© crown copyright 2009 00912-2009ppt-en-01 workshop 1 narrowing gaps – setting the scene

© Crown copyright 2009 00912-2009PPT-EN- 01 Workshop 1 Narrowing gaps – setting the scene

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© Crown copyright 2009


Workshop 1

Narrowing gaps – setting the scene

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• To review the school’s current use of data in relation to underperforming pupils or groups entitled to free school meals (FSM)

• To reach a shared understanding of what good progress means

• To agree next steps in development

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Activity 1: The place of data analysis

• How can retrospective analysis of historic data help in raising the attainment of FSM pupils and other underachieving groups?

• Make a list of examples in your school of where analysis of FSM data has made a difference to what senior leaders, teachers and departments have done.

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Activity 1: Responses

• Analysis of historic data helps to identify patterns of underachievement that are likely to repeat themselves if nothing is done.

• Analysis guides identification of other FSM pupils who are likely to underachieve, raises their profile and sets a challenge to accelerate their progress.

• Analysis asks questions but does not replace detailed knowledge of children, their interests and barriers to their learning.

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…and consequences

• The school focuses on accelerating the progress of underperforming FSM pupils (including those who are gifted and talented, Black and minority ethnic, SEN and looked-after children) through personalised provision, intervention and robust tracking against challenging targets.

• Teachers are supported and held accountable for the progress of these children.

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Activity 2: Good progress

• How much progress do we expect pupils to make– from Early Years (EY) to the end of KS2?– from KS2 to KS4?

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Measuring progression from KS1 to KS2

KS1 levelRequired KS2 level to meet


Level 3 Level 5

Level 2A Level 4+

Level 1 Level 3+

Working towards level 1 (W) Level 2+

Absent (A), Disapplied (D) –

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Measuring progression from KS2 to KS4

National Curriculum level Equivalent grade at GCSE

5 B

4 C

3 D

2 E

1 F

Below level 1 G

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KS2 2003 to KS4 2008 – all pupils

English Mathematics

4+ levels 27.9% 24.9%

3+ levels 64.0% 56.5%

2 or fewer levels


216,000 pupils


261,000 pupils

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Activity 3: Review questions (1)

In our school:• What analysis have we done of pupils’ progress

across a key stage and beyond? • What are the characteristics of pupils who make

slow or accelerated progress across a given key stage in the core subjects?

• Are we clear which FSM pupils are making good progress and which are not?

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Activity 3: Review questions (2)

• Are we using this analysis to:– inform early identification of FSM pupils who are likely to

make slow progress?

– set out the expected progress each year, supported by robust tracking?

– provide high-quality teaching, challenge, support and intervention where needed?

• Is every teacher in every class aware of FSM pupils whose progress is at risk, and accountable for effective action to understand the needs of these pupils and accelerate their progress?

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Plenary: Next steps

• What do we need to do now, in order to make effective use of data to focus improvement work?

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Plenary: Further workshops• Workshop 2

explores the use of data, including use of interactive RAISEonline, to analyse attainment

• Workshop 3 explores the use of data, including use of interactive RAISEonline and FFT live, to analyse progress

• Workshop 4 rounds off the process by applying the analyses to pupils in school now

Additional resources are available in the Narrowing the Gaps area of the National Strategies website:

www.nationalstrategies.standards.dcsf.gov.ukselect ‘Leadership’ and then ‘Narrowing the Gaps’

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