^^ lynn koiner ^^ for ~~esoteric astrology~~

Lynn Koiner, PMAFA Full-time Professional Astrologer since June 1969 Served as President, Vice President and Newsletter Editor for both the Baltimore and Annapolis Chapters of the National Council for Geocosmic Research Contributing author in Noel Tyl’s, ASTROLOGY’S SPECIALMEASUREMENTS, writing on her research on Transpluto Featured in James Lewis’ book, THE ASTROLOGY BOOK Twice recipient of the Simms Pounds Award for Best Conference Speaker by the American Federation of Astrologers Research Astrologer and International Speaker Instructor for the Department of Professional Training, Medical Astrology Curriculum, with graduates receiving equivalency towards course requirements at Kepler College www.astrocollege.com NCGR Director, International Liaison, networking with international astrologers

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Lynn Koiner, PMAFA

Full-time Professional Astrologer since June 1969 Served as President, Vice President and Newsletter Editor for both the

Baltimore and Annapolis Chapters of the National Council for Geocosmic Research

Contributing author in Noel Tyl’s, ASTROLOGY’S SPECIALMEASUREMENTS, writing on her research on

Transpluto Featured in James Lewis’ book, THE ASTROLOGY BOOK Twice recipient of the Simms Pounds Award for Best Conference

Speaker by the American Federation of Astrologers Research Astrologer and International Speaker

Instructor for the Department of Professional Training, Medical Astrology Curriculum, with graduates receiving equivalency

towards course requirements at Kepler College www.astrocollege.com

NCGR Director, International Liaison, networking with international astrologers

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Lecture Topics available upon request. International Travel, small countries preferred

Esoteric Astrology

Esoteric Aries

Through Mars, it manifests action without thought to consequences; through

Mercury, it accesses the Higher Self, channeling the Higher Self, to find immediate solutions to crises situations.

Aries is ambitious, self-willed and spirited, if the individual is expressing its true nature....



This is an outline of those characteristics of Gemini which indicate the rationale for its rulership over par of the nervous system...

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Esoteric Ray Rulership Table

Download the table by clicking on the image below.

Esoteric House Interpretations

ESOTERIC ASCENDANT: This House rules our Soul’s Purpose— the

purpose for which the Soul came into manifestation. For example, Gemini-Virgo, ruled by Hermes, is the communicator at all levels. This House rules activities with National...

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Esoteric Rising Signs

The Soul’s Purpose Triangle is determined by:

1.The Ascendant

2.The Esoteric Ruler of the ASC, its Sign and House Position

3.The Esoteric Ruler of the Sign on the Cusp of the House containing the Esoteric Ruler of the ASC

Esoteric Cancer

According to Bailey, Blavatsky and Edgar Cayce, the first human incarnations occurred in the sign of Cancer— the sign that represents the Cosmic Mother. Even today, very young souls— evolved in their own experience yet very young in their...

Advanced Esoteric Astrology

NOTE: The esoteric and hierarchical rulerships are given separately on this

website. In the 1980s, I developed my own theories on Esoteric Astrology and its theory of Triangles of Energy. I am posting my...

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Introduction to Esoteric Astrology

The Soul’s Purpose Triangle— this represents what the Soul wants to accomplish in its expression on the earth. The Triangle is determined by the

Ascendant; the Esoteric Ruler of the Ascendant; the Esoteric Ruler of the Sign on the House...

Esoteric Uranus

URANUS – from the Alice A. Bailey books….

―Uranus was known by the ancients under another name.‖ (S.D. Vol. I, 126)

―Cronus (time)… is represented as mutilating Uranus… Absolute time is made to become finite and conditioned.‖ (S.D. Vol. I, 450)


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Esoteric Saturn

The horoscope should be read at 2 levels:

1. The growth and unfolding of the Personality

2. The growth and unfolding of the Soul

Capricorn/Saturn represent the densest point of concrete materialization of which the human Soul is capable of experiencing.

Saturn represents ―The...

Esoteric Saturn

The horoscope should be read at 2 levels:

1. The growth and unfolding of the Personality

2. The growth and unfolding of the Soul

Capricorn/Saturn represent the densest point of concrete materialization of which the human

Soul is capable of experiencing.

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Saturn represents ―The Dweller on the Threshold‖ – in facing this Dweller, we face our past and

our fears. Capricorn, as a sign, fears losing control, dependency and feeling helpless; this is the

loss of trust, trust in the Higher Self.

1. The Saturn Sign is your personal Dweller in this lifetime

2. The House position is Where you will face the Dweller

a. The House is where you are forced to work out your Karma

In a distant past when there were only 10 signs in the Zodiac, Capricorn represented the highest

to which a man could aspire.

In Atlantis, the door was opened for Man to enter the 5th Kingdom-– the Aquarius and Pisces

were added to the zodiac. These signs represent Service to Humanity as a member of or working

with the 5th Kingdom, the World Server and the World Savior.

Blavatsky wrote about a point in human history, back in old Atlantis, when the Door was opened

for man to enter into the 5th Kingdom of Souls, to the realm of the Adepts. It seems that there

was a Great Cosmic Crisis in another part of the Universe that required many of the 5th

Kingdom Masters to vacate their posts. At this point, Man was allowed to aspire to fill these

positions and, I feel, that this is when the 2 signs of Aquarius and Pisces were added.

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NOTE: Sirius, at 13 Cancer, is the home of the Hierarchy, the Borw Chakra of a Great Galactic

Entity and the Heart Chakra of a Galactic Entity— Beings in which we live, move and have our

existence— Hylozoism. This Star Chakra is where the Great Plan is formulated and carried out.

Interestingly, as we are in a Ray II Solar System, Love-Wisdom, those with this Fixed Star

prominent are extremely humanitarian and it represents a Socialistic form of government. Sirius

is also the Heart Chakra of another system, hence, it represents both love and will energies.

In Cancer, NORTH, is where the Soul first enters that Center called Humanity. Bailey,

Blavatsky and even Edgar Cayce all say that Cancer was the sign of the first human incarnation;

Capricorn and working with Saturn is the Gateway to the Hierarchy. Aries and Libra represent

the Aspect of Consciousness created through the interplay between Spirit and Matter.

Capricorn represents the Best and the Worst of Humanity. Through Saturn, its exoteric and

esoteric ruler, it can be greedy, selfish and materialistic (lack of trust and the trust to love) yet all

World Servers are born under Capricorn.

SATURN, as ruler of Capricorn, forces us to deal with the glamor and illusions represented by

the Moon in our horoscope. The Moon is said to represent the Prison of the Soul which has us

cling to our past. The Moon rules feelings, emotions, desires that APPEAR to be reality but they

are not. The Moon rules our past, past conditioning, the conditioning of our emotions and it is

the emotions of the Mother that we absorb as our own. The Moon influences us through the

Solar Plexus and the astral body – it makes us feel high, it makes us feel low; it makes us feel

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loved, it makes us feel unworthy. It whips us around in a maelstrom of emotion. It all seems so

real but it is only the Glamor of this World.

Saturn rules boundaries, limitations, the rules and our societal dictations, NO, DON’T and

CAN’T. It makes the things of the physical appear to be all that there is. Neptune dissolves our

boundaries, the boundary of the etheric web, the seal to other dimensions. However, in going

through these other dimensions, you must quickly pass through purgatory…the astral plane and

the lower mental plane, before we finally reach the realm of the Causal Body…and, in the

scheme of things, even this is not that high up.

When we ultimately enter the 5th Kingdom of the Hierarchy, Venus replaces Saturn – ruling the

Higher Mind, intelligent and transpersonal love that aspires for the good of the Whole.

The symbol for Capricorn is in reality the Dragon, the Dragon of Wisdom and the Mind of the

Soul. In the Secret Doctrine, it is stated that, in the constellation of Capricorn, reside the 5th

Hierarchy of Spirits who are commissioned to stimulate the Mind in Man. Remember, it is 18

million years ago that the Lords of Flame came from Venus to bring the Spark of Mind to

animal man. It was 1 million years ago that the seeds of the Aryan Root Race were first planted

in Central Europe.

The 1000 Petaled Lotus:

1. Knowledge Petals ruled by Taurus, Leo and Scorpio

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2. Love Petals ruled by Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius

3. Sacrifice Petals ruled by Aries, Cancer and Libra (even Cancer is the sacrifice to incarnate),

sacrificing the lesser for the greater. Example of student.

4. Initiation Petals are ruled by Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces


SATURN IN ARIES: ―You be what I tell you to be‖ indoctrination. Lesson to break free from

this limitation of being and find rapid access to the Higher Self in dealing with Crisis.

SATURN IN TAURUS: Responsibility and material acquisitiveness-–WWII and the recent

Market Crash. Taurus is ruled by Vulcan, free one’s self from the chains of materialism.

SATURN IN GEMINI: Thoughts are things; clarity of responsibility; feeling trapped by

expectations. Work on the Love Petals in dealing with people.

SATURN IN CANCER: Childhood imbued with the fears, guilts and insecurity of the family.

Right and wrong based upon emotions. Sacrifice our personal security for the security and

welfare of humanity. Example – overcoming my fears to work in Eastern Europe…now I have

overcome a lot of fear.

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SATURN IN LEO: Responsibility dictated by respect for others. Lesson in doing something –

not because of a fear of punishment, rejection, disrespect or because you seek reward…but

simply because it is the right thing to do.

SATURN IN VIRGO: Perfectionism and the Love Petals are incompatible! This is the great

flaw, the striving to be perfect. There is no perfection. I am human, therefore, nothing human is

alien to me. Turning imperfection into assets.

SATURN IN LIBRA: Do it because of others – sacrificing self in order to work with the whole,

seeing the big picture, coordinating, the gestalt.

SATURN IN SCORPIO: If you are not in control, do it all yourself and do it perfectly,

something terrible will happen. Lesson in Trust.

SATURN IN SAGITTARIUS: Responsibilities are more abstract – not have you cleaned your

room but did you maintain standards of codes and ethics. Whose codes, by whose ethical

standards. One who upholds high standards.

SATURN IN CAPRICORN: Achievement on a day to day level. What have you done today.

The individual can feel overwhelmed by these day to day demands. Changing structures that

support rather than oppress— the 1960s and the 1989-90.

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SATURN IN AQUARIUS: The rules are always right/wrong, black/white, not grey areas.

Rebellion against authority should manifest as bringing in the needed reforms that benefit

humanity. Don’t just tear down— build something constructive.

SATURN IN PISCES: These people can shoulder responsibilities, putting the weight of the

world on their shoulders. This can lead to illness or a lot of whining and complaining. Define

boundaries for others, define your own boundaries and shoulder responsibilities for something

that you believe in strongly.

Going off on a slight tangent I think it is curious that exoterically I have a Saturn Mercury

mutual reception, esoterically I have a Saturn Venus mutual reception, and hierarchally I

have Venus in Capricorn. thanks for the great article :-)

1. Lynn Koiner Says: Aug 5, 12:55 PM

SATURN TRANSITS/span> (8-2011): Saturn transits are not esoteric. Saturn transits work

at the 3-dimensional, material level. When in aspect to itself, it is a time to (re)negotiate

your responsibilities with other, remembering to be fair to yourself (Saturn in Libra).

Erin Sullivan has an excellent book on Saturn Transits.

2. Nicholas Hall Says: Sep 9, 07:30 PM

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Hello Lynn,

What is your interpretation of Saturn in the 12th, esoterically speaking ?

E.g. In respect of the ―guinea pig‖ concept: In facing ones own past fears and going within,

others can helped in a similar way as a result?

The usual interpretations describe doom and gloom for this position.

Incidentally, my Saturn is 27 deg 51 Gemini in the 12th, and conjunct ASC (2 deg Cancer).

3. David Says: Nov 8, 08:04 AM

SATURN IN LIBRA: Do it because of others – sacrificing self in order to work with the

whole, seeing the big picture, coordinating, the gestalt.

I have Saturn Libra 4th Virgo on the cusp of 4th… SO Im supposed to be sacrificing

myself for the whole?

4. Lynn Koiner Says: Nov 8, 02:52 PM

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DAVID (11-2013): I would not emphasize the word sacrifice but Saturn in Libra functions

best when organized and coordinates with others.

ESOTERIC 4th: This House rules environmental issues, the environments in which people

lives, humanitarian issues connected with disasters of nature.

When I began traveling to Europe, I found people who looked exactly like people I knew in

America. I found the astrological connection to be with the 4th House…that there must be

some ancient, ancestral connection with each other. This House, with the Fixed Star,

Antares (9° Sagittarius), rules the Root Chakra – our rootedness to the planet. When

disturbed, our immune system is affected. The House position of Antares shows where we

can feel rooted. This could be helpful for Immune System diseases. Caroline Myss wrote

that, when there is a sickness in society, there is some global sickness. During WWI, there

was the Great Influenza. During the Great Depression, there was polio. When the

economy improved after WWII, a cure for polio was discovered. The 4th House rules

grass-roots political movements and one who always opposes those in office. Spiritually,

the 4th is associated with nurturing the very young and very old, visiting and working with

the elderly, halfway houses, AA programs, day care centers, services to improving the

quality of life for the less fortunate and improving the ecology and environment where

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you live. This is a House that rules grass roots politics, as well as environmental issues.

One environmentalist in Prag has Virgo rising but the Moon is in the 2nd House in Libra.

Mars and Saturn are in the 4th but not connected to Soul’s Purpose – this means that it is

a vehicle for her anger from her childhood.

NOTE: I have Antares in my 4th House and I need a permanent home that is always there

for me. To live in an apartment and not have a place of my own, I found feel ungrounded

and disconnected and, surely, my own immune system would suffer. One student said that

she only needed a home that was a safe haven for her, to feel connected to this planet.

5. Lynn Koiner Says: Nov 8, 03:06 PM

NICHOLAS HALL (11-2013): I will post my interpretation of the 12th House and I hope

this helps with the interpretation.

Saturn in late degrees always needs to work independently and they are often self-

employed – or they work independently within an organization, simply because they do not

trust the System.

TWELFTH HOUSE: Qualities deemed intolerable by the parents so we learned to repress

these qualities. It is difficult to express the energy of the planet at the personality level so it

can only be expressed or cultivated through the career and worldly interaction. It is what

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we keep from ourselves…and this can bring us great sorrow. It does have a connection with

past life issues that impact us now. Gina Cerminara’s Many Mansions I & II give good

examples of past life issues and possibilities. I have Mercury in Leo in 12th – an error in

judgment from a past life makes me afraid of making certain decisions, possibly fearing

that thousands may die if I decide badly. Bush has this in the 1st so he is making these

mistakes now. People with planets in the 12th House need private time. Especially with the

Sun here, these people can not be ON 24/7. They need to get away. When others get noisy

or aggressive, these people get quiet.
