· j...

J ' ; AT lr0mer,IerzoglaGo.'s 500 a if 431 sm ut dines, worth; ULSTERS AT at nolo! GIVES BY jBret-erlio- ou of Locninolite Ylremt n, AT Fltaclbtaaa FMW,W.iMi. Vtckrts. Including railroad fare. 50 ernts: ladies M' x. . -- i' JTTi.irtrtJin Dm. Pullman (iritNon on each train t"T Invited guest. Truing as advertised. jBAtBA-- I X ; IT OLIUPIO FAB.. ffrjHDAY AHO HOIDIY, f-- -0 7-- 8 LOSE STinS.or New Orleans, fclYERSIDES, or Heznpblg, Admtoloo. 2ft cents earn oa.tee at n.m. r a Trains will bun Louisville depot 2, 21 and w, "lock. Kara, round-trip- , 10 cerita. OOD P1CHICI ! BY THE BLCFP CITV GBA8! AT KSTITAL FAEX. MUSIC . . ..D AKCIXB- --- ASD . .. -- FUS I TnirjSSUAY EV'M, JUI-- Y 1st BEGINNING AT S O'CLOCK. FASCY WUIfcUi, KTC. TICKETS. .FIFTY CENTS Far sale ever here In the dry. aTj,KPAt' UttAlsD MCWIC, N At E,Ut1 Fart, July 5th, Coder the management of theCoUa ladle and geulleuien of MemphlA. MUSIC BY BAN D WEB KER'd OHCHK8TBA. Amor? the principal features of amusements wll be a GO-A- S WALklNti MATCH, to rce at 8 p. in. Premiums oral. y. "ThnT BirmrrPAopo mail ljcciock; noon, July at Kuniilre P. J. Quintal' oulce. 85 Adams alraet. Match to b eonauoted unf er same rules as the world renowned, Adliley belt niatsfc. FITS BALLOON ASCKNdlONS, by Prof. Hopkins, alRpm. and 80 p.m. OH AND DISPLAY Oa IBKWOS K3, furnished by .tie well known house ot Thuriet A Co., Mew York, will eonimencs at p.m. Tht 8HOOTINU eALLKRY.witb eitra attracUooi and greater faclllUes than ever OefOra, will be un- der the tble mantigement of the crack sdota of Vmi.liis, who have arranged valuable premiums for lip lHoret number of line sbota. DsSt'lU AURANukMKNTd are eomplete, under ibe diiection ot able and Prof. H . edw"i krr'si'rchestni. BhHtr'.-ialr.- s rd t all kinds at moderate rate CHn ins on the grounds. trtliat ifuit have been taken by a careful lnit- - and good comnittieee to make the piviilo a grAc.d success, aud at lite same Utno to make It very select. K.VI-KAI- K fKR, VIVTV CEWT3. Tl.-ke- is for ?nle enly at tie sate. ArrsjiKprnniU have been icad with the Streetcar Co. to bnva a lance num'jr cf ears ooastanllv run tllnir rtnrli.f tTiert'iv nod fiil.t. JET I'ALACE.- - RES'OVAL OF THEJET PALACE. Aksit th 15th t JulT, 1S, w will eay tkt atare 77 Main atrC together wltk Mr. Jl. . ?tktaia (opoaslto Coart MtaaraV tLitit i. mttmr lasaaeaM barcalaa In J IWEL. - sr mm vmci baoim Par- ties wltklsK la aareuaae will ' da wtill ta glTe aa m rail. I. R0ESCKES, Agent, 37.1' WjIn street. W emphi. DKJITIJSTnY. J, W. 14 HJLa ON ,1 enlist XS Mala sftrorfu BltST FRTOF TIKTH TIN DOLLAB8 Hold Flllinp r. Two Pollan Silver and Tin FUllmrs One Dollrj UaaaiHl Iitnv-tin- . each. Kitty Cecta KOOflS AJHU JtOAlilK TOOM MKndMnKly roratsbed, wtth dresslng- - x room aiutcbsd, southern eipoMire. Km Adams. TT'ACrLLH.St VIRUIN1A B.)RtlNU-TK- Ra XI. 91 5 per month. Doctor's hi Is ft Apply to J. T. MhLTON. M.K., Wilmington. Fluvanna county, ta. Reler to Dr. MDonalr, pernor Second Baptist - nuin. nrcnmona. va. i A. k. ijcinon. HOOiL Nice furnlahed rooms, cheap, at No. h MIN 'TRFRT. MCLK-- f '" liKW ARti On June 1 1. 1880, from 8. Batemau, ons Urge brown home mule; almut lrl bantls hlirh; branded wtib small Con left Jaw; stolen brasnare-ma.ieivlHc- k nemo, ahout efent 1 0 Inches high; limps oonatdertib'y in walking. Any turomiMilon lendinstodlsccvnryuf mule or thief will t nana rui 'V HwlMS H R t. man. 010a. Tenn. rtSlCMOHIAXi. T ADlId WISHINtJ and JLJ fanev work uf all kinds, croobxt and darned net eraik) ainu, iiampin ror dinruonds and eonipaas, eau at stnt, u u. v alkmtin K'rf. ;tiw main LUCK-kY- 8ALVI FOR Jt giaia. M cents per bottle. FOIC KEAT. OTOliltiK All kinds of goods, flanoa, O ele , stored at a.d Main street, ( barges vry Also tuiuuure and pWnoe iackd and "'Pt''' . WM. M. 1 KRKINd H CO. IuVt'iK k Loch. ut retueo No. 80 .'tilerson exiceled. eoutainlng eve rooms In ttrst- - iv. cMHiniou. spp.y on tne premisea. KUOMS-tietiU- wI. well furnUhed; Vi roiims on 0. near bualneeS! larva vnmnda fl II rmlt- - tuatirrx.ui, bam. eta; geod ve.of nnnsenl buildings, eta.; lll reut lor tbe summer la geod family. J. tKiLDSBliHY. PnveniKwt. HoLaS A larva ana couimoinX, 00 n- - Uilrusea rooms, and two detached OOT-- I Aiii' 3 (if two fcoun eacu, eiui a good spring and agar-.le- n spot, atfccwsnicse, Tennnsee, The nous la pnitty tuitiislied. and is suilaoty located for a aoardirigseuso and aol. For lenns. eto.. apply to T. H. AHMdTBON'l. Sevunse. Fraikiiu oouoty, Tean. OGkt a k uruubed ot uafui n aued, single or la wis, miuoui poara: aparimenis suuaa lor bmiek-wptp- , nt l,it ,len.n s'reet. HIT.KELD'a dUMM&b BTOVK8-F- or oil, fluid 2m dSUONDaT. MARS A geaUeman leaving Lbs elty otters for a goutte aad fast mr. re: aim three drays. j..ldies J. t, at this omce. Jk .TULK, DRAY AND BAJLKb'8 WAUON-Ap- uly at 2'. -- MnlQ street. TV tf AM. 1 no ir vlioii. ':U rro-- d street -- A lr,f. new aiu tieauttful RISIl'K-VC- K cuulAiiili g !oi:t 16 rooms, Uttys and siua.l, belli"! 1.1 iik nod euticnto, and rluoeucd.ailli an neomeary oul buUduuiS, ai'd v illi s' it 7 scots Of (Ivuii'l (.tu tu o, lu iii lo uf M Altnitv.lle, l'enu. J he txtuc 1114 M aUiut i t;xnO oet, an Uils 10 swrtra aud A bnreutMd, w,.u a Mdnjard nmi. 1 ills pnpi la wh! tuv u aHluHf lor wliioh it ws !i"iL Or lor a icma scbo'.l "r ooMrdti-tbouM- . trtti imvi. 00 us lr u, arm st 11 a aunt Cir-- 3 liiut iMopt7, at i b;ui. utH.iira r--t Us ori- - m4 - t'. COrKFK, siimiV H, TVnri. . -- ia street iTod. Sii. M2; TTOual-U- a Jrni. ' miSi tiliui lUshorUme, uA Ibtneat. APIly u 08 Hsdleoa st L. W. unit. ra&ke; 11LLI AHO-- ABLE' - Kme Btiirswu . "vjial 1 sinriwd sue; t early iir- - i'aiace tlJ'Mi. M'HAJC d: tX. A..ri l:i:vLU' V U.T, ,1:1-1- 1 tr. Jl a Uipe gmuiiiiy of ntxui-b.'P- m- - urioi 101 i Mie, In ya .i'Liiit-- s to suit .in .a ra, 1 he bbote ms eiAl wir.t;;r'-- v Um ee.t!i, r, t ol Loa imim txjyvt irluLua con-paiiy- , aPinii at, fiowcon. t,. c. ., Mrtnphla fTtEoTiil.Vi ANU , I LJtAP in Hna ' cjjuw oronr, 1; Ri'pncath o l I'Uia immeuihieiy; rikKiie 1 tin fi cjlliiurr and n rlrvkn. Also, a ftu !)- - vt lerit n u.e, LiacUiaaU. tlHIUire i t,ai,.ii... .T. v; t!fi i Ue. ioed Grena- - k $3 50. lower than ever offered. 10,000 HATS HALF PRICE! AlLGoafLs ana Bel ADD DUSTERS, aw Cost! AKAOUKCK aT. Far sjeaaty Trattee. rry) me Vote i of Shelby eounty; Encouraged by JL expressions of good will and approval from every quarter, without regard to party, for which I am grateful, t hereby announce myself as a candi date for to the i Mo of County Truitee, promising. If ibe earn fidelity as In the punt to every trtitt the offlce with Its extraordinary le.ponamintles Imtinwi. Hmi, o. rL.Br.un. LUHT. During excursion on Tint Bhlnkle a light SHAWL shawl. The Under wt I pleateaeod the same to 272 Lau erdale street MRS. I.P.QUIQLET. 1UB KE.M Oil HALE. riiwO-tJTOK- T STOREHOUSE In nrst-cla- s con JL anion, at nan aoipn, Tenn. Address DK K. H. BULL, Randolph. Tenn. ft'OtlSD. TT AYS A bunch of four keys was found on Third street. In North Memphis. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this adver- - tiHemenu can at mis omoe. MTBAVYEII JB HTOLEM. COW With blaze face and white back; RED milk on or about the Urstof June. Also ana white and black BDOtted cow. with bias aars no ear marks: giving milk; strayed or stolen June d. Ten dollars reward ror metr return to CLa HENCE NELSON, Central Dairy, Henry avenue. 14 mile east of City hospital WANTS. XJUGST To buy a No. 1 second-han- d top buggy JJ ebeap. Aadreas, ataung loweei price. CASa. this oBice. tOOK A woman to 000k and wash for famlljuW J lour. Apply on ANCHOB LINK WHABFBOAT. PKRSON3 of high respactabtllty desired to spend at a beautiful country residence la I.iVCAHTRK. KY. Kallroada, larga house, forty seres or ground, pore milk, butter, water, loa. nrs-eia- table, aood drives, walks, library, musical In- struments, dally papers, etc Terms, $10 per week; S30 per fear weeks. Add'est MRS. K. D. POTTS, Lancaster. Ky. -- 4 (r MBN To work on the extension M. and 1UUU O. B, B.. between Columbus, Ky., and Cairo, III. Good wages, and plenty of good station work. Also want 800 w .irons and scraper teams. Apply to W. P. DUNAVANT CO., Columbus. Ky. mWQ MULSJ AND A GOOD MASS. JL Address B. H. J . Appeal office To assist In a meat store. BUTCBKB 878 POPtAB 8T. AN-8e- rvli es of a man aoQoalnt d wtth Platn- - M lng Mill Maanmery. w. a. curio m w. To 000k, waab and Iron, white or WOMAN Apply at James Park. Address or anolv to Jt B. h BROWNHSAP. Atlanta. Oa. An educated and refined young YOUNOLaDY than twenty years of age, to make her borne with the family and become the companion and teacher ol two young girls. Addresa for two weeks, care General A. J. Yaughan. nng a flrat-elsi- u aook to ao 10 the country dur- - jrg tbe.ummer. Apply at 1JS Madison street, - ToolTHORSa i'I BOCKAWAY-F- or keep; VJT woik ugbt, atid Kly?.-""8-- ". DTt.TT TAN AND WiFK Ti work rmrmM'.ently onJ 1TL Aopiv mea( sdod ririn anaa.errav. ChelteA. TLU bUTrLJta -- i;rner eaen price, . 11 1 TTT. gmt. Baale street rpEOTTING STALLIONd KOK SKaSON OF J. 188a We have a son of Byadyck'a " Eamll-Ionian- ," and a son ot Dr. Heir's " Matnbrtno Patchen," and a lnre stylish black Jack, which we keep for public service. We bave fine pastures, and gnuM horaes and mules for the city. HUWH D. AND JOHN B. OBXKB, Hlx miles nouthxAflt ol the city. ORANGES! LEWIS! 2000 boxes Oranges and Lemons, all Sound and in; good Shipping Order. , WHOLESALE GROCERS, MEMriLlS, - - TENNESSEE, - To Absentee. Th DAILY APPEAL-w- ill he tent oy mail at St per month. Pottoffic addrette will be changed whenever requested. Sub ecription must be paid in advance. LOCAL PAUAORAPUS. Lewi Carr, colored, was trrested yester day on the charge of larceny. Oa Thursday, the eighth of July, the Democrat) county aomiaauas cOuTntioo will bo held in this city. The Memphis Riraraide and the Ne Orleans Lriee Stars will play a game A. Ulytnpio paik this alternoon. ., A grand Democrat io rally and ratifica tion mee tin if will b held on the Chickasaw parade groutd next l nday night. The thermometer indicated eighty de grees at tw-- ) o dock yesterday atterBoan, and ha barometer it ooa at inches. The D mocratio county primary electioi will ha held in the different wards and dis tricts on Saturday next, the third of July. At theBiuff City Grays picnic on next Thursday a gold-heade- cane will be raffled for the most topular candidate for a county office. k : s A. atrawb.;rry-colore- d "cow, heavy with calf, was stolen a few nignta since from U. KuBb-aa- colored, reaicung oa tne oia ii 1h road. f It waa Qeorgiat.a Bland, colored, not George Bland, white, who waa . arrested by the police on a charge ot larceny, me ex- planation is made by reqaesL The residence of Air. bun L. Moore, No. 199 Elliott street, waa entered by thieve Friday night. They carried off a lot of clotb in jr. money and jewelry. The robbery waa not discovered until morning. .. , , Toe orphans' picnic on Jn'ySth promise to be very attractive, to judge from the ex Pensive errangetnenta now being made by ibd commtitee in charge. See the pro- gramme in tuia morning's paper. At half-va- st nine o'clock laat aiuht a fir a broke oat in an old frame ahantr ia the .lle oa Main street, east of Third. No alarm of Bre waa Bivtn to the department, althnnoh many whutlot were blown by citiaena. We hava been informed that thn boya oa the Iron Mountain road chanre tea ata per copy for the AmAi. and only five cents tor the bt. Lout papers. There la no reason why they should not sell the Appeal at five centa per copy. SZ Last night John Horton, colored, waa ar- te ted by the police oa the charge of attempt- ing to raa a counterfeit ten-doll- ar bul. se-r- ie iS7i No. "A. 386,625 E. ;" engranng palo; txeeuted. tin said he got the bill in LwuviUe, tackj' Knight'a Uietory of England, elffht vT "u, thirty oenta a Tolume; new Heatid. Pffluei Square and Standard Librari. a. - ... . pictorala. dailies and ail the leading reading twf0 W0 day can be bad at Mansion! 'a, 2.M Main street. Mr. BonbT. TuUea, depnty-aherif- f, on is last Thursday night, organised, at 8cmer is vtUe, Tenaeaaee. a lodare ot Xaisnta and La- - dies of Honor. The lodge was colled AxaJia, I KEL1UIOUS SEUYICESTO-DA-f ijT. MABY'8 CATHXDBAL. 6enlces at 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. KBMAN PROTESTANT CHTJBCH TMrd ttrett JT Preaching at lOUjO am. A BTBJEKT PRK3BYTKB1AN CHTJBCH ALtBAM servloes by the pastor. JT. JOSEPH'S CHURCH Mass at 7:15 a.m.; high O mass at MOJO a.m.; vespers at 70 p.m. PHIBD PBISBYTEBI AN CHtH-f-rf a" -b-errlces at 11 a.m. and at746 by the pastor. . IT PATRICK'S Corner IAmlenand Demto ftrtete. S Hi,ii Mass at 10 am. -- espers and preachujg at 1:30 p.m. 1 RACK EPISCOPAL CTIOBCHHifrviawfO street OT Services .as usual at 11 a.r Bunday-echo- at 0 a. i CHTJBCH. Will be open for divine C1ALYABT to-d- morning and evunlng, the rec tor eKdatlng. If KMFH1S BKTHEL Adame street, earner iVX Gharlattm evenue- .- Sunday- - ool every Bun-la- y at p.m. 1HXLSEA BAPTIST CHURCH Corner cf Mill J and Fflh street. Bev. W. H. Barttsdale, pas tor. Usual services. BTBZ1IT MITHODIST CHURCH. GKOBGIA at 11 a.m. and 70 pan. by nr. 1. a. Xreaaweu, pa-- w. PBESBYTKRIAN CHURCH Oorner cf SECOND and BeaU street. Sabbath -- school at 930 no services w-a- - - ITM HKKT.AND PBXSBYT BXAIT CHTJBCH U Court street. Kev. H. A. Jones, pastor. Preag at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. STREET H. X. CHTJBCH. HERNANDO at 90 a.m ; servloes at 11 am. and 8 p.m. tiullford Jones, pastor. CHURCH OF THE GOOD 8HEPHEBD Oaetosa j rjervlees by Bev. oeerge Monre at 10-- 30 am. sod 8 p.m. Suoday-scho- oi at 9 am. CHAPEL Oertfrol Pofnf. Pastor, PBOVTDENCE Servlcra at 11 a.m.,'d and 7 p.m. Sunday-scho- at 1:80 p. PETER'8 CATHOLIC CHTJBCH First mass ST. at 0a.m.; second mass at 8 a.m.; third (high) mass at 10 a. in. vespers at o p.m. flXTH STREET M. E. CHURCH Ooraer of tiizin atid Jaekitan street. Port - Pickering. Berflees at 8 p.m. w imam suimmin. pastor. LlMBST PBKSBYTEBIAM CHUBCH. Corn er uf L1 JWrd and Vopinr afreets. rreacning M in. m.,' and 8 p.m by the pastor, Bev. Eugene Daniel. r inntRDltl STREET PBESBYTEB1 AN I.J CHURCH Rev. N. M. Long, pastor. Services 11 am. and 8:16 p.m. Sunday-scho- at 9:80 a-- CtXCOND CONGBEGATIONAI, BHBBCH. Orleans ky stmef, aetwtn lAnaen ana tmtc cervices nt x am. and ? 0 p.m., Dy tne paau, hbv. mu o. wu tlaiaa. - CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH. Second tlref. near vrai. ounaHy-scuo- oi at :ou a.m. Preaching at It aon. and 8: 15 p.m., byBsT. T. J, Bjwan, pastor. nxoiftox (dvihu - w. wrw., bimax Povlar. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m , by the pastor, Bev. U. H. Mahon. Sunday school at 90 BAPTIST CHUBCH CENTBAL Vance and Demjto street. BeT. James Lou, pastor, treadling at it a.m., a ana i --ju p.m. Bunaay-scuo- ati p.s USNTBAL METHODIST CHTJBCH 187 Union J ttrteU Preaching at 11 a.m. and at 7 J10 p.m., by the pastor, Rev. S. W. Moore. Seats free. All Invited, especially young people. Sunday-scho- at sm rniBST BAPTIST CHUBCH. Second treet. be ll liasm Adou and Waefnngton Services at 1 1 a.m. and 8:15 n.m. by the paator. Bev. W. A. Mont gomery, D.D. at 9U30 a.m. Seats all free. dAFFARANS STREET M. E. CHURCH. SOUTH. - O Preaching at 11 a.m. and 8:16 p.m. by the paator, Bev. T. C. Holmes. Subject In the morning: r'Cbrut Cruolfled. " At night: "A Second Thought?' auaaay-scno- at vmo am. T" XATH ORPHAN ASYLUM-loterest-lng services I J are being held every Sunday afternoon, by Mr. W. J. Bracknell, late a In the penal Institutions ot Hudson eounu. New Jersey. Mem bers ot the several church choirs, end others Inter ested In the asylum, are cordially and respectfully invited to take part in the exercises and contains forty-si- x members, including eighteen ladies. Mr. T. J. M'Clellan waa elected protector,- - and Miss Mollie Loa M'Clellan secretary. Marriage censes issued by the county court clerk: Whites J. B. White and W. M. Miller John H. Glaab and Susie Kreuter, Sam V. Cutter, jr., and M. . Crook. Colored Chas. Cooper and Mollie Montgomery, Martin HolUngawotth and Martha Anderson. ' At the city hospital thereis a heary-se- t black negro man, ctlling himself Martin VanBuren. His throat is badly cat irom ear to ear, and be says he came here from Arkansas. He is dangerously injured, but will recover. Ha will give no information as to how he received the wound. Superintendent Barrett, of the street-ca- r company, was fined twenty-fiv- dollars lor cruelty to animals by Recorder Overton, yes- terday, on the prosecution of the secretary of the society for the prevention of cruelty to animals. . The secretary declined to prosecute n second case against Superintendent Bar- rett, deeming the first fine sufficient for the time being. . Billy Lieben's book and ' news depot, 236J Main street, receives everything on tie; gets papers and magazines ia forty-fo- ur hours running time from Mew York city. He received the last Franklin Library, the Mr- - iirn- - QlifiVity-4we- , lmkaSi Jrq For Her Vea? Sake, by Mary Cecil Hay, ooly twenty cents. - J Sunday welcome call. He has all the dailies and magazines. The Lone Stars.of New Orleans, will ar- rive on the ten o'clock train, via the Missis- sippi and Tennessee railroad, this forenoon, ana will play the R'versidea this afternoon at Olympio park. The tramB are as follows: Lont Star Croch, p : Brennan, c; Miller, 1st b.; Mahooy,2d b.; Peiti 3d b.; Tennyson, s. a.; Barth, I. f.; Barrett, c f. ; J. Barth r. f. Riversides Casey, s. a.; Colbert, 2d b.; Levy, c. f.; James Maloughney, 1. f.; Rata, Si b.; Noviiky, 1st b.; Carr, p.; Burke, r. f.; Maloughney, c. The' following was entered of record at the criminal court, by order of Judge Horri-ga- n, yesterday: "It appearing to the court, from" information received from a memoer of the bar, that S. II. Scott, an at- torney of this coart, swore out a warrant for the arrest of a petson on a criminal charge, although not the person injured by the offense alleged in said warrant, without any direct knowledge of the facts, and that when the party so charged in the said warrant was ex- amined before the justice of the peace, he (the said Scott) appeared aa the employed counsel of the accused, and defended the party so charged by warrant as aforesaid. It is therefore ordered that the attorney-genera- l investigate all the facta pertaining to the above charge, and if believed by the attor ney-gener- alter carefully inquiring, that the charge aa above set forth is substantially true, then the attorney-gener- will prepare charges against the said Scott in due form with a view to disbar the said Scott. The Cairo (Illinois) Bulletin.ot the twen gives a clear account of the sewer bs tern of Memphis, and winds it up astollows "Strangers are astonished at the wonderful resources of Memphis. All that has been accomplished was by close economy. Mem phis has the simplest municipal sovernmen in the world. She has no horde of officials to eat her np and frighten away merchants by heavy taxes. Having been resolved into the county, Memphis is governed by a board of directors, who manage her as they would their banks or groceries. If there is no money in the treasury debts are unpaid until it gets there in the regular way. The city cannot borrow, if the president of the board borrowed any money to finish a street, or build a bridge, he would be personally re sponsible for the money and not the district of Memphis. Nor can the board use one fond to pay the debts of another. It they pay the police with the sewerage fund they are personally responsible together with their bondsmen. Taxea are only two dollars and fifteen cents per one hundred dollars, and will, after the sewers have been laid, be re duced one dollar. No wire-workin- politicians have been able to feather their nest in the district government. We do not find saloon keepers and eambhno: bosses holdine the reins aa of old, but honest and good business men. Ihe future ot Memphis is bright in deed." - PEKSOaAL. Mas. E. A. MUWBThek has returned from Cincinnati. Dr. Buddxke eye and ear diseases. No. oo ,aat uourt street. Senator Ishax 6. Harris is in the city, having returned from Washington city, via uncicnati. Mb. D. P. Haddbn. who. went to Cincin nati to see the Democrats nominate the next President of the United Slates, has come home. Thb refreshment Drivileeea for the two grand river exennons to take c ace on the steamer Uiceola Jtfelle. Julv 3d and 4Lh can d purchased. Dy addressing i. J. Norton, 13 uaaison street. J. G. M. B off alio, stent of the Vircnnia and Tennessee Air-Li- n railroad at New York, was at the Peabcdy yesterday. He came up from urenada, and says there is great enthusiasm in Mississippi over the no- mination of Hancock. . Mr. W. P. Dtjnatakt, who has Just hnianed a big ranroaa contract in Alabama. waa here yesterday. He has a contract for grading the Mobile and Ohio extension from Columbus to Cairo, ana wants una thousand hands to work on that j b. The Dallas Herald, of last Friday,' has tb'a paragraph about a Memphis lady "Miss Susie Uuenicnet, of Memphis, a moat charming young - lady, at present visiting her aunt, Mrs. Colonel fointer, of this city, was taken - danseronaly ill on Wednesday evening, and for a time was believed to be about to pasa away into mat world which know no sorrow. - The attendance and min istrations of Dr. Beaumont, with the care and assistance of affectionate relatives, left nothing undone in her case, which," happily, is to b reported this morning a more hope-u- L, .. - - Attxbtion is called to the card of the Hotel de Corselios, at Tnllahoma, Tennessee, in another column. Tnllahoma is famous for its pure air and mountain scenery. As it can be reached in a bttle over twelve hours from Memphis it commends itself to those Mem-phia- as desiring rest aad recreation from busi- ness, yet wishing to be in ptriking distance of Mamphi. Those who visited there last annuner speak in the highetit terms of mine . " ', who baa letumed the art of host, C- -j - Onrold friend Captain r-'-"' u gnesu. . - when ho Joseph Lenow is a visitor there. meet a foian worth- - r i..-- . i. l. tell him all he know, .bout dYmUoeT hS the champion domino player there, as he everywhere. We bona h --,.. , home greatly atreasihenvd bv the rnr. . i v It and healLb-givio- g wkters. hi I (VwtiamwefsaaiSP(3VrV TJtiJB MEMPHIS Or Political Argonauts of Shelby Count j, Recapture the Golden Fleece and Nominate Ulm for the Office of . Count Trustee. Colonel Sam A.JTajlor, the Former Nominee, Put on the Retired List, But Writes a Tari Letter or Resignation. ; At noon vesterdav the Central club of the National Greenback-Labo- r party of Shelby county held a convention at Mannerchor hall, on becond street, for the Duroose of re considering the nominations made on the seventeenth instant, when the Colonel Fleece wine ot the party bolted the convention. The convention was called to order bv the chairman. Colonel Fox, of the Central club, Colonel M. msella acting as secretary. THS GATHERING: OF THB CLANS. On the roll being called fifty-thr- an swered to their names, and twenty-thre- e were absent. Of the delegates a large maiontv were colored persons. It was noticed that the Fleece bolters of the seventeenth instant convention were in attendance in force, not withstanding their repeated charges after the fiasco of the seventeenth thac they had quit the Greenback party, that it was con trolled by corrupttonists, and that Mr. Fleece was defeated by bribery, ihere was evi dently a Fleece boom among thb delegates, a iiii'" ci .reawakening as it were. Wui'e the committee on credenL. were preparing a report, Colonel G. P. 15. Turuir made a characteristic harangue, making no especial point. It was a rambling, incoherent talk to kill time. The convention being ready for business, the following salty communication from Colonel Sam Taylor, nominee for the tffije of trustee, was read: INDIGNANT withdrawal,. - hkkphis, Tenn., June 24,' 1878. It was not at my solicitation or feelings, but by the urgent request of others that I became a candi- date, and to the friends that supported me I return many thanks. One of the cardinal doctrines ot rules approved by e'ub and party. Id that delegates enalt beet red pledged to no lodlvluual aspirant, but free and uotxarameled, and nominate tor the party's good. The candidate's pledge and tbe sums rested upon the delegated was to abide by the de- cision, and by a united front support the nominees of said convention. We know that the bolters were In sams instances related and others elected solely in the interest of an Individual; we koow, also that the pltxiges made and received, aud know well ihe result on the establishment of the party how we ad- vocated the cne term, believing It may to foster Into power any one, and to place at hU dis- posal a power or means whereby he might perpetu- ate hli offlce. Tbe aim since your late convention seems to be rule or ruin. Some claiming third sec- tions having no representation, have no Interest In said ticket. There are two parties, one scrambling for precedence ot othoe and the other seeking to sontrol, so In the near future the benefits can be se- cured, even at a sacrifice ot party and ptinciple, therefore having no Individual Interests or section- al preferences, and there being but one nomination at my refusal, and preterrlng a united patty upon principle above myself I here decline the nomina- tion. Yours reepectlully, S. A. TAYLUii. RESIGNATION ACCEPTED." " Colonel larr. a (the plow-boy- ) favored 'ac- cepting the rt 8 Ruatioa, which, after some discussion, was adopted, and Mr. Taylor was shelved. NOMINATIONS MADK. ; Colonel Crutchfield moved to go into an election to fill the vacancy in the trusteeship, and ne nominated Colonel ueorge 13. r leece Colonel (ieorge ilayden, colored, ottered a resolution to tender the nomination ot the National party to Colonel George B. Fleece, THAT AWFCL PLEDGE. The resolution objected to by many, who asked thut, in accordance with the rules, the candidates should come fat ward and pledge themselves as follows : National Greenback-Labo- r Club: Cxstlsmen In obedience to the rules of your club, I pledge myself to abide by and carry tnem onl, and eeoeciaily rule No. 14, which requires can- didate to oromcte the Interests of tne, naitv. and. If elected, to select their deputies from Uie ranks of tbe party, giving each race and color a fair repre sentation, xtespeotiuiiy, - NO PLEDGE FOR HIM. The above pledge was handed to Mr. John J. Duffy in the lorenoon, the Greenbackers desiring (o put bis nam a in nomination tor the office of trustee, but he refused to sign tbe pledge, and consequently his name was not before the convention. TUB PLEDGE IGNORED. The ugly pledge being the trouble, as it waa at the convention ct the seventeenth instant, when the Fleece bolt occurred, a motion was made and carried to suspend the rules, so that names could be put in nomina tion without the pledge. . THB CANDIDATES VOTED FOB. Colonel (jeorge if. f leece was already in nomination, and eoma inconsiderate son ot the Emerald lale, without' authority, put the name ol John J. Dotty also in nomination DELEGATES UNPLEDGED. ' A motion was made that delegates pledge themselves as their names were called to sup port the ticket. THBY NEEDED HOLDING. Colonel Henry N. Rankin, colored, said that he had no uso lor the bolters of (he last convention, and be believed they ought to be pledged, so that there would be something to bond thm to tbe nounnees. WOULD DO IT AGAIN.' h- - Colonel Lewis, an aged white Nationalist cm the country, sid he was one of the first bolters or the Fleece party on the seven teenth. and he would do the same a.ain uu der likecircumstancss. He had no apologies to make. He was still a Nationalist, and would support the cominees. THE PLUMED AMERICAN EAGLE. Colonel R. P. Warine made a lengthy. flaming speech, full of patriotic ardor and bre. Ho brought down the house in a pe roration about the American eagle screaming Irom the Atlantic to tbe if actho and trom tee lakes to tbe gulf. He did not favor any strict tests for the party, which was young yet and could not dictate terms. NO JACKASSES WANTED. ' Cjlonel Harris (the plow boyV-aros- a end in an excited manner delivered a wild speech. He was opposed to men holding on to tat salary effices while he was dreaming ia pov erty in the shade. They were not going to vote for a jackass simply because the jackass was put on the ticket. TELLER8 APPOINTED. On motion the chairman appointed as tell ers to take the ballot, Messrs. Mason, M'Car ney. Pollard, M'Farland and Mitchell, the two latter being colored. First Ballot. Qeome B. Fleece. 38: John J. Daffy, 13. Total vote, 51. Necessary to a choice, dl. COLONEL CARTER PULLS OUT. When the name of Colonel Sandy Carter, colored, was called that person got np and announced that he wanted his name scratched off the roll that he was now a Republican, MADE UNANIMOUS. Chairman Fox announced that Colonel Fleece was duly nominated for the office of county trustee. A motion was made to make the nomination unanimous. Oae dele gate voted no. " ' LET HIM KNOW IT. Oa motion of. Colonel George Ilayden, col ored, a committee of three was appointed to notify Colonel t leece ot tbe honor conferred noon him. The chair aDDointed on that committee Colonels Hayden, Mitchell and Ma son. ' TREASURY BEPORT. Colonel Mason desired to make report of bis stewardship as treasurer. He said when tbe Greenlaw operahouse meeting took place he was nnable 1 3 make report, as he bad changed his coat that day, and had left the report in the pocket ot the cast-of- f coat, but he bad found the report, which was as follows np to date: Cash received trom candidates, i'JQ as follows: Fleece, 20; Maon, $20; Powel, clO: Tailor. 110: Vaughan. 10; .Logwood. $5; Blackwell, 5; Galloway, $o and Dwyer S5. Expenditures: fS8 50, which left f 1 50 in his hand, just enough, he said, to treat the club to lager beer. L Applause J. ,. PRESIDENT'S ISLAND WORKHOUSE. ColonefThcmas Moffatt offered the follow ing resolution, which was adopted: Eexolved, That the National central club or Shelby county unqualifiedly disapproves of the stretch of authority ot our Taxing District rulers In commit- ting persons found guilty of misdemeanors under Taxing-Distri- laws to what Is known as the county work oouse, at rreataenrs istano, wuererrom several Instances have been publicly known of cruelty to convicts. ACCEPTS THE NOMINATION. Colonel George B. Fleece, . having been brought into the hall by the committee. said: . Ha felt srateful for the honor conferred noon mm; ne ten it was an unsougm compnmeni onerea him bv men who bad - wisely eonnulted anion- - themselves as to their duty to the public. He felt that In the meeting, of tbe seventeenth In stant such unfortunate circumstances prevHlred that be did not teel lu.itinea in remaining a esnai- - dau: In his action be felt that be bad tbe concur rence of the great mass or tne people, mends as well a enemies; be now looked over all that which was caused bi false renorts and misconceptions In cident to a political campaign; he reit that one gen tleman had neeii aniavoniauc 10 mm, oui mat nad hAadiusted. and be reloiced that this occasion bad healed the breach that seemed to be fatal to tbe napti : tit accented ibe nomination, and would do everything to make tne ticket a success. AGAIN INDORSED. Colonel Vernon, colored, expressed pleas- - are at Colonel i leece a nomination. THB TWO TERM BULB. Colonel Thomas Moffatt desired to siy that be had no personal obi action to Colonel Fleece: he opposed him for another reason. ilia renomination was against Dsrty usages as laid down by the National Libor party et 1 hiladelpcia, the rule is'abl.jhed being toat no person should be elected to t thne for two terms in succession. Applause. COMMUNISTIC DOCTRINE. Colonel Harry Hill, nominee for criminal coart jadge, made a short speech in favor of harmony, lie preaictea tne election oi tne ticketm August, and asserted that the people had been pulled down by the usurers and beaker of Memphis, and they wanted a change. The motto of the Greenback party waa "Might makes right, and with that motto (here was no sach word ft fail. . IAp plause. - - UK WOULD LEAD THE TICKET. .' f Colonel John Powel, nominee for the office of sheriff, on being called upon, announced that he waa no speaker, but was a worker. aad that he would lead the ticket, Cheers, j . . CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE. The chairman announced the following campaign committee of seven: Colonel A. I . Irvine lor Colonel George B. Fleece, Colonel Dick Mason lor Colonel John Powel, Colonel U Kinsella for Colpnel Harry Hill, and Col- - "T Rankin, W. S. Gunners and on'eis ."".": 'was selected -- to Henry Buttenberg. INu -- "ttee. rsi iiflnf Tiirlr rVf aril am P Vi tr . waa stated that Judae M'Dowell wanted I brother to act for hiui, but he not being in j the city the matter was laid over to Monday ). , - j . .." r CONBTAXuS 8X3tCT. .'' The following districts, selected candidate for constable, and made report to the con- vention:- . Fifth district Colonels William Quinn and B. R. Henderson. Tenth district Colonel T. T. M'Donald. Fourteenth district Colonel M'Farland. ' ' ADJOURNMENT. . . . On motion the clnb convention adionrned, subject to the call of the chair. The club will meet again on the morning of the first of July, the day of the National Greenback party ratification meeting at the GreenUw operabonae, when it is expected that Colonel R. W. Edwards,! nominee for governor of Tennessee; Colonel William Parks, nominee for governor of Arkansas, and General A. M. West, of Mississippi, will be present to make Greenback speeches. B. OWKTlCI & BROS. Announce the receipt of . New white walking dresses. New white wrapper. . New children suits. New mohair--ulsters- . New linen ulster. These goods will be on exhibition Monday morning. We also direct special at- tention to our White Goods Department! which is fU'ed with every novelty in the market. Cream mulls, Linen des lodes, Lace stripe Swisses, Figured Swisses, Paris muslins, Linen lawns. Scotch lawnp, Union lawns. IS. JLO VNSTIr A BROS. . Card -- of J banks. The Christian Brothers cannot find word to express the measure of their gratitude to their manv benefactors and friends for a va riety of valuable and highly appreciated fav- ors on tbe occasion of the ee?ond centennial celebration of their order. The spontaneous demonstration was the highest possible tribute to christian education, and tbe Chris- tian Brothers of Memphis congratulate them- selves on beintr nlaced among r. people pro verbial for their cordiality, intelligence and appreciation. In returning thanks the Christian Brothers desire to acknowledge themselves under special obligation for valu able favors, to the reverend clergy of Mem- phis, to the ladies and gentlemen of the choir, to the ladies of the altar society, to Mrs. B. B-b- b. Mrs. Dinnis Smith, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Semmf a and family. Mrs. M. Moody, Dr. E..M. Willett, Mr. and Mrs. P. Colonel Jos tab Patterson. Mrs. Malcolm Svmmes. Mrs. A. G. Tuther, Mrs. Rjbert Soeed. Mrs. Rsnbea S. Jones. Mr. and Mi. John S. Toot, Mrs. Phil J. Mai Ion, Mm. Wm. Lunn, Mrs. Joseph Bruce, Mrs. N. Malatesta. - Mr. Wm. Dean. Mrs. R. C. Williamson, Mrs. F. Cameron, Mrs. Ben- - eck. Joseph cSoecht. H. Setssel. Charles N. Erich, the Appeal, Avalanche and Evening Isedaer. frof. C. M. Hatch. J. S. Prot. H. ALScbulae. Joseph P. Carey, Den nis Lvne. Phil R. Athy. and many others, whose names do not cccar to mind at this tacment. ' A special mention of thanks ia doe to the worthy joung gentlemen on the com- - rniilee ofTangement. who. at great sacri fice, devoted much of their time end effoits to tbe details ot the ceieDranon. ine com mittee was comDOsed of Messrs. John J, Duffy, RaphelE. Semmes, Richard Odium, ur a t i -- j i.;ni rwrn . BROTHER HAUBELIAN, President. Graid Opealaar of the Boalevard eardea (formerly Cerrell'a), ta-aaj- r. ky PraC Araela'aaOreaeatra. All dellea- - elea of the axarket at reaaoaableprieea. C W. AEiT, Proprietor. Gen nine Imported. Hofft Malt Extract. The true health lev erage.' Highly recommended for nursing mothers, thin, cold and aged people, con- valescents, etc. Owing to its wonderfully nutritious qualities, it is r specially recom mended in epidemics and in fevers, v, here bodily rurntrarinn ia preat tad life depends noon a nourishing stimulant. Ione genu ine without the label of Tarrant of Co., sole agents, New York. For sale by all druggists and grocers. Families should go to the cracd opening ct toe Boulevard garden, buppers a epec- - laity. ; . . m. w. ax. as "Topnevur. Families desiring a quiet, cool resort for tbe summer at reasonable prices can be ac commodated by applying to Miss N. N. Soott, Sewanee, Tennessee. - , . . - T. If. Turner, Dentist. 313 Main street Everybody should go to the grand con cert at the Boulevard garden to-da- y. JSlBBaaSX RIBBONS! IlKIiKEN BROTHERS' ' Clearing sale of ,. RIBBONS! RIBBONSI . RIBBONS! Begins - They will not remain on hand long at the prices marked. Sach bargains were never before . offered in Memphis. MKAKKN BROTHEK9. Where will yea cot Ta the Boale- - vard Gsraea. Ilrown A Jones. Pltteanra:, Bhatw ell aa Canael Coal. FJ&la stiwt. Floyd's Candies. Those leaving should supply themselves "with Floyd's candie. You will find none as good until you get trome again. Go to the Boulevard garden y. E'en though the face be not so fair. And beauty may be all but flown, Dear ladies, you need not despair, If Sczodont von make your oa: And brush your teeth and mouth with skill i uu 11 fascinate and conquer still. To tlio JTnblie. Having remodelled the old Correll garden, I respectfully invite one and all to the grand opening of the fieulevard garden y. u. w . air, CTopneior. lasaX- - A: lag I And campaign goods ef every kind. -- - . - - j J. G. W ATKINS. 277 MAIlf 8TREET. Dr. Cheek s liver in vigors tor is a sover eign remedy for dyspepsia. Its innumerable disorders are more or less known to all. Let it no longer make you miserable and hope- less. Take Dr. Cheek's liver invigorator and be restored to cheertnlnesi.. ' Grand opening of the Boulevard garden to- - aay. ' Custom Lade Boots and Hkses. A I rre, Fresh ttor. Cheap. Js.:FMasa,UHBlB street 247 MAIN STREET. Only a few more days to get bargains at tbe great CLUiUNti OUI &&.LK, at the ASSIGNEE SALE ot clothing, at 247 Main street, opposite Odd-- fellows hall. Good casstmere suits at S7. worth 112. Good Melton eau rimere suits at $8,worth $14. r ine cassimere suits at fit), worth f 18. Fine caesimere suits at fl2, worth S20. Fine worsted suits at $14. worth $25.' - Fine worsted coats and vests at $10, worth $29. t ine casstmere pants at i. worth to. Good cassimere pant at $3, worth $5. Good cassimere pants at $2 50, worth $4. Good cassimere pants at $2, worth $3 50. White Marseilles vests at f I, worth $2 50. White Marseille vesta at $1 50, worth $3. White Marseilles vests at $2. worth $4. - The above goods will be sold wholesale or retail. - - i - - Monday. July " 5th, will see'Kixkiand's horseshoe weighed. All purchaser of hat. shirts, etc., etc., which are selling lower than ever, entitled to a guess. ... . Persons nnder the operation of Fellows' hvDhoDhoeDhite should examine their blood nnder the microscope from time to time, and mark the increase of red and active particie and diminution cf the white or dead ones; these observations are interesting and in- structive. , ; Royal Havana The next drawing of this lottery will take place on the fifteenth of Jaly. By reference to the card of Manuel Orrantia it will be seen that special rates can be bad on large Xae capital pnzs will be two hun- - o' J UATf. dred thousjUh. LETT KS Fit OX THB PEOPLE. Hee4 Bttrrlaa Up. Editors Appeal Upon inquiry I find that there has not been exceeding seven hun- dred house connections made with the sew- ers. Why is this? Why do tbe city offi- cials not enforce the connections? Do they or the public desire to remain forever in a filth and nastiness that remains a constant menace to the public health ? The sewers are working admirably no foul odors, no sewer-ga- s; nothing objectionable. Is it desired that the people be driven from their homes again this summer? Are the people so much ac- customed to the awful "lever" that they would relax any effort to avert it? Ha not the gigentio individual expenses of an en- forced absence from home the past summers, the loss of trade, to say nothing of upward of five thousand of our people sleeping the last sleep, an incentive sufficient to use every possible effort to avert a recurrence of the dreaded visitation? By the sacrifices of an already tax-ridd- en people at least one of the means of prevention sewers and drainage--has been provided. The use of the sewers is not .only healthful but a luxury. Shall it be said of our people, as or the Bourbon family, they never learn anything or forget anything? I am aware that there is a b'e expense to be incurred in the neces- sary plumber's work. I know to my own cost that plumbers charge rates which to my in- experienced eyes look heavy. Nevertheless is not the object to be gained worth the sac- rifice. In conclusion, Mersrs. Editors, I de- sire to say that the public officials need stir- ring np to enforce the sanitary law already in force, and the people to be reminded that One more aerifies, is necessary, and which will place ns in the front rank of clean cities. Respectfully, - front street. . The Hsrasa QaeatloB. Editors Appeal We have read with satisfaction and delight your able and sug- gestive editorial on the "Spread of Mormon-ism,- " and as it is customary to applaud whatever meets with approval, we wish to record our hearty indorsement of this timely utterance. That tbe stability of our govern- ment is dependent upon a sound morality, and that a high state ot morals can be at- tained only by the maintenance of th s purity and sanctity of tbe family relation, are both self-evide- propositions that none can gain- say. Therefore anything that tends to weaken the former or bteak down tbe latter must be regarded as dangerous to the per- petuity of our nation. It is for this reason that we bave looked with suepicion and dread at the rapid growth of Mormonism, with its infamous and licentious system of polygamy ai its bitMS, in the United States, and have wondered why congress has not removed this eye-sor- e from our midst. That a plurality of wives bbould bo a crime and punished as such in Tennesse and New York, whilj in Utah, a mere Territory, a man may have a ssore or more, and go even unrebuked, is a national reproach a burning shame in the light of civilization; and it is high time that this plague spot was bing wiped frcm the bright escutcheon of our history. We bave thus far stood f jremost among na- tions in the defense and main tenance of virtuo and morality, and shall we now cast a blot on that iair record by longer tolerating the practice of polygamy in any State or Territory ? We therefore call upon oar statesmen and public men to down with this loathsome tvil, and to the of this end we would invoke the aid of the pulpit and the press. Not that we would proscribe any man lor bis opinions, nor deny to any one tbe greatest of religious freedom, but that we would banish licentiousness and corruption from the land. "Righteousceu exaltfith a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." We are glad that you hava called attention to the spread of so great an evil and hope you will keep on in the same sirni until there shall be awakened a sound, healthy public sentiment on the subject, Keep talking about it until the people .be come interested and aroused upon the danger complained of, and until our legislators shall know that they are loosed to by their con stitaencv for the overthrow and suppression of the harems of Utah. What the people want is instruction. clericus, Peter Jskassa's Hpeeeh. Editors Appeal I put a kail for a grate democratick rally tu be cbsurved las nite an axed de ole line, Kno Nafiins an de yuog Reb likms tu kum tu ce me. When de our la de epeekin arrove an de fokes dat was dar war fore culltred buteblaks fessing tu yung publikins an one ole dryed up white fieded mggea whitch sed he wur a ole line Kno Nuffin. I axed em who pade em to kum an 1 lef. Plow dis act rite is it, an as had trubbie in nun dis orapfcun wont you plese have de Appeal to publish it bo dat kin stan in de propur lite atore dose ob my peepul what a spectin to here frum me on dis ockasbun an oblige your tra tren PETER W. JOHNSON (COLD) Mi Phbends Mi peepul an de oders which am kum dis evnin ta here what ise gwine tu ea tu you. I axes a soeckful tenshu fur onlay a fu moinune. Hit don't make no dtfrense ta me whar youte frum or who ya is, What ise gwine to spoke bout 1 will lude to, I nounced dis ratificashun metin furde s press purpns ob trine tu sho you de lite in whitch you stan. Now de grate demcratik party is put de bosses in de teeld agin de publicans, Now what's de outlook kant you ce? In course you kin. 1 tea in tie lust ob mi dis korse, if you recommember, dat tu us hit dont not mak no obstickle tu ns whar jouse from If Atrecke, awl rite, it Irasb, awl rite. Dutch, awl rite. If Merikin. awl rite. Da thing we wants air far- - jioa ta be rito. - Die am de qustahun. Naw de rider far de race on de publickin side is Garfish and Arthor, Dese is de men. Now who is dey? Dj you rede ae paper t Am you educated t it not, den I are some dat yow yath ware niglected eann you air ignrant,- listen and 1 gwine ta tel yoaall de blessed truff, Garfish. Ain't dat name furmillur. Don you 'member seeing dem in der lakes. Don'i yea 'member de bills and teef, and de giner ly ugly pearauca. Dar sc-- ls am t even party, and de meat don't wnrf nofHn, you kno dis. Den dey aiu't got no pluck. Jesso wid d:'s one. Did nt he skip out at Mishun ary ridge, so dey say. Didn't he put up jobi on Oakes Ames and de G oilier man, wid his ngly teef shinin in his long hard hed didn'i he smile and aa he didn't tuk neffia in nairv kase. Don't you kno hit wont do to put your pendense in him. Of course you does. Den dare anothor. Whose he? I tells you de tr off when I sa his nobody. Didn't mister Hase put him outin his effis for baddest kind cb konduc. Touse awl quainted on dis ekore, Den hese de tail and a goot tail he is fur utch a hed. Now den, look at Gineral Han cock. Dan a man. I wish I had his pictur to libit to you dis minnit. You cud see awl dat s pure, awl dat s nobul, awl dat's inti leek, awl dat's brave, jus at one glans. Hese a man I tell you honnies. Didn't he fito agin de injnns? Didn't he fite agin de mexkins? Didn't he fite fur dis here glorus union, and didn t he behave well all de time In korse he did. Didn't he pull eff his hat and ride bar beded in de hot sun, and among de hotter bullets and rally de Union army' at Gettem berg and darby sav de DEshnn? Ob korse he did. JNow 1 tells you agin and agin aars a man, ana no sputin dat Dint, Den hese sich a mod 'rate man. He wants to do rite. He don't want to pat one man up by putun annatner man aown. iiese tur de nnder dorg in de fite if de under dcrg is rite, Dat de kind of a man he is and dat's de sorter man we wants. Now den we kums to English, and I wants to Bay rite here dat de name do not inderkate de buff plase. He is full Merican man shure as as you lib. Yon don't know nufiin boat him I heres you sa Aul rite den here me fro. Hese de bodiment ob good. Iiese celebrated lor his charity, Hese bin to kongriss twise and can keep agom it ne wanted tur, out be steped aside to let sum man more anxus hab de plase and he went to pnvat lif whar he kud held de poor and hese bin doin it all de time let me tell you, bunny. Now hese de tail ob our tikit. Ain t dey ntsely balanced. Did you eoer ce better can dates, l kno you u bar me out in sain' neber did. In konkludin 1 wants ta say I don't kno' nuffin.' 'bout fires what waa stole from Hibbin an' I don't want to kno nuffin bout eny thing dat was stole, dat's what's ruinin' folks now. But I duz kno' if I kud get de sun what gibs lite by da in one ban an de moon what gibs lite by nite in de odder han' an' I kud fine n kommit I wud git on dat kommit's tale wid dese too lites an' shoot strate to de norf an blazen ae name of Han1 cock an English eberlastingly dare. You kin ce bi sum ob de Daoets von is refurd to as bein bleeged to ete krow. Fur misef I kin sa I neber ete enny krow in my hf an dia remark casts a-- flecshuri- - on de hole cul lered po plash uu bi refrence to dar culler. Krow or no krow wese got de honiste.t purist men be tor ae peeoai an it dev dont want dat tune ob mmetrashun data dar fait an not onrn, I thank you far your kine konBidera- - shun an pashunt attenshun and shall eber member dis okkashun as de proudis ewent cb my Die. uood ebnin. Floyd's Ladies' Restaurant. Regular meals served. Persons com i no- - to tae city cn morning trains can get a good ainner at e ioya s. Notice. We have placed our in tha hands ot Avery & Berlin, No.Jd Madison stieet, for collection. t. a. diyinb a co. The Popular Rat Store. IlnA Of IhA mAlhnnfa. whrt n ,: U ' ' " V HUU the styles, and always sells at the lowest figures, is Martin Cjhen, whose hat store, in the Worsbam house building, does a good business at ail seasons, Dat has eoioved a rnn on hats lost and won on political events of the past few weeks. No one in the business can make better selections of good than Mr, Cohen, who ha been in tbe basinets since boyhood, and knows all aboat it. Go and see the new style. iHB Boulevard Garden fl oy Arnold orchestra to diy. Erery- - uuuy cumo. a C. W. ALT. Proprietor. W. B. IMiIlllps, BLUFF CITY LAUNDRY, 300 Second street. xeat or worar done, bat 18 tact inn on a ran. teed. All work called for and delivered free ot Charge. All persons wishing laundry work dose would do well to give him a call. Thn only white laundry in the city. Plumbing- - aad Sewer Connections Proasptly attended ta. PlllA. JT. ALOSI A CO., gP4 Mala H treet. French Ntcam nvsuiVAKb- -. Ladies' and crentlemen'B imnrla lrol m tae ed at Looia Knigol y.h8 lfteroa street. A. Good fJld-Faahlaii- PSenle I what the Bluff" City Grays announce for next Thursday, at Estival mirk- - if w.ii , the most attractive nicnin at thn of the feature of tbe evening will be a fancy . .... . : 1 l. ai i t t una oj me urays. it an tne Iriends of the company attend, the grounds will be filled With the best ceoDla of the eitv. it will h an oicgant affair, and the comnanv should lm shown that they are appreciated by the DEnOCRACV. Coast y iseaneeratle Coaveatlaa Prl-sa- ry JHeetlaara ta leleet lele-Kat- ea aad Uraad Hancock aad sllsh Bally . the Blafx. The Democratic county executive commit- tee held a meeting yesterday pursuant to ad journment, and decided to bold a convention to nominate candidates tor county cruet on Thursday, tbe eighth of July, and in this city. The, primary meetings for the election of delegates are to be held on Saturday, tbe third of July, the country districts to hold meetings at four o'clock in the alternoon, and the city wards at eight o'clock in the even- ing. A grand Democratic rally will be held on next Friday night, tbe second proximo, on the Chickasaw Guards parade ground on ths bluff. The following committees were se- lected : . . Committee on Speakers. W. L. Doff, Luke W. Finlay, J. J. DaBose, P. M. Winters, General Coltoa Greene, M. D. L. Stewart, Pat Kallaher. Committee on Arrangements. M. F. Ken- nedy, John Johnsm, J A. Taylor. Committee-o- Finance. D. P. Hadden, J. J. Busby, Napoleon Hill, J. R Godwin, J. H. Hillsman, J. M, Gaodbar, Cook M. Waldron, S. J. Camp. . .JP. O A. The Bsatae Work Pcrfaraaed by the Haelety tlaee Its Orsaalaatloa IJat er Pereoae flaed aad riaea Collected. The following is a rammary of the work ac- complished by Tennessee society for the pre- vention of cruelty to animals since ita. organi- zation in March last, ehowicg number of case prosecuted and cum bar relieved: Fine. M. Tobin, working sore male f 500 Wm. Gray, beating mule 10 00 Robert Green, colored, cruelty to a dog.... 8 00 j. w Avery, working sore mule.. v 6 00 Ed Colbart, workiug sore mule 4 00 Tom Brady, working sore mule C 00 Larry Slier. ;. 6 00 Tom Avant, colored, beating mule.. ....... 5 00 Albeit Sanders, beiuliig mule 5 00 Mat Newton, wo'klng ore mule 5 OO Charles Webber, colored, beating mule.. 2 50 K. Nowland, colored, beating bora 2 00 Thomas Barrett, superintendent elty rail- road, using sick, sore and 1 me mules, arrested seven times, Hues aggregating.. 5S 00 Total One collected by Taxing-District- .. 1 10 50 Total number cos prosecuted 19 Overloaded animals relieved 77 Slctt and disabled animals relieved 85 The effije of the society is located at No. 283 Main street, where all cases ' of cruelty can be reported. ITTIOX. Xleetlag of the Aaxlllnry Haaltary on Aaxlstaat leapeetere Paralshed the Ieal Health Board 1) arias the Baim-anernoat- At a called meeting of tbe auxiliary sani- tary association, held on yesterd-i- afternoon, Mr. H. Farstenheim presided, President Prestidge being absent. The secretary, Mr. A. Langstaff, was present. Dr. R. W. Mitchell, chairman of tbe sanitation commit- tee, presented a report from the inspector's office ot the National board of health as to the existence of nuisances in the city and tbe inability cf the local board of health to ab&t; he same, owing to the want of necessary in greeting force, but two men being employed i on that force by the city government. It was suggested that the auxiliary sanitation asso ciation employ two men as inspectors tor three months, at a salary of fifty dollars per month each, the inspectors to be under the order and direction of Dr. Mitchell, who would place them under the charge of the president of the local board of health. The duty of the inspectors is to rxamine premises and report all nuisances ot an unsanitary character, so that such can be abated at once, I ce secretary ot tbe auxiliary sanitary associ ation was authorized toemploy two inspectors, and order Ihem to repot t toi Dr. Mitchell, The orders given the police force by the legis lative council to examine premises and report nuisances found in their respective beats have yet not been enforced, and the efforts made to make the police effective sanitarians has turned out a grand failure, several nun' dred nuisance having been found within the city during the past week. The next meeting of the auxiliary sanitary association will be held at four o'clock next Saturday afternoon A fall attendance of members is requested for purposes of reorganization for effective work during tbe summer. Viae Haale at the Boalevard 3arden te-alg- UURLAD1E8' DEPART WK1 BROTHERS . Recognizing tbe wants of tbe Memphis ladies and fully appreci- ating their liberal patromge, an- nounce that, notwithstanding the lateness of the seascs, th.-- y are still receiving new article of ready-mad- e wear as rapidly as they ap- pear in New York. we display New dotted swis suits, New lace trimmed organdy suits, "New embroidered lawn suits, New bordered lawn suits. New lawn and mull dressing sacks, New mohair and linen nlsters. New French side steel corsets. New traveling costumes. HENKEN BROTHERS. S2f N. B. Oar prices are always right.3 The Iaat Beraxe of a Meeaadret. New York Evening Post: "It has been i habit in some quarters to hold np the com onanists who have been exiled trom France as lofty-soule- d martyrs, who have weighed nothing as against principle and have cheer fully sacrificed all worldly goods for the sake of their fellowtnen. The view has its ad- vantages. U3 doubt, and might be termed a refreshing and ennobling one but for the fact that it lacks tho essential element of truth If we Bre to trust a document just published by tbe farts (Jauloxs and statistical declara tions are of to3 e y refstsi, if deceptive, to make doubt in the matter reasonable more than one-ha- lf the communists who are now awaiting amnesty have been at various pen ods of their careers condemned for offenses against the common law. That patriotism is thus far too often the last refuge of a scoun drel finds here a mournf ul verification which may temper the sympathy that baa been felt for the desperate creatures who murdered prelates, fired houses and scattered Mazing petroleum in the days betore the spiked hel mets hied down the ftace de la Concorde. Grand concert at the Boulevard garden to-da- Fireworks on the Fonrtn. There will be a grand display ot the most baautiful fireworks ever seen in South Mem phis, at the- - corner of Hernando and South streets, on the fourth of July. This is to be gotten np by public subscription under the superintendence of Henry Rocco, Eiq., who ia an adept in the business, and guarantees lots of amusement, especially for ladeis and children. Abundance of seat will be pro vided, free of charge. A Dead ttlve-Awa- y. London Referee: She stood in the efful gent light of a short tallow dip, waiting for him at the front door at one o clock in the morning, tie came. Ha was husky; she didn't mind that. He was drunk; she was used to it "Jim," ihe said softly, knocking him down so as to drag him op to bed easier, Jim, did you vote?" "lesh, dear," You've been a long time." "Yesb. love. poll didn't close till jest now." "Where's the money?" "What?" "The money." "My dear, I don't understand." Didn't they ray yoa for youivote?" "No." She looked at him playfully, -- with a in her eye. '"It's time women had tbe franchise," she muttered; "the men ain't np to it." Then she rolled him nnder the bed to be out of the way. and in the morn ing she got him into an asylum under the new Punch and Judicature act. "He gave hi vote for nothing, she said to tbe magis trate. "Dangeoa lunatic," wrote hi wor- ship; and at the next election there was a voter short. So Refreshing;. If yoa want soda-wate- r, canduw. confections of all kind., or fruits and nuts, go to R. Stolz & Bro., No. 220 Main street, op- posite the Worfcham house. They are making every preparation to furnish the above goods in any quantity on tnetourtn of July. The If ext Bra wins Of the Commonwealth distribution company will occur on Wednesday, Jane 80th. On that occasion ooo hundred and twelve tbon- - and dollars will go to the holders of win- ning tickets. Those who want to invest had better do so Jf 3 Slot hem! Hothers!! Bothers!!! Are yoa disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mr. Winslow' soothing svruD. It will relieve the little sufferer "immediately poor . . .1 - . . . . depend r. . , opou it; were u no xniaiaae acout ic mere is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell yoa at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe to nse in all case, and nleasant to - the tasto. and is tha prescription of one of the oldest ana best female physician and in the United State. Bold everywhere 25 cents a bottle. TGRAU9 Jaealled rer and that May ae had Ta- - Day by Calliaa; at the Ota ee at . ' . the Hoara Ueatieaed. . List of undelivered telegrams remaining at the Western Union telegraph office, 33 Madi- son street. Office hours from eight to ten and o'clock in the morning, and' from six to nine in the evening: W. 8. Bruce Sc Co., W. ,, Frayser, Captain Hallldy, Tairert Bro., J. K. Speed A Co., A Co . W. H. Butte dt CO., Memphis Oil Company, ' Colonel Asa Hodges, Panola OH Company, John L. Norton, C. W. Gojer Co., Mrs J. K. Cessna, Wei. fjey, T. Foltz, 2. CoterA Co., Brown A Jones, Ml-- .; ijueen Haolea, Allen HhII, Chi 3. Wis. Alford Wbltmore, Oliver, Crao-sto- Co, L. D. Young. Hugo C. vun Ullucu. J. T. Mahooe. W. H. Williams, Colonel J. H. Taylor MiBpsseS Salelde. Chicago, June 26. D. P. Newel!, a w real-esta- te agent, is supposed to have committed suicide under peculiar circum- stances. His mind has been diseased lately, and he had become impressed with the no- tion that he had invented a composed of lead. He took passage one day this week on tbe Shebcygan tor Grand Ha- ven, acroas the lake, leaving word for hi wife that he was going ent to try his inven- tion, and that she would soon know the re- sult. It appears he quietly undressed when half-wa- y to the other shore, and bind- ing the lead, which he carried with htm, about his body, stepped unobserved into the water. His body has not been seen slice, and probably never will he recovered. A PROMINENT FHY&3IAN. ' Bornt,T-x- s. Jan. 10th. IRTft. - " MB. J. C BiCH-aueo- N, St. Louis. My Dear blr 5 t have sold Clifford's Febrifuge since Its in trod uo tloa la Central Texas, In fact 1 max say I IntmducMl U ! uin County, it has given uniformly gvmd SaUsfacUon, and Its merits are coast uy rroota-mendl- It tram dliira to eUuen, In tbe idy and etfrvtive cure et lntormitb-- it lover, (iever and Ami. ) and imve- T- ot Malarial Origin.-- 1 am aMyys Cleaned to sell CUHord's t ebrilnwe on account of Its efficiency, knowing It will cot aLAppotiit my custo- mer, and being so palatable, makes It the must rjlttaiaw T t of Unilis and fever. J. E. DtltJTHIT, SL D., Pruprkxor City Drug Store. FEBRIFUGE HE STILL LIVES! Omn or tT. 8. KOTXT.TT Mti. rv.. New York City, Autmtt 2. 1x7. My Dear Fin For over two years I have had Pevev Ague, and attar trying every tiling 1 took Kd bottle of Clifford's ourifuge, and it cured me manenuy. 1 peiiere my oa.e wouia nave otwa d l not found this aa I did. xours truiy. j nwn Atanager ff. i N. AUs. Co. FEBRIFUGE A SUCCESS. WjrwT0!t,EA!r!iAS,yeb.8. 1879. y.O.ItlCTtAllMON, Esq. My Dear Ktr: Have sold Clifford's ieortfuge the past twelve montus with very eood results; as a f ebri rage rr is A suocksr, and merits tbe name ctMMen. 1 bespeak a large sale and cocraspoiKtlnK benefit to tbe parties using. - J.I1. DiCKTrV Druggist. FEBRIFUGE WONDERFUL " Ttdia-apot-- bj, Tiro, March 18, 187. Z, C RTCHabimom. Sir j Two of my cliudren were Severely attacked with Chills and Fever. I called oar Family Physician who attended them wlUiout ' success, foollsniy trind Ague lad9. also without tbe sllgbtrat effect Wheu through the influence of Mr. Ballard we were induced to try your Clifford's Fro-ritu- e tho effect was wonderftiL The children did not bave a Chill after taking the first dose and are now entirely well. Would not be without the rf lu CHlonauyacooaut. yours, etc. GXX Vi B.1HH J. FEBRIFUGE IN EVERY INSTANCE. wsvir 1.. February 11th. 1 8Tfl. y. C fttcha&dson. Dear sir v we nave been sett ing Clifford's Febrifuge for the past in store, with entire aatacaoo. and a cure tn e-- IVCTACTCD BY J. C. RICHARDSON, - St. Louis. FOR VKK -- WM F.TVE. NELTZKII, Thsssaads vlwtt the Mlaeral Mprlasra, here and abroad, and spend thousands ot dollars In search for health, whea a few doses of Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient would accomplish tbe same results, at the eost of a few cents. Each bottle con tains from thirty to forty glasses of Bpaikllng Seltzer, whleh makes It posi- tively tbe eheapest, aa well as the most efflcaclous mineral water extant. SOLD BY AIL DRUGGISTS. TAULK WATEKS. OATJTION. To insure obUtiuiiiir tbe genuine A olIi mir-i-- . see that the corks bear the polliii-l- a baml. nvroruosPiiiTEs. 18 ADAPTED FOB Diseases which are produced by Loss of Nervous Power, and consequent Muscular Relaxation, Tlx: CONSUMPTION. BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, APHONIA, WHOOPING-COUGH- , COUGH, N KB VOUSNKS3, MENTAL DEPRESSION NEUBALGIA, EPILEPTIC KITS, ST. VITUS DANCE, NEBVOUS DKB1XITT, CHBONIC DIABRHEA, LKUCORHHEA, FKVKB AND AGUE, H AHA3MU3, DYSPEPSIA, DYPTHEBKT1C PBO3TSATI0N Interrupted and Feeble Action of tbe Heart, Diseases nroduced bv Overtaxing the Mind by Grief or Anxiety, by Bapld Growth, by Cnlld-beartn- by Insufficient Nourish- ment, by HesMeoee In Hot Climates or Unhealthy Localities, by Excesses, or by any Irregularities of late. An endless ehaln of Mod effect. I. fnmnMl h. EellowB's Compound Syrup of Hypophosphltee; and we are safe In saying, fiom a long experience In medicine. Its vtrturs are not possess.-- d by any other combination. NOTE Bo suspicious of persoos who recommend any other article as "just aa good," though bearing a similar name, and of those who offer the cheater priced article. fcc" it is only tbe independent, wen-poste- and unMin.o pnyslclan who ean afford to urescrtbe this remedy. Kxseri- - eiice iias provea una. ids nignest eia.s meuiuai men in every large city, where it la Known, reoom- - mend it. pold by all drneglsta. 1 BO nor i1wr Itnttla WATER CLOSETcl. JiNNUiCS' SAN11ABY SPUI, 1 A, ii. nittu, JMwinfer, 94 Beekman SL, New York. W wtri 2 US H R J;o I i u CO zs O 1D 2 h. -- 1 rM JEffNINGS" TRAPLESS WATER CLOSET. " CO" PLDMBEES' GOODS having for their object cleanlinaaa. durability, and exclusion of SEWER GAS. J NTUJ1ACU B ITT Kit. 6llST6B2 Appetite, refreshing sleep, the aequlsltlori of flesh and color, are bieaslng. attendant uion the repara-tl- v piTiceeaes which this prlceleas InvLairant Sed-ll- y tulttataa and carries to a sueeef uT cooclunion. Digestion la restored and swtwinre aHorded to each rntan by too Bitters, which Is lnoifensive even to the feminine ptJuto, vegetable lu oempoaHlon. and thoroughly safe. ?or aal by al Druggi-a- and leaers general!. ii ill i yy iii ti i jiiia ( i LJU .Lm.s3 HI LmiLkmkJ U Uyi.1 W Fresli 3111 IN ALL DEPARTMENTS, New Xace Xlitts, New Idslo Gloves, New Silk Gloves New Fancy Ribbons, New Neckwear, New Embroideries. NIR HIES Uanilliercliiefe, tr-4a- r Frleada aad Canteeaere will at all tlaaea Had ear l.laea ITatl aad Cat sf Ike rfcate--- t floeum i e Hsrk.t affrrli. MALiW PRICE I Previous to tfc.e impending .lull and as lam about to take stock, I will sell all Hats at Half Price until July 5tli, Tliife is genuine, and a rare cliance to get a bargain. GREAT REDUCTION CLOTHING AND FURNISHING GOODS! Nice HnU at... .... .9 ft Bngmess Suits at ,. 7 All. ool Nnltfl at ,. O Cassisere Units at ,. ISJ Cheviot Knits art . 15 Fine Dress Suits at . If lants at. , . 2 Fan t s all wool at S Pants finest quality at- - ,. 4 White Vests at White Vests at. 1 White Vesta at .. 2 Immense Reductions in Boys', Children's rURMSHlKtt HOODS 8S) ISP-T- hls is your opportunity, as we have a large ttock which we are bound to dtspn fo- - tbe aooommodalon of those otherwise engaged during the day, our store will hereafter be tkvDt eateai at sight a-- lll w 'clerk . BLUFF CITY CLOTHING HOUSE HTJKAJ-BOA- TS. Special Notice. mntnal agreemett of the nnder- - Ht, t BY signed, tbe 6ir. Joele Barry wtth-?-p ..a draws fiom the White river trade on May22d od re- sumes ae&in on July 1 7th: the Str. Hard Cash with- draws on July 14ih and resumes on September 1, 10. Thus equally dividing tbe dull season, and giving; eaco b e.t an opportunity to make necessary repairs. 8TR.JOS1E HARRY. Milt Harry, Master. STU. HARD CASH. K. C. Postal. Master. 1880. 1880 NOTICE to PLEASURE-SEEKER- S TOLEISTS, Etc. Excursion Memphis to It. Paul aud Minneapolis and Keturn. Tickets Good toOctober 3L, 18SO Leaving MEMPHIS by the Steamers of tbe St Louis AVicksburg Anchor-lino- ) XTEBT Baa day, Wedaeaday aad Taaradar. at S pm, aad aa Taeaday, arrlday aad Header, at IO aaa. Arriving at ST. LOU! 9. yoo can select yotsr route, by KlVkUi OB BAIL. Fare as LOW as by any other route. Foe Information, apply at oo WHARF-boat- . au 01'ukm, tHiperintendeni. Memphis. Kav IS. 1 Kxo.' Jf'OR NEW OKLEANS. Hi. Lsais aad New Orleaaa Aseksr Uaa For Vlcksburg, N'atehex and New Orleans Steamer JtZelle .reveport,g Co-h- tll master. Will leave the Anchor Line wbarfboat TTJK&-DA- T, June 29th. at F p.m. tor freight or passage apply to AD. pTUKM. gnpx on woattooex. FOK IX)UISVILLE AND CINCINNATI Memphis & Ohio River Packet Co. For wuiswille and Cincinnati. The Kegtnt Passenger Steamer B. W. Wise.. master! W. H. Cropper dark Will leaTe ICE DAT, Jane 29, at 5 pan. For freight or 5asae apply to B. w. Ughtbubne, General Vrelebt and Ticket Aoent. No. 7 Monroe street. Memphis. FOR CAUiO AND ST. LOUIS. felt. Ideate aad Vlrk'bnrf Aseksr l.'a- e- U. . Wall-P- OR CAIJtO AND SI. LP CIS. Ste. Oenevieve, S2 Wbst muster. Will leave tbe Anchor Line wbarfboat MONDAY, Jane 2H.h, at 5 p.m. Por freight or passage apply to AD SToRM. Sup't, on wharf boeL Sjt. I... h'm and Vlrfcehargr Aaek,r ae TJ. . Mall FOK CAIkO AAD ST. LOUIS. Joliii JL5. Jlnude,a Brolaskt ...master. Will leave tbe Anchor Line wbarfboat SUNDAY, June 2i tu, at 10 a. Kor treutbt or pasaage apply to AD STOHM. Sop't on whsrtboat. KOH V1CKSBUK. Ht. aad Vlrltebnrc Aaeher l.tae fceit -- d sttatf a Natl fVS VIC KS BURG. Gold Iust, pTr-;- i M'Conl master. Will leave tbe Anchor-lin-e wharfboat SUNDAY, June 27th at 10 am. Kor freight or passage apply to AD 6TOBM, bup't, cn whartboaU Ht-- Ixiala aad Vleb a bare Asrk.r I.lae I wlted atates XkmllFOR V10KSBURG. City of OreciiYilleJ" a. xiiiey master. Will leave the Anchor Line wbarfboat TUESDAY, June vth, at 10 am. or fretghtor passage apply v au. snmn. rrtp't. on wnarrDoat. ARKANSAS CITY. Adama Meml-Werk- lf 'D. H. Hall AJbi ror Arkansas City, Pine Bluff Pailroad. and all way Landings, . Jo tle Harry, g Milt Harry master. Leaves as above every MONDAY and THUBSDAY at f p m. irrwe, no. 6 MadifKin k.reet. FOR ST. FRANCIS RIVER." Memphis and Bt. Francis U. S. Mall lsatesville, fi u. a. dopun master a. i Banning c.erg Leaves Memphis TUESDAY and FRIDAY, 6 P.m., for Marianna. tbeCut-ot- f aud all Intermediate land- ings. For treigtt or passage apply on board, or to a. ii. k mi i.i.. nnn'i FOR OSCEOLA. Trl-Vkrek- ljr U. m. Stall Packet For Kan- - uoipn. ruitun. usceoia and way landings etr. Osceola ilelle, efi Henry Cooper master I Wm. Smlthers cierk will lesve Memphis even MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at n n.m. " nnia annlvon LEE WNK STEAMERS. For txleadal cllelcaa aad ATI jura James, Stack Lee master Lord W. Whitlow... citrg win leave as a Dove on every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FBIDAY. A at D.m. . ,n- - wA o - , .. r - f'OR WHITE K1VER. Memphis & White River Packet Kecalar Indeveadeat tleasphla aad while BJvnr FacK4 For Amruxta, Jacfcsoniion. Searcy, and way points. The ros-uia- r Independa- -I Packet Ed. C. Postal master I Charles Postal cerk Will leave Memphis EVKBY WEDNESDAY, at 5 D.U. For IrelKbt or passage apply to r w. uuu i xsuonn. No. T Monroe sC, opp. Peabody beteL J T. WlfiHISHTON. nn A WlwOit TOBACCO. SWEET GSI,f3iUn Chewlm Tciacca -- r rfctf vMyketi jrxt t 0ntetinva lf-rttk- m fot yt rnrkrt. ff f rW-- w autt vm Mr rrr of 0cg tftf Tt htl tshtMOnt -- r tn ad'i As vot t'ic trf; I drum ) Qtitautt '. lntorW rd 4 'l.Ai B t U U'uZ. ,atll (f rie" Kv.1 tor AAr fr-- -. tn V 4 VAUBIAGES.- - OWEN. LILLY Practical Builder op l'ihk LightOarriages KEEP A SELECT STOCK exrlwelTrlr ef suv awa CONSTANTLY ON HAND. I am also e(vtrad to build (TO CB-lK- aay avail er tbe aaedera atjleaaf Hat (lea, and Family Csmiu:ea now In use. I use nothing but tbe VKRY bX3 f MAI Kit I A L, and eiat Ml aUlcUf Drat-cla- mechanlca. itrAiiKu, lu all Its branch., done dromptly and In the let ma-u-r- ..v v, m ju a , Adaoa at. l"", r, o r i 1 i 1 i 1I ' New New Xacea. New Veiling, " New UosierVt New Fans, New Rucliinga. tplete season, J!" ""i" OO reduced from 50 reduced from OO reduced from SO reduct from OO ret need from OO reduced from OO reduced from OO reduced from SO reduced from 75 reduced from OO reduced from OO reduced from and Youtha CLOTH IX 9. N.B. 9 8 50 IO OO 12 OO 16 OO 20 OO a a 5o . 3 OO 4 50 0 1 OO 1 50 3 50 All Lines per cent, below formor prices. DUT iOOi?. LU CD CZt 4- -3 CZl to Caeui CN3 a o t3 tn i r KEFKltiKKATOR. WATNES'S American Refrigerator For simplicity, eOldeiKf, economy and durability, It pas no euuaL It prmnrves all kinds of ble food longer, nd witn leas Ice than any other. w e aura nave a iuii uue oi lYater-CooIer- s, Bathtubs, Ice-Crea- m Freezers, Fluting-lron- s, and general house goods, which we offer at low prices B. Wetter & Co- 4?0YAL HAVANA LOTTERY. CLAS3 104 DRIW3 JULY IKtr. Only 26,000 Tickets. Capital Prize, S.oO.OOO. N Ptlae Lvaslkia SSOO. Shares for a Pool of Twentr-nv- e Whole Tld-et- a. so each share; One -- half Share, t2 60 each half sb ire. MAXLEL 0RKAKT1A, 16 COMMON 8T Hew Orleaaa. USD RItTA Ii KHH. J.FLAHERTYCO CXDERTAttLItf, And anaractarers or Flaherty's r aten I PreserYln?; Casket or Corpse Cooler, IT aad SIS HKCIISD ST., 3KMPHK TATK ,"P on nand full Uneaof Metallic Soill VV Walnut, Bosew-o- d Finished Casket ai d eases, trimmed In tbe highest style of art, Ctdere b M.ll or Tole r,li will he rrnitnrtly llli. n. o ,, G.H.HBLST&BRD ' 5--- " "" ' V wVi-S'- i "?' DNDERTAKERS, 320 filainrilemphis. BtmiAL BOBE3 AND COKFTN HARD WARE. by Telegraph Promptly Filled, and Cases Shinned C n. D. I lit! AN O V 1 11 ids Sore Cure for Vtngut. UoTda, Sore Thront, lironchltls, Aathma. Conaninptlon, And All Distorts ff Throat and Lung, Aatrart Frees fteuert er the Oatal. alaaer ef ini-r.- al Btvriss. TitEAr)i KY DKFARIMKNT, 1 I OS ice of Internal Revenue, r Washington, D. C, January lHJtti. Messrs. LawKkiira A v.auyih liiu.i Chicago, I1L vmtu-me- I bave received a oertl-Be-d formula," giving toe IciicrvdtffiLs aud relntivs proportions ueed in the nianul actum of an artlca wtilcb you advertlM and aeU uou'er the name of "TOLU. HOCK. AND It YE" Tola eommir.d. ao- - eortiuig to you? formula, ia Ihe oMniunot itiis oOw, wniiu uave a auninem iihs::;y or ine 11 LcA.n c TuLU to give K all U.e itdVAtiUwea ascrito- - to lh,a article lu pectoral eo utainU. while tbe 1M ang etjiuo ou natitute an emulsion rei.if.-in- g tne compound an agreeable to tbe paiMiit. in tne opinloo ot una noe, an article wm pounoea ac joruing to Uiis loriuu ... may prcfwriy tm m, as a medicinal peuaratim iinjer the v ftchedule A, roiuwing mHion Lniied m, Mevlsd ttatutea. aiHI at so staiud nay bc.,td by Dr iista, Atvtbeoarirs and iKUer rs yiv.Hli-o- ut roooVrritg tQ9fO llai. e to Hty a Hxxau tax u Honor LYloia. l our. re.iiectfuity, lc, itHKtiN ). uu l, Cooirr'i!s'or,-- x. Put up In Quart tiije l;is lor 1 amiiy i CAUTION b' ""wlveJ 1 imi.l.vii.!. UM'.IUll,'e-!'- r t,y to t ,..DU: v;- -.i on Boric an1 lue i. t oir 1.1 t", i;, AND BYE, wMcti Is mi!y eroaine tneii.-u..- ( made. hMltit? a tidvuniv.nt Ptaisiu r.u tjuu UiUla. JLAwHa-Ni-'- R .t MiUl'.N. t',in Ill ia.i;as!(Hif.uUii4,i. Pold In MesnvhU by ,'.! Drc.l'W, tuwi, ;.'t.f. Wip IVrchanu geaeni lj; ut L,lrf, i. rs, Xtaa-aria- ex .'. f. liana l ki i A. taeeare it Ce- - wlai will ei.j.j-i- lie r,. s tMiulat'lu,Ji' vrn.

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Post on 02-Mar-2019




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'; AT




if 431 smutdines, worth;





jBret-erlio- ou of Locninolite Ylremt n,AT

Fltaclbtaaa FMW,W.iMi.Vtckrts. Including railroad fare. 50 ernts: ladies

M' x. . --i'JTTi.irtrtJin Dm. Pullman (iritNon on eachtrain t"T Invited guest. Truing as advertised.


ffrjHDAY AHO HOIDIY, f-- -07--8

LOSE STinS.or New Orleans,

fclYERSIDES, or Heznpblg,

Admtoloo. 2ft cents earn oa.tee at n.m.

r a Trains will bun Louisville depot 2, 21 andw, "lock. Kara, round-trip- , 10 cerita.




MUSIC . . ..D AKCIXB- --- ASD . . . -- FUS I

TnirjSSUAY EV'M, JUI-- Y 1st




Far sale ever here In the dry.

aTj,KPAt' UttAlsD MCWIC, N

At E,Ut1 Fart, July 5th,Coder the management of theCoUa ladle and

geulleuien of MemphlA.MUSIC BY BAN D WEB KER'd OHCHK8TBA.

Amor? the principal features of amusements wllbe a GO-A- S WALklNti MATCH, to

rce at 8 p. in. Premiums oral. y."ThnT BirmrrPAopo mail ljcciock; noon, July at Kuniilre P. J. Quintal' oulce. 85 Adamsalraet. Match to b eonauoted unf er same rules asthe world renowned, Adliley belt niatsfc.FITS BALLOON ASCKNdlONS, by Prof. Hopkins,

alRpm. and 80 p.m.OH AND DISPLAY Oa IBKWOS K3, furnished by

.tie well known house ot Thuriet A Co., MewYork, will eonimencs at p.m.

Tht 8HOOTINU eALLKRY.witb eitra attracUooiand greater faclllUes than ever OefOra, will be un-der the tble mantigement of the crack sdota ofVmi.liis, who have arranged valuable premiumsfor lip lHoret number of line sbota.

DsSt'lU AURANukMKNTd are eomplete, underibe diiection ot able and Prof.H . edw"i krr'si'rchestni.

BhHtr'.-ialr.- s rd t all kinds at moderate rateCHn ins on the grounds.trtliat ifuit have been taken by a careful

lnit-- and good comnittieee to make thepiviilo a grAc.d success, aud at lite same Utno tomake It very select.

K.VI-KAI- K fKR, VIVTV CEWT3.Tl.-ke-is for ?nle enly at tie sate.ArrsjiKprnniU have been icad with the Streetcar

Co. to bnva a lance num'jr cf ears ooastanllv runtllnir rtnrli.f tTiert'iv nod fiil.t.



Aksit th 15th t JulT, 1S,w will eay tkt atare 77Main atrC together wltk Mr.Jl. . ?tktaia (opoaslto CoartMtaaraV tLitit i. mttmrlasaaeaM barcalaa In J IWEL.

- sr mm vmci baoim Par-ties wltklsK la aareuaae will '

da wtill ta glTe aa m rail.

I. R0ESCKES, Agent,37.1' WjIn street. Wemphi.


J, W. 14 HJLa ON ,1 enlistXS Mala sftrorfu

BltST FRTOF TIKTH TIN DOLLAB8Hold Flllinp r. Two PollanSilver and Tin FUllmrs One DollrjUaaaiHl Iitnv-tin-. each. Kitty Cecta

KOOflS AJHU JtOAlilKTOOM MKndMnKly roratsbed, wtth dresslng- -x room aiutcbsd, southern eipoMire. Km Adams.TT'ACrLLH.St VIRUIN1A B.)RtlNU-TK- Ra

XI. 91 5 per month. Doctor's hi Is ft Apply toJ. T. MhLTON. M.K., Wilmington. Fluvanna county,ta. Reler to Dr. MDonalr, pernor Second Baptist- nuin. nrcnmona. va. i A. k. ijcinon.

HOOiL Nice furnlahed rooms, cheap, atNo. h MIN 'TRFRT.

MCLK-- f '" liKW ARti On June 1 1. 1880, from8. Batemau, ons Urge brown home mule;

almut lrl bantls hlirh; branded wtib small Con leftJaw; stolen brasnare-ma.ieivlHc- k nemo, ahout efent1 0 Inches high; limps oonatdertib'y in walking. AnyturomiMilon lendinstodlsccvnryuf mule or thief will

t nana rui 'V HwlMS H R t. man. 010a. Tenn.


T ADlId WISHINtJ andJLJ fanev work uf all kinds, croobxt and darned neteraik) ainu, iiampin ror dinruonds and eonipaas,eau at stnt, u u. v alkmtin K'rf. ;tiw main

LUCK-kY- 8ALVI FORJt giaia. M cents per bottle.

FOIC KEAT.OTOliltiK All kinds of goods, flanoa,O ele , stored at a.d Main street, ( barges vry

Also tuiuuure and pWnoe iackd and"'Pt''' . WM. M. 1 KRKINd H CO.

IuVt'iK k Loch. ut retueo No. 80 .'tilersonexiceled. eoutainlng eve rooms In ttrst- -

iv. cMHiniou. spp.y on tne premisea.KUOMS-tietiU-

wI. well furnUhed; Vi roiims on0. near bualneeS! larva vnmnda fl II rmlt- -

tuatirrx.ui, bam. eta; geod ve.of nver.slty.govnnnsenl buildings, eta.; lll reut lor tbe summer la

geod family. J. tKiLDSBliHY. PnveniKwt.

HoLaS A larva ana couimoinX, 00n- -

Uilrusea rooms, and two detached OOT-- IAiii'3 (if two fcoun eacu, eiui a good spring and

agar-.le- n spot, atfccwsnicse, Tennnsee, The nousla pnitty tuitiislied. and is suilaoty located for aaoardirigseuso and aol. For lenns. eto.. apply to

T. H. AHMdTBON'l.Sevunse. Fraikiiu oouoty, Tean.

OGkt a k uruubed ot uafui n aued, single or lawis, miuoui poara: aparimenis suuaa lor

bmiek-wptp- , nt l,it ,len.n s'reet.

HIT.KELD'a dUMM&b BTOVK8-F- or oil, fluid2m dSUONDaT.

MARS A geaUeman leaving Lbs elty otters fora goutte aad fast mr. re: aim three drays.

j..ldies J. t, at this omce.


at 2'. -- MnlQ street.TV tfAM. 1 no ir vlioii. ':U rro-- d street

-- A lr,f. new aiu tieauttfulRISIl'K-VC-K

cuulAiiili g !oi:t 16 rooms, Uttys andsiua.l, belli"! 1.1 iik nod euticnto, and rluoeucd.aillian neomeary oul buUduuiS, ai'd v illi s' it 7 scotsOf (Ivuii'l (.tu tu o, lu iii lo uf M Altnitv.lle,l'enu. J he txtuc 1114 M aUiut i t;xnO oet, an Uils10 swrtra aud A bnreutMd, w,.u a Mdnjard nmi.1 ills pnpi la wh! tuv u aHluHf lor wliiohit ws !i"iL Or lor a icma scbo'.l "r ooMrdti-tbouM- .

trtti imvi. 00 us lr u, arm st 11 a aunt Cir-- 3

liiut iMopt7, at i b;ui. utH.iira r--t Us ori- -

m4 - t'. COrKFK, siimiV H, TVnri.

. -- ia street iTod. Sii. M2;TTOual-U- a Jrni. ' miSi tiliui lUshorUme,

uA Ibtneat. APIly u 08 Hsdleoa stL. W. unit.ra&ke;11LLI AHO-- ABLE' - Kme Btiirswu ."vjial1 sinriwd sue; t early iir--

i'aiace tlJ'Mi. M'HAJC d: tX.A..ri l:i:vLU' V U.T, ,1:1-1- 1 tr.

Jl a Uipe gmuiiiiy of ntxui-b.'P- m- - urioi 101 iMie, In ya .i'Liiit-- s to suit .in .a ra, 1 he bbotems eiAl wir.t;;r'-- v Um ee.t!i, r, t ol Loa imimtxjyvt irluLua con-paiiy- , aPinii at, fiowcon.

t,. c. ., MrtnphlafTtEoTiil.Vi ANU , I LJtAP in Hna' cjjuw oronr, 1; Ri'pncath o l I'Uia immeuihieiy;

rikKiie 1 tin fi cjlliiurr and n rlrvkn. Also, aftu !)- - vt lerit n u.e, LiacUiaaU.

tlHIUire i t,ai,.ii... .T. v; t!fi i Ue.

ioed Grena- -k

$3 50.

lower than ever offered.10,000 HATS HALF PRICE!

AlLGoafLs ana Bel


aw Cost!

AKAOUKCK aT.Far sjeaaty Trattee.

rry) me Vote i of Shelby eounty; Encouraged byJL expressions of good will and approval from

every quarter, without regard to party, for which Iam grateful, t hereby announce myself as a candidate for to the i Mo of County Truitee,promising. If ibe earn fidelity as In thepunt to every trtitt the offlce with Its extraordinaryle.ponamintles Imtinwi. Hmi, o. rL.Br.un.

LUHT.During excursion on Tint Bhlnkle a lightSHAWL shawl. The Under wt I pleateaeod

the same to 272 Lau erdale streetMRS. I.P.QUIQLET.

1UB KE.M Oil HALE.riiwO-tJTOK- T STOREHOUSE In nrst-cla- s conJL anion, at nan aoipn, Tenn. Address

DK K. H. BULL, Randolph. Tenn.

ft'OtlSD.TT AYS A bunch of four keys was found on Third

street. In North Memphis. Owner can havesame by proving property and paying for this adver--tiHemenu can at mis omoe.

MTBAVYEII JB HTOLEM.COW With blaze face and white back;RED milk on or about the Urstof June. Also

ana white and black BDOtted cow. with bias aarsno ear marks: giving milk; strayed or stolen June

d. Ten dollars reward ror metr return toCLa HENCE NELSON, Central Dairy,

Henry avenue. 14 mile east of City hospital

WANTS.XJUGST To buy a No. 1 second-han- d top buggyJJ ebeap. Aadreas, ataung loweei price.

CASa. this oBice.

tOOK A woman to 000k and wash for famlljuW


PKRSON3 of high respactabtllty desired to spendat a beautiful country residence la

I.iVCAHTRK. KY. Kallroada, larga house, fortyseres or ground, pore milk, butter, water, loa. nrs-eia-

table, aood drives, walks, library, musical In-

struments, dally papers, etc Terms, $10 per week;S30 per fear weeks. Add'est

MRS. K. D. POTTS, Lancaster. Ky.--4 (r MBN To work on the extension M. and1UUU O. B, B.. between Columbus, Ky., and

Cairo, III. Good wages, and plenty of good stationwork. Also want 800 w .irons and scraper teams.Apply to W. P. DUNAVANT CO., Columbus. Ky.

mWQ MULSJ AND A GOOD MASS.JL Address B. H. J . Appeal office

To assist In a meat store.BUTCBKB 878 POPtAB 8T.AN-8e- rvli es of a man aoQoalnt d wtth Platn- -M lng Mill Maanmery. w. a. curio m w.

To 000k, waab and Iron, white orWOMAN Apply at James Park.Address or anolv to

Jt B. h BROWNHSAP. Atlanta. Oa.An educated and refined young

YOUNOLaDY than twenty years of age, tomake her borne with the family and become thecompanion and teacher ol two young girls. Addresafor two weeks,

care General A. J. Yaughan.nng a flrat-elsi- u aook to ao 10 the country dur- -

jrg tbe.ummer. Apply at 1JS Madison street,-

ToolTHORSa i'I BOCKAWAY-F- or keep;VJT woik ugbt, atid Kly?.-""8-- ". DTt.TT

TAN AND WiFK Ti work rmrmM'.ently onJ1TL Aopiv mea( sdod ririn anaa.errav. ChelteA.TLU bUTrLJta -- i;rner eaen price,

. 11 1 TTT. gmt. Baale streetrpEOTTING STALLIONd KOK SKaSON OFJ. 188a We have a son of Byadyck'a " Eamll-Ionian- ,"

and a son ot Dr. Heir's " MatnbrtnoPatchen," and a lnre stylish black Jack, which wekeep for public service. We bave fine pastures, andgnuM horaes and mules for the city.

HUWH D. AND JOHN B. OBXKB,Hlx miles nouthxAflt ol the city.



2000 boxes Orangesand Lemons, all Soundand in; good ShippingOrder.



- To Absentee.Th DAILY APPEAL-w- ill he tent oy

mail at St per month. Pottoffic addrettewill be changed whenever requested. Subecription must be paid in advance.


Lewi Carr, colored, was trrested yesterday on the charge of larceny.

Oa Thursday, the eighth of July, theDemocrat) county aomiaauas cOuTntioowill bo held in this city.

The Memphis Riraraide and the NeOrleans Lriee Stars will play a game A.Ulytnpio paik this alternoon. .,

A grand Democrat io rally and ratification mee tin if will b held on the Chickasawparade groutd next l nday night.

The thermometer indicated eighty degrees at tw--) o dock yesterday atterBoan, andha barometer itooa at inches.

The D mocratio county primary electioiwill ha held in the different wards and districts on Saturday next, the third of July.

At theBiuff City Grays picnic on nextThursday a gold-heade- cane will be raffledfor the most topular candidate for a countyoffice. k :

s A. atrawb.;rry-colore- d "cow, heavy withcalf, was stolen a few nignta since from U.KuBb-aa- colored, reaicung oa tne oiaii 1h road. f

It waa Qeorgiat.a Bland, colored, notGeorge Bland, white, who waa . arrested bythe police on a charge ot larceny, me ex-planation is made by reqaesL

The residence of Air. bun L. Moore, No.199 Elliott street, waa entered by thieveFriday night. They carried off a lot of clotbin jr. money and jewelry. The robbery waanot discovered until morning. .. , ,

Toe orphans' picnic on Jn'ySth promiseto be very attractive, to judge from the exPensive errangetnenta now being made byibd commtitee in charge. See the pro-gramme in tuia morning's paper.

At half-va- st nine o'clock laat aiuht a fir abroke oat in an old frame ahantr ia the .lleoa Main street, east of Third. No alarm ofBre waa Bivtn to the department, althnnohmany whutlot were blown by citiaena.

We hava been informed that thnboya oa the Iron Mountain road chanre tea

ata per copy for the AmAi. and only fivecents tor the bt. Lout papers. There la noreason why they should not sell the Appealat five centa per copy.SZ Last night John Horton, colored, waa ar-te ted by the police oa the charge of attempt-ing to raa a counterfeit ten-doll- ar bul. se-r- ie

iS7i No. "A. 386,625 E. ;"engranng palo; txeeuted. tin said hegot the bill in LwuviUe, tackj'

Knight'a Uietory of England, elffht vT"u, thirty oenta a Tolume; new Heatid.Pffluei Square and Standard Librari.a. -... . pictorala. dailies and ailthe leading reading twf0 W0 day can bebad at Mansion! 'a, 2.M Main street.

Mr. BonbT. TuUea, depnty-aherif- f, on islast Thursday night, organised, at 8cmer isvtUe, Tenaeaaee. a lodare ot Xaisnta and La--dies of Honor. The lodge was colled AxaJia, I


ijT. MABY'8 CATHXDBAL. 6enlces at 11 a.m.and 7:45 p.m.

KBMAN PROTESTANT CHTJBCH TMrd ttrettJT Preaching at lOUjO am.


JT. JOSEPH'S CHURCH Mass at 7:15 a.m.; highO mass at MOJO a.m.; vespers at 70 p.m.

PHIBD PBISBYTEBI AN CHtH-f-rf a"-b-errlces at 11 a.m. and at746 by the

pastor. .

IT PATRICK'S Corner IAmlenand Demto ftrtete.S Hi,ii Mass at 10 am. --espers and preachujg at1:30 p.m.

1 RACK EPISCOPAL CTIOBCHHifrviawfO streetOT Services .as usual at 11 a.r Bunday-echo-

at 0 a. iCHTJBCH. Will be open for divine

C1ALYABT to-d- morning and evunlng, the rector eKdatlng.

If KMFH1S BKTHEL Adame street, earneriVX Gharlattm evenue- .- Sunday-- ool every Bun-la-y

at p.m.

1HXLSEA BAPTIST CHURCH Corner cf MillJ and Fflh street. Bev. W. H. Barttsdale, pas

tor. Usual services.

BTBZ1IT MITHODIST CHURCH.GKOBGIA at 11 a.m. and 70 pan. by nr. 1.a. Xreaaweu, pa-- w.

PBESBYTKRIAN CHURCH Oorner cfSECONDand BeaU street. Sabbath --school at 930no services w-a- - -

ITM HKKT.AND PBXSBYT BXAIT CHTJBCHU Court street. Kev. H. A. Jones, pastor.Preag at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.

STREET H. X. CHTJBCH.HERNANDO at 90 a.m ; servloes at 11 am.

and 8 p.m. tiullford Jones, pastor.

CHURCH OF THE GOOD 8HEPHEBD Oaetosaj rjervlees by Bev. oeerge Monre at 10-- 30 am.

sod8 p.m. Suoday-scho- oi at 9 am.

CHAPEL Oertfrol Pofnf. Pastor,PBOVTDENCE Servlcra at 11 a.m.,'d and7 p.m. Sunday-scho- at 1:80 p.

PETER'8 CATHOLIC CHTJBCH First 0a.m.; second mass at 8 a.m.; third (high)mass at 10 a. in. vespers at o p.m.

flXTH STREET M. E. CHURCH Ooraer oftiizin atid Jaekitan street. Port - Pickering.

Berflees at 8 p.m. w imam suimmin. pastor.

LlMBST PBKSBYTEBIAM CHUBCH. Corn er ufL1 JWrd and Vopinr afreets. rreacning M in.

m.,' and 8 p.m by the pastor, Bev. Eugene Daniel.

r inntRDltl STREET PBESBYTEB1 ANI.J CHURCH Rev. N. M. Long, pastor. Services

11 am. and 8:16 p.m. Sunday-scho- at 9:80 a--

CtXCOND CONGBEGATIONAI, BHBBCH. Orleansky stmef, aetwtn lAnaen ana tmtc cervices nt xam. and ? 0 p.m., Dy tne paau, hbv. mu o. wutlaiaa. -

CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH. Second tlref.near vrai. ounaHy-scuo- oi at :ou a.m.

Preaching at It aon. and 8: 15 p.m., byBsT. T. J,Bjwan, pastor.

nxoiftox (dvihu - w. wrw.,bimax Povlar. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 8p.m , by the pastor, Bev. U. H. Mahon. Sundayschool at 90

BAPTIST CHUBCHCENTBAL Vance and Demjto street. BeT. JamesLou, pastor, treadling at it a.m., a ana i --ju p.m.Bunaay-scuo- ati p.s

USNTBAL METHODIST CHTJBCH 187 UnionJ ttrteU Preaching at 11 a.m. and at 7 J10 p.m.,

by the pastor, Rev. S. W. Moore. Seats free. AllInvited, especially young people. Sunday-scho- at

smrniBST BAPTIST CHUBCH. Second treet. bell liasm Adou and Waefnngton Services at 1 1a.m. and 8:15 n.m. by the paator. Bev. W. A. Montgomery, D.D. at 9U30 a.m. Seatsall free.

dAFFARANS STREET M. E. CHURCH. SOUTH. -O Preaching at 11 a.m. and 8:16 p.m. by thepaator, Bev. T. C. Holmes. Subject In the morning:r'Cbrut Cruolfled. " At night: "A Second Thought?'auaaay-scno- at vmo am.T" XATH ORPHAN ASYLUM-loterest-lng servicesI J are being held every Sunday afternoon, by Mr.

W. J. Bracknell, late a In the penalInstitutions ot Hudson eounu. New Jersey. Members ot the several church choirs, end others Interested In the asylum, are cordially and respectfullyinvited to take part in the exercises

and contains forty-si- x members, includingeighteen ladies. Mr. T. J. M'Clellan waaelected protector,- - and Miss Mollie LoaM'Clellan secretary.

Marriage censes issued by the countycourt clerk: Whites J. B. White and W.M. Miller John H. Glaab and Susie Kreuter,Sam V. Cutter, jr., and M. . Crook. Colored

Chas. Cooper and Mollie Montgomery,Martin HolUngawotth and Martha Anderson.

' At the city hospital thereis a heary-se- tblack negro man, ctlling himself MartinVanBuren. His throat is badly cat iromear to ear, and be says he came here fromArkansas. He is dangerously injured, butwill recover. Ha will give no information asto how he received the wound.

Superintendent Barrett, of the street-ca- r

company, was fined twenty-fiv- dollars lorcruelty to animals by Recorder Overton, yes-terday, on the prosecution of the secretaryof the society for the prevention of cruelty toanimals. . The secretary declined to prosecuten second case against Superintendent Bar-rett, deeming the first fine sufficient for thetime being. .

Billy Lieben's book and ' news depot,236J Main street, receives everything ontie; gets papers and magazines ia forty-fo- ur

hours running time from Mew York city.He received the last Franklin Library, the

Mr-- iirn- - QlifiVity-4we- , lmkaSi Jrq

For Her Vea? Sake, by Mary Cecil Hay,ooly twenty cents. - J Sundaywelcome call. He has all the dailies

and magazines.The Lone Stars.of New Orleans, will ar-

rive on the ten o'clock train, via the Missis-

sippi and Tennessee railroad, this forenoon,ana will play the R'versidea this afternoon atOlympio park. The tramB are as follows:Lont Star Croch, p : Brennan, c; Miller,1st b.; Mahooy,2d b.; Peiti 3d b.; Tennyson,s. a.; Barth, I. f.; Barrett, c f. ; J. Barth r. f.Riversides Casey, s. a.; Colbert, 2d b.;Levy, c. f.; James Maloughney, 1. f.; Rata,Si b.; Noviiky, 1st b.; Carr, p.; Burke, r. f.;Maloughney, c.

The' following was entered of record atthe criminal court, by order of Judge Horri-ga- n,

yesterday: "It appearing to thecourt, from" information received from amemoer of the bar, that S. II. Scott, an at-torney of this coart, swore out a warrant forthe arrest of a petson on a criminal charge,although not the person injured by the offensealleged in said warrant, without any directknowledge of the facts, and that when theparty so charged in the said warrant was ex-

amined before the justice of the peace, he(the said Scott) appeared aa the employedcounsel of the accused, and defended theparty so charged by warrant as aforesaid. Itis therefore ordered that the attorney-genera- linvestigate all the facta pertaining to theabove charge, and if believed by the attorney-gener- alter carefully inquiring, thatthe charge aa above set forth is substantiallytrue, then the attorney-gener- will preparecharges against the said Scott in due formwith a view to disbar the said Scott.

The Cairo (Illinois) Bulletin.ot the twengives a clear account of the sewer bs

tern of Memphis, and winds it up astollows"Strangers are astonished at the wonderfulresources of Memphis. All that has beenaccomplished was by close economy. Memphis has the simplest municipal sovernmenin the world. She has no horde of officialsto eat her np and frighten away merchantsby heavy taxes. Having been resolved intothe county, Memphis is governed by a boardof directors, who manage her as they wouldtheir banks or groceries. If there is nomoney in the treasury debts are unpaid untilit gets there in the regular way. The citycannot borrow, if the president of theboard borrowed any money to finish a street,or build a bridge, he would be personally responsible for the money and not the districtof Memphis. Nor can the board use onefond to pay the debts of another. It theypay the police with the sewerage fund theyare personally responsible together with theirbondsmen. Taxea are only two dollars andfifteen cents per one hundred dollars, andwill, after the sewers have been laid, be reduced one dollar. No wire-workin- politicianshave been able to feather their nest in thedistrict government. We do not find saloonkeepers and eambhno: bosses holdine thereins aa of old, but honest and good businessmen. Ihe future ot Memphis is bright indeed." -


Mas. E. A. MUWBThek has returnedfrom Cincinnati.

Dr. Buddxke eye and ear diseases. No.oo ,aat uourt street.

Senator Ishax 6. Harris is in the city,having returned from Washington city, viauncicnati.

Mb. D. P. Haddbn. who. went to Cincinnati to see the Democrats nominate the nextPresident of the United Slates, has comehome.

Thb refreshment Drivileeea for the twogrand river exennons to take c ace on thesteamer Uiceola Jtfelle. Julv 3d and 4Lh cand purchased. Dy addressing i. J. Norton, 13uaaison street.

J. G. M. B offalio, stent of the Vircnniaand Tennessee Air-Li- n railroad at NewYork, was at the Peabcdy yesterday. Hecame up from urenada, and says there isgreat enthusiasm in Mississippi over the no-mination of Hancock. .

Mr. W. P. Dtjnatakt, who has Justhnianed a big ranroaa contract in Alabama.waa here yesterday. He has a contract forgrading the Mobile and Ohio extension fromColumbus to Cairo, ana wants una thousandhands to work on that j b.

The Dallas Herald, of last Friday,' hastb'a paragraph about a Memphis lady"Miss Susie Uuenicnet, of Memphis, a moatcharming young - lady, at present visitingher aunt, Mrs. Colonel fointer, of this city,was taken - danseronaly ill on Wednesdayevening, and for a time was believed to beabout to pasa away into mat world whichknow no sorrow. - The attendance and ministrations of Dr. Beaumont, with the careand assistance of affectionate relatives, leftnothing undone in her case, which," happily,is to b reported this morning a more hope-u- L,.. - -

Attxbtion is called to the card of theHotel de Corselios, at Tnllahoma, Tennessee,in another column. Tnllahoma is famous forits pure air and mountain scenery. As it canbe reached in a bttle over twelve hours fromMemphis it commends itself to those Mem-phia- as

desiring rest aad recreation from busi-ness, yet wishing to be in ptriking distanceof Mamphi. Those who visited there lastannuner speak in the highetit terms of mine

. " ', who baa letumed the art ofhost, C--j - Onrold friend Captainr-'-"' u gnesu. . - when hoJoseph Lenow is a visitor a foian worth- - r i..--. i. l.tell him all he know, .bout dYmUoeT hS

the champion domino player there, as heeverywhere. We bona h --,.. ,home greatly atreasihenvd bv the rnr. . i v Itand healLb-givio- g wkters. hi

I (VwtiamwefsaaiSP(3VrV


Or Political Argonauts of Shelby Count j,Recapture the Golden Fleece and

Nominate Ulm for the Office of .

Count Trustee.

Colonel Sam A.JTajlor, the FormerNominee, Put on the Retired List,

But Writes a Tari Letter orResignation. ;

At noon vesterdav the Central club of theNational Greenback-Labo- r party of Shelbycounty held a convention at Mannerchorhall, on becond street, for the Duroose of reconsidering the nominations made on theseventeenth instant, when the Colonel Fleecewine ot the party bolted the convention.The convention was called to order bv thechairman. Colonel Fox, of the Central club,Colonel M. msella acting as secretary.

THS GATHERING: OF THB CLANS.On the roll being called fifty-thr- an

swered to their names, and twenty-thre- e wereabsent. Of the delegates a large maiontvwere colored persons. It was noticed thatthe Fleece bolters of the seventeenth instantconvention were in attendance in force, notwithstanding their repeated charges afterthe fiasco of the seventeenth thac they hadquit the Greenback party, that it was controlled by corrupttonists, and that Mr. Fleecewas defeated by bribery, ihere was evidently a Fleece boom among thb delegates,a iiii'" ci .reawakening as it were. Wui'ethe committee on credenL. were preparinga report, Colonel G. P. 15. Turuir made acharacteristic harangue, making no especialpoint. It was a rambling, incoherent talkto kill time. The convention being ready forbusiness, the following salty communicationfrom Colonel Sam Taylor, nominee for thetffije of trustee, was read:

INDIGNANT withdrawal,.- hkkphis, Tenn., June 24,' 1878.

It was not at my solicitation or feelings, but bythe urgent request of others that I became a candi-date, and to the friends that supported me I returnmany thanks. One of the cardinal doctrines otrules approved by e'ub and party. Id that delegatesenalt beet red pledged to no lodlvluual aspirant,but free and uotxarameled, and nominate tor theparty's good. The candidate's pledge and tbe sumsrested upon the delegated was to abide by the de-cision, and by a united front support the nomineesof said convention. We know that the bolters wereIn sams instances related and others elected solelyin the interest of an Individual; we koow, also thatthe pltxiges made and received, aud know well iheresult on the establishment of the party how we ad-vocated the cne term, believing It may tofoster Into power any one, and to place at hU dis-posal a power or means whereby he might perpetu-ate hli offlce. Tbe aim since your late conventionseems to be rule or ruin. Some claiming third sec-tions having no representation, have no Interest Insaid ticket. There are two parties, one scramblingfor precedence ot othoe and the other seeking tosontrol, so In the near future the benefits can be se-

cured, even at a sacrifice ot party and ptinciple,therefore having no Individual Interests or section-al preferences, and there being but one nominationat my refusal, and preterrlng a united patty uponprinciple above myself I here decline the nomina-tion. Yours reepectlully, S. A. TAYLUii.

RESIGNATION ACCEPTED." "Colonel larr. a (the plow-boy- ) favored 'ac-

cepting the rt 8 Ruatioa, which, after somediscussion, was adopted, and Mr. Taylor wasshelved.


Colonel Crutchfield moved to go into anelection to fill the vacancy in the trusteeship,and ne nominated Colonel ueorge 13. r leece

Colonel (ieorge ilayden, colored, ottered aresolution to tender the nomination ot theNational party to Colonel George B. Fleece,

THAT AWFCL PLEDGE.The resolution objected to by many, who

asked thut, in accordance with the rules, thecandidates should come fat ward and pledgethemselves as follows :National Greenback-Labo- r Club:

Cxstlsmen In obedience to the rules of yourclub, I pledge myself to abide by and carry tnemonl, and eeoeciaily rule No. 14, which requires can-didate to oromcte the Interests of tne, naitv. and. Ifelected, to select their deputies from Uie ranks oftbe party, giving each race and color a fair representation, xtespeotiuiiy, -

NO PLEDGE FOR HIM.The above pledge was handed to Mr. John

J. Duffy in the lorenoon, the Greenbackersdesiring (o put bis nam a in nomination torthe office of trustee, but he refused to sign tbepledge, and consequently his name was notbefore the convention.

TUB PLEDGE IGNORED.The ugly pledge being the trouble, as it

waa at the convention ct the seventeenthinstant, when the Fleece bolt occurred, amotion was made and carried to suspend therules, so that names could be put in nomination without the pledge. .


Colonel (jeorge if. f leece was already innomination, and eoma inconsiderate son otthe Emerald lale, without' authority, put thename ol John J. Dotty also in nomination

DELEGATES UNPLEDGED.' A motion was made that delegates pledge

themselves as their names were called to support the ticket.

THBY NEEDED HOLDING.Colonel Henry N. Rankin, colored, said

that he had no uso lor the bolters of (he lastconvention, and be believed they ought to bepledged, so that there would be something tobond thm to tbe nounnees.

WOULD DO IT AGAIN.' h- -Colonel Lewis, an aged white Nationalistcm the country, sid he was one of the first

bolters or the Fleece party on the seventeenth. and he would do the same a.ain uuder likecircumstancss. He had no apologiesto make. He was still a Nationalist, andwould support the cominees.


Colonel R. P. Warine made a lengthy.flaming speech, full of patriotic ardor andbre. Ho brought down the house in a peroration about the American eagle screamingIrom the Atlantic to tbe ifactho and trom teelakes to tbe gulf. He did not favor any stricttests for the party, which was young yet andcould not dictate terms.

NO JACKASSES WANTED.' Cjlonel Harris (the plow boyV-aros-

a endin an excited manner delivered a wild speech.He was opposed to men holding on to tatsalary effices while he was dreaming ia poverty in the shade. They were not going tovote for a jackass simply because the jackasswas put on the ticket.

TELLER8 APPOINTED.On motion the chairman appointed as tell

ers to take the ballot, Messrs. Mason, M'Carney. Pollard, M'Farland and Mitchell, thetwo latter being colored.

First Ballot. Qeome B. Fleece. 38: JohnJ. Daffy, 13. Total vote, 51. Necessary to achoice, dl.


When the name of Colonel Sandy Carter,colored, was called that person got np andannounced that he wanted his name scratchedoff the roll that he was now a Republican,


Chairman Fox announced that ColonelFleece was duly nominated for the office ofcounty trustee. A motion was made tomake the nomination unanimous. Oae delegate voted no. " '

LET HIM KNOW IT.Oa motion of. Colonel George Ilayden, col

ored, a committee of three was appointed tonotify Colonel t leece ot tbe honor conferrednoon him. The chair aDDointed on thatcommittee Colonels Hayden, Mitchell and Mason.


Colonel Mason desired to make report of bisstewardship as treasurer. He said when tbeGreenlaw operahouse meeting took place hewas nnable 1 3 make report, as he bad changedhis coat that day, and had left the report inthe pocket ot the cast-of- f coat, but he badfound the report, which was as follows np todate: Cash received trom candidates, i'JQ asfollows: Fleece, 20; Maon, $20; Powel,clO: Tailor. 110: Vaughan. 10; .Logwood.$5; Blackwell, 5; Galloway, $o and DwyerS5. Expenditures: fS8 50, which left f 1 50in his hand, just enough, he said, to treat theclub to lager beer. L Applause J. ,.

PRESIDENT'S ISLAND WORKHOUSE.ColonefThcmas Moffatt offered the follow

ing resolution, which was adopted:Eexolved, That the National central club or Shelby

county unqualifiedly disapproves of the stretch ofauthority ot our Taxing District rulers In commit-ting persons found guilty of misdemeanors underTaxing-Distri- laws to what Is known as the countywork oouse, at rreataenrs istano, wuererrom severalInstances have been publicly known of cruelty toconvicts.

ACCEPTS THE NOMINATION.Colonel George B. Fleece, . having been

brought into the hall by the committee.said: .

Ha felt srateful for the honor conferred noonmm; ne ten it was an unsougm compnmeni onereahim bv men who bad - wisely eonnultedanion- - themselves as to their duty to the public.He felt that In the meeting, of tbe seventeenth Instant such unfortunate circumstances prevHlredthat be did not teel lu.itinea in remaining a esnai- -dau: In his action be felt that be bad tbe concurrence of the great mass or tne people, mends aswell a enemies; be now looked over all that whichwas caused bi false renorts and misconceptions Incident to a political campaign; he reit that one gentleman had neeii aniavoniauc 10 mm, oui mat nadhAadiusted. and be reloiced that this occasion badhealed the breach that seemed to be fatal to tbenapti : tit accented ibe nomination, and would doeverything to make tne ticket a success.


Colonel Vernon, colored, expressed pleas- -are at Colonel i leece a nomination.

THB TWO TERM BULB.Colonel Thomas Moffatt desired to siy that

be had no personal obi action to ColonelFleece: he opposed him for another reason.ilia renomination was against Dsrty usages aslaid down by the National Libor party et1 hiladelpcia, the rule is'abl.jhed being toatno person should be elected to t thne for twoterms in succession. Applause.


Colonel Harry Hill, nominee for criminalcoart jadge, made a short speech in favor ofharmony, lie preaictea tne election oi tneticketm August, and asserted that the peoplehad been pulled down by the usurers andbeaker of Memphis, and they wanted achange. The motto of the Greenback partywaa "Might makes right, and with thatmotto (here was no sach word ft fail. . IApplause. - -

UK WOULD LEAD THE TICKET. .' fColonel John Powel, nominee for the office

of sheriff, on being called upon, announcedthat he waa no speaker, but was a worker.aad that he would lead the ticket, Cheers, j


The chairman announced the followingcampaign committee of seven: Colonel A. I .Irvine lor Colonel George B. Fleece, ColonelDick Mason lor Colonel John Powel, ColonelU Kinsella for Colpnel Harry Hill, and Col- -

"T Rankin, W. S. Gunners andon'eis ."".": 'was selected --toHenry Buttenberg. INu

--"ttee.rsi iiflnf Tiirlr rVf aril am P Vi tr .

waa stated that Judae M'Dowell wanted I

brother to act for hiui, but he not being in j

the city the matter was laid over to Monday). , - j . .."

r CONBTAXuS 8X3tCT. .''

The following districts, selected candidatefor constable, and made report to the con-vention:- .

Fifth district Colonels William Quinn andB. R. Henderson.

Tenth district Colonel T. T. M'Donald.Fourteenth district Colonel M'Farland.

' ' ADJOURNMENT. . . .On motion the clnb convention adionrned,

subject to the call of the chair. The clubwill meet again on the morning of the firstof July, the day of the National Greenbackparty ratification meeting at the GreenUwoperabonae, when it is expected that ColonelR. W. Edwards,! nominee for governor ofTennessee; Colonel William Parks, nomineefor governor of Arkansas, and General A.M. West, of Mississippi, will be present tomake Greenback speeches.


Announce the receipt of

. New white walking dresses.

New white wrapper.

. New children suits.

New mohair--ulsters- .

New linen ulster.

These goods will be on exhibitionMonday morning.

We also direct special at-tention to our

White Goods Department!

which is fU'ed with every noveltyin the market.

Cream mulls, Linen des lodes,

Lace stripe Swisses, Figured Swisses,

Paris muslins, Linen lawns.

Scotch lawnp, Union lawns.


. Card --of J banks.The Christian Brothers cannot find word to

express the measure of their gratitude totheir manv benefactors and friends for a variety of valuable and highly appreciated fav-ors on tbe occasion of the ee?ond centennialcelebration of their order. The spontaneousdemonstration was the highest possibletribute to christian education, and tbe Chris-tian Brothers of Memphis congratulate them-selves on beintr nlaced among r. people proverbial for their cordiality, intelligence andappreciation. In returning thanks theChristian Brothers desire to acknowledgethemselves under special obligation for valuable favors, to the reverend clergy of Mem-phis, to the ladies and gentlemen of thechoir, to the ladies of the altar society, toMrs. B. B-b-

b. Mrs. Dinnis Smith, Mr. andMrs. B. J. Semmf a and family. Mrs. M.Moody, Dr. E..M. Willett, Mr. and Mrs. P.

Colonel Jos tab Patterson. Mrs.Malcolm Svmmes. Mrs. A. G. Tuther, Mrs.Rjbert Soeed. Mrs. Rsnbea S. Jones. Mr.and Mi. John S. Toot, Mrs. Phil J. Mai Ion,Mm. Wm. Lunn, Mrs. Joseph Bruce, Mrs.N. Malatesta. - Mr. Wm. Dean. Mrs. R.C. Williamson, Mrs. F. Cameron, Mrs. Ben- -

eck. Joseph cSoecht. H. Setssel. Charles N.Erich, the Appeal, Avalanche and EveningIsedaer. frof. C. M. Hatch. J. S. H. ALScbulae. Joseph P. Carey, Dennis Lvne. Phil R. Athy. and many others,whose names do not cccar to mind at thistacment. ' A special mention of thanks ia doeto the worthy joung gentlemen on the com- -

rniilee ofTangement. who. at great sacrifice, devoted much of their time end effoitsto tbe details ot the ceieDranon. ine committee was comDOsed of Messrs. John J,Duffy, RaphelE. Semmes, Richard Odium,ur a t i -- j i.;ni rwrn .


Graid Opealaar of the Boalevardeardea (formerly Cerrell'a), ta-aaj- r. kyPraC Araela'aaOreaeatra. All dellea- -elea of the axarket at reaaoaableprieea.

C W. AEiT, Proprietor.

Gen nine Imported.Hofft Malt Extract. The true health leverage.' Highly recommended for nursingmothers, thin, cold and aged people, con-valescents, etc. Owing to its wonderfullynutritious qualities, it is r specially recommended in epidemics and in fevers, v, herebodily rurntrarinn ia preat tad life dependsnoon a nourishing stimulant. Ione genuine without the label of Tarrant of Co., soleagents, New York. For sale by all druggistsand grocers.

Families should go to the cracd openingct toe Boulevard garden, buppers a epec- -

laity. ;

. . m. w . "Topnevur.

Families desiring a quiet, cool resort fortbe summer at reasonable prices can be accommodated by applying to Miss N. N.Soott, Sewanee, Tennessee. -

, . . -

T. If. Turner,Dentist. 313 Main street

Everybody should go to the grand concert at the Boulevard garden to-da- y.


IlKIiKEN BROTHERS'' Clearing sale of ,.


Begins -

They will not remain on hand long atthe prices marked.

Sach bargains were never before. offered in Memphis.


Where will yea cot Ta the Boale- -vard Gsraea.

Ilrown A Jones.Pltteanra:, Bhatw ell aa Canael Coal.

FJ&la stiwt.Floyd's Candies.

Those leaving should supply themselves"with Floyd's candie. You will find none asgood until you get trome again.

Go to the Boulevard garden y.

E'en though the face be not so fair.And beauty may be all but flown,

Dear ladies, you need not despair,If Sczodont von make your oa:

And brush your teeth and mouth with skilli uu 11 fascinate and conquer still.

To tlio JTnblie.Having remodelled the old Correll garden,

I respectfully invite one and all to the grandopening of the fieulevard garden y.

u. w . air, CTopneior.


A: lag I

And campaign goods efevery kind. -- -

. - - j


Dr. Cheek s liver invigors tor is a sovereign remedy for dyspepsia. Its innumerabledisorders are more or less known to all. Letit no longer make you miserable and hope-less. Take Dr. Cheek's liver invigorator andbe restored to cheertnlnesi.. '

Grand opening of the Boulevard gardento- - aay. '

Custom LadeBoots and Hkses. A I rre, Fresh ttor.Cheap. Js.:FMasa,UHBlB street

247 MAIN STREET.Only a few more days to get bargains at

tbe great CLUiUNti OUI &&.LK, at theASSIGNEE SALE ot clothing, at 247 Mainstreet, opposite Odd-- fellows hall.Good casstmere suits at S7. worth 112.Good Melton eaurimere suits at $8,worth $14.r ine cassimere suits at fit), worth f 18.Fine caesimere suits at fl2, worth S20.Fine worsted suits at $14. worth $25.' -

Fine worsted coats and vests at $10, worth $29.t ine casstmere pants at i. worth to.Good cassimere pant at $3, worth $5.Good cassimere pants at $2 50, worth $4.Good cassimere pants at $2, worth $3 50.White Marseilles vests at f I, worth $2 50.White Marseille vesta at $1 50, worth $3.White Marseilles vests at $2. worth $4. -

The above goods will be sold wholesale orretail. - - i- -

Monday. July " 5th, will see'Kixkiand'shorseshoe weighed. All purchaser of hat.shirts, etc., etc., which are selling lower thanever, entitled to a guess. ... .

Persons nnder the operation of Fellows'hvDhoDhoeDhite should examine their bloodnnder the microscope from time to time, andmark the increase of red and active particieand diminution cf the white or dead ones;these observations are interesting and in-structive. ,

; Royal HavanaThe next drawing of this lottery will take

place on the fifteenth of Jaly. By referenceto the card of Manuel Orrantia it will beseen that special rates can be bad on large

Xae capital pnzs will be two hun--

o' J UATf.

dred thousjUh.


Hee4 Bttrrlaa Up.Editors Appeal Upon inquiry I find

that there has not been exceeding seven hun-dred house connections made with the sew-ers. Why is this? Why do tbe city offi-

cials not enforce the connections? Do theyor the public desire to remain forever in afilth and nastiness that remains a constantmenace to the public health ? The sewers areworking admirably no foul odors, no sewer-ga- s;

nothing objectionable. Is it desired thatthe people be driven from their homes againthis summer? Are the people so much ac-

customed to the awful "lever" that theywould relax any effort to avert it? Ha notthe gigentio individual expenses of an en-forced absence from home the past summers,the loss of trade, to say nothing of upwardof five thousand of our people sleeping thelast sleep, an incentive sufficient to use everypossible effort to avert a recurrence of thedreaded visitation? By the sacrifices of analready tax-ridd- en people at least one of themeans of prevention sewers and drainage--has

been provided. The use of the sewers isnot .only healthful but a luxury. Shallit be said of our people, as or the Bourbonfamily, they never learn anything or forgetanything? I am aware that there is a b'e

expense to be incurred in the neces-sary plumber's work. I know to my own costthat plumbers charge rates which to my in-

experienced eyes look heavy. Neverthelessis not the object to be gained worth the sac-rifice. In conclusion, Mersrs. Editors, I de-

sire to say that the public officials need stir-ring np to enforce the sanitary law alreadyin force, and the people to be reminded thatOne more aerifies, is necessary, and which willplace ns in the front rank of clean cities.Respectfully, - front street. .

The Hsrasa QaeatloB.Editors Appeal We have read with

satisfaction and delight your able and sug-gestive editorial on the "Spread of Mormon-ism,- "

and as it is customary to applaudwhatever meets with approval, we wish torecord our hearty indorsement of this timelyutterance. That tbe stability of our govern-ment is dependent upon a sound morality,and that a high state ot morals can be at-tained only by the maintenance of th s purityand sanctity of tbe family relation, are bothself-evide- propositions that none can gain-say. Therefore anything that tends toweaken the former or bteak down tbe lattermust be regarded as dangerous to the per-petuity of our nation. It is for this reasonthat we bave looked with suepicion and dreadat the rapid growth of Mormonism, with itsinfamous and licentious system of polygamyai its bitMS, in the United States, and havewondered why congress has not removed thiseye-sor- e from our midst. That a plurality ofwives bbould bo a crime and punished assuch in Tennesse and New York, whilj inUtah, a mere Territory, a man may have assore or more, and go even unrebuked, is anational reproach a burning shame in thelight of civilization; and it is high time thatthis plague spot was bing wiped frcm thebright escutcheon of our history. We bavethus far stood fjremost among na-tions in the defense and maintenance of virtuo and morality, and shall wenow cast a blot on that iair record by longertolerating the practice of polygamy in anyState or Territory ? We therefore call uponoar statesmen and public men to down withthis loathsome tvil, and to the

of this end we would invoke the aid ofthe pulpit and the press. Not that we wouldproscribe any man lor bis opinions, nor denyto any one tbe greatest of religious freedom,but that we would banish licentiousness andcorruption from the land. "Righteousceuexaltfith a nation, but sin is a reproach to anypeople." We are glad that you hava calledattention to the spread of so great an eviland hope you will keep on in the same sirniuntil there shall be awakened a sound,healthy public sentiment on the subject,Keep talking about it until the people .become interested and aroused upon the dangercomplained of, and until our legislators shallknow that they are loosed to by their constitaencv for the overthrow and suppressionof the harems of Utah. What the peoplewant is instruction. clericus,

Peter Jskassa's Hpeeeh.Editors Appeal I put a kail for a grate

democratick rally tu be cbsurved las nite anaxed de ole line, Kno Nafiins an de yuog Reblikms tu kum tu ce me. When de our lade epeekin arrove an de fokes dat was darwar fore culltred buteblaks fessing tuyung publikins an one ole dryed up whitefieded mggea whitch sed he wur a ole lineKno Nuffin. I axed em who pade em tokum an 1 lef. Plow dis act rite is it, an ashad trubbie in nun dis orapfcun wont youplese have de Appeal to publish it bo datkin stan in de propur lite atore dose ob mypeepul what a spectin to here frum me ondis ockasbun an oblige your tra tren


Mi Phbends Mi peepul an de oderswhich am kum dis evnin ta here what isegwine tu ea tu you. I axes a soeckful tenshufur onlay a fu moinune. Hit don't make nodtfrense ta me whar youte frum or who ya is,What ise gwine to spoke bout 1 will lude to,I nounced dis ratificashun metin furde s presspurpns ob trine tu sho you de lite in whitchyou stan. Now de grate demcratik party isput de bosses in de teeld agin de publicans,Now what's de outlook kant you ce? Incourse you kin. 1 tea in tie lust ob mi diskorse, if you recommember, dat tu us hit dontnot mak no obstickle tu ns whar jouse fromIf Atrecke, awl rite, it Irasb, awl rite.Dutch, awl rite. If Merikin. awl rite. Dathing we wants air far- - jioa ta be rito. - Dieam de qustahun. Naw de rider far de raceon de publickin side is Garfish and Arthor,Dese is de men. Now who is dey? Dj yourede ae paper t Am you educated t it not,den I are some dat yow yath ware niglected

eann you air ignrant,- listen and 1 gwineta tel yoaall de blessed truff,Garfish. Ain't dat name furmillur. Donyou 'member seeing dem in der lakes. Don'iyea 'member de bills and teef, and de ginerly ugly pearauca. Dar sc-- ls am t evenparty, and de meat don't wnrf nofHn, youkno dis. Den dey aiu't got no pluck. Jessowid d:'s one. Did nt he skip out at Mishunary ridge, so dey say. Didn't he put up jobion Oakes Ames and de G oilier man, wid hisngly teef shinin in his long hard hed didn'ihe smile and aa he didn't tuk neffia in nairvkase. Don't you kno hit wont do to put yourpendense in him. Of course you does. Dendare anothor. Whose he? I tells you detr off when I sa his nobody. Didn't misterHase put him outin his effis for baddest kindcb konduc. Touse awl quainted on dis ekore,Den hese de tail and a goot tail he is furutch a hed. Now den, look at Gineral Han

cock. Dan a man. I wish I had his picturto libit to you dis minnit. You cud see awldat s pure, awl dat s nobul, awl dat's intileek, awl dat's brave, jus at one glans. Hesea man I tell you honnies. Didn't he fitoagin de injnns? Didn't he fite agin demexkins? Didn't he fite fur dis here glorusunion, and didn t he behave well all de timeIn korse he did. Didn't he pull eff his hatand ride bar beded in de hot sun, and amongde hotter bullets and rally de Union army' atGettem berg and darby sav de DEshnn? Obkorse he did. JNow 1 tells you agin and aginaars a man, ana no sputin dat Dint,Den hese sich a mod 'rate man. He wants todo rite. He don't want to pat one man up byputun annatner man aown. iiese tur dennder dorg in de fite if de under dcrg is rite,Dat de kind of a man he is and dat's desorter man we wants. Now den we kums toEnglish, and I wants to Bay rite here dat dename do not inderkate de buff plase. He isfull Merican man shure as as you lib. Yondon't know nufiin boat him I heres you saAul rite den here me fro. Hese de bodimentob good. Iiese celebrated lor his charity,Hese bin to kongriss twise and can keepagom it ne wanted tur, out be steped asideto let sum man more anxus hab de plase andhe went to pnvat lif whar he kud held depoor and hese bin doin it all de time let metell you, bunny. Now hese de tail ob ourtikit. Ain t dey ntsely balanced. Did youeoer ce better can dates, l kno you u barme out in sain' neber did. In konkludin 1wants ta say I don't kno' nuffin.' 'bout fireswhat waa stole from Hibbin an' I don'twant to kno nuffin bout eny thing dat wasstole, dat's what's ruinin' folks now. But Iduz kno' if I kud get de sun what gibs liteby da in one ban an de moon what gibs liteby nite in de odder han' an' I kud fine nkommit I wud git on dat kommit's tale widdese too lites an' shoot strate tode norf an blazen ae name of Han1cock an English eberlastingly dare.You kin ce bi sum ob de Daoets von is refurdto as bein bleeged to ete krow. Fur misef Ikin sa I neber ete enny krow in my hf andia remark casts a-- flecshuri- - on de hole cullered po plash uu bi refrence to dar culler.Krow or no krow wese got de honiste.t puristmen be tor ae peeoai an it dev dont want dattune ob mmetrashun data dar fait an notonrn, I thank you far your kine konBidera--

shun an pashunt attenshun and shall ebermember dis okkashun as de proudis ewent cbmy Die. uood ebnin.

Floyd's Ladies' Restaurant.Regular meals served. Persons com i no-- to

tae city cn morning trains can get a goodainner at e ioya s.

Notice.We have placed our in tha hands

ot Avery & Berlin, No.Jd Madison stieet, forcollection. t. a. diyinb a co.

The Popular Rat Store.IlnA Of IhA mAlhnnfa. whrt n ,: U' ' " V HUU

the styles, and always sells at the lowestfigures, is Martin Cjhen, whose hat store, inthe Worsbam house building, does a goodbusiness at ail seasons, Dat has eoioved a rnnon hats lost and won on political events ofthe past few weeks. No one in the businesscan make better selections of good than Mr,Cohen, who ha been in tbe basinets sinceboyhood, and knows all aboat it. Go and seethe new style.

iHB Boulevard Garden floy Arnold orchestra to diy. Erery- -uuuy cumo. a

C. W. ALT. Proprietor.

W. B. IMiIlllps,BLUFF CITY LAUNDRY, 300 Second street.xeat or worar done, bat18 tactinn on aran.

teed. All work called for and delivered freeot Charge. All persons wishing laundry workdose would do well to give him a call. Thnonly white laundry in the city.

Plumbing- - aad Sewer ConnectionsProasptly attended ta.

PlllA. JT. ALOSI A CO.,gP4 Mala H treet.

French Ntcam nvsuiVAKb- -.Ladies' and crentlemen'B imnrla lrol m

tae ed at Looia Knigoly.h8 lfteroa street.A. Good fJld-Faahlaii- PSenleI what the Bluff" City Grays announce fornext Thursday, at Estival mirk-- if w.ii ,the most attractive nicnin at thnof the feature of tbe evening will be a fancy

. .... .: 1 l. a i i t tuna oj me urays. it an tne Iriends of thecompany attend, the grounds will be filledWith the best ceoDla of the eitv. it will han oicgant affair, and the comnanv should lmshown that they are appreciated by the


Coast y iseaneeratle Coaveatlaa Prl-sa- ry

JHeetlaara ta leleet lele-Kat- ea

aad Uraad Hancockaad sllsh Bally

. the Blafx.

The Democratic county executive commit-tee held a meeting yesterday pursuant to adjournment, and decided to bold a conventionto nominate candidates tor county cruet onThursday, tbe eighth of July, and in thiscity. The, primary meetings for the electionof delegates are to be held on Saturday, tbethird of July, the country districts to holdmeetings at four o'clock in the alternoon, andthe city wards at eight o'clock in the even-ing. A grand Democratic rally will be heldon next Friday night, tbe second proximo, onthe Chickasaw Guards parade ground on thsbluff. The following committees were se-

lected : . .Committee on Speakers. W. L. Doff, Luke

W. Finlay, J. J. DaBose, P. M. Winters,General Coltoa Greene, M. D. L. Stewart,Pat Kallaher.

Committee on Arrangements. M. F. Ken-nedy, John Johnsm, J A. Taylor.

Committee-o- Finance. D. P. Hadden, J.J. Busby, Napoleon Hill, J. R Godwin, J. H.Hillsman, J. M, Gaodbar, Cook M. Waldron,S. J. Camp. .

.JP. O A.

The Bsatae Work Pcrfaraaed by theHaelety tlaee Its Orsaalaatloa

IJat er Pereoae flaed aadriaea Collected.

The following is a rammary of the work ac-

complished by Tennessee society for the pre-

vention of cruelty to animals since ita.organi-zation in March last, ehowicg number of caseprosecuted and cum bar relieved:

Fine.M. Tobin, working sore male f 500Wm. Gray, beating mule 10 00Robert Green, colored, cruelty to a dog.... 8 00j. w Avery, working sore mule.. v 6 00Ed Colbart, workiug sore mule 4 00Tom Brady, working sore mule C 00Larry Slier. ;. 6 00Tom Avant, colored, beating mule.. ....... 5 00Albeit Sanders, beiuliig mule 5 00Mat Newton, wo'klng ore mule 5 OOCharles Webber, colored, beating mule.. 2 50K. Nowland, colored, beating bora 2 00Thomas Barrett, superintendent elty rail-

road, using sick, sore and 1 me mules,arrested seven times, Hues aggregating.. 5S 00

Total One collected by Taxing-District- .. 1 10 50Total number cos prosecuted 19Overloaded animals relieved 77Slctt and disabled animals relieved 85

The effije of the society is located at No.283 Main street, where all cases

' of crueltycan be reported.

ITTIOX.Xleetlag of the Aaxlllnry Haaltary on

Aaxlstaat leapeetereParalshed the Ieal Health

Board 1) arias the Baim-anernoat-

At a called meeting of tbe auxiliary sani-tary association, held on yesterd-i- afternoon,Mr. H. Farstenheim presided, PresidentPrestidge being absent. The secretary, Mr.A. Langstaff, was present. Dr. R. W.Mitchell, chairman of tbe sanitation commit-tee, presented a report from the inspector'soffice ot the National board of health as tothe existence of nuisances in the city and tbeinability cf the local board of health to ab&t;he same, owing to the want of necessary in

greeting force, but two men being employedi on that force by the city government. It was

suggested that the auxiliary sanitation association employ two men as inspectorstor three months, at a salary of fifty dollarsper month each, the inspectors to be underthe order and direction of Dr. Mitchell, whowould place them under the charge of thepresident of the local board of health. Theduty of the inspectors is to rxamine premisesand report all nuisances ot an unsanitarycharacter, so that such can be abated at once,I ce secretary ot tbe auxiliary sanitary association was authorized toemploy two inspectors,and order Ihem to repot t toi Dr. Mitchell,The orders given the police force by the legislative council to examine premises and reportnuisances found in their respective beatshave yet not been enforced, and the effortsmade to make the police effective sanitarianshas turned out a grand failure, several nun'dred nuisance having been found within thecity during the past week. The next meetingof the auxiliary sanitary association will beheld at four o'clock next Saturday afternoonA fall attendance of members is requestedfor purposes of reorganization for effectivework during tbe summer.

Viae Haale at the Boalevard 3ardente-alg-



Recognizing tbe wants of tbeMemphis ladies and fully appreci-ating their liberal patromge, an-nounce that, notwithstanding thelateness of the seascs, th.--y are stillreceiving new article of ready-mad- e

wear as rapidly as they ap-pear in New York.

we display

New dotted swis suits,

New lace trimmed organdy suits,

"New embroidered lawn suits,

New bordered lawn suits.

New lawn and mull dressing sacks,

New mohair and linen nlsters.

New French side steel corsets.

New traveling costumes.


S2fN. B. Oar prices are always right.3

The Iaat Beraxe of a Meeaadret.New York Evening Post: "It has been i

habit in some quarters to hold np the comonanists who have been exiled trom Franceas lofty-soule- d martyrs, who have weighednothing as against principle and have cheerfully sacrificed all worldly goods for the sakeof their fellowtnen. The view has its ad-vantages. U3 doubt, and might be termed arefreshing and ennobling one but for the factthat it lacks tho essential element of truthIf we Bre to trust a document just publishedby tbe farts (Jauloxs and statistical declarations are of to3 e y refstsi, if deceptive, tomake doubt in the matter reasonable morethan one-ha- lf the communists who are nowawaiting amnesty have been at various penods of their careers condemned for offensesagainst the common law. That patriotism isthus far too often the last refuge of a scoundrel finds here a mournf ul verification whichmay temper the sympathy that baa been feltfor the desperate creatures who murderedprelates, fired houses and scattered Mazingpetroleum in the days betore the spiked helmets hied down the ftace de la Concorde.

Grand concert at the Boulevard gardento-da-

Fireworks on the Fonrtn.There will be a grand display ot the most

baautiful fireworks ever seen in South Memphis, at the- - corner of Hernando and Southstreets, on the fourth of July. This is to begotten np by public subscription under thesuperintendence of Henry Rocco, Eiq., whoia an adept in the business, and guaranteeslots of amusement, especially for ladeis andchildren. Abundance of seat will be provided, free of charge.

A Dead ttlve-Awa- y.

London Referee: She stood in the effulgent light of a short tallow dip, waitingfor him at the front door at one o clock in themorning, tie came. Ha was husky; shedidn't mind that. He was drunk; she wasused to it "Jim," ihe said softly, knockinghim down so as to drag him op to bed easier,

Jim, did you vote?" "lesh, dear,"You've been a long time." "Yesb. love.

poll didn't close till jest now." "Where'sthe money?" "What?" "The money.""My dear, I don't understand." Didn'tthey ray yoa for youivote?" "No."She looked at him playfully, --with a

in her eye. '"It's time women hadtbe franchise," she muttered; "the men ain'tnp to it." Then she rolled him nnder thebed to be out of the way. and in the morning she got him into an asylum under thenew Punch and Judicature act. "He gavehi vote for nothing, she said to tbe magistrate. "Dangeoa lunatic," wrote hi wor-ship; and at the next election there was avoter short.

So Refreshing;.If yoa want soda-wate- r, canduw.

confections of all kind., or fruits and nuts, goto R. Stolz & Bro., No. 220 Main street, op-posite the Worfcham house. They are makingevery preparation to furnish the above goodsin any quantity on tnetourtn of July.

The Ifext Bra winsOf the Commonwealth distribution companywill occur on Wednesday, Jane 80th. Onthat occasion ooo hundred and twelve tbon- -and dollars will go to the holders of win-

ning tickets. Those who want to invest hadbetter do so Jf 3Slothem! Hothers!! Bothers!!!

Are yoa disturbed at night and broken ofyour rest by a sick child suffering and cryingwith the excruciating pain of cutting teeth?If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mr.Winslow' soothing svruD. It will relievethe little sufferer "immediatelypoor. . .1 - . . . .

dependr. . ,opou it; were u no xniaiaae acout ic mere

is not a mother on earth who has ever usedit, who will not tell yoa at once that it willregulate the bowels, and give rest to themother, and relief and health to the child,operating like magic. It is perfectly safe tonse in all case, and nleasant to - the tasto.and is tha prescription of one of the oldestana best female physician and in theUnited State. Bold everywhere 25 cents abottle.

TGRAU9Jaealled rer and that May ae had Ta- -

Day by Calliaa; at the Ota ee at .'

. the Hoara Ueatieaed. .

List of undelivered telegrams remaining atthe Western Union telegraph office, 33 Madi-son street. Office hours from eight to ten and

o'clock in the morning, and' from sixto nine in the evening:W. 8. Bruce Sc Co., W. ,, Frayser,Captain Hallldy, Tairert Bro.,J. K. Speed A Co., A Co .W. H. Butte dt CO., Memphis Oil Company, '

Colonel Asa Hodges, Panola OH Company,John L. Norton, C. W. Gojer Co.,Mrs J. K. Cessna, Wei. fjey,T. Foltz, 2. CoterA Co.,Brown A Jones, Ml-- .; ijueen Haolea,Allen HhII, Chi 3. Wis.Alford Wbltmore, Oliver, Crao-sto- Co,L. D. Young. Hugo C. vun Ullucu.J. T. Mahooe. W. H. Williams,

Colonel J. H. Taylor

MiBpsseS Salelde.Chicago, June 26. D. P. Newel!, a w

real-esta- te agent, is supposed to havecommitted suicide under peculiar circum-stances. His mind has been diseased lately,and he had become impressed with the no-

tion that he had invented acomposed of lead. He took passage one daythis week on tbe Shebcygan tor Grand Ha-ven, acroas the lake, leaving word for hiwife that he was going ent to try his inven-tion, and that she would soon know the re-

sult. It appears he quietly undressedwhen half-wa- y to the other shore, and bind-ing the lead, which he carried with htm,about his body, stepped unobserved into thewater. His body has not been seen slice,and probably never will he recovered.

A PROMINENT FHY&3IAN. 'Bornt,T-x- s. Jan. 10th. IRTft.

- " MB. J. C BiCH-aueo- N, St. Louis. My Dear blr 5

t have sold Clifford's Febrifuge since Its in trod uotloa la Central Texas, In fact 1 max say I IntmducMlU ! uin County, it has given uniformly gvmdSaUsfacUon, and Its merits are coast uy rroota-mendl-

It tram dliira to eUuen, In tbe idy andetfrvtive cure et lntormitb-- it lover, (iever andAmi. ) and imve-T- ot Malarial Origin.-- 1 am aMyysCleaned to sell CUHord's t ebrilnwe on account of Itsefficiency, knowing It will cot aLAppotiit my custo-mer, and being so palatable, makes It the mustrjlttaiaw T t of Unilis and fever.

J. E. DtltJTHIT, SL D.,Pruprkxor City Drug Store.


New York City, Autmtt 2. 1x7.My Dear Fin For over two years I have had Pevev

Ague, and attar trying every tiling 1 tookKd bottle of Clifford's ourifuge, and it cured memanenuy. 1 peiiere my oa.e wouia nave otwa d

l not found this aa I did.xours truiy. j nwn

Atanager ff. i N. AUs. Co.


WjrwT0!t,EA!r!iAS,yeb.8. 1879.y.O.ItlCTtAllMON, Esq. My Dear Ktr: Have sold

Clifford's ieortfuge the past twelve montus withvery eood results; as a febri rage rr is A suocksr, andmerits tbe name ctMMen. 1 bespeak a large sale andcocraspoiKtlnK benefit to tbe parties using.- J.I1. DiCKTrV



"Ttdia-apot-- bj, Tiro, March 18, 187.

Z, C RTCHabimom. Sir j Two of my cliudren wereSeverely attacked with Chills and Fever. I calledoar Family Physician who attended them wlUiout 'success, foollsniy trind Ague lad9. also without tbesllgbtrat effect Wheu through the influence of Mr.Ballard we were induced to try your Clifford's Fro-ritu- e

tho effect was wonderftiL The children didnot bave a Chill after taking the first dose and arenow entirely well. Would not be without the rfluCHlonauyacooaut. yours, etc. GXX Vi B.1HH J.


wsvir 1.. February 11th. 1 8Tfl.y. C fttcha&dson. Dear sir v we nave been sett

ing Clifford's Febrifuge for the past instore, with entire aatacaoo. and a cure tn e--


J. C. RICHARDSON, - St. Louis.



Thsssaads vlwtt the Mlaeral Mprlasra,here and abroad, and spend thousands ot dollars Insearch for health, whea a few doses of

Tarrant's Seltzer Aperientwould accomplish tbe same results, at the eost of afew cents. Each bottle con tains from thirty to fortyglasses of Bpaikllng Seltzer, whleh makes It posi-tively tbe eheapest, aa well as the most efflcaclousmineral water extant.



OATJTION.To insure obUtiuiiiir tbe genuineA olIi mir-i--. see that the corksbear the polliii-l- a baml.


18 ADAPTED FOBDiseases which are produced by Loss of Nervous

Power, and consequent Muscular Relaxation, Tlx:CONSUMPTION. BRONCHITIS,ASTHMA, APHONIA, WHOOPING-COUGH- ,


Interrupted and Feeble Action of tbe Heart,Diseases nroduced bv

Overtaxing the Mind by Grief or Anxiety, by BapldGrowth, by Cnlld-beartn- by Insufficient Nourish-ment, by HesMeoee In Hot Climates or UnhealthyLocalities, by Excesses, or by any Irregularities oflate.

An endless ehaln of Mod effect. I. fnmnMl h.EellowB's Compound Syrup of Hypophosphltee; andwe are safe In saying, fiom a long experience Inmedicine. Its vtrturs are not possess.-- d by any othercombination. NOTE Bo suspicious of persooswho recommend any other article as "just aa good,"though bearing a similar name, and of those whooffer the cheater priced article. fcc" it is only tbeindependent, wen-poste- and unMin.o pnyslclanwho ean afford to urescrtbe this remedy. Kxseri- -eiice iias provea una. ids nignest eia.s meuiuaimen in every large city, where it la Known, reoom- -

mend it.pold by all drneglsta. 1 BO nor i1wr Itnttla


A, ii. nittu, JMwinfer,94 Beekman SL, New York.

W wtri2 US

HR J;o I

i u CO zsO 1D 2

h. --1


CO"PLDMBEES' GOODShaving for their object cleanlinaaa.

durability, and exclusion of SEWER GAS. JNTUJ1ACU B ITT Kit.

6llST6B2Appetite, refreshing sleep, the aequlsltlori of fleshand color, are bieaslng. attendant uion the repara-tl- v

piTiceeaes which this prlceleas InvLairant Sed-ll- y

tulttataa and carries to a sueeef uT cooclunion.Digestion la restored and swtwinre aHorded toeach rntan by too Bitters, which Islnoifensive even to the feminine ptJuto, vegetable luoempoaHlon. and thoroughly safe.

?or aal by al Druggi-a- and leaers general!.

ii ill i yy iii ti i jiiia ( iLJU .Lm.s3 HI LmiLkmkJ U Uyi.1 W

Fresli 3111


New Xace Xlitts,New Idslo Gloves,New Silk GlovesNew Fancy Ribbons,New Neckwear,New Embroideries.



tr-4a-r Frleada aad Canteeaere will at all tlaaea Had ear l.laea ITatl aad Catsf Ike rfcate--- t floeum i e Hsrk.t affrrli.


Previous to tfc.e impending .lulland as lam about to take

stock, I will sell all Hats at HalfPrice until July 5tli, Tliife isgenuine, and a rare cliance to geta bargain.


Nice HnU at... .... .9 ftBngmess Suits at ,. 7All. ool Nnltfl at ,. O

Cassisere Units at ,. ISJCheviot Knits art . 15Fine Dress Suits at . Iflants at. , . 2Fan t s all wool at SPants finest quality at- - ,. 4White Vests atWhite Vests at. 1White Vesta at .. 2Immense Reductions in Boys', Children's

rURMSHlKtt HOODS 8S)ISP-T-hls is your opportunity, as we have a large ttock which we are bound to dtspn

fo- - tbe aooommodalon of those otherwise engaged during the day, our store will hereafter betkvDt eateai at sight a-- lll w 'clerk .



Special Notice.mntnal agreemett of the nnder-- Ht,tBY signed, tbe 6ir. Joele Barry wtth-?-p ..a

draws fiom the White river trade on May22d od re-

sumes ae&in on July 1 7th: the Str. Hard Cash with-draws on July 14ih and resumes on September 1,

10. Thus equally dividing tbe dull season, andgiving; eaco b e.t an opportunity to make necessaryrepairs. 8TR.JOS1E HARRY. Milt Harry, Master.

STU. HARD CASH. K. C. Postal. Master.


TOLEISTS, Etc.Excursion Memphis to It. Paul

aud Minneapolis and Keturn.Tickets Good toOctober 3L, 18SO

Leaving MEMPHIS by the Steamers of tbe

St Louis AVicksburg Anchor-lino- )XTEBT

Baa day, Wedaeaday aad Taaradar. atS pm, aad aa Taeaday, arrlday

aad Header, at IO aaa.Arriving at ST. LOU! 9. yoo can select yotsr route, byKlVkUi OB BAIL. Fare as LOW as by any otherroute. Foe Information, apply at oo WHARF-boat- .

au 01'ukm, tHiperintendeni.Memphis. Kav IS. 1 Kxo.'


Hi. Lsais aad New Orleaaa Aseksr UaaFor Vlcksburg, N'atehex and New Orleans Steamer

JtZelle .reveport,gCo-h- tll master.

Will leave the Anchor Line wbarfboat TTJK&-DA- T,

June 29th. at F p.m. tor freight or passageapply to AD. pTUKM. gnpx on woattooex.


Memphis & Ohio River Packet Co.

For wuiswille and Cincinnati.The Kegtnt Passenger Steamer

B. W. Wise.. master! W. H. Cropper darkWill leaTe ICE DAT, Jane 29, at 5 pan.

For freight or 5asae apply toB. w. Ughtbubne,

General Vrelebt and Ticket Aoent.No. 7 Monroe street. Memphis.

FOR CAUiO AND ST. LOUIS.felt. Ideate aad Vlrk'bnrf Aseksr l.'a-e-


Ste. Oenevieve, S2Wbst muster.Will leave tbe Anchor Line wbarfboat MONDAY,

Jane 2H.h, at 5 p.m. Por freight or passage applyto AD SToRM. Sup't, on wharf boeL

Sjt. I... h'm and Vlrfcehargr Aaek,r ae


Joliii JL5. Jlnude,aBrolaskt ...master.Will leave tbe Anchor Line wbarfboat SUNDAY,

June 2i tu, at 10 a. Kor treutbt or pasaage applyto AD STOHM. Sop't on whsrtboat.

KOH V1CKSBUK.Ht. aad Vlrltebnrc Aaeher l.tae

fceit --d sttatf a Natl fVS VIC KS BURG.

Gold Iust, pTr-;- i

M'Conl master.Will leave tbe Anchor-lin-e wharfboat SUNDAY,

June 27th at 10 am. Kor freight or passage applyto AD 6TOBM, bup't, cn whartboaUHt-- Ixiala aad Vleb a bare Asrk.r I.lae

I wlted atates XkmllFOR V10KSBURG.

City of OreciiYilleJ"a. xiiiey master.

Will leave the Anchor Line wbarfboat TUESDAY,June vth, at 10 am. or fretghtor passage applyv au. snmn. rrtp't. on wnarrDoat.

ARKANSAS CITY.Adama Meml-Werk- lf 'D. H. Hall AJbiror Arkansas City, Pine Bluff Pailroad. and all

way Landings, .

Jo tle Harry, gMilt Harry master.

Leaves as above every MONDAY and THUBSDAYat f p m. irrwe, no. 6 MadifKin k.reet.

FOR ST. FRANCIS RIVER."Memphis and Bt. Francis U. S. Mall

lsatesville, fiu. a. dopun master a. i Banning c.ergLeaves Memphis TUESDAY and FRIDAY, 6 P.m.,for Marianna. tbeCut-ot- f aud all Intermediate land-ings. For treigtt or passage apply on board, or to

a. ii. k mi i.i.. nnn'i

FOR OSCEOLA.Trl-Vkrek- ljr U. m. Stall Packet For Kan- -

uoipn. ruitun. usceoia and way landings etr.Osceola ilelle, efiHenry Cooper master I Wm. Smlthers cierk

will lesve Memphis even MONDAY, WEDNESDAYand FRIDAY, at n n.m. " nnia annlvon

LEE WNK STEAMERS.For txleadal cllelcaa aad ATI jura

James,Stack Lee master Lord W. Whitlow... citrg

win leave as aDove on everyMONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FBIDAY. Aat D.m.. ,n- - wA o - , . . r -

f'OR WHITE K1VER.Memphis & White River PacketKecalar Indeveadeat tleasphla aad

while BJvnr FacK4 For Amruxta, Jacfcsoniion.Searcy, and way points. The ros-uia-r Independa- -IPacket

Ed. C. Postal master I Charles Postal cerkWill leave Memphis EVKBY WEDNESDAY, at

5 D.U. For IrelKbt or passage apply tor w. uuu i xsuonn.

No. T Monroe sC, opp. Peabody beteLJ T. WlfiHISHTON. nn A WlwOit


SWEET GSI,f3iUnChewlm Tciacca

-- r rfctf vMyketi jrxt t 0ntetinva lf-rttk-m fotyt rnrkrt. ff f rW-- w autt vm Mrrrr of 0cg tftf Tt htl tshtMOnt

--r tn ad'i As vot t'ic trf; I drum )Qtitautt '. lntorW rd 4 'l.Ai B t U

U'uZ. ,atll (f rie" Kv.1 tor AArfr-- -. tn V 4



Practical Builderop l'ihk

LightOarriagesKEEP A SELECT STOCK exrlwelTrlr efsuv awa CONSTANTLY

ON HAND. I am also e(vtrad to build (TO CB-lK-

aay avail er tbe aaedera atjleaafHat (lea, and Family Csmiu:ea now In use. Iuse nothing but tbe VKRY bX3 f MAI Kit IA L, andeiat Ml aUlcUf Drat-cla- mechanlca.

itrAiiKu,lu all Its branch., done dromptly and In the letma-u-r- ..v v, m ju a , Adaoa at.

l"", r, o r i

1 i 1 i

1 I '

NewNew Xacea.New Veiling, "

New UosierVtNew Fans,New Rucliinga.



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and Youtha CLOTH IX 9.


9 8 50IO OO12 OO16 OO20 OOa a 5o

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All Linesper cent, below formor prices.


CDCZt 4--3

CZl toCaeui




WATNES'SAmerican RefrigeratorFor simplicity, eOldeiKf, economy and durability,It pas no euuaL It prmnrves all kinds ofble food longer, nd witn leas Ice than any other.

w e aura nave a iuii uue oilYater-CooIer- s,

Bathtubs,Ice-Crea- m Freezers,Fluting-lron- s,

and general house goods, which we offer at low prices

B. Wetter & Co-


26,000 Tickets. Capital Prize, S.oO.OOO.N Ptlae Lvaslkia SSOO.

Shares for a Pool of Twentr-nv- e Whole Tld-et- a.

so each share; One --half Share, t2 60each half sb ire.




And anaractarers or Flaherty's raten IPreserYln?; Casket or Corpse Cooler,

IT aad SIS HKCIISD ST., 3KMPHKTATK ,"P on nand full Uneaof Metallic SoillVV Walnut, Bosew-o- d Finished Casket ai deases, trimmed In tbe highest style of art, Ctdereb M.ll or Tole r,li will he rrnitnrtly llli. n. o ,,


' 5--- " "" 'V wVi-S'- i "?'


320 filainrilemphis.BtmiAL BOBE3 AND COKFTN HARD WARE.

by Telegraph Promptly Filled, and CasesShinned C n. D.

I lit!AN O V 1 11

idsSore Cure for Vtngut. UoTda,

Sore Thront, lironchltls,Aathma. Conaninptlon,And All Distorts ff Throat and Lung,

Aatrart Frees fteuert er the Oatal.alaaer ef ini-r.- al Btvriss.TitEAr)i KY DKFARIMKNT, 1

I OS ice of Internal Revenue, rWashington, D. C, January lHJtti.Messrs. LawKkiira A v.auyih liiu.iChicago, I1L vmtu-me- I bave received a oertl-Be-d

formula," giving toe IciicrvdtffiLs aud relntivsproportions ueed in the nianul actum of an artlcawtilcb you advertlM and aeU uou'er the name of"TOLU. HOCK. AND It YE" Tola eommir.d. ao--eortiuig to you? formula, ia Ihe oMniunot itiis oOw,wniiu uave a auninem iihs::;y or ine 11 LcA.n cTuLU to give K all U.e itdVAtiUwea ascrito- - to lh,aarticle lu pectoral eo utainU. while tbe 1Mang etjiuo ounatitute an emulsion rei.if.-in- g tnecompound an agreeable to tbe paiMiit.

in tne opinloo ot una noe, an article wm pounoeaac joruing to Uiis loriuu ... may prcfwriy tm m,as a medicinal peuaratim iinjer the vftchedule A, roiuwing mHion Lniied m,Mevlsd ttatutea. aiHI at so staiud nay bc.,tdby Dr iista, Atvtbeoarirs and iKUer rs yiv.Hli-o- ut

roooVrritg tQ9fO llai. e to Hty a Hxxau tax uHonor LYloia. l our. re.iiectfuity,lc, itHKtiN ). uu l, Cooirr'i!s'or,-- x.

Put up In Quart tiije l;is lor 1 amiiy iCAUTION b' ""wlveJ 1 imi.l.vii.!.UM'.IUll,'e-!'- r t,y to t ,..DU: v;- -.ion Boric an1 lue i. t oir 1.1 t", i;,AND BYE, wMcti Is mi!y eroaine tneii.-u..- (

made. hMltit? a tidvuniv.nt Ptaisiu r.u tjuuUiUla. JLAwHa-Ni-'- R .t MiUl'.N. t',inIll ia.i;as!(Hif.uUii4,i.Pold In MesnvhU by ,'.! Drc.l'W, tuwi, ;.'t.f.Wip IVrchanu geaeni lj; ut L,lrf, i. rs,Xtaa-aria- ex .'. f. liana l ki i A.taeeare it Ce-- wlai will ei.j.j-i- lie r,. stMiulat'lu,Ji' vrn.