iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...~ loll u !~ 1l--! case i''; one fj le...

"J , .. ,"' :: :1.' , 'j , ) " " } ,. I .. J. 1'1 i . .\ '''',2 I 'J '! I' 'l \ " '. ,'. I .' .. '" , i r' I I, I, I -, !. . c' '..,i .......... " __ ....... _ ,,"":' ".,..• .,,,-_. .- r- , ' ',' .' , ' .,,',: <'<r", _. '\, " '''''', '., . .,1,' ,-",- ';,',', ,',_ 1'.", __ ".':'-,' '.,', , ___ •. ,.0, . __ .. .... " .. __-"", __ .. , , ", " ",*", , llElVITT, Y. .. tJVl ..' ,'," eFl!'I0.E ON WBIT,W OA.KS AVE. JOII}1 .. " . LINCOLN, NEvV 1\IEXf('O. DAILY M.l1..II.A3 .. .laster... ail arnvel::> , A• .M. Leaves 6. P. M. '.r\ IteR tQn maj I arri vas P. )(. Leaves 7 :30 A. M. ... Clf.uad mail leaves 2 'P. M. 'Xenia,.. 10 A.. It. Thursday. P .. O. open from 6 A. :r.f. to 7 P. M. ' ••dayi rr<;llll g to {) A. }f. 1 . 4 to 6 P,:M. ) lIaiI, 30 minutes bp.£ore de- part.". Jd.ney orc1ers and regis tel'- l.twlII .l\.' lJ,@ fGr laex(lre -.1:', _. . :1 .,' , ',' ... , •• Q., j: ...... . 'I del1t -ha,veuot urday? fr?lU the latter. _. .', ,---I "MLl"t people says an' (h1 at the 'acti<.m of th(l Uuited! gcntlelUlLn vmttld ll, nflte(l ero.ter X).'a- .. I HSfiaYt'l', all goll! i;-, alike whel1 States govern m.ent in sen.ding Chi- some twelve or 'fifteen lniltJ$ louth 'II' rpfinvd, but this is not the baek to China without pl'Qfit of th0. canotl. !\lr. .... A1' {.JAW. '. 1 '" [> 11 t :'.: It 0 TA It y']? U BL I C. An experien,ced man ean tea at a I are constantly leaving t.he hel'e "'.it 1 NaJ(lr . , IOAle· . Wfll. N. M. glance .what pa.rt of the world ltnitecl States for China, 'hai daye ago and il a nuted S,ciefltis'o --- ..... 'II '1' -V""·'-- .....I.,_ ..._".,.·• .,...-. ...... ...... piece and in fashion for an AriZ,Ol1a II" says crator is far ahea.d of. YEt from what part of a Ohluannlll Qr a ChiJuunall from j an) thing he of a. .vol- .A.. tterney at a""'lV' . gold district the lTIetal WH,8 ob· rr .. ,x a, .. , New or canie ,nature. There iSlualnetii14 White Oaks tained. The Australian f6f who desires to go' houle, tu Chlll,l to· 'about it that, draws with an almost 'p . .&4.-_ t' , tIll .b is dIstinctly redder than }·'.ltO "U.· a..nd tl.1Qn a .irrHsir;tible attraction. lIe p\1rpo- .... ./llven. '0 & '3S!al 1l.HUC8R I;J ..l.l.L .. ...•• CalHol'nb, and this b .. to eQter the United States, 8es making a Ula,p of it And rUlcer-· W.,Wat8&u. . . HobertE. Lund in color is always pflrcl'ptible, even tlHl,ttel'S to its capacit.y. 'rhis atson &'; Lund., when the gold is 1,000 fine. hi:tl own ::t.reest, ful volcanie mYlter.r hal:l becHl AT1!OllNlIYS .1< COl1lilSELOllS AT LAW.ll',be W: {) fro ,t,he ! B. \h6 U it ed S tit tea" . go vel'llllle II t knownQ to men for ve. ' ut the Uesidence of Wnf, W ....TSON. ) or ,tLltl tll.tt WlIlt;h IS tU.,\f sends hun horne to Cn1Il1l. a.n,d the or tifte",n has at ." / l'iI. mL . d lreclly from the tFP\l.·tz. 'Vhy tIns II saves all traveling ex., tracted u.ny partlcuIu.r notlce.- .lIlIlIl'l,..-.r-"'- .... lIlIl I 1,1 btl f t 1 :r t ff D t lOll u 1l--! case I''; one fJ le pensE'S, Thie is a. shek but lags it Qmocra . lTI'yRt'eries or 11letH llurgy, for t,lle lU> many others that A te;legram from "lIouston annol.lu. plueer all tomes from the Uhin<1se are cap:.tble Qf pra.c- ces: "\1{ill J. Chas. Bul. vt'i The U ru 1 gold is red- :ticing. l1u.d did put hlto e:uH'lltion, lock, Chas. Rusk and John l'Ioell aegt found aAy \y bere. anti U nite(: Stat,a:s govern ment were in the erirninal diet,rIet court Witl practice in 0,11 the courts of beople know rt'.al eolor, is paying t,he ,filldlel' while the Chi- found gUIlty of,garrlbtinfl; each tI'eRitory. of gold, as it. is SBldol:l1 seen arc doi ng all the ,lancing'. In $25 and lIven tell days iii ... heavily alloyod, whien ren\:er., It thi::,. way of our' C;l'inese pop- J·tiil. 'rhi! is the firsh ill Texa!il 6J I!)O. iJ. l1Al/,lJJj)R, Id tJ 1 rrl st ' re< . 01' lu·n W LIen pure. 18 pure. u latjoll are liable to t hQlr pllS- that gamblers have ever jailed cllins lllau0 were the fifty dol- sage pdtl by the Ullited Bill Parry \VB,S the leiLdiug ga.blor lar pipcps to be common S' ates. of TextLs up to the tinle of the SaDI ill CalifQrnia. Their cOinago .. ..,. On n.r Jones revival, when he dotted up for two 1'p:180n8: lnl's', his house altd went into the real because t.he of abrasitHl was so had carrid about him in hi:) Will practlce in Lincoln Bnd adjoining t .c ttl tt estate businoss. 1-18 is worth $250, 6"1••at'ielll. great, and, secondly, becaUl:w the e :os lor some ;"'y'" un pOl' ltn 6i 000." . she ha.d a.skad him to 'mail ., ... ,VV''w'"'' intpripr wouJd oU,t (lind W. F.·'fllANCHARD lead the difference (or her., Recently she i ave him a A m,ord countr, tha.n COUNTY SUR'VEYOlt, wPight being tt>iJ 1S111al1 to be readily letter to himself, with the Nebraska would not be oasy to find. y;. I. »IN.£UAL DEl!(J'rl t)UHVEYI(}H noticl 1 c1 ';0 la rgo It These rell not to it tiil II%) The groves (.)f planted' tret!s, the 1 I otu€e, iays the Philadelphia 1d th f 1 d tt O(,tu. ona 1 coi ns were t. 1e most va - Hi ges, e rows 0 e illS all co 011 .:... .. 1" "- .. ' \I.. I ua b:(·; eVl'l':-·trui;k,"- X. Y. Tdbu 11(.1. A lth"u g'h this str'uck: hiln woods along the edges of pllstures . u... ...... _. -- .... -cI'\V .\ 'l{II', I t:; _ a. very Citr<1, 19O lH'oeeeding, ho d fi 11 th () ttl d All work f1()lll\ bv f 1.11" Conntv Surveyor I 1 t. t 1 t 1 J. P fI . tl - an e( s, e g-raZlnr;, ca e an lIe.oDle. matt(:r of pubhc l'ccdr.l. I 18 rep!)l' ,,{ ·ll.l" ere . yamu 1 8 c">Ql..'luderl to horses, the farnlsteads, the Whita O'-tka are to be left at I the fatllOlls Fl'e.ndl pr"r"eher, whose with her wish. Ardving::A.t his Iitocks of gal"nered wheat aHd tit. INTERPRE'l'En ofIice, to whieh wi hdra wal ft'oln t.hl.1 Oath- place of bU.laess he the let- other small grains, the waving ?B.OMPT A'l'TENTION will bo paid. oiil: Ulltllb.''r of \'l.lars tel' and read as follo'ws: of ripp.ning eOfU, the meadow8 or LINCO!-=N creab·d a P:'OftHUll sens t.tillll :tad :'My Dear I must here..: clover and the t'vel' present golden .. OPPOSI { COURT HOUSE \V;10 :;i en in a.n with inforul you of H, ci,'cum .. taflce rod forn\ a of quiet LIf4COlN - NEW a,ttelnpl t(! Ill) a hG;tUiCa!l whioh will to be very di:4ci.- charm which fills thEi eye and chUt·,· h" Wl' h in t Sl;tece::o.S, 1:; greeable to you, is 1.'11Y byundeR mind. , .... --.alaB ACC01Ul\10DATIONS &; TABLE. noW in LJi1,l lIl, eng.Lged in stul1y- duty to tell you of it. I have, once -• }front tbp. summit of lIoutlt Rope., GOO D 5 TAB LIN .G. lug Tl1ee>sop h .v atll the_ tnysterips of for all, decermined to thiCJ II . t 1 h I b - 1 N e"ada, 10,00,) feet above the aea. .l\J.ahLtma.· d 111 S sort.Y to nlattel' eforo V()ur notIce, ('onso p i lpcture on the suhji1ct of 4'Esf'lteric be what fhey may. For a the waters of twenty-one lakel roprwtor. BIll' , 1 h'· '. 1 k I h , 1 t l' m'1Y lJe Seetl (J'lt'st°-"I-n U a-ong t h ''''' __ I Ul l 113111, ant.. t, e Inner Splrltua w-e past ave 10re'ieta t la i 1l!i Col/ -. 10 -& Ul' H of the _ tarl th\ 1'5') f.;\ I1 Q e %\ !:'jght. Fere I-Iyadnth is a recent must be done, but I have tlHl8 far r I v I I '.:v lSI c..... I r l' . d It" 1 Th converv to t 118 t-Jl'lO ern CUlt. \'erralP8l. e supreme InOlneu t, III Nortl\ weekly ,OPHIJl BLA XUHARD, PROP. and fLl .. enthtl::;iastic one. Pant- has at last arnved, and t,he crisis prayer meetings have been held un- Transientnlltl T'esident'Rllf!sts wlll1ind t r':thm he eonf has bACOITle at hand,. I am e0111!)ellecl to st'cak · t t dl.e t THE S'C'AN1\ON HOUSEl ), .,' ,i:..! " I In ,errup.f! y l()f seTt'n y years, ,lr8t •• lnss in every particnlltr, mam tesr. t.o 11 un: a,lId hn ex P0Ctl'i Qut. Do not judge U10 too without the help of any minister, f<·n'e lOHg to be idlle work th(Jse and bear up like a nl3.il!" By the 8X(\ept for a». occ9-sionallectllre. mirades that the Vedas promise ,to time that he bad read thus far hII ' 1 · It ·. f If tIl' t d d ·tt I 1 J. G. Blaine, Jr., say.i:n ftnswer t a' aUl1ug per ect se -eoll 1'0, lfllr S 00 on en WI 1 'loqor', an to his WIfe's dIvorce petition. that Th 01 ' t 'tt U] with a trembling' h··lnd he turned d . 0 e )lneBe W1.·1 n g . no e j) the leaf "nd read on further: his iQcome is Clnly '1\2,OU per year 5:30 SHUJ 10 it yory consIderal'>Je .... ... ..., 1tud that it will cease after D<:lcem- S ' . tl .... ..,. 'I . '. t tl· are eornplotely out oE Su'tp. Please In.Ct> Ie UoAC l'SlOll ac 1e govern,.. .' her 1. fIe ill clerl£ to a house eom.. t h '\.' th 1 b t f d go at once to our grO'C l 3f and (Hder a meH noB k)een In . G lU I {J ... ,.. .. . . " m.ittee. · b 1 t C I 'l1 01' box (\f-- SOMp antI hrlve It llient ac. {,. 0 ,Luna horne in thQ} Ot the afternoon "\Ve have no use for bear. In tryIng to enter .ArIzon a I ·1 t d f' 2 . k aero.,g the :Mexicn.tl bonIer. It is a a so wan ozen 0 -:; ct, pae Our demand something api,., -. 11-1 f ··t th· t '-f .' t agf} starch. I have ado.-.ted thIS ey." VVt' ac a. w eX-lean P!lr ,_ .' . t tl Ch ·· ..1 ruotle of aSl.:lO g yOll til do lVLe tlns /Well," Bald the :man 1'\,ith the are 0P/o),u 0 lueSfl, U,ll'.\ f1 I . t·· I. . .. 1- bt <4' fa,vor so that you m}lV I nOli fJrget mannlioript, '4this story is, about a l.arge nave un,.t,O, U. l)'". < 1" N ,d' 1h f '" t . h" .d th U' . Jo ,1 t II.. or H e Qr.rc. e Ul namon eat'. , tne tr, enter e IOb:.t as ""' through the mediutn of l\Iexieo, :F'rancis The completion uf tbe'I{,to Granto nnd lt1en have been apprehended l:ird rr. J of Sari Bout/hern railroa i to Rico, Colt,radu, 'Lo China, The fl'otn to Camol;l Dia.blQ last f was celebrated on the lith. ,, . 'l ", " f.:l. 1_.' i- , .", 'j. :, of ''y ill .... '\'+ , .,..,.1 . ' ", .. ., I",

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Post on 13-Mar-2021




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Page 1: Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...~ lOll u !~ 1l--! case I''; one fJ le pensE'S, Thie is a. shek tri~k, but lags it Qmocra . lTI'yRt'eries or 11letH llurgy, for t,lle

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LINCOLN, NEvV 1\IEXf('O._'tt:r?e"~-t",,,,~_'\~etJ"'~"'~'i"\':~~"Il~.~

DAILY M.l1..II.A3...laster...ail arnvel::> , A • .M.

Leaves 6. P. M.

'.r\ IteRtQn maj I arri vasP. )(.

Leaves 7 :30 A. M.

...Clf.uad mail leaves 2 'P. M.

'Xenia,...A.rriv~. 10 A.. It. Thursday.P .. O. open from 6 A. :r.f. to 7 P. M.

' ••dayi rr<;llll g to {) A. }f. 1. 4 to 6 P,:M. )

lIaiI, 'lo~~ 30 minutes bp.£ore de­part.". Jd.ney orc1ers and regis tel'­l.twlII .l\.' lJ,@ ap~lic" fGr laex(lre-.1:',_.

. :1.,' ,

',' ... , ••Q~~~~~~1~AAL {;A,i~i~~'.i. ~""""'~';Il: Q., j:......tHt~ ~,~( iobl~ui.. . 'I del1t Ohjn~8f~ -ha,veuot b\~\'lIl.itlukIlH(,urday? fr?lU ~;h,ich:point. the latter._. .',,---I "MLl"t people 8UPP()~~," says an' (h1 at the 'acti<.m of th(l Uuited! gcntlelUlLn vmttld ll, nflte(l ero.terX).'a-.. '::b4:.~.; j-'1~\A7";:~Tr"XI I HSfiaYt'l', ~~tba,t all goll! i;-, alike whel1 States govern m.ent in sen.ding Chi- some twelve or 'fifteen lniltJ$ louth'II' rpfinvd, but this is not the ca~e. l1d8~ baek to China without pl'Qfit of th0. canotl. !\lr. ,Jc.;hns~n'Wa.

.... T·'lO'LN~Y A1' {.JAW. '. 1 '" [> 11 t:'.: It 0 T A It y']? U BL I C. An experien,ced man ean tea at a I qbifjeS~ are constantly leaving t.he hel'e "'.it 1 NaJ(lr . OW~ , IOAle· . Wfll.

'J~:rN'OQLNt N. M. glance frO~l .what pa.rt of the world ltnitecl States for China, a\~Hlit 'hai daye ago and il a nuted S,ciefltis'o---..... 'II '1' -V""·'--.....I.,_..._".,.·•.,...-.......~.I ...... {~gGld piece COll:l:~S, and in ~6()Ine b~CQnle. th~ fashion for an AriZ,Ol1a II" says ~his crator is far ahea.d of.

·"~ll.DYEt oas~s from what part of a parti(~1l1ar Ohluannlll Qr a ChiJuunall from j an) thing he h~s ~ve.r8pen of a. .vol-.A..tterney at a""'lV' .gold district the lTIetal WH,8 ob· rr ..,x a,.. , New ~fl.'1xiCl) or t~lse\Vherd canie ,nature. There iSlualnetii14

White Oaks Av'en4~.· tained. The Australian ~(l1(1, f6f who desires to go' houle, tu Chlll,l to· 'about it that, draws with an almost'p . .&4.-_ t' , tIll . b ifls!-anc~, is dIstinctly redder than .nr08~ }·'.ltO "U.·eXl~"JI) a..nd tl.1Qn Inn"k~~ a .irrHsir;tible attraction. lIe p\1rpo-'.~hNa.~ ....~ulon ./llven. '0 & '3S!al 1l.HUC8R I;J .~. ..l.l.L

~.oI"'o4~~-'""..,....,~,~'\>I" ..~'W"lIoI~ ...•• th~ CalHol'nb, and this differen<~e b..~ak: to eQter the United States, 8es making a Ula,p of it And rUlcer-·W.,Wat8&u. . . HobertE. Lund in color is always pflrcl'ptible, even c~refully ~trrauging tlHl,ttel'S to t~ininta its capacit.y. 'rhis wond~r·

~ atson &'; Lund., when the gold is 1,000 fine. Ag~dl1 caQ.St~ hi:tl own ::t.reest, wh~r~upon ful volcanie mYlter.r hal:l becHl

AT1!OllNlIYS .1< COl1lilSELOllS AT LAW.ll',be W:l~ {):).tatne(~ fro I~ ,t,he ~la~~~!B. \h6 U ~I it ed S tittea" . govel'llllle II t knownQ to ~heep men for t~elve.' .rJ'IOF~ ut the Uesidence of Wnf, W....TSON. ) ~llo,,\ or ,tLltl tll.tt WlIlt;h IS tU.,\f ~\! sends hun horne to Cn1Il1l. a.n,d the or tifte",n ye.~rs, bU~ has llev~l at

. " :tV~fUI.ll'~~. OA.ll.'-~ / l'iI. mL . dlreclly from the tFP\l.·tz. 'Vhy tIns II Ch~n~lllan saves all traveling ex., tracted u.ny partlcuIu.r notlce.-.lIlIlIl'l,..-.r-"'-....,..~"......,Ii"l lIlIlWi"~~qiol.,.f"'U~o"bof'\J.oitlo,.._"'~"".".flI."'.~~l:.r.. I 1,1 btl f t1 :r t ff D t

~ lOll u !~ 1l--! case I''; one fJ le pensE'S, Thie is a. shek tri~k, but lags it Qmocra .

lTI'yRt'eries or 11letH llurgy, for t,lle lU> Tsr~;ooth~l' t~llUl many others that A te;legram from"lIouston annol.lu.plueer g~ld all tomes from the th~ Uhin<1se are cap:.tble Qf pra.c- ces: "\1{ill J. P~rry, Chas. Bul.vt'i n~. The Uru1 gold is th~ red- :ticing. l1u.d did put hlto e:uH'lltion, lock, Chas. Rusk and John l'Ioellaegt found aAy \y bere. anti th~ U nite(: Stat,a:s govern ment were in the erirninal diet,rIet court

Witl practice in 0,11 the courts of t.he~·Few beople know tlH~ rt'.al eolor, is paying t,he ,filldlel' while the Chi- found gUIlty of,garrlbtinfl; ~ntl eachtI'eRitory. of gold, as it. is SBldol:l1 seen tlnle;~l:i ne~e arc doi ng all the ,lancing'. In fin~d $25 and lIven tell days iii~.,,~\df\lo"""CU'uI'\jO\oI,.'~;'''''~...{'''~~'''~ heavily alloyod, whien ren\:er., It thi::,. way mo~t of our' C;l'inese pop- J·tiil. 'rhi! is the firsh tim(~ ill Texa!il

6J I!)O. iJ. l1Al/,lJJj)R, Id tJ 1 rrl st 're< . 01' lu·n W LIen pure. 18 pure. u latjoll are liable to g~~ t hQlr pllS- that gamblers have ever be~n jailedcllins eVl~r lllau0 were the fifty dol- sage hlJrn~ pdtl by the Ullited Bill Parry \VB,S the leiLdiug ga.blorlar pipcps th:~tt 1H1i.~d to be common S' ates. of TextLs up to the tinle of the SaDIill CalifQrnia. Their cOinago wa~ ..

..,. On sl~veral occa~iuns n.r Int~band Jones revival, when he dotted up~·tbi.Lndoned for two 1'p:180n8: lnl's', his house altd went into the realbecause t.he l~ss of abrasitHl was so had carrid about him in hi:) po:~k-

Will practlce in Lincoln Bnd adjoining t .c d~' ttl tt estate businoss. 1-18 is worth $250,6"1••at'ielll. great, and, secondly, becaUl:w the e :os lor some ;"'y'" un pOl' ltn 6i t~r~ 000." .

w~ich she ha.d a.skad him to 'mail .,~~~,~, ...,VV''w'"'' intpripr wouJd b~ .bor,~d oU,t (lind •

W. F.·'fllANCHARD lead ~llhstittlted, the difference i!~ (or her., Recently she i ave him a A m,ord b~alltiful countr, tha.nCOUNTY SUR'VEYOlt, wPight being tt>iJ 1S111al1 to be readily letter aacll'e8~ed to himself, with the Nebraska would not be oasy to find.

y;. I. »IN.£UAL DEl!(J'rl t)UHVEYI(}H noticl1 c1 i~ ';0 la rgo It pie,~e. These rell ~\elilt not to l\~all it tiil II%) reach.~d The groves (.)f planted' tret!s, the-A~1>- 1 I ht~ otu€e, iays the Philadelphia 1 d th f 1 d ttJ1(01'1..,~1tY t.J~Ul.AIe. O(,tu. ona1 coi ns were t. 1e most va - Hi ges, e rows 0 e illS all co 011

• .:.....1" "-..' \I.. I ua b:(·; eVl'l':-·trui;k,"- X. Y. Tdbu 11(.1. Tiln\~s. Alth"u g'h this str'uck: hiln woods along the edges of pllstures .u... ...... ~ _. -- .... -cI'\V .\ 'l{II', I t:; _ a~ a. very Citr<1, 19O lH'oeeeding, ho d fi 11 th () ttl d

All work f1()lll\ bv f 1.11" Conntv Surveyor I 1t . t 1 t 1 J. P fI . tl - an e ( s, e g-raZlnr;, ca e anlIe.oDle. matt(:r of pubhc l'ccdr.l. I 18 rep!)l' ,,{ ·ll.l" ere . yamu 1 neverl.hel,,~ 8 c">Ql..'luderl to {~()nlply horses, the pr\~tty farnlsteads, the

Whita O'-tka ord~rg are to be left at Ithe fatllOlls Fl'e.ndl pr"r"eher, whose with her wish. Ardving::A.t his hu~e Iitocks of gal"nered wheat aHdtit. INTERPRE'l'En ofIice, to whieh wi hdra wal ft'oln t.hl.1 l~01nan Oath- place of bU.laess he op~ned the let- other small grains, the waving field~?B.OMPT A'l'TENTION will bo paid. oiil: C~illl'uh l~ Ulltllb.''r of \'l.lars a~o tel' and read as follo'ws: of ripp.ning eOfU, the meadow8 orLINCO!-=N II~l)i'rEL~ creab·d a P:'OftHUll sens t.tillll :tad :'My Dear Hu~b,-tn,i: I must here..: clover and the t'vel' present golden..

OPPOSI { COURT HOUSE \V;10 :;i tl0:~ hiL~ bth~I.l en i!ag(~ll in a.n with inforul you of H, ci,'cum .. taflce rod forn\ a l~Jldseape of quietLIf4COlN - NEW MEX~CO. a,ttelnpl t(! l~uil',l Ill) a hG;tUiCa!l whioh will prov/~ to be very di:4ci.- charm which fills thEi eye and

chUt·,·h" Wl' h in htf~r'~i1t Sl;tece::o.S, 1:; greeable to you, ~ut is 1.'11Y byundeR mind., ....--.alaB ACC01Ul\10DATIONS &; TABLE. noW in LJi1,l lIl, eng.Lged in stul1y- duty to tell you of it. I have, once - •

}front tbp. summit of lIoutlt Rope.,GOO D 5 TAB LIN .G. lug Tl1ee>soph.v atll the_ tnysterips of for all, decermined to brin~ thiCJ~ II . t 1 h I b - 1 Ne"ada, 10,00,) feet above the aea.Oharl~s ~"'eid:t::a. .l\J.ahLtma.· d 111 ~"n S sort.Y to nlattel' eforo V()ur notIce, -e'~ ('onso

p ~J.").. i lpcture on the suhji1ct of 4'Esf'lteric que':ee~ be what fhey may. For a le",~l, the waters of twenty-one lakelroprwtor. BIll' , 1 h'· '. 1 k I h ~ , 1 t l' m'1Y lJe Seetl (J'lt'st°-"I-nU a-ong t h

'''''------------_~.__~ I Ul l 113111, ant.. t, e Inner Splrltua w-e past ave 10re'ieta t la i 1l!i Col/ -. ~-n 10 -& Ul'

~S H £ore~ts of the Sierra~._-~ tarl th\ 1'5') f.;\ I 1Q e % \!:'jght. Fere I-Iyadnth is a recent must be done, but I have tlHl8 far •r I v I I '.:v lSI c..... I r ~. l' . d It" 1 Thconverv to t 118 [l~nelen t-Jl'lO ern CUlt. \'erralP8l. e supreme InOlneu t, III Nortl\ \Varr~n, ~{a., weekly

,OPHIJl BLA XUHARD, PROP. and fLl.. enthtl::;iastic one. Pant- has at last arnved, and t,he crisis i~ prayer meetings have been held un-Transientnlltl T'esident'Rllf!sts wlll1ind t r':thm he eonf '~~es has bACOITle at hand,. I am e0111!)ellecl to st'cak · t t dl.e tTHE S'C'AN1\ON HOUSEl ), .,' ,i:..! " I In ,errup.f! y l()f seTt'n y years,

,lr8t••lnss in every particnlltr, mam tesr. t.o 11 un: a,lId hn ex P0Ctl'i b~- Qut. Do not judge U10 too sev~re]y without the help of any minister,f<·n'e lOHg to be idlle t~o work th(Jse and bear up like a nl3.il!" By the 8X(\ept for a». occ9-sionallectllre.mirades that the Vedas promise ,to time that he bad read thus far hII • '

1· It · . f If tIl' t d d ·tt I 1 J. G. Blaine, Jr., say.i:n ftnswert lo,~e a ' aUl1ug per ect se -eoll 1'0, lfllr S 00 on en WI 1 'loqor', anto his WIfe's dIvorce petition. that

Th 01 ' ~ t 'tt U] with a trembling' h··lnd he turned d . 0e )lneBe ar~ o~ W1.·1 ng . no e j) the leaf "nd read on further: ~'\Ve his iQcome is Clnly '1\2,OU per year

5:30 SHUJ 10 it yory consIderal'>Je (~xtent .... . . . ..., 1tud that it will cease after D<:lcem-S' . tl .... ..,. 'I . '. t tl· are eornplotely out oE Su'tp. PleaseIn.Ct> Ie UoAC l'SlOll ac 1e govern,.. . ' her 1. fIe ill clerl£ to a house eom..

t h '\.' th 1 b t f d go at once to our grO'C l3f and (Hder ameH noB k)een In . G lU I {J ~en ... ,.. .. . . " m.ittee.· b 1 t C I 'l1 01' box (\f-- ~ SOMp antI hrlve It llient •Ill~ ac. {,. 0 ,Luna a· lln~men horne in thQ} cour.~e Ot the afternoon "\Ve have no use for bear. 8tori~9 •elJgal~ed In tryIng to enter .ArIzon a I ·1 t d f' 2 . kaero.,g the :Mexicn.tl bonIer. It is a a so wan ~t ozen 0 -:; ct, pae ~- Our readE:tl'~ demand something api,.,

-. 11-1 f ··t th· t '-f .' t agf} starch. I have ado.-.ted thIS ey."VVt' ~nown ac a. w eX-lean P!lr ~ , _ . ' .t tl Ch·· ..1 ruotle of aSl.:lO g yOll til do lVLe tlns /Well," Bald the :man 1'\,ith theare 0P/o),u 0 11~ lueSfl, U,ll'.\ f1 I .

t·· I. . .. 1 - bt <4' fa,vor so that you m}lV I nOli fJrget mannlioript, '4this story is, about al.arge nl1~j)e.r nave un,.t,O,U. ~ l)'". < 1" N ,d' 1 h f '" t . h". d th U' . Jo ,1 ~~ ~ t II.. or H e Qr.rc. e Ul namon eat'. ,tne tr, enter e nll~u IOb:.t as • ""' •through the mediutn of l\Iexieo, ~h.'~riff :F'rancis a,ccon1pa.ni.ell'Vjl~ The completion uf tbe'I{,to Grantonnd lt1en have been apprehended l:ird rr. John~()n, of Sari Fr'anl'i81~1),· Bout/hern railroa i to Rico, Colt,radu,~nd r~tut'l1ed 'Lo China, The r6si~ fl'otn her~ to Camol;l Dia.blQ last S~t- f was celebrated on the lith.

, , .~

~ r~~",;~"':{'c'·;:"~~~···~~7~f"'~·'·T·.;:~:·:··c~\.'--,~~·'-'"7Y:"~r~;e·rT"~~(f~-~;',., .'l ", "






'j. :, of''y ill .... '\'+ ~.

, .,..,.1. '

",.. .,


Page 2: Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...~ lOll u !~ 1l--! case I''; one fJ le pensE'S, Thie is a. shek tri~k, but lags it Qmocra . lTI'yRt'eries or 11letH llurgy, for t,lle

. ;



. ,

.' \ ~

r·", .

\ '1.I,


!\T @€)ST!!

35 cent French Sa.t61lnS at :J5 emls.


~o ~lay~ wewill~f' our Slimmer

~:x~~~~tt easie.·n cost.


10 CPJzt [rtu'us at (j ceNts.



. Gooumau, Zeigler&Co~ft!N"Il1~:'~--rn:aI'~~~_ilI!JIUfi&!ii'! 7_" .


WIH~l'(gI,!'il on the 26th allY of };Iny, lSnO,E~TRAY NQTICE. Joshna Hulo and Susan JJ. HaJt=! lJhj wife,

Taken up k)Y the 'instersjlYllNl 011 01" ~xN'nt~~d ancl deJ1v(;'rt:·u to Sr:mutl S.n , , , 'r l' l' I . 4- 1]p.bout the ls~ day (If In)~,·. 1$91,' one (1 :~rr(' l t wu: c(lram mOl',:lag(,~·(.E'e(

phostmH s(ljrlel hOI'SI', ;p.ont 1.1 lHIn wlt.h pOWt~r of 8al~, cOllve:,'iug t.lH~ t01·high, ahC:>lit. 15 yearA old, 111~c1 braJlcl(~tl 1(tw1l1g JanuA HlId tc:no'lJ<.nts ~dtnatC'(l iIIhus: 13 and p.L~Er on left bll) l.li "1 III ILin('\Jln C(;untr, :New )J.(lxiro. to·w;t:

... • ) 'J' C:'n;lon. the ritTht hil) and thlO'h tit. _h~ ~~onth blllfrifthe ,Nnl'thwe!-tqnnrM

o J: 1-. 1 IS. t I' ~ • 7:1_. A _ 'VUJLIA~r lll:DE, Pi' "'L ol;'chon .1.HHnteon (1-4); ~JmthM,st:;). "'-"_0 l~)' James :Millt~rtAg't qnarter ({If !~Ol'nHHlst qual'tfl' of St-CtiOll

• r::.:. ·t L' 1 1'1 N'u l!'iftflflll (lu); N01thenst qnal'ter of t1J~.woODl Q, Inco u \0)0., • .A~.1. " Ll .8-1.4. ' , 1)0..1':1 l:;U:t. qllnrter. EJ:l Sect-OJ:l Jfiftet'll


(In); \', (1f;t Lalf of f::()lltl.Vt'(~t qr~llrh'r 01~..,..~~"",.~~"~ ••""''''''A''''''''lo/'~''''''''''''''''''''' S . 'r." 1.. c('hon £ 0111 !t'€'U t14); HMllll WC'f,t qUI\rM

OZANN~lf,; OD'S STAGE LINfltet.:o{S(lct~0l1'1',\·el\'l'(12);Northh:lIrof ~...:;';f' AT @08TIIthe !\m th(';.~!.'it qmll'ter of ~e(:tion l'\onr'I'~~ I

Djliltan~e :nul Time Table. It,- en (14.); 1';:( r~h~'(6i: (ll.Hittcr of tht:' I ~._-------

}:Je I VP.S Ual'thHge dally at 10 :30 I ~?lth\V'es4- .quur:f>r of S(~(.. tjOll 'J:hirh~e}J

A. Ai on arrival of Sant'L Fe (1a) rm<1 tho ~onthOtlst, qnurH'r of the tfH\~~li0 l1.1'ill® Eil®Xt4., • «~rmthellst qual'tH' of Sectiuu El'~'Vf'n [11],~~ ~ln. all in toWta~hlp ll~k;\'o 1 [11.1 SmIth of

From Carthage t.o OZ~l)ne'S Range PonrtN:n 11·lj Ea6t New lUex· §~~Jl tl]t.®Ralioh~ supper st.ation 30 Rlile~, ic'o p:dncipnl meridinn. ,vhich ~·aid Illort M

al'l'l'va a'- ~ P. 1oli'. gagEMdt'ed wns givt'll to SPClJrO {ho t)fl..l'- ~"~1P":1 "!;.; is''u v .ilL ~0\~.J.1 ~;,u; ~;J

,,) " R h t \:\"rb't 0 k nunt of an ind(·bt<,dlJfPS or 'IlJrt:c 'II ou~. za nne s .t at'l ~ 0 ,'y 1 e a $ .' - '

. •• 1 ~ amL Four Hundred i!<,llm:R, as eYhk'!'\.(wdBrea.kfast statlou 00 n1l11es a.r M by a certain ptl'illir::sory l:ote, It copy ofrlves at 6. 1\.. lI. \\hwh is C'entained in sHirl mortt;:,gc- cent Sateen at 20 cents. .And other goods in proportion.

White Oaks to Nogal 17 arr ~s- ,,~eea, due and liH;nibll? OllP)'CIlT Hf.~r t1;e

~t 10 A. 11. to Fort Stanton 18 date thereof with lDtorest thereon at tllpQ miles, 1 P. M. F01.b Stanton to Irate of 12 per cent. pel' annnm a.Ja 10

Lincoln 10 nliles, ~~:rrh-'e at4:30 I~er CC~)t',HHorll~)'~feG~. And, WhHeUE'l~p. M. Uonnect~ wrbh bUt~kboard c1t>!l1ult h<t~ been mttde m the pnym{mt oj~or ~oswell ana SeVp.u Rivers. Oon" Ismd note ~n.] t~e sanw is lon~ smce dtu'llocts at Fort Stanton for H,nido8C~!and llupmd, ~~ow, tUel:cJore, in p·ursll.'"~ed and Penasco. O:>ni1€CtS at (UJl'16 of the B.lla power or fo-ale in l'Iai.,Nogal for Bonito HUrl Patson's Cv. mol'tguge df'Nl ce·ntained. notice. is Len

,C<)lll1ects at WhHc O~'r.s tor H,~d hy given tl~nt I, tlH~ unUt'l'Hlgl1fod nlOltM

~loucl. . ~agee, will, fl11 the 12th day of Oet(.)bel',

Leaves vTlaite ORks Tor Cl'l.tbage ?.,891, ''It £) o'.elot'k III Uw fonmonl1 of said~i30 P. U., ardve' at Oarthage Clay ~lt the lro:.lt door Qf thc Court IIousf1:30 P.ll \ ~t. Lmcolu, I,lllco]n connt~', :New }'JI~x·

1("0, expo~e at pnbhc auchon RIJd ~oll t{:,

__~ .. _. tbe iJj,~llest bidder fOf ('(lE:h thE' ~;Hid elf'':r ' ]\~OB""IiFnl""tm~n---~' IL;0ribed, premhws llnmNj in said D:H.l1'1

P' a:' T'. . E , P:l\gcJ u<'Pl1 to sntif.\fj" Ule f:t1n1 clue on H:It·

. . \ ' Ullti>, tlH.-\ C(lStE-1 of snl0 1ncl :;Hnl'l)('~v'

~ t fC't'R, llnd will exeeu'C(\ i'n<1 dpJivE\l' t.f t~1 ."'ta.d.marks, Caveats, Labels ami COliy- !plli'I'nnS I

)l' 01' lmreha.1-1:t1'13 thereof, 140~.,tights promnt1y J)r9'Jttre1i. A 40"Pa,ge ! and HI fficient d('ed Of deells therefor.YJrOOk Fl'ee. Cena Hketlt1l1 or' model fox"'rae Opinion. as to Patg!ltabilHjY~ ii-D.: D~lted' Sept. 2~, 18~n.

. usiness. tr9at~d as ~acr~dl.'1 .confidential. I I:) (.' l' . .~Vlenty~erlrs' expel'lenof". Hlghast refC"t. . oAJ,1:VlUJ~. TRnJ.U':Lll,~nce~.. ·l}IJ.d for Book. Address I.. If<;,lrt p:a~~e"(~.t'~ i II FITZ~ERllO~ Aii?::;' JOHN Y. HJr.WITT

Wi\S.lIIUNGTON, D. C. I 9-4 A itorney. ,',p··.,··E..·.~.~··.~1 T··.~· PILE ,i~Alnlj.~~~1tj~;J!I~~. ~ . . . .: . , JoB .Jbl~ CU.l'e t':. ,·~nei1.! . PT1g8 Sol.. JJy Drl1s<lJlsts 01'.

, l . . l!1o.~. aamP.li)a~'4'(I, Ad-.' ..__ A.f.O;,'i'~.tf~n~o¥F..u~Mi, . ----.......... '; . ". ".. (!'l'GE.;J ~A.NAJ1~:"'I'.A:.Jt. h<!* 1~0'lV ~. '. .



, .


Page 3: Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...~ lOll u !~ 1l--! case I''; one fJ le pensE'S, Thie is a. shek tri~k, but lags it Qmocra . lTI'yRt'eries or 11letH llurgy, for t,lle


..~< ,

• i.1 i

,>\, , ' I~


~ , i1\1-. ,



••~ .. I





" .



Chairma·n •lIember of ·BQard.

I.t I....

... .. .. .. ........ .. -...~oM.... ".$~*, t'. -,








J F. Hinkleraul M'a)VerRamon LujunD. 'V. RobertsGeorge '3tna,

Minute. of yesterdaY'1 se.sicnread and apprlved.

Now COlnes J. D. BrAshear, agentfor Allleri('an 1\Hne, and asks re­~d-te on sa.id mine, alle;.;iR~ thatSHme ie not taxablo unaer tl • law•The Board taking the aa.tter undercnhsidt'!I'ation tlnd ~eing fully ad·viiu·d in the preillises, rpje .~ts the...rAm~, and aSressment as turnfi In

hy aSe~8g0r 1::1 hE'~eby approved.Al~o, comes .T. D. Brashear, and filelafIida 'fit., a~kin~ for 'rebate Qf$150000 on the as~essment,of per­sonal propprty < c,f said mine; 'the.so u'd con~iderinr tna l!Iame, al­lows 8aid pet.ition, and ord~red .ler~

to make rebate ..ud, credit collectorwith the same•

Nor.h ffo.....sta.'tP. ~Iinit)g Co. re­1ated on $20.000 00 atlse~l!Ied bv theBoard, same not being al yet tax- ,able undt-r the law, allo penalty re·ba.ted thereof. J

3.00 NoW' comes :Frank R. Lloyd.3.00 agt nt for said North Romeetake

~f lnin.: Co" and files affid~vit ask­300; ing for rebate on the pel's(Jna: pro,­3,00 erty tif ~aid c!>mpatty, in th., lua of

$8,000.60; the 'Board takinc. the3.00 matter under conlideration and be..3.00 'I' i ng fully advised ill the premise:1,

gr1\nts said rebate in the sum of3,00 I 11,000, and ordered cl~rk to lnake3 00 ; tJaWl~l1.nd collectl)r is crelited with

said rebate. "

3.,00 B(')a,rd adjourned till 1 o'clock3.,00 p. tll. 1

Pursu~llt to adj<Jurnmant Board3.00 met at 1 o'clock p. m3\OJ Jolut Thornr.on h hereby ap-

pointeG a~ commilsioner t,)' open300 and keep ope \ the road goin~ ~ut .3 00 to Rio8 ~'f!lix. an I PenaSc). ali laid

lout by Cnt.nty Suryeypr.. Said l'eat!3.1 0 to be sixty feet in width and to be3 on on~n and pa.ssable withift thi.,ty

days fro. rlate; c:erk is herehy or­3,0 du!\:.u . u lUrni.lsll tiaht J uhn Thorll­3.00 . t n with :1 codified. copy of t~}is pto,-

Iceeding. '.

3.00 Continu,l on10e,,1 ?:l.ge ..

I .''10-',

I'" _",. "1,1........-~-... ~'

• t.. .' t t•

• I •• Ct'" ........ "l' '1._ J • ad _, 1 '_1'111




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1i:;.~.~.!.;•.~.!K.J.2.' ..E.·.~. i


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"'.'.\ .' .",d;); I,

.<. f,(il"';' ,.,. "

~£".,./Ji:,J,'. ~p.:: .r" .): -" ,~,~~ ,< If<' ' (.i ,,~

.:,<.<':; ,,: ""I':""':'..;~:.; ,,;~' ':J:" Jor~ J.t 1. J1-;r "I':t~ ~ :? .F? .}Ji)" ?' ,J;:- .... ,. . ~h~""",: ..."#4!$."'~lfJ~L-,4m ••~~_"L.4.. ,!'!tJP.~~~.!!!L~T 3'_.• ~,!';....d~_ ':~,,!,,_.q ... ' ~,_,.." • .;.!!;~m.!~~~~ ~!=:f!!r....._.I~~....'..,.. .... '. ..... d' ...• '., •• '1;".' .,. . .' . .....-..-Zel ~!U~ ~£!]Il!! '*!J. ._'.-.,. I. ...!!.. U fl.•! ••WI!!" Pi Nlr

·.l..·.• 'J.·.r'.I..~..• ·~. "'1i...~~~i~tl. J.'.~.ntt"r~nto'· lliOi.led the school fnnd of said CoUll- I ().~l.as. ,reidman $BOJ ftan..cnUjibard'3~O{)i~ .' ~ "'.t. "..".r Ity(on ~his. 5tb d"1. o~October: i Ygnado Rena,. . 3,00 l'l!.EOJl'lCTKo 11.fll:;~.~~P"-'t..,.,,v.,~.,,,,",,,,, '. . • . . 1189]. 1 he a,uumnt of IX olley sub ID.•1. 1\1. A, Je\\e,t 300 .llf C. Watson' '. 3,00.·~.u...,~!I~l!~F~;·;:r~;;:··:~i~l~~~Z~~~::i I juct ~o su(~h apportionment'is Three . . I>REOINCT. 't..To2. 'Clfas~H"Brown 3.00.

.~d ~~ '01'~·'~~·"·"".~P"'~~V'I" '.' ~ . II . .. ." D .. I ...,. ,............ , . .... •......... .. "" ', .....•, ....,.;t~~·,~·~"'··, ..'..,"" ... I· '. ul£drl"l '1 W(;)lIt.\··t wo ollars and T.1. N .' ". ·l.· 3.0.0 P.. RE.CINCT .NO 12•. ,.fUtiSl:ISHEr. ,z" _ I . • ". • . .,JOln . e\\<om t· ,'. t';"" D EVEHY fRIDAY ! Fifty cents ($322.50), wInch 1S ap- Lazaro Gallt.gas 0 3.00 L. VI. Bourn. 300

,Mas' A L' }.I'.r,;·:tI"'~NI \1 ,',0' , l;oni()npd to tlre several t'db00l diH-' Kilara GalleO'os '3.'0'0' H. C.onsbruch , . 3.00.' \' • ....1 ~''''''.'11 S,~, ari'lger. I' , ,.. ~I'll < ••• ' . ' tl\cts as be.ow. I· . PRECINCT. lIQ 3 · J. G•.Wolldsoft of pre inet NQ 7. [T.lH'M.KS. liI. !t., Oot. 23. 18~1. T. B. Mc COURT, .' IFernando H~ver.& 3.00 rebated on assessment apd. penalty

•.o~n.letled 111 the ll()MtOftiu€ r.~ Whitt! (,Iukpt "" COtltlt) 3upednt.enJeut. Lower HaH ?OO on 'ta~es of 1891, to luno,.nut of.... :'>t1nUI4~aLD.atte:r . . • " . D

,"'i"~b . ' t' .'. \ No. of No. of . Ed Terrell. 3.00' $11.97 he being. as,~es8e,C: as John" "(~.':~~i~~:: ~e~ a~uul~.~ .•.•. : •. ~ •.•.••.. $~OO . DU3l.rict· Schola.'s. Aiu'nt. . PR 1." 4 \Vootson to anlount of' $10.68 a,n<l'.'.......4',.'. .- a OR •. , $l,OU pel' moho per month, . ECINCT NO'" ,," }·fJlWl~UO"b1Yrll111i~,a.t.;\0l1Rto 8 151 15990~' PI'ecinet ;GeGKilnbrell ,3.00 Sheriffcreditedtoamoantofrebate,

"'KE IWl?EHPH~1'jlE.t\, , 27 ' 33' 35:0U No.8. Marthl Chavez 3.00. ~eport of Licenses, aSi.sseti. by----. • \'Vhit(:·;J~![.~ ·c. l 29 26' 27. i..'.).') F I> L I, '?.OO 8.s~e~iC)r for-June. and September

('Ci'Ulicate f" .. ' '. • . \. \. • :"OlI'j,ero y ueras ..... ,:;".'... 0 "l.ppn.'ilOldneut.r t "11 ddt·

t,. . . tj~~ho{)'1 ll'alndl!!.' . n ..... '. PRECJNO'r :NO 5 quar .eri. Ito. o"e a~. warra., ¥o.:.»r..'. t.h.e Coupt "of C' . N 12 26 u2.t>0.~ P.'eClllct IJ. B. lIathews ~.OO ordt-red issued for' commission there·

. . ;, '. . ~ ,) lU~:Odl, ew 16 35 40.75 r\o. 12. " '.~. lI€xl_~(). '. 25.' 19 23.75 G. W. IIendncl\1 3.00 of, $1~.75 ..

'. J, T. B. lIcCt)urt, Sup'riuf,en";f!l1f' . T. C. Tillotson 3,au Boa,rd adjourned .tin 9 8'c1co\:0.f Sr~hoo),:) for &,,' 1U"', .t,·l h .. ;.k roee(~d:n~~ 01' t'le .liIoal·U ut ()6unty. PREeINC'I' NO 6 a. Dl.~ Oct. 6, 1891'

• . ~~H· ~llU), t 0 d ~- i iComDlll!U"ii.!)QU~l·S, I .by cert f th t I h IA '11 R hI"00 Purlusnt. to adJ'ouronllnt, Board

. ~ 1)' a ave du1v ")plJOr . H Ii t 1 '. . .L' l' t .l1,. 10. ar( son v.• . . 'J ' I· .~ I a ..lncom~ ll1CO n coun y, \IIT I L. t t 9 0 t L 6th 189'1

tlolled tIle 111e 1 I 1 • 'Y :I lltnble li ,. 3.C"0 me a a. ro., C olEler ., •. , ;0 ~ nora Se 11'0 fund of N r M. '. 0 >t t:: 5 h A U '01 .. . J •'d v (Hl tXlCO, C otJer \.. . . v ,} E' 'L'

sa.1 Couuty on this' 5th da\r of . t b' .. 1 t th f' pnuelllO ueero 3.00o 7 1· eBIg a l'e~u ar e~'Ul ereo.·•,ct.ober, .. 1891. The aUl0tll1t ot ) PREOINCT NO 7

'. • . PRESENT I A I

"loneysubJ~ct to such apportion- J .,' II' '.1 Ch'.' C. 'McDonald, .' , . .. " I'. Inl4. fl, a,lrnl ..ln. J B Fl h'

m~nt lS l~o Hundred D, liar:;' Ranlon Llljal),,' r.fember of Board. . . , t'tc er($200.,00).. The tc,)l'al Humber ofl I) "'" R ..::oL ·ft' J. D. Smythe. ". t)Ot~rts; . ~ len . .perSODtoi of school a·'e l'S 1 lH'O rrh"" G' S UI k I PREOINCT NO 8• - ;1..'tJ • ,. '(.'0. ~ ell~, et . ,.r~te pel' &lcbolal' is $O.l~ '27 leO I AL" t 1\1 I> 1M. I' .J. B. CollIel'. h' h" 'lAo Ren .. r. au a)er. l'h' B 11

",. W .1e IS. ap.portlone~ ~o thfi severa 'Prc~e~dillg::iof lalt s{:eSlOll read I . as. ~ UIchool (hstncta alS below d J ~. M. I arker. .. an approve~.

'r. tl. ~oCoenT: Now COn1(-'S. Slpio Salaza.r and PRECINCT NO 9C~JUt1ty SUpt'rintelldeut. turns In warJants,"school ord'-ra and AIr. Ilnllt~r

IrO. O~"· :NO. OF d' I" f' J as A.. Baud.DISTRICT.· C' )UpOl1S an reC~lV~S <~re( it t llereo I h F II

SCHOLARS. A~rO{;NT. • 1 1 · d l' 0 n i. - (mson1. 68 8.34 Hlt16 ~evt'~Cl eOllnty fun ~, to WIt: ~ !)1{:ECrSCT NO 102 UegulaI county Fu»d. I ., . '

68 8.34 W l' t E"':'80:-1) Juan F. Chave~ y frJl110•.) ~5 ar an S Cit I .0,,", J "Ill' d .t. 6 7.9~ S 1 1 F J ~ ose l!f Iran a .4 00 C 'WI,) 1 un · P l' • A 11

o '. 9.82· S hId) . ~2401 ~2 0 lcarplo net. ar:. ~ '" C 00 or ere '1..0 . 1U Q.') 4.2H . PRECINCT NO 16 40

Roadfi ar:d ~l'1dl'es Fu-nJ. T t;~T II ·14.91 R d d ~8- 00 . n'. en y

,., 31 00, or ers. 'P U J 1\1 V, 3.90 B d 1839 F d OBe.i:. egao 1~ 1 OIJ Bun W L I) 1o u 18.52 Coupons $814.00 .. ar {er9 66 8.10 S . I /1 PRECINCT NO 12

10 14 1.72 peCla vount,. Funu. J H 'B' 1·COl1pons and or,lers $1625.0 U' R' B~ndg la~n

11 58 7.12 'Th c 11 . b'll 1 J" Ie EHU,\n11.:12 96 • e 10 OWIng' 1 ~ were a 10wea J'1 R"

..l IW 3.19 t th d' d ~ . 01n IrIS",1' t . i 0 e un ersIgne' .lor cn nVe)'lng :..~H fit ached to No 8, unbrg.uliZt·d L 11 t L f " , ill l. Thp follOWIng b'lls lV"re allowed14 41 . 00. 0 I»XeS ~'O n c:ert{ d 0 Cd ,0 • l' •

15 ....3· 5 03 \lla.ee~of vot in;.!, in the ~pl:'chl1 elec:- to the underslgnea f01" serVlCeH as{) 6.50 tion IH':d on Julv 2<.1 1~91 clerk, in the special t'lection held

]6"'5 9 .' ." ,D 4.2 'rhos. C. I{aYd. $1.00 I July ~d lSg1.

17 41 5.03 C. \V. Wingfield, *1.50 I ' PRECINCT NO 118 50 6.14 OhaB. Fritz, $1 00 Ma,rtin1u.no Lujau19 35 - 4.~g ,1. F Hinkle $3'50 \Y. F. Blancha.rd20, 42 5 t5 Itarnoll Lujan $1.50 . PRECINCT lCO 2;1 53 6 50 I \". F. Blanchard $2.~5!Pedro S~t~C-h:S22 21 2 57 " "$150; Jose lI. 8e·.hllo23 8'" 4,~..)9 ' . I tl

~ - D '1 . \\~. HC~lIley $1.50 I PRECINCT NO v24 24 2.fl;} \\'. F Blanchard $2.25 O. "T, \Vingfield

~~ ~: ~',~; The rollc~lV!ng hi~ls we:e ?ll'!Wlld EJpowlhlto Hp UlldtH'kngrH'd for delIverIng bal- PRECINCT NO 4:

27 3~ 41')'":.; .\ \) lot. boxed tu cierk, from vl.)tiag J. P. R'lIIeero28 43 (I 27 I £.0' B. J)la(~e·, i.1l tht~ special election held [', \V. roekwa.y29 48 5 89 I,fu " .2d 1891. \ . PRECINCT NO 530 ,35 429 I Jus; ll. Sedillo $:2,0 1 , I R F. Berry31 4~ 5.65 'I' Chu£ol. \V. \Vingfield $3.00 W. W, Paul32 4B 5.8B Gt\(). K.mbl'ell .. $1:()O PRKCINC'l' NO 6~3 . .' '47 5.77 J. B ~Iu,tllOW9 $7,(,0 Dorntpo LUuero3~ (unorganIzed). tJoHt-' J luad() $B.OO ·Jo'3e Juxado)30 21 2.57 .J. P.N'e·'hlt 1• $8.00 PRECINCl' NO 786 32 3.93

'" , a.1har: Il,.ll *4.50 !l 8. A. StrJllg

"4 6' 6'),?; - I J, D. SrtlJ the $10.0.)'·1 W. Prude .88 21 2,57 I J OS~:l ~1irJ.t\(la. .:ic-3 GO PRE'jIXCT KO 839 26 BI9 T.\VHt}·tle'! *3.001 E . T. Collier

, ~ert1l;;te of ApPol-7:0IuDI~.nt,02· I Gen. ~eHl ~~tl OO! E. 1J, Ozu,nnet!iebool Jj'unds. The f<Jliowing billR were alIllwl'Hl PRECINCT NO 9

....or the 'County .\)(Lincoln, N. A-f. fha un,)er~igl1ed ~el'victlS as .fudges J. P. NelsoHt, T.,B. 'McCourt, Supprintendent cfeJe b@J1~ in . the sp8cial electIon' R. \V. Sa1lnoa

..., S9boolttl for said County~ do here, held iqly 2J, 1891. PREOIXCT 'N'O 10#1Jy cert.itjt t~'d I have duly appor~ PBECI:\C't NO~ 1 ' 1Miguel Maes


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Page 4: Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...~ lOll u !~ 1l--! case I''; one fJ le pensE'S, Thie is a. shek tri~k, but lags it Qmocra . lTI'yRt'eries or 11letH llurgy, for t,lle






. ,

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, ~',\' F:: ,1:' ·T;t.,"Y,'T"'\)-'l;·.'" "'F"" ':F-',I1I1~. -t: ~.,. T' /" .~ ~. 1< " " , • ~ ,\ ' ~ , ~ ,,' T , " : ",. • " • " ~' , , •

AkP'" ~ , " 'I';"~ , ...' '. '-fI', ;.. , '.,' & _. • ~' . $ !II ,. z ...,.,£...-.....!I',v~":"'j· ...w. "., t!\Ak pJ; XIIII,hi..1l!I.. 5 to. SCI'. >"i~~V:.M,.. (I, 4, tAl J W":.,. ,,!!!e,e '1!'~~J'I!!$tft' !'!!Uf ' __~~,_.\_ !?... , . 2:." , ,..... ,..,.__._~~_._- _~-- ._.....,.~-- ..........--,.~.. " .....,.. .. •••._- --.

'::;',' ..:,,',:;,::.•~,:.•·.;:;1tJ.··'G,.··A.a.~~,·.·~.:'D·',Jl·,.?,·,'.k~J.'::'L~,$.=t¢+,T- I w·'. H.l~'JET>~,[N. o(.~.~A")'K·)........ 1,r.JNf.\,? ,l,," .;):lot:r/.·..•a~.3... .\ ~poch.li" Ihe D"llV.t n<,;pnbli- 'Oliv l'!'illllil II!\~ hid.it.edal.tt"r b. .Il.eA 1.,Llo.,I. I '" ·'f. '- ~,!8H canf.·t,ruian t/~' Feliay~: The iOV~' j the }-~vf~ru,l judces' ilL the territyrj'". , .' • c.' I'" .. '. • .' ". eruor's annual rep~;rt to tlle iJlt~~ior: ur:I.Jng them to hold terJl~slof co,~rt'·

~~1::.*:ro.,..grJl8:L:~~!~~r:dJp:ii~ White O.k. LodR", D. D", .A. ~. &; A"d epart~ent, '" hieh b 8SOtH: 11 pied a lin the st;;wal conntit;;s, eV'!l if ,only ,8~~~~tfloJ't',. .' II lienJamlnH.. 1.'~OJl?~B 11\1:., hol~s r~pg111nl" communwd.tl?nl:J on, !(10d d~ al (Jt t.ime wai i1lli:--hed and! for a few cla'ys.-Oit.ilen. ifohi~tJu~tlce,;. L c> .,J.H.OB.fl~n ehe'FIRsT and THIRD Silttudavs In ennh . ". .,' 0" . r I' I • 4f

... ... " t"'~··D. Lf'ei"' month, at 'Young &; TaJiaferro's ball'sta:tlitd,by t.\1;\,lLff)1' V.a..~.jllgtnll, I Thl~. K,nigh~8 of (Pythias have;4~.•..lat8S.'. l~.~h.. UP...~s~.J.s.l!.le .. , Vi~dtiDg bret.hrenarewelcome.d., ,II. t, hi tt,verYd. cO!.lipr(~.hl'n.~l\..e .do,'Ha- i' ~.(.)tl' n.'t, thr~Jo and on.-t.hirdacre~of.,.;, '. " ,'. ~ A.lfr,ed

7tIfreeman ~' '. J. B CO~LIEl, \V. 14. ment, lull of fal't~aqd ~t·:9.h8t1f,.~f'j,,· land rH' a celnet.ry. 'rb. ground:'

ettrv61Q' . ser;nl,·' . 'E.i. F. Hobl.\ft I JONES TALTAFERHO, Sec y. l'trlC"l 1.1'1 T't"'S a l'(nnple~~ 8U "l mary of t· 1 '. "t t d' t ' f tbUnite,d at Oolleeter, Levi A. Hn~hes , ~ • .. ~ ~. I . ~.', '. ..' , W111l: '. 18 81 m\ e JUS. east· (). . tit(J'.S. Dist .' 4.ttoruey~ .. E. A, f.1'isktli MRS. NE _ILIE WILSON. tha condlhl'Il of N.... w ljex11'v .~Iid cernb:f,a,ry w:n be fenced i ..nd lBoid'~,U 8, '.Mllrsh04 , ,,' rr-lDIdad Rnn,lerQ .1

1its profltleSlII d urin<" the yC:;tr, AtUOllg· '1 ,,' ,

'.&eg.L'dOif,bto'l"aFA, A.L,M.rriEoll " , M.' outHl HtS.&ec. fl" " Will. Berge1' mILLINER l athol' recorn~end~tlollij hy t11ft gov-l ' -----.- ....---- . ",~g." "LUi CruoA", ~. P. Mc?rea ' " ,. / ernQl' aTe thQ ad ulilJsi~h of New I' GfHlflt Ell MllDai~r ~'~', 11l)!l~b ..,

.:. .eo., ", . U ., Qmnby Vunce AN,D ;) . to has' cloaed llC'''ohatloui withB8g. If ~'neawelt \if, S.C'bObD . ' ,./ , lIttxlCO as :ii' stat.~, ·the ~l.lr\'ey and "n :.,:' ., '... ' ,•••• ' ,... ", ':l'llUk Lesu~i.. , DRESSMAKE.B, i raarkingoi tht' ~ouudtll·'y line ,)Il the. I~o~ace ~', flop.es, the well-kllownaea. u .. I'el"e,'_. ',' T. B~ BaldWID . , ,. ',9 Texa~ iidtl, th t} re-od~upa tion of Ft. : (:~ vll !"n~lllt}er~ jor th~I,"l1rYeyof:~h~e

"!'JUtRlrUBIAL. A new sto?k of ~Ilhnery and Marc)', th.~ ilntn~diaf.e donz.lt'i'ol1 or hn~ from \Vhl.t~ Oak:~ to Las ~eJ];a~..1iMt.ra"1l8ral~ ~ .,'. E.L: Bartl~~t! fanCiY goods Just re~eIved. . the ("Jhou} lande'. tl:e amPltdn1 nt! Mr. Dopes' "lll .take the fie,~ as ~~t.AttolJl(l1,· RE. 'I wltchell Santa Ee OORSETS a specIalty ~ 1] t' sO'ln as his co"'ps can be orgaruz~'·d.

•. . E. C. Wade, Las Qrllo('s. '. 01. t he aUf COll rt act 1'0 ,. a,S 0 P'O' I : ...,0" J .. A. AnC~f\ta, SilvArOity Store In Bonnell Row, on WhIte teet iM.. ll'owntlJ'iI]. The reJ10rt al~v I-OptIC. C' '

" w. (1 \Vrlg1ey, B,aton I Oaks Avenue ~ . . . 'I ••. H If. t3alizar. La/", vem" ' • deaJR :t.t lefl~th wIth p.ubh. ~choo S I l\IrR. I\lf!tl"'shall Parker l~ abou. t to~r.l'iBn F I ino . .,. .. . 1· t . f. 11 • 1 ' I ·1 1Cllrk iupl'emeOourt, S. Bor~ttJ()rt ...~)CAI .. MA:r'rl~ns. lrng ~hon, c 1111a ~. nun it. ~grlCU,' ~''pen a ~ahool for small c 11 <. ft-n.,Sftp't Penitenriary' E Vv. '\Vine (p I . ..,. tllre alJd .toekral::'lI'l~ IParellts wlLO object to aellding their'.A.ijutant Gener.81 W S Fletch(;\fl CraDberl'1e~! Uranberne~!! Stew- • , h'll t '1"h 1TreasnrHf, . Antonio Ortiz y Salazflr I •. t' f" \;(TI . t O' I At th., rililroad c;Hlvent.ion held I) oung c' 1 (ren {) a put,; Ie fie 00,.l ~'t ' rn ., d Al ·d \ 4t.r tt) il Jl ~ (l {Sf ' t ·11 b I 1 f th' t· t..,\\,,1 er .a. rlD11Hl. ~"1. HIl I • at Las Vega~, ":.1 the . ~Oth in:-:t ,re. WI. e g a( 0 lR oppor unl'y 0v. a. I.'. Bav. Oollector L. A. llghes. I . b· , Eft' f . . 1 h ..J M t) (k '5

ulH 19' 6 xtract 0 nH1a 18 or portH fnvoraLh." to the ullmeth,tte· P a~e t enl un'.ler 1'5. ar er,

tJOUNTY. !sal~ at Dr. l:aden':-i Dn.lg Store, conoStl"uction of ~ hf~ ~'I)(ld Wl'r.~ nl~de; . ( are :tnd in fl. u6nc:,.

- Coal hods, 1rol1 w:ijJhtubs, Fire !t was votp.d ta reC(~lV~ apP!ICHt1()( ij I .J. P. C, IJangston, Deputy. Sher...

}Iteman Luja rshuvels, Stewart of \r.~~te Oaks:, ~or ~1l~I'V~Y of t,he, P)'f,po;\f:;e~ ,l:: 'e, H18~"; iff~ Wt'ut to til~ ra.n:m~d, l\l61hday,

O'....lio.~rB Pau,) l\i!lyer I . ~I' d I' WI-I \'IT ] h. ,~ that all appl1c.ttlons bt" rchrr~d to (l 11ondN] down wlth JaIl Jewt'h'y He.T. :D. Hmklo J.l I, an rt r~, , . If (;lee ,1\ e . l ' l of 0 1 j

Q I COUlIUIl ee CUlnpl)~el .' .J. I, ] h' '1 ould r.ot returll al lie butPre.ate Judge, :M. Oronin return d fJ'otH a trip to San Pt.·dro i 8aHI e j:,1. ,U ,Preba,ie 01.rk, Ge('r~l'tl Seunl ~,r. . lIoughton, gelleJ'~J1 rnallllger. ~l. P I would 110t give the name or tile ill-

., L'l • I:) s and LaR \ .gH~. P 1 1 J Y £1 ... f \VI· .\'r8li8118~r, p~JplO uHzar . • P s. HI\( . • .., \\ hit. I) 111 e I' d vid unl for whose 'oenefi' 1: e was.i'B~98or, Ge(lr~e Curry. • 1 "1 (> &l 0 1 T· r" I" . lr~ . ' • (. ' , ,~,'Ihoriif D. W, Robsrtl:l ~Il, an( }.tr~, ... , zann.. an~ fl. {H • B ge,le, a mau~t~<:.r WrlB C:A,l'rnng (}halnS &lui halJdcl1ff~,I\lp't Jf .clio.I. . IdOlnicilpu in their Hew lJous~ Ctl tht' a iih>, instruded to SPClll'e, tl,rough" • .• lr.Il'ir. Tunoteo Analla .' h· t t t f· 1 ( HA. sor·n as the bUell·Ilea .... ()f tIl". llor:.h s12e ,.,f town. H Hngl }(:eJ'~, it B a '~lne'l I) t le .., n .. to;l" ,'\00'

PJUlIGI)(O'l'. -,--- - 'reeOU1'Cep or t,he eOUll.tr)" throllglJ rouft Y\!ll"'unts it extensie.! will be¢ IoMiH.f , •• PMce. I. H. Pnrk('r A. Ridgewl\) is h.• viflg two rooms which tht line of raill'~>a(l i~ P"o- aHlI!{1" /oays President Jettrt'y, of

a.,.t, i.eriff. 1. J". c. L&n/iPi1.0n added to hi~ rel'idence on Ph-wer }.(.tt~d. ~jll('h other WQ1'k w~s ac- the D, & R. G, If Mr J~ff'j'ey will

~O.'D Y. HewOlti } street.. cOlll,,Jil41wd, Illlt Ole 'PJIJE:'l'S giying Ital\~ li iO."oIk over the coun~ry be-ileJlel:l Taliuferr.. a.Jaeel .irut.n. - rE. W. Park;,. R~v. E L.ywan fIO()d will pri"8ch an tt('count of thH pro"e .din:~s 'Nt re tW('~1J f!3anta Fe and Albuqu"'I'que,

l.hn A. BrotherrJ t 1·11 the Cou .. rewational ChUfth next received too Ir.ta for 'h,' full rl'llort' \rhhe OaI\s an.ll E~ Paso, he willtr••Wat~.n 1'le...a ~r..t *' n ,..,(to.~. Yeung j l$unday at 11 ii, ru~ and 7:80 p. nl~ to be copied. not fUll to be in~pl'.essed ,'itb th,eJ ••. l.ttll1er 1

---a_ il 0.- idea of extending hie road snuth-c. ()z,.ne .•·lnll.d...,~u..».t.r7_':eP;yr FOR SALE, at Ridg~\V ,y's store, H L. R()fol~, thto Tl']uidaCl gentle- ~lrtrd -.\few )I~xican.J r. Q. lAllpten. r " k d h)·' 1 . I-...;...,;--.....;~"---------- Schol·l Boo s~ ~latIonHr.r~ an maR " (J t Hlll(ti t wro IS no pate • .

GO-oft DATES. School 811ppliekl of all kiuds by, an Ntrth f:O rit'h, int~r~~ting and . H. L. Roes, the .well. kll l,..,vn tnlls u

• I. "')(.»IlITI\Ift'G.~.". John J. McCourt, allog ther delightful us tIlt' ~\ Ilite lInt! (>xp..~]'t of thIS Clt~, re~~rned-- ..) Oa.I\s ftlglGn. J'ur--t "iE-it<:'d b" him•. last w~(1k fr~m a month s Yl~lt at..

...... ~.-:rJrlli)(.ud~b.lt'.br...t., ~d lu ~Ir. Ai Pa.rker ~nd famiiy arriypd . I \\Y}·t 0 1 h b h b.........:z-,1. '1'-'1. wns a lJorth bOUlJJ 1)~iF.el,ver, to. I, n:f! a \:8, were ,A as. E'en~ .... - ~IU y ..sterday, 11r, Pdrker hai bought k th h f

..J I 1· ·)ff· tIll· 0 l' "1 b . rna . nl~ a oroua exalUnUt lon 0£ .. aV S I) rip ng ( .. 1n ., C" (f- , • '.. P't

..nWU1.-h....I1,~on.ray ia lla1 &•• Ne the hard ware stOl'e 0 the late ' r.. .. t be UP JH·.ral and ether rt-'~our(.'es 0 f"••Mr. 'c 10 L Peann In, h'f( e 7

l up P:0lr.~' tr~nn~.; In CI _jU; C' of that porLieu of Ne\v ~1~xico.Du.... J..'\l\-I.~.lUl~Gnda7 in Kal·... a.i Icp I ,. . .~ tkn \\ ith Fr~t IJ 1\: G. Rai b.:e, of the, Rtf $li"l.Lt·S that the only thi tI~ neoN,

....Wt : , ' . ' . T I Thi .Aul1ual R~~,)~j ot the County J Trinidad Atlvel'!itter, wllo is Unw ~ e~~ary t~ deyelop. its won.nrou.:;.sl£f«ail-.'fh,r4:dolulQ'.i.., April a.d No, I ~'.Ipel'lll~t-'nd nt, or t'ichOO'H, ld now :,«ast plll'c'ha"'ing the rJant, h~ viII: nchlHI 8S 18 the ratlroad ""lllch .18

..bar. :DIaTKICT OO'Oltrfi.. ready. aud was ~l:nt to thi~ OfIic~,thisllsoon .';.Irt a ~r"t"n col Inn., \ye- kIS \ JlOW a mt,t~:[r of BRuch ea.t'Ruat c· 'll!ud. . .. 1 .hi· , . !et'atlOJl. ~l r, OBS wai a('~om-

1M1...... u.u.,,-~eeolild 11.l1d~,. w lI.r.h. week, but 0\ 1 ,g to l~S ~ngt,. an Ipap~'r af ~ lutf' ~a~~, to be kl10wn \ pa[lit:'d on his"'return by J. Y. Hew-JiI. ~u II ..... 901' 1.S~.toa1b~r. Ithe lade of lINu,tt J rud for gethn1! It, tiS trw Old Ab", l!.JRo)p :l vt-'rv ,,'ppJ'~- '1 t .].r. f ,·ITh·t 0 k . t, ,. . . .'. '.. i . . _. ~".' W . i 1 a n( \\lle 0 It' : e . .~ S, wno nre .BMA:l'ri,-a-TairdKOndnYinKarebaadthirdIUPIHPrOPA\, form, Its publwIlI1011:prlHte na.11le, eonsldt'llU~ t.hlt i e n.. route. to Denver, and Mrs. Bnrber

lIAt&JJlayinl4.pt.mliler. . 'Yill be,delayed 'until the lJe\v p-t- ! ~,.ltitt' Oak8 is in L~lIcolt: count'y Iw~o f~ kuuwn cs the"C!ltt)~ ,~U!tl."'T~.-I.eondMondayaft.rth.ihlrd Mond~, per lS Isnttd, . una that the "Old Abe" nil tie lR the I of the l:,reat sQuthwest.-IrlOldadla llarlJh and the fo.t'tll eM. daT 11& ~epternber Ii .• . 11. •. . 1ChrDlIie1e.

T.&·~e"'l~ c.•U.tl-.Fir8~alvaday iu AlIIil lAud vVe hnvt. had thi~ we~k the tUlex: ; Chl"'Af prod U(l('r III t,t,e t'alllp, It. 11 ,. ••.~.r. ..' . 1 I flt'cted plea~llre of gnJe1ing an Hc-I al~o ullder:-ttood that tl.,e materIal No.r!0E.IIbt. C;.G*J......7rui l(ondn-7 1. Kay and Noit· ~ 1· II f I Itt '11 I \J.- .r .' ,., . j qnt'lilltance fr,'lm OUI' old hdUlr',: anclgtlO( 'fin 0 t If!' Ij t~l:pre .er ~q i .Send your lSampl~s to be aspayedLiaanb. C•••'f-TJalrd u'••';' iii A)trB on, I{ill~iE>j', Kansas, iu the penon of Ibe ab~orbed by h, new Jl 1lbllsher•. !to Charles N. Anthony, Cll(~mi8t

O.~.r . \ .... I\lr.. ~ru,ntl Ll'ul!on, lIe ha~ C'·HJH.~ -OptlC. . . ,'a1?~. A!'isay~r, a.t Socorro, a. lJd y011ON.' C..dJ-,'1'~irdJl.ll...,bL " ••1111'.1', il.I1U I 1'. . V t k WIll get reltable and 11one.Q t returns

1ere 1,,1'0111 L'tS e~a8 () wor 011 C' \lil H· \\~... th . 1 ' t' 1 'I b'l.~l.d. '; :., . 01. n. ,'fled, e merC1Rn"IJy re t urll111aJ, or 81pt11(ln f ssu..

...Itax C....t!t--IoH••• 1I••d.l bi'K..... ';ln th• .jUff- W b~nldlngs nuw gOIng up Iprince of. \\Thite. Oilks, ul waYl-- a mall I pervhpd and check p~~,nY8<>u]adp.•.........r. here. ., InnH)llg rUP-I1,. WIll bpcomH a laP) I'e , r." ~ .•

, • '. }' 1) . G 1 . .. .. •• . . [. V 1 . j.~.. It arId I:rulclae~. '..... Co••tn 1 lh••a,.ia.4)trll ' . Th~ JW.P·~ ~~f t,Ht '\-10 .rill1(:,frpql1~nt.Vl"'ltOl·to -J.a.~ '-'gllsaU( a ThefadliLesoftheprC'sentd:tyforthfb~.... t'!l. ~Ld~~9 I. yalley YV1Il'1't''J ,l

1('Q t(.> Stile a 1l.11 01 1;-(1 gpr h"yp,' h.H fl. aft prfhl'D(Il)ver, prOductio.ll0fc.,\.poryth.iug'thatwillcoD"K tf P g8xter e ge. ,'0. I I' I ~-j fLO V I & E P 1 I' .l! " l III .". t t 1 ... 'al' •. ' . t· (l. d · roar ('0111 p;p.tl·g I'em Hlil egas to ! aso 8 \l,rt. HH-: 01 ruu W:I" 8 IH J ~ ....ce 0 .Ie ma..cn welfare and.co.mfort

" E.mghtB of PytlnRB, mee B. every Jon ... .. '. • I . '. •. Iof 1;j'"l1k: 1 1· t . '.'aad 'tll'rhutB lay ui~ht, at7:30 o'olock. EJ Pal:>(), If ~Ud1 ~ reHd 18 bt.l;t a hnve hf-1f'n c01U}jlet,ed to hlH secllntl ,., 'L """.... ..uc are ~...mos 'y.11!lmlted and.

.c..,. , '.~. • . d . d ..'. 11 • d 1 dI 'f ·h·· I' ,Y'Ilen S~~up of PH~S wa'" :ft"'st producedVwitmll KDl~.h.t.R af.e. oordlally Invite.. branl.'h run. fro It! tfu:-- CIty 1\"0. u. ( o. f (;onlltr\'~ Ull (Hl ).tf,!." y.onH. () . t... e I ·f· ·~d· '-"h.· ~ :. . ...\ deC .". 'f," . , .' • • • •.l!'.:} '\'70~.... was cune ed WIth the ou1y

J ~Hne~ ReI • ~ t~1' th(~ maulh»e, l,n a Vfl'y gL()l'\ Ir'wheHt ,Hn(l. mO$t PI:001 ISHl? Oll t.hH I l::'0.:·fect la.~::r..tlve~ known. as it is, the only•__ ,'. :'. ,T08.II.~?ltema~1. ,~. of R. (1'; ~! tlllle,. a.d a.nother from SOC(,HTO It(~rl'e..strl.al. to.at ff ~Q ,--'0.ph ..·• . I~ut::l;~1:... v.rll1ch 1$ t.uly ~lcnslng and re-Q. A. R. Keafncy,.po~n., ~o. 10 !woHld b. hOlIt. ~tlch a ~YHten\. .l . ..1 I; tl ~ 1\1" J '. HI hi rC."''''.l1lI.lg to the tn~te ~nd prompt 2.11d.

' , . 1&-" d···· 'ht to , .. ,j ]. l;l ',h l' f·. t· I L~n appJ,e 0 ,1f" "~ ,11qen s .11~. 1::Tccb1Gl to c1can~ the system cut! i' J..f.e..tB ..0» ta.e 1Q8t .'/.U. on 3Y tillS ' (, '.. \'\I (..H.l.l.. ".. 8•.UPP ) .t le \\ . 0 e 0 c'l"[email protected]\.'fi.l'IP. tv \~..P~~h. :.t.)g..nl'P. p.I)\1PV) Hn(] Or\Pj' ' t. .. '.'. "'. ..g., 1..;tlall It "I,tail at the '!'6Jwn. Hall. }Ne,\v ~Iexieo wi r.h flx('ellt'nt rui':rot\.J I n~lll/~!~ ~ IlH'\folft fit this oHi,:~u by S. E, .:~: :~~~l~~gtt}rml.:~~~.~:f3C~:t.a~y tiWtt

. . . '. ' J. f). o. .Lj,~.3'%0lt. PO! . .. • '\' . ' ... ~'.' . . ~'. ".--"1. l......... oJ.... .... . .. ..... ~yWC more1'~, ,.'. . . I fu.eH.dl1u-s.---Alh. CltIZf)D. I V\,eldlt)~~ of Tltltl.ros~~!1:;.~r!tot b,,~ . .J .J-C", U4liU ~,j" . A.-I J l ' . .,,


.' .

. ,

, , (,-

,. ~' .

. '

~', .

Page 5: Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...~ lOll u !~ 1l--! case I''; one fJ le pensE'S, Thie is a. shek tri~k, but lags it Qmocra . lTI'yRt'eries or 11letH llurgy, for t,lle


, ,'I



-- .T;.-





. .'.


,,( ,- '.

• ;., .• J I


, ..



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, .

M. G.


Pure Wines and Li..uora rer Medicinal


'?Vb-its Oaks ~.::bI.t.

BOlrd'by the ~eek or month.BREAD AND FIES

211ways on hand.


~:\ ,

"'lN'""~''k ' '"I' \>., I, ,.

t...~. I l "l " ""~.'" 'F' <J' .,y" .. ; ,';'\. .; , ,

." ../.. ,.::' , .,'. 'crJ~' '~~ '>:& . ~', /~ t:" a .~" ,''f? ~~. 15';"17 ,.S ,.t.it.,.. .'. ~.u" ot ." '. .'. .' ... " ... ';, '.' ;"\~,'" ' " .' "", ,'" "'."",' , , ' . "" ... , ,,~' ,,;'

" ,.' ~ '. 4'-11Jt'·!'Mi.I!;lt'-C.;,.•\i.J.!!~. ~l1"~~~~..L~_,...'~~~--£~!'!.TP .,I~~'.~~"'~~!~!J;" ,_~"_,,,~,~.!*',~~~ ,.'. ,'~ .:..L~~i!~."",+!-=«""""_.J.4;:,," ,.1. 'fbb~. El.Ibanlc4'!j$h~j:tly !lppohlt~;l ~ til:· . '," .. .120 oq 4\ 13. Wl\tt~rs"'l' "$18.75 Ip,.··.'.··.·~.···'U''~' '••l···'~a'~h;~ .,:~:~::::~1!~o,:;:~~:'~~lttt;~:I~~:u; I ~~:~~.~h~lUI~s',Furnitul'~ rOk;)t3~i,,:. T"Gra,;: JDilea;QaS:it~::9J.;'i ....•..~ •. : .. '; ..;LV..L .,.i;I~,'~ ..

'. ..': '.' ..... ,' '. ' . . . .. '. • . to . '.'. tl:

,1(.\". a.Y~lY~"tbe fni~it~lr\' p 'st. aud J(~hn" N:~w,~omb, taldngcal'e' of' p~ Court. *.3.50' . '.throu..~1{~n~,:ac,foo8~'M)e, R,o f~onito, pl\lper ' l\ ,"2~>'~O ~()hnA. Brown, 18 hereby rebat~d

(In<l t<}\,inter~ec't with the \!hHe,'Lihertv l3.anner, printing for C(H1n- \;:tt?{l.65 on Liquor license the saIdOak~ 8t~)ge row 1. si 1 'l~iJ1 .• il. " k~ ty, $14:> 2t";~~lloW~(~ ft'n' ' 96 ..~0 a mount to be pa.id .'c)ut f).fr~g~lar·

gl a'l,lti~n~~ right (if w'a,y th '<):lg'l hii'-ll Geo. \Y.' Pi:~ppin, l'~pltiriug road county, fund, the. sa!:nea,pplie8; to·, land'~nd agref)in~ ttl pa.\, Qnl'-hH:r Pl·peine t. (1)' . .f() 6f>.OO., licen!'\e of Gyrll,1 B. 'Afoore, 'rebated,! '

, , ()f the. co.st of ch~ngi,n,' said. rn.:ul; Liberty BuuDer, pdnti.n~ for eoun-\I $3.35 and Yfurrantei ordered' is:sued:l .. ' .clerk 114 hereby ordl:~red to fllrtu~h t\", ' 5 80 therefor., .s~id Eubanks with a (Wpy of thl~ D4t1l1e~I'i~:, Perea, salary as !.. il"r I': Petition frl')in Pr~(lin(~t No 7 aRk-I ~IVEI'tY, FEED APiD SAtE STABLI

.' ord.r. ! (6 111()nths) , 4n9.00, Ul~ for a aew road froln Upper Wld.ie 'll.kfl~Teau••

.._ Bttchers' Bon\ls fir-G. W. P 'pp:n ~ Jn8t'! COld '\ba, Hervh~es as J. p, 87 60, Pt~ua,sco .to IiiHon, rejeet.ed, pen- G.e~ Stick and Good RiIS,'..Treat &; Gibbenl, and O. O. D ,vI8, I\V'. R. Elli lol , pallltiog- jall roof 12.00 tion l n0t, nll.l.de ;.in accordance withexam,ne(! a~nd )'. j 'e(I'd, the ~anw Lincoln CI.). Ditch, water furnished \ the la.w.· ~ .~\ "

'1 not bHi:n~nlade in'(:o,mpli,U1C(" with (;/}unly 30.00 I Fl~allk'Coe' is herehy appnlntedlaw. ~. , Sipio Sallzar, sal,1l'y as Trea~~-: R1ad Sl.lp~rVi81lr for PJ'eci~(·'t No 3 O"h.aJZS'&.J:ili.&.OD.a~~.

I ' "'A....'••'••#••#·~.·\ ..,.....,..~."'.·b".,..' ••#.d·......\"""~~ ........'fhe fo'.lewiog- hi 'l~ 'were alto ,,:pd tHer 2;"0.00 and .r4~red to qualify aceordin~ ~o, .

I ath~ w~l.rrantB orderel! issu 'l~ there ISipill Sala~fJ.r, cash eXpfJl1dHd f~r law.. ~':. . fRa.s taulor:,' county' 8.45 , Peter !\I.lck~<;,l. rebated ptnalty,' . .. tJ. P:.C. Langstoll fO:1d w()r~, Pr(-'M Charles \YeidulJn, fecQin~ prison-I'on aesersrru\ut Qf 1891:. ,'\

,Clnct ~o" .~, ~ ~~ilOO 00 I t-rs 27 .30 Tht~ or~e" hpretofore ~iven by this~J. 1-. O..LA,ngston, ~('rVl('e~ fiR Charles W e"idman, expr~s~ t har: Bf)a.r(~ to. ChaR. Littlefield, Road Ali NUE.

depnty shenff. 6: 27 ges 2470 Supervisor. in Precincr. N'l. {~ toGeo. D. B(;l,rn;l,rd & C 1•• Stat1on: qharl~s vVeidman., ~l)aterial to rO'li'a 1,)pP-lI tb,~ Henly road is. hf),l~eLy re-

ary for county.. 1742£? Sllpp rvlsor . 1644 i voked.S~ ~1. Parker, t:lervi\'es as school ·\V. F. Blanchard, Ma.king Prp(·inct i The following bills were allowed

examiner 7:50 Map . 2000' and warrants order~d iS~lUp.d th,"re-S. 1\1 Parke1·, Nwv:ee; L~ Jt1S;IC~ iSa,me, SlHv.>ying Va!e:lcia and Lin- I for.

of the P~a~e ... ~, Ai) ,coh. Co. line 165 no: Geo S(3na Salary as Oounty and~I Cronin, nl"rehaIJ(A.l.~I" fll 'Ill~hed ICi 1 c t "'000 I P 1 t Cl 1 1lo°01t 00t 84";"0' ",.I lne, wor \' Jor conny'. . ro)a e . (31' t. ';llM V

CO~~. YCronin: sa!ary as Proh~;e IS.. me, eXrJenge:; running COil nt"v ' U "work for c"onnty 1$11.75JudO'&.. 10000 line 230:-34 " Cas'l expended fllr the {'oun

P~dro Salazar; work for coun- Bitme, flurveJing and 10) iug o~lt It.y, ." 51..92 i

t 19 00 road 16 riO J. F. HInkle, si\lary as Com R1l9-

Y'D t· p . ·r·' t; 'p .loRe }lon1ano, lumb.cr fllrniBhpd !liiOller. 67.50eme rIS tj!·PH. n eJ pre pr . . . 77 '. " 0 0t 4000 county 11. Paul ~Ia.y~r ' 6 . 0

Centr . . I • J. 1 00 1'> L . "u r.: 00Rosenthul & ("0 nwrehatvli..:e fnrw Su.m~, SerVlCPi-l as rOrlu re,·wwer· ."anton! uJ;\n 01.

. h d'· ' t • 1-0 00 J~ rnil Fritz, " "." 1.00 Now cOlUe~ Si piG 'Salazar. Tretl-. DIS e coun·... , ., .W C · ff .. r r 0 In t B )ard a ijollr·l1ed .t.ln 1 I) t:LllJk p m.. t1urcr ()fTI~n<~oln C(Jun ty N, M. a tldIn. a r \'. l' t n 1J\.~ 0 (. I - •

ty.c' 1:,)'00 PUJ"su:tnt to adJolll·nlnent B..>a.rd l'(,lp.,r ts recei.p.t of $11,38( 85

. Frank I.Jesnet a hs' rnet~ fot, CIHU; met at 1 p. n1. nnlount dup fl·om Ch was county. :DEALElt 1)1tv 6 80 The !ol!()\ving bills w.ere allotvetl its ~hare of indet ,dnes,; to Li lil.'l)ln DRUGS AN!:> PATEN'j'MEDICINIiS•• B 0 ft \X-t -I rf ;-uld warrants orJeretl Issaed there- Coullty, a$ per ftlettleUl(Hlt at 'Lh~

a nero ,', 111 lie'" & \J"O, .]. urybox.:s ' . J 200l) for • DflCf- nlbpr 1830 term of Board of

Boal'd aojour ell till '9 a. n1 , OcL .~)hn.J ohnson, Interpret~r.1~1) Ct,unty COlt1 nli~f:ioners. This elLS. GLASS. AND ~tJTTY.

"'tl 1861 of..... ~ollrt.. 2 O. Board hereby aCI'epts, the same, and, OlIOICE PRl'lFlJHERY&1l'ANGY'1IULl':'IAltTIOUII.

t 1. ']' . r B. J. B.lcn SerVl~E'S R8 Hchon1 P-X', re.leasfJi CitaVI,j~ count.v frOln anv'Pursuan~ in nnJ JllrnnPlIt 0 VI'R-. . ~2 50 . ' • FineT()11ctAeBps• .FIairant1Too~kBru8h'j.

t d B 1 I t 9 )" Ie k nOHlIer ~. IflHthpr obli:!ati()n~ in the pr~mi8P~~t)f ay oa:' <m· vUl1e H (,. t· (., W' \IT 1 . D t .-~ .. ".. • ..J , 1 .. 7. • r\' 00' 8, s(~rVlce. a:- f epu y I C'erlc 18 hel'eby or lered to furnish

a. m .• Oct. ,tn. 18.) . ·~~h ·ff $26 20I, ••

Pre14er.tt 3.1; ~ne n t .r~ of BO:-l,)':i,/ ~. r1 • . ' (' ).. nhnvp!I' county With certlfi~d copy I. '. 1 J,'hn !{ 1 y, -:;~IVl('(to3 3 to: onE'ta of Uds prc1ceediJlg. • .__

ShB~r.l1ffl· ClfnJd G eK" {:)I R )'1.... ..1 r 1 IhIe. $10.81 County Tl'pa~l1r~~ is herehy ordered.. (t-347)·

10 a~· '1) ').~ re!~() !Sl ~~u, I D V R 1 • • TEl . ~ '1I..'TOTICE OF PUBLIOATIONf h" . . . \. ().lflrts) C01\ ve.Ylng • \Je 1.8....


. Ll p..l:1ce frotl1 the .()n~.r pall} by .1.'1 . •and aliowed ,t;6 uO It' V'I :llocnng . , l.91S 00 .. . \> LOtRo 1 N 1\""

. I Llnd fo a sy"um." ~o \.. _ ( ha les county, t.h~ JU~ of $5000,- AND· FFJC.£ a Bwe 1, • .1YL••

court docket.. low I) 1 rts Feedl·l1g t'lr'IC;O'n"rR 00· 1 S . I' C I""] d Od., 15, 1891.. •..•• I,-j. • :\'o,e, It' lutle.peCla Olltlty ~unIJ,all I ....The followl n -! b:1 ~ \HAf 'd.l"ell$22c) 50 I h b 1 ~6')84 85· tl R 1 NotIce IS hAreby glvon that the follow-

and warranh-: otdel' ·,1 i:-;sllt·d t~ ere- ' D \'tT R. b t ChI' ....: III e .,1 anr.:e Gt' i.J .IU le. tagu ar ing.n.amed Bettler has filed notIc.e·of hiB

I ;v·.·) er S, HS pxpencwc C()llI1tv, FUl1d • t t' ,. k £i 1 f . t't0r: .." ~. ' '. J' " . .• .' . In f'~ .lOn _to mn e na ~roo In F;ll.ppor

i E. C. Wwl~, g'lb, \' a.A D1Atrict ~ for county. . .' ~31.~0I rh· ~olltritl~t to rongh ca~t. C Jlut ()f hIS claIm, and that sald'proof WIll be. ~'l:.(, 00 Ben PrI,rker, pf-lV1Ce£, as constable. I Hous~ II!' hereliy let to Geo \V. Pep-I made before Gporge Sena, Probnte Clerk,

Attorney .' ·~~u. I ["'4 55' I.. .,' I to L" .. I N ·u· ".' d ....T ...)• . • ('j ll:i. I 1'1 nat. 30 (·etlt... H. ~q~lara yard, to a J mco D, . ..lU., on..-on ay. .1.,ov. OoIt

W. A.. Hnwklna;. s't!a.ry aA Dl:-',t J \V. Prudp. services as. J ll:-,!-ice Igi V(;l. a hond of $500,00 for fa~thful!1891" ,viz; Saturnina Torres de Padl 14 ,

Attorney 100.00 p' cr.'57· f. -I k IE:ome;-;teaci No. 113 (R. S.) for the Lot~B ' '~L Th(Hn l". c(-1l't,i 'er.l cOl,if')s of" . p:lce . .'.'. ~ I pe;'formance 0 :-ame, f'i:.tl f

: WOl' to I 2, 3 and 4. ~ ec. 19, 1'. 9 S. R.14 E • .a.IHl·.f891 . .~ 1(1.00 JO~I~ NeWCQInh r.al'ln.~ for.pltn- )bticOnlvlflted by the 1st day. ,DJ·ls.E.MN.E'!4,~BC.24,'.r9~.R.13E.

La,'V~ : :,.\ I", ~~thrv HS ....chonl' P?r, $72.00 ;11 1owerl for . $50.00, ctHnber, 1891, . He n~mes t~e fol1owi~g' witnesses t)

T.'J.?~~"G u, . . Hj'"' r;o rho~. I{ayf:, Interpreter In ·Jn~.;hce I Boq,rJ adjl/llF:lHl till 9 o'clock p. tn, Ipreve hIS contllluouB resldenca upon andSupern:tenot

;'11 ~ ..1.0 Peace Court.. $4.00 I PUr~\I"lnt t.o adjo.urn lllt-nt Board I ouhivut.ion of, said land, viz:T1.. B. MC(iourf, ",~h expprHle:~ fl.)r, Tl- s Ka '9"~ . '.' .~ (6.00 I '.. 9'." . k '.. . l' ILuis Al'chil1eta. of Lincoln, N. M..

, . 11.30 10• (:. ~. '. \ Uleti H,t 0 CioJ: p. In. ,Tl1an AUU1'6& Silva of ""

cou.nty .' p . U,' I .f ~ P. Nels Hl, serv ces as con8t~\ble. Bon. d of .Geo.. Vi. Pepp. in to rou{;h .Jose H..errE'..ra of' No~tll u·Ne'fl( 1tI<',,{(~1l1 llntn~ I). [*11tjJ".::' '" "••... £' ,.' t.t I 7::3 75! .' ... 0 east Court" HDUiOC, ~ppr()ved.. Enlogio Herrera, of

\:.\ PnntIng o~. ,e .... 7'400 Dr. .T. ;~r. Bane~ter, Profe8;410nal Bill pf Fllomeno Griego services WYINFIELD S. ConEA~,.Same as dW\TI"" fr Su rveyor ~ J7' Or,: ..' '. .

• -, A." , 6 50' s r\l'i,·eR. . .. .... .qpi; .. 'D I a~ Depu~y ~hel'lff,. allowed, anel wqr- Reilste;·." ;, t\ "·fo:~Sl"'OI • 'r or· I'I l' " . rl . '. ,

'. '. ..... " ,. ~ 69 "'0 I r,.". en ey, re.,ll~ln,~ r~l, rent ol'dered Issued t beH'for,SCh.lCk (~S;.l)llg U Ul t.y. u ·'1 Prerinct. No 11... $000 *2") 1-'0 ~

John 'lho',·r:·.~,()n. rotcl "ork, I'r.-- V7tlf H' 1 ... ' J... t' I - .. I ,,', ....••.. .' ". 4400 I T, 'v . en ey, serVlces as • "s HIe There being no furHwr' buslne~8

cu~ct No, 1 ... ' . . j f:lf he Pp3pe. $17.60 the Boaru adJourr.:ecl ~it)e die.loaa TOl'·r·~I~ , <iN1i11 t), l"el\ lees as B P·I· . 't hI' . ' .

I. ~'01\"" .. ~, .., ". r'1- .. ell. ,lr,rel', serVIces ('ONS c.t eo Attest; . J. ;B\ HnlKLEConstable . ,:l8' [) [32.30 ..... .. "J . h st . 'l~ "llt'~' CP8 'l!.'\ J P 3 35 . ..' D' GEOltGE SERA,. Chau man()~ep ~ orn ~, H ( ... • . . . L. B. Waders, SerY·loes as ep-j .. C t 01 Ie

, IJL\cifie fIo~pitL\lt ca.ritl>l: fUl" Luna- ut.y Sher:ti'. $25.10' OUn y. .~r ...




• ,,

. .,~.\ ....... 'l'f,. '

I ",

.. :

, II

., "


Page 6: Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...~ lOll u !~ 1l--! case I''; one fJ le pensE'S, Thie is a. shek tri~k, but lags it Qmocra . lTI'yRt'eries or 11letH llurgy, for t,lle

! ~~

,- l.








SHOES Etc, Etc.


Nfw Home bt-h-lIlg !\laehint Cu"25 l\farkpt Stn.. et,


, GLOBE LIBRARIZS,fl1'l,« all the rJrmuirunt Magaihus. Choir~ and &lected Cigars, For~ignand Dom,estic, 1'oi~t Soaps (J,'Md PerT1(l1Vrit~, ClHnbs. H«ir Brush,s.

Playing CCtrd$, by th, pflcl. or g·rn.~,~, Albums, C!.lend~r «nd AlarmCZfJC'kB. Sled's "lld Poteils, (nd a 1J}~t or ,:1ulig/ll too KNm'rOltj 10


Wall Pa~era a 8~e0ialtyoPItas, S't" tn, a call and sell for yourltlj.

<0,/ r.:: '\ \



Ga Timoney.

Takl-l.'i plertsure ,:n ftnnounring to the cU£ZP11.S qj White OfJks and L,'nCOll1 cuunty, that r "·m in rtweipt nf tXt large c(mSi,(pfm~llt of Be/tOol Bo.ks

rOln the A},fERlf]A ..V !JOUK C(),WPANY. .Parents nnd Sttrud,"",s of School Di,,;tricts u'ill !lave their ordtrJjilied

p"omptly at prices fixed by thtJ Territorial School Board.I also have in stock a fine seleetion,qj the neu'est and I.it-st tditiott oj


Wllolesale Grocers.

IWOO], Hides and Pelt.I

I Ranc"'l ou·~£ttin~a specialty-


" " .. " ".> ••F I

-, .......~ ~~~~~~-_ ..---. - .._-~~ ..~._......,~~.~ .." ..-.-._,...... ;~ c

I:A ,r,,~::' FREEI"ct~d Watch .•

WOI·,h $lUO.t»U. "tllt $85watch 11\ tbe world l'"rfuc&til.lekeeper. Wlmill£ed heavy,

SOLID GOLD hUllcinlr callCl'J,Both ladh's' lind teut'@ lizes.,with worllll lind el.6S of

equal value, ON oK !·KR.'lON ineach 10oo1lty can sllcure 0110

~~.'ee, together wUh our largll


aild vl1luable lillllotllo,,·wlleid:San,ples. Thcw M1m\,ll'1o. nl weU

lUll all tho watel'. ure free. All l\le work you 1.119101 :)<) it to allow WRllt W. lind roo to th<>slt W1l9 ~all-yol1~

I foo,i"n<.l. a~1l1 HoigbbnrsalMi tbOBO Oh)lU you-lhlltII Iwa-y. resulte 1)"1111111910 trado fur 11'1 ....hleh 1t.6lds fory£l1rll ",Ill''' nuc:t••t'Irtod,

IIMd tkue ""e 1l1·(l1'Qpllld. We JIll' oU eJl,rm'Ii, f~i~t, etl:. After ,YfOIl 11IIOW till it "'011 wOllld nka to Il'. to ,,·....lr for ••• you~::a.n. (rool'! ~~U- to) S4)GI ~ ,,,"ek.~.:n'll' AcJ,o-Jr...I8tlin_as dl' Co.. au_~a. P Ii. ~aJae. I

.'. ~.-. ... ,'" ",I', .,.... ·,.,d"'.P..... I,

•PU'OJ~CD"'\A ~'dJ 1'0~O':) 'D f,nCfi atlo,;..pa ':'!J9nu \I! ~JP!dlU

9JQW 1!9-;)\JP,,"!'P ..~t}.a ~P~ 'aU !:Z;'O~'DW

ott .~~!J"p ~et\aJ~ ~9 ~UO!.rO"J.nJ,,"

GQfl~ .I1>~O pUP 4;1JaJ!l.Ct3 J~J9P 9'"hg AtJJPnuln:> .0fSp~ ~~~~ "9t}.!fS .I'

·aUIZBDem lIBllJOaOmSou.• YJ JnO)}'D ~z.nJP9j .~!.r.,t)J:JJt:) 1tWO~

"9 J~nw 9J~~ JP"cJl ~OP9W <i1~:tUc)W

G~ O! .a!~o~ GGG'Gtl 0:1- GQQ'~~ WQJjUO!JPJn-.>J!!) O! 9.P~,t'e)U! u\{' ·ot' CIC.J 0J!ym Jno~ Y:JJOC1.) ~~ :H '.I'o..h J..-de~ ~u!Jnp .~~~'t)n~ P JPu~tuou8gcl o.

'!Pg flP\! ~..,~y(,"Q ~JY:luotu P3JPJJ.nj~t

toffU 9VJ !.eu!WP~8 :lOU 01\'OY non ~.

$100 Reward.For the arred oj Jim Conner; he is about 5 feet 11 inchtJ high 30

y,aYlold. light "~d hr.lir a1Jd beard, sandy complesion, inclined to b

fre,~kled, kJrge thin nose, spare built, keen blue eyes, had on old boot.

f,Cifh ridgrd ltql, stf"iptd l;a-nfs C01nft1itied }dg}a~'ay robbtry in tid

cOU'J4ly on the 10th day of SeptemlJer , 18,91 The abo't'e rlu.'e:,·a will ot

pg·id Of' th, d,Ut'($"yof his body to tAs Shtt'iff of Lincoln Ct.HU~ty.


WhitfJ Ofl'k't Lincoln County, N. M.

I.pl . .t'~.\ 1. ~i~1.

~!U'l'1\l OOOo'..... nOC:II 'W~ ~~1 'i..'ir~~~ "0 "1},.....HW III VNkl'\'\' ';l!:.Ji JI! ~i IO.ITlIm>~ ..t:.. f1Wi1 &l;,'i~ ~M~f!'ll u.11 "('"11 I hli Il O<)~ll·,ll., .. ·\O -t1t.{'l"U' "A" .... <. ',/4)'11'1»1<'i,;l,nl \I 11I.)It•.' .. \: ...... ll'!" P'lJlI .......oI pltll 111~n111 Ar,1I0J;U 11\1"l;, .,(\Ial1 .••• ,I" "'I.t"l:',lIIlpll;J 1II0Jl J,HI,I"1:\ alto In'l ",I!~"P , 'pau"u.,.API.'!lIh !,II" .\;r-e''!lJ '''''''''1" 8111"I"R••. lllO. R~:."'II.I\U,l'\l .\;oll""" 01',\unolllll In'lI u",,,., uu.. "".i 'I '!'I \' 10·IU.......\01'1,,1 .• JU nU!llInlf" illl~'IW11,\ 'Jlil II 1\ \,\, 1'''.\11 .\illl \.l ' \ .'J"" \\ ·S.IPl!II. '" II \I" J1"'11 a 1"lUa ~

r IOJtlll"f1 t"tq~n"'l I. "".t'l....!.I II.' 01 "'\U'IO00£S'A\llll<>plsnpn! 1:· ... '" 1ll.\4 'U011-"l.Io-"1 J"I)V 8'c.,n"lA iu,n 'tlIlJ \\ rll'" Iu.a.' !oU'·) UII \\ 'x .lalil!",'" ",I.J "II'I";}lll","1 ,\1,1:0, hUlIlJllual' " t

~tI"'IHI "1 "l1 o I J "I,un I .:At1";)f)j. 'iT

t!\t1S Solid Gold Watoh'FREEsold~r$lUO. uu~H lal"I)', '~"lit ~ watch in the WOIItI.

. l'arCec. timekeeper. War.",med, Hl'!lVy Solid UoldMUIUin~Cases. Hom Indies'!lud G'DUU' lizll" with workIIllDd !lllllO" of equal 'I'd Ino,One Person In each 10­cllltiy I}!m IlCflur41 ODd free,

tOll'ptbllt' wish our large and val- .uI\bl0 line of IioullehoidSn.&nples. Tht'.e I&Ulplell, allwell as tlle watch, ",e lendFree and aRc!' you have kep'

Cb.m In Yol:r home fOf ~ montha lind s.b0wn tbem to tlles!who moy have ocUed, lbey becomo rour own pro~_Tboo.twGo \vntfl At «mee ron be lIore of reC8lv~n~. t"bo W-p.wtf.

qp.:i 8,amvl.C4'J& Wo~ &11_~5, £i'e~.ett Ad1lr,~Iit1J;ltaO..~ 4lb.~~ ~.A-lil&~~.

~"Il{;' tHt~e fortnnl'" bnvp Ilpl'n Tllll,)" ....'",·u.o~ f't.r llS, b" Auun ."ttge, J\I'RthTP'KSH~ nnd .111A. I1t',nll, OJ oludu. niHI,':' ,.,. c,:t. Utllt'l'...r,' d"iuJ.! 83 well. WI:\ut ""u? flome "'U'Il ovel' nOO.flt}""1\;th, Y"n (,,111,10 Ihl' worl, Rl1d I,,1 htJIl1O, ,vht'rt"\"f.-r ~. flU nrp Even lHl;inlHJI'R IlPI' tlnslly I'aruinll: from :j.:. t,..iIOadll\', All a~oR• .,,,,. r\ ~w "'HI!; ,I\\Hl Ktll,·i YOIl. Call "'''rk III "pun' tlr.."I' aH rl,,· '"nil U!:r """H' ~ fur '~"I'l

"f., 1I~!I, Fl.\tlure lIIlIlU:>\\'11 "r.,,>n~ \.b'·I', .\ . '/j',.; w npcl .......,..IC1·(lll. r·tI ..~,'UIrIl'" jlj'l'

W.&I.,.~..-~~~'t~~~.~~••x P.I-e..O l1t'4••-t...nlU:.~~I ..rl." .

C.V6!Ltl, lLnd Trad\il..Harks obt-.ined, and aU Pa.t;.._ blllSbiel.'S e01!duetcd fOl" MOO'~"RAi'E: F'tE:.S.O\l.R OFFlct IS OPP~SllITt U' $, PA'rEf>tT on :C!i:8U(l we CRU eecure p~tQnt 110\ )ess time UUUl t1l0110remote from Waghington.

Send model, drawIng.. or phot.o., with d9BcriPrtlan.. We advis0, if l"-'8.tentallle or Dat, ti'ee o.~tm. Om fe"J not. due tiU pat-eat is scoured.

I!»~ ., ·tnA PAMPHLET U How to Obtain Patents. Wl

names of actu,al' clients hI your Smte\ COUDQ', 01'awn, sent troe. Address,

C.A.SNOW&COo.... S\A.MM. 0"101:. WASHINGTON. D. C. .

-......._ ....... " ..... _ " .. 1,. ...... ." _,i. -- --- , •. ~ .... .- ..QIlo.r"""


"_IiilI.llII!~n!lll,n"'t;..tt~ljll!!,III!!'.;·~n~!*I.; r""~"'~1\!lidJ1i111!;~:r.lOIl.._",..J"!'!.•nr !l*!.~!!!!!.".~.:"."I!"~'5'''''''"Wf'l!'!.~'f!'!!!_~'I~~~'~=~~0l0l~-~''~~~'~:.'11L~~·~I~.I'liii'~!~Ier~~"~1"'I!e:::~~:z:::!ML'!:~~~_~lr~'!*-'~J!"I_~~,,'mlH~~!,,"",I""'__~I,'III!""'''''''-.'-~-/.lII!Ilr~,."il~~:t'~~'~$i9iJ;.::!J¥,u;f$W:Zu~_~:....I~eC" ,,~ II \'l!M III h<-»-w' "",,,in bv Jonfl .. "

I(i')l,d\\ju, ";)).'- ,Ill \'t.' .\, , t ........ Jt·

VvU nl'''' Ilt.,t ht.'l~·:: h~ J .... II II, l'1l t;Cf14'h )';'Uqlli.ldy 11/~''V 'II'" 'il 1'\\1,1,


~.lIiI~ n llt'\' ul.1tha fPU f,nd iLt'(' ~', ~

1';"". UlItll S-:X('A, nil •. ~l·lO1. 111 lIH'/ I,

't;\l~·H"l'iCln. )'(lll,'au ClI)J1U.c.'I.:-E' .tt hut, t I

~~t1J:c ull Juur U1"rt","II' t·l.:tlU Inhlnf\r:1(.~.l

11,0 wl.)'I" ,\il it' " w, (,~"'lt liCY b,l :l\f'I'\- "PI'kt'I·. ,v ~Inl't rOUt Ill!"', i

t'\"'l~'tlJil\!l'. FA81\,Y, el'I:·I.i>li,Y 1·,.11

:\ 1.?"~f·,I~'lt l..\\l~lj lo·i'.t~~~. AI!.I"'·I" •

,.. ....



Page 7: Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...~ lOll u !~ 1l--! case I''; one fJ le pensE'S, Thie is a. shek tri~k, but lags it Qmocra . lTI'yRt'eries or 11letH llurgy, for t,lle




r, ')

I '





' ..i-J,













~' __ , J •______,fjJ


D. F. &: P. A.

El Pa!So TaX1l8.

c. H. lIoRRMOUSJ:.

Topeka Kan~a,.

G. T. & P. A.

F\)r Luil iftC Il'mation call om near


pst agent or uddrfss .

',., '/


,Santa Fe Boute.NO RTH, EAS'l'. WEbT.

Only Line running solid trainst~ough to





STODDART & CO·,: CIa & (JIG' Seventh StreetN. W.I (Oppusite u. s. Patent~ Office,)



.-._----_ .. - -----_._----------- - --- -----------

~~ffiiT"~r,.~ ICGr~$U~nPTUJfJ''0\9 ;w ~.{J ~...::! SC If.jf 0 f U LA

E UlSM~OI~i ~~3~~~UTnS

~~$. ~~s~:DiseasesV/onclcr11l11 Fiesh Producer.

l\Ia.ny have gained one poul1dper day by its llse.

Scott's EUlu1sion is not a secretremedy. It cOlltn-ins tho stimulafring prf\pertjes of tho lIypophos­phites anu purG Norwegian CodLiver Oil, the potency of bothbeill~ Inrgely increased.. It is usedby l>b.ysicians all over the world.~ALATAEn...E AS MtiL!{.

Solcl bV an Dr1..c,(1fJists.BClaTY lSI.. B:>'C'J~E, C:-lomistfi. N.Y.

\.. .

!; I


- $37.500.



. " ..•.. ~ .•" ,P .,- ·'CJ·::..>"---r ~ cl"'-".' -.I., ~ ...... .r......".. ~ F...,I...1... ~.


. . A~D .ALL POI~'fS EAST 'VITIiOl~rThe eOil1lnon CXpCI'H:DCP. of th18

(':lI11P ~110 ·'·H that ll1l\ch iH lost by ICHANGE. Close tonneeiions witht 1j e 1\1 i ne ()pi' rat () r~ b j' the s t ('a Ii Il g S 1 t I f \V·llf' ~ (,ld i l\ "'IW( j lllenS, if not in a-I" a,go 0 a IH r<lU1· hite Oaks, Ft.111ll1gnlll aIl11 bullion. Thprt·fure Stanton, Linco1I1 and all Stage S\a­t ~H~ •• ():~ l A In''' CO. uf1'pr:-;; tl st and- .in~ rpwifnl of Thl'lJc l1unu,'pd Dol- tlOn~ 111 Lin('oln C0unty at Cadh-

lars fill' till) ~IJ'l'l'!"t and cOI\\·idion. ReTe I 'If.; C1 r'uee"' d I Pull-.. . 1 l' I I"'l" .J(.' ~ an .avaor flll' lldorl1latll)l} l'lU lllg to the .nrn'st. allll COIl\'ldillll uf ~ny pl'r~oll l11111 Pa'ace Cars, Tourist 81eepel

Iglli~t,y of Rh.'ltling any of tll" prn.p- I C'h ('I1 I \ 1 all( .I aIr ,ar run dnl'ly on 1

crty Clf t H' 01. A 'e Co., f'n'n tIe"" aHnl~dl ):-:t l"P(.'('j l1lP!1 /If (In'. Tht'rule trains.of this t'01Jlp:IllY is tIl 111111 ail I:'pe- .

.(;.... ·:F0.;~t-..rl~\-~~:'f~i Iff........, IT;;r.,{ 1 (~i ll\('nl';. T]wrt'fol'l~ llUlH' of t IlP ore \ Grpatly Hf~d I]CeU Rates on tickets.:1 "'1 (1 ) \, I '!:J l.Jf·~ \. tl" 1 1 1~'(;\J; fr" \" ': /oJ' ill\ I~ tl'O~1I 11~ 1ll.llW Lan )P lOIll'~~1 Y to tIw Inollntain and Lak R tLV"" lk-i1 t \\ J,JiLLl JBi... {J . h',l.l af: !-ll)(·(llIllI'IlS. AllIl as th,~ J'('- e esor s.

tC'iYPI', with gllilty' 1~1l(lwkd~p, is a~ Sf'l" t'lllt Jour lJeket reads SA.!iT..l.~u i I t yin 1r waR t Iw t hi f' f , t '11 K 0 f-, - Fi': ROI;T~.

I fpr 3 pplit'S to the holLlen. of Old A bef: pee1lllC llS.

0111 },1,p Co..T. Y. II EWITT."T ll1 . \\·AT~vS.

11. B. FEIWL'SSO~.

. j f l ' ,) ,I"; II) "tl~'. \. d.l rtt .... :-- rpr \ el"rU

1.. .;' d'L :')r, ·J •• ll l"I',\l11'JSl~O, Oal.

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---OP iJ~:E:S:.P~S----

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Prl.'('. $1 00 Bn l1 nd ill (11 til oil' ! ; ';

.A. 6t>mplQw real}" j"I·f,'r'·llr(· li',r;lry for Fa·lll"1·.:.

<fh.owere,3tock1nPII : lI d Iloll";· k ; r'1'". lil II' \':!rill\l" !

Agricu1tur~, IIo,··}(',,)j'l1'f. J,i (I·St c', l' j~;ll:'::, P,) I. r'· ;.~: -1 ,.nc.. Dairy-tarnl ~.~ R\ "n' ,\r.'lp('l". " i') ':~I-'r\'. f~'\:l'.··.'·if·'~•.,.lo<.

OON'rAl~';I~{j H4l p.\jj;.:... .JTH ~·t~l fLU:";'!'; A r i!';":-l

Tl\is V11\ 'dAbl::: I~(:ll "', f.l" . i II' 1 ,j 11 1:' \ rJ ;' i (l , 'I A:.:" j, tl] I; I ~ t

-.eM"Y fot'$.1.6d, .10 'tlil t :-. ad ltd til ..:u'", .. p 111;1 p 11.~· "'1 P)·";":i.~~(~.

!!f.b,ee... ~.~1'JS T3.~"i' B,)OK ::t 1I::i l ~ f~lt-Pft;~ r·~J.~, tLirk i~H' ~ig .. (,.A~~. O#attg-4 Ji.t~d tf~if N-a>w Yui.'lk.

~OI TCE Fon p'GBLrCA J'IO~'.

L ..U\l) OFFICE at Hos~E:'ll, ~, f.r..Ang.21, J~U1.

K olice is herl'hy given that tU~ fl~l­

Ilowin,1 named 3ettler has filed nobc~ ofI . , 1 o#\<l'\J'OwI"U"~lJ~~""~""'~I his intontiOD to lllalH~ tina prt10! Inflllrport of hiH ('lRim, !lIlt! t Iwt BaiJ proof II :N OT ICE. .will be ml\do bAfnr~ George Senn, Pro- T II h .hate Clerk, llt. Lio{\nln. New 'i\rt~xi('o, on! 0 a w orn I~ mny roncern:Tnesday, Octoher 6th U~g1. viz: J.\!annel\ Know Yt' ~hht the HOl'.wrahle Pro­Vljd, liom~ster:.d No. 12~J~j(L, U. S.I tor' hat£> CfIUl·t, in and for LincolntLo \v. ~i N. \v. }~, Sec. 15. Tp. HB.lt COllnto)" , :~. M., will hold its regular5 };. t I ... t 1 J l· ~ b.' ~!'In on ~e /1 ~ay 0. ~ftptem f}r,

Ar~ ERICA~J AG HI CULTu;nST, lie D~m~e thA follOWing. WItnesses to \ J) . 8J1· .pr9VEJ h'" \H.TJt;nUOlls T('8itleIJCe npuD • .,: ' It bomg the first Mon-

Puhli ... hptl Fifty ypars (OlJf'('cutivl'1y. Rnd enltivatwn oi, &ailliand. VIZ: l:-tJ thfJrp(,f.~Inized aa tho bo~t B.n r.d anll [i'amilJ Prdl·lOdh'n.1 ~i.ll the world, gh"i~g i i;, I ttam' n Trujillo of Lincoln. ~. 1\1. \V it n n~s t hp lIon. M. CronlR,

'f'aluable bolp the bf'[~t inf()rnuLtiPH, t1J()\':"il~n,1R ;o! nh~!l8. thl·rll'h(~a.1 und nodi'. \ ~~~nfP~:l'n.ljdl@, of "".Judgp

of the ProNHlte CmHt and thellinta and l!l.1f;l:t",!4t iour., and TL()JlA:U!~Rof O:'i~.611d En;.;r.\yill1"R An !l1lnlly, j P6dro L rasq\ll:is, of "" ~~_.'·wa 1 e t' liiIaI·..l C, t h •. ." , MIT r "" . c l:l ( ur I f'lr~

Try it t~is y:ar, It, wl~1 pa~' VOtl WF.,l.t ~o ono. C:H:,.r8;t~ a flmh"f WJihl)ut g"(I' 1 'anue (1rrtlS, Q. .. §]fJAlL 'Illto /!o flixed, thIS 24th

tiu5l prsctICalln~Orm(Jhon.·~Each llHlU J:.'f eOo.:RJ~H\ l! m~ Lng-!',\v;ng:-i of Al1i!"r,,~i, 1 WDmmL~ ~;, Cf.H~}V.~~ 1t~c:f.lt"r., , • 'l'lanto, 11'19,."",. Out-bmJ.hnps, (.f", r:,ll\ "'I"lr fwu f'l'1en, ti1.W. a >'e',r. OUi a\ "I AlJg\l~t, A, D,. 1891.0ir0lLIUioD no" numb.r. over lIlIW'~(1 ."pi•• mOlllhl,v: I·....---~--- ~I CRONIN,

On.'{' Pr€l11l1. ~ ."'11 O·ft Jr, 1~nllC:J': Rl1);A. !'rob.t" ! l1age.

THE FAR~1 AXil 1101>':E:I ' " Yl',;) ';:,.1.\ f'ro?"t¥ Cl.rk,

BD&AS E. lHtO~~UN. Presillent Wm. H. a (lSTIN, ('ashier


Oolle~~i(JllS pl'UlU pt ly mat1t> a'HI r~:n tu(d. FOI'~il~Il',a))d DOm\~Btie Exchang l

bouga' /Wl,1d 6'l)1\.l. ~:J.3Jl ..d fd.Jditie.,} uJtHaJ uu :'Jl'X"J U Bl1S1Utl .'.

A.r~.t. .'VI'- . lH H';.l3w .1i'lew -.j," •


j:i'.....'....~ '; <,I:;

, '. . '·;'.t ." ':...J..: - .

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Page 8: Iarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...~ lOll u !~ 1l--! case I''; one fJ le pensE'S, Thie is a. shek tri~k, but lags it Qmocra . lTI'yRt'eries or 11letH llurgy, for t,lle

-.'. ~- --_.. ~----~'._-,.





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J1I,f !!\I;)('

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ET@, ET@~






--------- -_._._----,.-. _._._--,--_._--

Parer in Lincoln County,AL~O

TJ "" T ·~HLl.~


" ,


Offici' i Paper of the County.

.---.Every MiILQl' 0::: Mets,lln~~~~t, .TIll Evo!] I~vador

in Minos Shor.li toad. H.Contains every thIng- C'f ir,l('rt'ft 1''51'1 val'l"1t'l win­

iD~ sud meWhlrgy. 'fhl.l f111!e8t n1i..ill~ I.I>W~.'fhl? btlBt. (;fJ.J, metal, lUI..! millill'; Iituc.ok marke;

~I\'l'ts.$4 n year fo.r th~ U l.., Cll::Jooa, Gml M!lxiar.

IJreE BOIEilTIPIC PUBLIf::\RUiG COlli~W' Vu.-...JA L'I.u.co, rt:.~iW Yo"~~

By epeolal I\rra.n~omoT'!t with tbo Prt1bllflher. wo liN)~u:Lble" l.O oll'IH llH~ entlro IiRt (If rw~nty Ynluabl<sJjOOItR onumor.ltp.d aFld I:t\~el'lbeu helow, alJs(llr.tdufleeto every SUbiOc:-it){'r to lill~ par/~r fOl' tbe ensuing Jenr.at tbe rel(Ulllr Rl,b!'l~ri p: lOll l>ll('l'I. 'rhe~e book;;, onclleno of wl.llch o.\n'.:lln!l II ('om \'Ipto flrkl·c!n.sS Dovel orother Vlork by a. wflli·Kn"wll uud popular ..utl1or, a:QJlubllflheJ In D~ll.t pamp:dl't fo: UI. 1,r!utc,1 from goodi'en.nable type on good 1';\1"'1'. [lUli !:laoy of th~m UIlDd·oomo1y Illu!\trat"',l. ·L.ltl)" C,)IDl'nll(l !lomo of the llneilt""GrlclI enw "nacn hi" ... 0 ..11'J ot' tLJB !"re~He'3t lI.I:.d ID"~'I'opul ru' writer.. , I.Ifltu 1.( A.lllorit:a. ~nd Europe. ii:acbone III cotujJlet'J IU Ithe:~'

No. 2tj. '\~rfl. C~n~"le'fl rlrertatn "_ectnl'os. By»OUGI.AS ,1(!;o{l~')"U. rOt)" tU ;;lId VHy funny 'fhG.S'()Ut1~iH' as Wl'll il,a ol,l'!r t! :.';;( nl' ,nil FlhC'uld rl'nd them~

No, 2H, A.f1v('ntl~r"~ lOra PadH·lol'. By the> !oil­thor of "Uoiall B!lanp(,h~'t. :.(h~H'lno:( HI ~;ow York.'".to groat !lur}"t'lro,;s \.on" loy II. !,(Ij'ul:u lluthor,

No. 246, Hon' to :l~l'lkc ;lund ba..,·c a.:!onf\V cnthe Fa··m. A. ~alllal.:. c"llJ\)ll~ll'Jll (If u,wful r3.C~tlehints lin!l 81l~U~l'.;t''(l:I'; fur far!l'l'r~ and :rJ.rtl;ln(1r~.

no, 24,7. 1-"'''10 HIe .&-:~1.P·t::'~ (,3 t!:le lUoon. .Al:oveL By ,Jr!.·"j \·t:!'XE. '

No. ;,lLS. 'Jl.'hn L Ai IIe1 0111 'i[nn ~ t.ho J]aUg-PoilU"•• A ~0Vl'1 Isy ET' <~ (; 'fI"1{UU,....No. ZUY. A l}Ol n I 0_'OU~ ,"'. oman. .,.\. No.ol. ByIo1ra. A~o( S. ::; n:l"ll'S..I. •

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. - .


Caveats, nnd Trad~-Mal'k9 obtained, and all Pat­eat business cov.ductod for MOO&FlATt FEES.Ou.q O"'P',ce: ,~ OppnSIT'J: .\). S. PAn:NT On:ct;:Ili ia we can F,('CUfE' patent :w Iss::! time tlian thoueremow fl'o'Ti ,"a ~hiTlO't01~Gnd ~llod'<l1. f.lrll\~i1lg ;,1' 1Ihoto., with descrip­

t-!on. \ve l\I1VlS9, if r'atlmlfil ie or nnt f)'eGo ()ohQrgo. Qur fee not due till pa.tell t iM Iwc'jJ·ed.

A PAMP~L.ET. "HoW' to O'Hnin P:,tf:n t ",," \~ W'llameQ of aetual cllontl'\ 'in 'ylJur ctaw C'l,H.wtv, {,\.tewn, sent free. A~.. U'e::;s, . ~

CD A.SI\~Ot~ (J-L COr.on. SlA~tll'fl' Off'IQ£, WASHI NGTON. D. C.

(4-3047 ):-; 01' rCL \,.. ~ > I. I l '.\. I l ( I:"LANV OFl'WE at Ho:,wdl. ~ .\1 ..

.J nI: :W ; ~

No~ice is bPl'eby givPl1 tI\,,! fh. 1'(11

ing.uampcl tot'ttt.'!' lldt-; til· d III.tll·(' I"

ntpntlOD to UI k. fil,ell I'jll(lf 1JJ "'1} I"

of hiN C'laim. HDO that f-lilid pr(/of \\ iiima\h~ bero) b Gt·OI';.!t· :-)Plla P rol 'II tp Cl,"at Liuco'l., ~ ~1.. OIl 1'1IP!-d~IY· H.,p'n~, viz; .Tu I·P'. (},'org.·, [HI·I Illp .

D · '.1-'- (I ('..:! I' I ' l' 'I..~.tJ•. lll.). '. '.OJ•• ) 01 I It' '-'.2"

\{ 'l )". ~1i~. \V. ,l~. ~3(·1'. 10,1}1 R

B.l1 E.11.( ~i1wes the follnwill~ witnp~~(>p, tl

prfJve his coutiu nons residence n-pt.Il itl dc.mltivHtion of, BRill lanJ. viz:J. D. Puckett. of NOg':tl, N. r:Richanl Hl1f:-;t.. of ""J 'lSt'! 1\1. VPgn., of "".Allred MUYf'r~ of ""hi tf' Oaks, "

V·; I~F[ ELD :-::. ('fl"" .....~.

Reg· gtr' "

. . . ~. .

~~1l11\.fl1""~~"~.~Y!"I'~~~··"~.~, ~ . ll=. ~_ ~J ~ \ ' ~;,~

--'~"%::\ .....::'C., ;:. .

'.,y'iJLL ~ i",-~ ~1 ~--~Ir _

V1i;~ ~\ I II '1; 'l:fi"ti(.... \r--~... i"""" .....-¥J.i{ ,A,' I, II IIi,1 1 !h/~

llR LEt(, "Wby, Addie. y01>l needn't ~ry aboutIt! I only i.mid ;\t rs, J\ Hen wa.. a very well­klformed WC:HllaU, and. 1 \\ lHlucd ;you. W0U:U. followber example,"

Mna, Lli:!i:. "Yea, ~~d la:'1t wcelr. Y0U said yOllwished I couh1 malla', (,~ L0 look ll8 sty li6~1 till }Irs.Allen.-uHd she mal'.l"'; all hot' orvu clOthes, But,be has what I lll'tV( n't, "

]lIn. L~lC. •• What is to:1t?".MUfl LEE. .. \\ ell, ~hc gets all of her informa.­

tiQol!l fl:01n tb", ;\, ll.[~.l;~' 11-': tl: ey take. I admit thatabc knows all that is g'oing on. 1.'11111 is brh'h1 nndetntertllillinO' in COltlycl'l"ntion' but I (',ott d do as'Well as sh~ clQes if 1 11:\1..1 the fnm~ source 01'Jnfornl!ltion, She kut 11'l~l ;hr~ IllK. nlllnbp.~' of her:MaC"ltzine lately, tlDll lle:lr:tc,] ll1f1re in one llvlll"9l'6u~in(1', abont vario.s !;od.tl matt('rs and the !twpiCB 'Of the dny, ti::m) Woll1id p:ck up iT: aIDo.nthby my cccas:ouul chnts w:lh irlUTIu!-'. IL cerlmnlyeoyer:'! eVCl'V top' c ')f intcr;>l't. fl'(,m the newS oftbe day ({O\','U to U.l~.Jt,t~il;! or .honse\. eeping;ann cvervlhil''''' 1B 1:0 bcnntlfuHv 111u..trnted. too.JlJycq iiIn'J )tamie go.;s 0'\.:1' to.. t.ho AI:ens' sheOOl,'O.<:lS b~ek a1.1d IC~I,';("';:l me to h t you til take})c810re:it'8 l"wni1:r ;,.1 fl:~;:iIlf', aLi til., i-tories areItO gooo. ~:Vt~'1 til ~"yn l\'dlcb for i'. every mont3..IlSi a place 19 fmnd lcrt\.tm'J, al I,) HI Its yngcs; and1tlr. Allcm (l\\'CI11'S by it. It is 1'tlllly \\onderfw 'bow it fll1it~ ('vpry wcm!J\·l' of tho faUlIly I"

M It. I.E;~ .. ~, ell 110r1la i'f! 1 h d bdte I' !:'end for II2peelmlPl C'o~y ; Jor. d it i dltlytlling-like what youenyit I,:. it wllUEllu-e Hl1(l ill ~lrnCt tLewholc{,fus."

M1ls L,m. \01 ~\..~ t\;:t W .'('nnlD~f\ Demorest.,tbe plllJll~llor, n h:.'i"'t 1 tll ~ tn'· t. !'-cw York, illS.tYerin~~ t'l ",end 11. SW'cimcI ('opy for 1· cents,.sowe cnn't lose' nythiu;I, [.'1 (~n( h numher cnntamafa, • PuUern Or 1'1" f'llt,itl ng Ih~ boll' er to fillY'l'uitern ",he,IDllY chcwg', llliU in flny l:iize--:-whichalone makeR CI1C1.l ('opy WOfl II ~n cents: and I jnst'W1lDt a juck~t pal ern like 1>11'';. .t\ llen'a. Tll~IlQbpcriptio'O pri e ihl ::>nly '! 2 (·0 a yeSt'; Iltld 1must SllY I oau't S~£l lww t.hey caR Ifbl1~ IlG.gQ1l~ a ~~ine ;£or 50 litUo mOllQY.'


U S. LAND O~FtCE. Hoswt'l1, N, '.M , 'Angnst 3. 18£11.

Notice 18 hcrellY gh1 €,u, that Ch ophas.}!Gnjeau, by George L. Ulri('k hlS at­, to~nev in fact, whose PORt ofiic(-' tl.ddl'e~s

il White Oaks, N. ~1., has madl~ nppli­csation fo~ a patent for 1339 iID~~r fee.ton tbe Iron Cr(:twn rome beflring go}.liitnate in White Oal\8 l\lil1ing Didl'H'LineQln eQllot.y 1.'l ew l\Ilexieo, and dtaeribed on the officinJ plat H.ml field. notton file JD tl'1lsoiliee u.s follo\'\'s, yiz:

Beg-Hilling at corner N u. I H pOl'f)h~·I'.\

iltena 24:xllx. 3 illches sel 2··3 in t!.I·I"lUUd n1Ulk~~,1·-t>3U, WLHh'C I be C\l·ll\

of R ~'IOllt' ZYf,& 30 '1 • Ii b. OJ) r"llgt 111

lIetwQen rangns 11 anll 12 E. lWUl'R ;

a. u\:j~led, dJ nlIL'Utt'b b, ~fi~ 78t~euce :::;.81 degt·t3cll:l \V, ImjLi3 tL. tv I.U

Jler No. :l a suurlstlllJe ~-lxl'x4 illClll'b H'

!-3 in tl'e gruund ehh.'dp~i 2-U:JII, tlH:'lCl

It 4: degl'eeti 30 lLlllU\U:3 l'Ut-'t, U~~) It. I

cower No, a apurpbyly stO!H' ~lx12.\·J

inl~het3 set 2-0 n ground CblFh'lcli 3 l :>1tl1entO .N. 8;) dt:'gret.-s E. la~7 I t. to ell

:toter N". 4 u slate HtOIlr' ~~ 'X I 'jx:'~: i lW'l

l)ot 1-2 ill g-colUJd ulJi.·,'-lt'I, -1-\ :)U, Hit 1~. 4 uogree~ BO minll {"s w. :liU,'1- I:.

eornel' ~Il. 1 (lull pLi\'O 0- ~1.'gJlIlJ:U_.

l¥ll1l.fll .ti,' ',"'iiitliv {':l ".1 IOd';-

dAgref's "Uti -1. Illli·;1·~· " .. ! nlll

18.3 a~rt' ... , 111.1 l i,J, '.d '.1':8. 1-~ BPI tWII :.:;, '1 II 'J. -, 1 ilueridian. t'ht\ w,.. ,juil I I tL:~ ll:\.

recorJtld in Bll l{.J 0; I tll::'-; 0 11· , ill L

~()lll eIlUOr,.", h.·\Y :,jt'X1l'U, UI: l''lgP

volume 4 of ll\ill.ll~': l~)(':dll)l.': il.ijr

cdalJualits a.IP.Toll" Y.;I . j't it :FC r gU8H'IU tlUd \\'1:!: ':. ' " Jl

All p(>r~I-ld'~ lI' "tIL'. :t,:,. r '.

tbeleto,lrll.1','111111l'1 to i-I" ~~I'l1' th·' ~;

hefore thH~ I\nk~ withlll ... n:t,\ da··ti fr,:the tirlit; tIny of pll'dw.itloll \'~'r, o~'.

tl!ley will bl barred by 'nrt:lt~ ur ,Ill' I

,.illioDllI of thp !'itlltn t <:>.\Vi:N1"ll-:LD S .,~,):~,,:,~'-l. n.,> :'

8-1~ lOw,

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