
FINANCE AND TRADE. Xiddllag Cotton 18 1- -2 to 18 $-- 4 Ex-M- lt -- 8 Dbeout to Par SwM 111 UtQ-- M. ActlTeButaew Fe4 Market Dull ProsecU fCorm. The Strtofeaey Uffctomlmc-S- ale County and CWIeetoa KaUromd Boi-!(e- w But Oam- - Cotton Still Baojnal Onr Market Ad. cd sales, 2100 Bake Sew Orleaas FaeiliUea-Tle- kB. barg ComaUXnta, "aii-- Afp-la- i. TraanaT. Oetobar U, II The f l.usiueesand the rush at d ran and morning, but on turning lute Mad'wnMr.' aed: , f" ta.Ute,i oo tnf nasja and little datna inn iwini steue buildings, change ri- - Tr,0", !''CTS! 5 tocoum buying ing to polrfts except wheraSabt "".. wa lighter and . V. positing rather better; son, - sUchl lninrnv,-i- n Uf monetary attuaAUm wa tEoutl to be - Brokers were paying Ills r " ill i ?' M9mPoJ and Charleston ilroad bonds rbancad nando at (Be is rate : Us Barbuar Lews. certSe cuut warranu aw sold at 85. The... war runt, are rising In value a. Uie one year (or in- - 1, i hey ran not be used t. pay taxes alides further tnto the fiaatjJVe learn that on the Isy November lot Madlaoa street will be bj lb Meelianisx, and Tratkm' ask, , ?2t!D "?-'- ' nd J. A. ftiiTl"- - "e directory Include "UMiiess men. The establish S3'" "ains 'd broker s . HJtu " "h a C. c. Uraharu a mar at mtatmt experience; u' no difficulty lu i , . i;.. laQ'nred and conseuuenm V " Ckatuer, Mf. TUT i himsett esteem and .ndustn .us.euergeiic, j man ot bualnoas. Sever alway. prompt, firm and de an ccquisit on on ahkh the new congraeale.Ved. The mouev .Muintslned of everva here, our err, mof. unfavorably atleeted '' -- "" of Monday eT' no change In the con- st woe., money market during the th market ha been very close SW m aeareity of loanable runda sd continue, to be considerably In itlit bunk" ability toiapply. aothat impelled to refuse all demands from 1 he rates are Arm at 10 per cent, ver the eesxaxer the past week has active, and the leposi t. are creep-rwl- New ark exchange no'- s- toll discount par 10 between t - premluni to customers over the I'he amount of Hoothera business of small figures. and i hhj aaalnsl of the 13th stalest Me ent to notle In tfce muni lurUier variation in tie banks for currency ,uite as Aronf at k. The offering od DutMn, but manv of Ui-- are wnhdrawn iti uene of the irt;e bein unwilling to the advunce in d Ik not mm m'vear from the thrum -- iy wa. neverthe.em, voutinue to quote first-ren- t. pr annum, A 1 at ftrM-el- IB HljMgW at TisjEartat 12. The mow ntgotiaN-- continue na on 8a tar day, report--d in twenty minutas 8 same paper r. luorto: ie first telegram, lowor foreign exohtuig UtaB' pted after the 111 quo-ie- n c. and paid more for bills ibev ve givVI1 half an hour The. these fluctuation-- , it felt in .nanj u runcbes of trade, as well as in aijd notably so in our leading staple. , no roe:m an isolated case, ittrb frwquenUy, and have a dis-- ; KiTltienc on trade tbrouchout th4 iitiT The flurtuatiatns in gold at New orm present. In fact, oae of the chief evil tot jaen antile classes, and capadally those of p movement. If they were dependent Kifwii :;t- - ol trade -- if, for iHmpif. the merrbaut could watch the Jh h fl:inn.-iu- barometer aryue from it the of id and tu would be exposed to less aanr mM and he able to induct hie ion with a rwular:ty. But in tae reck les habits tcitabte New York gold operators, the rviKnt4Kt uf well a the must weighty causes nhai - or tu dsgwesi prices. his be if the nitetf states ' would pay its floating debtthat ia. - In goid, ami leave Us bonded await lis maturity. In tUier words, iiui Hon j -- pecle .Attym. ut Mould abate e balsantie of goid gambling in Wall street. :trid lea.' prie. - U lie by the law. of Menipra currency bonds, with pact-do- e coupon, sixes, 53pto; Memphis goldb(nd xea, &; Memphis ps1-d- ue coupons, MM. MfiLipiAis. and Lharlsston railroad stock itu XBUt ailLo 1I mntli-aA- hrmits MB . . M . .: Memphfs and Ohla railroad st- -- IV , OlUsJ IaW uoruraae bond s so; dltt aid III II Mhsdastppi and Ten-."k- , laea.; Sitto 1st mort-- ; e do. Id mortgage bonds. Tost nlnsl railrrssd stock, 15; Iff; dltui At mortgsgt slppi warranis, 7sM2 Ml w warranu. (a2 NVsy; ditto coupons money ; okL Sgtl Comptroller a war. r.t:.:. j4s. r.eiiiug that the market of the receipt uuf in the afternoon. To-- - i.couragement from Uie rpsji clsd at unchaiieed ddiaigs td, but at that m "strong, which baa aa irkaga:u ) ork quotation. beirj- - sve been UVc, tWe. iedlr k.mkI MioTins better th pr:.i-s- . ago have In MsscDbis. tbat to build rallwars ' of the river to the cotton r Rd river would not only n, but would also attract itb them secure tbe high- - A negu-c- t of that sssbm j result, buyers are dlsan- - w little mlddilnc JO It is under rtion were Mi.;nt Uii- - it in crept into our les l ti instead m , urc, anu "sincr" at rilddlmg at 19Hl0c; strict middinut. ., , ,. e2e7 j middling..;: :. ng are Uie reoeipts, exports and in M mphla: in -- I 11 1 1 itK y IrSB LWft I in! s, 1,'gw lioO M 715 I reoetou to date Z74U MjOM to date Ci 'w NMi .V in phis and Charleston railroad.. rai.;.s.i railroad.. ttle Uock imllrond 5 i .w sak'uL and other sourr-MS- Jv tut POSTS. hi and OnaMnnnnal ra'lroad.. a.r ippi sii'i leiiueMe railroad .. io and ' "ml ,, N rt ,., S em bouth JffXM Orleans 0MM Exchange has to '.tv. means of obtaining the iatsat and rs).ent market reiiorts. The JSmtmpkmr v- iearu that the contract between t"i. Kxcheuse and the oramercis! v estrrn I nlou Tel i Monday. Tb K- - e .;raui la si wires: aad in addition , T. is. n i"" ,,4J t. This ' sddiUon t ixchange nu ireenviii- - over ttofj pawt (Kir door V ickfttmrg reoelvea f that i mount from or n .n Of that io New Tirana ) our dealers." : 1 ion: :re cseuted an appear-il- s morning, and a Istturs being lu the mated and llvaly. cepuon loUte prev-lles- s anil drooping, ner, a lot of . hive t the command of sue .er bushel. Vat lot waacltsssd out. il.i sue, but there and Bros showed .being effected at - advanced rate, tz bU Butur, If wa ilow. Mo tl a barrel lc--r free er. S 50 beina . In excrsst of anbrrriri are J.SWWJ for Prencb m ofleredao . iml tbe sttok Ixiuls Democrat ere: "The flour I the urder kc: has is--e lie ol trout lur to lie on spring. The lav a nil s lug. The com .icmng of tbe week, prle.-- rased. Tusry riiiiwl their sler an lucressssd movesassst CHi Lrndoi fair deaaani aud rail. It was rulnoreo, .reenLtue would ud vanes VaotoHoa. for fteif art for " ,, ttr., 'lit MATnaiAlJs-Loulrrllleeerne- iii, ft".V; ta ftoiar tor kaaW mSm slady; pl S!b. yJJ."' hair. Mnl.sma lime, by tne n Cr pe I m. on landing. II si. Baling frvrr-Baggi- ng, 2 and J lb. 14 915c; Iron tlm SViffllfJic : baling twine, ugloc. lull 12(15e- fair, IN and choice Western dairy, 2S2tc; extra, Baar Foreqnarten, Hmtc ; hindquarters, f'i e. Baaavax -- JSC m pound. Ha , l ie; Clear no. Ul4ftli",c ; scarce; W'njtt Br AsileC;,f MO and U sacks at CI. (Xrk Kale from warehouse of 100 sacks white at 0e. OajtShxa Ught and (oil. weights V JOVsc. CH IKsr,- - Factory, 15!iale. CtBaAUE-F- alr suppTy at V4s-- . CXa.vaxAL sales of tkl bbls. al 1285 on land ing ; BS obis, at Wi W. delivered v orr kr- --- We quote al ltgUIc lor Rio, MS La I Bugs Moderate demand 2sc. F Lara Kates ono; doable extra. M 5007 treble extra, K Mm; family, 9(sUU; fancy HMD. Far it Applea, 9203 50 for common to cholats Lemons fair demand at IV 00010. Drteti peaches, qnarten. c; halvea, 7c; an- - pies .Vhte. Oranges spf per box. CYan berries Hid 4 "r bbl. (i .ocaaiaa-eW- la, 7e for keg, and 8c for box. Starch, MSS V 5. German soap, ti7e. Bto.rMr ,c. as In quality. Brown ui. nnas lostur ; son renneu, wnue, 0. myaisc. naru reuueu granulated. 1314Alc. little doing; prime on lauding 21, : sale ot lair mixed al IS" H sunwARR MsJsl asae: iron bar. bc : cast steeK 22V; c Ings, country hollaw- - KRACT-Utea- dy at av9 bbl; ft 50 half bbl. Lard Tierce reBned, lOViiflO'.c ; keg. llg USc: palls. IU; caaea, 14e. aloLAaeae Frlme to choice planution. 509 Sururfrfancy0 "fX Ioulstaua at Sac. Oat- o- Sale of 17 sac ks No 2 w sacks white offered at 40c: no taker. tnui t'oal on. SMaile gallon; lard oil, olioirs Abundant ; In store, 2 2sar2 50; on landing, tx. PoraTOxa-ixw- ae. 1 65; In shipping order. Ss XD. Mill Powder-Klt- ie r kejr : RDot. B "W. Pot'LTK- T- Vouny Lm.keLU. ? old. MSi; turkeya, flU doi. M0SETAKT A0 FA..Oi( lAXTl YAUS NEV YORK. Oct Dber IS. MoiraT Is easy at 9k lug Ann at iff, for long, and UPi&Kc f..r Kho n sight, trold was dull thruuebou; the day at luawaili''' ., Loan, are 1A4 per cent for carrying lo Hal OaarUsja, steudv nil St" jiS i on. huu. V. a Coupons ltftl, 11 5.-- a Ol 1MB. lib'.. ' A. or ISM, 119 Hi; sw OMSK. 116: l!w., Dr.lif,:Aoi ,H', a of lt. 1HJ, : rreney BK U2; isoneaesse, old. Mm r; Tennesnes. new.TTI c. Virdnias. new. M; VI rgliiiK. oid.ti--,- . North Carolina, new, lit; NoiH 1. Slorjct markft isv chanicterlifd by coiisldi-ra- hl xcltmenl and wide fluctuatioii. The murk. i.n. rn.i .T u I, fr,.tn lu.' Tll.hT. and unrtng the morning call was v..ry active and :nut. l'UUM MIU .1 Western Union at72;lsskeKho I.ak shore att; E imbui and llnciunat c k is-- land. llX.iObio.tT: North n Pacific, SP,. lluring the e Wa!c s fall genersuly of . .1 per th- close the marat i partially recovere lowing are the qui M: Western Uniuti Quicksilver. Adrims eixpi pany. v v, tiis it Kargf Company, American Mercha ExDrees Company-- , 71, ; Lu Onstrpany. si; Pacific Ms: Central, 95; Erie, 51',; K Harlem, 1IS Harlem, pr. can Central. 116: Plttsburi Chicago, t&hi; Sorthwes western, nreferrcd. i: : New Jersey ivntral. 103: Paul, nreferre.i. 7S: Wu baan, n,: V abash, preferred. ti Fort wnynr, ; xerre imuie, la- Terre Hai Alton, 110; t Colnmbns and Qulnry. lSJiCni I'aclflc t i'aclflc bouds. v I'nlon Delsware Lai i;.a:j Erie. s. JVEW ORLEAX9. tletolier discount; sterling exchsnge, LONDON, October 13. Consols, for money, V; on acooant,2S; U.S. lHsi. mi; 0. B.MOa. 1SS7, 92i: c. M. 8TV.; new 4s, ak; Erie, 40, F ARIB, October IS. Rentes I3f. 12c. C0TT0S MARKETS OF THE WORLD. IfsTW YORK. October ootu.n market it. quiet. Ord ordinary. low middil 1V na, IrXe: Orleans, 3'; are sieadv; sales t cii B nine. Suae bales: Jsnuary Ins ibruary. nominally l!vc ; ,c; April, nominnil ?; Oc- - tab dly Is Uelee: November. if?c; December, nominally Irc. ordlnury, IfAsa: good ordinary-- middling, lsc- - middling, lc; Al Its 4c Orleans, duc ; Te ise, 2C , . Sales Wl baiee; In transit, wo bales; fotur bales, lastevenlng. it bales. Poturesi January, lyc ; March, 20Sc ; April, 3fP)4i l(?c. SU5 p.m. The cotton market Is ordinary, lftc; good ordinary. 1'.- middling, Ihc, middiing, lysC, All 18ic; Orleans. 2oWc; Texas. J'!. day for export, m bales: to spinne-bales- speculation, 3 bales: In fntures HJOO bales; last even, e.port.6 beiea; to spiuni rs, bule Urine, 97 h.l tneliiHe.1 in The s:, ,les are 7ilt bales to arrive. Futures easier; March. ; Novemler, - lor lour uayf. at all United HLatestxTts, hsJt : exports- -. o Great Britain. 17.436 baJs; to continent, 47W bales: stock, 2l4.K.; bales. LIVERPOOL, October li, 11 :.)n a.m. Is strong: uplands. 6d; oriean-- , Sales ir.uU bales; Bales eveningt SMBI bales. 3 Cotton market ts stnmK; uplands, IP4d; Orleans. lul-- Sales taic.-- ; export and speculation, 4000. I p.m. Cotton market rinms; upland-- . Orleans, Kd NEW ORLEANB, October 15, lU a.m. Cotton Is in fair demand;. ! Salea, W bales. ST. LUOCIS, October li. Cotton quiet and nnrhanired ; middltn. LOUISVILLK, October la. Cotton market firm; low middling, UMfi. Dber 15. Cotton is nrm middling, lic. .ober lo. Cotton 1 firm; middling. NEV YoRK. October LI. -- There if arable Improvement in trade. Cot of all kinds are fairly active, wltl distribution of f rown and l eacheii and brown drills, cotton flanu. N, t! Prices rule very firm and strum:. T Bullrttn ssvk there In more demand si n for woleu tlannets. Prints are In rt ii d quntt. Foreign good are act erally firm prices for staples. IKXIT1C PKODlt L IHAKkl.TS. KEW ORLEANS, October dull; treple. f? "5: famity. - rti quiet, mixed Wc white, tsc JaU low at Aatc. Bran dull at 11 Ha qui- prim- - , fllQM; choirs , Pork dul.; mesa, I16T7S-- Baco" quiet, and held ut "VsU. r.rm t uun , uri. .... 11AIi3vC. Sugar no market, all lots new received aud Prime. 72c. Whisky npWn o.f- - NEW YORK, October 15. Plour more ac- tive; St. Ijoui, $7 XWI11 OU. Whisky very Arm and active demand at H2 W heat steady and fntrdasssand; amber Indiana. $i tfT4. Rice nrm and uno banged. Corn old firm and closed dull: white western, ffc. Oats steady; old llrs em. M 1I.L.E. !? sii steady al liAl.'s?.. Kloui , but exiru iai .ssl: l 4. I)aU shai Ur. FroHsioos in rssl - sma:L Tliere Is is ,lc. Lard, flit U'fissky flrrn at Ssc. ST. Loris, (id.jbcr 14- .- VI sir quiet and weak. busit.i-s- smali. Wh-a-o- ipnni 'bir-a(- Ho. 2, II l No. 1 mixed, anuc. Csu dul f.rley quiet ; So. S, t . at . "ork letter; Only BBSS oruer irao -- isixed sbort mlddlr. ' ber. Hues firm at I NASHVIIXK. October I .. K mir Meady ;sli- - choice taniilv -- ". heatlllV' ion act!e- - lj rled, shoulders, s4c SV'i 1JV- - Sogar-c- u Bulk mei ffji laky i -- Flour firm ut pJ5ng kjr tMady at ate. SALT. J am. jACkaos, successor to Jackson A Manson XI. M. K::ja:h , W. 1). mxiilmxs late with Ja. ksoc A Anderson. Jons Jaceboh, St. Louis, Missouri. Kilpatriek & Hendemtn, Importers slid Healers In Liverpool COARSE AM) FINE SALT j Alas, TVstK-- IsLiSB ISALT, I Tchoapltoulas. New Levee, sa. 4a and M 'ilLmriii sircri i.e. vuw urn- - first premium lsioislanasiau- r air, is7i. SSST ProprteAors risk Halt Warehouse. SW TAe slt. in noekels. all Wa- -. j DENTIST. j Car. II- - HURD, ' DENTIST, Main Street,' ' Ni xi door to U. W.J nesato.' rnuK-- i lXTRACIH TEETH WITHOUT PAIN BT jlj ihetsxeof pare Nttroaa Oxide (a.,srriieb oHisi inliss. HI KdK.lN IiKNTIsT. elalty of Kllliug, Trestlug and 1" Trnah Faetory. ;KLLp. I.irTAIL, AN AT WHO LA L City, and aa low aa aay faelorv elsewbere oclj I H APPKK, JSB T 'i- - r i quiet anu oemana iai r ; flrni, dUHnt - rn ne, llvered IB deix.l ti 7i ; piaster rans, e,iu ssswioai. , t I ; THE MEMPHIS DA.ILY PPEA.Lr-WEDNESDAY- . OCTQJBEH 16, 1879. INSURANCE. DOES IT PAY TO INSURE? Tiic nartrora iire ins. to. Ha LbU queniion to upwanl of Thouftaud of 1U patrons, lu the recogmtlon fciid paymtuluf their clalnu. to the extent of over $15,000,000. rnralslMd a Piwtlvitl WthiM f It U Mix. ItoadreU awl Ten ftnlTervni hj tur Great Chicago Fire, SB, K call red Afseedy Belief In Amount of nearly 9 1,8 oo, ooo . ' to satisfaction of Hundreds of Mercantile Houses saved from Bank- ruptcy through prompt In- demnity under HARTFORD POLICIES. Wisdom of It Illustrated n thousands of Homes and re- furnished by timely provision of Hartford Indemuity. F0LLT OF NEOLECTIXti IT Seen In Porerty and Suffering of Multitude overtaken by Calamity. t H Alt 11 KI D 1S10. CasliCapital,$l,000,000 Iurlng Sixty years of eventful experience has shown ahlllty to meet every conoelvable 1HETJ, September 1. is? J t'ash on hand and eaah lms .... 91CS,12S 5S Premlnma In course of transmission. 12S.0U) 00 :. ans on Bond and Mortgage, 1st Hen 13 ileal Estate 4,175 J Blocks and Bonds at market value 9tU.m 89 Total.. US LIABILITIES. 4 In process of adjustment ...tlS,UM M Htf Busint dprited from National Sourtm. NlublMly anaflfeeted by Local is-- nolei-H- . AVERAGE CASH INCOME, 37,000 Per Day. ar All business transactions conducted ii a hais ol Prudent e, tiafety and Commercial bono". INQUIRE FOR Hartford Policies, )F AGENTS IN ALL TOWNS AND CITIES H. A. LITTLETON, AGENT, FOR MEMPHIS AM) VUIMTV. DIRECTORY. MEMPHIS P0ST0FFICE, PosTorrit r Memfhis, July 1, 1K73. OriiCK Horns Fbom 8 To 6 p.m. ; ar N- - DAT, FROM 9 TO 10 A.M. ( Arrr a.m. P.M. A.M. P.M. j Memphis M 2.15 Memphis, onf 1U3 1 k.R.- - dally Mississippi A Tenn. 1LS0 ( R.K. dally f SL50 i M phis A Little Rock I 1 R.R. dally Miss. riv. to Helena A t Friars Ft dally f i l 1 Hon.. Thur Bat. J I Miss. rlv. to Bt. Louis I i Mon. a Thurs. j White River semi-- 1 '( weekly ,Tues.Aat. i Ark. t 1 M it .'. f l Msrion trl weekly, I Mon., Wed. A Fri. Cuba, Tennessee l 12J0 weekly. Friday f i Byhaiia and Olivet I liranch TueisAFri. j 5.25 DIRIll TORY. m, J.4SOlC LODGF.S: V sot'TH Mtmphis, No. lis Meets 2d Friday In each months- hall corner Madison and Sec- ond. A. J. wheeler, W. M.; J. Harvey Matties, Secretary. A.MiKKoSA, No. 168 Meeu first Monday in every month, at Odd Fellows piall, corner Court and Main: C. O. Locke, W. M.; i Richmond, Secretary. Leila Scott, No. SW Meets first ITiursday In each month ; hall MadlHon and Bee ond ; S. Sturm, W . M .; X'hHtadter, Sec . , No. 299 Meets t Friday uf each monUi, at Odd Fellows U K. C. Willi son, W. M.; R. W. Shell No. M 16 rth Friday of each month, at south Memphis Hall, corner of Madison and Second; w. B. Itichardet, W. M. ; Louis Cxapskl, Secretary. ROYAL ARCH. Pens Chaftxk. No. 22 Meets second Mon dav of each month, at Odd Fellows Hall: C. O. "Locke. M. E. H. P.; A. J. Wheeler, secy. Memphis Chapter, No. 8ft Meets at Odd Fellows Rail third Monday of each month ; W.K. Matthews M.E.H. P.; John W. Ward, Secretary. R. AND H. M Et'REKA CorsriL.No. 6 Meets third Thursday of each month, at Odd Kellowt, Hall; G. Th. 111.; C. H. Myers, Recorder. TEMPLARS. Ctresk Comma hUERV, No. 4 Meets fourth Monday of each month; George Mellersh, com.; T. J. bare h us. Recorder. Mithras Lodge or PiKrKCTios, No. 1, A. and A. s. Rite Meets fourth Thursday of each month, at Angerona Lodg- - Hall; n. Mtllersh, Master, E. C. McDowell, becreu.. . O. O. V, Df KECTOKT. Odd Follows Hall, corner Main and North Court streets. LODGE: Memphis, No. A Meets every Tuesday night .' al li V A Is. sin. der. N. G.; leorge W. Mathews, V.O.; John W. Wav ueaburK. R. and P. secretary ; E. P. Risk. Treasurer. Chickasaw, No. R Meets every Monday nit tit of each week, at 8 o'clock: D. Hchlosa,N. Oj John A. Holt, V. i.; ieorge W. L. Crook, Rec. Secretary ; riiomss Bacon, Per. lretary; H. D. Council, Treasurer. ttnUJB, No. Meets every" Wedues-la- night of each week, at o'clock: J. A. G.; K. Uenniger, V. G.; H. Shil- ling, Secretary : T. Actliman, Treasurer. ! "E-- !? Jaf'k. N.G.; JLF.Klscher, V.G.; Wm. Henrj , Rec. siecretarj' ; H. Backer, Per. Secretarj ; Geo. A. v arlng, 1 reasurer. ENCAMPM ENTH. Gavoso, No. Meets on the first and third Thursday nights of eacb month, at N o'clock ; John Gordon, C. P.; S. M. Norwood, 1L P.; R. F. Alexander. S. W.; Thomas Bacon, Scribe; H. D. oonnelL Treasurer; George W, Mathews, J. W. Mtmphis, No. af Meets second and fourth Thar i month, at s o'clock: Tnos. Binahain,C. P.; A. W. Jicwsom, H. f.; J Handle. S. W.J George W. Smith, Serlb T. s. J ukes. Treasurer. ; J. K. r'lsch- - er,J. DEG REE LODGE. UKUKti, No.: Meets first Saturday month; W. 11. Moyston. 1). M H m, l. 1.. M.; J. K. Kusscll. A. L. l : kes, Secrelsry'i Len Ijev;. . t ;lMl:t r OF AS. JMUHTIS T K NN FSSE F. LOOJ IE NO. 5 MstSSt STt Wednesilsy nlgbt al Crrene Oe manderv Hall, No. AM Irontstn J. K. Uussell. V. P.: W. K. Kren W.l .: B. tshluwav. V. V. : W. H. Miller. EL: K. K. Jack, F. s.; li. C Bigelow. K. is. Mfmi-hi- s Loimk No. 5 Met Is every Tuesdsy nlRht at Iiruld Hall. No. :rr;4 Mouth rotirt street. H. S. RevrioUK V. P.; t harlea U An- - depsin. W. C.I J.V. Savage, V.C.; '. A. 1st. li.; 1 11. Irving. F. N.: M. Br. n. K. the MEMPHIS APPEAL. HE circulation of the APPEAL increased T so rapidly Ihst our former lacllltles were In adequate to tne work required. We therefore purchased, in addition to onr single, a double cylinder His' press for our purposes, the flrtt ever ordered lu Memphis. In addition to tills .i ;iv xi.ciidi:ure. we presented tlie ioiis readers In an entire new dress, greatly enlarged and otherwise Improved. The lm provementaeosl about ten thousand dollars bat this outlay was due to those who so gen- - erously patronised the paper, while It will b an lcentlve fur Increased support. Great as tbe prosperity of the ArrkAi. has been for the past thirty years, we are resolved tbat pa Issues sttall be exceeded in Taried j excellence and interest by those oi IsTi. Tbe ' proceeding, of Congress, the Presidential elec- - ion, ud our own and state elections lu Mis sisaippl, Alabama and Arkansas, anil many other Imismdlng questions, will combine to Invest a newspaper In 1872-- 8 with profound interest. It will be tbe constant aim of the An-n- I. to present an Instructive panorama of the world. Instead of emptying into 1U columns everything presented, aud must thankful far that which Is longest and stupidest, ssrery deparunent or the paper wll be edited and presented a an epl-- I losmeof the world's doings. In u word, tbe ArriAi. will aim to tell the news fairly, honestly and lnU'resttngly ; to ' mid in all wood causes: to SSTJSSSX al and I stimulate reform; lo represent the most lib era! ; noughts and highest tendencies of the time; to welcome al schemes Uial promise food; to encourage all human enterprises; to stimulate the love of knowledge, a taste for art, and the culture of all the better parts of our nature; to sustain good government and honest rulers ; to condemn and upset the bad and to war upon cliques, coteries and 'wlaga." In lew of the momentous issues bound up In the hidden mysteries of 1S7S. and of won- derful coming events political, commercial and religious now rapidly developed in LhtS sste of progress, wa expect a large accession to our subscription list. We shall certainly make the afpia i deserve a large patronage. Not wltlistandlng the high price of paper, eom-- I position and general expenses, the price of Usn ArrEAl, Is about the same aa thai charged before the war, when our expenses were one- - third lean, RATErt OK SL'iSM RIFTION : Weekly, one copy, one year J j so Weekly, club of five, one year, each . 100 Dally, one copy, one mouth l go Daily, one eopy, sti mon tha : Dally, one copy, twelve months... lu at Wc win send the Wi-ikl- y ajtal and the .tTTirvlrun-- J JfssslAfy, published at Jackson Teunesase, for VZ 60 to any subscriber. SPECIAL NOTICES. STBOM. TtSTIMONT. 8TKriiKsvii.La. Ohio, septemhrl, 1' 77. Dih WM. ILTurr-ilearM- ir: 1 feel It a duty to ou and to suffering humanity to make i public the great merles of your fcxtract ismr- - saiiurilla and (Jccen's DellgliL For yean 1 h,r.,3nwna?d,,! nessag the mot was soon followed by an eruption all over the bodr. forinliia larae ulcers In some places, and attended with rheumatic paltta. Tongue cannot desexlSe my suffering; I waa reduceil aiinoai 10 a saeieron, auu nm a e"n .a i - lug lor food, t waa attended by sevoral phy- - slrluns, who rendered me no relief. I lus- - .. ..... heir., well ULlll ' but UlSOkS ... a Kind I'rovinence, i acciueuian., neaiu vnur niwll(fnt- - I Nftlit for K half l b0le ti., my appt'tlir lmprovt-a- , ana uk- rnaumauo l ir low Htfvcre and I could enjoy siwp. J nave coniiuuea , auu umv bak u e.eren botUoa,and believe A wuu- - mat. attain. The aire, nave an neajeu, uiy akin lhtmooLh and healthy. and I have alnel tweaty-iw- pounds In weight. 1 believe my Kickneaa resulted from a taint of scrofula I would earnsstly recommend your compound u my With to you, I am your friend, J AS. KHEEM AN. Dr.Tutfs Liver Pills are a mild and gentle portative, poaaeaslng the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful simt In relieving con- - gesllve or torpid liver. They have no equal. Dr. Tttt' t HKr Dyt U ruJorsed by Use 6el ChcimtU. LEA fc PERKIN S SAUCE Pronounced By fonnolsaenra "THE ONLY GOOD SAUCE." It improves appetite and digestion, and it la unrivalled for lie flavor. We are directed by Messrs LEA PERKINS to prosecute all parlies making or vending counterfeits. JOHN Dl NC ANft SONS. AsR AOgWTP. New York. MEDICAL. PLANTATION BITTERS S. T.-1S6- 0-X, This wonderful Tegetable restorative Is the sheet-ancho- r of the feeble and debilitated. As tonic and cordial for the aged and languid. It has M equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which women are especially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant. In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, It acts as a specific In eTery species or disorder which undermines the bodily strength, and breaks down the animal spirits. LYON'S KATHAIRON, For PrfwrYlBff and Beantifjln? the Hu- man Hair. To Prevent its Falling Oat and Turning Gray. A Head of Hair, In a person of middle age, at once bespeaks refinement elegance, health and beaoty. It may truly be called woman's crowning glory, while men are not Insensible to its advantages and charms. Few tilings are more disgusting than thin, frizzly, harsh, untamed hair, with hea1 and c covered with dandrnff. Visit a bar ber, and you feel and look like a new man. - w hat LYOXS KATHAIROX will do all the time. The charm which lies in d hair, glossy carls, luxuriant tresses and a clean head, is noticeable and Irresistible. Sold by all Druggists and Country Stores. BELL SCHNAPPS Distilled bj the Proprietors at 8GHIEDAM, IN HOLLAND. tuvlft-oraliD- Tonic and Warranted perfectly pure, and free from all deleterious substances. It is distilled from Barley of tbe finest quality, and the Aro jiatic JrsiPER Berry or Italy and designed expressly for cases of Dymi'eisia or I n dig ks--t ow, Dkopsy, Govt, Rheumatism, Gksekal DEttUTT, Catarrh or the Bladdkk. Pains in the Back and Stomach and all diseases of the Uuinaky Organs. It gives great relief In Asthma, Gravel and Cal- culi in the Bladder; strengthens and in- - gorates tbe Bytttem, and Is a certain prevent- ive and cure of that dreadful scourge, Fe- ver AND AOVE. CAUTION .' Ask for "Hudson v, m Bell Schnapps." For sale by all respectable Grocers and Apothecaries". atJUOM H. WOLFE 4 CO., Sole Importers s17 Office, IS South William it., New York. MOTHERS ! MOTHERS!! MOTHERS!!! Dont fail to procure MRS. 1VIXSL0WS 800TU1( SYRL'P for CHILDREX TEETHIXH. It softens the eums. reduces Inflammation. alla3's all pain, and cures wind colic. Perfect- - ly sale In all cases. We woald say to every mother who bas a suffering child, llo not let prejudices, nor the prejudices of others. stand between you aud your suffering child oid the relief that will be sure yes, absolntely sure to follow the use o Umtly used. Kull directions for using will accompany each bottle. Be sure and call for Xrn. Wlnslnw's lootbing Srrup." Having the ef "CURTIS A PER- KINS" on the outside wrapper. Hold by druggists throughout the wsrld. OPIUM AIND MOIIPHLNE HABIT CURED IMMEDIATELY Bv lr. Beck's only known and sure rerupdv. Nil I'HAHOE for treatrn. nl until cured. I all on or address PR. J. C. BKCK, 11: Jobn street, Clnrlonstl Ohio. anl.triAw Perkins & House's PATENT METALLIC COAL OIL SAFETY LAMP ANll SAFETY FILLING-CA- N. npHOUHANDS of ftwniliea now nxinfc thla 1. ...:!( teatlfy to its superiority over tlie aiaean in common uie.wcuuKe 1. It is perfectly sale trom explosion, owing lo It pel entitle Hirui'iurb. 2. Be ing made ol metal. It will not break. :.. It stves ti nmeh mn btilllant light and more steady than icaa,at one Iiulf theexpeiiKe. 4. Wilhont odor, and with perfect clean!.- - ne-- , ii leas oil, in proportion to the amount of light given. ew Juki received a full aawrtment of above lawtiii pr., and for sale only in Memphis at the MODEL LAMP AND OIL STORE O. F. PRESCOTT & CO., 33 Union Street. CRAWFORD,WALSH,SMITH&CO Coifee Importers, M OBILE, Xj .V . , WILL be constantly receiving cargoes ol crop Klo Coffee, of Their Own Direct Importation, and solicit the attention of Mrmphi- huyorn. with th- - aiMturance, that Lhey can rely upon obtaining from this market tl elr aupplieaon t HivKiilagi-ou- s na from any other port, und u'lth the additional inducement ot much lower ratev of freight than from Baltimore or Sew York. Onr find canto Is now doe, and we will be pleased to furnish sampler when se4 McCOMBS, EELLAR & BYRNES, ' ' HARDWIRE JOBBERS, OO and IO -- forth Main street. SIT. LOUIS ON MARRUOi: Hapsy Seller for t onne Mess from tbe streets of Errors and Abases Id early life. Mauhood restored, lmpediini-ul- to .Warn age removsjd. Sew method of treatment. New and remarkable rrmsllfs. Books and circa-lar- s sent free, lu sealed envelopes. Address HUWAKll ANHUCI VTION, No. 2 south Ninth street, Phlladelpnus, Pa. an halng a high reputation for honor-slil- e sml proress;oUHl .kill. FOR JB A TjiJI. Plantation on the Arkansas Kiver place known aw tbe -- shoal Creek IiHK one hundred mlies above Lilttle Hock, coo tain tng law acres In MD acre gotni oitton laud, the n maluder i M'coijd ooum all above overflow, and no wash. It is an excellent place for rais- ins cotton and corn, and has a larve muge for -- look. Tbe huovs place will be sold io w aud on ruiisonabie tetni JON1B A CO., OCS kf Arkansas. nt Notice. No. 78, R. l.-- la Ui 1 To bate Cjmrt of Bbeiby county. letiasW'LS. KsU Hogan vs. uorne- - llu. Hogan et al. ft appsstrirsgfrom anu nded bill filed In this I cause, which Is sworn tu, that Cornelius liogau ts a of the State of Ten- - . gfcssstsranda resident o tbe state of Illinois: It Is Uierefore ordered. Thai he make his irtc,'. hne'siriT', on or before the first Mnndav lu lie-- 1 rein ber, mar to uip.u.ituuii . bill, or toe same will be ken for eonfmsid as to )iim, and set fo tearing ex parte; and tbat a copy of this order ts- - ppUlshed ones a week, for foar sue ilve week, in the Memphis Ap- - peaL This October 12, lZL A copy attest : JAMKs KKILLY, Clerk. By J. H. Cria kK, Deaaty clerk. J. K. Hobertsoii, Hoi. for complut- - ocl j mo COTTON FACTORS. AlU'JUXaU) 11UUJJU1 Ub Will WHOLESALE GROCERS A.M) .. fJOXTTOJl FACTORS tjavk removed to tlialr new and spacious ti" store, NO. 367 SHELBY STREET, n i"io and Oayoso, where they will peaeed to sss their customers ine trade i generally. 0CI3 BEJIOVAL. FORSTER, KEALHOFER & CO. Grocers, Cotton Factors AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, HAVE KEMOVED TO 366 Front Street, One Square Sooth of Old Stand. ESTES. FIZEE & PINSON WHOLESALE GROCERS COTTON FACTORS, Ho. 336 Front Street, magxolia block, coexer oiox, OFFEB FOR SALE : 4,000 piece Bagging ; 4,000 bundles Ties : l ,000 packages Lard ; 800 boxes Tobacco; 100 hhds- - Sugar t 200 barrels Molasses; 200 barrels Whisky; 100,000 pound- - Bacon ; 50 tierces Hams. AISO, A COM LPKTK STOCK OF FRESH CASE GOODS. W Merchants will do Tell to examine fur stock before pnrchastDir elsewhere. aulH a. b. J. at. WILLIAMS. WEBBER & WILLIAMS Cotton Factors, C0MMLSSI0N MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN AND Wiues, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, 250 Front Street, Memphis, Tenn. We ask a liberal ot public patron- - ag. and guarantee to our customers prompt attention to all business intrusled to our care. sel WM. si. fakki so li.S. Ht.sKV B. HOWEU. FARRINGTON & HOWELL. Cotton Factors, Grocers, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 26 Front Street, MEMPHIS, Bn sel. I DGE C. TRADER, HENRY G. TRADER Residence, 331 Cn:on street. Our 33d Year in Memphis. TRADER cfc oo. COTTON FACTORS, Bugging:, I i s and Plantation Supplies, FURNISHED AT LOWEST BATCS, Ko. 3.1 FRONT NT., Maunolis Block, cor. Union and Front. MEMPHIS. TEXXBBBKK. JOHN F. THOMAS & GO. ISuccea&ors to Malone, Thomas A Co., COTTON FACTORS Conimissi on Merehnnts 15 Union St., Memphis. H. W. FARLEY. COTTON FACTOR Commission Merchant, 132 Pearl Street, P. 0. Box 3909, : : NEW TORE. H. W. FARLEY, ilate of New Orleans, LaJ jasiis a. r amjIli, RAlJiVfS. of Montgomery. Alabama, j of Cotton soUclted. Or-- CONSIGNMENTS and sale contracts for future delivery' promptly executed. Kr AT New Orleans by M bmstn. KarU-y- , Bright A Ce. Montgomery) Ala., bv E. H. Morrison A Co. Memphis, Tenn., by Wm. Bowles Son. sWThe undersigned, A Kent of the abov house, solicit aonstgnmeuts, and orders for purchase and sale of contracts for future de-- 1 livery of cotton. WM. BOWLES & SON, Room 1. nsvgnolln Block, Memphis. Oldest House in Memphis. K. M. APPEHSON. O. V. RAMIl.trT. E. M. APPERS0N & CO. 23SJ Front aud G Joflersoii Street, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Cotton Factors AND COMMISSION MEKCHAMS, AVE for sale BagtrinK. Tien. Tobacco, Lard, I Flour. Bacon, Ham, Coffee, Htigar, Mo- - V isky, and cue Ooodsof all kJuds, in anv anantles to snlt purchaei ner Whole ale Dealers can be accommo- dated to any iimoont on the most liberal terms. aw Special attention paid to the sale of Owning one of the best wan houses in the city, our facilities in thiu specialty are uu- - excelled. oco HUGH T0MaNiT& SON, COTTON FACTORS AMI (iEERAL CommiMHiou lerehaiits 10 Jefferson Street, Titos Block, opp. Commercial Hotel MEMPHIN TEW a MM. HEMOVAIj. D. H. TOWNSEND, Cotton Faetor AND I.F.XER.VI. COMMISSION MERCHiXT, Ai? reiuov. d to Ko. 2.V FROST MHM wheri hf will bt MMMd to see all his friends and customers. cJ SHERIFF SAI2ES SHERIFF'S SALE SUBURBAN LANDS. BY VIRTt'E of a i adi'toni erponas to me directed from the First Circuit Court of Shelby county, Tennessee, In the came ot .InmeK T. Calhoun, (ruardian of E. V. Cal-- I houn, D. B. Calhoun, J. P. Calhoun, and W. H. Calhoun, and against Samuel E. Gardener. Susan A. i'ayne, now intermarried with H. B. W'lliford, and Henry B. Wllllford. for Uie sum of eleven hundred and Rlx dollar and Matv-fou- r w ;tii It sal iuu.ret from date mounting x i. n dollars and sixty cents, I will, on Thnrsslay. ttlr U lib Day f October. 11.72, In front or my offloe, 3&1 sec. city of Memphis, proceed lo s. BteTt torcah.the fol owln, cntate. levied on an the tropt;i suan A. Iayne, now Mrs. H. B. WillWord. to-- wit: Lot No. 4, In the m of the estate ol ContitanUne Payne, deoeaj "'. made under h de 1 of tlie city of Men east the sain and 9. To sui said judgua cost. Hale to commence at eleven W. a LE, sheriff of auty. H. frMiM., Att'y for l"i ocl Nou-Rwud- Notice, - in ti.. Klrst Chancery iart of Hhelby county, Teni eases. Wm. J.Cole st aL vs. Ja- - from sffldavit in this eauae trendant. Jscob ?obrtDC la a ol the above bill fondant Is lnde attachtnent writ led levied on thd befor-- i plead, InanCs Mil, or the ifrssod as to him ; and that a copy of thu one a weeh. for foar suei us Memphis Ap- - pleal. Tl A eopy- - erh and Masster. Hy li. J . onng A complii't.loristn PREMIUMS. $27,950.00 CASH PREMIUMS! TO BE DISTRIBUTE!) BY THE MEMPHIS AGRICULTURAL . AND - MECHANICAL SOCIETY rjnder the authority of an act paaed at the last session of the Legislature for the ben- efit of Agricultural and Mechanical Societies of the (Hate. FOURTH GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DISTRIBUTION, TOR THE Improreraeat of the Fair Grounds W ILL TAKE PLACE ON SATURDAY, OCT. 26, 1872 AT THE FAIR GROUNDS, cosmejicixci at io o'clock a.w Full Certificate Shares, $5. HtUVeS, - - Z.&). These Certificates will entitle the holder to Admiseion to the Fair on the day of the Distribution, when pre- sented at the Rates, the holder retaining the Certificate. The Boartl of Directors, in asking the nupport ol the Public for this Fourth Distri- - Dtiuon or me jHempnm i anu Me- chanical Society, feel a JokI pi uie in referring tneir icrraer LilMlnbutlons as navmg been characterised by fairness, panciuallty and fidelity toavery engagement. The hmli char- acter of the Managers lorbids the Idea that any but the utmost good faith will continue to be observed, thus affonliiiif the bie!iet guarantee thatjastlce and ImpanlsHty will ever control them In discharging their respcii-- i sible duties. FIFTEEN THOUSAND NUMBERS 367 Cash Premiums To be paid IMMEDIATELY AFTEK the Dis- tribution taken place. SCHEDULE OF CASH PREMIUMS: 1 Cash Premium of $10,000 is $10,000 1 O&Kh Premium of 5,000 is 6,000 1 Cash Premium Of 2,500 is 2,500 1 Cash Premium Of 2,000 is 2,000 1 Cash Premium of 1,000 is 1,000 2 Cash Premiums of 600 is 1,000 4 Cash Premiums of 250 is 1,0) 6 Cash Premiums of 200 is 1,200 10 Cash Premiums of 100 is 1,000 16 Cash Premiums of 50 is 760 25 Cash Premiums ot 20 is 500 100 Cash Premiums of 10 is 1,000 200 Cash Premiums of 5 is 1,000 387 $27,950 in 367 PREMIUMS To be Distributed In Conformity to Law. CERTIPICATES : Memphis, Jnne 3, 18T2. We, the undersigned, take pleasure In attest tng the perfect honesty and fairness of the Distributions of the Memphis Agricultural and Mechanical society and heartily com- mend the object of the Association, the relia- bility for the payment of the premiums drawn, and the prompt drawing on the day advertised, to the confidence i f the public. W. M. KAKKINGTON, President Union and Planters' .Bank. F. 8. DAVlH, President First National Bank. II. E. GARTH, President German National Bank. J.J. FREEMAN, Cashier Merchants' National Bank. J.J. MURPHY, President Memphis Bank. M.J. WICKjS, Pres't Memphis and Charleston Railroad, Certificates for Sale at all the Agencies of the Association. sWCrders with the money for Certificates may be sent per Express, or Registered Letters, or Post-Offl- Orders, at the risk of the Asso- ciation, aud immediately upon the Distribu- tion Uklng place the Official Number will be forwarded to each correspondent. All orders to be addressed Memphis Agricultural and Mechanical Society, P. O. Lock-bo- x So. 78, 343 Second street, Memphis, Tennessee. J0HX G. BALLENTISE, Pres't. LE0X TR9USDALE, Secretary. MANAGERS : Til OK. E. HILL8, TOBIAS WOLFE, JAMH POI.KMAN. W. O. WOOIXPN PUBLICATIONS. AVETTn WATTED FOB SECRETS ONVENJ ONFESSI ONAL. BT JVHA M'.MIB WB1HT. most thrilling and powerful tiook ever THE on this subject. It presents a HTAKTLneO ARRAY Or FACTS, JUKI contains revelations uevervbefore made public. r .Send for circulars and terms to NA- TIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. Memphis, Tvss. THE STANDARD I THE TAX All other Church Music Books, of degree, of excellence, are respectfully invited io fall lu the rear of the standard !! Our new collection of Music for Choirs, Con- ventions and Singing Schools. It cannot be excelled In quality, and intends to tend in cir-- ! culation. Some f the merlta, siiort Theory. Abun- dant Mnterlal, SaArel and Secular, for prac- tice. Excellent set of Metrical Tune, in torye cUxir print and not crowdfiS: a great advan- tage. I uusunlly good collection of Anthems, Set Pieces, etc. The compilers, Messrs. L. O. fMEKSOX.of Bowton, and II. R. PALMER, of Chicago, are periiape the most nktllfu. men of their lime in adapting music to the wants of the "singing" public. Prxcr, $1 so. specl- -' men copies sent, for the present, pot pniu, for 1 25. A Perfe! Sneeeas ! Tha Printers nnoot Keep Pace with tile nemand ! Kltson fa's GEMS OF STRAUSS! By JOHANK vnttlsv It is n large book of W pnges. full sheet music sixel. filled with the he! Mrsuw nnijr. W'u', PoikHH, Qnndrl ties, etc., in- - eiwUng those performed in ihisi'ountry .under the direction of the great composer. About 110(H) worth of music nre included in the "Gems" which are, however, sold for the diminutive price of tx 30 in Boards, S3 OO in Cloth. Sent, post- paid for the retail price. OLIVER illON a 00- - Boston. CH AH. H. WTSON A iK New York. CHANCERY SALE. Chancery Sale of Real Estate 05f- Satnrday, October 26. 1872. No. 1M, N. Hw In the First Chancery court of nnnfv. Tinii.Wtf ,. K. H. Wmlitell for use, etc., John Simmons vs. B. F. Boon et al. virtue of a decree for ale entered in the BY above cause, Muy 21, 171, 1 will sell at public unction, to the mghent bidder. In front of tlie Clerk and MatUer'H office, Block, Second street, in the city of Memphis, Tennessee, on SatnrdaT, October 26, 1872, within legal hours, the following described property, Part of Block No. 17, in the W. E-- Butler ad- dition in sxuth Memphis: Beginning at a point on the north side Elliott street. TtO feet east of the Intersect n of said street with De- - sjoto street; thence eastward iy with the line of Elliott street 473 feet to a stake; thence northwardly to the north boundary line of tslook No. 16 In Butlers division ; thence west wiirdly 58 t y inches to a (.lake; thence southwardly HTl feet to the beginning. lro. Lot V-.- s and a part of -t No. . In Block So. 11, In South Memphis, and beginsai Minlhweat of Lot no. s. in said Block No. 41, on St Martin street: thence north- - wardly, with the east hoe ot St. Martin street, TZ feet 7 inches; thence eastwrdiy and parai- - lei with Vance street to the bayou: thence aouth wardly with the bayou about Ti feet 7 Inches, to the Houtliwest corner of said Lot No. d; thence with the south line of Lot No. 8 wesfwa'dlv M feet to the beglnnlne:, being nil of Lot ...- - and 12H feet of Lot No. 7. Also, Lot l No. Ji, in John Overton s one hundred and eighty one th Memphis, and fronting ' feet on the south side of (.lay street, and running back 170 feet. Terms of sale Oft credit, of seven snd ; purchanen to exe-e-d securities; line to dempllon barred. Thls;ptmb. r 25. 17. E. A. (XJliE, Clerk and Master. Uuntt A McDowell and C, P. Bnlloek, soli.-ltora- e- -. EDUCATION. ST. GARY'S SCHOOL, NO. 360 POPLAR STREET. TTUI IS school as re opened on tbe 0th Inst., tbadlrectifpn of Mr. L. seweli, Kichawis-- and a corps of ITS. ' a, per month 95 (Including Latin, French and i German - 1'.'.Z'. 2 are res pectf ally referred to Kight uintura ano Rev. O. C. Harris. St- - Louis Law School Law Department, Washington University.; rpHK Regalar Annual Ti-r- of this Law 1 SchooTwill open on Wednesday, rl. foer 9, lOTw. Full eoursu, two tuisw six mouths, eaeb. Students admitted to tha Mentor class on examination, bj Application od or before October 5, 17 Tuition fie, for first . ar: 180 for second g ue of library. For particulars, addrtsG. Faculty, urilKMtvHiTasicocit, Prvr'Kt Law Department, Hu Ion Is, Ho. I sea DRY i. H. SPEED, J. P. STRANGE. Late of Rpeed, Donoho Strange. SPEED, TAYLOR, STRANGE & GO. STAPLE AND FANCY RY GOODS! lfo. 312 MAI5 STREET, CORNER MONROE, : : : OPPOSITE PEAR0DT HOTEL. FALL & WINTER GOODS We wish direct the attention of Friends and Customers and the puW generally, to our RECENT ARRIVALS of Plain, Black and Fancy Silks KPTTvnm tist ne French Worsted Dress Goods, BLACK ALPACAS, AUSTRALIAN CRAPES & MOURNING 600DS JACONET, Swiss and Linen Embroideries, REAL LACKS, EDGES, ItABBES AXD BOWS, HOSIERY. GLOVES, 4X1) FAIVCY GOODS. OUR ASSORTMENT OF of of in to announce tbat visit to one of onr firm has such for to be in with of - in our as will us to offer more Com- - STOCK - - for Ir J. H. JOY, Late of W. U. Miller Co. Late of Bolivar, Tenn pletejstoek than ever before, with superior In- ducements at desired Depart- - is stock- ed with every variety f Baskebi known while, the new and Canopy Car- riages for children, to- gether with a assortment of all styles af Children's SOLLY THIS FALL. - PLANTATION GOODS BOOTS, SHOES, HATS Ready-Mad- e Clothing IS COMPLETE, And we invite our friends to inspect one the most desirable stocks goods the West. We invite the Ladies to come inspect our NEW just fitted for their use and deal in the best style quality SELL FOR CASH, ONE PRICE, and give full to Come and see us before you buy. TAYLOR, STRANGE & Ut MAIN PEA BODY AND Wood Willow-War- e We are Pleased during andextended the Northern and Eastern ftats, made large contracts goods, delivered the fall months, the lead- ing manufaetnrt-r- and importers Wood and Willow Wari, and other goods line, enable Larger and Wheeled of the WILL SAKE OUR UNI 328 Main IRON TAYLOR, LEVI Retail carefully to.,tha Trade, elegant complete other RETAIL DEPARTIEXT: 330 Main Street, & CO., s.NX LARCE AND and APARTMENT, comfort. We and goods, guarantee CO. STREET, OPPOSITE WOOD & Goods WHEELER, PICKENS sfe CO., WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT Street, MEMPHIS, GOODS. to.WHOLB-SAL- E Most Improved Designs, ATTRACTIVE WORKS RISK particularly purchasers. SPEED, WHLOW-WAJR- E. MEMPHIS ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORKS JOHNSON, MAJUFACITBERS ALL KITOS OF Iron Work for Buildings Columns, Mills, Liatrls, Gratings, etc., Iron Fences, Railings, Bxlrnny and Verandas MACHINERY OF ALL Steam Entities, Shaftings Pulleys Coupling, Hangers, Etc., Ete. aar Work for Brooks, Banks, Utley, Lynch, Cheek, Speers other COTNON PRESSES Horse Powers, egmtuts Manning Hear of all klnds.-- WORKS CORNER OF LAI'DERDALE AND COURT STREETS Office, 306 Xain Street. Opposite Peabody : : Memphis. Tennessee STOVES AND MANTELS. RISK & JOHNSON, STOVES, MANTELS, GRATES, CASTINGS AMI MAKl'FACTl'BEKS Of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware OF EVERY nESORirTIOJi. JOBBERS 01 TIN PLATE, SHEET-IRO- N, WIRE AND TINNERS' STOCK SOIiE AGENTrt FOR THE CELEBKATED Buck's Brilliant TENNESSEE KINDS, VHICH STANDS WITHOUT AX EQUAL. AUK), Al.ENTS FOR C.B.sASS'l Ap URATE .'Iain Street. PrRCUASERS quantity. HOTEL. Hotel. PARIS MILLINERY GOODS, ETC. C. DOHERTY, 338 ZtVJIaixa Street, 3Vdemi5lil3s. PARIS MILLINERY GOODS FALL AJiD WINTER STYLES IK Hats ctiaci Bonnets, All the Latest Novelties of the Season in SUES, VELVETS, RIBBONS ANB L1GES, Feat hers and French Flowers, FANCY GOODS, in ENDLESS Variety. Wholesale Merchants will Please Give Ts a Call. FOUlxIDRT AND Cooking Stove CO. A WALLACE'S PATENT URATE, : Memphis, Tenn MACHINE SHOP. Worn done prnmrxi. of Wrought.! Work sni'eitad. UNION FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. CUBBINS & GUNN, Nos. 160 snd 174 Adams Street, Memphis Tennessee, JVEatTxiArjAO xxicorsw of jV4Css.cIxJ.xx.or-y- , Steam Knglnea, la, Oris. Bti siting, toopliags, leys. Baxsgers, Boxsa. ,us (i AUKlfCLTURAL. HOIHE WiiHaL Cotton Pressrs, Cotton Gearing. Pinions. I Olnmns, Lintels. SHPa 'jm tings Ottdgeona. Bolts, etc. a tors, si-- sii onlers Brass and i Casting and all any Oar IKTT - now OF Iron and and m ion haw Ml Mlli Oln and ate. I LEGAL. SHERIFF'S SALE --OF- WMkington A Third St. Property TJ Y VIRTPE of an"ex ration to me direeted O ftosa the First i ireoit Court .' e. ... , l will, on Thursday, Use astb y afmetii, 117H. In fyontof my esBee, m the city of Memphis. :i Second street) seil to the highest bidder for cash, ail the right, title, claim, lntsrssl and estate of Arthur K. Taylor being the estate or hl life by coortesy . as the sn reiving has band uf Susan &. Isi iw, iinrsesel) In and to Use followtae desrr?b1 al estate, i-: 1 he ntidtvSda-- third par' of asjssjanin lot or land I;-- and rsrtoa sltnated In tl eonnty .if Shelby. State of Tennes. nee, bealnnlna at tlie inlersection of the west line or Third street with the north hue ol W:ishlngsen street, rnnniaf thent-- north with the wast One of Third street f. t i. s sfnae; tbcaee west and parallel with Wasli-ln1o- street 1ISV, feet to an alley; tlience south sod with Third street and with and upon the west line of said alley w , less to the norto line of Washington , SSBSS n'i rlth the north line or isi I Vfc'asklosj-itiufa- tan street t the place of tx eionlng. said ) uden. .Tit In faTor of Harrel. Rlslsy A Keteswms, and aasanst John Pitt man Ji, 'i. " ln- - ie :o commence at 11 o clock am. tsr i p rs ss--r ic Hherlff of shelb- - ' "ouni v. isKor OtiJlAM, Ally for Hlaintiffs. ocl NoUee. imu a. d. In the First Circuit Osart of Hhelby count; Tennessee Msiiln Laug- - hsTinr the eude been of i llii enssrt, levi.- - and that uwdf-- n i ant Is indebted to plaintiff tn the sum of . fuTdssnsa s on breach of tract, and that I la a State of Tennessee, or ts abou to remoTe his proner-- ty out of the Mate. It Is therefore nnler that he make his per--1 onal appearanre her in, before the Judge of the Hrst Orcuit ( or t of Hhelby ronnty. at the courthouse in the ity of Memphis, on the third Hondas' In Jal iar rlxt, and delete! said attachment sui sertbed by law, or the with eaastsjBJHaasAsVwAW poblislied once a we :ith d iy of September 1STZ XAKK TAFT, Cler. By B. F. Cohax rpnty Clerk. Men we. her A Att'ys for HI ff. seSS Attachment Notice. R. Via BrockUn vs. J. W. Mclntyn. Before me. Win WelUc- -, Justice of the Peace for Shelby eoun.v. TVnnewee. N the shove named Milt, affidavit far at- - t bavin pean made uodtr Secuo the defendan t Is a non rritifnt u' TenDessee. or is about to remove himself or property rom this tttaie, or liaM . or la removing oat of the county pri- vately, or eoncesUa his properly so lbs' tbe ordinary process of the law canoot ervvd on htm. or bas abcDded. or is ah scouding or conceaJlnc Iilmseii or pioper or bas fTHMdently ur is abobt fraudent y pose oi i ID- P1J is just, and : ty Das and relumed by s proper oil. levied. et.; It la therefore ordered, That the dtftHMl appear before me, at my office. No. tH Monro: street, in the city of Mempbio, Tennss-e- , oo the lAth day of November, A. I . UCt st 11 o'clock ajn., and defend this suit, or the same wili be proceeded With x parte; and that a copy of this notice be published once a week for four consecutive weeks In tee Mem- phis Ajpaju ocSaat WM. WALLACE, J. P. Probate Court Hale of ftoai Estate Hf THE TOW.w OF RAI.KK.II No. 98, R. D. In the Piobala Court of Shelby county. Tennessee Indiana seoCt, formerly ' Indiana Mailon. Aiiminstratri x of he Ttta tv of James Mailon. decased. K.x parte. rTNDER and by virtue of an airloculory ! for sale entered In :he above cause, the September Term, 1K72, of the Court, I will sett tothnninhaaabiader. at j publie auction, in front of the courthouse door of said Curt, in the city of Memphis, on within lewnl hours, the following described real estate, i turned In the towr, of RaisitcU, Shelby county, Tennewt bounded as oiiows, to wit: Lnc Mm. 4, froutlny s7 feat on Fayette tre- -t and running back Lai feet on Muket stteet, be! ng 7 by 150 reet, anu upon which isa two-- I frrimt- ouitdinf nearly new. so Lot Ke. S, W by Ldu lest, begmning at a stake the northwest corner of TsOt No. i, on j Payette street- thence west sT feet toastake; thence south im feet to a rttake; east T ' feet so a stake, the southwest corner of Lot No. 4; thence north ISt feet to L. aekinnimc . ' and upon wblch is a two-sto- h:iiidlng, with kitchen, outhouses, stables, etc., and food efts- - tern. Terms of Cau-One-t- hird cash and the bal- - -- nee on a credtt of nIx months, retainlnc a hen on the property to secure deferred pay- - menu- purchasers executing notes Willi ap- - proved vcaiittes. A copy attest: JAM k KSLi LLY. rierk. ty J. n.t.r. t.LaN. Deputy Clerk, ocl we,! Probate (Joiirt Sale of Keai EsUte No. M, R. D.-- In tbe Probata Court of Shelby County, Tennswsee.-Oeo- nte L. DouulAsi, at Uie present Uetorr term or tne Pr. bate' Court, wili .l the higher bidder, a. pub- - Ue auction, on the nmnirian. on Tuesday, Nermbcf 12, 1872, within lesal hours, the following described real estate belong ins to the estate of K. N. Bond, deceased, lying in Shelby county, Ten- nessee, tn District No. 1, Range j. Section &, :ouiided a follows: Lot No. l L. ginning at a stake In a road In the east line of the Uarreil tract, of wbicb this lot U a part; thence north with said line chains and iff links to a stake ; thence west 11 chains and MB links to a stake ; thence 8 IS E 82 chains and 9 links to a whlteoak marked H ; thence east 11 chains and link.- - t:.e beiriiinins c.)utaininc ia acres. Al- -. l.uc No. Beglnnlnu at the SE c irner of Lo No. l.and rani thence south 6 chains and links to the NE corner of dower lot No. i, with swaetgnm pointers: thence west 14 chains and Lu link, to the NW corner of said dower lot, with redoak tapllng pointer: thence south HP or 8 chains and 11 link to the SW corner of said dower lot, with nsui frasand retloak xapliug pointers; thence vest to chains nod links to a samite, it beiuioue north 7 chains and Kltns to s rstaketheNE e rner of dower Jot No. 1: thenee west M t chains and 40 links to the N w corner of said dower lot stake s 26 E 50 links from a wtiive-- i oak marked X thence north 15 chains and w links ton stake; th nee east ml chain-- . find links to a stake In west line Harreil tract; thence south 2 degreesast chains and 40 links to the SW corner oi lot No. 1 : thence east U chains and) links to the beginning containing 0 acres. Terms of Sale- - Cash. JAMES FEILLY, Clerk. jbvj hatu.e, uepuiy ( iers. H T. Sale, Sol. for com ptn t. oeU Non-Resil- iit .Notice. No. st. K. li. In tbe Probate O county, Tennessee. L. M s ret Vanee, Jane Keller Joynel ner, Loa. Priest, William ber I Vance. Edward Vance, l aioli and Berlin, ht IT apimarina :rom sscutled bit led i: tbi L caa-- e, wbl'b i n to, that L..U P ileal and Wm. Priest, I isban.l, are rsnst-re- sl dontsof tbe state in esses, and n bwasji - or the Stale of Arl same will betaket set for bearing this order be published once a for foar sacceselTe weeks, in the Meniph.s Appeal, This October i,W; A copy at teat : I JAMt REILLY, Clerk. By J. H. Ctjlleic, Depoty Clerk. Vance, Anderson, Meriwether Scales, Hols, for ' 'om plain ant. ooH tu nt Notice. No. m.-I- n the First Chancery coort of Shelby countv, Tennessee. B. M. Paiham vs. Wil- - lam E. Tom.inson. TT appearing from the bill which is sworn ro 1 in this canst? that the tefrivant, wuiaam K. Tomllneou, lsaeltixen of t. ami a ' of the State of Tennessee; that ho In lndebfed to complainant In tbe (turn of about lUwi, mm evidenced by prmltory note referred to in said bUl f oonij .ainant : and that a writ of attsvetnaefet has U-- n tamed and returned, levied on the property of said de- - fendant, situated In thlHStaie; It Is therefore ordered, That be make his appearance herein, at the courthouse In the city of afatnpfcU, Tsaw-teae- on or before the is; Monday iD.November.hCVanu cr demur to com&ialnant's bill, or the same will be taken for confessed as to him and net lor hearing exparfe; and tbat a ropy af this order be puhllafaed once a week, for four fcoceeaatve weeks. Id tbe Mem plan Appeal. This th day of September. t&2. A. eopv attest : f.;.Ml'M) A. COLE, Clerk and Master, By R. J. Black, Deputy C. and M. Vance, Anderson, Scales Memwether, Sols, for complain ante. aasu Notice. t No. OLIa tbe Second Chancery toart of county. Tennetavee. oreen P. Foore vs. Mary BLTrigK. and Cha.S. P. Bowles. A. W. C. Bowl.-- t and Henry C. Stetson, firm t Bowles Bros. a. Oar' t appearing I ram the Mil wiach is sworn 11 to in this cause that tbe defendant. Mary K. Tri i a resident of New Iionlid-- : ana; Chas fS. P. Bowie tsa resident of Piiris, France and A. W. C Bowles and Henry C. stetson are resldeutsof theStau-o- f Sew York, and that they are all of the State li rDU.reWS ordered by thaUerk and Mas- - ter. Thafthey make their appearance herein, at the courthouse of tbe Chancery Court tn the city of MemptU, Tennessee, inor before the nrstMonday in November, ltCi ' and plead, answer or demur to complainant's ' bilL or the name will be taken tor confessed mm to them, and set for hearing ex parte; and that a copy of this order De puollsned! once a week, for four mhUti weeks, in the Mem- - phis Appeal, rots M day of oetober, is... A, copy Attest , M. D. L. STEWART, Clerk and Master, By Geo sob Mallut, D. C. A M. Jno i. Flnnie. rtol. forootnplt. oct Administrator'o Notice. been appointed at the September HAVING of the Probate Conn 01 Shelby rounty, Tennessee. Adminifctraror of Thotoao J. IHU, defeased, tola la to notify all persons aavbng clauaV against him to present them a M r-- J :. wrLLI .'AX, Adm r. Notice. tsn appointed at the July term, HAVING the Probata Court of Hhelaj countr , Tennessee, AHminlstraULX of George H. Uolladay, demassd. tills la to notify all per- sons having claims agalnss him to present ime uescno-s- i oy law. VIKUINIA UOLLADAY. Memphis. Tunnsiee. Attorney Angut 17. IKT3 - Administratrix Notire. Tn si .is. BaTtw sssg-sii-riil to tbe UMrtasrk of SksOhy eoonty the ii'soivexvcT of the ssjlate of F. M. Woodward. awetxsMd.l her-b- notify all persons having claims agsJast the estate to apoear before the BSsM County Court Clerk and Ala the same. Hutr.enusatad ix tha mannax ej v law. on or before the l ab day of Oc tober. IsTS, otxssrwds thsry sliall ba forever J. H. rira. Attorney. MemphiA. Ttnn.. July IX, IKTJ. Wwfr JLttaCwJaent Notice. Ilsl, A. D.-- In Hartlvtt Circuit Court of Shelby county, Tenn Mi pp. M. L. Meacham vs. Th ii I T Tliblhlf iJi v . N this cans-- i aa auachsueut havuog ben out axiuer fcecuon or in!i on1! n an rsstiirn-- int. (cart icm-- o ierot.jd prooertv of tha dsWaitsn t. and Ida it having baan mad bat ru dslend- - ant Is Indebted to the y vsi by note. thsl the aer. of Twnrsssi It is th. r u uuiAn herBin, t. of tbe Bar.Wtt I t Cisxct Ol ihesBnswts.iisn wwsi am . h Mtssalay Ja Bait, and i defend aid Attach assrifn it. a .tntntnc time law or Jie snia. will h,- ssstsi sstssssSss; saws tha'- a sssxsr est this .. .i.r i riubit-.rie- once a wesOt, for four ' casesicve weeka, In the wcrnpfct Appeal. Dssss a OS la BsBtl-- n tbwrth Mb day of i ssiosssr. M. JOtUI sfcBbilOKi, Clerk. Jarnagin 4 Frayser, AU'ys ,' . pi tT. .Kll in DISPENSARY. DB.J). S.i0HSS0S'S MEDICAL DISPENSARY 206 MAIN STREET, CpJrtairs, between sAbansjton and Adans utvphis, TXinr for th e rresst-men- Is now peri in sasntly ssaahlsthed patients, both male and 'amaJe, who are afflicted with any form of TEVEBEAL OB SECRET DISEXSE9, sl.l. )..!. ev ennlnna- - alan that SCTe3US a sodsarT habit, rainoos to Vhe body A mind, prrlg ity. impotestsy, wtss dimn eraiois to society, loss of naesaory. wsssanesa, etc not all of these lu any one ease, bnt sdl oecnr-n- n freuoenUy in various easeSL Rlieumi- - attention paid to the WOMs'N, socn ae wlilfeZ fallitw of the womb, and I i SSSi ltlty or uon. The doctor can be couswited hyl. requinns; hist Attention uaice hoorn m sva suTi T3.fOH?fN MP. LAUD SAXES- - ill Supreme Court at Jai-kson- . So 138, M. C. Bach n. last Xxinnaes et ai. Y VIRTUE of a decree pronounced la this) case June . 1173. by the sutreme court of eou-sse- e. stJaek-v.u- . I will ll totiien .itnet in hi or tile First and Mecona (haneery f"om rooms, cm iseeond street, in the city ol Memphis on Friday, tbe First star of jreTewstser, 1V7 thin ieirai honrsthelnterestoicomuia-uAui-rmriniiTTtaeh- . V in the real estate meutioned. an.fde-r:te- in :he pleastlnsjp as uudivided naif interest tu a Jr ""f he corrnty of h"iby. tate of lennaeay beiiur part of a di viaiou aiUittsui to John t,. in the dlvhrtoo anions the pro- prietors of the city ot Memphis, anAwreyed hv said Me Lemurs to Jon DJmenm. and boomdiMl as fbUow. tavwit: side of Market -- Ueet atake on the noruieast, r ,ad, said tak aalnw the aoncbeass corner of a im old by aid urabsiu to V . A. Amen; Ti east iuaaUi'sici with iho nSTrtd. of .aid rrdon- - DM lo a stake the wKitha-ea- comerof asMHssm r,,- r;a.-- to Hack 4 'esbi:t: thence lead dale.1 i d .a Usk - s swnoe ot re-- in tlM u a credit of lerk. ocl Court at Jck son rrtsny, taw Pint INt r November, 1iT l iN. Clerk. H.Cni K. , r.- -: hmvs, aoUcitors for Conaplainiuiw- - Supreme Court Sale. No. H. sleeond ( haneery Docket. In Swprvma ( oart at Jackson. V. K. ook At Vo. et al. vs. J. F. Frank, John F. MeKlnoer at al. virUM of a decree proBOOrjcsd by the BY p rem. Coort sf Tennessee, at Jackson. May 21, 172. tn uus came, I will sell to the. richest on tbe premises descried. !a the city of Mempbla. on Thandaj, tke Jlt Day f October, 1873, within leea; hours, the real ' , , i . K niM.lln .nH Ait ... mm follow.: A lot of ground situate in Shelby eonnty. Tsn n ssaos. oaJaaaraon street- - in the Mesjiphla: Beginning atLhe oorthweatoorner and t'oor. streets: there- - e:ward;y. wra "" ' 'd ttlttSSb nsht angles v. or lso. two other !!1 uniy, esnawa One Lot, No. JU, e on the east aide of Iuderdale street, the southwest corner of WhltUe's lot; thence running on s line par- allel with Lauderdale street sooth chain and n links to Jackson stree.; thence east, on a line parallel with Jackson street, 3 chain and s7 links to s stake at the corner of John E. Brown's iot: thence north, ou a line paral- lel with Brown's lot, 6 chains and 37 links to a ..? tke on the line of WhltUe's lot: thence, west, on a line of Whittle's lot, 3 chains and 7 links to the point of beginning; containing Also, Lot So. Jl on the plat of land soreeye.t and iald off and adjoining the towns of Mem- phis and Fort Klckenug. and described aa fol- lows: Commencing at the Interseetlon of tide of Jackson street with the wast. sJde of the Hernando road ; thence north on a line of said road 3T wens, 10 chains and V7 links to a stake; thence north tl west, .1 chains and ss links to s flake near tbe all road ; thence sooth 5 chains and it links to a slake ; thence west 1 chain and 51 links to a stake ; thence soclh 0 chains and IT links to a stake In the north line of Jackson street; hence on a Una with Jackson street east 9 chains and links to the potnt of beginning. Terms of Hale ilx, twelTe and elghtssm months credit . U and 18 months credit i; purchasers giving notes with approved per- sonal security for purchase money, and a ssssm retained on the land unUl same is paid: equity vf barred. August 1. H H. KKi:EstA", Clerk. Beecbe. . Be.cuer and smith A swlttreuge. sols, lor coniplD'la - .. ni ol parties, this vie Is po-- t- rsii-.r- to, , ; ieuiher io Ttiurs.1 ' . 7,, 1ST;. Tl:e property will be snb--. '. .sold dj .c" plan and dla-s.r- n srieH bs- - t P Kinney, EW if ii- IBS l : SEV: M A.N . Ciark Hnprcme 'art Sale. Vo. tS. Second Qhhi fSTck.-Jo- hn M Heni:n. Ksssv Mar a S. Mc iemisfT. 1S7 by tory Mr west WM Molerr emtt b -- aid iic pircbn. and wl man defe mm redcmpti m ba Clanp.Vance ft lalnant. HOOPSKIRTS. SO UT HZ K HOOPSKlRTud CORSET MAKTJFACTOmT, 3NTo. 38a fltroet. Recommend to LadteV and Dealers the new Lac-c- a isklrt lor demi train dresses, tbe K mpr ess Walking kirt, the Eu- genie skirt with Bu-t- l e. all without Joints; also, the tine French i.'tdaaau Corsets, Werley, Dupont, Fo , Nursing and Ml-e- vret-scaxit'- t aud white Lar- - et stock In the city Folding Bustles Protecuirs. A. t roods warranted. I.OI Is l.iN.-- COTTON PRESS. COTTON PRESSES. HAVE this day pat ap one of my Cotton I Prrsssx. osi the Bluff. In front of J. W. DOWDY co.-- i otHc., Ho. aw Tt it Str.. and will take pleasurata ahovmg it to any one that may wish to porch ass a food Press. Call round ; will give all the particulars. (oloow-- l J- P. Dowdv if aiaao acting as my eat. ii. W. SWlXEMkOAb. ' NEWELL SCREW COTTON PRESS, p.ROM long experience, this Press baa proved to be th most reliable in use. Sever breaks or gets out of repair. J. A. HARPHAJf, Ageat, mmjm awaasa sr., - aaawi CHEEK COTTON PRESS! !X XT, plan ta Porter Jt On.. S UtrMo street . D. t H. ajS. 13X1 mm

Upload: lecong

Post on 19-Mar-2019




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Xiddllag Cotton 18 1- -2 to 18 $-- 4 Ex-M- lt

--8 Dbeout to ParSwM 111 UtQ-- M.

ActlTeButaew Fe4 Market DullProsecU fCorm.

The Strtofeaey Uffctomlmc-S- ale

County and CWIeetoa KaUromdBoi-!(e- w But Oam- -

Cotton Still Baojnal Onr Market cd sales, 2100 Bake Sew

Orleaas FaeiliUea-Tle- kB.

barg ComaUXnta,

"aii-- Afp-la- i.

TraanaT. Oetobar U, II

The f l.usiueesand the rush at d ran andmorning, but on turning lute Mad'wnMr.'aed: , f" ta.Ute,i

oo tnf nasja and little datna inniwini steue buildings, change ri- -Tr,0", !''CTS! 5 tocoum buyinging to polrfts except wheraSabt"".. wa lighter and. V.positing rather better; son, - sUchl lninrnv,-i- nUf monetary attuaAUm wa tEoutl to be- Brokers were paying Ills r

" ill i ?' M9mPoJ and Charlestonilroad bonds rbancad nando at (Be israte : Us Barbuar Lews. certSecuut warranu aw sold at 85. The... warrunt, are rising In value a. Uie one year (orin- - 1, i hey ran not be used t. pay taxes alidesfurther tnto the fiaatjJVe learn that on theIsy November lot Madlaoa street will bebj lb Meelianisx, and Tratkm' ask,, ?2t!D "?-'- ' nd J. A.

ftiiTl"- - "e directory Include"UMiiess men. The establishS3'" "ains 'd broker s. HJtu ""h a C. c. Uraharu amar at mtatmt experience;

u' no difficulty lui, . i;.. laQ'nred and conseuuenm

V " Ckatuer, Mf.TUT i himsett esteem and

.ndustn .us.euergeiic,j man ot bualnoas. Severalway. prompt, firm and dean ccquisit on on ahkh the newcongraeale.Ved. The mouev

.Muintslned of everva here, ourerr, mof. unfavorably atleeted'' -- "" of MondayeT'no change In the con-

st woe., money market during theth market ha been very closeSW m aeareity of loanable rundasd continue, to be considerably Initlit bunk" ability toiapply. aothatimpelled to refuse all demands from

1 he rates are Arm at 10 per cent,ver the eesxaxer the past week hasactive, and the leposi t. are creep-rwl-

New ark exchange no'-s- toll discount par 10 between

t - premluni to customers over theI'he amount of Hoothera businessof small figures. and i hhj aaalnsl

of the 13th stalestMe ent to notle In tfcemuni lurUier variation in

tie banks for currency,uite as Aronf at

k. The offering odDutMn, but manv of

Ui-- are wnhdrawn iti uene of theirt;e bein unwilling to the advunce ind Ik not mm

m'vear from the thrum-- iy wa. neverthe.em,voutinue to quote first-ren- annum, A 1 at

ftrM-el- IB HljMgW atTisjEartat 12. The mow

ntgotiaN-- continuena on 8a tarday, report--d

in twenty minutas8 same paper r. luorto:ie first telegram, loworforeign exohtuig UtaB'pted after the 111 quo-ie- n

c. and paid more for billsibev ve givVI1 half an hourThe. these fluctuation-- , it feltin .nanj u runcbes of trade, as well as inaijd notably so in our leading staple.

, no roe:m an isolated case, ittrbfrwquenUy, and have a dis-- ;

KiTltienc on trade tbrouchout th4iitiT The flurtuatiatns in gold at Neworm present. In fact, oae of the chief evil totjaen antile classes, and capadally those of

p movement. If they were dependentKifwii :;t- - ol trade -- if, for

iHmpif. the merrbaut could watch theJ h h fl:inn.-iu- barometeraryue from it the of id and

tu would be exposed to less aanr mMand he able to induct hie ion witha rwular:ty. But in tae reck les habits

tcitabte New York gold operators, therviKnt4Kt uf well a the must weighty causes

nhai - or tu dsgwesi prices. hisbe if the nitetf states '

would pay its floating debtthat ia.- In goid, ami leave Us bondedawait lis maturity. In tUier words,

iiui Hon j --pecle .Attym. ut Mould abatee balsantie of goid gambling in Wall street.

:trid lea.' prie. - U lie by the law. ofMenipra currency bonds, with pact-do- ecoupon, sixes, 53pto; Memphis goldb(ndxea, &; Memphis ps1-d- ue coupons, MM.

MfiLipiAis. and Lharlsston railroad stock ituXBUt ailLo 1I mntli-aA- hrmits MB . . M. .: Memphfs and Ohla railroad st- --

IV , OlUsJ IaW uoruraae bond s so; dlttaid III II Mhsdastppi and Ten-."k- ,

laea.; Sitto 1st mort-- ;e do. Id mortgage bonds. Tost

nlnsl railrrssd stock, 15;Iff; dltui At mortgsgt

slppi warranis, 7sM2 Ml

w warranu. (a2NVsy; ditto coupons

money ; okL SgtlComptroller a war.r.t:.:. j4s.

r.eiiiug that the marketof the receipt

uuf in the afternoon. To-- -

i.couragement from Uierpsji clsd at unchaiieedddiaigs td, but at thatm "strong, which baa aa

irkaga:u) ork quotation. beirj- -

sve been UVc, tWe.iedlr k.mkI MioTins

better th pr:.i-s- .

ago have In MsscDbis.tbat to build rallwars '

of the river to the cottonr Rd river would not onlyn, but would also attractitb them secure tbe high- -A negu-c- t of that sssbm j

result, buyers are dlsan- -w little mlddilnc

JO It isunderrtionwereMi.;nt Uii- - it in

crept into ourles l ti instead

m , urc, anu "sincr" atrilddlmg at 19Hl0c; strict middinut.

., , ,.

j middling..;: are Uie reoeipts, exports and

in M mphla:in --I 11 1 1

itK y IrSB LWft I

in! s, 1,'gw lioOM 715

I reoetou to date Z74U MjOMto date Ci 'w

NMi.V in phis and Charleston railroad..


ttle Uock imllrond 5 i

.wsak'uL and other sourr-MS- Jv

tut POSTS.hi and OnaMnnnnal ra'lroad.. a.rippi sii'i leiiueMe railroad ..

io and ' "ml ,,N rt ,., Sem bouth

JffXM Orleans 0MM Exchange hasto '.tv. means of obtaining the iatsat andrs).ent market reiiorts. The JSmtmpkmr

v- iearu that the contract betweent"i. Kxcheuse and the oramercis!

v estrrn I nlou Tel

i Monday. Tb K- -e .;raui la

si wires: aad in addition,

i"" ,,4Jt. This 'sddiUon t


nu ireenviii- - overttofj pawt (Kir doorV ickfttmrg reoelveaf that i mount fromor n .n Of that

io New Tirana) our dealers."

: 1 ion: :re cseuted an appear-il- s

morning, and aIstturs being lu themated and llvaly.cepuon loUte prev-lles- s

anil drooping,ner, a lot of . hivet the command ofsue .er bushel. Vatlot waacltsssd sue, but there

and Bros showed.being effected at- advanced rate, tz

bU Butur, If wa

ilow. Motl a barrellc--r free

er. S 50 beina. In excrsst ofanbrrriri are

J.SWWJfor Prencbm ofleredao

. iml tbe sttokIxiuls Democratere: "The flour

I the urderkc: has is--e

lie ol trout lur tolie on spring. The

lav a nil slug. The com

.icmng of tbe week, prle.--rased. Tusry riiiiwl theirsler an lucressssd movesassst

CHi Lrndoifair deaaani

aud rail. It was rulnoreo,.reenLtue would ud vanes

VaotoHoa. for fteif art for" ,, ttr., 'lit

MATnaiAlJs-Loulrrllleeerne- iii,

ft".V; ta

ftoiar torkaaW mSmslady; pl


hair.Mnl.sma lime, by tne

n Cr pe I m. on landing. II si.

Baling frvrr-Baggi- ng, 2 and J lb. 14915c; Iron tlm SViffllfJic : baling twine, ugloc.

lull 12(15e- fair, INand choice Western dairy, 2S2tc; extra,

Baar Foreqnarten, Hmtc ; hindquarters, f'ie.Baaavax --JSC m pound.Ha , l ie; Clear no. Ul4ftli",c ;

scarce; W'njtt

Br AsileC;,f MO and U sacks at CI.(Xrk Kale from warehouse of 100 sackswhite at 0e.

OajtShxa Ught and (oil. weights VJOVsc.

CH IKsr,- - Factory, 15!iale.CtBaAUE-F- alr suppTy at V4s-- .

CXa.vaxAL sales of tkl bbls. al 1285 on landing ; BS obis, at Wi W. delivered

v orr kr- --- We quote al ltgUIc lor Rio, MSLa IBugs Moderate demand 2sc.F Lara Kates ono; doable extra. M 5007

treble extra, K Mm; family, 9(sUU; fancyHMD.

Far it Applea, 9203 50 for common tocholats Lemons fair demand at IV 00010.Drteti peaches, qnarten. c; halvea, 7c; an--pies .Vhte. Oranges spf per box. CYan berriesHid 4 "r bbl.

(i .ocaaiaa-eW- la, 7e for keg, and 8c for box.Starch, MSS V 5. German soap, ti7e.Bto.rMr ,c. as In quality. Brown ui.

nnas lostur ; son renneu, wnue,0. myaisc. naru reuueugranulated. 1314Alc.

little doing; prime on lauding 21,: sale ot lair mixed al IS"

H sunwARR MsJsl asae: iron bar. bc :cast steeK 22V; c Ings, country hollaw- -

KRACT-Utea- dy at av9 bbl; ft 50half bbl.Lard Tierce reBned, lOViiflO'.c ; keg. llg

USc: palls. IU; caaea, 14e.aloLAaeae Frlme to choice planution. 509

Sururfrfancy0 "fXIoulstaua at Sac.

Oat- o- Sale of 17 sac ks No 2 wsacks white offered at 40c: no taker.

tnui t'oal on. SMaile gallon; lard oil,

olioirs Abundant ; In store, 2 2sar2 50; onlanding, tx.

PoraTOxa-ixw- ae. 1 65; In shipping order.Ss XD.

MillPowder-Klt- ie r kejr : RDot. B "W.Pot'LTK- T- Vouny Lm.keLU. ? old.

MSi; turkeya, flU doi.


NEV YORK. Oct Dber IS. MoiraT Is easy 9k lug Ann at iff, for long, andUPi&Kc f..r Kho n sight, trold was dullthruuebou; the day at luawaili''' ., Loan, are1A4 per cent for carrying lo Hal OaarUsja,

steudv nil St" jiS i on.huu.

V. a Coupons ltftl, 11 5.--a Ol 1MB. lib'..' A. or ISM, 119 Hi; sw OMSK. 116: l!w.,

Dr.lif,:Aoi ,H', a of lt. 1HJ, :

rreney BKU2; isoneaesse, old. Mm r; Tennesnes. new.TTI c.Virdnias. new. M; VI rgliiiK. oid.ti--,- . NorthCarolina, new, lit; NoiH 1.

Slorjct markft isv chanicterlifd by coiisldi-ra- hl

xcltmenl and wide fluctuatioii. Themurk. i.n. rn.i .T u I, fr,.tn lu.' Tll.hT.and unrtng the morning call was v..ry activeand :nut. l'UUM MIU .1Western Unionat72;lsskeKho I.akshore att; E imbuiand llnciunat c k is--land. llX.iObio.tT: North n

Pacific, SP,. lluring the e Wa!c s

fall genersuly of . .1 per th-close the marat i

partially recoverelowing are the quiM: Western UniutiQuicksilver. Adrims eixpipany. v v, tiis it KargfCompany, American MerchaExDrees Company-- , 71, ; LuOnstrpany. si; Pacific Ms:Central, 95; Erie, 51',; KHarlem, 1IS Harlem, pr.can Central. 116: PlttsburiChicago, t&hi; Sorthweswestern, nreferrcd. i: :

New Jersey ivntral. 103:Paul, nreferre.i. 7S: W u baan, n,: V abash,preferred. ti Fort wnynr, ; xerre imuie,la- Terre HaiAlton, 110; t

Colnmbns andQulnry. lSJiCni I'aclflc ti'aclflc bouds. v I'nlonDelsware Lai i;.a:jErie. s.

JVEW ORLEAX9. tletolierdiscount; sterling exchsnge,

LONDON, October 13. Consols, for money,V; on acooant,2S; U.S. lHsi. mi; 0.

B.MOa. 1SS7, 92i: c. M. 8TV.; new 4s, ak;Erie, 40,

F ARIB, October IS. Rentes I3f. 12c.


IfsTW YORK. Octoberootu.n market it. quiet. Ordordinary. low middil1V na, IrXe: Orleans, 3';

are sieadv; sales t ciiB nine. Suae bales: JsnuaryIns ibruary. nominally l!vc ;

,c; April, nominnil ?; Oc- -tab dly Is Uelee: November. if?c;December, nominally Irc.ordlnury, IfAsa: good ordinary--middling, lsc- - middling, lc; AlIts 4c Orleans, duc ; Te ise, 2C , . SalesWl baiee; In transit, wo bales; foturbales, lastevenlng. it bales. PoturesiJanuary, lyc ; March, 20Sc ; April, 3fP)4i

l(?c.SU5 p.m. The cotton market Is

ordinary, lftc; good ordinary. 1'.-middling, Ihc, middiing, lysC, All18ic; Orleans. 2oWc; Texas. J'!.day for export, m bales: to spinne-bales-

speculation, 3 bales: Infntures HJOO bales; last even,

e.port.6 beiea; to spiuni rs, buleUrine, 97 h.l tneliiHe.1 in The s:, ,les are7ilt bales to arrive. Futures easier; March.

; Novemler, -lor lour uayf. at all

United HLatestxTts, hsJt : exports- -. oGreat Britain. 17.436 baJs; to continent, 47Wbales: stock, 2l4.K.; bales.

LIVERPOOL, October li, 11 :.)n a.m.Is strong: uplands. 6d; oriean-- ,

Sales ir.uU bales; Baleseveningt SMBI bales.

3 Cotton market ts stnmK; uplands,IP4d; Orleans. lul-- Sales taic.--;export and speculation, 4000.

I p.m. Cotton market rinms; upland-- .Orleans, Kd

NEW ORLEANB, October 15, lU a.m.Cotton Is in fair demand;. !

Salea, W bales.ST. LUOCIS, October li. Cotton quiet and

nnrhanired ; middltn.

LOUISVILLK, October la. Cotton marketfirm; low middling, UMfi.

Dber 15. Cotton is nrmmiddling, lic.

.ober lo. Cotton 1 firm;middling.

NEV YoRK. October LI. -- There ifarable Improvement in trade. Cotof all kinds are fairly active, wltldistribution of f rown and l eacheiiand brown drills, cotton flanu. N, t!

Prices rule very firm and strum:. TBullrttn ssvk there In more demand si n forwoleu tlannets. Prints are In rt ii dquntt. Foreign good are acterally firm prices for staples.


KEW ORLEANS, October dull;treple. f? "5: famity. - rtiquiet, mixed Wc white, tsc JaU low atAatc. Bran dull at 11 Ha qui- prim- - ,

fllQM; choirs , Pork dul.; mesa,I16T7S-- Baco" quiet, and held ut "VsU.

r.rm t uun , uri. ....11AIi3vC. Sugar no market,all lots new received audPrime. 72c. Whisky npWn o.f- -

NEW YORK, October 15. Plour more ac-tive; St. Ijoui, $7 XWI11 OU. Whisky very Armand active demand at H2 W heat steady andfntrdasssand; amber Indiana. $i tfT4. Rice nrmand unobanged. Corn old firm and closeddull: white western, ffc. Oats steady; old

llrsem. M

1I.L.E. !? siisteady al liAl.'s?.. Kloui , butexiru iai.ssl: l 4.

I)aU shaiUr. FroHsioos in rssl

- sma:L Tliere Is

is ,lc. Lard, flitU'fissky flrrn at Ssc.

ST. Loris, (id.jbcr 14- .- VI sir quiet andweak. busit.i-s- smali. Wh-a-o-

ipnni 'bir-a(- Ho. 2, II l

No. 1 mixed, anuc. Csu dulf.rley quiet ; So. S, t .

at . "ork letter; Jubl.tuiOnly BBSS oruer irao --

isixed sbort mlddlr. 'ber. Hues firm at I

NASHVIIXK. October I .. K mir Meady ;sli- -

choice taniilv --". heatlllV'

ion act!e- - lj rled,shoulders, s4c SV'i1JV- - Sogar-c- u

Bulk meiffji laky i-- Flour firm utpJ5ng

kjr tMady at ate.


J am. jACkaos, successor to Jackson A MansonXI. M. K::ja:h , W. 1). mxiilmxs

late with Ja. ksoc A Anderson.Jons Jaceboh, St. Louis, Missouri.

Kilpatriek & Hendemtn,Importers slid Healers In Liverpool


Alas, TVstK-- IsLiSB ISALT,I

Tchoapltoulas. New Levee, sa. 4a and M'ilLmriii sircri i.e. vuw urn- -

first premium lsioislanasiau- r air, is7i.SSST ProprteAors risk Halt Warehouse.SW TAe slt. in noekels. all Wa- -. j


Car. II- - HURD,'

DENTIST,Main Street,' '

Ni xi door to U. W.J nesato.' rnuK-- i

lXTRACIH TEETH WITHOUT PAIN BTjlj ihetsxeof pare Nttroaa Oxide (a.,srriieboHisi inliss.

HI KdK.lN IiKNTIsT.elalty of Kllliug, Trestlug and


Trnah Faetory.


City,and aa low aa aay faelorv elsewbere


T'i- - r i

quiet anuoemana iai r ;

flrni, dUHnt

- rn ne,

llvered IB deix.l

ti 7i ; piaster rans, e,iu ssswioai. ,






Tiic nartrora iire ins. to.Ha LbU queniion to upwanl of

Thouftaud of 1U patrons, lu therecogmtlon fciid paymtuluf their the extent of over

$15,000,000.rnralslMd a Piwtlvitl WthiM f It U

Mix. ItoadreU awl Ten ftnlTervni hj tur

Great Chicago Fire,SB, K call red Afseedy Belief In Amount

of nearly

9 1,8oo, o o o .'

to satisfaction of Hundreds ofMercantile Houses saved from Bank-

ruptcy through prompt In-

demnity under


Wisdom of It Illustratedn thousands of Homes and re-

furnished by timely provision of

Hartford Indemuity.F0LLT OF NEOLECTIXti IT

Seen In Porerty and Suffering of Multitudeovertaken by Calamity.

t H Alt 1 1 KI D 1S10.

CasliCapital,$l,000,000Iurlng Sixty years of eventful experience

has shown ahlllty to meet every conoelvable

1HETJ, September 1. is? J

t'ash on hand and eaah lms .... 91CS,12S 5S

Premlnma In course of transmission. 12S.0U) 00

:. ans on Bond and Mortgage, 1st Hen 13

ileal Estate 4,175 J

Blocks and Bonds at market value 9tU.m 89

Total.. US

LIABILITIES.4 In process of adjustment ...tlS,UM M

Htf Busint dprited from NationalSourtm.

NlublMly anaflfeeted by Local is--nolei-H- .


37,000 Per All business transactions conducted ii a

hais ol Prudent e, tiafety and Commercialbono".





PosTorrit r Memfhis, July 1, 1K73.

OriiCK Horns Fbom 8 To 6 p.m. ; ar N- -DAT, FROM 9 TO 10 A.M.

( Arrra.m. P.M. A.M. P.M.

j Memphis M 2.15

Memphis, onf 1U31 k.R.- - dallyMississippi A Tenn.1LS0

( R.K. dally f SL50

i M phis A Little Rock I

1 R.R. dallyMiss. riv. to Helena A t

Friars Ft dally fi l

1 Hon.. Thur Bat. JI Miss. rlv. to Bt. Louis I

i Mon. a Thurs. jWhite River semi-- 1

'( weekly ,Tues.Aat.i Ark. t1 M it .'. fl Msrion trl weekly, I

Mon., Wed. A Fri.Cuba, Tennessee l 12J0weekly. Friday f

i Byhaiia and OlivetI liranch TueisAFri. j 5.25


sot'TH Mtmphis, No. lis Meets 2d Friday Ineach months- hall corner Madison and Sec-ond. A. J. wheeler, W. M.; J. HarveyMatties, Secretary.

A.MiKKoSA, No. 168 Meeu first Monday inevery month, at Odd Fellows piall, cornerCourt and Main: C. O. Locke, W. M.; i

Richmond, Secretary.Leila Scott, No. SW Meets first ITiursday In

each month ; hall MadlHon and Beeond ; S. Sturm, W . M . ; X'hHtadter, Sec ., No. 299 Meets t Friday uf eachmonUi, at Odd Fellows U K. C. Willison, W. M.; R. W. Shell No. M 16 rth Friday ofeach month, at south Memphis Hall, cornerof Madison and Second; w. B. Itichardet,W. M. ; Louis Cxapskl, Secretary.

ROYAL ARCH.Pens Chaftxk. No. 22 Meets second Mon

dav of each month, at Odd Fellows Hall: C.O. "Locke. M. E. H. P.; A. J. Wheeler, secy.

Memphis Chapter, No. 8ft Meets at OddFellows Rail third Monday of each month ;

W.K. Matthews M.E.H. P.; John W. Ward,Secretary.


Et'REKA CorsriL.No. 6 Meets third Thursdayof each month, at Odd Kellowt, Hall; G.

Th. 111.; C. H. Myers, Recorder.TEMPLARS.

Ctresk Comma hUERV, No. 4 Meets fourthMonday of each month; George Mellersh,com.; T. J. bare hus. Recorder.

Mithras Lodge or PiKrKCTios, No. 1, A.and A. s. Rite Meets fourth Thursday ofeach month, at Angerona Lodg- - Hall; n.Mtllersh, Master, E. C. McDowell, becreu.. .


Odd Follows Hall, corner Mainand North Court streets.

LODGE:Memphis, No. A Meets every Tuesday night

.' al li V A Is. sin.der. N. G.; leorge W. Mathews, V.O.; JohnW. Wav ueaburK. R. and P. secretary ; E. P.Risk. Treasurer.

Chickasaw, No. R Meets every Mondaynit tit of each week, at 8 o'clock: D.Hchlosa,N. Oj John A. Holt, V. i.; ieorgeW. L. Crook, Rec. Secretary ; riiomss Bacon,Per. lretary; H. D. Council, Treasurer.

ttnUJB, No. Meets every" Wedues-la-night of each week, at o'clock: J. A.

G.; K. Uenniger, V. G.; H. Shil-ling, Secretary : T. Actliman, Treasurer.

! "E--!? Jaf'k.

N.G.; JLF.Klscher, V.G.; Wm. Henrj , Rec.siecretarj' ; H. Backer, Per. Secretarj ; Geo.A. v arlng, 1 reasurer.

ENCAMPM ENTH.Gavoso, No. Meets on the first and third

Thursday nights of eacb month, at N o'clock ;

John Gordon, C. P.; S. M. Norwood, 1L P.;R. F. Alexander. S. W.; Thomas Bacon,Scribe; H. D. oonnelL Treasurer; George W,Mathews, J. W.

Mtmphis, No. af Meets second and fourthThar i month, at s o'clock:Tnos. Binahain,C. P.; A. W. Jicwsom, H.f.; J Handle. S. W.J George W. Smith,Serlb T. s. J ukes. Treasurer. ; J. K. r'lsch- -


UKUKti, No.: Meets first Saturdaymonth; W. 11. Moyston. 1). M H

m, l. 1.. M.; J. K. Kusscll. A. L. l :

kes, Secrelsry'i Len Ijev;. . t ;lMl:t r


Wednesilsy nlgbt al Crrene Oemanderv Hall, No. AM IrontstnJ. K. Uussell. V. P.: W. K. KrenW.l .: B. tshluwav. V. V. : W. H. Miller. EL:K. K. Jack, F. s.; li. C Bigelow. K. is.

Mfmi-hi- s Loimk No. 5 Met Is every TuesdsynlRht at Iiruld Hall. No. :rr;4 Mouth rotirtstreet. H. S. RevrioUK V. P.; t harlea U An- -depsin. W. C.I J.V. Savage, V.C.; '. A. 1st.

li.; 1 11. Irving. F. N.: M. Br. n. K.


HE circulation of the APPEAL increasedTso rapidly Ihst our former lacllltles were In

adequate to tne work required. We therefore

purchased, in addition to onr single, a double

cylinder His' press for our purposes, the flrtt

ever ordered lu Memphis. In addition to tills

.i ;iv xi.ciidi:ure. we presented tlie

ioiis readers In an entire new dress, greatly

enlarged and otherwise Improved. The lmprovementaeosl about ten thousand dollars

bat this outlay was due to those who so gen- -

erously patronised the paper, while It will b

an lcentlve fur Increased support.

Great as tbe prosperity of the ArrkAi. has

been for the past thirty years, we are resolved

tbat pa Issues sttall be exceeded in Taried j

excellence and interest by those oi IsTi. Tbe '

proceeding, of Congress, the Presidential elec- -

ion, ud our own and state elections lu Missisaippl, Alabama and Arkansas, anil manyother Imismdlng questions, will combine toInvest a newspaper In 1872-- 8 with profoundinterest. It will be tbe constant aim of theAn-n- I. to present an Instructive panoramaof the world. Instead of emptying into 1U

columns everything presented, audmust thankful far that which Is longest andstupidest, ssrery deparunent or the paper wllbe edited and presented a an epl-- I

losmeof the world's doings.In u word, tbe ArriAi. will aim to tell the

news fairly, honestly and lnU'resttngly ; to '

mid in all wood causes: to SSTJSSSX al and I

stimulate reform; lo represent the most libera! ; noughts and highest tendencies of thetime; to welcome al schemes Uial promisefood; to encourage all human enterprises; tostimulate the love of knowledge, a taste forart, and the culture of all the better parts ofour nature; to sustain good government andhonest rulers ; to condemn and upset the badand to war upon cliques, coteries and 'wlaga."

In lew of the momentous issues bound upIn the hidden mysteries of 1S7S. and of won-derful coming events political, commercialand religious now rapidly developed in LhtS

sste of progress, wa expect a large accession toour subscription list. We shall certainlymake the afpia i deserve a large patronage.Not wltlistandlng the high price of paper, eom-- I

position and general expenses, the price of Usn

ArrEAl, Is about the same aa thai chargedbefore the war, when our expenses were one- -

third lean,RATErt OK SL'iSM RIFTION :

Weekly, one copy, one year J j so

Weekly, club of five, one year, each . 100Dally, one copy, one mouth l go

Daily, one eopy, sti mon tha :

Dally, one copy, twelve months... lu atWc win send the Wi-ikl-y ajtal and the

.tTTirvlrun-- J JfssslAfy, published at JacksonTeunesase, for VZ 60 to any subscriber.


STBOM. TtSTIMONT.8TKriiKsvii.La. Ohio, septemhrl, 1' 77.

Dih WM. ILTurr-ilearM- ir: 1 feel It a dutyto ou and to suffering humanity to make

i public the great merles of your fcxtract ismr- -

saiiurilla and (Jccen's DellgliL For yean 1h,r.,3nwna?d,,!nessag the mot wassoon followed by an eruption all over thebodr. forinliia larae ulcers In some places,and attended with rheumatic paltta. Tonguecannot desexlSe my suffering; I waa reduceilaiinoai 10 a saeieron, auu nm a e"n .a i -

lug lor food, t waa attended by sevoral phy- -

slrluns, who rendered me no relief. I lus- -.. ..... heir., well ULlll ' but UlSOkS

...a Kind I'rovinence, i acciueuian., neaiuvnur niwll(fnt- - I Nftlit for K half l b0le

ti., my appt'tlir lmprovt-a- , ana uk- rnaumauol ir low Htfvcre and I could enjoysiwp. J nave coniiuuea , auu umvbak u e.eren botUoa,and believeA wuu- -mat. attain. The aire, nave an neajeu, uiyakin lhtmooLh and healthy. and I have alneltweaty-iw- pounds In weight. 1 believe myKickneaa resulted from a taint of scrofula I

would earnsstly recommend your compoundu my Withto you, I am your friend, J AS. KHEEM AN.

Dr.Tutfs Liver Pills are a mild and gentleportative, poaaeaslng the peculiar merit ofacting as a powerful simt In relieving con- -

gesllve or torpid liver. They have no equal.

Dr. Tttt' tHKr Dyt U ruJorsed by Use 6el ChcimtU.

LEA fc PERKIN S SAUCEPronounced By fonnolsaenra

"THE ONLY GOOD SAUCE."It improves appetite and digestion, and it

la unrivalled for lie flavor. We are directedby Messrs LEA PERKINS to prosecute allparlies making or vending counterfeits.




S. T.-1S6- 0-X,

This wonderful Tegetable restorative

Is the sheet-ancho- r of the feeble and

debilitated. As tonic and cordial for

the aged and languid. It has M equal

among stomachics. As a remedy for the

nervous weakness to which women are

especially subject, it is superseding

every other stimulant. In all climates,

tropical, temperate or frigid, It acts as a

specific In eTery species or disorder

which undermines the bodily strength,

and breaks down the animal spirits.

LYON'S KATHAIRON,For PrfwrYlBff and Beantifjln? the Hu-

man Hair. To Prevent its FallingOat and Turning Gray.

A Head of Hair, In a person

of middle age, at once bespeaks refinement

elegance, health and beaoty. It may truly be

called woman's crowning glory, while menare not Insensible to its advantages andcharms. Few tilings are more disgusting thanthin, frizzly, harsh, untamed hair, with hea1and c covered with dandrnff. Visit a barber, and you feel and look like a new man.

- w hat LYOXS KATHAIROX will doall the time. The charm which lies in d

hair, glossy carls, luxuriant tresses anda clean head, is noticeable and Irresistible.

Sold by all Druggists and Country Stores.

BELL SCHNAPPSDistilled bj the Proprietors at


tuvlft-oraliD- Tonic and

Warranted perfectly pure, and free from alldeleterious substances. It is distilled fromBarley of tbe finest quality, and the Arojiatic JrsiPER Berry or Italy and designedexpressly for cases of Dymi'eisia or I n dig ks--t

ow, Dkopsy, Govt, Rheumatism, GksekalDEttUTT, Catarrh or the Bladdkk.Pains in the Back and Stomach and alldiseases of the Uuinaky Organs. It givesgreat relief In Asthma, Gravel and Cal-culi in the Bladder; strengthens and in- -

gorates tbe Bytttem, and Is a certain prevent-ive and cure of that dreadful scourge, Fe-ver AND AOVE.

CAUTION .' Ask for "Hudson v, mBell Schnapps."

For sale by all respectable Grocers andApothecaries".atJUOM H. WOLFE 4 CO., Sole Importerss17 Office, IS South William it., New York.


Dont fail to procure MRS. 1VIXSL0WS


TEETHIXH.It softens the eums. reduces Inflammation.

alla3's all pain, and cures wind colic. Perfect- -ly sale In all cases. We woald say to everymother who bas a suffering child, llo not let

prejudices, nor the prejudices of others.stand between you aud your suffering childoid the relief that will be sure yes, absolntelysure to follow the use oUmtly used.

Kull directions for using will accompanyeach bottle.

Be sure and call forXrn. Wlnslnw's lootbing Srrup."

Having the ef "CURTIS A PER-KINS" on the outside wrapper.

Hold by druggists throughout the wsrld.


Bv lr. Beck's only known and sure rerupdv.Nil I'HAHOE for treatrn. nl until cured. I allon or address PR. J. C. BKCK, 11: Jobn street,Clnrlonstl Ohio. anl.triAw

Perkins & House'sPATENT





npHOUHANDS of ftwniliea now nxinfc thla1. ...:!( teatlfy to its superiority over tlie

aiaean in common uie.wcuuKe1. It is perfectly sale trom explosion, owing

lo It pel entitle Hirui'iurb.2. Be ing made ol metal. It will not break.:.. It stves ti nmeh mn btilllant light and

more steady than icaa,at one Iiulf theexpeiiKe.4. Wilhont odor, and with perfect clean!.- -

ne-- , ii leas oil, in proportion tothe amount of light given.

ew Juki received a full aawrtment of abovelawtiii pr., and for sale only in Memphis at the


O. F. PRESCOTT & CO.,33 Union Street.


Coifee Importers,M OBILE, Xj .V . ,

WILL be constantly receiving cargoes olcrop Klo Coffee, of

Their Own Direct Importation,and solicit the attention of Mrmphi- huyorn.with th- - aiMturance, that Lhey can rely uponobtaining from this market tl elr aupplieaon

t HivKiilagi-ou- s na from any other port,und u'lth the additional inducement ot muchlower ratev of freight than from Baltimore orSew York. Onr find canto Is now doe, and wewill be pleased to furnish sampler when




HARDWIRE JOBBERS,OO and IO --forth Main street.


Hapsy Seller for t onne Mess from tbestreets of Errors and Abases Id early life.Mauhood restored, lmpediini-ul- to .Warn ageremovsjd. Sew method of treatment. Newand remarkable rrmsllfs. Books and circa-lar- s

sent free, lu sealed envelopes.Address HUWAKll ANHUCI VTION, No. 2

south Ninth street, Phlladelpnus, Pa. anhalng a high reputation for honor-slil- e

sml proress;oUHl .kill.

FOR JB A TjiJI.Plantation on the Arkansas Kiver

place known aw tbe --shoal CreekIiHK one hundred mlies above LilttleHock, coo tain tng law acres In

MD acre gotni oitton laud, the nmaluder i M'coijd ooum all above overflow,and no wash. It is an excellent place for rais-ins cotton and corn, and has a larve muge for-- look. Tbe huovs place will be sold io w audon ruiisonabie tetni

JON1B A CO.,OCS kf Arkansas.

nt Notice.No. 78, R. l.-- la Ui 1 To bate Cjmrt of Bbeiby

county. letiasW'LS. KsU Hogan vs. uorne- -llu. Hogan et al.

ft appsstrirsgfrom anu nded bill filed In thisI cause, which Is sworn tu, that Corneliusliogau ts a of the State of Ten- - .

gfcssstsranda resident o tbe state of Illinois:It Is Uierefore ordered. Thai he make his

irtc,'.hne'siriT',on or before the first Mnndav lu lie-- 1

rein ber,mar to uip.u.ituuii . bill, or toe samewill be ken for eonfmsid as to )iim,and set fo tearing ex parte; and tbat a copyof this order ts-- ppUlshed ones a week, forfoar sue ilve week, in the Memphis Ap- -peaL This October 12, lZL

A copy attest :

JAMKs KKILLY, Clerk.By J. H. Cria kK, Deaaty clerk.J. K. Hobertsoii, Hoi. for complut- - ocl j mo




..fJOXTTOJl FACTORStjavk removed to tlialr new and spaciousti" store,

NO. 367 SHELBY STREET,n i"io and Oayoso, where they willpeaeed to sss their customers ine

trade igenerally. 0CI3




366 Front Street,One Square Sooth of Old Stand.



COTTON FACTORS,Ho. 336 Front Street,

magxolia block, coexer oiox,OFFEB FOR SALE :

4,000 piece Bagging ;4,000 bundles Ties :

l ,000 packages Lard ;800 boxes Tobacco;

100 hhds- - Sugar t200 barrels Molasses;

200 barrels Whisky;100,000 pound- - Bacon ;

50 tierces Hams.


FRESH CASE GOODS.W Merchants will do Tell to examine furstock before pnrchastDir elsewhere. aulH

a. b. J. at. WILLIAMS.



WHOLESALE DEALERS INAND Wiues, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars,250 Front Street, Memphis, Tenn.

We ask a liberal ot public patron- -ag. and guarantee to our customers promptattention to all business intrusled to our care.

selWM. si. fakki so li.S. Ht.sKV B. HOWEU.


Cotton Factors, Grocers,AND


No. 26 Front Street,


Residence, 331 Cn:on street.

Our 33d Year in Memphis.


Bugging:, I i s and Plantation Supplies,FURNISHED AT LOWEST BATCS,

Ko. 3.1 FRONT NT.,

Maunolis Block, cor. Union and Front.MEMPHIS. TEXXBBBKK.


ISuccea&ors to Malone, Thomas A Co.,


Conimissi on Merehnnts15 Union St., Memphis.


Commission Merchant,132 Pearl Street,

P. 0. Box 3909, : : NEW TORE.

H. W. FARLEY, ilate of New Orleans, LaJjasiis a. r amjIli,RAlJiVfS.of Montgomery. Alabama, j

of Cotton soUclted. Or--CONSIGNMENTS and sale contracts forfuture delivery' promptly executed.

Kr ATNew Orleans by M bmstn. KarU-y- , Bright A Ce.Montgomery) Ala., bv E. H. Morrison A Co.Memphis, Tenn., by Wm. Bowles Son.

sWThe undersigned, A Kent of the abovhouse, solicit aonstgnmeuts, and orders forpurchase and sale of contracts for future de--1

livery of cotton.


Room 1. nsvgnolln Block, Memphis.

Oldest House in Memphis.K. M. APPEHSON. O. V. RAMIl.trT.

E. M. APPERS0N & CO.23SJ Front aud G Joflersoii Street,


Cotton FactorsAND

COMMISSION MEKCHAMS,AVE for sale BagtrinK. Tien. Tobacco, Lard,

I Flour. Bacon, Ham, Coffee, Htigar, Mo- -V isky, and cue Ooodsof all kJuds, in

anv anantles to snlt purchaeiner Whole ale Dealers can be accommo-

dated to any iimoont on the most liberalterms.

aw Special attention paid to the sale ofOwning one of the best wan houses in

the city, our facilities in thiu specialty are uu- -

excelled. oco



CommiMHiou lerehaiits10 Jefferson Street,

Titos Block, opp. Commercial Hotel



Cotton FaetorAND


Ai? reiuov. d to Ko. 2.V FROST MHMwheri hf will bt MMMd to see all his

friends and customers. cJ




BY VIRTt'E of a i adi'toni erponas to medirected from the First Circuit Court of

Shelby county, Tennessee, In the came ot.InmeK T. Calhoun, (ruardian of E. V. Cal-- I

houn, D. B. Calhoun, J. P. Calhoun, and W.H. Calhoun, and against Samuel E. Gardener.Susan A. i'ayne, now intermarried with H. B.W'lliford, and Henry B. Wllllford. for Uiesum of eleven hundred and Rlx dollar andMatv-fou- r w ;tii It sal iuu.ret from date

mountingx i. n dollars and sixty cents, I will, on

Thnrsslay. ttlr U lib Day f October. 11.72,

In front or my offloe, 3&1 of Memphis, proceed lo s.

BteTt torcah.the fol owln,cntate. levied on an the tropt;isuan A. Iayne, now Mrs. H. B. WillWord. to--wit:

Lot No. 4, In the m of the estateol ContitanUne Payne, deoeaj "'. made underh de 1 of tlie city ofMeneast

the sain

and 9. To sui said judguacost.

Hale to commence at elevenW. a LE,

sheriff of auty.H. frMiM., Att'y for l"i ocl

Nou-Rwud- Notice, - in ti.. Klrst Chancery iart of Hhelby

county, Teni eases. Wm. J.Cole st aL vs. Ja- -

from sffldavit in this eauaetrendant. Jscob ?obrtDC la a

olthe above billfondant Is lnde

attachtnent writled levied on thd

befor-- i

plead,InanCs Mil, or theifrssod as to him; and that a copy

of thu one a weeh. forfoar suei us Memphis Ap- -

pleal. TlA eopy- -

erh and Masster.Hy li. J. onng A complii't.loristn


$27,950.00CASH PREMIUMS!



MECHANICAL SOCIETYrjnder the authority of an act paaed at the

last session of the Legislature for the ben-

efit of Agricultural and MechanicalSocieties of the (Hate.




Improreraeat of the Fair Grounds


SATURDAY, OCT. 26, 1872


cosmejicixci at io o'clock a.w

Full Certificate Shares, $5.HtUVeS, - - Z.&).

These Certificates will entitle the holderto Admiseion to the Fair on the day

of the Distribution, when pre-sented at the Rates, the

holder retaining theCertificate.

The Boartl of Directors, in asking thenupport ol the Public for this Fourth Distri- -

Dtiuon or me jHempnm i anu Me-

chanical Society, feel a JokI pi uie in referringtneir icrraer LilMlnbutlons as navmg been

characterised by fairness, panciuallty andfidelity toavery engagement. The hmli char-acter of the Managers lorbids the Idea thatany but the utmost good faith will continueto be observed, thus affonliiiif the bie!ietguarantee thatjastlce and ImpanlsHty willever control them In discharging their respcii-- isible duties.


367 Cash PremiumsTo be paid IMMEDIATELY AFTEK the Dis-

tribution taken place.

SCHEDULE OF CASH PREMIUMS:1 Cash Premium of $10,000 is $10,0001 O&Kh Premium of 5,000 is 6,0001 Cash Premium Of 2,500 is 2,5001 Cash Premium Of 2,000 is 2,0001 Cash Premium of 1,000 is 1,0002 Cash Premiums of 600 is 1,0004 Cash Premiums of 250 is 1,0)6 Cash Premiums of 200 is 1,200

10 Cash Premiums of 100 is 1,00016 Cash Premiums of 50 is 76025 Cash Premiums ot 20 is 500

100 Cash Premiums of 10 is 1,000200 Cash Premiums of 5 is 1,000


$27,950 in 367 PREMIUMSTo be Distributed In Conformity to Law.


Memphis, Jnne 3, 18T2.We, the undersigned, take pleasure In attest

tng the perfect honesty and fairness of theDistributions of the Memphis Agriculturaland Mechanical society and heartily com-mend the object of the Association, the relia-bility for the payment of the premiumsdrawn, and the prompt drawing on the dayadvertised, to the confidence i f the public.

W. M. KAKKINGTON,President Union and Planters' .Bank.

F. 8. DAVlH,President First National Bank.

II. E. GARTH,President German National Bank.

J.J. FREEMAN,Cashier Merchants' National Bank.

J.J. MURPHY,President Memphis Bank.M.J. WICKjS,

Pres't Memphis and Charleston Railroad,

Certificates for Sale at all the Agenciesof the Association.

sWCrders with the money for Certificatesmay be sent per Express, or Registered Letters,or Post-Offl- Orders, at the risk of the Asso-ciation, aud immediately upon the Distribu-tion Uklng place the Official Number will beforwarded to each correspondent.

All orders to be addressedMemphis Agricultural and Mechanical

Society,P. O. Lock-bo- x So. 78,

343 Second street, Memphis, Tennessee.






BT JVHA M'.MIB WB1HT.most thrilling and powerful tiook everTHE on this subject. It presents a

HTAKTLneO ARRAY Or FACTS, JUKI containsrevelations uevervbefore made public.r .Send for circulars and terms to NA-TIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. Memphis, Tvss.


All other Church Music Books, ofdegree, of excellence, are respectfully invitedio fall lu the rear of

the standard ! !

Our new collection of Music for Choirs, Con-ventions and Singing Schools. It cannot beexcelled In quality, and intends to tend in cir-- !culation.

Some f the merlta, siiort Theory. Abun-dant Mnterlal, SaArel and Secular, for prac-tice. Excellent set of Metrical Tune, in toryecUxir print and not crowdfiS: a great advan-tage. I uusunlly good collection of Anthems,Set Pieces, etc. The compilers, Messrs. L. O.fMEKSOX.of Bowton, and II. R. PALMER,of Chicago, are periiape the most nktllfu. menof their lime in adapting music to the wantsof the "singing" public. Prxcr, $1 so. specl- -'

men copies sent, for the present, pot pniu, for1 25.

A Perfe! Sneeeas ! Tha Printers nnootKeep Pace with tile nemand !

Kltson fa's


It is n large book of W pnges. full sheetmusic sixel. filled with the he! Mrsuwnnijr. W'u', PoikHH, Qnndrl ties, etc., in- -

eiwUng those performed in ihisi'ountry .underthe direction of the great composer.

About 110(H) worth of music nre includedin the "Gems" which are, however, sold forthe diminutive price of

tx 30 in Boards, S3 OO in Cloth. Sent, post-paid for the retail price.

OLIVER illON a 00-- Boston.CH AH. H. WTSON A iK New York.


Chancery Sale of Real Estate


Satnrday, October 26. 1872.

No. 1M, N. Hw In the First Chancery court ofnnnfv. Tinii.Wtf ,. K. H. Wmlitell

for use, etc., John Simmons vs. B. F. Boonet al.

virtue of a decree for ale entered in theBY above cause, Muy 21, 171, 1 will sell atpublic unction, to the mghent bidder. In frontof tlie Clerk and MatUer'H office, Ureen.awBlock, Second street, in the city of Memphis,Tennessee, on

SatnrdaT, October 26, 1872,

within legal hours, the following describedproperty,

Part of Block No. 17, in the W. E- - Butler ad-

dition in sxuth Memphis: Beginning at apoint on the north side Elliott street. TtO feeteast of the Intersect n of said street with De- -

sjoto street; thence eastward iy with the lineof Elliott street 473 feet to a stake; thencenorthwardly to the north boundary line oftslook No. 16 In Butlers division ; thencewest wiirdly 58 t y inches to a (.lake; thencesouthwardly HTl feet to the beginning.

lro. Lot V-.- s and a part of -t No. . InBlock So. 11, In South Memphis, and beginsaiMinlhweat of Lot no. s. in said BlockNo. 41, on St Martin street: thence north- -

wardly, with the east hoe ot St. Martin street,TZ feet 7 inches; thence eastwrdiy and parai- -

lei with Vance street to the bayou: thenceaouth wardly with the bayou about Ti feet 7

Inches, to the Houtliwest corner of said Lot No.d; thence with the south line of Lot No. 8wesfwa'dlv M feet to the beglnnlne:, being nilof Lot ...- - and 12H feet of Lot No. 7.

Also, Lot l No. Ji, in JohnOverton s one hundred andeighty one th Memphis, andfronting ' feet on the south side of (.laystreet, and running back 170 feet.

Terms of sale Oft credit, of seven snd; purchanen to exe-e-d

securities; line to

dempllon barred. Thls;ptmb. r 25. 17.E. A. (XJliE, Clerk and Master.

Uuntt A McDowell and C, P. Bnlloek,soli.-ltora- e- -.



TTUI IS school as re opened on tbe 0th Inst.,tbadlrectifpn of Mr. L. seweli,

Kichawis-- and a corps ofITS. 'a, per month 95

(Including Latin, French andi German - 1'.'.Z'. 2are res pectf ally referred to Kightuintura ano Rev. O. C. Harris.

St-- Louis Law SchoolLaw Department, Washington University.;

rpHK Regalar Annual Ti-r- of this Law1 SchooTwill open on Wednesday, rl.foer 9, lOTw. Full eoursu, two tuisw six

mouths, eaeb. Students admitted to tha Mentorclass on examination, bj Application od orbefore October 5, 17 Tuition fie, for first. ar: 180 for second g ue oflibrary. For particulars, addrtsG.

Faculty, urilKMtvHiTasicocit,Prvr'Kt Law Department, Hu Ion Is, Ho. Isea



Late of Rpeed, Donoho Strange.





FALL & WINTER GOODSWe wish direct the attention of Friends and Customers and the puW

generally, to our RECENT ARRIVALS of

Plain, Black and Fancy SilksKPTTvnm tist ne

French Worsted Dress Goods,BLACK ALPACAS,


JACONET,Swiss and Linen Embroideries,




of of


toannounce tbat

visit to

one of onr firm

has such

for to

be in



in our

as will us to offer

more Com- -


- -

for Ir

J. H. JOY,

Late of W. U. Miller Co. Late of Bolivar, Tenn

pletejstoek than ever

before, with superior In-


at desired

Depart- -

is stock-

ed with every variety f

Baskebi known

while, the new

and Canopy Car-

riages for children, to-

gether with a

assortment of all

styles af Children's




Ready-Mad- e ClothingIS COMPLETE,

And we invite our friends to inspect one the most desirable stocks goods

the West. We invite the Ladies to come inspect our NEW

just fitted for their use and deal in the best style

quality SELL FOR CASH, ONE PRICE, and give full to

Come and see us before you buy.



Wood Willow-War- eWe are Pleased


andextended the

Northern and Eastern

ftats,made large

contracts goods,

delivered the fall

months, the lead-

ing manufaetnrt-r- andimporters Wood and

Willow Wari, andother goods line,


Larger and

Wheeled of theWILL SAKE OUR UNI

328 Main









330 Main Street,

& CO.,




APARTMENT, comfort. We

and goods, guarantee









Most Improved Designs,ATTRACTIVE









Iron Work for BuildingsColumns, Mills, Liatrls, Gratings, etc., Iron Fences, Railings, Bxlrnny and Verandas


Steam Entities, Shaftings Pulleys Coupling, Hangers, Etc., Ete.

aar Work for Brooks, Banks, Utley, Lynch, Cheek, Speers other COTNON PRESSESHorse Powers, egmtuts Manning Hear of all klnds.--


Office, 306 Xain Street.Opposite Peabody : : Memphis. Tennessee





Tin and Sheet Iron WareOF EVERY nESORirTIOJi. JOBBERS 01



Buck's Brilliant





.'Iain Street.






C. DOHERTY,338 ZtVJIaixa Street, 3Vdemi5lil3s.


Hats ctiaci Bonnets,All the Latest Novelties of the Season in


Feat hers and French Flowers,FANCY GOODS, in ENDLESS Variety.Wholesale Merchants will Please Give Ts a Call.


Cooking Stove


: Memphis, Tenn


Worn done prnmrxi.of Wrought.! Work sni'eitad.


CUBBINS & GUNN,Nos. 160 snd 174 Adams Street, Memphis Tennessee,

JVEatTxiArjAO xxicorsw of jV4Css.cIxJ.xx.or-y- ,

Steam Knglnea, la, Oris. Bti siting, toopliags, leys. Baxsgers, Boxsa. ,us(i

AUKlfCLTURAL. HOIHE WiiHaLCotton Pressrs, Cotton Gearing. Pinions. I Olnmns, Lintels. SHPa 'jm tings

Ottdgeona. Bolts, etc. a tors,si-- sii

onlers Brass and i Casting and all






Iron andand

m ion

haw Ml Mlli

Oln andate.




WMkington A Third St. PropertyTJ Y VIRTPE of an"ex ration to me direetedO ftosa the First i ireoit Court .' e. ...

, l will, on

Thursday, Use astb y afmetii, 117H.

In fyontof my esBee, m the city of Memphis.:i Second street) seil to the highest bidderfor cash, ail the right, title, claim, lntsrssl andestate of Arthur K. Taylor being the estate orhl life by coortesy . as the sn reiving has banduf Susan &. Isi iw, iinrsesel) In and to Usefollowtae desrr?b1 al estate, i-:

1 he ntidtvSda-- third par' of asjssjanin lot orland I;-- and rsrtoa sltnated In tl

eonnty .if Shelby. State of Tennes.nee, bealnnlna at tlie inlersection of the westline or Third street with the north hue olW:ishlngsen street, rnnniaf thent-- northwith the wast One of Third street f. t i.s sfnae; tbcaee west and parallel with Wasli-ln1o-

street 1ISV, feet to an alley; tliencesouth sod with Third street and withand upon the west line of said alley w , lessto the norto line of Washington ,SSBSS n'i rlth the north line or isi I Vfc'asklosj-itiufa-

tan street t the place of tx eionlng.said ) uden. .Tit In faTor of Harrel.

Rlslsy A Keteswms, and aasanst John Pitt manJi, 'i. " ln- -

ie :o commence at 11 o clock am.tsr i p rs ss--r ic

Hherlff of shelb- - ' "ouni v.isKor OtiJlAM, Ally for Hlaintiffs. ocl


imu a. d. In the First Circuit Osart ofHhelby count; Tennessee Msiiln Laug- -

hsTinrthe eude

beenofi llii enssrt, levi.- -

andthat uwdf-- n i

ant Is indebted to plaintiff tn the sum of .fuTdssnsa s on breach of tract, and thatI la a State ofTennessee, or ts abou to remoTe his proner--ty out of the Mate.

It Is therefore nnler that he make his per--1

onal appearanre her in, before the Judge ofthe Hrst Orcuit ( or t of Hhelby ronnty. atthe courthouse in the ity of Memphis, on thethird Hondas' In Jal iar rlxt, and delete!said attachment suisertbed by law, or thewith eaastsjBJHaasAsVwAW

poblislied once a we

:ith d iy of September1STZ XAKK TAFT, Cler.By B. F. Cohax rpnty Clerk.

Men we. her A Att'ys for HI ff. seSS

Attachment Notice.R. Via BrockUn vs. J. W. Mclntyn. Before

me. Win WelUc- -, Justice of the Peace forShelby eoun.v. TVnnewee.N the shove named Milt, affidavit far at- -

t bavin pean made uodtr Secuothe defendan t Is a non rritifnt u'TenDessee. or is about to remove himself orproperty rom this tttaie, or liaM .

or la removing oat of the county pri-vately, or eoncesUa his properly so lbs'tbe ordinary process of the law canootervvd on htm. or bas abcDded. or is ah

scouding or conceaJlnc Iilmseii or pioperor bas fTHMdently ur is abobt fraudent y :o.lipose oi iID- P1Jis just, and :

ty Das and relumed by s proper oil.;It la therefore ordered, That the dtftHMlappear before me, at my office. No. tH Monro:

street, in the city of Mempbio, Tennss-e- , oothe lAth day of November, A. I . UCt st11 o'clock ajn., and defend this suit, or thesame wili be proceeded With x parte; andthat a copy of this notice be published once aweek for four consecutive weeks In tee Mem-phis Ajpaju

ocSaat WM. WALLACE, J. P.

Probate Court Hale of ftoai EstateHf THE TOW.w OF RAI.KK.II

No. 98, R. D. In the Piobala Court of Shelbycounty. Tennessee Indiana seoCt, formerly 'Indiana Mailon. Aiiminstratri x of he Ttta tvof James Mailon. decased. K.x parte.

rTNDER and by virtue of an airloculory !

for sale entered In :he abovecause, the September Term, 1K72, of the

Court, I will sett tothnninhaaabiader. at j

publie auction, in front of the courthousedoor of said Curt, in the city of Memphis, on

within lewnl hours, the following describedreal estate, i turned In the towr, of RaisitcU,Shelby county, Tennewt bounded as oiiows,to wit:

Lnc Mm. 4, froutlny s7 feat on Fayette tre- -t

and running back Lai feet on Muket stteet,be! ng 7 by 150 reet, anu upon which isa two--I

frrimt- ouitdinf nearly new. soLot Ke. S, W by Ldu lest, begmning at a

stake the northwest corner of TsOt No. i, on j

Payette street- thence west sT feet toastake;thence south im feet to a rttake; east T '

feet so a stake, the southwest corner of LotNo. 4 ; thence north ISt feet to L. aekinnimc .

' and upon wblch is a two-sto- h:iiidlng, withkitchen, outhouses, stables, etc., and food efts--tern.

Terms of Cau-One-t- hird cash and the bal- -

-- nee on a credtt of nIx months, retainlnc ahen on the property to secure deferred pay- -

menu- purchasers executing notes Willi ap- -proved vcaiittes.

A copy attest: JAM k KSLi LLY. rierk.ty J. n.t.r. t.LaN. Deputy Clerk, ocl we,!

Probate (Joiirt Sale of Keai EsUteNo. M, R. D.-- In tbe Probata Court of Shelby

County, Tennswsee.-Oeo- nte L. DouulAsi,

at Uie present Uetorr term or tne Pr. bate'Court, wili .l the higher bidder, a. pub- -Ue auction, on the nmnirian. on

Tuesday, Nermbcf 12, 1872,within lesal hours, the following describedreal estate belong ins to the estate of K. N.Bond, deceased, lying in Shelby county, Ten-nessee, tn District No. 1, Range j. Section &,

:ouiided a follows:Lot No. l L. ginning at a stake In a road In

the east line of the Uarreil tract, of wbicb thislot U a part; thence north with said linechains and iff links to a stake ; thence west 11

chains and MB links to a stake ; thence 8 IS E82 chains and 9 links to a whlteoak marked

H ; thence east 11 chains and link.-- t:.ebeiriiinins c.)utaininc ia acres.

Al- -. l.uc No. Beglnnlnu at the SE c irnerof Lo No. l.and rani thence south 6 chainsand links to the NE corner of dower lot No.i, with swaetgnm pointers: thence west 14

chains and Lu link, to the NW corner of saiddower lot, with redoak tapllng pointer:thence south HP or 8 chains and 11 link tothe SW corner of said dower lot, with nsuifrasand retloak xapliug pointers; thence vestto chains nod links to a samite, it beiuiouenorth 7 chains and Kltns to s rstaketheNEe rner of dower Jot No. 1: thenee west M

t chains and 40 links to the N w corner of saiddower lot stake s 26 E 50 links from a wtiive-- ioak marked X thence north 15 chainsand w links ton stake; th nee east ml chain-- .

find links to a stake In west line Harreiltract; thence south 2 degreesast chains and40 links to the SW corner oi lot No. 1 : thenceeast U chains and) links to the beginningcontaining 0 acres.

Terms of Sale- - Cash.JAMES FEILLY, Clerk.

jbvj hatu.e, uepuiy ( iers.H T. Sale, Sol. for com ptn t. oeU

Non-Resil- iit .Notice.

No. st. K. li. In tbe Probate Ocounty, Tennessee. L. M sret Vanee, Jane Keller Joynelner, Loa. Priest, William ber I

Vance. Edward Vance, l aioli andBerlin, ht

IT apimarina :rom sscutled bit led i: tbiL caa-- e, wbl'b i n to, that L..U P ilealand Wm. Priest, I isban.l, are rsnst-re- sl

dontsof tbe state in esses, and n bwasji -or the Stale of Arl

same will betaketset for bearingthis order be published once a for foarsacceselTe weeks, in the Meniph.s Appeal,

This October i,W;A copy at teat :

I JAMt REILLY, Clerk.By J. H. Ctjlleic, Depoty Clerk.Vance, Anderson, Meriwether Scales, Hols,

for ' 'om plain ant. ooH tu

nt Notice.No. m.-I- n the First Chancery coort of Shelby

countv, Tennessee. B. M. Paiham vs. Wil- -

lam E. Tom.inson.TT appearing from the bill which is sworn ro1 in this canst? that the tefrivant, wuiaamK. Tomllneou, lsaeltixen of t. ami a

' of the State of Tennessee; thatho In lndebfed to complainant In tbe (turn ofabout lUwi, mm evidenced by prmltory notereferred to in said bUl f oonij .ainant : andthat a writ of attsvetnaefet has U-- n tamed andreturned, levied on the property of said de- -

fendant, situated In thlHStaie;It Is therefore ordered, That be make his

appearance herein, at the courthouse In thecity of afatnpfcU, Tsaw-teae- on or before theis; Monday iD.November.hCVanucr demur to com&ialnant's bill, or the samewill be taken for confessed as to him and netlor hearing exparfe; and tbat a ropyaf this order be puhllafaed once a week, forfour fcoceeaatve weeks. Id tbe Mem planAppeal. This th day of September. t&2.

A. eopv attest :f.;.Ml'M) A. COLE, Clerk and Master,

By R. J. Black, Deputy C. and M.Vance, Anderson, Scales Memwether,

Sols, for complain ante. aasu


t No. OLIa tbe Second Chancery toart ofcounty. Tennetavee. oreen P. Foore

vs. Mary BLTrigK. and Cha.S. P. Bowles.A. W. C. Bowl.-- t and Henry C. Stetson, firm

t Bowles Bros. a. Oar' tappearing I ram the Mil wiach is sworn

11 to in this cause that tbe defendant. MaryK. Tri i a resident of New Iionlid-- :ana; Chas fS. P. Bowie tsa resident of Piiris,France and A. W. C Bowles and Henry C.stetson are resldeutsof theStau-o-f Sew York,and that they are all of the State

li rDU.reWS ordered by thaUerk and Mas- -ter. Thafthey make their appearance herein,at the courthouse of tbe ChanceryCourt tn the city of MemptU, Tennessee,inor before the nrstMonday in November, ltCi

' and plead, answer or demur to complainant's' bilL or the name will be taken tor confessed

mm to them, and set for hearing ex parte; andthat a copy of this order De puollsned! once aweek, for four mhUti weeks, in the Mem- -

phis Appeal, rots M day of oetober, is...A, copy Attest ,

M. D. L. STEWART, Clerk and Master,By Geosob Mallut, D. C. A M.Jno i. Flnnie. rtol. forootnplt. oct

Administrator'o Notice.been appointed at the SeptemberHAVING of the Probate Conn 01 Shelby

rounty, Tennessee. Adminifctraror of ThotoaoJ. IHU, defeased, tola la to notify all personsaavbng clauaV against him to present them

a M r-- J:. wrLLI .'AX, Adm r.

Notice.tsn appointed at the July term,HAVING the Probata Court of Hhelaj

countr , Tennessee, AHminlstraULX of GeorgeH. Uolladay, demassd. tills la to notify all per-sons having claims agalnss him to present

ime uescno-s- i oy law.VIKUINIA UOLLADAY.

Memphis. Tunnsiee.Attorney Angut 17. IKT3

- Administratrix Notire.

Tn si .is. BaTtw sssg-sii-riil to tbeUMrtasrk of SksOhy eoonty the

ii'soivexvcT of the ssjlate of F. M. Woodward.awetxsMd.l her-b- notify all persons havingclaims agsJast the estate to apoear before theBSsM County Court Clerk and Ala the same.Hutr.enusatad ix tha mannax ej

v law. on or before the l ab day of October. IsTS, otxssrwds thsry sliall ba forever

J. H. rira. Attorney.MemphiA. Ttnn.. July IX, IKTJ. Wwfr

JLttaCwJaent Notice.Ilsl, A. D.-- In Hartlvtt Circuit Court of Shelby

county, Tenn Mi pp. M. L. Meacham vs.Th ii I T Tliblhlf iJi v .N this cans-- i aa auachsueut havuog ben

out axiuer fcecuon or in!i on1! nan rsstiirn-- int. (cart icm-- o

ierot.jd prooertv of tha dsWaitsn t. andIda it having baan mad bat ru dslend- -

ant Is Indebted to they vsi by note. thsl the aer.

of TwnrsssiIt is th. r u

uuiAn herBin, t.of tbe Bar.Wtt I t Cisxct Ol

ihesBnswts.iisn wwsi am .

h Mtssalay Ja Bait, andi

defend aid Attach assrifn it. a .tntntnc timelaw or Jie snia. will h,-

ssstsi sstssssSss; saws tha'- a sssxsr est this.. .i.r i riubit-.rie- once a wesOt, for four

' casesicve weeka, In the wcrnpfct Appeal.Dssss a OS la BsBtl-- n tbwrth Mb day of

i ssiosssr. M. JOtUI sfcBbilOKi, Clerk.Jarnagin 4 Frayser, AU'ys ,' . pi tT. .Kll in


DB.J). S.i0HSS0S'S



CpJrtairs, between sAbansjton and Adans

utvphis, TXinrfor th e rresst-men-

Is now peri insasntly ssaahlsthedpatients, both male and 'amaJe,

who are afflicted with any form of


sl.l. )..!. ev ennlnna- - alan that SCTe3US

a sodsarT habit, rainoos to Vhe body Amind, prrlgity. impotestsy, wtss dimn

eraioisto society, loss of naesaory. wsssanesa, etcnot all of these lu any one ease, bnt sdl oecnr-n-n

freuoenUy in various easeSL Rlieumi- -

attention paid to theWOMs'N, socn ae

wlilfeZ fallitw of the womb, and Ii SSSiltlty or

uon.The doctor can be couswited

hyl. requinns; histAttention uaice hoorn

m svasuTi T3.fOH?fN MP.


ill Supreme Court at Jai-kson- .

So 138, M. C. Bach n. lastXxinnaes et ai.

Y VIRTUE of a decree pronounced la this)case June . 1173. by the sutreme court of

eou-sse- e. stJaek-v.u- . I will ll totiien .itnetin hi or tile First and Mecona

(haneery f"om rooms, cm iseeond street, inthe city ol Memphis onFriday, tbe First star of jreTewstser, 1V7

thin ieirai honrsthelnterestoicomuia-uAui-rmriniiTTtaeh- .

V in the real estate in :he pleastlnsjp asuudivided naif interest tu a Jr ""fhe corrnty of h"iby. tate of lennaeaybeiiur part of a di viaiou aiUittsui to John t,.

in the dlvhrtoo anions the pro-

prietors of the city ot Memphis, anAwreyedhv said Me Lemurs to Jon DJmenm. andboomdiMl as fbUow. tavwit:

side of Market -- Ueetatake on the noruieast,r ,ad, said tak aalnw the aoncbeass corner ofa im old by aid urabsiu to V . A. Amen;

Ti east iuaaUi'sici with ihonSTrtd. of .aid rrdon- - DMlo a stake the wKitha-ea- comerof asMHssmr,,- r;a.-- to Hack 4 'esbi:t: thence

lead dale.1i d .a Usk- s swnoe ot

re-- in tlMu a credit of



Court at Jck son

rrtsny, taw Pint INt r November, 1iT

l iN. Clerk.H.Cni K. , r.- -: hmvs, aoUcitors

for Conaplainiuiw- -

Supreme Court Sale.No. H. sleeond ( haneery Docket. In Swprvma

( oart at Jackson. V. K. ook At Vo. et al. vs.J. F. Frank, John F. MeKlnoer at al.

virUM of a decree proBOOrjcsd by theBY p rem. Coort sf Tennessee, at Jackson.May 21, 172. tn uus came, I will sell to the.richest on tbe premises descried. !athe city of Mempbla. on

Thandaj, tke Jlt Day f October, 1873,

within leea; hours, the real ', , i . K niM.lln .nH Ait ... mm

follow.:A lot of ground situate in Shelby eonnty.

Tsn n ssaos. oaJaaaraon street- - in theMesjiphla: Beginning atLhe oorthweatoorner

and t'oor. streets: there-- e:ward;y. wra"" ' 'd ttlttSSbnsht angles v. or

lso. two other !!1uniy, esnawa One Lot, No. JU,

e on the east aide ofIuderdale street, the southwest corner ofWhltUe's lot; thence running on s line par-

allel with Lauderdale street sooth chainand n links to Jackson stree.; thence east, ona line parallel with Jackson street, 3 chainand s7 links to s stake at the corner of JohnE. Brown's iot: thence north, ou a line paral-lel with Brown's lot, 6 chains and 37 links to a..? tke on the line of WhltUe's lot: thence,west, on a line of Whittle's lot, 3 chains and

7 links to the point of beginning; containing

Also, Lot So. Jl on the plat of land soreeye.tand iald off and adjoining the towns of Mem-

phis and Fort Klckenug. and described aa fol-lows: Commencing at the Interseetlon of

tide of Jackson street with the wast.sJde of the Hernando road ; thence north on aline of said road 3T wens, 10 chains and V7links to a stake; thence north tl west, .1

chains and ss links to s flake near tbe allroad ; thence sooth 5 chains and it links to aslake ; thence west 1 chain and 51 links to astake ; thence soclh 0 chains and IT links to astake In the north line of Jackson street;hence on a Una with Jackson street east 9

chains and links to the potnt of beginning.Terms of Hale ilx, twelTe and elghtssm

months credit . U and 18 months credit i;purchasers giving notes with approved per-sonal security for purchase money, and a ssssm

retained on the land unUl same is paid:equity vf barred. August 1. H

H. KKi:EstA", Clerk.Beecbe. . Be.cuer and smith A swlttreuge.

sols, lor coniplD'la- .. ni ol parties, this vie Is po-- t-

rsii-.r- to, , ; ieuiher io Ttiurs.1 ' .

7,, 1ST;. Tl:e property will be snb--.

'. .sold dj .c" plan and dla-s.r- n

srieH bs-- t P Kinney, EW ifii-

IBS l : SEV: M A.N . Ciark

Hnprcme 'art Sale.Vo. tS. Second Qhhi fSTck.-Jo- hn M

Heni:n.Ksssv Mar a S. Mc

iemisfT. 1S7

bytory Mrwest WM

Molerremtt b--aid iicpircbn.and wlmandefe

mmredcmpti m ba

Clanp.Vance ft




3NTo. 38a fltroet.Recommend to LadteV

and Dealers the new Lac-c- a

isklrt lor demi traindresses, tbe K m p r e s sWalking kirt, the Eu-genie skirt with Bu-t- l e.all without Joints; also,the tine French i.'tdaaauCorsets, Werley, Dupont,Fo , Nursing and Ml-e-

vret-scaxit'- t aud whiteLar- -

et stock In the cityFolding Bustles

Protecuirs. A.t roods warranted.

I.OI Is l.iN.--



HAVE this day pat ap one of my CottonI Prrsssx. osi the Bluff. In front of J. W.DOWDY co.-- i otHc.,

Ho. aw Tt it Str..and will take pleasurata ahovmg it to anyone that may wish to porch ass a food Press.Call round ; will give all the particulars.

(oloow-- l J- P. Dowdv if aiaao acting as myeat. ii. W. SWlXEMkOAb. '



p.ROM long experience, this Press baa

proved to be th most reliable in use. Severbreaks or gets out of repair.

J. A. HARPHAJf, Ageat,mmjm awaasa sr., - aaawi


!X XT,

plan ta

Porter Jt On.. S UtrMo street. D. t H. ajS. 13X1
