, e., a -...

o. P. G1LVIE & Co., enora'rroass Enhueld it the Puiove at fMoter, to•tibslatls, M• Ms eolhdMiiM 1ati.r. ieslta I it b fidbb MAl IIOUI % Biadbm robS, otifce t7p-*8tits in the Cllibmgan Oladat Blrik BDilding, fridy, SJune 6, 1800. Col. Thos G. Jones was the boatree of the Democrats or Alabama tbt governor. It is very probable that the legislature wtil abolish the court of appeals at this session. The Tetxa and Pacific railroad Is'how reusing through cars to New Orleases via Shreveport. An ald fashioned grave yard ield was bught in Louisville, Ky., by two gentlemen on the 2nd inst. ists Emelit d'Hemecourt, a society young lady of New Or- tiasn died from eating poisonous %herhert. The Shreveport and Houston Railroad was sold some days sinee to the Union Trust company, of New York. Mrs. Parson says that dynamite will be the liberator of huma nity. We shotld think it would liberate east any thbig. 'LseI Lake Charles American umysrtere is '"some talk of a move- aentl•i favor of annual sessions and .ftideetions." ,aesaltaker in New York ,emii~-lMedehlad after his first .da's weik. Doubtless he was weary of arukgquestions. l~Pse.t•'.1Sagg, of theThateher Ils.mtse, ll 4deer aa address at tikmoqeeatlt• plate during ,khe eersapesmemet ercises. Its dltepadtams pass their maotoiedoasetltdail it is thought that teel mes•ats ti consume more time tha l aeeasary on tbe tilt and d41kr mestion in eAn mthe. 14ttry euetts g was held hi S0seport luast Medy might. Speeche were hebpp•l, Seq., Judgs Aba kr*edtle, and Hon. E. H. uamr, .jew Orluea Kusiht .ll hIdd s'emstitu- emueeseomtse os mow eleetaeg dideg _ ot ehmse. Lively earn- it:- re dsi, b a per r!!of the uiso~itesud4 * p:t Ie the Demo. esutl puiy acnuad te Lmeda* dasesuitty. ested ier of PhthYeddIa& ony. l:- 'Fe•-,'•s ,oau V ," iathe pates *W** banirng!. pr mlsate. I fbsete i doubt qJ~udbl 1s ff ~ ~ ~ I. -. ~ti s~ t ''4 itC 6~E2 Twenty six y•ars have about pased ilacel halls of every - des- cription were forced from 'the canans's mouth causing the des- truction of human life lit untold numbers. tllht, Wmek they met- the Blue and Gray--at Vickabii• g, Miss., and tiijoyetd tli htdlpitali- ties set aside rot thein by its tlti- zeos. They granped sealh dters hands into a way that is nkntlown to one who was eltJSoystig his teens in the days of yore and of war. It must have been with much feeling. On the same graunds where the battle was fought tetrans of both armies were brought to- gether and a Jolly good time had. In the national cemetery could be seen Confederates whose arm, leg or band had proceeded them to the grave decorating the wounds ofthe enemy. So ft was in the Confederate cemetery the teteran Federal could be seen bending to the ground, placing upon the graves of his enemy, flowers. Tbhosands of visitors were pres- ent among whom were Governor Stone, of Mississippi, Hon. C. E, Hooker, Gen. S. D. Lee, Col. F.T. Lee, (the latter gentlemen from Illinois) and many others from all sections. There is no question but what this meeting will have its effect towards healing, to a great extent, the bitter feelings that were left in the hearts of not a few, and a meeting of the Blue and Gray should be held yearly. This has so far been a year of floods, fires and mysteries. About the time people become quiet and serene over their own misfortunes, horrible news is flashed over the wires announcing sad news from a town in a sister state. The first thing one sees on opening a paper now is a startling article in whtch is described the terrible loss of life and devastatioen of property. Texas has been battling against water spouts while little Louisiana has had a flood of several .weeks to contend with, and which bas rendered many homeless and destitute. Fort Worth now mourns the loss of its Spring Palace, which was reduced to ashes last Friday night at 10:30 o'clock. There were between 7000 and 8000 people in the building at the tile of the fire and only one lire reported to be lost, and thbt man. A perfect pandeme prevailed among the visitors a In the rush for life or death i~.sy were wounded by being tramplet upon and Jumping from windows from the second story of the beilding. The 8prtl.g palace attracted msay yli tors to Fort Worth, and was growinaging very popular., At a banquet given in New York last week, at which there was a large party of Congress- men Ia attendance, Congressman Coleman receives the fellowing notiee from the New York Sun: The party bad no sooner dis- embarked at the inn than Cole- mas, of Laulsiana, went to the piano sad began to ag. planta. tioa song. Coleman could mrake twoe $5000 t a negro minstrel troupe; and it was eno weaonder that e. stirred the party up. Gov.Gar, of lown , lstened until he wld sand no longer. BDlere htknew it, he wa Il the mnddle •the teroo damelng a breakdown while thi- admiring saudleeas eqeae theirdelllghtamd shouted s~orhftokspous. T b hen Coleman: aepts and sang until itg. houteflh 4 olore4 there was lsdredasgetlls os 1now that * balsnler was rt aunone- :I, theew:e d Weas an the heightht 85t epa~ aR Aiptweats wey two S q er were songs and E i. ~~-~ i~ta0`elv mttlq4 thea Rgatmit. the An assoeiated press dispatchlito the Times Democrat of May 81st, says: Capt,'E. L. ZallnAki, U. S. A., arrived here aboard the steamer NorItandle front Glermany yester- day, tifter a yeavr brnad itivestiga tittBg iM 'ttlvd war implemiente in use y foreign powers, Hlie says tkat, r 'ou~see the main results of his trip must be freported to the War epai~attfent before he could speak at any ledngti for publica- tlon. Concerning the smakeless gtunpowder, bldWt'er, thich has awakened such widespread inter- est and which the French claim to have perfected, he would say that, in his opinion, It ziset he regarded as still in an experiment- al stage, The foteigh powers ,Ie bltd, were rapidly rearming their troops with small-bore frearstn hie showed -several of the bullets designea flor ee in the small bore rftes, whieh, he said, wmuld cut through eetea-lhch boards wtb. a perfectly clean groove. Capt, Zalinski has visited. France, Germany, En glsd, Rus sia, Italy, Holland, lklgium and Spain, and has examinsed nto the army improvements in each counn try. He noticed particularly that the foreign powers were going back to the lance as a weapon for cavalry-a backward step, in- his opinion. RECIPE& Cream Cake.-Make batter by cup-cake receipe or, croton sponge. Bake in layers. Take rich cream, sweeten to taste flavor with vanilla, whip to a stiff froth, and spread between the cakes. This is very delicate and nice. Snow Pudding -- Two-thirds box of gelatine dissolved in cup of cold water. One pint of boiling water, juice of one lemon, one-half r cup of sherry wine, one nd one- half cups of sugar, 2 or 3 cloves put in the gelatine while hot. When tepid, beat in the whites of four eggs, after having beaten them to a stiff froth. (Sauce).-Yolk of the eggs, one pint of milk, two tablespoonsful of sugar, flavor with vanilla. Plain Wafers.-Make butter- milk biscuit dough, only have it a little stiffer than you would for bliecuit; roll it out, and cut butter into small biate; sprinkle over the iough, roll it up and work thor oug•ly. ]11 thin aed cut the size tit the irons; bakea light be• . They are crisp and delici- 'oeu••d make an appetizing adi4~lth to the teatable. -I Diashrille, Tena., onl Suoday evyetpg last 8am Jones preachbed in a large gospel tent one of his "whoop her-up" sermons. The Anierean of Monday says that Mr. SJoeatkuiched on such unpleasant _subjoat that ihis audience grew dededifly old before he finished. The Americean adds that seme of the congregation became great- ly enreged beause a little thirteen year-old Swedish girl was giving a birthday party near by to her lit tie frends, the musice of whieh they fueled disturlbed the meet tag. The music by request w stoppid but at tbis juncture, numbaer of men and bio. trp tat jumped over the feneibtoe yard and tore down the Chi lanterans whlch had been p up for thoeccssion. "'ey al rew stones at the now gisrtly f hten. ld ebildtre, woundlag little braskiag up the g berinS. eTimekDemocrat. Edison has not ly Invented the talkoig doll, bnjbe Suggests, and throoi his ale •s tn• is -al- r~aork~lag o, phonegraphilo the swatest nou* et that roftrite little siager., Arti l fo l al par will gtive us the came onewi queitril eort of nonense that 6 if their krtia ;iI5Ot E ly fromn Cow!ey;ounty, Kansas, in which he was Inrormed that the weather was very cold with frost nearly every alght, On the night of lMay 14, the frost was so ievere that it killed the gardens, and the yontkng cotsn, and Was suppbsed to havb killed all the fittlt.- AttlYienft. lt, Thnltatgo' utf Monifoe,forin- ufly of Haynesville, was thot the other day in that city. We failed to lcard pattiddaili'sa Fssei Peculiar r ,,, os a lsII sI, atM - ,rm, .- nu. agiuu. lr Ir0 Des n1 ye do ll ' -e Ur h vi eoat i uThO axs t yeu ast e ai os ieana, at th tr otesb earap aie ba sso ol a sel.t s . ayW b se usesss. is an tlse 1t eedlas, saed s wee"hy, ose 880". * a saoshIDud lsoM a)iruuglue Laspnaed bi o L Boo .. C . ,Lowe. Ye.• 100 Doses One Dollr REPORT OF THY CONDITION OF TRI Ho urmentlu lalhnk SAt HOMER, r In the State of Louisiana, at the Close of Bulsiness on the 17th day of May, 18680. r REsoucEs. Loans and discounts ........ $6246 92 Overdrafts.................. 35 IT. S. ionds to secure ciren laiota .................... 1x,5i 00 0 D Dne ramothberNationl balnis 3,104 84 i Banking houser............. 2,784 41 Furniture and isturre ...... 2,:WL) 00 U(nrrent expenses paid...... 308 58 Premium ou boindsl for cirea- lation............ ........ 609 37 Bills of other banks......... 5,540 00 Fratienal nurrency ....... 36 Gold els-................... Silver idollars...... ....... 5 r Slver trtwnry certifeat .. 1,7 00 Frvtetional silver coina.,..... 00 Legul tehder note ........ 00 lBldenltltion find with U. 8. treasurer .............. ' -- 0 I.IADIUTITS./ (Capital stock paid ln.... .45,7T99 00 Undivided profits...... .. 1,300 10 Circnlating notes rec l e d fronm comptroller .... 11,230 00 Indlividual deposits "lject to chck.... ....... 13,40 18 Demazu d certifact fdopoait 2,000 00 I, c. O. e ••n". ashir of th•e ab.ve Imank, aswear that the sabove statement is rue to the best of imy knowledge Imbelief. S 0. FEROUSO N, Cashier. Correct a at- Dmnaw F'.r.ct uso, J. W. HOLOKI'.r, TnuatNroNo UbIDOKMAN, Woman's Work" ATHENS ,GA., SLiterary and i GOem wheih Mi t s evenry flly. In order give all our re s am .pportumity sdgefbr time its pmWlmsiet agreed to mal four trial nnmbem to sayoe who ads ten nen ent I stapeand the dreseof ten ladle. W. A. OIINSi T ON,i H ER, LA., 1 t I ,. II , Siver.Pated War ~ Eia "• LOOK!- 1 ., e., A COUNTERS AT H. SOUR &CO., 127 Texas St., SIt1EVEPORT, LA. $xatiine 10ocugggy 13aggains 0q this X.-e > D1in e .it .. ........ I11tit1 mt s dela 6 t ' hes .t.r.. .r+..............,. ; AGs ' 0Soip lakit .,,, ... ,.....,.. . .... ...... 18C s Dri HotmdD p Dishes...................,; tic Larg f't f k Dishes ........ 1 . . . : .a lbe.,di th Romld Deep Dishes.,,. ..... " .... :. 8e ede t aige a k Dish , ...... , .......... 8c each Crem s lt l erse a: : :: c IrgeP ep Disles,,$i .... 1 ,it.... l8eeacit age De~ p owls ............ , ., ... :14c6ac Irge 1 hIs ............. .. . .. . .. 1a2& each fuatl Bows., .... :,,:,,, , .160 aei O. V. OOILVWI. 1.I. RICHARtDSON Ogavle & R1charbam, INSrrACE AGBETS, SlMEwn, LA, R isks on BltIlditfigs fC fakls of Merchandise, Dwtfli#Als House- hold rFurnitur'e Gin loal•, #le t., written, SRepreseftfs stro'g ntid -1tidable compsales, A sitle of your patron; age is solicited. JOHN W. TAJRI,. Dealer in all kinds o / MARBLE SHRE VEPORT,...... /..LOU ISIAh. -ALSO = - Champion Wrounght Fea Fenes which require no brick stone foundation, and all kindsof 0 amental Iron work e for bnildings, ch na Columns, Verand:ul Creitings, Fin. ials eit hrVanos. Amerl n and Italian DESIGNS $IRNISIIED ON APPLICA A/ TION. IONUMIENTS. We Vnarantee to sell marble chenper tha ny other firm. Get our prices be- fo nying. Orders by iuaipromptly Satd ed to. / J. W. DOWNS, Manager, 7 Shreveport, La. STHE MOST POPULAR SALOON IN HOMER Is On the West Side of the Public Square, with J, W. KELLY As Proprictor. The very bet Brandsot WHISKE Y, WINES, BRANDY and CIGARS can al- ways be bad at this Bar. Connected with the house there is a good POOL TABLE, Wheregentlemen, so inclined, can en- Joy a sociable game without being die- turbed by rowdyiam. l y. - II. Now owned by me, was sied by old am Hoeston, he by Wasbtenaw Chief, be by Hille Black Hawk; dam by Jim Hickoery, a thoroughbred four-mile run- ner; Sam Housto•, Jr's., dam by Coas sais M.Clay; second darn, leviasClay; third dam, tray aFgle. SAIl HOUSTON, Jr., Is a jet black; stads 1 b•ands higb; weighs 1,100 poauds; i very stylhh and compaetly biH, lie Howe th. 8alngte n,-1940 trottng rJ, se at thea.s 4 ! Fair, Lebgeoa, No. A or baggy borse does notu baooe prcmband she pbtdleoi . tea will stand h -m R ag land's stable. Terms A -. i le I sdylaeme. FRANK (ILL, Homer, La., •Money To Loan Any person wishicg to bor- row money on real estate secu- rity, for a term of five or ten years at a reasonable rate ot interest can procure smie by at my office. - J. W. HOLBERT. HOTEL .. . .,S, S e . , - , " - : Sr d '• " , "THE-:- WHITE -AN "W. A. JOHNSTON, Homer, La. MONEY TO LOAN FORLONG TIME AT REASONABLE RATES IMPROYED- PLANTATIONS I By dealing direct with us you will save agents' commission and we can guarantee you lower rates than 1 can be obtained elsewhere. ROSES, FLOWERING PLANTS, Etc., May Pealhns, Blight Pro Pets, and tihe faest Grapes 'peela u tiHe. A" a gweat variety of Apples, Pl Cherries, Aprieots, Ja- . pea Pe rimmrans, Ila rriea, Strawbery lats, r e., &e. In ftet. the best varieties of all olamel of Frail es that are adopted to x this laitude. All trees insared to live whoe properly eared f. A. K. LINGMAN .I•,; COSMOPOLITANA SRESTAURATSNT, t JOE ALLEN, Proprietor. p City- Hotel, - Shreveport, La. Tualy place in the city where La.uea cant dine 3mw attea.• Salt Water Fish of all kinds, Oysters, Crabs, Shrivield Game constantly on hand. ,, _ Wx. ENDERS. HENRY ENDERS. Wholesale tad Retail Dealers in Furniture,Mattresses, Window Shdq WALL PAPER, GLAzD SASH, DOORS AND ILIDJS CHILDRENL'S CARRIAGES, ETC. Ware-Rooms, No. Tes Street, near Leee ,. SHREVEPORT, LA. Luisiana and Northwest Railrm id, TIME TABLE No. i. QUTRi sOUtlU O. NOfl, AO NTP. , No.S o.1 TAtIONS. No. 9 Io.4 nr $JSB v 8ISam ...... ROMER ........ Ar 930aemrAr 846pm 4 " 650 ....... ATBENS... .... 15 8 10 . 43p " A 71 t ..... OGIBBlIAN)...... Lr 8 30 Lv 7 46 v 8 3) .. IBBSLD......k225 Ar 43 h ad lBienvile *at * a.ND * WhRarral iag R l Beavller bbsdel ThA. I

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o. P. G1LVIE & Co.,enora'rroass

Enhueld it the Puiove at fMoter,to•tibslatls, M• Ms eolhdMiiM 1ati.r.

ieslta I it b fidbb MAlIIOUI % Biadbm robS,

otifce t7p-*8tits in the CllibmganOladat Blrik BDilding,

fridy, SJune 6, 1800.

Col. Thos G. Jones was theboatree of the Democrats orAlabama tbt governor.

It is very probable that thelegislature wtil abolish the courtof appeals at this session.

The Tetxa and Pacific railroadIs'how reusing through cars toNew Orleases via Shreveport.

An ald fashioned grave yardield was bught in Louisville, Ky.,

by two gentlemen on the 2nd inst.

ists Emelit d'Hemecourt, asociety young lady of New Or-tiasn died from eating poisonous%herhert.

The Shreveport and HoustonRailroad was sold some days sineeto the Union Trust company, ofNew York.

Mrs. Parson says that dynamitewill be the liberator of huma nity.We shotld think it would liberateeast any thbig.

'LseI Lake Charles Americanumysrtere is '"some talk of a move-aentl•i favor of annual sessionsand .ftideetions."

,aesaltaker in New York,emii~-lMedehlad after his first

.da's weik. Doubtless he wasweary of arukgquestions.

l~Pse.t•'.1Sagg, of theThateherIls.mtse, ll 4deer aa addressat tikmoqeeatlt• plate during,khe eersapesmemet ercises.

Its dltepadtams pass theirmaotoiedoasetltdail it is thoughtthat teel mes•ats ti consumemore time tha l aeeasary ontbe tilt and d41kr mestion in

eAn mthe. 14ttry

euetts g was held hi S0seportluast Medy might. Speeche were

hebpp•l, Seq., Judgs Abakr*edtle, and Hon. E. H. uamr,

.jew Orluea

Kusiht .ll hIdd s'emstitu-

emueeseomtse os mow eleetaegdideg _ ot ehmse. Lively earn-it:- re dsi, b a per r!!of the

uiso~itesud4 * p:t Ie the Demo.esutl puiy acnuad te Lmeda*dasesuitty.

ested ier of PhthYeddIa& ony.l:- 'Fe•-,'•s ,oau V ," iathe pates

*W** banirng!. pr mlsate.

I fbsete i doubt

qJ~udbl 1s

ff ~ ~ ~ I. -.~ti

s~ t

''4 itC


Twenty six y•ars have about

pased ilacel halls of every -des-cription were forced from 'thecanans's mouth causing the des-truction of human life lit untoldnumbers. tllht, Wmek they met-the Blue and Gray--at Vickabii• g,Miss., and tiijoyetd tli htdlpitali-ties set aside rot thein by its tlti-zeos. They granped sealh dtershands into a way that is nkntlownto one who was eltJSoystig his teensin the days of yore and of war.It must have been with muchfeeling.

On the same graunds wherethe battle was fought tetrans ofboth armies were brought to-gether and a Jolly good time had.In the national cemetery could beseen Confederates whose arm, legor band had proceeded them tothe grave decorating the woundsofthe enemy. So ft was in theConfederate cemetery the teteranFederal could be seen bending tothe ground, placing upon thegraves of his enemy, flowers.

Tbhosands of visitors were pres-ent among whom were GovernorStone, of Mississippi, Hon. C. E,Hooker, Gen. S. D. Lee, Col. F.T.Lee, (the latter gentlemen fromIllinois) and many others fromall sections.

There is no question but whatthis meeting will have its effecttowards healing, to a great extent,the bitter feelings that were leftin the hearts of not a few, and ameeting of the Blue and Grayshould be held yearly.

This has so far been a year offloods, fires and mysteries. Aboutthe time people become quiet andserene over their own misfortunes,horrible news is flashed over thewires announcing sad news froma town in a sister state. The firstthing one sees on opening a papernow is a startling article in whtchis described the terrible loss oflife and devastatioen of property.Texas has been battling againstwater spouts while little Louisianahas had a flood of several .weeksto contend with, and which basrendered many homeless anddestitute. Fort Worth now mournsthe loss of its Spring Palace,which was reduced to ashes lastFriday night at 10:30 o'clock.There were between 7000 and 8000people in the building at the tileof the fire and only one lirereported to be lost, and thbtman. A perfect pandemeprevailed among the visitors aIn the rush for life or death i~.sywere wounded by being trampletupon and Jumping from windowsfrom the second story of thebeilding.The 8prtl.g palace attracted

msay yli tors to Fort Worth, andwas growinaging very popular.,

At a banquet given in NewYork last week, at which therewas a large party of Congress-men Ia attendance, CongressmanColeman receives the fellowingnotiee from the New York Sun:

The party bad no sooner dis-embarked at the inn than Cole-mas, of Laulsiana, went to thepiano sad began to ag. planta.tioa song. Coleman could mraketwoe $5000 t a negro minstreltroupe; and it was eno weaonder thate. stirred the party up.Gov.Gar, of lown , lstened until

he wld sand no longer. BDlerehtknew it, he wa Il the mnddle•the teroo damelng a breakdown

while thi- admiring saudleeaseqeae theirdelllghtamd shouteds~orhftokspous. Tbhen Coleman:

aepts and sang untilitg. houteflh 4 olore4 there was

lsdredasgetlls os 1now that

* balsnler was rt aunone-

:I, theew:e d Weas an the heightht

85t epa~ aR Aiptweats wey twoS q er were songs and

E i. ~~-~ i~ta0`elv mttlq4 thea


An assoeiated press dispatchlitothe Times Democrat of May 81st,says:

Capt,'E. L. ZallnAki, U. S. A.,arrived here aboard the steamerNorItandle front Glermany yester-

day, tifter a yeavr brnad itivestigatittBg iM 'ttlvd war implemiente inuse y foreign powers, Hlie says

tkat, r 'ou~see the main results

of his trip must be freported to theWar epai~attfent before he couldspeak at any ledngti for publica-tlon. Concerning the smakelessgtunpowder, bldWt'er, thich hasawakened such widespread inter-

est and which the French claimto have perfected, he would saythat, in his opinion, It ziset heregarded as still in an experiment-al stage, The foteigh powers ,Iebltd, were rapidly rearming theirtroops with small-bore frearstnhie showed -several of the bulletsdesignea flor ee in the small borerftes, whieh, he said, wmuld cutthrough eetea-lhch boards wtb. aperfectly clean groove.

Capt, Zalinski has visited.France, Germany, En glsd, Russia, Italy, Holland, lklgium andSpain, and has examinsed nto thearmy improvements in each counntry. He noticed particularly thatthe foreign powers were goingback to the lance as a weapon forcavalry-a backward step, in- hisopinion.


Cream Cake.-Make batter bycup-cake receipe or, croton sponge.Bake in layers. Take rich cream,sweeten to taste flavor with vanilla,whip to a stiff froth, and spreadbetween the cakes. This is verydelicate and nice.

Snow Pudding --Two-thirdsbox of gelatine dissolved in cupof cold water. One pint of boilingwater, juice of one lemon, one-halfr cup of sherry wine, one nd one-half cups of sugar, 2 or 3 clovesput in the gelatine while hot. Whentepid, beat in the whites of foureggs, after having beaten themto a stiff froth.

(Sauce).-Yolk of the eggs, onepint of milk, two tablespoonsfulof sugar, flavor with vanilla.

Plain Wafers.-Make butter-milk biscuit dough, only have ita little stiffer than you would forbliecuit; roll it out, and cut butterinto small biate; sprinkle over theiough, roll it up and work thoroug•ly.]11 thin aed cut the sizetit the irons; bakea light

be• . They are crisp and delici-'oeu••d make an appetizingadi4~lth to the teatable.

-I Diashrille, Tena., onl Suodayevyetpg last 8am Jones preachbedin a large gospel tent one of his"whoop her-up" sermons. TheAnierean of Monday says that Mr.SJoeatkuiched on such unpleasant_subjoat that ihis audience grewdededifly old before he finished.The Americean adds that semeof the congregation became great-ly enreged beause a little thirteenyear-old Swedish girl was givinga birthday party near by to her littie frends, the musice of whiehthey fueled disturlbed the meettag. The music by request wstoppid but at tbis juncture,numbaer of men and bio. trptat jumped over the feneibtoeyard and tore down the Chilanterans whlch had been p upfor thoeccssion. "'ey al rewstones at the now gisrtly f hten.ld ebildtre, woundlag little

braskiag up the g berinS.eTimekDemocrat.

Edison has not ly Inventedthe talkoig doll, bnjbe Suggests,and throoi his ale •s tn• is -al-

r~aork~lag o, phonegraphilo

the swatest nou* et that roftritelittle siager., Artilfo lal parwill gtive us the came onewiqueitril eort of nonense that

6 if their krtia

;iI5Ot E

ly fromn Cow!ey;ounty, Kansas,in which he was Inrormed that theweather was very cold with frostnearly every alght, On the nightof lMay 14, the frost was so ievere

that it killed the gardens, andthe yontkng cotsn, and Was suppbsedto havb killed all the fittlt.-AttlYienft.

lt, Thnltatgo' utf Monifoe,forin-ufly of Haynesville, was thot theother day in that city. We failedto lcard pattiddaili'sa


Peculiar r ,,,os a lsII sI, atM

-,rm, .- nu. agiuu.lr Ir0 Des n1 ye do ll '-e Ur h vi eoat i uThOaxs t yeu ast e ai os ieana, at thtr otesb earap aie ba sso ol a sel.t

s . ayW b se usesss. is an tlse 1teedlas, saed s wee"hy, ose 880".

* a saoshIDud lsoM a)iruuglueLaspnaed bi o L Boo ..C . ,Lowe. Ye.•

100 Doses One Dollr



Ho urmentlu lalhnkSAt HOMER,

r In the State of Louisiana, at theClose of Bulsiness on the 17th

day of May, 18680.

r REsoucEs.Loans and discounts ........ $6246 92Overdrafts.................. 35IT. S. ionds to secure ciren

laiota .................... 1x,5i 00 0D Dne ramothberNationl balnis 3,104 84i Banking houser............. 2,784 41Furniture and isturre ...... 2,:WL) 00U(nrrent expenses paid...... 308 58Premium ou boindsl for cirea-

lation............ ........ 609 37Bills of other banks......... 5,540 00Fratienal nurrency ....... 36Gold els-...................

Silver idollars...... ....... 5r Slver trtwnry certifeat .. 1,7 00Frvtetional silver coina.,..... 00Legul tehder note • ........ 00lBldenltltion find with U. 8.

treasurer .............. ' -- 0

I.IADIUTITS./(Capital stock paid ln.... .45,7T99 00Undivided profits...... .. 1,300 10Circnlating notes rec le d

fronm comptroller .... 11,230 00Indlividual deposits "lject

to chck.... ....... 13,40 18Demazu d certifact fdopoait 2,000 00

I, c. O. e ••n". ashir of th•eab.ve Imank, aswear that the sabovestatement is rue to the best of imyknowledge Imbelief.

S 0. FEROUSO N, Cashier.Correct a at-

Dmnaw F'.r.ct uso,J. W. HOLOKI'.r,TnuatNroNo UbIDOKMAN,

Woman's Work"ATHENS ,GA.,

SLiterary and i GOem wheihMi t s evenry flly. In order

give all our re s am .pportumitysdgefbr time its pmWlmsietagreed to mal four trial nnmbem

to sayoe who ads ten nen ent I

stapeand the dreseof ten ladle.



,. II

, Siver.Pated War

~ Eia

"• LOOK!-


H. SOUR &CO.,127 Texas St., SIt1EVEPORT, LA.

$xatiine 10ocugggy 13aggains 0q this X.-e >D1in e .it .. ........I11tit1 mt s dela 6 t ' hes .t.r.. .r+..............,. ; AGs '

0Soip lakit .,,, ... ,.....,.. . .... ...... 18C s Dri HotmdD p Dishes...................,; ticLarg f't f k Dishes ........ 1.. . : .a lbe.,di th Romld Deep Dishes.,,. ..... " .... :. 8e ede taige a k Dish , ...... , .......... 8c each Crem s lt l erse a: : :: c

IrgeP ep Disles,,$i .... 1,it.... l8eeacit age De~ p owls ............ , ., ... :14c6acIrge 1 hIs ............. .. . .. ... 1a2& each fuatl Bows., .... :,,:,,, , .160 aei


Ogavle & R1charbam,INSrrACE AGBETS,

SlMEwn, LA,

R isks on BltIlditfigs fC fakls ofMerchandise, Dwtfli#Als House-hold rFurnitur'e Gin loal•, #le t.,written,

SRepreseftfs stro'g ntid -1tidablecompsales, A sitle of your patron;age is solicited.

JOHN W. TAJRI,.Dealer in all kinds o /


-ALSO =-Champion Wrounght Fea Fenes whichrequire no brick stone foundation,and all kindsof 0 amental Iron work

e for bnildings, ch na Columns,Verand:ul Creitings, Fin.

ials eit hrVanos.



IONUMIENTS.We Vnarantee to sell marble chenper

tha ny other firm. Get our prices be-fo nying. Orders by iuaipromptlySatd ed to./ J. W. DOWNS, Manager,

7 Shreveport, La.STHE MOST POPULAR


On the West Side of thePublic Square, with

J, W. KELLYAs Proprictor.

The very bet Brandsot WHISKE Y,WINES, BRANDY and CIGARS can al-ways be bad at this Bar. Connectedwith the house there is a good

POOL TABLE,Wheregentlemen, so inclined, can en-Joy a sociable game without being die-turbed by rowdyiam.

l y.

- II.

Now owned by me, was sied by oldam Hoeston, he by Wasbtenaw Chief,

be by Hille Black Hawk; dam by JimHickoery, a thoroughbred four-mile run-ner; Sam Housto•, Jr's., dam by Coassais M.Clay; second darn, leviasClay;

third dam, tray aFgle.SAIl HOUSTON, Jr., Is a jet black;

stads 1 b•ands higb; weighs 1,100poauds; i very stylhh and compaetlybiH, lie Howe th. 8alngte n,-1940trottng rJ, se at thea.s 4 !Fair, Lebgeoa, No. Aor baggy borse does notubaooe prcmband she pbtdleoi .

tea will stand h -m R agland's stable. Terms A -.i leI sdylaeme.

FRANK (ILL,Homer, La.,

•Money To Loan

Any person wishicg to bor-row money on real estate secu-rity, for a term of five or tenyears at a reasonable rate otinterest can procure smie by

at my office.- J. W. HOLBERT.


. . . .,S, S e. , - , " -:

Sr d

'• " ,



"W. A. JOHNSTON, Homer, La.


IMPROYED- PLANTATIONS IBy dealing direct with us you will save agents' commission

and we can guarantee you lower rates than 1can be obtained elsewhere.


May Pealhns, Blight Pro Pets, and tihe faest Grapes 'peela utiHe. A" a gweat variety of Apples, Pl Cherries, Aprieots, Ja- .pea Pe rimmrans, Ila rriea, Strawbery lats, r e., &e. In ftet.

the best varieties of all olamel of Frail es that are adopted to xthis laitude. All trees insared to live whoe properly eared f.



JOE ALLEN, Proprietor.

p City- Hotel, - Shreveport, La.

Tualy place in the city where La.uea cant dine 3mw

attea.• Salt Water Fish of all kinds, Oysters, Crabs,Shrivield Game constantly on hand. ,, _


Wholesale tad Retail Dealers in

Furniture,Mattresses, Window ShdqWALL PAPER, GLAzD SASH, DOORS AND ILIDJS


Ware-Rooms, No. Tes Street, near Leee ,.SHREVEPORT, LA.

Luisiana and Northwest Railrm id,

TIME TABLE No. i.QUTRi sOUtlU O. NOfl, AO NTP. ,No.S o. 1 TAtIONS. No. 9 Io.4

nr $JSB v 8ISam ...... ROMER ........ Ar 930aemrAr 846pm4 " 650 ....... ATBENS... .... 15 8 10 .

43p " A 71 t .....OGIBBlIAN)...... Lr 8 30 Lv 7 46

v 8 3) .. IBBSLD......k225 Ar 43

h ad lBienvile *at * a.ND *WhRarral iag R l Beavller bbsdel ThA.I