has been regard- ed by doctors a* the medicine most likely to cure coughs, and it ha* a strong hold on the esteem of all well-informed people. When Kemp's Balsam cannot cure a cough we sluUi be at a lo*s to know what \ will. At druggists' and dealers', 3V. I ^ . _ ^ ^ _ _ "•" -•- 'i Heavy, impure blood mnkes a muddy, pimply complexion, headaches, nausea, I indigestion. Ttrfu blood makes you weak, pale, friesly. Burdock Blood Bitters makes the blood rich, red, putt—restores I perfect health. Pneumonia Folluwi m C«ld but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, -which stops the cough, heals the lungs, snil expels the cold fror'. vour...svs?_ tetn. Soid by Glen T. Reynold^ HEM E16HTY111TH BIBTMAT. Mrs. Baaaah Watson Cslebratsd A*- her Horn* la Owosso Monday. Hale and hearty, and in possession of all of her faculties, Mrs. Hannah Watson on Monday celebrated the 89th anniversary of her. birth, with several of her children, at Owosso. The festivities took place at the home of her son, S. Z. Watson. Among those present were United States District Attorney Frank H. Watson and wife, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Watson, who reside on the old homsstead in Shiawassee town- ship, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pea* cock and Mr. and Mrs. S. Rhodes, of Corunna. Mrs. Rhodes is Mrs. Wat- son's niece. Two other sons, Charles Watson, of Colorado, and Edward, of Nevada, were unable to attend. Bern in Syracuse, N. Y., Mrs. Wat- son was married -in 1842 to Stephen Watson, and the couple migrated at once to Michigan, and in 1850 came to Shiawassee county. They took up a 400 acre tract of land in what is now Shiawassee township. Thevountyat that time was mostly thick woods, but by laborious and persistent efforts on the part of the sturdy couple the land was cleared and they made it one of the finest farms in this section. Mrs. Watson is one of the best known of the older residents of the county, having been an active worker in some clubs and the Maple River church, since their inception. She is a well re*d woman and a bright con* vemtiooalist. A visit to the Watson home la always considered a treat by her almost numberless friends. In spite of her advanced age, Mr*. Watson has lost nou* of the cheerfuu- j fless that, ha* alw*.yft-ch^r^tfiri7fd.i AHEAD ^ Prepare for the future and you will seldom have to look backward with regret. Build up a savings account --it will be a reserve for any unforseen trouble. Your savings earn 4 per cent, interest. We invite small accounts as well as larger ones. I acita.Jdlraaly upon lb* fcsot>d^^"'^h' '>^b'de rt v«t- W0'$»emfcar«, K.-L71in- f* i c e i.u:..it:?.*. ;•: X. ill !0tS 2° ^P^ 21. WOP.fc S/, OwOfSWh l.MfNV C. Rubekam to T. Stebbins ar.1 a ifr, lot S, sub O. L. 1, Owo*«>, 2,400. ! fvee. Price 75 eeuis per yottls. Sold bv »ui Dfaggiats. | Take Hall's Family Pitts for coostipa- j Stops itching instaauy. Curas r»im. t ;ec/ema, salt iheum, tetter, itch, hives, 'herpes, scabies—Dean'* Ointment. At j any drug store. . i the t&mih' iikc oae .oiwvsy y^m her junior. K«i- iiiuCi f fxl^u^s j ?0!H T?l*-h her relative* In wlsbtog her many happy returns of the day. ' OFFICERS AMD URECTORS W. F. GaHager, • - President John DriseoU, Vice Presideet T. M. Euler v 3d Vice President W. A. Rosenkrans, - - Cashier E. T. Sidney, Assistant Cashier A, A. Harper THE OLD CORUNNA STATE •WAfiir Bankers' Assodatioo. •i " '-U "Ti ; t * ii i>i ii aJ

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Page 1: ) CORUNN *MMMwaWMi A...his sentence was iixei for the first »day of the next term. A divorce was granted in the case of Florence against Frank Case. Case did not appear in couit to




When the HairFatts Stop it And why not Fallshying hair is i disease a regular disease and Ayers Half Vigor as made from our new imshyproved formula quickly and completely destroys that disshyease The hair stops falling out grows more rapidly and all dandruff disappears

DM wet tkmgt tie color of At hair

A uers bull I l k l M k M t l t

f Sham f laquoe jrovr


The fink book ta each package gives the foeurala of oaf new Hair Vigor teUa why eeh ingredient is used and exshyplains many other interesting things After reading you wilkoov why this sew hair preparation does its work so welt

EraquoUbylaquoraquoJaywCraquo^lJWBWMS bull

Lincoln Day Observance Lincoln day which occurs February

12 1amp10 will be appropriately observed by the ladies of H-F Wallace Relief Carps fo 183 A fine dinner wiil be one of the principal features of the occasion to which all members of the fust are respectfully invited to be present

After diooer a fine program will be carried out in the Battalion rooms in the court house Full particulars will be given latermdashPress Cor r

bull bdquo A T B 4 T E L U G SALESMAN

H F Beers 6177th AVe Peoria Ill writes I have been tmuUed for some time with kidney trouble so severely aO

^IfiS I could scarcely carry my grip After using one botUe of Fofey Kidney Pills I have been entirely relieved and cheerfully recommend them to all Foleys Kidney Pills are healing and antishyseptic and will restore health and strength Sold by Glen T Reynold

(P Get Your Prescription


filled where it ii sure to be dose acshycurately carefully and quickly We make a specialty of compounding and any doctor us town will recomshymend us for exactness and care fat tilling prescriptions We are rot high priced at all but we guarantee our drugs and medicines to be the freshest and purest If you toy us once you will come often

Jest wbat yoD call for in

Feby numbers of all best Mataztnes now comshying in See our assortshyment

Postcards Post Card Albums Detroit Daily Papers Owosso Daily Papers

Reynolds CORNER

I f S3 St

i - j v r6raquolt

New Stock Comampm




Mehlenbacher Pleaded Guiliy and will Be Sentenced MondaymdashSuthshy

erland Case Now On

For Stabbing Two Menmdash Chesaning Peopla Do Not Wish Him


When the January term of the circuit court opened Monday morning the crimishynal calendar was afc once taken up The majority of the criminal eases will be tried this term and but a few of the law cases have gone over Indications a n that the term will be a long one

There were two liquor cases against Conrad Mehleubacher one of which was tried in the bat term when the jury disshyagreed That case was nolle pressed and he plead guilty in the other caw Tuesday fie will be sentenced next Monday

The cases of the People vs Nicholas Hauck and Carl Smith of Owosso chargshyed with violation or the liquor law are ready for trial Henry Stores was charg ed with resisting an officer and plead not guilty Monday morning and was remandshyed to jail in default of bail In the aftershynoon he changed his plea to guilty and wis fined S15

George Chambers of Vernon charged with burglary pleaded not guilty and was remanded

James Riley who is charged with the larceny of several boats from Morrice) stood mute He furnished no bond ana was remanded

The law case of Oren L Bessihger an infant and the case of W L Calkins vs Oren L Bessinger are both continued to the next term

Although on the calendar the case of Ambrose G Cowle vs the Village of Durand will raquoltgti be heard by a jury

The case of Maggie Sherman vs Jennie Rust las been continued

The court appointed attorneys to represhysent the defendant in the following cases For Henry Stores charged with TCS sting on officer Fred J Notthway of Durand for George Chambers charged with burg lury with intent to kill and James Kilty clarged with larceny Elmer S Athertoa of D(uraud

Fgted Flickej released ou susptmkd sentshyence made his regular appearance before Judge Miuer Momiampy and the date for his sentence was iixei for the first raquoday of the next term

A divorce was granted in the case of Florence against Frank Case Case did not appear in couit to answer to the charge made against him by his wife Roy R Durham was attorney for Mrs Case

Four jurors were excused by the Court Tuesday morning for various reasons They were George Charietoa M H Parshysons A euro Howard and W B Schad The four extra jurors drawn were John G Abes Wellinfton poundge and H C McQoinefts of Owosso City and Joseph Bradley of GwOmv township

The esse of Morris and Tower Jackson against Mrs Cephise Bannister was settled Monday when she paid the judgment seshycured against her by the Jaskaons in the last term of court The trouble arose over the fad that a heavy rain damaged the contents of a store owned by Mrs Bannister in Owosso whOe the Jackson were putting on a roof

The case of the People vs Louis Suthar land of Morrice charged with violation of the liquor law is now on trial It is claimed that Sutherland sold liquor withshyout a license

Real Estate Transfer F Kugel et al to F Rowley and

wife part section 14 Rush 3000 F Rowley to W Collins and wife

part section 14 Rush 2700 F Rowley to W Collins and wife

part section 14 Rush 10pound O Burgess to J Laverock lot 6 and

part of lot 3 block 4 Owosso 1400 J Laverock to W Pierpont part

lots 6 and 4 block 4 Owosso 1800 G Sbaw to C Burr and wife lot 10

Geo Thomas 3d addition Owosso 1500

C Burr and wife to Geo Sbaw asJ wife part section 5 Burns 3500

A Dennison to R Smith lot 18 A W Dennisons addition Durand 100

B Beard to H Cunningham lot 28 block 4 Morice 25

A McBride toM Swlnderman lot 16 block 11 D L Cos 2nd addition Durand 1300

M Swlnderman to G DeLong lot 16 block 11 D L Cos 2nd addition

The Chesaning Argu tales that an efshyfort is beicg made to secure the release from the Ionia reformatory of Ernest Draheim the young man who was sentencshyed to that penal institution by Judge Miner about a year ago The papers comment upon the matter is not favorable

Draheim is the Eestoe young man who about a year ago was oat at night with his younger brother Albert his father uncle and another man in a double seated rig The party got liquor at Layton Corshyners and it was pretty conclusively shown that Ernest and his younger brother atshytacked his uncle and the other man fol-ltwi lg a quarrdl over a bottle The two men were so bally stabbed with a knife that it was long before they were able to l ave the house

Ernest pleaded guilty to the charge preferred against him but the case against his brother was nolle prossed Judge Miner sentenced the elder of the young men February 1 1909 to from one to five years in the Ionia reformatory

Draheim s father was in Comma recentshyly to see what he could do to secure bis sons release As the latter has be n well behaved while in prison it is probable that according to custom he will be paroled when the year named a the minimum of his sentence expires If paroled he will be required to report periodically to some man who will act as his best friend givshyingan account ot his habits his occupashytion etc He must make application for parole in person

Since the crime wa committed the Dra-heims hve moved from Easton to the neighborhood of Chesaning The men in the family are not popular there Before the stabbing occurred raquootne ot them were fined by a Cwaniag justice of the peace for attacking their horse on the road cutshyting the animals throat with a knife and then beating it with a fence board until it died The carcass was thrown into a ditch and covered With grass

After the stabbing affair Ernest Drashyheim tried to escape but was captured by Sheriff Watsons men when about to take a boat across Lake Michigan

Believed Coal Bed Railroad Will Be Extended to New Lothropmdash

Will Benefit Farmer


Corona People Shcnld Hot Wait Uata it Is Too Late

The appalling deatb-rate from kidshyney disease is due la most cases to the fact that the iittie kidney troubles are 055-1-7 neglected until they beshycome serious Tampe slight symptoms Utve place to cbxocic disorders and the sufferer goes gradually into the grasp of diabetes drops Bright disease gravel or some other serious form of kidney compialDt

If you suffer from backache head aches dixzy spells if the kidney secre-tionsare irregular of passage and unshynatural la appearance no not delay Help the kidneys Rt once

Doaos Kidney Pil are especially for kidney disordersmdash they cure where others fail Over one hundred thoushysand people have recommended them Heres a case at home

A J Augsbuiy State St Corunna Mich says bull I think very highly of Dosss Kidney Pills as also do other members of my family This remedy has been used in my home for a numshyber of years being procured from Reynolds drug store and it has never yet failed to have the desired effect

For sale by all dealers Price 60 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo New York Sole Agents for the United States

Remember the namemdashDoans and take no other

Some important announcements have been made duving the past few

i days to the people of this vicini ty wbcii j i t is authoritavely stated that the Coal fields north of this city will be

opened up and that the eoal mine spur of the Grand Trunk will be exshytended through these fields and to JSew Lothrop

Tod Klrjcald of this city acting for Calumet capital has seen-ed leases ot about TOO acres of coal laud adjacent to the otd Corcun Coal Co mines and that a shaft will be stmk there and mining started oh an extensive scale

The extettfoo of the Grand Trunk spur ttarouffu the coal fields tc New Lothrop is being brought about by the prospective mining company the Saginaw Coal Co and the Owosso and Mt Clemens sugar companies

Hundreds of acres of land in Caleshydonia New Haven and Hazelton townships have been secured by these mining companies and an outlet for shipping is of vast importance Coal

I tests have been made on the lands and it is declared that heavy veins are found a1 through that section

j The extension of the railroad to New Lothrop is something that will j be of inestimable benefit to the clti zoos of that scetios I t would mean

bull that the farmers would have an outshylet for their products and that an

j elevator would soon be doing business in that vicinity

The necessary right of way has been secured for a considerable part of the distance in fact up to within about three miles of New Lothrop The proposed line is directly north from Kerby for a distance of about eUtut or nine miles and then takes an eastshyerly course

New Lothrop people are t^ore than elated at the prospect of pelting a railroad and will extend every Induceshyment to the promoters If the railshyroad should not exteud into that place an elevator would be built at the end of the spur and this would be a hard blow for Hazeltons Tillage With a railroad the people would not have to drive to jftet out of town

J E Barnes of Saginaw is looking aftet the matter for the Saginaw company and is t^e man who has done all the leasing of land He says that the road is a certainty The company has already expended a large amount of money and the proposition Sticms^o be a sure thing

The proposed line Is through some of the best farming land in the counshyty thickly settled and the freight and psssecger business will be of goodly proportions


Hows This

a - --bullbull rsad ltm

We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot he cured by Sails Catarrh Cure

F J CHENEY amp CO Toledo O We the undersigned have known F J

Cheney for the last 15 years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transaction and financially able to carry out any obligation made by his firm

| WaugtDio KIXUAN amp MABVTK Wholesale Druggists Toledo O

IfelJH Catarrh Cure h taVlaquon imfnrjv ly



Aaasal MSd-Wfater Meeting HaU at the Cent Hone Saturday

The annual mid-winter meeting of the Shiawassee county Gleaners Asshysociation Was held at the supervisors room in the court house Saturday afshyternoon The meeting was called to o^er at 1 oclock by President B W Mattoon of Shiawassee

The following officers were elected for the ensuing yearmdash

President B W Mattoon 1st Vice President F AThompson 2d Vice President F A Baese Secretary and Treasurer Mrs Mary

Day Marshal T J Hicks The coGcrmittee on arrangements

consists of Cbas Shadbolt Than Perry Cbas VanAustin The other committee which will look after the program for the summer picnic conshysists of Mr F D Satton and Mrs G S Kentfield Another meeting will be held in March for the purpose of adopting resolutions concerning state and local affairs

The county association is in a flourshyishing condition at the present time

It consists cf nineteenarbors wbish i

English Law Forbids It but Success is Possible Through State


The fact that the remains of the late Mrs W M Hawkins danrhter of Mr and Mjs A W Green of this city have not been brought home is owing to a law which forbids toe removal of the dead from India

The family here and Dr Hawkins at Bangalor have done all in their pawet to arrange for the return of the remains to this dty but their efforts thus far hava been unavailing

Arthur C Green brother of Mrs Haw kins has been to Chicago where he had an interview with the British cvonsel who(explained the international coraphea-tions that have prevented the compliance with the wishes of the family Efforts will now be made through the proper channels to secure the permission of the English government for the removal of the body from India This is the last reshysort and friends of the family hope it wiH be successful The assistance of Senator Barrows is being sought to bring the matshyter to the attention of the state department asking it to interest the American Ambasshysador at St James Court to intercede and secure if possible favorable action

Mrs Hawkins died January 7th and the remain were prepared for shipuientjbom with the expectation that there would be no^dimculty in securing a permit

Claims Ordered Paid The board of director of the Shiawasshy

see Mutual Fire Insurance Co in session here Friday ordered paid the claims of C E Godfrey of Antrim township t700 Mr Godfrey home was desiroyel by fire several weeks ago The claim of II 8 Ogden of Bennington township for $800 was also paid as per the decision of the stockholders in the annual convention here a short time ago

Mr Ogdcni claim had been turned down by the board on the grounds that he had violated one of the agreements of his policy inasmuch as the house is said to have been destroyd by ore which caught from sparks from a threshing engino in which wood instead of coal was being burned The fact that wood was used is declared to be a direct violation of the companys rules and the board refused to pay the claim unless the stockholders eo ordered

The Ogden house was destroyed several months go

One Teaspoonful of Medicine a whole tot of dnT-

ierence when youre sack your bciy ia in bull weak

If rf bull pore and fro

scribed It laquo31 e o

it Is lbs bdquo j t copy yonr and may turn

AH out amdlfwfcfs ate right

iHWfili f r o m bdquo bdquo_ If so vou wul find R E X A t L H E A D -ACHB WAFERS die t inshyniest and most effective core for Ifctadaches end neundgia 3NBQ ever employed They are perfectly suited to wraquo men quickly stop pain and soothe the nerve Abeo-lulely liarnncMy jguarauteed ssee xrocn woctxpwrmo vyunm

raquornocpbinc or chloral Sold Jvfch thtBsuitt tlHTintHi gt



Safe and Sure Among the medifiioef that are recom-

i mended and endorsed by phys poundr i and nurses is Kemps Balaam the be jt cough ltvue For many rears it has been regardshyed by doctors a the medicine most likely to cure coughs and it ha a strong hold on the esteem of all well-informed people When Kemps Balsam cannot cure a cough we sluUi be at a los to know what

will At druggists and dealers 3V I ^ _ ^ ^ _ _ bull - bull -

i Heavy impure blood mnkes a muddy pimply complexion headaches nausea I indigestion Ttrfu blood makes you weak pale friesly Burdock Blood Bitters makes the blood rich red puttmdashrestores

I perfect health

Pneumonia Folluwi m Claquold

but never follows the use of Foleys Honey and Tar -which stops the cough heals the lungs snil expels the cold fror voursvs_ tetn Soid by Glen T Reynold^


Mrs Baaaah Watson Cslebratsd A- her Horn la Owosso Monday

Hale and hearty and in possession of all of her faculties Mrs Hannah Watson on Monday celebrated the 89th anniversary of her birth with several of her children at Owosso The festivities took place at the home of her son S Z Watson Among those present were United States District Attorney Frank H Watson and wife of Detroit Mr and Mrs Eugene Watson who reside on the old homsstead in Shiawassee town-ship and Mr and Mrs Frank Pea cock and Mr and Mrs S Rhodes of Corunna Mrs Rhodes is Mrs Watshysons niece Two other sons Charles Watson of Colorado and Edward of Nevada were unable to attend

Bern in Syracuse N Y Mrs Watshyson was married -in 1842 to Stephen Watson and the couple migrated at once to Michigan and in 1850 came to Shiawassee county They took up a 400 acre tract of land in what is now Shiawassee township Thevountyat that time was mostly thick woods but by laborious and persistent efforts on the part of the sturdy couple the land was cleared and they made it one of the finest farms in this section

Mrs Watson is one of the best known of the older residents of the county having been an active worker in some clubs and the Maple River church since their inception She is a well red woman and a bright con vemtiooalist A visit to the Watson home la always considered a treat by her almost numberless friends

In spite of her advanced age Mr Watson has lost nou of the cheerfuu- j fless that ha alwyft-ch^r^tfiri7fdi


Prepare for the future and you will seldom have to look backward with regret

Build up a savings account --it will be a reserve for any unforseen trouble

Your savings earn 4 per cent interest

We invite small accounts as well as larger ones

I acitaJdlraaly upon lb fcsotgtd^^^h gt^bde rtvlaquot- W0$raquoemfcarlaquo K-L71in- f i c e iuit

bull X ill

0tS 2deg ^P^ 21 WOPfc S OwOfSWh lMfNV C Rubekam to T Stebbins ar1

a ifr lot S sub O L 1 Owolaquogt 2400

fvee Price 75 eeuis per yottls Sold bv raquoui Dfaggiats

| Take Halls Family Pitts for coostipa-

j Stops itching instaauy Curas rraquoim t ecema salt iheum tetter itch hives herpes scabiesmdashDean Ointment At j any drug store

i the tampmih iikc oae oiwvsy y^m her junior Klaquoi- iiiuCif fxl^u^s j 0H Tl-h

her relative In wlsbtog her many happy returns of the day

OFFICERS AMD URECTORS W F GaHager bull - President John DriseoU Vice Presideet T M Eulerv 3d Vice President W A Rosenkrans - - Cashier E T Sidney Assistant Cashier

A A Harper



Bankers Assodatioo bulli -U T i


ii igti



Oflis Tie HHsevs lira Waikesed bj Ora-Wcfk

Unhealthy Kidneys Hake Impure Blood Weak and unhealthy kidneys are re-

epocsi ble for much sickness and suffersng theref^^i if kidney trouble is permitted to joRtiapc serious reshysults are most likely to follow Your other organs may need at-tlaquontioryt but your kid- aeys inost because they do molaquot and shorld have attention first Therefore when

your kidneys are veaJLjorjMofigtrder you can understand how quickly your en- tire body is affected and how every organ seems toi fail to do its duty

If yon are sick or feel badly ^gin taking the great kidney remedy D Kilmers Swamp-Foot A trial will conshyvince you of its great merit

The mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Root the-great kidney and bladder remedy is soon realized It stands the highest because its remarkable health restoring properties have been proven in thousands of the most distressshying cases If you need a medicine you ahoald have the best-Sold by druggists in bullfifty-cent and one-dol-bulllar sizes You may have a sample bottle by mail free also a pamphlet telling yon raquoltlaquobullbullgt now to find cut if yos-h^^ ^ bully fir bladder trouble Mention this paper when writing to Dr Kilmer amp Co Bin^hatJitoo N Y Dont make any misshytake but remember the name Swamrgt Roc and dont let a dealer sell yon something in place of Swamp-Rootmdashif JOB do yon wiu be disappointed

Grand Traak Railway System FAST JJOUNO F R O CORtTNNA

JCa-is gttrot Loclaquolr except SaaAty bullbull am Xo T Detroit TSxvrtm except S o a d a y U m 10 IS Detroit Local except fcuaday 510 jim No 11 Durand Local Daily 49 pm

WEST BOUNtf FROM CORUSSA No 17 Grand Rapids Local Daily T3raquoam No 1raquo Grd Rapids Local ex Sao4aflltj ant No 13 GrAampd Haven Local ex Sunday 2M |gtbgt No 11 Grd Hapidn Local laquolaquo Surday laquoZ pen

Btflia wise vstlbue train of eoackw as4 steeping cam are operates Ugt New Ylaquork and PMlalt3-pl1a vtm SiiJtara Fall by hlaquo Grata] Trunk-Lehlcb Vjraquoiiey Rout

O D TOtTXO Araquoraquot



la ltua gt U | ttM bullBflish Geraxs Spanish Fsftagtms and

raquoo FOB rnat 1 FCTCTS Uoofesttoes laSssHMkttoas S 3 4 Worn Wars Perer or Worm DtiiiiH bull i f 5 eie O r b aMi WatefiUaeM of lnfaatgt raquo 4 IMarrtra of CUMis s o adattf ft Ehrsmierr a BUtossOiptte S S VClaquoolaquohlaquoOofalaaraHMtta M A TatMMe raceaefca Strafeta M bull - tte4aalaquo Sick Headaeha Vtruampt M

I S B n m i u IsrflfmBosw wmdashgt Susmdashas M I S Crttt Uoana OoNfa U r n j U a amp 9 laquo Salt KfeesHK Kruptiona SylaquoQraquota S 1 JHwsiSitaHsWwr OawtKMUlii Patsa laquo lsV Pgt-vcraw4 AswMateria bdquo bull raquo PUlaquo EUad or Bleeding Ei^rnai Iatsnsd3 bull 9 Otsicftwlssia Weak or l a f lawl Eylaquoa 3 5 8 raquo lt alarrV jHaultuCgt-i4 in HlaquoMul 3 laquo W raquoaoraquoialaquo tlaquoslaquoir HpaiwxH 0-Jfh 41 laquo1 Aatfclaquoa0laquo(irealaquoed Difficult Bmihtulaquo -^a t raquo Hi lary DtaaMbdquoUrav(l Calculi 3laquo 4 Nrvout D^Uittt Vita Wi-akno 1(Ml raquo Kraquorraquolaquo Month tev^^Sdrf-sor Vraquonktr frac34frac34 pound bull IriaarrIbrvnldtrtibi Wlttialaquo Bed i 3 4 Hore Threat ltJulaquoaraquoy and Diphthcrta 45 raquo 3 throate lt=poundrrcs= Hlaquo-iogt-s aa 7 7 Crtpot Uajr Few aad Suucr CaWs s

A raquomraquoll bottle of PVraquofraquom Pril^tA flu the Test pocket hold by drusKtiu or sent oa rccltpt uywlca

Medical Book sent free _ KtrMtHRBYS- HOMDO MEDffTOE CO CoralaquoC WUuani and Aaa Strteu New York



Copr-srlU ISM by J 3 Iipplacott Oa il rlgLto rotttUrveo


riieliant Derrlng returning frnm a winshyter ii tlit- woods-10 his mothers farm home is overtaken by hts u n d o accam- panlei by his lticc-entrh wife coming to pay a visit a t the furm Aunt J^rushaf cjuesUona about Emily HisUon supposed to be Igterrings sweetheart reveal the fact that she is to marryanother Disapshypointment st imulates Derrings ambition bullraquoltbullbullbull raquomder the adv ice of Seth Kinney a hermit of the woods he resolves to fit himself or collef Ktaney teaehea him Greek and he passes his entrance examinshyat ions triumphantly winning- the-approvshya l of the professor Four years in college obUterateo the memory of Emily De ir ing begins Journalistic work in Chicago where he meets Helen Gordon a n artist Derring Ut promoted to art critic on his paper H e l e n refuses to marry him and hamper both their careers but they enshyter into a companionship compact Helen suffers ill effects from sketching on the lake shore in January I l lness brings her into closer relationship vrith Richard Derrtng to cal led home by the i l lness of 8 e t n Kinney

CHAPTER XIVmdashContinued

Throughout the journey the thought stayed with him and when once or twice he felt the dread of danger near he even rejoiced that distance could not mar the cloeenesa of love The longing for her safety that stole from his heart would in another man have been a prayer


BUSKi amp BUSH A t t o r n e y s a t J L t s w

MATTHEW ftUSH WALTER raquouraquor i Office over C X Peacock Drug Store


AUSTIN ERICHARDS A t t o r n e y a t L a w

Office over IfcM alien A Cos (Xotkinc Store

C O R U N N A - M I C H I G A N

E H BAILEY JW D Office and Residence first door west of bridge


WILLIAM J PARKER Attorney at Law Solicitor in Chiaetry

All fcirds of leeal basines transacted Money to loan Real Jtraquote anU Insurance Ofllc-orer Mc Mullen a Cos CloltilDg- Store



Stewart Block - Owosso

DR Egt H LAMB (I-ale of United States Army)

Eye Ear Nose and Throat Soeciaiist OlaAKed accuratHy adjusted Bourn SsSO tlaquo 1J0 a nraquo sua 130 gt 400p m Monday as Baturdrvv eVenlcgn 6Wto730 Other eyenice by appjiDtwent R00tan 1 and 2 Thomas Bik O W O S S O - M I C H I O A A

When Others Fail Try Us - )

KVBigt T B S T E O F R F R

117 N Waahiiirfton 8t Owoaaa

BSSSSWJSSWSVWSSsWSWSWsWSWSSlllllRSSWSfWSBSBSSlBWJ gt I il llfc^SSSSS^SSS^^^trade^^^^mdash~^gtWSraquoMHPPMi ^ - ^ mdash bull

ly Richard lifted it from its plaoa a^rt put it in Seths hands Then hlaquo turned away to thlaquo window and stood looking out whiltt tho old man opened it Richards eyes were full of tears for a love dead 50 years But Seths wele clear iind tender as he called him to Lis side

Here Dick 1 want her to have this You must put it on-herimger Tell her it does wit bind her to any promisemdashfor Richard had told him It te from me She Is it woman She will understand that 1 should like her bulltp-wcar H-he xaused

It-was a diamond In-an oldfaSluon-ed settlag the stone large aigtd haau-vifully cut Richard held it ic his hautS surprised by its beauty

How dared you keep anything so vahabie here

There was no danger Noono would look for brilliants in such a-setting TheVprdswere inarmed by a quiet smiie of irony and a glance at the room

Richards glance followed his The bare pine floor with its one strip of carpeting the few rough chairs the kjtehen stove at one end of the room and the bed with its faded quilt at the other No there had been no danger Only the rovs of bookspiled tMTo and three deep on the shelves told that the occupant of tbe room was other than a rough farmer A bowl of trailing partridge^berries that Richard had brought from the woods yesterday stood on the -western sill The setting sun fell across them and they lightened the room giving it a

worn eoihe ^emre thlaquo morning and he waited for his coining But so genshytle was his step when he came across the floor in the early dawn that Rich-aid only knew by a slight tremble of thetbin fingers resting in hiy that he oltid come and gone bearing with him aninraortai soul

Was it immortal He stepped out into the cold light of the early mornshying lie turned to the east where a faint flush of red was touching the gray sky He that would cave his life niust lose itmdashin loving he reshypeated softly


DerriaK fomd Seth watching for his coming and raw at a glance that be waa Tery 111 Even a leas practiced eye could not have mistaken the signs The hands that lay outside the faded patchwork cover were yellow and wrinkled the veins stood out a netshywork of cords across the hacks They were the hands of an old nam Rich ard noted their feeblenes as they closed eagerly around his own strong firm fingers Seth seemed to him to have aged 20 years since he saw him last

I am glad you have come Dick I was afraid you would not get here I vautre to see you again My life has been a failure Its hard to say tiiat when you corae to die he rambled on Yours wout be a failure Dick And I helped to make it I thought perhaps I should die easier if I could look at you again and sefe something tbat I had helped to do in the world

After this first greeting he said no more of the comfort of Richards presshyence But it was evident in the glance of his eyes as they followed the young man about the room and in his restshylessness when Richard was absent for a time

Richard saw that his place was here as long as Seth needed him and he quietly made arrangements to stay for an indefinite time He established bulllimself as caretaker and nurse Yeusfe as he was bis experience of life had been deep enough for him to undershystand that it is not often that one man can do for another what his mere presence did for Seth

The old man did not speak again of himself or of approaching death But he questioned Richard eagerly about his work and the life he led Every detail of it interested him It was as If he were listening to the story of what bis own life might have been And Richard understanding by a subshytle sympathy what it meant to him gave a minute account of tho office and the men the hurry and rush of the city and the haste and true hosshypitality of the social life

A stranger looking iuto the room would not have guessed that it was soon to be the chamber of death Laughter often interrupted the reshycital Richard hraquoi often fancied that when he came to die he should not want the humor of life taken from him And the account of his Chicago life was not dehumorized for a dying man Seth listening seemed to gain a quiet strength of soul as his physical strength failed

The story of Helen and his love for her was too closely interwoven with the life of the year to be omitted even had Richard cared to do so Litshytle by little he had told it all Seth listened eagerly and questioned Dick closely He made him describe her minutelymdashher personal appearance her characteristics her likes and disshylikes her workmdasheverything thai conshycerned her As Richard talked of her the older wan would watch his f a c e -Peking something Then a smile of content would cross his face and he would close his eyes as if asleep ut when Richard stopped he woulu say Im listening

One day when they had been talkshying of her he asked Richard to open a leather trunk that stood at the foot of the heu sad hand him a box that ur^oxtunri ii--^

AK he IhteO tkfi Kd of tfio tnagtA ine I young man know that ho was lootfir g j

inW riii^ s u o u tgt gtvui fc ifvi- IL --4--1

Did Not Speak Acraquolaquon of Hlnwctf or of Approaching Death

touch of refinement Otherwise It was unchanged from the room in vhicb Richard had received the Greek gramshymar sis years ago

Then-it had been to hint a jgtaiu rough room with a certain homely comfort Now it was the picturesque setting of a lonely life The furniture was rough but the roughness had arshytistic charm Seth must have had consciously or unconsciously an artshyists appreciation-of the beautiful As Richard looked abbut thvi room his sense of the pathos of the life that was passing away here deepened to a feeling of kinship and sympathy The long years of loneliness that were drawing to a close were his own

It was Seth who broko the silence mdashlow and half-musingly You do well to love her Dick And she will be worthy of It But If she is notmdashyou must not stop loving Love someshythingmdashsome onemdashany one Never stop lovingmdashfor your souls sake That was my mistake One woman refused to love me 1 shut royeel oft irou all love That was my mistake Mistake he said slowly I wonder if there are such things Well it spoiled my life I didnt know then that the human heart must lovemdash4r die He that would save his life must lose itmdashin loving

The twilight settled down upon the room The old man did not speak again He lay with half-closed eyes looking across the shining red berries to the western sky

Richara sat quietly by his side He did not undress or lie down He knew by a subtle intuition that a guest


BeforeRichard- returned1 to Chicago It was found that Seths liking for him had taken practical form He had made a will giving to Richard all the property of -which he died possessed

The fortune was not Ifrge but enough to pay his college debt raise the mortgage and leave a comfortable sum for bis mothermdash-enough indeed to make her a woman of importance in the neighborhood

She protested in a mild way when Richard proposed to settle the money on her But he had grown too mastershyful for her In the end she enjoyed the feeling of importance that an asshysured income gave her She refused to accompany him to Chicago It was ail out west to her and very far away

Derring found himself speeding toshywards Chicago wondering whether this unexpected turn of fortune would make marriage nearer for him But when they met he did not ask her They assumed the old easy relation as if there had been no separation Life sped on with days too full of content to ask promises from the future

When the timeOf parting came in June he found that he could let her go with- less dread than he had thought possible The time would not be long and with the increased freeshydom that had come to him in money affairs hpound could run east during the vacation If trouble came to her or harm he could be with her in a few hours It was with light heart that he saw her go

He had accompanied her to the train and provided her with all the comforts for the journey that love conld suggest Between the leaves of one of the books was tucked a letter He had not told her it was there She would find i t The train began to move Good-by he said hurriedly I shall come to you If you need ine In any case I shall see you soon

lie sat up late working on an arshyticle for the next day When at last tired and exhausted he threw himshyself on the bed he fell at once into a sCind Rleep He slept long and heavshyily He started up with a sense of suffocationmdashWhere was hemdashWhat was the matter^mdashWas the bouse on fire Before he was fairly awake he knew that the- room was quietmdashso quiet that he could hear the ticking of his watch Then an awful Tear came upon himmdashshe was in danger Great God how the feeling riiasterfd him He sprang up and looked at his watchmdashthree oclock He drea-ed quickly and went out-of-doors He could not stay in the house It sufshyfocated him He must move about or go Insane

Instinctively he turned towards the lake A light fresh breeze greeted him as he came to the breakwater He lifted his face to meet it It would blow these foolish notions out of his brain He had been dreaming and had been frightened by his own fancies

He slackened hi3 pace listening-to the soft lapping of the water against the breakwater and looking up to the stars Then again fear took possesshysion of him and he quickened his step until at last he broke into a run driven by an awful nameless dread

Thus he alternated between hope and fear until the first faint line of dawn appeared across the water As he stood looking at ic longing for day to break a sudden peace came uijoa him He drew a iui^k breath as the tension gave way She was safe onct more This time he did not question his mood lie knew with quiet cershytainty that all was well with her

(TO B E C O N T I N U E D )





Brother Hears Her Shot anr Put in an Appearance as Animal Is

Renewlaquonraquo3 Attack and Finishes Hint

Gaietoh PAmdashIt i$ quite data Lo say that nci other woman inPennsylvania in this or any other deer season ever had a more exciting experience thiin that which befell Miss Clara StifCel bullwhe Ifves near the village of Germania and has the distinction of being one of the best rihe abets of all this section

Miss Stiffols experience with the buck deer that came hear putting the finishing touches to her occurred en the-second day of the season on one of the branches of Kettle creek

On the morning of the second day out Miss Stiff el had been on her drive for the better part of an hour when Just as she had taken the edge of a laurel thicket that stood far above her head she heard the unmistakable snort of a buck seemingly only a few yards from her She stood still sr listened when the sudden crashing of the brush away to her right attracted her attention Just in time to see a pair of does hiking out of the thicket into the open and away like a flash out of her sight

She was convinced that there must be a buck somewhere in the neighborshyhood and she crept cautiously out to the edge of the thicket where she could get a glimpse of the side of the ridge As she did so the shaking of a sapling about two rods away caught her eye and a moment later the form of a fine big uuck pushed itself out from the thicket

Miss Stiff el saw that the deer was wlaquolaquondpd_evldelaquoty having been shot in the hind part and It moved with difficulty For a moment her womanly sympathy got the better of her and fthlaquo hesitated about shooting But then a second thought told her (hat in that condition the deer would only crawl away and die or fall prey to the catamounts and she fired The deer bounded as well as it could so that it wis partly bidden behind a fallen hemlock Ueetop and when she had made A detour of a swampy place and come up within ten feet of the tree-top the deer had escaped her entirely She moved cautiously for 5gthe knew that with bis old wound and the one her bullet had inflicted the animal must toon give up (he fight for escape

Miss Stiffcl pulled herself up ou to the larger part of the tree tojgt to make observations of the surround-


Prescription that Cured Hundreds Since Published Her

One ounce syrup of Sa-s-anaritt

bulljompound ope ounce Tpra comshypound Addthese to a half pint of good whiskey Take a tablespoonful he-fore-each meal and at bed time Shake the bottle well each time

Any druggist has these ingredients in stock or will quicklylaquo8t them from hie wholesale house Good results are fett itpza this treatment afier the first few doses but it should ^e continued until cured This also act^as a system builder eventually vectoring strength and vitality _^ ^_


Housewif^mdashYou always seem to enshyjoy eating my food but my husband is never suited with It

BeggarmdashSay get a divorce and marry me

Saving Time The family was to leave on the two

oclock train from Broad street station so the mother was all in a flurry laquoa she hurried the children in a certain West Philadelphia home

Now children get everything ready before luncheon she said Dont leave everything until the last minshyute

And the children said they wouldnt Luncheon ended they hurried into their wraps and started In the hall the mother said

Edward you didnt brush your teeth

Yes maam I did But you couldnt she said you

didnt have time Why you just got up from the table

I know that said Edward hut we were In such a hurry I brushed tJUem before I atemdashPhiladelphia Times

$100 Reward $100 I s trmter of tUs psprr laquof i ft

that ttMrv to st ksst oa sreaded ~ ha brtu sow to cols ta all ME CouuYfi Hsuf Csutirt c c laquo to tse only W H S em wraquor known fagt tbe vwolesl frsursKr Caistrti ftetex s coosUtuUoa disease tcs^ans a i iaa l t s -tioael tresuarftt- n u l l CatsnA Can It laquo sraquoraquo tvmsllr tttin dlfrctiy upon Uw btasd I U M K W bullurlscei of tbe system Uswefey destroylas Uraquo fottltidtkn of ih dtorssf sod shtiVT tte frailest strettcth by tailing up tbe eoamitutioa and bulltatol tax natair tn dotac fti wort Tin proprfetftn tasvs to tniKh fsith la it mratlv pwflrilaquorraquo that tftcy osss-Onltgt jiomirrt Dollars for anv rtiraquoe that It Istts t rjngt Semi for mx of trjmonl

AiMri-n J- i CrtrNUY it CO Tofedo O Jold 1 t Dru^Ms Traquoiifc ilraquoLU Family 1iiW for coftstipatiai

Uncertain What Was Wrong

Nervous Man Worried Whether tnelt Clocks Works or His Own

Required Attention

A nervous little man stepped briskly into a jewelry store with a medium-sized clock under his wing He placed the chronometer on the counter turned the hands around to about one minute of 12 oclock and told the exshypert behind the counter to listen

It keeps perfect time the customshyer said but I want to find out If you notice anything wrong with the way it strikes

The jeweler listened Theres nothshying wrong he replied with a grln after the clock had struck except that she strikes thirteen instead of twf-ivc Tbullbull ri iuUyen 1fgt rflTOcdied

Thft customer tooted oa rwUvVrii igtr iii voii iAVjVilaquoiJt sOJu t bullbullgtA

felt sure it struck thirteen But no one else in the family ever spoke of it anltl I was afraid to say anything about it for fesr there was something wrong with my own work3 Well its worth the price of having the thing repaired just to find out 1 was right

A Real Catastrcpne Philip aged four isin the habit of

going across the street to a neighbors house for milk One day in Decemshyber ticreturned home with an empty bucket and a grave face We cant get aiy more milk he announced in a tone weighty with the importance of his message Tbe cows dried up And as we started in surprise at him he suddenly clinched the matshyter with an observation evidently of his own They dont think that shell thaw out till spring^mdashDeline-ater

Free to Our Readers Write Murine E y e Remedy Co CMe-

t o for gt-page i l lustrated E y e Book F r e e WrUff all about V^tir E y e Trouble a n d they will edv i se a s i o ihe Proper AwgtU-cacton of the Murine E y e Remedies fn Your Special Case Tour DrugguH wi l l tcl you that Murine Rel ieves Sore Eyea Str^ngtherss W e a k E y e s igtoesnt Smart Soothes Egte Palaquon and sel ls for 50c Try-It in Your E y e s aud in Babys E y e s f o r Scaly Eyeiids and Granulation

Wonderful Clocks Five wheels and a small battery

virtually consitute the mechanism of a wonderful clock just invented^n Engshyland It will run throe year without attention and At the end of that time all that Is required is to attach a new battery

Another new English clock enables the possessor to ascertain at a glance the mean time the meridian and relashytive position of every part of the em bullmv r i^-raquot( UVlr vMraquo T bull

MM i l l T raquo i O t V v t|ilt

I bull iiitc s just yha Ive always

thought ever since weve had the clock he burst forth Ive always

triiiutf evidently Keeigt-ampakos A long-wristed glove and a riding whip lay across the top of a small box Geretul-

e a r i h s roifttinn gt frotivc pi~s-r raquo a clock in the base of the ttand and the apparatus rlaquoqurlaquos winding only ones a week

Her Hunting Skirt Hat Became Fastshyened to a Snag

lags and in doing so she rested her rifie against the limbs within easy reach as she thought

The first assault resulted in Mis Stiffol being slashed in the face by one of the limbs that the force of the blow sent smarting against her and beiore the wounded buck had an opshyportunity to recover and charge again she had backed out of reach though her movement was in the opposite dishyrection from her gun and directly In the very thickest part of the tret top

Thgts deer was persistent as if he knew that she was responsible for a part of his trouble and he pushed his way through the limbs toward her renew the onslaught

To her dismay Miss Stiffel about this time discovered that the bottom of her hunting skirt had become fasshytened in a snag on the tree top and in order to permit herself to go even an Inch rurther she had to lean forshyward and loose tbe garment This put feer body within range of the attacking buck and what the next instant would have brought to pass would be hard to determine if Miss Stiffels brother who bad h e a r d the s h o t uuu Blurted ut once igt lu-t tfiiociiin stud Bftl OiVwiri niK$ ito flcono W i t h o u t hs m u c h i tali-lti-lt-r hio Mraquo0 hnt bet IVtil fh^r- gt

was up ana sent a builei through iae menacing deer and It dropped In a pile among the limbo of the trelaquo

professional Conduct One of the best stories told about

Mr fiirrbll concerns a rjor client whose case he took up for nothing When thei case had been won the clishyent gratefully sent him the sum of ISa which he accepted in order not to give offense A colleague reproached Mm however for this unprofessional oov duct in taking less thraquon goM -But I took all the poor beggar had said Mr Birrell and I consider that Is not unprofessionalmdashM A P

Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of

CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for infants and children and see that it Bears the

Signature of ( In Use For Over 3 0 years

The Kind You Have Always Bought

A Natural Sequence BellmdashI felt Jack perusing my counshy

tenance BellmdashWell what then BeliemdashThen I felt my face getting

rod bull bull

W e are not to blame because you suffer from Rheumatism or Neuralgia hut ylaquom are if you do not trv Haralins Wizard Oil It quickly soother and al lays all pain soreness and inflammation

Tho only reason we care to be a millionaire in lor the purpose of inducshying bill collectors to cut our acquaintshyance

- bull TO CCT5E A COLD 1 OXtt D i Take LAXATIVB BftOMO Oalultbull - pound K W - yKoVfctfslKDiUurolsuncicbbox ajc w

Irterettina Problem KnickcrmdashNsw brooms sweep clean

nikr--Wt- f--M 1---- ---=- laquolaquo

Ureauns A u i U m a i M i l W S t e s s s l s s s l S t S s s

Ixw shoes and high h-lfl nusj b fasbiouahle eicremes


A C h a n g e a t L e a s t A c h a n g e of t e n o r s h a d b e e n m a d e

In t h e c h u r c h cho ir E igh t -year -o ld J e s s i e r e t u r n i n g f r o m t h e m o r n i n g s e r v i c e w a s a n x i o u s t o te l l t h e n e w s Ob m o t h e r s h e e x c l a i m e d w e h a v e a n e w terror in t h e choirmdashWorn a n s H o m e C o m p a n i o n

FOB DKK~ SKATED OOlDS raquoraquo4 fejwk ft^iiP^H Botltsmm whew U other retampadie fail TtraquoJ old iraquoUhle medicine has been sold iax laquoltraquorlaquo years ^sftsliiOboUtes AUdeaier

T h e U s u a l W a y S m i t h - - D i d t h e l a w y e r g e t a a y t h i a g

o u t e f y o u r u n c l e d e s t a t e J o n e s mdash G o t a n y t h i n g H e g o t i t al l

raquo 1 4 5 8 CtTRKD I N 8 W 1 DA VS PASO OlOTMBKTStjpurauteed raquoo rnr- my rraquos f Itcbina KJInd BietMdiug ltgtr ProtrudSnif Pilot Ut I uraquoitdajsoraMjBwy refunded Wo




S c i e n t i s t 8at f ilaquod H e H a s D i s c o v e r e d A g e n t by W h i c h t h e T w o W i c k e d

C i t i e s W e r e W i p e d f r e m t h e E a r t h

T h e a v e r a g e m a n s p e n d s m o r e m o n e y o n a f o o i i s h h b i t t h a n b e d o e s o n h i s w i f e s h a t s

Bfrs Wtnakrvs aootbia Syrup re children teethta softeat the Q B I reaaeet la-trT~bullr^yr1 ^raquolaquomdashraquolaquobull abe bouU

C h e a p n o t o r i e t y o f t e n t u r n s o u t t o b e a n e x p e n s i v e l u x u r y

CORES Added to the Lot list due to TMs Famofls Remedy

OxonogYV M o mdash I w a s i m p l y a n e r -T O D w r e c k X c o u l d n o t w a l k a c r o s s

t h e fioor w i t h o u t m y h e a r t flattering a r i a I c o u l d n o t e v e n r e c e i v e a l e t t e r E v e r y m o n t h I h a d s u c h a b e a r i n g d o w n s e n s a t i o n a s i f t h e l o w e r p a r t s w o u l d

p a l l o u t L y d i a E F i n k b a u r s Y e g e t a b l e C o m p o u n d h a s

YJ^^^ d o n a m y n e r v e s a i amp amp f c V i S - g r e a t d e a l o f g o o d

t o e b e a r i n g d o w n I r e c o m m e n d e d i t t o BOZOS f r i e n d s a n d t w o o f t h e m b a t e b e e n g r e a t l y b e n e A t e d b y i t - M r s X A B M C K N T O T T O r o n o r o M o

A n o t h e r G r a t e f u l W o m a n S t L e n i n M o mdash I w a s b o t h e r e d

t e r r i b l y w i t h a f e m a l e w e a k n e s s a n d b a d b a c k a c h e b e a r i n g d o w n p a i n s a n d p a i n s i n l o w e r p a r t s I b e g a n t a k i n g L y d i a E P i u k S a m a V e g e t a b l e C o m p o u n d r e g n k r i y a n d u s e d t h e S a n a t i v e W a s h a n d n o w I b a r e n o m o r e t r o u b l e s t h a t w a y mdash M r s A L Bmtxoa laquo a raquo F r e u e o t c A f t x S t L o u i s M o

B e c a u s e y o n r c a s e t s a d U S c n l t o n e d o c t o r s h a v i n g d o n e y o n n o g o o d d o n o t c o n t i n u e t o s u f f e r w i t h o u t g i v i n g L y d i a E F i n k h a m s V e g e t a b l e C o m p o u n d a t r i a l I t s u r e l y laquo raquo c u r e d m a n y c a s e s o f f e m a l e i l l s s u c h a s i n shyflammation u l c e r a t i o n d i r o l a e e m e n t s fibroid t u m o r s i r r e g u l a r i t i e s p e r i o d i c p a i n s b a c k a c b e t h a t b e a r i n g - d o w n f e e l i n g i n d i g e s t i o n d i z z i n e s s a n d n e r -bull o u t p r o s t r a t i o n I t c o o t s b u t a tr i f le t o t r y i t a n d t h e r e s u l t i s w o r t h m i l shyl i o n s t o m a n y s u f f e r i n g w o m e n

WESTERN CAH ADA D a J B v a r o f tows a a y s i mdash of laquonJ0Mtraquo ftes the VaKsd States

dsgt will eoottnae puilUer rescatl psia visit to Western C u k k and B T K Theta is a laad hlaquonlaquoer In the hearts of BeyUsh raquoclaquokiaa pjc-ptUilaquo wiU soeounifar t h leCMWSi Of 00 01049 Iowa f u n M to CklMd Ow Mwto laquo e pllaquolaquolaquoi with it Qavenuncat end tblaquo euUeraquoC sdaainlsr track of law and titer alaquolaquo cacti to yea in teas of ttdtMWl sad tby bull still com

low coatribttted Mix Jy ta th 700OO Aat-_ raquo -Caa

OW often has a religions peraquoce of milVd a spiritual seren-Hy and a fair confidence

in business been utterly destroy by roor bread too much pie or not enough svxwl beef frui milk svnd butter He vho would have d clear head muat tatve a clear s tomach

T h e f a u l t f ind ing h a b i t i s g e n e r a l l y a t t r i b u t e d t o t h e w o m e n a raquo d i a a o o u t a s t r u e a s t h a t w h i t e s h e e p e a t m o r e t h a n b l a c k W o m e n c e r t a i n l y h a v e no m o n o p o l y of t h e art of c r i t i c i s m b u t t h a t f a c t d o e s n o t l e s s e n t h e d i s -a g r e e a b l e n e s s of t h e h a b i t o n l y s t r e n g t h e n s i t

T h e r e i s m u c h t h a t i s b a d i n t h e b e s t of-us a n d s o m u c h that i s g o o d fa t h e w o r s t of u s t h a t i t h a r d l y beshyh o o v e s a n y of u s t o t a l k a b o u t t h e r e s t of u s T h i s i s a t e x t t h a t s h o u l d be-before t h e e y e s of e v e r y o n e of u s for w e a r e so p r o n e to f a u l t finding T h e r e a r e f e w p e o p l e i n t h e w o r l d ( for w h i c h w e a r s t r u l y t h a n k f u l ) t h a t d e l i b e r a t e l y g o a b o u t w o u n d i n g o t h shye r s b u t t h e l i t t l e w o r d o r s i l e n t s h r u g t h o u g h t l e s s l y g i v e n l e a v e s a h u r t o f t e n h a r d t o f o r g e t T h e o l d s a w w h i c h t e l l s u s t h a t w e find w h a t w e l o o k f o r ^ i s a g o o d o n e t o r e m e m shyber f o r if w e a r e l o o k i n g for f l a w s w e find t h e m L e t u s c u l t i v a t e t h e habshyi t of s a y i n g p l e a s a n t t h i n g s for i t t a k e s a v e r y d e a r a n d t a c t f u l f r i e n d t o t e l l u s t h e t h i n g s w e o f t e n s h o u l d k n o w

H a b i t i s a h a r d m a s t e r a n d l e t a s b e c a r e f u l t h a t w e d o n o t g r o w t o b e c y n i c a l a n d c o n t r a r y W e a l l k n o w p e o p l e w h o a r e l i k e t h e I r i s h m a n w h o d idn t k n o w w h a t t h e g o v e r n m e n t w a s b u t w h a t e v e r i t w a s h e w a s a g i n i t

I t m a y b e a l i t t l e e a s i e r t o d i s a g r e e t h a n t o a l w a y s a g r e e w i t h All of o u r f r i e n d s b u t w e c a n c u l t i v a t e t h e habshyi t of s a y i n g n o t h i n g o c c a s i o n a l l y

W h e n w e r e m e m b e r t h a t l i f e i s m a d e u p or l i t t l e t h i n g s a n d t h e l i t t l e rift w i t h i n t h e l u t e s p o i l s t h e harshym o n y o f t h e m u s i c of JVc h o w c a r e f u l w e shoMld b e t o b e k i n d T h e w h o l e s e c r e t l i e s i n t h e g o l d e n r u l e if w e k e e p t h a t w e c a n n o t go1 f a r w r o n g

Oenera f t t l ee N e v e r s m o o t h m a s h e d p o t a t o e s i t

w i l l m a k e t h e m h e a v y B e a t unt i l l i g h t a n d c r e a k y a n d t u r n o u t o n a h o t d i s h

L e t p u d d i n g s a n d p i e s b e c o m e s l i g h t l y coo l b e f o r e a d d i n g t h e m e r shyi n g u e If p u t o n apt t h e y w i l l b e covshye r e d w i t h d r o p s of l iqu id

P o u r t h e t o m a t o w i t h t h e p i n c h of s o d a o v e r t h e h o t m i l k a n d t h e toshym a t o s o u p w i l l n o t v u r l l e

VIONG the most trustworthy teats of eood hortgt(i train-ing is that of table man-

ners and no one can hopt to ecqulre and keep them who does not observe them n the faintly circle $he sairaquocopy an in com-pani

S o m e of t h e C h e a p e r Meat

Ge t a c h e a p c u t of b e e t n c h u c k o r r u m p p i e c e c u t i n t o i n c h c u b e s f r y b r o w n in a l i t t l e s u e t t h e n c o v e r w i t h w a t e r a n d l e t s i m m e r for s e v e r a l h o u r s R e m o v e t h e m e a t t h i c k e n t h e g r a v y w i t h a l i t t l e flour a n d p o u r o v e r t h e m e a t T h e m e a t s h o u l d b e s e a shys o n e d w h e n c o o k i n g a n h o u r S e r v e w i t h c a r r o t s p o t a t o e s a n d d u m p l i n g s if l i k e d

A c h e a p c u t of m u t t o n i s v e r y n i c e c u t i n s m a l l p i e c e s a n d b r o w n e d i n f a t t h e n s i m m e r e d i a b o i l i n g w a t e r for s e v e r a l h o u r s O r i t m a y b e s i m shym e r e d i n w a t e r first t h e n c o o k e d i n i t s o w n f a t u n t i l b l o w n T h e b r o t h i n w h i c h t h e m e a t h a s b e e n c o o k e d m a k e s a fine o n e f o r c o o k i n g c a r r o t s c a b b a g e t m n i p s a n d p o t a t o e s f o r v e g e t a b l e d i n n e r t h e s a m e day o r t h e o n e f o l l o w i n g

A v e r y a p p e t i z i n g d i s h f o r t h o s e w h o a r e f o n d of s a u e r k r a u t i s s p a r e -ribs a n d s a n e r k r a u t W i p e t h e s p a r e -ribs a n d p u t o n t o c o o k i n w a t e r t o c o v e r Ilaquoet t h e m s i m m e r f o r h a l f a n h o u r t h e n a d d t h e k r a u t a n d c o o k f o r t h r e e h o u r s E i t h e r t h e b r o w n s t e w o r t h e s p a r e r i b s m a y b e c o o k e d i n t h e S r e l e s e c o o k e r a f t e r c o o k i n g f o r h a l f a n h o u r o n t h e s t o v e T h e k r a u t m a y b e a d d e d l o n g e n o u g h t o g e t b o n i n g h o t b e f o r e p u t t i n g i n t h e c o o k e r

t f ee lr h laquo R laquo d a r l n lraquoCO F i e l d c r o p r e t s r s i l U n e dsutiraquorTearraquo4ted totblaquowcltii laquof t k laquo c o m raquo t r y bull p w u d i laquo t

bullratat gtmrfMc satoed t u n tss cstle Csliiy nd ifcsti j liti ws s l l pcoCtnfcjtat R w H s s i i stnsds of ISO sjens so t blaquo pound M 1 ta t b w r bMtdtatricti ISO men pve-enptfews) laquo t pound laquo 5

ehnEfeM I s e r o T bullettteamuC craquomraquoraquo^ lUkeKeeUed soOtticrtrtuwtwood w a i c r t a s - sdUbic bullbullbullnrtsd pttwUfvd

Fat pitilaquoviairaquot0loclaquotioalew bullMtisn raihrarmtss sad desert p Xif Uhwtntsd MuaDtUe Lsst Bert West H i otker lafonss-Ugtraquo writ to Bapt laquof ImmiJFrt-tilaquonOussw CSBW or to CaMdlam CknciBBBHtt A t

a t R^MtJTS kUmm m^

Your Liver is Clogged up I W s W V Y e a n T i r laquo 4 - O w t S o r t raquo - H a v laquo l laquo raquo


G e n e r a l i t i e s B a s t e a s t r i p of h e m m e d c h e e s e shy

c l o t h o v e r t h e e n d of t h e c o m f o r t e r s T h e qu i l t i s s o s o o n s o i l e d a y t h e h a n d s T h i s s t r i p m a y be q u i c k l y reshym o v e d a n d a f r e s h o n e p u t o n T h e e n d s of o ld s h e e t s m a y b e u s e d v e r y n i c e l y for t h i s i n s t e a d of t h e c h e e s e -U o t h

w 9 pet yon tkAk i s s t e w days

TlwyeW n e w daWi

C a n

mux HIL SMALL wxa SKAU imt G E N U I N E a m i bear

Dont CougnH-Use

I O YOtJ Wish a recipe for preshyventing all worry

For g iv ing composure and freedom from hurry

Just think of one fact which i s true you will find

When anything- happens to flurry your l i i ind

First something or nothing there is to ba done

First nothing or something that s clear laquos the sun

It something then do It and m a k e oo deshylay

If nothing all thought of it cast far a w a y

This s implest of rules if youll only obey

Will tret you from wrinkles for many a day

K e e p t h e b i r t h d a y s t h e y a r e g r e a t e v e n t s t o c h i l d r e n F o r o n e d a y t h e y are t h e c e n t e r of t h e h o m e T h e s p e shyc ia l d e s s e r t i s m a d e b e c a u s e It i s t h e f a v o r i t e T h e b i r t h d a y c a k e s a n d t h e l i t t l e g i f t s w i l l b e t h e s w e e t e s t of r e c o l l e c t i o n s of h o m e in y e a r s t o c o m e

N o m a t t e r h o w poor m a y b e t h e h o m e s o m e l i t t l e o b s e r v a t i o n of t h e b i r t h d a y m a y b e m a d e w h i c h wi l i de shyl i g h t t h e h e a r t of t h e c h i l d W h e n o n e g e t s too o ld t o b e h a p p y o n o n e s b i r t h d a y i t i s t i m e t o shuff le oif I t s h o u l d b e t h e ru le l o e v e r y h o m e t h a t o ld a n d y o u n g o b s e r v e t h e b i r t h d a y s and a p a r e n t s h o u l d n e v e r l e t any shyth ing p r e v e n t t h i s p l e a s a n t p r i v i l e g e

A D e l i c i o u s B r e a k f a s t D i sh B a k e d M a c k e r e l w i t h C r e a m mdash S o a k

a s a l t m a c k e r e l if t h e f r e s h i s n o t obshyt a i n a b l e unt i l suff ic ient ly f r e s h e n e d L a y i n a b a k i n g p a n a d d b o i l i n g w a shyt e r a n d b a k e 20 m i n u t e s J u c t b e f o r e s e r v i n g pour o v e r t h e f ish a cupfu l o f h o t th i ck s w e e t c r e a m s-jampson w i t p e p p e r e n d s a l t if n e c e s s a r y a n d s e r v e

T o m a t o C r e a m T o a s t

fWM f t S ^ u a ^ f | | 5 bullbull -rtelt tbre i raquoMspoonfiiilaquo of b u t t e r

B a k e d S q u a s h Cut s q u a s h i n s m a l l p i e c e s e n o u g h

t o r a s e r v i n g r e m o v e a l l s e e d s a n d m e m b r a n e a n d b a k e In a- m o d e r a t e ovn R e m o v e t h e t h i n b r o w n s k i n d o t w i t h b i t s o f b u t t e r s p r i n k l e w i t h a l i t t l e s a l t a n d s e r v e


M JL JKLW F R I K N D have you heard of

the river y raquo w n On the bank of the river stow

Where blooms the Trait raquo w h i U flower fair

Where the Somet ime or Other scent t h s air

And thlaquo w f t Go easy s laquoroW It He in t h e v a l l e y of W h a f a the U s

In the province of Latter Slide That tired feel ing i naUve there Its the hofne of the lUtlewt 1 dont care

WL-re the Put It OfTa abide

tatlMt Tnswraquo i s s o c s u u i l ike ipound for A s t h a e B r o a e h i t i t a n d l e a f trovbtes Comtnim SMgt opiates v - raquo t h o w t t o t a k e

A l l

i - i i ^ raquo a liour r o u r i n g r a d u i i y o n e a n d o n e -half cupo 01 s t r a i n e d t o m a t o w i t h a p i n c h of s o d s S e a s o n w i t h s a i t a n d p e o r ^ r add t a r e e - f o u r t h s of a c u o o i h o t c r c a i o a n d p o u r o v e r t o a s t

S a n i t a t i o n In t h e H o m e

S c i e n t i s t s w h o h a v e m a d e a s t u d y of t h e c o n d i t i o n of t h e p o o r in c i t i e s c l a i m t h a t m o r e d i s e a s e i s c a u s e d f r o m i m p u r e air t h a n a n y o t h e r c a u s e

W h e n o t h e r w i s e i n t e l l i g e n t w o m e n wi l l s l e e p i n a c l o s e r o o m w i t h o u t a c h a n c e o f f r e s h o u t s i d e a i r g e t t i n g i n i t s e e m s a s if o u r e d u c a t i o n a l s y s t e m w a s a t fau l t

S o m a n y p e o p l e s e e m to b e a f r a i d of n i g h t a ir N i g h t a i r i s a i l w e g e t a t n i g h t a n d t h e r e i s n o r e a s o n t o b e a fra id of i t u n l e s s i t i s b o t t l e d i n a r o o m C h i l d r e n s h o u l d e a r l y b e ac shyc u s t o m e d t o s l e e p i n g i n a r o o m w i t h f r e s b nir c o m i n g in a t a l l t i m e s i t i s n o t n e c e s s a r y t o s l e e p i n a d r a f t to h a v e f r e s h a ir T h e p e r s o n w h o g o e s to s l e e p In a r o o m t h a t h a s b e e n o c c u shyp i e d for a n h o u r or t w o w i t h o u t airshyi n g a n d l a w h i c h a g a s l i g h t o r l a m p h a s b e e n b u r n i n g w i l l w a k e w i t h a h e a d a c h e a n d w o n d e r w h y

O n c o m i n g in f r o m b e i n g o u t in t h e f r e s h a i r o n e s n o s e t e l l s t h a t t h e s i r i s I m p u r e v e r y q u i c k l y A n o t h e r f a l s e n o t i o n t h a t m a n y p e o p l e l a b o r u n d e r i s t h a t c o l d a ir i s p u r e

In c a s e s of s i c k n e s s w h e r e i t i s nec shye s s a r y t o a v o i d a n y d r a f t s a d e v i c e w h i c h Is v e r y s i m p l e m a y b e u s e d P u t a p i e c e of board t h r e e or f o u r i n c h e s w i d e a n d l o n g e n o u g h t o fit u n d e r t h e s a s h r a i s e t h e w i n d o w a n d s e t t h i s u n d e r i t T h e a i r w i l l c o m e up In to t h e r o o m b e t w e e n t h e s a s h e s

A l e a k i n g g a s o r s e w e r p i p e s h o u l d n e v e r b e n e g l e c t e d for t h e e f f e c t s o f s u c h p o i s o n i n g o f t e n l a s t s f o r y e a r s T h e i n s i d i o u s m a n n e r i n w h i c h b a d g a s e s s o m e t i m e s a c t o n t h e h u m a n s y s t e m i s w h a t m a k e s t h e m s o d a n shyg e r o u s T h e p r a c t i c e of s l e e p i n g out shyd o o r s h a s p r o v e n s u c h a g o o d o n e t h a t i t i s Juet ly b e c o m i n g a m o s t c o m m o n h a b i t O n e m a y if t h e s l e e p i n g r o o m h a s t w o w i n d o w s s l e e p i n a n a t m o shys p h e r e a s p u r e a s n e e d f u l in o r d i n a r y h e a l t h

UjLtJ^ +ltpoundpound N a i l i n g B r o k e n B o n e s

P a r i s s u r g e o n s a r e u s i n g In s o m e c a s e s n a i l s for t h e c u r e o f s i m p l e f r a c t u r e F o r frampcture o f t h e s h i n b o n e o r of t h e t h i g h b o n e a n a i l o f n i c k e l a l u m i n u m of m a g n e s l u n mdash p r e f e r a b l y a l u m i n u m mdash i s u s e d a n d i s d r i v e n i n t o h o l d laquoLne t w o p i e c e s o f b o n e s t o g e t h e r m u c h l i k e t w o p i e c e s of w o o d It laquo beUovwd t h a t t h e n a i l

i ngti of b r o k e n uaua If-the yui^Ke^i w a y to -j e pa it a naciuife i t bull)(laquo(laquo KViy w i t h t h e o ld s y s t e m u n d e r w h i c h a pashyt i e n t h a d t o l i e In b e d for t h r e e w e e k s w i t h h i s f o o t a t t a c h e d t o a BO p o u n d w e i g h t

E l l s w o r t h H j n t i n g t o a h e a d of t h e r e c e n t Y a l e e x p e d i t i o n to P a l e s t i n e d e c l a r e s t h a t h e h e v e r g e d t h e B ib le t a r y of S o d o m a n d G o m o r r a h

W u c d r e d s Of p a g e s h e s a y s In H a r p e r s M a g a z i n e h a v e b e e n wri t shyt e n t o p r o v e t h a t t h e s t o r y i s a m y t h or t l U t t h e a c c l o u t t o w n s w e r e d e s t r o y e d b y t h e b u r s t i n g f o r t h of o i l w e i l s l i k e t h o s e o f T e x a s or B a k u w h i c h s o m e t i m e s a r e i g n i t e d a n d b u r n for d a y s O t h e r h u n d r e d s of p a g e s h a v e b e e n d e v o t e d to p r o v i n g t h a t S o d o m a n d G o m o r r a h w e r e o r w e r e not a t t h e n o r t h e n d of t h e D e a d s e a and t h a i t h e y w e r e or w e r e n o t b u r i e d u n d e r t h e s a l i n e d e p o s i t s a t e i t h e r e n d of t h e l a k e

A m o n g recent w r i t e r s t h e r e s e e m s t o b e t t e n d e n c y t o b e l i e v e t h a t S o d o m a n d i t s s i s t e r t o w n w e r e probshya b l y l o c a t e d a t t h e s o u t h e n d o f t h e l a k e w h e r e t h e n a m e U s d o m i s t h o u g h t t o r e p r e s e n t S o d o m a n d v-here A r a b t r a d i t i o n c o w l o c a t e s t h e i l l - fa ted c i t i e s T h e m e a n s o f t h e i r d e s t r u c t i o n a r e b e l i e v e d t o h a v e b e e n d i e o i l w e l l s m e n t i o n e d a b o v e T h i s r a t h e r u n s a t i s f a c t o r y c o n c l u s i o n h a b e e n a d o p t e d l a r g e l y b e c a u s e i t h a s b e e n s u p p o s e d t h a t n o v o l c a n o Is lo shyc a t e d i n s u c h a p o s i t i o n t h a t i t c o u l d h a v e b o r n e a n y p a r t i n t h e s t o r y

A c c o r d i n g t o t h e s t o r y i n G e n e s i s L o t a n d A b r a h a m w e r e a t B e t h e l t e n m i l e s n o r t h of J e r u s a l e m w h e n t h e i r h e r d s m e n q u a r r e l e d a n d t h e y d e c i d e d t o s e p a r a t e A n d L o t l i f t e d u p h i s e y e s a n d b e h e l d a l l t h e P l a i n o f t h e J o r d a n t h a t i t w a s w e l l w a t e r e d e v e r y w h e r e b e f o r e J e h o v a h d e s t r o y e d S o d o m a n d G o m o r r a h l i k e t h e g a r d e n o f J e h o v a h l i k e t h e l a n d of E g y p t a s t h o u g o e s t u n t o Z o a r S o L o t c h o s e h i m a l l t h e P l a i n o f J o r d a n

T h e n t h e s t o r y g o e s o n t o the t i m e w h e n J e h o v a h r a i n e d u p o n S o d o i a a n d u p o n G o m o r r a h b r i m s t o n e a n d l i r e f r o m J e h o v a h o u t o f h e a v e n w h i l e L o t fled t o t h e n e a r fcrwn o f Z o a r H e d id n o t s t a y l o n g b u t went o u t o f Z o a r a n d d w e l t i n t h e m o u n t a i n mdash i n a c a v e

H a v i n g f r e s h l y r e a d t h e s t o r y a n d h a v i n g l o o k e d o v e r t h e s t r o n g a r g u shym e n t s f o r l o c a t i n g t h e t o w n s s o u t h o f t h e D e a d s e a a n d for b e l i e v i n g t h e m to have- b e e n d e s t r o y e d b y s o m e shyt h i n g In t h e n a t u r e o f b i t u m i n o u s o u t shyb u r s t s I w a s t a k e n b y s u r p r i s e w h e n I v i s i t e d t h e l i t t l e r u i n s of S u w e l r o e h a n d p i c k e d u p b i t s o f g e n u n laquo c o r i c laquo o n l a v a w h i l e t h e s h e i k h w h o a c t e d a s g u i d e to ld t h e s t o r y of S o d o m a s t h e s t o r y o f S u w e i m e h of S u w e i m T h e n a m e m a y b e a c o r r u p t i o n o f S o d o m

I w e n t Into t h e m o u n t a i n s t o n c e f r o m S u w e i m i n o r d e r t o s e e w h e r e t h e l a v a c a m e from A s w e c l i m b e d t h e l o w e r h i l l s t h e s h e i k h n o t i c e d t h a t I p i c k e d u p b l a c k p i e c e s o f l a v a a n i b r o k e t h e m o p e n

Dont b o t h e r w i t h those h e s a i d Up h e r e p o i n t i n g s o u t h e a s t t h e r e i s a w h o l e m o u n t a i n o f b l a c k r o c k l i k e t h a t

C l e a r e d by a T h u m b T h e gu i l t o r i n n o c e n c e o f a n a r m y

v e t e r i n a r y s u r g e o n a c c u s e d b y a so l shyd i e r of a s s a u l t ^t P o n t i v y F r a n c e r e s t e d o n t h e q u e s t i o n w h e t h e r or n o t t h e a c c u s e d m a n s u c k e d h i s t h u m b a f t e r t h e s o l d i e r h a d a c c i d e n t a l l y Inshyflicted a s l i g h t w o u n d W h i l e M B e r l a n d t h e v e t e r i n a r y s u r g e o n w a s p e r f o r m i n g a n o p e r a t i o n o n a h o r s e s l e g at t h e b a r r a c k s o f t h e S e c o n d c a v shya l r y r e g i m e n t a t P o n t i v y a t r o o p e r w h o w a s h o l d i n g d o w n t h e h o r s e i n a d shyv e r t e n t l y s c r a t c h e d 31 B o r l a n d s h a n d in c o n s e q u e n c e of t h e h o r s e m o v i n g s u d d e n l y T h e s u r g e o n exshya m i n e d t h e s c r a t c h a n d t h e n a d m i n shyi s t e r e d a s o u n d b o x o n t h e e a r t o t h e so ld ier w h o r e c e i v e d t h e p u n i s h m e n t in s i l e n c e b u t l a t e r c o m p l a i n e d t o a n officer T h e c o u r t - m a r t i a l s p e n t conshys i d e r a b l e t i m e irc a s c e r t a i n i n g w h e t h e r t h e c h o l e r i c s u r g e o n s t r u c k t h e t roopshye r s u d d e n l y w i t h o u t re f l ec t ion a c a p e r s o n m i g h t d o a f t e r h a v i n g a c o m t r o d d e n on o r w h e t h e r t h e b l o w w a s g i v e n d e l i b e r a t e l y a f t e r Mr B e r l a n d h a d t i m e to r e f l e c t O n l e a r n i n g t b i t M B e r l a n d d id n o t s t o p t o s u c k t h e w o u n d e d t h u m b b e f o r e b o x i n g t h e t r o o p e r s e a r t h e c o u r t d e c i d e d t h a t t h e b i o w w a s n o t p r e m e d i t a t e d a n d he w a s a c q u i t t e d

In t h Ark N o a h mdash I k n o w w h a t Im g o i n g t o do Mrs N o a h mdash W h a t i s i t N o a h mdash H o l d t h e e l e p h a n t s t r u n k for



bullri bull



Bad Breath

Sbee Braquols Gappf A B E JIAttO TO C (amppound y e

gSpRBlTNE wUl teiac-Tc them and leave KO MeasiitK Doe not b i ts t ror remore tte tour f-urvs any pnfi or bullw) B can L worked laquoMQ ger toMe B o o 6 1 frlaquolaquo A B S C S B I N F ltIBraquo (manshykind St and 0 per bottteY For Belts

_raquoltMiraquoa Old fioresjSwellings Goitre Varicoae Veins VartooslQe Attars Paia Ylaquos_t droggiM eaa sspplr and 3re references Will tag

5on more If yon write MkttvfactoTed oaly bj F YOCM r raquo P laquo Tmdashtpi 6laquo

F o r t n o n t h a I h a d great trouble w h h m y A U A I A l U f F A s t o m a c h a n d u s e d aff k i n d s of m e d i c m e s I I | 1 1 E A I I Y E S I M y t o n g u e h a s b e e u a c t u a l l y a s g r e e n a s bull bull w P m s rw w bull ssw saw grass m y b r e a t h h a v i n g a b a d odor T w o w laquo e ^ a g o a f r i e n d r e c o r n m e a d e d C s s c raquo r e t s a n d after us iz ig t h e m X c a n w i l l i n g l y a n d cheer fu l ly s a y t h a t t h e y h a v e en t i re ly c u r e d m e I t h e r e f o r e l e t y o u k n o w that I s h a l l r e c o m m e n d t h e m to a n y o n e suffershyi n g f r o m s u c h t r o u b l e mdash C h a s H H a l porn l t d pound 7 t a S t H e w Y o r k N Y C U T T H I S OUT mal l it w i th your a d shydress t o Sterl ing R e m e d y Company Chishycago Illinois a n d receive a handsome souvenir gold B o a B o n F R E E 923

K st beMUfnl colors lfc per package s If not ia stock laquoead laquo 1raquo stsiting color desLrsd

OIE BYE FOR ALL 8009$ Color laquoard and bck of dlreetknw free by wlaquoUtag Pr-o-la BariinaTton Vermont

DYOLA DYES PATERT Book and Advleeysnx bullbullbull

IfcC St bull) yts Best reierselaquosgt

W N U DETROIT NO- S-1raquo10fc i

The shooting tearing pains of neuralgia are caused by excitement of the nerves Sciatica is also a nerve pain- bull

Sloans Liniment a soothing external application stops neuralgia pains at once quiets the nerves relieves that feeling of numbness which is often a warning of paralysis and by its tonic effect on the nervous and muscular tissues gives permanent as well as immedishyate relief

One Application ReSeed th Pain Mr J C L a s ltaf n o o Ninth S t S E W a s b l n ^ o a D C writes t mdash

Z advised a lady w h o was a cres t sufferer from neuralgia to try Skmnn LhH Bent After o n e application m e pa ia left her s a d s h e has not been uouhsfd with i t s tace

Sloans Liniment

is the best remedy for Rheumatism Still Joints and Sprains and all Pains

A t A l l D r u g g i s t s P r i c e 2 5 c - 5 0 c andl $ 1 0 0

Stasia Treatta o raquo t h e Bvwtmdash mdashraquont Fre A d d r e s s


T h e O a s i s of J u p i t e r A m n i o n S i w a or S e e w a h w i t h w h i c h t n e

E g y p t i a n g o v e r n m e n t h a s f r e s h t roub ie i s o u r o ld c l a s s i c a l a c q u a i n t -a n c e t h e o a s i s of J u p i t e r A m m o n w h o s e o r a c l e w a s a f o r m i d a b l e r iva l t o D e l p h i T h e o r a c l e g r e w d u m b a b o u t t h e t i m e t h a t t h e w h i s p e r ran r o u n d t h e w o r l d P a n i s d e a d but t h i s o a s i s i s s t i l l a s t r o n g h o l d of reshyl i g i o u s f a n a t i c i s m

M o s t of t h e i n h a b i t a n t s w h o r a t h e r r e s e m b l e i h e C h i n e s e in f ea ture a n d w e a r a p e r p e t u a l s c o w l o n t h e i r c o u n shyt e n a n c e s b e l o n g t o t h e S e n u s s l s e c t of M o h a m m e d a n i s m a n d p r o f e s s a peshycu l i ar ly s o u r v a r i e t y of P u r i t a n i s m W h e n n o t m u r d e r i n g E g y p t i a n offishyc i a l s for d e m a n d i n g t a x e s t h e y a m u s e t h e m s e l v e s b y o u t i n g t h e m i n o r i t y w h o r e f u s e t o j o i n t h e i r d e u o m i n a -t ion

T h e o a s i s of S i w a 1laquo s e l d o m v i s i t e d by E u r o p e a n s b e c a u s e t h e j o u r n e y m-

c^ni^ rldo

i0 s t filW nCiirj WHit ii ^lAiU t i tUi i i i f i bull ii

g e t t i n g k n o c k e d o n t h e b e a u a t t h e finish A m o n g t h e m s e l v e s t h e S l w e s s t a l k a d y i n g L i b y a n d i a l e c t


More Ow laquo apcatsi iwort o w n t a u s fiukJtosbJe ptaTsT^wadmdashttlaquo wosterfil tprisft wita talaquor mylaquoerkms toaita-clvinc waters osve becsDe woild fuMot craquo

NATURES GREATEST SANITARIUM Mt apart by ta United States gcmnmmt for tee benefit at saatn l ty

Wnerc mode m e d a l science joins bands wita the wcfcOerfol mat miwl i i f bullatwemdasha leUvst for toe cartmwn or simvnac i s the c a s t beantaal elaquot-f-dslaquorraquo

Water it the greatest eliminator of haman tils and thm Hot Springs of Arkansas are the greatest

waters known to mankind Patroaized every TCST b HOIS tlsafl 1SMM Peoyie txm elaquoy WLt f tte werJSmdasht

iwarperatiaj ttatia of o v army and savy the t n u i a t c n u d o t raquo e werJda 11-1101 atkletes t te aanwnMirg place of sUtesBsw sad the resdexvou of society

There is no Substitute for the Hot Springs Baths Tbo faarveiDas ones cannot be exasxersted

1 ^ 0 0 0 e a A ^ 1 deg^ 4 Aeprl-ve bJmaetf of te aJt rest tk raquoraquolaquogtlaquolaquori Joy 4 t t e wwdertul toBins-np that comes from coom of these batks coraled wits ta -rt-WH tnuac InflacBcr of the amtntaia oione and weoilaad tendscxpe

Laxariow aotets Kodiua-prlced hotel and hie class Msnliaf b e s t with s n r modern coaveniene


b y t h e

MISSOURI PACIFIC IRON M O U N T A I N Let laquo ten yoa mote afciut it and help y e a ftaa year trftgt Par tela t toe aad tannjad Mtes ddilaquos





1 i fflfslif Now or S^i ^Jsect9

1 - TK

If erer yon wUiked tot a noou ta CaJiroroia send tor frew lnfonuatton a-bent the |treUlaquot iirfgt ticm ~ltuUiut ampd BOeae-maJrtag- eaterprlae e fer Baderteke In addittea in ttr are anvcjraquo ia trrllaquo41aa laquo5Pom ^orea in the Twin Pall Cnantry IdaJho th Koana act t n t t M i a t SKKSWaereaiaUiaBaoateato VaUey Avtmraquobullbullof Uic Saay t ev i s tosa t t l en W laquo a ^ ^

p^b^hTcXt E L Bofteer Dept C 305 LaSrfe St Cfckifo BL

M K N m m

M laquo

T H E C G R U N N A J O U R N A L ^ 1 deg ^ ^ bull ^Jn lbc

-T-rrv-___ - county poor house that be might be near I his old farm borne Mattieon waa taken Jit wutte in Owosso on hhs mission and his

oaornAi K at Co- daughter who lives near Chesenieg took him to her borne The old man failed

t f l f B J O W gt laquo O V l-laquoraquoegtrraquolaquolt-r

PubgtUhe4 rvery T L laquo d raquo j runua the county seat of Siaiu bull( e county Dvlaquoe4 to tue iittr^ii of the HejgtublU4ni Fart and the coHnvtiou of jjenerai and locui rp dy and died Thursday He had been

M I living with a sou in Saginaw couuty snore raquo100 per year jartvraquonlt-e A_i - J

ugt laquoraquogt iht plaquoplt- unless t an raquo Jlaquor thereby Hag his residence in Shiawassee cormty


iOtlzens iffi8 BANK

Tva S laquo do not agree

evdered U do tQ Owl wlaquo jwjattlveiy tfuaranue Mgt Mop it wisen no ordraquo-laquod autxK-riWr who wis tc laquo laquo P the pa|H-r ab did uulify raquo direct laquoUHl not leave it to the |oMmMfcter o Uo He iwwet iae forffet Alwny w jtAlaquot your uigt-eerigtUoa u igtraquoid up tlaquo laquolaquo date vvlaquo iraquojulaquot us t map the paper The date gtoar sigtScripttoo 1 paid U U o n your paper cacu week W lth yraquoittr

la an extended article appearing in the Ovid Rcgiat rUuion of lat week 3 N McBridltv of Burton advocates tie estab-Hamphiuent of raquon agricultural school for

Tuequ^ULywtqrMiT f thlaquo raquo^rtwujf j Clinton and Shiawassee counties and sug-appearing in the JOUKKAJ-u aonudaot tlaquotij gesta that Ovid would be an- Weal plate

for such a School stoey to its vslue -w an rlttveittinff snediuuV Sate made know n laquo i the office

Iteats of u n i n always a c i - e i H ^ Re-satwher Sht whargt interests you IU jlaquosnerraquolly tateresf others and that it will beg1altrLv reshyceived bj ua CowniuswiUirtMoO laquoWeus of gwaraJ interest are raquopettaliy dreiral tKa le t thai a communication appears in ttiie ya^ per bowerer doe not mraquogta that it nee- bulllaquolaquobull amp 0tocs the opiniOD of lhltt edttor The will e no chmrte tor the yu oicraquouon of news tnraquot-

Wo fake dTvfUin iraquor auythiDg bo-derfiiig en the ohjeetioampKHe inserted at any price

Carta of thanks 5ft- obituary notices obit-b a n poetry resolutions business locals of nil kind and notices of enfrtaininei its where ad-

isefcaryeti Ac per line

bulltttered at the Pnt Offlee Corunna Michigan a aecond class mail natter


We serve the Best Meals io^be__had in the city We will also prepare special lunchshyes to order 1 1 1 ^ -est tinea strictly fresh and purest Candies both box and bulk

Conors Popular Gift M I C H

laquo bull bull-gt bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull C0C3ITT TTEVa bull 4 bull bull bull bull 4 bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

The home of Owoaao Aerie Sagka is raw complete and the lodge enjoys the distinction of not only posteaatng the first but one of the best in the state oa She site of the old Stewart property on North Washington street The very comfrabie boane which the members are occupying is tike remit of five years of endeavor oat the part of the memben and their oflcers The aerie wnraquo instituted September S4tfi MM with a charter messbetvhip of 7f At the time the aerie moved into it new

about one year ago them was a iberahip of iao Staee that data the iter has increased until the records

a total inembftrship of StS

A case of mi taken klenlUy cost two hoboes at Duimnd five doQars each Satar-day night Jnettce Patcnel sssraird then that amount for assaulting Deputy Sheriff Oriffin aa be was paasiag through the rail rood yards The pair were concealed beshyhind a box campr evidently waiting for someone and when Griffin passed they saistook him for their party Stepping out one of them dealt bim a staggering blow behind the ear and Grirlln almoet went down but regaining uia balance be gave chase and caught both men When

j they saw who he was ibeyboTu numbly begged his pardon but t fee soft stuff didnt phase the officer and ten uiinutts aftershyward they were standing before the jusshytice They plead guilty and were fined at once

The annusil report vt May M J Philshylips of Owosso brigade iasigtector of small arms practirx Michigan National ltraquouard has been preparrtl ad thows that the statetroops are making rapid improveshyment as riflemen Tlie figure ltraquof merit for the outdoor season of 11MU is 4335 as compared ih 3383 in 1006 and 1954 IU 1907 This means that the troops shot about one-third better last year than they did in 1908 and more than twice well as they did in 1907

Although the question will probably not be touched upon at the aevt meeting pure milk will be discussed by the Shia-wateee County Medical Society in the near f attire Physicians in many cities about the state are taking the matter up and inshyvestigating the matter thoroughly aud in some places are even planning to take the contract for tuppljing absolutely pure milk to the public

Death has inletrupted the plars old friends and neighbors of Sherman Kattison the Shiawassee pioneer farmer who nought to gratify the wish of the old

While placing on the rivet bans last T^r^yaalaquoJii i l berry street bridge at Owosso Walter Roraquo ttte four-j ear-old son of 3fr and Mrs Wijliim Rort fei-1 into the stream where the water was deep asd swift Several women who witnessed the accident from the bridge screamed and Nonnan Taggart aged 12 rushed down to the bank and extended a long pole to the younger boy at the same time cooly directing him what to do Twice Walter grabbed the pole but his hands slipped off each time Twice be sank and it looked as though he might drown The thirl time however he grasped the pole firmly and Norman pulled him up close enough to the bank to Clutch his clothing The limp body of the younger boy was carried to his home and a physician suat-moned Be was soon revived and was little the worse for his experience

Wells Warner of Hazelton cownship [aoampie^ra Beit Wilson of Owlaquoeraquoo were fmazHewsitrtne Cafaoa AveIt E par-

sonage bat wee Wednesday by Rev T B McGee The orkte was ptetUly dressed hi pink and was atteaded by heraister JOas Edna WOeou also of Owosso The groem was attended by Mr Balph Borshyrows After the ceremoay a party of young people showered Mr and Mrs Warshyner with rice Their cutter had been tastfnlly decorated for the oeeaeioa

Since the streets in the vicinity of the proposed acw motor truck factory at Owosso hpye been doted by the ceancH representatives of the company have dosshying up deal transferring the property of residents fftatde that dbttict to the comshypany The truck company had seenred options ou most of the property before the sthaets wen closed not caring to purchase it outright uuttl they were sun that the streets would he closed Now that every-thlag has tanu sUleaaVtttt rWsdn atebemg made Out mud tnasfernd asd the people recelvttf their money

The Caise of Colds Good Alrice tefmrtiaf tka Pretea-


STATE OF U1CB1GAX County of 9biawalaquo-eee ss

At a session of the Prohate Court or said Osttnty heid at the Probate Ofnce in the Ciiv bullC Cornnna on the Hth dlaquoy of January

Present JfaUhew Bash Judjse of Probate In the matter of the estate of Ffed K Buckel

deeeawd On Slinjy the petition of Ageie Buekel pray-

igtr fvr the jgtrobaraquoe oi the wiij of said debased MOW filed in thia Court

It is ordered that the 14th day of February next at ten oclock ic tbe forenoon at said t rooate Office be appointed for hearing said petition

And it is further ordered That amp copy of this bullrder be published three successive wlaquoeks preriouu to said day of hearing in the Cornn-ma Journal a newspaper printed and circulat- bull laquo in si4 County of BUlawasoee

MATTHEW BUSH (A t m copy) Judlaquoe of Probate By Florence Llodsey Probate Regioter

If people would only fortify aampd atroRftben the eyatetn too majority of cases of ooagha eolda and pneushymonia might tie avoided These trouble are frequently due to weakshyness which prodneea e eatarrbal condition of the taueous ioembranelaquo whieh la an iuternal skin of the body Wbea this skis is weakened it becomes easily infected with germs which cause many of the disshyeases to which flesh is heir Healthy mucoas membranes are easential safeguards of the bodys general health

Au excellent aid in the prevention of coughs colds raquonAmonia and such like infectious diseases is raquo remedy that will prevent or cure catarrh

We have a remedy which we honshyestly believe to be unsurpassed in excellence for the prevention of coughs4 colds and all catarrhal conshyditions It is the prescription of a famous physician who has au enshyviable reputation of thirty years of cures gained through the uae of this formula We promise to make no charge for the medicine should it fail to do as we claim We urge everybody who has need of such a medicine to try Rexall Mecu-Tone

It stands to reason that we could not afford to make such statements and give our own personal guarantee

J to this remedy if we were not proshyof tbe I pa r ed t 0 prove the reasonableness of

our claim in every particular and we see no reason why any one should hesitate to accept our offer and try it We have two sizes of Rexall Mucu-Tone prices 50 cents and $100 Sometimes a 50-cent botshytle Is sufficient to give marked reshylief As a general thing the most chronic case is relieved with an avsrago of three large bottles Yuu can obtain Rexall Remedies in Coshyrunna only at our storemdashThe Rexshyall Store Alberts Pharmacy Coshyrunna Mich

i t bull o o

o w o s s o

la a bank organised under STATE LAWS and subject to STATE INSPECTION


4 PerCeht I N T E R E S T


bull o o o bull

o 0 a



mdashIs Albert your druggist mdashC D Smith was in Detroit last week mdashMr William Duffey is oo the sick



o bull o 0 0 0 a o


k Mimm uEEnxs

mdash-Charles HathawSy was in Detroit last wtek bull

I mdashWilliam Cole has returned to his j home in Clare

mdashLet Albert save you moDeyon-that jirescrhniea

--jFrank McBride was iu Rose City last week on business

mdashEdward Kay was home from Bsn-eroft oyer Sunday

mdash Fred Ciaig Is in New Lothron this wlaquoek on business

mdashMiss Bernice Phipps t pent Saturday with her su-ter in Flint

mdashEx-Sheriff Warren Jarrad of Antrim was in Corunna yesterday

mdashMrs J P Hackett is visiting her SOB Eugene Hackett in Detroit

mdashErnest Sonnenberg has accepted a positioB with William Bklridge

mdashMr snd Mrs Martin Comstoek have returaed to their home in Santon

-Mis Fred Kay has returned home from aa extended visit in Ebsdia N Y

mdashMajor Cariand of Traverse City Cariaad last

week -Ricbard WOaon of Mt Glesttaas

spent Sunday with Us sister Mrs Frank Bentley

mdashAlbert has Syvonds Inn spices mdashMm C M BQhimer has returaed

from a few weeks visit in Detroit and Aiui Arbor

-~Mbs Mae Keswick returned Saturday from a few days visit at her home in MttskegOfi

mdashThe Friday Afternooa Club was pleasantry entertamed by Mrs- J C Quayle last week

mdashWellington Duffey was confined to his home with aa attack of the grip tbe first of the week

mdashH T Sidney aesfataat cashier at the hank is spending the week visniag rehv

on s oflVe at Lansiag

i bull bull o o e raquo laquo o o o o o OOOOB)




was never so strong and influshyential as it is today Situations

^-ana Jiivtrr x^si K II ftisww SoiiiretAiy

Of the Friday Aftecaosa Cub Was Held at the Boms ef Mrs j C Qaayle

One of tbe meat delightful events In the history ltf tbe Friday Aftershynoon Club waa that of Friday aftershynoon of last wek when the beautiful borne of Mr and Mrs J C Quayle waa opened fo tbe occasion

The projrram of tbe day betn prtndpmlly noon topfea pretoiinlng to onrata4omdashthlaquo noateas Mrs Quayle had appropriately decorated her home In the natlooal ooJora which were anutleally 4raped tfetrahontv pre-leaBed on his father M 0mitllav4hea4itifni^^aVa^ lady aa she entered was preaeated with a tiny flag as a souvenir

After the reading of the minutes of tbe preriona sdeetinar and the trans-action of other bqsineoa came the roll call which waa responded to by Facts about Michigan nd was followed by the grand old aonc Michigan my Michigan

On aeooont of the abseace of Mre Josaie Kay who was to have read a paner upon the Agrteolturai - and MkJeraliesoatees of onr state Mrs RoaeCWefave a most 001011010107 snd delightful resume of her recent trip through the west and northwest Mrs Coles paper waa thoroughly enshyjoyed her 9Bcripttooa being psrtle-olsrly graphic and charming

Following came a number of four minute taOkAoavMrehtaran tonics Mm Helen FldsotlaquooM too story of Poo-Use in an entertaining aaaner stra tydhv Food treated the topic of Lewis Case among other interesting thinca telling how bU visit to this city during his campaign for governor to the early fiftlea ws recalled by one of our ladies Mrs Laura Young Me-Kee The For Traders and Tbe Ordinance of 1787 were each talked upn concisely by Mrs Kate Mason sod Mrs Clndoos Jacobs white Mrs Minerey Fishers treatise upon the Moravians waa indeed a treat It waa exceedingly welt given and as well received Among many points which Mrs Tlaber brought out wwi tbepartio alarly interesting one that the Morshyavians afterwards became the sect known as tbe United Brethren

Following this unusually excellent program division three under the leadership of Mrs Lillian Martin con tributed its quota to tbe entertainshyment Twenty-fire vials containing as many different liquids were placed benetttb the noses of tbe company and poundbey were coramanded to smell first and then tell us what it is

This was an eicellent test of the olfactories of those present and it was really remarkable ho few were Sole to correctly name even a pare of the liquids

The hostess Rod ber assistants then served delicious refreshments and afshyter a social hour adjournment was lakeo for two weeks when the club will entertain the gentlemen at a six oclock dinner at the home of Mrs Rose Cole

Tbe hospitable and gracious entershytainment of the club by Mrs Quayle on this evasion added another red letter day to oar already extensive calendar

consists of new clothing and otter necesshysary articles tot the family of a wo thy (

but poorly paid preacher in one of the j smalt towos of northern 3 i higan Come and help the cause

mdashHugh Nichols received a letter fr rn [ his 30a Hugh Jrj vho is on tbe battle- ship Salem Hugh is now stationed at Norfolk Va where they expect to be for nearly a month wt Sle thesiip is-undeigoshying the necessary re^aifo He was quits sick for some time having lx ea UiSfcittened with pneumonia lraquout i much belter tit present

mdashJohn Williams of burand who flaquomi erly ran-aplumbing shop raquoi (his city j

-bulleallet on friends hltfre Wednesday sir Wilhatus ran a piece of tin into out of his eyes several weeks ago and as f he result | has a very laquogtre eye It was feared-for1

sometime chat he would lo-e the sight of the nuMPber but his condition -istjuuch better at present

mdashU S Rtce one of tke younger farm-eis of Caledonia township has sold out and gone to Gladwin Mich to make his home He will operate a large feed barn and delivery in tha city He has been highway commissioner of Caledonia townshyship for several years and his work nas been very satisfactory Many friends wish him success in his new home

mdashAfter having been unable to use his legs for a year Lawrence McLauchlin young son of Mr snd Mrs W H Mc-Lauchlin is improving and with the aid of crutches is able to move about the boose He has resumed ids studies in the sixth grade His boy friends draw him to a td froTi school in a cart As soon aa the show- disappears liar boy expects to be able to go to school on his crutches

mdashThe dotk with which Mrs Ike Thompson was blacking a hot stove Satshyurday afternoon ignited because of the fact that th blacking contained gasohoe Mrs Thompson threw the doth down and the result was a couch which tbe cloth fell on was set on fire The nre alarm was turned in but before the department arrived Mayor MeMvnen and several others had carried the horning couch out of doors

mdashThe stockholders of the United States Bob 0ltLtapany met Thursday and reshyelected the old board of directors with the exception of Matthew Bush who was sucshyceeded by C kt Bilhlmer The reports showed the company to be in good condishytion ftaasciaampy So dividend has been paid recently although tt is usaleratood

WLD0UGIAS laquoaraquo3Ht4SB0ES

u Corona

mdashOrrftle Porter of FHtst is sheading a few days with his firaadtopents Mr md Mrs Andrew Porter of Corunna

mdashAlberts for valejitiaes mdashMrs M F Hodge of Caledoafav who

has been seriously ill m convalescing rapidly and la now able to sirup

mdashSupervisor Lyman finished fitting his large ice houses in this dty Saturday The crop U of a very fine quahty

mdashWilliam Jackson is able to be around again aftsr having been laid up a week with a severe attack of tonraquotlitis

mdashThe infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Morton died Saturday noon The funeral was held Sunday afiemooir


auPCRiOR TO OTKen tsAKes I hlaquovlaquo morn W L Oewcte bull pound bull laquo

p t vmdashn and ah-ars Hmd tr f ^ J 1

i o o e H o e tolt o t l w Mate trad show^raquon ttyle 119 Howar J Awsv Ufties N Y

V Icowli tsJte yoraquo ssraquo my htrte facshytories at Bunk ton Mass i s a show you how esMfutty W L Dosmias shoe are

wouU ilaquoafiM why o W hold fit

arelaquofi_ AM H W snS ittlos s7JUrtMSUlaquolaquoe

thoem atstaatpeasMthebottosih raquo vrrsefSrltaU Older Rrraquo vilJgzsr^

Uves near Yeraon mdashJ C Thomas datk in the audrwti that one vHDbededaredmthetiewftttart

mdashThe ehy of Comana will is sstd adopt a plan oonsetved by Mayor McMul-lea who has noted of arte that toller skat-mg is a very popular diversion ajd that the sport has daampcmg on the main this locality The floor of the park casino will be p-epsied at ooce for akatiag It is believed and 190 pairs of skates will be purchased by the c-ty It is believed that a eonsldemble amount can be raised in this way toward the support of the park It is expected that the first skating party will be ueM next week

mdashJ H Barnes of Saginaw who repre sent the cmiipany which 1laquo to extend the spar track to the Hazeltsu coal fields and the leasing to the large trao of land in that township was in the dty Monday on business Washington Snyder the New

-Miss Agnes McNamara daughter of | Lothrop merchai t was also io the city Mr and Mrs Charles McNamara of Cale- j and declares that sithesgh-sctbisg-dtfi-donia township is confined to her home nite has been done in the village the busishy

ness men there arc perfectly willing iud anxious to have the road extended to New

o f laquo

Printing done by the

Journal is always nest

Foleys Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine It in-vi|raquorgtratrs the cnttr-jy^in HJJU yrcui^-

S i m p l e l l e a n e d j for LaGrippe

LaGrippe coughs are dangerous as they frequntlv develop jntltgt pneumon a Pohys Honlaquo-y and Tar not only stops the cough but heals and strengthen the lungs so that no serious results need be feared The senuiue Foleys Honey and Tsr conshytains no harmful drugs and is in a yellow package tkgtld bv Glen T Reynolds

Chas K Riffley A O Whipple President Cashier

A E Hartfthorn W P Cooper Vice President - Awi Cashier

by Uiness mdashFalc man WantedmdashTo look after our

iutetest in Shkwassee and adjacent counshyties Salary or commission Address Lincoln Oil Co Cevelaud O

mdashAlbert always has your favorite magashyzine

mdashThe Epworth League letter social at thcopy home of Miss TiLie Strauch Friday evenshying was a success both socially and finanshycially About 100 attended aud sect320 was cleared

mdashMrs Jake Eilber fdl down a flight of stairs while coming down from her resishydence over Lowes shoe store Monday evening raquosd sprained her ankle besides cutting her face badly

mdashAll accounts due Lowe amp Co must be settled before Feb 1frac34 1910 4-w8

mdashDuring the three years that B P Hicks has been prosecuting attorney of Shiawassee county he has not asked the court for tbe continuance of a case in other words the prosecutor has always been ready when the cases come upmdash Press-American

mdashThe Young Ladies Guild of St

Carrie amp Clittertack got off the tram at Twenty-mini street She paid ten ceata for the ride an bullbe probably paid the same sum go-rag back la Paris anybody would have walked the distance

I was amased upas going oat ot my hotel the other day to see a big husky cab driver havs his boot polshyished He probably paid ten cento for the Job In Europe a ealr drtver would have had hia own brushes an blackmf

It is thia saving habit tnat mskea Ptsnce a rich country and gtrea our people the wherewlttad uraquo buy Amort-can aeeertties ft raquo tha abaeaee of the knowledge of how to save ha amali thtnga or the puttlftg of It tato pracshytice that keeps so many lt your peo-plepte from beJor thrifty aasl makaw the distance so great between your miUfcusdree and your ordinary mbor^

bull g gt gt

Lothrop and will raise the necessary funds if any are needed

mdashBusy Hive hlt Id installation of officers Friday evening the 21st Past Commandshyer Julia 8 S Parker acted as instslling ofitcer Mrs Mattie Klinkman the new commander had charge of tbe evening Short speeches were made and presentashytions of carnations to installing officer Mrs Parker asd Mistress at Home Mrs Kiucaid A beautiful cut glass water set to Past Commander Jacobs and toilet set to Mrs Ormsby paet finance keeper The presentations were made by Mrs KHnk-man iu her most aftiabe manner Reshyfreshments were served to Sir Ktights and all invited guests

mdashA carload of sheep consigned to H E Payne from Chicago reached the yards here Friday morning about nine ocock after being on the road without food or water since Wednesday night at 0 oclock There were thirteen of theai dead and

mary more just as good as dead ones j Mr Payne promptly Tefused them from i the railroad but unloaded them snd thev



Saves YottMoDey

Pauls Episcopal church intend holding an i are now at his farm just west of town be-oyster supper followed by a mu-ical j ing cared for by him for the railroadmdash evening at the borne of Miss Eveleth on i They were shipped back to Chicago yes-


Owosso Savings Bank O W O H O MlCt t l f fs t l t

Pays laquo4sect- Oa Savings Deposits

Frazer street on Thursday Feb 3rd supper to begin at five 0 clock Tickets on Mtle at 20 cents

mdashAbout 20 of Miss Hazel Lowes pupils participated in a musical at her home Satshyurday afternoon Tbe life of Chopin was discussed Four of the pupils were preshysented with diplomas Refreshmeatr were served and a delightful social time followshyed the musical program

tortSay- -Bam lofi Commercial


Sum Mor Syrup Looks Good Tastes Better per gal

French Visitor Says Our People Not Consider Value of Small



One of the things that strike a foreigner visiting New York said an observant Frenchman the other lay

I is the fact that so many Americans have no idea of the value of money They do not know how to economize n little things or if they do they do

not care to funeral was heU from the Baptist church 1 saving five dollars may appeal to

to them but saving five centsmdashno in France we believe tL)t savir^ the five cents makes it ossibw for 113 to

mdashGeorge Duell aged 33 years died at his home in this city early Sunday mornshying from tuberculosis of the lungs Beshysides a widow he kaves three daughters who are in destitute circumstances The

bull fims bull m-MV | w

nil ourtd i)_y this ga-ai medicine arc OOWO tOOO0OOlaquoOOObull OOOOO OICQ T Reynolds Sold by f

mniiiyrGvs aCuwfcura W H Kllpatri

raquo Haruhorn Ohalaquo W- Ri^l Vi A Wo^aisi

Tuesday afternoon at 2 oclock

mdashThe services at ihe M E church Sun i]i)tgt raquoy-nitiltf Tfraquo V VM1 bft iwler tho

^Slspiclaquo of Uu Woilaquojfiis fTHiiC JIlaquoioi

ftry-raquoSltKieiy ampn approprijic pro rrim in

(taken to help the society on their thank-offering The tliank offering this year


35c Salt

$105 Buck Wheat Flour

le 70c H amp E Sugar Vjy the Cwt 535

H amp E Suiar by the Sack 135

Olives or Sweef Midget


Salt By the barrel will not harden

Makes those good 25 lb sack for

Quart cans full of Olives or sweet Midget pickels

1 ) 1

bullHem is a case n point- Tgte other iy i s w u Tvosnun wviJonfgty oi thr poorer clap aiid a child cUiiib up the stairway of the Sixth aveuue elevated station at Twenty-eighth street Sfce

y Want Eggs

And Good Butter

11 1frac34 f 1 laquo jMluC ff bull

Phone 15-2



f - = WHEN YOU BUY FENCE Its a mighty good idea to consider troahty before priaa

Theres a tot of cheap fenw on the laquoarilaquotraquo but you mart te-member when you buy fencing at a cheap priceyon get just what you pay for-poorly made unserviceable fesemdashnothing more

PEERLESS ^ FENCE famous Teev im eircnlaT t i ^ makes Kertess the ^ o n ^ e B t fenee known Make ycui dealer furnish bull w i Peerless HlaquoTcan get it for yoa

Ltd Peerless Wfre Fence Co


FOOTS tght

Well Crissy what can X do tor year asked the judge of his fair r o s s f daughter a s she stood In the doorway of his oQteroOce

Ton know said Crissy gravely T filed an application with yon several weeks ag far a s iacreese la a y 4tgt DvxMsseat fttad I celled to tee what yoa had dace wtth isy ctete

The Judges eyes twlnkleaV Te looked at U s watch

I am sorry bat I have a preaatag encaxeaseat IU t a n yoar ease oer to Charles glsnvjng at an adjoiahM dealt

The hfwwa Httaiy fee fashed hoy-lenly a he a n t tae daraquolaquolaff eye

I refnaa to he taraed over ealft Criasy ttneantly 1 affi led to yaw aad I shall await year f laaaiqemdashat year nasti anfit yea return

-Vary waH reoated the Jadfa 1 lea-re yea hi peateaaksC

When he had left the t o o n the twe reaMUates fa antes were oaaaeasas of the sUeaee The girl east acrreydttaac side glances toward the yaws attorshyney but he kept d e n a i l y at work

The drat day that Charles Daatont

told her of his love and demanded her hand and^heart

But Crissys young hiart was no yet ripe for love and she said him nay merrily Then he accused her of being a flirt She resented the accusation They had not been on speaking terms for two days and Crissy lound the silence almost embarrassing

Presently the door opened and an old man far beyond the three score and ten limit entered His cheeks were round and rosy and his eyes twinkled good-humoredly

So the iedge amVlu he said reshygretfully

Mr Barney began the young man your casemdash

Crfesy saw a way now to make him speak to her -

I am filling the judges place this morning Mr Barney she said sweetshyly Is there anything I could do for yew

The young man reddened angrily bat the old man eame forward smilshying

Bent yea the Jedges daughter Tea look like hfc4

T h a n k you Mr Barney Yes I am his daughter If yon will state yoar ease I will lay it before my fa ther

Wen yoa see yoar pa has been try-lag to get see n pension for quite a spoU aad sosnr way It d e a l seem to get through and rm getting on If It dont come pretty soon J wont be here to enjoy i t

Of coarse yoa want tt now i n make father posh tt right through

Bless your kind heart sa id^he oM man delightedly

-Mr Barney said Dnnvoat coming forward deureateedty we heard from Washington this morning about your oeee aad I am sorry te tail 70c that it has been rajeafei There is a nugt iag Hah raquo the evidence ValeneVyon can supply this the case is hoae-teea

The old mans m a d apple-Hke face suddenly to shrivoJL Criasy

dlrldrd between pity for him and anger toward the young man for checkewtiag her A bright inspiration came to her A tlger-Uke spring of her memory showed her how she could help one and disconcert the other

Mr Barney she said sweetly tt I were you I wouldnt try to get my pension through lawyers

How would you get it he asked eagerly

Id get it through by special set of congress

I dont know our congressmanrrorraquo this district and he wouldnt help an old fellow like me anyhow

bullMaybe not said Crtssi but I

raquoa entered the law firm as junior partner he had seen a wonderful vision mdasha lovely fair lace with eyes of heavens own bluemdashhovering near the judges desk He was conscious with

j a rush of blood to hisface that his heart no longer was his own Crissy was too much of a coquette upt jo see the effect she produced and thereafter she proceeded to make life miserable for him -- -

One day she y e s gracious and charming to him the next she scarceshyly deigned him a glance He stood the treatment heroically for awhile then he rebelled Quietly and manfully he

Trade with Advertisers and Save Money

bdquo-gt s_gt A-- ^ mdashbullbull W - ^ ^J bull mdash^ lt V ^ lt

COAL I have on hand a full stock of the

following coa) and am prepared to make prompt deliveries

H A R D C O A L - E g g Stove Nut and No 2 Chestnut

S O F T C O A L mdash S t Charles Specshyial Grade of Ohio Coal and West Virginia Splint

Orders may be left at Quayles Grocery or the Ann Arbor Elevator Phone No 80 or 3 5-2r

Ill m WW m poundsect InV aSSSssi frac34frac34frac34frac34 amp



know a biiJIiant youog coDgresfimsn who is very influential and (be would do anything I asked him to do HI write him uow and tell him all about you

Dumopt had been watching the old mans hope-illumined face while she spoke He came up to her resolutely and said in a low tone

bullCrissy dont raise fahw hopes He cant stand much more disappoint-aKgtnt~ bull

Crissy stared at fciih coldly then she addressed Mr Barney

Tell me all about your case and I will write t t once

The old man delightedly plunged into an inexhaustible accouht of batshytles marches hospitals prisons and so forth Meanwhile Crissys pea was scratching wildly over the paper

See If this will do she asked Afy Dear George You once said

that there was nothing In the world that you would refuse to So for mc I want something very much now and I know that you will do it for me beshycause I atk yau to There Is an old soldier In our city tor whom fathers firm has been trying to get a pension and after all their red tape they have failed through some technicality His name Is Leartns P Barny and he served in Company A Twentynfth Illishynois as private corporal and sergeant He served a full term and re-enlisted Was wounded at Fair Oaks and was afterward taken prisoner Will yoq get his pension through by special act I remember that yno dM thte for a soldier mat adminmtratknBL So yon


Human Race Shows Enormous Growth Si nee Days of Constant Warshy

fare and Pestilence

The population of the sxown earth at the death of the Roman emperor Augustus about the time of the con-mencemeut of the Christian era was estimated by Bodia an Italian statisshytician at 57000000 The Komans knew nothing pf Asia beyond tlie lu-dus river and nothing of Africa savo the Mediterranean states But the hushyman race in early tl^ilaquos was engaged in constant warfare and it is recordshyed that the temple of Janus^ wlraquoch could only be cloaed when Rome was at peace was shut at the time or the birth of Christ- But not only was the population of the ea^th decimated by incessant wars it was devastated by terrible epidemics of disease which swept over every country co that In 1492 at the time of the discovery of America by Columbus the population f Europe was placed at 40000000 To day Europe has ten times that numshyber or 400000000 people with about 100 to each square mile

remember telling me abont it winter night Get it a quickly as yoa can and t will believe everything yclaquoi said to me As ever

Tours devotedly Crisay That will fetch tt said the oM

man gleefaHy Now I will address itr ltKoneuroiearna

I Qnaekenboah M C Wmohlngton D C Now we win gc together and raquo a ^ i t

Later when the Jadge came back Domoat asked htm if he eenld he pat on the Qridley case and make the weat ero trip

Indeed yoa may Dumomt- replied the Judge We will ail be too gmd to shift the case off oar hands to yon

Creasy looked crestfallen and disapshypointed when bar father told her the next day that DoFioat bad gene west and weald be gone for a month

MHe might at least have said good-by she thought

Her buoyancy vanished day by day and she grew pensive and pathetic

I l l never trifle alaquonhV she thonght sadly

In a months timevDamont letnyned and reported his success in the Qridshyley cnae I _

Howls Miss Harshr he asked sdfly after they had discussed the

Look Around Then laquo


Cookies from field Medal Flour are the best I ever tasted SOPHIA

NT VTUAOK BaXJE-DeraH having bwo Made ia tike coalition trtraquo eertsiti wort-

raquogtlaquo t i w n r i f Lacy U Betrrof the City of GermMU S a t a w i t t Coaoty MidigaD to tbe E i a w M B raquoUUe Auk of dw-k^tOB Mtchi-S laquo B 4 K 4 laquoa l raquoh 40raquo of nos^rber tfOS and nt ot In la uw e s v e of the Eetteter of Dndraquo for Ottawa Oftutj oa tkyen Utk day of WoTtibar MBS to Uber 108 of Mortgage on MfleaHSwaS ttl walek mortgage bae been only aaateactf by mmamptmmtu la WTttts to Kary aV nlaquofe of Caeoaalms Mfaeatgaa BOW w r i i a g la Oonotft Mtealma raquoatS aarisn-1 awat fecta 4te4 May tf 1(4raquo aad wa rvcord-edte ta oSStc of tbe n e a t e r of Deed for aaiawaMwe Coaatf on tbe eta day of Jaaaary tim tm Uber teBof aattsaaKBts laquof Mortgaoje ea page ni7 aad wketeaa ta aswtat dni-laquoi tobt da naoa aald atortgase at tae date of tai aoUee la the aiai of One Bundled jTworty PW aad Sl-tSS Botlan ( R raquo W) which lactade taeipald for tasea awi the fuihet- enat of Twcbty-FlTv DoOua aa an aaoraey fee pro-ruted to fa said Mortrace and no eolt or pro-eeeahalaquoMlaw aarlna heea taMlMted to re-eofer tae aainant eeeured by nald awrtcase nor aay part thereof

Now therefore aoUee is aereey cfTea that hy Ttrtaeof the nowerof sale contained in eald uortaacev aad la aarkaaaee of the etatate la each caa ende aad provided the aald awrt-aage win he ferrelmiil by a hale of the pteat-tee thuela deacrfbed at pablle auction to the htfheei Wdder at the wlaquoM front door of

Crtssy basat been very well lateshyly but shes positively happy to-daymdash nearly as happy as old Barney Hes got hfs peaslen 912 per month and a good bit off back pension It came through special act It seems Crtssy wrote to a friend of hers who is a congressman

Yes I know she did he replied with a bitter recollection of the day It was written

George Quackenbush married Crts-sys most intimate friend Informed the Judge

He is married exclaimed Dumont joyfully

Yes replied the judge he wouldshynt have been if it hadnt been for Crissy She patched up a lovers quarshyrel between him and the girl he margt lied and in the joy of reconciliation he offered to do anything she ever asked him By the way hadnt you better go and see Crtssy

But the young man had already started toward the door

raquo - raquo bull mdash bull mdash mdash mdash mdash - i

Lord Mayors Banquets The lord mayors banquet on the

night of November 9 was to entertain his majestys ministers In the days of the Georges it was no uncommon thing for royalty to attend the banquet but this is never the case nowadays In 1814 the prince regent afterward George IV accompanied by the emshyperor of Russia and the king of Prusshysia was at the Guildhall feast and the prince was so pleased with the lavish hospitalfty of the new lord mayor tbat he made him a baronet on the spot The price paid for the honor a distinction which always has to be paid for was not inconsiderable for the dinner cost 1125000

Mr Pepys records in his diary that at the table at which he sat at a lord mayors bcrquet there were ten good dishes to a r-css and plenty of wine of all sorts but we bad no napkins no change of trenchers and drank out of earthen pitchers or wooden dishes

Berliners Flock to See Soldier There are about pound3000 soldiers In

Potsdam which isnt a great distance from Berlin and there ere always solshydiers in the German capital on guard before various palaces Besides there is a review almost every morning on the Exercirerplatz and guard mountshying every day at the Konigswache so that it might seem likely that soldiers wouldnt arouse a great deal of intershyest in Berlin

It is however quite the contrary Tbe sound of a band playing sends every one running in the direction of the music Even if it is just a small company going along the streets the loiks appear eager to watch it Whatshyever the cause soldiers apparently are an unchanging novelty In Berlin

the Court B o u t in the City of Cormnna Shla-waaOooaty en Taoeday the IS day bullX Ajneflt l e l e at nae oetoefe In the after noon of raid day whieh nrenrieea are deaerfb-ed la aatd bullariange mm fotlow Let One and Two In niock Forty-Two lteuroraquogt original plat City of CoranaSatawaeme OonB^rbUrhiaaa

Mttadlaaawry rth aMSL Many a warn

c a a n u a w eggaav Attorney tar aarijtnee

Cfceeanin Mtehlfan

Come Back It is natural and customary for buyers to

J ok around and s^e where thty can do best in buying Furniture We laquoxpelttthatm W^ are also so used to hayshying them return here aftet looking elsewhere that we expect that also in nine cases out of ten the cusiosTier who looks around is only the more saibfied that we bfrer the most and best for the money Look around or come here and buy without looking around Its all the same We will get your order in either case


Furnitarc and UttdertaKini Phone 2 9 S X X poundamp JR jr Mb iS JK JS X JS ^

Of Every Deiseription for AH Occasions

Every Day in the Year


kTATKOrMlCHlGAraquoOOUBty of Shiawas

bull t a Meeaion of the Probate Coort for eald Ooenty held at the Probete Office In the flty of Daranna on Monday the 3rd day of Jan wary in ffce year laquone tigtonsnd otne baidred ana ten

Pfeaent Xathew Bosfa Jndfe of Probate la the matter of the estate of WllUiara C

atot deceaeeS On readlofl and SUng the petition of Praacle

Stota praylnt that adalii^wtTatlaa of feald estate may be grnnted to the petitloaer or anaM SSirer MUtaote petmon

It la ordered that the 3tt day of Jeunary bullest at ten oclock In the roreoeon at eald bullrYobnte o e w b mdashlaaed for hearlns arid


And tt Is farther ordered that a copy of thle order be pnbhehed tbrce gtaeceolt4re weeks areriane to taW ky of heartnp in the Cornets lofimal a aeltrpaper printed aad elveallaquottat In raid Ceaaty of ahtawnam

MATTrnrw acalaquo Jodlaquo of Probate

Br Florenee TJadrey Probate Beaioter

ORTOAQE SALBmdashWhsrers default fca tr^n made In thlt eonoitioaa of a certain

Kwrtrase natio and rxecnted by William L Cotby aad Letta Cotby of the Township of Woodhnll 8blawaM-raquovlaquo Cosnty Miehi^m ^f tbe flrnt pepraquo unto J T Lemon of Shiawaasee bull owtuAi bull Sbtawasre CouBVjc Mtehiann of

tbe elaquoofwi part on the 27th day of Mareb ia toe year raquoIOlaquoD ntinJred and six and rrcori-eltJ lis tbe Reyirtrr of HwdVoaee for fthiawas-bullee Coimty Mn^jrau in Liber 107 of Mortshygages on pages raquo and Sltlon which mtgtrtglttre tbere is eUisrd tobedne at the date of tlgtilaquo eoticei for principal and interest the want of oerenteen bund red sJJtty-eJx dollars end twentyHwo cents (fl786^frac34) and no writ or pro-elaquoedinalaquo at law or ir equity hm-rlug been taken to reeorer the money secured by nald mortda ge or any part thereof notice is lioreby jflrtn that by virtue Of the power of sale eontaiutd iv eald mortaage and the Rtatatee In snch case made and prorlded tbe laquoald mortrage will be foreelofied by sale of the premises hereinafter described or so mncb tbercof as may be neltee sary to eatfefy the laquoald tmm of money now cue thereon pound i interest thereon at the rate Of si x per cent per aannm from tbe date of ttia notice toraquoeber vlth an attorney fee of twerty-five fraquo) dollara as provided in said aorteslaquore and as prorlded alaquoo by tbe statutes of thi State together with afl other ielaquoI coraquotw of this foreclosnre at vlaquob1ie auction or vendue to the hlahest- bidder at the front doof of the Court Some tn the Caty of Coraana Mirhlrlaquogtn (the raid Court Moose being tbe place of bolt1 lair the Cfaenlt Ccnrt for the cam- - raquoraquobull weasee State of Michiltraagtolaquo the amptlt d raquo r of March AIgtraquo t raquo l laquo at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day

The premises deseribed in said martgag are as foilowa towlt being alt those certain pieces or pampreeto of toad sttmated i the t w ship of WoodhaU Gomaty of ebJewaasee raquouraquole of VJehteaa as follows vis northeast Onar-ter(M)ofthe seotkwe qmarter aad the eottUt tea (M) acres of the eae half^H) of th aerUiwMt quarter 1frac14) of seetloa twenty two (St) ahe the sosWSraet qaarter ^frac14^ f ihe sentbeast qwartcvlaquoWgt e4 the northeast quarter (frac14) of section taettty-eifrf fftK laquoH hi Town Fire (i) North of aaage One 0 ) -

- - - [fpound Dated December asth DISW X T LSMOM

Mortgagee ROT H DCrBMAM Attorney for

Bnainees Address Cornnaa Mich


-^ t^ +r jryi ^ 4 ^

The Last Hope The court does not see the necea-

laquoitv for accorclina yoraquolaquo time to srraquooak

gtSMir umio^^ laquo i OGly a rtioroaal yo

alated the lawyer call your attention to the fact that toy client fa an awful liar

To every woman bull h ^ a s B S s i aannsaBMi^MiBaMnManBa bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull bull i B i ^ H a i B ^ n B -

in our city Not every night but often you feel tired

worn oat as though you didnt have strength to do another thing

Have you ever stopped to think What ia the cause

You fed this w a y most when you have been on your feet most the days when you have stood or

walked a good deal

In nine cases out of ten S H O E S are responsible

Let us fit you in the Red Cross Shoe It entirely prevents the burning drawing And aching that stiff sotes cause It is wonderful how it saves your strength

Tanned by the special Red Cross process the sole is flexible it bends with yoar foot reheves all the

pressure on the delicate nerves and tenshydons giving a feeampig of freedom ease and comfort found in no other shoe Let us fityoa

Chrfords $3 JSO ami $ 4 0 0 aifebSfcoan $ 4 0 0 ami $ 5 0 0

Get Style and ComfortmdashGet Both

Ei raquo

OUVstV j |

bull laquo ^ m m A ^ j ^ m ^ m ^ t t t m



SURELY SHOULD HAVE KNOWN Senator Pettus at th Age of 85 Beshy

lieved He Had Attained Years of Discretion

Senator James B Frasier of Tenshynessee tells a story 6t the delight which the late Senator Pettus of Alashybama took in a yard game Senator

Fraater when governor of Tennesshysee had gone to Hot- Springs Ark There he met Senator Pettus and knowing him well determined to warn him that three men with whom he had been playingA cards were sharpers from Nashville^

After hesitating some time he ap-proachea the aged senator and afte engaging him in conversation apoloshygized for warning Senator Pettus that his card partners were crooked

You dont say smiled Senator Pettus Do you know I suspected it

Well I advise you not to play with them any more said Senator Frazier

But theres nobody else here to play with Querulously returned the aged senator

Older senators repeat an anecdote of Senator Pettus in which he is repshyresented as returning home after a night at cards just as the morning light was breaking He was at the time of the story 85 years oUtr and Mrs Pettus was but little younger They never addressed each other exshycept as Mr Pettus and Mrs Petshytus

Mr Pettus said Mrs Pettus sternly rising up in bed do you think it is good for your health to stay out ar -laquoraquoLc as this at night

Mrs Pettus returned her husshyband dont you think I am old enough to know what is good for me





MAN BURIED IN RUINS - bull bull _ _ bull

Wife Two Bableraquo and Sister Flee Ait injured and One Little On^OUs Other Oncopy it Nst Expected to Live

Appeal to a Thief The other evening M Alfred Edshy

wards lost a pocketbook containing a sum cf pound444 as he was leaving the theater This morning a letter from him appears igt the Figaro addressed to the presumed thief who must be a most ungesircmanly on Indeed if be does not answer It at once Thfgt letter says

la leaving the Antolne theater last lbtaf te r the PapiHon had been given some vert deft hand abstrae-ed my pocketbook containing ten bank notes of 1000 francs each and 12 others of 100 francs with some photographs and papers that are imshyportant to me If the person who has appropriated my property Is so well inspired as to read the Figaro I beg him to tampnd me back the i^ketbook and the papers which are of no use to bim To hope that he would also send back the bask notes in exshychange for a good reward would be exceeding the limits of optimism and I do not dare to expect it But my papersmdashwhat use can they be to himmdashParis Correspondence London Telegraph

Homage to Noah In a lecture before the Royal Geoshy

graphical society Capt Bertram Dickshyson said there is a large sanctuary at the top of Jebel Judi where every year in August is held a great fete attended by thousands of energetic Moslems Christians and Yezidis who climb the steepest of trails for 7000 feett in the terrific summer heat to do homage to Noah This mountain seems to have been held sacred at all times and certainly it has a wondershyfully awesome fascination about it with its huge precipices and jagged crags watching over the vast Mesopo-tamiaii plain The local villagers can show one the exact spot where Noah descended while in one village Has-sana they showed his grave and the vineyard where he is reputed to have indulged cver-freely in the juice of the grape The owner of this deshyclared that the vines had been passed from father to son ever sincemdashLonshydon Evening Standard

An explosion wrecked the brick residence of Scott Parker one wile north of Moscow a village on a Lake Snore branch in the extreme northshyern end of HiUsdale countybullbullkilling Parker and one of his children and Injuring fcis ^ife aiid child also an aunt of the children who lived with the family Three other children of the family were out of the house The dead body of Parker was dug out of the ruins The second injured child is believed to be dying

From reports that are coming in from the exvited farmers of that vishycinity it appears that Parker went down ceilar shortly after the three older children had left home for school

He went down there to fil the tank of the acetylene gag plant is what Mrs Parker says

The aeetylene plant evidently exshyploded Mrs Parker the children Louise aged 6 and Nellie 3 and the aunt Parkers sister Were in the livshying room when there was a loud re port in the cellar the house floor heaved up and then the walls began to fall in on them The two women grabbed each a child and scrambled across the caving floor to an outer door and escaped just as the avashylanche of bricks descended on them It was their prompt flight that saved their lives As it was Mrs Parker suffered a broken leg and cuts oa the head and both of the children had both arms and legs broken Nellie died The aunt received lesser inshyjuries

Nearby neighbors heard the explo Bkm and the news spread with the rapidity of a message conveyed by the wireless telegraph In a brief intershyval there was a crowd at the scene of the wreck It was a wreck for the entire brick house had tumbled in ruins into the cellar

Big Year in Iron and Steel The tremendous activity that is exshy

pected in the movement of Lake Sushyperior iron ores is indicated by the announcement that the steel corporashytion has chartered vessels to move 15000000 tons while it will move about 32000000 tons in its own vesshysels this making the immense tonshynage of 2000000 tons for the leading interest lit is confidently expected that independent interests will move 23000000 tonsv making a grand total of 50000000 tons Ore freight rates have been advanced five cents per ton and the charges paid by vessels for unloading have been reduced five cents per ton so that on a basis of a movement of 50000000 tons vessels will have receipts of f5000000 greatshyer than under the schedule of last year of ore freights in unloading charges

A very heavy volume of inquiry for pig iron Is pending ir the central west and some orders of good size have been taken

The state industrial commission rer cently appointed by ltJov Warner vi 11 meet in Saginaw Feb 5

Members of Company F National Guard Saginaw have received a check for $300 in payment for their driii services from last June until November

A three-quarter million dollar hotel tea stories high will be built in Kalashymazoo on the site of the Burdlck h a use destroyed by fire Dec S I I wilt have a frontage apound 85 feet and a depth of 132

It is thought thai a- postomco in spector will go to Jackson to investishygate the case of Ray Horseman alshyleged Jto havo sent t -vo threatening letters through the-mails to C C Bioooifleld v ^oLiipii him to give up-$10000 -

Mrs Martin Ifoyt of Grass Lake swallowed carbolic acid and jumped into a stoc^-watering tank and was found dead in the tank by neighbors Worry over her husbands ill health and financial troubles are given as the cause for her despondency

Joseph Clark of Sagluaw a stationshyary engineer decided to relieve bte diet of liquids and light foods with mush He swallowed a quantity of it and was seized by an old disease of the throat The food stuck in his throat and he choked to death

The police searched the lunch counshyter and pool room belonging to T A Seager of Ithica and found three cases-of beer three gallons of whisky and two barrels of hard eider The man was placed under arrest and gave bonds to appear in the circuit court

Todd Klneaiu an Owosso coal mine operator and representative of a Calushymet corporation has leased 700 acres o land near Kirby in Shiawassee county and operations for coal mining wiij be started soon It is stated that a vein three feet thick is located on the property

Sheriff Shuter of Traverse City has notified the Flint police that Mamie Rreckenridge the woman who was sentenced to 65 days in the Detroit house of correction after having caused the police much work by conshycocting a hold-up story is wanted in that city for forgery

Prof William J Hussey head of the astronomical department at the Ann Arbor university reports that a very bright comet has been sighted He states that it was traveling towards the sun This is supposed to be the same one that was sighted by astronshyomers In South Africa on January 17

R h Lament an alumnus of the engineering department at Ann Arshybor has donated gifts to the univershysity which will total $20000 They include a plot of ground adjoining the observatory money to begin work on a 24-Inch refracting telescope and $2-000 worth of tools for the engineering department

To open the coai fields in Haxeltcn township the Grand Trunk spur line running between Cornnna aud Kerby is to be extended 12 miles The leasshying of a large tract of land by the Saginaw Coal Co has necessitated this extension which will open up a rich farming country at present without railway facilities

The Michigan Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers tn session at Kalamazoo voted to ask the state legislature for more stringent measshyures governing the manufacture of the delicacy They demand that the manushyfacture in dark basements and other

Specifications for finished products places where there is danger of con arc running in a very satisfactory volume to makers although In tubushylar and raquoirp eoorls ltraquoriTiiitions are rather quiet because buyers are verv

agination be prohibited Michigan won and lost in debates

on the resolution that The United States has shown that a protective

comfortably fixed with stocks on tariff should continue to be a national nana uraers against contracts in sheets are probably of the largest volume

Origin of Life Nothing new is to be reported unshy

der this head The status of the anshycient problem remains the same The whence and what of life remain the same impenetrable mystery Where life comes from and what it is after it comes no man can tell This much however seems to be generally acceptshyed that life can come only from life Huxley declared just before his deshyparture that the idea of creating life from nonvital matter was the dream of a fool and nothing that has hapshypened since Huxleys death has served to disprove the soundness of his stateshyment

Jack-on Black HanderV That be was threatened on peril of

his life io secure $10000 and leave it at Main and Gorham streets for two parties in Chicago is the story told by Ray Horseman the $S-a-week dry goods clerk who has confessed that he tried to extort an equal sum from C C Bloomfield of Jackson by means of a black hand letter

Young Horseman admits everything in connection with the easo but be declares that he was the victim of Chicago black-handers and that he concocted the extortion cf Mr Bloom-field as a method of procuring the money The letters he received he says he has torn up The police are inclined lo doubt his story inasmuch as other evidence in the case tends to show that he was alone in the plot

It is barely possible that Ray got mixed up with a gang of blackmailers during his visits to Chicago

Finding a New Ending I suppose you will end your booK

as us^al and they lived happy ever after

Not a bit of i t I will say They are now happily married but no man knows what a day may bring forth The aathor however hopes for the best

Mixing Metaphors Did gtou hear what that manager

said about bis new play No what was it That there would be the devil vo

pay if he couldnt get an angelmdashBalshytimore American

His Toil Ended IVI uu- laquo-Jv (-gt a^Wi bull li C fiCTi MrTiSi

Young and is now oft on his honeyshymoon

I really dout Know whether onn HflOSMfj OPii gtt - f a r

Ex-Mayor Heavily Fined Admitting that he was technically

guilty of violating the law in selling to a minor though declaring that he had no intention of willfully violating the law Druggist L A Goodrich eight times mayor of Hillsdale was given the minimum sentence by Judge Chester $100 fine and $5 costs Goodrich sold some liquor to Harry Van Wormer the minor son of a reshytired minister who Goodrich claims represented that he wanted it for his sick mother

The largest attendance In the hisshytory of the organization is the record set by the Michigan Millers associashytion which held the annual meeting this week in Lansing

Fred J Tro^is a St Johns banker has been appointed receiver of the Michigan Milk amp Food Products Co of Elsie and will file a bond of $75-000 The concern started factories at Elsie Ovid and ShepardsvHt a few months ago to manufacture powderee milk products but went on the finanshycial rocks It was capitalized at $C0-000

The Baton County Agricultural so-M C y bull- ftft-03i ist O h W ^ t ltgtbull-bull-raquo-gt the following oflieera -President W Fbdquo Hale secretary V G Griffith treasurer Nfiluon Hlbba-d trii

policy The affirmative team defeasshyed Northwestern university team at Ann Arbor and the men taking the negative side were beaten by the Unishyversity of Chicago team in that city

At the meeting of the state board of auditors at Lansing a total of 508 claims were allowed While the amounts of claims did not reach as large a tofal as on previous days nearly $50000 was paid out The beard also gave permission to the state tfcreshemen to use representashytive hall-for-bullbullbulltheir annual convention which occurs on March 30 and 31

Foreign liquor dealers in the upper peninsula are making haste to comply with the law in regard to taking out state licenses since the wholesae arshyrests at Escacaba The matter was brought to the attention of Atty-Gen Bird some time ago and a consultashytion by letter with prosecuting attorshyneys in the northern section resulted in the prompt response of the saloon men

Simplicity is to be the slogan of Adrian high schools next graduating class for the girls of 10 have adopted a resolution fixing on simple white for all functions pretaining to commenceshyment Each young lady is limited to one white gown and Is pledged to wear no hat at the baccalaureate ex-exercises the event at which the milshylinery displays were wont to be made in former years

The electric railroad meeting at Cold water in response to a call from Mayor Sherman brought out 500 men The subject under discussion was the proposed line between Coldwater and Battle Creek for which the citizens of Coidwater are asked to raise $C-000 A committee was appointed and nearly $2000 was subscribed al the meeting It is planned to run the road over the old Coldwater-Mnns-Oeld roadbed

It is believed at Marquette that the explosion of dynamite which cost the life of one miner and seriously inshyjured four others and destroyed the dry house at the Carey mine reshycently was the result of a plot though the raotJve for such a crime is a mysshytery as the men are working on a friendly agreement with the company investigation shows that the explo1 I sive was placed at five different places bull iijc-r the building i

j CovsTf-H5raa7i Gnr^ner =-$ HGitftec j Charles O Bali thai he will be AD- j


Too often the kidneys are the cause and the sufferer is not aware of it Sick kidneys bring backache and side paius lameness rnd stiffness dizzi-oess headaches tired feeling urinary

tidoubles Doans Kidshyney Pills cure the cause Mrs N E G r a v e s Villisca Iowa says I sufshyfered from kidney trouble Tor years The secretions were disordered th e r e

were pains In my back and swellings of the ankles Often I had smother ing spells I had to be helped about Doans Kidney pills cared me five years ago and I have been well since ihey saved my life

Remember the naroemdashDoans For sale by all dealers 50 cents a uos Foster-Milburn Co Buffalo N Y




RIVER NEAR laquo i J D 9 U R Y f 0 N T


While we were on our honeymoon I always spoke French to my husband so that no one should understand us

So you went to France did you

Why does Great Britain buy its oatmeal of us

Certainly it seems like carrying ccals to Newcastle to speak of exportshying oatmeal to Scotland and yet every year the Quaker Oats Company sends hundreds of thousands of cases of Quaker Oats to Great Britain and Europe

The reason -5s--smpe 7i]e tne English and Scotch have for centuries eaten oatmeal in quantities and with a regularity that has made them the most rnggtd physically and active mentally of all people the American has been eating oatmeal and trying all the time to improve the methods of manufacture so that he might get that desirable foreign trade

How well he has succeeded would be seen at a glance at tne export reshyports of Quaker Oats This brand is recognized as without a rival in clean iiness and delicious flavor 51

His Terrible Threat Aviation has improved considerably

since the time when Col Cleary then county commissioner and for years a well-known poundhicpoundgtrader-poundtradede 2 bslloon ascension at a county fair over in Michigan says the Chicago Journal

As the guest of honor the colonel was sent upward with the assurance that there was absolutely no danger But as the distance from the earth grew greater tbe colonel leaned out anxiously

Pull me in he shouted The men who were bailing out the

rope paid no heed to his demand Higher and higher went the balloon Wilder nd wilder grew the colonel Finally almost standing on his bead as bev tried to keep a precarious balshyance he gave a final cry of exasshyperated panic

Pull me in I tell you or Ill cut the rope

Wisdom of a COOK Mr Uoneyman looked hopefully at

the pleasant rosy faced Norwegian girl with whom the manager of the employment bureau had accorded him an interview Can you wash and iron he asked

Yaas I do dose responded the cheerful Minna

And you can wait on the tablesmdashI mean will yoamdashand answer the door-bein Mr Honeyman faltered My wife is quite determined on these points

Yaas I d o dose and Minna conshytinued to beam benevolently

And you can cook of course said Mr-^ W n n e y T n fraquoTraquo

Yaas said Minna for the third time I do dat fine ven you keep her busy so she do not help memdashYouths Companion

Slightly Altered AJ1 the worlds a stage And most of the men and women

merely supersmdashCleveland Leader

ii-iDfryyiX- n bull i i V e S t iVXsii -jioston Traugcript j

i isOiiileci-i iJii bull --^-- -- ^ i v bull -ivv0 i i u y Jit-ju I Lhc C i S c t C0nt i i iU6waV f o r 17 y o T j

INSOMNIA Leads to Madness if not Remedied lit


Experiments satisfied me some 5 years ago writes a Topeka woman that coffee was the direct cause of the insomnia from which I suffered ter ribly as well as the extreme nervousshyness and acute dyspepsia which made life a most painful thing for me

I had been a coffee drinker since childhood and did not like to think that the beverage was doing me all this harm But it was and the time came when I had to face the fact and proshytect myself I therefore gave up coffee abruptly and absolutely and adopted Posium as my hot drink at meals

I began to note improvement in my condition very soon after I took on Postum The change proceeded gradshyually but surely and it was a matter of only a few weeks before I found myshyself entirely relieved -the nervousness passed away my digestive apparatus was restored to nomn 1 efficiency and I began to sleep restfully and peaceshyfully

These happy condition have conshytinued during all of the 5 years and I am safe in sayng that I owe tbem enshytirely to Pactum fcr whet I began to flrink h i csrtrifefl bullgt ulaquoraquo r^poundgtnfi Read ttc little book The Road to Wellvmen p^^s -T^rr ^ ^ s o

0vpound fcpjT itvtn am ltraquo raquoinsc raquoraquo laquo - - raquo i - - raquo =

Three uoatiad Coaches are Submerged in RivermdashConductor fteynold Hrkgti-caliy Rescues Eight Through Roof of Dining Car

Death iu 1 its most terrible forms blotted out the lives of a t leasttwo aceie people when Your car^ of a Cashynadian Pacific passenger trail on the Sc-o branch leaped from the tracks near Sudbury Ont and went tearing down a steep embankment plunging through the ice-covered surface of the Spanish river

Suiue were drowned others were crushed to death in grinding timbers

Most terrible of all maimed and injured caught In the wreckage of one of the cars were burned to death

The exact number of dead and inshyjured was still unknown but accordshying to stories told by injured passenshygers brought to Sudbury it was one of the worst catastrophes in the hisshytory of Canadian railroads

Tbe train wrecked was known as No 7 en route from Montreal to Sault Ste Marie and Minneapolis An offishycial statement given out says that it probably was due to a broken rail

Front Cars Stay on Track The engine baggage express mail

and one second class car remained on the rails while one second class one first class a dining car and a sleeper went down the embankment The first class car and diner went into the river The sleeper and second class car stopped on the embankment the second cass car catching fire

The wreck odcurred about 37 miles west of Sudbury where the tracks cut into the side of a steep hill which is skirted by the river The forward part of the train passed over the break whatever it was in safety The day coach which was the fourth from the end of the train was the first to leave the rails bull bullgt bull

The train was running at the rate of about 40 miles an hour and the momentum carried the car down the hill in a terrific plnnge About 25 passengers were in this car and it Is practically certain that none escaped

Only the Roof Above Water Two minutes after the first crash

only the roof of the day coach showed above the flowing Ice In the river The second class car the next in the train smashed against tbe end cf a culvert and was crushed to splinters Some of tbe passengers were killed outright but others caught in the wreckage which almost immediately broke into flames were roasted to death before they could be resented

Uninjured passengers and trainmen immediately turned their attention to the rescue of passengers imperiled by the fire

The telegraph lines were all torn down and It was evident that relief could flot be summoned by wire It was five miles to the village of Nairn and a drenched survivor ran the disshytance to deliver a report of the wreck at the Canadian Pacific depot

Meanwhile Conductor Thomas Reyshynolds was proving himself a hero in

rescuing eight passengers from the sunken dining car When the wreck occurred Reynolds with W J Bell and David Rrodie had just sat down for an early dinner iieii and Brodie facing the engine and Reynolds sitshyting opposite them and riding back- j wards The diner was the last ear to ] enter the water and did not sink at once but settled slowly while the passengers climbed upon the tables to keep their heads above the rising waters With several passengers standing in water to their chins the situation was desperate

Then it was that Conductor Reyshynolds made a dive to reach a window broke the glass and succeeded in risshying to the surface of the fiver outside the ar Happily he reached the Surshyface where a hole in the ice enabled him to gain a solid footing by resting one arm on the roof of the car and the other on the ice

Some Taken Through Roof Gaining the roof of the car he broke

a fan light with his fist and rescued little Alfonso Rouse] of Sault Ste Marie After the little boy came D M Brodie of Sudbury who was small enough to pass through the fan light Six more passengers who were too big to be rescued in this manner were taken out through a hole broken in the roof of the car

1 never heard snch terrible cries as when those cars went over the bank I shall never forget it as long as I live said Conductor Reynolds I put the killed at between 40 and 50 The first coach carried about 35 or 40 passengers and of this number only one man escaped

Gangs of wreckers to the number of 100 were immediately sent to the scene of the horrible disaster



Toe above caption about represent tbe growth of Cestfral Canada The statement was made not long since by a railroad man who claimed to have made the remarkable discovery that such was the case There is not a district of agt fair amount of settleshyment n any of the three Provinces of Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta but has its school and the railways Lave stations every seven or eight miles apart around whieh group the towns some large and some small but each imports nt to its own district Schools ltu3 largely maintained by pubshylic funds and the expense of tuition is but a nominal sum

The final returns of the grain proshyduction for Central Canada for 1909 is now In and the figures show that the value of the crops to the farmers of that country is about 195 million dolshylars as compared with 120 million last year American farmers or those who have gone from the United States will participate largely in these splendid returns and these comprise those who have gone from nearly every State in the Union

One of tbe many proofs that might be put forward showing theimmense wealth that comes to the farmers of Central Canada is seen in tbe sum that has been spent during the past two or three months by the faraers who bare for the time being ceased worrying over the reaper and the thresher and are taking to enjoying themselves for two or three months I+gt is said that fifty thousand people of these Western Provinces spent the holiday season visiting their old homes Host of these passengers paid forty and some forty-five dollars for the round trip Some went to Great Britain some to tbe Continent others to their old homes in Eastern Canada and many thousands went to visit their friends in the States The amount paid alone in transportation would be upward of two million dollars Some make tbe trip every years It need hot be asked Can they afford it With crops yielding them a profit of $20 to $26 per acre and some having as much as twelve hundred or more across tbe question is answered Tbe Canadian Government Agents at difshyferent point in tbe State report that they have interviewed a great many of those who arc now visiting friends Jn tbe different states and they all exshypress themselves as well satisfied and promise to take tome of their friends back witb tbena There It still a lot of free homestead land in splenshydid districts and other land can be purchased st a reasonable price from railway and land companies


ThiefmdashWhats tbe time please Victims-Much too late for you Your

pal just got my watch

Ezra Kendall Passes Away Ezra Kendal] the man who has

made a nation laugh is dead Death came to bim at a time in life when he was about to retire wealthy and happy after 30 years of constant toil on the Stage to end his days in rest with his wife and six children Aposhyplexy seized the actor while in a san itarium at Martinsville Ind Saturshyday He was taken ekk in Califorshynia following the close of the Vinegar Buyer

Mary KatoHcfc pleaded guilty at Paterson N J to two more burglaries than she is years old Mary is 10 She can neither read noi- wrftor her TisroDts aw ltleslts ampampd she irtuT u OPi f- W-OUlis 1Hgt i3ihlaquoViuI Ugt gtlaquo sraquoect I to the state horns for giris Mary was an export ir the use of false Jreys Buf Khnw^i tno ffyiii- how she car- ricd amp ijiss buaich oi iaam cyampcsxcj j


In Dowlaisi South Wales about fifshyteen years ago families were strickshyen wholesale by a disease known as the itch Believe me it is tbe most terrible disease of its kind that I know of as It itches all through your body and makes your life an inferno Sleep i out of the question and you feel as If a million mosquitoes were attacking yon at tbe same time I knew a dozen families that were so affected

The doctors did their best bnt their remedies were of no avail whatshyever Then the families trisd a drugshygist who was noted far and wide for bis remarkable cures People came to bim frcm all parta of the country for treatment but bis medicine made matters still worse as a last resort t iey were advised by a friend to use the Cuticura Remedies t am glad to eraquo yon that after a few days treatshyment witb Cuticura Soap Ointment and Resolvent tbe effect was wondershyful and tbe result was a perfect cere m all cases

I may add that my three brothers t i ree sisters myself and all our famshyilies hare been users of the Cuticura Remedies for fifteen years Thomas Hugh 1650 West Huron St Chicago Hi June 29 1909

Whiskers A Roman poet told of the pride onraquo

of the late Caesars took in his great whiskers On some of the wildwood Hill Billies I have seen beards some feet long a switch of the iooampe ends banging out from under the waistcoat Others braided tbe growth and tied it around the neck while still others braided it around iae waist tying it behind like apron strings One told

poundipound7 a=Ki jjul it iisviijr iiiic a iottg linen bag or nightgown so as to keep It from Setting all tangled up with bis -V1S ^ fJ-M -wM 1 raquoltbull-raquogti iv i t i i i P v s ^ j

u i CugtmnUmm tk vvraquorraquo rlaquogt ltbull ran vwK tbe course of trwc teve


GRIND Pleasant la take

Tha new laxative Does riot gripe or n a u s e a t e C ares stomach and liver troubles and chronic conshystipation by restoring the natural action of the stomshyach tiver and bo w e l s Rfrtase aub^titut Wlaquoraquo 6O0-

CnLEK T~laquo R E V O S L D S

D O Y O U - U S E A

Phone Nothing can answer your purpose as well m t h e UNION PHONE 1095 connections in Owtweo aad Corona



CURE rraquo Tjiucni dmoswrage There I s

gmrfWrywa rfaiewfMy wrHraquoraquor Fw Be as seest a Uraquo itpae nudaf Jmt

Dr FVBMT Kldaey u 4 SwktA Cw fctbeeatweuiKy tela s lrre to-day I b w l bull u t t n e d acnauy of kidney d t e u e foryemra s o d reaac4 to weight to Wpeetad I bow

W f T M e S C e n f Oflve Furnace 0 w

Druggiro laquo c 1 AsktorCooa BookmdashFret


nvoaa bullending - skatea bdquoultckl7 aikwruif oar iTlaquotition 1raquo prebablr


Cogtvmarrrs cVc

UunartrteUyeoaSdaai bdquo_ laquomt trea Old bulljeaar for

sUnnmaf Mtaar as


laquoIOWVlaquo rlaquowleraquooCfclaquo withoutlaquolaquolaquobull bit

StieMific JMerkm A h mdaowaaiy Uintretad winfcir Lawwat^r-cuiaUon of bullojr CL-iatitlfic teunuti Ton S3 a

four ta^ntrt I t Sou br all newaaealaro

Srawsa Co

MS r Bt Waafcincto Hewtort ftataaixa

The esfety comfort and esnvesi-ence of tit Mwrtm 9oUd top closed-in breech and -aide ejection features arlaquo combined wtth the quick easy manipulation of the popular sliding fore-end or pomp action in the new Mode 20 JBnfle rifles

real teat ef a bull ottd top ta always a

In rapid firin-the Ipeatermdashthlaquo StatSm aol erctectfoe atid prtrefita amok aad faeea iblovrtnc back] ba aftctei efeell la jaerar thrown Into your fcce or area and never tnterferca with the almt f^fat ferearm fita yoor hand ami belpe Qtica oserattoa

It handle tjte abort leaf and ke-rJRe ecrtrfdcea without cbaac in adjuatonent and the deep 3alllaquowdrlffltn- (uarantaea tbe accuracy makint it the fineet Httle rlfta la the world for target afaootinc and far a41 bullmatt came op to UO or 300 yania

raquobull W U raquo raquo ^ v i n i l tr bull

aii jampBatampm (tepeatere Juat gtt our 136-pace catalog Mailed free for atauope aoataw


Federal License of Corporations i$ Opposed by Many in



Pension Bills Introduced Providing for VolunUer Retired ListmdashTwo Pft Its Want Exposition Marking tfca Canal Opening

WashingtonmdashTb Republican leadshyers in congress practically httve agreed that if it can be accomplished the majority of the Presidents recom-mendaticus shall be enacted into law at this session but there is growing evidence that anions the minority of the recommendations which are to be overlooked the Presidents wish that a law legalizing the federal licensing of incorporations may not be fulfilled at this session In telling Mr Taft that it la unlikely that MB federal licence law is to go through the leaden have made a tacshyit promise that at a future date probshyably at the next session the lecora-mendamption shall be taken up and put through i s some form Xt seems that the plan for the licensing of corporashytions by the federal government has aroused antagonism among some of the Republicans and among a majorshyity of the Democrats it Is understood also that the leading Republicans men who ordinarily can get the rest of the party representatives in line are not over-zealous in their desire that this bill shall become a law cershytainly not at the present time It la Impossible in the absence of any dishyrect statement of the reasons for their objections to tell why it Is that the leaders apparently are determined to postpone action upon this particular piece of legislation but It seems to be assured that consideration of it Is to be postponed until a more convenishyent season

It has beett pretty generally undershystood that bip subsidy was to have hard sailing through the waters of the lower house of congress and not very easy sailing through those of the upshyper house It is impossible of course to foretell just what the fate of subshysidy will be but it seems that one senator who in the cast has been the champion of subsidy this year Is not inclined to look with favor upon i t The senator in question Is Mr Prye of Maine who apparently does not think that the measure recommended by the President and already introshyduced into the house goes anywhere near far enough to suit the shipping interests President Taft has recomshymended legislation of this klcd but the feciling Is in Washington that he will not be particularly disappointed if it does not go through although of course its passage would add one more to the administration victories

Postal Savings Banks One of the most peculiar situations

is that in regard to postal savings banks Much has been written about this matter and in the main former opinion was that the postal savings bank bill might have great trouble in getting sanction for itself from the leaders of both houses As everybody knows the members of the national monetary commission would prefer that consideration of the postal savshyings bank bill should be put off until after the commission has made its reshyport President Taft however Is inshysistent that postal savings bank legisshylation shall be enacted this winter and it is believed to-day that the leaders have agreed uraquo accede to his wishes as they have also agreed to do what he wants them to do in the matter of amendments to the intershystate commerce law and of laws which will safeguard the interests of the nations natural resources

Bills for Veterans Before the military committee of

the house of representatives there are eight principal bills Intended to benefit the veterans of the civil war In several of them there is a specific provision for the creation of what is called a volunteer retired list for the civil war officers who are still living

In the sects tive

Sixteenth congress Repre-Beeman 0 Dawes of Ohio

introduced a bill which if it had beshycome a law would have put all the commissioned officers of the civil war on the veMred list with month-Iy pay of one-half that which they received while they were wearing swords in the field There is a reshytired list for regular officers and the idea of Representative Dawes was to give to the volunteer officers in their

old age a recognition in part at least o the value of their services as com-nilssioned officers The question seemed io be if tbe regulars are paid after retirement why not do the same thing for the volunteers

Representative Dawes is not now In Congress but the provision in his bill which was Intended to carcopy for the volunteer officers has been incor porated in several of the bills which j re now before the military commitshytee for action It seems probable it-4 gt ^nz firtngrrsa will vgtR n

man who wore a bar a leaf an eagle or a star on his shoulder dvring the civil war and who is alive to-day will

as though they were still fighting in the field

Substitute for Pensions Of course pensions assuchfor the

volunteers will brgt done away with if any of tbese bills passes congress because the retired pay will take the pensions place

Likely to Carry $raquo a raquocopyrttfc If the volunteer officers retired bill

passes it is possible that it will carry with it a pension giving enlisted men ol the civil war a pension of $40 per month fijfth sit present pensions be-tug abolished except in cases of total or almost total disability where the present sum paid to the disabled solshydiers exceed 40 per month With the officers and eullstea men and the widows cared for with these specific sums in each case the trouble of penshysion gradations and the chances of fraud are minimised but nevertheless it will cost a huge sum of money the first few years of the measures legai life

According to a classification made by Gen Green B Raum the volunteer officers who would benefit are In number and rank as follows Major generals two brigadier generals 28 colonels 151 lieutenant colonels 195 majors 309 captains 2633 first lieushytenants 2233 second lieutenants 1166-varlons ranks in the navy 160 this bringing the total up to the numshyber given above

Of course a full expression of opinshyion of desirability of such a retired Bat bill as this is not obtainable Soldiers and those who take an interest in mil itary affairs generally are much in fashyvor of the measure The crrtUans who never saw service do not express opinions on the matter in letter form for it seems that few people care to go on record as being opposed to any thing in the nature of a bill for the rcattf of the men who fought In the Heidi even though there may he and probably la a general feeling among civilians that the government is exshytravagant in the matter of pension naytnents

Rivalry for Exposition San Francisco and San Diego cities

of California each wants to be the teent of a great exposition In the year 1915 as a means of marking the opening of the Panama canal Represhysentative Kahn of California has Inshytroduced into tbe house a bill which is now before the committee on inshydustrial arts and expositions to proshyvide for what he designates as the Panama-Pacific exposition Represhysentative Smith of California on beshyhalf of the city of San Diego desires that U shall be the location of what he wishes to be called the Panama-California exposition

It is too early yet to tell whether congress will vote money for governshyment participation in any exposition on the Pacific coast or elsewhere to be held at tbe time of the canal openshying It is assured however that there will be a great celebration on the Tsthmu of Panama at the time that Col Goethala sets for the completion of the great work Early as the day la it la believed that the president of the United States and both houses of congress will go to Panama to give recognition to the completion of the canal Whether or hot there shall be a great exposition in the United States 1ST a matter yet to be decided but it must be said that California shows that it is very much in earnest in the matter of getting the governments sanction for a great exposition of arts industries and manufactures on the Pacific coast in the year 1915 when It la practically assured the Inter-oceanic canal will be open for traffic

Few Bills Before Congress Considering the fact that this Is a

long session of congress comparativeshyly few bills have been introduced into either house or senate There is a marked absence at this session of what is known as freak bills Memshybers of congress are urged constantly by constituents some of whom are a little unbalanced mentally or who beshylong to the class of extreme enthusishyasts to put in bills which no congress possibly could be brought to pass and no committee could be made even to consider These so-called freak bills are introduced by members simply to escape the constant appeals of those who want their measures at least to see the light of print

In congress there is this winter anshyother determined effort to lay the groundwork for a plan which when carshyried to ultimate completion will result in a great boulevard running from the city of Washington to the battlefield of Gettysburg It is the intention If sanction for such a great avenue can be secured to have it known as a memorial of Lincoln A survey he been made of a road from Washington to Gettysburg in a straight line beshytween the capitol and the central point of the famous battlefield and it has been found that tbe road can be bunt without much interference with private property As a matter of fact the people who live along the way have expressed a desire that the work should be carried to completion

Approve Memorial Project There are many old soldiers and

men in ofScial gtife whose memories go back to tbe Lincoln days and some of whom knew Lincoln personally who think that the noble roadway would be the best possible memorial to the war- time president good deal of sentiment in favor of the proposition has been aroused ft the country alshythough it Should be said that considershyable opposition has been developed r n f d u l flpi5raquo J^Oplft raquoltflitj fgt thTT

ij i K i i l K A v s i i

i laquo W laquo a t SaVI CO R ^ t t a t t t t S M M W E

el2 OiUltV bullbullT r f t S iS i a l S ftiltgt Riiilti i v ^ i j i i j ) r-av- nt H r w l A n i n ) vHfA nA now) | vfirs of service laquore Yttlvampi laquonlt ps$d

Abraham Lincoln should be done so that no real estate transactions that might be of money value to poculv Unbdquo bdquollaquogtt^(I bo gti-vved to r-jceSvs t h e

asosampfi CUNTcopy

B vt ft amp -

R o l l s

M u f f i n s

R i s c w i l s Wa f u t ^


P i jgt o v laquor r


bullOi-r S J O N

I- (gt 1 J ltbull n re- clti

M lt a d c vv i i i t -


GOLD mrmjpound


4 laquo i i

M a i - s Br-e-ikfisf a S u c L S V N N

The Goultsss Corporation j A burglar broke into Che Clinton

Sprinsfield station at Harrisonville ( He found a rubber stamp and an ink pad which he refused to take away but he left a note to the agent The note read Wat the ella the counshytry cummin to when a big ralerodej corporashun dont eve enough In It] drawers to buy a pore man a meles vittlesmdashKansas City Star

Rabbits In Australia Some one has calculated that the

rabbits in Australia must reach the number of 1000000000000 But of course there is no means of taking aj census the calculation is largely guesswork Its foundation being a rough numbering of the rabbits to beraquo found in an acre of country and mul-

tiplying that by the number of rabbit infested acres

Out of Mans Reach Th$ old ngtay have their years

stretched out beyond the fourscore but they must die sooner or later no such necessary limit affects the births and it Is conceivable that there may-come a year when there are no births Immortality is the only effective anshyswer to a cessation of reproduction) and alas the King of Terrorsystill reigns r

immense Leather Beit The largest leather belt ever madti

Was completed recently by a New York manufacturer for a Louisiana lumber company it was 243 feet long six feet wide and three tily thick The bides of 540 steers were utilized in the manufacture of the belt As its delivery was a matter of urgency tbe great roll of leather was shipped by express and the bill for this service was $243G7

importance of Table Manners Emerson declared I could better

eat with one who did not respect tho truth or the laws than with a slovshyenly and unpresentable person Moral qualities rule the world but at short distances the senses are despotic There Is nothing more offensive to truly polite and cultured people than careless vulgar table manners

Education Never Stops Get all the education you can but

never remove yourself from the idea that after you know a lot you still nave more to learn When you gradu ate from college you are just beginshyning to understand many themes and subjects that are most important

Use for Old Clocks When a small clock is beyond reshy

pair do not throw it away but keep it for sick room use Set the bands each time medicine is given to the hour when the next dose is to be given

Childhoods Protest Theres one thing I dont undershy

stand said little Harry and thats why rood tasting things like mince pies make me ill while bad tasting things like medicine make pounde well It ought to be the other way about

STEVENS ^Generations of live wideshyawake American Boys hare obtained tiio right kind of FIREARM EDUCATION bj being equipped with the

unerring time-honored S T E V E N S

[Spoi STE w e i laquopo

All progressiva Hardware and omnffGooda MercoanU handle

VERS If you cannot obtain we will ship direct express prepaid upon receipt of Catalog Price

ISend 5 cents ia stamps for itaVtxzo illustratedCwaioff

bull - I ltopMo with ^ bdquo j S T E V 73 N 8

f ^A i msampsttr-j^

and utneral firearm ja-fltraquormtton

^ frac34 ^ frac34

X STEYBB pjics A Toot CO

-ft M iiXftc


European Plan 260 Rooms 108 Rooms win water

PerDar A ~ n oo

CUb Breakfast rala^hl ale gnU

wdh private bath

PexDty n 50 50 Rooms

KuDv $2frac34


25 aiaii Caf e Talis JHcte


sad 50

POSTAL MOREY Pwprlaquotaw

DAIRY FARMERS WE have established Cash

Tes t ing S t a t i o n s at thre following p laces

Chesaning Henderson New Lothrop Judds Corners Flushshying Ovid Elsie and Bannister where cream will be received tes ted and paid for when delivered

Why not deliver your cream to one of these stations once each week and save the exshypense of having it gathered

One trial will convince you that our plan of buying cream is the most satisfactory wray for the Dairyman

Yours respectfully

American Farm Products



bull W U B T ^ - laquo laquo M laquo B B v

S w bscr lbe IN o w


bullbullbullbull ELS1J2 bull bull bull + bull bull bull bull bull

Klie bullML-ThJ J A H 2 3 1laquoI0 ^

GaynOrGriggs is i i rwi ih n^s ics v O L JtJrti-nani isuuder the doctors

bullbullbull-bull bulllt5sue_ bullbullbullbull s bullbullbullbullbull bull Ira Cleaviager cut his fen with an ax

on Slonday V Mrs Bcriry Hus iu is confined lo her gt xd withnenjrjIgiU

The Hi tie soil ofTivkl PeV of Fuirfiold died Ust Thursday ol iiplithoi-ia-

Our Sophomore clraquoiaa ire preparing to give a literary eDtertainmet 6 i Feb 18

Mis Anuic Van Denseu is teaching the 3ead school during the illness of the egu-ktf teacher

Mrs Myrtle Burlingume has gone to Detroit to care fcr her grand mother who has a broken leg

T w o sleighloads of high school pup attended lite entertainment gWeu by the Oyki H S at Ovid last Friday evening

Mr and Mrs Milan Emmons gave a family birthday party on Thurslay in honor of Mr Emmons and his twin brothshyer Myron from Van Buren Co Covers -were laid for 18 The twin brothew were 66 years old

Rev E C Thompson has had a call to a Detroit church aid will move there with his family in the near future Many both in and out of the Elsie F B church reshygret losing Elder Thcmjvon and bis chanming family but all join in congratushylating him on the prospect of their n e home

The Woodmen and Royal Neighbors held joint installation at their hall last Thursday evening Mrs Jennie Lee and George Batrs acted as installing oncers After insial ation itoth orders adjourned to the I O 0 F hall where a banqraquoraquoct was served to over 200 persons The Woodmen have secured 10 new applicashytions bullbull

Dr Thomas Eclectric O i l is the best reme ly for that of lexi fatal d seasemdashcroti p l i a s beeh used with success ia our family for eight yearsmdashMrs L Whiteacre Buffalo IS Y

bull + +-++^ + + + + SHAFTSBCBC

+ + + + 4 + + + + + + bull bull Sbeftampburg Mich Jan 25 1310

Mrs James Shaft was in Landing on Lusincss Tuesday

Mrs Sarsfiejd Corcoran who has been ill is now better

John P Shaft went to Coninoa on Monday to be gone a few days

Mrs J G Marsh and Mrs Andrew Oidiway arc still among the sick

Mis Janie Shaft made a hurried visit to Laingsburg on Monday

Miss Alma Maltby of Perry spent Sunshyday with her sister Mrs Earf Harlow

James Shaft and little Harvey Comrie took a business trip to Bancroft one day last week

Mrs Charley Kline has just returned from a weeks visit with her f-thbdquor Mr Bradley in Portland

Mrs Ana Applemau was in Laiogsburg from Sunday Until Tuesday visiting at the Burlingame home

Charey Harkncas hai taken his family to York Stlaquoe where they intend making their home in the future

Mr and Mrs Henry Shaft of Perry bull were here from Wednesday until Thursshyday night visiting their children

Mrs J Ilankintsslipped cn the ice and fell sustaining a broken arm Dr Dun- ham was called and reduced the fracture

Mr and Mrs Wm Towsley are iu Perry Mrs Towsley is caring for her daughter Mrs Clif Vandewalker who is ill

The Congregational Society will hold a box social at the home of Mr and Mrs Van Polhemus north of here on next Friday evening

Last Monday night a thief broke into Jerome Ordiways pool room smashed the slot machine and took its conteata Home talent is guspickmed

Elder and Mrs Doty returned Wednesshyday from Grand Ledge where she had been on a visit to her parents since before Christmas He poundoing there last Monday

Mr and Mrs Albert Shaft of Lansing came on Saturday he returned on Monshyday She remaining here to care for Mrs Scott Shaft the formers mother who is ill

For a mild easy action of the bowels a single dose of Doans Regulets is enough Treatment cures habitual constipation 25 cents a box Ask your druggist for them

bull MORBJCE bull bull bull bull bull + bull bull bull bull bull Horrice Mich Jan 241910

T W Atwood of Caro is spending a few days at this place

Mrs Jacob Heath is confined to her bed under the care of a physician

A number of our citizens viewed Hal-leys comet Saturday evening

Mrs T W Tewrsbury and daughter Minnie were Owosso visitors Friday

Mrs Damie Kellogg was a guest of Lansing friends a portion of last week

Mr and Mrs Oscar Shadbolt of Owotraquo-so spent last week visiting friends in this vicinity

Mr and Mrs Bernie Howe spent Sunshyday at the home of Charles King in Benshynington

Miss Dana Pierce and Marelte Russell were confined to the house by hard coids Saturday

Lete Ward sold one of his full blooded Ancona cockrels Friday to Paul Scott of Mn Morris

A number from here attended the party in Perry Friday evening and reported a pleasant time

Mrs G M Waters and daughter

Stent Saturday in Durand at the home of arry Johnaou Mr eiid Mrs Jnhr Dpfrefsse of Duraad

Dcryeae Sunday Miss Eta DeFrcese went to Toledo

Friday evening She wd spend = ninnts Uvfvith frlonik

W Atwood epent the greater por-of the week beie at the home of his

2f T Atwood uiid Mrs George Calkiua of Perry

vgt (- i c bull crallied at the home of Mrs Cinih) ai-iii Friday -MissDaua iivr bull vt^ niuth improved-Monday She hka n--^i ornlkeu to the house one week by iliiie^ bull -Hrs Elict Brown wept to Clovejdale Saturday to visit her daughter Mrs Dcl-Ixrt Payiia for a few days Mis-C F-Sper-rbrecierwftsthe guest of Mrs Allea BKiuaer Thursday at their home four miles e^it of town

Monday evehiug a slcighload of young people visited the rink at Percy and reshyport an eujoyablf evening spent on t-kates

G us Jordan moved into his new home Thursday They will reside in the tenant house recently built on his fathers farm east of town

Albert Nickloy and family moved Satshyurday from the farm and tenant house of Andrew McDivitt onto the farm of Francis Bunline south of Perry

The Sir Knights and Ladies of the Mac cabees will hold their installation of officers here Wednesday evening An oyster supshyper wDl be served afterwards

Dan Boutelt of this place went to Deshytroit Wednesday night with several carshyloads of stock for Hall amp Green of Perry He returned hcrhe^F iday ^0trade^

Miss Lucile Hall who has been teachshying school rear Flushing since theholgt days BDtnt Friday until Saturday night at the home of her mother Mrs Anne Hail

Mrs Annie McConnell and son Charles who have been spend ng the past month in Guelph Ca returned here Friday evenshying She has been visiting her mother at that place

Monday the firm of Fuller and Cates dissolve i partnership Mr Catcs wih-

drawing from the firm Cates Junior will reoiaia to cut steaks and help HLr Fuller with the trade

A meeting of the stockholders will take place at E L Vre^Unds telephone office Saturday afternoon 10 decide whether there shall be nijht and Sunday service at this pace hereafter

Mr and Mrs C F Speerbreckcr entershytained a number of guests from Bancroft Friday evening Progresive pedro was played and refr shmruts were served An enjoyable time was reported

E L Vreeiatid was in Bancroft Saturshyday attending a meetf ng of the stockholdshyers in 1 be Befl and Farmers office The line are being overhauled and every effort will bemade to give patrons better service at that place 4raquoThe ladles of the W C T U will tell baked goods one week from last Saturday January 89 The goods will be placed on sale at ten oclock in the window of H V Pierces store The money raised will be used for the local option fund

Work st pile diiviog-oa the Maple river was finished Saturday Monday the pile driver was moved near Shaftsburg where the men will put in some culverts A short stretch of track hat been laid 1K-tween here and Perry in the past weeks

Glen Blanchard and family spent from Friday until Monday at the home of hi sister Mis M J Herbert Mr BLiech ard works in tbcBuick at Flint and was injured in his ami by a flying piece of steel He took this time to visit his suter

Arthur Ecklcr has rented the A J Bristol farm and will move there in a few days Mrs Bristol will accompany her sou O L Bristol to his home in Beraquoo-uia Mr Bristol being obliged to return there to hold his position as commissioner of schcols

The citizens of this place have been patshyting themselves on the back While ts at other pliices have been soaring in pritc our little burg is only paying the price prevailing tor the past two yens here namely 15c a pouud for ati steaks and less for roasts

Ed Britten lost a valuable Southdown sheep one dav last week in an odd manner He began fighting with another sheep in the same yard and the other sheep struck him a blow in the side killing him instantly Mr Britten had been offered a good round sum for the animal a few days before

Mr and Mrs George McKay entertained the club at 500 Wedoeidiy eveaiii^ Mr McKay frame here with his sHgh and t ok them out to their home returning with them at a very early hour of the morning Mrs McKay Served refreshshyments and all report an enjoyable time

Vfctor Jose of the Lyceum Club U of M will deliver a lecture here Friday evenshying on The Higher Citizenship This lecture will be given in place of the one Mr Frybergec Wu to have delivered two weeks ago Too lecture will take place in the school house and the-money will go toward the library fund

Superintendent Kiebler took the pupils and teachers of the high room fcr a ride Friday afternoon School was dismissed at 230 and Mr Kiebler chartered a team and sleigh The destination was Perry He treated the crowd to candy before reshyturning home A merry time was reportshyed

Pat Jordan was a caller at the home of W A Conley Sunday evening His horse and cutter were in front of tbe house A hail from the street called the people to the door They found the horse had alip-

fCopyriKbt by Short Storlea Co Md) The great week WRlaquo over and of the

three or four hundred girls who had filled the college buildings and camshypus with their bright earnest lhfe nci more thaa a Aoxeh remaiocd ftrid all but one of these had their tru-tks packed for speedy departute This one was Mary Cathcart who did uot kcow where she could go if she did PpoundCk -mdashmdash^-

Tbianiornlbg she was standing near the entrance of the lecture hail wonshydering what she should do For ten days t i e had been looking hopefully for a Jitter but none had come NGne seemed likely to come now

She had not specially fitted herself for anything and she rather looked forward to coming back after the sumshymer holidays to take a postgraduate course when if It should seem best she would study for one of the half-dozen railings which many of her schoolmates were already entering upon But it ail depended upon the letter and the letter had not come

A girl but little older than herself came briskly from the building It wasect the French teacher and she waft now going straight to the station to take the next train for home Mary looked at her a little eartonaly

Where do yon got aafeed the teacher

To Loagley Two hours later she was at the stashy

tion and had purchased a ticket She had money enough to pay her exshypenses for a month Beyond that she did not know

Whom should she find st Longley Should she even find anybody A letshyter which had come to her after her mothers death more than four years before bidding her to enter upon a course at this college and stating that money would he sent to her from time to time as before was all she had to go by The letter had been postshymarked Longley

She had always been generously supplied and had furnished her room

1-4 Off

well and had had money to spend Then as the end of the course apshyproached she had confidently looked forward to another letter But none bad come The one postmarked Long-ley was her only clew and even that might have been mailed by some one passing through the place

Her mother had thought the money might come from a wealthy uncle who had had some disagreement with the family and who took this wamp7 of savshying his pride He was eccentric and fond of traveling about from place to place

All tt through her mind as tbm train rushed on At length Long-ley was called and Mary rose and hurried out to the little platform of a small country station

The station master was dragging her trunk back from the edge of the platform where it had been dropped She went to him

There are no Cathcarta here of course she said more as an assershytion than as a question

No guess not never heered of any Be you lookin up some

Tmdashbulles I thought I might find a relshyative here When is the next train

Not till to-morrer She drew a long breath Is there a hotei near Factry boardin house but I guess

its pretty full Thats it down yonshyder pointing with his finger the house with a blind swingin on the hinge Be you lookin for a job I hear theyre needin two or three more weavers Thats the only job I know of unless its old Tom Far-

ped and fell with its bead under it and the nu Hes been man o all work

was hurriedly cut and the horse rose to its vlaquolaquowbdquo ^abdquo v t raquo-raquo_ ^^ laquobdquo laquo^laquo feet none the worse for its fall Conley ^ 8 w n i n b u t his ^ n s 1 c n o w

declares the horse has a rubber neck or f o r a m o n t n ltgtr laquogtbull laquo laquo t of course you else it would have been dead d0 want that Job But oh say as

Mr and Mrs Wm Britten living southshywest of here celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary Wednesday of last week Although tour of their ciildren were unable to be present there were stil forty of their descendents present from their sons and down to their great great grand children The venerable couple reshyceived many reuieoibiitui-vti m the day Mr and Mrs Britten are a remarkably smart couple They live by themselves and attend to the work incident to caring for their home and other duties of farm life Mr Britten is 81 and his wife 79 years old


platform I this mornin been nusan

Mebbe ye

rs sre eslt mu$ u

she started down the most forgot I heered that the wstnan whos Tom is goln off to-day could get her job

Mary nodded her thanks a sudden resolution flashing Into her eyes

She smilingly inquired her way to the home of Mr Farrar There she found a middle-aged woman who greeted her anxiously But on learn lng her errand the womans face cleared

Thats what I call a special provishydence vbh exclaimed heartily Yo see Tve got to go for my sisters sick butTve been batin to leave old Mr Fftrmr The very bent t could tiwiU ss was Ketiin a cipoundiu3rlaquo titshytle

excuse Have you

Winter is just half gone and the coldshyest weather yet to come still we are ready to meet you half way on Over-coats

Remember we are the only dealers in the county that mark goods in plain figures on original ticket which is always on inside collar of coat

Look at this ticket deduct 25 per cent and the coat is yours

This sale includes every coat in the store nothing reserved

Yours for a Square Deal All Round

W A McMtdlen amp Co The only place in the County where goods are marked in plain figures on original ticket



A V v bull-- y ijuctuvi- a good -EE7 y^ars bc^re she died Is he very ill Aldry ashed as she went inside gt

Well no not so very now Hes gettin beiter slowly

She was right Mary did Uke it She remembered many of the tempting dishes which she had prepared for her motherland she made them now stagshying little snatches of song as she did so She had not known what she was fitted for Now she knew that she could be a good nurse Perhaps she could also be good at other things but she had not found that out yet

What surprised her most were the books in every room some of which even she looked at with awe They all showed marks of much use as well as lovtag care gt As the days went by these eyes beshygan to follow her as she moved softly about the room contented and lovingshyly at first then with a questioning wlattulnees as though the clouded mind were striving to grasp something it could not quite reach Then one day there were several minutes when the eyes grew clear and intelligent and gazed at her with almost startled wonshyder The next day the lucid Interval was longer and several times repeatshyed But he did not speak he only gazed at her and passed his hand across hhi brow from time to timet

Then came a morning when he was strong enough to sit up In bed but still the wistfulness and wonder reshymained In his eyes

You are a new nurse he said Yes 1 knew it of course but I havent

said anything Imdash-I have been trying to get my mind clear I thought as I got stronger my mind would get betshyter bat it doesnt ImdashIm afraid Its getting worse I suppose Im growshying old and its to be expected but Fve bees planning fcr a good deal of reading and study yetgt and haveut realised how the years slip by

Mary stroked his hand softly T o n cannot get weU at once Mr

Farrar she chUed Yon hare been vary sick you know But you are growing stronger gradually and your brain is growing clearer I can see t t -

Tou dont understand he anshyswered gently my bodys stronger but my mind doesnt seem to gain It made you out to be somebody else from the first and has persisted in the hallucination ever sine Ive tooked in other directions and changed my thoughts to other things but its no use Youve takes care of me so my mind says that youre someshybody whom I used to know a long time ago whos dead I suppose its what folks call second childhood Then changing the subject abruptly How long have I been sick

I do not know I have only been here two weeks It is now the fifshyteenth of July

He looked startled So late he gasped Why Imdash

Ive got a little girl off to school who ought to have been written to long ago Will you bring me my pen and paper from the desk

Let me do It for you she said taking the pen from his shaking finshygers and moving a small table close to his bedside

But he remained silent looking at her doubtiuily ImdashImdashyou see 1 dont write to her directly he said at length hesitatingly Theres an old friend In New York who acts for me He was silent for some minutes longer then went on desperately

The letter must be written and I suppose itll be best to explain things a little You see when I was laquo boy I had a strong notion for college but

settled with the books I liked to read and had lost ambition to go out into the orld But I didntnsive up the idea altogether I would send someshybody la my place_ So I looked round I had no relative save a little girl whom I used to play with when a boy She had married and gone west I traced her and found that her husshyband was dead and that she was an invalid without means That was something nearer than college so I sent her from time to time what monshyey I had to spare When she died I arranged for her girl to go to college

He paused with his gae upon the coverlet his eyes unobservant dreamy reminiscent

Mary had risen her eyes shining Why didnt you write to her direct

iy she breathed Well she was a college girl you

see with college girl notions I liked to think of her as my girl arid to plan things for her If Id written to her directly itmdashmight have been different You see Im just a man of all work In a factory He held up his hands white and transparent from his illness but still knotty and hard from a lifeshytime of toll I dont know much about girls he went on but I want to think of this one as mine and I cant bear the thought of her evermdash

Mr Farrar do you think any girl could be ashamed of you

The quick passionate cry brought his gaze suddenly from the coverlet What he reau in her voice in her eyes brought a lok of rapt understanding to his face

Then my mind isnt wandering he exclaimed tremulously Its she really and truly Mary bring me that tin box in my desk

She brought it and eagerly he ran his fingers through the contents soon finding a tintype which he opened and held up for her inspection It might have been her own picture so exact was the likeness She recognised H with a low cry

I t s your mother Mary he said softly takes Just before h went west

N X C s raquo t J L l raquo S L I K S I REMEDYS LAXATIVE


a t e C A l X PATTERNS Celebrated for style perfect fit niroplicitv ar i reliability nearly 40 yeai Sold in nlaquoar 7 every city and towa in ttie United States aii Canada or by mait direct gt1 ore sold than any other make Send tot tree catalogu

l i r C A i X afAGAZINE More subscriber than may otter fash 1 in magazinemdash Million a month Invatuabie Latshyest rtyles praquottertlaquolaquolrlaquolaquopai8g millinery plain sewinr fafcey nelaquodJewoTfcharrorrraquoraquoirf etiquette goV atone etc Only 90 cents a Tear (worth double^ including raquo W plaquoTem Subscribe today or aeod for aawple ropy

W O N t m r o i iNfiUCEMtSKTS raquo to Agent Postal 1gtHnsn premium catalogue

and new cash prize offers Addre T K K C m lt raquo 1 3 M W K 7 raquo S l laquo W T O B

COXMISSIONKRS NOTJClmdashIn the 55Bttr of th estate of Robert TbeHpww

deceased We the nnderaijrned having been appointed

by the Hon Matthew BnKh Judr ot Probate in and for the Connty of Salawaaaec State of Michigan CoramiMionera to receire exaastae aad adjiut u claims and deotaada of all pershysona againat aaid catate do hereby give notice that we wlgtl neat at tue store of Albert W Cnrtt io the City of Corona in said Coantjr on Mofcday the Slat dar of February A D-tamplQ and on Thursday the Slat day ltof April A D gt19I0 at tea oclock fn the forenoon of each of said days tov the purpose of receiving-and adjusting all claim A ftgalDMaald eatttte and that four month from the 1Mb day of December A D IMS are allowed to creditors to present their clalma to said CoumiackKierfl

for adjustment and allowance Dated the 1Mb day of December A D 1909



PROBATB ORDERmdash Slat of Michigan County of ghiawmaaee sa

At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Shiawassee held a t the Probate OBec in the City of Corona on the ISO day of January in the year one thooaand nine hundred and bra

Preaeet STatthrw Buah Judge of Probate an tae nut ter of the estate of Hugh

MeCttrdy deceased W i n u u P Gallagher s s tpoundr=t=i=trtor havshy

ing rendered to tat Ceoxt hi final aeeoaat ft i ordered that tae 15th day of February

next a t tan oclock in the forenoon a t aaid Proshybate Oases be appointed for rTamintnj and Allowing said account

And ft la further evwsveo that m copy of this order he pubOaaed three bullneeeattr i weeks wevtoata to said day of hearing to tae Oortaana Jowi-rtitl a newspaper printed aad eJsealattng m s n t d County of Shiawassee County lt

atATTHZW BUSH Judge of Probate

By F L O U X C I L n n t i T Probate

- J L - mdash _ - J L

t i i a

]icae s a y nuBBia V

j hXrpound yCttf laquofvr I W i s Eiitiii i u laquo ^f5 A

Our Store is the Center of Attraction These Days

For young and old The finest line of Dolls in the city Our Notion line is completemdash Table Linens Napkins Hemstitched Towels Lunch and Tray Cloths Silk and Wool Scarfs Handbags and Purses Postal Card Albums and Boxes Fancy Jap Boxes for Handkerchiefs Music Rolls Stand Mirrors Back Combs Belts Pins and Buckles

A fine line of Linen and Cotton Embroidered and Plain Handkerchiefs

A box of Cadet Hosiery for all members of the family An Umbrella a Floor Rug a Wool Blanshyket Etc Etc

Visit our store and we wtli help you make your selections

Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Geo M Beemer Igtry Glaquorbds-laquoad Not^iss rftrme-G

gtlaquoi ltr M i Ml t

i^r-WfT laquo - raquo


Page 2: ) CORUNN *MMMwaWMi A...his sentence was iixei for the first »day of the next term. A divorce was granted in the case of Florence against Frank Case. Case did not appear in couit to

Oflis Tie HHsevs lira Waikesed bj Ora-Wcfk

Unhealthy Kidneys Hake Impure Blood Weak and unhealthy kidneys are re-

epocsi ble for much sickness and suffersng theref^^i if kidney trouble is permitted to joRtiapc serious reshysults are most likely to follow Your other organs may need at-tlaquontioryt but your kid- aeys inost because they do molaquot and shorld have attention first Therefore when

your kidneys are veaJLjorjMofigtrder you can understand how quickly your en- tire body is affected and how every organ seems toi fail to do its duty

If yon are sick or feel badly ^gin taking the great kidney remedy D Kilmers Swamp-Foot A trial will conshyvince you of its great merit

The mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Root the-great kidney and bladder remedy is soon realized It stands the highest because its remarkable health restoring properties have been proven in thousands of the most distressshying cases If you need a medicine you ahoald have the best-Sold by druggists in bullfifty-cent and one-dol-bulllar sizes You may have a sample bottle by mail free also a pamphlet telling yon raquoltlaquobullbullgt now to find cut if yos-h^^ ^ bully fir bladder trouble Mention this paper when writing to Dr Kilmer amp Co Bin^hatJitoo N Y Dont make any misshytake but remember the name Swamrgt Roc and dont let a dealer sell yon something in place of Swamp-Rootmdashif JOB do yon wiu be disappointed

Grand Traak Railway System FAST JJOUNO F R O CORtTNNA

JCa-is gttrot Loclaquolr except SaaAty bullbull am Xo T Detroit TSxvrtm except S o a d a y U m 10 IS Detroit Local except fcuaday 510 jim No 11 Durand Local Daily 49 pm

WEST BOUNtf FROM CORUSSA No 17 Grand Rapids Local Daily T3raquoam No 1raquo Grd Rapids Local ex Sao4aflltj ant No 13 GrAampd Haven Local ex Sunday 2M |gtbgt No 11 Grd Hapidn Local laquolaquo Surday laquoZ pen

Btflia wise vstlbue train of eoackw as4 steeping cam are operates Ugt New Ylaquork and PMlalt3-pl1a vtm SiiJtara Fall by hlaquo Grata] Trunk-Lehlcb Vjraquoiiey Rout

O D TOtTXO Araquoraquot



la ltua gt U | ttM bullBflish Geraxs Spanish Fsftagtms and

raquoo FOB rnat 1 FCTCTS Uoofesttoes laSssHMkttoas S 3 4 Worn Wars Perer or Worm DtiiiiH bull i f 5 eie O r b aMi WatefiUaeM of lnfaatgt raquo 4 IMarrtra of CUMis s o adattf ft Ehrsmierr a BUtossOiptte S S VClaquoolaquohlaquoOofalaaraHMtta M A TatMMe raceaefca Strafeta M bull - tte4aalaquo Sick Headaeha Vtruampt M

I S B n m i u IsrflfmBosw wmdashgt Susmdashas M I S Crttt Uoana OoNfa U r n j U a amp 9 laquo Salt KfeesHK Kruptiona SylaquoQraquota S 1 JHwsiSitaHsWwr OawtKMUlii Patsa laquo lsV Pgt-vcraw4 AswMateria bdquo bull raquo PUlaquo EUad or Bleeding Ei^rnai Iatsnsd3 bull 9 Otsicftwlssia Weak or l a f lawl Eylaquoa 3 5 8 raquo lt alarrV jHaultuCgt-i4 in HlaquoMul 3 laquo W raquoaoraquoialaquo tlaquoslaquoir HpaiwxH 0-Jfh 41 laquo1 Aatfclaquoa0laquo(irealaquoed Difficult Bmihtulaquo -^a t raquo Hi lary DtaaMbdquoUrav(l Calculi 3laquo 4 Nrvout D^Uittt Vita Wi-akno 1(Ml raquo Kraquorraquolaquo Month tev^^Sdrf-sor Vraquonktr frac34frac34 pound bull IriaarrIbrvnldtrtibi Wlttialaquo Bed i 3 4 Hore Threat ltJulaquoaraquoy and Diphthcrta 45 raquo 3 throate lt=poundrrcs= Hlaquo-iogt-s aa 7 7 Crtpot Uajr Few aad Suucr CaWs s

A raquomraquoll bottle of PVraquofraquom Pril^tA flu the Test pocket hold by drusKtiu or sent oa rccltpt uywlca

Medical Book sent free _ KtrMtHRBYS- HOMDO MEDffTOE CO CoralaquoC WUuani and Aaa Strteu New York



Copr-srlU ISM by J 3 Iipplacott Oa il rlgLto rotttUrveo


riieliant Derrlng returning frnm a winshyter ii tlit- woods-10 his mothers farm home is overtaken by hts u n d o accam- panlei by his lticc-entrh wife coming to pay a visit a t the furm Aunt J^rushaf cjuesUona about Emily HisUon supposed to be Igterrings sweetheart reveal the fact that she is to marryanother Disapshypointment st imulates Derrings ambition bullraquoltbullbullbull raquomder the adv ice of Seth Kinney a hermit of the woods he resolves to fit himself or collef Ktaney teaehea him Greek and he passes his entrance examinshyat ions triumphantly winning- the-approvshya l of the professor Four years in college obUterateo the memory of Emily De ir ing begins Journalistic work in Chicago where he meets Helen Gordon a n artist Derring Ut promoted to art critic on his paper H e l e n refuses to marry him and hamper both their careers but they enshyter into a companionship compact Helen suffers ill effects from sketching on the lake shore in January I l lness brings her into closer relationship vrith Richard Derrtng to cal led home by the i l lness of 8 e t n Kinney

CHAPTER XIVmdashContinued

Throughout the journey the thought stayed with him and when once or twice he felt the dread of danger near he even rejoiced that distance could not mar the cloeenesa of love The longing for her safety that stole from his heart would in another man have been a prayer


BUSKi amp BUSH A t t o r n e y s a t J L t s w

MATTHEW ftUSH WALTER raquouraquor i Office over C X Peacock Drug Store


AUSTIN ERICHARDS A t t o r n e y a t L a w

Office over IfcM alien A Cos (Xotkinc Store

C O R U N N A - M I C H I G A N

E H BAILEY JW D Office and Residence first door west of bridge


WILLIAM J PARKER Attorney at Law Solicitor in Chiaetry

All fcirds of leeal basines transacted Money to loan Real Jtraquote anU Insurance Ofllc-orer Mc Mullen a Cos CloltilDg- Store



Stewart Block - Owosso

DR Egt H LAMB (I-ale of United States Army)

Eye Ear Nose and Throat Soeciaiist OlaAKed accuratHy adjusted Bourn SsSO tlaquo 1J0 a nraquo sua 130 gt 400p m Monday as Baturdrvv eVenlcgn 6Wto730 Other eyenice by appjiDtwent R00tan 1 and 2 Thomas Bik O W O S S O - M I C H I O A A

When Others Fail Try Us - )

KVBigt T B S T E O F R F R

117 N Waahiiirfton 8t Owoaaa

BSSSSWJSSWSVWSSsWSWSWsWSWSSlllllRSSWSfWSBSBSSlBWJ gt I il llfc^SSSSS^SSS^^^trade^^^^mdash~^gtWSraquoMHPPMi ^ - ^ mdash bull

ly Richard lifted it from its plaoa a^rt put it in Seths hands Then hlaquo turned away to thlaquo window and stood looking out whiltt tho old man opened it Richards eyes were full of tears for a love dead 50 years But Seths wele clear iind tender as he called him to Lis side

Here Dick 1 want her to have this You must put it on-herimger Tell her it does wit bind her to any promisemdashfor Richard had told him It te from me She Is it woman She will understand that 1 should like her bulltp-wcar H-he xaused

It-was a diamond In-an oldfaSluon-ed settlag the stone large aigtd haau-vifully cut Richard held it ic his hautS surprised by its beauty

How dared you keep anything so vahabie here

There was no danger Noono would look for brilliants in such a-setting TheVprdswere inarmed by a quiet smiie of irony and a glance at the room

Richards glance followed his The bare pine floor with its one strip of carpeting the few rough chairs the kjtehen stove at one end of the room and the bed with its faded quilt at the other No there had been no danger Only the rovs of bookspiled tMTo and three deep on the shelves told that the occupant of tbe room was other than a rough farmer A bowl of trailing partridge^berries that Richard had brought from the woods yesterday stood on the -western sill The setting sun fell across them and they lightened the room giving it a

worn eoihe ^emre thlaquo morning and he waited for his coining But so genshytle was his step when he came across the floor in the early dawn that Rich-aid only knew by a slight tremble of thetbin fingers resting in hiy that he oltid come and gone bearing with him aninraortai soul

Was it immortal He stepped out into the cold light of the early mornshying lie turned to the east where a faint flush of red was touching the gray sky He that would cave his life niust lose itmdashin loving he reshypeated softly


DerriaK fomd Seth watching for his coming and raw at a glance that be waa Tery 111 Even a leas practiced eye could not have mistaken the signs The hands that lay outside the faded patchwork cover were yellow and wrinkled the veins stood out a netshywork of cords across the hacks They were the hands of an old nam Rich ard noted their feeblenes as they closed eagerly around his own strong firm fingers Seth seemed to him to have aged 20 years since he saw him last

I am glad you have come Dick I was afraid you would not get here I vautre to see you again My life has been a failure Its hard to say tiiat when you corae to die he rambled on Yours wout be a failure Dick And I helped to make it I thought perhaps I should die easier if I could look at you again and sefe something tbat I had helped to do in the world

After this first greeting he said no more of the comfort of Richards presshyence But it was evident in the glance of his eyes as they followed the young man about the room and in his restshylessness when Richard was absent for a time

Richard saw that his place was here as long as Seth needed him and he quietly made arrangements to stay for an indefinite time He established bulllimself as caretaker and nurse Yeusfe as he was bis experience of life had been deep enough for him to undershystand that it is not often that one man can do for another what his mere presence did for Seth

The old man did not speak again of himself or of approaching death But he questioned Richard eagerly about his work and the life he led Every detail of it interested him It was as If he were listening to the story of what bis own life might have been And Richard understanding by a subshytle sympathy what it meant to him gave a minute account of tho office and the men the hurry and rush of the city and the haste and true hosshypitality of the social life

A stranger looking iuto the room would not have guessed that it was soon to be the chamber of death Laughter often interrupted the reshycital Richard hraquoi often fancied that when he came to die he should not want the humor of life taken from him And the account of his Chicago life was not dehumorized for a dying man Seth listening seemed to gain a quiet strength of soul as his physical strength failed

The story of Helen and his love for her was too closely interwoven with the life of the year to be omitted even had Richard cared to do so Litshytle by little he had told it all Seth listened eagerly and questioned Dick closely He made him describe her minutelymdashher personal appearance her characteristics her likes and disshylikes her workmdasheverything thai conshycerned her As Richard talked of her the older wan would watch his f a c e -Peking something Then a smile of content would cross his face and he would close his eyes as if asleep ut when Richard stopped he woulu say Im listening

One day when they had been talkshying of her he asked Richard to open a leather trunk that stood at the foot of the heu sad hand him a box that ur^oxtunri ii--^

AK he IhteO tkfi Kd of tfio tnagtA ine I young man know that ho was lootfir g j

inW riii^ s u o u tgt gtvui fc ifvi- IL --4--1

Did Not Speak Acraquolaquon of Hlnwctf or of Approaching Death

touch of refinement Otherwise It was unchanged from the room in vhicb Richard had received the Greek gramshymar sis years ago

Then-it had been to hint a jgtaiu rough room with a certain homely comfort Now it was the picturesque setting of a lonely life The furniture was rough but the roughness had arshytistic charm Seth must have had consciously or unconsciously an artshyists appreciation-of the beautiful As Richard looked abbut thvi room his sense of the pathos of the life that was passing away here deepened to a feeling of kinship and sympathy The long years of loneliness that were drawing to a close were his own

It was Seth who broko the silence mdashlow and half-musingly You do well to love her Dick And she will be worthy of It But If she is notmdashyou must not stop loving Love someshythingmdashsome onemdashany one Never stop lovingmdashfor your souls sake That was my mistake One woman refused to love me 1 shut royeel oft irou all love That was my mistake Mistake he said slowly I wonder if there are such things Well it spoiled my life I didnt know then that the human heart must lovemdash4r die He that would save his life must lose itmdashin loving

The twilight settled down upon the room The old man did not speak again He lay with half-closed eyes looking across the shining red berries to the western sky

Richara sat quietly by his side He did not undress or lie down He knew by a subtle intuition that a guest


BeforeRichard- returned1 to Chicago It was found that Seths liking for him had taken practical form He had made a will giving to Richard all the property of -which he died possessed

The fortune was not Ifrge but enough to pay his college debt raise the mortgage and leave a comfortable sum for bis mothermdash-enough indeed to make her a woman of importance in the neighborhood

She protested in a mild way when Richard proposed to settle the money on her But he had grown too mastershyful for her In the end she enjoyed the feeling of importance that an asshysured income gave her She refused to accompany him to Chicago It was ail out west to her and very far away

Derring found himself speeding toshywards Chicago wondering whether this unexpected turn of fortune would make marriage nearer for him But when they met he did not ask her They assumed the old easy relation as if there had been no separation Life sped on with days too full of content to ask promises from the future

When the timeOf parting came in June he found that he could let her go with- less dread than he had thought possible The time would not be long and with the increased freeshydom that had come to him in money affairs hpound could run east during the vacation If trouble came to her or harm he could be with her in a few hours It was with light heart that he saw her go

He had accompanied her to the train and provided her with all the comforts for the journey that love conld suggest Between the leaves of one of the books was tucked a letter He had not told her it was there She would find i t The train began to move Good-by he said hurriedly I shall come to you If you need ine In any case I shall see you soon

lie sat up late working on an arshyticle for the next day When at last tired and exhausted he threw himshyself on the bed he fell at once into a sCind Rleep He slept long and heavshyily He started up with a sense of suffocationmdashWhere was hemdashWhat was the matter^mdashWas the bouse on fire Before he was fairly awake he knew that the- room was quietmdashso quiet that he could hear the ticking of his watch Then an awful Tear came upon himmdashshe was in danger Great God how the feeling riiasterfd him He sprang up and looked at his watchmdashthree oclock He drea-ed quickly and went out-of-doors He could not stay in the house It sufshyfocated him He must move about or go Insane

Instinctively he turned towards the lake A light fresh breeze greeted him as he came to the breakwater He lifted his face to meet it It would blow these foolish notions out of his brain He had been dreaming and had been frightened by his own fancies

He slackened hi3 pace listening-to the soft lapping of the water against the breakwater and looking up to the stars Then again fear took possesshysion of him and he quickened his step until at last he broke into a run driven by an awful nameless dread

Thus he alternated between hope and fear until the first faint line of dawn appeared across the water As he stood looking at ic longing for day to break a sudden peace came uijoa him He drew a iui^k breath as the tension gave way She was safe onct more This time he did not question his mood lie knew with quiet cershytainty that all was well with her

(TO B E C O N T I N U E D )





Brother Hears Her Shot anr Put in an Appearance as Animal Is

Renewlaquonraquo3 Attack and Finishes Hint

Gaietoh PAmdashIt i$ quite data Lo say that nci other woman inPennsylvania in this or any other deer season ever had a more exciting experience thiin that which befell Miss Clara StifCel bullwhe Ifves near the village of Germania and has the distinction of being one of the best rihe abets of all this section

Miss Stiffols experience with the buck deer that came hear putting the finishing touches to her occurred en the-second day of the season on one of the branches of Kettle creek

On the morning of the second day out Miss Stiff el had been on her drive for the better part of an hour when Just as she had taken the edge of a laurel thicket that stood far above her head she heard the unmistakable snort of a buck seemingly only a few yards from her She stood still sr listened when the sudden crashing of the brush away to her right attracted her attention Just in time to see a pair of does hiking out of the thicket into the open and away like a flash out of her sight

She was convinced that there must be a buck somewhere in the neighborshyhood and she crept cautiously out to the edge of the thicket where she could get a glimpse of the side of the ridge As she did so the shaking of a sapling about two rods away caught her eye and a moment later the form of a fine big uuck pushed itself out from the thicket

Miss Stiff el saw that the deer was wlaquolaquondpd_evldelaquoty having been shot in the hind part and It moved with difficulty For a moment her womanly sympathy got the better of her and fthlaquo hesitated about shooting But then a second thought told her (hat in that condition the deer would only crawl away and die or fall prey to the catamounts and she fired The deer bounded as well as it could so that it wis partly bidden behind a fallen hemlock Ueetop and when she had made A detour of a swampy place and come up within ten feet of the tree-top the deer had escaped her entirely She moved cautiously for 5gthe knew that with bis old wound and the one her bullet had inflicted the animal must toon give up (he fight for escape

Miss Stiffcl pulled herself up ou to the larger part of the tree tojgt to make observations of the surround-


Prescription that Cured Hundreds Since Published Her

One ounce syrup of Sa-s-anaritt

bulljompound ope ounce Tpra comshypound Addthese to a half pint of good whiskey Take a tablespoonful he-fore-each meal and at bed time Shake the bottle well each time

Any druggist has these ingredients in stock or will quicklylaquo8t them from hie wholesale house Good results are fett itpza this treatment afier the first few doses but it should ^e continued until cured This also act^as a system builder eventually vectoring strength and vitality _^ ^_


Housewif^mdashYou always seem to enshyjoy eating my food but my husband is never suited with It

BeggarmdashSay get a divorce and marry me

Saving Time The family was to leave on the two

oclock train from Broad street station so the mother was all in a flurry laquoa she hurried the children in a certain West Philadelphia home

Now children get everything ready before luncheon she said Dont leave everything until the last minshyute

And the children said they wouldnt Luncheon ended they hurried into their wraps and started In the hall the mother said

Edward you didnt brush your teeth

Yes maam I did But you couldnt she said you

didnt have time Why you just got up from the table

I know that said Edward hut we were In such a hurry I brushed tJUem before I atemdashPhiladelphia Times

$100 Reward $100 I s trmter of tUs psprr laquof i ft

that ttMrv to st ksst oa sreaded ~ ha brtu sow to cols ta all ME CouuYfi Hsuf Csutirt c c laquo to tse only W H S em wraquor known fagt tbe vwolesl frsursKr Caistrti ftetex s coosUtuUoa disease tcs^ans a i iaa l t s -tioael tresuarftt- n u l l CatsnA Can It laquo sraquoraquo tvmsllr tttin dlfrctiy upon Uw btasd I U M K W bullurlscei of tbe system Uswefey destroylas Uraquo fottltidtkn of ih dtorssf sod shtiVT tte frailest strettcth by tailing up tbe eoamitutioa and bulltatol tax natair tn dotac fti wort Tin proprfetftn tasvs to tniKh fsith la it mratlv pwflrilaquorraquo that tftcy osss-Onltgt jiomirrt Dollars for anv rtiraquoe that It Istts t rjngt Semi for mx of trjmonl

AiMri-n J- i CrtrNUY it CO Tofedo O Jold 1 t Dru^Ms Traquoiifc ilraquoLU Family 1iiW for coftstipatiai

Uncertain What Was Wrong

Nervous Man Worried Whether tnelt Clocks Works or His Own

Required Attention

A nervous little man stepped briskly into a jewelry store with a medium-sized clock under his wing He placed the chronometer on the counter turned the hands around to about one minute of 12 oclock and told the exshypert behind the counter to listen

It keeps perfect time the customshyer said but I want to find out If you notice anything wrong with the way it strikes

The jeweler listened Theres nothshying wrong he replied with a grln after the clock had struck except that she strikes thirteen instead of twf-ivc Tbullbull ri iuUyen 1fgt rflTOcdied

Thft customer tooted oa rwUvVrii igtr iii voii iAVjVilaquoiJt sOJu t bullbullgtA

felt sure it struck thirteen But no one else in the family ever spoke of it anltl I was afraid to say anything about it for fesr there was something wrong with my own work3 Well its worth the price of having the thing repaired just to find out 1 was right

A Real Catastrcpne Philip aged four isin the habit of

going across the street to a neighbors house for milk One day in Decemshyber ticreturned home with an empty bucket and a grave face We cant get aiy more milk he announced in a tone weighty with the importance of his message Tbe cows dried up And as we started in surprise at him he suddenly clinched the matshyter with an observation evidently of his own They dont think that shell thaw out till spring^mdashDeline-ater

Free to Our Readers Write Murine E y e Remedy Co CMe-

t o for gt-page i l lustrated E y e Book F r e e WrUff all about V^tir E y e Trouble a n d they will edv i se a s i o ihe Proper AwgtU-cacton of the Murine E y e Remedies fn Your Special Case Tour DrugguH wi l l tcl you that Murine Rel ieves Sore Eyea Str^ngtherss W e a k E y e s igtoesnt Smart Soothes Egte Palaquon and sel ls for 50c Try-It in Your E y e s aud in Babys E y e s f o r Scaly Eyeiids and Granulation

Wonderful Clocks Five wheels and a small battery

virtually consitute the mechanism of a wonderful clock just invented^n Engshyland It will run throe year without attention and At the end of that time all that Is required is to attach a new battery

Another new English clock enables the possessor to ascertain at a glance the mean time the meridian and relashytive position of every part of the em bullmv r i^-raquot( UVlr vMraquo T bull

MM i l l T raquo i O t V v t|ilt

I bull iiitc s just yha Ive always

thought ever since weve had the clock he burst forth Ive always

triiiutf evidently Keeigt-ampakos A long-wristed glove and a riding whip lay across the top of a small box Geretul-

e a r i h s roifttinn gt frotivc pi~s-r raquo a clock in the base of the ttand and the apparatus rlaquoqurlaquos winding only ones a week

Her Hunting Skirt Hat Became Fastshyened to a Snag

lags and in doing so she rested her rifie against the limbs within easy reach as she thought

The first assault resulted in Mis Stiffol being slashed in the face by one of the limbs that the force of the blow sent smarting against her and beiore the wounded buck had an opshyportunity to recover and charge again she had backed out of reach though her movement was in the opposite dishyrection from her gun and directly In the very thickest part of the tret top

Thgts deer was persistent as if he knew that she was responsible for a part of his trouble and he pushed his way through the limbs toward her renew the onslaught

To her dismay Miss Stiffel about this time discovered that the bottom of her hunting skirt had become fasshytened in a snag on the tree top and in order to permit herself to go even an Inch rurther she had to lean forshyward and loose tbe garment This put feer body within range of the attacking buck and what the next instant would have brought to pass would be hard to determine if Miss Stiffels brother who bad h e a r d the s h o t uuu Blurted ut once igt lu-t tfiiociiin stud Bftl OiVwiri niK$ ito flcono W i t h o u t hs m u c h i tali-lti-lt-r hio Mraquo0 hnt bet IVtil fh^r- gt

was up ana sent a builei through iae menacing deer and It dropped In a pile among the limbo of the trelaquo

professional Conduct One of the best stories told about

Mr fiirrbll concerns a rjor client whose case he took up for nothing When thei case had been won the clishyent gratefully sent him the sum of ISa which he accepted in order not to give offense A colleague reproached Mm however for this unprofessional oov duct in taking less thraquon goM -But I took all the poor beggar had said Mr Birrell and I consider that Is not unprofessionalmdashM A P

Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of

CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for infants and children and see that it Bears the

Signature of ( In Use For Over 3 0 years

The Kind You Have Always Bought

A Natural Sequence BellmdashI felt Jack perusing my counshy

tenance BellmdashWell what then BeliemdashThen I felt my face getting

rod bull bull

W e are not to blame because you suffer from Rheumatism or Neuralgia hut ylaquom are if you do not trv Haralins Wizard Oil It quickly soother and al lays all pain soreness and inflammation

Tho only reason we care to be a millionaire in lor the purpose of inducshying bill collectors to cut our acquaintshyance

- bull TO CCT5E A COLD 1 OXtt D i Take LAXATIVB BftOMO Oalultbull - pound K W - yKoVfctfslKDiUurolsuncicbbox ajc w

Irterettina Problem KnickcrmdashNsw brooms sweep clean

nikr--Wt- f--M 1---- ---=- laquolaquo

Ureauns A u i U m a i M i l W S t e s s s l s s s l S t S s s

Ixw shoes and high h-lfl nusj b fasbiouahle eicremes


A C h a n g e a t L e a s t A c h a n g e of t e n o r s h a d b e e n m a d e

In t h e c h u r c h cho ir E igh t -year -o ld J e s s i e r e t u r n i n g f r o m t h e m o r n i n g s e r v i c e w a s a n x i o u s t o te l l t h e n e w s Ob m o t h e r s h e e x c l a i m e d w e h a v e a n e w terror in t h e choirmdashWorn a n s H o m e C o m p a n i o n

FOB DKK~ SKATED OOlDS raquoraquo4 fejwk ft^iiP^H Botltsmm whew U other retampadie fail TtraquoJ old iraquoUhle medicine has been sold iax laquoltraquorlaquo years ^sftsliiOboUtes AUdeaier

T h e U s u a l W a y S m i t h - - D i d t h e l a w y e r g e t a a y t h i a g

o u t e f y o u r u n c l e d e s t a t e J o n e s mdash G o t a n y t h i n g H e g o t i t al l

raquo 1 4 5 8 CtTRKD I N 8 W 1 DA VS PASO OlOTMBKTStjpurauteed raquoo rnr- my rraquos f Itcbina KJInd BietMdiug ltgtr ProtrudSnif Pilot Ut I uraquoitdajsoraMjBwy refunded Wo




S c i e n t i s t 8at f ilaquod H e H a s D i s c o v e r e d A g e n t by W h i c h t h e T w o W i c k e d

C i t i e s W e r e W i p e d f r e m t h e E a r t h

T h e a v e r a g e m a n s p e n d s m o r e m o n e y o n a f o o i i s h h b i t t h a n b e d o e s o n h i s w i f e s h a t s

Bfrs Wtnakrvs aootbia Syrup re children teethta softeat the Q B I reaaeet la-trT~bullr^yr1 ^raquolaquomdashraquolaquobull abe bouU

C h e a p n o t o r i e t y o f t e n t u r n s o u t t o b e a n e x p e n s i v e l u x u r y

CORES Added to the Lot list due to TMs Famofls Remedy

OxonogYV M o mdash I w a s i m p l y a n e r -T O D w r e c k X c o u l d n o t w a l k a c r o s s

t h e fioor w i t h o u t m y h e a r t flattering a r i a I c o u l d n o t e v e n r e c e i v e a l e t t e r E v e r y m o n t h I h a d s u c h a b e a r i n g d o w n s e n s a t i o n a s i f t h e l o w e r p a r t s w o u l d

p a l l o u t L y d i a E F i n k b a u r s Y e g e t a b l e C o m p o u n d h a s

YJ^^^ d o n a m y n e r v e s a i amp amp f c V i S - g r e a t d e a l o f g o o d

t o e b e a r i n g d o w n I r e c o m m e n d e d i t t o BOZOS f r i e n d s a n d t w o o f t h e m b a t e b e e n g r e a t l y b e n e A t e d b y i t - M r s X A B M C K N T O T T O r o n o r o M o

A n o t h e r G r a t e f u l W o m a n S t L e n i n M o mdash I w a s b o t h e r e d

t e r r i b l y w i t h a f e m a l e w e a k n e s s a n d b a d b a c k a c h e b e a r i n g d o w n p a i n s a n d p a i n s i n l o w e r p a r t s I b e g a n t a k i n g L y d i a E P i u k S a m a V e g e t a b l e C o m p o u n d r e g n k r i y a n d u s e d t h e S a n a t i v e W a s h a n d n o w I b a r e n o m o r e t r o u b l e s t h a t w a y mdash M r s A L Bmtxoa laquo a raquo F r e u e o t c A f t x S t L o u i s M o

B e c a u s e y o n r c a s e t s a d U S c n l t o n e d o c t o r s h a v i n g d o n e y o n n o g o o d d o n o t c o n t i n u e t o s u f f e r w i t h o u t g i v i n g L y d i a E F i n k h a m s V e g e t a b l e C o m p o u n d a t r i a l I t s u r e l y laquo raquo c u r e d m a n y c a s e s o f f e m a l e i l l s s u c h a s i n shyflammation u l c e r a t i o n d i r o l a e e m e n t s fibroid t u m o r s i r r e g u l a r i t i e s p e r i o d i c p a i n s b a c k a c b e t h a t b e a r i n g - d o w n f e e l i n g i n d i g e s t i o n d i z z i n e s s a n d n e r -bull o u t p r o s t r a t i o n I t c o o t s b u t a tr i f le t o t r y i t a n d t h e r e s u l t i s w o r t h m i l shyl i o n s t o m a n y s u f f e r i n g w o m e n

WESTERN CAH ADA D a J B v a r o f tows a a y s i mdash of laquonJ0Mtraquo ftes the VaKsd States

dsgt will eoottnae puilUer rescatl psia visit to Western C u k k and B T K Theta is a laad hlaquonlaquoer In the hearts of BeyUsh raquoclaquokiaa pjc-ptUilaquo wiU soeounifar t h leCMWSi Of 00 01049 Iowa f u n M to CklMd Ow Mwto laquo e pllaquolaquolaquoi with it Qavenuncat end tblaquo euUeraquoC sdaainlsr track of law and titer alaquolaquo cacti to yea in teas of ttdtMWl sad tby bull still com

low coatribttted Mix Jy ta th 700OO Aat-_ raquo -Caa

OW often has a religions peraquoce of milVd a spiritual seren-Hy and a fair confidence

in business been utterly destroy by roor bread too much pie or not enough svxwl beef frui milk svnd butter He vho would have d clear head muat tatve a clear s tomach

T h e f a u l t f ind ing h a b i t i s g e n e r a l l y a t t r i b u t e d t o t h e w o m e n a raquo d i a a o o u t a s t r u e a s t h a t w h i t e s h e e p e a t m o r e t h a n b l a c k W o m e n c e r t a i n l y h a v e no m o n o p o l y of t h e art of c r i t i c i s m b u t t h a t f a c t d o e s n o t l e s s e n t h e d i s -a g r e e a b l e n e s s of t h e h a b i t o n l y s t r e n g t h e n s i t

T h e r e i s m u c h t h a t i s b a d i n t h e b e s t of-us a n d s o m u c h that i s g o o d fa t h e w o r s t of u s t h a t i t h a r d l y beshyh o o v e s a n y of u s t o t a l k a b o u t t h e r e s t of u s T h i s i s a t e x t t h a t s h o u l d be-before t h e e y e s of e v e r y o n e of u s for w e a r e so p r o n e to f a u l t finding T h e r e a r e f e w p e o p l e i n t h e w o r l d ( for w h i c h w e a r s t r u l y t h a n k f u l ) t h a t d e l i b e r a t e l y g o a b o u t w o u n d i n g o t h shye r s b u t t h e l i t t l e w o r d o r s i l e n t s h r u g t h o u g h t l e s s l y g i v e n l e a v e s a h u r t o f t e n h a r d t o f o r g e t T h e o l d s a w w h i c h t e l l s u s t h a t w e find w h a t w e l o o k f o r ^ i s a g o o d o n e t o r e m e m shyber f o r if w e a r e l o o k i n g for f l a w s w e find t h e m L e t u s c u l t i v a t e t h e habshyi t of s a y i n g p l e a s a n t t h i n g s for i t t a k e s a v e r y d e a r a n d t a c t f u l f r i e n d t o t e l l u s t h e t h i n g s w e o f t e n s h o u l d k n o w

H a b i t i s a h a r d m a s t e r a n d l e t a s b e c a r e f u l t h a t w e d o n o t g r o w t o b e c y n i c a l a n d c o n t r a r y W e a l l k n o w p e o p l e w h o a r e l i k e t h e I r i s h m a n w h o d idn t k n o w w h a t t h e g o v e r n m e n t w a s b u t w h a t e v e r i t w a s h e w a s a g i n i t

I t m a y b e a l i t t l e e a s i e r t o d i s a g r e e t h a n t o a l w a y s a g r e e w i t h All of o u r f r i e n d s b u t w e c a n c u l t i v a t e t h e habshyi t of s a y i n g n o t h i n g o c c a s i o n a l l y

W h e n w e r e m e m b e r t h a t l i f e i s m a d e u p or l i t t l e t h i n g s a n d t h e l i t t l e rift w i t h i n t h e l u t e s p o i l s t h e harshym o n y o f t h e m u s i c of JVc h o w c a r e f u l w e shoMld b e t o b e k i n d T h e w h o l e s e c r e t l i e s i n t h e g o l d e n r u l e if w e k e e p t h a t w e c a n n o t go1 f a r w r o n g

Oenera f t t l ee N e v e r s m o o t h m a s h e d p o t a t o e s i t

w i l l m a k e t h e m h e a v y B e a t unt i l l i g h t a n d c r e a k y a n d t u r n o u t o n a h o t d i s h

L e t p u d d i n g s a n d p i e s b e c o m e s l i g h t l y coo l b e f o r e a d d i n g t h e m e r shyi n g u e If p u t o n apt t h e y w i l l b e covshye r e d w i t h d r o p s of l iqu id

P o u r t h e t o m a t o w i t h t h e p i n c h of s o d a o v e r t h e h o t m i l k a n d t h e toshym a t o s o u p w i l l n o t v u r l l e

VIONG the most trustworthy teats of eood hortgt(i train-ing is that of table man-

ners and no one can hopt to ecqulre and keep them who does not observe them n the faintly circle $he sairaquocopy an in com-pani

S o m e of t h e C h e a p e r Meat

Ge t a c h e a p c u t of b e e t n c h u c k o r r u m p p i e c e c u t i n t o i n c h c u b e s f r y b r o w n in a l i t t l e s u e t t h e n c o v e r w i t h w a t e r a n d l e t s i m m e r for s e v e r a l h o u r s R e m o v e t h e m e a t t h i c k e n t h e g r a v y w i t h a l i t t l e flour a n d p o u r o v e r t h e m e a t T h e m e a t s h o u l d b e s e a shys o n e d w h e n c o o k i n g a n h o u r S e r v e w i t h c a r r o t s p o t a t o e s a n d d u m p l i n g s if l i k e d

A c h e a p c u t of m u t t o n i s v e r y n i c e c u t i n s m a l l p i e c e s a n d b r o w n e d i n f a t t h e n s i m m e r e d i a b o i l i n g w a t e r for s e v e r a l h o u r s O r i t m a y b e s i m shym e r e d i n w a t e r first t h e n c o o k e d i n i t s o w n f a t u n t i l b l o w n T h e b r o t h i n w h i c h t h e m e a t h a s b e e n c o o k e d m a k e s a fine o n e f o r c o o k i n g c a r r o t s c a b b a g e t m n i p s a n d p o t a t o e s f o r v e g e t a b l e d i n n e r t h e s a m e day o r t h e o n e f o l l o w i n g

A v e r y a p p e t i z i n g d i s h f o r t h o s e w h o a r e f o n d of s a u e r k r a u t i s s p a r e -ribs a n d s a n e r k r a u t W i p e t h e s p a r e -ribs a n d p u t o n t o c o o k i n w a t e r t o c o v e r Ilaquoet t h e m s i m m e r f o r h a l f a n h o u r t h e n a d d t h e k r a u t a n d c o o k f o r t h r e e h o u r s E i t h e r t h e b r o w n s t e w o r t h e s p a r e r i b s m a y b e c o o k e d i n t h e S r e l e s e c o o k e r a f t e r c o o k i n g f o r h a l f a n h o u r o n t h e s t o v e T h e k r a u t m a y b e a d d e d l o n g e n o u g h t o g e t b o n i n g h o t b e f o r e p u t t i n g i n t h e c o o k e r

t f ee lr h laquo R laquo d a r l n lraquoCO F i e l d c r o p r e t s r s i l U n e dsutiraquorTearraquo4ted totblaquowcltii laquof t k laquo c o m raquo t r y bull p w u d i laquo t

bullratat gtmrfMc satoed t u n tss cstle Csliiy nd ifcsti j liti ws s l l pcoCtnfcjtat R w H s s i i stnsds of ISO sjens so t blaquo pound M 1 ta t b w r bMtdtatricti ISO men pve-enptfews) laquo t pound laquo 5

ehnEfeM I s e r o T bullettteamuC craquomraquoraquo^ lUkeKeeUed soOtticrtrtuwtwood w a i c r t a s - sdUbic bullbullbullnrtsd pttwUfvd

Fat pitilaquoviairaquot0loclaquotioalew bullMtisn raihrarmtss sad desert p Xif Uhwtntsd MuaDtUe Lsst Bert West H i otker lafonss-Ugtraquo writ to Bapt laquof ImmiJFrt-tilaquonOussw CSBW or to CaMdlam CknciBBBHtt A t

a t R^MtJTS kUmm m^

Your Liver is Clogged up I W s W V Y e a n T i r laquo 4 - O w t S o r t raquo - H a v laquo l laquo raquo


G e n e r a l i t i e s B a s t e a s t r i p of h e m m e d c h e e s e shy

c l o t h o v e r t h e e n d of t h e c o m f o r t e r s T h e qu i l t i s s o s o o n s o i l e d a y t h e h a n d s T h i s s t r i p m a y be q u i c k l y reshym o v e d a n d a f r e s h o n e p u t o n T h e e n d s of o ld s h e e t s m a y b e u s e d v e r y n i c e l y for t h i s i n s t e a d of t h e c h e e s e -U o t h

w 9 pet yon tkAk i s s t e w days

TlwyeW n e w daWi

C a n

mux HIL SMALL wxa SKAU imt G E N U I N E a m i bear

Dont CougnH-Use

I O YOtJ Wish a recipe for preshyventing all worry

For g iv ing composure and freedom from hurry

Just think of one fact which i s true you will find

When anything- happens to flurry your l i i ind

First something or nothing there is to ba done

First nothing or something that s clear laquos the sun

It something then do It and m a k e oo deshylay

If nothing all thought of it cast far a w a y

This s implest of rules if youll only obey

Will tret you from wrinkles for many a day

K e e p t h e b i r t h d a y s t h e y a r e g r e a t e v e n t s t o c h i l d r e n F o r o n e d a y t h e y are t h e c e n t e r of t h e h o m e T h e s p e shyc ia l d e s s e r t i s m a d e b e c a u s e It i s t h e f a v o r i t e T h e b i r t h d a y c a k e s a n d t h e l i t t l e g i f t s w i l l b e t h e s w e e t e s t of r e c o l l e c t i o n s of h o m e in y e a r s t o c o m e

N o m a t t e r h o w poor m a y b e t h e h o m e s o m e l i t t l e o b s e r v a t i o n of t h e b i r t h d a y m a y b e m a d e w h i c h wi l i de shyl i g h t t h e h e a r t of t h e c h i l d W h e n o n e g e t s too o ld t o b e h a p p y o n o n e s b i r t h d a y i t i s t i m e t o shuff le oif I t s h o u l d b e t h e ru le l o e v e r y h o m e t h a t o ld a n d y o u n g o b s e r v e t h e b i r t h d a y s and a p a r e n t s h o u l d n e v e r l e t any shyth ing p r e v e n t t h i s p l e a s a n t p r i v i l e g e

A D e l i c i o u s B r e a k f a s t D i sh B a k e d M a c k e r e l w i t h C r e a m mdash S o a k

a s a l t m a c k e r e l if t h e f r e s h i s n o t obshyt a i n a b l e unt i l suff ic ient ly f r e s h e n e d L a y i n a b a k i n g p a n a d d b o i l i n g w a shyt e r a n d b a k e 20 m i n u t e s J u c t b e f o r e s e r v i n g pour o v e r t h e f ish a cupfu l o f h o t th i ck s w e e t c r e a m s-jampson w i t p e p p e r e n d s a l t if n e c e s s a r y a n d s e r v e

T o m a t o C r e a m T o a s t

fWM f t S ^ u a ^ f | | 5 bullbull -rtelt tbre i raquoMspoonfiiilaquo of b u t t e r

B a k e d S q u a s h Cut s q u a s h i n s m a l l p i e c e s e n o u g h

t o r a s e r v i n g r e m o v e a l l s e e d s a n d m e m b r a n e a n d b a k e In a- m o d e r a t e ovn R e m o v e t h e t h i n b r o w n s k i n d o t w i t h b i t s o f b u t t e r s p r i n k l e w i t h a l i t t l e s a l t a n d s e r v e


M JL JKLW F R I K N D have you heard of

the river y raquo w n On the bank of the river stow

Where blooms the Trait raquo w h i U flower fair

Where the Somet ime or Other scent t h s air

And thlaquo w f t Go easy s laquoroW It He in t h e v a l l e y of W h a f a the U s

In the province of Latter Slide That tired feel ing i naUve there Its the hofne of the lUtlewt 1 dont care

WL-re the Put It OfTa abide

tatlMt Tnswraquo i s s o c s u u i l ike ipound for A s t h a e B r o a e h i t i t a n d l e a f trovbtes Comtnim SMgt opiates v - raquo t h o w t t o t a k e

A l l

i - i i ^ raquo a liour r o u r i n g r a d u i i y o n e a n d o n e -half cupo 01 s t r a i n e d t o m a t o w i t h a p i n c h of s o d s S e a s o n w i t h s a i t a n d p e o r ^ r add t a r e e - f o u r t h s of a c u o o i h o t c r c a i o a n d p o u r o v e r t o a s t

S a n i t a t i o n In t h e H o m e

S c i e n t i s t s w h o h a v e m a d e a s t u d y of t h e c o n d i t i o n of t h e p o o r in c i t i e s c l a i m t h a t m o r e d i s e a s e i s c a u s e d f r o m i m p u r e air t h a n a n y o t h e r c a u s e

W h e n o t h e r w i s e i n t e l l i g e n t w o m e n wi l l s l e e p i n a c l o s e r o o m w i t h o u t a c h a n c e o f f r e s h o u t s i d e a i r g e t t i n g i n i t s e e m s a s if o u r e d u c a t i o n a l s y s t e m w a s a t fau l t

S o m a n y p e o p l e s e e m to b e a f r a i d of n i g h t a ir N i g h t a i r i s a i l w e g e t a t n i g h t a n d t h e r e i s n o r e a s o n t o b e a fra id of i t u n l e s s i t i s b o t t l e d i n a r o o m C h i l d r e n s h o u l d e a r l y b e ac shyc u s t o m e d t o s l e e p i n g i n a r o o m w i t h f r e s b nir c o m i n g in a t a l l t i m e s i t i s n o t n e c e s s a r y t o s l e e p i n a d r a f t to h a v e f r e s h a ir T h e p e r s o n w h o g o e s to s l e e p In a r o o m t h a t h a s b e e n o c c u shyp i e d for a n h o u r or t w o w i t h o u t airshyi n g a n d l a w h i c h a g a s l i g h t o r l a m p h a s b e e n b u r n i n g w i l l w a k e w i t h a h e a d a c h e a n d w o n d e r w h y

O n c o m i n g in f r o m b e i n g o u t in t h e f r e s h a i r o n e s n o s e t e l l s t h a t t h e s i r i s I m p u r e v e r y q u i c k l y A n o t h e r f a l s e n o t i o n t h a t m a n y p e o p l e l a b o r u n d e r i s t h a t c o l d a ir i s p u r e

In c a s e s of s i c k n e s s w h e r e i t i s nec shye s s a r y t o a v o i d a n y d r a f t s a d e v i c e w h i c h Is v e r y s i m p l e m a y b e u s e d P u t a p i e c e of board t h r e e or f o u r i n c h e s w i d e a n d l o n g e n o u g h t o fit u n d e r t h e s a s h r a i s e t h e w i n d o w a n d s e t t h i s u n d e r i t T h e a i r w i l l c o m e up In to t h e r o o m b e t w e e n t h e s a s h e s

A l e a k i n g g a s o r s e w e r p i p e s h o u l d n e v e r b e n e g l e c t e d for t h e e f f e c t s o f s u c h p o i s o n i n g o f t e n l a s t s f o r y e a r s T h e i n s i d i o u s m a n n e r i n w h i c h b a d g a s e s s o m e t i m e s a c t o n t h e h u m a n s y s t e m i s w h a t m a k e s t h e m s o d a n shyg e r o u s T h e p r a c t i c e of s l e e p i n g out shyd o o r s h a s p r o v e n s u c h a g o o d o n e t h a t i t i s Juet ly b e c o m i n g a m o s t c o m m o n h a b i t O n e m a y if t h e s l e e p i n g r o o m h a s t w o w i n d o w s s l e e p i n a n a t m o shys p h e r e a s p u r e a s n e e d f u l in o r d i n a r y h e a l t h

UjLtJ^ +ltpoundpound N a i l i n g B r o k e n B o n e s

P a r i s s u r g e o n s a r e u s i n g In s o m e c a s e s n a i l s for t h e c u r e o f s i m p l e f r a c t u r e F o r frampcture o f t h e s h i n b o n e o r of t h e t h i g h b o n e a n a i l o f n i c k e l a l u m i n u m of m a g n e s l u n mdash p r e f e r a b l y a l u m i n u m mdash i s u s e d a n d i s d r i v e n i n t o h o l d laquoLne t w o p i e c e s o f b o n e s t o g e t h e r m u c h l i k e t w o p i e c e s of w o o d It laquo beUovwd t h a t t h e n a i l

i ngti of b r o k e n uaua If-the yui^Ke^i w a y to -j e pa it a naciuife i t bull)(laquo(laquo KViy w i t h t h e o ld s y s t e m u n d e r w h i c h a pashyt i e n t h a d t o l i e In b e d for t h r e e w e e k s w i t h h i s f o o t a t t a c h e d t o a BO p o u n d w e i g h t

E l l s w o r t h H j n t i n g t o a h e a d of t h e r e c e n t Y a l e e x p e d i t i o n to P a l e s t i n e d e c l a r e s t h a t h e h e v e r g e d t h e B ib le t a r y of S o d o m a n d G o m o r r a h

W u c d r e d s Of p a g e s h e s a y s In H a r p e r s M a g a z i n e h a v e b e e n wri t shyt e n t o p r o v e t h a t t h e s t o r y i s a m y t h or t l U t t h e a c c l o u t t o w n s w e r e d e s t r o y e d b y t h e b u r s t i n g f o r t h of o i l w e i l s l i k e t h o s e o f T e x a s or B a k u w h i c h s o m e t i m e s a r e i g n i t e d a n d b u r n for d a y s O t h e r h u n d r e d s of p a g e s h a v e b e e n d e v o t e d to p r o v i n g t h a t S o d o m a n d G o m o r r a h w e r e o r w e r e not a t t h e n o r t h e n d of t h e D e a d s e a and t h a i t h e y w e r e or w e r e n o t b u r i e d u n d e r t h e s a l i n e d e p o s i t s a t e i t h e r e n d of t h e l a k e

A m o n g recent w r i t e r s t h e r e s e e m s t o b e t t e n d e n c y t o b e l i e v e t h a t S o d o m a n d i t s s i s t e r t o w n w e r e probshya b l y l o c a t e d a t t h e s o u t h e n d o f t h e l a k e w h e r e t h e n a m e U s d o m i s t h o u g h t t o r e p r e s e n t S o d o m a n d v-here A r a b t r a d i t i o n c o w l o c a t e s t h e i l l - fa ted c i t i e s T h e m e a n s o f t h e i r d e s t r u c t i o n a r e b e l i e v e d t o h a v e b e e n d i e o i l w e l l s m e n t i o n e d a b o v e T h i s r a t h e r u n s a t i s f a c t o r y c o n c l u s i o n h a b e e n a d o p t e d l a r g e l y b e c a u s e i t h a s b e e n s u p p o s e d t h a t n o v o l c a n o Is lo shyc a t e d i n s u c h a p o s i t i o n t h a t i t c o u l d h a v e b o r n e a n y p a r t i n t h e s t o r y

A c c o r d i n g t o t h e s t o r y i n G e n e s i s L o t a n d A b r a h a m w e r e a t B e t h e l t e n m i l e s n o r t h of J e r u s a l e m w h e n t h e i r h e r d s m e n q u a r r e l e d a n d t h e y d e c i d e d t o s e p a r a t e A n d L o t l i f t e d u p h i s e y e s a n d b e h e l d a l l t h e P l a i n o f t h e J o r d a n t h a t i t w a s w e l l w a t e r e d e v e r y w h e r e b e f o r e J e h o v a h d e s t r o y e d S o d o m a n d G o m o r r a h l i k e t h e g a r d e n o f J e h o v a h l i k e t h e l a n d of E g y p t a s t h o u g o e s t u n t o Z o a r S o L o t c h o s e h i m a l l t h e P l a i n o f J o r d a n

T h e n t h e s t o r y g o e s o n t o the t i m e w h e n J e h o v a h r a i n e d u p o n S o d o i a a n d u p o n G o m o r r a h b r i m s t o n e a n d l i r e f r o m J e h o v a h o u t o f h e a v e n w h i l e L o t fled t o t h e n e a r fcrwn o f Z o a r H e d id n o t s t a y l o n g b u t went o u t o f Z o a r a n d d w e l t i n t h e m o u n t a i n mdash i n a c a v e

H a v i n g f r e s h l y r e a d t h e s t o r y a n d h a v i n g l o o k e d o v e r t h e s t r o n g a r g u shym e n t s f o r l o c a t i n g t h e t o w n s s o u t h o f t h e D e a d s e a a n d for b e l i e v i n g t h e m to have- b e e n d e s t r o y e d b y s o m e shyt h i n g In t h e n a t u r e o f b i t u m i n o u s o u t shyb u r s t s I w a s t a k e n b y s u r p r i s e w h e n I v i s i t e d t h e l i t t l e r u i n s of S u w e l r o e h a n d p i c k e d u p b i t s o f g e n u n laquo c o r i c laquo o n l a v a w h i l e t h e s h e i k h w h o a c t e d a s g u i d e to ld t h e s t o r y of S o d o m a s t h e s t o r y o f S u w e i m e h of S u w e i m T h e n a m e m a y b e a c o r r u p t i o n o f S o d o m

I w e n t Into t h e m o u n t a i n s t o n c e f r o m S u w e i m i n o r d e r t o s e e w h e r e t h e l a v a c a m e from A s w e c l i m b e d t h e l o w e r h i l l s t h e s h e i k h n o t i c e d t h a t I p i c k e d u p b l a c k p i e c e s o f l a v a a n i b r o k e t h e m o p e n

Dont b o t h e r w i t h those h e s a i d Up h e r e p o i n t i n g s o u t h e a s t t h e r e i s a w h o l e m o u n t a i n o f b l a c k r o c k l i k e t h a t

C l e a r e d by a T h u m b T h e gu i l t o r i n n o c e n c e o f a n a r m y

v e t e r i n a r y s u r g e o n a c c u s e d b y a so l shyd i e r of a s s a u l t ^t P o n t i v y F r a n c e r e s t e d o n t h e q u e s t i o n w h e t h e r or n o t t h e a c c u s e d m a n s u c k e d h i s t h u m b a f t e r t h e s o l d i e r h a d a c c i d e n t a l l y Inshyflicted a s l i g h t w o u n d W h i l e M B e r l a n d t h e v e t e r i n a r y s u r g e o n w a s p e r f o r m i n g a n o p e r a t i o n o n a h o r s e s l e g at t h e b a r r a c k s o f t h e S e c o n d c a v shya l r y r e g i m e n t a t P o n t i v y a t r o o p e r w h o w a s h o l d i n g d o w n t h e h o r s e i n a d shyv e r t e n t l y s c r a t c h e d 31 B o r l a n d s h a n d in c o n s e q u e n c e of t h e h o r s e m o v i n g s u d d e n l y T h e s u r g e o n exshya m i n e d t h e s c r a t c h a n d t h e n a d m i n shyi s t e r e d a s o u n d b o x o n t h e e a r t o t h e so ld ier w h o r e c e i v e d t h e p u n i s h m e n t in s i l e n c e b u t l a t e r c o m p l a i n e d t o a n officer T h e c o u r t - m a r t i a l s p e n t conshys i d e r a b l e t i m e irc a s c e r t a i n i n g w h e t h e r t h e c h o l e r i c s u r g e o n s t r u c k t h e t roopshye r s u d d e n l y w i t h o u t re f l ec t ion a c a p e r s o n m i g h t d o a f t e r h a v i n g a c o m t r o d d e n on o r w h e t h e r t h e b l o w w a s g i v e n d e l i b e r a t e l y a f t e r Mr B e r l a n d h a d t i m e to r e f l e c t O n l e a r n i n g t b i t M B e r l a n d d id n o t s t o p t o s u c k t h e w o u n d e d t h u m b b e f o r e b o x i n g t h e t r o o p e r s e a r t h e c o u r t d e c i d e d t h a t t h e b i o w w a s n o t p r e m e d i t a t e d a n d he w a s a c q u i t t e d

In t h Ark N o a h mdash I k n o w w h a t Im g o i n g t o do Mrs N o a h mdash W h a t i s i t N o a h mdash H o l d t h e e l e p h a n t s t r u n k for



bullri bull



Bad Breath

Sbee Braquols Gappf A B E JIAttO TO C (amppound y e

gSpRBlTNE wUl teiac-Tc them and leave KO MeasiitK Doe not b i ts t ror remore tte tour f-urvs any pnfi or bullw) B can L worked laquoMQ ger toMe B o o 6 1 frlaquolaquo A B S C S B I N F ltIBraquo (manshykind St and 0 per bottteY For Belts

_raquoltMiraquoa Old fioresjSwellings Goitre Varicoae Veins VartooslQe Attars Paia Ylaquos_t droggiM eaa sspplr and 3re references Will tag

5on more If yon write MkttvfactoTed oaly bj F YOCM r raquo P laquo Tmdashtpi 6laquo

F o r t n o n t h a I h a d great trouble w h h m y A U A I A l U f F A s t o m a c h a n d u s e d aff k i n d s of m e d i c m e s I I | 1 1 E A I I Y E S I M y t o n g u e h a s b e e u a c t u a l l y a s g r e e n a s bull bull w P m s rw w bull ssw saw grass m y b r e a t h h a v i n g a b a d odor T w o w laquo e ^ a g o a f r i e n d r e c o r n m e a d e d C s s c raquo r e t s a n d after us iz ig t h e m X c a n w i l l i n g l y a n d cheer fu l ly s a y t h a t t h e y h a v e en t i re ly c u r e d m e I t h e r e f o r e l e t y o u k n o w that I s h a l l r e c o m m e n d t h e m to a n y o n e suffershyi n g f r o m s u c h t r o u b l e mdash C h a s H H a l porn l t d pound 7 t a S t H e w Y o r k N Y C U T T H I S OUT mal l it w i th your a d shydress t o Sterl ing R e m e d y Company Chishycago Illinois a n d receive a handsome souvenir gold B o a B o n F R E E 923

K st beMUfnl colors lfc per package s If not ia stock laquoead laquo 1raquo stsiting color desLrsd

OIE BYE FOR ALL 8009$ Color laquoard and bck of dlreetknw free by wlaquoUtag Pr-o-la BariinaTton Vermont

DYOLA DYES PATERT Book and Advleeysnx bullbullbull

IfcC St bull) yts Best reierselaquosgt

W N U DETROIT NO- S-1raquo10fc i

The shooting tearing pains of neuralgia are caused by excitement of the nerves Sciatica is also a nerve pain- bull

Sloans Liniment a soothing external application stops neuralgia pains at once quiets the nerves relieves that feeling of numbness which is often a warning of paralysis and by its tonic effect on the nervous and muscular tissues gives permanent as well as immedishyate relief

One Application ReSeed th Pain Mr J C L a s ltaf n o o Ninth S t S E W a s b l n ^ o a D C writes t mdash

Z advised a lady w h o was a cres t sufferer from neuralgia to try Skmnn LhH Bent After o n e application m e pa ia left her s a d s h e has not been uouhsfd with i t s tace

Sloans Liniment

is the best remedy for Rheumatism Still Joints and Sprains and all Pains

A t A l l D r u g g i s t s P r i c e 2 5 c - 5 0 c andl $ 1 0 0

Stasia Treatta o raquo t h e Bvwtmdash mdashraquont Fre A d d r e s s


T h e O a s i s of J u p i t e r A m n i o n S i w a or S e e w a h w i t h w h i c h t n e

E g y p t i a n g o v e r n m e n t h a s f r e s h t roub ie i s o u r o ld c l a s s i c a l a c q u a i n t -a n c e t h e o a s i s of J u p i t e r A m m o n w h o s e o r a c l e w a s a f o r m i d a b l e r iva l t o D e l p h i T h e o r a c l e g r e w d u m b a b o u t t h e t i m e t h a t t h e w h i s p e r ran r o u n d t h e w o r l d P a n i s d e a d but t h i s o a s i s i s s t i l l a s t r o n g h o l d of reshyl i g i o u s f a n a t i c i s m

M o s t of t h e i n h a b i t a n t s w h o r a t h e r r e s e m b l e i h e C h i n e s e in f ea ture a n d w e a r a p e r p e t u a l s c o w l o n t h e i r c o u n shyt e n a n c e s b e l o n g t o t h e S e n u s s l s e c t of M o h a m m e d a n i s m a n d p r o f e s s a peshycu l i ar ly s o u r v a r i e t y of P u r i t a n i s m W h e n n o t m u r d e r i n g E g y p t i a n offishyc i a l s for d e m a n d i n g t a x e s t h e y a m u s e t h e m s e l v e s b y o u t i n g t h e m i n o r i t y w h o r e f u s e t o j o i n t h e i r d e u o m i n a -t ion

T h e o a s i s of S i w a 1laquo s e l d o m v i s i t e d by E u r o p e a n s b e c a u s e t h e j o u r n e y m-

c^ni^ rldo

i0 s t filW nCiirj WHit ii ^lAiU t i tUi i i i f i bull ii

g e t t i n g k n o c k e d o n t h e b e a u a t t h e finish A m o n g t h e m s e l v e s t h e S l w e s s t a l k a d y i n g L i b y a n d i a l e c t


More Ow laquo apcatsi iwort o w n t a u s fiukJtosbJe ptaTsT^wadmdashttlaquo wosterfil tprisft wita talaquor mylaquoerkms toaita-clvinc waters osve becsDe woild fuMot craquo

NATURES GREATEST SANITARIUM Mt apart by ta United States gcmnmmt for tee benefit at saatn l ty

Wnerc mode m e d a l science joins bands wita the wcfcOerfol mat miwl i i f bullatwemdasha leUvst for toe cartmwn or simvnac i s the c a s t beantaal elaquot-f-dslaquorraquo

Water it the greatest eliminator of haman tils and thm Hot Springs of Arkansas are the greatest

waters known to mankind Patroaized every TCST b HOIS tlsafl 1SMM Peoyie txm elaquoy WLt f tte werJSmdasht

iwarperatiaj ttatia of o v army and savy the t n u i a t c n u d o t raquo e werJda 11-1101 atkletes t te aanwnMirg place of sUtesBsw sad the resdexvou of society

There is no Substitute for the Hot Springs Baths Tbo faarveiDas ones cannot be exasxersted

1 ^ 0 0 0 e a A ^ 1 deg^ 4 Aeprl-ve bJmaetf of te aJt rest tk raquoraquolaquogtlaquolaquori Joy 4 t t e wwdertul toBins-np that comes from coom of these batks coraled wits ta -rt-WH tnuac InflacBcr of the amtntaia oione and weoilaad tendscxpe

Laxariow aotets Kodiua-prlced hotel and hie class Msnliaf b e s t with s n r modern coaveniene


b y t h e

MISSOURI PACIFIC IRON M O U N T A I N Let laquo ten yoa mote afciut it and help y e a ftaa year trftgt Par tela t toe aad tannjad Mtes ddilaquos





1 i fflfslif Now or S^i ^Jsect9

1 - TK

If erer yon wUiked tot a noou ta CaJiroroia send tor frew lnfonuatton a-bent the |treUlaquot iirfgt ticm ~ltuUiut ampd BOeae-maJrtag- eaterprlae e fer Baderteke In addittea in ttr are anvcjraquo ia trrllaquo41aa laquo5Pom ^orea in the Twin Pall Cnantry IdaJho th Koana act t n t t M i a t SKKSWaereaiaUiaBaoateato VaUey Avtmraquobullbullof Uic Saay t ev i s tosa t t l en W laquo a ^ ^

p^b^hTcXt E L Bofteer Dept C 305 LaSrfe St Cfckifo BL

M K N m m

M laquo

T H E C G R U N N A J O U R N A L ^ 1 deg ^ ^ bull ^Jn lbc

-T-rrv-___ - county poor house that be might be near I his old farm borne Mattieon waa taken Jit wutte in Owosso on hhs mission and his

oaornAi K at Co- daughter who lives near Chesenieg took him to her borne The old man failed

t f l f B J O W gt laquo O V l-laquoraquoegtrraquolaquolt-r

PubgtUhe4 rvery T L laquo d raquo j runua the county seat of Siaiu bull( e county Dvlaquoe4 to tue iittr^ii of the HejgtublU4ni Fart and the coHnvtiou of jjenerai and locui rp dy and died Thursday He had been

M I living with a sou in Saginaw couuty snore raquo100 per year jartvraquonlt-e A_i - J

ugt laquoraquogt iht plaquoplt- unless t an raquo Jlaquor thereby Hag his residence in Shiawassee cormty


iOtlzens iffi8 BANK

Tva S laquo do not agree

evdered U do tQ Owl wlaquo jwjattlveiy tfuaranue Mgt Mop it wisen no ordraquo-laquod autxK-riWr who wis tc laquo laquo P the pa|H-r ab did uulify raquo direct laquoUHl not leave it to the |oMmMfcter o Uo He iwwet iae forffet Alwny w jtAlaquot your uigt-eerigtUoa u igtraquoid up tlaquo laquolaquo date vvlaquo iraquojulaquot us t map the paper The date gtoar sigtScripttoo 1 paid U U o n your paper cacu week W lth yraquoittr

la an extended article appearing in the Ovid Rcgiat rUuion of lat week 3 N McBridltv of Burton advocates tie estab-Hamphiuent of raquon agricultural school for

Tuequ^ULywtqrMiT f thlaquo raquo^rtwujf j Clinton and Shiawassee counties and sug-appearing in the JOUKKAJ-u aonudaot tlaquotij gesta that Ovid would be an- Weal plate

for such a School stoey to its vslue -w an rlttveittinff snediuuV Sate made know n laquo i the office

Iteats of u n i n always a c i - e i H ^ Re-satwher Sht whargt interests you IU jlaquosnerraquolly tateresf others and that it will beg1altrLv reshyceived bj ua CowniuswiUirtMoO laquoWeus of gwaraJ interest are raquopettaliy dreiral tKa le t thai a communication appears in ttiie ya^ per bowerer doe not mraquogta that it nee- bulllaquolaquobull amp 0tocs the opiniOD of lhltt edttor The will e no chmrte tor the yu oicraquouon of news tnraquot-

Wo fake dTvfUin iraquor auythiDg bo-derfiiig en the ohjeetioampKHe inserted at any price

Carta of thanks 5ft- obituary notices obit-b a n poetry resolutions business locals of nil kind and notices of enfrtaininei its where ad-

isefcaryeti Ac per line

bulltttered at the Pnt Offlee Corunna Michigan a aecond class mail natter


We serve the Best Meals io^be__had in the city We will also prepare special lunchshyes to order 1 1 1 ^ -est tinea strictly fresh and purest Candies both box and bulk

Conors Popular Gift M I C H

laquo bull bull-gt bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull C0C3ITT TTEVa bull 4 bull bull bull bull 4 bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

The home of Owoaao Aerie Sagka is raw complete and the lodge enjoys the distinction of not only posteaatng the first but one of the best in the state oa She site of the old Stewart property on North Washington street The very comfrabie boane which the members are occupying is tike remit of five years of endeavor oat the part of the memben and their oflcers The aerie wnraquo instituted September S4tfi MM with a charter messbetvhip of 7f At the time the aerie moved into it new

about one year ago them was a iberahip of iao Staee that data the iter has increased until the records

a total inembftrship of StS

A case of mi taken klenlUy cost two hoboes at Duimnd five doQars each Satar-day night Jnettce Patcnel sssraird then that amount for assaulting Deputy Sheriff Oriffin aa be was paasiag through the rail rood yards The pair were concealed beshyhind a box campr evidently waiting for someone and when Griffin passed they saistook him for their party Stepping out one of them dealt bim a staggering blow behind the ear and Grirlln almoet went down but regaining uia balance be gave chase and caught both men When

j they saw who he was ibeyboTu numbly begged his pardon but t fee soft stuff didnt phase the officer and ten uiinutts aftershyward they were standing before the jusshytice They plead guilty and were fined at once

The annusil report vt May M J Philshylips of Owosso brigade iasigtector of small arms practirx Michigan National ltraquouard has been preparrtl ad thows that the statetroops are making rapid improveshyment as riflemen Tlie figure ltraquof merit for the outdoor season of 11MU is 4335 as compared ih 3383 in 1006 and 1954 IU 1907 This means that the troops shot about one-third better last year than they did in 1908 and more than twice well as they did in 1907

Although the question will probably not be touched upon at the aevt meeting pure milk will be discussed by the Shia-wateee County Medical Society in the near f attire Physicians in many cities about the state are taking the matter up and inshyvestigating the matter thoroughly aud in some places are even planning to take the contract for tuppljing absolutely pure milk to the public

Death has inletrupted the plars old friends and neighbors of Sherman Kattison the Shiawassee pioneer farmer who nought to gratify the wish of the old

While placing on the rivet bans last T^r^yaalaquoJii i l berry street bridge at Owosso Walter Roraquo ttte four-j ear-old son of 3fr and Mrs Wijliim Rort fei-1 into the stream where the water was deep asd swift Several women who witnessed the accident from the bridge screamed and Nonnan Taggart aged 12 rushed down to the bank and extended a long pole to the younger boy at the same time cooly directing him what to do Twice Walter grabbed the pole but his hands slipped off each time Twice be sank and it looked as though he might drown The thirl time however he grasped the pole firmly and Norman pulled him up close enough to the bank to Clutch his clothing The limp body of the younger boy was carried to his home and a physician suat-moned Be was soon revived and was little the worse for his experience

Wells Warner of Hazelton cownship [aoampie^ra Beit Wilson of Owlaquoeraquoo were fmazHewsitrtne Cafaoa AveIt E par-

sonage bat wee Wednesday by Rev T B McGee The orkte was ptetUly dressed hi pink and was atteaded by heraister JOas Edna WOeou also of Owosso The groem was attended by Mr Balph Borshyrows After the ceremoay a party of young people showered Mr and Mrs Warshyner with rice Their cutter had been tastfnlly decorated for the oeeaeioa

Since the streets in the vicinity of the proposed acw motor truck factory at Owosso hpye been doted by the ceancH representatives of the company have dosshying up deal transferring the property of residents fftatde that dbttict to the comshypany The truck company had seenred options ou most of the property before the sthaets wen closed not caring to purchase it outright uuttl they were sun that the streets would he closed Now that every-thlag has tanu sUleaaVtttt rWsdn atebemg made Out mud tnasfernd asd the people recelvttf their money

The Caise of Colds Good Alrice tefmrtiaf tka Pretea-


STATE OF U1CB1GAX County of 9biawalaquo-eee ss

At a session of the Prohate Court or said Osttnty heid at the Probate Ofnce in the Ciiv bullC Cornnna on the Hth dlaquoy of January

Present JfaUhew Bash Judjse of Probate In the matter of the estate of Ffed K Buckel

deeeawd On Slinjy the petition of Ageie Buekel pray-

igtr fvr the jgtrobaraquoe oi the wiij of said debased MOW filed in thia Court

It is ordered that the 14th day of February next at ten oclock ic tbe forenoon at said t rooate Office be appointed for hearing said petition

And it is further ordered That amp copy of this bullrder be published three successive wlaquoeks preriouu to said day of hearing in the Cornn-ma Journal a newspaper printed and circulat- bull laquo in si4 County of BUlawasoee

MATTHEW BUSH (A t m copy) Judlaquoe of Probate By Florence Llodsey Probate Regioter

If people would only fortify aampd atroRftben the eyatetn too majority of cases of ooagha eolda and pneushymonia might tie avoided These trouble are frequently due to weakshyness which prodneea e eatarrbal condition of the taueous ioembranelaquo whieh la an iuternal skin of the body Wbea this skis is weakened it becomes easily infected with germs which cause many of the disshyeases to which flesh is heir Healthy mucoas membranes are easential safeguards of the bodys general health

Au excellent aid in the prevention of coughs colds raquonAmonia and such like infectious diseases is raquo remedy that will prevent or cure catarrh

We have a remedy which we honshyestly believe to be unsurpassed in excellence for the prevention of coughs4 colds and all catarrhal conshyditions It is the prescription of a famous physician who has au enshyviable reputation of thirty years of cures gained through the uae of this formula We promise to make no charge for the medicine should it fail to do as we claim We urge everybody who has need of such a medicine to try Rexall Mecu-Tone

It stands to reason that we could not afford to make such statements and give our own personal guarantee

J to this remedy if we were not proshyof tbe I pa r ed t 0 prove the reasonableness of

our claim in every particular and we see no reason why any one should hesitate to accept our offer and try it We have two sizes of Rexall Mucu-Tone prices 50 cents and $100 Sometimes a 50-cent botshytle Is sufficient to give marked reshylief As a general thing the most chronic case is relieved with an avsrago of three large bottles Yuu can obtain Rexall Remedies in Coshyrunna only at our storemdashThe Rexshyall Store Alberts Pharmacy Coshyrunna Mich

i t bull o o

o w o s s o

la a bank organised under STATE LAWS and subject to STATE INSPECTION


4 PerCeht I N T E R E S T


bull o o o bull

o 0 a



mdashIs Albert your druggist mdashC D Smith was in Detroit last week mdashMr William Duffey is oo the sick



o bull o 0 0 0 a o


k Mimm uEEnxs

mdash-Charles HathawSy was in Detroit last wtek bull

I mdashWilliam Cole has returned to his j home in Clare

mdashLet Albert save you moDeyon-that jirescrhniea

--jFrank McBride was iu Rose City last week on business

mdashEdward Kay was home from Bsn-eroft oyer Sunday

mdash Fred Ciaig Is in New Lothron this wlaquoek on business

mdashMiss Bernice Phipps t pent Saturday with her su-ter in Flint

mdashEx-Sheriff Warren Jarrad of Antrim was in Corunna yesterday

mdashMrs J P Hackett is visiting her SOB Eugene Hackett in Detroit

mdashErnest Sonnenberg has accepted a positioB with William Bklridge

mdashMr snd Mrs Martin Comstoek have returaed to their home in Santon

-Mis Fred Kay has returned home from aa extended visit in Ebsdia N Y

mdashMajor Cariand of Traverse City Cariaad last

week -Ricbard WOaon of Mt Glesttaas

spent Sunday with Us sister Mrs Frank Bentley

mdashAlbert has Syvonds Inn spices mdashMm C M BQhimer has returaed

from a few weeks visit in Detroit and Aiui Arbor

-~Mbs Mae Keswick returned Saturday from a few days visit at her home in MttskegOfi

mdashThe Friday Afternooa Club was pleasantry entertamed by Mrs- J C Quayle last week

mdashWellington Duffey was confined to his home with aa attack of the grip tbe first of the week

mdashH T Sidney aesfataat cashier at the hank is spending the week visniag rehv

on s oflVe at Lansiag

i bull bull o o e raquo laquo o o o o o OOOOB)




was never so strong and influshyential as it is today Situations

^-ana Jiivtrr x^si K II ftisww SoiiiretAiy

Of the Friday Aftecaosa Cub Was Held at the Boms ef Mrs j C Qaayle

One of tbe meat delightful events In the history ltf tbe Friday Aftershynoon Club waa that of Friday aftershynoon of last wek when the beautiful borne of Mr and Mrs J C Quayle waa opened fo tbe occasion

The projrram of tbe day betn prtndpmlly noon topfea pretoiinlng to onrata4omdashthlaquo noateas Mrs Quayle had appropriately decorated her home In the natlooal ooJora which were anutleally 4raped tfetrahontv pre-leaBed on his father M 0mitllav4hea4itifni^^aVa^ lady aa she entered was preaeated with a tiny flag as a souvenir

After the reading of the minutes of tbe preriona sdeetinar and the trans-action of other bqsineoa came the roll call which waa responded to by Facts about Michigan nd was followed by the grand old aonc Michigan my Michigan

On aeooont of the abseace of Mre Josaie Kay who was to have read a paner upon the Agrteolturai - and MkJeraliesoatees of onr state Mrs RoaeCWefave a most 001011010107 snd delightful resume of her recent trip through the west and northwest Mrs Coles paper waa thoroughly enshyjoyed her 9Bcripttooa being psrtle-olsrly graphic and charming

Following came a number of four minute taOkAoavMrehtaran tonics Mm Helen FldsotlaquooM too story of Poo-Use in an entertaining aaaner stra tydhv Food treated the topic of Lewis Case among other interesting thinca telling how bU visit to this city during his campaign for governor to the early fiftlea ws recalled by one of our ladies Mrs Laura Young Me-Kee The For Traders and Tbe Ordinance of 1787 were each talked upn concisely by Mrs Kate Mason sod Mrs Clndoos Jacobs white Mrs Minerey Fishers treatise upon the Moravians waa indeed a treat It waa exceedingly welt given and as well received Among many points which Mrs Tlaber brought out wwi tbepartio alarly interesting one that the Morshyavians afterwards became the sect known as tbe United Brethren

Following this unusually excellent program division three under the leadership of Mrs Lillian Martin con tributed its quota to tbe entertainshyment Twenty-fire vials containing as many different liquids were placed benetttb the noses of tbe company and poundbey were coramanded to smell first and then tell us what it is

This was an eicellent test of the olfactories of those present and it was really remarkable ho few were Sole to correctly name even a pare of the liquids

The hostess Rod ber assistants then served delicious refreshments and afshyter a social hour adjournment was lakeo for two weeks when the club will entertain the gentlemen at a six oclock dinner at the home of Mrs Rose Cole

Tbe hospitable and gracious entershytainment of the club by Mrs Quayle on this evasion added another red letter day to oar already extensive calendar

consists of new clothing and otter necesshysary articles tot the family of a wo thy (

but poorly paid preacher in one of the j smalt towos of northern 3 i higan Come and help the cause

mdashHugh Nichols received a letter fr rn [ his 30a Hugh Jrj vho is on tbe battle- ship Salem Hugh is now stationed at Norfolk Va where they expect to be for nearly a month wt Sle thesiip is-undeigoshying the necessary re^aifo He was quits sick for some time having lx ea UiSfcittened with pneumonia lraquout i much belter tit present

mdashJohn Williams of burand who flaquomi erly ran-aplumbing shop raquoi (his city j

-bulleallet on friends hltfre Wednesday sir Wilhatus ran a piece of tin into out of his eyes several weeks ago and as f he result | has a very laquogtre eye It was feared-for1

sometime chat he would lo-e the sight of the nuMPber but his condition -istjuuch better at present

mdashU S Rtce one of tke younger farm-eis of Caledonia township has sold out and gone to Gladwin Mich to make his home He will operate a large feed barn and delivery in tha city He has been highway commissioner of Caledonia townshyship for several years and his work nas been very satisfactory Many friends wish him success in his new home

mdashAfter having been unable to use his legs for a year Lawrence McLauchlin young son of Mr snd Mrs W H Mc-Lauchlin is improving and with the aid of crutches is able to move about the boose He has resumed ids studies in the sixth grade His boy friends draw him to a td froTi school in a cart As soon aa the show- disappears liar boy expects to be able to go to school on his crutches

mdashThe dotk with which Mrs Ike Thompson was blacking a hot stove Satshyurday afternoon ignited because of the fact that th blacking contained gasohoe Mrs Thompson threw the doth down and the result was a couch which tbe cloth fell on was set on fire The nre alarm was turned in but before the department arrived Mayor MeMvnen and several others had carried the horning couch out of doors

mdashThe stockholders of the United States Bob 0ltLtapany met Thursday and reshyelected the old board of directors with the exception of Matthew Bush who was sucshyceeded by C kt Bilhlmer The reports showed the company to be in good condishytion ftaasciaampy So dividend has been paid recently although tt is usaleratood

WLD0UGIAS laquoaraquo3Ht4SB0ES

u Corona

mdashOrrftle Porter of FHtst is sheading a few days with his firaadtopents Mr md Mrs Andrew Porter of Corunna

mdashAlberts for valejitiaes mdashMrs M F Hodge of Caledoafav who

has been seriously ill m convalescing rapidly and la now able to sirup

mdashSupervisor Lyman finished fitting his large ice houses in this dty Saturday The crop U of a very fine quahty

mdashWilliam Jackson is able to be around again aftsr having been laid up a week with a severe attack of tonraquotlitis

mdashThe infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Morton died Saturday noon The funeral was held Sunday afiemooir


auPCRiOR TO OTKen tsAKes I hlaquovlaquo morn W L Oewcte bull pound bull laquo

p t vmdashn and ah-ars Hmd tr f ^ J 1

i o o e H o e tolt o t l w Mate trad show^raquon ttyle 119 Howar J Awsv Ufties N Y

V Icowli tsJte yoraquo ssraquo my htrte facshytories at Bunk ton Mass i s a show you how esMfutty W L Dosmias shoe are

wouU ilaquoafiM why o W hold fit

arelaquofi_ AM H W snS ittlos s7JUrtMSUlaquolaquoe

thoem atstaatpeasMthebottosih raquo vrrsefSrltaU Older Rrraquo vilJgzsr^

Uves near Yeraon mdashJ C Thomas datk in the audrwti that one vHDbededaredmthetiewftttart

mdashThe ehy of Comana will is sstd adopt a plan oonsetved by Mayor McMul-lea who has noted of arte that toller skat-mg is a very popular diversion ajd that the sport has daampcmg on the main this locality The floor of the park casino will be p-epsied at ooce for akatiag It is believed and 190 pairs of skates will be purchased by the c-ty It is believed that a eonsldemble amount can be raised in this way toward the support of the park It is expected that the first skating party will be ueM next week

mdashJ H Barnes of Saginaw who repre sent the cmiipany which 1laquo to extend the spar track to the Hazeltsu coal fields and the leasing to the large trao of land in that township was in the dty Monday on business Washington Snyder the New

-Miss Agnes McNamara daughter of | Lothrop merchai t was also io the city Mr and Mrs Charles McNamara of Cale- j and declares that sithesgh-sctbisg-dtfi-donia township is confined to her home nite has been done in the village the busishy

ness men there arc perfectly willing iud anxious to have the road extended to New

o f laquo

Printing done by the

Journal is always nest

Foleys Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine It in-vi|raquorgtratrs the cnttr-jy^in HJJU yrcui^-

S i m p l e l l e a n e d j for LaGrippe

LaGrippe coughs are dangerous as they frequntlv develop jntltgt pneumon a Pohys Honlaquo-y and Tar not only stops the cough but heals and strengthen the lungs so that no serious results need be feared The senuiue Foleys Honey and Tsr conshytains no harmful drugs and is in a yellow package tkgtld bv Glen T Reynolds

Chas K Riffley A O Whipple President Cashier

A E Hartfthorn W P Cooper Vice President - Awi Cashier

by Uiness mdashFalc man WantedmdashTo look after our

iutetest in Shkwassee and adjacent counshyties Salary or commission Address Lincoln Oil Co Cevelaud O

mdashAlbert always has your favorite magashyzine

mdashThe Epworth League letter social at thcopy home of Miss TiLie Strauch Friday evenshying was a success both socially and finanshycially About 100 attended aud sect320 was cleared

mdashMrs Jake Eilber fdl down a flight of stairs while coming down from her resishydence over Lowes shoe store Monday evening raquosd sprained her ankle besides cutting her face badly

mdashAll accounts due Lowe amp Co must be settled before Feb 1frac34 1910 4-w8

mdashDuring the three years that B P Hicks has been prosecuting attorney of Shiawassee county he has not asked the court for tbe continuance of a case in other words the prosecutor has always been ready when the cases come upmdash Press-American

mdashThe Young Ladies Guild of St

Carrie amp Clittertack got off the tram at Twenty-mini street She paid ten ceata for the ride an bullbe probably paid the same sum go-rag back la Paris anybody would have walked the distance

I was amased upas going oat ot my hotel the other day to see a big husky cab driver havs his boot polshyished He probably paid ten cento for the Job In Europe a ealr drtver would have had hia own brushes an blackmf

It is thia saving habit tnat mskea Ptsnce a rich country and gtrea our people the wherewlttad uraquo buy Amort-can aeeertties ft raquo tha abaeaee of the knowledge of how to save ha amali thtnga or the puttlftg of It tato pracshytice that keeps so many lt your peo-plepte from beJor thrifty aasl makaw the distance so great between your miUfcusdree and your ordinary mbor^

bull g gt gt

Lothrop and will raise the necessary funds if any are needed

mdashBusy Hive hlt Id installation of officers Friday evening the 21st Past Commandshyer Julia 8 S Parker acted as instslling ofitcer Mrs Mattie Klinkman the new commander had charge of tbe evening Short speeches were made and presentashytions of carnations to installing officer Mrs Parker asd Mistress at Home Mrs Kiucaid A beautiful cut glass water set to Past Commander Jacobs and toilet set to Mrs Ormsby paet finance keeper The presentations were made by Mrs KHnk-man iu her most aftiabe manner Reshyfreshments were served to Sir Ktights and all invited guests

mdashA carload of sheep consigned to H E Payne from Chicago reached the yards here Friday morning about nine ocock after being on the road without food or water since Wednesday night at 0 oclock There were thirteen of theai dead and

mary more just as good as dead ones j Mr Payne promptly Tefused them from i the railroad but unloaded them snd thev



Saves YottMoDey

Pauls Episcopal church intend holding an i are now at his farm just west of town be-oyster supper followed by a mu-ical j ing cared for by him for the railroadmdash evening at the borne of Miss Eveleth on i They were shipped back to Chicago yes-


Owosso Savings Bank O W O H O MlCt t l f fs t l t

Pays laquo4sect- Oa Savings Deposits

Frazer street on Thursday Feb 3rd supper to begin at five 0 clock Tickets on Mtle at 20 cents

mdashAbout 20 of Miss Hazel Lowes pupils participated in a musical at her home Satshyurday afternoon Tbe life of Chopin was discussed Four of the pupils were preshysented with diplomas Refreshmeatr were served and a delightful social time followshyed the musical program

tortSay- -Bam lofi Commercial


Sum Mor Syrup Looks Good Tastes Better per gal

French Visitor Says Our People Not Consider Value of Small



One of the things that strike a foreigner visiting New York said an observant Frenchman the other lay

I is the fact that so many Americans have no idea of the value of money They do not know how to economize n little things or if they do they do

not care to funeral was heU from the Baptist church 1 saving five dollars may appeal to

to them but saving five centsmdashno in France we believe tL)t savir^ the five cents makes it ossibw for 113 to

mdashGeorge Duell aged 33 years died at his home in this city early Sunday mornshying from tuberculosis of the lungs Beshysides a widow he kaves three daughters who are in destitute circumstances The

bull fims bull m-MV | w

nil ourtd i)_y this ga-ai medicine arc OOWO tOOO0OOlaquoOOObull OOOOO OICQ T Reynolds Sold by f

mniiiyrGvs aCuwfcura W H Kllpatri

raquo Haruhorn Ohalaquo W- Ri^l Vi A Wo^aisi

Tuesday afternoon at 2 oclock

mdashThe services at ihe M E church Sun i]i)tgt raquoy-nitiltf Tfraquo V VM1 bft iwler tho

^Slspiclaquo of Uu Woilaquojfiis fTHiiC JIlaquoioi

ftry-raquoSltKieiy ampn approprijic pro rrim in

(taken to help the society on their thank-offering The tliank offering this year


35c Salt

$105 Buck Wheat Flour

le 70c H amp E Sugar Vjy the Cwt 535

H amp E Suiar by the Sack 135

Olives or Sweef Midget


Salt By the barrel will not harden

Makes those good 25 lb sack for

Quart cans full of Olives or sweet Midget pickels

1 ) 1

bullHem is a case n point- Tgte other iy i s w u Tvosnun wviJonfgty oi thr poorer clap aiid a child cUiiib up the stairway of the Sixth aveuue elevated station at Twenty-eighth street Sfce

y Want Eggs

And Good Butter

11 1frac34 f 1 laquo jMluC ff bull

Phone 15-2



f - = WHEN YOU BUY FENCE Its a mighty good idea to consider troahty before priaa

Theres a tot of cheap fenw on the laquoarilaquotraquo but you mart te-member when you buy fencing at a cheap priceyon get just what you pay for-poorly made unserviceable fesemdashnothing more

PEERLESS ^ FENCE famous Teev im eircnlaT t i ^ makes Kertess the ^ o n ^ e B t fenee known Make ycui dealer furnish bull w i Peerless HlaquoTcan get it for yoa

Ltd Peerless Wfre Fence Co


FOOTS tght

Well Crissy what can X do tor year asked the judge of his fair r o s s f daughter a s she stood In the doorway of his oQteroOce

Ton know said Crissy gravely T filed an application with yon several weeks ag far a s iacreese la a y 4tgt DvxMsseat fttad I celled to tee what yoa had dace wtth isy ctete

The Judges eyes twlnkleaV Te looked at U s watch

I am sorry bat I have a preaatag encaxeaseat IU t a n yoar ease oer to Charles glsnvjng at an adjoiahM dealt

The hfwwa Httaiy fee fashed hoy-lenly a he a n t tae daraquolaquolaff eye

I refnaa to he taraed over ealft Criasy ttneantly 1 affi led to yaw aad I shall await year f laaaiqemdashat year nasti anfit yea return

-Vary waH reoated the Jadfa 1 lea-re yea hi peateaaksC

When he had left the t o o n the twe reaMUates fa antes were oaaaeasas of the sUeaee The girl east acrreydttaac side glances toward the yaws attorshyney but he kept d e n a i l y at work

The drat day that Charles Daatont

told her of his love and demanded her hand and^heart

But Crissys young hiart was no yet ripe for love and she said him nay merrily Then he accused her of being a flirt She resented the accusation They had not been on speaking terms for two days and Crissy lound the silence almost embarrassing

Presently the door opened and an old man far beyond the three score and ten limit entered His cheeks were round and rosy and his eyes twinkled good-humoredly

So the iedge amVlu he said reshygretfully

Mr Barney began the young man your casemdash

Crfesy saw a way now to make him speak to her -

I am filling the judges place this morning Mr Barney she said sweetshyly Is there anything I could do for yew

The young man reddened angrily bat the old man eame forward smilshying

Bent yea the Jedges daughter Tea look like hfc4

T h a n k you Mr Barney Yes I am his daughter If yon will state yoar ease I will lay it before my fa ther

Wen yoa see yoar pa has been try-lag to get see n pension for quite a spoU aad sosnr way It d e a l seem to get through and rm getting on If It dont come pretty soon J wont be here to enjoy i t

Of coarse yoa want tt now i n make father posh tt right through

Bless your kind heart sa id^he oM man delightedly

-Mr Barney said Dnnvoat coming forward deureateedty we heard from Washington this morning about your oeee aad I am sorry te tail 70c that it has been rajeafei There is a nugt iag Hah raquo the evidence ValeneVyon can supply this the case is hoae-teea

The old mans m a d apple-Hke face suddenly to shrivoJL Criasy

dlrldrd between pity for him and anger toward the young man for checkewtiag her A bright inspiration came to her A tlger-Uke spring of her memory showed her how she could help one and disconcert the other

Mr Barney she said sweetly tt I were you I wouldnt try to get my pension through lawyers

How would you get it he asked eagerly

Id get it through by special set of congress

I dont know our congressmanrrorraquo this district and he wouldnt help an old fellow like me anyhow

bullMaybe not said Crtssi but I

raquoa entered the law firm as junior partner he had seen a wonderful vision mdasha lovely fair lace with eyes of heavens own bluemdashhovering near the judges desk He was conscious with

j a rush of blood to hisface that his heart no longer was his own Crissy was too much of a coquette upt jo see the effect she produced and thereafter she proceeded to make life miserable for him -- -

One day she y e s gracious and charming to him the next she scarceshyly deigned him a glance He stood the treatment heroically for awhile then he rebelled Quietly and manfully he

Trade with Advertisers and Save Money

bdquo-gt s_gt A-- ^ mdashbullbull W - ^ ^J bull mdash^ lt V ^ lt

COAL I have on hand a full stock of the

following coa) and am prepared to make prompt deliveries

H A R D C O A L - E g g Stove Nut and No 2 Chestnut

S O F T C O A L mdash S t Charles Specshyial Grade of Ohio Coal and West Virginia Splint

Orders may be left at Quayles Grocery or the Ann Arbor Elevator Phone No 80 or 3 5-2r

Ill m WW m poundsect InV aSSSssi frac34frac34frac34frac34 amp



know a biiJIiant youog coDgresfimsn who is very influential and (be would do anything I asked him to do HI write him uow and tell him all about you

Dumopt had been watching the old mans hope-illumined face while she spoke He came up to her resolutely and said in a low tone

bullCrissy dont raise fahw hopes He cant stand much more disappoint-aKgtnt~ bull

Crissy stared at fciih coldly then she addressed Mr Barney

Tell me all about your case and I will write t t once

The old man delightedly plunged into an inexhaustible accouht of batshytles marches hospitals prisons and so forth Meanwhile Crissys pea was scratching wildly over the paper

See If this will do she asked Afy Dear George You once said

that there was nothing In the world that you would refuse to So for mc I want something very much now and I know that you will do it for me beshycause I atk yau to There Is an old soldier In our city tor whom fathers firm has been trying to get a pension and after all their red tape they have failed through some technicality His name Is Leartns P Barny and he served in Company A Twentynfth Illishynois as private corporal and sergeant He served a full term and re-enlisted Was wounded at Fair Oaks and was afterward taken prisoner Will yoq get his pension through by special act I remember that yno dM thte for a soldier mat adminmtratknBL So yon


Human Race Shows Enormous Growth Si nee Days of Constant Warshy

fare and Pestilence

The population of the sxown earth at the death of the Roman emperor Augustus about the time of the con-mencemeut of the Christian era was estimated by Bodia an Italian statisshytician at 57000000 The Komans knew nothing pf Asia beyond tlie lu-dus river and nothing of Africa savo the Mediterranean states But the hushyman race in early tl^ilaquos was engaged in constant warfare and it is recordshyed that the temple of Janus^ wlraquoch could only be cloaed when Rome was at peace was shut at the time or the birth of Christ- But not only was the population of the ea^th decimated by incessant wars it was devastated by terrible epidemics of disease which swept over every country co that In 1492 at the time of the discovery of America by Columbus the population f Europe was placed at 40000000 To day Europe has ten times that numshyber or 400000000 people with about 100 to each square mile

remember telling me abont it winter night Get it a quickly as yoa can and t will believe everything yclaquoi said to me As ever

Tours devotedly Crisay That will fetch tt said the oM

man gleefaHy Now I will address itr ltKoneuroiearna

I Qnaekenboah M C Wmohlngton D C Now we win gc together and raquo a ^ i t

Later when the Jadge came back Domoat asked htm if he eenld he pat on the Qridley case and make the weat ero trip

Indeed yoa may Dumomt- replied the Judge We will ail be too gmd to shift the case off oar hands to yon

Creasy looked crestfallen and disapshypointed when bar father told her the next day that DoFioat bad gene west and weald be gone for a month

MHe might at least have said good-by she thought

Her buoyancy vanished day by day and she grew pensive and pathetic

I l l never trifle alaquonhV she thonght sadly

In a months timevDamont letnyned and reported his success in the Qridshyley cnae I _

Howls Miss Harshr he asked sdfly after they had discussed the

Look Around Then laquo


Cookies from field Medal Flour are the best I ever tasted SOPHIA

NT VTUAOK BaXJE-DeraH having bwo Made ia tike coalition trtraquo eertsiti wort-

raquogtlaquo t i w n r i f Lacy U Betrrof the City of GermMU S a t a w i t t Coaoty MidigaD to tbe E i a w M B raquoUUe Auk of dw-k^tOB Mtchi-S laquo B 4 K 4 laquoa l raquoh 40raquo of nos^rber tfOS and nt ot In la uw e s v e of the Eetteter of Dndraquo for Ottawa Oftutj oa tkyen Utk day of WoTtibar MBS to Uber 108 of Mortgage on MfleaHSwaS ttl walek mortgage bae been only aaateactf by mmamptmmtu la WTttts to Kary aV nlaquofe of Caeoaalms Mfaeatgaa BOW w r i i a g la Oonotft Mtealma raquoatS aarisn-1 awat fecta 4te4 May tf 1(4raquo aad wa rvcord-edte ta oSStc of tbe n e a t e r of Deed for aaiawaMwe Coaatf on tbe eta day of Jaaaary tim tm Uber teBof aattsaaKBts laquof Mortgaoje ea page ni7 aad wketeaa ta aswtat dni-laquoi tobt da naoa aald atortgase at tae date of tai aoUee la the aiai of One Bundled jTworty PW aad Sl-tSS Botlan ( R raquo W) which lactade taeipald for tasea awi the fuihet- enat of Twcbty-FlTv DoOua aa an aaoraey fee pro-ruted to fa said Mortrace and no eolt or pro-eeeahalaquoMlaw aarlna heea taMlMted to re-eofer tae aainant eeeured by nald awrtcase nor aay part thereof

Now therefore aoUee is aereey cfTea that hy Ttrtaeof the nowerof sale contained in eald uortaacev aad la aarkaaaee of the etatate la each caa ende aad provided the aald awrt-aage win he ferrelmiil by a hale of the pteat-tee thuela deacrfbed at pablle auction to the htfheei Wdder at the wlaquoM front door of

Crtssy basat been very well lateshyly but shes positively happy to-daymdash nearly as happy as old Barney Hes got hfs peaslen 912 per month and a good bit off back pension It came through special act It seems Crtssy wrote to a friend of hers who is a congressman

Yes I know she did he replied with a bitter recollection of the day It was written

George Quackenbush married Crts-sys most intimate friend Informed the Judge

He is married exclaimed Dumont joyfully

Yes replied the judge he wouldshynt have been if it hadnt been for Crissy She patched up a lovers quarshyrel between him and the girl he margt lied and in the joy of reconciliation he offered to do anything she ever asked him By the way hadnt you better go and see Crtssy

But the young man had already started toward the door

raquo - raquo bull mdash bull mdash mdash mdash mdash - i

Lord Mayors Banquets The lord mayors banquet on the

night of November 9 was to entertain his majestys ministers In the days of the Georges it was no uncommon thing for royalty to attend the banquet but this is never the case nowadays In 1814 the prince regent afterward George IV accompanied by the emshyperor of Russia and the king of Prusshysia was at the Guildhall feast and the prince was so pleased with the lavish hospitalfty of the new lord mayor tbat he made him a baronet on the spot The price paid for the honor a distinction which always has to be paid for was not inconsiderable for the dinner cost 1125000

Mr Pepys records in his diary that at the table at which he sat at a lord mayors bcrquet there were ten good dishes to a r-css and plenty of wine of all sorts but we bad no napkins no change of trenchers and drank out of earthen pitchers or wooden dishes

Berliners Flock to See Soldier There are about pound3000 soldiers In

Potsdam which isnt a great distance from Berlin and there ere always solshydiers in the German capital on guard before various palaces Besides there is a review almost every morning on the Exercirerplatz and guard mountshying every day at the Konigswache so that it might seem likely that soldiers wouldnt arouse a great deal of intershyest in Berlin

It is however quite the contrary Tbe sound of a band playing sends every one running in the direction of the music Even if it is just a small company going along the streets the loiks appear eager to watch it Whatshyever the cause soldiers apparently are an unchanging novelty In Berlin

the Court B o u t in the City of Cormnna Shla-waaOooaty en Taoeday the IS day bullX Ajneflt l e l e at nae oetoefe In the after noon of raid day whieh nrenrieea are deaerfb-ed la aatd bullariange mm fotlow Let One and Two In niock Forty-Two lteuroraquogt original plat City of CoranaSatawaeme OonB^rbUrhiaaa

Mttadlaaawry rth aMSL Many a warn

c a a n u a w eggaav Attorney tar aarijtnee

Cfceeanin Mtehlfan

Come Back It is natural and customary for buyers to

J ok around and s^e where thty can do best in buying Furniture We laquoxpelttthatm W^ are also so used to hayshying them return here aftet looking elsewhere that we expect that also in nine cases out of ten the cusiosTier who looks around is only the more saibfied that we bfrer the most and best for the money Look around or come here and buy without looking around Its all the same We will get your order in either case


Furnitarc and UttdertaKini Phone 2 9 S X X poundamp JR jr Mb iS JK JS X JS ^

Of Every Deiseription for AH Occasions

Every Day in the Year


kTATKOrMlCHlGAraquoOOUBty of Shiawas

bull t a Meeaion of the Probate Coort for eald Ooenty held at the Probete Office In the flty of Daranna on Monday the 3rd day of Jan wary in ffce year laquone tigtonsnd otne baidred ana ten

Pfeaent Xathew Bosfa Jndfe of Probate la the matter of the estate of WllUiara C

atot deceaeeS On readlofl and SUng the petition of Praacle

Stota praylnt that adalii^wtTatlaa of feald estate may be grnnted to the petitloaer or anaM SSirer MUtaote petmon

It la ordered that the 3tt day of Jeunary bullest at ten oclock In the roreoeon at eald bullrYobnte o e w b mdashlaaed for hearlns arid


And tt Is farther ordered that a copy of thle order be pnbhehed tbrce gtaeceolt4re weeks areriane to taW ky of heartnp in the Cornets lofimal a aeltrpaper printed aad elveallaquottat In raid Ceaaty of ahtawnam

MATTrnrw acalaquo Jodlaquo of Probate

Br Florenee TJadrey Probate Beaioter

ORTOAQE SALBmdashWhsrers default fca tr^n made In thlt eonoitioaa of a certain

Kwrtrase natio and rxecnted by William L Cotby aad Letta Cotby of the Township of Woodhnll 8blawaM-raquovlaquo Cosnty Miehi^m ^f tbe flrnt pepraquo unto J T Lemon of Shiawaasee bull owtuAi bull Sbtawasre CouBVjc Mtehiann of

tbe elaquoofwi part on the 27th day of Mareb ia toe year raquoIOlaquoD ntinJred and six and rrcori-eltJ lis tbe Reyirtrr of HwdVoaee for fthiawas-bullee Coimty Mn^jrau in Liber 107 of Mortshygages on pages raquo and Sltlon which mtgtrtglttre tbere is eUisrd tobedne at the date of tlgtilaquo eoticei for principal and interest the want of oerenteen bund red sJJtty-eJx dollars end twentyHwo cents (fl786^frac34) and no writ or pro-elaquoedinalaquo at law or ir equity hm-rlug been taken to reeorer the money secured by nald mortda ge or any part thereof notice is lioreby jflrtn that by virtue Of the power of sale eontaiutd iv eald mortaage and the Rtatatee In snch case made and prorlded tbe laquoald mortrage will be foreelofied by sale of the premises hereinafter described or so mncb tbercof as may be neltee sary to eatfefy the laquoald tmm of money now cue thereon pound i interest thereon at the rate Of si x per cent per aannm from tbe date of ttia notice toraquoeber vlth an attorney fee of twerty-five fraquo) dollara as provided in said aorteslaquore and as prorlded alaquoo by tbe statutes of thi State together with afl other ielaquoI coraquotw of this foreclosnre at vlaquob1ie auction or vendue to the hlahest- bidder at the front doof of the Court Some tn the Caty of Coraana Mirhlrlaquogtn (the raid Court Moose being tbe place of bolt1 lair the Cfaenlt Ccnrt for the cam- - raquoraquobull weasee State of Michiltraagtolaquo the amptlt d raquo r of March AIgtraquo t raquo l laquo at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day

The premises deseribed in said martgag are as foilowa towlt being alt those certain pieces or pampreeto of toad sttmated i the t w ship of WoodhaU Gomaty of ebJewaasee raquouraquole of VJehteaa as follows vis northeast Onar-ter(M)ofthe seotkwe qmarter aad the eottUt tea (M) acres of the eae half^H) of th aerUiwMt quarter 1frac14) of seetloa twenty two (St) ahe the sosWSraet qaarter ^frac14^ f ihe sentbeast qwartcvlaquoWgt e4 the northeast quarter (frac14) of section taettty-eifrf fftK laquoH hi Town Fire (i) North of aaage One 0 ) -

- - - [fpound Dated December asth DISW X T LSMOM

Mortgagee ROT H DCrBMAM Attorney for

Bnainees Address Cornnaa Mich


-^ t^ +r jryi ^ 4 ^

The Last Hope The court does not see the necea-

laquoitv for accorclina yoraquolaquo time to srraquooak

gtSMir umio^^ laquo i OGly a rtioroaal yo

alated the lawyer call your attention to the fact that toy client fa an awful liar

To every woman bull h ^ a s B S s i aannsaBMi^MiBaMnManBa bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull bull i B i ^ H a i B ^ n B -

in our city Not every night but often you feel tired

worn oat as though you didnt have strength to do another thing

Have you ever stopped to think What ia the cause

You fed this w a y most when you have been on your feet most the days when you have stood or

walked a good deal

In nine cases out of ten S H O E S are responsible

Let us fit you in the Red Cross Shoe It entirely prevents the burning drawing And aching that stiff sotes cause It is wonderful how it saves your strength

Tanned by the special Red Cross process the sole is flexible it bends with yoar foot reheves all the

pressure on the delicate nerves and tenshydons giving a feeampig of freedom ease and comfort found in no other shoe Let us fityoa

Chrfords $3 JSO ami $ 4 0 0 aifebSfcoan $ 4 0 0 ami $ 5 0 0

Get Style and ComfortmdashGet Both

Ei raquo

OUVstV j |

bull laquo ^ m m A ^ j ^ m ^ m ^ t t t m



SURELY SHOULD HAVE KNOWN Senator Pettus at th Age of 85 Beshy

lieved He Had Attained Years of Discretion

Senator James B Frasier of Tenshynessee tells a story 6t the delight which the late Senator Pettus of Alashybama took in a yard game Senator

Fraater when governor of Tennesshysee had gone to Hot- Springs Ark There he met Senator Pettus and knowing him well determined to warn him that three men with whom he had been playingA cards were sharpers from Nashville^

After hesitating some time he ap-proachea the aged senator and afte engaging him in conversation apoloshygized for warning Senator Pettus that his card partners were crooked

You dont say smiled Senator Pettus Do you know I suspected it

Well I advise you not to play with them any more said Senator Frazier

But theres nobody else here to play with Querulously returned the aged senator

Older senators repeat an anecdote of Senator Pettus in which he is repshyresented as returning home after a night at cards just as the morning light was breaking He was at the time of the story 85 years oUtr and Mrs Pettus was but little younger They never addressed each other exshycept as Mr Pettus and Mrs Petshytus

Mr Pettus said Mrs Pettus sternly rising up in bed do you think it is good for your health to stay out ar -laquoraquoLc as this at night

Mrs Pettus returned her husshyband dont you think I am old enough to know what is good for me





MAN BURIED IN RUINS - bull bull _ _ bull

Wife Two Bableraquo and Sister Flee Ait injured and One Little On^OUs Other Oncopy it Nst Expected to Live

Appeal to a Thief The other evening M Alfred Edshy

wards lost a pocketbook containing a sum cf pound444 as he was leaving the theater This morning a letter from him appears igt the Figaro addressed to the presumed thief who must be a most ungesircmanly on Indeed if be does not answer It at once Thfgt letter says

la leaving the Antolne theater last lbtaf te r the PapiHon had been given some vert deft hand abstrae-ed my pocketbook containing ten bank notes of 1000 francs each and 12 others of 100 francs with some photographs and papers that are imshyportant to me If the person who has appropriated my property Is so well inspired as to read the Figaro I beg him to tampnd me back the i^ketbook and the papers which are of no use to bim To hope that he would also send back the bask notes in exshychange for a good reward would be exceeding the limits of optimism and I do not dare to expect it But my papersmdashwhat use can they be to himmdashParis Correspondence London Telegraph

Homage to Noah In a lecture before the Royal Geoshy

graphical society Capt Bertram Dickshyson said there is a large sanctuary at the top of Jebel Judi where every year in August is held a great fete attended by thousands of energetic Moslems Christians and Yezidis who climb the steepest of trails for 7000 feett in the terrific summer heat to do homage to Noah This mountain seems to have been held sacred at all times and certainly it has a wondershyfully awesome fascination about it with its huge precipices and jagged crags watching over the vast Mesopo-tamiaii plain The local villagers can show one the exact spot where Noah descended while in one village Has-sana they showed his grave and the vineyard where he is reputed to have indulged cver-freely in the juice of the grape The owner of this deshyclared that the vines had been passed from father to son ever sincemdashLonshydon Evening Standard

An explosion wrecked the brick residence of Scott Parker one wile north of Moscow a village on a Lake Snore branch in the extreme northshyern end of HiUsdale countybullbullkilling Parker and one of his children and Injuring fcis ^ife aiid child also an aunt of the children who lived with the family Three other children of the family were out of the house The dead body of Parker was dug out of the ruins The second injured child is believed to be dying

From reports that are coming in from the exvited farmers of that vishycinity it appears that Parker went down ceilar shortly after the three older children had left home for school

He went down there to fil the tank of the acetylene gag plant is what Mrs Parker says

The aeetylene plant evidently exshyploded Mrs Parker the children Louise aged 6 and Nellie 3 and the aunt Parkers sister Were in the livshying room when there was a loud re port in the cellar the house floor heaved up and then the walls began to fall in on them The two women grabbed each a child and scrambled across the caving floor to an outer door and escaped just as the avashylanche of bricks descended on them It was their prompt flight that saved their lives As it was Mrs Parker suffered a broken leg and cuts oa the head and both of the children had both arms and legs broken Nellie died The aunt received lesser inshyjuries

Nearby neighbors heard the explo Bkm and the news spread with the rapidity of a message conveyed by the wireless telegraph In a brief intershyval there was a crowd at the scene of the wreck It was a wreck for the entire brick house had tumbled in ruins into the cellar

Big Year in Iron and Steel The tremendous activity that is exshy

pected in the movement of Lake Sushyperior iron ores is indicated by the announcement that the steel corporashytion has chartered vessels to move 15000000 tons while it will move about 32000000 tons in its own vesshysels this making the immense tonshynage of 2000000 tons for the leading interest lit is confidently expected that independent interests will move 23000000 tonsv making a grand total of 50000000 tons Ore freight rates have been advanced five cents per ton and the charges paid by vessels for unloading have been reduced five cents per ton so that on a basis of a movement of 50000000 tons vessels will have receipts of f5000000 greatshyer than under the schedule of last year of ore freights in unloading charges

A very heavy volume of inquiry for pig iron Is pending ir the central west and some orders of good size have been taken

The state industrial commission rer cently appointed by ltJov Warner vi 11 meet in Saginaw Feb 5

Members of Company F National Guard Saginaw have received a check for $300 in payment for their driii services from last June until November

A three-quarter million dollar hotel tea stories high will be built in Kalashymazoo on the site of the Burdlck h a use destroyed by fire Dec S I I wilt have a frontage apound 85 feet and a depth of 132

It is thought thai a- postomco in spector will go to Jackson to investishygate the case of Ray Horseman alshyleged Jto havo sent t -vo threatening letters through the-mails to C C Bioooifleld v ^oLiipii him to give up-$10000 -

Mrs Martin Ifoyt of Grass Lake swallowed carbolic acid and jumped into a stoc^-watering tank and was found dead in the tank by neighbors Worry over her husbands ill health and financial troubles are given as the cause for her despondency

Joseph Clark of Sagluaw a stationshyary engineer decided to relieve bte diet of liquids and light foods with mush He swallowed a quantity of it and was seized by an old disease of the throat The food stuck in his throat and he choked to death

The police searched the lunch counshyter and pool room belonging to T A Seager of Ithica and found three cases-of beer three gallons of whisky and two barrels of hard eider The man was placed under arrest and gave bonds to appear in the circuit court

Todd Klneaiu an Owosso coal mine operator and representative of a Calushymet corporation has leased 700 acres o land near Kirby in Shiawassee county and operations for coal mining wiij be started soon It is stated that a vein three feet thick is located on the property

Sheriff Shuter of Traverse City has notified the Flint police that Mamie Rreckenridge the woman who was sentenced to 65 days in the Detroit house of correction after having caused the police much work by conshycocting a hold-up story is wanted in that city for forgery

Prof William J Hussey head of the astronomical department at the Ann Arbor university reports that a very bright comet has been sighted He states that it was traveling towards the sun This is supposed to be the same one that was sighted by astronshyomers In South Africa on January 17

R h Lament an alumnus of the engineering department at Ann Arshybor has donated gifts to the univershysity which will total $20000 They include a plot of ground adjoining the observatory money to begin work on a 24-Inch refracting telescope and $2-000 worth of tools for the engineering department

To open the coai fields in Haxeltcn township the Grand Trunk spur line running between Cornnna aud Kerby is to be extended 12 miles The leasshying of a large tract of land by the Saginaw Coal Co has necessitated this extension which will open up a rich farming country at present without railway facilities

The Michigan Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers tn session at Kalamazoo voted to ask the state legislature for more stringent measshyures governing the manufacture of the delicacy They demand that the manushyfacture in dark basements and other

Specifications for finished products places where there is danger of con arc running in a very satisfactory volume to makers although In tubushylar and raquoirp eoorls ltraquoriTiiitions are rather quiet because buyers are verv

agination be prohibited Michigan won and lost in debates

on the resolution that The United States has shown that a protective

comfortably fixed with stocks on tariff should continue to be a national nana uraers against contracts in sheets are probably of the largest volume

Origin of Life Nothing new is to be reported unshy

der this head The status of the anshycient problem remains the same The whence and what of life remain the same impenetrable mystery Where life comes from and what it is after it comes no man can tell This much however seems to be generally acceptshyed that life can come only from life Huxley declared just before his deshyparture that the idea of creating life from nonvital matter was the dream of a fool and nothing that has hapshypened since Huxleys death has served to disprove the soundness of his stateshyment

Jack-on Black HanderV That be was threatened on peril of

his life io secure $10000 and leave it at Main and Gorham streets for two parties in Chicago is the story told by Ray Horseman the $S-a-week dry goods clerk who has confessed that he tried to extort an equal sum from C C Bloomfield of Jackson by means of a black hand letter

Young Horseman admits everything in connection with the easo but be declares that he was the victim of Chicago black-handers and that he concocted the extortion cf Mr Bloom-field as a method of procuring the money The letters he received he says he has torn up The police are inclined lo doubt his story inasmuch as other evidence in the case tends to show that he was alone in the plot

It is barely possible that Ray got mixed up with a gang of blackmailers during his visits to Chicago

Finding a New Ending I suppose you will end your booK

as us^al and they lived happy ever after

Not a bit of i t I will say They are now happily married but no man knows what a day may bring forth The aathor however hopes for the best

Mixing Metaphors Did gtou hear what that manager

said about bis new play No what was it That there would be the devil vo

pay if he couldnt get an angelmdashBalshytimore American

His Toil Ended IVI uu- laquo-Jv (-gt a^Wi bull li C fiCTi MrTiSi

Young and is now oft on his honeyshymoon

I really dout Know whether onn HflOSMfj OPii gtt - f a r

Ex-Mayor Heavily Fined Admitting that he was technically

guilty of violating the law in selling to a minor though declaring that he had no intention of willfully violating the law Druggist L A Goodrich eight times mayor of Hillsdale was given the minimum sentence by Judge Chester $100 fine and $5 costs Goodrich sold some liquor to Harry Van Wormer the minor son of a reshytired minister who Goodrich claims represented that he wanted it for his sick mother

The largest attendance In the hisshytory of the organization is the record set by the Michigan Millers associashytion which held the annual meeting this week in Lansing

Fred J Tro^is a St Johns banker has been appointed receiver of the Michigan Milk amp Food Products Co of Elsie and will file a bond of $75-000 The concern started factories at Elsie Ovid and ShepardsvHt a few months ago to manufacture powderee milk products but went on the finanshycial rocks It was capitalized at $C0-000

The Baton County Agricultural so-M C y bull- ftft-03i ist O h W ^ t ltgtbull-bull-raquo-gt the following oflieera -President W Fbdquo Hale secretary V G Griffith treasurer Nfiluon Hlbba-d trii

policy The affirmative team defeasshyed Northwestern university team at Ann Arbor and the men taking the negative side were beaten by the Unishyversity of Chicago team in that city

At the meeting of the state board of auditors at Lansing a total of 508 claims were allowed While the amounts of claims did not reach as large a tofal as on previous days nearly $50000 was paid out The beard also gave permission to the state tfcreshemen to use representashytive hall-for-bullbullbulltheir annual convention which occurs on March 30 and 31

Foreign liquor dealers in the upper peninsula are making haste to comply with the law in regard to taking out state licenses since the wholesae arshyrests at Escacaba The matter was brought to the attention of Atty-Gen Bird some time ago and a consultashytion by letter with prosecuting attorshyneys in the northern section resulted in the prompt response of the saloon men

Simplicity is to be the slogan of Adrian high schools next graduating class for the girls of 10 have adopted a resolution fixing on simple white for all functions pretaining to commenceshyment Each young lady is limited to one white gown and Is pledged to wear no hat at the baccalaureate ex-exercises the event at which the milshylinery displays were wont to be made in former years

The electric railroad meeting at Cold water in response to a call from Mayor Sherman brought out 500 men The subject under discussion was the proposed line between Coldwater and Battle Creek for which the citizens of Coidwater are asked to raise $C-000 A committee was appointed and nearly $2000 was subscribed al the meeting It is planned to run the road over the old Coldwater-Mnns-Oeld roadbed

It is believed at Marquette that the explosion of dynamite which cost the life of one miner and seriously inshyjured four others and destroyed the dry house at the Carey mine reshycently was the result of a plot though the raotJve for such a crime is a mysshytery as the men are working on a friendly agreement with the company investigation shows that the explo1 I sive was placed at five different places bull iijc-r the building i

j CovsTf-H5raa7i Gnr^ner =-$ HGitftec j Charles O Bali thai he will be AD- j


Too often the kidneys are the cause and the sufferer is not aware of it Sick kidneys bring backache and side paius lameness rnd stiffness dizzi-oess headaches tired feeling urinary

tidoubles Doans Kidshyney Pills cure the cause Mrs N E G r a v e s Villisca Iowa says I sufshyfered from kidney trouble Tor years The secretions were disordered th e r e

were pains In my back and swellings of the ankles Often I had smother ing spells I had to be helped about Doans Kidney pills cared me five years ago and I have been well since ihey saved my life

Remember the naroemdashDoans For sale by all dealers 50 cents a uos Foster-Milburn Co Buffalo N Y




RIVER NEAR laquo i J D 9 U R Y f 0 N T


While we were on our honeymoon I always spoke French to my husband so that no one should understand us

So you went to France did you

Why does Great Britain buy its oatmeal of us

Certainly it seems like carrying ccals to Newcastle to speak of exportshying oatmeal to Scotland and yet every year the Quaker Oats Company sends hundreds of thousands of cases of Quaker Oats to Great Britain and Europe

The reason -5s--smpe 7i]e tne English and Scotch have for centuries eaten oatmeal in quantities and with a regularity that has made them the most rnggtd physically and active mentally of all people the American has been eating oatmeal and trying all the time to improve the methods of manufacture so that he might get that desirable foreign trade

How well he has succeeded would be seen at a glance at tne export reshyports of Quaker Oats This brand is recognized as without a rival in clean iiness and delicious flavor 51

His Terrible Threat Aviation has improved considerably

since the time when Col Cleary then county commissioner and for years a well-known poundhicpoundgtrader-poundtradede 2 bslloon ascension at a county fair over in Michigan says the Chicago Journal

As the guest of honor the colonel was sent upward with the assurance that there was absolutely no danger But as the distance from the earth grew greater tbe colonel leaned out anxiously

Pull me in he shouted The men who were bailing out the

rope paid no heed to his demand Higher and higher went the balloon Wilder nd wilder grew the colonel Finally almost standing on his bead as bev tried to keep a precarious balshyance he gave a final cry of exasshyperated panic

Pull me in I tell you or Ill cut the rope

Wisdom of a COOK Mr Uoneyman looked hopefully at

the pleasant rosy faced Norwegian girl with whom the manager of the employment bureau had accorded him an interview Can you wash and iron he asked

Yaas I do dose responded the cheerful Minna

And you can wait on the tablesmdashI mean will yoamdashand answer the door-bein Mr Honeyman faltered My wife is quite determined on these points

Yaas I d o dose and Minna conshytinued to beam benevolently

And you can cook of course said Mr-^ W n n e y T n fraquoTraquo

Yaas said Minna for the third time I do dat fine ven you keep her busy so she do not help memdashYouths Companion

Slightly Altered AJ1 the worlds a stage And most of the men and women

merely supersmdashCleveland Leader

ii-iDfryyiX- n bull i i V e S t iVXsii -jioston Traugcript j

i isOiiileci-i iJii bull --^-- -- ^ i v bull -ivv0 i i u y Jit-ju I Lhc C i S c t C0nt i i iU6waV f o r 17 y o T j

INSOMNIA Leads to Madness if not Remedied lit


Experiments satisfied me some 5 years ago writes a Topeka woman that coffee was the direct cause of the insomnia from which I suffered ter ribly as well as the extreme nervousshyness and acute dyspepsia which made life a most painful thing for me

I had been a coffee drinker since childhood and did not like to think that the beverage was doing me all this harm But it was and the time came when I had to face the fact and proshytect myself I therefore gave up coffee abruptly and absolutely and adopted Posium as my hot drink at meals

I began to note improvement in my condition very soon after I took on Postum The change proceeded gradshyually but surely and it was a matter of only a few weeks before I found myshyself entirely relieved -the nervousness passed away my digestive apparatus was restored to nomn 1 efficiency and I began to sleep restfully and peaceshyfully

These happy condition have conshytinued during all of the 5 years and I am safe in sayng that I owe tbem enshytirely to Pactum fcr whet I began to flrink h i csrtrifefl bullgt ulaquoraquo r^poundgtnfi Read ttc little book The Road to Wellvmen p^^s -T^rr ^ ^ s o

0vpound fcpjT itvtn am ltraquo raquoinsc raquoraquo laquo - - raquo i - - raquo =

Three uoatiad Coaches are Submerged in RivermdashConductor fteynold Hrkgti-caliy Rescues Eight Through Roof of Dining Car

Death iu 1 its most terrible forms blotted out the lives of a t leasttwo aceie people when Your car^ of a Cashynadian Pacific passenger trail on the Sc-o branch leaped from the tracks near Sudbury Ont and went tearing down a steep embankment plunging through the ice-covered surface of the Spanish river

Suiue were drowned others were crushed to death in grinding timbers

Most terrible of all maimed and injured caught In the wreckage of one of the cars were burned to death

The exact number of dead and inshyjured was still unknown but accordshying to stories told by injured passenshygers brought to Sudbury it was one of the worst catastrophes in the hisshytory of Canadian railroads

Tbe train wrecked was known as No 7 en route from Montreal to Sault Ste Marie and Minneapolis An offishycial statement given out says that it probably was due to a broken rail

Front Cars Stay on Track The engine baggage express mail

and one second class car remained on the rails while one second class one first class a dining car and a sleeper went down the embankment The first class car and diner went into the river The sleeper and second class car stopped on the embankment the second cass car catching fire

The wreck odcurred about 37 miles west of Sudbury where the tracks cut into the side of a steep hill which is skirted by the river The forward part of the train passed over the break whatever it was in safety The day coach which was the fourth from the end of the train was the first to leave the rails bull bullgt bull

The train was running at the rate of about 40 miles an hour and the momentum carried the car down the hill in a terrific plnnge About 25 passengers were in this car and it Is practically certain that none escaped

Only the Roof Above Water Two minutes after the first crash

only the roof of the day coach showed above the flowing Ice In the river The second class car the next in the train smashed against tbe end cf a culvert and was crushed to splinters Some of tbe passengers were killed outright but others caught in the wreckage which almost immediately broke into flames were roasted to death before they could be resented

Uninjured passengers and trainmen immediately turned their attention to the rescue of passengers imperiled by the fire

The telegraph lines were all torn down and It was evident that relief could flot be summoned by wire It was five miles to the village of Nairn and a drenched survivor ran the disshytance to deliver a report of the wreck at the Canadian Pacific depot

Meanwhile Conductor Thomas Reyshynolds was proving himself a hero in

rescuing eight passengers from the sunken dining car When the wreck occurred Reynolds with W J Bell and David Rrodie had just sat down for an early dinner iieii and Brodie facing the engine and Reynolds sitshyting opposite them and riding back- j wards The diner was the last ear to ] enter the water and did not sink at once but settled slowly while the passengers climbed upon the tables to keep their heads above the rising waters With several passengers standing in water to their chins the situation was desperate

Then it was that Conductor Reyshynolds made a dive to reach a window broke the glass and succeeded in risshying to the surface of the fiver outside the ar Happily he reached the Surshyface where a hole in the ice enabled him to gain a solid footing by resting one arm on the roof of the car and the other on the ice

Some Taken Through Roof Gaining the roof of the car he broke

a fan light with his fist and rescued little Alfonso Rouse] of Sault Ste Marie After the little boy came D M Brodie of Sudbury who was small enough to pass through the fan light Six more passengers who were too big to be rescued in this manner were taken out through a hole broken in the roof of the car

1 never heard snch terrible cries as when those cars went over the bank I shall never forget it as long as I live said Conductor Reynolds I put the killed at between 40 and 50 The first coach carried about 35 or 40 passengers and of this number only one man escaped

Gangs of wreckers to the number of 100 were immediately sent to the scene of the horrible disaster



Toe above caption about represent tbe growth of Cestfral Canada The statement was made not long since by a railroad man who claimed to have made the remarkable discovery that such was the case There is not a district of agt fair amount of settleshyment n any of the three Provinces of Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta but has its school and the railways Lave stations every seven or eight miles apart around whieh group the towns some large and some small but each imports nt to its own district Schools ltu3 largely maintained by pubshylic funds and the expense of tuition is but a nominal sum

The final returns of the grain proshyduction for Central Canada for 1909 is now In and the figures show that the value of the crops to the farmers of that country is about 195 million dolshylars as compared with 120 million last year American farmers or those who have gone from the United States will participate largely in these splendid returns and these comprise those who have gone from nearly every State in the Union

One of tbe many proofs that might be put forward showing theimmense wealth that comes to the farmers of Central Canada is seen in tbe sum that has been spent during the past two or three months by the faraers who bare for the time being ceased worrying over the reaper and the thresher and are taking to enjoying themselves for two or three months I+gt is said that fifty thousand people of these Western Provinces spent the holiday season visiting their old homes Host of these passengers paid forty and some forty-five dollars for the round trip Some went to Great Britain some to tbe Continent others to their old homes in Eastern Canada and many thousands went to visit their friends in the States The amount paid alone in transportation would be upward of two million dollars Some make tbe trip every years It need hot be asked Can they afford it With crops yielding them a profit of $20 to $26 per acre and some having as much as twelve hundred or more across tbe question is answered Tbe Canadian Government Agents at difshyferent point in tbe State report that they have interviewed a great many of those who arc now visiting friends Jn tbe different states and they all exshypress themselves as well satisfied and promise to take tome of their friends back witb tbena There It still a lot of free homestead land in splenshydid districts and other land can be purchased st a reasonable price from railway and land companies


ThiefmdashWhats tbe time please Victims-Much too late for you Your

pal just got my watch

Ezra Kendall Passes Away Ezra Kendal] the man who has

made a nation laugh is dead Death came to bim at a time in life when he was about to retire wealthy and happy after 30 years of constant toil on the Stage to end his days in rest with his wife and six children Aposhyplexy seized the actor while in a san itarium at Martinsville Ind Saturshyday He was taken ekk in Califorshynia following the close of the Vinegar Buyer

Mary KatoHcfc pleaded guilty at Paterson N J to two more burglaries than she is years old Mary is 10 She can neither read noi- wrftor her TisroDts aw ltleslts ampampd she irtuT u OPi f- W-OUlis 1Hgt i3ihlaquoViuI Ugt gtlaquo sraquoect I to the state horns for giris Mary was an export ir the use of false Jreys Buf Khnw^i tno ffyiii- how she car- ricd amp ijiss buaich oi iaam cyampcsxcj j


In Dowlaisi South Wales about fifshyteen years ago families were strickshyen wholesale by a disease known as the itch Believe me it is tbe most terrible disease of its kind that I know of as It itches all through your body and makes your life an inferno Sleep i out of the question and you feel as If a million mosquitoes were attacking yon at tbe same time I knew a dozen families that were so affected

The doctors did their best bnt their remedies were of no avail whatshyever Then the families trisd a drugshygist who was noted far and wide for bis remarkable cures People came to bim frcm all parta of the country for treatment but bis medicine made matters still worse as a last resort t iey were advised by a friend to use the Cuticura Remedies t am glad to eraquo yon that after a few days treatshyment witb Cuticura Soap Ointment and Resolvent tbe effect was wondershyful and tbe result was a perfect cere m all cases

I may add that my three brothers t i ree sisters myself and all our famshyilies hare been users of the Cuticura Remedies for fifteen years Thomas Hugh 1650 West Huron St Chicago Hi June 29 1909

Whiskers A Roman poet told of the pride onraquo

of the late Caesars took in his great whiskers On some of the wildwood Hill Billies I have seen beards some feet long a switch of the iooampe ends banging out from under the waistcoat Others braided tbe growth and tied it around the neck while still others braided it around iae waist tying it behind like apron strings One told

poundipound7 a=Ki jjul it iisviijr iiiic a iottg linen bag or nightgown so as to keep It from Setting all tangled up with bis -V1S ^ fJ-M -wM 1 raquoltbull-raquogti iv i t i i i P v s ^ j

u i CugtmnUmm tk vvraquorraquo rlaquogt ltbull ran vwK tbe course of trwc teve


GRIND Pleasant la take

Tha new laxative Does riot gripe or n a u s e a t e C ares stomach and liver troubles and chronic conshystipation by restoring the natural action of the stomshyach tiver and bo w e l s Rfrtase aub^titut Wlaquoraquo 6O0-

CnLEK T~laquo R E V O S L D S

D O Y O U - U S E A

Phone Nothing can answer your purpose as well m t h e UNION PHONE 1095 connections in Owtweo aad Corona



CURE rraquo Tjiucni dmoswrage There I s

gmrfWrywa rfaiewfMy wrHraquoraquor Fw Be as seest a Uraquo itpae nudaf Jmt

Dr FVBMT Kldaey u 4 SwktA Cw fctbeeatweuiKy tela s lrre to-day I b w l bull u t t n e d acnauy of kidney d t e u e foryemra s o d reaac4 to weight to Wpeetad I bow

W f T M e S C e n f Oflve Furnace 0 w

Druggiro laquo c 1 AsktorCooa BookmdashFret


nvoaa bullending - skatea bdquoultckl7 aikwruif oar iTlaquotition 1raquo prebablr


Cogtvmarrrs cVc

UunartrteUyeoaSdaai bdquo_ laquomt trea Old bulljeaar for

sUnnmaf Mtaar as


laquoIOWVlaquo rlaquowleraquooCfclaquo withoutlaquolaquolaquobull bit

StieMific JMerkm A h mdaowaaiy Uintretad winfcir Lawwat^r-cuiaUon of bullojr CL-iatitlfic teunuti Ton S3 a

four ta^ntrt I t Sou br all newaaealaro

Srawsa Co

MS r Bt Waafcincto Hewtort ftataaixa

The esfety comfort and esnvesi-ence of tit Mwrtm 9oUd top closed-in breech and -aide ejection features arlaquo combined wtth the quick easy manipulation of the popular sliding fore-end or pomp action in the new Mode 20 JBnfle rifles

real teat ef a bull ottd top ta always a

In rapid firin-the Ipeatermdashthlaquo StatSm aol erctectfoe atid prtrefita amok aad faeea iblovrtnc back] ba aftctei efeell la jaerar thrown Into your fcce or area and never tnterferca with the almt f^fat ferearm fita yoor hand ami belpe Qtica oserattoa

It handle tjte abort leaf and ke-rJRe ecrtrfdcea without cbaac in adjuatonent and the deep 3alllaquowdrlffltn- (uarantaea tbe accuracy makint it the fineet Httle rlfta la the world for target afaootinc and far a41 bullmatt came op to UO or 300 yania

raquobull W U raquo raquo ^ v i n i l tr bull

aii jampBatampm (tepeatere Juat gtt our 136-pace catalog Mailed free for atauope aoataw


Federal License of Corporations i$ Opposed by Many in



Pension Bills Introduced Providing for VolunUer Retired ListmdashTwo Pft Its Want Exposition Marking tfca Canal Opening

WashingtonmdashTb Republican leadshyers in congress practically httve agreed that if it can be accomplished the majority of the Presidents recom-mendaticus shall be enacted into law at this session but there is growing evidence that anions the minority of the recommendations which are to be overlooked the Presidents wish that a law legalizing the federal licensing of incorporations may not be fulfilled at this session In telling Mr Taft that it la unlikely that MB federal licence law is to go through the leaden have made a tacshyit promise that at a future date probshyably at the next session the lecora-mendamption shall be taken up and put through i s some form Xt seems that the plan for the licensing of corporashytions by the federal government has aroused antagonism among some of the Republicans and among a majorshyity of the Democrats it Is understood also that the leading Republicans men who ordinarily can get the rest of the party representatives in line are not over-zealous in their desire that this bill shall become a law cershytainly not at the present time It la Impossible in the absence of any dishyrect statement of the reasons for their objections to tell why it Is that the leaders apparently are determined to postpone action upon this particular piece of legislation but It seems to be assured that consideration of it Is to be postponed until a more convenishyent season

It has beett pretty generally undershystood that bip subsidy was to have hard sailing through the waters of the lower house of congress and not very easy sailing through those of the upshyper house It is impossible of course to foretell just what the fate of subshysidy will be but it seems that one senator who in the cast has been the champion of subsidy this year Is not inclined to look with favor upon i t The senator in question Is Mr Prye of Maine who apparently does not think that the measure recommended by the President and already introshyduced into the house goes anywhere near far enough to suit the shipping interests President Taft has recomshymended legislation of this klcd but the feciling Is in Washington that he will not be particularly disappointed if it does not go through although of course its passage would add one more to the administration victories

Postal Savings Banks One of the most peculiar situations

is that in regard to postal savings banks Much has been written about this matter and in the main former opinion was that the postal savings bank bill might have great trouble in getting sanction for itself from the leaders of both houses As everybody knows the members of the national monetary commission would prefer that consideration of the postal savshyings bank bill should be put off until after the commission has made its reshyport President Taft however Is inshysistent that postal savings bank legisshylation shall be enacted this winter and it is believed to-day that the leaders have agreed uraquo accede to his wishes as they have also agreed to do what he wants them to do in the matter of amendments to the intershystate commerce law and of laws which will safeguard the interests of the nations natural resources

Bills for Veterans Before the military committee of

the house of representatives there are eight principal bills Intended to benefit the veterans of the civil war In several of them there is a specific provision for the creation of what is called a volunteer retired list for the civil war officers who are still living

In the sects tive

Sixteenth congress Repre-Beeman 0 Dawes of Ohio

introduced a bill which if it had beshycome a law would have put all the commissioned officers of the civil war on the veMred list with month-Iy pay of one-half that which they received while they were wearing swords in the field There is a reshytired list for regular officers and the idea of Representative Dawes was to give to the volunteer officers in their

old age a recognition in part at least o the value of their services as com-nilssioned officers The question seemed io be if tbe regulars are paid after retirement why not do the same thing for the volunteers

Representative Dawes is not now In Congress but the provision in his bill which was Intended to carcopy for the volunteer officers has been incor porated in several of the bills which j re now before the military commitshytee for action It seems probable it-4 gt ^nz firtngrrsa will vgtR n

man who wore a bar a leaf an eagle or a star on his shoulder dvring the civil war and who is alive to-day will

as though they were still fighting in the field

Substitute for Pensions Of course pensions assuchfor the

volunteers will brgt done away with if any of tbese bills passes congress because the retired pay will take the pensions place

Likely to Carry $raquo a raquocopyrttfc If the volunteer officers retired bill

passes it is possible that it will carry with it a pension giving enlisted men ol the civil war a pension of $40 per month fijfth sit present pensions be-tug abolished except in cases of total or almost total disability where the present sum paid to the disabled solshydiers exceed 40 per month With the officers and eullstea men and the widows cared for with these specific sums in each case the trouble of penshysion gradations and the chances of fraud are minimised but nevertheless it will cost a huge sum of money the first few years of the measures legai life

According to a classification made by Gen Green B Raum the volunteer officers who would benefit are In number and rank as follows Major generals two brigadier generals 28 colonels 151 lieutenant colonels 195 majors 309 captains 2633 first lieushytenants 2233 second lieutenants 1166-varlons ranks in the navy 160 this bringing the total up to the numshyber given above

Of course a full expression of opinshyion of desirability of such a retired Bat bill as this is not obtainable Soldiers and those who take an interest in mil itary affairs generally are much in fashyvor of the measure The crrtUans who never saw service do not express opinions on the matter in letter form for it seems that few people care to go on record as being opposed to any thing in the nature of a bill for the rcattf of the men who fought In the Heidi even though there may he and probably la a general feeling among civilians that the government is exshytravagant in the matter of pension naytnents

Rivalry for Exposition San Francisco and San Diego cities

of California each wants to be the teent of a great exposition In the year 1915 as a means of marking the opening of the Panama canal Represhysentative Kahn of California has Inshytroduced into tbe house a bill which is now before the committee on inshydustrial arts and expositions to proshyvide for what he designates as the Panama-Pacific exposition Represhysentative Smith of California on beshyhalf of the city of San Diego desires that U shall be the location of what he wishes to be called the Panama-California exposition

It is too early yet to tell whether congress will vote money for governshyment participation in any exposition on the Pacific coast or elsewhere to be held at tbe time of the canal openshying It is assured however that there will be a great celebration on the Tsthmu of Panama at the time that Col Goethala sets for the completion of the great work Early as the day la it la believed that the president of the United States and both houses of congress will go to Panama to give recognition to the completion of the canal Whether or hot there shall be a great exposition in the United States 1ST a matter yet to be decided but it must be said that California shows that it is very much in earnest in the matter of getting the governments sanction for a great exposition of arts industries and manufactures on the Pacific coast in the year 1915 when It la practically assured the Inter-oceanic canal will be open for traffic

Few Bills Before Congress Considering the fact that this Is a

long session of congress comparativeshyly few bills have been introduced into either house or senate There is a marked absence at this session of what is known as freak bills Memshybers of congress are urged constantly by constituents some of whom are a little unbalanced mentally or who beshylong to the class of extreme enthusishyasts to put in bills which no congress possibly could be brought to pass and no committee could be made even to consider These so-called freak bills are introduced by members simply to escape the constant appeals of those who want their measures at least to see the light of print

In congress there is this winter anshyother determined effort to lay the groundwork for a plan which when carshyried to ultimate completion will result in a great boulevard running from the city of Washington to the battlefield of Gettysburg It is the intention If sanction for such a great avenue can be secured to have it known as a memorial of Lincoln A survey he been made of a road from Washington to Gettysburg in a straight line beshytween the capitol and the central point of the famous battlefield and it has been found that tbe road can be bunt without much interference with private property As a matter of fact the people who live along the way have expressed a desire that the work should be carried to completion

Approve Memorial Project There are many old soldiers and

men in ofScial gtife whose memories go back to tbe Lincoln days and some of whom knew Lincoln personally who think that the noble roadway would be the best possible memorial to the war- time president good deal of sentiment in favor of the proposition has been aroused ft the country alshythough it Should be said that considershyable opposition has been developed r n f d u l flpi5raquo J^Oplft raquoltflitj fgt thTT

ij i K i i l K A v s i i

i laquo W laquo a t SaVI CO R ^ t t a t t t t S M M W E

el2 OiUltV bullbullT r f t S iS i a l S ftiltgt Riiilti i v ^ i j i i j ) r-av- nt H r w l A n i n ) vHfA nA now) | vfirs of service laquore Yttlvampi laquonlt ps$d

Abraham Lincoln should be done so that no real estate transactions that might be of money value to poculv Unbdquo bdquollaquogtt^(I bo gti-vved to r-jceSvs t h e

asosampfi CUNTcopy

B vt ft amp -

R o l l s

M u f f i n s

R i s c w i l s Wa f u t ^


P i jgt o v laquor r


bullOi-r S J O N

I- (gt 1 J ltbull n re- clti

M lt a d c vv i i i t -


GOLD mrmjpound


4 laquo i i

M a i - s Br-e-ikfisf a S u c L S V N N

The Goultsss Corporation j A burglar broke into Che Clinton

Sprinsfield station at Harrisonville ( He found a rubber stamp and an ink pad which he refused to take away but he left a note to the agent The note read Wat the ella the counshytry cummin to when a big ralerodej corporashun dont eve enough In It] drawers to buy a pore man a meles vittlesmdashKansas City Star

Rabbits In Australia Some one has calculated that the

rabbits in Australia must reach the number of 1000000000000 But of course there is no means of taking aj census the calculation is largely guesswork Its foundation being a rough numbering of the rabbits to beraquo found in an acre of country and mul-

tiplying that by the number of rabbit infested acres

Out of Mans Reach Th$ old ngtay have their years

stretched out beyond the fourscore but they must die sooner or later no such necessary limit affects the births and it Is conceivable that there may-come a year when there are no births Immortality is the only effective anshyswer to a cessation of reproduction) and alas the King of Terrorsystill reigns r

immense Leather Beit The largest leather belt ever madti

Was completed recently by a New York manufacturer for a Louisiana lumber company it was 243 feet long six feet wide and three tily thick The bides of 540 steers were utilized in the manufacture of the belt As its delivery was a matter of urgency tbe great roll of leather was shipped by express and the bill for this service was $243G7

importance of Table Manners Emerson declared I could better

eat with one who did not respect tho truth or the laws than with a slovshyenly and unpresentable person Moral qualities rule the world but at short distances the senses are despotic There Is nothing more offensive to truly polite and cultured people than careless vulgar table manners

Education Never Stops Get all the education you can but

never remove yourself from the idea that after you know a lot you still nave more to learn When you gradu ate from college you are just beginshyning to understand many themes and subjects that are most important

Use for Old Clocks When a small clock is beyond reshy

pair do not throw it away but keep it for sick room use Set the bands each time medicine is given to the hour when the next dose is to be given

Childhoods Protest Theres one thing I dont undershy

stand said little Harry and thats why rood tasting things like mince pies make me ill while bad tasting things like medicine make pounde well It ought to be the other way about

STEVENS ^Generations of live wideshyawake American Boys hare obtained tiio right kind of FIREARM EDUCATION bj being equipped with the

unerring time-honored S T E V E N S

[Spoi STE w e i laquopo

All progressiva Hardware and omnffGooda MercoanU handle

VERS If you cannot obtain we will ship direct express prepaid upon receipt of Catalog Price

ISend 5 cents ia stamps for itaVtxzo illustratedCwaioff

bull - I ltopMo with ^ bdquo j S T E V 73 N 8

f ^A i msampsttr-j^

and utneral firearm ja-fltraquormtton

^ frac34 ^ frac34

X STEYBB pjics A Toot CO

-ft M iiXftc


European Plan 260 Rooms 108 Rooms win water

PerDar A ~ n oo

CUb Breakfast rala^hl ale gnU

wdh private bath

PexDty n 50 50 Rooms

KuDv $2frac34


25 aiaii Caf e Talis JHcte


sad 50

POSTAL MOREY Pwprlaquotaw

DAIRY FARMERS WE have established Cash

Tes t ing S t a t i o n s at thre following p laces

Chesaning Henderson New Lothrop Judds Corners Flushshying Ovid Elsie and Bannister where cream will be received tes ted and paid for when delivered

Why not deliver your cream to one of these stations once each week and save the exshypense of having it gathered

One trial will convince you that our plan of buying cream is the most satisfactory wray for the Dairyman

Yours respectfully

American Farm Products



bull W U B T ^ - laquo laquo M laquo B B v

S w bscr lbe IN o w


bullbullbullbull ELS1J2 bull bull bull + bull bull bull bull bull

Klie bullML-ThJ J A H 2 3 1laquoI0 ^

GaynOrGriggs is i i rwi ih n^s ics v O L JtJrti-nani isuuder the doctors

bullbullbull-bull bulllt5sue_ bullbullbullbull s bullbullbullbullbull bull Ira Cleaviager cut his fen with an ax

on Slonday V Mrs Bcriry Hus iu is confined lo her gt xd withnenjrjIgiU

The Hi tie soil ofTivkl PeV of Fuirfiold died Ust Thursday ol iiplithoi-ia-

Our Sophomore clraquoiaa ire preparing to give a literary eDtertainmet 6 i Feb 18

Mis Anuic Van Denseu is teaching the 3ead school during the illness of the egu-ktf teacher

Mrs Myrtle Burlingume has gone to Detroit to care fcr her grand mother who has a broken leg

T w o sleighloads of high school pup attended lite entertainment gWeu by the Oyki H S at Ovid last Friday evening

Mr and Mrs Milan Emmons gave a family birthday party on Thurslay in honor of Mr Emmons and his twin brothshyer Myron from Van Buren Co Covers -were laid for 18 The twin brothew were 66 years old

Rev E C Thompson has had a call to a Detroit church aid will move there with his family in the near future Many both in and out of the Elsie F B church reshygret losing Elder Thcmjvon and bis chanming family but all join in congratushylating him on the prospect of their n e home

The Woodmen and Royal Neighbors held joint installation at their hall last Thursday evening Mrs Jennie Lee and George Batrs acted as installing oncers After insial ation itoth orders adjourned to the I O 0 F hall where a banqraquoraquoct was served to over 200 persons The Woodmen have secured 10 new applicashytions bullbull

Dr Thomas Eclectric O i l is the best reme ly for that of lexi fatal d seasemdashcroti p l i a s beeh used with success ia our family for eight yearsmdashMrs L Whiteacre Buffalo IS Y

bull + +-++^ + + + + SHAFTSBCBC

+ + + + 4 + + + + + + bull bull Sbeftampburg Mich Jan 25 1310

Mrs James Shaft was in Landing on Lusincss Tuesday

Mrs Sarsfiejd Corcoran who has been ill is now better

John P Shaft went to Coninoa on Monday to be gone a few days

Mrs J G Marsh and Mrs Andrew Oidiway arc still among the sick

Mis Janie Shaft made a hurried visit to Laingsburg on Monday

Miss Alma Maltby of Perry spent Sunshyday with her sister Mrs Earf Harlow

James Shaft and little Harvey Comrie took a business trip to Bancroft one day last week

Mrs Charley Kline has just returned from a weeks visit with her f-thbdquor Mr Bradley in Portland

Mrs Ana Applemau was in Laiogsburg from Sunday Until Tuesday visiting at the Burlingame home

Charey Harkncas hai taken his family to York Stlaquoe where they intend making their home in the future

Mr and Mrs Henry Shaft of Perry bull were here from Wednesday until Thursshyday night visiting their children

Mrs J Ilankintsslipped cn the ice and fell sustaining a broken arm Dr Dun- ham was called and reduced the fracture

Mr and Mrs Wm Towsley are iu Perry Mrs Towsley is caring for her daughter Mrs Clif Vandewalker who is ill

The Congregational Society will hold a box social at the home of Mr and Mrs Van Polhemus north of here on next Friday evening

Last Monday night a thief broke into Jerome Ordiways pool room smashed the slot machine and took its conteata Home talent is guspickmed

Elder and Mrs Doty returned Wednesshyday from Grand Ledge where she had been on a visit to her parents since before Christmas He poundoing there last Monday

Mr and Mrs Albert Shaft of Lansing came on Saturday he returned on Monshyday She remaining here to care for Mrs Scott Shaft the formers mother who is ill

For a mild easy action of the bowels a single dose of Doans Regulets is enough Treatment cures habitual constipation 25 cents a box Ask your druggist for them

bull MORBJCE bull bull bull bull bull + bull bull bull bull bull Horrice Mich Jan 241910

T W Atwood of Caro is spending a few days at this place

Mrs Jacob Heath is confined to her bed under the care of a physician

A number of our citizens viewed Hal-leys comet Saturday evening

Mrs T W Tewrsbury and daughter Minnie were Owosso visitors Friday

Mrs Damie Kellogg was a guest of Lansing friends a portion of last week

Mr and Mrs Oscar Shadbolt of Owotraquo-so spent last week visiting friends in this vicinity

Mr and Mrs Bernie Howe spent Sunshyday at the home of Charles King in Benshynington

Miss Dana Pierce and Marelte Russell were confined to the house by hard coids Saturday

Lete Ward sold one of his full blooded Ancona cockrels Friday to Paul Scott of Mn Morris

A number from here attended the party in Perry Friday evening and reported a pleasant time

Mrs G M Waters and daughter

Stent Saturday in Durand at the home of arry Johnaou Mr eiid Mrs Jnhr Dpfrefsse of Duraad

Dcryeae Sunday Miss Eta DeFrcese went to Toledo

Friday evening She wd spend = ninnts Uvfvith frlonik

W Atwood epent the greater por-of the week beie at the home of his

2f T Atwood uiid Mrs George Calkiua of Perry

vgt (- i c bull crallied at the home of Mrs Cinih) ai-iii Friday -MissDaua iivr bull vt^ niuth improved-Monday She hka n--^i ornlkeu to the house one week by iliiie^ bull -Hrs Elict Brown wept to Clovejdale Saturday to visit her daughter Mrs Dcl-Ixrt Payiia for a few days Mis-C F-Sper-rbrecierwftsthe guest of Mrs Allea BKiuaer Thursday at their home four miles e^it of town

Monday evehiug a slcighload of young people visited the rink at Percy and reshyport an eujoyablf evening spent on t-kates

G us Jordan moved into his new home Thursday They will reside in the tenant house recently built on his fathers farm east of town

Albert Nickloy and family moved Satshyurday from the farm and tenant house of Andrew McDivitt onto the farm of Francis Bunline south of Perry

The Sir Knights and Ladies of the Mac cabees will hold their installation of officers here Wednesday evening An oyster supshyper wDl be served afterwards

Dan Boutelt of this place went to Deshytroit Wednesday night with several carshyloads of stock for Hall amp Green of Perry He returned hcrhe^F iday ^0trade^

Miss Lucile Hall who has been teachshying school rear Flushing since theholgt days BDtnt Friday until Saturday night at the home of her mother Mrs Anne Hail

Mrs Annie McConnell and son Charles who have been spend ng the past month in Guelph Ca returned here Friday evenshying She has been visiting her mother at that place

Monday the firm of Fuller and Cates dissolve i partnership Mr Catcs wih-

drawing from the firm Cates Junior will reoiaia to cut steaks and help HLr Fuller with the trade

A meeting of the stockholders will take place at E L Vre^Unds telephone office Saturday afternoon 10 decide whether there shall be nijht and Sunday service at this pace hereafter

Mr and Mrs C F Speerbreckcr entershytained a number of guests from Bancroft Friday evening Progresive pedro was played and refr shmruts were served An enjoyable time was reported

E L Vreeiatid was in Bancroft Saturshyday attending a meetf ng of the stockholdshyers in 1 be Befl and Farmers office The line are being overhauled and every effort will bemade to give patrons better service at that place 4raquoThe ladles of the W C T U will tell baked goods one week from last Saturday January 89 The goods will be placed on sale at ten oclock in the window of H V Pierces store The money raised will be used for the local option fund

Work st pile diiviog-oa the Maple river was finished Saturday Monday the pile driver was moved near Shaftsburg where the men will put in some culverts A short stretch of track hat been laid 1K-tween here and Perry in the past weeks

Glen Blanchard and family spent from Friday until Monday at the home of hi sister Mis M J Herbert Mr BLiech ard works in tbcBuick at Flint and was injured in his ami by a flying piece of steel He took this time to visit his suter

Arthur Ecklcr has rented the A J Bristol farm and will move there in a few days Mrs Bristol will accompany her sou O L Bristol to his home in Beraquoo-uia Mr Bristol being obliged to return there to hold his position as commissioner of schcols

The citizens of this place have been patshyting themselves on the back While ts at other pliices have been soaring in pritc our little burg is only paying the price prevailing tor the past two yens here namely 15c a pouud for ati steaks and less for roasts

Ed Britten lost a valuable Southdown sheep one dav last week in an odd manner He began fighting with another sheep in the same yard and the other sheep struck him a blow in the side killing him instantly Mr Britten had been offered a good round sum for the animal a few days before

Mr and Mrs George McKay entertained the club at 500 Wedoeidiy eveaiii^ Mr McKay frame here with his sHgh and t ok them out to their home returning with them at a very early hour of the morning Mrs McKay Served refreshshyments and all report an enjoyable time

Vfctor Jose of the Lyceum Club U of M will deliver a lecture here Friday evenshying on The Higher Citizenship This lecture will be given in place of the one Mr Frybergec Wu to have delivered two weeks ago Too lecture will take place in the school house and the-money will go toward the library fund

Superintendent Kiebler took the pupils and teachers of the high room fcr a ride Friday afternoon School was dismissed at 230 and Mr Kiebler chartered a team and sleigh The destination was Perry He treated the crowd to candy before reshyturning home A merry time was reportshyed

Pat Jordan was a caller at the home of W A Conley Sunday evening His horse and cutter were in front of tbe house A hail from the street called the people to the door They found the horse had alip-

fCopyriKbt by Short Storlea Co Md) The great week WRlaquo over and of the

three or four hundred girls who had filled the college buildings and camshypus with their bright earnest lhfe nci more thaa a Aoxeh remaiocd ftrid all but one of these had their tru-tks packed for speedy departute This one was Mary Cathcart who did uot kcow where she could go if she did PpoundCk -mdashmdash^-

Tbianiornlbg she was standing near the entrance of the lecture hail wonshydering what she should do For ten days t i e had been looking hopefully for a Jitter but none had come NGne seemed likely to come now

She had not specially fitted herself for anything and she rather looked forward to coming back after the sumshymer holidays to take a postgraduate course when if It should seem best she would study for one of the half-dozen railings which many of her schoolmates were already entering upon But it ail depended upon the letter and the letter had not come

A girl but little older than herself came briskly from the building It wasect the French teacher and she waft now going straight to the station to take the next train for home Mary looked at her a little eartonaly

Where do yon got aafeed the teacher

To Loagley Two hours later she was at the stashy

tion and had purchased a ticket She had money enough to pay her exshypenses for a month Beyond that she did not know

Whom should she find st Longley Should she even find anybody A letshyter which had come to her after her mothers death more than four years before bidding her to enter upon a course at this college and stating that money would he sent to her from time to time as before was all she had to go by The letter had been postshymarked Longley

She had always been generously supplied and had furnished her room

1-4 Off

well and had had money to spend Then as the end of the course apshyproached she had confidently looked forward to another letter But none bad come The one postmarked Long-ley was her only clew and even that might have been mailed by some one passing through the place

Her mother had thought the money might come from a wealthy uncle who had had some disagreement with the family and who took this wamp7 of savshying his pride He was eccentric and fond of traveling about from place to place

All tt through her mind as tbm train rushed on At length Long-ley was called and Mary rose and hurried out to the little platform of a small country station

The station master was dragging her trunk back from the edge of the platform where it had been dropped She went to him

There are no Cathcarta here of course she said more as an assershytion than as a question

No guess not never heered of any Be you lookin up some

Tmdashbulles I thought I might find a relshyative here When is the next train

Not till to-morrer She drew a long breath Is there a hotei near Factry boardin house but I guess

its pretty full Thats it down yonshyder pointing with his finger the house with a blind swingin on the hinge Be you lookin for a job I hear theyre needin two or three more weavers Thats the only job I know of unless its old Tom Far-

ped and fell with its bead under it and the nu Hes been man o all work

was hurriedly cut and the horse rose to its vlaquolaquowbdquo ^abdquo v t raquo-raquo_ ^^ laquobdquo laquo^laquo feet none the worse for its fall Conley ^ 8 w n i n b u t his ^ n s 1 c n o w

declares the horse has a rubber neck or f o r a m o n t n ltgtr laquogtbull laquo laquo t of course you else it would have been dead d0 want that Job But oh say as

Mr and Mrs Wm Britten living southshywest of here celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary Wednesday of last week Although tour of their ciildren were unable to be present there were stil forty of their descendents present from their sons and down to their great great grand children The venerable couple reshyceived many reuieoibiitui-vti m the day Mr and Mrs Britten are a remarkably smart couple They live by themselves and attend to the work incident to caring for their home and other duties of farm life Mr Britten is 81 and his wife 79 years old


platform I this mornin been nusan

Mebbe ye

rs sre eslt mu$ u

she started down the most forgot I heered that the wstnan whos Tom is goln off to-day could get her job

Mary nodded her thanks a sudden resolution flashing Into her eyes

She smilingly inquired her way to the home of Mr Farrar There she found a middle-aged woman who greeted her anxiously But on learn lng her errand the womans face cleared

Thats what I call a special provishydence vbh exclaimed heartily Yo see Tve got to go for my sisters sick butTve been batin to leave old Mr Fftrmr The very bent t could tiwiU ss was Ketiin a cipoundiu3rlaquo titshytle

excuse Have you

Winter is just half gone and the coldshyest weather yet to come still we are ready to meet you half way on Over-coats

Remember we are the only dealers in the county that mark goods in plain figures on original ticket which is always on inside collar of coat

Look at this ticket deduct 25 per cent and the coat is yours

This sale includes every coat in the store nothing reserved

Yours for a Square Deal All Round

W A McMtdlen amp Co The only place in the County where goods are marked in plain figures on original ticket



A V v bull-- y ijuctuvi- a good -EE7 y^ars bc^re she died Is he very ill Aldry ashed as she went inside gt

Well no not so very now Hes gettin beiter slowly

She was right Mary did Uke it She remembered many of the tempting dishes which she had prepared for her motherland she made them now stagshying little snatches of song as she did so She had not known what she was fitted for Now she knew that she could be a good nurse Perhaps she could also be good at other things but she had not found that out yet

What surprised her most were the books in every room some of which even she looked at with awe They all showed marks of much use as well as lovtag care gt As the days went by these eyes beshygan to follow her as she moved softly about the room contented and lovingshyly at first then with a questioning wlattulnees as though the clouded mind were striving to grasp something it could not quite reach Then one day there were several minutes when the eyes grew clear and intelligent and gazed at her with almost startled wonshyder The next day the lucid Interval was longer and several times repeatshyed But he did not speak he only gazed at her and passed his hand across hhi brow from time to timet

Then came a morning when he was strong enough to sit up In bed but still the wistfulness and wonder reshymained In his eyes

You are a new nurse he said Yes 1 knew it of course but I havent

said anything Imdash-I have been trying to get my mind clear I thought as I got stronger my mind would get betshyter bat it doesnt ImdashIm afraid Its getting worse I suppose Im growshying old and its to be expected but Fve bees planning fcr a good deal of reading and study yetgt and haveut realised how the years slip by

Mary stroked his hand softly T o n cannot get weU at once Mr

Farrar she chUed Yon hare been vary sick you know But you are growing stronger gradually and your brain is growing clearer I can see t t -

Tou dont understand he anshyswered gently my bodys stronger but my mind doesnt seem to gain It made you out to be somebody else from the first and has persisted in the hallucination ever sine Ive tooked in other directions and changed my thoughts to other things but its no use Youve takes care of me so my mind says that youre someshybody whom I used to know a long time ago whos dead I suppose its what folks call second childhood Then changing the subject abruptly How long have I been sick

I do not know I have only been here two weeks It is now the fifshyteenth of July

He looked startled So late he gasped Why Imdash

Ive got a little girl off to school who ought to have been written to long ago Will you bring me my pen and paper from the desk

Let me do It for you she said taking the pen from his shaking finshygers and moving a small table close to his bedside

But he remained silent looking at her doubtiuily ImdashImdashyou see 1 dont write to her directly he said at length hesitatingly Theres an old friend In New York who acts for me He was silent for some minutes longer then went on desperately

The letter must be written and I suppose itll be best to explain things a little You see when I was laquo boy I had a strong notion for college but

settled with the books I liked to read and had lost ambition to go out into the orld But I didntnsive up the idea altogether I would send someshybody la my place_ So I looked round I had no relative save a little girl whom I used to play with when a boy She had married and gone west I traced her and found that her husshyband was dead and that she was an invalid without means That was something nearer than college so I sent her from time to time what monshyey I had to spare When she died I arranged for her girl to go to college

He paused with his gae upon the coverlet his eyes unobservant dreamy reminiscent

Mary had risen her eyes shining Why didnt you write to her direct

iy she breathed Well she was a college girl you

see with college girl notions I liked to think of her as my girl arid to plan things for her If Id written to her directly itmdashmight have been different You see Im just a man of all work In a factory He held up his hands white and transparent from his illness but still knotty and hard from a lifeshytime of toll I dont know much about girls he went on but I want to think of this one as mine and I cant bear the thought of her evermdash

Mr Farrar do you think any girl could be ashamed of you

The quick passionate cry brought his gaze suddenly from the coverlet What he reau in her voice in her eyes brought a lok of rapt understanding to his face

Then my mind isnt wandering he exclaimed tremulously Its she really and truly Mary bring me that tin box in my desk

She brought it and eagerly he ran his fingers through the contents soon finding a tintype which he opened and held up for her inspection It might have been her own picture so exact was the likeness She recognised H with a low cry

I t s your mother Mary he said softly takes Just before h went west

N X C s raquo t J L l raquo S L I K S I REMEDYS LAXATIVE


a t e C A l X PATTERNS Celebrated for style perfect fit niroplicitv ar i reliability nearly 40 yeai Sold in nlaquoar 7 every city and towa in ttie United States aii Canada or by mait direct gt1 ore sold than any other make Send tot tree catalogu

l i r C A i X afAGAZINE More subscriber than may otter fash 1 in magazinemdash Million a month Invatuabie Latshyest rtyles praquottertlaquolaquolrlaquolaquopai8g millinery plain sewinr fafcey nelaquodJewoTfcharrorrraquoraquoirf etiquette goV atone etc Only 90 cents a Tear (worth double^ including raquo W plaquoTem Subscribe today or aeod for aawple ropy

W O N t m r o i iNfiUCEMtSKTS raquo to Agent Postal 1gtHnsn premium catalogue

and new cash prize offers Addre T K K C m lt raquo 1 3 M W K 7 raquo S l laquo W T O B

COXMISSIONKRS NOTJClmdashIn the 55Bttr of th estate of Robert TbeHpww

deceased We the nnderaijrned having been appointed

by the Hon Matthew BnKh Judr ot Probate in and for the Connty of Salawaaaec State of Michigan CoramiMionera to receire exaastae aad adjiut u claims and deotaada of all pershysona againat aaid catate do hereby give notice that we wlgtl neat at tue store of Albert W Cnrtt io the City of Corona in said Coantjr on Mofcday the Slat dar of February A D-tamplQ and on Thursday the Slat day ltof April A D gt19I0 at tea oclock fn the forenoon of each of said days tov the purpose of receiving-and adjusting all claim A ftgalDMaald eatttte and that four month from the 1Mb day of December A D IMS are allowed to creditors to present their clalma to said CoumiackKierfl

for adjustment and allowance Dated the 1Mb day of December A D 1909



PROBATB ORDERmdash Slat of Michigan County of ghiawmaaee sa

At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Shiawassee held a t the Probate OBec in the City of Corona on the ISO day of January in the year one thooaand nine hundred and bra

Preaeet STatthrw Buah Judge of Probate an tae nut ter of the estate of Hugh

MeCttrdy deceased W i n u u P Gallagher s s tpoundr=t=i=trtor havshy

ing rendered to tat Ceoxt hi final aeeoaat ft i ordered that tae 15th day of February

next a t tan oclock in the forenoon a t aaid Proshybate Oases be appointed for rTamintnj and Allowing said account

And ft la further evwsveo that m copy of this order he pubOaaed three bullneeeattr i weeks wevtoata to said day of hearing to tae Oortaana Jowi-rtitl a newspaper printed aad eJsealattng m s n t d County of Shiawassee County lt

atATTHZW BUSH Judge of Probate

By F L O U X C I L n n t i T Probate

- J L - mdash _ - J L

t i i a

]icae s a y nuBBia V

j hXrpound yCttf laquofvr I W i s Eiitiii i u laquo ^f5 A

Our Store is the Center of Attraction These Days

For young and old The finest line of Dolls in the city Our Notion line is completemdash Table Linens Napkins Hemstitched Towels Lunch and Tray Cloths Silk and Wool Scarfs Handbags and Purses Postal Card Albums and Boxes Fancy Jap Boxes for Handkerchiefs Music Rolls Stand Mirrors Back Combs Belts Pins and Buckles

A fine line of Linen and Cotton Embroidered and Plain Handkerchiefs

A box of Cadet Hosiery for all members of the family An Umbrella a Floor Rug a Wool Blanshyket Etc Etc

Visit our store and we wtli help you make your selections

Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Geo M Beemer Igtry Glaquorbds-laquoad Not^iss rftrme-G

gtlaquoi ltr M i Ml t

i^r-WfT laquo - raquo


Page 3: ) CORUNN *MMMwaWMi A...his sentence was iixei for the first »day of the next term. A divorce was granted in the case of Florence against Frank Case. Case did not appear in couit to


A C h a n g e a t L e a s t A c h a n g e of t e n o r s h a d b e e n m a d e

In t h e c h u r c h cho ir E igh t -year -o ld J e s s i e r e t u r n i n g f r o m t h e m o r n i n g s e r v i c e w a s a n x i o u s t o te l l t h e n e w s Ob m o t h e r s h e e x c l a i m e d w e h a v e a n e w terror in t h e choirmdashWorn a n s H o m e C o m p a n i o n

FOB DKK~ SKATED OOlDS raquoraquo4 fejwk ft^iiP^H Botltsmm whew U other retampadie fail TtraquoJ old iraquoUhle medicine has been sold iax laquoltraquorlaquo years ^sftsliiOboUtes AUdeaier

T h e U s u a l W a y S m i t h - - D i d t h e l a w y e r g e t a a y t h i a g

o u t e f y o u r u n c l e d e s t a t e J o n e s mdash G o t a n y t h i n g H e g o t i t al l

raquo 1 4 5 8 CtTRKD I N 8 W 1 DA VS PASO OlOTMBKTStjpurauteed raquoo rnr- my rraquos f Itcbina KJInd BietMdiug ltgtr ProtrudSnif Pilot Ut I uraquoitdajsoraMjBwy refunded Wo




S c i e n t i s t 8at f ilaquod H e H a s D i s c o v e r e d A g e n t by W h i c h t h e T w o W i c k e d

C i t i e s W e r e W i p e d f r e m t h e E a r t h

T h e a v e r a g e m a n s p e n d s m o r e m o n e y o n a f o o i i s h h b i t t h a n b e d o e s o n h i s w i f e s h a t s

Bfrs Wtnakrvs aootbia Syrup re children teethta softeat the Q B I reaaeet la-trT~bullr^yr1 ^raquolaquomdashraquolaquobull abe bouU

C h e a p n o t o r i e t y o f t e n t u r n s o u t t o b e a n e x p e n s i v e l u x u r y

CORES Added to the Lot list due to TMs Famofls Remedy

OxonogYV M o mdash I w a s i m p l y a n e r -T O D w r e c k X c o u l d n o t w a l k a c r o s s

t h e fioor w i t h o u t m y h e a r t flattering a r i a I c o u l d n o t e v e n r e c e i v e a l e t t e r E v e r y m o n t h I h a d s u c h a b e a r i n g d o w n s e n s a t i o n a s i f t h e l o w e r p a r t s w o u l d

p a l l o u t L y d i a E F i n k b a u r s Y e g e t a b l e C o m p o u n d h a s

YJ^^^ d o n a m y n e r v e s a i amp amp f c V i S - g r e a t d e a l o f g o o d

t o e b e a r i n g d o w n I r e c o m m e n d e d i t t o BOZOS f r i e n d s a n d t w o o f t h e m b a t e b e e n g r e a t l y b e n e A t e d b y i t - M r s X A B M C K N T O T T O r o n o r o M o

A n o t h e r G r a t e f u l W o m a n S t L e n i n M o mdash I w a s b o t h e r e d

t e r r i b l y w i t h a f e m a l e w e a k n e s s a n d b a d b a c k a c h e b e a r i n g d o w n p a i n s a n d p a i n s i n l o w e r p a r t s I b e g a n t a k i n g L y d i a E P i u k S a m a V e g e t a b l e C o m p o u n d r e g n k r i y a n d u s e d t h e S a n a t i v e W a s h a n d n o w I b a r e n o m o r e t r o u b l e s t h a t w a y mdash M r s A L Bmtxoa laquo a raquo F r e u e o t c A f t x S t L o u i s M o

B e c a u s e y o n r c a s e t s a d U S c n l t o n e d o c t o r s h a v i n g d o n e y o n n o g o o d d o n o t c o n t i n u e t o s u f f e r w i t h o u t g i v i n g L y d i a E F i n k h a m s V e g e t a b l e C o m p o u n d a t r i a l I t s u r e l y laquo raquo c u r e d m a n y c a s e s o f f e m a l e i l l s s u c h a s i n shyflammation u l c e r a t i o n d i r o l a e e m e n t s fibroid t u m o r s i r r e g u l a r i t i e s p e r i o d i c p a i n s b a c k a c b e t h a t b e a r i n g - d o w n f e e l i n g i n d i g e s t i o n d i z z i n e s s a n d n e r -bull o u t p r o s t r a t i o n I t c o o t s b u t a tr i f le t o t r y i t a n d t h e r e s u l t i s w o r t h m i l shyl i o n s t o m a n y s u f f e r i n g w o m e n

WESTERN CAH ADA D a J B v a r o f tows a a y s i mdash of laquonJ0Mtraquo ftes the VaKsd States

dsgt will eoottnae puilUer rescatl psia visit to Western C u k k and B T K Theta is a laad hlaquonlaquoer In the hearts of BeyUsh raquoclaquokiaa pjc-ptUilaquo wiU soeounifar t h leCMWSi Of 00 01049 Iowa f u n M to CklMd Ow Mwto laquo e pllaquolaquolaquoi with it Qavenuncat end tblaquo euUeraquoC sdaainlsr track of law and titer alaquolaquo cacti to yea in teas of ttdtMWl sad tby bull still com

low coatribttted Mix Jy ta th 700OO Aat-_ raquo -Caa

OW often has a religions peraquoce of milVd a spiritual seren-Hy and a fair confidence

in business been utterly destroy by roor bread too much pie or not enough svxwl beef frui milk svnd butter He vho would have d clear head muat tatve a clear s tomach

T h e f a u l t f ind ing h a b i t i s g e n e r a l l y a t t r i b u t e d t o t h e w o m e n a raquo d i a a o o u t a s t r u e a s t h a t w h i t e s h e e p e a t m o r e t h a n b l a c k W o m e n c e r t a i n l y h a v e no m o n o p o l y of t h e art of c r i t i c i s m b u t t h a t f a c t d o e s n o t l e s s e n t h e d i s -a g r e e a b l e n e s s of t h e h a b i t o n l y s t r e n g t h e n s i t

T h e r e i s m u c h t h a t i s b a d i n t h e b e s t of-us a n d s o m u c h that i s g o o d fa t h e w o r s t of u s t h a t i t h a r d l y beshyh o o v e s a n y of u s t o t a l k a b o u t t h e r e s t of u s T h i s i s a t e x t t h a t s h o u l d be-before t h e e y e s of e v e r y o n e of u s for w e a r e so p r o n e to f a u l t finding T h e r e a r e f e w p e o p l e i n t h e w o r l d ( for w h i c h w e a r s t r u l y t h a n k f u l ) t h a t d e l i b e r a t e l y g o a b o u t w o u n d i n g o t h shye r s b u t t h e l i t t l e w o r d o r s i l e n t s h r u g t h o u g h t l e s s l y g i v e n l e a v e s a h u r t o f t e n h a r d t o f o r g e t T h e o l d s a w w h i c h t e l l s u s t h a t w e find w h a t w e l o o k f o r ^ i s a g o o d o n e t o r e m e m shyber f o r if w e a r e l o o k i n g for f l a w s w e find t h e m L e t u s c u l t i v a t e t h e habshyi t of s a y i n g p l e a s a n t t h i n g s for i t t a k e s a v e r y d e a r a n d t a c t f u l f r i e n d t o t e l l u s t h e t h i n g s w e o f t e n s h o u l d k n o w

H a b i t i s a h a r d m a s t e r a n d l e t a s b e c a r e f u l t h a t w e d o n o t g r o w t o b e c y n i c a l a n d c o n t r a r y W e a l l k n o w p e o p l e w h o a r e l i k e t h e I r i s h m a n w h o d idn t k n o w w h a t t h e g o v e r n m e n t w a s b u t w h a t e v e r i t w a s h e w a s a g i n i t

I t m a y b e a l i t t l e e a s i e r t o d i s a g r e e t h a n t o a l w a y s a g r e e w i t h All of o u r f r i e n d s b u t w e c a n c u l t i v a t e t h e habshyi t of s a y i n g n o t h i n g o c c a s i o n a l l y

W h e n w e r e m e m b e r t h a t l i f e i s m a d e u p or l i t t l e t h i n g s a n d t h e l i t t l e rift w i t h i n t h e l u t e s p o i l s t h e harshym o n y o f t h e m u s i c of JVc h o w c a r e f u l w e shoMld b e t o b e k i n d T h e w h o l e s e c r e t l i e s i n t h e g o l d e n r u l e if w e k e e p t h a t w e c a n n o t go1 f a r w r o n g

Oenera f t t l ee N e v e r s m o o t h m a s h e d p o t a t o e s i t

w i l l m a k e t h e m h e a v y B e a t unt i l l i g h t a n d c r e a k y a n d t u r n o u t o n a h o t d i s h

L e t p u d d i n g s a n d p i e s b e c o m e s l i g h t l y coo l b e f o r e a d d i n g t h e m e r shyi n g u e If p u t o n apt t h e y w i l l b e covshye r e d w i t h d r o p s of l iqu id

P o u r t h e t o m a t o w i t h t h e p i n c h of s o d a o v e r t h e h o t m i l k a n d t h e toshym a t o s o u p w i l l n o t v u r l l e

VIONG the most trustworthy teats of eood hortgt(i train-ing is that of table man-

ners and no one can hopt to ecqulre and keep them who does not observe them n the faintly circle $he sairaquocopy an in com-pani

S o m e of t h e C h e a p e r Meat

Ge t a c h e a p c u t of b e e t n c h u c k o r r u m p p i e c e c u t i n t o i n c h c u b e s f r y b r o w n in a l i t t l e s u e t t h e n c o v e r w i t h w a t e r a n d l e t s i m m e r for s e v e r a l h o u r s R e m o v e t h e m e a t t h i c k e n t h e g r a v y w i t h a l i t t l e flour a n d p o u r o v e r t h e m e a t T h e m e a t s h o u l d b e s e a shys o n e d w h e n c o o k i n g a n h o u r S e r v e w i t h c a r r o t s p o t a t o e s a n d d u m p l i n g s if l i k e d

A c h e a p c u t of m u t t o n i s v e r y n i c e c u t i n s m a l l p i e c e s a n d b r o w n e d i n f a t t h e n s i m m e r e d i a b o i l i n g w a t e r for s e v e r a l h o u r s O r i t m a y b e s i m shym e r e d i n w a t e r first t h e n c o o k e d i n i t s o w n f a t u n t i l b l o w n T h e b r o t h i n w h i c h t h e m e a t h a s b e e n c o o k e d m a k e s a fine o n e f o r c o o k i n g c a r r o t s c a b b a g e t m n i p s a n d p o t a t o e s f o r v e g e t a b l e d i n n e r t h e s a m e day o r t h e o n e f o l l o w i n g

A v e r y a p p e t i z i n g d i s h f o r t h o s e w h o a r e f o n d of s a u e r k r a u t i s s p a r e -ribs a n d s a n e r k r a u t W i p e t h e s p a r e -ribs a n d p u t o n t o c o o k i n w a t e r t o c o v e r Ilaquoet t h e m s i m m e r f o r h a l f a n h o u r t h e n a d d t h e k r a u t a n d c o o k f o r t h r e e h o u r s E i t h e r t h e b r o w n s t e w o r t h e s p a r e r i b s m a y b e c o o k e d i n t h e S r e l e s e c o o k e r a f t e r c o o k i n g f o r h a l f a n h o u r o n t h e s t o v e T h e k r a u t m a y b e a d d e d l o n g e n o u g h t o g e t b o n i n g h o t b e f o r e p u t t i n g i n t h e c o o k e r

t f ee lr h laquo R laquo d a r l n lraquoCO F i e l d c r o p r e t s r s i l U n e dsutiraquorTearraquo4ted totblaquowcltii laquof t k laquo c o m raquo t r y bull p w u d i laquo t

bullratat gtmrfMc satoed t u n tss cstle Csliiy nd ifcsti j liti ws s l l pcoCtnfcjtat R w H s s i i stnsds of ISO sjens so t blaquo pound M 1 ta t b w r bMtdtatricti ISO men pve-enptfews) laquo t pound laquo 5

ehnEfeM I s e r o T bullettteamuC craquomraquoraquo^ lUkeKeeUed soOtticrtrtuwtwood w a i c r t a s - sdUbic bullbullbullnrtsd pttwUfvd

Fat pitilaquoviairaquot0loclaquotioalew bullMtisn raihrarmtss sad desert p Xif Uhwtntsd MuaDtUe Lsst Bert West H i otker lafonss-Ugtraquo writ to Bapt laquof ImmiJFrt-tilaquonOussw CSBW or to CaMdlam CknciBBBHtt A t

a t R^MtJTS kUmm m^

Your Liver is Clogged up I W s W V Y e a n T i r laquo 4 - O w t S o r t raquo - H a v laquo l laquo raquo


G e n e r a l i t i e s B a s t e a s t r i p of h e m m e d c h e e s e shy

c l o t h o v e r t h e e n d of t h e c o m f o r t e r s T h e qu i l t i s s o s o o n s o i l e d a y t h e h a n d s T h i s s t r i p m a y be q u i c k l y reshym o v e d a n d a f r e s h o n e p u t o n T h e e n d s of o ld s h e e t s m a y b e u s e d v e r y n i c e l y for t h i s i n s t e a d of t h e c h e e s e -U o t h

w 9 pet yon tkAk i s s t e w days

TlwyeW n e w daWi

C a n

mux HIL SMALL wxa SKAU imt G E N U I N E a m i bear

Dont CougnH-Use

I O YOtJ Wish a recipe for preshyventing all worry

For g iv ing composure and freedom from hurry

Just think of one fact which i s true you will find

When anything- happens to flurry your l i i ind

First something or nothing there is to ba done

First nothing or something that s clear laquos the sun

It something then do It and m a k e oo deshylay

If nothing all thought of it cast far a w a y

This s implest of rules if youll only obey

Will tret you from wrinkles for many a day

K e e p t h e b i r t h d a y s t h e y a r e g r e a t e v e n t s t o c h i l d r e n F o r o n e d a y t h e y are t h e c e n t e r of t h e h o m e T h e s p e shyc ia l d e s s e r t i s m a d e b e c a u s e It i s t h e f a v o r i t e T h e b i r t h d a y c a k e s a n d t h e l i t t l e g i f t s w i l l b e t h e s w e e t e s t of r e c o l l e c t i o n s of h o m e in y e a r s t o c o m e

N o m a t t e r h o w poor m a y b e t h e h o m e s o m e l i t t l e o b s e r v a t i o n of t h e b i r t h d a y m a y b e m a d e w h i c h wi l i de shyl i g h t t h e h e a r t of t h e c h i l d W h e n o n e g e t s too o ld t o b e h a p p y o n o n e s b i r t h d a y i t i s t i m e t o shuff le oif I t s h o u l d b e t h e ru le l o e v e r y h o m e t h a t o ld a n d y o u n g o b s e r v e t h e b i r t h d a y s and a p a r e n t s h o u l d n e v e r l e t any shyth ing p r e v e n t t h i s p l e a s a n t p r i v i l e g e

A D e l i c i o u s B r e a k f a s t D i sh B a k e d M a c k e r e l w i t h C r e a m mdash S o a k

a s a l t m a c k e r e l if t h e f r e s h i s n o t obshyt a i n a b l e unt i l suff ic ient ly f r e s h e n e d L a y i n a b a k i n g p a n a d d b o i l i n g w a shyt e r a n d b a k e 20 m i n u t e s J u c t b e f o r e s e r v i n g pour o v e r t h e f ish a cupfu l o f h o t th i ck s w e e t c r e a m s-jampson w i t p e p p e r e n d s a l t if n e c e s s a r y a n d s e r v e

T o m a t o C r e a m T o a s t

fWM f t S ^ u a ^ f | | 5 bullbull -rtelt tbre i raquoMspoonfiiilaquo of b u t t e r

B a k e d S q u a s h Cut s q u a s h i n s m a l l p i e c e s e n o u g h

t o r a s e r v i n g r e m o v e a l l s e e d s a n d m e m b r a n e a n d b a k e In a- m o d e r a t e ovn R e m o v e t h e t h i n b r o w n s k i n d o t w i t h b i t s o f b u t t e r s p r i n k l e w i t h a l i t t l e s a l t a n d s e r v e


M JL JKLW F R I K N D have you heard of

the river y raquo w n On the bank of the river stow

Where blooms the Trait raquo w h i U flower fair

Where the Somet ime or Other scent t h s air

And thlaquo w f t Go easy s laquoroW It He in t h e v a l l e y of W h a f a the U s

In the province of Latter Slide That tired feel ing i naUve there Its the hofne of the lUtlewt 1 dont care

WL-re the Put It OfTa abide

tatlMt Tnswraquo i s s o c s u u i l ike ipound for A s t h a e B r o a e h i t i t a n d l e a f trovbtes Comtnim SMgt opiates v - raquo t h o w t t o t a k e

A l l

i - i i ^ raquo a liour r o u r i n g r a d u i i y o n e a n d o n e -half cupo 01 s t r a i n e d t o m a t o w i t h a p i n c h of s o d s S e a s o n w i t h s a i t a n d p e o r ^ r add t a r e e - f o u r t h s of a c u o o i h o t c r c a i o a n d p o u r o v e r t o a s t

S a n i t a t i o n In t h e H o m e

S c i e n t i s t s w h o h a v e m a d e a s t u d y of t h e c o n d i t i o n of t h e p o o r in c i t i e s c l a i m t h a t m o r e d i s e a s e i s c a u s e d f r o m i m p u r e air t h a n a n y o t h e r c a u s e

W h e n o t h e r w i s e i n t e l l i g e n t w o m e n wi l l s l e e p i n a c l o s e r o o m w i t h o u t a c h a n c e o f f r e s h o u t s i d e a i r g e t t i n g i n i t s e e m s a s if o u r e d u c a t i o n a l s y s t e m w a s a t fau l t

S o m a n y p e o p l e s e e m to b e a f r a i d of n i g h t a ir N i g h t a i r i s a i l w e g e t a t n i g h t a n d t h e r e i s n o r e a s o n t o b e a fra id of i t u n l e s s i t i s b o t t l e d i n a r o o m C h i l d r e n s h o u l d e a r l y b e ac shyc u s t o m e d t o s l e e p i n g i n a r o o m w i t h f r e s b nir c o m i n g in a t a l l t i m e s i t i s n o t n e c e s s a r y t o s l e e p i n a d r a f t to h a v e f r e s h a ir T h e p e r s o n w h o g o e s to s l e e p In a r o o m t h a t h a s b e e n o c c u shyp i e d for a n h o u r or t w o w i t h o u t airshyi n g a n d l a w h i c h a g a s l i g h t o r l a m p h a s b e e n b u r n i n g w i l l w a k e w i t h a h e a d a c h e a n d w o n d e r w h y

O n c o m i n g in f r o m b e i n g o u t in t h e f r e s h a i r o n e s n o s e t e l l s t h a t t h e s i r i s I m p u r e v e r y q u i c k l y A n o t h e r f a l s e n o t i o n t h a t m a n y p e o p l e l a b o r u n d e r i s t h a t c o l d a ir i s p u r e

In c a s e s of s i c k n e s s w h e r e i t i s nec shye s s a r y t o a v o i d a n y d r a f t s a d e v i c e w h i c h Is v e r y s i m p l e m a y b e u s e d P u t a p i e c e of board t h r e e or f o u r i n c h e s w i d e a n d l o n g e n o u g h t o fit u n d e r t h e s a s h r a i s e t h e w i n d o w a n d s e t t h i s u n d e r i t T h e a i r w i l l c o m e up In to t h e r o o m b e t w e e n t h e s a s h e s

A l e a k i n g g a s o r s e w e r p i p e s h o u l d n e v e r b e n e g l e c t e d for t h e e f f e c t s o f s u c h p o i s o n i n g o f t e n l a s t s f o r y e a r s T h e i n s i d i o u s m a n n e r i n w h i c h b a d g a s e s s o m e t i m e s a c t o n t h e h u m a n s y s t e m i s w h a t m a k e s t h e m s o d a n shyg e r o u s T h e p r a c t i c e of s l e e p i n g out shyd o o r s h a s p r o v e n s u c h a g o o d o n e t h a t i t i s Juet ly b e c o m i n g a m o s t c o m m o n h a b i t O n e m a y if t h e s l e e p i n g r o o m h a s t w o w i n d o w s s l e e p i n a n a t m o shys p h e r e a s p u r e a s n e e d f u l in o r d i n a r y h e a l t h

UjLtJ^ +ltpoundpound N a i l i n g B r o k e n B o n e s

P a r i s s u r g e o n s a r e u s i n g In s o m e c a s e s n a i l s for t h e c u r e o f s i m p l e f r a c t u r e F o r frampcture o f t h e s h i n b o n e o r of t h e t h i g h b o n e a n a i l o f n i c k e l a l u m i n u m of m a g n e s l u n mdash p r e f e r a b l y a l u m i n u m mdash i s u s e d a n d i s d r i v e n i n t o h o l d laquoLne t w o p i e c e s o f b o n e s t o g e t h e r m u c h l i k e t w o p i e c e s of w o o d It laquo beUovwd t h a t t h e n a i l

i ngti of b r o k e n uaua If-the yui^Ke^i w a y to -j e pa it a naciuife i t bull)(laquo(laquo KViy w i t h t h e o ld s y s t e m u n d e r w h i c h a pashyt i e n t h a d t o l i e In b e d for t h r e e w e e k s w i t h h i s f o o t a t t a c h e d t o a BO p o u n d w e i g h t

E l l s w o r t h H j n t i n g t o a h e a d of t h e r e c e n t Y a l e e x p e d i t i o n to P a l e s t i n e d e c l a r e s t h a t h e h e v e r g e d t h e B ib le t a r y of S o d o m a n d G o m o r r a h

W u c d r e d s Of p a g e s h e s a y s In H a r p e r s M a g a z i n e h a v e b e e n wri t shyt e n t o p r o v e t h a t t h e s t o r y i s a m y t h or t l U t t h e a c c l o u t t o w n s w e r e d e s t r o y e d b y t h e b u r s t i n g f o r t h of o i l w e i l s l i k e t h o s e o f T e x a s or B a k u w h i c h s o m e t i m e s a r e i g n i t e d a n d b u r n for d a y s O t h e r h u n d r e d s of p a g e s h a v e b e e n d e v o t e d to p r o v i n g t h a t S o d o m a n d G o m o r r a h w e r e o r w e r e not a t t h e n o r t h e n d of t h e D e a d s e a and t h a i t h e y w e r e or w e r e n o t b u r i e d u n d e r t h e s a l i n e d e p o s i t s a t e i t h e r e n d of t h e l a k e

A m o n g recent w r i t e r s t h e r e s e e m s t o b e t t e n d e n c y t o b e l i e v e t h a t S o d o m a n d i t s s i s t e r t o w n w e r e probshya b l y l o c a t e d a t t h e s o u t h e n d o f t h e l a k e w h e r e t h e n a m e U s d o m i s t h o u g h t t o r e p r e s e n t S o d o m a n d v-here A r a b t r a d i t i o n c o w l o c a t e s t h e i l l - fa ted c i t i e s T h e m e a n s o f t h e i r d e s t r u c t i o n a r e b e l i e v e d t o h a v e b e e n d i e o i l w e l l s m e n t i o n e d a b o v e T h i s r a t h e r u n s a t i s f a c t o r y c o n c l u s i o n h a b e e n a d o p t e d l a r g e l y b e c a u s e i t h a s b e e n s u p p o s e d t h a t n o v o l c a n o Is lo shyc a t e d i n s u c h a p o s i t i o n t h a t i t c o u l d h a v e b o r n e a n y p a r t i n t h e s t o r y

A c c o r d i n g t o t h e s t o r y i n G e n e s i s L o t a n d A b r a h a m w e r e a t B e t h e l t e n m i l e s n o r t h of J e r u s a l e m w h e n t h e i r h e r d s m e n q u a r r e l e d a n d t h e y d e c i d e d t o s e p a r a t e A n d L o t l i f t e d u p h i s e y e s a n d b e h e l d a l l t h e P l a i n o f t h e J o r d a n t h a t i t w a s w e l l w a t e r e d e v e r y w h e r e b e f o r e J e h o v a h d e s t r o y e d S o d o m a n d G o m o r r a h l i k e t h e g a r d e n o f J e h o v a h l i k e t h e l a n d of E g y p t a s t h o u g o e s t u n t o Z o a r S o L o t c h o s e h i m a l l t h e P l a i n o f J o r d a n

T h e n t h e s t o r y g o e s o n t o the t i m e w h e n J e h o v a h r a i n e d u p o n S o d o i a a n d u p o n G o m o r r a h b r i m s t o n e a n d l i r e f r o m J e h o v a h o u t o f h e a v e n w h i l e L o t fled t o t h e n e a r fcrwn o f Z o a r H e d id n o t s t a y l o n g b u t went o u t o f Z o a r a n d d w e l t i n t h e m o u n t a i n mdash i n a c a v e

H a v i n g f r e s h l y r e a d t h e s t o r y a n d h a v i n g l o o k e d o v e r t h e s t r o n g a r g u shym e n t s f o r l o c a t i n g t h e t o w n s s o u t h o f t h e D e a d s e a a n d for b e l i e v i n g t h e m to have- b e e n d e s t r o y e d b y s o m e shyt h i n g In t h e n a t u r e o f b i t u m i n o u s o u t shyb u r s t s I w a s t a k e n b y s u r p r i s e w h e n I v i s i t e d t h e l i t t l e r u i n s of S u w e l r o e h a n d p i c k e d u p b i t s o f g e n u n laquo c o r i c laquo o n l a v a w h i l e t h e s h e i k h w h o a c t e d a s g u i d e to ld t h e s t o r y of S o d o m a s t h e s t o r y o f S u w e i m e h of S u w e i m T h e n a m e m a y b e a c o r r u p t i o n o f S o d o m

I w e n t Into t h e m o u n t a i n s t o n c e f r o m S u w e i m i n o r d e r t o s e e w h e r e t h e l a v a c a m e from A s w e c l i m b e d t h e l o w e r h i l l s t h e s h e i k h n o t i c e d t h a t I p i c k e d u p b l a c k p i e c e s o f l a v a a n i b r o k e t h e m o p e n

Dont b o t h e r w i t h those h e s a i d Up h e r e p o i n t i n g s o u t h e a s t t h e r e i s a w h o l e m o u n t a i n o f b l a c k r o c k l i k e t h a t

C l e a r e d by a T h u m b T h e gu i l t o r i n n o c e n c e o f a n a r m y

v e t e r i n a r y s u r g e o n a c c u s e d b y a so l shyd i e r of a s s a u l t ^t P o n t i v y F r a n c e r e s t e d o n t h e q u e s t i o n w h e t h e r or n o t t h e a c c u s e d m a n s u c k e d h i s t h u m b a f t e r t h e s o l d i e r h a d a c c i d e n t a l l y Inshyflicted a s l i g h t w o u n d W h i l e M B e r l a n d t h e v e t e r i n a r y s u r g e o n w a s p e r f o r m i n g a n o p e r a t i o n o n a h o r s e s l e g at t h e b a r r a c k s o f t h e S e c o n d c a v shya l r y r e g i m e n t a t P o n t i v y a t r o o p e r w h o w a s h o l d i n g d o w n t h e h o r s e i n a d shyv e r t e n t l y s c r a t c h e d 31 B o r l a n d s h a n d in c o n s e q u e n c e of t h e h o r s e m o v i n g s u d d e n l y T h e s u r g e o n exshya m i n e d t h e s c r a t c h a n d t h e n a d m i n shyi s t e r e d a s o u n d b o x o n t h e e a r t o t h e so ld ier w h o r e c e i v e d t h e p u n i s h m e n t in s i l e n c e b u t l a t e r c o m p l a i n e d t o a n officer T h e c o u r t - m a r t i a l s p e n t conshys i d e r a b l e t i m e irc a s c e r t a i n i n g w h e t h e r t h e c h o l e r i c s u r g e o n s t r u c k t h e t roopshye r s u d d e n l y w i t h o u t re f l ec t ion a c a p e r s o n m i g h t d o a f t e r h a v i n g a c o m t r o d d e n on o r w h e t h e r t h e b l o w w a s g i v e n d e l i b e r a t e l y a f t e r Mr B e r l a n d h a d t i m e to r e f l e c t O n l e a r n i n g t b i t M B e r l a n d d id n o t s t o p t o s u c k t h e w o u n d e d t h u m b b e f o r e b o x i n g t h e t r o o p e r s e a r t h e c o u r t d e c i d e d t h a t t h e b i o w w a s n o t p r e m e d i t a t e d a n d he w a s a c q u i t t e d

In t h Ark N o a h mdash I k n o w w h a t Im g o i n g t o do Mrs N o a h mdash W h a t i s i t N o a h mdash H o l d t h e e l e p h a n t s t r u n k for



bullri bull



Bad Breath

Sbee Braquols Gappf A B E JIAttO TO C (amppound y e

gSpRBlTNE wUl teiac-Tc them and leave KO MeasiitK Doe not b i ts t ror remore tte tour f-urvs any pnfi or bullw) B can L worked laquoMQ ger toMe B o o 6 1 frlaquolaquo A B S C S B I N F ltIBraquo (manshykind St and 0 per bottteY For Belts

_raquoltMiraquoa Old fioresjSwellings Goitre Varicoae Veins VartooslQe Attars Paia Ylaquos_t droggiM eaa sspplr and 3re references Will tag

5on more If yon write MkttvfactoTed oaly bj F YOCM r raquo P laquo Tmdashtpi 6laquo

F o r t n o n t h a I h a d great trouble w h h m y A U A I A l U f F A s t o m a c h a n d u s e d aff k i n d s of m e d i c m e s I I | 1 1 E A I I Y E S I M y t o n g u e h a s b e e u a c t u a l l y a s g r e e n a s bull bull w P m s rw w bull ssw saw grass m y b r e a t h h a v i n g a b a d odor T w o w laquo e ^ a g o a f r i e n d r e c o r n m e a d e d C s s c raquo r e t s a n d after us iz ig t h e m X c a n w i l l i n g l y a n d cheer fu l ly s a y t h a t t h e y h a v e en t i re ly c u r e d m e I t h e r e f o r e l e t y o u k n o w that I s h a l l r e c o m m e n d t h e m to a n y o n e suffershyi n g f r o m s u c h t r o u b l e mdash C h a s H H a l porn l t d pound 7 t a S t H e w Y o r k N Y C U T T H I S OUT mal l it w i th your a d shydress t o Sterl ing R e m e d y Company Chishycago Illinois a n d receive a handsome souvenir gold B o a B o n F R E E 923

K st beMUfnl colors lfc per package s If not ia stock laquoead laquo 1raquo stsiting color desLrsd

OIE BYE FOR ALL 8009$ Color laquoard and bck of dlreetknw free by wlaquoUtag Pr-o-la BariinaTton Vermont

DYOLA DYES PATERT Book and Advleeysnx bullbullbull

IfcC St bull) yts Best reierselaquosgt

W N U DETROIT NO- S-1raquo10fc i

The shooting tearing pains of neuralgia are caused by excitement of the nerves Sciatica is also a nerve pain- bull

Sloans Liniment a soothing external application stops neuralgia pains at once quiets the nerves relieves that feeling of numbness which is often a warning of paralysis and by its tonic effect on the nervous and muscular tissues gives permanent as well as immedishyate relief

One Application ReSeed th Pain Mr J C L a s ltaf n o o Ninth S t S E W a s b l n ^ o a D C writes t mdash

Z advised a lady w h o was a cres t sufferer from neuralgia to try Skmnn LhH Bent After o n e application m e pa ia left her s a d s h e has not been uouhsfd with i t s tace

Sloans Liniment

is the best remedy for Rheumatism Still Joints and Sprains and all Pains

A t A l l D r u g g i s t s P r i c e 2 5 c - 5 0 c andl $ 1 0 0

Stasia Treatta o raquo t h e Bvwtmdash mdashraquont Fre A d d r e s s


T h e O a s i s of J u p i t e r A m n i o n S i w a or S e e w a h w i t h w h i c h t n e

E g y p t i a n g o v e r n m e n t h a s f r e s h t roub ie i s o u r o ld c l a s s i c a l a c q u a i n t -a n c e t h e o a s i s of J u p i t e r A m m o n w h o s e o r a c l e w a s a f o r m i d a b l e r iva l t o D e l p h i T h e o r a c l e g r e w d u m b a b o u t t h e t i m e t h a t t h e w h i s p e r ran r o u n d t h e w o r l d P a n i s d e a d but t h i s o a s i s i s s t i l l a s t r o n g h o l d of reshyl i g i o u s f a n a t i c i s m

M o s t of t h e i n h a b i t a n t s w h o r a t h e r r e s e m b l e i h e C h i n e s e in f ea ture a n d w e a r a p e r p e t u a l s c o w l o n t h e i r c o u n shyt e n a n c e s b e l o n g t o t h e S e n u s s l s e c t of M o h a m m e d a n i s m a n d p r o f e s s a peshycu l i ar ly s o u r v a r i e t y of P u r i t a n i s m W h e n n o t m u r d e r i n g E g y p t i a n offishyc i a l s for d e m a n d i n g t a x e s t h e y a m u s e t h e m s e l v e s b y o u t i n g t h e m i n o r i t y w h o r e f u s e t o j o i n t h e i r d e u o m i n a -t ion

T h e o a s i s of S i w a 1laquo s e l d o m v i s i t e d by E u r o p e a n s b e c a u s e t h e j o u r n e y m-

c^ni^ rldo

i0 s t filW nCiirj WHit ii ^lAiU t i tUi i i i f i bull ii

g e t t i n g k n o c k e d o n t h e b e a u a t t h e finish A m o n g t h e m s e l v e s t h e S l w e s s t a l k a d y i n g L i b y a n d i a l e c t


More Ow laquo apcatsi iwort o w n t a u s fiukJtosbJe ptaTsT^wadmdashttlaquo wosterfil tprisft wita talaquor mylaquoerkms toaita-clvinc waters osve becsDe woild fuMot craquo

NATURES GREATEST SANITARIUM Mt apart by ta United States gcmnmmt for tee benefit at saatn l ty

Wnerc mode m e d a l science joins bands wita the wcfcOerfol mat miwl i i f bullatwemdasha leUvst for toe cartmwn or simvnac i s the c a s t beantaal elaquot-f-dslaquorraquo

Water it the greatest eliminator of haman tils and thm Hot Springs of Arkansas are the greatest

waters known to mankind Patroaized every TCST b HOIS tlsafl 1SMM Peoyie txm elaquoy WLt f tte werJSmdasht

iwarperatiaj ttatia of o v army and savy the t n u i a t c n u d o t raquo e werJda 11-1101 atkletes t te aanwnMirg place of sUtesBsw sad the resdexvou of society

There is no Substitute for the Hot Springs Baths Tbo faarveiDas ones cannot be exasxersted

1 ^ 0 0 0 e a A ^ 1 deg^ 4 Aeprl-ve bJmaetf of te aJt rest tk raquoraquolaquogtlaquolaquori Joy 4 t t e wwdertul toBins-np that comes from coom of these batks coraled wits ta -rt-WH tnuac InflacBcr of the amtntaia oione and weoilaad tendscxpe

Laxariow aotets Kodiua-prlced hotel and hie class Msnliaf b e s t with s n r modern coaveniene


b y t h e

MISSOURI PACIFIC IRON M O U N T A I N Let laquo ten yoa mote afciut it and help y e a ftaa year trftgt Par tela t toe aad tannjad Mtes ddilaquos





1 i fflfslif Now or S^i ^Jsect9

1 - TK

If erer yon wUiked tot a noou ta CaJiroroia send tor frew lnfonuatton a-bent the |treUlaquot iirfgt ticm ~ltuUiut ampd BOeae-maJrtag- eaterprlae e fer Baderteke In addittea in ttr are anvcjraquo ia trrllaquo41aa laquo5Pom ^orea in the Twin Pall Cnantry IdaJho th Koana act t n t t M i a t SKKSWaereaiaUiaBaoateato VaUey Avtmraquobullbullof Uic Saay t ev i s tosa t t l en W laquo a ^ ^

p^b^hTcXt E L Bofteer Dept C 305 LaSrfe St Cfckifo BL

M K N m m

M laquo

T H E C G R U N N A J O U R N A L ^ 1 deg ^ ^ bull ^Jn lbc

-T-rrv-___ - county poor house that be might be near I his old farm borne Mattieon waa taken Jit wutte in Owosso on hhs mission and his

oaornAi K at Co- daughter who lives near Chesenieg took him to her borne The old man failed

t f l f B J O W gt laquo O V l-laquoraquoegtrraquolaquolt-r

PubgtUhe4 rvery T L laquo d raquo j runua the county seat of Siaiu bull( e county Dvlaquoe4 to tue iittr^ii of the HejgtublU4ni Fart and the coHnvtiou of jjenerai and locui rp dy and died Thursday He had been

M I living with a sou in Saginaw couuty snore raquo100 per year jartvraquonlt-e A_i - J

ugt laquoraquogt iht plaquoplt- unless t an raquo Jlaquor thereby Hag his residence in Shiawassee cormty


iOtlzens iffi8 BANK

Tva S laquo do not agree

evdered U do tQ Owl wlaquo jwjattlveiy tfuaranue Mgt Mop it wisen no ordraquo-laquod autxK-riWr who wis tc laquo laquo P the pa|H-r ab did uulify raquo direct laquoUHl not leave it to the |oMmMfcter o Uo He iwwet iae forffet Alwny w jtAlaquot your uigt-eerigtUoa u igtraquoid up tlaquo laquolaquo date vvlaquo iraquojulaquot us t map the paper The date gtoar sigtScripttoo 1 paid U U o n your paper cacu week W lth yraquoittr

la an extended article appearing in the Ovid Rcgiat rUuion of lat week 3 N McBridltv of Burton advocates tie estab-Hamphiuent of raquon agricultural school for

Tuequ^ULywtqrMiT f thlaquo raquo^rtwujf j Clinton and Shiawassee counties and sug-appearing in the JOUKKAJ-u aonudaot tlaquotij gesta that Ovid would be an- Weal plate

for such a School stoey to its vslue -w an rlttveittinff snediuuV Sate made know n laquo i the office

Iteats of u n i n always a c i - e i H ^ Re-satwher Sht whargt interests you IU jlaquosnerraquolly tateresf others and that it will beg1altrLv reshyceived bj ua CowniuswiUirtMoO laquoWeus of gwaraJ interest are raquopettaliy dreiral tKa le t thai a communication appears in ttiie ya^ per bowerer doe not mraquogta that it nee- bulllaquolaquobull amp 0tocs the opiniOD of lhltt edttor The will e no chmrte tor the yu oicraquouon of news tnraquot-

Wo fake dTvfUin iraquor auythiDg bo-derfiiig en the ohjeetioampKHe inserted at any price

Carta of thanks 5ft- obituary notices obit-b a n poetry resolutions business locals of nil kind and notices of enfrtaininei its where ad-

isefcaryeti Ac per line

bulltttered at the Pnt Offlee Corunna Michigan a aecond class mail natter


We serve the Best Meals io^be__had in the city We will also prepare special lunchshyes to order 1 1 1 ^ -est tinea strictly fresh and purest Candies both box and bulk

Conors Popular Gift M I C H

laquo bull bull-gt bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull C0C3ITT TTEVa bull 4 bull bull bull bull 4 bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

The home of Owoaao Aerie Sagka is raw complete and the lodge enjoys the distinction of not only posteaatng the first but one of the best in the state oa She site of the old Stewart property on North Washington street The very comfrabie boane which the members are occupying is tike remit of five years of endeavor oat the part of the memben and their oflcers The aerie wnraquo instituted September S4tfi MM with a charter messbetvhip of 7f At the time the aerie moved into it new

about one year ago them was a iberahip of iao Staee that data the iter has increased until the records

a total inembftrship of StS

A case of mi taken klenlUy cost two hoboes at Duimnd five doQars each Satar-day night Jnettce Patcnel sssraird then that amount for assaulting Deputy Sheriff Oriffin aa be was paasiag through the rail rood yards The pair were concealed beshyhind a box campr evidently waiting for someone and when Griffin passed they saistook him for their party Stepping out one of them dealt bim a staggering blow behind the ear and Grirlln almoet went down but regaining uia balance be gave chase and caught both men When

j they saw who he was ibeyboTu numbly begged his pardon but t fee soft stuff didnt phase the officer and ten uiinutts aftershyward they were standing before the jusshytice They plead guilty and were fined at once

The annusil report vt May M J Philshylips of Owosso brigade iasigtector of small arms practirx Michigan National ltraquouard has been preparrtl ad thows that the statetroops are making rapid improveshyment as riflemen Tlie figure ltraquof merit for the outdoor season of 11MU is 4335 as compared ih 3383 in 1006 and 1954 IU 1907 This means that the troops shot about one-third better last year than they did in 1908 and more than twice well as they did in 1907

Although the question will probably not be touched upon at the aevt meeting pure milk will be discussed by the Shia-wateee County Medical Society in the near f attire Physicians in many cities about the state are taking the matter up and inshyvestigating the matter thoroughly aud in some places are even planning to take the contract for tuppljing absolutely pure milk to the public

Death has inletrupted the plars old friends and neighbors of Sherman Kattison the Shiawassee pioneer farmer who nought to gratify the wish of the old

While placing on the rivet bans last T^r^yaalaquoJii i l berry street bridge at Owosso Walter Roraquo ttte four-j ear-old son of 3fr and Mrs Wijliim Rort fei-1 into the stream where the water was deep asd swift Several women who witnessed the accident from the bridge screamed and Nonnan Taggart aged 12 rushed down to the bank and extended a long pole to the younger boy at the same time cooly directing him what to do Twice Walter grabbed the pole but his hands slipped off each time Twice be sank and it looked as though he might drown The thirl time however he grasped the pole firmly and Norman pulled him up close enough to the bank to Clutch his clothing The limp body of the younger boy was carried to his home and a physician suat-moned Be was soon revived and was little the worse for his experience

Wells Warner of Hazelton cownship [aoampie^ra Beit Wilson of Owlaquoeraquoo were fmazHewsitrtne Cafaoa AveIt E par-

sonage bat wee Wednesday by Rev T B McGee The orkte was ptetUly dressed hi pink and was atteaded by heraister JOas Edna WOeou also of Owosso The groem was attended by Mr Balph Borshyrows After the ceremoay a party of young people showered Mr and Mrs Warshyner with rice Their cutter had been tastfnlly decorated for the oeeaeioa

Since the streets in the vicinity of the proposed acw motor truck factory at Owosso hpye been doted by the ceancH representatives of the company have dosshying up deal transferring the property of residents fftatde that dbttict to the comshypany The truck company had seenred options ou most of the property before the sthaets wen closed not caring to purchase it outright uuttl they were sun that the streets would he closed Now that every-thlag has tanu sUleaaVtttt rWsdn atebemg made Out mud tnasfernd asd the people recelvttf their money

The Caise of Colds Good Alrice tefmrtiaf tka Pretea-


STATE OF U1CB1GAX County of 9biawalaquo-eee ss

At a session of the Prohate Court or said Osttnty heid at the Probate Ofnce in the Ciiv bullC Cornnna on the Hth dlaquoy of January

Present JfaUhew Bash Judjse of Probate In the matter of the estate of Ffed K Buckel

deeeawd On Slinjy the petition of Ageie Buekel pray-

igtr fvr the jgtrobaraquoe oi the wiij of said debased MOW filed in thia Court

It is ordered that the 14th day of February next at ten oclock ic tbe forenoon at said t rooate Office be appointed for hearing said petition

And it is further ordered That amp copy of this bullrder be published three successive wlaquoeks preriouu to said day of hearing in the Cornn-ma Journal a newspaper printed and circulat- bull laquo in si4 County of BUlawasoee

MATTHEW BUSH (A t m copy) Judlaquoe of Probate By Florence Llodsey Probate Regioter

If people would only fortify aampd atroRftben the eyatetn too majority of cases of ooagha eolda and pneushymonia might tie avoided These trouble are frequently due to weakshyness which prodneea e eatarrbal condition of the taueous ioembranelaquo whieh la an iuternal skin of the body Wbea this skis is weakened it becomes easily infected with germs which cause many of the disshyeases to which flesh is heir Healthy mucoas membranes are easential safeguards of the bodys general health

Au excellent aid in the prevention of coughs colds raquonAmonia and such like infectious diseases is raquo remedy that will prevent or cure catarrh

We have a remedy which we honshyestly believe to be unsurpassed in excellence for the prevention of coughs4 colds and all catarrhal conshyditions It is the prescription of a famous physician who has au enshyviable reputation of thirty years of cures gained through the uae of this formula We promise to make no charge for the medicine should it fail to do as we claim We urge everybody who has need of such a medicine to try Rexall Mecu-Tone

It stands to reason that we could not afford to make such statements and give our own personal guarantee

J to this remedy if we were not proshyof tbe I pa r ed t 0 prove the reasonableness of

our claim in every particular and we see no reason why any one should hesitate to accept our offer and try it We have two sizes of Rexall Mucu-Tone prices 50 cents and $100 Sometimes a 50-cent botshytle Is sufficient to give marked reshylief As a general thing the most chronic case is relieved with an avsrago of three large bottles Yuu can obtain Rexall Remedies in Coshyrunna only at our storemdashThe Rexshyall Store Alberts Pharmacy Coshyrunna Mich

i t bull o o

o w o s s o

la a bank organised under STATE LAWS and subject to STATE INSPECTION


4 PerCeht I N T E R E S T


bull o o o bull

o 0 a



mdashIs Albert your druggist mdashC D Smith was in Detroit last week mdashMr William Duffey is oo the sick



o bull o 0 0 0 a o


k Mimm uEEnxs

mdash-Charles HathawSy was in Detroit last wtek bull

I mdashWilliam Cole has returned to his j home in Clare

mdashLet Albert save you moDeyon-that jirescrhniea

--jFrank McBride was iu Rose City last week on business

mdashEdward Kay was home from Bsn-eroft oyer Sunday

mdash Fred Ciaig Is in New Lothron this wlaquoek on business

mdashMiss Bernice Phipps t pent Saturday with her su-ter in Flint

mdashEx-Sheriff Warren Jarrad of Antrim was in Corunna yesterday

mdashMrs J P Hackett is visiting her SOB Eugene Hackett in Detroit

mdashErnest Sonnenberg has accepted a positioB with William Bklridge

mdashMr snd Mrs Martin Comstoek have returaed to their home in Santon

-Mis Fred Kay has returned home from aa extended visit in Ebsdia N Y

mdashMajor Cariand of Traverse City Cariaad last

week -Ricbard WOaon of Mt Glesttaas

spent Sunday with Us sister Mrs Frank Bentley

mdashAlbert has Syvonds Inn spices mdashMm C M BQhimer has returaed

from a few weeks visit in Detroit and Aiui Arbor

-~Mbs Mae Keswick returned Saturday from a few days visit at her home in MttskegOfi

mdashThe Friday Afternooa Club was pleasantry entertamed by Mrs- J C Quayle last week

mdashWellington Duffey was confined to his home with aa attack of the grip tbe first of the week

mdashH T Sidney aesfataat cashier at the hank is spending the week visniag rehv

on s oflVe at Lansiag

i bull bull o o e raquo laquo o o o o o OOOOB)




was never so strong and influshyential as it is today Situations

^-ana Jiivtrr x^si K II ftisww SoiiiretAiy

Of the Friday Aftecaosa Cub Was Held at the Boms ef Mrs j C Qaayle

One of tbe meat delightful events In the history ltf tbe Friday Aftershynoon Club waa that of Friday aftershynoon of last wek when the beautiful borne of Mr and Mrs J C Quayle waa opened fo tbe occasion

The projrram of tbe day betn prtndpmlly noon topfea pretoiinlng to onrata4omdashthlaquo noateas Mrs Quayle had appropriately decorated her home In the natlooal ooJora which were anutleally 4raped tfetrahontv pre-leaBed on his father M 0mitllav4hea4itifni^^aVa^ lady aa she entered was preaeated with a tiny flag as a souvenir

After the reading of the minutes of tbe preriona sdeetinar and the trans-action of other bqsineoa came the roll call which waa responded to by Facts about Michigan nd was followed by the grand old aonc Michigan my Michigan

On aeooont of the abseace of Mre Josaie Kay who was to have read a paner upon the Agrteolturai - and MkJeraliesoatees of onr state Mrs RoaeCWefave a most 001011010107 snd delightful resume of her recent trip through the west and northwest Mrs Coles paper waa thoroughly enshyjoyed her 9Bcripttooa being psrtle-olsrly graphic and charming

Following came a number of four minute taOkAoavMrehtaran tonics Mm Helen FldsotlaquooM too story of Poo-Use in an entertaining aaaner stra tydhv Food treated the topic of Lewis Case among other interesting thinca telling how bU visit to this city during his campaign for governor to the early fiftlea ws recalled by one of our ladies Mrs Laura Young Me-Kee The For Traders and Tbe Ordinance of 1787 were each talked upn concisely by Mrs Kate Mason sod Mrs Clndoos Jacobs white Mrs Minerey Fishers treatise upon the Moravians waa indeed a treat It waa exceedingly welt given and as well received Among many points which Mrs Tlaber brought out wwi tbepartio alarly interesting one that the Morshyavians afterwards became the sect known as tbe United Brethren

Following this unusually excellent program division three under the leadership of Mrs Lillian Martin con tributed its quota to tbe entertainshyment Twenty-fire vials containing as many different liquids were placed benetttb the noses of tbe company and poundbey were coramanded to smell first and then tell us what it is

This was an eicellent test of the olfactories of those present and it was really remarkable ho few were Sole to correctly name even a pare of the liquids

The hostess Rod ber assistants then served delicious refreshments and afshyter a social hour adjournment was lakeo for two weeks when the club will entertain the gentlemen at a six oclock dinner at the home of Mrs Rose Cole

Tbe hospitable and gracious entershytainment of the club by Mrs Quayle on this evasion added another red letter day to oar already extensive calendar

consists of new clothing and otter necesshysary articles tot the family of a wo thy (

but poorly paid preacher in one of the j smalt towos of northern 3 i higan Come and help the cause

mdashHugh Nichols received a letter fr rn [ his 30a Hugh Jrj vho is on tbe battle- ship Salem Hugh is now stationed at Norfolk Va where they expect to be for nearly a month wt Sle thesiip is-undeigoshying the necessary re^aifo He was quits sick for some time having lx ea UiSfcittened with pneumonia lraquout i much belter tit present

mdashJohn Williams of burand who flaquomi erly ran-aplumbing shop raquoi (his city j

-bulleallet on friends hltfre Wednesday sir Wilhatus ran a piece of tin into out of his eyes several weeks ago and as f he result | has a very laquogtre eye It was feared-for1

sometime chat he would lo-e the sight of the nuMPber but his condition -istjuuch better at present

mdashU S Rtce one of tke younger farm-eis of Caledonia township has sold out and gone to Gladwin Mich to make his home He will operate a large feed barn and delivery in tha city He has been highway commissioner of Caledonia townshyship for several years and his work nas been very satisfactory Many friends wish him success in his new home

mdashAfter having been unable to use his legs for a year Lawrence McLauchlin young son of Mr snd Mrs W H Mc-Lauchlin is improving and with the aid of crutches is able to move about the boose He has resumed ids studies in the sixth grade His boy friends draw him to a td froTi school in a cart As soon aa the show- disappears liar boy expects to be able to go to school on his crutches

mdashThe dotk with which Mrs Ike Thompson was blacking a hot stove Satshyurday afternoon ignited because of the fact that th blacking contained gasohoe Mrs Thompson threw the doth down and the result was a couch which tbe cloth fell on was set on fire The nre alarm was turned in but before the department arrived Mayor MeMvnen and several others had carried the horning couch out of doors

mdashThe stockholders of the United States Bob 0ltLtapany met Thursday and reshyelected the old board of directors with the exception of Matthew Bush who was sucshyceeded by C kt Bilhlmer The reports showed the company to be in good condishytion ftaasciaampy So dividend has been paid recently although tt is usaleratood

WLD0UGIAS laquoaraquo3Ht4SB0ES

u Corona

mdashOrrftle Porter of FHtst is sheading a few days with his firaadtopents Mr md Mrs Andrew Porter of Corunna

mdashAlberts for valejitiaes mdashMrs M F Hodge of Caledoafav who

has been seriously ill m convalescing rapidly and la now able to sirup

mdashSupervisor Lyman finished fitting his large ice houses in this dty Saturday The crop U of a very fine quahty

mdashWilliam Jackson is able to be around again aftsr having been laid up a week with a severe attack of tonraquotlitis

mdashThe infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Morton died Saturday noon The funeral was held Sunday afiemooir


auPCRiOR TO OTKen tsAKes I hlaquovlaquo morn W L Oewcte bull pound bull laquo

p t vmdashn and ah-ars Hmd tr f ^ J 1

i o o e H o e tolt o t l w Mate trad show^raquon ttyle 119 Howar J Awsv Ufties N Y

V Icowli tsJte yoraquo ssraquo my htrte facshytories at Bunk ton Mass i s a show you how esMfutty W L Dosmias shoe are

wouU ilaquoafiM why o W hold fit

arelaquofi_ AM H W snS ittlos s7JUrtMSUlaquolaquoe

thoem atstaatpeasMthebottosih raquo vrrsefSrltaU Older Rrraquo vilJgzsr^

Uves near Yeraon mdashJ C Thomas datk in the audrwti that one vHDbededaredmthetiewftttart

mdashThe ehy of Comana will is sstd adopt a plan oonsetved by Mayor McMul-lea who has noted of arte that toller skat-mg is a very popular diversion ajd that the sport has daampcmg on the main this locality The floor of the park casino will be p-epsied at ooce for akatiag It is believed and 190 pairs of skates will be purchased by the c-ty It is believed that a eonsldemble amount can be raised in this way toward the support of the park It is expected that the first skating party will be ueM next week

mdashJ H Barnes of Saginaw who repre sent the cmiipany which 1laquo to extend the spar track to the Hazeltsu coal fields and the leasing to the large trao of land in that township was in the dty Monday on business Washington Snyder the New

-Miss Agnes McNamara daughter of | Lothrop merchai t was also io the city Mr and Mrs Charles McNamara of Cale- j and declares that sithesgh-sctbisg-dtfi-donia township is confined to her home nite has been done in the village the busishy

ness men there arc perfectly willing iud anxious to have the road extended to New

o f laquo

Printing done by the

Journal is always nest

Foleys Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine It in-vi|raquorgtratrs the cnttr-jy^in HJJU yrcui^-

S i m p l e l l e a n e d j for LaGrippe

LaGrippe coughs are dangerous as they frequntlv develop jntltgt pneumon a Pohys Honlaquo-y and Tar not only stops the cough but heals and strengthen the lungs so that no serious results need be feared The senuiue Foleys Honey and Tsr conshytains no harmful drugs and is in a yellow package tkgtld bv Glen T Reynolds

Chas K Riffley A O Whipple President Cashier

A E Hartfthorn W P Cooper Vice President - Awi Cashier

by Uiness mdashFalc man WantedmdashTo look after our

iutetest in Shkwassee and adjacent counshyties Salary or commission Address Lincoln Oil Co Cevelaud O

mdashAlbert always has your favorite magashyzine

mdashThe Epworth League letter social at thcopy home of Miss TiLie Strauch Friday evenshying was a success both socially and finanshycially About 100 attended aud sect320 was cleared

mdashMrs Jake Eilber fdl down a flight of stairs while coming down from her resishydence over Lowes shoe store Monday evening raquosd sprained her ankle besides cutting her face badly

mdashAll accounts due Lowe amp Co must be settled before Feb 1frac34 1910 4-w8

mdashDuring the three years that B P Hicks has been prosecuting attorney of Shiawassee county he has not asked the court for tbe continuance of a case in other words the prosecutor has always been ready when the cases come upmdash Press-American

mdashThe Young Ladies Guild of St

Carrie amp Clittertack got off the tram at Twenty-mini street She paid ten ceata for the ride an bullbe probably paid the same sum go-rag back la Paris anybody would have walked the distance

I was amased upas going oat ot my hotel the other day to see a big husky cab driver havs his boot polshyished He probably paid ten cento for the Job In Europe a ealr drtver would have had hia own brushes an blackmf

It is thia saving habit tnat mskea Ptsnce a rich country and gtrea our people the wherewlttad uraquo buy Amort-can aeeertties ft raquo tha abaeaee of the knowledge of how to save ha amali thtnga or the puttlftg of It tato pracshytice that keeps so many lt your peo-plepte from beJor thrifty aasl makaw the distance so great between your miUfcusdree and your ordinary mbor^

bull g gt gt

Lothrop and will raise the necessary funds if any are needed

mdashBusy Hive hlt Id installation of officers Friday evening the 21st Past Commandshyer Julia 8 S Parker acted as instslling ofitcer Mrs Mattie Klinkman the new commander had charge of tbe evening Short speeches were made and presentashytions of carnations to installing officer Mrs Parker asd Mistress at Home Mrs Kiucaid A beautiful cut glass water set to Past Commander Jacobs and toilet set to Mrs Ormsby paet finance keeper The presentations were made by Mrs KHnk-man iu her most aftiabe manner Reshyfreshments were served to Sir Ktights and all invited guests

mdashA carload of sheep consigned to H E Payne from Chicago reached the yards here Friday morning about nine ocock after being on the road without food or water since Wednesday night at 0 oclock There were thirteen of theai dead and

mary more just as good as dead ones j Mr Payne promptly Tefused them from i the railroad but unloaded them snd thev



Saves YottMoDey

Pauls Episcopal church intend holding an i are now at his farm just west of town be-oyster supper followed by a mu-ical j ing cared for by him for the railroadmdash evening at the borne of Miss Eveleth on i They were shipped back to Chicago yes-


Owosso Savings Bank O W O H O MlCt t l f fs t l t

Pays laquo4sect- Oa Savings Deposits

Frazer street on Thursday Feb 3rd supper to begin at five 0 clock Tickets on Mtle at 20 cents

mdashAbout 20 of Miss Hazel Lowes pupils participated in a musical at her home Satshyurday afternoon Tbe life of Chopin was discussed Four of the pupils were preshysented with diplomas Refreshmeatr were served and a delightful social time followshyed the musical program

tortSay- -Bam lofi Commercial


Sum Mor Syrup Looks Good Tastes Better per gal

French Visitor Says Our People Not Consider Value of Small



One of the things that strike a foreigner visiting New York said an observant Frenchman the other lay

I is the fact that so many Americans have no idea of the value of money They do not know how to economize n little things or if they do they do

not care to funeral was heU from the Baptist church 1 saving five dollars may appeal to

to them but saving five centsmdashno in France we believe tL)t savir^ the five cents makes it ossibw for 113 to

mdashGeorge Duell aged 33 years died at his home in this city early Sunday mornshying from tuberculosis of the lungs Beshysides a widow he kaves three daughters who are in destitute circumstances The

bull fims bull m-MV | w

nil ourtd i)_y this ga-ai medicine arc OOWO tOOO0OOlaquoOOObull OOOOO OICQ T Reynolds Sold by f

mniiiyrGvs aCuwfcura W H Kllpatri

raquo Haruhorn Ohalaquo W- Ri^l Vi A Wo^aisi

Tuesday afternoon at 2 oclock

mdashThe services at ihe M E church Sun i]i)tgt raquoy-nitiltf Tfraquo V VM1 bft iwler tho

^Slspiclaquo of Uu Woilaquojfiis fTHiiC JIlaquoioi

ftry-raquoSltKieiy ampn approprijic pro rrim in

(taken to help the society on their thank-offering The tliank offering this year


35c Salt

$105 Buck Wheat Flour

le 70c H amp E Sugar Vjy the Cwt 535

H amp E Suiar by the Sack 135

Olives or Sweef Midget


Salt By the barrel will not harden

Makes those good 25 lb sack for

Quart cans full of Olives or sweet Midget pickels

1 ) 1

bullHem is a case n point- Tgte other iy i s w u Tvosnun wviJonfgty oi thr poorer clap aiid a child cUiiib up the stairway of the Sixth aveuue elevated station at Twenty-eighth street Sfce

y Want Eggs

And Good Butter

11 1frac34 f 1 laquo jMluC ff bull

Phone 15-2



f - = WHEN YOU BUY FENCE Its a mighty good idea to consider troahty before priaa

Theres a tot of cheap fenw on the laquoarilaquotraquo but you mart te-member when you buy fencing at a cheap priceyon get just what you pay for-poorly made unserviceable fesemdashnothing more

PEERLESS ^ FENCE famous Teev im eircnlaT t i ^ makes Kertess the ^ o n ^ e B t fenee known Make ycui dealer furnish bull w i Peerless HlaquoTcan get it for yoa

Ltd Peerless Wfre Fence Co


FOOTS tght

Well Crissy what can X do tor year asked the judge of his fair r o s s f daughter a s she stood In the doorway of his oQteroOce

Ton know said Crissy gravely T filed an application with yon several weeks ag far a s iacreese la a y 4tgt DvxMsseat fttad I celled to tee what yoa had dace wtth isy ctete

The Judges eyes twlnkleaV Te looked at U s watch

I am sorry bat I have a preaatag encaxeaseat IU t a n yoar ease oer to Charles glsnvjng at an adjoiahM dealt

The hfwwa Httaiy fee fashed hoy-lenly a he a n t tae daraquolaquolaff eye

I refnaa to he taraed over ealft Criasy ttneantly 1 affi led to yaw aad I shall await year f laaaiqemdashat year nasti anfit yea return

-Vary waH reoated the Jadfa 1 lea-re yea hi peateaaksC

When he had left the t o o n the twe reaMUates fa antes were oaaaeasas of the sUeaee The girl east acrreydttaac side glances toward the yaws attorshyney but he kept d e n a i l y at work

The drat day that Charles Daatont

told her of his love and demanded her hand and^heart

But Crissys young hiart was no yet ripe for love and she said him nay merrily Then he accused her of being a flirt She resented the accusation They had not been on speaking terms for two days and Crissy lound the silence almost embarrassing

Presently the door opened and an old man far beyond the three score and ten limit entered His cheeks were round and rosy and his eyes twinkled good-humoredly

So the iedge amVlu he said reshygretfully

Mr Barney began the young man your casemdash

Crfesy saw a way now to make him speak to her -

I am filling the judges place this morning Mr Barney she said sweetshyly Is there anything I could do for yew

The young man reddened angrily bat the old man eame forward smilshying

Bent yea the Jedges daughter Tea look like hfc4

T h a n k you Mr Barney Yes I am his daughter If yon will state yoar ease I will lay it before my fa ther

Wen yoa see yoar pa has been try-lag to get see n pension for quite a spoU aad sosnr way It d e a l seem to get through and rm getting on If It dont come pretty soon J wont be here to enjoy i t

Of coarse yoa want tt now i n make father posh tt right through

Bless your kind heart sa id^he oM man delightedly

-Mr Barney said Dnnvoat coming forward deureateedty we heard from Washington this morning about your oeee aad I am sorry te tail 70c that it has been rajeafei There is a nugt iag Hah raquo the evidence ValeneVyon can supply this the case is hoae-teea

The old mans m a d apple-Hke face suddenly to shrivoJL Criasy

dlrldrd between pity for him and anger toward the young man for checkewtiag her A bright inspiration came to her A tlger-Uke spring of her memory showed her how she could help one and disconcert the other

Mr Barney she said sweetly tt I were you I wouldnt try to get my pension through lawyers

How would you get it he asked eagerly

Id get it through by special set of congress

I dont know our congressmanrrorraquo this district and he wouldnt help an old fellow like me anyhow

bullMaybe not said Crtssi but I

raquoa entered the law firm as junior partner he had seen a wonderful vision mdasha lovely fair lace with eyes of heavens own bluemdashhovering near the judges desk He was conscious with

j a rush of blood to hisface that his heart no longer was his own Crissy was too much of a coquette upt jo see the effect she produced and thereafter she proceeded to make life miserable for him -- -

One day she y e s gracious and charming to him the next she scarceshyly deigned him a glance He stood the treatment heroically for awhile then he rebelled Quietly and manfully he

Trade with Advertisers and Save Money

bdquo-gt s_gt A-- ^ mdashbullbull W - ^ ^J bull mdash^ lt V ^ lt

COAL I have on hand a full stock of the

following coa) and am prepared to make prompt deliveries

H A R D C O A L - E g g Stove Nut and No 2 Chestnut

S O F T C O A L mdash S t Charles Specshyial Grade of Ohio Coal and West Virginia Splint

Orders may be left at Quayles Grocery or the Ann Arbor Elevator Phone No 80 or 3 5-2r

Ill m WW m poundsect InV aSSSssi frac34frac34frac34frac34 amp



know a biiJIiant youog coDgresfimsn who is very influential and (be would do anything I asked him to do HI write him uow and tell him all about you

Dumopt had been watching the old mans hope-illumined face while she spoke He came up to her resolutely and said in a low tone

bullCrissy dont raise fahw hopes He cant stand much more disappoint-aKgtnt~ bull

Crissy stared at fciih coldly then she addressed Mr Barney

Tell me all about your case and I will write t t once

The old man delightedly plunged into an inexhaustible accouht of batshytles marches hospitals prisons and so forth Meanwhile Crissys pea was scratching wildly over the paper

See If this will do she asked Afy Dear George You once said

that there was nothing In the world that you would refuse to So for mc I want something very much now and I know that you will do it for me beshycause I atk yau to There Is an old soldier In our city tor whom fathers firm has been trying to get a pension and after all their red tape they have failed through some technicality His name Is Leartns P Barny and he served in Company A Twentynfth Illishynois as private corporal and sergeant He served a full term and re-enlisted Was wounded at Fair Oaks and was afterward taken prisoner Will yoq get his pension through by special act I remember that yno dM thte for a soldier mat adminmtratknBL So yon


Human Race Shows Enormous Growth Si nee Days of Constant Warshy

fare and Pestilence

The population of the sxown earth at the death of the Roman emperor Augustus about the time of the con-mencemeut of the Christian era was estimated by Bodia an Italian statisshytician at 57000000 The Komans knew nothing pf Asia beyond tlie lu-dus river and nothing of Africa savo the Mediterranean states But the hushyman race in early tl^ilaquos was engaged in constant warfare and it is recordshyed that the temple of Janus^ wlraquoch could only be cloaed when Rome was at peace was shut at the time or the birth of Christ- But not only was the population of the ea^th decimated by incessant wars it was devastated by terrible epidemics of disease which swept over every country co that In 1492 at the time of the discovery of America by Columbus the population f Europe was placed at 40000000 To day Europe has ten times that numshyber or 400000000 people with about 100 to each square mile

remember telling me abont it winter night Get it a quickly as yoa can and t will believe everything yclaquoi said to me As ever

Tours devotedly Crisay That will fetch tt said the oM

man gleefaHy Now I will address itr ltKoneuroiearna

I Qnaekenboah M C Wmohlngton D C Now we win gc together and raquo a ^ i t

Later when the Jadge came back Domoat asked htm if he eenld he pat on the Qridley case and make the weat ero trip

Indeed yoa may Dumomt- replied the Judge We will ail be too gmd to shift the case off oar hands to yon

Creasy looked crestfallen and disapshypointed when bar father told her the next day that DoFioat bad gene west and weald be gone for a month

MHe might at least have said good-by she thought

Her buoyancy vanished day by day and she grew pensive and pathetic

I l l never trifle alaquonhV she thonght sadly

In a months timevDamont letnyned and reported his success in the Qridshyley cnae I _

Howls Miss Harshr he asked sdfly after they had discussed the

Look Around Then laquo


Cookies from field Medal Flour are the best I ever tasted SOPHIA

NT VTUAOK BaXJE-DeraH having bwo Made ia tike coalition trtraquo eertsiti wort-

raquogtlaquo t i w n r i f Lacy U Betrrof the City of GermMU S a t a w i t t Coaoty MidigaD to tbe E i a w M B raquoUUe Auk of dw-k^tOB Mtchi-S laquo B 4 K 4 laquoa l raquoh 40raquo of nos^rber tfOS and nt ot In la uw e s v e of the Eetteter of Dndraquo for Ottawa Oftutj oa tkyen Utk day of WoTtibar MBS to Uber 108 of Mortgage on MfleaHSwaS ttl walek mortgage bae been only aaateactf by mmamptmmtu la WTttts to Kary aV nlaquofe of Caeoaalms Mfaeatgaa BOW w r i i a g la Oonotft Mtealma raquoatS aarisn-1 awat fecta 4te4 May tf 1(4raquo aad wa rvcord-edte ta oSStc of tbe n e a t e r of Deed for aaiawaMwe Coaatf on tbe eta day of Jaaaary tim tm Uber teBof aattsaaKBts laquof Mortgaoje ea page ni7 aad wketeaa ta aswtat dni-laquoi tobt da naoa aald atortgase at tae date of tai aoUee la the aiai of One Bundled jTworty PW aad Sl-tSS Botlan ( R raquo W) which lactade taeipald for tasea awi the fuihet- enat of Twcbty-FlTv DoOua aa an aaoraey fee pro-ruted to fa said Mortrace and no eolt or pro-eeeahalaquoMlaw aarlna heea taMlMted to re-eofer tae aainant eeeured by nald awrtcase nor aay part thereof

Now therefore aoUee is aereey cfTea that hy Ttrtaeof the nowerof sale contained in eald uortaacev aad la aarkaaaee of the etatate la each caa ende aad provided the aald awrt-aage win he ferrelmiil by a hale of the pteat-tee thuela deacrfbed at pablle auction to the htfheei Wdder at the wlaquoM front door of

Crtssy basat been very well lateshyly but shes positively happy to-daymdash nearly as happy as old Barney Hes got hfs peaslen 912 per month and a good bit off back pension It came through special act It seems Crtssy wrote to a friend of hers who is a congressman

Yes I know she did he replied with a bitter recollection of the day It was written

George Quackenbush married Crts-sys most intimate friend Informed the Judge

He is married exclaimed Dumont joyfully

Yes replied the judge he wouldshynt have been if it hadnt been for Crissy She patched up a lovers quarshyrel between him and the girl he margt lied and in the joy of reconciliation he offered to do anything she ever asked him By the way hadnt you better go and see Crtssy

But the young man had already started toward the door

raquo - raquo bull mdash bull mdash mdash mdash mdash - i

Lord Mayors Banquets The lord mayors banquet on the

night of November 9 was to entertain his majestys ministers In the days of the Georges it was no uncommon thing for royalty to attend the banquet but this is never the case nowadays In 1814 the prince regent afterward George IV accompanied by the emshyperor of Russia and the king of Prusshysia was at the Guildhall feast and the prince was so pleased with the lavish hospitalfty of the new lord mayor tbat he made him a baronet on the spot The price paid for the honor a distinction which always has to be paid for was not inconsiderable for the dinner cost 1125000

Mr Pepys records in his diary that at the table at which he sat at a lord mayors bcrquet there were ten good dishes to a r-css and plenty of wine of all sorts but we bad no napkins no change of trenchers and drank out of earthen pitchers or wooden dishes

Berliners Flock to See Soldier There are about pound3000 soldiers In

Potsdam which isnt a great distance from Berlin and there ere always solshydiers in the German capital on guard before various palaces Besides there is a review almost every morning on the Exercirerplatz and guard mountshying every day at the Konigswache so that it might seem likely that soldiers wouldnt arouse a great deal of intershyest in Berlin

It is however quite the contrary Tbe sound of a band playing sends every one running in the direction of the music Even if it is just a small company going along the streets the loiks appear eager to watch it Whatshyever the cause soldiers apparently are an unchanging novelty In Berlin

the Court B o u t in the City of Cormnna Shla-waaOooaty en Taoeday the IS day bullX Ajneflt l e l e at nae oetoefe In the after noon of raid day whieh nrenrieea are deaerfb-ed la aatd bullariange mm fotlow Let One and Two In niock Forty-Two lteuroraquogt original plat City of CoranaSatawaeme OonB^rbUrhiaaa

Mttadlaaawry rth aMSL Many a warn

c a a n u a w eggaav Attorney tar aarijtnee

Cfceeanin Mtehlfan

Come Back It is natural and customary for buyers to

J ok around and s^e where thty can do best in buying Furniture We laquoxpelttthatm W^ are also so used to hayshying them return here aftet looking elsewhere that we expect that also in nine cases out of ten the cusiosTier who looks around is only the more saibfied that we bfrer the most and best for the money Look around or come here and buy without looking around Its all the same We will get your order in either case


Furnitarc and UttdertaKini Phone 2 9 S X X poundamp JR jr Mb iS JK JS X JS ^

Of Every Deiseription for AH Occasions

Every Day in the Year


kTATKOrMlCHlGAraquoOOUBty of Shiawas

bull t a Meeaion of the Probate Coort for eald Ooenty held at the Probete Office In the flty of Daranna on Monday the 3rd day of Jan wary in ffce year laquone tigtonsnd otne baidred ana ten

Pfeaent Xathew Bosfa Jndfe of Probate la the matter of the estate of WllUiara C

atot deceaeeS On readlofl and SUng the petition of Praacle

Stota praylnt that adalii^wtTatlaa of feald estate may be grnnted to the petitloaer or anaM SSirer MUtaote petmon

It la ordered that the 3tt day of Jeunary bullest at ten oclock In the roreoeon at eald bullrYobnte o e w b mdashlaaed for hearlns arid


And tt Is farther ordered that a copy of thle order be pnbhehed tbrce gtaeceolt4re weeks areriane to taW ky of heartnp in the Cornets lofimal a aeltrpaper printed aad elveallaquottat In raid Ceaaty of ahtawnam

MATTrnrw acalaquo Jodlaquo of Probate

Br Florenee TJadrey Probate Beaioter

ORTOAQE SALBmdashWhsrers default fca tr^n made In thlt eonoitioaa of a certain

Kwrtrase natio and rxecnted by William L Cotby aad Letta Cotby of the Township of Woodhnll 8blawaM-raquovlaquo Cosnty Miehi^m ^f tbe flrnt pepraquo unto J T Lemon of Shiawaasee bull owtuAi bull Sbtawasre CouBVjc Mtehiann of

tbe elaquoofwi part on the 27th day of Mareb ia toe year raquoIOlaquoD ntinJred and six and rrcori-eltJ lis tbe Reyirtrr of HwdVoaee for fthiawas-bullee Coimty Mn^jrau in Liber 107 of Mortshygages on pages raquo and Sltlon which mtgtrtglttre tbere is eUisrd tobedne at the date of tlgtilaquo eoticei for principal and interest the want of oerenteen bund red sJJtty-eJx dollars end twentyHwo cents (fl786^frac34) and no writ or pro-elaquoedinalaquo at law or ir equity hm-rlug been taken to reeorer the money secured by nald mortda ge or any part thereof notice is lioreby jflrtn that by virtue Of the power of sale eontaiutd iv eald mortaage and the Rtatatee In snch case made and prorlded tbe laquoald mortrage will be foreelofied by sale of the premises hereinafter described or so mncb tbercof as may be neltee sary to eatfefy the laquoald tmm of money now cue thereon pound i interest thereon at the rate Of si x per cent per aannm from tbe date of ttia notice toraquoeber vlth an attorney fee of twerty-five fraquo) dollara as provided in said aorteslaquore and as prorlded alaquoo by tbe statutes of thi State together with afl other ielaquoI coraquotw of this foreclosnre at vlaquob1ie auction or vendue to the hlahest- bidder at the front doof of the Court Some tn the Caty of Coraana Mirhlrlaquogtn (the raid Court Moose being tbe place of bolt1 lair the Cfaenlt Ccnrt for the cam- - raquoraquobull weasee State of Michiltraagtolaquo the amptlt d raquo r of March AIgtraquo t raquo l laquo at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day

The premises deseribed in said martgag are as foilowa towlt being alt those certain pieces or pampreeto of toad sttmated i the t w ship of WoodhaU Gomaty of ebJewaasee raquouraquole of VJehteaa as follows vis northeast Onar-ter(M)ofthe seotkwe qmarter aad the eottUt tea (M) acres of the eae half^H) of th aerUiwMt quarter 1frac14) of seetloa twenty two (St) ahe the sosWSraet qaarter ^frac14^ f ihe sentbeast qwartcvlaquoWgt e4 the northeast quarter (frac14) of section taettty-eifrf fftK laquoH hi Town Fire (i) North of aaage One 0 ) -

- - - [fpound Dated December asth DISW X T LSMOM

Mortgagee ROT H DCrBMAM Attorney for

Bnainees Address Cornnaa Mich


-^ t^ +r jryi ^ 4 ^

The Last Hope The court does not see the necea-

laquoitv for accorclina yoraquolaquo time to srraquooak

gtSMir umio^^ laquo i OGly a rtioroaal yo

alated the lawyer call your attention to the fact that toy client fa an awful liar

To every woman bull h ^ a s B S s i aannsaBMi^MiBaMnManBa bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull bull i B i ^ H a i B ^ n B -

in our city Not every night but often you feel tired

worn oat as though you didnt have strength to do another thing

Have you ever stopped to think What ia the cause

You fed this w a y most when you have been on your feet most the days when you have stood or

walked a good deal

In nine cases out of ten S H O E S are responsible

Let us fit you in the Red Cross Shoe It entirely prevents the burning drawing And aching that stiff sotes cause It is wonderful how it saves your strength

Tanned by the special Red Cross process the sole is flexible it bends with yoar foot reheves all the

pressure on the delicate nerves and tenshydons giving a feeampig of freedom ease and comfort found in no other shoe Let us fityoa

Chrfords $3 JSO ami $ 4 0 0 aifebSfcoan $ 4 0 0 ami $ 5 0 0

Get Style and ComfortmdashGet Both

Ei raquo

OUVstV j |

bull laquo ^ m m A ^ j ^ m ^ m ^ t t t m



SURELY SHOULD HAVE KNOWN Senator Pettus at th Age of 85 Beshy

lieved He Had Attained Years of Discretion

Senator James B Frasier of Tenshynessee tells a story 6t the delight which the late Senator Pettus of Alashybama took in a yard game Senator

Fraater when governor of Tennesshysee had gone to Hot- Springs Ark There he met Senator Pettus and knowing him well determined to warn him that three men with whom he had been playingA cards were sharpers from Nashville^

After hesitating some time he ap-proachea the aged senator and afte engaging him in conversation apoloshygized for warning Senator Pettus that his card partners were crooked

You dont say smiled Senator Pettus Do you know I suspected it

Well I advise you not to play with them any more said Senator Frazier

But theres nobody else here to play with Querulously returned the aged senator

Older senators repeat an anecdote of Senator Pettus in which he is repshyresented as returning home after a night at cards just as the morning light was breaking He was at the time of the story 85 years oUtr and Mrs Pettus was but little younger They never addressed each other exshycept as Mr Pettus and Mrs Petshytus

Mr Pettus said Mrs Pettus sternly rising up in bed do you think it is good for your health to stay out ar -laquoraquoLc as this at night

Mrs Pettus returned her husshyband dont you think I am old enough to know what is good for me





MAN BURIED IN RUINS - bull bull _ _ bull

Wife Two Bableraquo and Sister Flee Ait injured and One Little On^OUs Other Oncopy it Nst Expected to Live

Appeal to a Thief The other evening M Alfred Edshy

wards lost a pocketbook containing a sum cf pound444 as he was leaving the theater This morning a letter from him appears igt the Figaro addressed to the presumed thief who must be a most ungesircmanly on Indeed if be does not answer It at once Thfgt letter says

la leaving the Antolne theater last lbtaf te r the PapiHon had been given some vert deft hand abstrae-ed my pocketbook containing ten bank notes of 1000 francs each and 12 others of 100 francs with some photographs and papers that are imshyportant to me If the person who has appropriated my property Is so well inspired as to read the Figaro I beg him to tampnd me back the i^ketbook and the papers which are of no use to bim To hope that he would also send back the bask notes in exshychange for a good reward would be exceeding the limits of optimism and I do not dare to expect it But my papersmdashwhat use can they be to himmdashParis Correspondence London Telegraph

Homage to Noah In a lecture before the Royal Geoshy

graphical society Capt Bertram Dickshyson said there is a large sanctuary at the top of Jebel Judi where every year in August is held a great fete attended by thousands of energetic Moslems Christians and Yezidis who climb the steepest of trails for 7000 feett in the terrific summer heat to do homage to Noah This mountain seems to have been held sacred at all times and certainly it has a wondershyfully awesome fascination about it with its huge precipices and jagged crags watching over the vast Mesopo-tamiaii plain The local villagers can show one the exact spot where Noah descended while in one village Has-sana they showed his grave and the vineyard where he is reputed to have indulged cver-freely in the juice of the grape The owner of this deshyclared that the vines had been passed from father to son ever sincemdashLonshydon Evening Standard

An explosion wrecked the brick residence of Scott Parker one wile north of Moscow a village on a Lake Snore branch in the extreme northshyern end of HiUsdale countybullbullkilling Parker and one of his children and Injuring fcis ^ife aiid child also an aunt of the children who lived with the family Three other children of the family were out of the house The dead body of Parker was dug out of the ruins The second injured child is believed to be dying

From reports that are coming in from the exvited farmers of that vishycinity it appears that Parker went down ceilar shortly after the three older children had left home for school

He went down there to fil the tank of the acetylene gag plant is what Mrs Parker says

The aeetylene plant evidently exshyploded Mrs Parker the children Louise aged 6 and Nellie 3 and the aunt Parkers sister Were in the livshying room when there was a loud re port in the cellar the house floor heaved up and then the walls began to fall in on them The two women grabbed each a child and scrambled across the caving floor to an outer door and escaped just as the avashylanche of bricks descended on them It was their prompt flight that saved their lives As it was Mrs Parker suffered a broken leg and cuts oa the head and both of the children had both arms and legs broken Nellie died The aunt received lesser inshyjuries

Nearby neighbors heard the explo Bkm and the news spread with the rapidity of a message conveyed by the wireless telegraph In a brief intershyval there was a crowd at the scene of the wreck It was a wreck for the entire brick house had tumbled in ruins into the cellar

Big Year in Iron and Steel The tremendous activity that is exshy

pected in the movement of Lake Sushyperior iron ores is indicated by the announcement that the steel corporashytion has chartered vessels to move 15000000 tons while it will move about 32000000 tons in its own vesshysels this making the immense tonshynage of 2000000 tons for the leading interest lit is confidently expected that independent interests will move 23000000 tonsv making a grand total of 50000000 tons Ore freight rates have been advanced five cents per ton and the charges paid by vessels for unloading have been reduced five cents per ton so that on a basis of a movement of 50000000 tons vessels will have receipts of f5000000 greatshyer than under the schedule of last year of ore freights in unloading charges

A very heavy volume of inquiry for pig iron Is pending ir the central west and some orders of good size have been taken

The state industrial commission rer cently appointed by ltJov Warner vi 11 meet in Saginaw Feb 5

Members of Company F National Guard Saginaw have received a check for $300 in payment for their driii services from last June until November

A three-quarter million dollar hotel tea stories high will be built in Kalashymazoo on the site of the Burdlck h a use destroyed by fire Dec S I I wilt have a frontage apound 85 feet and a depth of 132

It is thought thai a- postomco in spector will go to Jackson to investishygate the case of Ray Horseman alshyleged Jto havo sent t -vo threatening letters through the-mails to C C Bioooifleld v ^oLiipii him to give up-$10000 -

Mrs Martin Ifoyt of Grass Lake swallowed carbolic acid and jumped into a stoc^-watering tank and was found dead in the tank by neighbors Worry over her husbands ill health and financial troubles are given as the cause for her despondency

Joseph Clark of Sagluaw a stationshyary engineer decided to relieve bte diet of liquids and light foods with mush He swallowed a quantity of it and was seized by an old disease of the throat The food stuck in his throat and he choked to death

The police searched the lunch counshyter and pool room belonging to T A Seager of Ithica and found three cases-of beer three gallons of whisky and two barrels of hard eider The man was placed under arrest and gave bonds to appear in the circuit court

Todd Klneaiu an Owosso coal mine operator and representative of a Calushymet corporation has leased 700 acres o land near Kirby in Shiawassee county and operations for coal mining wiij be started soon It is stated that a vein three feet thick is located on the property

Sheriff Shuter of Traverse City has notified the Flint police that Mamie Rreckenridge the woman who was sentenced to 65 days in the Detroit house of correction after having caused the police much work by conshycocting a hold-up story is wanted in that city for forgery

Prof William J Hussey head of the astronomical department at the Ann Arbor university reports that a very bright comet has been sighted He states that it was traveling towards the sun This is supposed to be the same one that was sighted by astronshyomers In South Africa on January 17

R h Lament an alumnus of the engineering department at Ann Arshybor has donated gifts to the univershysity which will total $20000 They include a plot of ground adjoining the observatory money to begin work on a 24-Inch refracting telescope and $2-000 worth of tools for the engineering department

To open the coai fields in Haxeltcn township the Grand Trunk spur line running between Cornnna aud Kerby is to be extended 12 miles The leasshying of a large tract of land by the Saginaw Coal Co has necessitated this extension which will open up a rich farming country at present without railway facilities

The Michigan Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers tn session at Kalamazoo voted to ask the state legislature for more stringent measshyures governing the manufacture of the delicacy They demand that the manushyfacture in dark basements and other

Specifications for finished products places where there is danger of con arc running in a very satisfactory volume to makers although In tubushylar and raquoirp eoorls ltraquoriTiiitions are rather quiet because buyers are verv

agination be prohibited Michigan won and lost in debates

on the resolution that The United States has shown that a protective

comfortably fixed with stocks on tariff should continue to be a national nana uraers against contracts in sheets are probably of the largest volume

Origin of Life Nothing new is to be reported unshy

der this head The status of the anshycient problem remains the same The whence and what of life remain the same impenetrable mystery Where life comes from and what it is after it comes no man can tell This much however seems to be generally acceptshyed that life can come only from life Huxley declared just before his deshyparture that the idea of creating life from nonvital matter was the dream of a fool and nothing that has hapshypened since Huxleys death has served to disprove the soundness of his stateshyment

Jack-on Black HanderV That be was threatened on peril of

his life io secure $10000 and leave it at Main and Gorham streets for two parties in Chicago is the story told by Ray Horseman the $S-a-week dry goods clerk who has confessed that he tried to extort an equal sum from C C Bloomfield of Jackson by means of a black hand letter

Young Horseman admits everything in connection with the easo but be declares that he was the victim of Chicago black-handers and that he concocted the extortion cf Mr Bloom-field as a method of procuring the money The letters he received he says he has torn up The police are inclined lo doubt his story inasmuch as other evidence in the case tends to show that he was alone in the plot

It is barely possible that Ray got mixed up with a gang of blackmailers during his visits to Chicago

Finding a New Ending I suppose you will end your booK

as us^al and they lived happy ever after

Not a bit of i t I will say They are now happily married but no man knows what a day may bring forth The aathor however hopes for the best

Mixing Metaphors Did gtou hear what that manager

said about bis new play No what was it That there would be the devil vo

pay if he couldnt get an angelmdashBalshytimore American

His Toil Ended IVI uu- laquo-Jv (-gt a^Wi bull li C fiCTi MrTiSi

Young and is now oft on his honeyshymoon

I really dout Know whether onn HflOSMfj OPii gtt - f a r

Ex-Mayor Heavily Fined Admitting that he was technically

guilty of violating the law in selling to a minor though declaring that he had no intention of willfully violating the law Druggist L A Goodrich eight times mayor of Hillsdale was given the minimum sentence by Judge Chester $100 fine and $5 costs Goodrich sold some liquor to Harry Van Wormer the minor son of a reshytired minister who Goodrich claims represented that he wanted it for his sick mother

The largest attendance In the hisshytory of the organization is the record set by the Michigan Millers associashytion which held the annual meeting this week in Lansing

Fred J Tro^is a St Johns banker has been appointed receiver of the Michigan Milk amp Food Products Co of Elsie and will file a bond of $75-000 The concern started factories at Elsie Ovid and ShepardsvHt a few months ago to manufacture powderee milk products but went on the finanshycial rocks It was capitalized at $C0-000

The Baton County Agricultural so-M C y bull- ftft-03i ist O h W ^ t ltgtbull-bull-raquo-gt the following oflieera -President W Fbdquo Hale secretary V G Griffith treasurer Nfiluon Hlbba-d trii

policy The affirmative team defeasshyed Northwestern university team at Ann Arbor and the men taking the negative side were beaten by the Unishyversity of Chicago team in that city

At the meeting of the state board of auditors at Lansing a total of 508 claims were allowed While the amounts of claims did not reach as large a tofal as on previous days nearly $50000 was paid out The beard also gave permission to the state tfcreshemen to use representashytive hall-for-bullbullbulltheir annual convention which occurs on March 30 and 31

Foreign liquor dealers in the upper peninsula are making haste to comply with the law in regard to taking out state licenses since the wholesae arshyrests at Escacaba The matter was brought to the attention of Atty-Gen Bird some time ago and a consultashytion by letter with prosecuting attorshyneys in the northern section resulted in the prompt response of the saloon men

Simplicity is to be the slogan of Adrian high schools next graduating class for the girls of 10 have adopted a resolution fixing on simple white for all functions pretaining to commenceshyment Each young lady is limited to one white gown and Is pledged to wear no hat at the baccalaureate ex-exercises the event at which the milshylinery displays were wont to be made in former years

The electric railroad meeting at Cold water in response to a call from Mayor Sherman brought out 500 men The subject under discussion was the proposed line between Coldwater and Battle Creek for which the citizens of Coidwater are asked to raise $C-000 A committee was appointed and nearly $2000 was subscribed al the meeting It is planned to run the road over the old Coldwater-Mnns-Oeld roadbed

It is believed at Marquette that the explosion of dynamite which cost the life of one miner and seriously inshyjured four others and destroyed the dry house at the Carey mine reshycently was the result of a plot though the raotJve for such a crime is a mysshytery as the men are working on a friendly agreement with the company investigation shows that the explo1 I sive was placed at five different places bull iijc-r the building i

j CovsTf-H5raa7i Gnr^ner =-$ HGitftec j Charles O Bali thai he will be AD- j


Too often the kidneys are the cause and the sufferer is not aware of it Sick kidneys bring backache and side paius lameness rnd stiffness dizzi-oess headaches tired feeling urinary

tidoubles Doans Kidshyney Pills cure the cause Mrs N E G r a v e s Villisca Iowa says I sufshyfered from kidney trouble Tor years The secretions were disordered th e r e

were pains In my back and swellings of the ankles Often I had smother ing spells I had to be helped about Doans Kidney pills cared me five years ago and I have been well since ihey saved my life

Remember the naroemdashDoans For sale by all dealers 50 cents a uos Foster-Milburn Co Buffalo N Y




RIVER NEAR laquo i J D 9 U R Y f 0 N T


While we were on our honeymoon I always spoke French to my husband so that no one should understand us

So you went to France did you

Why does Great Britain buy its oatmeal of us

Certainly it seems like carrying ccals to Newcastle to speak of exportshying oatmeal to Scotland and yet every year the Quaker Oats Company sends hundreds of thousands of cases of Quaker Oats to Great Britain and Europe

The reason -5s--smpe 7i]e tne English and Scotch have for centuries eaten oatmeal in quantities and with a regularity that has made them the most rnggtd physically and active mentally of all people the American has been eating oatmeal and trying all the time to improve the methods of manufacture so that he might get that desirable foreign trade

How well he has succeeded would be seen at a glance at tne export reshyports of Quaker Oats This brand is recognized as without a rival in clean iiness and delicious flavor 51

His Terrible Threat Aviation has improved considerably

since the time when Col Cleary then county commissioner and for years a well-known poundhicpoundgtrader-poundtradede 2 bslloon ascension at a county fair over in Michigan says the Chicago Journal

As the guest of honor the colonel was sent upward with the assurance that there was absolutely no danger But as the distance from the earth grew greater tbe colonel leaned out anxiously

Pull me in he shouted The men who were bailing out the

rope paid no heed to his demand Higher and higher went the balloon Wilder nd wilder grew the colonel Finally almost standing on his bead as bev tried to keep a precarious balshyance he gave a final cry of exasshyperated panic

Pull me in I tell you or Ill cut the rope

Wisdom of a COOK Mr Uoneyman looked hopefully at

the pleasant rosy faced Norwegian girl with whom the manager of the employment bureau had accorded him an interview Can you wash and iron he asked

Yaas I do dose responded the cheerful Minna

And you can wait on the tablesmdashI mean will yoamdashand answer the door-bein Mr Honeyman faltered My wife is quite determined on these points

Yaas I d o dose and Minna conshytinued to beam benevolently

And you can cook of course said Mr-^ W n n e y T n fraquoTraquo

Yaas said Minna for the third time I do dat fine ven you keep her busy so she do not help memdashYouths Companion

Slightly Altered AJ1 the worlds a stage And most of the men and women

merely supersmdashCleveland Leader

ii-iDfryyiX- n bull i i V e S t iVXsii -jioston Traugcript j

i isOiiileci-i iJii bull --^-- -- ^ i v bull -ivv0 i i u y Jit-ju I Lhc C i S c t C0nt i i iU6waV f o r 17 y o T j

INSOMNIA Leads to Madness if not Remedied lit


Experiments satisfied me some 5 years ago writes a Topeka woman that coffee was the direct cause of the insomnia from which I suffered ter ribly as well as the extreme nervousshyness and acute dyspepsia which made life a most painful thing for me

I had been a coffee drinker since childhood and did not like to think that the beverage was doing me all this harm But it was and the time came when I had to face the fact and proshytect myself I therefore gave up coffee abruptly and absolutely and adopted Posium as my hot drink at meals

I began to note improvement in my condition very soon after I took on Postum The change proceeded gradshyually but surely and it was a matter of only a few weeks before I found myshyself entirely relieved -the nervousness passed away my digestive apparatus was restored to nomn 1 efficiency and I began to sleep restfully and peaceshyfully

These happy condition have conshytinued during all of the 5 years and I am safe in sayng that I owe tbem enshytirely to Pactum fcr whet I began to flrink h i csrtrifefl bullgt ulaquoraquo r^poundgtnfi Read ttc little book The Road to Wellvmen p^^s -T^rr ^ ^ s o

0vpound fcpjT itvtn am ltraquo raquoinsc raquoraquo laquo - - raquo i - - raquo =

Three uoatiad Coaches are Submerged in RivermdashConductor fteynold Hrkgti-caliy Rescues Eight Through Roof of Dining Car

Death iu 1 its most terrible forms blotted out the lives of a t leasttwo aceie people when Your car^ of a Cashynadian Pacific passenger trail on the Sc-o branch leaped from the tracks near Sudbury Ont and went tearing down a steep embankment plunging through the ice-covered surface of the Spanish river

Suiue were drowned others were crushed to death in grinding timbers

Most terrible of all maimed and injured caught In the wreckage of one of the cars were burned to death

The exact number of dead and inshyjured was still unknown but accordshying to stories told by injured passenshygers brought to Sudbury it was one of the worst catastrophes in the hisshytory of Canadian railroads

Tbe train wrecked was known as No 7 en route from Montreal to Sault Ste Marie and Minneapolis An offishycial statement given out says that it probably was due to a broken rail

Front Cars Stay on Track The engine baggage express mail

and one second class car remained on the rails while one second class one first class a dining car and a sleeper went down the embankment The first class car and diner went into the river The sleeper and second class car stopped on the embankment the second cass car catching fire

The wreck odcurred about 37 miles west of Sudbury where the tracks cut into the side of a steep hill which is skirted by the river The forward part of the train passed over the break whatever it was in safety The day coach which was the fourth from the end of the train was the first to leave the rails bull bullgt bull

The train was running at the rate of about 40 miles an hour and the momentum carried the car down the hill in a terrific plnnge About 25 passengers were in this car and it Is practically certain that none escaped

Only the Roof Above Water Two minutes after the first crash

only the roof of the day coach showed above the flowing Ice In the river The second class car the next in the train smashed against tbe end cf a culvert and was crushed to splinters Some of tbe passengers were killed outright but others caught in the wreckage which almost immediately broke into flames were roasted to death before they could be resented

Uninjured passengers and trainmen immediately turned their attention to the rescue of passengers imperiled by the fire

The telegraph lines were all torn down and It was evident that relief could flot be summoned by wire It was five miles to the village of Nairn and a drenched survivor ran the disshytance to deliver a report of the wreck at the Canadian Pacific depot

Meanwhile Conductor Thomas Reyshynolds was proving himself a hero in

rescuing eight passengers from the sunken dining car When the wreck occurred Reynolds with W J Bell and David Rrodie had just sat down for an early dinner iieii and Brodie facing the engine and Reynolds sitshyting opposite them and riding back- j wards The diner was the last ear to ] enter the water and did not sink at once but settled slowly while the passengers climbed upon the tables to keep their heads above the rising waters With several passengers standing in water to their chins the situation was desperate

Then it was that Conductor Reyshynolds made a dive to reach a window broke the glass and succeeded in risshying to the surface of the fiver outside the ar Happily he reached the Surshyface where a hole in the ice enabled him to gain a solid footing by resting one arm on the roof of the car and the other on the ice

Some Taken Through Roof Gaining the roof of the car he broke

a fan light with his fist and rescued little Alfonso Rouse] of Sault Ste Marie After the little boy came D M Brodie of Sudbury who was small enough to pass through the fan light Six more passengers who were too big to be rescued in this manner were taken out through a hole broken in the roof of the car

1 never heard snch terrible cries as when those cars went over the bank I shall never forget it as long as I live said Conductor Reynolds I put the killed at between 40 and 50 The first coach carried about 35 or 40 passengers and of this number only one man escaped

Gangs of wreckers to the number of 100 were immediately sent to the scene of the horrible disaster



Toe above caption about represent tbe growth of Cestfral Canada The statement was made not long since by a railroad man who claimed to have made the remarkable discovery that such was the case There is not a district of agt fair amount of settleshyment n any of the three Provinces of Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta but has its school and the railways Lave stations every seven or eight miles apart around whieh group the towns some large and some small but each imports nt to its own district Schools ltu3 largely maintained by pubshylic funds and the expense of tuition is but a nominal sum

The final returns of the grain proshyduction for Central Canada for 1909 is now In and the figures show that the value of the crops to the farmers of that country is about 195 million dolshylars as compared with 120 million last year American farmers or those who have gone from the United States will participate largely in these splendid returns and these comprise those who have gone from nearly every State in the Union

One of tbe many proofs that might be put forward showing theimmense wealth that comes to the farmers of Central Canada is seen in tbe sum that has been spent during the past two or three months by the faraers who bare for the time being ceased worrying over the reaper and the thresher and are taking to enjoying themselves for two or three months I+gt is said that fifty thousand people of these Western Provinces spent the holiday season visiting their old homes Host of these passengers paid forty and some forty-five dollars for the round trip Some went to Great Britain some to tbe Continent others to their old homes in Eastern Canada and many thousands went to visit their friends in the States The amount paid alone in transportation would be upward of two million dollars Some make tbe trip every years It need hot be asked Can they afford it With crops yielding them a profit of $20 to $26 per acre and some having as much as twelve hundred or more across tbe question is answered Tbe Canadian Government Agents at difshyferent point in tbe State report that they have interviewed a great many of those who arc now visiting friends Jn tbe different states and they all exshypress themselves as well satisfied and promise to take tome of their friends back witb tbena There It still a lot of free homestead land in splenshydid districts and other land can be purchased st a reasonable price from railway and land companies


ThiefmdashWhats tbe time please Victims-Much too late for you Your

pal just got my watch

Ezra Kendall Passes Away Ezra Kendal] the man who has

made a nation laugh is dead Death came to bim at a time in life when he was about to retire wealthy and happy after 30 years of constant toil on the Stage to end his days in rest with his wife and six children Aposhyplexy seized the actor while in a san itarium at Martinsville Ind Saturshyday He was taken ekk in Califorshynia following the close of the Vinegar Buyer

Mary KatoHcfc pleaded guilty at Paterson N J to two more burglaries than she is years old Mary is 10 She can neither read noi- wrftor her TisroDts aw ltleslts ampampd she irtuT u OPi f- W-OUlis 1Hgt i3ihlaquoViuI Ugt gtlaquo sraquoect I to the state horns for giris Mary was an export ir the use of false Jreys Buf Khnw^i tno ffyiii- how she car- ricd amp ijiss buaich oi iaam cyampcsxcj j


In Dowlaisi South Wales about fifshyteen years ago families were strickshyen wholesale by a disease known as the itch Believe me it is tbe most terrible disease of its kind that I know of as It itches all through your body and makes your life an inferno Sleep i out of the question and you feel as If a million mosquitoes were attacking yon at tbe same time I knew a dozen families that were so affected

The doctors did their best bnt their remedies were of no avail whatshyever Then the families trisd a drugshygist who was noted far and wide for bis remarkable cures People came to bim frcm all parta of the country for treatment but bis medicine made matters still worse as a last resort t iey were advised by a friend to use the Cuticura Remedies t am glad to eraquo yon that after a few days treatshyment witb Cuticura Soap Ointment and Resolvent tbe effect was wondershyful and tbe result was a perfect cere m all cases

I may add that my three brothers t i ree sisters myself and all our famshyilies hare been users of the Cuticura Remedies for fifteen years Thomas Hugh 1650 West Huron St Chicago Hi June 29 1909

Whiskers A Roman poet told of the pride onraquo

of the late Caesars took in his great whiskers On some of the wildwood Hill Billies I have seen beards some feet long a switch of the iooampe ends banging out from under the waistcoat Others braided tbe growth and tied it around the neck while still others braided it around iae waist tying it behind like apron strings One told

poundipound7 a=Ki jjul it iisviijr iiiic a iottg linen bag or nightgown so as to keep It from Setting all tangled up with bis -V1S ^ fJ-M -wM 1 raquoltbull-raquogti iv i t i i i P v s ^ j

u i CugtmnUmm tk vvraquorraquo rlaquogt ltbull ran vwK tbe course of trwc teve


GRIND Pleasant la take

Tha new laxative Does riot gripe or n a u s e a t e C ares stomach and liver troubles and chronic conshystipation by restoring the natural action of the stomshyach tiver and bo w e l s Rfrtase aub^titut Wlaquoraquo 6O0-

CnLEK T~laquo R E V O S L D S

D O Y O U - U S E A

Phone Nothing can answer your purpose as well m t h e UNION PHONE 1095 connections in Owtweo aad Corona



CURE rraquo Tjiucni dmoswrage There I s

gmrfWrywa rfaiewfMy wrHraquoraquor Fw Be as seest a Uraquo itpae nudaf Jmt

Dr FVBMT Kldaey u 4 SwktA Cw fctbeeatweuiKy tela s lrre to-day I b w l bull u t t n e d acnauy of kidney d t e u e foryemra s o d reaac4 to weight to Wpeetad I bow

W f T M e S C e n f Oflve Furnace 0 w

Druggiro laquo c 1 AsktorCooa BookmdashFret


nvoaa bullending - skatea bdquoultckl7 aikwruif oar iTlaquotition 1raquo prebablr


Cogtvmarrrs cVc

UunartrteUyeoaSdaai bdquo_ laquomt trea Old bulljeaar for

sUnnmaf Mtaar as


laquoIOWVlaquo rlaquowleraquooCfclaquo withoutlaquolaquolaquobull bit

StieMific JMerkm A h mdaowaaiy Uintretad winfcir Lawwat^r-cuiaUon of bullojr CL-iatitlfic teunuti Ton S3 a

four ta^ntrt I t Sou br all newaaealaro

Srawsa Co

MS r Bt Waafcincto Hewtort ftataaixa

The esfety comfort and esnvesi-ence of tit Mwrtm 9oUd top closed-in breech and -aide ejection features arlaquo combined wtth the quick easy manipulation of the popular sliding fore-end or pomp action in the new Mode 20 JBnfle rifles

real teat ef a bull ottd top ta always a

In rapid firin-the Ipeatermdashthlaquo StatSm aol erctectfoe atid prtrefita amok aad faeea iblovrtnc back] ba aftctei efeell la jaerar thrown Into your fcce or area and never tnterferca with the almt f^fat ferearm fita yoor hand ami belpe Qtica oserattoa

It handle tjte abort leaf and ke-rJRe ecrtrfdcea without cbaac in adjuatonent and the deep 3alllaquowdrlffltn- (uarantaea tbe accuracy makint it the fineet Httle rlfta la the world for target afaootinc and far a41 bullmatt came op to UO or 300 yania

raquobull W U raquo raquo ^ v i n i l tr bull

aii jampBatampm (tepeatere Juat gtt our 136-pace catalog Mailed free for atauope aoataw


Federal License of Corporations i$ Opposed by Many in



Pension Bills Introduced Providing for VolunUer Retired ListmdashTwo Pft Its Want Exposition Marking tfca Canal Opening

WashingtonmdashTb Republican leadshyers in congress practically httve agreed that if it can be accomplished the majority of the Presidents recom-mendaticus shall be enacted into law at this session but there is growing evidence that anions the minority of the recommendations which are to be overlooked the Presidents wish that a law legalizing the federal licensing of incorporations may not be fulfilled at this session In telling Mr Taft that it la unlikely that MB federal licence law is to go through the leaden have made a tacshyit promise that at a future date probshyably at the next session the lecora-mendamption shall be taken up and put through i s some form Xt seems that the plan for the licensing of corporashytions by the federal government has aroused antagonism among some of the Republicans and among a majorshyity of the Democrats it Is understood also that the leading Republicans men who ordinarily can get the rest of the party representatives in line are not over-zealous in their desire that this bill shall become a law cershytainly not at the present time It la Impossible in the absence of any dishyrect statement of the reasons for their objections to tell why it Is that the leaders apparently are determined to postpone action upon this particular piece of legislation but It seems to be assured that consideration of it Is to be postponed until a more convenishyent season

It has beett pretty generally undershystood that bip subsidy was to have hard sailing through the waters of the lower house of congress and not very easy sailing through those of the upshyper house It is impossible of course to foretell just what the fate of subshysidy will be but it seems that one senator who in the cast has been the champion of subsidy this year Is not inclined to look with favor upon i t The senator in question Is Mr Prye of Maine who apparently does not think that the measure recommended by the President and already introshyduced into the house goes anywhere near far enough to suit the shipping interests President Taft has recomshymended legislation of this klcd but the feciling Is in Washington that he will not be particularly disappointed if it does not go through although of course its passage would add one more to the administration victories

Postal Savings Banks One of the most peculiar situations

is that in regard to postal savings banks Much has been written about this matter and in the main former opinion was that the postal savings bank bill might have great trouble in getting sanction for itself from the leaders of both houses As everybody knows the members of the national monetary commission would prefer that consideration of the postal savshyings bank bill should be put off until after the commission has made its reshyport President Taft however Is inshysistent that postal savings bank legisshylation shall be enacted this winter and it is believed to-day that the leaders have agreed uraquo accede to his wishes as they have also agreed to do what he wants them to do in the matter of amendments to the intershystate commerce law and of laws which will safeguard the interests of the nations natural resources

Bills for Veterans Before the military committee of

the house of representatives there are eight principal bills Intended to benefit the veterans of the civil war In several of them there is a specific provision for the creation of what is called a volunteer retired list for the civil war officers who are still living

In the sects tive

Sixteenth congress Repre-Beeman 0 Dawes of Ohio

introduced a bill which if it had beshycome a law would have put all the commissioned officers of the civil war on the veMred list with month-Iy pay of one-half that which they received while they were wearing swords in the field There is a reshytired list for regular officers and the idea of Representative Dawes was to give to the volunteer officers in their

old age a recognition in part at least o the value of their services as com-nilssioned officers The question seemed io be if tbe regulars are paid after retirement why not do the same thing for the volunteers

Representative Dawes is not now In Congress but the provision in his bill which was Intended to carcopy for the volunteer officers has been incor porated in several of the bills which j re now before the military commitshytee for action It seems probable it-4 gt ^nz firtngrrsa will vgtR n

man who wore a bar a leaf an eagle or a star on his shoulder dvring the civil war and who is alive to-day will

as though they were still fighting in the field

Substitute for Pensions Of course pensions assuchfor the

volunteers will brgt done away with if any of tbese bills passes congress because the retired pay will take the pensions place

Likely to Carry $raquo a raquocopyrttfc If the volunteer officers retired bill

passes it is possible that it will carry with it a pension giving enlisted men ol the civil war a pension of $40 per month fijfth sit present pensions be-tug abolished except in cases of total or almost total disability where the present sum paid to the disabled solshydiers exceed 40 per month With the officers and eullstea men and the widows cared for with these specific sums in each case the trouble of penshysion gradations and the chances of fraud are minimised but nevertheless it will cost a huge sum of money the first few years of the measures legai life

According to a classification made by Gen Green B Raum the volunteer officers who would benefit are In number and rank as follows Major generals two brigadier generals 28 colonels 151 lieutenant colonels 195 majors 309 captains 2633 first lieushytenants 2233 second lieutenants 1166-varlons ranks in the navy 160 this bringing the total up to the numshyber given above

Of course a full expression of opinshyion of desirability of such a retired Bat bill as this is not obtainable Soldiers and those who take an interest in mil itary affairs generally are much in fashyvor of the measure The crrtUans who never saw service do not express opinions on the matter in letter form for it seems that few people care to go on record as being opposed to any thing in the nature of a bill for the rcattf of the men who fought In the Heidi even though there may he and probably la a general feeling among civilians that the government is exshytravagant in the matter of pension naytnents

Rivalry for Exposition San Francisco and San Diego cities

of California each wants to be the teent of a great exposition In the year 1915 as a means of marking the opening of the Panama canal Represhysentative Kahn of California has Inshytroduced into tbe house a bill which is now before the committee on inshydustrial arts and expositions to proshyvide for what he designates as the Panama-Pacific exposition Represhysentative Smith of California on beshyhalf of the city of San Diego desires that U shall be the location of what he wishes to be called the Panama-California exposition

It is too early yet to tell whether congress will vote money for governshyment participation in any exposition on the Pacific coast or elsewhere to be held at tbe time of the canal openshying It is assured however that there will be a great celebration on the Tsthmu of Panama at the time that Col Goethala sets for the completion of the great work Early as the day la it la believed that the president of the United States and both houses of congress will go to Panama to give recognition to the completion of the canal Whether or hot there shall be a great exposition in the United States 1ST a matter yet to be decided but it must be said that California shows that it is very much in earnest in the matter of getting the governments sanction for a great exposition of arts industries and manufactures on the Pacific coast in the year 1915 when It la practically assured the Inter-oceanic canal will be open for traffic

Few Bills Before Congress Considering the fact that this Is a

long session of congress comparativeshyly few bills have been introduced into either house or senate There is a marked absence at this session of what is known as freak bills Memshybers of congress are urged constantly by constituents some of whom are a little unbalanced mentally or who beshylong to the class of extreme enthusishyasts to put in bills which no congress possibly could be brought to pass and no committee could be made even to consider These so-called freak bills are introduced by members simply to escape the constant appeals of those who want their measures at least to see the light of print

In congress there is this winter anshyother determined effort to lay the groundwork for a plan which when carshyried to ultimate completion will result in a great boulevard running from the city of Washington to the battlefield of Gettysburg It is the intention If sanction for such a great avenue can be secured to have it known as a memorial of Lincoln A survey he been made of a road from Washington to Gettysburg in a straight line beshytween the capitol and the central point of the famous battlefield and it has been found that tbe road can be bunt without much interference with private property As a matter of fact the people who live along the way have expressed a desire that the work should be carried to completion

Approve Memorial Project There are many old soldiers and

men in ofScial gtife whose memories go back to tbe Lincoln days and some of whom knew Lincoln personally who think that the noble roadway would be the best possible memorial to the war- time president good deal of sentiment in favor of the proposition has been aroused ft the country alshythough it Should be said that considershyable opposition has been developed r n f d u l flpi5raquo J^Oplft raquoltflitj fgt thTT

ij i K i i l K A v s i i

i laquo W laquo a t SaVI CO R ^ t t a t t t t S M M W E

el2 OiUltV bullbullT r f t S iS i a l S ftiltgt Riiilti i v ^ i j i i j ) r-av- nt H r w l A n i n ) vHfA nA now) | vfirs of service laquore Yttlvampi laquonlt ps$d

Abraham Lincoln should be done so that no real estate transactions that might be of money value to poculv Unbdquo bdquollaquogtt^(I bo gti-vved to r-jceSvs t h e

asosampfi CUNTcopy

B vt ft amp -

R o l l s

M u f f i n s

R i s c w i l s Wa f u t ^


P i jgt o v laquor r


bullOi-r S J O N

I- (gt 1 J ltbull n re- clti

M lt a d c vv i i i t -


GOLD mrmjpound


4 laquo i i

M a i - s Br-e-ikfisf a S u c L S V N N

The Goultsss Corporation j A burglar broke into Che Clinton

Sprinsfield station at Harrisonville ( He found a rubber stamp and an ink pad which he refused to take away but he left a note to the agent The note read Wat the ella the counshytry cummin to when a big ralerodej corporashun dont eve enough In It] drawers to buy a pore man a meles vittlesmdashKansas City Star

Rabbits In Australia Some one has calculated that the

rabbits in Australia must reach the number of 1000000000000 But of course there is no means of taking aj census the calculation is largely guesswork Its foundation being a rough numbering of the rabbits to beraquo found in an acre of country and mul-

tiplying that by the number of rabbit infested acres

Out of Mans Reach Th$ old ngtay have their years

stretched out beyond the fourscore but they must die sooner or later no such necessary limit affects the births and it Is conceivable that there may-come a year when there are no births Immortality is the only effective anshyswer to a cessation of reproduction) and alas the King of Terrorsystill reigns r

immense Leather Beit The largest leather belt ever madti

Was completed recently by a New York manufacturer for a Louisiana lumber company it was 243 feet long six feet wide and three tily thick The bides of 540 steers were utilized in the manufacture of the belt As its delivery was a matter of urgency tbe great roll of leather was shipped by express and the bill for this service was $243G7

importance of Table Manners Emerson declared I could better

eat with one who did not respect tho truth or the laws than with a slovshyenly and unpresentable person Moral qualities rule the world but at short distances the senses are despotic There Is nothing more offensive to truly polite and cultured people than careless vulgar table manners

Education Never Stops Get all the education you can but

never remove yourself from the idea that after you know a lot you still nave more to learn When you gradu ate from college you are just beginshyning to understand many themes and subjects that are most important

Use for Old Clocks When a small clock is beyond reshy

pair do not throw it away but keep it for sick room use Set the bands each time medicine is given to the hour when the next dose is to be given

Childhoods Protest Theres one thing I dont undershy

stand said little Harry and thats why rood tasting things like mince pies make me ill while bad tasting things like medicine make pounde well It ought to be the other way about

STEVENS ^Generations of live wideshyawake American Boys hare obtained tiio right kind of FIREARM EDUCATION bj being equipped with the

unerring time-honored S T E V E N S

[Spoi STE w e i laquopo

All progressiva Hardware and omnffGooda MercoanU handle

VERS If you cannot obtain we will ship direct express prepaid upon receipt of Catalog Price

ISend 5 cents ia stamps for itaVtxzo illustratedCwaioff

bull - I ltopMo with ^ bdquo j S T E V 73 N 8

f ^A i msampsttr-j^

and utneral firearm ja-fltraquormtton

^ frac34 ^ frac34

X STEYBB pjics A Toot CO

-ft M iiXftc


European Plan 260 Rooms 108 Rooms win water

PerDar A ~ n oo

CUb Breakfast rala^hl ale gnU

wdh private bath

PexDty n 50 50 Rooms

KuDv $2frac34


25 aiaii Caf e Talis JHcte


sad 50

POSTAL MOREY Pwprlaquotaw

DAIRY FARMERS WE have established Cash

Tes t ing S t a t i o n s at thre following p laces

Chesaning Henderson New Lothrop Judds Corners Flushshying Ovid Elsie and Bannister where cream will be received tes ted and paid for when delivered

Why not deliver your cream to one of these stations once each week and save the exshypense of having it gathered

One trial will convince you that our plan of buying cream is the most satisfactory wray for the Dairyman

Yours respectfully

American Farm Products



bull W U B T ^ - laquo laquo M laquo B B v

S w bscr lbe IN o w


bullbullbullbull ELS1J2 bull bull bull + bull bull bull bull bull

Klie bullML-ThJ J A H 2 3 1laquoI0 ^

GaynOrGriggs is i i rwi ih n^s ics v O L JtJrti-nani isuuder the doctors

bullbullbull-bull bulllt5sue_ bullbullbullbull s bullbullbullbullbull bull Ira Cleaviager cut his fen with an ax

on Slonday V Mrs Bcriry Hus iu is confined lo her gt xd withnenjrjIgiU

The Hi tie soil ofTivkl PeV of Fuirfiold died Ust Thursday ol iiplithoi-ia-

Our Sophomore clraquoiaa ire preparing to give a literary eDtertainmet 6 i Feb 18

Mis Anuic Van Denseu is teaching the 3ead school during the illness of the egu-ktf teacher

Mrs Myrtle Burlingume has gone to Detroit to care fcr her grand mother who has a broken leg

T w o sleighloads of high school pup attended lite entertainment gWeu by the Oyki H S at Ovid last Friday evening

Mr and Mrs Milan Emmons gave a family birthday party on Thurslay in honor of Mr Emmons and his twin brothshyer Myron from Van Buren Co Covers -were laid for 18 The twin brothew were 66 years old

Rev E C Thompson has had a call to a Detroit church aid will move there with his family in the near future Many both in and out of the Elsie F B church reshygret losing Elder Thcmjvon and bis chanming family but all join in congratushylating him on the prospect of their n e home

The Woodmen and Royal Neighbors held joint installation at their hall last Thursday evening Mrs Jennie Lee and George Batrs acted as installing oncers After insial ation itoth orders adjourned to the I O 0 F hall where a banqraquoraquoct was served to over 200 persons The Woodmen have secured 10 new applicashytions bullbull

Dr Thomas Eclectric O i l is the best reme ly for that of lexi fatal d seasemdashcroti p l i a s beeh used with success ia our family for eight yearsmdashMrs L Whiteacre Buffalo IS Y

bull + +-++^ + + + + SHAFTSBCBC

+ + + + 4 + + + + + + bull bull Sbeftampburg Mich Jan 25 1310

Mrs James Shaft was in Landing on Lusincss Tuesday

Mrs Sarsfiejd Corcoran who has been ill is now better

John P Shaft went to Coninoa on Monday to be gone a few days

Mrs J G Marsh and Mrs Andrew Oidiway arc still among the sick

Mis Janie Shaft made a hurried visit to Laingsburg on Monday

Miss Alma Maltby of Perry spent Sunshyday with her sister Mrs Earf Harlow

James Shaft and little Harvey Comrie took a business trip to Bancroft one day last week

Mrs Charley Kline has just returned from a weeks visit with her f-thbdquor Mr Bradley in Portland

Mrs Ana Applemau was in Laiogsburg from Sunday Until Tuesday visiting at the Burlingame home

Charey Harkncas hai taken his family to York Stlaquoe where they intend making their home in the future

Mr and Mrs Henry Shaft of Perry bull were here from Wednesday until Thursshyday night visiting their children

Mrs J Ilankintsslipped cn the ice and fell sustaining a broken arm Dr Dun- ham was called and reduced the fracture

Mr and Mrs Wm Towsley are iu Perry Mrs Towsley is caring for her daughter Mrs Clif Vandewalker who is ill

The Congregational Society will hold a box social at the home of Mr and Mrs Van Polhemus north of here on next Friday evening

Last Monday night a thief broke into Jerome Ordiways pool room smashed the slot machine and took its conteata Home talent is guspickmed

Elder and Mrs Doty returned Wednesshyday from Grand Ledge where she had been on a visit to her parents since before Christmas He poundoing there last Monday

Mr and Mrs Albert Shaft of Lansing came on Saturday he returned on Monshyday She remaining here to care for Mrs Scott Shaft the formers mother who is ill

For a mild easy action of the bowels a single dose of Doans Regulets is enough Treatment cures habitual constipation 25 cents a box Ask your druggist for them

bull MORBJCE bull bull bull bull bull + bull bull bull bull bull Horrice Mich Jan 241910

T W Atwood of Caro is spending a few days at this place

Mrs Jacob Heath is confined to her bed under the care of a physician

A number of our citizens viewed Hal-leys comet Saturday evening

Mrs T W Tewrsbury and daughter Minnie were Owosso visitors Friday

Mrs Damie Kellogg was a guest of Lansing friends a portion of last week

Mr and Mrs Oscar Shadbolt of Owotraquo-so spent last week visiting friends in this vicinity

Mr and Mrs Bernie Howe spent Sunshyday at the home of Charles King in Benshynington

Miss Dana Pierce and Marelte Russell were confined to the house by hard coids Saturday

Lete Ward sold one of his full blooded Ancona cockrels Friday to Paul Scott of Mn Morris

A number from here attended the party in Perry Friday evening and reported a pleasant time

Mrs G M Waters and daughter

Stent Saturday in Durand at the home of arry Johnaou Mr eiid Mrs Jnhr Dpfrefsse of Duraad

Dcryeae Sunday Miss Eta DeFrcese went to Toledo

Friday evening She wd spend = ninnts Uvfvith frlonik

W Atwood epent the greater por-of the week beie at the home of his

2f T Atwood uiid Mrs George Calkiua of Perry

vgt (- i c bull crallied at the home of Mrs Cinih) ai-iii Friday -MissDaua iivr bull vt^ niuth improved-Monday She hka n--^i ornlkeu to the house one week by iliiie^ bull -Hrs Elict Brown wept to Clovejdale Saturday to visit her daughter Mrs Dcl-Ixrt Payiia for a few days Mis-C F-Sper-rbrecierwftsthe guest of Mrs Allea BKiuaer Thursday at their home four miles e^it of town

Monday evehiug a slcighload of young people visited the rink at Percy and reshyport an eujoyablf evening spent on t-kates

G us Jordan moved into his new home Thursday They will reside in the tenant house recently built on his fathers farm east of town

Albert Nickloy and family moved Satshyurday from the farm and tenant house of Andrew McDivitt onto the farm of Francis Bunline south of Perry

The Sir Knights and Ladies of the Mac cabees will hold their installation of officers here Wednesday evening An oyster supshyper wDl be served afterwards

Dan Boutelt of this place went to Deshytroit Wednesday night with several carshyloads of stock for Hall amp Green of Perry He returned hcrhe^F iday ^0trade^

Miss Lucile Hall who has been teachshying school rear Flushing since theholgt days BDtnt Friday until Saturday night at the home of her mother Mrs Anne Hail

Mrs Annie McConnell and son Charles who have been spend ng the past month in Guelph Ca returned here Friday evenshying She has been visiting her mother at that place

Monday the firm of Fuller and Cates dissolve i partnership Mr Catcs wih-

drawing from the firm Cates Junior will reoiaia to cut steaks and help HLr Fuller with the trade

A meeting of the stockholders will take place at E L Vre^Unds telephone office Saturday afternoon 10 decide whether there shall be nijht and Sunday service at this pace hereafter

Mr and Mrs C F Speerbreckcr entershytained a number of guests from Bancroft Friday evening Progresive pedro was played and refr shmruts were served An enjoyable time was reported

E L Vreeiatid was in Bancroft Saturshyday attending a meetf ng of the stockholdshyers in 1 be Befl and Farmers office The line are being overhauled and every effort will bemade to give patrons better service at that place 4raquoThe ladles of the W C T U will tell baked goods one week from last Saturday January 89 The goods will be placed on sale at ten oclock in the window of H V Pierces store The money raised will be used for the local option fund

Work st pile diiviog-oa the Maple river was finished Saturday Monday the pile driver was moved near Shaftsburg where the men will put in some culverts A short stretch of track hat been laid 1K-tween here and Perry in the past weeks

Glen Blanchard and family spent from Friday until Monday at the home of hi sister Mis M J Herbert Mr BLiech ard works in tbcBuick at Flint and was injured in his ami by a flying piece of steel He took this time to visit his suter

Arthur Ecklcr has rented the A J Bristol farm and will move there in a few days Mrs Bristol will accompany her sou O L Bristol to his home in Beraquoo-uia Mr Bristol being obliged to return there to hold his position as commissioner of schcols

The citizens of this place have been patshyting themselves on the back While ts at other pliices have been soaring in pritc our little burg is only paying the price prevailing tor the past two yens here namely 15c a pouud for ati steaks and less for roasts

Ed Britten lost a valuable Southdown sheep one dav last week in an odd manner He began fighting with another sheep in the same yard and the other sheep struck him a blow in the side killing him instantly Mr Britten had been offered a good round sum for the animal a few days before

Mr and Mrs George McKay entertained the club at 500 Wedoeidiy eveaiii^ Mr McKay frame here with his sHgh and t ok them out to their home returning with them at a very early hour of the morning Mrs McKay Served refreshshyments and all report an enjoyable time

Vfctor Jose of the Lyceum Club U of M will deliver a lecture here Friday evenshying on The Higher Citizenship This lecture will be given in place of the one Mr Frybergec Wu to have delivered two weeks ago Too lecture will take place in the school house and the-money will go toward the library fund

Superintendent Kiebler took the pupils and teachers of the high room fcr a ride Friday afternoon School was dismissed at 230 and Mr Kiebler chartered a team and sleigh The destination was Perry He treated the crowd to candy before reshyturning home A merry time was reportshyed

Pat Jordan was a caller at the home of W A Conley Sunday evening His horse and cutter were in front of tbe house A hail from the street called the people to the door They found the horse had alip-

fCopyriKbt by Short Storlea Co Md) The great week WRlaquo over and of the

three or four hundred girls who had filled the college buildings and camshypus with their bright earnest lhfe nci more thaa a Aoxeh remaiocd ftrid all but one of these had their tru-tks packed for speedy departute This one was Mary Cathcart who did uot kcow where she could go if she did PpoundCk -mdashmdash^-

Tbianiornlbg she was standing near the entrance of the lecture hail wonshydering what she should do For ten days t i e had been looking hopefully for a Jitter but none had come NGne seemed likely to come now

She had not specially fitted herself for anything and she rather looked forward to coming back after the sumshymer holidays to take a postgraduate course when if It should seem best she would study for one of the half-dozen railings which many of her schoolmates were already entering upon But it ail depended upon the letter and the letter had not come

A girl but little older than herself came briskly from the building It wasect the French teacher and she waft now going straight to the station to take the next train for home Mary looked at her a little eartonaly

Where do yon got aafeed the teacher

To Loagley Two hours later she was at the stashy

tion and had purchased a ticket She had money enough to pay her exshypenses for a month Beyond that she did not know

Whom should she find st Longley Should she even find anybody A letshyter which had come to her after her mothers death more than four years before bidding her to enter upon a course at this college and stating that money would he sent to her from time to time as before was all she had to go by The letter had been postshymarked Longley

She had always been generously supplied and had furnished her room

1-4 Off

well and had had money to spend Then as the end of the course apshyproached she had confidently looked forward to another letter But none bad come The one postmarked Long-ley was her only clew and even that might have been mailed by some one passing through the place

Her mother had thought the money might come from a wealthy uncle who had had some disagreement with the family and who took this wamp7 of savshying his pride He was eccentric and fond of traveling about from place to place

All tt through her mind as tbm train rushed on At length Long-ley was called and Mary rose and hurried out to the little platform of a small country station

The station master was dragging her trunk back from the edge of the platform where it had been dropped She went to him

There are no Cathcarta here of course she said more as an assershytion than as a question

No guess not never heered of any Be you lookin up some

Tmdashbulles I thought I might find a relshyative here When is the next train

Not till to-morrer She drew a long breath Is there a hotei near Factry boardin house but I guess

its pretty full Thats it down yonshyder pointing with his finger the house with a blind swingin on the hinge Be you lookin for a job I hear theyre needin two or three more weavers Thats the only job I know of unless its old Tom Far-

ped and fell with its bead under it and the nu Hes been man o all work

was hurriedly cut and the horse rose to its vlaquolaquowbdquo ^abdquo v t raquo-raquo_ ^^ laquobdquo laquo^laquo feet none the worse for its fall Conley ^ 8 w n i n b u t his ^ n s 1 c n o w

declares the horse has a rubber neck or f o r a m o n t n ltgtr laquogtbull laquo laquo t of course you else it would have been dead d0 want that Job But oh say as

Mr and Mrs Wm Britten living southshywest of here celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary Wednesday of last week Although tour of their ciildren were unable to be present there were stil forty of their descendents present from their sons and down to their great great grand children The venerable couple reshyceived many reuieoibiitui-vti m the day Mr and Mrs Britten are a remarkably smart couple They live by themselves and attend to the work incident to caring for their home and other duties of farm life Mr Britten is 81 and his wife 79 years old


platform I this mornin been nusan

Mebbe ye

rs sre eslt mu$ u

she started down the most forgot I heered that the wstnan whos Tom is goln off to-day could get her job

Mary nodded her thanks a sudden resolution flashing Into her eyes

She smilingly inquired her way to the home of Mr Farrar There she found a middle-aged woman who greeted her anxiously But on learn lng her errand the womans face cleared

Thats what I call a special provishydence vbh exclaimed heartily Yo see Tve got to go for my sisters sick butTve been batin to leave old Mr Fftrmr The very bent t could tiwiU ss was Ketiin a cipoundiu3rlaquo titshytle

excuse Have you

Winter is just half gone and the coldshyest weather yet to come still we are ready to meet you half way on Over-coats

Remember we are the only dealers in the county that mark goods in plain figures on original ticket which is always on inside collar of coat

Look at this ticket deduct 25 per cent and the coat is yours

This sale includes every coat in the store nothing reserved

Yours for a Square Deal All Round

W A McMtdlen amp Co The only place in the County where goods are marked in plain figures on original ticket



A V v bull-- y ijuctuvi- a good -EE7 y^ars bc^re she died Is he very ill Aldry ashed as she went inside gt

Well no not so very now Hes gettin beiter slowly

She was right Mary did Uke it She remembered many of the tempting dishes which she had prepared for her motherland she made them now stagshying little snatches of song as she did so She had not known what she was fitted for Now she knew that she could be a good nurse Perhaps she could also be good at other things but she had not found that out yet

What surprised her most were the books in every room some of which even she looked at with awe They all showed marks of much use as well as lovtag care gt As the days went by these eyes beshygan to follow her as she moved softly about the room contented and lovingshyly at first then with a questioning wlattulnees as though the clouded mind were striving to grasp something it could not quite reach Then one day there were several minutes when the eyes grew clear and intelligent and gazed at her with almost startled wonshyder The next day the lucid Interval was longer and several times repeatshyed But he did not speak he only gazed at her and passed his hand across hhi brow from time to timet

Then came a morning when he was strong enough to sit up In bed but still the wistfulness and wonder reshymained In his eyes

You are a new nurse he said Yes 1 knew it of course but I havent

said anything Imdash-I have been trying to get my mind clear I thought as I got stronger my mind would get betshyter bat it doesnt ImdashIm afraid Its getting worse I suppose Im growshying old and its to be expected but Fve bees planning fcr a good deal of reading and study yetgt and haveut realised how the years slip by

Mary stroked his hand softly T o n cannot get weU at once Mr

Farrar she chUed Yon hare been vary sick you know But you are growing stronger gradually and your brain is growing clearer I can see t t -

Tou dont understand he anshyswered gently my bodys stronger but my mind doesnt seem to gain It made you out to be somebody else from the first and has persisted in the hallucination ever sine Ive tooked in other directions and changed my thoughts to other things but its no use Youve takes care of me so my mind says that youre someshybody whom I used to know a long time ago whos dead I suppose its what folks call second childhood Then changing the subject abruptly How long have I been sick

I do not know I have only been here two weeks It is now the fifshyteenth of July

He looked startled So late he gasped Why Imdash

Ive got a little girl off to school who ought to have been written to long ago Will you bring me my pen and paper from the desk

Let me do It for you she said taking the pen from his shaking finshygers and moving a small table close to his bedside

But he remained silent looking at her doubtiuily ImdashImdashyou see 1 dont write to her directly he said at length hesitatingly Theres an old friend In New York who acts for me He was silent for some minutes longer then went on desperately

The letter must be written and I suppose itll be best to explain things a little You see when I was laquo boy I had a strong notion for college but

settled with the books I liked to read and had lost ambition to go out into the orld But I didntnsive up the idea altogether I would send someshybody la my place_ So I looked round I had no relative save a little girl whom I used to play with when a boy She had married and gone west I traced her and found that her husshyband was dead and that she was an invalid without means That was something nearer than college so I sent her from time to time what monshyey I had to spare When she died I arranged for her girl to go to college

He paused with his gae upon the coverlet his eyes unobservant dreamy reminiscent

Mary had risen her eyes shining Why didnt you write to her direct

iy she breathed Well she was a college girl you

see with college girl notions I liked to think of her as my girl arid to plan things for her If Id written to her directly itmdashmight have been different You see Im just a man of all work In a factory He held up his hands white and transparent from his illness but still knotty and hard from a lifeshytime of toll I dont know much about girls he went on but I want to think of this one as mine and I cant bear the thought of her evermdash

Mr Farrar do you think any girl could be ashamed of you

The quick passionate cry brought his gaze suddenly from the coverlet What he reau in her voice in her eyes brought a lok of rapt understanding to his face

Then my mind isnt wandering he exclaimed tremulously Its she really and truly Mary bring me that tin box in my desk

She brought it and eagerly he ran his fingers through the contents soon finding a tintype which he opened and held up for her inspection It might have been her own picture so exact was the likeness She recognised H with a low cry

I t s your mother Mary he said softly takes Just before h went west

N X C s raquo t J L l raquo S L I K S I REMEDYS LAXATIVE


a t e C A l X PATTERNS Celebrated for style perfect fit niroplicitv ar i reliability nearly 40 yeai Sold in nlaquoar 7 every city and towa in ttie United States aii Canada or by mait direct gt1 ore sold than any other make Send tot tree catalogu

l i r C A i X afAGAZINE More subscriber than may otter fash 1 in magazinemdash Million a month Invatuabie Latshyest rtyles praquottertlaquolaquolrlaquolaquopai8g millinery plain sewinr fafcey nelaquodJewoTfcharrorrraquoraquoirf etiquette goV atone etc Only 90 cents a Tear (worth double^ including raquo W plaquoTem Subscribe today or aeod for aawple ropy

W O N t m r o i iNfiUCEMtSKTS raquo to Agent Postal 1gtHnsn premium catalogue

and new cash prize offers Addre T K K C m lt raquo 1 3 M W K 7 raquo S l laquo W T O B

COXMISSIONKRS NOTJClmdashIn the 55Bttr of th estate of Robert TbeHpww

deceased We the nnderaijrned having been appointed

by the Hon Matthew BnKh Judr ot Probate in and for the Connty of Salawaaaec State of Michigan CoramiMionera to receire exaastae aad adjiut u claims and deotaada of all pershysona againat aaid catate do hereby give notice that we wlgtl neat at tue store of Albert W Cnrtt io the City of Corona in said Coantjr on Mofcday the Slat dar of February A D-tamplQ and on Thursday the Slat day ltof April A D gt19I0 at tea oclock fn the forenoon of each of said days tov the purpose of receiving-and adjusting all claim A ftgalDMaald eatttte and that four month from the 1Mb day of December A D IMS are allowed to creditors to present their clalma to said CoumiackKierfl

for adjustment and allowance Dated the 1Mb day of December A D 1909



PROBATB ORDERmdash Slat of Michigan County of ghiawmaaee sa

At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Shiawassee held a t the Probate OBec in the City of Corona on the ISO day of January in the year one thooaand nine hundred and bra

Preaeet STatthrw Buah Judge of Probate an tae nut ter of the estate of Hugh

MeCttrdy deceased W i n u u P Gallagher s s tpoundr=t=i=trtor havshy

ing rendered to tat Ceoxt hi final aeeoaat ft i ordered that tae 15th day of February

next a t tan oclock in the forenoon a t aaid Proshybate Oases be appointed for rTamintnj and Allowing said account

And ft la further evwsveo that m copy of this order he pubOaaed three bullneeeattr i weeks wevtoata to said day of hearing to tae Oortaana Jowi-rtitl a newspaper printed aad eJsealattng m s n t d County of Shiawassee County lt

atATTHZW BUSH Judge of Probate

By F L O U X C I L n n t i T Probate

- J L - mdash _ - J L

t i i a

]icae s a y nuBBia V

j hXrpound yCttf laquofvr I W i s Eiitiii i u laquo ^f5 A

Our Store is the Center of Attraction These Days

For young and old The finest line of Dolls in the city Our Notion line is completemdash Table Linens Napkins Hemstitched Towels Lunch and Tray Cloths Silk and Wool Scarfs Handbags and Purses Postal Card Albums and Boxes Fancy Jap Boxes for Handkerchiefs Music Rolls Stand Mirrors Back Combs Belts Pins and Buckles

A fine line of Linen and Cotton Embroidered and Plain Handkerchiefs

A box of Cadet Hosiery for all members of the family An Umbrella a Floor Rug a Wool Blanshyket Etc Etc

Visit our store and we wtli help you make your selections

Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Geo M Beemer Igtry Glaquorbds-laquoad Not^iss rftrme-G

gtlaquoi ltr M i Ml t

i^r-WfT laquo - raquo


Page 4: ) CORUNN *MMMwaWMi A...his sentence was iixei for the first »day of the next term. A divorce was granted in the case of Florence against Frank Case. Case did not appear in couit to

M laquo

T H E C G R U N N A J O U R N A L ^ 1 deg ^ ^ bull ^Jn lbc

-T-rrv-___ - county poor house that be might be near I his old farm borne Mattieon waa taken Jit wutte in Owosso on hhs mission and his

oaornAi K at Co- daughter who lives near Chesenieg took him to her borne The old man failed

t f l f B J O W gt laquo O V l-laquoraquoegtrraquolaquolt-r

PubgtUhe4 rvery T L laquo d raquo j runua the county seat of Siaiu bull( e county Dvlaquoe4 to tue iittr^ii of the HejgtublU4ni Fart and the coHnvtiou of jjenerai and locui rp dy and died Thursday He had been

M I living with a sou in Saginaw couuty snore raquo100 per year jartvraquonlt-e A_i - J

ugt laquoraquogt iht plaquoplt- unless t an raquo Jlaquor thereby Hag his residence in Shiawassee cormty


iOtlzens iffi8 BANK

Tva S laquo do not agree

evdered U do tQ Owl wlaquo jwjattlveiy tfuaranue Mgt Mop it wisen no ordraquo-laquod autxK-riWr who wis tc laquo laquo P the pa|H-r ab did uulify raquo direct laquoUHl not leave it to the |oMmMfcter o Uo He iwwet iae forffet Alwny w jtAlaquot your uigt-eerigtUoa u igtraquoid up tlaquo laquolaquo date vvlaquo iraquojulaquot us t map the paper The date gtoar sigtScripttoo 1 paid U U o n your paper cacu week W lth yraquoittr

la an extended article appearing in the Ovid Rcgiat rUuion of lat week 3 N McBridltv of Burton advocates tie estab-Hamphiuent of raquon agricultural school for

Tuequ^ULywtqrMiT f thlaquo raquo^rtwujf j Clinton and Shiawassee counties and sug-appearing in the JOUKKAJ-u aonudaot tlaquotij gesta that Ovid would be an- Weal plate

for such a School stoey to its vslue -w an rlttveittinff snediuuV Sate made know n laquo i the office

Iteats of u n i n always a c i - e i H ^ Re-satwher Sht whargt interests you IU jlaquosnerraquolly tateresf others and that it will beg1altrLv reshyceived bj ua CowniuswiUirtMoO laquoWeus of gwaraJ interest are raquopettaliy dreiral tKa le t thai a communication appears in ttiie ya^ per bowerer doe not mraquogta that it nee- bulllaquolaquobull amp 0tocs the opiniOD of lhltt edttor The will e no chmrte tor the yu oicraquouon of news tnraquot-

Wo fake dTvfUin iraquor auythiDg bo-derfiiig en the ohjeetioampKHe inserted at any price

Carta of thanks 5ft- obituary notices obit-b a n poetry resolutions business locals of nil kind and notices of enfrtaininei its where ad-

isefcaryeti Ac per line

bulltttered at the Pnt Offlee Corunna Michigan a aecond class mail natter


We serve the Best Meals io^be__had in the city We will also prepare special lunchshyes to order 1 1 1 ^ -est tinea strictly fresh and purest Candies both box and bulk

Conors Popular Gift M I C H

laquo bull bull-gt bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull C0C3ITT TTEVa bull 4 bull bull bull bull 4 bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull

The home of Owoaao Aerie Sagka is raw complete and the lodge enjoys the distinction of not only posteaatng the first but one of the best in the state oa She site of the old Stewart property on North Washington street The very comfrabie boane which the members are occupying is tike remit of five years of endeavor oat the part of the memben and their oflcers The aerie wnraquo instituted September S4tfi MM with a charter messbetvhip of 7f At the time the aerie moved into it new

about one year ago them was a iberahip of iao Staee that data the iter has increased until the records

a total inembftrship of StS

A case of mi taken klenlUy cost two hoboes at Duimnd five doQars each Satar-day night Jnettce Patcnel sssraird then that amount for assaulting Deputy Sheriff Oriffin aa be was paasiag through the rail rood yards The pair were concealed beshyhind a box campr evidently waiting for someone and when Griffin passed they saistook him for their party Stepping out one of them dealt bim a staggering blow behind the ear and Grirlln almoet went down but regaining uia balance be gave chase and caught both men When

j they saw who he was ibeyboTu numbly begged his pardon but t fee soft stuff didnt phase the officer and ten uiinutts aftershyward they were standing before the jusshytice They plead guilty and were fined at once

The annusil report vt May M J Philshylips of Owosso brigade iasigtector of small arms practirx Michigan National ltraquouard has been preparrtl ad thows that the statetroops are making rapid improveshyment as riflemen Tlie figure ltraquof merit for the outdoor season of 11MU is 4335 as compared ih 3383 in 1006 and 1954 IU 1907 This means that the troops shot about one-third better last year than they did in 1908 and more than twice well as they did in 1907

Although the question will probably not be touched upon at the aevt meeting pure milk will be discussed by the Shia-wateee County Medical Society in the near f attire Physicians in many cities about the state are taking the matter up and inshyvestigating the matter thoroughly aud in some places are even planning to take the contract for tuppljing absolutely pure milk to the public

Death has inletrupted the plars old friends and neighbors of Sherman Kattison the Shiawassee pioneer farmer who nought to gratify the wish of the old

While placing on the rivet bans last T^r^yaalaquoJii i l berry street bridge at Owosso Walter Roraquo ttte four-j ear-old son of 3fr and Mrs Wijliim Rort fei-1 into the stream where the water was deep asd swift Several women who witnessed the accident from the bridge screamed and Nonnan Taggart aged 12 rushed down to the bank and extended a long pole to the younger boy at the same time cooly directing him what to do Twice Walter grabbed the pole but his hands slipped off each time Twice be sank and it looked as though he might drown The thirl time however he grasped the pole firmly and Norman pulled him up close enough to the bank to Clutch his clothing The limp body of the younger boy was carried to his home and a physician suat-moned Be was soon revived and was little the worse for his experience

Wells Warner of Hazelton cownship [aoampie^ra Beit Wilson of Owlaquoeraquoo were fmazHewsitrtne Cafaoa AveIt E par-

sonage bat wee Wednesday by Rev T B McGee The orkte was ptetUly dressed hi pink and was atteaded by heraister JOas Edna WOeou also of Owosso The groem was attended by Mr Balph Borshyrows After the ceremoay a party of young people showered Mr and Mrs Warshyner with rice Their cutter had been tastfnlly decorated for the oeeaeioa

Since the streets in the vicinity of the proposed acw motor truck factory at Owosso hpye been doted by the ceancH representatives of the company have dosshying up deal transferring the property of residents fftatde that dbttict to the comshypany The truck company had seenred options ou most of the property before the sthaets wen closed not caring to purchase it outright uuttl they were sun that the streets would he closed Now that every-thlag has tanu sUleaaVtttt rWsdn atebemg made Out mud tnasfernd asd the people recelvttf their money

The Caise of Colds Good Alrice tefmrtiaf tka Pretea-


STATE OF U1CB1GAX County of 9biawalaquo-eee ss

At a session of the Prohate Court or said Osttnty heid at the Probate Ofnce in the Ciiv bullC Cornnna on the Hth dlaquoy of January

Present JfaUhew Bash Judjse of Probate In the matter of the estate of Ffed K Buckel

deeeawd On Slinjy the petition of Ageie Buekel pray-

igtr fvr the jgtrobaraquoe oi the wiij of said debased MOW filed in thia Court

It is ordered that the 14th day of February next at ten oclock ic tbe forenoon at said t rooate Office be appointed for hearing said petition

And it is further ordered That amp copy of this bullrder be published three successive wlaquoeks preriouu to said day of hearing in the Cornn-ma Journal a newspaper printed and circulat- bull laquo in si4 County of BUlawasoee

MATTHEW BUSH (A t m copy) Judlaquoe of Probate By Florence Llodsey Probate Regioter

If people would only fortify aampd atroRftben the eyatetn too majority of cases of ooagha eolda and pneushymonia might tie avoided These trouble are frequently due to weakshyness which prodneea e eatarrbal condition of the taueous ioembranelaquo whieh la an iuternal skin of the body Wbea this skis is weakened it becomes easily infected with germs which cause many of the disshyeases to which flesh is heir Healthy mucoas membranes are easential safeguards of the bodys general health

Au excellent aid in the prevention of coughs colds raquonAmonia and such like infectious diseases is raquo remedy that will prevent or cure catarrh

We have a remedy which we honshyestly believe to be unsurpassed in excellence for the prevention of coughs4 colds and all catarrhal conshyditions It is the prescription of a famous physician who has au enshyviable reputation of thirty years of cures gained through the uae of this formula We promise to make no charge for the medicine should it fail to do as we claim We urge everybody who has need of such a medicine to try Rexall Mecu-Tone

It stands to reason that we could not afford to make such statements and give our own personal guarantee

J to this remedy if we were not proshyof tbe I pa r ed t 0 prove the reasonableness of

our claim in every particular and we see no reason why any one should hesitate to accept our offer and try it We have two sizes of Rexall Mucu-Tone prices 50 cents and $100 Sometimes a 50-cent botshytle Is sufficient to give marked reshylief As a general thing the most chronic case is relieved with an avsrago of three large bottles Yuu can obtain Rexall Remedies in Coshyrunna only at our storemdashThe Rexshyall Store Alberts Pharmacy Coshyrunna Mich

i t bull o o

o w o s s o

la a bank organised under STATE LAWS and subject to STATE INSPECTION


4 PerCeht I N T E R E S T


bull o o o bull

o 0 a



mdashIs Albert your druggist mdashC D Smith was in Detroit last week mdashMr William Duffey is oo the sick



o bull o 0 0 0 a o


k Mimm uEEnxs

mdash-Charles HathawSy was in Detroit last wtek bull

I mdashWilliam Cole has returned to his j home in Clare

mdashLet Albert save you moDeyon-that jirescrhniea

--jFrank McBride was iu Rose City last week on business

mdashEdward Kay was home from Bsn-eroft oyer Sunday

mdash Fred Ciaig Is in New Lothron this wlaquoek on business

mdashMiss Bernice Phipps t pent Saturday with her su-ter in Flint

mdashEx-Sheriff Warren Jarrad of Antrim was in Corunna yesterday

mdashMrs J P Hackett is visiting her SOB Eugene Hackett in Detroit

mdashErnest Sonnenberg has accepted a positioB with William Bklridge

mdashMr snd Mrs Martin Comstoek have returaed to their home in Santon

-Mis Fred Kay has returned home from aa extended visit in Ebsdia N Y

mdashMajor Cariand of Traverse City Cariaad last

week -Ricbard WOaon of Mt Glesttaas

spent Sunday with Us sister Mrs Frank Bentley

mdashAlbert has Syvonds Inn spices mdashMm C M BQhimer has returaed

from a few weeks visit in Detroit and Aiui Arbor

-~Mbs Mae Keswick returned Saturday from a few days visit at her home in MttskegOfi

mdashThe Friday Afternooa Club was pleasantry entertamed by Mrs- J C Quayle last week

mdashWellington Duffey was confined to his home with aa attack of the grip tbe first of the week

mdashH T Sidney aesfataat cashier at the hank is spending the week visniag rehv

on s oflVe at Lansiag

i bull bull o o e raquo laquo o o o o o OOOOB)




was never so strong and influshyential as it is today Situations

^-ana Jiivtrr x^si K II ftisww SoiiiretAiy

Of the Friday Aftecaosa Cub Was Held at the Boms ef Mrs j C Qaayle

One of tbe meat delightful events In the history ltf tbe Friday Aftershynoon Club waa that of Friday aftershynoon of last wek when the beautiful borne of Mr and Mrs J C Quayle waa opened fo tbe occasion

The projrram of tbe day betn prtndpmlly noon topfea pretoiinlng to onrata4omdashthlaquo noateas Mrs Quayle had appropriately decorated her home In the natlooal ooJora which were anutleally 4raped tfetrahontv pre-leaBed on his father M 0mitllav4hea4itifni^^aVa^ lady aa she entered was preaeated with a tiny flag as a souvenir

After the reading of the minutes of tbe preriona sdeetinar and the trans-action of other bqsineoa came the roll call which waa responded to by Facts about Michigan nd was followed by the grand old aonc Michigan my Michigan

On aeooont of the abseace of Mre Josaie Kay who was to have read a paner upon the Agrteolturai - and MkJeraliesoatees of onr state Mrs RoaeCWefave a most 001011010107 snd delightful resume of her recent trip through the west and northwest Mrs Coles paper waa thoroughly enshyjoyed her 9Bcripttooa being psrtle-olsrly graphic and charming

Following came a number of four minute taOkAoavMrehtaran tonics Mm Helen FldsotlaquooM too story of Poo-Use in an entertaining aaaner stra tydhv Food treated the topic of Lewis Case among other interesting thinca telling how bU visit to this city during his campaign for governor to the early fiftlea ws recalled by one of our ladies Mrs Laura Young Me-Kee The For Traders and Tbe Ordinance of 1787 were each talked upn concisely by Mrs Kate Mason sod Mrs Clndoos Jacobs white Mrs Minerey Fishers treatise upon the Moravians waa indeed a treat It waa exceedingly welt given and as well received Among many points which Mrs Tlaber brought out wwi tbepartio alarly interesting one that the Morshyavians afterwards became the sect known as tbe United Brethren

Following this unusually excellent program division three under the leadership of Mrs Lillian Martin con tributed its quota to tbe entertainshyment Twenty-fire vials containing as many different liquids were placed benetttb the noses of tbe company and poundbey were coramanded to smell first and then tell us what it is

This was an eicellent test of the olfactories of those present and it was really remarkable ho few were Sole to correctly name even a pare of the liquids

The hostess Rod ber assistants then served delicious refreshments and afshyter a social hour adjournment was lakeo for two weeks when the club will entertain the gentlemen at a six oclock dinner at the home of Mrs Rose Cole

Tbe hospitable and gracious entershytainment of the club by Mrs Quayle on this evasion added another red letter day to oar already extensive calendar

consists of new clothing and otter necesshysary articles tot the family of a wo thy (

but poorly paid preacher in one of the j smalt towos of northern 3 i higan Come and help the cause

mdashHugh Nichols received a letter fr rn [ his 30a Hugh Jrj vho is on tbe battle- ship Salem Hugh is now stationed at Norfolk Va where they expect to be for nearly a month wt Sle thesiip is-undeigoshying the necessary re^aifo He was quits sick for some time having lx ea UiSfcittened with pneumonia lraquout i much belter tit present

mdashJohn Williams of burand who flaquomi erly ran-aplumbing shop raquoi (his city j

-bulleallet on friends hltfre Wednesday sir Wilhatus ran a piece of tin into out of his eyes several weeks ago and as f he result | has a very laquogtre eye It was feared-for1

sometime chat he would lo-e the sight of the nuMPber but his condition -istjuuch better at present

mdashU S Rtce one of tke younger farm-eis of Caledonia township has sold out and gone to Gladwin Mich to make his home He will operate a large feed barn and delivery in tha city He has been highway commissioner of Caledonia townshyship for several years and his work nas been very satisfactory Many friends wish him success in his new home

mdashAfter having been unable to use his legs for a year Lawrence McLauchlin young son of Mr snd Mrs W H Mc-Lauchlin is improving and with the aid of crutches is able to move about the boose He has resumed ids studies in the sixth grade His boy friends draw him to a td froTi school in a cart As soon aa the show- disappears liar boy expects to be able to go to school on his crutches

mdashThe dotk with which Mrs Ike Thompson was blacking a hot stove Satshyurday afternoon ignited because of the fact that th blacking contained gasohoe Mrs Thompson threw the doth down and the result was a couch which tbe cloth fell on was set on fire The nre alarm was turned in but before the department arrived Mayor MeMvnen and several others had carried the horning couch out of doors

mdashThe stockholders of the United States Bob 0ltLtapany met Thursday and reshyelected the old board of directors with the exception of Matthew Bush who was sucshyceeded by C kt Bilhlmer The reports showed the company to be in good condishytion ftaasciaampy So dividend has been paid recently although tt is usaleratood

WLD0UGIAS laquoaraquo3Ht4SB0ES

u Corona

mdashOrrftle Porter of FHtst is sheading a few days with his firaadtopents Mr md Mrs Andrew Porter of Corunna

mdashAlberts for valejitiaes mdashMrs M F Hodge of Caledoafav who

has been seriously ill m convalescing rapidly and la now able to sirup

mdashSupervisor Lyman finished fitting his large ice houses in this dty Saturday The crop U of a very fine quahty

mdashWilliam Jackson is able to be around again aftsr having been laid up a week with a severe attack of tonraquotlitis

mdashThe infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Morton died Saturday noon The funeral was held Sunday afiemooir


auPCRiOR TO OTKen tsAKes I hlaquovlaquo morn W L Oewcte bull pound bull laquo

p t vmdashn and ah-ars Hmd tr f ^ J 1

i o o e H o e tolt o t l w Mate trad show^raquon ttyle 119 Howar J Awsv Ufties N Y

V Icowli tsJte yoraquo ssraquo my htrte facshytories at Bunk ton Mass i s a show you how esMfutty W L Dosmias shoe are

wouU ilaquoafiM why o W hold fit

arelaquofi_ AM H W snS ittlos s7JUrtMSUlaquolaquoe

thoem atstaatpeasMthebottosih raquo vrrsefSrltaU Older Rrraquo vilJgzsr^

Uves near Yeraon mdashJ C Thomas datk in the audrwti that one vHDbededaredmthetiewftttart

mdashThe ehy of Comana will is sstd adopt a plan oonsetved by Mayor McMul-lea who has noted of arte that toller skat-mg is a very popular diversion ajd that the sport has daampcmg on the main this locality The floor of the park casino will be p-epsied at ooce for akatiag It is believed and 190 pairs of skates will be purchased by the c-ty It is believed that a eonsldemble amount can be raised in this way toward the support of the park It is expected that the first skating party will be ueM next week

mdashJ H Barnes of Saginaw who repre sent the cmiipany which 1laquo to extend the spar track to the Hazeltsu coal fields and the leasing to the large trao of land in that township was in the dty Monday on business Washington Snyder the New

-Miss Agnes McNamara daughter of | Lothrop merchai t was also io the city Mr and Mrs Charles McNamara of Cale- j and declares that sithesgh-sctbisg-dtfi-donia township is confined to her home nite has been done in the village the busishy

ness men there arc perfectly willing iud anxious to have the road extended to New

o f laquo

Printing done by the

Journal is always nest

Foleys Kidney Remedy will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine It in-vi|raquorgtratrs the cnttr-jy^in HJJU yrcui^-

S i m p l e l l e a n e d j for LaGrippe

LaGrippe coughs are dangerous as they frequntlv develop jntltgt pneumon a Pohys Honlaquo-y and Tar not only stops the cough but heals and strengthen the lungs so that no serious results need be feared The senuiue Foleys Honey and Tsr conshytains no harmful drugs and is in a yellow package tkgtld bv Glen T Reynolds

Chas K Riffley A O Whipple President Cashier

A E Hartfthorn W P Cooper Vice President - Awi Cashier

by Uiness mdashFalc man WantedmdashTo look after our

iutetest in Shkwassee and adjacent counshyties Salary or commission Address Lincoln Oil Co Cevelaud O

mdashAlbert always has your favorite magashyzine

mdashThe Epworth League letter social at thcopy home of Miss TiLie Strauch Friday evenshying was a success both socially and finanshycially About 100 attended aud sect320 was cleared

mdashMrs Jake Eilber fdl down a flight of stairs while coming down from her resishydence over Lowes shoe store Monday evening raquosd sprained her ankle besides cutting her face badly

mdashAll accounts due Lowe amp Co must be settled before Feb 1frac34 1910 4-w8

mdashDuring the three years that B P Hicks has been prosecuting attorney of Shiawassee county he has not asked the court for tbe continuance of a case in other words the prosecutor has always been ready when the cases come upmdash Press-American

mdashThe Young Ladies Guild of St

Carrie amp Clittertack got off the tram at Twenty-mini street She paid ten ceata for the ride an bullbe probably paid the same sum go-rag back la Paris anybody would have walked the distance

I was amased upas going oat ot my hotel the other day to see a big husky cab driver havs his boot polshyished He probably paid ten cento for the Job In Europe a ealr drtver would have had hia own brushes an blackmf

It is thia saving habit tnat mskea Ptsnce a rich country and gtrea our people the wherewlttad uraquo buy Amort-can aeeertties ft raquo tha abaeaee of the knowledge of how to save ha amali thtnga or the puttlftg of It tato pracshytice that keeps so many lt your peo-plepte from beJor thrifty aasl makaw the distance so great between your miUfcusdree and your ordinary mbor^

bull g gt gt

Lothrop and will raise the necessary funds if any are needed

mdashBusy Hive hlt Id installation of officers Friday evening the 21st Past Commandshyer Julia 8 S Parker acted as instslling ofitcer Mrs Mattie Klinkman the new commander had charge of tbe evening Short speeches were made and presentashytions of carnations to installing officer Mrs Parker asd Mistress at Home Mrs Kiucaid A beautiful cut glass water set to Past Commander Jacobs and toilet set to Mrs Ormsby paet finance keeper The presentations were made by Mrs KHnk-man iu her most aftiabe manner Reshyfreshments were served to Sir Ktights and all invited guests

mdashA carload of sheep consigned to H E Payne from Chicago reached the yards here Friday morning about nine ocock after being on the road without food or water since Wednesday night at 0 oclock There were thirteen of theai dead and

mary more just as good as dead ones j Mr Payne promptly Tefused them from i the railroad but unloaded them snd thev



Saves YottMoDey

Pauls Episcopal church intend holding an i are now at his farm just west of town be-oyster supper followed by a mu-ical j ing cared for by him for the railroadmdash evening at the borne of Miss Eveleth on i They were shipped back to Chicago yes-


Owosso Savings Bank O W O H O MlCt t l f fs t l t

Pays laquo4sect- Oa Savings Deposits

Frazer street on Thursday Feb 3rd supper to begin at five 0 clock Tickets on Mtle at 20 cents

mdashAbout 20 of Miss Hazel Lowes pupils participated in a musical at her home Satshyurday afternoon Tbe life of Chopin was discussed Four of the pupils were preshysented with diplomas Refreshmeatr were served and a delightful social time followshyed the musical program

tortSay- -Bam lofi Commercial


Sum Mor Syrup Looks Good Tastes Better per gal

French Visitor Says Our People Not Consider Value of Small



One of the things that strike a foreigner visiting New York said an observant Frenchman the other lay

I is the fact that so many Americans have no idea of the value of money They do not know how to economize n little things or if they do they do

not care to funeral was heU from the Baptist church 1 saving five dollars may appeal to

to them but saving five centsmdashno in France we believe tL)t savir^ the five cents makes it ossibw for 113 to

mdashGeorge Duell aged 33 years died at his home in this city early Sunday mornshying from tuberculosis of the lungs Beshysides a widow he kaves three daughters who are in destitute circumstances The

bull fims bull m-MV | w

nil ourtd i)_y this ga-ai medicine arc OOWO tOOO0OOlaquoOOObull OOOOO OICQ T Reynolds Sold by f

mniiiyrGvs aCuwfcura W H Kllpatri

raquo Haruhorn Ohalaquo W- Ri^l Vi A Wo^aisi

Tuesday afternoon at 2 oclock

mdashThe services at ihe M E church Sun i]i)tgt raquoy-nitiltf Tfraquo V VM1 bft iwler tho

^Slspiclaquo of Uu Woilaquojfiis fTHiiC JIlaquoioi

ftry-raquoSltKieiy ampn approprijic pro rrim in

(taken to help the society on their thank-offering The tliank offering this year


35c Salt

$105 Buck Wheat Flour

le 70c H amp E Sugar Vjy the Cwt 535

H amp E Suiar by the Sack 135

Olives or Sweef Midget


Salt By the barrel will not harden

Makes those good 25 lb sack for

Quart cans full of Olives or sweet Midget pickels

1 ) 1

bullHem is a case n point- Tgte other iy i s w u Tvosnun wviJonfgty oi thr poorer clap aiid a child cUiiib up the stairway of the Sixth aveuue elevated station at Twenty-eighth street Sfce

y Want Eggs

And Good Butter

11 1frac34 f 1 laquo jMluC ff bull

Phone 15-2



f - = WHEN YOU BUY FENCE Its a mighty good idea to consider troahty before priaa

Theres a tot of cheap fenw on the laquoarilaquotraquo but you mart te-member when you buy fencing at a cheap priceyon get just what you pay for-poorly made unserviceable fesemdashnothing more

PEERLESS ^ FENCE famous Teev im eircnlaT t i ^ makes Kertess the ^ o n ^ e B t fenee known Make ycui dealer furnish bull w i Peerless HlaquoTcan get it for yoa

Ltd Peerless Wfre Fence Co


FOOTS tght

Well Crissy what can X do tor year asked the judge of his fair r o s s f daughter a s she stood In the doorway of his oQteroOce

Ton know said Crissy gravely T filed an application with yon several weeks ag far a s iacreese la a y 4tgt DvxMsseat fttad I celled to tee what yoa had dace wtth isy ctete

The Judges eyes twlnkleaV Te looked at U s watch

I am sorry bat I have a preaatag encaxeaseat IU t a n yoar ease oer to Charles glsnvjng at an adjoiahM dealt

The hfwwa Httaiy fee fashed hoy-lenly a he a n t tae daraquolaquolaff eye

I refnaa to he taraed over ealft Criasy ttneantly 1 affi led to yaw aad I shall await year f laaaiqemdashat year nasti anfit yea return

-Vary waH reoated the Jadfa 1 lea-re yea hi peateaaksC

When he had left the t o o n the twe reaMUates fa antes were oaaaeasas of the sUeaee The girl east acrreydttaac side glances toward the yaws attorshyney but he kept d e n a i l y at work

The drat day that Charles Daatont

told her of his love and demanded her hand and^heart

But Crissys young hiart was no yet ripe for love and she said him nay merrily Then he accused her of being a flirt She resented the accusation They had not been on speaking terms for two days and Crissy lound the silence almost embarrassing

Presently the door opened and an old man far beyond the three score and ten limit entered His cheeks were round and rosy and his eyes twinkled good-humoredly

So the iedge amVlu he said reshygretfully

Mr Barney began the young man your casemdash

Crfesy saw a way now to make him speak to her -

I am filling the judges place this morning Mr Barney she said sweetshyly Is there anything I could do for yew

The young man reddened angrily bat the old man eame forward smilshying

Bent yea the Jedges daughter Tea look like hfc4

T h a n k you Mr Barney Yes I am his daughter If yon will state yoar ease I will lay it before my fa ther

Wen yoa see yoar pa has been try-lag to get see n pension for quite a spoU aad sosnr way It d e a l seem to get through and rm getting on If It dont come pretty soon J wont be here to enjoy i t

Of coarse yoa want tt now i n make father posh tt right through

Bless your kind heart sa id^he oM man delightedly

-Mr Barney said Dnnvoat coming forward deureateedty we heard from Washington this morning about your oeee aad I am sorry te tail 70c that it has been rajeafei There is a nugt iag Hah raquo the evidence ValeneVyon can supply this the case is hoae-teea

The old mans m a d apple-Hke face suddenly to shrivoJL Criasy

dlrldrd between pity for him and anger toward the young man for checkewtiag her A bright inspiration came to her A tlger-Uke spring of her memory showed her how she could help one and disconcert the other

Mr Barney she said sweetly tt I were you I wouldnt try to get my pension through lawyers

How would you get it he asked eagerly

Id get it through by special set of congress

I dont know our congressmanrrorraquo this district and he wouldnt help an old fellow like me anyhow

bullMaybe not said Crtssi but I

raquoa entered the law firm as junior partner he had seen a wonderful vision mdasha lovely fair lace with eyes of heavens own bluemdashhovering near the judges desk He was conscious with

j a rush of blood to hisface that his heart no longer was his own Crissy was too much of a coquette upt jo see the effect she produced and thereafter she proceeded to make life miserable for him -- -

One day she y e s gracious and charming to him the next she scarceshyly deigned him a glance He stood the treatment heroically for awhile then he rebelled Quietly and manfully he

Trade with Advertisers and Save Money

bdquo-gt s_gt A-- ^ mdashbullbull W - ^ ^J bull mdash^ lt V ^ lt

COAL I have on hand a full stock of the

following coa) and am prepared to make prompt deliveries

H A R D C O A L - E g g Stove Nut and No 2 Chestnut

S O F T C O A L mdash S t Charles Specshyial Grade of Ohio Coal and West Virginia Splint

Orders may be left at Quayles Grocery or the Ann Arbor Elevator Phone No 80 or 3 5-2r

Ill m WW m poundsect InV aSSSssi frac34frac34frac34frac34 amp



know a biiJIiant youog coDgresfimsn who is very influential and (be would do anything I asked him to do HI write him uow and tell him all about you

Dumopt had been watching the old mans hope-illumined face while she spoke He came up to her resolutely and said in a low tone

bullCrissy dont raise fahw hopes He cant stand much more disappoint-aKgtnt~ bull

Crissy stared at fciih coldly then she addressed Mr Barney

Tell me all about your case and I will write t t once

The old man delightedly plunged into an inexhaustible accouht of batshytles marches hospitals prisons and so forth Meanwhile Crissys pea was scratching wildly over the paper

See If this will do she asked Afy Dear George You once said

that there was nothing In the world that you would refuse to So for mc I want something very much now and I know that you will do it for me beshycause I atk yau to There Is an old soldier In our city tor whom fathers firm has been trying to get a pension and after all their red tape they have failed through some technicality His name Is Leartns P Barny and he served in Company A Twentynfth Illishynois as private corporal and sergeant He served a full term and re-enlisted Was wounded at Fair Oaks and was afterward taken prisoner Will yoq get his pension through by special act I remember that yno dM thte for a soldier mat adminmtratknBL So yon


Human Race Shows Enormous Growth Si nee Days of Constant Warshy

fare and Pestilence

The population of the sxown earth at the death of the Roman emperor Augustus about the time of the con-mencemeut of the Christian era was estimated by Bodia an Italian statisshytician at 57000000 The Komans knew nothing pf Asia beyond tlie lu-dus river and nothing of Africa savo the Mediterranean states But the hushyman race in early tl^ilaquos was engaged in constant warfare and it is recordshyed that the temple of Janus^ wlraquoch could only be cloaed when Rome was at peace was shut at the time or the birth of Christ- But not only was the population of the ea^th decimated by incessant wars it was devastated by terrible epidemics of disease which swept over every country co that In 1492 at the time of the discovery of America by Columbus the population f Europe was placed at 40000000 To day Europe has ten times that numshyber or 400000000 people with about 100 to each square mile

remember telling me abont it winter night Get it a quickly as yoa can and t will believe everything yclaquoi said to me As ever

Tours devotedly Crisay That will fetch tt said the oM

man gleefaHy Now I will address itr ltKoneuroiearna

I Qnaekenboah M C Wmohlngton D C Now we win gc together and raquo a ^ i t

Later when the Jadge came back Domoat asked htm if he eenld he pat on the Qridley case and make the weat ero trip

Indeed yoa may Dumomt- replied the Judge We will ail be too gmd to shift the case off oar hands to yon

Creasy looked crestfallen and disapshypointed when bar father told her the next day that DoFioat bad gene west and weald be gone for a month

MHe might at least have said good-by she thought

Her buoyancy vanished day by day and she grew pensive and pathetic

I l l never trifle alaquonhV she thonght sadly

In a months timevDamont letnyned and reported his success in the Qridshyley cnae I _

Howls Miss Harshr he asked sdfly after they had discussed the

Look Around Then laquo


Cookies from field Medal Flour are the best I ever tasted SOPHIA

NT VTUAOK BaXJE-DeraH having bwo Made ia tike coalition trtraquo eertsiti wort-

raquogtlaquo t i w n r i f Lacy U Betrrof the City of GermMU S a t a w i t t Coaoty MidigaD to tbe E i a w M B raquoUUe Auk of dw-k^tOB Mtchi-S laquo B 4 K 4 laquoa l raquoh 40raquo of nos^rber tfOS and nt ot In la uw e s v e of the Eetteter of Dndraquo for Ottawa Oftutj oa tkyen Utk day of WoTtibar MBS to Uber 108 of Mortgage on MfleaHSwaS ttl walek mortgage bae been only aaateactf by mmamptmmtu la WTttts to Kary aV nlaquofe of Caeoaalms Mfaeatgaa BOW w r i i a g la Oonotft Mtealma raquoatS aarisn-1 awat fecta 4te4 May tf 1(4raquo aad wa rvcord-edte ta oSStc of tbe n e a t e r of Deed for aaiawaMwe Coaatf on tbe eta day of Jaaaary tim tm Uber teBof aattsaaKBts laquof Mortgaoje ea page ni7 aad wketeaa ta aswtat dni-laquoi tobt da naoa aald atortgase at tae date of tai aoUee la the aiai of One Bundled jTworty PW aad Sl-tSS Botlan ( R raquo W) which lactade taeipald for tasea awi the fuihet- enat of Twcbty-FlTv DoOua aa an aaoraey fee pro-ruted to fa said Mortrace and no eolt or pro-eeeahalaquoMlaw aarlna heea taMlMted to re-eofer tae aainant eeeured by nald awrtcase nor aay part thereof

Now therefore aoUee is aereey cfTea that hy Ttrtaeof the nowerof sale contained in eald uortaacev aad la aarkaaaee of the etatate la each caa ende aad provided the aald awrt-aage win he ferrelmiil by a hale of the pteat-tee thuela deacrfbed at pablle auction to the htfheei Wdder at the wlaquoM front door of

Crtssy basat been very well lateshyly but shes positively happy to-daymdash nearly as happy as old Barney Hes got hfs peaslen 912 per month and a good bit off back pension It came through special act It seems Crtssy wrote to a friend of hers who is a congressman

Yes I know she did he replied with a bitter recollection of the day It was written

George Quackenbush married Crts-sys most intimate friend Informed the Judge

He is married exclaimed Dumont joyfully

Yes replied the judge he wouldshynt have been if it hadnt been for Crissy She patched up a lovers quarshyrel between him and the girl he margt lied and in the joy of reconciliation he offered to do anything she ever asked him By the way hadnt you better go and see Crtssy

But the young man had already started toward the door

raquo - raquo bull mdash bull mdash mdash mdash mdash - i

Lord Mayors Banquets The lord mayors banquet on the

night of November 9 was to entertain his majestys ministers In the days of the Georges it was no uncommon thing for royalty to attend the banquet but this is never the case nowadays In 1814 the prince regent afterward George IV accompanied by the emshyperor of Russia and the king of Prusshysia was at the Guildhall feast and the prince was so pleased with the lavish hospitalfty of the new lord mayor tbat he made him a baronet on the spot The price paid for the honor a distinction which always has to be paid for was not inconsiderable for the dinner cost 1125000

Mr Pepys records in his diary that at the table at which he sat at a lord mayors bcrquet there were ten good dishes to a r-css and plenty of wine of all sorts but we bad no napkins no change of trenchers and drank out of earthen pitchers or wooden dishes

Berliners Flock to See Soldier There are about pound3000 soldiers In

Potsdam which isnt a great distance from Berlin and there ere always solshydiers in the German capital on guard before various palaces Besides there is a review almost every morning on the Exercirerplatz and guard mountshying every day at the Konigswache so that it might seem likely that soldiers wouldnt arouse a great deal of intershyest in Berlin

It is however quite the contrary Tbe sound of a band playing sends every one running in the direction of the music Even if it is just a small company going along the streets the loiks appear eager to watch it Whatshyever the cause soldiers apparently are an unchanging novelty In Berlin

the Court B o u t in the City of Cormnna Shla-waaOooaty en Taoeday the IS day bullX Ajneflt l e l e at nae oetoefe In the after noon of raid day whieh nrenrieea are deaerfb-ed la aatd bullariange mm fotlow Let One and Two In niock Forty-Two lteuroraquogt original plat City of CoranaSatawaeme OonB^rbUrhiaaa

Mttadlaaawry rth aMSL Many a warn

c a a n u a w eggaav Attorney tar aarijtnee

Cfceeanin Mtehlfan

Come Back It is natural and customary for buyers to

J ok around and s^e where thty can do best in buying Furniture We laquoxpelttthatm W^ are also so used to hayshying them return here aftet looking elsewhere that we expect that also in nine cases out of ten the cusiosTier who looks around is only the more saibfied that we bfrer the most and best for the money Look around or come here and buy without looking around Its all the same We will get your order in either case


Furnitarc and UttdertaKini Phone 2 9 S X X poundamp JR jr Mb iS JK JS X JS ^

Of Every Deiseription for AH Occasions

Every Day in the Year


kTATKOrMlCHlGAraquoOOUBty of Shiawas

bull t a Meeaion of the Probate Coort for eald Ooenty held at the Probete Office In the flty of Daranna on Monday the 3rd day of Jan wary in ffce year laquone tigtonsnd otne baidred ana ten

Pfeaent Xathew Bosfa Jndfe of Probate la the matter of the estate of WllUiara C

atot deceaeeS On readlofl and SUng the petition of Praacle

Stota praylnt that adalii^wtTatlaa of feald estate may be grnnted to the petitloaer or anaM SSirer MUtaote petmon

It la ordered that the 3tt day of Jeunary bullest at ten oclock In the roreoeon at eald bullrYobnte o e w b mdashlaaed for hearlns arid


And tt Is farther ordered that a copy of thle order be pnbhehed tbrce gtaeceolt4re weeks areriane to taW ky of heartnp in the Cornets lofimal a aeltrpaper printed aad elveallaquottat In raid Ceaaty of ahtawnam

MATTrnrw acalaquo Jodlaquo of Probate

Br Florenee TJadrey Probate Beaioter

ORTOAQE SALBmdashWhsrers default fca tr^n made In thlt eonoitioaa of a certain

Kwrtrase natio and rxecnted by William L Cotby aad Letta Cotby of the Township of Woodhnll 8blawaM-raquovlaquo Cosnty Miehi^m ^f tbe flrnt pepraquo unto J T Lemon of Shiawaasee bull owtuAi bull Sbtawasre CouBVjc Mtehiann of

tbe elaquoofwi part on the 27th day of Mareb ia toe year raquoIOlaquoD ntinJred and six and rrcori-eltJ lis tbe Reyirtrr of HwdVoaee for fthiawas-bullee Coimty Mn^jrau in Liber 107 of Mortshygages on pages raquo and Sltlon which mtgtrtglttre tbere is eUisrd tobedne at the date of tlgtilaquo eoticei for principal and interest the want of oerenteen bund red sJJtty-eJx dollars end twentyHwo cents (fl786^frac34) and no writ or pro-elaquoedinalaquo at law or ir equity hm-rlug been taken to reeorer the money secured by nald mortda ge or any part thereof notice is lioreby jflrtn that by virtue Of the power of sale eontaiutd iv eald mortaage and the Rtatatee In snch case made and prorlded tbe laquoald mortrage will be foreelofied by sale of the premises hereinafter described or so mncb tbercof as may be neltee sary to eatfefy the laquoald tmm of money now cue thereon pound i interest thereon at the rate Of si x per cent per aannm from tbe date of ttia notice toraquoeber vlth an attorney fee of twerty-five fraquo) dollara as provided in said aorteslaquore and as prorlded alaquoo by tbe statutes of thi State together with afl other ielaquoI coraquotw of this foreclosnre at vlaquob1ie auction or vendue to the hlahest- bidder at the front doof of the Court Some tn the Caty of Coraana Mirhlrlaquogtn (the raid Court Moose being tbe place of bolt1 lair the Cfaenlt Ccnrt for the cam- - raquoraquobull weasee State of Michiltraagtolaquo the amptlt d raquo r of March AIgtraquo t raquo l laquo at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day

The premises deseribed in said martgag are as foilowa towlt being alt those certain pieces or pampreeto of toad sttmated i the t w ship of WoodhaU Gomaty of ebJewaasee raquouraquole of VJehteaa as follows vis northeast Onar-ter(M)ofthe seotkwe qmarter aad the eottUt tea (M) acres of the eae half^H) of th aerUiwMt quarter 1frac14) of seetloa twenty two (St) ahe the sosWSraet qaarter ^frac14^ f ihe sentbeast qwartcvlaquoWgt e4 the northeast quarter (frac14) of section taettty-eifrf fftK laquoH hi Town Fire (i) North of aaage One 0 ) -

- - - [fpound Dated December asth DISW X T LSMOM

Mortgagee ROT H DCrBMAM Attorney for

Bnainees Address Cornnaa Mich


-^ t^ +r jryi ^ 4 ^

The Last Hope The court does not see the necea-

laquoitv for accorclina yoraquolaquo time to srraquooak

gtSMir umio^^ laquo i OGly a rtioroaal yo

alated the lawyer call your attention to the fact that toy client fa an awful liar

To every woman bull h ^ a s B S s i aannsaBMi^MiBaMnManBa bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull bull i B i ^ H a i B ^ n B -

in our city Not every night but often you feel tired

worn oat as though you didnt have strength to do another thing

Have you ever stopped to think What ia the cause

You fed this w a y most when you have been on your feet most the days when you have stood or

walked a good deal

In nine cases out of ten S H O E S are responsible

Let us fit you in the Red Cross Shoe It entirely prevents the burning drawing And aching that stiff sotes cause It is wonderful how it saves your strength

Tanned by the special Red Cross process the sole is flexible it bends with yoar foot reheves all the

pressure on the delicate nerves and tenshydons giving a feeampig of freedom ease and comfort found in no other shoe Let us fityoa

Chrfords $3 JSO ami $ 4 0 0 aifebSfcoan $ 4 0 0 ami $ 5 0 0

Get Style and ComfortmdashGet Both

Ei raquo

OUVstV j |

bull laquo ^ m m A ^ j ^ m ^ m ^ t t t m



SURELY SHOULD HAVE KNOWN Senator Pettus at th Age of 85 Beshy

lieved He Had Attained Years of Discretion

Senator James B Frasier of Tenshynessee tells a story 6t the delight which the late Senator Pettus of Alashybama took in a yard game Senator

Fraater when governor of Tennesshysee had gone to Hot- Springs Ark There he met Senator Pettus and knowing him well determined to warn him that three men with whom he had been playingA cards were sharpers from Nashville^

After hesitating some time he ap-proachea the aged senator and afte engaging him in conversation apoloshygized for warning Senator Pettus that his card partners were crooked

You dont say smiled Senator Pettus Do you know I suspected it

Well I advise you not to play with them any more said Senator Frazier

But theres nobody else here to play with Querulously returned the aged senator

Older senators repeat an anecdote of Senator Pettus in which he is repshyresented as returning home after a night at cards just as the morning light was breaking He was at the time of the story 85 years oUtr and Mrs Pettus was but little younger They never addressed each other exshycept as Mr Pettus and Mrs Petshytus

Mr Pettus said Mrs Pettus sternly rising up in bed do you think it is good for your health to stay out ar -laquoraquoLc as this at night

Mrs Pettus returned her husshyband dont you think I am old enough to know what is good for me





MAN BURIED IN RUINS - bull bull _ _ bull

Wife Two Bableraquo and Sister Flee Ait injured and One Little On^OUs Other Oncopy it Nst Expected to Live

Appeal to a Thief The other evening M Alfred Edshy

wards lost a pocketbook containing a sum cf pound444 as he was leaving the theater This morning a letter from him appears igt the Figaro addressed to the presumed thief who must be a most ungesircmanly on Indeed if be does not answer It at once Thfgt letter says

la leaving the Antolne theater last lbtaf te r the PapiHon had been given some vert deft hand abstrae-ed my pocketbook containing ten bank notes of 1000 francs each and 12 others of 100 francs with some photographs and papers that are imshyportant to me If the person who has appropriated my property Is so well inspired as to read the Figaro I beg him to tampnd me back the i^ketbook and the papers which are of no use to bim To hope that he would also send back the bask notes in exshychange for a good reward would be exceeding the limits of optimism and I do not dare to expect it But my papersmdashwhat use can they be to himmdashParis Correspondence London Telegraph

Homage to Noah In a lecture before the Royal Geoshy

graphical society Capt Bertram Dickshyson said there is a large sanctuary at the top of Jebel Judi where every year in August is held a great fete attended by thousands of energetic Moslems Christians and Yezidis who climb the steepest of trails for 7000 feett in the terrific summer heat to do homage to Noah This mountain seems to have been held sacred at all times and certainly it has a wondershyfully awesome fascination about it with its huge precipices and jagged crags watching over the vast Mesopo-tamiaii plain The local villagers can show one the exact spot where Noah descended while in one village Has-sana they showed his grave and the vineyard where he is reputed to have indulged cver-freely in the juice of the grape The owner of this deshyclared that the vines had been passed from father to son ever sincemdashLonshydon Evening Standard

An explosion wrecked the brick residence of Scott Parker one wile north of Moscow a village on a Lake Snore branch in the extreme northshyern end of HiUsdale countybullbullkilling Parker and one of his children and Injuring fcis ^ife aiid child also an aunt of the children who lived with the family Three other children of the family were out of the house The dead body of Parker was dug out of the ruins The second injured child is believed to be dying

From reports that are coming in from the exvited farmers of that vishycinity it appears that Parker went down ceilar shortly after the three older children had left home for school

He went down there to fil the tank of the acetylene gag plant is what Mrs Parker says

The aeetylene plant evidently exshyploded Mrs Parker the children Louise aged 6 and Nellie 3 and the aunt Parkers sister Were in the livshying room when there was a loud re port in the cellar the house floor heaved up and then the walls began to fall in on them The two women grabbed each a child and scrambled across the caving floor to an outer door and escaped just as the avashylanche of bricks descended on them It was their prompt flight that saved their lives As it was Mrs Parker suffered a broken leg and cuts oa the head and both of the children had both arms and legs broken Nellie died The aunt received lesser inshyjuries

Nearby neighbors heard the explo Bkm and the news spread with the rapidity of a message conveyed by the wireless telegraph In a brief intershyval there was a crowd at the scene of the wreck It was a wreck for the entire brick house had tumbled in ruins into the cellar

Big Year in Iron and Steel The tremendous activity that is exshy

pected in the movement of Lake Sushyperior iron ores is indicated by the announcement that the steel corporashytion has chartered vessels to move 15000000 tons while it will move about 32000000 tons in its own vesshysels this making the immense tonshynage of 2000000 tons for the leading interest lit is confidently expected that independent interests will move 23000000 tonsv making a grand total of 50000000 tons Ore freight rates have been advanced five cents per ton and the charges paid by vessels for unloading have been reduced five cents per ton so that on a basis of a movement of 50000000 tons vessels will have receipts of f5000000 greatshyer than under the schedule of last year of ore freights in unloading charges

A very heavy volume of inquiry for pig iron Is pending ir the central west and some orders of good size have been taken

The state industrial commission rer cently appointed by ltJov Warner vi 11 meet in Saginaw Feb 5

Members of Company F National Guard Saginaw have received a check for $300 in payment for their driii services from last June until November

A three-quarter million dollar hotel tea stories high will be built in Kalashymazoo on the site of the Burdlck h a use destroyed by fire Dec S I I wilt have a frontage apound 85 feet and a depth of 132

It is thought thai a- postomco in spector will go to Jackson to investishygate the case of Ray Horseman alshyleged Jto havo sent t -vo threatening letters through the-mails to C C Bioooifleld v ^oLiipii him to give up-$10000 -

Mrs Martin Ifoyt of Grass Lake swallowed carbolic acid and jumped into a stoc^-watering tank and was found dead in the tank by neighbors Worry over her husbands ill health and financial troubles are given as the cause for her despondency

Joseph Clark of Sagluaw a stationshyary engineer decided to relieve bte diet of liquids and light foods with mush He swallowed a quantity of it and was seized by an old disease of the throat The food stuck in his throat and he choked to death

The police searched the lunch counshyter and pool room belonging to T A Seager of Ithica and found three cases-of beer three gallons of whisky and two barrels of hard eider The man was placed under arrest and gave bonds to appear in the circuit court

Todd Klneaiu an Owosso coal mine operator and representative of a Calushymet corporation has leased 700 acres o land near Kirby in Shiawassee county and operations for coal mining wiij be started soon It is stated that a vein three feet thick is located on the property

Sheriff Shuter of Traverse City has notified the Flint police that Mamie Rreckenridge the woman who was sentenced to 65 days in the Detroit house of correction after having caused the police much work by conshycocting a hold-up story is wanted in that city for forgery

Prof William J Hussey head of the astronomical department at the Ann Arbor university reports that a very bright comet has been sighted He states that it was traveling towards the sun This is supposed to be the same one that was sighted by astronshyomers In South Africa on January 17

R h Lament an alumnus of the engineering department at Ann Arshybor has donated gifts to the univershysity which will total $20000 They include a plot of ground adjoining the observatory money to begin work on a 24-Inch refracting telescope and $2-000 worth of tools for the engineering department

To open the coai fields in Haxeltcn township the Grand Trunk spur line running between Cornnna aud Kerby is to be extended 12 miles The leasshying of a large tract of land by the Saginaw Coal Co has necessitated this extension which will open up a rich farming country at present without railway facilities

The Michigan Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers tn session at Kalamazoo voted to ask the state legislature for more stringent measshyures governing the manufacture of the delicacy They demand that the manushyfacture in dark basements and other

Specifications for finished products places where there is danger of con arc running in a very satisfactory volume to makers although In tubushylar and raquoirp eoorls ltraquoriTiiitions are rather quiet because buyers are verv

agination be prohibited Michigan won and lost in debates

on the resolution that The United States has shown that a protective

comfortably fixed with stocks on tariff should continue to be a national nana uraers against contracts in sheets are probably of the largest volume

Origin of Life Nothing new is to be reported unshy

der this head The status of the anshycient problem remains the same The whence and what of life remain the same impenetrable mystery Where life comes from and what it is after it comes no man can tell This much however seems to be generally acceptshyed that life can come only from life Huxley declared just before his deshyparture that the idea of creating life from nonvital matter was the dream of a fool and nothing that has hapshypened since Huxleys death has served to disprove the soundness of his stateshyment

Jack-on Black HanderV That be was threatened on peril of

his life io secure $10000 and leave it at Main and Gorham streets for two parties in Chicago is the story told by Ray Horseman the $S-a-week dry goods clerk who has confessed that he tried to extort an equal sum from C C Bloomfield of Jackson by means of a black hand letter

Young Horseman admits everything in connection with the easo but be declares that he was the victim of Chicago black-handers and that he concocted the extortion cf Mr Bloom-field as a method of procuring the money The letters he received he says he has torn up The police are inclined lo doubt his story inasmuch as other evidence in the case tends to show that he was alone in the plot

It is barely possible that Ray got mixed up with a gang of blackmailers during his visits to Chicago

Finding a New Ending I suppose you will end your booK

as us^al and they lived happy ever after

Not a bit of i t I will say They are now happily married but no man knows what a day may bring forth The aathor however hopes for the best

Mixing Metaphors Did gtou hear what that manager

said about bis new play No what was it That there would be the devil vo

pay if he couldnt get an angelmdashBalshytimore American

His Toil Ended IVI uu- laquo-Jv (-gt a^Wi bull li C fiCTi MrTiSi

Young and is now oft on his honeyshymoon

I really dout Know whether onn HflOSMfj OPii gtt - f a r

Ex-Mayor Heavily Fined Admitting that he was technically

guilty of violating the law in selling to a minor though declaring that he had no intention of willfully violating the law Druggist L A Goodrich eight times mayor of Hillsdale was given the minimum sentence by Judge Chester $100 fine and $5 costs Goodrich sold some liquor to Harry Van Wormer the minor son of a reshytired minister who Goodrich claims represented that he wanted it for his sick mother

The largest attendance In the hisshytory of the organization is the record set by the Michigan Millers associashytion which held the annual meeting this week in Lansing

Fred J Tro^is a St Johns banker has been appointed receiver of the Michigan Milk amp Food Products Co of Elsie and will file a bond of $75-000 The concern started factories at Elsie Ovid and ShepardsvHt a few months ago to manufacture powderee milk products but went on the finanshycial rocks It was capitalized at $C0-000

The Baton County Agricultural so-M C y bull- ftft-03i ist O h W ^ t ltgtbull-bull-raquo-gt the following oflieera -President W Fbdquo Hale secretary V G Griffith treasurer Nfiluon Hlbba-d trii

policy The affirmative team defeasshyed Northwestern university team at Ann Arbor and the men taking the negative side were beaten by the Unishyversity of Chicago team in that city

At the meeting of the state board of auditors at Lansing a total of 508 claims were allowed While the amounts of claims did not reach as large a tofal as on previous days nearly $50000 was paid out The beard also gave permission to the state tfcreshemen to use representashytive hall-for-bullbullbulltheir annual convention which occurs on March 30 and 31

Foreign liquor dealers in the upper peninsula are making haste to comply with the law in regard to taking out state licenses since the wholesae arshyrests at Escacaba The matter was brought to the attention of Atty-Gen Bird some time ago and a consultashytion by letter with prosecuting attorshyneys in the northern section resulted in the prompt response of the saloon men

Simplicity is to be the slogan of Adrian high schools next graduating class for the girls of 10 have adopted a resolution fixing on simple white for all functions pretaining to commenceshyment Each young lady is limited to one white gown and Is pledged to wear no hat at the baccalaureate ex-exercises the event at which the milshylinery displays were wont to be made in former years

The electric railroad meeting at Cold water in response to a call from Mayor Sherman brought out 500 men The subject under discussion was the proposed line between Coldwater and Battle Creek for which the citizens of Coidwater are asked to raise $C-000 A committee was appointed and nearly $2000 was subscribed al the meeting It is planned to run the road over the old Coldwater-Mnns-Oeld roadbed

It is believed at Marquette that the explosion of dynamite which cost the life of one miner and seriously inshyjured four others and destroyed the dry house at the Carey mine reshycently was the result of a plot though the raotJve for such a crime is a mysshytery as the men are working on a friendly agreement with the company investigation shows that the explo1 I sive was placed at five different places bull iijc-r the building i

j CovsTf-H5raa7i Gnr^ner =-$ HGitftec j Charles O Bali thai he will be AD- j


Too often the kidneys are the cause and the sufferer is not aware of it Sick kidneys bring backache and side paius lameness rnd stiffness dizzi-oess headaches tired feeling urinary

tidoubles Doans Kidshyney Pills cure the cause Mrs N E G r a v e s Villisca Iowa says I sufshyfered from kidney trouble Tor years The secretions were disordered th e r e

were pains In my back and swellings of the ankles Often I had smother ing spells I had to be helped about Doans Kidney pills cared me five years ago and I have been well since ihey saved my life

Remember the naroemdashDoans For sale by all dealers 50 cents a uos Foster-Milburn Co Buffalo N Y




RIVER NEAR laquo i J D 9 U R Y f 0 N T


While we were on our honeymoon I always spoke French to my husband so that no one should understand us

So you went to France did you

Why does Great Britain buy its oatmeal of us

Certainly it seems like carrying ccals to Newcastle to speak of exportshying oatmeal to Scotland and yet every year the Quaker Oats Company sends hundreds of thousands of cases of Quaker Oats to Great Britain and Europe

The reason -5s--smpe 7i]e tne English and Scotch have for centuries eaten oatmeal in quantities and with a regularity that has made them the most rnggtd physically and active mentally of all people the American has been eating oatmeal and trying all the time to improve the methods of manufacture so that he might get that desirable foreign trade

How well he has succeeded would be seen at a glance at tne export reshyports of Quaker Oats This brand is recognized as without a rival in clean iiness and delicious flavor 51

His Terrible Threat Aviation has improved considerably

since the time when Col Cleary then county commissioner and for years a well-known poundhicpoundgtrader-poundtradede 2 bslloon ascension at a county fair over in Michigan says the Chicago Journal

As the guest of honor the colonel was sent upward with the assurance that there was absolutely no danger But as the distance from the earth grew greater tbe colonel leaned out anxiously

Pull me in he shouted The men who were bailing out the

rope paid no heed to his demand Higher and higher went the balloon Wilder nd wilder grew the colonel Finally almost standing on his bead as bev tried to keep a precarious balshyance he gave a final cry of exasshyperated panic

Pull me in I tell you or Ill cut the rope

Wisdom of a COOK Mr Uoneyman looked hopefully at

the pleasant rosy faced Norwegian girl with whom the manager of the employment bureau had accorded him an interview Can you wash and iron he asked

Yaas I do dose responded the cheerful Minna

And you can wait on the tablesmdashI mean will yoamdashand answer the door-bein Mr Honeyman faltered My wife is quite determined on these points

Yaas I d o dose and Minna conshytinued to beam benevolently

And you can cook of course said Mr-^ W n n e y T n fraquoTraquo

Yaas said Minna for the third time I do dat fine ven you keep her busy so she do not help memdashYouths Companion

Slightly Altered AJ1 the worlds a stage And most of the men and women

merely supersmdashCleveland Leader

ii-iDfryyiX- n bull i i V e S t iVXsii -jioston Traugcript j

i isOiiileci-i iJii bull --^-- -- ^ i v bull -ivv0 i i u y Jit-ju I Lhc C i S c t C0nt i i iU6waV f o r 17 y o T j

INSOMNIA Leads to Madness if not Remedied lit


Experiments satisfied me some 5 years ago writes a Topeka woman that coffee was the direct cause of the insomnia from which I suffered ter ribly as well as the extreme nervousshyness and acute dyspepsia which made life a most painful thing for me

I had been a coffee drinker since childhood and did not like to think that the beverage was doing me all this harm But it was and the time came when I had to face the fact and proshytect myself I therefore gave up coffee abruptly and absolutely and adopted Posium as my hot drink at meals

I began to note improvement in my condition very soon after I took on Postum The change proceeded gradshyually but surely and it was a matter of only a few weeks before I found myshyself entirely relieved -the nervousness passed away my digestive apparatus was restored to nomn 1 efficiency and I began to sleep restfully and peaceshyfully

These happy condition have conshytinued during all of the 5 years and I am safe in sayng that I owe tbem enshytirely to Pactum fcr whet I began to flrink h i csrtrifefl bullgt ulaquoraquo r^poundgtnfi Read ttc little book The Road to Wellvmen p^^s -T^rr ^ ^ s o

0vpound fcpjT itvtn am ltraquo raquoinsc raquoraquo laquo - - raquo i - - raquo =

Three uoatiad Coaches are Submerged in RivermdashConductor fteynold Hrkgti-caliy Rescues Eight Through Roof of Dining Car

Death iu 1 its most terrible forms blotted out the lives of a t leasttwo aceie people when Your car^ of a Cashynadian Pacific passenger trail on the Sc-o branch leaped from the tracks near Sudbury Ont and went tearing down a steep embankment plunging through the ice-covered surface of the Spanish river

Suiue were drowned others were crushed to death in grinding timbers

Most terrible of all maimed and injured caught In the wreckage of one of the cars were burned to death

The exact number of dead and inshyjured was still unknown but accordshying to stories told by injured passenshygers brought to Sudbury it was one of the worst catastrophes in the hisshytory of Canadian railroads

Tbe train wrecked was known as No 7 en route from Montreal to Sault Ste Marie and Minneapolis An offishycial statement given out says that it probably was due to a broken rail

Front Cars Stay on Track The engine baggage express mail

and one second class car remained on the rails while one second class one first class a dining car and a sleeper went down the embankment The first class car and diner went into the river The sleeper and second class car stopped on the embankment the second cass car catching fire

The wreck odcurred about 37 miles west of Sudbury where the tracks cut into the side of a steep hill which is skirted by the river The forward part of the train passed over the break whatever it was in safety The day coach which was the fourth from the end of the train was the first to leave the rails bull bullgt bull

The train was running at the rate of about 40 miles an hour and the momentum carried the car down the hill in a terrific plnnge About 25 passengers were in this car and it Is practically certain that none escaped

Only the Roof Above Water Two minutes after the first crash

only the roof of the day coach showed above the flowing Ice In the river The second class car the next in the train smashed against tbe end cf a culvert and was crushed to splinters Some of tbe passengers were killed outright but others caught in the wreckage which almost immediately broke into flames were roasted to death before they could be resented

Uninjured passengers and trainmen immediately turned their attention to the rescue of passengers imperiled by the fire

The telegraph lines were all torn down and It was evident that relief could flot be summoned by wire It was five miles to the village of Nairn and a drenched survivor ran the disshytance to deliver a report of the wreck at the Canadian Pacific depot

Meanwhile Conductor Thomas Reyshynolds was proving himself a hero in

rescuing eight passengers from the sunken dining car When the wreck occurred Reynolds with W J Bell and David Rrodie had just sat down for an early dinner iieii and Brodie facing the engine and Reynolds sitshyting opposite them and riding back- j wards The diner was the last ear to ] enter the water and did not sink at once but settled slowly while the passengers climbed upon the tables to keep their heads above the rising waters With several passengers standing in water to their chins the situation was desperate

Then it was that Conductor Reyshynolds made a dive to reach a window broke the glass and succeeded in risshying to the surface of the fiver outside the ar Happily he reached the Surshyface where a hole in the ice enabled him to gain a solid footing by resting one arm on the roof of the car and the other on the ice

Some Taken Through Roof Gaining the roof of the car he broke

a fan light with his fist and rescued little Alfonso Rouse] of Sault Ste Marie After the little boy came D M Brodie of Sudbury who was small enough to pass through the fan light Six more passengers who were too big to be rescued in this manner were taken out through a hole broken in the roof of the car

1 never heard snch terrible cries as when those cars went over the bank I shall never forget it as long as I live said Conductor Reynolds I put the killed at between 40 and 50 The first coach carried about 35 or 40 passengers and of this number only one man escaped

Gangs of wreckers to the number of 100 were immediately sent to the scene of the horrible disaster



Toe above caption about represent tbe growth of Cestfral Canada The statement was made not long since by a railroad man who claimed to have made the remarkable discovery that such was the case There is not a district of agt fair amount of settleshyment n any of the three Provinces of Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta but has its school and the railways Lave stations every seven or eight miles apart around whieh group the towns some large and some small but each imports nt to its own district Schools ltu3 largely maintained by pubshylic funds and the expense of tuition is but a nominal sum

The final returns of the grain proshyduction for Central Canada for 1909 is now In and the figures show that the value of the crops to the farmers of that country is about 195 million dolshylars as compared with 120 million last year American farmers or those who have gone from the United States will participate largely in these splendid returns and these comprise those who have gone from nearly every State in the Union

One of tbe many proofs that might be put forward showing theimmense wealth that comes to the farmers of Central Canada is seen in tbe sum that has been spent during the past two or three months by the faraers who bare for the time being ceased worrying over the reaper and the thresher and are taking to enjoying themselves for two or three months I+gt is said that fifty thousand people of these Western Provinces spent the holiday season visiting their old homes Host of these passengers paid forty and some forty-five dollars for the round trip Some went to Great Britain some to tbe Continent others to their old homes in Eastern Canada and many thousands went to visit their friends in the States The amount paid alone in transportation would be upward of two million dollars Some make tbe trip every years It need hot be asked Can they afford it With crops yielding them a profit of $20 to $26 per acre and some having as much as twelve hundred or more across tbe question is answered Tbe Canadian Government Agents at difshyferent point in tbe State report that they have interviewed a great many of those who arc now visiting friends Jn tbe different states and they all exshypress themselves as well satisfied and promise to take tome of their friends back witb tbena There It still a lot of free homestead land in splenshydid districts and other land can be purchased st a reasonable price from railway and land companies


ThiefmdashWhats tbe time please Victims-Much too late for you Your

pal just got my watch

Ezra Kendall Passes Away Ezra Kendal] the man who has

made a nation laugh is dead Death came to bim at a time in life when he was about to retire wealthy and happy after 30 years of constant toil on the Stage to end his days in rest with his wife and six children Aposhyplexy seized the actor while in a san itarium at Martinsville Ind Saturshyday He was taken ekk in Califorshynia following the close of the Vinegar Buyer

Mary KatoHcfc pleaded guilty at Paterson N J to two more burglaries than she is years old Mary is 10 She can neither read noi- wrftor her TisroDts aw ltleslts ampampd she irtuT u OPi f- W-OUlis 1Hgt i3ihlaquoViuI Ugt gtlaquo sraquoect I to the state horns for giris Mary was an export ir the use of false Jreys Buf Khnw^i tno ffyiii- how she car- ricd amp ijiss buaich oi iaam cyampcsxcj j


In Dowlaisi South Wales about fifshyteen years ago families were strickshyen wholesale by a disease known as the itch Believe me it is tbe most terrible disease of its kind that I know of as It itches all through your body and makes your life an inferno Sleep i out of the question and you feel as If a million mosquitoes were attacking yon at tbe same time I knew a dozen families that were so affected

The doctors did their best bnt their remedies were of no avail whatshyever Then the families trisd a drugshygist who was noted far and wide for bis remarkable cures People came to bim frcm all parta of the country for treatment but bis medicine made matters still worse as a last resort t iey were advised by a friend to use the Cuticura Remedies t am glad to eraquo yon that after a few days treatshyment witb Cuticura Soap Ointment and Resolvent tbe effect was wondershyful and tbe result was a perfect cere m all cases

I may add that my three brothers t i ree sisters myself and all our famshyilies hare been users of the Cuticura Remedies for fifteen years Thomas Hugh 1650 West Huron St Chicago Hi June 29 1909

Whiskers A Roman poet told of the pride onraquo

of the late Caesars took in his great whiskers On some of the wildwood Hill Billies I have seen beards some feet long a switch of the iooampe ends banging out from under the waistcoat Others braided tbe growth and tied it around the neck while still others braided it around iae waist tying it behind like apron strings One told

poundipound7 a=Ki jjul it iisviijr iiiic a iottg linen bag or nightgown so as to keep It from Setting all tangled up with bis -V1S ^ fJ-M -wM 1 raquoltbull-raquogti iv i t i i i P v s ^ j

u i CugtmnUmm tk vvraquorraquo rlaquogt ltbull ran vwK tbe course of trwc teve


GRIND Pleasant la take

Tha new laxative Does riot gripe or n a u s e a t e C ares stomach and liver troubles and chronic conshystipation by restoring the natural action of the stomshyach tiver and bo w e l s Rfrtase aub^titut Wlaquoraquo 6O0-

CnLEK T~laquo R E V O S L D S

D O Y O U - U S E A

Phone Nothing can answer your purpose as well m t h e UNION PHONE 1095 connections in Owtweo aad Corona



CURE rraquo Tjiucni dmoswrage There I s

gmrfWrywa rfaiewfMy wrHraquoraquor Fw Be as seest a Uraquo itpae nudaf Jmt

Dr FVBMT Kldaey u 4 SwktA Cw fctbeeatweuiKy tela s lrre to-day I b w l bull u t t n e d acnauy of kidney d t e u e foryemra s o d reaac4 to weight to Wpeetad I bow

W f T M e S C e n f Oflve Furnace 0 w

Druggiro laquo c 1 AsktorCooa BookmdashFret


nvoaa bullending - skatea bdquoultckl7 aikwruif oar iTlaquotition 1raquo prebablr


Cogtvmarrrs cVc

UunartrteUyeoaSdaai bdquo_ laquomt trea Old bulljeaar for

sUnnmaf Mtaar as


laquoIOWVlaquo rlaquowleraquooCfclaquo withoutlaquolaquolaquobull bit

StieMific JMerkm A h mdaowaaiy Uintretad winfcir Lawwat^r-cuiaUon of bullojr CL-iatitlfic teunuti Ton S3 a

four ta^ntrt I t Sou br all newaaealaro

Srawsa Co

MS r Bt Waafcincto Hewtort ftataaixa

The esfety comfort and esnvesi-ence of tit Mwrtm 9oUd top closed-in breech and -aide ejection features arlaquo combined wtth the quick easy manipulation of the popular sliding fore-end or pomp action in the new Mode 20 JBnfle rifles

real teat ef a bull ottd top ta always a

In rapid firin-the Ipeatermdashthlaquo StatSm aol erctectfoe atid prtrefita amok aad faeea iblovrtnc back] ba aftctei efeell la jaerar thrown Into your fcce or area and never tnterferca with the almt f^fat ferearm fita yoor hand ami belpe Qtica oserattoa

It handle tjte abort leaf and ke-rJRe ecrtrfdcea without cbaac in adjuatonent and the deep 3alllaquowdrlffltn- (uarantaea tbe accuracy makint it the fineet Httle rlfta la the world for target afaootinc and far a41 bullmatt came op to UO or 300 yania

raquobull W U raquo raquo ^ v i n i l tr bull

aii jampBatampm (tepeatere Juat gtt our 136-pace catalog Mailed free for atauope aoataw


Federal License of Corporations i$ Opposed by Many in



Pension Bills Introduced Providing for VolunUer Retired ListmdashTwo Pft Its Want Exposition Marking tfca Canal Opening

WashingtonmdashTb Republican leadshyers in congress practically httve agreed that if it can be accomplished the majority of the Presidents recom-mendaticus shall be enacted into law at this session but there is growing evidence that anions the minority of the recommendations which are to be overlooked the Presidents wish that a law legalizing the federal licensing of incorporations may not be fulfilled at this session In telling Mr Taft that it la unlikely that MB federal licence law is to go through the leaden have made a tacshyit promise that at a future date probshyably at the next session the lecora-mendamption shall be taken up and put through i s some form Xt seems that the plan for the licensing of corporashytions by the federal government has aroused antagonism among some of the Republicans and among a majorshyity of the Democrats it Is understood also that the leading Republicans men who ordinarily can get the rest of the party representatives in line are not over-zealous in their desire that this bill shall become a law cershytainly not at the present time It la Impossible in the absence of any dishyrect statement of the reasons for their objections to tell why it Is that the leaders apparently are determined to postpone action upon this particular piece of legislation but It seems to be assured that consideration of it Is to be postponed until a more convenishyent season

It has beett pretty generally undershystood that bip subsidy was to have hard sailing through the waters of the lower house of congress and not very easy sailing through those of the upshyper house It is impossible of course to foretell just what the fate of subshysidy will be but it seems that one senator who in the cast has been the champion of subsidy this year Is not inclined to look with favor upon i t The senator in question Is Mr Prye of Maine who apparently does not think that the measure recommended by the President and already introshyduced into the house goes anywhere near far enough to suit the shipping interests President Taft has recomshymended legislation of this klcd but the feciling Is in Washington that he will not be particularly disappointed if it does not go through although of course its passage would add one more to the administration victories

Postal Savings Banks One of the most peculiar situations

is that in regard to postal savings banks Much has been written about this matter and in the main former opinion was that the postal savings bank bill might have great trouble in getting sanction for itself from the leaders of both houses As everybody knows the members of the national monetary commission would prefer that consideration of the postal savshyings bank bill should be put off until after the commission has made its reshyport President Taft however Is inshysistent that postal savings bank legisshylation shall be enacted this winter and it is believed to-day that the leaders have agreed uraquo accede to his wishes as they have also agreed to do what he wants them to do in the matter of amendments to the intershystate commerce law and of laws which will safeguard the interests of the nations natural resources

Bills for Veterans Before the military committee of

the house of representatives there are eight principal bills Intended to benefit the veterans of the civil war In several of them there is a specific provision for the creation of what is called a volunteer retired list for the civil war officers who are still living

In the sects tive

Sixteenth congress Repre-Beeman 0 Dawes of Ohio

introduced a bill which if it had beshycome a law would have put all the commissioned officers of the civil war on the veMred list with month-Iy pay of one-half that which they received while they were wearing swords in the field There is a reshytired list for regular officers and the idea of Representative Dawes was to give to the volunteer officers in their

old age a recognition in part at least o the value of their services as com-nilssioned officers The question seemed io be if tbe regulars are paid after retirement why not do the same thing for the volunteers

Representative Dawes is not now In Congress but the provision in his bill which was Intended to carcopy for the volunteer officers has been incor porated in several of the bills which j re now before the military commitshytee for action It seems probable it-4 gt ^nz firtngrrsa will vgtR n

man who wore a bar a leaf an eagle or a star on his shoulder dvring the civil war and who is alive to-day will

as though they were still fighting in the field

Substitute for Pensions Of course pensions assuchfor the

volunteers will brgt done away with if any of tbese bills passes congress because the retired pay will take the pensions place

Likely to Carry $raquo a raquocopyrttfc If the volunteer officers retired bill

passes it is possible that it will carry with it a pension giving enlisted men ol the civil war a pension of $40 per month fijfth sit present pensions be-tug abolished except in cases of total or almost total disability where the present sum paid to the disabled solshydiers exceed 40 per month With the officers and eullstea men and the widows cared for with these specific sums in each case the trouble of penshysion gradations and the chances of fraud are minimised but nevertheless it will cost a huge sum of money the first few years of the measures legai life

According to a classification made by Gen Green B Raum the volunteer officers who would benefit are In number and rank as follows Major generals two brigadier generals 28 colonels 151 lieutenant colonels 195 majors 309 captains 2633 first lieushytenants 2233 second lieutenants 1166-varlons ranks in the navy 160 this bringing the total up to the numshyber given above

Of course a full expression of opinshyion of desirability of such a retired Bat bill as this is not obtainable Soldiers and those who take an interest in mil itary affairs generally are much in fashyvor of the measure The crrtUans who never saw service do not express opinions on the matter in letter form for it seems that few people care to go on record as being opposed to any thing in the nature of a bill for the rcattf of the men who fought In the Heidi even though there may he and probably la a general feeling among civilians that the government is exshytravagant in the matter of pension naytnents

Rivalry for Exposition San Francisco and San Diego cities

of California each wants to be the teent of a great exposition In the year 1915 as a means of marking the opening of the Panama canal Represhysentative Kahn of California has Inshytroduced into tbe house a bill which is now before the committee on inshydustrial arts and expositions to proshyvide for what he designates as the Panama-Pacific exposition Represhysentative Smith of California on beshyhalf of the city of San Diego desires that U shall be the location of what he wishes to be called the Panama-California exposition

It is too early yet to tell whether congress will vote money for governshyment participation in any exposition on the Pacific coast or elsewhere to be held at tbe time of the canal openshying It is assured however that there will be a great celebration on the Tsthmu of Panama at the time that Col Goethala sets for the completion of the great work Early as the day la it la believed that the president of the United States and both houses of congress will go to Panama to give recognition to the completion of the canal Whether or hot there shall be a great exposition in the United States 1ST a matter yet to be decided but it must be said that California shows that it is very much in earnest in the matter of getting the governments sanction for a great exposition of arts industries and manufactures on the Pacific coast in the year 1915 when It la practically assured the Inter-oceanic canal will be open for traffic

Few Bills Before Congress Considering the fact that this Is a

long session of congress comparativeshyly few bills have been introduced into either house or senate There is a marked absence at this session of what is known as freak bills Memshybers of congress are urged constantly by constituents some of whom are a little unbalanced mentally or who beshylong to the class of extreme enthusishyasts to put in bills which no congress possibly could be brought to pass and no committee could be made even to consider These so-called freak bills are introduced by members simply to escape the constant appeals of those who want their measures at least to see the light of print

In congress there is this winter anshyother determined effort to lay the groundwork for a plan which when carshyried to ultimate completion will result in a great boulevard running from the city of Washington to the battlefield of Gettysburg It is the intention If sanction for such a great avenue can be secured to have it known as a memorial of Lincoln A survey he been made of a road from Washington to Gettysburg in a straight line beshytween the capitol and the central point of the famous battlefield and it has been found that tbe road can be bunt without much interference with private property As a matter of fact the people who live along the way have expressed a desire that the work should be carried to completion

Approve Memorial Project There are many old soldiers and

men in ofScial gtife whose memories go back to tbe Lincoln days and some of whom knew Lincoln personally who think that the noble roadway would be the best possible memorial to the war- time president good deal of sentiment in favor of the proposition has been aroused ft the country alshythough it Should be said that considershyable opposition has been developed r n f d u l flpi5raquo J^Oplft raquoltflitj fgt thTT

ij i K i i l K A v s i i

i laquo W laquo a t SaVI CO R ^ t t a t t t t S M M W E

el2 OiUltV bullbullT r f t S iS i a l S ftiltgt Riiilti i v ^ i j i i j ) r-av- nt H r w l A n i n ) vHfA nA now) | vfirs of service laquore Yttlvampi laquonlt ps$d

Abraham Lincoln should be done so that no real estate transactions that might be of money value to poculv Unbdquo bdquollaquogtt^(I bo gti-vved to r-jceSvs t h e

asosampfi CUNTcopy

B vt ft amp -

R o l l s

M u f f i n s

R i s c w i l s Wa f u t ^


P i jgt o v laquor r


bullOi-r S J O N

I- (gt 1 J ltbull n re- clti

M lt a d c vv i i i t -


GOLD mrmjpound


4 laquo i i

M a i - s Br-e-ikfisf a S u c L S V N N

The Goultsss Corporation j A burglar broke into Che Clinton

Sprinsfield station at Harrisonville ( He found a rubber stamp and an ink pad which he refused to take away but he left a note to the agent The note read Wat the ella the counshytry cummin to when a big ralerodej corporashun dont eve enough In It] drawers to buy a pore man a meles vittlesmdashKansas City Star

Rabbits In Australia Some one has calculated that the

rabbits in Australia must reach the number of 1000000000000 But of course there is no means of taking aj census the calculation is largely guesswork Its foundation being a rough numbering of the rabbits to beraquo found in an acre of country and mul-

tiplying that by the number of rabbit infested acres

Out of Mans Reach Th$ old ngtay have their years

stretched out beyond the fourscore but they must die sooner or later no such necessary limit affects the births and it Is conceivable that there may-come a year when there are no births Immortality is the only effective anshyswer to a cessation of reproduction) and alas the King of Terrorsystill reigns r

immense Leather Beit The largest leather belt ever madti

Was completed recently by a New York manufacturer for a Louisiana lumber company it was 243 feet long six feet wide and three tily thick The bides of 540 steers were utilized in the manufacture of the belt As its delivery was a matter of urgency tbe great roll of leather was shipped by express and the bill for this service was $243G7

importance of Table Manners Emerson declared I could better

eat with one who did not respect tho truth or the laws than with a slovshyenly and unpresentable person Moral qualities rule the world but at short distances the senses are despotic There Is nothing more offensive to truly polite and cultured people than careless vulgar table manners

Education Never Stops Get all the education you can but

never remove yourself from the idea that after you know a lot you still nave more to learn When you gradu ate from college you are just beginshyning to understand many themes and subjects that are most important

Use for Old Clocks When a small clock is beyond reshy

pair do not throw it away but keep it for sick room use Set the bands each time medicine is given to the hour when the next dose is to be given

Childhoods Protest Theres one thing I dont undershy

stand said little Harry and thats why rood tasting things like mince pies make me ill while bad tasting things like medicine make pounde well It ought to be the other way about

STEVENS ^Generations of live wideshyawake American Boys hare obtained tiio right kind of FIREARM EDUCATION bj being equipped with the

unerring time-honored S T E V E N S

[Spoi STE w e i laquopo

All progressiva Hardware and omnffGooda MercoanU handle

VERS If you cannot obtain we will ship direct express prepaid upon receipt of Catalog Price

ISend 5 cents ia stamps for itaVtxzo illustratedCwaioff

bull - I ltopMo with ^ bdquo j S T E V 73 N 8

f ^A i msampsttr-j^

and utneral firearm ja-fltraquormtton

^ frac34 ^ frac34

X STEYBB pjics A Toot CO

-ft M iiXftc


European Plan 260 Rooms 108 Rooms win water

PerDar A ~ n oo

CUb Breakfast rala^hl ale gnU

wdh private bath

PexDty n 50 50 Rooms

KuDv $2frac34


25 aiaii Caf e Talis JHcte


sad 50

POSTAL MOREY Pwprlaquotaw

DAIRY FARMERS WE have established Cash

Tes t ing S t a t i o n s at thre following p laces

Chesaning Henderson New Lothrop Judds Corners Flushshying Ovid Elsie and Bannister where cream will be received tes ted and paid for when delivered

Why not deliver your cream to one of these stations once each week and save the exshypense of having it gathered

One trial will convince you that our plan of buying cream is the most satisfactory wray for the Dairyman

Yours respectfully

American Farm Products



bull W U B T ^ - laquo laquo M laquo B B v

S w bscr lbe IN o w


bullbullbullbull ELS1J2 bull bull bull + bull bull bull bull bull

Klie bullML-ThJ J A H 2 3 1laquoI0 ^

GaynOrGriggs is i i rwi ih n^s ics v O L JtJrti-nani isuuder the doctors

bullbullbull-bull bulllt5sue_ bullbullbullbull s bullbullbullbullbull bull Ira Cleaviager cut his fen with an ax

on Slonday V Mrs Bcriry Hus iu is confined lo her gt xd withnenjrjIgiU

The Hi tie soil ofTivkl PeV of Fuirfiold died Ust Thursday ol iiplithoi-ia-

Our Sophomore clraquoiaa ire preparing to give a literary eDtertainmet 6 i Feb 18

Mis Anuic Van Denseu is teaching the 3ead school during the illness of the egu-ktf teacher

Mrs Myrtle Burlingume has gone to Detroit to care fcr her grand mother who has a broken leg

T w o sleighloads of high school pup attended lite entertainment gWeu by the Oyki H S at Ovid last Friday evening

Mr and Mrs Milan Emmons gave a family birthday party on Thurslay in honor of Mr Emmons and his twin brothshyer Myron from Van Buren Co Covers -were laid for 18 The twin brothew were 66 years old

Rev E C Thompson has had a call to a Detroit church aid will move there with his family in the near future Many both in and out of the Elsie F B church reshygret losing Elder Thcmjvon and bis chanming family but all join in congratushylating him on the prospect of their n e home

The Woodmen and Royal Neighbors held joint installation at their hall last Thursday evening Mrs Jennie Lee and George Batrs acted as installing oncers After insial ation itoth orders adjourned to the I O 0 F hall where a banqraquoraquoct was served to over 200 persons The Woodmen have secured 10 new applicashytions bullbull

Dr Thomas Eclectric O i l is the best reme ly for that of lexi fatal d seasemdashcroti p l i a s beeh used with success ia our family for eight yearsmdashMrs L Whiteacre Buffalo IS Y

bull + +-++^ + + + + SHAFTSBCBC

+ + + + 4 + + + + + + bull bull Sbeftampburg Mich Jan 25 1310

Mrs James Shaft was in Landing on Lusincss Tuesday

Mrs Sarsfiejd Corcoran who has been ill is now better

John P Shaft went to Coninoa on Monday to be gone a few days

Mrs J G Marsh and Mrs Andrew Oidiway arc still among the sick

Mis Janie Shaft made a hurried visit to Laingsburg on Monday

Miss Alma Maltby of Perry spent Sunshyday with her sister Mrs Earf Harlow

James Shaft and little Harvey Comrie took a business trip to Bancroft one day last week

Mrs Charley Kline has just returned from a weeks visit with her f-thbdquor Mr Bradley in Portland

Mrs Ana Applemau was in Laiogsburg from Sunday Until Tuesday visiting at the Burlingame home

Charey Harkncas hai taken his family to York Stlaquoe where they intend making their home in the future

Mr and Mrs Henry Shaft of Perry bull were here from Wednesday until Thursshyday night visiting their children

Mrs J Ilankintsslipped cn the ice and fell sustaining a broken arm Dr Dun- ham was called and reduced the fracture

Mr and Mrs Wm Towsley are iu Perry Mrs Towsley is caring for her daughter Mrs Clif Vandewalker who is ill

The Congregational Society will hold a box social at the home of Mr and Mrs Van Polhemus north of here on next Friday evening

Last Monday night a thief broke into Jerome Ordiways pool room smashed the slot machine and took its conteata Home talent is guspickmed

Elder and Mrs Doty returned Wednesshyday from Grand Ledge where she had been on a visit to her parents since before Christmas He poundoing there last Monday

Mr and Mrs Albert Shaft of Lansing came on Saturday he returned on Monshyday She remaining here to care for Mrs Scott Shaft the formers mother who is ill

For a mild easy action of the bowels a single dose of Doans Regulets is enough Treatment cures habitual constipation 25 cents a box Ask your druggist for them

bull MORBJCE bull bull bull bull bull + bull bull bull bull bull Horrice Mich Jan 241910

T W Atwood of Caro is spending a few days at this place

Mrs Jacob Heath is confined to her bed under the care of a physician

A number of our citizens viewed Hal-leys comet Saturday evening

Mrs T W Tewrsbury and daughter Minnie were Owosso visitors Friday

Mrs Damie Kellogg was a guest of Lansing friends a portion of last week

Mr and Mrs Oscar Shadbolt of Owotraquo-so spent last week visiting friends in this vicinity

Mr and Mrs Bernie Howe spent Sunshyday at the home of Charles King in Benshynington

Miss Dana Pierce and Marelte Russell were confined to the house by hard coids Saturday

Lete Ward sold one of his full blooded Ancona cockrels Friday to Paul Scott of Mn Morris

A number from here attended the party in Perry Friday evening and reported a pleasant time

Mrs G M Waters and daughter

Stent Saturday in Durand at the home of arry Johnaou Mr eiid Mrs Jnhr Dpfrefsse of Duraad

Dcryeae Sunday Miss Eta DeFrcese went to Toledo

Friday evening She wd spend = ninnts Uvfvith frlonik

W Atwood epent the greater por-of the week beie at the home of his

2f T Atwood uiid Mrs George Calkiua of Perry

vgt (- i c bull crallied at the home of Mrs Cinih) ai-iii Friday -MissDaua iivr bull vt^ niuth improved-Monday She hka n--^i ornlkeu to the house one week by iliiie^ bull -Hrs Elict Brown wept to Clovejdale Saturday to visit her daughter Mrs Dcl-Ixrt Payiia for a few days Mis-C F-Sper-rbrecierwftsthe guest of Mrs Allea BKiuaer Thursday at their home four miles e^it of town

Monday evehiug a slcighload of young people visited the rink at Percy and reshyport an eujoyablf evening spent on t-kates

G us Jordan moved into his new home Thursday They will reside in the tenant house recently built on his fathers farm east of town

Albert Nickloy and family moved Satshyurday from the farm and tenant house of Andrew McDivitt onto the farm of Francis Bunline south of Perry

The Sir Knights and Ladies of the Mac cabees will hold their installation of officers here Wednesday evening An oyster supshyper wDl be served afterwards

Dan Boutelt of this place went to Deshytroit Wednesday night with several carshyloads of stock for Hall amp Green of Perry He returned hcrhe^F iday ^0trade^

Miss Lucile Hall who has been teachshying school rear Flushing since theholgt days BDtnt Friday until Saturday night at the home of her mother Mrs Anne Hail

Mrs Annie McConnell and son Charles who have been spend ng the past month in Guelph Ca returned here Friday evenshying She has been visiting her mother at that place

Monday the firm of Fuller and Cates dissolve i partnership Mr Catcs wih-

drawing from the firm Cates Junior will reoiaia to cut steaks and help HLr Fuller with the trade

A meeting of the stockholders will take place at E L Vre^Unds telephone office Saturday afternoon 10 decide whether there shall be nijht and Sunday service at this pace hereafter

Mr and Mrs C F Speerbreckcr entershytained a number of guests from Bancroft Friday evening Progresive pedro was played and refr shmruts were served An enjoyable time was reported

E L Vreeiatid was in Bancroft Saturshyday attending a meetf ng of the stockholdshyers in 1 be Befl and Farmers office The line are being overhauled and every effort will bemade to give patrons better service at that place 4raquoThe ladles of the W C T U will tell baked goods one week from last Saturday January 89 The goods will be placed on sale at ten oclock in the window of H V Pierces store The money raised will be used for the local option fund

Work st pile diiviog-oa the Maple river was finished Saturday Monday the pile driver was moved near Shaftsburg where the men will put in some culverts A short stretch of track hat been laid 1K-tween here and Perry in the past weeks

Glen Blanchard and family spent from Friday until Monday at the home of hi sister Mis M J Herbert Mr BLiech ard works in tbcBuick at Flint and was injured in his ami by a flying piece of steel He took this time to visit his suter

Arthur Ecklcr has rented the A J Bristol farm and will move there in a few days Mrs Bristol will accompany her sou O L Bristol to his home in Beraquoo-uia Mr Bristol being obliged to return there to hold his position as commissioner of schcols

The citizens of this place have been patshyting themselves on the back While ts at other pliices have been soaring in pritc our little burg is only paying the price prevailing tor the past two yens here namely 15c a pouud for ati steaks and less for roasts

Ed Britten lost a valuable Southdown sheep one dav last week in an odd manner He began fighting with another sheep in the same yard and the other sheep struck him a blow in the side killing him instantly Mr Britten had been offered a good round sum for the animal a few days before

Mr and Mrs George McKay entertained the club at 500 Wedoeidiy eveaiii^ Mr McKay frame here with his sHgh and t ok them out to their home returning with them at a very early hour of the morning Mrs McKay Served refreshshyments and all report an enjoyable time

Vfctor Jose of the Lyceum Club U of M will deliver a lecture here Friday evenshying on The Higher Citizenship This lecture will be given in place of the one Mr Frybergec Wu to have delivered two weeks ago Too lecture will take place in the school house and the-money will go toward the library fund

Superintendent Kiebler took the pupils and teachers of the high room fcr a ride Friday afternoon School was dismissed at 230 and Mr Kiebler chartered a team and sleigh The destination was Perry He treated the crowd to candy before reshyturning home A merry time was reportshyed

Pat Jordan was a caller at the home of W A Conley Sunday evening His horse and cutter were in front of tbe house A hail from the street called the people to the door They found the horse had alip-

fCopyriKbt by Short Storlea Co Md) The great week WRlaquo over and of the

three or four hundred girls who had filled the college buildings and camshypus with their bright earnest lhfe nci more thaa a Aoxeh remaiocd ftrid all but one of these had their tru-tks packed for speedy departute This one was Mary Cathcart who did uot kcow where she could go if she did PpoundCk -mdashmdash^-

Tbianiornlbg she was standing near the entrance of the lecture hail wonshydering what she should do For ten days t i e had been looking hopefully for a Jitter but none had come NGne seemed likely to come now

She had not specially fitted herself for anything and she rather looked forward to coming back after the sumshymer holidays to take a postgraduate course when if It should seem best she would study for one of the half-dozen railings which many of her schoolmates were already entering upon But it ail depended upon the letter and the letter had not come

A girl but little older than herself came briskly from the building It wasect the French teacher and she waft now going straight to the station to take the next train for home Mary looked at her a little eartonaly

Where do yon got aafeed the teacher

To Loagley Two hours later she was at the stashy

tion and had purchased a ticket She had money enough to pay her exshypenses for a month Beyond that she did not know

Whom should she find st Longley Should she even find anybody A letshyter which had come to her after her mothers death more than four years before bidding her to enter upon a course at this college and stating that money would he sent to her from time to time as before was all she had to go by The letter had been postshymarked Longley

She had always been generously supplied and had furnished her room

1-4 Off

well and had had money to spend Then as the end of the course apshyproached she had confidently looked forward to another letter But none bad come The one postmarked Long-ley was her only clew and even that might have been mailed by some one passing through the place

Her mother had thought the money might come from a wealthy uncle who had had some disagreement with the family and who took this wamp7 of savshying his pride He was eccentric and fond of traveling about from place to place

All tt through her mind as tbm train rushed on At length Long-ley was called and Mary rose and hurried out to the little platform of a small country station

The station master was dragging her trunk back from the edge of the platform where it had been dropped She went to him

There are no Cathcarta here of course she said more as an assershytion than as a question

No guess not never heered of any Be you lookin up some

Tmdashbulles I thought I might find a relshyative here When is the next train

Not till to-morrer She drew a long breath Is there a hotei near Factry boardin house but I guess

its pretty full Thats it down yonshyder pointing with his finger the house with a blind swingin on the hinge Be you lookin for a job I hear theyre needin two or three more weavers Thats the only job I know of unless its old Tom Far-

ped and fell with its bead under it and the nu Hes been man o all work

was hurriedly cut and the horse rose to its vlaquolaquowbdquo ^abdquo v t raquo-raquo_ ^^ laquobdquo laquo^laquo feet none the worse for its fall Conley ^ 8 w n i n b u t his ^ n s 1 c n o w

declares the horse has a rubber neck or f o r a m o n t n ltgtr laquogtbull laquo laquo t of course you else it would have been dead d0 want that Job But oh say as

Mr and Mrs Wm Britten living southshywest of here celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary Wednesday of last week Although tour of their ciildren were unable to be present there were stil forty of their descendents present from their sons and down to their great great grand children The venerable couple reshyceived many reuieoibiitui-vti m the day Mr and Mrs Britten are a remarkably smart couple They live by themselves and attend to the work incident to caring for their home and other duties of farm life Mr Britten is 81 and his wife 79 years old


platform I this mornin been nusan

Mebbe ye

rs sre eslt mu$ u

she started down the most forgot I heered that the wstnan whos Tom is goln off to-day could get her job

Mary nodded her thanks a sudden resolution flashing Into her eyes

She smilingly inquired her way to the home of Mr Farrar There she found a middle-aged woman who greeted her anxiously But on learn lng her errand the womans face cleared

Thats what I call a special provishydence vbh exclaimed heartily Yo see Tve got to go for my sisters sick butTve been batin to leave old Mr Fftrmr The very bent t could tiwiU ss was Ketiin a cipoundiu3rlaquo titshytle

excuse Have you

Winter is just half gone and the coldshyest weather yet to come still we are ready to meet you half way on Over-coats

Remember we are the only dealers in the county that mark goods in plain figures on original ticket which is always on inside collar of coat

Look at this ticket deduct 25 per cent and the coat is yours

This sale includes every coat in the store nothing reserved

Yours for a Square Deal All Round

W A McMtdlen amp Co The only place in the County where goods are marked in plain figures on original ticket



A V v bull-- y ijuctuvi- a good -EE7 y^ars bc^re she died Is he very ill Aldry ashed as she went inside gt

Well no not so very now Hes gettin beiter slowly

She was right Mary did Uke it She remembered many of the tempting dishes which she had prepared for her motherland she made them now stagshying little snatches of song as she did so She had not known what she was fitted for Now she knew that she could be a good nurse Perhaps she could also be good at other things but she had not found that out yet

What surprised her most were the books in every room some of which even she looked at with awe They all showed marks of much use as well as lovtag care gt As the days went by these eyes beshygan to follow her as she moved softly about the room contented and lovingshyly at first then with a questioning wlattulnees as though the clouded mind were striving to grasp something it could not quite reach Then one day there were several minutes when the eyes grew clear and intelligent and gazed at her with almost startled wonshyder The next day the lucid Interval was longer and several times repeatshyed But he did not speak he only gazed at her and passed his hand across hhi brow from time to timet

Then came a morning when he was strong enough to sit up In bed but still the wistfulness and wonder reshymained In his eyes

You are a new nurse he said Yes 1 knew it of course but I havent

said anything Imdash-I have been trying to get my mind clear I thought as I got stronger my mind would get betshyter bat it doesnt ImdashIm afraid Its getting worse I suppose Im growshying old and its to be expected but Fve bees planning fcr a good deal of reading and study yetgt and haveut realised how the years slip by

Mary stroked his hand softly T o n cannot get weU at once Mr

Farrar she chUed Yon hare been vary sick you know But you are growing stronger gradually and your brain is growing clearer I can see t t -

Tou dont understand he anshyswered gently my bodys stronger but my mind doesnt seem to gain It made you out to be somebody else from the first and has persisted in the hallucination ever sine Ive tooked in other directions and changed my thoughts to other things but its no use Youve takes care of me so my mind says that youre someshybody whom I used to know a long time ago whos dead I suppose its what folks call second childhood Then changing the subject abruptly How long have I been sick

I do not know I have only been here two weeks It is now the fifshyteenth of July

He looked startled So late he gasped Why Imdash

Ive got a little girl off to school who ought to have been written to long ago Will you bring me my pen and paper from the desk

Let me do It for you she said taking the pen from his shaking finshygers and moving a small table close to his bedside

But he remained silent looking at her doubtiuily ImdashImdashyou see 1 dont write to her directly he said at length hesitatingly Theres an old friend In New York who acts for me He was silent for some minutes longer then went on desperately

The letter must be written and I suppose itll be best to explain things a little You see when I was laquo boy I had a strong notion for college but

settled with the books I liked to read and had lost ambition to go out into the orld But I didntnsive up the idea altogether I would send someshybody la my place_ So I looked round I had no relative save a little girl whom I used to play with when a boy She had married and gone west I traced her and found that her husshyband was dead and that she was an invalid without means That was something nearer than college so I sent her from time to time what monshyey I had to spare When she died I arranged for her girl to go to college

He paused with his gae upon the coverlet his eyes unobservant dreamy reminiscent

Mary had risen her eyes shining Why didnt you write to her direct

iy she breathed Well she was a college girl you

see with college girl notions I liked to think of her as my girl arid to plan things for her If Id written to her directly itmdashmight have been different You see Im just a man of all work In a factory He held up his hands white and transparent from his illness but still knotty and hard from a lifeshytime of toll I dont know much about girls he went on but I want to think of this one as mine and I cant bear the thought of her evermdash

Mr Farrar do you think any girl could be ashamed of you

The quick passionate cry brought his gaze suddenly from the coverlet What he reau in her voice in her eyes brought a lok of rapt understanding to his face

Then my mind isnt wandering he exclaimed tremulously Its she really and truly Mary bring me that tin box in my desk

She brought it and eagerly he ran his fingers through the contents soon finding a tintype which he opened and held up for her inspection It might have been her own picture so exact was the likeness She recognised H with a low cry

I t s your mother Mary he said softly takes Just before h went west

N X C s raquo t J L l raquo S L I K S I REMEDYS LAXATIVE


a t e C A l X PATTERNS Celebrated for style perfect fit niroplicitv ar i reliability nearly 40 yeai Sold in nlaquoar 7 every city and towa in ttie United States aii Canada or by mait direct gt1 ore sold than any other make Send tot tree catalogu

l i r C A i X afAGAZINE More subscriber than may otter fash 1 in magazinemdash Million a month Invatuabie Latshyest rtyles praquottertlaquolaquolrlaquolaquopai8g millinery plain sewinr fafcey nelaquodJewoTfcharrorrraquoraquoirf etiquette goV atone etc Only 90 cents a Tear (worth double^ including raquo W plaquoTem Subscribe today or aeod for aawple ropy

W O N t m r o i iNfiUCEMtSKTS raquo to Agent Postal 1gtHnsn premium catalogue

and new cash prize offers Addre T K K C m lt raquo 1 3 M W K 7 raquo S l laquo W T O B

COXMISSIONKRS NOTJClmdashIn the 55Bttr of th estate of Robert TbeHpww

deceased We the nnderaijrned having been appointed

by the Hon Matthew BnKh Judr ot Probate in and for the Connty of Salawaaaec State of Michigan CoramiMionera to receire exaastae aad adjiut u claims and deotaada of all pershysona againat aaid catate do hereby give notice that we wlgtl neat at tue store of Albert W Cnrtt io the City of Corona in said Coantjr on Mofcday the Slat dar of February A D-tamplQ and on Thursday the Slat day ltof April A D gt19I0 at tea oclock fn the forenoon of each of said days tov the purpose of receiving-and adjusting all claim A ftgalDMaald eatttte and that four month from the 1Mb day of December A D IMS are allowed to creditors to present their clalma to said CoumiackKierfl

for adjustment and allowance Dated the 1Mb day of December A D 1909



PROBATB ORDERmdash Slat of Michigan County of ghiawmaaee sa

At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Shiawassee held a t the Probate OBec in the City of Corona on the ISO day of January in the year one thooaand nine hundred and bra

Preaeet STatthrw Buah Judge of Probate an tae nut ter of the estate of Hugh

MeCttrdy deceased W i n u u P Gallagher s s tpoundr=t=i=trtor havshy

ing rendered to tat Ceoxt hi final aeeoaat ft i ordered that tae 15th day of February

next a t tan oclock in the forenoon a t aaid Proshybate Oases be appointed for rTamintnj and Allowing said account

And ft la further evwsveo that m copy of this order he pubOaaed three bullneeeattr i weeks wevtoata to said day of hearing to tae Oortaana Jowi-rtitl a newspaper printed aad eJsealattng m s n t d County of Shiawassee County lt

atATTHZW BUSH Judge of Probate

By F L O U X C I L n n t i T Probate

- J L - mdash _ - J L

t i i a

]icae s a y nuBBia V

j hXrpound yCttf laquofvr I W i s Eiitiii i u laquo ^f5 A

Our Store is the Center of Attraction These Days

For young and old The finest line of Dolls in the city Our Notion line is completemdash Table Linens Napkins Hemstitched Towels Lunch and Tray Cloths Silk and Wool Scarfs Handbags and Purses Postal Card Albums and Boxes Fancy Jap Boxes for Handkerchiefs Music Rolls Stand Mirrors Back Combs Belts Pins and Buckles

A fine line of Linen and Cotton Embroidered and Plain Handkerchiefs

A box of Cadet Hosiery for all members of the family An Umbrella a Floor Rug a Wool Blanshyket Etc Etc

Visit our store and we wtli help you make your selections

Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Geo M Beemer Igtry Glaquorbds-laquoad Not^iss rftrme-G

gtlaquoi ltr M i Ml t

i^r-WfT laquo - raquo


Page 5: ) CORUNN *MMMwaWMi A...his sentence was iixei for the first »day of the next term. A divorce was granted in the case of Florence against Frank Case. Case did not appear in couit to



f - = WHEN YOU BUY FENCE Its a mighty good idea to consider troahty before priaa

Theres a tot of cheap fenw on the laquoarilaquotraquo but you mart te-member when you buy fencing at a cheap priceyon get just what you pay for-poorly made unserviceable fesemdashnothing more

PEERLESS ^ FENCE famous Teev im eircnlaT t i ^ makes Kertess the ^ o n ^ e B t fenee known Make ycui dealer furnish bull w i Peerless HlaquoTcan get it for yoa

Ltd Peerless Wfre Fence Co


FOOTS tght

Well Crissy what can X do tor year asked the judge of his fair r o s s f daughter a s she stood In the doorway of his oQteroOce

Ton know said Crissy gravely T filed an application with yon several weeks ag far a s iacreese la a y 4tgt DvxMsseat fttad I celled to tee what yoa had dace wtth isy ctete

The Judges eyes twlnkleaV Te looked at U s watch

I am sorry bat I have a preaatag encaxeaseat IU t a n yoar ease oer to Charles glsnvjng at an adjoiahM dealt

The hfwwa Httaiy fee fashed hoy-lenly a he a n t tae daraquolaquolaff eye

I refnaa to he taraed over ealft Criasy ttneantly 1 affi led to yaw aad I shall await year f laaaiqemdashat year nasti anfit yea return

-Vary waH reoated the Jadfa 1 lea-re yea hi peateaaksC

When he had left the t o o n the twe reaMUates fa antes were oaaaeasas of the sUeaee The girl east acrreydttaac side glances toward the yaws attorshyney but he kept d e n a i l y at work

The drat day that Charles Daatont

told her of his love and demanded her hand and^heart

But Crissys young hiart was no yet ripe for love and she said him nay merrily Then he accused her of being a flirt She resented the accusation They had not been on speaking terms for two days and Crissy lound the silence almost embarrassing

Presently the door opened and an old man far beyond the three score and ten limit entered His cheeks were round and rosy and his eyes twinkled good-humoredly

So the iedge amVlu he said reshygretfully

Mr Barney began the young man your casemdash

Crfesy saw a way now to make him speak to her -

I am filling the judges place this morning Mr Barney she said sweetshyly Is there anything I could do for yew

The young man reddened angrily bat the old man eame forward smilshying

Bent yea the Jedges daughter Tea look like hfc4

T h a n k you Mr Barney Yes I am his daughter If yon will state yoar ease I will lay it before my fa ther

Wen yoa see yoar pa has been try-lag to get see n pension for quite a spoU aad sosnr way It d e a l seem to get through and rm getting on If It dont come pretty soon J wont be here to enjoy i t

Of coarse yoa want tt now i n make father posh tt right through

Bless your kind heart sa id^he oM man delightedly

-Mr Barney said Dnnvoat coming forward deureateedty we heard from Washington this morning about your oeee aad I am sorry te tail 70c that it has been rajeafei There is a nugt iag Hah raquo the evidence ValeneVyon can supply this the case is hoae-teea

The old mans m a d apple-Hke face suddenly to shrivoJL Criasy

dlrldrd between pity for him and anger toward the young man for checkewtiag her A bright inspiration came to her A tlger-Uke spring of her memory showed her how she could help one and disconcert the other

Mr Barney she said sweetly tt I were you I wouldnt try to get my pension through lawyers

How would you get it he asked eagerly

Id get it through by special set of congress

I dont know our congressmanrrorraquo this district and he wouldnt help an old fellow like me anyhow

bullMaybe not said Crtssi but I

raquoa entered the law firm as junior partner he had seen a wonderful vision mdasha lovely fair lace with eyes of heavens own bluemdashhovering near the judges desk He was conscious with

j a rush of blood to hisface that his heart no longer was his own Crissy was too much of a coquette upt jo see the effect she produced and thereafter she proceeded to make life miserable for him -- -

One day she y e s gracious and charming to him the next she scarceshyly deigned him a glance He stood the treatment heroically for awhile then he rebelled Quietly and manfully he

Trade with Advertisers and Save Money

bdquo-gt s_gt A-- ^ mdashbullbull W - ^ ^J bull mdash^ lt V ^ lt

COAL I have on hand a full stock of the

following coa) and am prepared to make prompt deliveries

H A R D C O A L - E g g Stove Nut and No 2 Chestnut

S O F T C O A L mdash S t Charles Specshyial Grade of Ohio Coal and West Virginia Splint

Orders may be left at Quayles Grocery or the Ann Arbor Elevator Phone No 80 or 3 5-2r

Ill m WW m poundsect InV aSSSssi frac34frac34frac34frac34 amp



know a biiJIiant youog coDgresfimsn who is very influential and (be would do anything I asked him to do HI write him uow and tell him all about you

Dumopt had been watching the old mans hope-illumined face while she spoke He came up to her resolutely and said in a low tone

bullCrissy dont raise fahw hopes He cant stand much more disappoint-aKgtnt~ bull

Crissy stared at fciih coldly then she addressed Mr Barney

Tell me all about your case and I will write t t once

The old man delightedly plunged into an inexhaustible accouht of batshytles marches hospitals prisons and so forth Meanwhile Crissys pea was scratching wildly over the paper

See If this will do she asked Afy Dear George You once said

that there was nothing In the world that you would refuse to So for mc I want something very much now and I know that you will do it for me beshycause I atk yau to There Is an old soldier In our city tor whom fathers firm has been trying to get a pension and after all their red tape they have failed through some technicality His name Is Leartns P Barny and he served in Company A Twentynfth Illishynois as private corporal and sergeant He served a full term and re-enlisted Was wounded at Fair Oaks and was afterward taken prisoner Will yoq get his pension through by special act I remember that yno dM thte for a soldier mat adminmtratknBL So yon


Human Race Shows Enormous Growth Si nee Days of Constant Warshy

fare and Pestilence

The population of the sxown earth at the death of the Roman emperor Augustus about the time of the con-mencemeut of the Christian era was estimated by Bodia an Italian statisshytician at 57000000 The Komans knew nothing pf Asia beyond tlie lu-dus river and nothing of Africa savo the Mediterranean states But the hushyman race in early tl^ilaquos was engaged in constant warfare and it is recordshyed that the temple of Janus^ wlraquoch could only be cloaed when Rome was at peace was shut at the time or the birth of Christ- But not only was the population of the ea^th decimated by incessant wars it was devastated by terrible epidemics of disease which swept over every country co that In 1492 at the time of the discovery of America by Columbus the population f Europe was placed at 40000000 To day Europe has ten times that numshyber or 400000000 people with about 100 to each square mile

remember telling me abont it winter night Get it a quickly as yoa can and t will believe everything yclaquoi said to me As ever

Tours devotedly Crisay That will fetch tt said the oM

man gleefaHy Now I will address itr ltKoneuroiearna

I Qnaekenboah M C Wmohlngton D C Now we win gc together and raquo a ^ i t

Later when the Jadge came back Domoat asked htm if he eenld he pat on the Qridley case and make the weat ero trip

Indeed yoa may Dumomt- replied the Judge We will ail be too gmd to shift the case off oar hands to yon

Creasy looked crestfallen and disapshypointed when bar father told her the next day that DoFioat bad gene west and weald be gone for a month

MHe might at least have said good-by she thought

Her buoyancy vanished day by day and she grew pensive and pathetic

I l l never trifle alaquonhV she thonght sadly

In a months timevDamont letnyned and reported his success in the Qridshyley cnae I _

Howls Miss Harshr he asked sdfly after they had discussed the

Look Around Then laquo


Cookies from field Medal Flour are the best I ever tasted SOPHIA

NT VTUAOK BaXJE-DeraH having bwo Made ia tike coalition trtraquo eertsiti wort-

raquogtlaquo t i w n r i f Lacy U Betrrof the City of GermMU S a t a w i t t Coaoty MidigaD to tbe E i a w M B raquoUUe Auk of dw-k^tOB Mtchi-S laquo B 4 K 4 laquoa l raquoh 40raquo of nos^rber tfOS and nt ot In la uw e s v e of the Eetteter of Dndraquo for Ottawa Oftutj oa tkyen Utk day of WoTtibar MBS to Uber 108 of Mortgage on MfleaHSwaS ttl walek mortgage bae been only aaateactf by mmamptmmtu la WTttts to Kary aV nlaquofe of Caeoaalms Mfaeatgaa BOW w r i i a g la Oonotft Mtealma raquoatS aarisn-1 awat fecta 4te4 May tf 1(4raquo aad wa rvcord-edte ta oSStc of tbe n e a t e r of Deed for aaiawaMwe Coaatf on tbe eta day of Jaaaary tim tm Uber teBof aattsaaKBts laquof Mortgaoje ea page ni7 aad wketeaa ta aswtat dni-laquoi tobt da naoa aald atortgase at tae date of tai aoUee la the aiai of One Bundled jTworty PW aad Sl-tSS Botlan ( R raquo W) which lactade taeipald for tasea awi the fuihet- enat of Twcbty-FlTv DoOua aa an aaoraey fee pro-ruted to fa said Mortrace and no eolt or pro-eeeahalaquoMlaw aarlna heea taMlMted to re-eofer tae aainant eeeured by nald awrtcase nor aay part thereof

Now therefore aoUee is aereey cfTea that hy Ttrtaeof the nowerof sale contained in eald uortaacev aad la aarkaaaee of the etatate la each caa ende aad provided the aald awrt-aage win he ferrelmiil by a hale of the pteat-tee thuela deacrfbed at pablle auction to the htfheei Wdder at the wlaquoM front door of

Crtssy basat been very well lateshyly but shes positively happy to-daymdash nearly as happy as old Barney Hes got hfs peaslen 912 per month and a good bit off back pension It came through special act It seems Crtssy wrote to a friend of hers who is a congressman

Yes I know she did he replied with a bitter recollection of the day It was written

George Quackenbush married Crts-sys most intimate friend Informed the Judge

He is married exclaimed Dumont joyfully

Yes replied the judge he wouldshynt have been if it hadnt been for Crissy She patched up a lovers quarshyrel between him and the girl he margt lied and in the joy of reconciliation he offered to do anything she ever asked him By the way hadnt you better go and see Crtssy

But the young man had already started toward the door

raquo - raquo bull mdash bull mdash mdash mdash mdash - i

Lord Mayors Banquets The lord mayors banquet on the

night of November 9 was to entertain his majestys ministers In the days of the Georges it was no uncommon thing for royalty to attend the banquet but this is never the case nowadays In 1814 the prince regent afterward George IV accompanied by the emshyperor of Russia and the king of Prusshysia was at the Guildhall feast and the prince was so pleased with the lavish hospitalfty of the new lord mayor tbat he made him a baronet on the spot The price paid for the honor a distinction which always has to be paid for was not inconsiderable for the dinner cost 1125000

Mr Pepys records in his diary that at the table at which he sat at a lord mayors bcrquet there were ten good dishes to a r-css and plenty of wine of all sorts but we bad no napkins no change of trenchers and drank out of earthen pitchers or wooden dishes

Berliners Flock to See Soldier There are about pound3000 soldiers In

Potsdam which isnt a great distance from Berlin and there ere always solshydiers in the German capital on guard before various palaces Besides there is a review almost every morning on the Exercirerplatz and guard mountshying every day at the Konigswache so that it might seem likely that soldiers wouldnt arouse a great deal of intershyest in Berlin

It is however quite the contrary Tbe sound of a band playing sends every one running in the direction of the music Even if it is just a small company going along the streets the loiks appear eager to watch it Whatshyever the cause soldiers apparently are an unchanging novelty In Berlin

the Court B o u t in the City of Cormnna Shla-waaOooaty en Taoeday the IS day bullX Ajneflt l e l e at nae oetoefe In the after noon of raid day whieh nrenrieea are deaerfb-ed la aatd bullariange mm fotlow Let One and Two In niock Forty-Two lteuroraquogt original plat City of CoranaSatawaeme OonB^rbUrhiaaa

Mttadlaaawry rth aMSL Many a warn

c a a n u a w eggaav Attorney tar aarijtnee

Cfceeanin Mtehlfan

Come Back It is natural and customary for buyers to

J ok around and s^e where thty can do best in buying Furniture We laquoxpelttthatm W^ are also so used to hayshying them return here aftet looking elsewhere that we expect that also in nine cases out of ten the cusiosTier who looks around is only the more saibfied that we bfrer the most and best for the money Look around or come here and buy without looking around Its all the same We will get your order in either case


Furnitarc and UttdertaKini Phone 2 9 S X X poundamp JR jr Mb iS JK JS X JS ^

Of Every Deiseription for AH Occasions

Every Day in the Year


kTATKOrMlCHlGAraquoOOUBty of Shiawas

bull t a Meeaion of the Probate Coort for eald Ooenty held at the Probete Office In the flty of Daranna on Monday the 3rd day of Jan wary in ffce year laquone tigtonsnd otne baidred ana ten

Pfeaent Xathew Bosfa Jndfe of Probate la the matter of the estate of WllUiara C

atot deceaeeS On readlofl and SUng the petition of Praacle

Stota praylnt that adalii^wtTatlaa of feald estate may be grnnted to the petitloaer or anaM SSirer MUtaote petmon

It la ordered that the 3tt day of Jeunary bullest at ten oclock In the roreoeon at eald bullrYobnte o e w b mdashlaaed for hearlns arid


And tt Is farther ordered that a copy of thle order be pnbhehed tbrce gtaeceolt4re weeks areriane to taW ky of heartnp in the Cornets lofimal a aeltrpaper printed aad elveallaquottat In raid Ceaaty of ahtawnam

MATTrnrw acalaquo Jodlaquo of Probate

Br Florenee TJadrey Probate Beaioter

ORTOAQE SALBmdashWhsrers default fca tr^n made In thlt eonoitioaa of a certain

Kwrtrase natio and rxecnted by William L Cotby aad Letta Cotby of the Township of Woodhnll 8blawaM-raquovlaquo Cosnty Miehi^m ^f tbe flrnt pepraquo unto J T Lemon of Shiawaasee bull owtuAi bull Sbtawasre CouBVjc Mtehiann of

tbe elaquoofwi part on the 27th day of Mareb ia toe year raquoIOlaquoD ntinJred and six and rrcori-eltJ lis tbe Reyirtrr of HwdVoaee for fthiawas-bullee Coimty Mn^jrau in Liber 107 of Mortshygages on pages raquo and Sltlon which mtgtrtglttre tbere is eUisrd tobedne at the date of tlgtilaquo eoticei for principal and interest the want of oerenteen bund red sJJtty-eJx dollars end twentyHwo cents (fl786^frac34) and no writ or pro-elaquoedinalaquo at law or ir equity hm-rlug been taken to reeorer the money secured by nald mortda ge or any part thereof notice is lioreby jflrtn that by virtue Of the power of sale eontaiutd iv eald mortaage and the Rtatatee In snch case made and prorlded tbe laquoald mortrage will be foreelofied by sale of the premises hereinafter described or so mncb tbercof as may be neltee sary to eatfefy the laquoald tmm of money now cue thereon pound i interest thereon at the rate Of si x per cent per aannm from tbe date of ttia notice toraquoeber vlth an attorney fee of twerty-five fraquo) dollara as provided in said aorteslaquore and as prorlded alaquoo by tbe statutes of thi State together with afl other ielaquoI coraquotw of this foreclosnre at vlaquob1ie auction or vendue to the hlahest- bidder at the front doof of the Court Some tn the Caty of Coraana Mirhlrlaquogtn (the raid Court Moose being tbe place of bolt1 lair the Cfaenlt Ccnrt for the cam- - raquoraquobull weasee State of Michiltraagtolaquo the amptlt d raquo r of March AIgtraquo t raquo l laquo at ten oclock in the forenoon of said day

The premises deseribed in said martgag are as foilowa towlt being alt those certain pieces or pampreeto of toad sttmated i the t w ship of WoodhaU Gomaty of ebJewaasee raquouraquole of VJehteaa as follows vis northeast Onar-ter(M)ofthe seotkwe qmarter aad the eottUt tea (M) acres of the eae half^H) of th aerUiwMt quarter 1frac14) of seetloa twenty two (St) ahe the sosWSraet qaarter ^frac14^ f ihe sentbeast qwartcvlaquoWgt e4 the northeast quarter (frac14) of section taettty-eifrf fftK laquoH hi Town Fire (i) North of aaage One 0 ) -

- - - [fpound Dated December asth DISW X T LSMOM

Mortgagee ROT H DCrBMAM Attorney for

Bnainees Address Cornnaa Mich


-^ t^ +r jryi ^ 4 ^

The Last Hope The court does not see the necea-

laquoitv for accorclina yoraquolaquo time to srraquooak

gtSMir umio^^ laquo i OGly a rtioroaal yo

alated the lawyer call your attention to the fact that toy client fa an awful liar

To every woman bull h ^ a s B S s i aannsaBMi^MiBaMnManBa bull bull bull bull bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull bull i B i ^ H a i B ^ n B -

in our city Not every night but often you feel tired

worn oat as though you didnt have strength to do another thing

Have you ever stopped to think What ia the cause

You fed this w a y most when you have been on your feet most the days when you have stood or

walked a good deal

In nine cases out of ten S H O E S are responsible

Let us fit you in the Red Cross Shoe It entirely prevents the burning drawing And aching that stiff sotes cause It is wonderful how it saves your strength

Tanned by the special Red Cross process the sole is flexible it bends with yoar foot reheves all the

pressure on the delicate nerves and tenshydons giving a feeampig of freedom ease and comfort found in no other shoe Let us fityoa

Chrfords $3 JSO ami $ 4 0 0 aifebSfcoan $ 4 0 0 ami $ 5 0 0

Get Style and ComfortmdashGet Both

Ei raquo

OUVstV j |

bull laquo ^ m m A ^ j ^ m ^ m ^ t t t m



SURELY SHOULD HAVE KNOWN Senator Pettus at th Age of 85 Beshy

lieved He Had Attained Years of Discretion

Senator James B Frasier of Tenshynessee tells a story 6t the delight which the late Senator Pettus of Alashybama took in a yard game Senator

Fraater when governor of Tennesshysee had gone to Hot- Springs Ark There he met Senator Pettus and knowing him well determined to warn him that three men with whom he had been playingA cards were sharpers from Nashville^

After hesitating some time he ap-proachea the aged senator and afte engaging him in conversation apoloshygized for warning Senator Pettus that his card partners were crooked

You dont say smiled Senator Pettus Do you know I suspected it

Well I advise you not to play with them any more said Senator Frazier

But theres nobody else here to play with Querulously returned the aged senator

Older senators repeat an anecdote of Senator Pettus in which he is repshyresented as returning home after a night at cards just as the morning light was breaking He was at the time of the story 85 years oUtr and Mrs Pettus was but little younger They never addressed each other exshycept as Mr Pettus and Mrs Petshytus

Mr Pettus said Mrs Pettus sternly rising up in bed do you think it is good for your health to stay out ar -laquoraquoLc as this at night

Mrs Pettus returned her husshyband dont you think I am old enough to know what is good for me





MAN BURIED IN RUINS - bull bull _ _ bull

Wife Two Bableraquo and Sister Flee Ait injured and One Little On^OUs Other Oncopy it Nst Expected to Live

Appeal to a Thief The other evening M Alfred Edshy

wards lost a pocketbook containing a sum cf pound444 as he was leaving the theater This morning a letter from him appears igt the Figaro addressed to the presumed thief who must be a most ungesircmanly on Indeed if be does not answer It at once Thfgt letter says

la leaving the Antolne theater last lbtaf te r the PapiHon had been given some vert deft hand abstrae-ed my pocketbook containing ten bank notes of 1000 francs each and 12 others of 100 francs with some photographs and papers that are imshyportant to me If the person who has appropriated my property Is so well inspired as to read the Figaro I beg him to tampnd me back the i^ketbook and the papers which are of no use to bim To hope that he would also send back the bask notes in exshychange for a good reward would be exceeding the limits of optimism and I do not dare to expect it But my papersmdashwhat use can they be to himmdashParis Correspondence London Telegraph

Homage to Noah In a lecture before the Royal Geoshy

graphical society Capt Bertram Dickshyson said there is a large sanctuary at the top of Jebel Judi where every year in August is held a great fete attended by thousands of energetic Moslems Christians and Yezidis who climb the steepest of trails for 7000 feett in the terrific summer heat to do homage to Noah This mountain seems to have been held sacred at all times and certainly it has a wondershyfully awesome fascination about it with its huge precipices and jagged crags watching over the vast Mesopo-tamiaii plain The local villagers can show one the exact spot where Noah descended while in one village Has-sana they showed his grave and the vineyard where he is reputed to have indulged cver-freely in the juice of the grape The owner of this deshyclared that the vines had been passed from father to son ever sincemdashLonshydon Evening Standard

An explosion wrecked the brick residence of Scott Parker one wile north of Moscow a village on a Lake Snore branch in the extreme northshyern end of HiUsdale countybullbullkilling Parker and one of his children and Injuring fcis ^ife aiid child also an aunt of the children who lived with the family Three other children of the family were out of the house The dead body of Parker was dug out of the ruins The second injured child is believed to be dying

From reports that are coming in from the exvited farmers of that vishycinity it appears that Parker went down ceilar shortly after the three older children had left home for school

He went down there to fil the tank of the acetylene gag plant is what Mrs Parker says

The aeetylene plant evidently exshyploded Mrs Parker the children Louise aged 6 and Nellie 3 and the aunt Parkers sister Were in the livshying room when there was a loud re port in the cellar the house floor heaved up and then the walls began to fall in on them The two women grabbed each a child and scrambled across the caving floor to an outer door and escaped just as the avashylanche of bricks descended on them It was their prompt flight that saved their lives As it was Mrs Parker suffered a broken leg and cuts oa the head and both of the children had both arms and legs broken Nellie died The aunt received lesser inshyjuries

Nearby neighbors heard the explo Bkm and the news spread with the rapidity of a message conveyed by the wireless telegraph In a brief intershyval there was a crowd at the scene of the wreck It was a wreck for the entire brick house had tumbled in ruins into the cellar

Big Year in Iron and Steel The tremendous activity that is exshy

pected in the movement of Lake Sushyperior iron ores is indicated by the announcement that the steel corporashytion has chartered vessels to move 15000000 tons while it will move about 32000000 tons in its own vesshysels this making the immense tonshynage of 2000000 tons for the leading interest lit is confidently expected that independent interests will move 23000000 tonsv making a grand total of 50000000 tons Ore freight rates have been advanced five cents per ton and the charges paid by vessels for unloading have been reduced five cents per ton so that on a basis of a movement of 50000000 tons vessels will have receipts of f5000000 greatshyer than under the schedule of last year of ore freights in unloading charges

A very heavy volume of inquiry for pig iron Is pending ir the central west and some orders of good size have been taken

The state industrial commission rer cently appointed by ltJov Warner vi 11 meet in Saginaw Feb 5

Members of Company F National Guard Saginaw have received a check for $300 in payment for their driii services from last June until November

A three-quarter million dollar hotel tea stories high will be built in Kalashymazoo on the site of the Burdlck h a use destroyed by fire Dec S I I wilt have a frontage apound 85 feet and a depth of 132

It is thought thai a- postomco in spector will go to Jackson to investishygate the case of Ray Horseman alshyleged Jto havo sent t -vo threatening letters through the-mails to C C Bioooifleld v ^oLiipii him to give up-$10000 -

Mrs Martin Ifoyt of Grass Lake swallowed carbolic acid and jumped into a stoc^-watering tank and was found dead in the tank by neighbors Worry over her husbands ill health and financial troubles are given as the cause for her despondency

Joseph Clark of Sagluaw a stationshyary engineer decided to relieve bte diet of liquids and light foods with mush He swallowed a quantity of it and was seized by an old disease of the throat The food stuck in his throat and he choked to death

The police searched the lunch counshyter and pool room belonging to T A Seager of Ithica and found three cases-of beer three gallons of whisky and two barrels of hard eider The man was placed under arrest and gave bonds to appear in the circuit court

Todd Klneaiu an Owosso coal mine operator and representative of a Calushymet corporation has leased 700 acres o land near Kirby in Shiawassee county and operations for coal mining wiij be started soon It is stated that a vein three feet thick is located on the property

Sheriff Shuter of Traverse City has notified the Flint police that Mamie Rreckenridge the woman who was sentenced to 65 days in the Detroit house of correction after having caused the police much work by conshycocting a hold-up story is wanted in that city for forgery

Prof William J Hussey head of the astronomical department at the Ann Arbor university reports that a very bright comet has been sighted He states that it was traveling towards the sun This is supposed to be the same one that was sighted by astronshyomers In South Africa on January 17

R h Lament an alumnus of the engineering department at Ann Arshybor has donated gifts to the univershysity which will total $20000 They include a plot of ground adjoining the observatory money to begin work on a 24-Inch refracting telescope and $2-000 worth of tools for the engineering department

To open the coai fields in Haxeltcn township the Grand Trunk spur line running between Cornnna aud Kerby is to be extended 12 miles The leasshying of a large tract of land by the Saginaw Coal Co has necessitated this extension which will open up a rich farming country at present without railway facilities

The Michigan Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers tn session at Kalamazoo voted to ask the state legislature for more stringent measshyures governing the manufacture of the delicacy They demand that the manushyfacture in dark basements and other

Specifications for finished products places where there is danger of con arc running in a very satisfactory volume to makers although In tubushylar and raquoirp eoorls ltraquoriTiiitions are rather quiet because buyers are verv

agination be prohibited Michigan won and lost in debates

on the resolution that The United States has shown that a protective

comfortably fixed with stocks on tariff should continue to be a national nana uraers against contracts in sheets are probably of the largest volume

Origin of Life Nothing new is to be reported unshy

der this head The status of the anshycient problem remains the same The whence and what of life remain the same impenetrable mystery Where life comes from and what it is after it comes no man can tell This much however seems to be generally acceptshyed that life can come only from life Huxley declared just before his deshyparture that the idea of creating life from nonvital matter was the dream of a fool and nothing that has hapshypened since Huxleys death has served to disprove the soundness of his stateshyment

Jack-on Black HanderV That be was threatened on peril of

his life io secure $10000 and leave it at Main and Gorham streets for two parties in Chicago is the story told by Ray Horseman the $S-a-week dry goods clerk who has confessed that he tried to extort an equal sum from C C Bloomfield of Jackson by means of a black hand letter

Young Horseman admits everything in connection with the easo but be declares that he was the victim of Chicago black-handers and that he concocted the extortion cf Mr Bloom-field as a method of procuring the money The letters he received he says he has torn up The police are inclined lo doubt his story inasmuch as other evidence in the case tends to show that he was alone in the plot

It is barely possible that Ray got mixed up with a gang of blackmailers during his visits to Chicago

Finding a New Ending I suppose you will end your booK

as us^al and they lived happy ever after

Not a bit of i t I will say They are now happily married but no man knows what a day may bring forth The aathor however hopes for the best

Mixing Metaphors Did gtou hear what that manager

said about bis new play No what was it That there would be the devil vo

pay if he couldnt get an angelmdashBalshytimore American

His Toil Ended IVI uu- laquo-Jv (-gt a^Wi bull li C fiCTi MrTiSi

Young and is now oft on his honeyshymoon

I really dout Know whether onn HflOSMfj OPii gtt - f a r

Ex-Mayor Heavily Fined Admitting that he was technically

guilty of violating the law in selling to a minor though declaring that he had no intention of willfully violating the law Druggist L A Goodrich eight times mayor of Hillsdale was given the minimum sentence by Judge Chester $100 fine and $5 costs Goodrich sold some liquor to Harry Van Wormer the minor son of a reshytired minister who Goodrich claims represented that he wanted it for his sick mother

The largest attendance In the hisshytory of the organization is the record set by the Michigan Millers associashytion which held the annual meeting this week in Lansing

Fred J Tro^is a St Johns banker has been appointed receiver of the Michigan Milk amp Food Products Co of Elsie and will file a bond of $75-000 The concern started factories at Elsie Ovid and ShepardsvHt a few months ago to manufacture powderee milk products but went on the finanshycial rocks It was capitalized at $C0-000

The Baton County Agricultural so-M C y bull- ftft-03i ist O h W ^ t ltgtbull-bull-raquo-gt the following oflieera -President W Fbdquo Hale secretary V G Griffith treasurer Nfiluon Hlbba-d trii

policy The affirmative team defeasshyed Northwestern university team at Ann Arbor and the men taking the negative side were beaten by the Unishyversity of Chicago team in that city

At the meeting of the state board of auditors at Lansing a total of 508 claims were allowed While the amounts of claims did not reach as large a tofal as on previous days nearly $50000 was paid out The beard also gave permission to the state tfcreshemen to use representashytive hall-for-bullbullbulltheir annual convention which occurs on March 30 and 31

Foreign liquor dealers in the upper peninsula are making haste to comply with the law in regard to taking out state licenses since the wholesae arshyrests at Escacaba The matter was brought to the attention of Atty-Gen Bird some time ago and a consultashytion by letter with prosecuting attorshyneys in the northern section resulted in the prompt response of the saloon men

Simplicity is to be the slogan of Adrian high schools next graduating class for the girls of 10 have adopted a resolution fixing on simple white for all functions pretaining to commenceshyment Each young lady is limited to one white gown and Is pledged to wear no hat at the baccalaureate ex-exercises the event at which the milshylinery displays were wont to be made in former years

The electric railroad meeting at Cold water in response to a call from Mayor Sherman brought out 500 men The subject under discussion was the proposed line between Coldwater and Battle Creek for which the citizens of Coidwater are asked to raise $C-000 A committee was appointed and nearly $2000 was subscribed al the meeting It is planned to run the road over the old Coldwater-Mnns-Oeld roadbed

It is believed at Marquette that the explosion of dynamite which cost the life of one miner and seriously inshyjured four others and destroyed the dry house at the Carey mine reshycently was the result of a plot though the raotJve for such a crime is a mysshytery as the men are working on a friendly agreement with the company investigation shows that the explo1 I sive was placed at five different places bull iijc-r the building i

j CovsTf-H5raa7i Gnr^ner =-$ HGitftec j Charles O Bali thai he will be AD- j


Too often the kidneys are the cause and the sufferer is not aware of it Sick kidneys bring backache and side paius lameness rnd stiffness dizzi-oess headaches tired feeling urinary

tidoubles Doans Kidshyney Pills cure the cause Mrs N E G r a v e s Villisca Iowa says I sufshyfered from kidney trouble Tor years The secretions were disordered th e r e

were pains In my back and swellings of the ankles Often I had smother ing spells I had to be helped about Doans Kidney pills cared me five years ago and I have been well since ihey saved my life

Remember the naroemdashDoans For sale by all dealers 50 cents a uos Foster-Milburn Co Buffalo N Y




RIVER NEAR laquo i J D 9 U R Y f 0 N T


While we were on our honeymoon I always spoke French to my husband so that no one should understand us

So you went to France did you

Why does Great Britain buy its oatmeal of us

Certainly it seems like carrying ccals to Newcastle to speak of exportshying oatmeal to Scotland and yet every year the Quaker Oats Company sends hundreds of thousands of cases of Quaker Oats to Great Britain and Europe

The reason -5s--smpe 7i]e tne English and Scotch have for centuries eaten oatmeal in quantities and with a regularity that has made them the most rnggtd physically and active mentally of all people the American has been eating oatmeal and trying all the time to improve the methods of manufacture so that he might get that desirable foreign trade

How well he has succeeded would be seen at a glance at tne export reshyports of Quaker Oats This brand is recognized as without a rival in clean iiness and delicious flavor 51

His Terrible Threat Aviation has improved considerably

since the time when Col Cleary then county commissioner and for years a well-known poundhicpoundgtrader-poundtradede 2 bslloon ascension at a county fair over in Michigan says the Chicago Journal

As the guest of honor the colonel was sent upward with the assurance that there was absolutely no danger But as the distance from the earth grew greater tbe colonel leaned out anxiously

Pull me in he shouted The men who were bailing out the

rope paid no heed to his demand Higher and higher went the balloon Wilder nd wilder grew the colonel Finally almost standing on his bead as bev tried to keep a precarious balshyance he gave a final cry of exasshyperated panic

Pull me in I tell you or Ill cut the rope

Wisdom of a COOK Mr Uoneyman looked hopefully at

the pleasant rosy faced Norwegian girl with whom the manager of the employment bureau had accorded him an interview Can you wash and iron he asked

Yaas I do dose responded the cheerful Minna

And you can wait on the tablesmdashI mean will yoamdashand answer the door-bein Mr Honeyman faltered My wife is quite determined on these points

Yaas I d o dose and Minna conshytinued to beam benevolently

And you can cook of course said Mr-^ W n n e y T n fraquoTraquo

Yaas said Minna for the third time I do dat fine ven you keep her busy so she do not help memdashYouths Companion

Slightly Altered AJ1 the worlds a stage And most of the men and women

merely supersmdashCleveland Leader

ii-iDfryyiX- n bull i i V e S t iVXsii -jioston Traugcript j

i isOiiileci-i iJii bull --^-- -- ^ i v bull -ivv0 i i u y Jit-ju I Lhc C i S c t C0nt i i iU6waV f o r 17 y o T j

INSOMNIA Leads to Madness if not Remedied lit


Experiments satisfied me some 5 years ago writes a Topeka woman that coffee was the direct cause of the insomnia from which I suffered ter ribly as well as the extreme nervousshyness and acute dyspepsia which made life a most painful thing for me

I had been a coffee drinker since childhood and did not like to think that the beverage was doing me all this harm But it was and the time came when I had to face the fact and proshytect myself I therefore gave up coffee abruptly and absolutely and adopted Posium as my hot drink at meals

I began to note improvement in my condition very soon after I took on Postum The change proceeded gradshyually but surely and it was a matter of only a few weeks before I found myshyself entirely relieved -the nervousness passed away my digestive apparatus was restored to nomn 1 efficiency and I began to sleep restfully and peaceshyfully

These happy condition have conshytinued during all of the 5 years and I am safe in sayng that I owe tbem enshytirely to Pactum fcr whet I began to flrink h i csrtrifefl bullgt ulaquoraquo r^poundgtnfi Read ttc little book The Road to Wellvmen p^^s -T^rr ^ ^ s o

0vpound fcpjT itvtn am ltraquo raquoinsc raquoraquo laquo - - raquo i - - raquo =

Three uoatiad Coaches are Submerged in RivermdashConductor fteynold Hrkgti-caliy Rescues Eight Through Roof of Dining Car

Death iu 1 its most terrible forms blotted out the lives of a t leasttwo aceie people when Your car^ of a Cashynadian Pacific passenger trail on the Sc-o branch leaped from the tracks near Sudbury Ont and went tearing down a steep embankment plunging through the ice-covered surface of the Spanish river

Suiue were drowned others were crushed to death in grinding timbers

Most terrible of all maimed and injured caught In the wreckage of one of the cars were burned to death

The exact number of dead and inshyjured was still unknown but accordshying to stories told by injured passenshygers brought to Sudbury it was one of the worst catastrophes in the hisshytory of Canadian railroads

Tbe train wrecked was known as No 7 en route from Montreal to Sault Ste Marie and Minneapolis An offishycial statement given out says that it probably was due to a broken rail

Front Cars Stay on Track The engine baggage express mail

and one second class car remained on the rails while one second class one first class a dining car and a sleeper went down the embankment The first class car and diner went into the river The sleeper and second class car stopped on the embankment the second cass car catching fire

The wreck odcurred about 37 miles west of Sudbury where the tracks cut into the side of a steep hill which is skirted by the river The forward part of the train passed over the break whatever it was in safety The day coach which was the fourth from the end of the train was the first to leave the rails bull bullgt bull

The train was running at the rate of about 40 miles an hour and the momentum carried the car down the hill in a terrific plnnge About 25 passengers were in this car and it Is practically certain that none escaped

Only the Roof Above Water Two minutes after the first crash

only the roof of the day coach showed above the flowing Ice In the river The second class car the next in the train smashed against tbe end cf a culvert and was crushed to splinters Some of tbe passengers were killed outright but others caught in the wreckage which almost immediately broke into flames were roasted to death before they could be resented

Uninjured passengers and trainmen immediately turned their attention to the rescue of passengers imperiled by the fire

The telegraph lines were all torn down and It was evident that relief could flot be summoned by wire It was five miles to the village of Nairn and a drenched survivor ran the disshytance to deliver a report of the wreck at the Canadian Pacific depot

Meanwhile Conductor Thomas Reyshynolds was proving himself a hero in

rescuing eight passengers from the sunken dining car When the wreck occurred Reynolds with W J Bell and David Rrodie had just sat down for an early dinner iieii and Brodie facing the engine and Reynolds sitshyting opposite them and riding back- j wards The diner was the last ear to ] enter the water and did not sink at once but settled slowly while the passengers climbed upon the tables to keep their heads above the rising waters With several passengers standing in water to their chins the situation was desperate

Then it was that Conductor Reyshynolds made a dive to reach a window broke the glass and succeeded in risshying to the surface of the fiver outside the ar Happily he reached the Surshyface where a hole in the ice enabled him to gain a solid footing by resting one arm on the roof of the car and the other on the ice

Some Taken Through Roof Gaining the roof of the car he broke

a fan light with his fist and rescued little Alfonso Rouse] of Sault Ste Marie After the little boy came D M Brodie of Sudbury who was small enough to pass through the fan light Six more passengers who were too big to be rescued in this manner were taken out through a hole broken in the roof of the car

1 never heard snch terrible cries as when those cars went over the bank I shall never forget it as long as I live said Conductor Reynolds I put the killed at between 40 and 50 The first coach carried about 35 or 40 passengers and of this number only one man escaped

Gangs of wreckers to the number of 100 were immediately sent to the scene of the horrible disaster



Toe above caption about represent tbe growth of Cestfral Canada The statement was made not long since by a railroad man who claimed to have made the remarkable discovery that such was the case There is not a district of agt fair amount of settleshyment n any of the three Provinces of Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta but has its school and the railways Lave stations every seven or eight miles apart around whieh group the towns some large and some small but each imports nt to its own district Schools ltu3 largely maintained by pubshylic funds and the expense of tuition is but a nominal sum

The final returns of the grain proshyduction for Central Canada for 1909 is now In and the figures show that the value of the crops to the farmers of that country is about 195 million dolshylars as compared with 120 million last year American farmers or those who have gone from the United States will participate largely in these splendid returns and these comprise those who have gone from nearly every State in the Union

One of tbe many proofs that might be put forward showing theimmense wealth that comes to the farmers of Central Canada is seen in tbe sum that has been spent during the past two or three months by the faraers who bare for the time being ceased worrying over the reaper and the thresher and are taking to enjoying themselves for two or three months I+gt is said that fifty thousand people of these Western Provinces spent the holiday season visiting their old homes Host of these passengers paid forty and some forty-five dollars for the round trip Some went to Great Britain some to tbe Continent others to their old homes in Eastern Canada and many thousands went to visit their friends in the States The amount paid alone in transportation would be upward of two million dollars Some make tbe trip every years It need hot be asked Can they afford it With crops yielding them a profit of $20 to $26 per acre and some having as much as twelve hundred or more across tbe question is answered Tbe Canadian Government Agents at difshyferent point in tbe State report that they have interviewed a great many of those who arc now visiting friends Jn tbe different states and they all exshypress themselves as well satisfied and promise to take tome of their friends back witb tbena There It still a lot of free homestead land in splenshydid districts and other land can be purchased st a reasonable price from railway and land companies


ThiefmdashWhats tbe time please Victims-Much too late for you Your

pal just got my watch

Ezra Kendall Passes Away Ezra Kendal] the man who has

made a nation laugh is dead Death came to bim at a time in life when he was about to retire wealthy and happy after 30 years of constant toil on the Stage to end his days in rest with his wife and six children Aposhyplexy seized the actor while in a san itarium at Martinsville Ind Saturshyday He was taken ekk in Califorshynia following the close of the Vinegar Buyer

Mary KatoHcfc pleaded guilty at Paterson N J to two more burglaries than she is years old Mary is 10 She can neither read noi- wrftor her TisroDts aw ltleslts ampampd she irtuT u OPi f- W-OUlis 1Hgt i3ihlaquoViuI Ugt gtlaquo sraquoect I to the state horns for giris Mary was an export ir the use of false Jreys Buf Khnw^i tno ffyiii- how she car- ricd amp ijiss buaich oi iaam cyampcsxcj j


In Dowlaisi South Wales about fifshyteen years ago families were strickshyen wholesale by a disease known as the itch Believe me it is tbe most terrible disease of its kind that I know of as It itches all through your body and makes your life an inferno Sleep i out of the question and you feel as If a million mosquitoes were attacking yon at tbe same time I knew a dozen families that were so affected

The doctors did their best bnt their remedies were of no avail whatshyever Then the families trisd a drugshygist who was noted far and wide for bis remarkable cures People came to bim frcm all parta of the country for treatment but bis medicine made matters still worse as a last resort t iey were advised by a friend to use the Cuticura Remedies t am glad to eraquo yon that after a few days treatshyment witb Cuticura Soap Ointment and Resolvent tbe effect was wondershyful and tbe result was a perfect cere m all cases

I may add that my three brothers t i ree sisters myself and all our famshyilies hare been users of the Cuticura Remedies for fifteen years Thomas Hugh 1650 West Huron St Chicago Hi June 29 1909

Whiskers A Roman poet told of the pride onraquo

of the late Caesars took in his great whiskers On some of the wildwood Hill Billies I have seen beards some feet long a switch of the iooampe ends banging out from under the waistcoat Others braided tbe growth and tied it around the neck while still others braided it around iae waist tying it behind like apron strings One told

poundipound7 a=Ki jjul it iisviijr iiiic a iottg linen bag or nightgown so as to keep It from Setting all tangled up with bis -V1S ^ fJ-M -wM 1 raquoltbull-raquogti iv i t i i i P v s ^ j

u i CugtmnUmm tk vvraquorraquo rlaquogt ltbull ran vwK tbe course of trwc teve


GRIND Pleasant la take

Tha new laxative Does riot gripe or n a u s e a t e C ares stomach and liver troubles and chronic conshystipation by restoring the natural action of the stomshyach tiver and bo w e l s Rfrtase aub^titut Wlaquoraquo 6O0-

CnLEK T~laquo R E V O S L D S

D O Y O U - U S E A

Phone Nothing can answer your purpose as well m t h e UNION PHONE 1095 connections in Owtweo aad Corona



CURE rraquo Tjiucni dmoswrage There I s

gmrfWrywa rfaiewfMy wrHraquoraquor Fw Be as seest a Uraquo itpae nudaf Jmt

Dr FVBMT Kldaey u 4 SwktA Cw fctbeeatweuiKy tela s lrre to-day I b w l bull u t t n e d acnauy of kidney d t e u e foryemra s o d reaac4 to weight to Wpeetad I bow

W f T M e S C e n f Oflve Furnace 0 w

Druggiro laquo c 1 AsktorCooa BookmdashFret


nvoaa bullending - skatea bdquoultckl7 aikwruif oar iTlaquotition 1raquo prebablr


Cogtvmarrrs cVc

UunartrteUyeoaSdaai bdquo_ laquomt trea Old bulljeaar for

sUnnmaf Mtaar as


laquoIOWVlaquo rlaquowleraquooCfclaquo withoutlaquolaquolaquobull bit

StieMific JMerkm A h mdaowaaiy Uintretad winfcir Lawwat^r-cuiaUon of bullojr CL-iatitlfic teunuti Ton S3 a

four ta^ntrt I t Sou br all newaaealaro

Srawsa Co

MS r Bt Waafcincto Hewtort ftataaixa

The esfety comfort and esnvesi-ence of tit Mwrtm 9oUd top closed-in breech and -aide ejection features arlaquo combined wtth the quick easy manipulation of the popular sliding fore-end or pomp action in the new Mode 20 JBnfle rifles

real teat ef a bull ottd top ta always a

In rapid firin-the Ipeatermdashthlaquo StatSm aol erctectfoe atid prtrefita amok aad faeea iblovrtnc back] ba aftctei efeell la jaerar thrown Into your fcce or area and never tnterferca with the almt f^fat ferearm fita yoor hand ami belpe Qtica oserattoa

It handle tjte abort leaf and ke-rJRe ecrtrfdcea without cbaac in adjuatonent and the deep 3alllaquowdrlffltn- (uarantaea tbe accuracy makint it the fineet Httle rlfta la the world for target afaootinc and far a41 bullmatt came op to UO or 300 yania

raquobull W U raquo raquo ^ v i n i l tr bull

aii jampBatampm (tepeatere Juat gtt our 136-pace catalog Mailed free for atauope aoataw


Federal License of Corporations i$ Opposed by Many in



Pension Bills Introduced Providing for VolunUer Retired ListmdashTwo Pft Its Want Exposition Marking tfca Canal Opening

WashingtonmdashTb Republican leadshyers in congress practically httve agreed that if it can be accomplished the majority of the Presidents recom-mendaticus shall be enacted into law at this session but there is growing evidence that anions the minority of the recommendations which are to be overlooked the Presidents wish that a law legalizing the federal licensing of incorporations may not be fulfilled at this session In telling Mr Taft that it la unlikely that MB federal licence law is to go through the leaden have made a tacshyit promise that at a future date probshyably at the next session the lecora-mendamption shall be taken up and put through i s some form Xt seems that the plan for the licensing of corporashytions by the federal government has aroused antagonism among some of the Republicans and among a majorshyity of the Democrats it Is understood also that the leading Republicans men who ordinarily can get the rest of the party representatives in line are not over-zealous in their desire that this bill shall become a law cershytainly not at the present time It la Impossible in the absence of any dishyrect statement of the reasons for their objections to tell why it Is that the leaders apparently are determined to postpone action upon this particular piece of legislation but It seems to be assured that consideration of it Is to be postponed until a more convenishyent season

It has beett pretty generally undershystood that bip subsidy was to have hard sailing through the waters of the lower house of congress and not very easy sailing through those of the upshyper house It is impossible of course to foretell just what the fate of subshysidy will be but it seems that one senator who in the cast has been the champion of subsidy this year Is not inclined to look with favor upon i t The senator in question Is Mr Prye of Maine who apparently does not think that the measure recommended by the President and already introshyduced into the house goes anywhere near far enough to suit the shipping interests President Taft has recomshymended legislation of this klcd but the feciling Is in Washington that he will not be particularly disappointed if it does not go through although of course its passage would add one more to the administration victories

Postal Savings Banks One of the most peculiar situations

is that in regard to postal savings banks Much has been written about this matter and in the main former opinion was that the postal savings bank bill might have great trouble in getting sanction for itself from the leaders of both houses As everybody knows the members of the national monetary commission would prefer that consideration of the postal savshyings bank bill should be put off until after the commission has made its reshyport President Taft however Is inshysistent that postal savings bank legisshylation shall be enacted this winter and it is believed to-day that the leaders have agreed uraquo accede to his wishes as they have also agreed to do what he wants them to do in the matter of amendments to the intershystate commerce law and of laws which will safeguard the interests of the nations natural resources

Bills for Veterans Before the military committee of

the house of representatives there are eight principal bills Intended to benefit the veterans of the civil war In several of them there is a specific provision for the creation of what is called a volunteer retired list for the civil war officers who are still living

In the sects tive

Sixteenth congress Repre-Beeman 0 Dawes of Ohio

introduced a bill which if it had beshycome a law would have put all the commissioned officers of the civil war on the veMred list with month-Iy pay of one-half that which they received while they were wearing swords in the field There is a reshytired list for regular officers and the idea of Representative Dawes was to give to the volunteer officers in their

old age a recognition in part at least o the value of their services as com-nilssioned officers The question seemed io be if tbe regulars are paid after retirement why not do the same thing for the volunteers

Representative Dawes is not now In Congress but the provision in his bill which was Intended to carcopy for the volunteer officers has been incor porated in several of the bills which j re now before the military commitshytee for action It seems probable it-4 gt ^nz firtngrrsa will vgtR n

man who wore a bar a leaf an eagle or a star on his shoulder dvring the civil war and who is alive to-day will

as though they were still fighting in the field

Substitute for Pensions Of course pensions assuchfor the

volunteers will brgt done away with if any of tbese bills passes congress because the retired pay will take the pensions place

Likely to Carry $raquo a raquocopyrttfc If the volunteer officers retired bill

passes it is possible that it will carry with it a pension giving enlisted men ol the civil war a pension of $40 per month fijfth sit present pensions be-tug abolished except in cases of total or almost total disability where the present sum paid to the disabled solshydiers exceed 40 per month With the officers and eullstea men and the widows cared for with these specific sums in each case the trouble of penshysion gradations and the chances of fraud are minimised but nevertheless it will cost a huge sum of money the first few years of the measures legai life

According to a classification made by Gen Green B Raum the volunteer officers who would benefit are In number and rank as follows Major generals two brigadier generals 28 colonels 151 lieutenant colonels 195 majors 309 captains 2633 first lieushytenants 2233 second lieutenants 1166-varlons ranks in the navy 160 this bringing the total up to the numshyber given above

Of course a full expression of opinshyion of desirability of such a retired Bat bill as this is not obtainable Soldiers and those who take an interest in mil itary affairs generally are much in fashyvor of the measure The crrtUans who never saw service do not express opinions on the matter in letter form for it seems that few people care to go on record as being opposed to any thing in the nature of a bill for the rcattf of the men who fought In the Heidi even though there may he and probably la a general feeling among civilians that the government is exshytravagant in the matter of pension naytnents

Rivalry for Exposition San Francisco and San Diego cities

of California each wants to be the teent of a great exposition In the year 1915 as a means of marking the opening of the Panama canal Represhysentative Kahn of California has Inshytroduced into tbe house a bill which is now before the committee on inshydustrial arts and expositions to proshyvide for what he designates as the Panama-Pacific exposition Represhysentative Smith of California on beshyhalf of the city of San Diego desires that U shall be the location of what he wishes to be called the Panama-California exposition

It is too early yet to tell whether congress will vote money for governshyment participation in any exposition on the Pacific coast or elsewhere to be held at tbe time of the canal openshying It is assured however that there will be a great celebration on the Tsthmu of Panama at the time that Col Goethala sets for the completion of the great work Early as the day la it la believed that the president of the United States and both houses of congress will go to Panama to give recognition to the completion of the canal Whether or hot there shall be a great exposition in the United States 1ST a matter yet to be decided but it must be said that California shows that it is very much in earnest in the matter of getting the governments sanction for a great exposition of arts industries and manufactures on the Pacific coast in the year 1915 when It la practically assured the Inter-oceanic canal will be open for traffic

Few Bills Before Congress Considering the fact that this Is a

long session of congress comparativeshyly few bills have been introduced into either house or senate There is a marked absence at this session of what is known as freak bills Memshybers of congress are urged constantly by constituents some of whom are a little unbalanced mentally or who beshylong to the class of extreme enthusishyasts to put in bills which no congress possibly could be brought to pass and no committee could be made even to consider These so-called freak bills are introduced by members simply to escape the constant appeals of those who want their measures at least to see the light of print

In congress there is this winter anshyother determined effort to lay the groundwork for a plan which when carshyried to ultimate completion will result in a great boulevard running from the city of Washington to the battlefield of Gettysburg It is the intention If sanction for such a great avenue can be secured to have it known as a memorial of Lincoln A survey he been made of a road from Washington to Gettysburg in a straight line beshytween the capitol and the central point of the famous battlefield and it has been found that tbe road can be bunt without much interference with private property As a matter of fact the people who live along the way have expressed a desire that the work should be carried to completion

Approve Memorial Project There are many old soldiers and

men in ofScial gtife whose memories go back to tbe Lincoln days and some of whom knew Lincoln personally who think that the noble roadway would be the best possible memorial to the war- time president good deal of sentiment in favor of the proposition has been aroused ft the country alshythough it Should be said that considershyable opposition has been developed r n f d u l flpi5raquo J^Oplft raquoltflitj fgt thTT

ij i K i i l K A v s i i

i laquo W laquo a t SaVI CO R ^ t t a t t t t S M M W E

el2 OiUltV bullbullT r f t S iS i a l S ftiltgt Riiilti i v ^ i j i i j ) r-av- nt H r w l A n i n ) vHfA nA now) | vfirs of service laquore Yttlvampi laquonlt ps$d

Abraham Lincoln should be done so that no real estate transactions that might be of money value to poculv Unbdquo bdquollaquogtt^(I bo gti-vved to r-jceSvs t h e

asosampfi CUNTcopy

B vt ft amp -

R o l l s

M u f f i n s

R i s c w i l s Wa f u t ^


P i jgt o v laquor r


bullOi-r S J O N

I- (gt 1 J ltbull n re- clti

M lt a d c vv i i i t -


GOLD mrmjpound


4 laquo i i

M a i - s Br-e-ikfisf a S u c L S V N N

The Goultsss Corporation j A burglar broke into Che Clinton

Sprinsfield station at Harrisonville ( He found a rubber stamp and an ink pad which he refused to take away but he left a note to the agent The note read Wat the ella the counshytry cummin to when a big ralerodej corporashun dont eve enough In It] drawers to buy a pore man a meles vittlesmdashKansas City Star

Rabbits In Australia Some one has calculated that the

rabbits in Australia must reach the number of 1000000000000 But of course there is no means of taking aj census the calculation is largely guesswork Its foundation being a rough numbering of the rabbits to beraquo found in an acre of country and mul-

tiplying that by the number of rabbit infested acres

Out of Mans Reach Th$ old ngtay have their years

stretched out beyond the fourscore but they must die sooner or later no such necessary limit affects the births and it Is conceivable that there may-come a year when there are no births Immortality is the only effective anshyswer to a cessation of reproduction) and alas the King of Terrorsystill reigns r

immense Leather Beit The largest leather belt ever madti

Was completed recently by a New York manufacturer for a Louisiana lumber company it was 243 feet long six feet wide and three tily thick The bides of 540 steers were utilized in the manufacture of the belt As its delivery was a matter of urgency tbe great roll of leather was shipped by express and the bill for this service was $243G7

importance of Table Manners Emerson declared I could better

eat with one who did not respect tho truth or the laws than with a slovshyenly and unpresentable person Moral qualities rule the world but at short distances the senses are despotic There Is nothing more offensive to truly polite and cultured people than careless vulgar table manners

Education Never Stops Get all the education you can but

never remove yourself from the idea that after you know a lot you still nave more to learn When you gradu ate from college you are just beginshyning to understand many themes and subjects that are most important

Use for Old Clocks When a small clock is beyond reshy

pair do not throw it away but keep it for sick room use Set the bands each time medicine is given to the hour when the next dose is to be given

Childhoods Protest Theres one thing I dont undershy

stand said little Harry and thats why rood tasting things like mince pies make me ill while bad tasting things like medicine make pounde well It ought to be the other way about

STEVENS ^Generations of live wideshyawake American Boys hare obtained tiio right kind of FIREARM EDUCATION bj being equipped with the

unerring time-honored S T E V E N S

[Spoi STE w e i laquopo

All progressiva Hardware and omnffGooda MercoanU handle

VERS If you cannot obtain we will ship direct express prepaid upon receipt of Catalog Price

ISend 5 cents ia stamps for itaVtxzo illustratedCwaioff

bull - I ltopMo with ^ bdquo j S T E V 73 N 8

f ^A i msampsttr-j^

and utneral firearm ja-fltraquormtton

^ frac34 ^ frac34

X STEYBB pjics A Toot CO

-ft M iiXftc


European Plan 260 Rooms 108 Rooms win water

PerDar A ~ n oo

CUb Breakfast rala^hl ale gnU

wdh private bath

PexDty n 50 50 Rooms

KuDv $2frac34


25 aiaii Caf e Talis JHcte


sad 50

POSTAL MOREY Pwprlaquotaw

DAIRY FARMERS WE have established Cash

Tes t ing S t a t i o n s at thre following p laces

Chesaning Henderson New Lothrop Judds Corners Flushshying Ovid Elsie and Bannister where cream will be received tes ted and paid for when delivered

Why not deliver your cream to one of these stations once each week and save the exshypense of having it gathered

One trial will convince you that our plan of buying cream is the most satisfactory wray for the Dairyman

Yours respectfully

American Farm Products



bull W U B T ^ - laquo laquo M laquo B B v

S w bscr lbe IN o w


bullbullbullbull ELS1J2 bull bull bull + bull bull bull bull bull

Klie bullML-ThJ J A H 2 3 1laquoI0 ^

GaynOrGriggs is i i rwi ih n^s ics v O L JtJrti-nani isuuder the doctors

bullbullbull-bull bulllt5sue_ bullbullbullbull s bullbullbullbullbull bull Ira Cleaviager cut his fen with an ax

on Slonday V Mrs Bcriry Hus iu is confined lo her gt xd withnenjrjIgiU

The Hi tie soil ofTivkl PeV of Fuirfiold died Ust Thursday ol iiplithoi-ia-

Our Sophomore clraquoiaa ire preparing to give a literary eDtertainmet 6 i Feb 18

Mis Anuic Van Denseu is teaching the 3ead school during the illness of the egu-ktf teacher

Mrs Myrtle Burlingume has gone to Detroit to care fcr her grand mother who has a broken leg

T w o sleighloads of high school pup attended lite entertainment gWeu by the Oyki H S at Ovid last Friday evening

Mr and Mrs Milan Emmons gave a family birthday party on Thurslay in honor of Mr Emmons and his twin brothshyer Myron from Van Buren Co Covers -were laid for 18 The twin brothew were 66 years old

Rev E C Thompson has had a call to a Detroit church aid will move there with his family in the near future Many both in and out of the Elsie F B church reshygret losing Elder Thcmjvon and bis chanming family but all join in congratushylating him on the prospect of their n e home

The Woodmen and Royal Neighbors held joint installation at their hall last Thursday evening Mrs Jennie Lee and George Batrs acted as installing oncers After insial ation itoth orders adjourned to the I O 0 F hall where a banqraquoraquoct was served to over 200 persons The Woodmen have secured 10 new applicashytions bullbull

Dr Thomas Eclectric O i l is the best reme ly for that of lexi fatal d seasemdashcroti p l i a s beeh used with success ia our family for eight yearsmdashMrs L Whiteacre Buffalo IS Y

bull + +-++^ + + + + SHAFTSBCBC

+ + + + 4 + + + + + + bull bull Sbeftampburg Mich Jan 25 1310

Mrs James Shaft was in Landing on Lusincss Tuesday

Mrs Sarsfiejd Corcoran who has been ill is now better

John P Shaft went to Coninoa on Monday to be gone a few days

Mrs J G Marsh and Mrs Andrew Oidiway arc still among the sick

Mis Janie Shaft made a hurried visit to Laingsburg on Monday

Miss Alma Maltby of Perry spent Sunshyday with her sister Mrs Earf Harlow

James Shaft and little Harvey Comrie took a business trip to Bancroft one day last week

Mrs Charley Kline has just returned from a weeks visit with her f-thbdquor Mr Bradley in Portland

Mrs Ana Applemau was in Laiogsburg from Sunday Until Tuesday visiting at the Burlingame home

Charey Harkncas hai taken his family to York Stlaquoe where they intend making their home in the future

Mr and Mrs Henry Shaft of Perry bull were here from Wednesday until Thursshyday night visiting their children

Mrs J Ilankintsslipped cn the ice and fell sustaining a broken arm Dr Dun- ham was called and reduced the fracture

Mr and Mrs Wm Towsley are iu Perry Mrs Towsley is caring for her daughter Mrs Clif Vandewalker who is ill

The Congregational Society will hold a box social at the home of Mr and Mrs Van Polhemus north of here on next Friday evening

Last Monday night a thief broke into Jerome Ordiways pool room smashed the slot machine and took its conteata Home talent is guspickmed

Elder and Mrs Doty returned Wednesshyday from Grand Ledge where she had been on a visit to her parents since before Christmas He poundoing there last Monday

Mr and Mrs Albert Shaft of Lansing came on Saturday he returned on Monshyday She remaining here to care for Mrs Scott Shaft the formers mother who is ill

For a mild easy action of the bowels a single dose of Doans Regulets is enough Treatment cures habitual constipation 25 cents a box Ask your druggist for them

bull MORBJCE bull bull bull bull bull + bull bull bull bull bull Horrice Mich Jan 241910

T W Atwood of Caro is spending a few days at this place

Mrs Jacob Heath is confined to her bed under the care of a physician

A number of our citizens viewed Hal-leys comet Saturday evening

Mrs T W Tewrsbury and daughter Minnie were Owosso visitors Friday

Mrs Damie Kellogg was a guest of Lansing friends a portion of last week

Mr and Mrs Oscar Shadbolt of Owotraquo-so spent last week visiting friends in this vicinity

Mr and Mrs Bernie Howe spent Sunshyday at the home of Charles King in Benshynington

Miss Dana Pierce and Marelte Russell were confined to the house by hard coids Saturday

Lete Ward sold one of his full blooded Ancona cockrels Friday to Paul Scott of Mn Morris

A number from here attended the party in Perry Friday evening and reported a pleasant time

Mrs G M Waters and daughter

Stent Saturday in Durand at the home of arry Johnaou Mr eiid Mrs Jnhr Dpfrefsse of Duraad

Dcryeae Sunday Miss Eta DeFrcese went to Toledo

Friday evening She wd spend = ninnts Uvfvith frlonik

W Atwood epent the greater por-of the week beie at the home of his

2f T Atwood uiid Mrs George Calkiua of Perry

vgt (- i c bull crallied at the home of Mrs Cinih) ai-iii Friday -MissDaua iivr bull vt^ niuth improved-Monday She hka n--^i ornlkeu to the house one week by iliiie^ bull -Hrs Elict Brown wept to Clovejdale Saturday to visit her daughter Mrs Dcl-Ixrt Payiia for a few days Mis-C F-Sper-rbrecierwftsthe guest of Mrs Allea BKiuaer Thursday at their home four miles e^it of town

Monday evehiug a slcighload of young people visited the rink at Percy and reshyport an eujoyablf evening spent on t-kates

G us Jordan moved into his new home Thursday They will reside in the tenant house recently built on his fathers farm east of town

Albert Nickloy and family moved Satshyurday from the farm and tenant house of Andrew McDivitt onto the farm of Francis Bunline south of Perry

The Sir Knights and Ladies of the Mac cabees will hold their installation of officers here Wednesday evening An oyster supshyper wDl be served afterwards

Dan Boutelt of this place went to Deshytroit Wednesday night with several carshyloads of stock for Hall amp Green of Perry He returned hcrhe^F iday ^0trade^

Miss Lucile Hall who has been teachshying school rear Flushing since theholgt days BDtnt Friday until Saturday night at the home of her mother Mrs Anne Hail

Mrs Annie McConnell and son Charles who have been spend ng the past month in Guelph Ca returned here Friday evenshying She has been visiting her mother at that place

Monday the firm of Fuller and Cates dissolve i partnership Mr Catcs wih-

drawing from the firm Cates Junior will reoiaia to cut steaks and help HLr Fuller with the trade

A meeting of the stockholders will take place at E L Vre^Unds telephone office Saturday afternoon 10 decide whether there shall be nijht and Sunday service at this pace hereafter

Mr and Mrs C F Speerbreckcr entershytained a number of guests from Bancroft Friday evening Progresive pedro was played and refr shmruts were served An enjoyable time was reported

E L Vreeiatid was in Bancroft Saturshyday attending a meetf ng of the stockholdshyers in 1 be Befl and Farmers office The line are being overhauled and every effort will bemade to give patrons better service at that place 4raquoThe ladles of the W C T U will tell baked goods one week from last Saturday January 89 The goods will be placed on sale at ten oclock in the window of H V Pierces store The money raised will be used for the local option fund

Work st pile diiviog-oa the Maple river was finished Saturday Monday the pile driver was moved near Shaftsburg where the men will put in some culverts A short stretch of track hat been laid 1K-tween here and Perry in the past weeks

Glen Blanchard and family spent from Friday until Monday at the home of hi sister Mis M J Herbert Mr BLiech ard works in tbcBuick at Flint and was injured in his ami by a flying piece of steel He took this time to visit his suter

Arthur Ecklcr has rented the A J Bristol farm and will move there in a few days Mrs Bristol will accompany her sou O L Bristol to his home in Beraquoo-uia Mr Bristol being obliged to return there to hold his position as commissioner of schcols

The citizens of this place have been patshyting themselves on the back While ts at other pliices have been soaring in pritc our little burg is only paying the price prevailing tor the past two yens here namely 15c a pouud for ati steaks and less for roasts

Ed Britten lost a valuable Southdown sheep one dav last week in an odd manner He began fighting with another sheep in the same yard and the other sheep struck him a blow in the side killing him instantly Mr Britten had been offered a good round sum for the animal a few days before

Mr and Mrs George McKay entertained the club at 500 Wedoeidiy eveaiii^ Mr McKay frame here with his sHgh and t ok them out to their home returning with them at a very early hour of the morning Mrs McKay Served refreshshyments and all report an enjoyable time

Vfctor Jose of the Lyceum Club U of M will deliver a lecture here Friday evenshying on The Higher Citizenship This lecture will be given in place of the one Mr Frybergec Wu to have delivered two weeks ago Too lecture will take place in the school house and the-money will go toward the library fund

Superintendent Kiebler took the pupils and teachers of the high room fcr a ride Friday afternoon School was dismissed at 230 and Mr Kiebler chartered a team and sleigh The destination was Perry He treated the crowd to candy before reshyturning home A merry time was reportshyed

Pat Jordan was a caller at the home of W A Conley Sunday evening His horse and cutter were in front of tbe house A hail from the street called the people to the door They found the horse had alip-

fCopyriKbt by Short Storlea Co Md) The great week WRlaquo over and of the

three or four hundred girls who had filled the college buildings and camshypus with their bright earnest lhfe nci more thaa a Aoxeh remaiocd ftrid all but one of these had their tru-tks packed for speedy departute This one was Mary Cathcart who did uot kcow where she could go if she did PpoundCk -mdashmdash^-

Tbianiornlbg she was standing near the entrance of the lecture hail wonshydering what she should do For ten days t i e had been looking hopefully for a Jitter but none had come NGne seemed likely to come now

She had not specially fitted herself for anything and she rather looked forward to coming back after the sumshymer holidays to take a postgraduate course when if It should seem best she would study for one of the half-dozen railings which many of her schoolmates were already entering upon But it ail depended upon the letter and the letter had not come

A girl but little older than herself came briskly from the building It wasect the French teacher and she waft now going straight to the station to take the next train for home Mary looked at her a little eartonaly

Where do yon got aafeed the teacher

To Loagley Two hours later she was at the stashy

tion and had purchased a ticket She had money enough to pay her exshypenses for a month Beyond that she did not know

Whom should she find st Longley Should she even find anybody A letshyter which had come to her after her mothers death more than four years before bidding her to enter upon a course at this college and stating that money would he sent to her from time to time as before was all she had to go by The letter had been postshymarked Longley

She had always been generously supplied and had furnished her room

1-4 Off

well and had had money to spend Then as the end of the course apshyproached she had confidently looked forward to another letter But none bad come The one postmarked Long-ley was her only clew and even that might have been mailed by some one passing through the place

Her mother had thought the money might come from a wealthy uncle who had had some disagreement with the family and who took this wamp7 of savshying his pride He was eccentric and fond of traveling about from place to place

All tt through her mind as tbm train rushed on At length Long-ley was called and Mary rose and hurried out to the little platform of a small country station

The station master was dragging her trunk back from the edge of the platform where it had been dropped She went to him

There are no Cathcarta here of course she said more as an assershytion than as a question

No guess not never heered of any Be you lookin up some

Tmdashbulles I thought I might find a relshyative here When is the next train

Not till to-morrer She drew a long breath Is there a hotei near Factry boardin house but I guess

its pretty full Thats it down yonshyder pointing with his finger the house with a blind swingin on the hinge Be you lookin for a job I hear theyre needin two or three more weavers Thats the only job I know of unless its old Tom Far-

ped and fell with its bead under it and the nu Hes been man o all work

was hurriedly cut and the horse rose to its vlaquolaquowbdquo ^abdquo v t raquo-raquo_ ^^ laquobdquo laquo^laquo feet none the worse for its fall Conley ^ 8 w n i n b u t his ^ n s 1 c n o w

declares the horse has a rubber neck or f o r a m o n t n ltgtr laquogtbull laquo laquo t of course you else it would have been dead d0 want that Job But oh say as

Mr and Mrs Wm Britten living southshywest of here celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary Wednesday of last week Although tour of their ciildren were unable to be present there were stil forty of their descendents present from their sons and down to their great great grand children The venerable couple reshyceived many reuieoibiitui-vti m the day Mr and Mrs Britten are a remarkably smart couple They live by themselves and attend to the work incident to caring for their home and other duties of farm life Mr Britten is 81 and his wife 79 years old


platform I this mornin been nusan

Mebbe ye

rs sre eslt mu$ u

she started down the most forgot I heered that the wstnan whos Tom is goln off to-day could get her job

Mary nodded her thanks a sudden resolution flashing Into her eyes

She smilingly inquired her way to the home of Mr Farrar There she found a middle-aged woman who greeted her anxiously But on learn lng her errand the womans face cleared

Thats what I call a special provishydence vbh exclaimed heartily Yo see Tve got to go for my sisters sick butTve been batin to leave old Mr Fftrmr The very bent t could tiwiU ss was Ketiin a cipoundiu3rlaquo titshytle

excuse Have you

Winter is just half gone and the coldshyest weather yet to come still we are ready to meet you half way on Over-coats

Remember we are the only dealers in the county that mark goods in plain figures on original ticket which is always on inside collar of coat

Look at this ticket deduct 25 per cent and the coat is yours

This sale includes every coat in the store nothing reserved

Yours for a Square Deal All Round

W A McMtdlen amp Co The only place in the County where goods are marked in plain figures on original ticket



A V v bull-- y ijuctuvi- a good -EE7 y^ars bc^re she died Is he very ill Aldry ashed as she went inside gt

Well no not so very now Hes gettin beiter slowly

She was right Mary did Uke it She remembered many of the tempting dishes which she had prepared for her motherland she made them now stagshying little snatches of song as she did so She had not known what she was fitted for Now she knew that she could be a good nurse Perhaps she could also be good at other things but she had not found that out yet

What surprised her most were the books in every room some of which even she looked at with awe They all showed marks of much use as well as lovtag care gt As the days went by these eyes beshygan to follow her as she moved softly about the room contented and lovingshyly at first then with a questioning wlattulnees as though the clouded mind were striving to grasp something it could not quite reach Then one day there were several minutes when the eyes grew clear and intelligent and gazed at her with almost startled wonshyder The next day the lucid Interval was longer and several times repeatshyed But he did not speak he only gazed at her and passed his hand across hhi brow from time to timet

Then came a morning when he was strong enough to sit up In bed but still the wistfulness and wonder reshymained In his eyes

You are a new nurse he said Yes 1 knew it of course but I havent

said anything Imdash-I have been trying to get my mind clear I thought as I got stronger my mind would get betshyter bat it doesnt ImdashIm afraid Its getting worse I suppose Im growshying old and its to be expected but Fve bees planning fcr a good deal of reading and study yetgt and haveut realised how the years slip by

Mary stroked his hand softly T o n cannot get weU at once Mr

Farrar she chUed Yon hare been vary sick you know But you are growing stronger gradually and your brain is growing clearer I can see t t -

Tou dont understand he anshyswered gently my bodys stronger but my mind doesnt seem to gain It made you out to be somebody else from the first and has persisted in the hallucination ever sine Ive tooked in other directions and changed my thoughts to other things but its no use Youve takes care of me so my mind says that youre someshybody whom I used to know a long time ago whos dead I suppose its what folks call second childhood Then changing the subject abruptly How long have I been sick

I do not know I have only been here two weeks It is now the fifshyteenth of July

He looked startled So late he gasped Why Imdash

Ive got a little girl off to school who ought to have been written to long ago Will you bring me my pen and paper from the desk

Let me do It for you she said taking the pen from his shaking finshygers and moving a small table close to his bedside

But he remained silent looking at her doubtiuily ImdashImdashyou see 1 dont write to her directly he said at length hesitatingly Theres an old friend In New York who acts for me He was silent for some minutes longer then went on desperately

The letter must be written and I suppose itll be best to explain things a little You see when I was laquo boy I had a strong notion for college but

settled with the books I liked to read and had lost ambition to go out into the orld But I didntnsive up the idea altogether I would send someshybody la my place_ So I looked round I had no relative save a little girl whom I used to play with when a boy She had married and gone west I traced her and found that her husshyband was dead and that she was an invalid without means That was something nearer than college so I sent her from time to time what monshyey I had to spare When she died I arranged for her girl to go to college

He paused with his gae upon the coverlet his eyes unobservant dreamy reminiscent

Mary had risen her eyes shining Why didnt you write to her direct

iy she breathed Well she was a college girl you

see with college girl notions I liked to think of her as my girl arid to plan things for her If Id written to her directly itmdashmight have been different You see Im just a man of all work In a factory He held up his hands white and transparent from his illness but still knotty and hard from a lifeshytime of toll I dont know much about girls he went on but I want to think of this one as mine and I cant bear the thought of her evermdash

Mr Farrar do you think any girl could be ashamed of you

The quick passionate cry brought his gaze suddenly from the coverlet What he reau in her voice in her eyes brought a lok of rapt understanding to his face

Then my mind isnt wandering he exclaimed tremulously Its she really and truly Mary bring me that tin box in my desk

She brought it and eagerly he ran his fingers through the contents soon finding a tintype which he opened and held up for her inspection It might have been her own picture so exact was the likeness She recognised H with a low cry

I t s your mother Mary he said softly takes Just before h went west

N X C s raquo t J L l raquo S L I K S I REMEDYS LAXATIVE


a t e C A l X PATTERNS Celebrated for style perfect fit niroplicitv ar i reliability nearly 40 yeai Sold in nlaquoar 7 every city and towa in ttie United States aii Canada or by mait direct gt1 ore sold than any other make Send tot tree catalogu

l i r C A i X afAGAZINE More subscriber than may otter fash 1 in magazinemdash Million a month Invatuabie Latshyest rtyles praquottertlaquolaquolrlaquolaquopai8g millinery plain sewinr fafcey nelaquodJewoTfcharrorrraquoraquoirf etiquette goV atone etc Only 90 cents a Tear (worth double^ including raquo W plaquoTem Subscribe today or aeod for aawple ropy

W O N t m r o i iNfiUCEMtSKTS raquo to Agent Postal 1gtHnsn premium catalogue

and new cash prize offers Addre T K K C m lt raquo 1 3 M W K 7 raquo S l laquo W T O B

COXMISSIONKRS NOTJClmdashIn the 55Bttr of th estate of Robert TbeHpww

deceased We the nnderaijrned having been appointed

by the Hon Matthew BnKh Judr ot Probate in and for the Connty of Salawaaaec State of Michigan CoramiMionera to receire exaastae aad adjiut u claims and deotaada of all pershysona againat aaid catate do hereby give notice that we wlgtl neat at tue store of Albert W Cnrtt io the City of Corona in said Coantjr on Mofcday the Slat dar of February A D-tamplQ and on Thursday the Slat day ltof April A D gt19I0 at tea oclock fn the forenoon of each of said days tov the purpose of receiving-and adjusting all claim A ftgalDMaald eatttte and that four month from the 1Mb day of December A D IMS are allowed to creditors to present their clalma to said CoumiackKierfl

for adjustment and allowance Dated the 1Mb day of December A D 1909



PROBATB ORDERmdash Slat of Michigan County of ghiawmaaee sa

At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Shiawassee held a t the Probate OBec in the City of Corona on the ISO day of January in the year one thooaand nine hundred and bra

Preaeet STatthrw Buah Judge of Probate an tae nut ter of the estate of Hugh

MeCttrdy deceased W i n u u P Gallagher s s tpoundr=t=i=trtor havshy

ing rendered to tat Ceoxt hi final aeeoaat ft i ordered that tae 15th day of February

next a t tan oclock in the forenoon a t aaid Proshybate Oases be appointed for rTamintnj and Allowing said account

And ft la further evwsveo that m copy of this order he pubOaaed three bullneeeattr i weeks wevtoata to said day of hearing to tae Oortaana Jowi-rtitl a newspaper printed aad eJsealattng m s n t d County of Shiawassee County lt

atATTHZW BUSH Judge of Probate

By F L O U X C I L n n t i T Probate

- J L - mdash _ - J L

t i i a

]icae s a y nuBBia V

j hXrpound yCttf laquofvr I W i s Eiitiii i u laquo ^f5 A

Our Store is the Center of Attraction These Days

For young and old The finest line of Dolls in the city Our Notion line is completemdash Table Linens Napkins Hemstitched Towels Lunch and Tray Cloths Silk and Wool Scarfs Handbags and Purses Postal Card Albums and Boxes Fancy Jap Boxes for Handkerchiefs Music Rolls Stand Mirrors Back Combs Belts Pins and Buckles

A fine line of Linen and Cotton Embroidered and Plain Handkerchiefs

A box of Cadet Hosiery for all members of the family An Umbrella a Floor Rug a Wool Blanshyket Etc Etc

Visit our store and we wtli help you make your selections

Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Geo M Beemer Igtry Glaquorbds-laquoad Not^iss rftrme-G

gtlaquoi ltr M i Ml t

i^r-WfT laquo - raquo


Page 6: ) CORUNN *MMMwaWMi A...his sentence was iixei for the first »day of the next term. A divorce was granted in the case of Florence against Frank Case. Case did not appear in couit to



SURELY SHOULD HAVE KNOWN Senator Pettus at th Age of 85 Beshy

lieved He Had Attained Years of Discretion

Senator James B Frasier of Tenshynessee tells a story 6t the delight which the late Senator Pettus of Alashybama took in a yard game Senator

Fraater when governor of Tennesshysee had gone to Hot- Springs Ark There he met Senator Pettus and knowing him well determined to warn him that three men with whom he had been playingA cards were sharpers from Nashville^

After hesitating some time he ap-proachea the aged senator and afte engaging him in conversation apoloshygized for warning Senator Pettus that his card partners were crooked

You dont say smiled Senator Pettus Do you know I suspected it

Well I advise you not to play with them any more said Senator Frazier

But theres nobody else here to play with Querulously returned the aged senator

Older senators repeat an anecdote of Senator Pettus in which he is repshyresented as returning home after a night at cards just as the morning light was breaking He was at the time of the story 85 years oUtr and Mrs Pettus was but little younger They never addressed each other exshycept as Mr Pettus and Mrs Petshytus

Mr Pettus said Mrs Pettus sternly rising up in bed do you think it is good for your health to stay out ar -laquoraquoLc as this at night

Mrs Pettus returned her husshyband dont you think I am old enough to know what is good for me





MAN BURIED IN RUINS - bull bull _ _ bull

Wife Two Bableraquo and Sister Flee Ait injured and One Little On^OUs Other Oncopy it Nst Expected to Live

Appeal to a Thief The other evening M Alfred Edshy

wards lost a pocketbook containing a sum cf pound444 as he was leaving the theater This morning a letter from him appears igt the Figaro addressed to the presumed thief who must be a most ungesircmanly on Indeed if be does not answer It at once Thfgt letter says

la leaving the Antolne theater last lbtaf te r the PapiHon had been given some vert deft hand abstrae-ed my pocketbook containing ten bank notes of 1000 francs each and 12 others of 100 francs with some photographs and papers that are imshyportant to me If the person who has appropriated my property Is so well inspired as to read the Figaro I beg him to tampnd me back the i^ketbook and the papers which are of no use to bim To hope that he would also send back the bask notes in exshychange for a good reward would be exceeding the limits of optimism and I do not dare to expect it But my papersmdashwhat use can they be to himmdashParis Correspondence London Telegraph

Homage to Noah In a lecture before the Royal Geoshy

graphical society Capt Bertram Dickshyson said there is a large sanctuary at the top of Jebel Judi where every year in August is held a great fete attended by thousands of energetic Moslems Christians and Yezidis who climb the steepest of trails for 7000 feett in the terrific summer heat to do homage to Noah This mountain seems to have been held sacred at all times and certainly it has a wondershyfully awesome fascination about it with its huge precipices and jagged crags watching over the vast Mesopo-tamiaii plain The local villagers can show one the exact spot where Noah descended while in one village Has-sana they showed his grave and the vineyard where he is reputed to have indulged cver-freely in the juice of the grape The owner of this deshyclared that the vines had been passed from father to son ever sincemdashLonshydon Evening Standard

An explosion wrecked the brick residence of Scott Parker one wile north of Moscow a village on a Lake Snore branch in the extreme northshyern end of HiUsdale countybullbullkilling Parker and one of his children and Injuring fcis ^ife aiid child also an aunt of the children who lived with the family Three other children of the family were out of the house The dead body of Parker was dug out of the ruins The second injured child is believed to be dying

From reports that are coming in from the exvited farmers of that vishycinity it appears that Parker went down ceilar shortly after the three older children had left home for school

He went down there to fil the tank of the acetylene gag plant is what Mrs Parker says

The aeetylene plant evidently exshyploded Mrs Parker the children Louise aged 6 and Nellie 3 and the aunt Parkers sister Were in the livshying room when there was a loud re port in the cellar the house floor heaved up and then the walls began to fall in on them The two women grabbed each a child and scrambled across the caving floor to an outer door and escaped just as the avashylanche of bricks descended on them It was their prompt flight that saved their lives As it was Mrs Parker suffered a broken leg and cuts oa the head and both of the children had both arms and legs broken Nellie died The aunt received lesser inshyjuries

Nearby neighbors heard the explo Bkm and the news spread with the rapidity of a message conveyed by the wireless telegraph In a brief intershyval there was a crowd at the scene of the wreck It was a wreck for the entire brick house had tumbled in ruins into the cellar

Big Year in Iron and Steel The tremendous activity that is exshy

pected in the movement of Lake Sushyperior iron ores is indicated by the announcement that the steel corporashytion has chartered vessels to move 15000000 tons while it will move about 32000000 tons in its own vesshysels this making the immense tonshynage of 2000000 tons for the leading interest lit is confidently expected that independent interests will move 23000000 tonsv making a grand total of 50000000 tons Ore freight rates have been advanced five cents per ton and the charges paid by vessels for unloading have been reduced five cents per ton so that on a basis of a movement of 50000000 tons vessels will have receipts of f5000000 greatshyer than under the schedule of last year of ore freights in unloading charges

A very heavy volume of inquiry for pig iron Is pending ir the central west and some orders of good size have been taken

The state industrial commission rer cently appointed by ltJov Warner vi 11 meet in Saginaw Feb 5

Members of Company F National Guard Saginaw have received a check for $300 in payment for their driii services from last June until November

A three-quarter million dollar hotel tea stories high will be built in Kalashymazoo on the site of the Burdlck h a use destroyed by fire Dec S I I wilt have a frontage apound 85 feet and a depth of 132

It is thought thai a- postomco in spector will go to Jackson to investishygate the case of Ray Horseman alshyleged Jto havo sent t -vo threatening letters through the-mails to C C Bioooifleld v ^oLiipii him to give up-$10000 -

Mrs Martin Ifoyt of Grass Lake swallowed carbolic acid and jumped into a stoc^-watering tank and was found dead in the tank by neighbors Worry over her husbands ill health and financial troubles are given as the cause for her despondency

Joseph Clark of Sagluaw a stationshyary engineer decided to relieve bte diet of liquids and light foods with mush He swallowed a quantity of it and was seized by an old disease of the throat The food stuck in his throat and he choked to death

The police searched the lunch counshyter and pool room belonging to T A Seager of Ithica and found three cases-of beer three gallons of whisky and two barrels of hard eider The man was placed under arrest and gave bonds to appear in the circuit court

Todd Klneaiu an Owosso coal mine operator and representative of a Calushymet corporation has leased 700 acres o land near Kirby in Shiawassee county and operations for coal mining wiij be started soon It is stated that a vein three feet thick is located on the property

Sheriff Shuter of Traverse City has notified the Flint police that Mamie Rreckenridge the woman who was sentenced to 65 days in the Detroit house of correction after having caused the police much work by conshycocting a hold-up story is wanted in that city for forgery

Prof William J Hussey head of the astronomical department at the Ann Arbor university reports that a very bright comet has been sighted He states that it was traveling towards the sun This is supposed to be the same one that was sighted by astronshyomers In South Africa on January 17

R h Lament an alumnus of the engineering department at Ann Arshybor has donated gifts to the univershysity which will total $20000 They include a plot of ground adjoining the observatory money to begin work on a 24-Inch refracting telescope and $2-000 worth of tools for the engineering department

To open the coai fields in Haxeltcn township the Grand Trunk spur line running between Cornnna aud Kerby is to be extended 12 miles The leasshying of a large tract of land by the Saginaw Coal Co has necessitated this extension which will open up a rich farming country at present without railway facilities

The Michigan Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers tn session at Kalamazoo voted to ask the state legislature for more stringent measshyures governing the manufacture of the delicacy They demand that the manushyfacture in dark basements and other

Specifications for finished products places where there is danger of con arc running in a very satisfactory volume to makers although In tubushylar and raquoirp eoorls ltraquoriTiiitions are rather quiet because buyers are verv

agination be prohibited Michigan won and lost in debates

on the resolution that The United States has shown that a protective

comfortably fixed with stocks on tariff should continue to be a national nana uraers against contracts in sheets are probably of the largest volume

Origin of Life Nothing new is to be reported unshy

der this head The status of the anshycient problem remains the same The whence and what of life remain the same impenetrable mystery Where life comes from and what it is after it comes no man can tell This much however seems to be generally acceptshyed that life can come only from life Huxley declared just before his deshyparture that the idea of creating life from nonvital matter was the dream of a fool and nothing that has hapshypened since Huxleys death has served to disprove the soundness of his stateshyment

Jack-on Black HanderV That be was threatened on peril of

his life io secure $10000 and leave it at Main and Gorham streets for two parties in Chicago is the story told by Ray Horseman the $S-a-week dry goods clerk who has confessed that he tried to extort an equal sum from C C Bloomfield of Jackson by means of a black hand letter

Young Horseman admits everything in connection with the easo but be declares that he was the victim of Chicago black-handers and that he concocted the extortion cf Mr Bloom-field as a method of procuring the money The letters he received he says he has torn up The police are inclined lo doubt his story inasmuch as other evidence in the case tends to show that he was alone in the plot

It is barely possible that Ray got mixed up with a gang of blackmailers during his visits to Chicago

Finding a New Ending I suppose you will end your booK

as us^al and they lived happy ever after

Not a bit of i t I will say They are now happily married but no man knows what a day may bring forth The aathor however hopes for the best

Mixing Metaphors Did gtou hear what that manager

said about bis new play No what was it That there would be the devil vo

pay if he couldnt get an angelmdashBalshytimore American

His Toil Ended IVI uu- laquo-Jv (-gt a^Wi bull li C fiCTi MrTiSi

Young and is now oft on his honeyshymoon

I really dout Know whether onn HflOSMfj OPii gtt - f a r

Ex-Mayor Heavily Fined Admitting that he was technically

guilty of violating the law in selling to a minor though declaring that he had no intention of willfully violating the law Druggist L A Goodrich eight times mayor of Hillsdale was given the minimum sentence by Judge Chester $100 fine and $5 costs Goodrich sold some liquor to Harry Van Wormer the minor son of a reshytired minister who Goodrich claims represented that he wanted it for his sick mother

The largest attendance In the hisshytory of the organization is the record set by the Michigan Millers associashytion which held the annual meeting this week in Lansing

Fred J Tro^is a St Johns banker has been appointed receiver of the Michigan Milk amp Food Products Co of Elsie and will file a bond of $75-000 The concern started factories at Elsie Ovid and ShepardsvHt a few months ago to manufacture powderee milk products but went on the finanshycial rocks It was capitalized at $C0-000

The Baton County Agricultural so-M C y bull- ftft-03i ist O h W ^ t ltgtbull-bull-raquo-gt the following oflieera -President W Fbdquo Hale secretary V G Griffith treasurer Nfiluon Hlbba-d trii

policy The affirmative team defeasshyed Northwestern university team at Ann Arbor and the men taking the negative side were beaten by the Unishyversity of Chicago team in that city

At the meeting of the state board of auditors at Lansing a total of 508 claims were allowed While the amounts of claims did not reach as large a tofal as on previous days nearly $50000 was paid out The beard also gave permission to the state tfcreshemen to use representashytive hall-for-bullbullbulltheir annual convention which occurs on March 30 and 31

Foreign liquor dealers in the upper peninsula are making haste to comply with the law in regard to taking out state licenses since the wholesae arshyrests at Escacaba The matter was brought to the attention of Atty-Gen Bird some time ago and a consultashytion by letter with prosecuting attorshyneys in the northern section resulted in the prompt response of the saloon men

Simplicity is to be the slogan of Adrian high schools next graduating class for the girls of 10 have adopted a resolution fixing on simple white for all functions pretaining to commenceshyment Each young lady is limited to one white gown and Is pledged to wear no hat at the baccalaureate ex-exercises the event at which the milshylinery displays were wont to be made in former years

The electric railroad meeting at Cold water in response to a call from Mayor Sherman brought out 500 men The subject under discussion was the proposed line between Coldwater and Battle Creek for which the citizens of Coidwater are asked to raise $C-000 A committee was appointed and nearly $2000 was subscribed al the meeting It is planned to run the road over the old Coldwater-Mnns-Oeld roadbed

It is believed at Marquette that the explosion of dynamite which cost the life of one miner and seriously inshyjured four others and destroyed the dry house at the Carey mine reshycently was the result of a plot though the raotJve for such a crime is a mysshytery as the men are working on a friendly agreement with the company investigation shows that the explo1 I sive was placed at five different places bull iijc-r the building i

j CovsTf-H5raa7i Gnr^ner =-$ HGitftec j Charles O Bali thai he will be AD- j


Too often the kidneys are the cause and the sufferer is not aware of it Sick kidneys bring backache and side paius lameness rnd stiffness dizzi-oess headaches tired feeling urinary

tidoubles Doans Kidshyney Pills cure the cause Mrs N E G r a v e s Villisca Iowa says I sufshyfered from kidney trouble Tor years The secretions were disordered th e r e

were pains In my back and swellings of the ankles Often I had smother ing spells I had to be helped about Doans Kidney pills cared me five years ago and I have been well since ihey saved my life

Remember the naroemdashDoans For sale by all dealers 50 cents a uos Foster-Milburn Co Buffalo N Y




RIVER NEAR laquo i J D 9 U R Y f 0 N T


While we were on our honeymoon I always spoke French to my husband so that no one should understand us

So you went to France did you

Why does Great Britain buy its oatmeal of us

Certainly it seems like carrying ccals to Newcastle to speak of exportshying oatmeal to Scotland and yet every year the Quaker Oats Company sends hundreds of thousands of cases of Quaker Oats to Great Britain and Europe

The reason -5s--smpe 7i]e tne English and Scotch have for centuries eaten oatmeal in quantities and with a regularity that has made them the most rnggtd physically and active mentally of all people the American has been eating oatmeal and trying all the time to improve the methods of manufacture so that he might get that desirable foreign trade

How well he has succeeded would be seen at a glance at tne export reshyports of Quaker Oats This brand is recognized as without a rival in clean iiness and delicious flavor 51

His Terrible Threat Aviation has improved considerably

since the time when Col Cleary then county commissioner and for years a well-known poundhicpoundgtrader-poundtradede 2 bslloon ascension at a county fair over in Michigan says the Chicago Journal

As the guest of honor the colonel was sent upward with the assurance that there was absolutely no danger But as the distance from the earth grew greater tbe colonel leaned out anxiously

Pull me in he shouted The men who were bailing out the

rope paid no heed to his demand Higher and higher went the balloon Wilder nd wilder grew the colonel Finally almost standing on his bead as bev tried to keep a precarious balshyance he gave a final cry of exasshyperated panic

Pull me in I tell you or Ill cut the rope

Wisdom of a COOK Mr Uoneyman looked hopefully at

the pleasant rosy faced Norwegian girl with whom the manager of the employment bureau had accorded him an interview Can you wash and iron he asked

Yaas I do dose responded the cheerful Minna

And you can wait on the tablesmdashI mean will yoamdashand answer the door-bein Mr Honeyman faltered My wife is quite determined on these points

Yaas I d o dose and Minna conshytinued to beam benevolently

And you can cook of course said Mr-^ W n n e y T n fraquoTraquo

Yaas said Minna for the third time I do dat fine ven you keep her busy so she do not help memdashYouths Companion

Slightly Altered AJ1 the worlds a stage And most of the men and women

merely supersmdashCleveland Leader

ii-iDfryyiX- n bull i i V e S t iVXsii -jioston Traugcript j

i isOiiileci-i iJii bull --^-- -- ^ i v bull -ivv0 i i u y Jit-ju I Lhc C i S c t C0nt i i iU6waV f o r 17 y o T j

INSOMNIA Leads to Madness if not Remedied lit


Experiments satisfied me some 5 years ago writes a Topeka woman that coffee was the direct cause of the insomnia from which I suffered ter ribly as well as the extreme nervousshyness and acute dyspepsia which made life a most painful thing for me

I had been a coffee drinker since childhood and did not like to think that the beverage was doing me all this harm But it was and the time came when I had to face the fact and proshytect myself I therefore gave up coffee abruptly and absolutely and adopted Posium as my hot drink at meals

I began to note improvement in my condition very soon after I took on Postum The change proceeded gradshyually but surely and it was a matter of only a few weeks before I found myshyself entirely relieved -the nervousness passed away my digestive apparatus was restored to nomn 1 efficiency and I began to sleep restfully and peaceshyfully

These happy condition have conshytinued during all of the 5 years and I am safe in sayng that I owe tbem enshytirely to Pactum fcr whet I began to flrink h i csrtrifefl bullgt ulaquoraquo r^poundgtnfi Read ttc little book The Road to Wellvmen p^^s -T^rr ^ ^ s o

0vpound fcpjT itvtn am ltraquo raquoinsc raquoraquo laquo - - raquo i - - raquo =

Three uoatiad Coaches are Submerged in RivermdashConductor fteynold Hrkgti-caliy Rescues Eight Through Roof of Dining Car

Death iu 1 its most terrible forms blotted out the lives of a t leasttwo aceie people when Your car^ of a Cashynadian Pacific passenger trail on the Sc-o branch leaped from the tracks near Sudbury Ont and went tearing down a steep embankment plunging through the ice-covered surface of the Spanish river

Suiue were drowned others were crushed to death in grinding timbers

Most terrible of all maimed and injured caught In the wreckage of one of the cars were burned to death

The exact number of dead and inshyjured was still unknown but accordshying to stories told by injured passenshygers brought to Sudbury it was one of the worst catastrophes in the hisshytory of Canadian railroads

Tbe train wrecked was known as No 7 en route from Montreal to Sault Ste Marie and Minneapolis An offishycial statement given out says that it probably was due to a broken rail

Front Cars Stay on Track The engine baggage express mail

and one second class car remained on the rails while one second class one first class a dining car and a sleeper went down the embankment The first class car and diner went into the river The sleeper and second class car stopped on the embankment the second cass car catching fire

The wreck odcurred about 37 miles west of Sudbury where the tracks cut into the side of a steep hill which is skirted by the river The forward part of the train passed over the break whatever it was in safety The day coach which was the fourth from the end of the train was the first to leave the rails bull bullgt bull

The train was running at the rate of about 40 miles an hour and the momentum carried the car down the hill in a terrific plnnge About 25 passengers were in this car and it Is practically certain that none escaped

Only the Roof Above Water Two minutes after the first crash

only the roof of the day coach showed above the flowing Ice In the river The second class car the next in the train smashed against tbe end cf a culvert and was crushed to splinters Some of tbe passengers were killed outright but others caught in the wreckage which almost immediately broke into flames were roasted to death before they could be resented

Uninjured passengers and trainmen immediately turned their attention to the rescue of passengers imperiled by the fire

The telegraph lines were all torn down and It was evident that relief could flot be summoned by wire It was five miles to the village of Nairn and a drenched survivor ran the disshytance to deliver a report of the wreck at the Canadian Pacific depot

Meanwhile Conductor Thomas Reyshynolds was proving himself a hero in

rescuing eight passengers from the sunken dining car When the wreck occurred Reynolds with W J Bell and David Rrodie had just sat down for an early dinner iieii and Brodie facing the engine and Reynolds sitshyting opposite them and riding back- j wards The diner was the last ear to ] enter the water and did not sink at once but settled slowly while the passengers climbed upon the tables to keep their heads above the rising waters With several passengers standing in water to their chins the situation was desperate

Then it was that Conductor Reyshynolds made a dive to reach a window broke the glass and succeeded in risshying to the surface of the fiver outside the ar Happily he reached the Surshyface where a hole in the ice enabled him to gain a solid footing by resting one arm on the roof of the car and the other on the ice

Some Taken Through Roof Gaining the roof of the car he broke

a fan light with his fist and rescued little Alfonso Rouse] of Sault Ste Marie After the little boy came D M Brodie of Sudbury who was small enough to pass through the fan light Six more passengers who were too big to be rescued in this manner were taken out through a hole broken in the roof of the car

1 never heard snch terrible cries as when those cars went over the bank I shall never forget it as long as I live said Conductor Reynolds I put the killed at between 40 and 50 The first coach carried about 35 or 40 passengers and of this number only one man escaped

Gangs of wreckers to the number of 100 were immediately sent to the scene of the horrible disaster



Toe above caption about represent tbe growth of Cestfral Canada The statement was made not long since by a railroad man who claimed to have made the remarkable discovery that such was the case There is not a district of agt fair amount of settleshyment n any of the three Provinces of Manitoba Saskatchewan and Alberta but has its school and the railways Lave stations every seven or eight miles apart around whieh group the towns some large and some small but each imports nt to its own district Schools ltu3 largely maintained by pubshylic funds and the expense of tuition is but a nominal sum

The final returns of the grain proshyduction for Central Canada for 1909 is now In and the figures show that the value of the crops to the farmers of that country is about 195 million dolshylars as compared with 120 million last year American farmers or those who have gone from the United States will participate largely in these splendid returns and these comprise those who have gone from nearly every State in the Union

One of tbe many proofs that might be put forward showing theimmense wealth that comes to the farmers of Central Canada is seen in tbe sum that has been spent during the past two or three months by the faraers who bare for the time being ceased worrying over the reaper and the thresher and are taking to enjoying themselves for two or three months I+gt is said that fifty thousand people of these Western Provinces spent the holiday season visiting their old homes Host of these passengers paid forty and some forty-five dollars for the round trip Some went to Great Britain some to tbe Continent others to their old homes in Eastern Canada and many thousands went to visit their friends in the States The amount paid alone in transportation would be upward of two million dollars Some make tbe trip every years It need hot be asked Can they afford it With crops yielding them a profit of $20 to $26 per acre and some having as much as twelve hundred or more across tbe question is answered Tbe Canadian Government Agents at difshyferent point in tbe State report that they have interviewed a great many of those who arc now visiting friends Jn tbe different states and they all exshypress themselves as well satisfied and promise to take tome of their friends back witb tbena There It still a lot of free homestead land in splenshydid districts and other land can be purchased st a reasonable price from railway and land companies


ThiefmdashWhats tbe time please Victims-Much too late for you Your

pal just got my watch

Ezra Kendall Passes Away Ezra Kendal] the man who has

made a nation laugh is dead Death came to bim at a time in life when he was about to retire wealthy and happy after 30 years of constant toil on the Stage to end his days in rest with his wife and six children Aposhyplexy seized the actor while in a san itarium at Martinsville Ind Saturshyday He was taken ekk in Califorshynia following the close of the Vinegar Buyer

Mary KatoHcfc pleaded guilty at Paterson N J to two more burglaries than she is years old Mary is 10 She can neither read noi- wrftor her TisroDts aw ltleslts ampampd she irtuT u OPi f- W-OUlis 1Hgt i3ihlaquoViuI Ugt gtlaquo sraquoect I to the state horns for giris Mary was an export ir the use of false Jreys Buf Khnw^i tno ffyiii- how she car- ricd amp ijiss buaich oi iaam cyampcsxcj j


In Dowlaisi South Wales about fifshyteen years ago families were strickshyen wholesale by a disease known as the itch Believe me it is tbe most terrible disease of its kind that I know of as It itches all through your body and makes your life an inferno Sleep i out of the question and you feel as If a million mosquitoes were attacking yon at tbe same time I knew a dozen families that were so affected

The doctors did their best bnt their remedies were of no avail whatshyever Then the families trisd a drugshygist who was noted far and wide for bis remarkable cures People came to bim frcm all parta of the country for treatment but bis medicine made matters still worse as a last resort t iey were advised by a friend to use the Cuticura Remedies t am glad to eraquo yon that after a few days treatshyment witb Cuticura Soap Ointment and Resolvent tbe effect was wondershyful and tbe result was a perfect cere m all cases

I may add that my three brothers t i ree sisters myself and all our famshyilies hare been users of the Cuticura Remedies for fifteen years Thomas Hugh 1650 West Huron St Chicago Hi June 29 1909

Whiskers A Roman poet told of the pride onraquo

of the late Caesars took in his great whiskers On some of the wildwood Hill Billies I have seen beards some feet long a switch of the iooampe ends banging out from under the waistcoat Others braided tbe growth and tied it around the neck while still others braided it around iae waist tying it behind like apron strings One told

poundipound7 a=Ki jjul it iisviijr iiiic a iottg linen bag or nightgown so as to keep It from Setting all tangled up with bis -V1S ^ fJ-M -wM 1 raquoltbull-raquogti iv i t i i i P v s ^ j

u i CugtmnUmm tk vvraquorraquo rlaquogt ltbull ran vwK tbe course of trwc teve


GRIND Pleasant la take

Tha new laxative Does riot gripe or n a u s e a t e C ares stomach and liver troubles and chronic conshystipation by restoring the natural action of the stomshyach tiver and bo w e l s Rfrtase aub^titut Wlaquoraquo 6O0-

CnLEK T~laquo R E V O S L D S

D O Y O U - U S E A

Phone Nothing can answer your purpose as well m t h e UNION PHONE 1095 connections in Owtweo aad Corona



CURE rraquo Tjiucni dmoswrage There I s

gmrfWrywa rfaiewfMy wrHraquoraquor Fw Be as seest a Uraquo itpae nudaf Jmt

Dr FVBMT Kldaey u 4 SwktA Cw fctbeeatweuiKy tela s lrre to-day I b w l bull u t t n e d acnauy of kidney d t e u e foryemra s o d reaac4 to weight to Wpeetad I bow

W f T M e S C e n f Oflve Furnace 0 w

Druggiro laquo c 1 AsktorCooa BookmdashFret


nvoaa bullending - skatea bdquoultckl7 aikwruif oar iTlaquotition 1raquo prebablr


Cogtvmarrrs cVc

UunartrteUyeoaSdaai bdquo_ laquomt trea Old bulljeaar for

sUnnmaf Mtaar as


laquoIOWVlaquo rlaquowleraquooCfclaquo withoutlaquolaquolaquobull bit

StieMific JMerkm A h mdaowaaiy Uintretad winfcir Lawwat^r-cuiaUon of bullojr CL-iatitlfic teunuti Ton S3 a

four ta^ntrt I t Sou br all newaaealaro

Srawsa Co

MS r Bt Waafcincto Hewtort ftataaixa

The esfety comfort and esnvesi-ence of tit Mwrtm 9oUd top closed-in breech and -aide ejection features arlaquo combined wtth the quick easy manipulation of the popular sliding fore-end or pomp action in the new Mode 20 JBnfle rifles

real teat ef a bull ottd top ta always a

In rapid firin-the Ipeatermdashthlaquo StatSm aol erctectfoe atid prtrefita amok aad faeea iblovrtnc back] ba aftctei efeell la jaerar thrown Into your fcce or area and never tnterferca with the almt f^fat ferearm fita yoor hand ami belpe Qtica oserattoa

It handle tjte abort leaf and ke-rJRe ecrtrfdcea without cbaac in adjuatonent and the deep 3alllaquowdrlffltn- (uarantaea tbe accuracy makint it the fineet Httle rlfta la the world for target afaootinc and far a41 bullmatt came op to UO or 300 yania

raquobull W U raquo raquo ^ v i n i l tr bull

aii jampBatampm (tepeatere Juat gtt our 136-pace catalog Mailed free for atauope aoataw


Federal License of Corporations i$ Opposed by Many in



Pension Bills Introduced Providing for VolunUer Retired ListmdashTwo Pft Its Want Exposition Marking tfca Canal Opening

WashingtonmdashTb Republican leadshyers in congress practically httve agreed that if it can be accomplished the majority of the Presidents recom-mendaticus shall be enacted into law at this session but there is growing evidence that anions the minority of the recommendations which are to be overlooked the Presidents wish that a law legalizing the federal licensing of incorporations may not be fulfilled at this session In telling Mr Taft that it la unlikely that MB federal licence law is to go through the leaden have made a tacshyit promise that at a future date probshyably at the next session the lecora-mendamption shall be taken up and put through i s some form Xt seems that the plan for the licensing of corporashytions by the federal government has aroused antagonism among some of the Republicans and among a majorshyity of the Democrats it Is understood also that the leading Republicans men who ordinarily can get the rest of the party representatives in line are not over-zealous in their desire that this bill shall become a law cershytainly not at the present time It la Impossible in the absence of any dishyrect statement of the reasons for their objections to tell why it Is that the leaders apparently are determined to postpone action upon this particular piece of legislation but It seems to be assured that consideration of it Is to be postponed until a more convenishyent season

It has beett pretty generally undershystood that bip subsidy was to have hard sailing through the waters of the lower house of congress and not very easy sailing through those of the upshyper house It is impossible of course to foretell just what the fate of subshysidy will be but it seems that one senator who in the cast has been the champion of subsidy this year Is not inclined to look with favor upon i t The senator in question Is Mr Prye of Maine who apparently does not think that the measure recommended by the President and already introshyduced into the house goes anywhere near far enough to suit the shipping interests President Taft has recomshymended legislation of this klcd but the feciling Is in Washington that he will not be particularly disappointed if it does not go through although of course its passage would add one more to the administration victories

Postal Savings Banks One of the most peculiar situations

is that in regard to postal savings banks Much has been written about this matter and in the main former opinion was that the postal savings bank bill might have great trouble in getting sanction for itself from the leaders of both houses As everybody knows the members of the national monetary commission would prefer that consideration of the postal savshyings bank bill should be put off until after the commission has made its reshyport President Taft however Is inshysistent that postal savings bank legisshylation shall be enacted this winter and it is believed to-day that the leaders have agreed uraquo accede to his wishes as they have also agreed to do what he wants them to do in the matter of amendments to the intershystate commerce law and of laws which will safeguard the interests of the nations natural resources

Bills for Veterans Before the military committee of

the house of representatives there are eight principal bills Intended to benefit the veterans of the civil war In several of them there is a specific provision for the creation of what is called a volunteer retired list for the civil war officers who are still living

In the sects tive

Sixteenth congress Repre-Beeman 0 Dawes of Ohio

introduced a bill which if it had beshycome a law would have put all the commissioned officers of the civil war on the veMred list with month-Iy pay of one-half that which they received while they were wearing swords in the field There is a reshytired list for regular officers and the idea of Representative Dawes was to give to the volunteer officers in their

old age a recognition in part at least o the value of their services as com-nilssioned officers The question seemed io be if tbe regulars are paid after retirement why not do the same thing for the volunteers

Representative Dawes is not now In Congress but the provision in his bill which was Intended to carcopy for the volunteer officers has been incor porated in several of the bills which j re now before the military commitshytee for action It seems probable it-4 gt ^nz firtngrrsa will vgtR n

man who wore a bar a leaf an eagle or a star on his shoulder dvring the civil war and who is alive to-day will

as though they were still fighting in the field

Substitute for Pensions Of course pensions assuchfor the

volunteers will brgt done away with if any of tbese bills passes congress because the retired pay will take the pensions place

Likely to Carry $raquo a raquocopyrttfc If the volunteer officers retired bill

passes it is possible that it will carry with it a pension giving enlisted men ol the civil war a pension of $40 per month fijfth sit present pensions be-tug abolished except in cases of total or almost total disability where the present sum paid to the disabled solshydiers exceed 40 per month With the officers and eullstea men and the widows cared for with these specific sums in each case the trouble of penshysion gradations and the chances of fraud are minimised but nevertheless it will cost a huge sum of money the first few years of the measures legai life

According to a classification made by Gen Green B Raum the volunteer officers who would benefit are In number and rank as follows Major generals two brigadier generals 28 colonels 151 lieutenant colonels 195 majors 309 captains 2633 first lieushytenants 2233 second lieutenants 1166-varlons ranks in the navy 160 this bringing the total up to the numshyber given above

Of course a full expression of opinshyion of desirability of such a retired Bat bill as this is not obtainable Soldiers and those who take an interest in mil itary affairs generally are much in fashyvor of the measure The crrtUans who never saw service do not express opinions on the matter in letter form for it seems that few people care to go on record as being opposed to any thing in the nature of a bill for the rcattf of the men who fought In the Heidi even though there may he and probably la a general feeling among civilians that the government is exshytravagant in the matter of pension naytnents

Rivalry for Exposition San Francisco and San Diego cities

of California each wants to be the teent of a great exposition In the year 1915 as a means of marking the opening of the Panama canal Represhysentative Kahn of California has Inshytroduced into tbe house a bill which is now before the committee on inshydustrial arts and expositions to proshyvide for what he designates as the Panama-Pacific exposition Represhysentative Smith of California on beshyhalf of the city of San Diego desires that U shall be the location of what he wishes to be called the Panama-California exposition

It is too early yet to tell whether congress will vote money for governshyment participation in any exposition on the Pacific coast or elsewhere to be held at tbe time of the canal openshying It is assured however that there will be a great celebration on the Tsthmu of Panama at the time that Col Goethala sets for the completion of the great work Early as the day la it la believed that the president of the United States and both houses of congress will go to Panama to give recognition to the completion of the canal Whether or hot there shall be a great exposition in the United States 1ST a matter yet to be decided but it must be said that California shows that it is very much in earnest in the matter of getting the governments sanction for a great exposition of arts industries and manufactures on the Pacific coast in the year 1915 when It la practically assured the Inter-oceanic canal will be open for traffic

Few Bills Before Congress Considering the fact that this Is a

long session of congress comparativeshyly few bills have been introduced into either house or senate There is a marked absence at this session of what is known as freak bills Memshybers of congress are urged constantly by constituents some of whom are a little unbalanced mentally or who beshylong to the class of extreme enthusishyasts to put in bills which no congress possibly could be brought to pass and no committee could be made even to consider These so-called freak bills are introduced by members simply to escape the constant appeals of those who want their measures at least to see the light of print

In congress there is this winter anshyother determined effort to lay the groundwork for a plan which when carshyried to ultimate completion will result in a great boulevard running from the city of Washington to the battlefield of Gettysburg It is the intention If sanction for such a great avenue can be secured to have it known as a memorial of Lincoln A survey he been made of a road from Washington to Gettysburg in a straight line beshytween the capitol and the central point of the famous battlefield and it has been found that tbe road can be bunt without much interference with private property As a matter of fact the people who live along the way have expressed a desire that the work should be carried to completion

Approve Memorial Project There are many old soldiers and

men in ofScial gtife whose memories go back to tbe Lincoln days and some of whom knew Lincoln personally who think that the noble roadway would be the best possible memorial to the war- time president good deal of sentiment in favor of the proposition has been aroused ft the country alshythough it Should be said that considershyable opposition has been developed r n f d u l flpi5raquo J^Oplft raquoltflitj fgt thTT

ij i K i i l K A v s i i

i laquo W laquo a t SaVI CO R ^ t t a t t t t S M M W E

el2 OiUltV bullbullT r f t S iS i a l S ftiltgt Riiilti i v ^ i j i i j ) r-av- nt H r w l A n i n ) vHfA nA now) | vfirs of service laquore Yttlvampi laquonlt ps$d

Abraham Lincoln should be done so that no real estate transactions that might be of money value to poculv Unbdquo bdquollaquogtt^(I bo gti-vved to r-jceSvs t h e

asosampfi CUNTcopy

B vt ft amp -

R o l l s

M u f f i n s

R i s c w i l s Wa f u t ^


P i jgt o v laquor r


bullOi-r S J O N

I- (gt 1 J ltbull n re- clti

M lt a d c vv i i i t -


GOLD mrmjpound


4 laquo i i

M a i - s Br-e-ikfisf a S u c L S V N N

The Goultsss Corporation j A burglar broke into Che Clinton

Sprinsfield station at Harrisonville ( He found a rubber stamp and an ink pad which he refused to take away but he left a note to the agent The note read Wat the ella the counshytry cummin to when a big ralerodej corporashun dont eve enough In It] drawers to buy a pore man a meles vittlesmdashKansas City Star

Rabbits In Australia Some one has calculated that the

rabbits in Australia must reach the number of 1000000000000 But of course there is no means of taking aj census the calculation is largely guesswork Its foundation being a rough numbering of the rabbits to beraquo found in an acre of country and mul-

tiplying that by the number of rabbit infested acres

Out of Mans Reach Th$ old ngtay have their years

stretched out beyond the fourscore but they must die sooner or later no such necessary limit affects the births and it Is conceivable that there may-come a year when there are no births Immortality is the only effective anshyswer to a cessation of reproduction) and alas the King of Terrorsystill reigns r

immense Leather Beit The largest leather belt ever madti

Was completed recently by a New York manufacturer for a Louisiana lumber company it was 243 feet long six feet wide and three tily thick The bides of 540 steers were utilized in the manufacture of the belt As its delivery was a matter of urgency tbe great roll of leather was shipped by express and the bill for this service was $243G7

importance of Table Manners Emerson declared I could better

eat with one who did not respect tho truth or the laws than with a slovshyenly and unpresentable person Moral qualities rule the world but at short distances the senses are despotic There Is nothing more offensive to truly polite and cultured people than careless vulgar table manners

Education Never Stops Get all the education you can but

never remove yourself from the idea that after you know a lot you still nave more to learn When you gradu ate from college you are just beginshyning to understand many themes and subjects that are most important

Use for Old Clocks When a small clock is beyond reshy

pair do not throw it away but keep it for sick room use Set the bands each time medicine is given to the hour when the next dose is to be given

Childhoods Protest Theres one thing I dont undershy

stand said little Harry and thats why rood tasting things like mince pies make me ill while bad tasting things like medicine make pounde well It ought to be the other way about

STEVENS ^Generations of live wideshyawake American Boys hare obtained tiio right kind of FIREARM EDUCATION bj being equipped with the

unerring time-honored S T E V E N S

[Spoi STE w e i laquopo

All progressiva Hardware and omnffGooda MercoanU handle

VERS If you cannot obtain we will ship direct express prepaid upon receipt of Catalog Price

ISend 5 cents ia stamps for itaVtxzo illustratedCwaioff

bull - I ltopMo with ^ bdquo j S T E V 73 N 8

f ^A i msampsttr-j^

and utneral firearm ja-fltraquormtton

^ frac34 ^ frac34

X STEYBB pjics A Toot CO

-ft M iiXftc


European Plan 260 Rooms 108 Rooms win water

PerDar A ~ n oo

CUb Breakfast rala^hl ale gnU

wdh private bath

PexDty n 50 50 Rooms

KuDv $2frac34


25 aiaii Caf e Talis JHcte


sad 50

POSTAL MOREY Pwprlaquotaw

DAIRY FARMERS WE have established Cash

Tes t ing S t a t i o n s at thre following p laces

Chesaning Henderson New Lothrop Judds Corners Flushshying Ovid Elsie and Bannister where cream will be received tes ted and paid for when delivered

Why not deliver your cream to one of these stations once each week and save the exshypense of having it gathered

One trial will convince you that our plan of buying cream is the most satisfactory wray for the Dairyman

Yours respectfully

American Farm Products



bull W U B T ^ - laquo laquo M laquo B B v

S w bscr lbe IN o w


bullbullbullbull ELS1J2 bull bull bull + bull bull bull bull bull

Klie bullML-ThJ J A H 2 3 1laquoI0 ^

GaynOrGriggs is i i rwi ih n^s ics v O L JtJrti-nani isuuder the doctors

bullbullbull-bull bulllt5sue_ bullbullbullbull s bullbullbullbullbull bull Ira Cleaviager cut his fen with an ax

on Slonday V Mrs Bcriry Hus iu is confined lo her gt xd withnenjrjIgiU

The Hi tie soil ofTivkl PeV of Fuirfiold died Ust Thursday ol iiplithoi-ia-

Our Sophomore clraquoiaa ire preparing to give a literary eDtertainmet 6 i Feb 18

Mis Anuic Van Denseu is teaching the 3ead school during the illness of the egu-ktf teacher

Mrs Myrtle Burlingume has gone to Detroit to care fcr her grand mother who has a broken leg

T w o sleighloads of high school pup attended lite entertainment gWeu by the Oyki H S at Ovid last Friday evening

Mr and Mrs Milan Emmons gave a family birthday party on Thurslay in honor of Mr Emmons and his twin brothshyer Myron from Van Buren Co Covers -were laid for 18 The twin brothew were 66 years old

Rev E C Thompson has had a call to a Detroit church aid will move there with his family in the near future Many both in and out of the Elsie F B church reshygret losing Elder Thcmjvon and bis chanming family but all join in congratushylating him on the prospect of their n e home

The Woodmen and Royal Neighbors held joint installation at their hall last Thursday evening Mrs Jennie Lee and George Batrs acted as installing oncers After insial ation itoth orders adjourned to the I O 0 F hall where a banqraquoraquoct was served to over 200 persons The Woodmen have secured 10 new applicashytions bullbull

Dr Thomas Eclectric O i l is the best reme ly for that of lexi fatal d seasemdashcroti p l i a s beeh used with success ia our family for eight yearsmdashMrs L Whiteacre Buffalo IS Y

bull + +-++^ + + + + SHAFTSBCBC

+ + + + 4 + + + + + + bull bull Sbeftampburg Mich Jan 25 1310

Mrs James Shaft was in Landing on Lusincss Tuesday

Mrs Sarsfiejd Corcoran who has been ill is now better

John P Shaft went to Coninoa on Monday to be gone a few days

Mrs J G Marsh and Mrs Andrew Oidiway arc still among the sick

Mis Janie Shaft made a hurried visit to Laingsburg on Monday

Miss Alma Maltby of Perry spent Sunshyday with her sister Mrs Earf Harlow

James Shaft and little Harvey Comrie took a business trip to Bancroft one day last week

Mrs Charley Kline has just returned from a weeks visit with her f-thbdquor Mr Bradley in Portland

Mrs Ana Applemau was in Laiogsburg from Sunday Until Tuesday visiting at the Burlingame home

Charey Harkncas hai taken his family to York Stlaquoe where they intend making their home in the future

Mr and Mrs Henry Shaft of Perry bull were here from Wednesday until Thursshyday night visiting their children

Mrs J Ilankintsslipped cn the ice and fell sustaining a broken arm Dr Dun- ham was called and reduced the fracture

Mr and Mrs Wm Towsley are iu Perry Mrs Towsley is caring for her daughter Mrs Clif Vandewalker who is ill

The Congregational Society will hold a box social at the home of Mr and Mrs Van Polhemus north of here on next Friday evening

Last Monday night a thief broke into Jerome Ordiways pool room smashed the slot machine and took its conteata Home talent is guspickmed

Elder and Mrs Doty returned Wednesshyday from Grand Ledge where she had been on a visit to her parents since before Christmas He poundoing there last Monday

Mr and Mrs Albert Shaft of Lansing came on Saturday he returned on Monshyday She remaining here to care for Mrs Scott Shaft the formers mother who is ill

For a mild easy action of the bowels a single dose of Doans Regulets is enough Treatment cures habitual constipation 25 cents a box Ask your druggist for them

bull MORBJCE bull bull bull bull bull + bull bull bull bull bull Horrice Mich Jan 241910

T W Atwood of Caro is spending a few days at this place

Mrs Jacob Heath is confined to her bed under the care of a physician

A number of our citizens viewed Hal-leys comet Saturday evening

Mrs T W Tewrsbury and daughter Minnie were Owosso visitors Friday

Mrs Damie Kellogg was a guest of Lansing friends a portion of last week

Mr and Mrs Oscar Shadbolt of Owotraquo-so spent last week visiting friends in this vicinity

Mr and Mrs Bernie Howe spent Sunshyday at the home of Charles King in Benshynington

Miss Dana Pierce and Marelte Russell were confined to the house by hard coids Saturday

Lete Ward sold one of his full blooded Ancona cockrels Friday to Paul Scott of Mn Morris

A number from here attended the party in Perry Friday evening and reported a pleasant time

Mrs G M Waters and daughter

Stent Saturday in Durand at the home of arry Johnaou Mr eiid Mrs Jnhr Dpfrefsse of Duraad

Dcryeae Sunday Miss Eta DeFrcese went to Toledo

Friday evening She wd spend = ninnts Uvfvith frlonik

W Atwood epent the greater por-of the week beie at the home of his

2f T Atwood uiid Mrs George Calkiua of Perry

vgt (- i c bull crallied at the home of Mrs Cinih) ai-iii Friday -MissDaua iivr bull vt^ niuth improved-Monday She hka n--^i ornlkeu to the house one week by iliiie^ bull -Hrs Elict Brown wept to Clovejdale Saturday to visit her daughter Mrs Dcl-Ixrt Payiia for a few days Mis-C F-Sper-rbrecierwftsthe guest of Mrs Allea BKiuaer Thursday at their home four miles e^it of town

Monday evehiug a slcighload of young people visited the rink at Percy and reshyport an eujoyablf evening spent on t-kates

G us Jordan moved into his new home Thursday They will reside in the tenant house recently built on his fathers farm east of town

Albert Nickloy and family moved Satshyurday from the farm and tenant house of Andrew McDivitt onto the farm of Francis Bunline south of Perry

The Sir Knights and Ladies of the Mac cabees will hold their installation of officers here Wednesday evening An oyster supshyper wDl be served afterwards

Dan Boutelt of this place went to Deshytroit Wednesday night with several carshyloads of stock for Hall amp Green of Perry He returned hcrhe^F iday ^0trade^

Miss Lucile Hall who has been teachshying school rear Flushing since theholgt days BDtnt Friday until Saturday night at the home of her mother Mrs Anne Hail

Mrs Annie McConnell and son Charles who have been spend ng the past month in Guelph Ca returned here Friday evenshying She has been visiting her mother at that place

Monday the firm of Fuller and Cates dissolve i partnership Mr Catcs wih-

drawing from the firm Cates Junior will reoiaia to cut steaks and help HLr Fuller with the trade

A meeting of the stockholders will take place at E L Vre^Unds telephone office Saturday afternoon 10 decide whether there shall be nijht and Sunday service at this pace hereafter

Mr and Mrs C F Speerbreckcr entershytained a number of guests from Bancroft Friday evening Progresive pedro was played and refr shmruts were served An enjoyable time was reported

E L Vreeiatid was in Bancroft Saturshyday attending a meetf ng of the stockholdshyers in 1 be Befl and Farmers office The line are being overhauled and every effort will bemade to give patrons better service at that place 4raquoThe ladles of the W C T U will tell baked goods one week from last Saturday January 89 The goods will be placed on sale at ten oclock in the window of H V Pierces store The money raised will be used for the local option fund

Work st pile diiviog-oa the Maple river was finished Saturday Monday the pile driver was moved near Shaftsburg where the men will put in some culverts A short stretch of track hat been laid 1K-tween here and Perry in the past weeks

Glen Blanchard and family spent from Friday until Monday at the home of hi sister Mis M J Herbert Mr BLiech ard works in tbcBuick at Flint and was injured in his ami by a flying piece of steel He took this time to visit his suter

Arthur Ecklcr has rented the A J Bristol farm and will move there in a few days Mrs Bristol will accompany her sou O L Bristol to his home in Beraquoo-uia Mr Bristol being obliged to return there to hold his position as commissioner of schcols

The citizens of this place have been patshyting themselves on the back While ts at other pliices have been soaring in pritc our little burg is only paying the price prevailing tor the past two yens here namely 15c a pouud for ati steaks and less for roasts

Ed Britten lost a valuable Southdown sheep one dav last week in an odd manner He began fighting with another sheep in the same yard and the other sheep struck him a blow in the side killing him instantly Mr Britten had been offered a good round sum for the animal a few days before

Mr and Mrs George McKay entertained the club at 500 Wedoeidiy eveaiii^ Mr McKay frame here with his sHgh and t ok them out to their home returning with them at a very early hour of the morning Mrs McKay Served refreshshyments and all report an enjoyable time

Vfctor Jose of the Lyceum Club U of M will deliver a lecture here Friday evenshying on The Higher Citizenship This lecture will be given in place of the one Mr Frybergec Wu to have delivered two weeks ago Too lecture will take place in the school house and the-money will go toward the library fund

Superintendent Kiebler took the pupils and teachers of the high room fcr a ride Friday afternoon School was dismissed at 230 and Mr Kiebler chartered a team and sleigh The destination was Perry He treated the crowd to candy before reshyturning home A merry time was reportshyed

Pat Jordan was a caller at the home of W A Conley Sunday evening His horse and cutter were in front of tbe house A hail from the street called the people to the door They found the horse had alip-

fCopyriKbt by Short Storlea Co Md) The great week WRlaquo over and of the

three or four hundred girls who had filled the college buildings and camshypus with their bright earnest lhfe nci more thaa a Aoxeh remaiocd ftrid all but one of these had their tru-tks packed for speedy departute This one was Mary Cathcart who did uot kcow where she could go if she did PpoundCk -mdashmdash^-

Tbianiornlbg she was standing near the entrance of the lecture hail wonshydering what she should do For ten days t i e had been looking hopefully for a Jitter but none had come NGne seemed likely to come now

She had not specially fitted herself for anything and she rather looked forward to coming back after the sumshymer holidays to take a postgraduate course when if It should seem best she would study for one of the half-dozen railings which many of her schoolmates were already entering upon But it ail depended upon the letter and the letter had not come

A girl but little older than herself came briskly from the building It wasect the French teacher and she waft now going straight to the station to take the next train for home Mary looked at her a little eartonaly

Where do yon got aafeed the teacher

To Loagley Two hours later she was at the stashy

tion and had purchased a ticket She had money enough to pay her exshypenses for a month Beyond that she did not know

Whom should she find st Longley Should she even find anybody A letshyter which had come to her after her mothers death more than four years before bidding her to enter upon a course at this college and stating that money would he sent to her from time to time as before was all she had to go by The letter had been postshymarked Longley

She had always been generously supplied and had furnished her room

1-4 Off

well and had had money to spend Then as the end of the course apshyproached she had confidently looked forward to another letter But none bad come The one postmarked Long-ley was her only clew and even that might have been mailed by some one passing through the place

Her mother had thought the money might come from a wealthy uncle who had had some disagreement with the family and who took this wamp7 of savshying his pride He was eccentric and fond of traveling about from place to place

All tt through her mind as tbm train rushed on At length Long-ley was called and Mary rose and hurried out to the little platform of a small country station

The station master was dragging her trunk back from the edge of the platform where it had been dropped She went to him

There are no Cathcarta here of course she said more as an assershytion than as a question

No guess not never heered of any Be you lookin up some

Tmdashbulles I thought I might find a relshyative here When is the next train

Not till to-morrer She drew a long breath Is there a hotei near Factry boardin house but I guess

its pretty full Thats it down yonshyder pointing with his finger the house with a blind swingin on the hinge Be you lookin for a job I hear theyre needin two or three more weavers Thats the only job I know of unless its old Tom Far-

ped and fell with its bead under it and the nu Hes been man o all work

was hurriedly cut and the horse rose to its vlaquolaquowbdquo ^abdquo v t raquo-raquo_ ^^ laquobdquo laquo^laquo feet none the worse for its fall Conley ^ 8 w n i n b u t his ^ n s 1 c n o w

declares the horse has a rubber neck or f o r a m o n t n ltgtr laquogtbull laquo laquo t of course you else it would have been dead d0 want that Job But oh say as

Mr and Mrs Wm Britten living southshywest of here celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary Wednesday of last week Although tour of their ciildren were unable to be present there were stil forty of their descendents present from their sons and down to their great great grand children The venerable couple reshyceived many reuieoibiitui-vti m the day Mr and Mrs Britten are a remarkably smart couple They live by themselves and attend to the work incident to caring for their home and other duties of farm life Mr Britten is 81 and his wife 79 years old


platform I this mornin been nusan

Mebbe ye

rs sre eslt mu$ u

she started down the most forgot I heered that the wstnan whos Tom is goln off to-day could get her job

Mary nodded her thanks a sudden resolution flashing Into her eyes

She smilingly inquired her way to the home of Mr Farrar There she found a middle-aged woman who greeted her anxiously But on learn lng her errand the womans face cleared

Thats what I call a special provishydence vbh exclaimed heartily Yo see Tve got to go for my sisters sick butTve been batin to leave old Mr Fftrmr The very bent t could tiwiU ss was Ketiin a cipoundiu3rlaquo titshytle

excuse Have you

Winter is just half gone and the coldshyest weather yet to come still we are ready to meet you half way on Over-coats

Remember we are the only dealers in the county that mark goods in plain figures on original ticket which is always on inside collar of coat

Look at this ticket deduct 25 per cent and the coat is yours

This sale includes every coat in the store nothing reserved

Yours for a Square Deal All Round

W A McMtdlen amp Co The only place in the County where goods are marked in plain figures on original ticket



A V v bull-- y ijuctuvi- a good -EE7 y^ars bc^re she died Is he very ill Aldry ashed as she went inside gt

Well no not so very now Hes gettin beiter slowly

She was right Mary did Uke it She remembered many of the tempting dishes which she had prepared for her motherland she made them now stagshying little snatches of song as she did so She had not known what she was fitted for Now she knew that she could be a good nurse Perhaps she could also be good at other things but she had not found that out yet

What surprised her most were the books in every room some of which even she looked at with awe They all showed marks of much use as well as lovtag care gt As the days went by these eyes beshygan to follow her as she moved softly about the room contented and lovingshyly at first then with a questioning wlattulnees as though the clouded mind were striving to grasp something it could not quite reach Then one day there were several minutes when the eyes grew clear and intelligent and gazed at her with almost startled wonshyder The next day the lucid Interval was longer and several times repeatshyed But he did not speak he only gazed at her and passed his hand across hhi brow from time to timet

Then came a morning when he was strong enough to sit up In bed but still the wistfulness and wonder reshymained In his eyes

You are a new nurse he said Yes 1 knew it of course but I havent

said anything Imdash-I have been trying to get my mind clear I thought as I got stronger my mind would get betshyter bat it doesnt ImdashIm afraid Its getting worse I suppose Im growshying old and its to be expected but Fve bees planning fcr a good deal of reading and study yetgt and haveut realised how the years slip by

Mary stroked his hand softly T o n cannot get weU at once Mr

Farrar she chUed Yon hare been vary sick you know But you are growing stronger gradually and your brain is growing clearer I can see t t -

Tou dont understand he anshyswered gently my bodys stronger but my mind doesnt seem to gain It made you out to be somebody else from the first and has persisted in the hallucination ever sine Ive tooked in other directions and changed my thoughts to other things but its no use Youve takes care of me so my mind says that youre someshybody whom I used to know a long time ago whos dead I suppose its what folks call second childhood Then changing the subject abruptly How long have I been sick

I do not know I have only been here two weeks It is now the fifshyteenth of July

He looked startled So late he gasped Why Imdash

Ive got a little girl off to school who ought to have been written to long ago Will you bring me my pen and paper from the desk

Let me do It for you she said taking the pen from his shaking finshygers and moving a small table close to his bedside

But he remained silent looking at her doubtiuily ImdashImdashyou see 1 dont write to her directly he said at length hesitatingly Theres an old friend In New York who acts for me He was silent for some minutes longer then went on desperately

The letter must be written and I suppose itll be best to explain things a little You see when I was laquo boy I had a strong notion for college but

settled with the books I liked to read and had lost ambition to go out into the orld But I didntnsive up the idea altogether I would send someshybody la my place_ So I looked round I had no relative save a little girl whom I used to play with when a boy She had married and gone west I traced her and found that her husshyband was dead and that she was an invalid without means That was something nearer than college so I sent her from time to time what monshyey I had to spare When she died I arranged for her girl to go to college

He paused with his gae upon the coverlet his eyes unobservant dreamy reminiscent

Mary had risen her eyes shining Why didnt you write to her direct

iy she breathed Well she was a college girl you

see with college girl notions I liked to think of her as my girl arid to plan things for her If Id written to her directly itmdashmight have been different You see Im just a man of all work In a factory He held up his hands white and transparent from his illness but still knotty and hard from a lifeshytime of toll I dont know much about girls he went on but I want to think of this one as mine and I cant bear the thought of her evermdash

Mr Farrar do you think any girl could be ashamed of you

The quick passionate cry brought his gaze suddenly from the coverlet What he reau in her voice in her eyes brought a lok of rapt understanding to his face

Then my mind isnt wandering he exclaimed tremulously Its she really and truly Mary bring me that tin box in my desk

She brought it and eagerly he ran his fingers through the contents soon finding a tintype which he opened and held up for her inspection It might have been her own picture so exact was the likeness She recognised H with a low cry

I t s your mother Mary he said softly takes Just before h went west

N X C s raquo t J L l raquo S L I K S I REMEDYS LAXATIVE


a t e C A l X PATTERNS Celebrated for style perfect fit niroplicitv ar i reliability nearly 40 yeai Sold in nlaquoar 7 every city and towa in ttie United States aii Canada or by mait direct gt1 ore sold than any other make Send tot tree catalogu

l i r C A i X afAGAZINE More subscriber than may otter fash 1 in magazinemdash Million a month Invatuabie Latshyest rtyles praquottertlaquolaquolrlaquolaquopai8g millinery plain sewinr fafcey nelaquodJewoTfcharrorrraquoraquoirf etiquette goV atone etc Only 90 cents a Tear (worth double^ including raquo W plaquoTem Subscribe today or aeod for aawple ropy

W O N t m r o i iNfiUCEMtSKTS raquo to Agent Postal 1gtHnsn premium catalogue

and new cash prize offers Addre T K K C m lt raquo 1 3 M W K 7 raquo S l laquo W T O B

COXMISSIONKRS NOTJClmdashIn the 55Bttr of th estate of Robert TbeHpww

deceased We the nnderaijrned having been appointed

by the Hon Matthew BnKh Judr ot Probate in and for the Connty of Salawaaaec State of Michigan CoramiMionera to receire exaastae aad adjiut u claims and deotaada of all pershysona againat aaid catate do hereby give notice that we wlgtl neat at tue store of Albert W Cnrtt io the City of Corona in said Coantjr on Mofcday the Slat dar of February A D-tamplQ and on Thursday the Slat day ltof April A D gt19I0 at tea oclock fn the forenoon of each of said days tov the purpose of receiving-and adjusting all claim A ftgalDMaald eatttte and that four month from the 1Mb day of December A D IMS are allowed to creditors to present their clalma to said CoumiackKierfl

for adjustment and allowance Dated the 1Mb day of December A D 1909



PROBATB ORDERmdash Slat of Michigan County of ghiawmaaee sa

At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Shiawassee held a t the Probate OBec in the City of Corona on the ISO day of January in the year one thooaand nine hundred and bra

Preaeet STatthrw Buah Judge of Probate an tae nut ter of the estate of Hugh

MeCttrdy deceased W i n u u P Gallagher s s tpoundr=t=i=trtor havshy

ing rendered to tat Ceoxt hi final aeeoaat ft i ordered that tae 15th day of February

next a t tan oclock in the forenoon a t aaid Proshybate Oases be appointed for rTamintnj and Allowing said account

And ft la further evwsveo that m copy of this order he pubOaaed three bullneeeattr i weeks wevtoata to said day of hearing to tae Oortaana Jowi-rtitl a newspaper printed aad eJsealattng m s n t d County of Shiawassee County lt

atATTHZW BUSH Judge of Probate

By F L O U X C I L n n t i T Probate

- J L - mdash _ - J L

t i i a

]icae s a y nuBBia V

j hXrpound yCttf laquofvr I W i s Eiitiii i u laquo ^f5 A

Our Store is the Center of Attraction These Days

For young and old The finest line of Dolls in the city Our Notion line is completemdash Table Linens Napkins Hemstitched Towels Lunch and Tray Cloths Silk and Wool Scarfs Handbags and Purses Postal Card Albums and Boxes Fancy Jap Boxes for Handkerchiefs Music Rolls Stand Mirrors Back Combs Belts Pins and Buckles

A fine line of Linen and Cotton Embroidered and Plain Handkerchiefs

A box of Cadet Hosiery for all members of the family An Umbrella a Floor Rug a Wool Blanshyket Etc Etc

Visit our store and we wtli help you make your selections

Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Geo M Beemer Igtry Glaquorbds-laquoad Not^iss rftrme-G

gtlaquoi ltr M i Ml t

i^r-WfT laquo - raquo


Page 7: ) CORUNN *MMMwaWMi A...his sentence was iixei for the first »day of the next term. A divorce was granted in the case of Florence against Frank Case. Case did not appear in couit to


GRIND Pleasant la take

Tha new laxative Does riot gripe or n a u s e a t e C ares stomach and liver troubles and chronic conshystipation by restoring the natural action of the stomshyach tiver and bo w e l s Rfrtase aub^titut Wlaquoraquo 6O0-

CnLEK T~laquo R E V O S L D S

D O Y O U - U S E A

Phone Nothing can answer your purpose as well m t h e UNION PHONE 1095 connections in Owtweo aad Corona



CURE rraquo Tjiucni dmoswrage There I s

gmrfWrywa rfaiewfMy wrHraquoraquor Fw Be as seest a Uraquo itpae nudaf Jmt

Dr FVBMT Kldaey u 4 SwktA Cw fctbeeatweuiKy tela s lrre to-day I b w l bull u t t n e d acnauy of kidney d t e u e foryemra s o d reaac4 to weight to Wpeetad I bow

W f T M e S C e n f Oflve Furnace 0 w

Druggiro laquo c 1 AsktorCooa BookmdashFret


nvoaa bullending - skatea bdquoultckl7 aikwruif oar iTlaquotition 1raquo prebablr


Cogtvmarrrs cVc

UunartrteUyeoaSdaai bdquo_ laquomt trea Old bulljeaar for

sUnnmaf Mtaar as


laquoIOWVlaquo rlaquowleraquooCfclaquo withoutlaquolaquolaquobull bit

StieMific JMerkm A h mdaowaaiy Uintretad winfcir Lawwat^r-cuiaUon of bullojr CL-iatitlfic teunuti Ton S3 a

four ta^ntrt I t Sou br all newaaealaro

Srawsa Co

MS r Bt Waafcincto Hewtort ftataaixa

The esfety comfort and esnvesi-ence of tit Mwrtm 9oUd top closed-in breech and -aide ejection features arlaquo combined wtth the quick easy manipulation of the popular sliding fore-end or pomp action in the new Mode 20 JBnfle rifles

real teat ef a bull ottd top ta always a

In rapid firin-the Ipeatermdashthlaquo StatSm aol erctectfoe atid prtrefita amok aad faeea iblovrtnc back] ba aftctei efeell la jaerar thrown Into your fcce or area and never tnterferca with the almt f^fat ferearm fita yoor hand ami belpe Qtica oserattoa

It handle tjte abort leaf and ke-rJRe ecrtrfdcea without cbaac in adjuatonent and the deep 3alllaquowdrlffltn- (uarantaea tbe accuracy makint it the fineet Httle rlfta la the world for target afaootinc and far a41 bullmatt came op to UO or 300 yania

raquobull W U raquo raquo ^ v i n i l tr bull

aii jampBatampm (tepeatere Juat gtt our 136-pace catalog Mailed free for atauope aoataw


Federal License of Corporations i$ Opposed by Many in



Pension Bills Introduced Providing for VolunUer Retired ListmdashTwo Pft Its Want Exposition Marking tfca Canal Opening

WashingtonmdashTb Republican leadshyers in congress practically httve agreed that if it can be accomplished the majority of the Presidents recom-mendaticus shall be enacted into law at this session but there is growing evidence that anions the minority of the recommendations which are to be overlooked the Presidents wish that a law legalizing the federal licensing of incorporations may not be fulfilled at this session In telling Mr Taft that it la unlikely that MB federal licence law is to go through the leaden have made a tacshyit promise that at a future date probshyably at the next session the lecora-mendamption shall be taken up and put through i s some form Xt seems that the plan for the licensing of corporashytions by the federal government has aroused antagonism among some of the Republicans and among a majorshyity of the Democrats it Is understood also that the leading Republicans men who ordinarily can get the rest of the party representatives in line are not over-zealous in their desire that this bill shall become a law cershytainly not at the present time It la Impossible in the absence of any dishyrect statement of the reasons for their objections to tell why it Is that the leaders apparently are determined to postpone action upon this particular piece of legislation but It seems to be assured that consideration of it Is to be postponed until a more convenishyent season

It has beett pretty generally undershystood that bip subsidy was to have hard sailing through the waters of the lower house of congress and not very easy sailing through those of the upshyper house It is impossible of course to foretell just what the fate of subshysidy will be but it seems that one senator who in the cast has been the champion of subsidy this year Is not inclined to look with favor upon i t The senator in question Is Mr Prye of Maine who apparently does not think that the measure recommended by the President and already introshyduced into the house goes anywhere near far enough to suit the shipping interests President Taft has recomshymended legislation of this klcd but the feciling Is in Washington that he will not be particularly disappointed if it does not go through although of course its passage would add one more to the administration victories

Postal Savings Banks One of the most peculiar situations

is that in regard to postal savings banks Much has been written about this matter and in the main former opinion was that the postal savings bank bill might have great trouble in getting sanction for itself from the leaders of both houses As everybody knows the members of the national monetary commission would prefer that consideration of the postal savshyings bank bill should be put off until after the commission has made its reshyport President Taft however Is inshysistent that postal savings bank legisshylation shall be enacted this winter and it is believed to-day that the leaders have agreed uraquo accede to his wishes as they have also agreed to do what he wants them to do in the matter of amendments to the intershystate commerce law and of laws which will safeguard the interests of the nations natural resources

Bills for Veterans Before the military committee of

the house of representatives there are eight principal bills Intended to benefit the veterans of the civil war In several of them there is a specific provision for the creation of what is called a volunteer retired list for the civil war officers who are still living

In the sects tive

Sixteenth congress Repre-Beeman 0 Dawes of Ohio

introduced a bill which if it had beshycome a law would have put all the commissioned officers of the civil war on the veMred list with month-Iy pay of one-half that which they received while they were wearing swords in the field There is a reshytired list for regular officers and the idea of Representative Dawes was to give to the volunteer officers in their

old age a recognition in part at least o the value of their services as com-nilssioned officers The question seemed io be if tbe regulars are paid after retirement why not do the same thing for the volunteers

Representative Dawes is not now In Congress but the provision in his bill which was Intended to carcopy for the volunteer officers has been incor porated in several of the bills which j re now before the military commitshytee for action It seems probable it-4 gt ^nz firtngrrsa will vgtR n

man who wore a bar a leaf an eagle or a star on his shoulder dvring the civil war and who is alive to-day will

as though they were still fighting in the field

Substitute for Pensions Of course pensions assuchfor the

volunteers will brgt done away with if any of tbese bills passes congress because the retired pay will take the pensions place

Likely to Carry $raquo a raquocopyrttfc If the volunteer officers retired bill

passes it is possible that it will carry with it a pension giving enlisted men ol the civil war a pension of $40 per month fijfth sit present pensions be-tug abolished except in cases of total or almost total disability where the present sum paid to the disabled solshydiers exceed 40 per month With the officers and eullstea men and the widows cared for with these specific sums in each case the trouble of penshysion gradations and the chances of fraud are minimised but nevertheless it will cost a huge sum of money the first few years of the measures legai life

According to a classification made by Gen Green B Raum the volunteer officers who would benefit are In number and rank as follows Major generals two brigadier generals 28 colonels 151 lieutenant colonels 195 majors 309 captains 2633 first lieushytenants 2233 second lieutenants 1166-varlons ranks in the navy 160 this bringing the total up to the numshyber given above

Of course a full expression of opinshyion of desirability of such a retired Bat bill as this is not obtainable Soldiers and those who take an interest in mil itary affairs generally are much in fashyvor of the measure The crrtUans who never saw service do not express opinions on the matter in letter form for it seems that few people care to go on record as being opposed to any thing in the nature of a bill for the rcattf of the men who fought In the Heidi even though there may he and probably la a general feeling among civilians that the government is exshytravagant in the matter of pension naytnents

Rivalry for Exposition San Francisco and San Diego cities

of California each wants to be the teent of a great exposition In the year 1915 as a means of marking the opening of the Panama canal Represhysentative Kahn of California has Inshytroduced into tbe house a bill which is now before the committee on inshydustrial arts and expositions to proshyvide for what he designates as the Panama-Pacific exposition Represhysentative Smith of California on beshyhalf of the city of San Diego desires that U shall be the location of what he wishes to be called the Panama-California exposition

It is too early yet to tell whether congress will vote money for governshyment participation in any exposition on the Pacific coast or elsewhere to be held at tbe time of the canal openshying It is assured however that there will be a great celebration on the Tsthmu of Panama at the time that Col Goethala sets for the completion of the great work Early as the day la it la believed that the president of the United States and both houses of congress will go to Panama to give recognition to the completion of the canal Whether or hot there shall be a great exposition in the United States 1ST a matter yet to be decided but it must be said that California shows that it is very much in earnest in the matter of getting the governments sanction for a great exposition of arts industries and manufactures on the Pacific coast in the year 1915 when It la practically assured the Inter-oceanic canal will be open for traffic

Few Bills Before Congress Considering the fact that this Is a

long session of congress comparativeshyly few bills have been introduced into either house or senate There is a marked absence at this session of what is known as freak bills Memshybers of congress are urged constantly by constituents some of whom are a little unbalanced mentally or who beshylong to the class of extreme enthusishyasts to put in bills which no congress possibly could be brought to pass and no committee could be made even to consider These so-called freak bills are introduced by members simply to escape the constant appeals of those who want their measures at least to see the light of print

In congress there is this winter anshyother determined effort to lay the groundwork for a plan which when carshyried to ultimate completion will result in a great boulevard running from the city of Washington to the battlefield of Gettysburg It is the intention If sanction for such a great avenue can be secured to have it known as a memorial of Lincoln A survey he been made of a road from Washington to Gettysburg in a straight line beshytween the capitol and the central point of the famous battlefield and it has been found that tbe road can be bunt without much interference with private property As a matter of fact the people who live along the way have expressed a desire that the work should be carried to completion

Approve Memorial Project There are many old soldiers and

men in ofScial gtife whose memories go back to tbe Lincoln days and some of whom knew Lincoln personally who think that the noble roadway would be the best possible memorial to the war- time president good deal of sentiment in favor of the proposition has been aroused ft the country alshythough it Should be said that considershyable opposition has been developed r n f d u l flpi5raquo J^Oplft raquoltflitj fgt thTT

ij i K i i l K A v s i i

i laquo W laquo a t SaVI CO R ^ t t a t t t t S M M W E

el2 OiUltV bullbullT r f t S iS i a l S ftiltgt Riiilti i v ^ i j i i j ) r-av- nt H r w l A n i n ) vHfA nA now) | vfirs of service laquore Yttlvampi laquonlt ps$d

Abraham Lincoln should be done so that no real estate transactions that might be of money value to poculv Unbdquo bdquollaquogtt^(I bo gti-vved to r-jceSvs t h e

asosampfi CUNTcopy

B vt ft amp -

R o l l s

M u f f i n s

R i s c w i l s Wa f u t ^


P i jgt o v laquor r


bullOi-r S J O N

I- (gt 1 J ltbull n re- clti

M lt a d c vv i i i t -


GOLD mrmjpound


4 laquo i i

M a i - s Br-e-ikfisf a S u c L S V N N

The Goultsss Corporation j A burglar broke into Che Clinton

Sprinsfield station at Harrisonville ( He found a rubber stamp and an ink pad which he refused to take away but he left a note to the agent The note read Wat the ella the counshytry cummin to when a big ralerodej corporashun dont eve enough In It] drawers to buy a pore man a meles vittlesmdashKansas City Star

Rabbits In Australia Some one has calculated that the

rabbits in Australia must reach the number of 1000000000000 But of course there is no means of taking aj census the calculation is largely guesswork Its foundation being a rough numbering of the rabbits to beraquo found in an acre of country and mul-

tiplying that by the number of rabbit infested acres

Out of Mans Reach Th$ old ngtay have their years

stretched out beyond the fourscore but they must die sooner or later no such necessary limit affects the births and it Is conceivable that there may-come a year when there are no births Immortality is the only effective anshyswer to a cessation of reproduction) and alas the King of Terrorsystill reigns r

immense Leather Beit The largest leather belt ever madti

Was completed recently by a New York manufacturer for a Louisiana lumber company it was 243 feet long six feet wide and three tily thick The bides of 540 steers were utilized in the manufacture of the belt As its delivery was a matter of urgency tbe great roll of leather was shipped by express and the bill for this service was $243G7

importance of Table Manners Emerson declared I could better

eat with one who did not respect tho truth or the laws than with a slovshyenly and unpresentable person Moral qualities rule the world but at short distances the senses are despotic There Is nothing more offensive to truly polite and cultured people than careless vulgar table manners

Education Never Stops Get all the education you can but

never remove yourself from the idea that after you know a lot you still nave more to learn When you gradu ate from college you are just beginshyning to understand many themes and subjects that are most important

Use for Old Clocks When a small clock is beyond reshy

pair do not throw it away but keep it for sick room use Set the bands each time medicine is given to the hour when the next dose is to be given

Childhoods Protest Theres one thing I dont undershy

stand said little Harry and thats why rood tasting things like mince pies make me ill while bad tasting things like medicine make pounde well It ought to be the other way about

STEVENS ^Generations of live wideshyawake American Boys hare obtained tiio right kind of FIREARM EDUCATION bj being equipped with the

unerring time-honored S T E V E N S

[Spoi STE w e i laquopo

All progressiva Hardware and omnffGooda MercoanU handle

VERS If you cannot obtain we will ship direct express prepaid upon receipt of Catalog Price

ISend 5 cents ia stamps for itaVtxzo illustratedCwaioff

bull - I ltopMo with ^ bdquo j S T E V 73 N 8

f ^A i msampsttr-j^

and utneral firearm ja-fltraquormtton

^ frac34 ^ frac34

X STEYBB pjics A Toot CO

-ft M iiXftc


European Plan 260 Rooms 108 Rooms win water

PerDar A ~ n oo

CUb Breakfast rala^hl ale gnU

wdh private bath

PexDty n 50 50 Rooms

KuDv $2frac34


25 aiaii Caf e Talis JHcte


sad 50

POSTAL MOREY Pwprlaquotaw

DAIRY FARMERS WE have established Cash

Tes t ing S t a t i o n s at thre following p laces

Chesaning Henderson New Lothrop Judds Corners Flushshying Ovid Elsie and Bannister where cream will be received tes ted and paid for when delivered

Why not deliver your cream to one of these stations once each week and save the exshypense of having it gathered

One trial will convince you that our plan of buying cream is the most satisfactory wray for the Dairyman

Yours respectfully

American Farm Products



bull W U B T ^ - laquo laquo M laquo B B v

S w bscr lbe IN o w


bullbullbullbull ELS1J2 bull bull bull + bull bull bull bull bull

Klie bullML-ThJ J A H 2 3 1laquoI0 ^

GaynOrGriggs is i i rwi ih n^s ics v O L JtJrti-nani isuuder the doctors

bullbullbull-bull bulllt5sue_ bullbullbullbull s bullbullbullbullbull bull Ira Cleaviager cut his fen with an ax

on Slonday V Mrs Bcriry Hus iu is confined lo her gt xd withnenjrjIgiU

The Hi tie soil ofTivkl PeV of Fuirfiold died Ust Thursday ol iiplithoi-ia-

Our Sophomore clraquoiaa ire preparing to give a literary eDtertainmet 6 i Feb 18

Mis Anuic Van Denseu is teaching the 3ead school during the illness of the egu-ktf teacher

Mrs Myrtle Burlingume has gone to Detroit to care fcr her grand mother who has a broken leg

T w o sleighloads of high school pup attended lite entertainment gWeu by the Oyki H S at Ovid last Friday evening

Mr and Mrs Milan Emmons gave a family birthday party on Thurslay in honor of Mr Emmons and his twin brothshyer Myron from Van Buren Co Covers -were laid for 18 The twin brothew were 66 years old

Rev E C Thompson has had a call to a Detroit church aid will move there with his family in the near future Many both in and out of the Elsie F B church reshygret losing Elder Thcmjvon and bis chanming family but all join in congratushylating him on the prospect of their n e home

The Woodmen and Royal Neighbors held joint installation at their hall last Thursday evening Mrs Jennie Lee and George Batrs acted as installing oncers After insial ation itoth orders adjourned to the I O 0 F hall where a banqraquoraquoct was served to over 200 persons The Woodmen have secured 10 new applicashytions bullbull

Dr Thomas Eclectric O i l is the best reme ly for that of lexi fatal d seasemdashcroti p l i a s beeh used with success ia our family for eight yearsmdashMrs L Whiteacre Buffalo IS Y

bull + +-++^ + + + + SHAFTSBCBC

+ + + + 4 + + + + + + bull bull Sbeftampburg Mich Jan 25 1310

Mrs James Shaft was in Landing on Lusincss Tuesday

Mrs Sarsfiejd Corcoran who has been ill is now better

John P Shaft went to Coninoa on Monday to be gone a few days

Mrs J G Marsh and Mrs Andrew Oidiway arc still among the sick

Mis Janie Shaft made a hurried visit to Laingsburg on Monday

Miss Alma Maltby of Perry spent Sunshyday with her sister Mrs Earf Harlow

James Shaft and little Harvey Comrie took a business trip to Bancroft one day last week

Mrs Charley Kline has just returned from a weeks visit with her f-thbdquor Mr Bradley in Portland

Mrs Ana Applemau was in Laiogsburg from Sunday Until Tuesday visiting at the Burlingame home

Charey Harkncas hai taken his family to York Stlaquoe where they intend making their home in the future

Mr and Mrs Henry Shaft of Perry bull were here from Wednesday until Thursshyday night visiting their children

Mrs J Ilankintsslipped cn the ice and fell sustaining a broken arm Dr Dun- ham was called and reduced the fracture

Mr and Mrs Wm Towsley are iu Perry Mrs Towsley is caring for her daughter Mrs Clif Vandewalker who is ill

The Congregational Society will hold a box social at the home of Mr and Mrs Van Polhemus north of here on next Friday evening

Last Monday night a thief broke into Jerome Ordiways pool room smashed the slot machine and took its conteata Home talent is guspickmed

Elder and Mrs Doty returned Wednesshyday from Grand Ledge where she had been on a visit to her parents since before Christmas He poundoing there last Monday

Mr and Mrs Albert Shaft of Lansing came on Saturday he returned on Monshyday She remaining here to care for Mrs Scott Shaft the formers mother who is ill

For a mild easy action of the bowels a single dose of Doans Regulets is enough Treatment cures habitual constipation 25 cents a box Ask your druggist for them

bull MORBJCE bull bull bull bull bull + bull bull bull bull bull Horrice Mich Jan 241910

T W Atwood of Caro is spending a few days at this place

Mrs Jacob Heath is confined to her bed under the care of a physician

A number of our citizens viewed Hal-leys comet Saturday evening

Mrs T W Tewrsbury and daughter Minnie were Owosso visitors Friday

Mrs Damie Kellogg was a guest of Lansing friends a portion of last week

Mr and Mrs Oscar Shadbolt of Owotraquo-so spent last week visiting friends in this vicinity

Mr and Mrs Bernie Howe spent Sunshyday at the home of Charles King in Benshynington

Miss Dana Pierce and Marelte Russell were confined to the house by hard coids Saturday

Lete Ward sold one of his full blooded Ancona cockrels Friday to Paul Scott of Mn Morris

A number from here attended the party in Perry Friday evening and reported a pleasant time

Mrs G M Waters and daughter

Stent Saturday in Durand at the home of arry Johnaou Mr eiid Mrs Jnhr Dpfrefsse of Duraad

Dcryeae Sunday Miss Eta DeFrcese went to Toledo

Friday evening She wd spend = ninnts Uvfvith frlonik

W Atwood epent the greater por-of the week beie at the home of his

2f T Atwood uiid Mrs George Calkiua of Perry

vgt (- i c bull crallied at the home of Mrs Cinih) ai-iii Friday -MissDaua iivr bull vt^ niuth improved-Monday She hka n--^i ornlkeu to the house one week by iliiie^ bull -Hrs Elict Brown wept to Clovejdale Saturday to visit her daughter Mrs Dcl-Ixrt Payiia for a few days Mis-C F-Sper-rbrecierwftsthe guest of Mrs Allea BKiuaer Thursday at their home four miles e^it of town

Monday evehiug a slcighload of young people visited the rink at Percy and reshyport an eujoyablf evening spent on t-kates

G us Jordan moved into his new home Thursday They will reside in the tenant house recently built on his fathers farm east of town

Albert Nickloy and family moved Satshyurday from the farm and tenant house of Andrew McDivitt onto the farm of Francis Bunline south of Perry

The Sir Knights and Ladies of the Mac cabees will hold their installation of officers here Wednesday evening An oyster supshyper wDl be served afterwards

Dan Boutelt of this place went to Deshytroit Wednesday night with several carshyloads of stock for Hall amp Green of Perry He returned hcrhe^F iday ^0trade^

Miss Lucile Hall who has been teachshying school rear Flushing since theholgt days BDtnt Friday until Saturday night at the home of her mother Mrs Anne Hail

Mrs Annie McConnell and son Charles who have been spend ng the past month in Guelph Ca returned here Friday evenshying She has been visiting her mother at that place

Monday the firm of Fuller and Cates dissolve i partnership Mr Catcs wih-

drawing from the firm Cates Junior will reoiaia to cut steaks and help HLr Fuller with the trade

A meeting of the stockholders will take place at E L Vre^Unds telephone office Saturday afternoon 10 decide whether there shall be nijht and Sunday service at this pace hereafter

Mr and Mrs C F Speerbreckcr entershytained a number of guests from Bancroft Friday evening Progresive pedro was played and refr shmruts were served An enjoyable time was reported

E L Vreeiatid was in Bancroft Saturshyday attending a meetf ng of the stockholdshyers in 1 be Befl and Farmers office The line are being overhauled and every effort will bemade to give patrons better service at that place 4raquoThe ladles of the W C T U will tell baked goods one week from last Saturday January 89 The goods will be placed on sale at ten oclock in the window of H V Pierces store The money raised will be used for the local option fund

Work st pile diiviog-oa the Maple river was finished Saturday Monday the pile driver was moved near Shaftsburg where the men will put in some culverts A short stretch of track hat been laid 1K-tween here and Perry in the past weeks

Glen Blanchard and family spent from Friday until Monday at the home of hi sister Mis M J Herbert Mr BLiech ard works in tbcBuick at Flint and was injured in his ami by a flying piece of steel He took this time to visit his suter

Arthur Ecklcr has rented the A J Bristol farm and will move there in a few days Mrs Bristol will accompany her sou O L Bristol to his home in Beraquoo-uia Mr Bristol being obliged to return there to hold his position as commissioner of schcols

The citizens of this place have been patshyting themselves on the back While ts at other pliices have been soaring in pritc our little burg is only paying the price prevailing tor the past two yens here namely 15c a pouud for ati steaks and less for roasts

Ed Britten lost a valuable Southdown sheep one dav last week in an odd manner He began fighting with another sheep in the same yard and the other sheep struck him a blow in the side killing him instantly Mr Britten had been offered a good round sum for the animal a few days before

Mr and Mrs George McKay entertained the club at 500 Wedoeidiy eveaiii^ Mr McKay frame here with his sHgh and t ok them out to their home returning with them at a very early hour of the morning Mrs McKay Served refreshshyments and all report an enjoyable time

Vfctor Jose of the Lyceum Club U of M will deliver a lecture here Friday evenshying on The Higher Citizenship This lecture will be given in place of the one Mr Frybergec Wu to have delivered two weeks ago Too lecture will take place in the school house and the-money will go toward the library fund

Superintendent Kiebler took the pupils and teachers of the high room fcr a ride Friday afternoon School was dismissed at 230 and Mr Kiebler chartered a team and sleigh The destination was Perry He treated the crowd to candy before reshyturning home A merry time was reportshyed

Pat Jordan was a caller at the home of W A Conley Sunday evening His horse and cutter were in front of tbe house A hail from the street called the people to the door They found the horse had alip-

fCopyriKbt by Short Storlea Co Md) The great week WRlaquo over and of the

three or four hundred girls who had filled the college buildings and camshypus with their bright earnest lhfe nci more thaa a Aoxeh remaiocd ftrid all but one of these had their tru-tks packed for speedy departute This one was Mary Cathcart who did uot kcow where she could go if she did PpoundCk -mdashmdash^-

Tbianiornlbg she was standing near the entrance of the lecture hail wonshydering what she should do For ten days t i e had been looking hopefully for a Jitter but none had come NGne seemed likely to come now

She had not specially fitted herself for anything and she rather looked forward to coming back after the sumshymer holidays to take a postgraduate course when if It should seem best she would study for one of the half-dozen railings which many of her schoolmates were already entering upon But it ail depended upon the letter and the letter had not come

A girl but little older than herself came briskly from the building It wasect the French teacher and she waft now going straight to the station to take the next train for home Mary looked at her a little eartonaly

Where do yon got aafeed the teacher

To Loagley Two hours later she was at the stashy

tion and had purchased a ticket She had money enough to pay her exshypenses for a month Beyond that she did not know

Whom should she find st Longley Should she even find anybody A letshyter which had come to her after her mothers death more than four years before bidding her to enter upon a course at this college and stating that money would he sent to her from time to time as before was all she had to go by The letter had been postshymarked Longley

She had always been generously supplied and had furnished her room

1-4 Off

well and had had money to spend Then as the end of the course apshyproached she had confidently looked forward to another letter But none bad come The one postmarked Long-ley was her only clew and even that might have been mailed by some one passing through the place

Her mother had thought the money might come from a wealthy uncle who had had some disagreement with the family and who took this wamp7 of savshying his pride He was eccentric and fond of traveling about from place to place

All tt through her mind as tbm train rushed on At length Long-ley was called and Mary rose and hurried out to the little platform of a small country station

The station master was dragging her trunk back from the edge of the platform where it had been dropped She went to him

There are no Cathcarta here of course she said more as an assershytion than as a question

No guess not never heered of any Be you lookin up some

Tmdashbulles I thought I might find a relshyative here When is the next train

Not till to-morrer She drew a long breath Is there a hotei near Factry boardin house but I guess

its pretty full Thats it down yonshyder pointing with his finger the house with a blind swingin on the hinge Be you lookin for a job I hear theyre needin two or three more weavers Thats the only job I know of unless its old Tom Far-

ped and fell with its bead under it and the nu Hes been man o all work

was hurriedly cut and the horse rose to its vlaquolaquowbdquo ^abdquo v t raquo-raquo_ ^^ laquobdquo laquo^laquo feet none the worse for its fall Conley ^ 8 w n i n b u t his ^ n s 1 c n o w

declares the horse has a rubber neck or f o r a m o n t n ltgtr laquogtbull laquo laquo t of course you else it would have been dead d0 want that Job But oh say as

Mr and Mrs Wm Britten living southshywest of here celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary Wednesday of last week Although tour of their ciildren were unable to be present there were stil forty of their descendents present from their sons and down to their great great grand children The venerable couple reshyceived many reuieoibiitui-vti m the day Mr and Mrs Britten are a remarkably smart couple They live by themselves and attend to the work incident to caring for their home and other duties of farm life Mr Britten is 81 and his wife 79 years old


platform I this mornin been nusan

Mebbe ye

rs sre eslt mu$ u

she started down the most forgot I heered that the wstnan whos Tom is goln off to-day could get her job

Mary nodded her thanks a sudden resolution flashing Into her eyes

She smilingly inquired her way to the home of Mr Farrar There she found a middle-aged woman who greeted her anxiously But on learn lng her errand the womans face cleared

Thats what I call a special provishydence vbh exclaimed heartily Yo see Tve got to go for my sisters sick butTve been batin to leave old Mr Fftrmr The very bent t could tiwiU ss was Ketiin a cipoundiu3rlaquo titshytle

excuse Have you

Winter is just half gone and the coldshyest weather yet to come still we are ready to meet you half way on Over-coats

Remember we are the only dealers in the county that mark goods in plain figures on original ticket which is always on inside collar of coat

Look at this ticket deduct 25 per cent and the coat is yours

This sale includes every coat in the store nothing reserved

Yours for a Square Deal All Round

W A McMtdlen amp Co The only place in the County where goods are marked in plain figures on original ticket



A V v bull-- y ijuctuvi- a good -EE7 y^ars bc^re she died Is he very ill Aldry ashed as she went inside gt

Well no not so very now Hes gettin beiter slowly

She was right Mary did Uke it She remembered many of the tempting dishes which she had prepared for her motherland she made them now stagshying little snatches of song as she did so She had not known what she was fitted for Now she knew that she could be a good nurse Perhaps she could also be good at other things but she had not found that out yet

What surprised her most were the books in every room some of which even she looked at with awe They all showed marks of much use as well as lovtag care gt As the days went by these eyes beshygan to follow her as she moved softly about the room contented and lovingshyly at first then with a questioning wlattulnees as though the clouded mind were striving to grasp something it could not quite reach Then one day there were several minutes when the eyes grew clear and intelligent and gazed at her with almost startled wonshyder The next day the lucid Interval was longer and several times repeatshyed But he did not speak he only gazed at her and passed his hand across hhi brow from time to timet

Then came a morning when he was strong enough to sit up In bed but still the wistfulness and wonder reshymained In his eyes

You are a new nurse he said Yes 1 knew it of course but I havent

said anything Imdash-I have been trying to get my mind clear I thought as I got stronger my mind would get betshyter bat it doesnt ImdashIm afraid Its getting worse I suppose Im growshying old and its to be expected but Fve bees planning fcr a good deal of reading and study yetgt and haveut realised how the years slip by

Mary stroked his hand softly T o n cannot get weU at once Mr

Farrar she chUed Yon hare been vary sick you know But you are growing stronger gradually and your brain is growing clearer I can see t t -

Tou dont understand he anshyswered gently my bodys stronger but my mind doesnt seem to gain It made you out to be somebody else from the first and has persisted in the hallucination ever sine Ive tooked in other directions and changed my thoughts to other things but its no use Youve takes care of me so my mind says that youre someshybody whom I used to know a long time ago whos dead I suppose its what folks call second childhood Then changing the subject abruptly How long have I been sick

I do not know I have only been here two weeks It is now the fifshyteenth of July

He looked startled So late he gasped Why Imdash

Ive got a little girl off to school who ought to have been written to long ago Will you bring me my pen and paper from the desk

Let me do It for you she said taking the pen from his shaking finshygers and moving a small table close to his bedside

But he remained silent looking at her doubtiuily ImdashImdashyou see 1 dont write to her directly he said at length hesitatingly Theres an old friend In New York who acts for me He was silent for some minutes longer then went on desperately

The letter must be written and I suppose itll be best to explain things a little You see when I was laquo boy I had a strong notion for college but

settled with the books I liked to read and had lost ambition to go out into the orld But I didntnsive up the idea altogether I would send someshybody la my place_ So I looked round I had no relative save a little girl whom I used to play with when a boy She had married and gone west I traced her and found that her husshyband was dead and that she was an invalid without means That was something nearer than college so I sent her from time to time what monshyey I had to spare When she died I arranged for her girl to go to college

He paused with his gae upon the coverlet his eyes unobservant dreamy reminiscent

Mary had risen her eyes shining Why didnt you write to her direct

iy she breathed Well she was a college girl you

see with college girl notions I liked to think of her as my girl arid to plan things for her If Id written to her directly itmdashmight have been different You see Im just a man of all work In a factory He held up his hands white and transparent from his illness but still knotty and hard from a lifeshytime of toll I dont know much about girls he went on but I want to think of this one as mine and I cant bear the thought of her evermdash

Mr Farrar do you think any girl could be ashamed of you

The quick passionate cry brought his gaze suddenly from the coverlet What he reau in her voice in her eyes brought a lok of rapt understanding to his face

Then my mind isnt wandering he exclaimed tremulously Its she really and truly Mary bring me that tin box in my desk

She brought it and eagerly he ran his fingers through the contents soon finding a tintype which he opened and held up for her inspection It might have been her own picture so exact was the likeness She recognised H with a low cry

I t s your mother Mary he said softly takes Just before h went west

N X C s raquo t J L l raquo S L I K S I REMEDYS LAXATIVE


a t e C A l X PATTERNS Celebrated for style perfect fit niroplicitv ar i reliability nearly 40 yeai Sold in nlaquoar 7 every city and towa in ttie United States aii Canada or by mait direct gt1 ore sold than any other make Send tot tree catalogu

l i r C A i X afAGAZINE More subscriber than may otter fash 1 in magazinemdash Million a month Invatuabie Latshyest rtyles praquottertlaquolaquolrlaquolaquopai8g millinery plain sewinr fafcey nelaquodJewoTfcharrorrraquoraquoirf etiquette goV atone etc Only 90 cents a Tear (worth double^ including raquo W plaquoTem Subscribe today or aeod for aawple ropy

W O N t m r o i iNfiUCEMtSKTS raquo to Agent Postal 1gtHnsn premium catalogue

and new cash prize offers Addre T K K C m lt raquo 1 3 M W K 7 raquo S l laquo W T O B

COXMISSIONKRS NOTJClmdashIn the 55Bttr of th estate of Robert TbeHpww

deceased We the nnderaijrned having been appointed

by the Hon Matthew BnKh Judr ot Probate in and for the Connty of Salawaaaec State of Michigan CoramiMionera to receire exaastae aad adjiut u claims and deotaada of all pershysona againat aaid catate do hereby give notice that we wlgtl neat at tue store of Albert W Cnrtt io the City of Corona in said Coantjr on Mofcday the Slat dar of February A D-tamplQ and on Thursday the Slat day ltof April A D gt19I0 at tea oclock fn the forenoon of each of said days tov the purpose of receiving-and adjusting all claim A ftgalDMaald eatttte and that four month from the 1Mb day of December A D IMS are allowed to creditors to present their clalma to said CoumiackKierfl

for adjustment and allowance Dated the 1Mb day of December A D 1909



PROBATB ORDERmdash Slat of Michigan County of ghiawmaaee sa

At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Shiawassee held a t the Probate OBec in the City of Corona on the ISO day of January in the year one thooaand nine hundred and bra

Preaeet STatthrw Buah Judge of Probate an tae nut ter of the estate of Hugh

MeCttrdy deceased W i n u u P Gallagher s s tpoundr=t=i=trtor havshy

ing rendered to tat Ceoxt hi final aeeoaat ft i ordered that tae 15th day of February

next a t tan oclock in the forenoon a t aaid Proshybate Oases be appointed for rTamintnj and Allowing said account

And ft la further evwsveo that m copy of this order he pubOaaed three bullneeeattr i weeks wevtoata to said day of hearing to tae Oortaana Jowi-rtitl a newspaper printed aad eJsealattng m s n t d County of Shiawassee County lt

atATTHZW BUSH Judge of Probate

By F L O U X C I L n n t i T Probate

- J L - mdash _ - J L

t i i a

]icae s a y nuBBia V

j hXrpound yCttf laquofvr I W i s Eiitiii i u laquo ^f5 A

Our Store is the Center of Attraction These Days

For young and old The finest line of Dolls in the city Our Notion line is completemdash Table Linens Napkins Hemstitched Towels Lunch and Tray Cloths Silk and Wool Scarfs Handbags and Purses Postal Card Albums and Boxes Fancy Jap Boxes for Handkerchiefs Music Rolls Stand Mirrors Back Combs Belts Pins and Buckles

A fine line of Linen and Cotton Embroidered and Plain Handkerchiefs

A box of Cadet Hosiery for all members of the family An Umbrella a Floor Rug a Wool Blanshyket Etc Etc

Visit our store and we wtli help you make your selections

Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Geo M Beemer Igtry Glaquorbds-laquoad Not^iss rftrme-G

gtlaquoi ltr M i Ml t

i^r-WfT laquo - raquo


Page 8: ) CORUNN *MMMwaWMi A...his sentence was iixei for the first »day of the next term. A divorce was granted in the case of Florence against Frank Case. Case did not appear in couit to


bullbullbullbull ELS1J2 bull bull bull + bull bull bull bull bull

Klie bullML-ThJ J A H 2 3 1laquoI0 ^

GaynOrGriggs is i i rwi ih n^s ics v O L JtJrti-nani isuuder the doctors

bullbullbull-bull bulllt5sue_ bullbullbullbull s bullbullbullbullbull bull Ira Cleaviager cut his fen with an ax

on Slonday V Mrs Bcriry Hus iu is confined lo her gt xd withnenjrjIgiU

The Hi tie soil ofTivkl PeV of Fuirfiold died Ust Thursday ol iiplithoi-ia-

Our Sophomore clraquoiaa ire preparing to give a literary eDtertainmet 6 i Feb 18

Mis Anuic Van Denseu is teaching the 3ead school during the illness of the egu-ktf teacher

Mrs Myrtle Burlingume has gone to Detroit to care fcr her grand mother who has a broken leg

T w o sleighloads of high school pup attended lite entertainment gWeu by the Oyki H S at Ovid last Friday evening

Mr and Mrs Milan Emmons gave a family birthday party on Thurslay in honor of Mr Emmons and his twin brothshyer Myron from Van Buren Co Covers -were laid for 18 The twin brothew were 66 years old

Rev E C Thompson has had a call to a Detroit church aid will move there with his family in the near future Many both in and out of the Elsie F B church reshygret losing Elder Thcmjvon and bis chanming family but all join in congratushylating him on the prospect of their n e home

The Woodmen and Royal Neighbors held joint installation at their hall last Thursday evening Mrs Jennie Lee and George Batrs acted as installing oncers After insial ation itoth orders adjourned to the I O 0 F hall where a banqraquoraquoct was served to over 200 persons The Woodmen have secured 10 new applicashytions bullbull

Dr Thomas Eclectric O i l is the best reme ly for that of lexi fatal d seasemdashcroti p l i a s beeh used with success ia our family for eight yearsmdashMrs L Whiteacre Buffalo IS Y

bull + +-++^ + + + + SHAFTSBCBC

+ + + + 4 + + + + + + bull bull Sbeftampburg Mich Jan 25 1310

Mrs James Shaft was in Landing on Lusincss Tuesday

Mrs Sarsfiejd Corcoran who has been ill is now better

John P Shaft went to Coninoa on Monday to be gone a few days

Mrs J G Marsh and Mrs Andrew Oidiway arc still among the sick

Mis Janie Shaft made a hurried visit to Laingsburg on Monday

Miss Alma Maltby of Perry spent Sunshyday with her sister Mrs Earf Harlow

James Shaft and little Harvey Comrie took a business trip to Bancroft one day last week

Mrs Charley Kline has just returned from a weeks visit with her f-thbdquor Mr Bradley in Portland

Mrs Ana Applemau was in Laiogsburg from Sunday Until Tuesday visiting at the Burlingame home

Charey Harkncas hai taken his family to York Stlaquoe where they intend making their home in the future

Mr and Mrs Henry Shaft of Perry bull were here from Wednesday until Thursshyday night visiting their children

Mrs J Ilankintsslipped cn the ice and fell sustaining a broken arm Dr Dun- ham was called and reduced the fracture

Mr and Mrs Wm Towsley are iu Perry Mrs Towsley is caring for her daughter Mrs Clif Vandewalker who is ill

The Congregational Society will hold a box social at the home of Mr and Mrs Van Polhemus north of here on next Friday evening

Last Monday night a thief broke into Jerome Ordiways pool room smashed the slot machine and took its conteata Home talent is guspickmed

Elder and Mrs Doty returned Wednesshyday from Grand Ledge where she had been on a visit to her parents since before Christmas He poundoing there last Monday

Mr and Mrs Albert Shaft of Lansing came on Saturday he returned on Monshyday She remaining here to care for Mrs Scott Shaft the formers mother who is ill

For a mild easy action of the bowels a single dose of Doans Regulets is enough Treatment cures habitual constipation 25 cents a box Ask your druggist for them

bull MORBJCE bull bull bull bull bull + bull bull bull bull bull Horrice Mich Jan 241910

T W Atwood of Caro is spending a few days at this place

Mrs Jacob Heath is confined to her bed under the care of a physician

A number of our citizens viewed Hal-leys comet Saturday evening

Mrs T W Tewrsbury and daughter Minnie were Owosso visitors Friday

Mrs Damie Kellogg was a guest of Lansing friends a portion of last week

Mr and Mrs Oscar Shadbolt of Owotraquo-so spent last week visiting friends in this vicinity

Mr and Mrs Bernie Howe spent Sunshyday at the home of Charles King in Benshynington

Miss Dana Pierce and Marelte Russell were confined to the house by hard coids Saturday

Lete Ward sold one of his full blooded Ancona cockrels Friday to Paul Scott of Mn Morris

A number from here attended the party in Perry Friday evening and reported a pleasant time

Mrs G M Waters and daughter

Stent Saturday in Durand at the home of arry Johnaou Mr eiid Mrs Jnhr Dpfrefsse of Duraad

Dcryeae Sunday Miss Eta DeFrcese went to Toledo

Friday evening She wd spend = ninnts Uvfvith frlonik

W Atwood epent the greater por-of the week beie at the home of his

2f T Atwood uiid Mrs George Calkiua of Perry

vgt (- i c bull crallied at the home of Mrs Cinih) ai-iii Friday -MissDaua iivr bull vt^ niuth improved-Monday She hka n--^i ornlkeu to the house one week by iliiie^ bull -Hrs Elict Brown wept to Clovejdale Saturday to visit her daughter Mrs Dcl-Ixrt Payiia for a few days Mis-C F-Sper-rbrecierwftsthe guest of Mrs Allea BKiuaer Thursday at their home four miles e^it of town

Monday evehiug a slcighload of young people visited the rink at Percy and reshyport an eujoyablf evening spent on t-kates

G us Jordan moved into his new home Thursday They will reside in the tenant house recently built on his fathers farm east of town

Albert Nickloy and family moved Satshyurday from the farm and tenant house of Andrew McDivitt onto the farm of Francis Bunline south of Perry

The Sir Knights and Ladies of the Mac cabees will hold their installation of officers here Wednesday evening An oyster supshyper wDl be served afterwards

Dan Boutelt of this place went to Deshytroit Wednesday night with several carshyloads of stock for Hall amp Green of Perry He returned hcrhe^F iday ^0trade^

Miss Lucile Hall who has been teachshying school rear Flushing since theholgt days BDtnt Friday until Saturday night at the home of her mother Mrs Anne Hail

Mrs Annie McConnell and son Charles who have been spend ng the past month in Guelph Ca returned here Friday evenshying She has been visiting her mother at that place

Monday the firm of Fuller and Cates dissolve i partnership Mr Catcs wih-

drawing from the firm Cates Junior will reoiaia to cut steaks and help HLr Fuller with the trade

A meeting of the stockholders will take place at E L Vre^Unds telephone office Saturday afternoon 10 decide whether there shall be nijht and Sunday service at this pace hereafter

Mr and Mrs C F Speerbreckcr entershytained a number of guests from Bancroft Friday evening Progresive pedro was played and refr shmruts were served An enjoyable time was reported

E L Vreeiatid was in Bancroft Saturshyday attending a meetf ng of the stockholdshyers in 1 be Befl and Farmers office The line are being overhauled and every effort will bemade to give patrons better service at that place 4raquoThe ladles of the W C T U will tell baked goods one week from last Saturday January 89 The goods will be placed on sale at ten oclock in the window of H V Pierces store The money raised will be used for the local option fund

Work st pile diiviog-oa the Maple river was finished Saturday Monday the pile driver was moved near Shaftsburg where the men will put in some culverts A short stretch of track hat been laid 1K-tween here and Perry in the past weeks

Glen Blanchard and family spent from Friday until Monday at the home of hi sister Mis M J Herbert Mr BLiech ard works in tbcBuick at Flint and was injured in his ami by a flying piece of steel He took this time to visit his suter

Arthur Ecklcr has rented the A J Bristol farm and will move there in a few days Mrs Bristol will accompany her sou O L Bristol to his home in Beraquoo-uia Mr Bristol being obliged to return there to hold his position as commissioner of schcols

The citizens of this place have been patshyting themselves on the back While ts at other pliices have been soaring in pritc our little burg is only paying the price prevailing tor the past two yens here namely 15c a pouud for ati steaks and less for roasts

Ed Britten lost a valuable Southdown sheep one dav last week in an odd manner He began fighting with another sheep in the same yard and the other sheep struck him a blow in the side killing him instantly Mr Britten had been offered a good round sum for the animal a few days before

Mr and Mrs George McKay entertained the club at 500 Wedoeidiy eveaiii^ Mr McKay frame here with his sHgh and t ok them out to their home returning with them at a very early hour of the morning Mrs McKay Served refreshshyments and all report an enjoyable time

Vfctor Jose of the Lyceum Club U of M will deliver a lecture here Friday evenshying on The Higher Citizenship This lecture will be given in place of the one Mr Frybergec Wu to have delivered two weeks ago Too lecture will take place in the school house and the-money will go toward the library fund

Superintendent Kiebler took the pupils and teachers of the high room fcr a ride Friday afternoon School was dismissed at 230 and Mr Kiebler chartered a team and sleigh The destination was Perry He treated the crowd to candy before reshyturning home A merry time was reportshyed

Pat Jordan was a caller at the home of W A Conley Sunday evening His horse and cutter were in front of tbe house A hail from the street called the people to the door They found the horse had alip-

fCopyriKbt by Short Storlea Co Md) The great week WRlaquo over and of the

three or four hundred girls who had filled the college buildings and camshypus with their bright earnest lhfe nci more thaa a Aoxeh remaiocd ftrid all but one of these had their tru-tks packed for speedy departute This one was Mary Cathcart who did uot kcow where she could go if she did PpoundCk -mdashmdash^-

Tbianiornlbg she was standing near the entrance of the lecture hail wonshydering what she should do For ten days t i e had been looking hopefully for a Jitter but none had come NGne seemed likely to come now

She had not specially fitted herself for anything and she rather looked forward to coming back after the sumshymer holidays to take a postgraduate course when if It should seem best she would study for one of the half-dozen railings which many of her schoolmates were already entering upon But it ail depended upon the letter and the letter had not come

A girl but little older than herself came briskly from the building It wasect the French teacher and she waft now going straight to the station to take the next train for home Mary looked at her a little eartonaly

Where do yon got aafeed the teacher

To Loagley Two hours later she was at the stashy

tion and had purchased a ticket She had money enough to pay her exshypenses for a month Beyond that she did not know

Whom should she find st Longley Should she even find anybody A letshyter which had come to her after her mothers death more than four years before bidding her to enter upon a course at this college and stating that money would he sent to her from time to time as before was all she had to go by The letter had been postshymarked Longley

She had always been generously supplied and had furnished her room

1-4 Off

well and had had money to spend Then as the end of the course apshyproached she had confidently looked forward to another letter But none bad come The one postmarked Long-ley was her only clew and even that might have been mailed by some one passing through the place

Her mother had thought the money might come from a wealthy uncle who had had some disagreement with the family and who took this wamp7 of savshying his pride He was eccentric and fond of traveling about from place to place

All tt through her mind as tbm train rushed on At length Long-ley was called and Mary rose and hurried out to the little platform of a small country station

The station master was dragging her trunk back from the edge of the platform where it had been dropped She went to him

There are no Cathcarta here of course she said more as an assershytion than as a question

No guess not never heered of any Be you lookin up some

Tmdashbulles I thought I might find a relshyative here When is the next train

Not till to-morrer She drew a long breath Is there a hotei near Factry boardin house but I guess

its pretty full Thats it down yonshyder pointing with his finger the house with a blind swingin on the hinge Be you lookin for a job I hear theyre needin two or three more weavers Thats the only job I know of unless its old Tom Far-

ped and fell with its bead under it and the nu Hes been man o all work

was hurriedly cut and the horse rose to its vlaquolaquowbdquo ^abdquo v t raquo-raquo_ ^^ laquobdquo laquo^laquo feet none the worse for its fall Conley ^ 8 w n i n b u t his ^ n s 1 c n o w

declares the horse has a rubber neck or f o r a m o n t n ltgtr laquogtbull laquo laquo t of course you else it would have been dead d0 want that Job But oh say as

Mr and Mrs Wm Britten living southshywest of here celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary Wednesday of last week Although tour of their ciildren were unable to be present there were stil forty of their descendents present from their sons and down to their great great grand children The venerable couple reshyceived many reuieoibiitui-vti m the day Mr and Mrs Britten are a remarkably smart couple They live by themselves and attend to the work incident to caring for their home and other duties of farm life Mr Britten is 81 and his wife 79 years old


platform I this mornin been nusan

Mebbe ye

rs sre eslt mu$ u

she started down the most forgot I heered that the wstnan whos Tom is goln off to-day could get her job

Mary nodded her thanks a sudden resolution flashing Into her eyes

She smilingly inquired her way to the home of Mr Farrar There she found a middle-aged woman who greeted her anxiously But on learn lng her errand the womans face cleared

Thats what I call a special provishydence vbh exclaimed heartily Yo see Tve got to go for my sisters sick butTve been batin to leave old Mr Fftrmr The very bent t could tiwiU ss was Ketiin a cipoundiu3rlaquo titshytle

excuse Have you

Winter is just half gone and the coldshyest weather yet to come still we are ready to meet you half way on Over-coats

Remember we are the only dealers in the county that mark goods in plain figures on original ticket which is always on inside collar of coat

Look at this ticket deduct 25 per cent and the coat is yours

This sale includes every coat in the store nothing reserved

Yours for a Square Deal All Round

W A McMtdlen amp Co The only place in the County where goods are marked in plain figures on original ticket



A V v bull-- y ijuctuvi- a good -EE7 y^ars bc^re she died Is he very ill Aldry ashed as she went inside gt

Well no not so very now Hes gettin beiter slowly

She was right Mary did Uke it She remembered many of the tempting dishes which she had prepared for her motherland she made them now stagshying little snatches of song as she did so She had not known what she was fitted for Now she knew that she could be a good nurse Perhaps she could also be good at other things but she had not found that out yet

What surprised her most were the books in every room some of which even she looked at with awe They all showed marks of much use as well as lovtag care gt As the days went by these eyes beshygan to follow her as she moved softly about the room contented and lovingshyly at first then with a questioning wlattulnees as though the clouded mind were striving to grasp something it could not quite reach Then one day there were several minutes when the eyes grew clear and intelligent and gazed at her with almost startled wonshyder The next day the lucid Interval was longer and several times repeatshyed But he did not speak he only gazed at her and passed his hand across hhi brow from time to timet

Then came a morning when he was strong enough to sit up In bed but still the wistfulness and wonder reshymained In his eyes

You are a new nurse he said Yes 1 knew it of course but I havent

said anything Imdash-I have been trying to get my mind clear I thought as I got stronger my mind would get betshyter bat it doesnt ImdashIm afraid Its getting worse I suppose Im growshying old and its to be expected but Fve bees planning fcr a good deal of reading and study yetgt and haveut realised how the years slip by

Mary stroked his hand softly T o n cannot get weU at once Mr

Farrar she chUed Yon hare been vary sick you know But you are growing stronger gradually and your brain is growing clearer I can see t t -

Tou dont understand he anshyswered gently my bodys stronger but my mind doesnt seem to gain It made you out to be somebody else from the first and has persisted in the hallucination ever sine Ive tooked in other directions and changed my thoughts to other things but its no use Youve takes care of me so my mind says that youre someshybody whom I used to know a long time ago whos dead I suppose its what folks call second childhood Then changing the subject abruptly How long have I been sick

I do not know I have only been here two weeks It is now the fifshyteenth of July

He looked startled So late he gasped Why Imdash

Ive got a little girl off to school who ought to have been written to long ago Will you bring me my pen and paper from the desk

Let me do It for you she said taking the pen from his shaking finshygers and moving a small table close to his bedside

But he remained silent looking at her doubtiuily ImdashImdashyou see 1 dont write to her directly he said at length hesitatingly Theres an old friend In New York who acts for me He was silent for some minutes longer then went on desperately

The letter must be written and I suppose itll be best to explain things a little You see when I was laquo boy I had a strong notion for college but

settled with the books I liked to read and had lost ambition to go out into the orld But I didntnsive up the idea altogether I would send someshybody la my place_ So I looked round I had no relative save a little girl whom I used to play with when a boy She had married and gone west I traced her and found that her husshyband was dead and that she was an invalid without means That was something nearer than college so I sent her from time to time what monshyey I had to spare When she died I arranged for her girl to go to college

He paused with his gae upon the coverlet his eyes unobservant dreamy reminiscent

Mary had risen her eyes shining Why didnt you write to her direct

iy she breathed Well she was a college girl you

see with college girl notions I liked to think of her as my girl arid to plan things for her If Id written to her directly itmdashmight have been different You see Im just a man of all work In a factory He held up his hands white and transparent from his illness but still knotty and hard from a lifeshytime of toll I dont know much about girls he went on but I want to think of this one as mine and I cant bear the thought of her evermdash

Mr Farrar do you think any girl could be ashamed of you

The quick passionate cry brought his gaze suddenly from the coverlet What he reau in her voice in her eyes brought a lok of rapt understanding to his face

Then my mind isnt wandering he exclaimed tremulously Its she really and truly Mary bring me that tin box in my desk

She brought it and eagerly he ran his fingers through the contents soon finding a tintype which he opened and held up for her inspection It might have been her own picture so exact was the likeness She recognised H with a low cry

I t s your mother Mary he said softly takes Just before h went west

N X C s raquo t J L l raquo S L I K S I REMEDYS LAXATIVE


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COXMISSIONKRS NOTJClmdashIn the 55Bttr of th estate of Robert TbeHpww

deceased We the nnderaijrned having been appointed

by the Hon Matthew BnKh Judr ot Probate in and for the Connty of Salawaaaec State of Michigan CoramiMionera to receire exaastae aad adjiut u claims and deotaada of all pershysona againat aaid catate do hereby give notice that we wlgtl neat at tue store of Albert W Cnrtt io the City of Corona in said Coantjr on Mofcday the Slat dar of February A D-tamplQ and on Thursday the Slat day ltof April A D gt19I0 at tea oclock fn the forenoon of each of said days tov the purpose of receiving-and adjusting all claim A ftgalDMaald eatttte and that four month from the 1Mb day of December A D IMS are allowed to creditors to present their clalma to said CoumiackKierfl

for adjustment and allowance Dated the 1Mb day of December A D 1909



PROBATB ORDERmdash Slat of Michigan County of ghiawmaaee sa

At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Shiawassee held a t the Probate OBec in the City of Corona on the ISO day of January in the year one thooaand nine hundred and bra

Preaeet STatthrw Buah Judge of Probate an tae nut ter of the estate of Hugh

MeCttrdy deceased W i n u u P Gallagher s s tpoundr=t=i=trtor havshy

ing rendered to tat Ceoxt hi final aeeoaat ft i ordered that tae 15th day of February

next a t tan oclock in the forenoon a t aaid Proshybate Oases be appointed for rTamintnj and Allowing said account

And ft la further evwsveo that m copy of this order he pubOaaed three bullneeeattr i weeks wevtoata to said day of hearing to tae Oortaana Jowi-rtitl a newspaper printed aad eJsealattng m s n t d County of Shiawassee County lt

atATTHZW BUSH Judge of Probate

By F L O U X C I L n n t i T Probate

- J L - mdash _ - J L

t i i a

]icae s a y nuBBia V

j hXrpound yCttf laquofvr I W i s Eiitiii i u laquo ^f5 A

Our Store is the Center of Attraction These Days

For young and old The finest line of Dolls in the city Our Notion line is completemdash Table Linens Napkins Hemstitched Towels Lunch and Tray Cloths Silk and Wool Scarfs Handbags and Purses Postal Card Albums and Boxes Fancy Jap Boxes for Handkerchiefs Music Rolls Stand Mirrors Back Combs Belts Pins and Buckles

A fine line of Linen and Cotton Embroidered and Plain Handkerchiefs

A box of Cadet Hosiery for all members of the family An Umbrella a Floor Rug a Wool Blanshyket Etc Etc

Visit our store and we wtli help you make your selections

Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Geo M Beemer Igtry Glaquorbds-laquoad Not^iss rftrme-G

gtlaquoi ltr M i Ml t

i^r-WfT laquo - raquo
