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QUITMAN JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Issue III - Edition 2.3 - December 2016 1 Letter from the Editor In this newsletter, you will get to see what the writers and journalists do to put this newsletter together for you. You will also see the Grinch, read about a criminal, and the meaning of Christmas. This newsletter was very stressful because as you know, we are getting out early for Christmas Holidays, so we had to rush to publish this newsletter for your enjoyment. So, if you see any of the journalists or

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Letter from the Editor

In this newsletter, you will get to see what the writers and journalists do to put this newsletter together for you.

You will also see the Grinch, read about a criminal, and the meaning of Christmas.

This newsletter was very stressful because as you know, we are getting out early for Christmas Holidays, so we had to rush to publish this newsletter for your enjoyment.

So, if you see any of the journalists or writers of this newsletter, you should thank them.

We hope you enjoy this newsletter, and we wish you the best for the holidays.

-Brittany AbstonEditor-in-Chief

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The Art of Giving-Presley White-

-Featured Journalist-

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Christmas time is here! Santa Claus is coming to town! Rudolph is leading Santa to bring you your presents! All that is fun and exciting, but do not get wrapped up in all of that just yet. We need to remember the real reason for the season.


Giving gifts, giving love, and giving thanks is the reason for this time of year. One of the many activities being acted upon is Operation Christmas Child. OCC is a shoe box filled with goodies, and each goodie is put in with love. Around these same lines functions the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army is spreading your Christmas spirit to children and adults who need it. My church sends out over a thousand shoe boxes each year, and the feeling I get being the reason that one little girl or boy is smiling is unreal. People have always heard the saying “Giving is receiving”, but it never will hit you on a personal level until you try.

Sometimes it does not have to be the measures of sending something across the world. But, sometimes it can be something as simple as giving thanks and telling your loved ones that you love them. This past month, a young boy, a son, a grandson, a nephew, a brother, a future husband, a future father, and a friend to many lost his life. He was such a good person and would have been the last one I would think that would pass away so early. So, just be sure to be thankful for the family you have. Hold them tight, and give them love.

It may not be the newest Iphone, T.V., computer, car, or anything else, but you never know. What you think is so little could be so big for someone else. Even if it is just an “I love you”. So, just remember, while you are putting cookies out for Santa, never lose focus of the real reason of why this is such a great holiday.

I know this may come off as sappy, but remember who you are. And what has been given for you to get here.

Now, give something back.

Give thanks and love.


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You Can Own a Transformer. For Real.J’Len Noel-Journalist-

Imagine walking down the sidewalk of a big city like New York, Tokyo, or San Francisco. You turn the corner, and errr… chink. You hear something transforming. That’s right… transforming. You look behind to see a real life transformer that transforms into a real life robot like Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and Megatron. The name of the transformer is called Antimon.

It is a BMW 3-series car and transforms from car to robot in 30 seconds.

Man! Why couldn’t I be rich? The creators of Antimon say that it took 11 months to fully construct Antimon. The director of Antimon, Turgat Alpagot, says Antimon was born so that they could show their power to the world.

Antimon is basically an action figure fanatic’s dream. I believe that if I were to win Antimon, I would be freaking out, faint, wake up, and cry again. Then I’d probably faint again, so you probably get the gist.

Antimon costs 600,000 dollars. The only downfall is that Antimon can’t be driven on, or exist on the road legally. However, he is able to move his fingers, arms, and head. Antimon is said to be one of twelve transformers while the others are in research and development.

Can you believe more transformers are coming because I sure can’t. It’s amazing that some people come together to create some of the most incredible things. I hope to some people that it is an honor to live in a time period where people seem like they have super powers. I know I am proud to live in this time period.

Now, I just want one of these for Christmas.


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QJH Newsletter’s Insider Scoop-Kami Williams-

-Lead Journalist-

Every teacher has a reason for becoming what they are. Some were inspired by someone in their life. Whatever the reason they enjoy what they do.

Mrs. Means was kind enough to let me ask her a few questions and get the thoughts of an amazing teacher such as her. As one of her students, I find her to be pretty awesome.

Mrs. Means was inspired to be a teacher by the thought of being able to help make an impact on someone’s life, and she loves her job, to this day, after eight years of educating students. Her BIGGEST pet peeve is when a student says “I can’t” because she knows that they can. She has been at Quitman Junior High for three years, and she has grown to love the students here (I’m her favorite). Mrs. Means said that if she could do anything other than teaching, she would choose to be a stay at home mom or a lawyer, but Quitman is thankful to have such an amazing and well educated woman like her. Mrs. Means explained that her favorite thing about teaching is the “a-ha” look on a student’s face when they finally get a concept, or her favorite thing is seeing a kid smile because she made them feel special. Students have taught her many things, and she lists a few:

-The importance of humor!-To always practice what I preach!-To always be prepared for the unexpected. -The importance of consistency.-Let go of the little things and have fun!

Mrs. Means is inspiring many others by doing what she loves and enjoys doing. Quitman Junior High is glad to have someone like her on staff.

“One of my favorite things about teaching is when a student identifies your class as a place they feel safe. That might mean it’s a place where they can escape turmoil at home, or they feel comfortable to

make mistakes. Either way, it’s a great feeling.” – Mrs. Means

“It is a fact that being a teacher is never boring”- Mrs. Means


Thank you for all that you do! You’re a great teacher! – Hailey Wilborn

You’re an amazing math teacher!-Mallory Holloman

Thank you for always making my day bright when it is dull.

-Jaheim K Howze

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Humbug Day?-Katie Hollifield-

-Intern Journalist-

Most of you may think December is all about Christmas and winter beginning, but it is not. Most of us forget about a certain holiday called Humbug Day. Yeah, I know what you are thinking: What is Humbug Day? Humbug Day is when the stresses of the Holiday season have piled up, and many of us start to feel a bit like Scrooge. So, Humbug Day was created to allow us an opportunity to express our frustrations. This holiday season is celebrated annually on December 21st. Humbug Day was created by Thomas and Ruth Roy at Wellcat.com. Though some people just show a little bit of their “Scrooge” side, others go far beyond venting a few frustrations. Many people are negative towards Christmas in general and can put a real damper on your Christmas spirit. Use Humbug Day to release the stress of the Holiday season. But, whatever you do, avoid becoming a real, certified Christmas Scrooge.

And be careful, we wouldn’t want Santa catching you being naughty.

So which side do you take? Holiday Spirit or Scrooge?

Tis the Season OR Bah Humbug


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You Do YouBeing yourself no matter what is very important not only for your own benefit, but for that of

your friends and family as well. It is said that when we change ourselves for the enjoyment of someone who doesn’t care the slightest, is when we lose our humanity and self-respect.

A quote from the November newsletter reads:

“To the world, you may be one person. But to one person, you may be the world”

This means that despite what anyone might say, there will always be that one person that likes you for who you are. If you are to take one thing from this article, take this: do not let yourself be corrupted by the ideas of others for you are you, and being you is more important than the views of a conformist society.

From your friendly neighborhood….


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New Year’s Resolutions-Chloe Tucker-

-Lead Journalist-

New Years is a time to start over. The New Year is the time of year that everything restarts. When January 1, 2017 rolls around, everything from the past year gets erased. The New Year allows you to get that fresh start at a new life. It isn’t just a time to shoot fireworks and eat. It is a time of fresh slates and new beginnings.

My friends and I have a tradition to get together and shoot fireworks, but it’s not about the fireworks. It is truly about the time that I am able to spend with my friends. It’s about them sharing the moment of the New Year that is coming up the next day. Everyone says that Christmas is the best time of year, and that is partially true thanks to New Years.

While people are celebrating New Years, it is a tradition to develop New Year’s Resolutions. Resolutions are supposed to be special to the person writing them. I suggest that everyone write them down and keep them because next year, you can see if any of them came true.

My New Year resolutions are:

-Read More-Study More

What are yours?

“To be nicer.” –Hailey Wilborn.

“To love the newsletter more each month.” –Daniel Harris


Who is the Phantom Writer? Can you make your best guess?

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Santa Claus, Naughty or Nice?-Shundarius Pickens-

-Intern Journalist-

Santa Claus should be in jail. He should be in jail because he has broken nine laws just in one night.

First, he steals. People have cookies and milk out, but he doesn’t know if it is for him or not. He doesn’t pay for them. He just eats them.

Next, he disturbs the peace. He rides in a sleigh ringing bells and screaming “Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas!” People are trying to sleep, and this fat, greedy, and thieving man is hollering.

Santa also flies with no flying license. Then, he is also driving recklessly. When people are heading towards a roof, they’re usually crashing, right? On top of that, the fat man in the suit walks on people’s houses putting dents in the roof, but the people just think that storms do it. Because of him illegally parking on people’s roofs, they are irreparably damaged.

After that, the man breaks and enters into a home. Think about it, he can’t come through the door, so he has to break in.

He makes toys without a copyright.

People don’t realize it, but he stalks people. If he doesn’t, then how does he know who is naughty or nice?

Santa also has slaves. He makes the elves and reindeer do what he wants them to do. So let us not even get started on the animal cruelty charges. He doesn’t do any of the work in the factory, and he only gives orders. This man isn’t even licensed to own and run a factory.

Finally, people should listen to the words he speaks. He says, “You better be nice or I’m not giving you anything.” He also says, “I’m making my list and checking it twice.” That sounds like a direct threat if you ask me.

Santa Claus (Jolly Old Saint Nick) is a fraud, and it is about time he pays for it.


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Coach Russell.. or the Grinch?-Trace Johnson--Intern Journalist-

It’s Christmas time, more so known as the most wonderful time of the year. Families join back together, and friends see each other for the first time in a while. Everyone is out buying presents to give to people. Little kids are trying to be nice for Santa, but they also try to look out for the Grinch.

There is a Grinch around our school that will go steal peoples’ presents. It is pretty much obvious that our very own Coach Russell is the Grinch. I asked to have an interview with him, but he refused to. He has many physical characteristics like the Grinch as well.

For starters, Coach Russell has a shaggy beard like the Grinch when he doesn’t shave. They also have a big stomach because he goes into every house and eats the cookies that Santa did not eat. He has slicked back hair and partially shaved facial hair like the Grinch.

It always seems like he is in a bad mood as well, and he takes pride in his behavior. He loves to ruin a kid’s day as we all know the Grinch does. He wears long jackets to hide all of the stolen presents. He always gets on peoples bad side because he is in a terrible mood. He stays in a bad mood because more and more people stay up to watch for him. He tries to be in control and point out every wrong thing a person does with the dress code.

Because of all of this, Coach Russell is definitely the Grinch. So as Christmas nears, keep your eyes open and your presents (and baggy pants) tight because Coach Russell is coming to town.

The following images were donated for our reader’s own comparison.On the left, Coach Russell. On the right, the Grinch


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With Christmas right around the corner, I’ve made this top ten list of the worst Christmas Presents you can receive.


We all know it’s the thought that counts, but what’s more exciting than paper with words on it?


A good thing to put in stockings, but not the greatest thing to waste hopes and wrapping paper on.



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Unless you really need some new ones, there’s no need to get these… right?


Unless you personally asked for it, you don’t need underwear… I hope. Do you?


It’s WINTER TIME. A time of snow, laughter, and below freezing temperature. In other words, not time to be practically barefooted.


Unless you’ve recently ran out, it’s just a nice way to say ‘You stink.”


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Do you need a reason? Take a mint!


Who doesn’t want another way for our parents/guardians to discipline us? Doesn’t that sound fun?


Mostly used as a joke. Would you be laughing if you actually got it?

I didn’t think so.


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Nothing screams “Merry Christmas” like a tree with nothing under it! What a great Christmas to tell your friends about.


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I interviewed a seventh grader about their most favorite things about QJH. I chose to talk to

Jalyn Moore.I asked her questions about her point of view on our school.

What is your favorite part of school?5th Period, which is my gym class, is my favorite part because I enjoy the exercise.

Who is your favorite teacher and why?Ms. Stewart because she’s a great teacher, and I think she is very creative with her lessons.

What do you like this year that is different from 6th grade?The new teachers and new experiences.

What do you think about the school environment and the people around you?It’s a good environment. I think the environment is better this year than ever! Also, there is amazing people around that are always willing to help.

Do you think you’ll have a better time in eighth grade?Yes, because of the excellent teachers, and also, there are more responsibilities to handle.

And there you have it, a seventh graders point of view on QJH. What do you think about the school? Let a newsletter writer know!


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The Poetry Contest WinnerAll About ChristmasBy: Laterra Nelson

6th Grade

Christmas is what we shareGifts and love show how we care

We all rejoice in a wayTo show how much we appreciate

All of Christmas believersShow that they are receivers

Hope is on its waySo, please don’t turn away

When Christmas rolls aroundEveryone turns frowns upside down

So Santa is on his wayIn his jolly, happy sleigh

When toys are being unwrappedThey seem to make quite a unique craft

When snow falls on the groundIt seems to make quite a happy sound

Christmas caroling is really sweetIt brings a lot of joy from our feet

The Reindeer bells from Santa’s sleighMakes a lot of people jump and shout hooray!


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Soccer is a running and strategy sport. You have to know what you have to do all of the time. You must always be aware. We have 12 girls and 25 boys. We have two coaches, Coach Rios and Coach Boyette. Soccer developsa family of people all playing the same sport. The firstwin for the girls in two years was Friday December 2, 2016.

12/01 Meridian Away 5:30 PM 12/02 Philadelphia Home 5:30 PM 12/06 Newton County * Away 5:30 PM 12/08 Neshoba Central Away 5:30 PM 12/09 Forrest County AHS Home 5:30 PM 12/13 Northeast Lauderdale * Home 5:30 PM

12/15 West Lauderdale * Away 6:00 PM

01/03 Northeast Jones * Home 5:30 PM

01/06 Southeast Lauderdale Away 5:30 PM

01/07 Morton Away 11:00 AM

01/10 Northeast Lauderdale * Away 5:30 PM

01/13 West Lauderdale * Home 5:30 PM

01/17 Northeast Jones * Away 5:30 PM

01/20 Newton County * Home 5:30 PM


Zeleshia Olae Brown-Sports Journalist (Girls)-

Girls Soccer

Faith AllenAlyssa AshleyMeadow BlazawichJayia ChambersLauren CollinsEmilee CriddleSierra FlemingSammie Jo GranthamKayleigh HamburgMegan JacksonNia McCartyCarlondria McLaughlinSha’Carla McLaughlinLily McTaggartPayton MilsteadJ’Nia NoelKailey ReynoldsLynlee ReynoldsChloe TuckerMary Margaret WhighamCeCe Whigham

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Soccer is indeed one of the most physical sports. It involvesvery fast but paced movement. Soccer is also a sport witha unique way of conditioning. J’Len Noel stated that their conditioning takes a lot of time and concentration.

Fundamentals are also a very big part of soccer. Learning fundamentals also goes along with concentration. While you are learning, if you are concentrated, people often learn things more easily. Being able to be pressured, collected, balanced, and criticized are some of the waysa player can make themselves better.

Being able to be pressured helps a player not feel crushed under the pressure.

If a player can balance themselves, then they have an advantage against others.

On our soccer team, J’len Noel said that Josh Denham,Trace Johnson, and Nick Satcher are some of the playersthat represent Quitman Junior High School.

They are three of the most physical, athletic, and smartest players on the team.

All-in-all, soccer is one of the hardest and complex sports ever known to man to master.


Xavier Coleman-Sports Journalist (Boys)-

Boys Soccer

Adam Berry James WaldenCJ Blakley Gage WatkinsJosh Denham Devon WilliamsDonovan DodgeEthan FairclothAlex FergusonTony GoodmanRichard GriceLogan GriffinLatrell HattenBrent HopkinsTrace JohnsonSean McAdamsJaylon McQueitorCayden MenjivarEthan MoffettJayce MooreGavin MosleyChristian MossJulian NoelJulian PerkinsJ’Len NoelBen PughPeyton ReynoldsNick SatcherQuavontay Sterling

Xavier Coleman-Sports Journalist (Guys)-

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The Newsletter Staff-Amiah Allen-


BRITTANY ABSTON (Editor-in-Chief)Tell me about yourself. I’m smart and nice. I’m definitely a clean freak and a little OCD.

What are some things you enjoy? The newsletter team. It is a challenge and I enjoy challenges.

Who is your favorite character on Frozen? Olaf

CARMEN BANKS (Co-Editor)Tell me about yourself. I’m goofy and outgoing for sure.

What are some things you enjoy? Band (I play the alto sax). My favorite food is Jambalaya.

Tell me something about the newsletter. It has helped me become a better writer.

PRESLEY WHITE (Lead Journalist)Tell me about yourself. I’m accepting, fun, and tall (very).

What are some things you enjoy? Music, cheer, and tennis.

What is something people might not know about you? I have four dogs: Rebel, Gup, Blixy, and Tess.

CHLOE RAE TUCKER (Lead Journalist)Tell me about yourself. I’m smart.

What are some things you enjoy? Music, soccer, tennis, and cheer.

Tell me something about the newsletter. I enjoy working on the newsletter because you get to interact with interesting people.

KAMRYN WILLIAMS (Lead Journalist)Tell me about yourself. I’m optimistic (PBS).

What are some things you enjoy? Cheer, Beta Club, and FBLA.

Tell me something about the newsletter. It has helped me think outside of the box and further my writing to the best of my ability.


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J’LEN NOEL (Journalist)Tell me about yourself. I’m an intellectual and usually a little different.

What are some things you enjoy? Music, Soccer, Band, and Choir

What is something people might not know about you? My brother is a legend in House Habile. I’m one for Animus

AMIAH ALLEN (Journalist)Tell me about yourself. I’m a crazy short person. I like to do fun and crazy things.

What are some things you enjoy? Watching Love and Hip-hop. I like writing and photography.

What is the best book you’ve ever read? The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. It was sad. I cried.

HAYLEIGH TAYLOR (Journalist)Tell me about yourself. I’m creative and have

What is something people might not know about you? My hair is fluffy if it isn’t straightened.

How did you find your way into the newsletter? Mr. Gilmer made me.

XAVIER COLEMAN (Sports Journalist)Tell me about yourself. I’m athletic and smart. I’m also a monster on the field and court.

What are some things you enjoy? Sports. Mr. Gilmer’s class.

What is your favorite article in the newsletter so far? Mine.

ZELESHIA OLAE BROWN (Sports Journalist)Tell me about yourself. I’m just simply talented.

What are some things you enjoy? Basketball.

What is something people might not know about you? My middle name is Olae (but thanks to the paper, everyone knows now)

SHUNDARIUS PICKENS (Intern Journalist)Tell me about yourself. I’m funny and sometimes crazy.

What are some things you enjoy? Everything enjoyable.

How did you get into the newsletter? I got a chance this month and went with it.


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TRACE JOHNSON (Intern Journalist)Tell me about yourself. I’m entertaining and athletic.

What are some things you enjoy? Baseball, football, Beta Club, and the NEWSLETTER.

What is something people might not know about you? My best buds are Drew Wade (and his Brute Force) and Daniel Harris.

KATIE HOLIFIELD (Intern Journalist)

What activities are you in? Choir

What s your favorite color? Aqua

Do you like the QJH Newsletter? How has it helped you or inspired you? I like the newsletter, and it has inspired me because the newsletter tells us stuff we don’t normally think about, and the people in the newsletter inspire me.

JACOB ARMSTRONG (The Top Ten List)Tell me about yourself. I’m a crazy short person. I like to do fun and crazy things.

What are some things you enjoy? Watching Love and Hip-hop. I like writing and photography.

How did you find your way into the newsletter? I did a guest appearance on last month’s newsletter and was brought on full time.

THE PHANTOM WRITER (The Phantom Writer)Who are you? A writer for the newsletter.

How did you get into the newsletter? Destiny.

Are you really a phantom? Yes.


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