- entrance: grab an exit ticket and homework packet

Task List for Tuesday, January 7 th - Entrance: Grab an Exit Ticket and Homework Packet - Preparation: Fill out the exit ticket - Recap - Exit: Complete Exit Ticket and drop it off in the cluster basket.

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Page 1: - Entrance: Grab an Exit Ticket and Homework Packet

Task List for Tuesday, January 7th

- Entrance: Grab an Exit Ticket and Homework Packet

- Preparation: Fill out the exit ticket

- Recap

- Exit: Complete Exit Ticket and drop it off in the cluster basket.

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Lesson 11: Political Developments in the

Early RepublicHow did the Federalist and Republican visions for the United States


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Classroom Success Criteria

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Looks like…

• Waiting at the door to shake Mr. Simoneau’s hand before entering.

• Custom handshakes are encouraged.

Sounds like…

• Quiet conversations with friends and Mr. Simoneau are allowed.

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Taking Exit Tickets

Looks like…

• Politely waiting your turn to take an Exit Ticket from the cart by the door.

Sounds like…

• Quiet conversations with friends are allowed.

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Looks like…

• Choosing a seat or place where you can focus and not distract others.

Sounds like…

• Quietly walking to your seat or your place.

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Personal Space

Looks like…

• Keeping your hands, arms, legs, feet, and personal items to yourself at all times.

Sounds like…

• Keeping your voice at an acceptable level for the classroom

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Filling Out Exit Tickets

Looks like…

• Getting out your pen/pencil.

• Filling out the Daily Objectives and the Task List.

• Paying attention to the countdown timer to make sure you are on pace

Sounds like…

• Quietly Filling out the Daily Objective and the Task List

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Bell Work

Looks like…

• Getting any additional supplies noted on the board for the Bell Work

• Following any additional instructions noted on the board for the Bell Work.

• Paying attention to the countdown timer to make sure you are on pace

Sounds like…

• Following any additional “Sounds like…” instructions noted on the board.

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Bathroom Passes

Looks like…

• Leaving the classroom

• Giving the Bathroom pass to the teacher to sign at the end of class.

Sounds like…

• Quietly leaving the classroom

• Quietly reentering the classroom

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Pair Share

• Looks like…

• Turning to the partner next to you

• Sounds like…

• Quietly sharing your wisdom and/or opinion addressing the prompt.

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Review / Instructions / Directions

Looks like…

• Turning your bodies to face the front of the class.

• Closing your mouths.

• Looking at the teacher, Smart Board, or the Whiteboard.

• Writing down notes or correcting mistakes.

Sounds like…

• Silently paying attention to what the teacher is saying.

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Asking / Answering Questions

Looks like…

• Raising your hand until the teacher calls on you.

• Paying attention as the teacher passes the speaking ball to you.

Sounds like…

• Remaining quiet until the whole class is paying attention to what you have to say.

• Sharing information that is relevant to the topic of conversation.

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Listening to Other Students

Looks like…

• Turning your bodies to face the person speaking.

• Closing your mouths.

• Looking at the teacher, Smart Board, or the Whiteboard.

• Writing down notes or correcting mistakes.

Sounds like…

• Silently paying attention to what the student is saying.

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Class Discussion

Looks like…

• Turning your bodies to face the person speaking.

• Respecting the opinions, ideas, and freedoms of others.

Sounds like…

• Silently paying attention to what the student is saying.

• Remaining quiet until the whole class is paying attention to what you have to say.

• Sharing information that is relevant to the topic of conversation.

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Group WorkLooks like…

• Facing the group that you are working with.

• Understand the purpose of the activity.

• Identify the strengths of the team.

• Working together.

• Paying attention to the countdown timer to make sure you are on pace

Sounds like…

• Communicating with the team what is being asked of the group.

• Defining the goals of the activity: Discuss with the team what they would like to present.

• Making sure that everyone knows their roles and what is expected of them.

• Engaging in relevant conversation about the work .

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Group Presentations

Looks like…

• Turning your bodies to face the group speaking.

• Respecting the opinions, ideas, and freedoms of others.

• Standing at the front of the class when presenting.

• Sharing the presentation responsibilities with the whole group.

Sounds like…

• Silently paying attention to what the student is saying.

• Remaining quiet until the whole class is paying attention to what you have to say.

• Sharing information that is relevant to the topic of conversation.

• Sharing the presentation responsibilities with the whole group.

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Individual Work

Looks like…

• Working in your own space on the task at hand.

• Paying attention to the countdown timer to make sure you are on pace.

• Independently reading when you have accomplished the individual work

Sounds like…

• Silently working on the task at hand

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Individual Test Taking

Looks like…

• Keeping your eyes on your own work

• Using only the material and media that the teacher provided to complete the test.

• Independently reading when you have finished your test.

Sounds like…

• Silently completing the test.

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Leaving the Classroom

Looks like…

• Waiting until the teacher say “Have a wonderful day!” to pack up.

• Dropping off exit tickets

Sounds like…

• Quietly talking with friends or Mr. Simoneau.

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Emergency DrillsLooks like…

• Following the directions of the teacher.

• Walking in a single file line out to the blacktop.

• Remaining in a single file on the blacktop.

• Walking in a single file line back to class.

Sounds like…

• Silently listening to the teacher during the whole drill.

• Silently walking to the blacktop.

• Silently remaining in line on the blacktop.

• Silently walking back to class.

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Active Shooter Drills

Looks like…

• Watching the teacher for instructions.

Sounds like…

• Absolute Silence

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Last Time in Mr. Simoneau’s History Class…

• English Dudes came to North America seeking freedom and new opportunities.

• The English Government mostly let the colonists run themselves.

• The Colonial Dudes thought of themselves as English Citizens and expected the same rights.

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Last Time in Mr. Simoneau’s History Class…

• George Washington accidently started World War 0 (The French and Indian War) and fought as a British soldier.

• The British basically got loans to defeat the French. They decided to tax the colonies to pay back the money.

• The Colonies did not like that very much…

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Last Time in Mr. Simoneau’s History Class…

• A series of Acts (laws) were passed to make the North American Colonies pay for the war.

• The colonists boycotted the taxed goods and protested the laws.

• A bunch of Rowdy Dudes, The Sons of Liberty, caused a lot of trouble for the English by having a Tea Party.

• The English punished Boston for its Tea Party.

• When the British tried to take some guns from a militia, someone opened fire and started the Revolutionary War.

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Last Time in Mr. Simoneau’s History Class…

• Massachusetts needed help. Patrick “Give me Liberty or Give me Death” dude convinced Virginia to help out. Other colonies followed.

• The Continental Congress picked George Washington to be general of the Continental Army.

• Tommy J decided that he needed to write a breakup letter.

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Last Time in Mr. Simoneau’s History Class…

• The Continental Army was made of highly motivated men with little training or supplies.

• The British Army was made of Highly trained men with little motivation or supplies.

• George Washington was a difference maker with his inspiring leadership.

• The French joined the side of the Colonists and helped turn the tide of the war.

• The British surrendered to George Washington at Yorktown.

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Last Time in Mr. Simoneau’s History Class…

• The Americans needed to figure out how to set up their government.

• At first, they created a very weak government under the Articles of Confederation.

• A bunch of angry farmer dudes exposed how ineffective the new government.

• Jimmy Madison had an idea to fix things…

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Last Time in Mr. Simoneau’s History Class…

• Jimmy Madison helped create a government with a strong central government that balanced the interests of states with large and small populations.

• This government also separated the functions of government into 3 Branches that can check each other to prevent one branch of government.

• In order to get states to adopt the Constitutional government, the government drafted a series of individual rights called the Bill of Rights.

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Task List for Wednesday, January 8th

- Entrance: Grab an Exit Ticket, Spiral, and Homework Packet

- Preparation: Fill out the exit ticket

- Prelude

- Vocabulary

- Exit: Complete Exit Ticket and drop it off in the cluster basket.

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• The song you are about to hear is called "Hail, Columbia." It was first performed at George Washington's inauguration in 1789.

• Read the lyrics as you listen to the song.

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• Go to the Preview assignment in your print or online Interactive Student Notebook. Write down your answers to the first two questions in the Preview.

• Let’s share our answers.• What are three adjectives that describe the song’s mood?

• How do you think Washington’s swearing in as president united the country?

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• The next song is a campaign song from the 1800 presidential election. This song was sung by members of the Republican party, one of the nation’s first political parties.

• Read the lyrics as you listen to the song.

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• Write down your answers to the remaining questions from the Preview in your Interactive Student Notebook.

• Let’s share our answers.• What are three adjectives that describe the song’s mood?

• According to the lyrics, what were some of the issues of the 1800 presidential election?

• In what ways do you think the nation changed between Washington’s inauguration in 1789 and the election of 1800?

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• Whiskey Rebellion: a revolt by farmers in 1794 against an excise tax on whiskey

• Washington’s Farewell Address: George Washington’s parting message to the nation, given in 1796, in which he warned of threats to the nation’s future

• loose construction: a broad interpretation of the Constitution, meaning that Congress has powers beyond those specifically given in the Constitution

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• strict construction: a narrow interpretation of the Constitution, meaning that the Congress has only those powers specifically given in the Constitution

• Sedition: the crime of encouraging rebellion against the government

• Nullify: to refuse to recognize a federal law

• states’ right theory: the theory that rights not specifically given to the federal government by the Constitution remain with the states

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• Read the Introduction on pg .

• Why might George Washington have been reluctant to become president?

• Why did George Washington choose Hamilton and Jefferson to serve in his cabinet?

• Why do you think Hamilton and Jefferson became political rivals?

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Task List for Thursday, January 9th

- Entrance: Grab an Exit Ticket, and ISN

- Preparation: Fill out the exit ticket

- ISNs

- Debate

- Exit: Complete Exit Ticket and drop it off in the cluster basket.

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• Complete Sections 1 – 4 in your ISNs

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• Now let’s debate four issues from the perspective of Jefferson and Hamilton.• Issue 1: View of Human Nature

• Issue 2: Best Form of Government

• Issue 3: Views on the Economy

• Issue 4: Views on Great Britain and France

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• Now let’s discuss this experience.

• How did it feel to represent Thomas Jefferson or Alexander Hamilton?

• What was the Republicans' vision for the United States?

• What was the Federalists' vision for the United States?

• If you were living in 1800, would you have been a Republican or a Federalist? Why?

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Task List for Friday, January 10th

- Entrance: Grab an Exit Ticket, ISN

- Preparation: Fill out the exit ticket

- Debate

- ISNs

- Exit: Complete Exit Ticket and drop it off in the cluster basket.

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• Now let’s debate four issues from the perspective of Jefferson and Hamilton.• Issue 1: View of Human Nature

• Issue 2: Best Form of Government

• Issue 3: Views on the Economy

• Issue 4: Views on Great Britain and France

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• Complete Sections 5 – 7 in your ISNs.

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Lesson 12: Foreign Affairs of a Young Nation

To what extent should the United Stateshave become involved in world affairs in the early 1800s?

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Task List for Monday, January 13th

- Entrance: Grab an Exit Ticket, ISN, Spiral, and Homework Packet

- Preparation: Fill out the exit ticket

- Prelude

- Vocabulary


- Exit: Complete Exit Ticket and drop it off in the cluster basket.

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• Examine this map.

• Go the Preview assignment in your print or online Interactive Student Notebook, and answer the questions.

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• The geographic location of the United States played a significant role in the development of the nation’s early foreign policy.

• You are going to learn how the United States responded to early foreign policy challenges and discuss how much the nation should have become involved in world affairs.

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• Neutrality: a policy of not choosing sides in a dispute or war between other countries

• Isolationism: a policy of avoiding political or military agreements with other countries

• Embargo: a government order that forbids trade with another country

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• Blockade: a closing off of an area to keep people or supplies from going in or out

• Monroe Doctrine: President James Monroe’s declaration in 1823 that the Western Hemisphere was no longer open to European colonization

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• Read the Introduction on pg

• Based on what you read, propose some possible answers to the Essential Question:

• To what extent should the United Stateshave become involved in world affairs in theearly 1800s?

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• Read Section 1, President Washington Creates a Foreign Policy, on pg . and then complete Section 1 in your ISN on pg .

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Task List for Tuesday, January 14th

- Entrance: Grab an Exit Ticket, ISN

- Preparation: Fill out the exit ticket

- Prelude

- Vocabulary

- Exit: Complete Exit Ticket and drop it off in the cluster basket.

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• In this activity, you will play the role of foreign policy advisers to four U.S. presidents.

• You will be summoned to the White House to make recommendations on how to respond to four foreign policy dilemmas faced by the United States.

• Before you can make your recommendations, you’ll need to do some background reading.

• Let’s get started!

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• To prepare for the first round, read Section 2, President Adams’s Dilemma: Protecting U.S. Ships, on pg and complete Section 2 in your ISN on pg .

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• Now it’s time for you to review the dilemmas facing President Adams and to make foreign policy recommendations to him.

• For each dilemma, your group will:• Discuss all of your options.

• Prepare arguments in support of one option and in opposition to the other options.

• Choose a spokesperson to present your group’s recommendation to the president.

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• In your group, discuss the foreign policy options.

• Prepare arguments in support of one option and in opposition to the other options.

• Choose a spokesperson to present your group’s recommendation to the president.

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• Now read Section 3, What Happened: Adams Pursues Peace, on pgand complete Section 3 in your ISN on pg.

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• To prepare for the next round, read Section 4, President Jefferson’s Dilemma: Dealing with Pirates, on pg and complete Section 4 in your ISN on pg .

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• In your group, discuss the foreign policy options.

• Prepare arguments in support of one option and in opposition to the other options.

• Choose a spokesperson to present your group’s recommendation to the president.

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• Now read Section 5, What Happened: Jefferson Solves the Problem, in the Student Text, on pg and complete Section 5 in you ISN on pg .

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Task List for Wednesday, January 15th

- Entrance: Grab an Exit Ticket, ISN

- Preparation: Fill out the exit ticket

- Prelude

- Vocabulary

- Exit: Complete Exit Ticket and drop it off in the cluster basket.

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• To prepare for the next round, read Section 6, President Madison’s Dilemma: Protecting Sailors and Settlers, on pg and complete Section 6 in your ISN on pg .

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• In your group, discuss the foreign policy options.

• Prepare arguments in support of one option and in opposition to the other options.

• Choose a spokesperson to present your group’s recommendation to the president.

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• Now read Section 7, What Happened: The War of 1812, on pg , and complete Section 7 in your ISN on pg .

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• To prepare for the next round, read Section 8, President Monroe’s Dilemma: A New Foreign Policy Challenge, on pg , and complete Section 8 in your ISN on pg .

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• In your group, discuss the foreign policy options.

• Prepare arguments in support of one option and in opposition to the other options.

• Choose a spokesperson to present your group’s recommendation to the president.

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• Now read Section 9, What Happened: The Monroe Doctrine, on pg , and complete Section 9 in your ISN on pg .

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Task List for Thursday, January 16th

- Entrance: Grab an Exit Ticket, ISN

- Preparation: Fill out the exit ticket

- Posters

- Exit: Complete Exit Ticket and drop it off in the cluster basket.

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Lesson 13: A Growing Sense of Nationhood

What did it mean to be an American in theearly 1800s?

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• I will assign your table a Section in Lesson 13.

• With your table, you will:• Create a Poster that illustrates that Main Points of the Section.

• Answers the Questions from your ISN for that Section in your ISN and


• Has color and is legible

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Task List for Friday, January 17th

- Entrance: Grab an Exit Ticket, ISN

- Preparation: Fill out the exit ticket

- Walkaround

- Exit: Complete Exit Ticket and drop it off in the cluster basket.

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• You will walk around to each of the Posters that you created yesterday.

• You will start with the NEXT Section. If you have the Last section, you will go to Section 1.

• Fill out the Answers to the ISNs based on the Poster