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Sun and its influence earth "SUN is located in the center of our solar system and focus more than 90% of the total mass aacetuia. In size, it is a medium star. S - calculated as the mass of the Sun is 1.9 x 1030 kg. being 333,000 times greater than the total energy emitted by the Sun Pamantului.Din, Soiling receives only 2 billionth hand suficientainsa amount to ensure terrestrial energy resource base. The amount of energy received from the Sun on osuprafata of 1cm2 in 1 minute, measured at the upper limit of the Earth's atmosphere, perpendicular propagation pedirectia sunlight, is called the solar constant. From the measurement result for constantasolara value 1,94cal / min / cm2. Sun's influence

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Post on 18-Feb-2016




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Sun and its influence earth "SUN is located in the center of our solar system and focus more than 90% of the total mass aacetuia. In size, it is a medium star. S - calculated as the mass of the Sun is 1.9 x 1030 kg. being 333,000 times greater than the total energy emitted by the Sun Pamantului.Din, Soiling receives only 2 billionth hand suficientainsa amount to ensure terrestrial energy resource base. The amount of energy received from the Sun on osuprafata of 1cm2 in 1 minute, measured at the upper limit of the Earth's atmosphere, perpendicular propagation pedirectia sunlight, is called the solar constant. From the measurement result for constantasolara value 1,94cal /

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min / cm2. Sun's influence on Earth's terrestrial phenomena manifest dinamicaurmatoarelor pin tides, air circulation, disintegration of rocks, biotic .Sursele solar cycles have fostconsiderate, even for some time as best as soon profitabileoptiuni for most people on Earth by providing energy for different instalatii.Soarele is by far the most important source of energy for us. He warms the earth, water evaporates from the oceans, clouds resulting directs air currents, and winds called sprecontinente where rains causing prove their usefulness and maintaining river flows. This is a topologically invariant direct way to use this energy and part of the physiological processes that occur on Earth ani.Insa demilioane the sun can do "a little" more: could provide the

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entire amount of energy it needs an industrial society modern global scale for an indefinite future; which can not osursa usual energy. It might easily happen without pollution or headaches privintaresurselor exhaustible natural. Many people however are not convinced of this and they have the opinion that create that investment would not profit unthinkable loss of mare.In 1970 American scientists were in a strong enthusiasm thinking that it would puteaschimba old technology with new, based on the energy provided by the sun. This happened after the initial failures in transportation and processing of oil, which seriously polluted environment. This led laconcluzia that this new technology should be initialized to life in the villages, but not long after aceastamiscare with all the

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enthusiasm waned. The reasons for this absence and today USE OF aenergiei solar widely nusunt any conceptual or technological difficulties. There are people on the mareinfluenta such lucruir who simply fear a complete shift energy use solare.O good measure of their suveranitatoii is that, even despite importatnt acestuifapt capitals of modern society, the concept of capitalize anergy was completely removed from the United planurileStatelor, especially in terms of informing the public (except military planes have inperspectiva using this new type, especially if oil crisis.) If you would have started with energy use in restricted limits today would have reached a busy procentsemnificativ solar energy in total anergy. The main idea was that the solar directionareaenergiei, sunlight

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must be concentrated. Devices that could do this could fifacute at a low price, even in a large production, since 1970 was not to be asa.Au been and still are problems associated with solar progress, some real others cooked up stories. One dintreacestea as the sun always shines not even in California, but there are plenty aremedia solutions to this problem - it is part of the serious problems; one of the uniisceptici invented, such as the collapse of installations, this causing an even greater danger nuclear decatfuziunea; But the idea of danger can not be contradicted in totalitate.Toate they were first mentioned in a paper published in early 1983 called "CEAM long ode to the Sun", in the first of three volumetric manuscripts, of which

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only few parts can fiincluse here. H

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