! essay axia1 !

Writing informal letters SPM SERIES: ENGLISH By JUGDEEP KAUR LETTER writing is an important aspect of any writing course. This is because letter writing is a very important activity in our daily lives, be it for business or personal purposes. In the Malaysian secondary school system, students are taught to write two types of letters – formal letters and informal letters although the latter is a dying art in this age of e-mails and text messages. Informal letters are easier to write in terms of format, language and tone. These letters are sometimes called social or friendly letters. Examples of informal letters include letters to family members and friends. Let’s look at some important aspects of an informal letter. In the accepted format, candidates must

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Writing informal lettersSPM SERIES: ENGLISHBy JUGDEEP KAUR

LETTER writing is an important aspect of any writing course. This is because letter writing is a

very important activity in our daily lives, be it for business or personal purposes.

In the Malaysian secondary school system, students are taught to write two types of letters –

formal letters and informal letters although the latter is a dying art in this age of e-mails and text


Informal letters are easier to write in terms of format, language and tone. These letters are

sometimes called social or friendly letters. Examples of informal letters include letters to family

members and friends.

Let’s look at some important aspects of an informal letter.

In the accepted format, candidates must

· indent paragraphs

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· use proper punctuation

· use capitalisation where necessary

For example, the month of the date (10 January 2009), the salutation (Dear Maria)

Under normal circumstances, it is perfectly acceptable to use informal language (e.g. stuff, jam-

packed) and contractions (I’ll, won’t) in an informal letter, but this is usually not acceptable in the

local examination system.

1. Some useful expressions on how to begin an informal letter

· Thank you for your letter which I received yesterday.

· I was pleasantly surprised to hear from you.

· It was wonderful to hear from you after so long.

· Thank you for your letter. I was pleased to hear that you are in good health.

· It was really nice hearing from you. I am glad that you like your new school.

· I hope this letter finds you in the pink (of health).

· Thank you for the lovely birthday card.

2. Some useful expressions on how to end an informal letter

· I promise to write to you soon.

· I hope you will reply soon.

· Give my best wishes to your parents.

· I am looking forward to seeing you.

· I look forward to hearing from you.

· Do write and tell me how you are progressing.

· Do write soon.

Let us take a look at a sample question. The question below is similar to the question in the

previous week’s article in terms of content points. Only the text-type differs.

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 Dear Raihan,

       It was a lovely surprise to hear from you after such a long time. I know I lost a good friend

when you moved to another town but I understand you had no choice as your father had to take

up the new posting.

       In your letter you asked me for some advice on what you should do to become a successful

student. If you want to be successful, you must set goals. People who set goals accomplish

more than those who do not. Write these goals on a piece of paper and put it up on the wall near

your study table. This way, you will be reminded of your goals every day.Moreover, you must be

motivated. When you are motivated you will have a strong desire to do well and to achieve your

goals. I have put up some inspiring motivational posters on the walls in my room. In

addition,you must pay attention in class. Listen actively and focus on what the teacher is

teaching. If you have disruptive classmates, sit in front of the classroom, away from

them. Always ask questions if you do not understand. Seek clarifications from your teachers or

your friends if you are shy to approach the former.

       Another important tip to being a successful student is to be organised. You can use a

planner or notebook to write down all your assignments when they are given. This way you will

not forget your homework, dates of tests or projects. Remember, if you are organised, you will be

well- prepared and you will have less stress. You must alsocomplete your homework on time.

Homework helps reinforce what you have learnt. It helps you understand and remember the

information your teachers have conveyed in their lessons.

       To be a successful student you must prepare well for exams. A successful student is one

who prepares for exams well in advance, and not at the eleventh hour. You must have diverse

interests if you want to be an outstanding student. You should take part in co-curricular

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activities in order to become a well-rounded person. These activities help develop leadership

skills and teamwork besides instilling values like cooperation and tolerance. Discipline is an

important aspect of our lives. No matter where you go or what you do, you will be subjected to

rules and regulations. Hence, it is crucial that you obey the school rules. Besides, you must

respect everyone. You must respect your parents, your teachers, the school staff and also your

friends. You must respect other people’s feelings and opinions.

       There are also several things you must avoid if you want to be a successful student. You

must avoid wasting time. These days many teenagers spend hours chatting online on social

networks such as Facebook or playing computer games. These are a waste of time and will not

benefit you in any way. Remember, ‘Time and tide wait for no man’. Also, avoid skipping

school. Some students feel that school is a waste of time as they can learn better from their

tuition teachers. This is not true. Your teachers are experienced and well qualified. They are also

experienced examiners and they know how to impart knowledge effectively

       I have to stop here. I hope the above tips will come in handy. Till I hear from you, take care.

Dear Raihan,

       It was lovely to hear from you after such a long time.

       In your letter you asked me for some advice on how to become a successful student. If you

want to be successful, you must set goals.Moreover, you must be motivated. Motivation

makes you work hard. This will help you to achieve your goals. In addition, you must pay

attention in class. Focus on what the teacher is teaching. You mustalways ask questions if

you do not understand. You can ask your teachers to explain things to you.

       To be a successful student you must be organised. Use a notebook to write down all your

homework. This way you will not forget to do your homework. You must also complete your

homework on time. Homework helps you to understand and remember what the teachers have

taught. Besides, you must prepare well for exams. You must not study at the eleventh

hour. You should also take part in co-curricular activities. These activities help you becaome

a better person. You learn leadership skills and values like cooperation and tolerance. Discipline

is important in our lives. Hence, it is important thatyou obey the school rules. Lastly, you

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must respect everyone. You must respect your parents, your teachers, the school staff and

also your friends.

       There are also several things you must avoid if you want to be a successful student. You

must avoid wasting time. Do not waste time on Facebook. Also, do not play computer games

all the time. It will not help you in any way. Avoid skipping school. If you skip school, you will

miss out on important lessons and you will find it difficult to catch up with your other classmates.

       I have to stop here. I hope you find the above tips useful. Till I hear from you, take care.

The sample above is meant to show weak students how they can get marks for format and

content. Most of the sentences are simple sentences and the elaborations are simple.

Remember when you write an informal letter:

Do not use slang words

· Do not use words which are in a language other than English. This means you cannot

write Dear Abah, or Dear Amma even if that is how you address your parents.

· Do not sign off with Love and Kisses. Keep that for your personal letters.

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Describe your relationship with your father 

Every evening, as I am doing my schoolwork in my room, the familiar sound of my father's car reaches my ears. I imagine his Fort Cortina coming up the driveway, the engine purring to a stop. I know that in a few moments, my father will be pausing outside my door, looking in quietly, so as not to stir me from my concentration. I know he will feel pleased as he watches me studying.

My father, at 53 years, has thinning hair swept back from his forehead. He has a slim and athletic body. His broad shoulders and rather serious demeanor give him an air of authority. Yet, behind his steel-rimmed glasses are soft, kind eyes.

My father has always been my source of encouragement. When I was very young, he would take a book from our small home library and read aloud to me every night. Secure and loved, on his lap, I was introduced to the fascinating realm of books. He would read stories and parables from the Bible. Thus, he instilled in me a sense of God's presence in this world.

I remember how, as he was reading, my father would point out the spelling of words. Then one day, he instructed me to read the words for myself. To our shared delight, I found that I was able to do so. From that day onwards, I was the one who would read aloud, with his gentle correction every now and then. Soon after that, I was picking up the hooks and reading them on my own. I became quite a bookworm.

As I grew into boyhood, my bookish ways and disinterest in outdoor games made me overweight, clumsy and rather unfit. One day, my father stood observing me as I was running to a field, just 50 yards away. I arrived there, huffing and puffing. Worriedly, he told me that he would not like to see his son grow up into an unhealthy man.

From that day onwards, he started to take me on jogs. At first, I was a most reluctant jogger. However, these days, as I stand perched on the peak of Mount Kina, breathing deeply after a good run, I remember his words, "A healthy body breeds a healthy mind."

My father has a store of wise sayings which may seem common to some but always strike the correct note with me. Once, when I was really depressed, he put an arm around my shoulders and gently asked me what was troubling me. Lifting my bowed head, I poured out my heart's discontent. After listening, he consoled me. Then he said, "Smile, and the world around you will smile." Somehow, I was able to smile in spite of my problems.

At another time, when I was about to give up on a task, he advised me, "If a job deserves to be done, it deserves to be done well." Somehow, his words gave me the strength to try again, and I was able to succeed. Since then, whenever I feel dauntedby a task, his advice always comes to mind and this spurs me on to persevere.

Looking back, I realize that every step of the way, through my childhood and adolescence, my father has been there for me whenever I needed him. When I was sick, he would rush me to the doctor. When I was sick at heart, he would know just the right things to say. In any kind of trouble, I would just have to give him a call. He would surely be there.

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I am only a few years away from adulthood and know that many more challenges lie ahead of me. However, I can be sure that my father will be there, looking out for me all the way. Why? Because he loves me.

    demeanor  The way in which a person behaves


 to make someone feel slightly frightened or worried about their ability to achieve something

    spur on  to encourage an activity

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Informal LetterFormats for Informal Letter in the Malaysian school system:

Students are taught to:

include the writer’s address and date in the upper right hand corner. The date   can be written in different forms. (7th September 2009, 7 SEPTEMBER 2009 or  7.9.2009)

use the most common salutation. (Dear John) indent paragraphs. include a suitable complimentary close. (Your loving daughter) Do not use ‘Regards’ as it is considered slightly more formal and

distant. Also, do not use ‘Best Wishes’ as this is considered inappropriate. use proper punctuation. For example, a comma should be used after

the salutation and complimentary close. use capitalisation where necessary. For example, the month of the

date (10 January 2009), the salutation (Dear Maria)

Under normal circumstances, it is perfectly acceptable to use informal language (e.g. stuff, jam-packed) and contractions (I’ll, won’t) in an informal letter, but   this is usually not acceptable in the local examination system.

Let’s look at some important aspects of an informal letter.

1.       Organisation

       Paragraph 1 – include formalities; give reason for writing the letter.

       Paragraph 2 onwards – depends on the reason for writing the letter. If

       your reason is to tell the recipient about your holiday, then you will        include details of the holiday.

       The last paragraph – you can give a reason why you have to stop        writing such as:

       I am sorry I have to stop here because it is getting late.

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       I am sorry I have to stop here because …

       I have to stop now because …

       Or you can simply end the letter in a number of appropriate ways as         shown in #3 below.

2.       Some useful expressions on how to begin an informal letter

>       I was pleasantly surprised to hear from you.

>       Thank you for your letter. I was pleased to hear that you are in good           health.

>       It was really nice hearing from you. I am glad that you like your new          school.

>       I hope this letter finds you in the pink (of health).

>       Thank you for the lovely birthday card.

3.       Some useful expressions on how to end an informal letter

>       I promise to write to you soon.

>       I hope you will reply soon.

>       Give my best wishes to your parents.

>       I am looking forward to seeing you.

>       I look forward to hearing from you.

>       Do write and tell me how you are progressing.

Sample Question

Your younger sister, who is studying in a boarding school, has written to complain that she finds the compulsory co-curricular activities very tiring. Write a letter to her to explain the benefits of co-curricular activities.

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Use the notes given below to write your letter.

>       help you become a better person

>       instill discipline

>       learn good values - cooperation

>       respect for others

>       develop leadership skills

>       learn to organize activities

>       provide opportunities - to develop social skills

>       to take part in competitions

>       keep you healthy

>       get a good testimonial

When writing your letter, remember to include the following:

>       your address

>       a proper salutation/greeting

>       a complimentary close

>       all the notes given above

Sample answer 1

10, Jalan Mega Minang, Taman Minang Sari,68000 Ampang, Selangor.7th September 2009

Dear Lina,

       It was lovely to hear from you. All of us miss you very much. Mum

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and Dad are glad that you are slowly adjusting to life in a boarding school.

       In your letter you complained about the compulsory co-curricular activities. Well, let me tell you that you can reap many benefits through active participation in these activities. Firstly, the various co-curricular activities help you become a better person (point 1). Participation in uniformed units, clubs and societies, sports and games will help you discover your talents and develop your character. You will become a more confident and well-rounded person. The strict rules and good behaviour expected of you as a member of a uniformed unit will instil discipline (point 2) in you. This is important if you are to become a law-abiding citizen.

       Besides, you will learn good values (point 3) through the various co-curricular activities. You will learn about the importance ofcooperation (point 4) and respect for others (point 5). These values are very important in a multi-racial society like ours.

       You have always said that you admire great leaders like Nelson Mandela and Abraham Lincoln. Well, co-curricular activities will certainly help you to develop leadership skills (point 6). There will be ample opportunities to enable you to become a good leader. Besides learning how to plan events, you will learn to organise activities (point 7).Sometimes, you might even have to handle a challenging situation and this will teach you how to make on-the-spot decisions.

       More importantly, co-curricular activities provide you with many opportunities (point 8) to help you develop social skills (point 9). As you know, a person with good social skills has an edge these days. Extra-curricular activities will also provide you with opportunities to take part in competitions (point 10) at various levels. Schools usually select their representatives for competitions at zone, state or national level by looking at their students’ performance in school-level competitions.

       These activities also keep you healthy (point 11). Who knows, you might finally shed your baby fat! Most importantly, you will get a good testimonial (point 12) if you are active in co-curricular activities. This will definitely boost your chances when applying for a scholarship or a job.

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There is no need for you to worry that participation in these activities will affect your grades. On the contrary, it has been proven that students who are actively involved usually do well academically.

I hope you will take the opportunities co-curricular activities provide to experience new things and discover your strengths.

I have to stop here. I have to study for my trial examination, which is in two weeks’ time. Till I hear from you, take care.

Your loving sister, Shuhada

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Dear Fathers, our lives without you has been nothing but an empty void where you should have been and continue to be. It's like a big whole that keeps getting bigger and bigger if we don't see you. When we think of you and all the pain and anger you've caused our family over the years, it brings tears to our eyes. When you call to say you can't make the plans because you have to work or whatever the excuse may be, it hurts us to the core. Sure we say, "Okay, I understand." and then hang up. But truth be told, it cuts us more than you can imagine. When you left when we were a child, we thought nothing of it. Maybe we've missed you and wondered where you were then. However, things have changed. Now that we're older, we begin to realize places where you should be. Like Sweet 16 parties or Father Daughter Dances. Many of us girls miss out on things like that that should bring a daughter and father close. It's important to us. The amount of hurt you've caused can't be erased just by you coming into our lives andsaying, "I'm here now." That won't cut it. It's going to take alot for us daughters to forgive the scars you've left on our heartsthroughout all these years. You've damaged us emotionally and maybe even physically. Who knows. But eventually, we will forgive you dads. It may not be today or tommorrow, but we'll do it in our own time. We'll do it when our hearts let go of the painful past. We'll do it when we don't tear up at the mention of your constant absence in our everyday lives as a teenage girl. We'll forgive you when our hearts are truely ready. But as of now, the only thing we can do is try our best to grow closer together and see each other as much as we can. It's true when they say tommorrow is never guarunteed because it isn't. Weonly have now to live for. All we can do is just try our hardest and bestest to let go of what you did. So, I say to all the daughters out there who do have a good father who cares for you, and makes you their whole world, I say tell them you love them everyday. Tell them thank you for being there with you everyday, physically and emotionally. Tell them thanks for chasing away your boy crushes and embarrassing you in front of your friends. Thank them for wiping away your tears at night and holding you close and kissing you goodnight. Thank them for being a real fathers.


Your Daughters

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   Continuous Writing: Narrative - Sample Essay



Why is this mathematics exercise tougher than usual? It is taking me forever to finish it even though I started at eight o’clock. Now it is already 10 o’clock  and I am not even halfway through. I kept glancing at my computer at the corner of my room. It looked so inviting, making me unsure whether to continue my homework or to just stop and go online. It look me exactly two seconds to make up my mind. I am going online!

Obviously from my decision, you know that I am an internet freak. I am willing to do anything (including procrastinating my mathematics homework, even though I know very well my teacher is Mr. Fitzgerald, or more popularly known as Mr. Fitz the Bald. May God help those who dare to mess up with him!). O.K., so I am a self-confessed internet addict but at least I am computer literate!I absolutely adore computers but my greatest love has got to be the Internet Relay Chat (IRC). This is because it gave me a sense of freedom and exhilaration,unlike anything I have experienced before. You can be a supermodel, an astronaut or the local zoo keeper and no one would even know the difference.

When I sat in front of the monitor and clicked on the IRC programme, a short but unique name caught my eye. ‘Neo’. I said ‘hi’ and introduced myself. I was ecstatic when Neo answered and turned out to be a great conversationalistand we hit it off immediately. We chatted about everything and I felt as though I had known him since the dawn of time. It never occurred to me to get back to my homework and by the time I did, it was already too late. Realizing this, I dreaded the next day because that was when I had to brace myself for the impact of Mr. Fitz the Bald’s blashing. I could picture him now, nostrils flared, sweat trickling down his forehead, the gestures of his hand animating his words, eyes that shine with a wild black fire and a head shinier than usual (sometimes you can even see his veins becoming visible and that makes his complexion become a weird shade of red). God, please help me!

The next day was a living hell. Everybody was mad at me and I was mad at myself. I just wanted to shout it out to the world, “ I am a victim of modern civilization!”. Then, to relieve my stress, I went out online and Neo was there. He asked me about my day and I told him how I overslept and missed the bus to school, how Mr. Fitz the Bald punished me in front of the whole class and how the class shunned and threw a cold glaring look at me because they had to complete ten exercises which were due the following day just because I failed to complete my work. He just

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listened to me and was very understanding and supportive. He even sent me a bouquet of virtual flowers to cheer me up and I was touched. It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

We continued to be friend for a whole month without even knowing how the other looked like but this teeny-weeny fact did not bother me at all. But then, one day Neo told me he would really like to meet me because he felt as if were friends faceless voices. I tried every trick in the book but I could not dodge his request. He noticed my effort and he demanded why I was acting that way. I could not explain why and so I finally gave in. our meeting was set, he was supposed to wear a navy blue shirt, khakis and brown leather shoes. When he described what he was going to wear, I ealized that he must be quite rich todress so elegantly. As for me, I was just going to settle on a red blouse and myfaded blue jeans. We agreed to meet in front of Starbuck’s coffee house at two o’clock, two days from now.            Surely you must be wondering why did I not want to meet him. I was afraid that if he knew how I looked like, he would not have interest in being my friend anymore because I was not like other normal teenagers, so vibrant and full of life. When others ran, I lagged behind because my artificial leg could not stand much pressure. The truth is, I was not born handicapped but lost my leg on a mountain expedition last year. I was helping my friend up the ravine but I slipped and fell. I was alive but my right leg was severely injured and had to beamputated. That is why I now have a  prosthetic leg . I have felt wonderful   it was to be normal and it makes the pain much harder to bear. My old life which full of physical activities, seemed like a passing wind, never to come again. I was not fit anymore to join my friends and that threw my confidence out of the window. I was afraid Neo would not accept me.

The next day, my mind was occupied with thoughts of him and his reaction. So, to ease my mind, I made him promise not to judge me by my appearance but by my inside me. I did not tell him the truth because I wanted to know if he was sincere in his friendship.

When the moment finally came, I was ready for anything. When I arrived, I noticed a fine looking young man that fits Neo’s description. When I said ‘fine looking’, I was not kidding. He came with his friend, so before I approached him, I studied him first. He was athletically built and tall with mocha coloured skin. His hair was neat and it looked as though it was woven from the hues of midnight sky. His eyes, brown and alert but with certain mysterious glint. It made him looked arrogant and egoistical. I could see that he was so anxious and restless that even his friend’s comforting words could not help to soothe him.

Slowly, I walked up to him and introduced myself. I smiled at him but I could see that he was shocked to see my condition and he failed to hide it. Hebabbled something indecipherable. He asked how I was and we chatted a little but he seemed restless, I looked at him knowingly and

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then he glanced at his wristwatch. He excused himself and said that he had to go. Neo’s friend looked at him in disbelief but Neo ignored his glance. Neo promised to call me later then he hurriedly left. It happened so fast and before I realized it, he was gone.

Neo had failed the test. He could not handle the truth, so it was better to let him go. There was no sense in postponing the inevitable. I knew he would never call me again. I knew that our first meeting was also our last. There would be no next time. He had broken his promise and maybe it was true that broken promise lead to broken hearts. Even though I have been through similar situations before, it still hurts. But I will still keep trying because I believe that even when the darkest moments dawns, it comes with the promise of a new day. I just have to move and live with the fact that sometimes, people are not what they seem to be. Thanks to Neo, I know it now.

So, as I sat at the corner of the table at Starbuck’s, looking out the window, I saw a group of teenage girls giggling as if laughing at a secret joke. How I envy them! I looked at them as they passed by and then I reflected on what had happened. I looked down at my coffee and saw my reflection. Then suddenlya tear trickled down my cheek and fell into the coffee, obscuring my reflection.

Continuous Writing: Sample EssayWrite an essay ending with “… with tears in her eyes, she hugged me tightly.”

It was the wettest December I had ever experienced. The torrential rains had ruined my holiday plans as floods continued to wreak havoc in several states. I had pleaded with dad to allow me to go to the east coast with my friends but he had been unyielding. The thought of having to stay indoors for the next two weeks was not only depressing but also unbearable. Television did not excite me anymore. I was fed up of watching the same old movies on cable television. Even the other channels had nothing exciting to offer. Finally, I decided to go into the attic to retrieve some books which I had not read for a long time.

The attic was surprisingly clean – a sign that mum had finally completed the chore that she had kept putting off. I looked around and noticed a teak chest that I had never seen before. Curiosity got the better of me and I walked towards it. I lifted the lid slowly and was pleasantly surprised to see a variety of things in it – all of them reminders of my childhood. I looked nostalgically at the clothes I had worn as a child and the toys I had played with. ‘Bobo’ the teddy bear, which I had slept with until I was ten, had been dry-cleaned and kept in a box which also contained the first Mother’s Day card I had made myself. I was not prepared for what I saw next. Lying at the bottom of the cardboard box was an old black and white photograph of a young woman. I stared at it incredulously. It was as if I was looking at a female version of myself. All sorts of questions and dreadful thoughts flooded my mind. I held the photograph tightly in my hand and dashed out of the attic, only to bump into my mother.

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“Mum….who is this?” I asked in a quivering voice.

From the look on her face, I knew it was a question she did not want to answer. Quietly, she held my hand and led me towards the study where dad had been working all morning. She knocked on the door once before opening it. Dad looked up, and his expression of annoyance disappeared when he saw the photograph in my hand.

What I heard that day is something I will never forget for the rest of my life. The woman in the photograph was my mother, my biological mother — Lily Lee.

“Son, Lily loved you very much; just as much as Janet here loves you.”

Dad’s use of the past tense made me uncomfortable. It took a great deal of effort on his part to narrate the painful past.

My biological mother was six months pregnant when the incident happened. She had been walking towards her office when a motorcyclist came from behind and grabbed her handbag before speeding off. As a result of the sudden assault, she had lost her balance and fallen on the kerb. The head injuries she had sustained had a devastating effect on her health. The only option was to perform surgery, but due to her condition, this option was risky. The doctors had wanted to terminate her pregnancy to save her life but she had refused. A month later she fell into a coma. Although the doctors had given up hope, Lily continued to live, though in a comatose state. It was as if she was not giving up on life till her baby was born. When the doctors deemed it safe, they performed an emergency C-section. Lily breathed her last the moment I was born into this world.

Dad sobbed softly as he finished relating the heart-wrenching story. All sorts of emotions consumed me. I was sad, confused and angry. Was I adopted? What about my father? Who was he? Had he abandoned me? After a while, I braved myself and stated what I thought was obvious.

“So, that means you are not my real parents. I am adopted!”

“No, son. You are not adopted. I am your father. Lily was my first wife. She made me promise her that I would marry her younger sister, Janet, so that you would not grow up motherless.”

The sense of relief that I felt at that moment was indescribable. I looked at mum and I saw the pain and anguish in her eyes, as though she was anticipating rejection. Quickly, she looked down.Slowly, I got up from my chair and walked towards her. I went down on my knees and held her hands in mine. Her eyes remained downcast, fearful of rejection.

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“Mum, I know I am only seventeen but I am more mature than you think. You might not have given birth to me but you are and will always be my mother.” I comforted her as much as I comforted myself.

She looked up slowly, her eyes searching my face for sincerity. Then with tears in her eyes, she hugged me tightly.

Young People as A Force For Change

by Sarah Hasnor Abu Hassan

Let me tell you of my thousand-mile story. This story was not written just so people

would weep and then simply forget about it. No, this story is for everyone to reflect on

themselves, and open their minds to the fact that the world is not utopian. It is up to us

to make it a brighter place, to live life accordingly, through love for others and


My best friend in the whole wide world, Linda, was HIV-positive. It’s as simple as that.

Or so it seems. The news came as a shock to me, of course, and for the whole week I

refused to meet her for fear of being ‘contaminated’. What was worse, I allowed my

selfish, ignorant, narrow mind to make negative assumptions on how Linda contracted it

— sex, drugs, and all that which seemed so wrong to me.I came to my senses when

Mum finally pulled my aside and told me exactly how my friend contracted the virus.

Linda had had to have a blood transfusion when she was young and at that time,

somehow or other the blood was not screened beforehand to check for the virus. I

pretended that it did not matter because I wasn’t ever going to see her again, but deep

down I was feeling remorseful and guilty. I found myself feeling lonely and sad that

whole day and I finally decided that I was guilty, and had to go and apologise to Linda.

When I went to see her, she was so sweet and forgiving. We sat on the swings and it

was me who was overdoing it — weeping on her shoulder, asking for her forgiveness

over and over again. I marvel at the fact that she did not hate me for kicking sand in her

eyes. I gave her a big hug and said, ‘Lin, you are my best friend and I promise I will do

anything in my power to help you. From that day, we had a mutual understanding and

we gave each other a sense of comfort. I think that my being there gave Linda

strength.The first thing I did to fulfill my promise was to increase my awareness and get

rid of my ignorance on the topic of HIV and AIDS. I went to the National Library,

travelled to the Malaysian AIDS Council and searched online for any information on

HIV/AIDS. I remember looking at an article on stigma and discrimination faced by

people living with HIV/AIDS and I started crying all over again, recalling my own

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prejudice towards Linda. One of the staff at the Malaysian AIDS Council noticed me in

that state and after I had explained what I was going through between choked sobs, she

looked at me in the eye and said, It’s normal that we feel different around people with

HIV/AIDS. But you must understand that the stigma surrounding this disease can only

be eliminated when we are all aware of what it actually is. We have to help these people

go through life as normally as possible, we have to be strong for them.” I reflected on

these words and realised that it is not so much the virus that kills people, but rather the

fear and hopelessness.

Through my research and reading, I began to understand more and more about HIV and

AIDS. However, the more I knew, the more frightened I became. I realised that Lin was

not as healthy as she made herself look. I learned that her viral load was 10 000 and her

T-cell count, or CD4 was only 300. CD4 cells are an important part of the immune

system, and a healthy person averages between 500 — 1 500 CD4 cells per milliliter of

blood. Although Linda didn’t have AIDS, these figures meant that her immune system

was at alow, where AIDS- related complications could easily develop.

I kept Linda company as much as I could, and I tried not to sympathise, but rather

empathise with her. I treated her as I had always treated her before I knew of her

condition. I reminded her to take her medication consistently, and my fussiness

sometimes annoyed her. However, once in a while we would argue because she made

herself feel helpless. I would try to make her see that it was up to her to prove that she

was not a victim and realise that there was still so much that she could do. At other

times, we would talk and pour our hearts out. Lin confessed that she was terrified and it

ached my heart to see her speak of her future as if it would not be there. But, right then

I also understood that sometimes, when there’s nothing else you can do, talking relieves

a lot of the pressure.Sometimes, those who did not understand what she was going

through would taunt her. Some people even made it a point to purposely avoid her, or

simply refuse to be in the same room as her. It was during these times that I knew she

would feel isolated and vulnerable therefore I stood up for her. I tried to make my other

friends understand, and finally they did. They saw through the disease and realised that

they could not abandon Linda simply because she was sick. With the support of all our

friends, we tried to create a happy and caring environment for Linda.

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I think the most poignant moment during these times were when we visited the

Malaysian AIDS Council together. I stood back and watched my best friend engage in

contact with other people who were HIV-positive. She also talked to the counsellors and

I could see that she would be thinking deeply after those sessions. When I asked, she

would reply, “It’s not right that I think it’s unfair that I have HIV. Now I think about all

those underprivileged people who do not have the chance to talk to counsellors, or have

friends, or have the means to purchase medication.After a year, the nightmares began.

Linda suffered severe weight loss and began to get endlessly ill. She went in and out of

hospitals and I dreaded to hear the truth. One day, her parents called me up to tell me

gently that Linda had developed AIDS and was only given 6 months to live. I didn’t

register it at first, because all this while I was so sure that Linda was going to stay well,

even though she had HIV. I didn’t know what to say or do during my first few visits to

the hospital after knowing that she had developed AIDS. We just looked at each other

and I couldn’t bear to see the pain in her eyes. Gradually we both accepted the

situation. Our acceptance freed ourselves from the fear of what might come, and

instilled a new power in Linda.During the next few months, I managed to get a grip on

myself. With my other friends, the school counsellors and Student Council, we

organised an AIDS charity drive to promote understanding and knowledge of the

disease. The proceeds went to Linda, to pay for her medical treatment. Our other

friends, and even those who did not know Linda all sent cards wishing her well, and

visited her as often as she wanted us to. We would bring her favourite cookies, and we’d

talk about current events, trends, everything that teenagers should know. We tried not

to make her feel that the world was passing by without her, so sometimes we’d bring

our newly-bought clothes and let her try them out. We sneaked in my Playstation that

she loved to play so much, and brought CDs of her favourite singers for her to listen to.

As much as we tried, we did not have the power to make the disease go away. Linda

soon developed a lung infection called Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia. My friends and

I would stay at her bedside, reciting prayers together. When I went home, I’d do the

Hajat prayers and beg Allah to lessen my friend’s pain.My best friend Linda returned to

Allah the Almighty seven months after she was confirmed as having developed AIDS. I

have lost a best friend, but I know that it is the will of God to try us. When I recollect

the memories, I see that it has taught me many valuable lessons, the most valuable

being that we should treasure our friends, and love them as we love ourselves. I am also

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now an activist, working hard at eliminating the stigma and discrimination associated

with HIV and AIDS. I hope that AIDS awareness is promoted to people, especially young

people, around the world so that we can take a firm stand and prevent this epidemic

from prolonging.

Continuous Writing: Sample - Narrative

I felt faint. I could not believe what I was hearing. I wanted to die. The news

was unbelievable.

The alarming school bell rang meaning the end of another tedious and exhausting day of

school. I made my way home taking all the possible shortcuts. As I was a few yards

away, I heard a crowd’s chattering and a familiar voice like my dad’s. I started walking


I squeezed my way through the crowd. I noticed a body lying on the floor covered with a

white, blood stained sheet. I started shouting at my dad not noticing his handcuffed


“What’s happening?” I screamed

“Nothing it is just a misunderstanding dear” He answered hesitatingly

“What Is?”

I was then taken aside by two police men. They told me everything.

“Your mum is…… dead” said the tall one

The word “dead” echoed in my head. I could not believe what I was hearing. My poor

beloved mum’s soul was under the sheet. My dad murdered her. I dared not to lift the

sheet. But then I did and gave her a soft kiss on her cheek.

She was taken to hospital by an ambulance, and as for my dad, he was taken to the

police station for further investigations. How could he? I will never forgive him.

I was left all on my own. No one to look after me. I was taken in to social care until my

aunt comes.

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“We have informed your aunt Betty of what has happened.” Said the social worker.

“She had a shock and so she needs to recover so she will come to get you after a few


It was obvious that I will never be able to live with my dad. He is a murderer. I will

never forget and forgive what he done to her, however I never thought that the day will

come and he will murder her.

After a few days the social worker told me to get ready. She said my relative Tea Sea

Ting will be coming to get me to live with her. Then I remembered. Aunt Tea Sea Ting!

She was the woman that I hated in the whole universe. It was absolutely impossible for

me to live with her. She is a cruel cold hearted woman. She used to think that I was

very much spoilt that’s why I never got any  or birthday present from her. She also said

once that I had no manners and was an absolute disgrace to the family. Living with an

aunt like that is complicated.

She lives in northern Johore and I live in the east. I was always happy to think that she

was far way and that I will never see her again.

The car parked right outside her bungalow. My hands started shaking with fear. As I

came out of the car she gave me a “you will regret it” face. I entered the house and then

she showed me my room. She was gentle with me at that moment since the social

worker was there. However when the social worker left, she started picking on me. It

was like I was living in hell. She would say that it was my fault that my dad killed my

mum and that when I grow I will be like him. A murderer.

“It is in your blood” she said one day.

My life started to be complicated. I started to wet the bed from fear and nightmares of

my mum. That led to more complications since she would get the chance to pick on me.

I had to leave my school from east Johore and go to a dump near hers. School and home

lives were hell.

The thought of me never seeing my mum ever again was heartbreaking, but the thought

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of living with Aunt Tea Sea Ting all my life was like rain without clouds same as me

without my mum.

My Life Is Always Going To Stay Complicated.

thanx for following my blog...ok you take one big event that you want to write in

your essay...let say you went on a fishing trip at a river somewhere and suddenly

while you were fishing you saw a man drowned in the water, struggling for

help...with all your might you tried to help him, finally you succeeded assisting him

to reach ashore. The man was very grateful to you. a week after that when you

came back from school you saw a new motorbike parked very firm at you

veranda......you wondered where it came from and who owned the bike. ....then

when you got into your house the man that you saved were talking to your parents..

and the bike was a gift form him....knowing that the bike was meant for you, you

were at seventh heaven( very happy).Then, you darted to veranda and you were



1.  Write  a story  ending  with :

‘’..........We said our goodbyes and went  our separate ways.’’

2.  Write a story ending with :

‘’.........Now  i  realise the value of a true friend.’’

3.  Write a story ending with :

‘’If only  i had been more careful, that would not have happened.’’

4.  Write a story with the title :  An unexpected visitor.

5.  Write a story about a narrow escape.

6.  Write a story beginning with  ‘’ Suddenly the lights went off and i...............’’

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7.  Write a story entitled ‘’The Stranger’’.

8.  Write a story ending with..........’’It was the happiest moment of my life’’.

9.  Narrate an incident to illustrate ‘ A friend indeed is a friend in need.’’

10.  Write a story starting with :

‘’She glared at me and walked away............’’

11.  Write a story with the title :  The Perfect Friend’’.

12.  Write a story ending with :

‘’ I was speechless and touched as it was the most wonderful gift i ever had.’’

13.  Write a story about an unexpected journey.

14.  Write a story ending with : ‘ From  that day onwords, i never wanted to see him again.’

15.   Write a story ending with : ‘ From  that day onwords, i promised to be moderate in whatever i did.’

16.  Write a story beginning  with :   ’’ i  could see that the man was very unhappy....’’

17.  Write a story beginning with the line : ‘’It seemed like it was going to be another one of those days  when  nothing  much happens.’’

18.  Write  a  story that ends with these lines :  ‘’please believe me.  I never meant to hurt you,’’ he cried.

19.  Write a story based on ( beginning with)  this line : By evening,  she was running a high fever.....’’      

20.  ‘’The rain kept pouring and there was loud clap of thunder in the sky.’’ Begin a story with this sentence.

21.  ‘’The audience stood and clapped loudly.’’  End your story with this sentence.

22.  Write a story on ‘’United we stand, divided we fall.’’