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ըժ ը - շᱶ ֊շ ֡ ֊ է֊֡ե։֊ եև֊ չվ֢֏ժ ֎։֧շ չᭅ , ֏֊չ -364002 չ֡վֆ (֏ֆ) CSIR-CENTRAL SALT & MARINE CHEMICALS RESEARCH INSTITUTE Gijubhai Badheka Marg, Bhavnagar - 364 002, Gujarat (India) ो֊ ֊./ Phone: 91-0278-2563805, 2567760, ֍֧ ֊./ Fax: 91-0278-2572354, 2566970 ժ-֧ल / e-mail: E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] ֏ եռ ֊ֈ֧շ एएըըժ , ֏֊չ շो ե֎ो։ֆ շ֧ ֊ շᳱ է᭠ ᳰշ է։շ շो All communications to be addressed to the Director, CSMCRI and not in the name of any officer շोट֧֊ շ֧ लए է֊֡ो։ / REQUEST FOR QUOTATION ड ोट ᳇ ֆ To: վ֊շ ե . Enquiry No.: IMP(411)23/17-18/PB/T-24 ᳰֈ֊եշ / Date: 10-10-2017 ֊ֆ ֆև Due Date: 14.11.2017 (सांय 5.00 बजे तक) ոोल֊֧ շᳱ ֆև Date of Opening 15.11.2017 (ֈो 3.00 ֎վ֧) ोֈ ֊ֈ֧շ, एएըըժ ֏֊չ ֊लոֆ ֈᲂ շᳱ ոֈ շ֧ लए (ֈो ֎ोल օल շ֧ ֆֆ) շोट֧֊ ըեֆ շֆ֧ ֨ Dear Sir, The Director, CSMCRI Bhavnagar invites quotation (under two bid system) for the procurement of the following items. .ե. Sr. No. ᮕ շ օ Description of Material Quantity 1 Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer with Accessories (Detail are as per attached sheet) 1 թल֧ᮝ֊շ ोड ֧ ֏֡չֆ֊ շ֧ लए է֊֧ ֎ᱹշ օ շ֧ ֎֧ ֏ վ֊շ ֆ֡ֆ շᱶ। Please furnish all the information regarding your bank details for electronic mode of payment. ֎ोलֈֆᲐ ն է֊֡֎ե։ շᳱ ֆᲄ շ֧ ֊ֈᱷ ֆ ֊ ն ֆᱸ վ֡ ᱟժ ᱹ। लեᳰշ, Sr.No.3 ն 4 ֊ एե ֆᱸ , եो։ֆ ո ֨ ն ֊ռ֧ շ֧ վ շֆ ֨ : Terms and conditions including instructions to bidders and conditions of contract are attached. However, Terms & Conditions at Sr.No.3 and 4, stands modified and may be read as under: ֊ोट: - ֍ल ֎ोलֈֆ յ ֢᭨ շ֧ 10% շ֧ लए ֎վ ֆ֡ֆ շ֊ ोչ । (֊ ֆᭅ ե . 12 ֈ֧ոᱶ ) Note: - The successful bidder will have to submit the PBG for 10% of PO Value. (Please see T & C No. 12) ֊ֈ շᳱ էեֆ ֆո ֆև ոोल֊֧ շᳱ ֆո : ֆ / շोट֧֊ एएըըժ շो 14/11/17 सांय 5.00 बजे ֆշ ᱟդռ վ֊ ռए । ֊ֈएդ էչल֧ ᳰֈ֊ էևᭅֆ 15/11/17 շो ֈो 3.00 ֎վ֧ ֎ोलֈֆᲐ-վो ֊ֈ ոोल֊֧ շ֧ իևֆ ֊ ռֆ֧ ᱹ ի֊շᳱ իևֆ ᱶ ոोल վएչ । ᳰֈ ֊ֈ ոोल֊֧ շᳱ ֆո շो ս֡Ჵ ोֆ ֨ ֆो էչल֧ շᭅᳰֈ ի ն և֊ ֊ֈएդ ոोल վएչ । ֆշ֊շᳱ ֎ोलᲂ շ ֆշ֊շᳱ ֢᭨եշ֊ շ֊֧ շ֧ ֎ֈ ֈो-֎ोल ֊ֈ ᮧօल շᳱ ֢᭨ ֎ोलոोल վएչ । ֆշ֊շᳱ ֢᭨եշ֊ ի֡Ღ ֧ վ֊֧ շ֧ ֎ֈ ֢᭨ ֎ोल ոोल֊֧ շᳱ ֆո շ֧ ֎֧ ᱶ ֎ोल ֈֆᲐ շो ֢ռֆ ᳰշ վएչ ।

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  • - , - 364002 ( )

    CSIR-CENTRAL SALT & MARINE CHEMICALS RESEARCH INSTITUTE Gijubhai Badheka Marg, Bhavnagar - 364 002, Gujarat (India)

    ./ Phone: 91-0278-2563805, 2567760, ./ Fax: 91-0278-2572354, 2566970 - / e-mail: E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

    , All communications to be addressed to the Director, CSMCRI and not in the name of any officer



    . Enquiry No.:


    / Date: 10-10-2017

    Due Date: 14.11.2017 ( 5.00


    Date of Opening 15.11.2017 ( 3.00 )

    , ( )

    Dear Sir, The Director, CSMCRI Bhavnagar invites quotation (under two bid system) for the procurement of the following items.

    . .

    Sr. No.

    Description of Material


    1 Single Crystal X-ray Diffractometer with Accessories

    (Detail are as per attached sheet) 1

    Please furnish all the information regarding your bank details for electronic mode of payment.

    , Sr.No.3 4 , :

    Terms and conditions including instructions to bidders and conditions of contract are attached. However, Terms & Conditions at Sr.No.3 and 4,

    stands modified and may be read as under:

    : - 10% ( . 12 ) Note: - The successful bidder will have to submit the PBG for 10% of PO Value. (Please see T & C No. 12)

    : / 14/11/17 5.00 15/11/17 3.00 -


  • DUE & OPENING DATES: The Offer/Quotations must reach at CSMCRI on or before 14/11/17 to 5.00 P.M. sharp. The tenders will be opened next day 15/11/17 at 3.00 P.M. in the presence of bidders, who wish to present themselves at the time of opening of tender. In

    case opening date happens to be a holiday, the tender will be opened on next working day at the same time & location. The price bids of two

    bid tender system shall be opened after technical evaluation of technical bids. The date of opening of price bids shall be informed to the bidders

    found suitable in technical evaluation.

    Rs.4,60,000/- / / / ( / | . |) ,

    , 225 - ( )

    / , , / , , -

    ( ) |

    EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD): EMD for an amount of Rs. 4,60,000/- in the form of RTGS/NEFT (detail of account attached also please note

    that while doing RTGS/NEFT in remarks mention the EMD for tender no.Also attach documentary evidence which include UTR No.),. Bank

    guarantee or Term Deposit Receipt/FDR of a scheduled bank pledged in the name of Director, Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute,

    Bhavnagar valid for 225 days from the date of opening of the tender for the required amount as mentioned in the tender notice separate for each item must be submitted along with the quotation (with the technical bid in case of two-bid system and photocopy of the same enclosed

    with the price bid), otherwise quotation may not be considered. The firms registered with DGS&D, NSIC, Govt. Public Undertakings, Central

    Autonomous Bodies and with the CSIRLabs./Instts, if any, as manufacturer for the supply of the same category of item for which the party is

    submitting quotation will be exempted from submission of EMD. Exempted parties will have to give proof of registration along with their

    quotation. EMD of the unsuccessful bidders shall be refunded at the earliest but latest within 15 days after finalization of the purchase of

    concerned item. The party must therefore, submit a pre-receipted Bill in triplicate along with the quotation (in case of EMD sent in form of Bank

    Draft, to enable us to refund their EMD. Please note that EMD in any other format other than above will not

    be consider and bid will be rejected.

    Stores & Purchase Officer

    For future reference/enquires: you are requested to get yourself register on following links:

    1). For GeM- https://gem.gov.in/register/supplier/signup

    (For Help, visit https://gem.gov.in/sellerRegisterGuide )

    2). For E-procurement:- https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app

    and share user id to us.

    For detail notification you may visit our website www.csmcri.res.in

  • NOTE: in case of any discrepancy between above specification and terms and condition

    include instruction to bidder and condition of contract. The terms and condition on this

    specification on prevail.


    1. GENERAL: Quotation in sealed cover are invited on behalf of the Director, CSIR-Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute, Bhavnagar from the reputed

    Indian and foreign manufacturer The offer/ quotation must be strictly as per required specifications and the tender terms & conditions. One Indian Agent can participate in a tender on behalf of one manufacturer. The offer(s) will not be entertained if the same Indian Agent is representing more than one foreign principal manufacturer.

    2. SUBMISSION OF OFFERS: a. Quotation should be submitted directly by the original manufacturer/supplier or its sole authorized distributor/dealer. b. All the documents of the bids should be addressed to the Director, CSIR-Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute, Bhavnagar and sent to Stores

    and Purchase Officer. c. Each offer/quotation should be kept in separate envelope section against each item of the tender notice. d. The offer/quotation should be submitted in one/two/three/four cover as requested in the Tender Notice. The four covers depict EMD fee details,

    Pre Qualifications, Techno-Commercial bid and Price bid. In case firms submitting bids in a single envelope against the requirement of two-bid system, it would be considered for further evaluation at the risk & responsibility of the bidder.

    e. The outer cover containing the offer/quote should be super-scribed with our tender No., due date and date of opening of tender. f. The Techno-commercial offers must contain the Technical Leaflets/literature and complete specifications of the quoted model(s) of the

    item along with commercial terms & conditions, compliance statement of specifications & Compliance statement of tender terms & conditions and the required amount EMD.

    g. Kindly mention the source from where NIT was made available to you i.e. CSMCRI website, CSMCRI letter or specify if any other source.

    h. Bidders must upload duly signed and stamp tender acceptance letter on their letterhead as per Annexure I in the Pre Qualification Section.

    3. DUE & OPENING DATES: The Offer/Quotations must reach at CSMCRI on or before _________ up to _____ P.M sharp. The tenders will be opened

    next day i.e. ________ at ________ P.M. in the presence of bidders, who wish to present themselves at the time of opening of tender. In case opening

    date happens to be a holiday, the tender will be opened on next working day at the same time & location. The price bids of two bid tender system shall be opened after technical evaluation of technical bids. The date of opening of price bids shall be informed to the bidders found suitable in

    technical evaluation. (For detail please refer cover of enquiry)

    4. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD): EMD for an amount of Rs. ________ in the form of Bank guarantee or Term Deposit Receipt/FDR or RTGS/NEFT

    (detail of account attached also please note that while doing RTGS/NEFT in remarks mention the EMD for tender

    no.Also attach documentary evidence which include UTR No.) pledged in the name of Director, Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute, Bhavnagar valid for 225 days from the date of opening of the tender for the required amount as mentioned in the tender notice separate for each item must be submitted along with the quotation (with the techno-commercial quotation in case of two-bid system and photocopy of the same enclosed with the price bid, otherwise quotation may not be considered. The firms registered with DGS&D, NSIC, Govt. Public Undertakings, Start-Ups registered with DIPP (GoI) with valid certificate or MSMES with valid Udyog Aadhar No., SSI registered with NSIC, Central Autonomous Bodies and with the CSIR Labs. / Instts, if any, as manufacturer for the supply of the same category of item for which the party is submitting quotation will be exempted from submission of EMD. Exempted parties will have to give proof of registration along with their quotation. EMD of the unsuccessful bidders shall be refunded at the earliest but latest within 15 days after finalization of the purchase of concerned item. The party must therefore, submit a pre-receipted Bill in triplicate along with the quotation (in case of EMD sent in form of Bank Draft, to enable us to refund their EMD. In case a bidder intimates at the time of tender opening in writing that the bid security is kept inside the financial bid, in case of 2-bid system, then in such cases, the technical bid, of the party may be accepted provisionally till opening of the financial bids with

    which the party has attached the bid security. Please note that EMD in any other format other than above will not be consider