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Post on 20-Oct-2020




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  • IES García Lorca Coord. Manuel Salazar Miranda

    Actividad 1:

    a) Write am/is/are (present form) or was/were (past form of the verb to be):

    1. Last year Paco de Lucía …………………..60, so he ………………. 61 now.

    2. When Paco de Lucía born the weather ………………..nice, but today

    it……………. very cold.

    3. Where………………..Paco de Lucía at 11 o´clock last Friday night?

    4. Don’t buy this guitar. It………………….very expensive.

    b) Write was/wasn’t or were/weren’t:

    1. Paco de Lucía……………………… work last week because

    he…………..sick. He’s better now.

    2. Yesterday………………….a holiday, so the theater……………….closed. It’s

    open today. You can buy your Paco de Lucia’s concert tickets.

    3. Where is my Paco de Lucía album? It.....................on the table but it is not there


    4. Yesterday I........................ at home listening to music. One of the songs I heard

    ................................”Entre dos aguas” of Paco de Lucía.

    c) Write the verbs in the past:

    1. Paco de Lucía........................(be) very shy.

    2. When Paco de Lucía.................(be) seven, his father began teaching him to play


    3. In the late 70’s he……………………..(introduce) the “cajón” in the world of


    4. In Torres Bermeja he…………………..(meet) Camarón.