learn english by discussion 1


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УДК 372.881.111.1ББК 81.2 Англ-2 Г12

ISBN 978-5-9925-1131-4

© Гацкевич М. А., 2016© КАРО, 2016Все права защищены

Гацкевич, Марина Анатольевна.Г12 Learn English by Discussion : практикум по разговорному английскому / М. А. Гацкевич, Д. Уильямс. —

Санкт-Петербург : КАРО, 2016. — 192 с.

ISBN 978-5-9925-1131-4. Материалы предлагаемого пособия направлены на развитие таких видов речевой деятельности учащегося,

как разговор, чтение, письмо, понимание речи на слух. Каждый из шести разделов книги имеет определенную тематику и может быть условно разделен на бло-

ки (всего 41), состоящие из познавательных текстов, представленных в формате заданий государственного экзамена, диалогов, писем и упражнений к ним.

Правильность выполнения упражнений может быть проверена учащимися путем прослушивания аудио-материалов, записанных носителями языка.

Цель книги — мотивировать изучающих английский язык не только читать и слушать, но и высказывать мнение, дискутировать на предложенную тему, например, о людях, оставивших след в мировой истории — военачальниках, исследователях, предпринимателях, о британских традициях и т. д. По мысли авторов, содер-жание текста вызывает интерес и является фактором, побуждающим учащегося к самостоятельной работе.

Сборник адресован широкому кругу людей, изучающих английский язык — учащимся средней школы, студентам, а также людям любого возраста, желающим повысить уровень владения правильной разговорной речью.

УДК 372.881.111.1ББК 81.2 Англ-2

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Иллюстрации художникаО. В. Маркиной



Предисловие ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6

Part Text Dialogue Letter

Part I


page 7

1.1. Alexander the Great (356 BC—323 BC), Military Commander and King of Ancient Greece 1.3. 1.4.

1.5. Leif Erikson (970 AD—1020 AD), a Viking Who Reached North America

1.7. 1.8. 1.9.

1.10. Genghis Khan (1162—1227), Founder of the Mongol Empire 1.13. 1.14.

1.15. Henry VIII (1491—1547), King of England 1.17. 1.18.

1.19. Maximilien Robespierre (1758—1794), a Leader of the French Revolution of 1789 1.21. 1.22.

1.23. Mohandas Gandhi (1869—1948), Civil Rights Leader 1.26. 1.27.

1.28. Winston Churchill (1874—1965), British Prime Minister 1.31. 1.32.

Part II


page 43

2.1. St. Patrick and the Shamrock 2.3. 2.4.

2.5. Something Amazing Happened More Then 2000 Years Ago! 2.6. 2.7.


2.9. What Is the 25th of December? 2.10.

2.13. You Believe in Santa Claus, Don’t You? 2.14. 2.15.

2.16. The Christmas Tree. Who Invented It? 2.17. 2.18.

2.19. What Is the Most Important Festival in the Christian Calendar? 2.20. 2.21.

2.22. Do You Celebrate Shrove Tuesday? 2.23. 2.24.


Part Text Dialogue Letter

Part III


page 73

3.1. The Magna Carta. What Is It? 3.2. 3.3.

3.4. St. George Flag and the Red Rose — the Symbols of England 3.5. 3.6.

3.7. What Does the Union Jack Symbolize? 3.8. 3.9.

3.10. Why the King Ordered His People to Make Bonfi res 3.11. 3.12.

3.14. Who Can Count Swans on the River Thames? 3.15.

3.18. Origin of the Word “Boycott” 3.19.

3.20. Origin of the Word “Hooligan” 3.21. 3.22.

3.24. Coincidence or Prediction? The Wreck of Titanic

Part IV


page 103

4.1. Andy Warhol (1928—1987), the Father of Pop Art 4.4. 4.5.

4.6. Sadako Sasaki (1943—1955), Child Victim of the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima 4.8. 4.9.

4.10. Levi Strauss (1829—1902), Fashion Designer 4.12. 4.13.

4.14. John D. Rockefeller (1839—1937), One of the Richest Men in History 4.16. 4.17.

4.18. Nathan Rothschild (1777—1836), British Banker 4.19. 4.20.

Part V


page 127

5.1. Galileo Galilei (1564—1642), Scientist, Mathematician, Astronomer 5.3. 5.4.

5.5. Isaac Newton (1643—1727), Scientist, Mathematician, Astronomer 5.7. 5.8.

5.9. Benjamin Franklin (1706—1790), Statesman, Scientist, Inventor, Writer 5.11. 5.12.

5.13. Joseph Priestley (1733—1804), Theologian, Natural Philosopher, Chemist 5.15. 5.16.

5.17. Louis Braille (1809—1852), Inventor of the Writing System for the Blind 5.19. 5.20.

Part Text Dialogue Letter

Part VI


page 151

6.1. John Dunlop (1840—1921), Inventor of the Pneumatic Tyre 6.3. 6.4.


6.6. Henry Ford (1863—1947), Automobile Industry Pioneer 6.9. 6.10.

6.11. John Pemberton (1831—1888), the Inventor of Coca-Cola 6.13. 6.14.

6.15. Hubert Booth (1871—1955), Engineer, Inventor of the First Powered Vacuum Cleaner 6.17. 6.18.

6.19. Percy Spencer (1894—1969), Physicist, Inventor of the Microwave Oven 6.21. 6.22.

6.23. Sylvan Goldman (1898—1984), Businessman, Inventor of the Shopping Cart 6.25. 6.26.

6.27. Percy Shaw (1890—1976), Businessman, Inventor of the Refl ective Road Stud 6.29. 6.30.

6.31. Steve Jobs (1955—2011), Information Technology Entrepreneur and Inventor 6.33. 6.34.

6.35. Bill Gates (1955), Co-founder of Microsoft 6.38. 6.39.



LEIF ERIKSON (970—1020)

GENGHIS KHAN (1162—1227)

HENRY VIII (1491—1547)




Listen, discuss, and retell.

Part I

It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.

After W. Shakespeare


1.1. Read the text. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the word. Check your

answers by listening to the audio.


There is nothing impossible to him who will try.

Alexander the Great, born on the 20th of July in 356 BC to parents King Philip II and Olympias, is one of the most infl uential and well _____ people in human history. He conquered many empires in his short lifetime.

In his early years, Alexander _____ by his nurse and received a very good education in subjects such as maths, reading, _____ , and also how to play the lyre.

Alexander also _____ fi ghting, horse riding and hunting.

One day he caught sight of a magnifi cent horse and felt an overwhelming desire to ride it. Many

had tried before, but nobody had been _____ in taming and riding this incredible animal.

Alexander was a resourceful boy, he simply turned the horse to face the sun so that the horse could not see his own shadow. Alexander was then able to ride him and named his new horse Bucephalus.

Later, Bucephala, one of the cities founded by Alexander, _____ after this horse.

Alexander’s father could see how _____ and ambitious Alexander was and one day said to him, “My boy, you must fi nd a kingdom big enough for your ambitions. Macedon is too small for you!”

At the age of 13, Alexander _____ by the great philosopher and scientist Aristotle. Aristotle taught him medicine, philosophy, morals, religion, logic and art. Alexander enjoyed _____ the works of Homer, and later, took the Iliad with him on his campaigns.

to know

to raise

to write

to enjoy


to name


to tutor

to read


Philip II wanted to thank Aristotle for his _____ to Alexander and, as a token of his gratitude, he restored Aristotle’s home town of Stagira. In the process, he also freed many of Stagira’s citizens from _____ .

In 336 BC Philip II was assassinated by the captain of his bodyguards. Alexander came to the throne and _____ control of Greece. He moved east to conquer new lands and expand the Greek Empire.

Alexander won battle after battle. He conquered Syria, _____ the Persian Army and laid siege to Tyre.

In 332 BC Alexander conquered Egypt, he _____ the “New Master of the Universe”. The city Alexandria was named after him. Alexandria is one of twenty cities, which were named after Alexander the Great.

Alexander always took care of his soldiers and suffered along with them at war. He never took more food or water than his soldiers. He refused to ride if they had to walk.

Alexander never lost a single battle. His empire becamethe _____ in history. When he understood that his soldiers were ready to revolt, because they were exhausted and had been far away from their families for a long time, Alexander ordered them to return home.

Alexander married twice during his lifetime, he _____ two sons, but unfortunately, both were killed before they reached adulthood.

In Babylon, on the 10th of June 323 BC at the age of only 33 years, Alexander lost his life to an unknown fever, although there are some that say he _____ . At this time his empire stretched from the Adriatic Sea to the Indus River. After his death, the _____ empire was divided up among his generals. Not being content with what they had, they began to fi ght each other. Eventually, the empire fell apart.

I’m not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep;I’m afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.

Alexander the Great

to serveto serve


to take

to defeat

to call


to father

to poison



1.2. Form questions from the words and answer them using the words in

brackets. Make up a story.

Alexander the Great (356—323 BC),military commander and king of Ancient Greece

1) born, Alexander, When, was? (the 20th of July in 356 BC)2) were, his parents, Who? (King Philip the II and Olympias)3) was, in his early years, Which subjects, Alexander, taught? (maths,

reading, writing, playing the lyre)4) he, What, enjoy, did, doing? (fi ghting, riding a horse, hunting)5) favourite horse’s, What, name, was, his? (Bucephalus)6) Alexander, did, have, What character traits? (courageous, ambitious)7) was, tutored, by the great philosopher, At what age, he, and scientist,

Aristotle? (13 years old)8) book, What, favourite, was, his? (Iliad by Homer)9) Alexander, did, at the age of 20, come to the throne, Why? (Philip II

was assassinated by the captain of his bodyguards)10) Egypt, did, conquer, When, he? (332 BC)11) a caring leader, was, Alexander, Why? (not to get more food and

water than his soldiers, to suffer with them at wars)12) was, How big, his empire? (the largest empire in history)13) want, did, to revolt, Why, his soldiers? (to be exhausted of long wars)14) did, How many sons, have, Alexander? (2 sons)15) he, die, At what age, did? (33 years old)16) the reason, was, of his death, What? (fever or to be poisoned)17) stretch, did, How far, his empire? (from the Adriatic Sea to the Indus

River)18) fall apart, did, Why, his empire? (fi ght between his generals)

Word List for HelpWord List for Helpoverwhelming [,AuvA`welmIN] несметный;

огромныйtoken [`tAUkAn] символ, знакgratitude [`grBtI,tju:d] признательностьadulthood [BdElthUd] совершеннолетие;

зрелостьquote [kwAut] цитатаleadership [`li:dASIp] руководствоto designate [`dLzIg,neIt] назначатьdesire [dI`zaIA] страстьto tame приручатьincredible невероятный, удивительный

resourceful [rI`sD:sfUl] находчивыйto be exhausted [Ig`zD:stId] быть исто-

щеннымfever [`fi:vA] жар, лихорадкаamongst [AmENst] средиto be content [`kOntLnt] быть

удовлетвореннымto assassinate [A`sBsI,neIt] убивать (по

идейным мотивам или за деньги)to conquer [`kONkA] завоевыватьto expand [Ik`spBnd] расширятьrevolt [rI`vAUlt] мятеж, бунт


1.3. Have you ever wanted to travel back in time? Which era would you like to

visit? Why does this period attract you?

Make up a conversation.

Alice: Joe, have you ever wanted to travel back in time to Ancient Greece?

Joe: To tell you the truth, I’ve never thought about it, but it does sound rather exciting.

Alice: I’ve always wanted to see how people lived many centuriesago.

Joe: Ancient Greece is a breathtaking time for me. Alexander of Macedonia is one of my favourite heroes of that time.

Alice: Why? Do you mean Alexander the Great?

Joe: Yes, I do. When I want to understand any well-known person I usually read his or her quotes.

Alice: Really? So do I. I enjoy it. Have you ever read quotations from Alexander the Great?

Joe: Yes, I have. My favourite is, “There is nothing impossible to him who will try.”

Alice: That’s wonderful! It’s the motto of an ambitious person.Joe, you are hardworking and ambitious. Has it become your motto?

Joe: Yes, Alice, it has.

Answer the following questions.

1. What is Alice’s dream?2. Who is Joe’s favourite historical person?3. What does Joe read to help him understand famous people better?4. What is Joe’s motto?


1.4. Discuss the following subjects.

What kind of person should be a leader, boss, manager, director or president? What are the most important character traits for leadership? Why do you think you could be a leader?

Read and digest Polly’s letter.

Dear Ryan,

Congratulations and best wishes! At last you’ve reached your goal

in becoming the director of your company. It’s a great success

but also a great responsibility. No doubt you will have a lot of

new and more difficult duties but I’m sure you’ll do everything


Since your childhood you’ve always been very responsible,

thoughtful, hardworking and ambitious. You’ve always tried to be

a leader. You know how to organise work and make people work


Ryan, I know one interesting statement — “A director, who can

direct his company and make it run efficiently, even when he is

absent, is a perfect leader!” I hope you’ve understood my idea.

You shouldn’t try to do everything for other people. They should

know exactly what to do, and how. Your duty is to run your

company by designating wisely.

Ryan, I hope that you’ll stay a kind, friendly and understanding

person. Your new position can become a challenge for you.

Please, try to manage it and don’t let it change your personality.

I’m sure that you’ll always be a very respectable gentleman.

I want to be proud of you!

Lots of love,

Aunt Polly

Reconstruct and answer the following questions.

1) reached, which goal, Ryan, has?2) is, Ryan, what kind of person?3) advise, does, what, Polly, Ryan, give?4) does, Ryan, Polly, what, ask?


1.5. Read the text. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the word. Check your

answers by listening to the audio.


What is better than exploring our world?

Leif Erikson was a Viking who _____ in North America several centuries before Christopher Columbus, therefore he _____ the fi rst European to reach North America.

Leif was born in Iceland in about 970 AD. He was the son of Eric the Red, _____ so because of his red beard. Eric the Red discovered Greenland and had given this name in the hope of _____ settlers.

According to Viking traditions a boy should be _____ by a strong man with no personal relationship to the boy’s family. When Leif was eight he

moved in with a man named Thyrker. Thyrker was a German _____ by Eric the Red. He taught Leif

reading and writing, how to speak languages and trade, fi ghting and _____ weapons. They lived near the harbour and Leif enjoyed _____ to the tales of the sailors. He dreamed of his own voyages.

At the age of 24, Leif was asked to captain his fi rst voyage. The task was to bring gifts to King Olaf in Norway. There were 14 _____ in Leif’s crew. Of course, he took Thyrker with him.

They sailed for a long time. Leif was afraid that they would run out of food. They lost their way and landed on the coast of an _____ island. Leif stayed in the house of the lord of the island. The lord had a daughter _____ Thorgunna. Before Leif left for Norway, Thorgunna told him that she was going to have his baby. When the boy was born Leif accepted _____ as his son.

When Leif arrived in Norway, King Olaf was very glad to see him. He exclaimed, “Leif Erikson, I know your father well!” One day they _____ chess and King Olaf told him about a terrible tragedy which had come to Norway. It was the plague which killed thousands of people. King Olaf began to worship

to land

to become

to name

to attract

to teach

to capture

to useto listen


to knowto call


to play


Jesus Christ and _____ . It was a real miracle, and the plague stopped.

Leif wasn’t very faithful to the Viking gods. He became _____ in Christianity and was baptized too. A Christian priest agreed to travel with Leif to spread Christianity in Greenland.

When Leif returned from Norway he could not stay in Greenland for very long. He craved the _____ of new voyages and discoveries.

He embarked on a new voyage in the year of 1000. They sailed west for 600 miles and found land but they only stayed _____ , eager to continue with their voyage.

One day they landed on a coast covered by rich forests. There the Vikings fi shed, catching the largest salmon they had ever seen. They even found grapes on this land.

Leif ordered houses to be built there and named this land “Vinland” because of the grapevines. It was his _____ discovery. We now know this land as Newfoundland in Canada.

Surprisingly, only a few Europeans returned to Vinland but unfortunately, those that returned were _____ by Indians.

Leif Erikson died around 1020 AD. In 1960 archaeologists discovered evidence of a Viking _____

in North America.

1.6. Form questions from the words and answer them using the words in

brackets. Make up a story.

Leif Erikson (970—1020),the fi rst European to reach North America

1) land, did, Erikson, When, in North America? (several centuries before Christopher Columbus)

2) was, Where, when, born, and, Leif? (970, Iceland)3) his father, did, What land, discover? (Greenland)4) did, Greenland, its name, How, get? (to attract settlers)5) reading and writing, Who, how to speak languages and trade, taught,

fi ghting and using weapons, Leif? (German called Thyrker)6) enjoy listening, did, to the tales, Where, of the sailors, Leif? (living

near the harbour)7) captain, did, Erikson, At what age, his fi rst voyage? (24 years old)8) were, in his crew, How many men, there? (14)9) become, Erikson, What religion, did, interested in? (Christianity)

to baptizeto baptize

to interest

to excite



to kill

to settle


10) Erikson, undertake, When, a long voyage, did? (1000)11) Vinland, did, Erikson, Why, call, this land? (because of the

grapevines)12) the name, now, is, What, of this land? (Newfoundland in Canada)13) did, When, die, Leif Erikson? (1020)14) evidence, When, the scientists, did, discover, in North America, of

a Viking settlement? (1960)

Word List for HelpWord List for Helpto embark [Lm`bC:k] грузить на корабльbrief [bri:f] краткийowl [aul] соваto appeal [A`pi:l] привлекатьto reminisce [,remI`nIs] предаваться


settler поселенецharbour [`ha:bA] бухтаto accept [Ak`sLpt] принятьto exclaim восклицатьplague [pleIg] чумаto baptize [bBp`taIz] крестить

1.7. Where do you prefer to stay when you travel? Is it possible for you to share

a room with another tourist? How do you prefer to spend time on your holidays?

Act out the following conversation.

Sally: I’m so glad that we’ll share a room.

Rita: So am I. Do you smoke?

Sally: No, I don’t. I hate it, it’s terrible for health.

Rita: You are completely right.

Sally: I hope we’ll have a wonderful time here.

Rita: Have you ever visited Scotland before?

Sally: No, I haven’t, have you?

Rita: It’s my second tour of Scotland. I adore this country.

Sally: What excursion will we have tomorrow?

Rita: Just a moment. I’ll have a look.

Sally: As I remember we’ll visit some castles. It will start at 8 a.m.

Rita: Oh, I’m a night owl. It’s very early.

Sally: I’m not an early riser either. Let’s go to bed.

Rita: OK.


Read and answer the questions.

1. What does Sally hate?2. How many times has Rita visited Scotland?3. What are they planning for tomorrow?4. Why are they going to bed rather early?

1.8. Which type of transport do you use when you travel? Which hotels do you

prefer to stay at? Should they be in the centre of the city? Why?

Let’s talk about it.

Cathy: Good morning.

Receptionist: Good morning. Can I help you?

Cathy: How can I get to the centre of Prague?

Receptionist: Oh, there are several means of transport.

Cathy: Can I get there by metro?

Receptionist: Yes, it’s very convenient. There’s a direct line, only 6 stops.

Cathy: Is it far away from the hotel?

Receptionist: It’s a 5 minutes walk. I’ll give you a plan. Here it is.

Cathy: Thanks a lot.

Receptionist: Have a good day.

Answer the following questions.

1. Where is Cathy going?2. How can she get to the centre of the city?3. How long will it take her to get to the underground station?4. What does the receptionist give her?


1.9. Would living on a desert island appeal to you? Would you like to stay there

for a long time? If so… Why?

Hello Roxy,

Thanks for your e-mail. I’m glad that you’ve enjoyed your holiday

in Iceland. In my opinion, it’s a very exotic and cold country.

Your photos are fantastic! It’s very interesting to see hot springs

and geysers. I’d like to climb an active volcano. But I think it’s

rather dangerous. I’ve heard about a very extreme sport called

volcano surfing. Did you hear about it when you were in Iceland?

As for me, I’d like to spend my holiday on a desert island

somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. I think it would be a very

exciting holiday, where you can reminisce about your life, and

enjoy the exotic nature.

I have watched a new film this week called “Robinson Crusoe”.

In the novel Robinson Crusoe spent around 28 years lost on an

island. Of course, I don’t want to have such an experience. It’s

better to avoid such a destiny.

I believe that Daniel Defoe wrote the book based on a true story

told to him by the sailor Alexander Selkirk, who was marooned

on a desert island for approximately 5 years. I wouldn’t like to

spend even 3 years on a desert island.

Roxy, would you like to join me and spend next holiday

somewhere on an uninhabited Pacific Island? I suppose it would

be very adventurous, wouldn’t it? What do you think about my

project? I’m looking forward to your reply.

Take care,


Reconstruct and answer the following questions.

1) did, visit, Roxy, which country?2) want, his holiday, does, Alan, where, to spend?3) this, week, which fi lm, Alan, watched, has?4) Daniel Defoe, did, which story, tell, Alexander Selkirk?5) invite, to, where, Alan, Roxy, does?


1.10. Read the text. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the word. Check your

answers by listening to the audio.


If you are afraid — don’t do it,if you are doing it — don’t be afraid!

Many centuries passed after the death of Genghis Khan but his name is still well _____ throughout the world. During his reign he expanded his empire from China to Russia. He brought law, wealth, civilization, and power to the _____ people. In Mongolia, Genghis Khan is regarded as the father of the Mongols. But he brought death and _____ to many other countries. Genghis Khan was responsible for the slaughter of millions whilst _____ other countries.

Genghis Khan was born in Delüün Boldog in 1162. He was the _____ of fi ve sons. According to legend, he was born with some blood on _____ clenched fi st. It predicted that he would be a great leader. His name as a boy was Temujin which meant “made of iron”.

His father, Yesugei, was the chief of the tribe. He was poisoned by the Tatars when Temujin was a small boy. He and his family were kicked out of _____ tribe and lived in poverty for several years.

When Temujin was 9 years old he was sent to live with the tribe of his future wife, Borte. When he returned home he decided to seek revenge against the Tatars for _____ his father. Temujin saw that the only way to achieve that was to build his own tribe. At that time he was married to Borte and therefore their tribes became united.

Temujin was a fi erce, brutal, _____ fi ghter and leader. When his army was large enough he took his warriors to fi ght the Tatars. After taking Samarkand, Temujin ordered his warriors to behead all the civilians _____ children. A pyramid of their heads was erected in honour of his victory.



to destruct

to conquer



to kill


to include