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Muscular System

Upload: chelsea-attwood

Post on 15-Dec-2015




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Muscular System

Articulartory System

This system comprises of the joints in the body. A joint is the point where two or more bones meet.

There are three broad categories of joints based on the level of movement they provide: Fibrous – immovable Cartilaginous – slightly moveable Synovial – freely movable

These types of joints offer little or no movement

Fibrous joints are found between the bones in the cranium and the fused bones of the sacrum

Cartilaginous joints are located between the sternum and rims and between each vetebra

Fibrous and Cartilaginous Joints

Ball and socket

Gliding joint

Synovial joints – freely movable

Condyloid joint

Saddle joint

Hinge joint

Pivot joint

For each of the synovial joints, give 2 examples of where you would find those joints


Movable joints Charades!