*. i xh money || tobacc( ***** :onway mmmmmmn · jehu causey and* *daughter, miss sadie, were...

y * X*' r" . »! |i i in - I « LOCAL AND N. F. Nixon was in Conway last Monday. * ** W. P. Hooks was in Conway last weeK on business. * * * %* George J. Holliday spent the week, end at Myrtle Reach. I * * * * J. D. Martin was in Conway one day last week on business. ** T. W. Booth spent a portion of last W*idnesday in Conway. * * * * / M. R. Smith spent last week-end in 4Ansor»ville, Anson County, N. C. ***** J. H. Dusenbury of Toddville was a visitor in Conway last Saturday. * ** « Mrs. Ed L. Smith is spending some time with her parents in Kershaw. ***** Noah Johnson was back in Conway las week with a big load of tobacco. * * Sheriff J as. A. Lewis was in the Iiorl^s community on business last week. ' . * * Jehu Causey and daughter, Miss Sadie, were shopping in town last Saturday. * * * Mrs. Sallie H. Smith, and Miss Belle Smith, are spending this week in Latta, S. C. * » ** Marion A. Wright has let the contract for the building- of a cottage in Conway. * * * * * Rochelle Mishoe of North Carolina spent some time here last week the guest of his uncle, W. L. Mishoe. * * « * i The summer school which has been nn Drotrress here for thp oast six weeks came to a close last Friday. ***** Misses Elizabeth and Marie Wellons. after spending several weeks at Four Oaks, returned home last week. ***** Miss Louise Hollowell is spending some time in Conway the guest of Mi.vpes Elizabeth and Marje Welloijs. ^ ***** j C. F. DuBose of Floyds township was in Conway last week spending his time with Mr. and Mrs. G. Lloyd Ford. * ***. 0. S. Lucas of Florence, S. C., snent some time in Conway last -week on business for the internal revenue of^ fice. Mr«. M. R. Smith, and little daughter, Hannah Ross, are spending sometime with Mrs. Smith's parents in North Carolina. ***** A piece of paper of the light kind, the right kind of ink and a card rightly placed on the paper with it, is worth something to you in business. ***'* Charles O'Berry and Mrs. Lizzette Slocumb, and Dr. Meredith and wife of Wilmington, spent last Sunday in town the guests of Mrs. Florence Hedrick. 4 * ** * mes Henry Rice, Jr., is writing some extremely interesting articles for Nature Magazine. The circulation of the periodical is increasing at a rapid rate. ***** Misses Vivian Burroughs, Hilda 1 jMrtc (i1111 oarii nemea spent several days last week at Myrtle Beach, visitIing Misses Margaret and Emmeline, Dusenbury. ***** J. S. Beverly and J. J. McKenzie, of Loris, S. C., spent some time in ConI way last week. Both of them are connected with the cooperative tobacco warehouses at Loris. You Guard Against Burglars, But I What About Rats? TJats steal millions of dollars' worth of grain, chickens, eggs, etc. Destroy property, and are a menace to heafth. I If you are troubled with rats, try RAT-SNAP. Tt will surely kill them .prevent odors. Cats or dogs won't touch it. Comes in cakes. Three sizes, 35c, C>.r>c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Piatt's Pharmacy, Conway, S. C..Adv. ' / i SSSSS555SS | m r. A universal custom | AttCr that benefits everyI Fvprv I __ ' Aids digestion, I MCcll c'eans6s A* soothes the throat. WRKLEYS I agoodtkiiig a « *. ^ PERSONAL Home ground meal at Spivey's. tf. ***** Rev. D. A. Phillips andProf.J. D. Brown spent last Monday in Conway. * * * I Misses Cora and Fannie Watson are spending a few days at Myrtle Beach. * * * * » I M iss Mary Laurence of Florence is spending some time with her mother here. ***** Send us your orders by mail for the J printing that you need fof an increased business. * * 1 John I. Ward of Little River, accompanied by his son spent one day last week in Conway. ] * * * McQueen Quattlebaum of the State Highway Department, spent the week- < end with his family in Conway. ***** Rev. J. C. Atkinson and Rev. W. L. < Parker attended he quarterly meeting at Sandy Plain on last Saturday. ***** 1 J. D. Jenkins returned last Sunday from Florence where he had been in the infirmary for about ten days. 1 ***** Mr. and Mrs. Eric « Andersen of Georgetown arrived in Conway last .1 Saturday to visit relatives and friends. * Mi ss Carolyn Horsford of Spring-1 field, Mass., spent one day last week < at Mvrtle Beach, the gup** of Mrs. A. ] T. Collins. * * » The heat last week was very oppressive, and prostrations from the excessive heat were threatened in several cases. ; * # * » Mr. and Mrs. Sam P. Jones celebrated their wedding anniversary last \ Sunday. Dinner was served to the immediate family. * * * * « i Mrs. A. T. Collins and df'ijrhter0 M isses Marguerite and Nina, will! leave this week for Hendersonville, N. C., to spend a few weeks. * « G..G» Hardee, has purchased for tho Smith Creek Stave & Lumber Co., the timber on lands of Stanley J. Mi shoe in Simpson-Creek township. * * * * Mi G. W. King and family and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Dozier spent last week at Murrell's Inlet on a camping trip, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vereen. * * ** * S. D. Cox, land surveyor, snent several days on the North Carolina line "ear Little River running land lines through the estate of B. H. Justice in 'egal proceedings. * * Prof, and Mrs. D. L. Lewis and son, Klisha, and Miss Simpson of Columbia left here last Friday for their home after spending six weeks as instructors in the summer school. ***** George Johnson, who is operating the Tampico farm of Hon. R. B. Scarborough, sold a two horse wagon load of tobacco in Conway some days ago for about $.r>00.00. He was satisfied with the prices he received. * * * * » Dr. G. T. Lewis spent several days in the country last week with his brother. His many friends will be glad to learn that he is able to travel, as Dr. Lewis has been confined to his home for some months on account of illness. ***** Last week the work of construction on one of the brick walls of the Buck Motor Company's large new storage rooms on 3rd Avenue was taken up wnere it was lett off several months I ago and it is understood that the work I will now fro on to completion. » ** Tuesday of last week was dry and 1 hot and also a portion of Wednesday This was a pood time for handling tobacco and it is understood that many farmers spent the time in grading and tying, and in bringing tobacco that was ready to place with the ware- ' houses. 1 o /?/?/? Cures Malaria, Chills and VUU Fever, Dengue or Bilious Fever. 5|3j23-20t. 1 1%/ IVJ CANDIES, CIGAR COAT'S COTTO] AT Buy from a CUSTOM Mullins 1 We Sell to Merchants onl 7-19-1 mo. THE HORRY HERALD, OOBT X SA H TOBACC( i / ig * mmmmmmn > ... D. F. Prince spent a day here 011 business last week. * Miss Laura Jenkins was a visitor at Myrtle Beach last week. * * Jas. A. Lewis spent some time at Loris last week on business. * » Mi ss Ruth Jenkins spent several lays in Florence last week. * * * Mrs. H. G. Cushman spent last Friday in town from Myrtle Beach. * » M. F. Nixon of Wampee, S. C., was in Conway last week on business. * » J. F. Harper of Toddville attended the tobacco sales one day last week. » * * Mrs. Mable Goodyear of Nichols, passed through town last Thursday on her way to Myrtle Beach. * * * Tho tobacco warehouses at Loris each had advertisements in the Horry Herald beginning1 in the issue of last week. » ***** Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Wright spent the nights of last week at Myrtle Beach, coming over in the mornings and returning in the afternoons. * *. * * Dr. J. A. Norton and twins, Edward and Arthur, accompanied by Mr. J. O. Norton, spent several days in Saluda, N. C., visiting Mrs. B. W. Crouch. ***** Mrs. J. T. Stillwell and little daughter, Jane, of Montezuma, Ga., arrived in Conway last Fridnv and will spend some time here visiting her father, Rev. J. C. Atkinson. * * Dr. G. I. Lewis was able to visit the business section of Conway for the first time in several months since his recent illness. His friends were glad to see him improving. ***** The making up of tax returns has rr,... p, font under new taxing systems that it is a real burden to any business man, or firm, where their interests are of any size. * * * * * Misses IrniP l ewis, Ernestine Lit He, Mildred Collins, and Bessie Dus^nhnvv returned from Mvrtle Beach last Thursday after spending1 a week with Miss Gene Wood Norton. * * * * * Fred Laurence of Oglethorpe University, spent last week with his mother. He and Baylis Spivey left by automobile for Washington where they attended the Harding funeral. They are now in Hendersonville, N. C. « * * « The Roberts Clothing Company of Tabor, N. C. last week had a big order for large posters filled at the Herald office. This lot of circulars will be used in the big sale they are putting on the latter part of August. * * The opening of the tobacco season has brought increased business to this entire section of the State. You can see it in th^ stores, in the machine shops, in the business offices of the towns of Horry County. * * * * * An agent from the tax commission of South Carolina visited Conway last \veek for the purpose of checking up merchants stock returns in Conway. He called on a number of business houses here and called on several new concerns in the county and obtained returns of their stock on hand. ***** J. J. King of Adrian, S. C., had an argument with a tobacco "buyer last week, and in the course of it stated Ll A 1 * 1 mat ne coum show the buyers where there was no pay for the grower in the raising of low grades of tobacco, oven if the tobacco leaves could acLually be produced in the field without * [erchant Our Stock Consists of S, CIGARETT ES, TOB^ M, HEAVY AN D FANC WHOLESALE Oh WHOLESALE that does r [ERS, thereby protecting YO Wholesale Groc y W. E. EDWARI 1 WAY, S. 0. AUGUST 16, 1923 c9MV^ t VE MONEY B\ 3 IN CONWA :ONWAY / ny expense or any labor or cultiva-1 tion. He then said that you could take a low grade pile of tobacco and after doing nothing to it except cleaning it ' of dirt, grading it the best this pould be done, and tying it into bunches, and for this labor alone the price received would not amount to adequate wages. He is just about right about this. It does not pay to raise a low grade of tobacco for any market. * * * DEATH OF LADY Many friends of Allen Skipper sympathize with him in the tfeath of his wife recently after she had suffered a stroke of paralysis. Mr. Skippe»' lives in the Wampee community. o _ FIRST COTTON The first open cotton boll of the season comes to the Horry Herald office from the farm of S. W. Martin, who lives on an R. F. D. route leading out f Conway. This first open boll was received at the office last Thursday morning and 'vas nicked from the evening before. In spite of the boll weevil Mr. Martin will produce some high grade cotton for the market. o HAD MOONSHINE Three men and a jug of moonshiw hnd their tnvn along1 the national highway last Sunday. As automobiles passed along these men acted as if they cared but little whether they got out of the way 01 not They were all rich in their own estimation. It if- said tha: a rural poliecnum was out on the road and doubtless took the three men in before night unless their conduct changed. o GETS GOOD PRICE R. M. Brown of Socastee township was in Conway last week to sell the sandlugs from his tobacco crop of two acres. The lugs brought him the price of 34 cents, 19 cents and 13 cents, repectively for the three grades. This was considered a good sale for this .quality of tobacco. The two acres has produced some very fine tobacco for Mr. Brown and lie is expecting a much higher price for the balance of his crop. o CAROLINA GOODS A variety of Carolina products, made in North and South Carolina, ranging from canned goods to coat Jiangers, and from print cloths to peanut butter, taking in an assortment of manufactured goods that leave no room whatever for outside competition will be exhibited on the floor of tho Made in Carolinas Exposition building, when the big show o**ens in Charlotte on September 24 to run through October 6, according to advance lists cf goods to be exhibited by the manufacturers of the two state*. .o. LOOK THIS UP Onfe. thing that should be looked into carefully, at all times by the retail merchants association is the matter of prices charged in Conway as compared to the prices charged for the same things in nearby towns. If it should be found that the price charged in Conway is higher than those charged in those other towns, then look into the matter of freight rates and ree if the town is being treated unfairly by the railroads. It might be that a ' <fmedy could be found for correcting this if it 9 * * * » 666 Cures Malaria, Chills and Fever, Den gue or Bilious Fever. It destroys the germs. 5|3|23-20t. Il s: - '-fr. \CCOS, snuff, . :y groceries jly lot sell your UR interest * :ery Co. )S, Pre#., Sec. and Trea«# 'v.; »v >' / > mmwmm T SELLING YOl Y AND TRAI DRUGyPO should be found to exist. One good way to bring business here is to see that prices of retail goods are as low as they can be bought in other places in this section of the State. o DONE BY COUNTY The work on the roa>* to Myrtle Beach just beyond tne sieel bridge, and which was recently completed, was carried on under the direction of the County Road Commissioner, H. P. Little. A very good job was done and it promises to be as nearly permanent as could be under the circumstances. The funds, however, for paying the expenses of this work were raised as, follows: County Road Fund $1,000.00 State Highway Dept. $2,000.00 Contributed by Citizens .. $1,000.00 Total Cost $4,000.00 o . . CALHOUN'S CROP There has been raised a fine tobacco crop this year on the Calhoun lands in Take the wrinkles out of your stomach. Fill it with good biscuits. Let us sell you the flour. In big bags, for our best prepared, we now ask only $5.95 per barrel. Think of it! Tell your eighbor. Big bargain in rice, too. Palmetto Grocery Co., "Cooper," Mullins. 8-16-23-2ti. o 666 quickly relieves Constipation,] Biliousness, Headaches, Colds and LaGrippe. 5|3!23-20t. I GREENWOOD BU! GREENWOOD. S< There are hundreds of positi ambitious young man and young v Salary is no question with the hi TRAINED AND COMPETENT o A course taken in our collegt time, and at a surprisingly low co WORLD and W rite for our handsome new Address: PR ESI DEN Box 520 IJ, Gr 8-lf)-23-4ti. Just A Car corn Car Merry W: Car Famous F Car peanut m Car Morton's Car Checker ! Feeds. Big stocks st lard, case goods cigarettes, tobacc in the heavy groc To A Car Nancy Le Car rice Car Timothv 1 , Car corn and Lots of other j ous to mention, headquarters whc have the goods ai are anxious to sei COOPER-S Wholesale Phone No. 16 % UR Si )ING AT || I upper Bucks township. I At lasi accounts oniy a part of this good crop had been disposed of. Some of that which had been sold brought forty cents per pound. o Dr. Clifton, specialist, diseases, eye, ear, nose and throat at Conway Drug Co., after Tuesday, 24th. Glasses fitted. No charges to the poor. adv. « x. We'll Get Your Grocery Order Out Promptly. One of the many things that nives satisfaction to our bin crowd of regular customers is promptness. Home ground meal again in stock. Put a peck in your next order. SPIVEY MERCANTILE CO Phone 11. Conway, S. C. SINESS COLLEGE DUTH CAROLINA ons in the business world for the toman who really want to succeed, usiness man of today. He wants fficc help. ' will equip you in a very short st, to go into the BI(« BUSINESS tix your own salary. catalogue. T YV. S. PKTERSON, eenw ood, S. C. r SPECIALS arrived idow Flour 'lour eal Fine Salt Board and Dairy igar, rice, meat, , candies, cigars, o, and everything ery line. rrive e Hour hay oats jroods too numerMake our place in in town. We id the price and ve you. MITH CO. i Grocers Conway, S. C.

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  • y

    * X*'

    r". »! |i i in


    I « LOCAL ANDN. F. Nixon was in Conway last

    Monday.* * *

    W. P. Hooks was in Conway lastweeK on business.

    * * * %*George J. Holliday spent the week,end at Myrtle Reach.

    I * * * *J. D. Martin was in Conway one day

    last week on business.* *

    T. W. Booth spent a portion of lastW*idnesday in Conway.

    * * * */ M. R. Smith spent last week-end in4Ansor»ville, Anson County, N. C.

    *****J. H. Dusenbury of Toddville was a

    visitor in Conway last Saturday.* * * «

    Mrs. Ed L. Smith is spending sometime with her parents in Kershaw.

    *****Noah Johnson was back in Conway

    las week with a big load of tobacco.* *

    Sheriff J as. A. Lewis was in theIiorl^s community on business lastweek. ' .

    * *Jehu Causey and daughter, Miss

    Sadie, were shopping in town last Saturday.* * *

    Mrs. Sallie H. Smith, and Miss BelleSmith, are spending this week in Latta,S. C.

    * » * *

    Marion A. Wright has let the contractfor the building- of a cottage inConway.

    * * * * *

    Rochelle Mishoe of North Carolinaspent some time here last week theguest of his uncle, W. L. Mishoe.

    * * « *i The summer school which has beennn Drotrress here for thp oast sixweeks came to a close last Friday.

    *****Misses Elizabeth and Marie Wellons.after spending several weeks at

    Four Oaks, returned home last week.*****

    Miss Louise Hollowell is spendingsome time in Conway the guest ofMi.vpes Elizabeth and Marje Welloijs.

    ^ *****j C. F. DuBose of Floyds township

    was in Conway last week spending histime with Mr. and Mrs. G. Lloyd Ford.

    * ***.0. S. Lucas of Florence, S. C., snent

    some time in Conway last -week onbusiness for the internal revenue of^fice.

    Mr«. M. R. Smith, and little daughter,Hannah Ross, are spending sometimewith Mrs. Smith's parents inNorth Carolina.


    A piece of paper of the light kind,the right kind of ink and a card rightlyplaced on the paper with it, isworth something to you in business.***'*

    Charles O'Berry and Mrs. LizzetteSlocumb, and Dr. Meredith and wifeof Wilmington, spent last Sunday intown the guests of Mrs. Florence Hedrick.

    4 * * * *mes Henry Rice, Jr., is writing

    some extremely interesting articlesfor Nature Magazine. The circulationof the periodical is increasing at arapid rate.


    Misses Vivian Burroughs, Hilda1 C«

    jMrtc (i1111 oarii nemea spent severaldays last week at Myrtle Beach, visitIingMisses Margaret and Emmeline,Dusenbury.


    J. S. Beverly and J. J. McKenzie, ofLoris, S. C., spent some time in ConIway last week. Both of them are connectedwith the cooperative tobaccowarehouses at Loris.

    You Guard Against Burglars, ButIWhat About Rats?

    TJats steal millions of dollars' worthof grain, chickens, eggs, etc. Destroyproperty, and are a menace to heafth.

    I If you are troubled with rats, tryRAT-SNAP. Tt will surely kill them.prevent odors. Cats or dogs won'ttouch it. Comes in cakes. Three sizes,35c, C>.r>c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteedby Piatt's Pharmacy, Conway, S.C..Adv.' / i

    SSSSS555SS|m r. A universal custom|AttCr that benefits everyIFvprv

    I __ ' Aids digestion,I MCcll c'eans6s A*

    soothes the throat.

    WRKLEYSI agoodtkiiig a

    « *. ^


    Home ground meal at Spivey's. tf.*****

    Rev. D. A. Phillips andProf.J. D.Brown spent last Monday in Conway.

    * * * IMisses Cora and Fannie Watson are

    spending a few days at Myrtle Beach.* * * * » I

    M iss Mary Laurence of Florence isspending some time with her motherhere.


    Send us your orders by mail for the Jprinting that you need fof an increasedbusiness.

    * * 1John I. Ward of Little River, accompaniedby his son spent one day

    last week in Conway. ]* * *

    McQueen Quattlebaum of the StateHighway Department, spent the week- <end with his family in Conway.


    Rev. J. C. Atkinson and Rev. W. L. <Parker attended he quarterly meetingat Sandy Plain on last Saturday.

    ***** 1

    J. D. Jenkins returned last Sundayfrom Florence where he had been inthe infirmary for about ten days. 1


    Mr. and Mrs. Eric « Andersen ofGeorgetown arrived in Conway last .1Saturday to visit relatives and friends.


    Mi ss Carolyn Horsford of Spring-1field, Mass., spent one day last week <at Mvrtle Beach, the gup** of Mrs. A. ]T. Collins.

    * * »The heat last week was very oppressive,and prostrations from the

    excessive heat were threatened inseveral cases. ;

    * # * »

    Mr. and Mrs. Sam P. Jones celebratedtheir wedding anniversary last \Sunday. Dinner was served to the immediatefamily.

    * * * * « iMrs. A. T. Collins and df'ijrhter0

    M isses Marguerite and Nina, will!leave this week for Hendersonville, N.C., to spend a few weeks.

    * «

    G..G» Hardee, has purchased for thoSmith Creek Stave & Lumber Co., thetimber on lands of Stanley J. Mishoein Simpson-Creek township.

    * * * *

    Mi G. W. King and family and Mr.and Mrs. D. A. Dozier spent last weekat Murrell's Inlet on a camping trip,the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vereen.

    * * * * *

    S. D. Cox, land surveyor, snent severaldays on the North Carolina line"ear Little River running land linesthrough the estate of B. H. Justice in'egal proceedings.

    * *

    Prof, and Mrs. D. L. Lewis and son,Klisha, and Miss Simpson of Columbialeft here last Friday for their homeafter spending six weeks as instructorsin the summer school.


    George Johnson, who is operatingthe Tampico farm of Hon. R. B. Scarborough,sold a two horse wagon loadof tobacco in Conway some days agofor about $.r>00.00. He was satisfiedwith the prices he received.

    * * * * »

    Dr. G. T. Lewis spent several daysin the country last week with hisbrother. His many friends will be gladto learn that he is able to travel, asDr. Lewis has been confined to hishome for some months on account ofillness.

    *****Last week the work of construction

    on one of the brick walls of the BuckMotor Company's large new storagerooms on 3rd Avenue was taken up

    wnere it was lett off several months Iago and it is understood that the work Iwill now fro on to completion.

    » * *

    Tuesday of last week was dry and 1hot and also a portion of WednesdayThis was a pood time for handling tobaccoand it is understood that manyfarmers spent the time in grading andtying, and in bringing tobacco thatwas ready to place with the ware- 'houses. 1

    o/?/?/? Cures Malaria, Chills andVUU Fever, Dengue or Bilious

    Fever. 5|3j23-20t. 1



    ATBuy from aCUSTOM

    Mullins 1We Sell to Merchants onl

    7-19-1 mo.


    X SAH TOBACC(i /ig *mmmmmmn


    D. F. Prince spent a day here 011business last week.


    Miss Laura Jenkins was a visitor atMyrtle Beach last week.

    * *

    Jas. A. Lewis spent some time atLoris last week on business.

    * »

    Mi ss Ruth Jenkins spent severallays in Florence last week.

    * * *Mrs. H. G. Cushman spent last Fridayin town from Myrtle Beach.

    * »M. F. Nixon of Wampee, S. C., was

    in Conway last week on business.* »

    J. F. Harper of Toddville attendedthe tobacco sales one day last week.

    » * *

    Mrs. Mable Goodyear of Nichols,passed through town last Thursday onher way to Myrtle Beach.

    * * *

    Tho tobacco warehouses at Loriseach had advertisements in the HorryHerald beginning1 in the issue of lastweek. »


    Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Wright spentthe nights of last week at MyrtleBeach, coming over in the morningsand returning in the afternoons.

    * *. * *

    Dr. J. A. Norton and twins, Edwardand Arthur, accompanied by Mr.J. O. Norton, spent several days inSaluda, N. C., visiting Mrs. B. W.Crouch.


    Mrs. J. T. Stillwell and little daughter,Jane, of Montezuma, Ga., arrivedin Conway last Fridnv and will spendsome time here visiting her father,Rev. J. C. Atkinson.

    * *

    Dr. G. I. Lewis was able to visit thebusiness section of Conway for thefirst time in several months since hisrecent illness. His friends were gladto see him improving.

    *****The making up of tax returns has

    rr,... p, font under newtaxing systems that it is a real burdento any business man, or firm, wheretheir interests are of any size.

    * * * * *

    Misses IrniP l ewis, Ernestine LitHe, Mildred Collins, and Bessie Dus^nhnvvreturned from Mvrtle Beachlast Thursday after spending1 a weekwith Miss Gene Wood Norton.

    * * * * *

    Fred Laurence of Oglethorpe University,spent last week with his mother.He and Baylis Spivey left by automobilefor Washington where theyattended the Harding funeral. Theyare now in Hendersonville, N. C.

    « * * «

    The Roberts Clothing Company ofTabor, N. C. last week had a big orderfor large posters filled at the Heraldoffice. This lot of circulars will be usedin the big sale they are putting on thelatter part of August.

    * *

    The opening of the tobacco seasonhas brought increased business to thisentire section of the State. You cansee it in th^ stores, in the machineshops, in the business offices of thetowns of Horry County.

    * * * * *An agent from the tax commission

    of South Carolina visited Conway last\veek for the purpose of checking upmerchants stock returns in Conway.He called on a number of businesshouses here and called on several newconcerns in the county and obtainedreturns of their stock on hand.

    *****J. J. King of Adrian, S. C., had an

    argument with a tobacco "buyer lastweek, and in the course of it statedLl A 1 * 1

    mat ne coum show the buyers wherethere was no pay for the grower inthe raising of low grades of tobacco,oven if the tobacco leaves could acLuallybe produced in the field without


    [erchantOur Stock Consists of

    S, CIGARETT ES, TOB^M, HEAVY AN D FANCWHOLESALE OhWHOLESALE that does r[ERS, thereby protecting YO

    Wholesale Grocy W. E. EDWARI


    WAY, S. 0. AUGUST 16, 1923

    c9MV^ t

    VE MONEY B\3 IN CONWA:ONWAY/ ny expense or any labor or cultiva-1tion. He then said that you could takea low grade pile of tobacco and afterdoing nothing to it except cleaning it


    of dirt, grading it the best thispould be done, and tying it intobunches, and for this labor alone theprice received would not amount toadequate wages. He is just about rightabout this. It does not pay to raisea low grade of tobacco for any market.

    * * *


    Many friends of Allen Skipper sympathizewith him in the tfeath of hiswife recently after she had suffered astroke of paralysis. Mr. Skippe»' livesin the Wampee community.

    o _


    The first open cotton boll of the seasoncomes to the Horry Herald officefrom the farm of S. W. Martin, wholives on an R. F. D. route leading outf Conway.This first open boll was received at

    the office last Thursday morning and'vas nicked from the evening before.In spite of the boll weevil Mr. Martinwill produce some high grade cottonfor the market.



    Three men and a jug of moonshiwhnd their tnvn along1 the national highwaylast Sunday.As automobiles passed along these

    men acted as if they cared but littlewhether they got out of the way 01not They were all rich in their ownestimation.

    It if- said tha: a rural poliecnum wasout on the road and doubtless took thethree men in before night unless theirconduct changed.



    R. M. Brown of Socastee townshipwas in Conway last week to sell thesandlugs from his tobacco crop of twoacres.The lugs brought him the price of

    34 cents, 19 cents and 13 cents, repectivelyfor the three grades. Thiswas considered a good sale for this.quality of tobacco.

    The two acres has produced somevery fine tobacco for Mr. Brown andlie is expecting a much higher pricefor the balance of his crop.


    A variety of Carolina products,made in North and South Carolina,ranging from canned goods to coatJiangers, and from print cloths to peanutbutter, taking in an assortment ofmanufactured goods that leave noroom whatever for outside competitionwill be exhibited on the floor of thoMade in Carolinas Exposition building,when the big show o**ens in Charlotteon September 24 to run throughOctober 6, according to advance listscf goods to be exhibited by the manufacturersof the two state*.



    Onfe. thing that should be looked intocarefully, at all times by the retailmerchants association is the matter ofprices charged in Conway as comparedto the prices charged for the samethings in nearby towns. If it should befound that the price charged in Conwayis higher than those charged inthose other towns, then look into thematter of freight rates and ree if thetown is being treated unfairly by therailroads. It might be that a ' '

    / >


    DRUGyPOshould be found to exist. One goodway to bring business here is to seethat prices of retail goods are as lowas they can be bought in other placesin this section of the State.



    The work on the roa>* to MyrtleBeach just beyond tne sieel bridge,and which was recently completed,was carried on under the direction ofthe County Road Commissioner, H. P.Little. A very good job was done andit promises to be as nearly permanentas could be under the circumstances.The funds, however, for paying the

    expenses of this work were raised as,follows:County Road Fund $1,000.00State Highway Dept. $2,000.00Contributed by Citizens .. $1,000.00Total Cost $4,000.00

    o . .


    There has been raised a fine tobaccocrop this year on the Calhoun lands in

    Take the wrinkles out of your stomach.Fill it with good biscuits. Let ussell you the flour. In big bags, for ourbest prepared, we now ask only $5.95per barrel. Think of it! Tell youreighbor. Big bargain in rice, too. PalmettoGrocery Co., "Cooper," Mullins.


    666 quickly relieves Constipation,]Biliousness, Headaches, Colds and LaGrippe.5|3!23-20t.


    There are hundreds of positiambitious young man and young vSalary is no question with the hiTRAINED AND COMPETENT o

    A course taken in our collegttime, and at a surprisingly low co

    WORLD andW rite for our handsome new

    Address: PRESIDENBox 520 IJ, Gr


    Just ACar cornCar Merry W:Car Famous FCar peanut mCar Morton'sCar Checker !

    Feeds.Big stocks st

    lard, case goodscigarettes, tobaccin the heavy groc

    To ACar Nancy LeCar riceCar Timothv 1

    , Car corn andLots of other j

    ous to mention,headquarters whchave the goods aiare anxious to sei


    Phone No. 16


    UR Si)ING AT || Iupper Bucks township. I

    At lasi accounts oniy a part of thisgood crop had been disposed of. Someof that which had been sold broughtforty cents per pound.


    Dr. Clifton, specialist, diseases, eye,ear, nose and throat at Conway DrugCo., after Tuesday, 24th. Glasses fitted.No charges to the poor. adv.

    « x.

    We'llGet Your GroceryOrder OutPromptly.

    One of the many things that nivessatisfaction to our bin crowd of regularcustomers is promptness.Home ground meal again in stock.

    Put a peck in your next order.

    SPIVEY MERCANTILE COPhone 11. Conway, S. C.

    SINESS COLLEGEDUTH CAROLINAons in the business world for thetoman who really want to succeed,usiness man of today. He wantsfficc help.' will equip you in a very shortst, to go into the BI(« BUSINESStix your own salary.catalogue.T YV. S. PKTERSON,eenw ood, S. C.



    idow Flour'lourealFine SaltBoard and Dairyigar, rice, meat,, candies, cigars,o, and everythingery line.rrivee Hour

    hayoatsjroods too numerMakeour placein in town. Weid the price andve you.

    MITH CO.i Grocers

    Conway, S. C.