" mndd.pevok the "way o~teu to so.ions dan~jr. it is qoim as neo~jeery to ~ erases impure...

................... . .................. : ...................... -~-~-_ ...... - ..................... ., ..... .................. "r.r= ...... . .................. : ...... ~ .... :. ¯ _ ....................~,_ _ _~,. .............. . ............. , . . . . :- : ¯ . . ......... ~.~,.. .... ~ ........ ;.~..,~ ... .................. : ..... _ ...... .+,. -, ~,~ m.~, . ........ :.__~__:.._ ___±._’:/ ..._: ..... -_. _: - . - ¯ ,.. ¯ ,. P . ., . ........ ¯ - ...... :"’".:: ,"I,,:,,.:, ..’ ,"~.,,~. " " . : - " ’, ’~; . ......... " - "-.. ". , " ..~ " :.v~ - .’.:: _.:.._ J._ _"-’-i.1~L .’_J.L._L ........ J ..... _ .~t., : ~, ,.~!" .; .. - :. ,, ....... ¯ ’, . - . . ;?.~(. p__~ "The E’eop[e’s Store," ................. ~,~_ 0~0~_,__~_,~: ........ . ~r. ]). S~t~X-Xe Prop?to ............. p~-r]pt f~6s ~.~uUy-fliied at a~.~. no~...... Hammonton,:N. J,, 8at y, ptember 1878: Cen r COpy ........... :. L: ........................................................................................................ .=-..... .:_ =- ........................... :~.- ...................... ~:. :_:..~ ......... ~, ~=- ’.. ..... , ........ .... ¯ :’fired M~he-r~. fi~’n~ai view, to ~, rl.,k, d,’,l,.d to ~’~if-~at~o~n;,~a-,h’,r~s’a~r.~;a~,, ......... :: WwOZ.~B.&I~ ANO DJ~.L~us IX A tittle elbow le~n~ upon your knee.- Your Urod knee that has so mush to bern’; ~.Fbllds deer eyes are Looking torlngly _ _]hl)m u~datneath a.~Loh.of.tangled hsir, Psrh~pe you do not heed the velvet touch Of warm, motet flngen.hol.dlnff you~ so tight I You do UOt pHza the hl~eh~.0vermuch--_.. _ You nlmoet are too fired to posy to-ulgkL _ . ,:- To~]~osoknowledp~neet~d"~o. 44 N0uth larket St. ~ ;T~T. ~_mmOnton, ~’. Z’.. "era: L. Fro., f howard ~n~. ]~nk, ~o.t. .~C.ltuma~, nmru’ro-(]~¯eBro. P’tsmouth,Va; ,~. BOWBRIDGE’8 tu..,.v~.~Jt., ~to~U=d - .... . . .... ...... - .... - " ." AIso~Jobn~lliu, E~q.,Hemmouto¯,~LJ. But it I~ bleae~n~ I A yea~ ~o d~d not ,ee t~ ;’X ~’to-d~.:. - ~ We are all so dull nnd fl~mk]el~ al~d two slow To ~tch the .uo~hine fill It sl|ps awny. And now it seem| eurprtslog etr~o~ te me Thnt while I wor~ the Z~II~ of motherhood. I-~;d not kl~8-mo~e of~-Kn~d tenderly ...... The little child that brought mo only good. ABd ff some nIKb~, whenyou slt down to ros~ You miss the elbow from your Ured knee; This rostl~ curly I~eed ~’om¯ffyour breast: IJsptx]g ton~un that chstten coestanUy ; zfrrom your own tho_ d)_mp/_e~ b~n~a had .111)1)~ And ne’er would nmUe In your imlm a6~dn, Iftho whit~ feet Into the grove hadtripp~d-- I could ¯ot blme yOU for your hear~-J~he then. I wonderso that motherl erer #ret _ Hammouton, N.J. _ . Oornor Bellevue and Centnd Avennm. OlWt, om "~ork~p~-omptlysttend e d to S. DRAPER, CARRIAGE & HOUSE P.~.I~’T:E:L-~. ...... ~k~~e, ~ke,, dtc, v - .... Harnmontone ~T. ".J’. G.~RR I/" VJIL.~WTIW.~, 10rlg’O’m]EL’l’&X R, prepo, rod to. ~ndab O~IKJL’~. OrFFI’NS, Wrfll rfANDLE8 ¯ I’LAY]~ In ev, ~7 vth-ie/y, at ths towmt c~ah pHcso. irlme~dl prompllp ahended as. .... ~l.lso z~.smto ~1~ ~ud ~wpetra aml renovadee rut. tJhop up-ebdm or~ the whsolwdght shop, ~ ’l~r I~1. ]l~mmoetou, N, J. ~" :E, :D ~-:B~qTI:Nnl HOUSE & 81GN PAINTER, A! YMe Li~TLl I~IIOP 0M ’rlAC0nNll 01P. A. L HART~VELLe cl itect anb uilbe: ~ II~ ~ SPK(~IYlOATION6, DETAXL~ OF ~IXTEItI~,g,-UOST~, ~o., Tu~rdflahedst Ihort uoUoe," hrll~ who c~otH.l,|~te I~ulhtlnnl ar~ Iv,vlt~d to call eenmlne plans whh’~ ,ire kel+t ou bnud M eempl~ o(work,~od srn~,Ke.to.t ot dlffsrent It~lOf butld[n i. Orrtne ~an Hno~. o~roa~vx R. IL ,dra~ton’q~l IIAMMOh’TON, ~, J. Is propsrod to do eli Muds of Survoymg, Lovolin , ~./k T’J I’) Z 1~ (~., ~d other ~,ni~uoerins Work, at reasonable rotes. Also, Oommigslonor of Doods, O~oe wRh A. J’~ X|ng, Esq,, Hsmmonton, N, J, ’ Barber Shop ! Zha uudotllgesd has opeuad a) BN~bar 8bopuus ]Sellovue ~¥e. ¯ ~nd is prepare,| to Cut Hair, Shampoo s 6keys J &o., In the best msuuor, J A (lien. Towelto ~oer¥Manl Open every doy. On Runday from Y te IS the morning. J 9-qEPII OOA8T. llsmmonton, Mey, ’71. lJ-lf Trees ! Treee !!’l~’e~ ! !! [ h,ve the larl(eSt variety lad belt ~mourt- Immt or ~lbeda and Uraamental Trine, Mvw. &,rl~e, 1ledge Plants, dhruhe, Plank0 Bulbs, &o~lu’Atlsntio Oo. A|Jo, Applu, Pearl Poeoh ¯nld Oberry Treel of the beet varJet|ee. All el whisk I offer s+, prleem ue low ae any t,, the ~utry. 0~1 und azamlno my ato~k. WM. F. BA88MTT~ Bdllvuo Ave. Nureorl~, /lswmvnkm, N.,J’ ING MACHINk’o O][I l:[O~,.--~’esrly cew-- for $|5.~0. ONEWH]~ERA~D ~IL~O~exrly ¯ew..-for 11_2 At their little chlldrou elluglug to tholr. ~owu ; Or that th~ footpd¯t~, whenthe days sre wet~- -.. Are.ever blank e¯ou~h to makethamfrown. IfI could fled a IltUe muddy boot, -Or cap~ or J~cke~; on my chambor fl~or~--- II I could kiss a rosy, reatlm foot, Mewi~q~ ~[meh|nem from ~25 up. - - 8eoond -~a~d: .......... L. F~WYATT~Agent, HA~MONTON, N. J. A. J. KING, A’I~X’ORNEy A.~d ~ oun~llor - ~; - :L,~v-, IfI conld mend u broken c~rt to-,’ny, To-morrow make a klto to r~h the sky,-- ’/~el:~~-n’~-~’~ut~n in God’i world co~l~IS~y ..... She was more b|lssf~ltly contest thsu I ! But,ah, the dainty pillow ¯eat my o~ Is ¯ever rumpled by a shl¯ing head : My slaking blrdltog fYSm IM nest hu~r flown-- - The ltttle l~.y I used to kiee---b dead. Our Washington Letter. WxnnnxeTo]~, D. C., Sepa 2, 1878. Tbe beginniog r f another autumu finds Weak. iogton in a more than ordinariSy good 8aultsrv - COMMISSl0.~.~R 0F/)E]~DS, JKND NOTARY PUBLIC. Ae|nT re ul TnN EnMrlN~ ANe ~ALn O]P ~I.D &MD LAthS. OallonUng, Conveyaeeleg, the exeootion nf Passion Papers, and. ~1] logel aed kindred blu~ eele promL~tly attended to. HAMMONTON, N, 3. AHO Solicito~ in Chancery. MAY’N LANDING. N. J- TURKINal, ItU~iS/AN ¯--A/~ D 0TL[ EE--, "!=[ rJL" :]B: Phil,,delphla. THE COLONNADE, 1)~<:~I~IC ~:Vt~ ~.. Between Ruilroad Depot and the Bea0h. IN FULL VIEff OF TIIE OUEAN. ASlantle City. N, J. J. IIR~RY IIAYEB, Prop’r. WARD & PE~CHELL, LONG ISLAND RUBBER CO MANUFA~’ruItKI~ India l~ubber Peeking, Koso Belr~ /ng, Car 8prlng¢ &o. ~le Asenl. fur UNI)EItWOOI)’S PATENT FLEXIBLY WEATHER STRIPS. All Jtu~;~-.~ro Wood--~o Burning, IIAYWOOI)’~ P~T. FLOOIt CLOTH, ]YatorlJro,,f, l.~peris~a~ mad O/~ap. ~o YULTON ~., b[KW ¥OaK. E, H. cARPEIITER, l)K.k 1,Kit IN HATH & OAPS, ~la£io:ter’y aml Fmtcy Arliclea, ~W|t~ s Jl~i~hlbe Nr~l|e~ II.t IIItlC|lllen~l lur L%w|nnl Ms,,bl.~ qtI,K, UOTToN, &c.,&~. Uterine -condition, and our exemption thus far "from-& -slngle oaso ofyollo’,v fe~’er is a ~ouren of great leli©ttatlon~ ¯ Tb~ terror with which its mareh up the Misrisaippl hu tospired thouaeuds, b ILfted ]itlle by Ihfle as wo near the eool eights that will bring wtth them a eerteln tntidote ng~Jnst the extent[onbere ~,f the Infection, But the terrible details sent up every bour from the South have moved the great beert o( this ngn.. munity, s.q the tale8 of bu.ning oLties uevor did. ~No groat n~lamity h,a evor called out aueh el. mestunifornt manifostation8 or lympathy; and few are found unwlllJug to eontributo generous ly in proportlo¯ to tbelr meens. The bitterness engcudered by politleal otrife Is rorgottcn In the dread presence of this relentless destroyer, nt who-eo toueb wbo]e-towhi melt eway. The noble rerpouso of the North and West, e~d of Southern oommunlties nol tnoludod in the urea of thLm terrible vlsltatLon, prove that seetlonal proJudlccs a¯d feuds, based ou p&rtlaan differ- encea, ore little mo"a thin Ikln deep among the great maus of Int, Illgont Amerieau oitlzens,thut tho law of bumontty--of u oommon’ brothor. hood--is ~s high nbovo lush petty eoneidera- ti0na as the hesvens are abovo the earth and it sweeps away tLe aoeumu]et~d hotrod8 and resentments of deeude8 like ehsff, when Jtl cur- rent Is etlmulated by lueh appne|l al thomo onto- lug up from deeimated olties of the lower Mis- shdFpi. Tbo feeling here II thlt the Zntornutlousl ~ll- per Ooo~rcse wee a fel]ure so far aa the a~op- tloo of the double mtandard is e~)ncer¯ed. AI. though our representatives are maid tu bays Is. bored &10|duously tO this eud, weight of spin- Ion seems to have been ngalnst the preetlcnbll Ity of eny suoh cousummatlou at preeeut ! and the prosp6ot of any xetur¯e from the money spout In giving several gentLemou a plea,out that Amerlean exhibitors at the ExpoaLtion there are teklng more then tbe|r share of awards and diplomas may prove a partial oompensntlo¯ to thole dlsappolutud at the ou|eomo of the SiL- ver ~os~ress. Botler’e denlsl.of any knowledgo of tho ~her. msn.Aodersou’]stter hes sowed to dlsplrlt ran shins X)emuoratl wbu bud heen me much elated by previous reportl to the ¯fleet that ho h,d seen It, nnd thnt I t wouhl bo sprung on the publ[oJuJt boforn the Norember nleetlons, Jn- auH.g a Itepublleeu stempedo nud a Democrit|o ceOp (l* etclt. Kearno.y has ©omo and gune. ]tile seeing exolled no I~olch,g~ his golug no grief. KZ~ eeptL,g the oall of Cuben, aud a few el him vug- eboud gear, he wee loft audleturbed at his hotel and hn nud hie ’ prlve~ sooretnry" fouud no empedlment to laoomoth~u uy tbe crowds at- ~udlo| him ou the ilren,i, It wee, In short, anythlug bul tho trlumphel oetry lute the oily of the deliverer of Its tulliug masses. Ropuhs- hie people uf ~il olaseem aFpoar~ Intent ou let- tLug him sevel~ly arises. The verioumlubor or- geulsatnnui ~od to whully J|nore h~, lad he gein~l only eu0h diattaotto¯m Ln thLi way Oa C.heo aud¯ few of hla reg mumn disciples e~utd, noufer, ilewout laHy Io e,dl at the White ll.uee, nud un Juch mnmbure of the C~JI,. inot ee won lu toun sudwss clrlll 7 antertahsed for a few mumou~ et e,M~h pl,m~,thaa wetbdreWo He took a~lru.~t-|s af t~l opp¯l~nlhy e~rvlr~l while Io~k|ug over the l~l~hl of OMI~IGe$ UI~o I ,m t,~ stored away la the Y~nry va’tta far a r~l~y daY, ta I~ I~mo a! bkl pouted so maoy times siuco bn loft hie sand ’io| =dmi:er~ Gent~emsn. Who Is mennttWu.~t does that word me~n/ -- l~th~ £Lth J~ehturys-mmoug .the._Bsrhaz~-,,; a the soldieze ~d oonquorore of the Roman Em- pire, were the Ken~e~u,u..From the n&e’. of Cburlemaguo to the C~ae, del s the gen~iemdn wore tl~v~e wh.o . n rv~ |0 thnl army; on -.Jx0~e; back, au~ were invested with the obaraoter ol knighthood. . . ~J~_Gr~tBritadu thou lhahol~: military rnnk, the mhmbez s of p~rlisun~nt -and titled persona are e~lled gentlemen. ~ba Jeo- marry, what wo eall freeholdure, are not honor- ed with the mane e[ gentleman. Thus ~La au. eiont times, and at p~’eSeut,|z) WnK1aud , tba w urdba~ an ar]mtoor&tlo distinotton a~d restrio.. tton. Somothtng of thid fluvor iagivon the word fu Amorioa~ we sl)eak of one -who is r~. tired on wealth mud lives ut h,s ease s as "a |m- tlem~n." But oo,.~mo~’ly tho ply for a malo peraoo. 3,Vo ~peak of "a lee: gen~nm~ usher," &o. Whilu iu ~amother seen. try, a few pereons without regard to ehara~er aro cnllod ~ntlomen, iu thi~ countr 7 wu perahlt innnllLng ~Jl men; wtthout regord-to behavior; po~iti~n or character, geotlcmen: We are doutht. load ~ [1~o SniPS Ues. It b g/yen and aa,umed by thuSe who du not desarver illuatratn or hear it with honor. ~:ho word doe~ me~m ~uoro shun male person, or onn of earthly dietinetion.~ It A,,# some reference to ebareeter and, ehsvior. behavior we asy"7on ore a little gentlemon." When we wish to maure the ¢on/ldence of a~other we any, "1 promL, e you on d~e -wo~;d’0t ; gen-: tlumen." We esyof one who Is n~torioua.y rudo uod vulgar~"’ho is nO &entlemun," mud of see that is quiet-und ntteutive m & publio gosh. eriu~, "he bohaved himsolfJiko a geatlemau.~ Wheu in a political dLsouesion your eelghb~-f ROR into n pussintl, douounne~ you with surges el a trsltorm und medeyou (eel thll knook-ahoud argumeut of-hi~ right boot~ ha. wee.no genl~e - man ; hut in the apologies aud amcuds whiob he afterward made ho conau~ted- hio~elf .,. a gentlomao. Thus by ©ommou©onsont tho word mean~ sue of good sense, good breedlng~ good bobavLor, aud noble traits of character. 8uoh alone mor- |t the title. H~re I~ where it properly belongs. Wosh~nld keep the word up to this mens~ and bestow St only on auoh Worthiu. We deserve rebuko when we pronounoo as "aperfe©t Soutlo man" be who gratifies .11 our foulLsh wlshel end whims,or prouounoo as "no gentleman/’ he who or0saea our purpose; when lu the feithfol dieohargn of duty; Osntlemanllnels ~ soma~ thing more than morn ooodes0enmion~ and noth. .lng less than right doing. We oould not help laughing when wu saw a good.lo~klng, wol dreeeed muu astride a raw bone~ inoorrlgable old donkey, whisk uo amount ol birch LIckllng could persuade lots a Jog trot. It la equally pitiful t,o see the honorable title of gent~omla 8udd]ad oU a human Juck~a man withoat seoau or virtue. This world la nrowded with shame. There ahem shows, ato0ks, ape©ulatlou, Jowelry,~ I and sAam ~je.t/~u,~m. A bo 7 wae ahown a pLo- turn ot" Luther at tho lhet of Worms, whet, he exolalmod--"Papu I see the Luthor but where the w~rma?" WhLIo we look upon the ms. trovertlng them with good soend dootrine. "Ho t~at effect, maid town shell themftor provl~ found himself ~o quie~ ]y’ floored t.hat he gavel for e~l support !e a proper thsnner the p~or elf" ......... up the ntt~mpt to debaueh blr. Sherman’s said t0we, and qthalJ no; tharosfL~r be nlaselm~t ’: "lecheroua, boud.holdin~;’ aSs|~taut pimps ui, whb any.~,uuty p,,or aoz, nor be:/h~bl~_tw pa~ badj,,b, evidently thinking t~she county in v~hioh It[’ altueted ~ny n@~e o’ th~s’KiVex~ over t, be|le+ea]le;-~l,, .pete_h *t;z nr ~z ter~’ pY;vldon" f0:f ~L~Io’~.::" __~I:’.‘ : :" .__’: Jority of men we are eompelled to i~quLru-- where Im the true gentlcm~n? Under the namo of Kuntloman wo too otteu see Iho puppy~ tho baboou, the brute and the d.vfl. U. Our ~oor Y~w. At the meetiugof Ihe Buurd or" Asmsuors at Muy’s LuudlnK, ou Monday~Uemmonton was us~esied Ibe Poor ta w under the prutest of Mr. II. ~eelcy, tt,n member¯ from Hammonton, be. onu,n no sue was able te find "the law exempt- Lng ul from It. For the benefit of thol~ who llhored m~ earueetLy t. n’ld it, w[thoot luooose, wn glvo It eutire, At tho last eOUlUj oorouunt7 oostaloed ab,~at IS,000 Lohablta0te, and It hae nut deoreeeod soy aluon. Thus Lt will he seen the law Is appllo’ahlo to llammouton. The Town Cou.oilaeted upon It, In aoeordauee with tha requlremont of tbu ]aw~ beforo the nrst of May. I I. Um It nxa~run 6y tan .5’a.ats nn~ (X*#er.l ¯ dsoemS/y of the ~tat~ of ~Y¢~o Jersey, That in S innorporalud towns having a lowu eouell, with a populetlun of no~lsso than fuurt~en hundred by tho ~oeus retorae of ol~htdu hudred ~d movnnty.Sve ~ In la$ ooua(7 st th~ s~t h her hs~ ¯ popnlutioa of not I,,88 t.aa fuartee, thouaaad more tlj~dl twos~ thousand b3 aid e, elell re;urne~ are her, by nathosiaod ud empow~d to provide f,r end mntnteLa the poor o| maid town -rid ta reho by t~settenl tho m~e,y n~- Nry the~f¯r in ouch your. I. And b. ir ...~cr~, That ~/" tho town e~al. oU of any eooh town shall dale~ml=e Id~t hare. aftor sea& town ehadl proride fur 8N~ supper| ~8; Aw~’Se k moa~d~" Thud: this ~M~t Sbull:tskl + Approv~ Ap~dl 5, 1878. " ’ ’ ’ Muehthu beeu said a~d ~ritten upo~ tha evtlgo£ ..h~mpe~m~e; the m~l’y on. ~ui’oned-oy~e uue 0f intox~c~tiog drlukl ~J t~e ~mes thus ~n’se offend:and wo aimoetaiw~gi bet~u~sd~o ~a~l prOmoler-of evil. " ........ There is one this evil upon .led to think a gns~ mentioned ht- m~d with my Friends mud tho’~ ’dollars I -~ot verymueh When, bundredg and thousands e~h oth~r in the . ._-. ... Jt mesnnl that are eallhig ~uhththe empty 1 to wenr in be traeedtodt~mk. fuel to .when ."the L~ .......... You nmy u¥, is sehiom 4~rWam habit-,," us i~.,r S ~m.uue; ~tnx oyer men you uAve .mote wuo~ ~.~ ’~’.tW~_. oa~ se~aom au0~vdhooffset of the liquor to e, Casual obeyer, their f~es.amneveur . flu~htd,_and ;hey ~uev~ l~vo L blouom on their nuns, they al~’ renlpectsh~ drinkera~ (what r ab.~urd coSq~omen,) y, hey:would ~orn a nv,e ceut dr~nuth~ wo~!d nvo ceut ctgar, they ¯ ~Jke their drink ~nd throw down thelr quaffer, and whht dual this ~moun~tolu ~ yesr Of 3 ]5 <la~- for they do not h~ve one dsy tn seven ~o reef from their labors, they must b~ve their d ram,.0n the Sabbath, ~ the 7 ~onld not nllu sctu audlisten to, and appxeo~te tim lel’l~on. Would you beUeve i~ I have seeu 8rid. known the f~iliee or some of tbeso very m .em__St~ggle ~nd o0onomize aad worry ~ud pla~, to ave a penuy hem and u penny Shove, to help theirhushm~ ~1 fa~r,- .. 0nly twenty.five ~enU a davy. ~re~ b~ cuat smau sumwould hire anursegirl fo~ a whole ]rear. to reUeve ~he achl~ arms of that wearymother ; that llmall would do a great d~l towardgfurnlahieg entert~inlu K and instruotive readloK for your sons and daushters, and might .b~ the meade of a~viug that .boy From th~ nn~res t~n~l t;e u~p ~ 16b-d ~. be set tho path of the ’youu K. What Democmey Has Done for ’ the Labori~Men. 6,~dFira~ Before the rebel[on they h~l 4,- of Ishot~ra in nllave~, thus de- tug the whole mm of lobster8 in tho hosed. stead lAW. Third. They wentto war to l~rl~tual~ ~davery. Fourth- They he]d that sinVe~ T WU t, lm uor~at om~huon Of the I~boror. Fifth, They eusot~L th~ uli duee to the G.verumeut should be peld in oolu. that Government employ~l mJ~htbo pld~ In a.nlul~r!or curreu~y s ]_earing only do- pr~oU~ted ~t~to eurr~ueyfor the l~baru~. Sixth, They opposed ~e ereatiou of ¯ Goverument ourrenoy fo K -II the peo- l)le. Beventh.S[uoo their ecoe~llon to power, under the falae plea of eoonomy, t~ have ~efu~ app~prht.U~nl Ot tbo pe~ ple’nl mouoy for needed lmprovemont~ thunl depmmlug I~bor In s tim ot I~aerd dlnltreu, v(hllo they squsndonsd miilhm~ in prolltlenl8 iuveetJi~Jonandplymeul ~d~ r~b¢l d~imm. :~lKhth. The7 huve uttemp4nd the x~. duotion of the r.=ri~ tJ~t A~ labor might I~ rsduc~i to CXqU~tlUOn with the hdr.i~ld labor st f~r~iU oount~iN. N1uth. The 7 hove refhsed ~courN~ meutto whLoh o~r u SWS~- m~rkN. hove emtarrused and n~. larded the bwdnese by unwtl to- duo¢~l ehurk~ to~ in the Do. Pa~’-~u~ti. They hlTe ~P~mWd the vs. duo~Jon ot the army l~ow lho so~md mty~ uouulr furthapm~xmkm: o( ~ .’lr~w~Uar met~r, bu.m~ ~ whhtim vSm~ ~ thz~mh:ll Ul~W:u ~ overb~mlk:uml maraet ,a ~dd/~,~l supply ot unem.

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Page 1: " mndd.pevok the "way o~teu tO so.ions dan~Jr. It Is qoiM as neo~Jeery to ~ erases Impure aeoumulations from the bow-ale as tt II to enlt or sleep; pod no health o~n be expelled


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’ eared thousands. SlYangstrom, is No draetlo vi.-

lent purKo, but a polio IssJs~nt to nature.

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’ any devlatlon from thts do. "" mndd.pevok the "way o~teu tO

so.ions dan~Jr. It Is qoiMas neo~Jeery to ~ erases Impureaeoumulations from the bow-ale as tt II to enlt or sleep; podno health o~n be expelledwbor~ A uem[ivo habit of body

¯ prew, lh,. . "

NICK HEADACBEN !: Tbledistr..ei"g ,siction. oe0"r,-;sit fro:queutly. Tho..dlsturhaoen of t ho stomsoh, aria.

-ing -from the- impert’eo0ly digested- eont~oUr,angeles a up¯re peln lu" the head, ass)repealedwith dlmsgl~eablo neesou, and this constituteswbst Im popqlerly kn-wn ne 8lek Hoadeebo iJ’or the relief of which, Talw SIMMOnni’ LlV~n)~ni~-ULAYOa Oa MIDIOlII.



PIlILADRLP/[ ]A.P,~cs $I.00. ,Sold ~y all D,~dete.

H. D, RHITH. .Agent, Ifammontnn, N. J,

ARTIfiCiAL TEETH, Cheaper thanAnywhere Else.

leAl~Ylr~L Sits OlPyearn, wnoN $5 to$8



k Furteo~ ~t orMoney Refunde¢Impression In tko morning, Teeth at 3 o’cloek



l~orBoon.il23 O~e,#~etStr~er,’PMl.. Perseus baying tooth tl~nt do qot fit, eau hare

the~ remodeled sn,t lands to fit.

W BROWN,,,,..,,..

an4 mn perfect es ,~ defy deteetlon.

S; l Paiulos4 oatreo’lon with Oas, 50 souls per! tooth.

Testh ea~reeted Ires w~en otherm are ordered.Wholesale Produ’ce ~.pe,,,.,. ~,,,,ng.~oLL...,,, Plus,,,.311 ly Philadelphia.

-Merchant, ................303 N. qVmfer Ntreet, .~llantf¢ ~t~l

((~r, Yl,e)

PI 0MPPULIZ] ~-d.lmmad ~he right to m~nftotum ~nd.

edl thhu Fa~w~teMaei6~s in ~uo e~uu~ on4~OUldle~ ]lUl~ln~eun, 0m~e, Atl~tJnl mud OspImy, I bolol~7 Irlv* notion Utat Z ann prepaid

III sills11 at f0~Wlng gin ;

H0. 1 ]I£&CHINBr - ~IISI;OO,~0~ " " " ...... - ..... 81100 "

H~l~o ave Irnvwa~od to 1. ~1. ’~IMin tike marJw!.

Jor pnlxUnlubin sgid for 91~eulm..... :: ¯ e.W, PKIKSBYs

),mmoatsn, luvmtw &~ enuP

llnw~zn Mo~=r. IL O. H~


Iat-l’Vdm ~ m ~ t~ ~ Phtl~,lelphht




-1~!5 .u4~-:t.iel, ~.

,lOSs 10.50;m, 11 e5~ ;ansi ~O5 p

M.. "snd :nlvrlvu st S I; ~ P. i ?the

atlOtt, 4. M. .... :,!:": :: .._ : : . .

: 4~4 I,[~ ,q

i.I .1


F:,’g:.--:: ;.T~|,: e: "I~ ,’[=~

5ta I~

¯ ~ ~ ~tl6.I0.14 10 st,

¯ ~ M~-~rKAI~,~.:.~.~-~ ~..i~M: :- .~-- .......¯ ~.j1,~: m. ,- . .

’- . nl ,M~|d~ S .M0’O.L. .... _~V. ~I:]¯ ..I,1 II!

¯ -~ . It- :li:J.... ; :1S l ll.~

’ " ISIS I 1 t14181 ’

--- Jil~3 "ld

12nla f 811181 leII:O I’ lOlO ~ :s 1I|jp vlSlPO S~51 21 t4el-g-~ 40

oriutn perfe~dy . ~-~ ttala~,.;.Down Mull ¢mia nltlAt, A~eommedstlou 5 S(I, ~’. N._Up mallt may e~nt to pa~ lonm~ud O~IMmO~I~:: -Till’ el 4 10, P. 9[, At. A

- - ~;-" -:--"prr,pertlon of iogi te Ib4 mount twnlm’od bolestar7 lmtJl,-,O~[.l;Ip@Di~l much :l~’nl Uutu seen’M; - - ~- -- - ~ . - ....ally badG-notblng~llbl~l~no~ifav011bl~ .......... ............. - ....... : : ............to the insurod, Tbeeos~bollg~boltl~aem0~p ""

, ; I~,

,he N.J. Eouthe R. R,on ord(¯ar~eouts per ~sa- o~ Ao~trdeu# ’ ~ " " ¯leel than one-third 0j - ~USJA4 qpoea~aetb~ with th0 Clm(~el 81AQnlostook eompnelos, ou sueb tl.e.;K..R.~.wUi,ru u 1allows, eomsmm,desJllAythlrd~ taken sere, sa~a~ nsaa eoAIh.nm~ until furtheJr notice.

L_- -- 7 " ". -~" " ." :": -,~’~fV~.- " " "peesoaofthe-o~n~nnies. : ~’! :. ~ ~ -" - Ih&, NIZ’4~g0...-PH 1~ &D][LJpJ~d~...II,~ : fi~5

......... ~ FI,~.X~,~ ~’~, .... ~.~4 5.da~--~nlJILO~.~,V~,~i~, J~Sl ..¯ .." , :,’ ,,: ,’. S.01 5.U.--,-I,~/JILAKS,~,a~bSI 0.00If an~ssNsaweut had to k made nf.fl~! pe ?A~ 4:~S-~..];4~)ISVIL~L.,I~;I( alloont. only, twt0¢ wiibin the le~ 7Urn/e~hJeh ~.4a 4.nll’...,.WHEdk~ ]~0AD.., ¯ ~111’

the memhe~ tbwu ~y otherlunlrul~l.,~r~. ?JlS’ 4:J~:;;~.; :~.._X~:,.,::~IIJI0:11,18Aedthetlurge&mauu! of meuo7 Is |~vnld 1o ~.lg 8A¢);.....M01MllUAyj.;,,.;;10.SS e dlthe members and kept at h~me. Ne ~lel~ t.S5 g2b--..-.BRIU~I]ITO-%~,....II.t0 t.04merit hev|ng ovor boenmnde, badngmmore d,d~ S.db....-(JRKg~WIOE.....,il.h5 ~S4than tblrt 7 yur*, thnt gavin| wouJd QI~ou; to 6 35:110....,..’.~1~AY~/gg ....... 12.05 ~J~more than " - ......... ~t TI~. P, ~,~ . SOOIh I’,U.O~eMiIHoa F;ee ~qn¯dred ~loaeewd l)oliar WM, S. SNKDE.N~ gHAS. P ~.:g~k.])D]J~, ..... : .

The ][~411ejr by LJ|h|llJlpg, - - Um’[. Na~m~-r~ " - Gkn’l Zlekat Ajt.

Where the prop, rty Is ant sot on Ore, ,te{ogmt than one eq~t per year to enl~h membor~

¯ re psld:wllhoet nstra ubsr~es sad NItludod soss to sever all pollelee thnt ure UUSwod nlnd out.nltlodJng.

B~NJAMIN 8HEppARD , Pr~#td~,t.

]lgNRY B. LUPTONs &sor¢#+~,


Og0. W. PRRSBgY, Hnmmaat~ ~. J.eke, W ~AWYgR, ?nek~ten~ N,.J..A. L. ISZABD, ~ay L~ndfa~, ~V.J.

I1N~UI~E II~ T~-llg


..... LIFE .......I SUBANCE 0uMPANY.


0o nt3 ofLanoa tbr, Pa. .Pa ents !ShOe in Wa~lu~on, D. (7. ~o hmmt, ~o Pay.

8end for 01r~ulsr,~varybo,ly ean make provlsloe ir ease of 4ohth.


IsqeJre of R. ~ II, TUONAS.Hsmmntnw. ]~, J.



(HLM0i E, 8MIT :& 00." Solldtors ¯r l,i~ot~ k Ath)meye at [4w.

No Fe~ In Advents, nor’until a Patent

¯~.~~..-!~-. , _--¯ epeelnl atte,~ilo~ ~lvo" ~o lUi’,forenn cambafolo tbu Valiant 0~lco, [nfrtn£ement ~UtlJthe dl~srent Statsa, and ell IIt~gatlou up~ertab~.log to Pntente or ]nvont]eul0

Bend 8~mp l~v’~umpala of ~/ Panel

puumb, ornemdultui dm~na, rmd~mrks-*ua hdmll.Uavret~ A,nl|rm&a~, Iot,-rfer~oc~4, latrh,lf,,n,ont~aed all mattwe rrl~tthK to ~lel01e, prUml~ly etSvndedATLANTIO AVENUE to. w, -.k. ~..I,~.~ e...t..,~.,, s,,t r, re~.

Opp~llhs U. 8. Hotel, ere I,temtodle eewlbventk0~maud I~tentsero/nvlt-ed Io ee~d f¯r a ~ of our "Quki~/or ,~ldslng PII-

I<, L L ’-"-Atlanile Clt¥, N.J. ~x~ ~-v,.,. l..,ree~o., hn tn .~u ~. s.d .h..

vallmMe nhalt~r. I)urSnnl the r~t ere y~eru we haveobt0dned nrsldy three UlunflMiid J~tsn~l ~)r ~J~ffl~OIIAll operath,ns of tbm mouth skllf~lly eueou.

.5 The nlv~t~ ~labrlty of uur TJPJ TAOTO" ImdJ’urel~nleeenh~J, lud~,lllre mtJe&~o¢~lwl~r.ted, ~outh ontrlalod ubeolatoly without pnlln, n IIAO00~1~1 ~14~1 Inky SllaJnl[k)t~ I~lglll~ t~l laoll lu &nm~t erery (~u0,ty Se Ibe Uni,~l.J’reah ~itrous lids (See delJy. ~ooth iN0ert- | ~41 ~ ¢~1 tbl m;k’t. We th.rvf~m m~al~n adsod on g~ Oold, Ullvor and Rubbor# ore., al | (~nowaeuep~ee0 pumlNul¯nlsuch ImJhll~un~ . LOLI|M BAGGNN, dt (’O.short eotl~, All work SuaM-eloud petbfel- JI All d~Jm 1~lTImS or sell ug other Idig ~ Salkdhml of’ PWINm led Attoree~MIt-Lmw, Le ]~rultI~17. ~Ibeerlega ~ ot re,tulle hal)el, feeder dlmt~elw,~ ]J~ildlenl, Weehioilol, D. 0.

J~ Iblde (o the pmne|ty Of tke Ldw. aed all I~m14 vl~"

Phlh~ltolphla Oleo 107 Plmo I15. ~ :¢’ taro. For 8s/e snd to Rent.Tku leuefee LOI~Lt~A ID fin t~ TOI.t, O00 ml~Ivsd lhmes el~ ¥111qe I~lS wttk Iwd halldh

....... .7, ’" ’ " ~A.]II1.. ) W FI~J HISAD, U~MOVI~ hs t~ bm~o ~bo W~J I~) I| 04~I~ ID el opel uMmmo~.o..,._- .--,_-.,’


E. & S’[’. - . ,.]~1- T~JJ DIrKK|0ueselg~’b~ huUw. (mlle~eUue)e ~loodandd t~l] ~llme~


Tku IOUalee IOIILL~ID fin TA~I T01X000

]d~mm.mlee, Jr, J.

................... . .................. : ...................... -~-~-_ ...... - ..................... ., .... . .................. "r.r= ...... . .................. : ...... ~ ....:. ¯ _ .................... ~,_ _ _~,. .............. . ............. , . . . .

:- :

¯ . . ......... ~.~,.. .... ~ ........ ;.~..,~ ... .................. : ..... _ ...... .+,. -,~,~ m.~, . ........:.__~__:.._ ___±._’:/ ..._: ..... -_. _:- . - ¯ ,.. ¯ ,. P . ., . .. ......

¯ - ...... :"’".:: ,"I,,:,,.:, ..’ ,"~.,,~. " " . : - " ’, ’~; . ......... " - "-.. " . , " ..~ ":.v~

- .’.:: _.:.._ J._ _"-’-i.1~L .’_J.L._L ........ J ..... _ .~t., : ~, ,.~!" .; .. - :. ,, .......

¯ ’, . - . . ;?.~(.p__~

"The E’eop[e’s Store,"................. ~,~_ 0~0~_,__~_,~: ........

. ~r. ]). S~t~X-Xe Prop?to- .............

p~-r]pt f~6 s ~.~uUy-fliied at a~.~. no~ ......

Hammonton,:N. J,, 8at y, ptember 1878: Cen r COpy........... :. L: ........................................................................................................ .= - ..... .:_ = - ........................... :~.- ...................... ~:. :_:..~ ......... ~, ~= - ’.. ..... , ..........

.... ¯ :’fired M~he-r~. fi~’n~ai view, to ~, rl.,k, d,’,l,.d to ~’~if-~at~o~n;,~a-,h’,r~s’a~r.~;a~,, ......... ::_:.-



A tittle elbow le~n~ upon your knee.-Your Urod knee that has so mush to bern’;

~.Fbllds deer eyes are Looking torlngly__]hl)m u~datneath a.~Loh.of.tangled hsir,Psrh~pe you do not heed the velvet touch

Of warm, motet flngen.hol.dlnff you~ so tight IYou do UOt pHza the hl~eh~.0vermuch--_.. _

You nlmoet are too fired to posy to-ulgkL

_ .,:- To~]~osoknowledp~neet~d"~o. 44 N0uth larket St.

~ ;T~T.~_mmOnton, ~’. Z’.. "era: L. Fro., f howard ~n~. ]~nk, ~o.t.

.~C.ltuma~, nmru’ro-(]~¯eBro. P’tsmouth,Va;

,~. BOWBRIDGE’8 tu..,.v~.~Jt., ~to~U=d- .... . . .... ...... - .... - " ." AIso~Jobn~lliu, E~q.,Hemmouto¯,~LJ.

But it I~ bleae~n~ I A yea~ ~od~d not ,ee t~ ;’X ~’to-d~.:. - ~

We are all so dull nnd fl~mk]el~ al~d two slowTo ~tch the .uo~hine fill It sl|ps awny.

And now it seem| eurprtslog etr~o~ te meThnt while I wor~ the Z~II~ of motherhood.

I-~;d not kl~8-mo~e of~-Kn~d tenderly ......The little child that brought mo only good.

ABd ff some nIKb~, when you slt down to ros~You miss the elbow from your Ured knee;

This rostl~ curly I~eed ~’om ffyour breast:IJsptx]g ton~un that chstten coestanUy ;

zfrrom your own tho_ d)_mp/_e~ b~n~a had .111)1)~And ne’er would nmUe In your imlm a6~dn,

Iftho whit~ feet Into the grove had tripp~d--I could ¯ot blme yOU for your hear~-J~he then.

I wonder so that motherl erer #ret

_ Hammouton, N.J. _

. Oornor Bellevue and Centnd Avennm.

OlWt, om "~ork~p~-omptlysttend e d to


P.~.I~’T:E:L-~......... ~k~~e, ~ke,, dtc,v -

.... Harnmontone ~T. ".J’.


10rlg’O’m]EL’l’&X R,prepo, rod to. ~ndab

O~IKJL’~. OrFFI’NS, Wrfll rfANDLE8 ¯ I’LAY]~In ev, ~7 vth-ie/y, at ths towmt c~ah pHcso.

irlme~dl prompllp ahended as.

........ ~l.lso z~.smto ~1~ ~ud ~wpetra aml renovadee rut.

tJhop up-ebdm or~ the whsolwdght shop, ~’l~r I~1. ]l~mmoetou, N, J. ~"

:E, :D ~-:B~qTI:NnlHOUSE & 81GN PAINTER,

A! YMe Li~TLl I~IIOP 0M ’rlAC0nNll 01P.


cl itect anb uilbe:~II~ ~ SPK(~IYlOATION6, DETAXL~OF ~IXTEItI~,g,-UOST~, ~o.,

Tu~rdflahed st Ihort uoUoe,"

hrll~ who c~otH.l,|~te I~ulhtlnnl ar~ Iv,vlt~d to calleenmlne plans whh’~ ,ire kel+t ou bnud M eempl~

o(work,~od srn~,Ke.to.t ot dlffsrent It~lOf butld[ni.Orrtne ~an Hno~. o~roa~vx R. IL ,dra~ton’q~l


Is propsrod to do eli Muds of

Survoymg, Lovolin ,~./k T’J I’) Z 1~ (~.,

~d other ~,ni~uoerins Work,at reasonable rotes.

Also, Oommigslonor of Doods,

O~oe wRh A. J’~ X|ng, Esq,,

Hsmmonton, N, J,

’ Barber Shop !Zha uudotllgesd has opeuad a) BN~bar 8bop uu s

]Sellovue ~¥e.¯~nd is prepare,| to Cut Hair, Shampoos 6keys J&o., In the best msuuor, J

A (lien. Towel to ~oer¥ ManlOpen every doy. On Runday from Y te ISthe morning.

J 9-qEPII OOA8T.llsmmonton, Mey, ’71. lJ-lf

Trees ! Treee !! ’l~’e~ ! !![ h,ve the larl(eSt variety lad belt ~mourt-

Immt or ~lbeda and Uraamental Trine, Mvw.&,rl~e, 1ledge Plants, dhruhe, Plank0 Bulbs,&o~lu’Atlsntio Oo. A|Jo, Applu, Pearl Poeoh¯nld Oberry Treel of the beet varJet|ee. All elwhisk I offer s+, prleem ue low ae any t,, the~utry.

0~1 und azamlno my ato~k.WM. F. BA88MTT~

Bdllvuo Ave. Nureorl~, /lswmvnkm, N.,J’


O][I l:[O~,.--~’esrly cew-- for $|5.~0.

ONEWH]~ERA~D ~IL~O~exrly ¯ew..-for 11_2

At their little chlldrou elluglug to tholr. ~owu ;Or that th~ footpd¯t~, when the days sre wet~-

-.. Are.ever blank e¯ou~h to maketham frown.IfI could fled a IltUe muddy boot,-Or cap~ or J~cke~; on my chambor fl~or~---

II I could kiss a rosy, reatlm foot,

Mewi~q~ ~[meh|nem from ~25 up.

- - 8eoond -~a~d: ..........



A.~d ~ oun~llor - ~; - :L,~v-,

IfI conld mend u broken c~rt to-,’ny,To-morrow make a klto to r~h the sky,--

’/~el:~~-n’~-~’~ut~n in God’i world co~l~IS~y .....She was more b|lssf~ltly contest thsu I !

But,ah, the dainty pillow ¯eat my o~Is ¯ever rumpled by a shl¯ing head :

My slaking blrdltog fYSm IM nest hu~r flown-- -The ltttle l~.y I used to kiee---b dead.

Our Washington Letter.WxnnnxeTo]~, D. C., Sepa 2, 1878.

Tbe beginniog r f another autumu finds Weak.iogton in a more than ordinariSy good 8aultsrv


NOTARY PUBLIC.Ae|nT re ul TnN EnMrlN~ ANe ~ALn O]P ~I.D

&MD LAthS.

OallonUng, Conveyaeeleg, the exeootion nfPassion Papers, and. ~1] logel aed kindred blu~eele promL~tly attended to.


AHOSolicito~ in Chancery.


TURKINal, ItU~iS/AN--A/~ D 0TL[ EE--,

"!=[ rJL" :]B:


THE COLONNADE,1)~<:~I~IC ~:Vt~ ~..Between Ruilroad Depot and the Bea0h.


ASlantle City. N, J.J. IIR~RY IIAYEB, Prop’r.



MANUFA~’ruItKI~ 0¥

India l~ubber Peeking, Koso Belr~/ng, Car 8prlng¢ &o.

~le Asenl. fur


FLEXIBLY WEATHER STRIPS.All Jtu~;~-.~ro Wood--~o Burning,

IIAYWOOI)’~ P~T. FLOOIt CLOTH,]YatorlJro,,f, l.~peris~a~ mad O/~ap.

~o YULTON ~., b[KW ¥OaK.

E, H. cARPEIITER,l)K.k 1,Kit IN

HATH & OAPS,~la£io:ter’y aml Fmtcy Arliclea,

~W|t~s Jl~i~hlbe Nr~l|e~ II.t IIItlC|lllen~l lur L%w|nnlMs,,bl.~ qtI,K, UOTToN, &c.,&~.


-condition, and our exemption thus far "from-&-slngle oaso ofyollo’,v fe~’er is a ~ouren of great

leli©ttatlon~ ¯ Tb~ terror with which its mareh

up the Misrisaippl hu tospired thouaeuds, bILfted ]itlle by Ihfle as wo near the eool eights

that will bring wtth them a eerteln tntidote

ng~Jnst the extent[onbere ~,f the Infection, But

the terrible details sent up every bour from the

South have moved the great beert o( this ngn..munity, s.q the tale8 of bu.ning oLties uevor did.

~No groat n~lamity h,a evor called out aueh el.

mestunifornt manifostation8 or lympathy; andfew are found unwlllJug to eontributo generous

ly in proportlo¯ to tbelr meens. The bitterness

engcudered by politleal otrife Is rorgottcn Inthe dread presence of this relentless destroyer,

nt who-eo toueb wbo]e-towhi melt eway. The

noble rerpouso of the North and West, e~d ofSouthern oommunlties nol tnoludod in the ureaof thLm terrible vlsltatLon, prove that seetlonal

proJudlccs a¯d feuds, based ou p&rtlaan differ-

encea, ore little mo"a thin Ikln deep among thegreat maus of Int, Illgont Amerieau oitlzens,thuttho law of bumontty--of u oommon’ brothor.

hood--is ~s high nbovo lush petty eoneidera-

ti0na as the hesvens are abovo the earth andit sweeps away tLe aoeumu]et~d hotrod8 and

resentments of deeude8 like ehsff, when Jtl cur-rent Is etlmulated by lueh appne|l al thomo onto-

lug up from deeimated olties of the lower Mis-


Tbo feeling here II thlt the Zntornutlousl ~ll-per Ooo~rcse wee a fel]ure so far aa the a~op-

tloo of the double mtandard is e~)ncer¯ed. AI.

though our representatives are maid tu bays Is.

bored &10|duously tO this eud, weight of spin-

Ion seems to have been ngalnst the preetlcnbllIty of eny suoh cousummatlou at preeeut ! and

the prosp6ot of any xetur¯e from the money

spout In giving several gentLemou a plea,out

that Amerlean exhibitors at the ExpoaLtionthere are teklng more then tbe|r share of awards

and diplomas may prove a partial oompensntlo¯to thole dlsappolutud at the ou|eomo of the SiL-

ver ~os~ress.

Botler’e denlsl.of any knowledgo of tho ~her.msn.Aodersou’]stter hes sowed to dlsplrlt ran

shins X)emuoratl wbu bud heen me much elated

by previous reportl to the ¯fleet that ho h,d

seen It, nnd thnt I t wouhl bo sprung on thepubl[oJuJt boforn the Norember nleetlons, Jn-auH.g a Itepublleeu stempedo nud a Democrit|o

ceOp (l* etclt.

Kearno.y has ©omo and gune. ]tile seeingexolled no I~olch,g~ his golug no grief. KZ~

eeptL,g the oall of Cuben, aud a few el him vug-eboud gear, he wee loft audleturbed at his

hotel and hn nud hie ’ prlve~ sooretnry" fouud

no empedlment to laoomoth~u uy tbe crowds at-~udlo| him ou the ilren,i, It wee, In short,

anythlug bul tho trlumphel oetry lute the oily

of the deliverer of Its tulliug masses. Ropuhs-

hie people uf ~il olaseem aFpoar~ Intent ou let-

tLug him sevel~ly arises. The verioumlubor or-geulsatnnui ~od to whully J|nore h~, lad

he gein~l only eu0h diattaotto¯m Ln thLi way Oa

C.heo aud¯ few of hla reg mumn disciplese~utd, noufer, ilewout laHy Io e,dl at the

White ll.uee, nud un Juch mnmbure of the C~JI,.

inot ee won lu toun sudwss clrlll 7 antertahsedfor a few mumou~ et e,M~h pl,m~,thaa wetbdreWo

He took a~lru.~t-|s af t~l opp¯l~nlhy e~rvlr~lwhile Io~k|ug over the l~l~hl of OMI~IGe$ UI~o

I ,m t,~ stored away la the Y~nry va’tta far

a r~l~y daY, ta I~ I~mo a! bkl

pouted so maoy times siuco bn loft hie sand ’io|


Gent~emsn.Who Is mennttWu.~t does that word me~n/

-- l~th~ £Lth J~ehturys-mmoug .the._Bsrhaz~-,,;athe soldieze ~d oonquorore of the Roman Em-pire, were the Ken~e~u,u..From the n&e’. of

Cburlemaguo to the C~ae, del s the gen~iemdnwore tl~v~e wh.o . n rv~ |0 thnl army; on -.Jx0~e;

back, au~ were invested with the obaraoter olknighthood. . . ~J~_Gr~tBritadu thou lhahol~:

military rnnk, the mhmbez s of p~rlisun~nt -andtitled persona are e~lled gentlemen. ~ba Jeo-

marry, what wo eall freeholdure, are not honor-ed with the mane e[ gentleman. Thus ~La au.eiont times, and at p~’eSeut,|z) WnK1aud, tba

w urdba~ an ar]mtoor&tlo distinotton a~d restrio..tton. Somothtng of thid fluvor iagivon the

word fu Amorioa~ we sl)eak of one -who is r~.tired on wealth mud lives ut h,s eases as "a |m-

tlem~n." But oo,.~mo~’ly thoply for a malo peraoo. 3,Vo ~peak of "a lee:

gen~nm~ usher," &o. Whilu iu ~amother seen.

try, a few pereons without regard to ehara~er

aro cnllod ~ntlomen, iu thi~ countr 7 wu perahlt

innnllLng ~Jl men; wtthout regord-to behavior;

po~iti~n or character, geotlcmen: We are doutht.load ~ [1~o SniPS Ues. It b g/yen and aa,umedby thuSe who du not desarver illuatratn or hear

it with honor. ~:ho word doe~ me~m ~uoro shun

male person, or onn of earthly dietinetion.~

It A,,# some reference to ebareeter and, ehsvior.

behavior we asy"7on ore a little gentlemon."

When we wish to maure the ¢on/ldence of a~otherwe any, "1 promL, e you on d~e -wo~;d’0t ; gen-:

tlumen." We esyof one who Is n~torioua.y

rudo uod vulgar~"’ho is nO &entlemun," mud ofsee that is quiet-und ntteutive m & publio gosh.

eriu~, "he bohaved himsolfJiko a geatlemau.~

Wheu in a political dLsouesion your eelghb~-f

ROR into n pussintl, douounne~ you with surgesel a trsltorm und medeyou (eel thll knook-ahoud

argumeut of-hi~ right boot~ ha. wee.no genl~e -man ; hut in the apologies aud amcuds whiob

he afterward made ho conau~ted- hio~elf .,. a

gentlomao.Thus by ©ommou ©onsont tho word mean~ sue

of good sense, good breedlng~ good bobavLor,aud noble traits of character. 8uoh alone mor-

|t the title. H~re I~ where it properly belongs.Wo sh~nld keep the word up to this mens~ andbestow St only on auoh Worthiu. We deserve

rebuko when we pronounoo as "aperfe©t Soutlo

man" be who gratifies .11 our foulLsh wlshel

end whims,or prouounoo as "no gentleman/’ hewho or0saea our purpose; when lu the feithfoldieohargn of duty; Osntlemanllnels ~ soma~

thing more than morn ooodes0enmion~ and noth.

.lng less than right doing. We oould not help

laughing when wu saw a good.lo~klng, wol

dreeeed muu astride a raw bone~ inoorrlgable

old donkey, whisk uo amount ol birch LIckllngcould persuade lots a Jog trot. It la equallypitiful t,o see the honorable title of gent~omla

8udd]ad oU a human Juck~a man withoat seoauor virtue.

This world la nrowded with shame. There

ahem shows, ato0ks, ape©ulatlou, Jowelry,~ I

and sAam ~je.t/~u,~m. A bo7 wae ahown a pLo-turn ot" Luther at tho lhet of Worms, whet, he

exolalmod--"Papu I see the Luthor but wherethe w~rma?" WhLIo we look upon the ms.

trovertlng them with good soend dootrine. "Ho t~at effect, maid town shell themftor provl~

found himself ~o quie~ ]y’ floored t.hat he gavel for e~l support !e a proper thsnner the p~or elf" .........

up the ntt~mpt to debaueh blr. Sherman’s said t0we, and qthalJ no; tharosfL~r be nlaselm~t ’:

"lecheroua, boud.holdin~;’ aSs|~taut pimps ui, whb any.~,uuty p,,or aoz, nor be:/h~bl~_tw pa~

badj,,b, evidently thinking t~she county in v~hioh It[’ altueted ~ny n@~e

o’ th~s’KiVex~ over t, be|le+ea]le;-~l,, .pete_h *t;z nr ~z ter~’ pY;vldon" f0:f ~L~Io’~.::" __~I:’.‘ : :" .__’: "

Jority of men we are eompelled to i~quLru--where Im the true gentlcm~n? Under the namo

of Kuntloman wo too otteu see Iho puppy~ thobaboou, the brute and the d.vfl. U.

Our ~oor Y~w.At the meetiugof Ihe Buurd or" Asmsuors at

Muy’s LuudlnK, ou Monday~Uemmonton wasus~esied Ibe Poor ta w under the prutest of Mr.

II. ~eelcy, tt,n member¯ from Hammonton, be.

onu,n no sue was able te find "the law exempt-

Lng ul from It. For the benefit of thol~ whollhored m~ earueetLy t. n’ld it, w[thoot luooose,

wn glvo It eutire, At tho last eOUlUj oorouunt7

oostaloed ab,~at IS,000 Lohablta0te, and It haenut deoreeeod soy aluon. Thus Lt will he seenthe law Is appllo’ahlo to llammouton. The

Town Cou.oilaeted upon It, In aoeordauee withtha requlremont of tbu ]aw~ beforo the nrst of

May.I I. Um It nxa~run 6y tan .5’a.ats nn~ (X*#er.l

¯ dsoemS/y of the ~tat~ of ~Y¢~o Jersey, That inSinnorporalud towns having a lowu eouell, with

a populetlun of no~lsso than fuurt~en hundredby tho ~oeus retorae of ol~htdu hudred ~d

movnnty.Sve~ In la$ ooua(7 st th~ s~th her hs~¯ popnlutioa of not I,,88 t.aa fuartee, thouaaad

more tlj~dl twos~ thousand b3 aid e, elell

re;urne~ are her, by nathosiaod ud empow~d

to provide f,r end mntnteLa the poor o| maidtown -rid ta reho by t~settenl tho m~e,y n~-

Nry the~f¯r in ouch your.

I. And b. ir ...~cr~, That ~/" tho town e~al.oU of any eooh town shall dale~ml=e Id~t hare.

aftor sea& town ehadl proride fur 8N~ supper|

~8; Aw~’Se k moa~d~" Thud: this ~M~t Sbull:tskl

+ Approv~ Ap~dl 5, 1878. " ’ ’ ’

Muehthu beeu said a~d ~ritten upo~tha evtlgo£ ..h~mpe~m~e; the m~l’y on.~ui’oned-oy~e uue 0f intox~c~tiog drlukl~J t~e ~mes thus ~n’se offend:and wo

aimoetaiw~gi bet~u~sd~o ~a~lprOmoler-of evil. " ........

There is one this evil upon.led to think a gns~

mentioned ht-m~d

with my Friends mud tho’~

’dollars I -~ot verymueh When,bundredg and thousands

e~h oth~r in the. ._-. ....

Jt mesnnlthat are eallhig

~uhth the empty 1

to wenr in

be traeedtodt~mk.

fuel to

.when ."the L~ ............

You nmy u¥,is sehiom 4~rWam habit-,,"

us i~.,r S ~m.uue; ~tnx oyer men youuAve .mote wuo~ ~.~ ’~’.tW~_.oa~ se~aom au0~vdho offset of the liquorto e, Casual obeyer, their f~es.amneveur. flu~htd,_and ;hey ~uev~ l~vo L blouom ontheir nuns, they al~’ renlpectsh~ drinkera~(what r ab.~urd coSq~omen,) y, hey:would~orn a nv,e ceut dr~n uth~ wo~!dnvo ceut ctgar, they ~Jke their drink ~ndthrow down thelr quaffer, and whht dualthis ~moun~tolu ~ yesr Of 3 ]5 <la~- forthey do not h~ve one dsy tn seven ~o reeffrom their labors, they must b~ve theird ram,.0n the Sabbath, ~ the7 ~onld notnllu sctu aud listen to, and appxeo~te timlel’l~on.

Would you beUeve i~ I have seeu 8rid.known the f~iliee or some of tbeso verym .em__St~ggle ~nd o0onomize aad worry~ud pla~, to ave a penuy hem and u pennyShove, to help theirhushm~ ~1 fa~r,-

.. 0nly twenty.five ~enU a davy. ~re~ b~cuat smau sum would hire anursegirl fo~a whole ]rear. to reUeve ~he achl~ armsof that weary mother ; that llmallwould do a great d~l towardgfurnlahiegentert~inlu K and instruotive readloK foryour sons and daushters, and might .b~the meade of a~viug that .boy From th~nn~res t~n~l t;e u~p ~ 16b-d ~. be set tho pathof the ’youuK.

What Democmey Has Done for’ the Labori~Men.

6,~dFira~ Before the rebel[on they h~l 4,-of Ishot~ra in nllave~, thus de-tug the whole mm of lobster8 in tho

hosed.stead lAW.

Third. They wentto war to l~rl~tual~~davery.

Fourth- They he]d that sinVe~T WU t, lmuor~at om~huon Of the I~boror.

Fifth, They eusot~L th~ uli duee tothe G.verumeut should be peld in oolu.that Government employ~l mJ~ht bo pld~In a.nlul~r!or curreu~ys ]_earing only do-pr~oU~ted ~t~to eurr~uey for the l~baru~.

Sixth, They opposed ~e ereatiou of ¯Goverument ourrenoy fo K -II the peo-l)le.

Beventh. S[uoo their ecoe~llon to power,under the falae plea of eoonomy, t~have ~efu~ app~prht.U~nl Ot tbo pe~ple’nl mouoy for needed lmprovemont~thunl depmmlug I~bor In s tim ot I~aerddlnltreu, v(hllo they squsndonsd miilhm~in prolltlenl8 iuveetJi~Jon and plymeul ~d~r~b¢l d~imm.

:~lKhth. The7 huve uttemp4nd the x~.duotion of the r.=ri~ tJ~t A~ labormight I~ rsduc~i to CXqU~tlUOn with thehdr.i~ld labor st f~r~iU oount~iN.

N1uth. The7 hove refhsed ~courN~meut to whLoh o~r

u SWS~-m~rkN.

hove emtarrused and n~.larded the bwdnese by unwtl to-duo¢~l ehurk~ to~ in the Do.

Pa~’-~u~ti. They hlTe ~P~mWd the vs.duo~Jonot the army l~ow lho so~mdmty ~ uouulr fur tha pm~xmkm:o( ~ .’lr~w~Uar met~r, bu.m~ ~ whh timvSm~ ~ thz~mh:ll Ul~W:u ~ overb~mlk:umlmaraet ,a ~dd/~,~l supply ot unem.

Page 2: " mndd.pevok the "way o~teu tO so.ions dan~Jr. It Is qoiM as neo~Jeery to ~ erases Impure aeoumulations from the bow-ale as tt II to enlt or sleep; pod no health o~n be expelled

¯ ... .. ........ ,. -" -":--"~ , - "--. -’-.--,--.- .... ~-- - - nru.=n "~dllll~"lelillD. i, ..~nu ..mau~um~m°--I~mg-wb!oqQghi..i!m [thin ,_li1~lm~h~ ~xmld. ghe.nlX~t hen, :m e 1 .h. .....

..... Aha’dted~.rt~-,~e .mtees _ - ~.~.,m~.yeum, :... - .__. ~ ,..~’.~SlrI~W’~ ~. " ... ~.".,%%_~_.~:~,.,"~D.~_’,.~,~y_==~.a~_-I ~.~.m~r~~.~. ........... : ~ct~ ...............:’:~-~,~l~.: ......-l~:- ’- ~,--am.~-m-e.~im,~l~ aex~,, ~e~ _Z~l[~~ ~.mm~,-,-~. ma~ .~..~,~,:..~,~,,__,,yLq.L~=et~_~_a~,. -~,~xBl~Fuv~_ m. ~e~l~]~lll~i~--tlds- " ’ ..... - let a xuxm" ~ m,,.,~ u~a. vs~mu~ Wall, ~.~ . . . . ¯ woeld t~lli~! .el ....,bin o, - . ..... , ¯ .. ¯ - -, . . , .

...... ...... .... .,. , .......... .... ............¯ ....... .., .. , , .............. .... ..... ................. ’ ~~._~l~,_l~’_ ~.=~_~_~ J.’m’" "" " oneo .......¯ e~r-e~e~ .... .- - . . . ¯ .... . ,.:~. asif~,d~,, rm . fth. ~1~o1~ bee~ex.’~w~ withou.... . . .... ,. - z ............ .... .... -,,i

.............. ¯ .............. ~- ...... . ..... ,~- .--~_ ,.o - ~.-~ ~ .’,f~?~, ~.,,-~/~t-.~.,~ IOII "nOW’-- ’ - SnlD,~. eitu .- ~ ..... - .unlg~0,~0¯ e~,, ~,-. ~... .~.~, ., .... .~ gets . Ire . .. ~n .L , m~S,Z~., ¯ ’ ’htln a. . ...... . ...............~.,f:~,~. ~ , .,

,,..,. .. ~.~., ¯ ~ .... ....... . . . J _ .~ ....... ~ ........ ..... .... : .............- _ :,~t~--.~_~. t...~..--~.~l.l;-~r~, z~ru~mmevery~y,]~on, ~we~ end.lm~u~w;and if it wasn’t that she .. umyvo~rt m~noyl" moaned Ms. "It’noome ~t IM)"_ebe m-,~,-,:,~.J " " 0

.. _ .tY,~ ,~,n , . ueecIg so. lnllonp _£~(v |e~ve_ .Jlere - to* .,.~,~,,~ , w~taw~m ~t-u~, , . ws~tneE ~ I;1ff11| e]~lle-..~, t~lo ~lr.

’,~’~--"~.’;.n~X=--~..-~,~,-Lv =~-I we~n~ _~ m~y anu--oWr~e~en~r-. :.~. rm~_ e~ue-- uew~enur reo~p~, g *~,~ ................... rayon? ee, mre mpaou:eame nl~me~ ........-- - -- ...... ..... = . _ __r~mo~tlX~fors-~ cl ~ gou~o~e£ & ~nXa _ 1. l~,1~tlk-Jmtem~, :~ ms’ms- ........

_.-....~w ...~.-~. ,-~,~-~..~Y~o.~ -: ht~.~ - -L v - : _ .. ~.~e~ .~..,~v,~..~, ¯ ~, ~.T~.,:¯~’~er~,~e~.e.O.:~:m~- ;~,:..~...~.: .... ...~.:.~:f.-~:,~ ....-1. ......:~x.. ,nt- ............ :.~ ,. ~ .,. .¯..l~w.l tJ~was.aiwtyehin~y-- y , .x~ .gsohoo e

,, , , ..I~,~. . ~Iz~mzpr~g-for~. ,If¯ - .... ,, "... .... .- ,t th0 .. ...... --.¯ ° .JL I~ O12 ~ IO me ...... ttutz q.tue~ zaez4~s u~ixto /Or r4~elr suinnler ~ ~ ~u.ttu~ ~x~ mu~roui, Dl~n¯ed ~0. D. . ,:w.m,. _Ee~. ., ~r~e_...m~’. , / very L~t~y ................... z.__~ .................... . -- _ . elu~n~l, oUF.tlz e mother .....’ n ~le~o~&~r- ..,-. ., .............. z~ouuttj.~ .......................... oo..~.-~--un~veutoa~,.r~t--i-- e~, ~ow-,fleff ’eu~-- ....... - ...... .,.l~_.~,~U.~el~l;°,.~’~:lDont yon remlber, Deannab th~winterT ’q"mfnll,~v,nf,~ cmA= ~,o*--at terdo.vohewLqshol~nfhana,. "l~ln~h~ o ~ IIt~BODDlU~¯~II h~ i

........ -~mT,,~am~---~ -. -- - ,v-~--~y~ ~ --~---bro-~O-l[e--~,i,--~n--.,7- ............. . -~ - ~,-~.’~-~y--’~"~-"~ _.~- ,l~,,.~,,~w¢"_ : _ ~___~ ,, _ _"-’~_~ .-_--~-. _--~’-- _-"~’~.==_ .~ .~.j~.._~?.~*~. -=..==-, =--._.~_=,_-~-~_.~-_ -=~==-=:-=.= _=- -: = ...... _ _ _. =:

.... mW.ueetive~Dly. ;- .-,: ’ -:,:l "",",.~..:--.~-’~ ............... (Io t~ttor zor morner anus any,..~mE arsa.m,,ne .n~sumect ’~.~_-Itwas-e~oe~Efur-them-5o|Ift tthe - ......

m t] an~wersd ’~qxe l" the,I .... ~ -~ ~ : ,/ ..... ~vtu~to-- ~.xm~ ..c~...~en oesss ne m, _~"~_?,~ ~ ~,t~ ~ape~ m, m~ m.a ..~), ana. ot ¯_rang temoue et~knl on. .... p mp y .... ~ .... , ............... _ ¯ ............ ¯ ........ fe ’ ’ " ~ " " " :-:."’ - - ...... ¯ ................... looked m~led aa~ "d!h.eI~he ~a.x~nsw-,mms~oz~ezeve~m~e ~th h~s.bot~e ~.~n~zeye~ery~yl wn~in~te~waro_nbe~d, the~anle,. ~0 eq~t, ,lie. t~dw~ttet~’a~"~t.... ’ ~t~.kno, wP~Ow~h.the~;l~;.. . .me~wil~iln..my~e~1 ....... ,~ndI.:m~t.ete.h..Jmto"hn, and~hesw°m and~d.s-°-e-n-.°-n~gf~iS.~l~..°fF..~Lrvi.e.w.-. -’ . .I--mOn~wh~nheeoh~’tizonshthel~tem - - - -

........... :"~-~ ......... ~- I ~e unv~ ~,~ no~" ~ ~eve m~ ,~ he a, ~ ~?,~.o~ o.~ .~empod .~or’~. ~..,~.~o~o ~._~. ~e ~ ,~, ..~ nev~,~, ed_ha, r, . r I ’

- o~. -- ...~X.=o.. ,~.,~, ’ ! ’ I ¯ left me behind--" ways raza~.g .to me n~ons my tin’zeus %’,",~.,~"- .~- .am mor~er s a eeolauoa. "Ilu~ J;ve xieen~’.mother fi]] lr eni ~

’ _BnLno ~ thow as.mueh-h~mm’,< . I -- eomehow It easm m mind ~u~e~,uw uxtt ~umtwa ~mtzeu me vao all .. ~ ¯ v :.~,,~.~ ~ =u.y-i, vq~ oaa any¯ m ov, er, .,Xass J. heaf~ m the_ ~ _ ......................... . , . . . , . age u’miX.t~ die, of a po- ..

...... ...., .... . ~, ~,~U~l :. "~ .. _ __"~t .a~e you dozng there, ,yon l.~y , ~;nthe meantime~the .ohyme~ao w.lm pLex~.¯ud.l..theal;,: ,G,~I thl;t~Idi~not .- ’,z shoand, j--t h~ t~ see ~aebedy I ~ ~ he h~ .our ~a.,.~_-he ne~ ~ ~ anou~--~- norse.,. ~e~. v.o,~ ~2_~Le_,n L~_,on_~, ,~, "LY. enu~.~.....,.~e~ him. Z. t~..n~ Him, too, that Z

, la~ to abdue~me."as,id Mrs. Smith ~t] .......... ---i- -’-~-- " ._ tr0m mzupperwlnaOwwmenoverzoozed .x.%~, -,wn%r,.~mon~:mgmramn..enq, tey,, qureaozmxzerrtole:tempex: or.¯tleuL-. -- - .--:- ~z~~bl~..tha.other.~n~l_:,, "*~ ":~, .... ~...._ . the tree under which ~om Oourtizey. wse ev.er~oneoem~gmmldtom.ove him. thatitnev~qm’tezhasl~h~l/ne~w,, -

....-- "’ Heml so edumld I, n~ dear, eo should .......~=-----’-~-_ _~[ ~vea,--our-cowe-m-gone, ~ tan none me.- .............-lying;-- "I senf $6U after m~V-whiskev an- ..... Jusv "whey .t-~"- eald--Ik~ -, ,¢~t’:l"[(’hu beta m,~ai laura,tin i’~/’i~l,~" ^¢:~ ......

-,V" .o;a ]W. "i~,.;t~ ,ffilia_._ --. ----...--- --.--~---~v~1~e ~,.~. I’.~. ’ poor Otleb wu fond of Zaok.. , hourago, and there you are yet._. , Better LyIo, bending, o~er t&o. pm;ple, swolle~ gs.’ And ]Krs. Gou~tn~ sh..__. -~ .ud...~.a~,~nmtnss~. And I. ~led like ¯ Tool thls momin when I be off, or I]l make the place warm for face. Theee e]zo]ene,oston~ drinking "But whty ~o n mother ?’° he "

.... OrapMe. "Ye~,~It.i~n~dI3;t~blj ....: . try . . YP’rs~ ~ .....

¯ at .....~. dnot venfferedfm, my’wrons- - -

: Ib /l er e ,o ........... hef - . X one, be mer h=.... iehamed~ to sssoedate ~dth honest end [)’tthem,T6,~e~es~l~hivtheerelor--but I ou~ tempez--..me=mome~ deplored, had za~t. , - - - ..... -::-::-:::::::~ or~uet. _:.: -. :_-:-.._ --:-.:- . : _:- _ ..-_ -

tralv-~--geod ~" liko Ourselvee.. -s’poeehen~n’tli~etoknow. mas~ereannn. . ’Then:itsnot---ohlit’enot-..--" And ".Hnsh, h~ah, my boy l" she answer." . " ~ ~r~r~}t :~r-~T, :.- .......... , ’: [ Z’#e thinkin’ it Ova I~to]y; thst when E[~-~- "’ Go ~,t~_ ~ liquor you~eH l" :he Mrs, Gourtney, unable to ~ her sen, e~L~olem’ly. , ¯ " "

-,l~oe~x~ssin¯theeaeL~ex~lained r siekened and died, erzea.. J.m.nsnamed to. be paeking tense, gasped forbreath. Omysenl mypr/dein youandm t,sx4.seeinthewesL too,,chlmedin0ae of allus his pride. ..u~Krac.e..~ mome.re.pouse ;o na, vo.a J~yl.eoz oz~e ~ raze gonueman present4 mf~zr~ .Unz ¯~_ ~.y.~OW m xorgOttelz ’j~ ....

. themnalleri~ "Well, what,is-it?" E~ewaen’tneversoeheery;he’demfl~butthe mppLer .x~e you m l.r,, and 1wont ne -’tier son l"omnadassu~ewi~the .re)w; and Eiod U indeed ~ to us ~ ...... lmk~~b~--~m~’mn~ - ’~- ~,,~,,,_~.;.~.~ ~ ~_ ..... your:sea_ ey any ~onger. coronet when ne fo]]~ and she wu afraid uoth." . "

. ¯ _~.^_---7.= .k. _-~.:_ -_:. - ...--. _..---w-. ~ ..... -’-~.-,.-¯’---.-_-"~.’:’- - :-::: .-:$::._-:-:.: -::uol;-w~f6~t~--16-t---a-few min~ee-- -~’~’Ea~-hUff’~i~.~’ ------ = ........... : ....... ~...-::.: ...... : .... . _----:- -::’--- .... ......nuu~ttm, ttt-uuxu,- , . AnansGlclnteare fettle osttte, uz0nguoneesesmeddumb with aSt~n;.hrn~nE ]~.k T~ T.~latn~,~l n~’~t..~-.t...¢- l~o~lam lllaAlaa ht ~Ni Wmm ~.A lP.~", li ¯ , ..... the ’d beenhis . . ~ ....... - ......... -~ .-~-~ ~,.~ V,~,m~m -.-.---u--..-~_--~-,: -- --.,v ~...~-,~_ ..~,~ ~a,... .....

_.=, ~_.Httle f.o~.:,y~, o..ld/, bx~ey~ ...... y ....... de l~_h~. --, . . .. his first imp.~lsee, when he reoove~., his body an~.exammed zt onrefuily. Dr. ~a~n, m ]eetm, e on the 8nx-~ wtau~zm i,tttttt~xt axt~ae 6azueuzau xnu nt~;uw,~rs ~ ~aun~l ~ seneesrwaazo-nnzl¯~r_.K~wnter-Dizener_ "No~abitofih mL.tnm "ha..;a ,,Y ~a~nft~al~m~ ...hl;.~..,,1". ah~ r.-. r htz~lf,. , was asked by nn older sister ~ed to hint it to me ; I at the boy_ e head. dare say h~ ft. of" t. n,ma;n, .....=,.1 tt. ......-- *4 ,m~z that. Cn~;nm.. t,.~; .... h ..it she didn t s . , . . . ..... ~ r ...... ~, ~, --~ ..... --e- ~, °-%- ,~from’it. ~d~kl,, g~’e~[~l~°L~t

They d t~,ed.~ s ~ y~. co~8.h., bul~ [,~It, missod ,l~? bat, etnkin, g at~’e~nst ties h.asten.~ the old m~_ .’s .~.d. BM;oh erry et~, aa, loemlt bean~, brsm rmge,¯ a;o,,it," ,~*~e~o~ talk~.~out . en~ th.eonnyaretno~e. ,w~owo_u-~eey....:tr~t~oxr.ue~ee, w~emverea, z~was~o.una.u)enme...Ztol-.m.myes.- ma~peuc~e, acrew,, buttons, pieeenof

¯ r-.~v-.%.- .,,,%.,,-. ..,,,m,, ,~#,. u,~. jy~ ~-htyin’ hem dead. ooeramg a~ ~ne noose put ~neLr nea~ls that unless ho threw his l/nuo~ on, of (met with in the ¯m’Ll - an~ ,~! ,~t;~, .anew uz an men tong ate., ann went zo out .... - .............t..,~..=l.~,.eY.~.,.:- ..... a-.=,,’,, Th~e, there l don’t be enxiou~, Deacon; I . of.thezr.wmdows, and Mrs. Oourtney, the window, and held his temper in of children, end even of ad~dt& 8uoh........ ="" . ,he mon - " ................ ~’~’~’~’ ~.’-For my -aske,.my boy I" she stied ty a HfeUme, 0anaing lttue Or- no:~neon- ..... ¯ - ~-- - .... : -~Ide eeaa wilt for our shlp~ .......

" " ’ , lathegmydawnWeq/ddl¯way,,’~ wasl-th~f.a0~zi and llps: .....

" I leave with.hepm ~ die to-dry.

~_,sweet, elme to my het~win ~Ue ~t with ~ aSht,

en ~eaa be~ u~ ,tl~t ....

.... ," :I~ok ui~ wlth ~o= md e~e~ ....." ¯ ’~.dede ra~,~e, ~eve.fo~" eve~’h~,,, And .y,,, thoegh e~t~tt~e m.

.... , Let, strew ~ fllrmom b he~"¯ Jet~ Waite, of W’~a~buTsh, N. Y.,"n~t Ib~ el6ep "in’" ~’-deepi~g~az onthe

¯ ]~J~mom a~d Ohi~ mih-~, aboutforty~ ,mile~ e~t of Wheeling,sad while the train, the fastwas the rate ofmilesaaleep.wa]ked the rear end of theear. The train stopped about hal/ nmile ~her on; and the condne~or wentbank to find the man, whom he metwalking long the railroad track, follow.".rag after the train. A few mmteheswere Idl.the injurim he had suets/ned.

The.pofiton so freely used by the Ital-In the seventeenth century was

eaUed "aqu~ tofana," from the niune ofthe old woman Tofauie, who made andsold it in mall fiat ~ whioh sheealled ’manua of St. Nioholas.on onee!.de of which was.en image of the s~LRne carried on.th~ trs~o for half ¯ oen-fury end qluded the polioe, but on beingdet~-~ted oonfeseed that she ked been a-partyin POkoning 600 people. Numerouspersons were imprinted-by her cf tllranks, and many of them were publielyezeeuted..MI Italy wae thrown into azexment~ ~ many d~, whi~e personsof distineti~, on eonvtetion, wereetruria, in prison, xt ~d ton~ve .b~. used .m~/uly by married wo.men who were tired o| their huebands.¯our or six a fatal

~¶u~ It was. elesr as wa~r,u~ ~ae enI;.~ ~ aot ~m~ ¯bout

ire ~1 compo~tton. A proclacation of

.~.eu into m~ente, amd otherssons[derodn.H,t R solution of eryetalltuxl ameni0,"xno meter M its preparation was eon-¯ oyed to I~rk, where the Marchioneasue Brlnval/ars poisoned her father andtwo bm4hm~ and she~with many others,

¯ qieer P~’lor Pet~In the middle of my p,urlor I have,

EelIe~ber, a enrl.o~i republto of.’.m,km~ hornets ; their aee~ hanp totl~ by the same twig on whtoh itwM ~o admtmbl7 built and eontxived Inthe woodL It~ remov~ did not dis-,pleme them, for they dad tu my houseplon~ of teod ; and r have ldt a holnopen in oueof thepanm of the windowwhich smm~m el] prelates.ki.a u,,ge. ~,re bee~NIeas; they lf~ on the flivery treuldme~e to u*eummer. They areaa,shin8 th~ eve~ on themy ehlldmn..~y t~ ~ misbut little treubled with dim. 3.11 my

vmannumnnll msu no one takm ~y notim otthem;-end though they amand vtndJettvo~ yet ~e andta]/ty hM ~ Lh4q~ mM~ullem.--2~rmer’~/.~t~r,


inau ~gony. and there on her kneas venianes. Thus ,a esae is rela/ed of a£ul~ I couldn’t pay the int’reet, nor nit the -. He unclasped her hands, and shoollady frem-whesonestril n foreign body.far~-werk straight.- - his fist st his antagonist, his eyes b)az- her son wae fres. wus dialodged deudng the aet ~f ¯ensoffi.8o of eouree I’ve gone be~ tnd if the ing with rage. " But now, alarmed at his It was found to boa button whiehfarm ~hould eul] "Yes, I repeat, you’re a disgrsee to sesrehed for --in the belonged to h~ l/,tie brother.whellFor enough to pay the mortsage, I s’poee’twill an~ decent house--w~th your oatha and garden, with ewitt were both in fruits. Ano~er mbobe doing well .... volssr words, and _dry_ en ways. - -If went through I of e]eteFro preyed tg’inet all lmrd feelin% and towalk you were not an pld man, Id horsewhip one she met ff the~

as a Ohnati~ ought, yOU out of it I No, ho had not been eeenBut it’s hard to eee Caleb’s children turned " I’]t go in now, mother. I’vesaidwhat ing. was AndI had to nay.out 0r the plexus he beasht ; Old Nathan, a weather.beaten eailor, eherry eton~&udreadin’t~t~extAntheBible’bout~dows "Yes, mother," herepeated, when who had just brought in a load of fish, had beeninanear for sixty yesre. A~- .andorpha~;you~ow, .......... ,.wereinherroom,- "he/eadisgraee, -heard-her~uestion, ahdan~wured/t; -- oa~e Is veoorded-ef’a "gentleman, a~ed.[ can’t think the folks will prosper who aro if he is the only one . "Lookin for Tom, mistreee~ I seed zozty-one, from whme ear ¯pieee ofwillLng to see us go. ,for his board." hun, about an hour sSo, goin’ aboard esdar wood was removed by syr~ging. ¯

rid of him the Minnie, jeet as she was gettin’ under ~The patient remembered dlstinofly_ thel~tthero! I’m keepin’you, Deaeon,~mdit’e without aU thiseaid the way. She’e jest started o-n ¯ eruiee, fsotof,an intreduett0n--~hbn-he-~ anigh your thne for tea~

mother, still trembling and unnerved But I wouldn’t takoou, mistrass. Tom’s boy st achool, st leant thirty yearn"Won’t I come over ?" No, thenkyou; Ifeel bythe.sesne. "OTom, Tom I after all a bri ht boy, and a haud :one. He’ll ! revtou~. No¯ttempt had been made.better alone, you see. tho pal~. I.have taken to teach you solf- most ~lke eomo back twi~ the man ho ~ extraet it, and it had not troubled~estdes, I oould~’t eat no,his’ ! whenev0r I’ve esnzroh zs tna~ ungovernable temper of I was when he started." him until now, It ooes~ionallv hannmuL~tried it to-day ,, ’ ¯ ¯ -- - - -~ -----.-yours Idwa e to master oU ? So ho had one dThere’s somethin’ here that ohokee me. I’m Tom h y .... Y ] ’ g" ’ an wtth a fanmed h~Wever, that ¯ good deal of in~amma-.

.... ~m. ....... Iload of guilton hiapoor voungshouldersl .terry action is se| up by the foreign body,

narvoue, Ie’po~you~leay.. .~u,r?momer, ne smu, JL oout,,nc I mrs. UounnoyieI~ss if herburdenwas as m the eMe of a 8irlwho wtteundtr"I’ve werked too hard?’ No, I haven’t, etan~ monames he:called me. I eup. more than she eould bear. the ¯uthor’s eare in the hospital, to

Why, it’s work that keepa me strong ; po~ me Go .urtne]r bl .end. is not qutte I She ha4 a faint hope he would writ e to wh~c]z, phe h~ad been admitted on amount,If I ~ot here thinkin’ I’m strt/n my heart ou~ o! my vez~.,s; ~we. o.o xeep t)oarders. I her, and for days, weeks and monthashe of n small stone in her ear. She subse-

would break before long. you zee now. ~’e l:)eet .~or me to. leave ] haunted the post-o~es. At hu~t she quently had paralysis of the fan/el nerve.nero... Jt m nommg vuc a asrvanL aria I wen~ aa it moenanieally, and without A esse is reported of a ohfld who not

NotthatIeareaboutUvin’.¯way I’drutherbelald an ltl-ueeO one_at.that. Any.stout,[Mk!ng a question would look at the onlyhadfacitlp~lay, but died of meuin.In the place I’ve marked beside Caleb, to z:ost st.r..on~ I)o.y can. uo at, J. leave ~o,o.o, .It I postmaster. He understood the look, gitis, mused by thoprmoues ot a loeu~t

tdl the Jodgment-day. wtn oe D~ !or you, too, mother, m I and would answer,-- bean in the ear. Living larvm INv~But there’e the ehlldren to think of--that every way, ~z yon d only think so. I’ll] "Nothing to day, n~’lun." been found in tho mestue of the ear.

makee my dooty clear, maxo moaey !or you ; aml thon you [ But ubeut six montlte after Tom’s Dr. Bouth publishee such ¯ ease. Thewont be alwuys-dreading that [ shall/departure, she h~l no sooner entered patient wa~ n gentloman who threeAnd I~l try to follow lt~ Deaeon, t~-~gh-i’m g~youinto tronb!e b~ymy temper." [ the office than a letter was placad in her yesrs before wss to:mented by a fly nes~

tired of this earthly speer,~tvr~/ uour~ney snook:her head sadly. / hand. l~is ear. Oonvuislons tol]owed the nrea-

xouwontlesve onrtem erbehind ,, , ,.Good-by, thsn. Ishan’tforgityou, norallthe . . ~, Y P , / Cornea, lent, manta, ea[dtheeheery enee of the larvm, but the p¯tien~ rek/uduess you’ve showed ; my soy. x m afraid. But perhaps you [ nostinaster, "tnd it’s Tom’s handwrit~ ©orated, althoogh he remained deaf.’Twill holp to ohoer me to-morrow, as I go on are. .xaght" . ..I may. ~ have_ ke..~t ynu, here_ ]mg.-- Sit right down horo and read/t. Dr. Blake of Boeton, ban acen four anohmy loneh, road,For--W~at ar~ you ~ayin’, Doanon. I needn’t-- too long. ~u~ on, ’x:om, It a ~o. nard to / You’re ali in a tremhlo, and you oan’t ea~e~. A caee is reported whleh ehows the

~lVe up all I navo In the worltl "" ~, . . / walk homo yot ’ - euH0ue oourss takon by ¯ pin that had.Ineedu’tgo? vnowasawidow, ~nd he was her only / Yes, it was ~’om Tom He w~ In beenintroduoedi.tothoexternal~tue.ehfld In hm delight at hie mother’sYcu’vo bought the mortatse, tndIoanst~y? " ¯ _ ~ " . , , /Gel¯eaton; and had Wade" neveral tn~ It Im~ead~ough the middleem’,pmbF.:

...... I~p I~ n over ~low.~ .......... e~..~n% -’x, ~m- wan-,u~e~y- .tureen. e~ou ~l-oE-tlfo-M~h~-to-Wo~ ~n~~ ...... bly alongthe~ ue~aehtan-~be;~wg-ro! me. Dam .z~ o~.: nor to gtve it. He "Do you know, mother," ho wrote, extracted by the patient from her throatJsst waltin bime-byn°W--Jset walt a minute--I’ll ttke it was rl.or.ons L~..~e expresalon of, deltsht.

"I’ve b~en afr~d to write to you, fear" by hooking it with her finger.That I oau atsy. Why, Deacon, I don’t see ax~e. .01,aap.e~. file arms are. nmz nor neck inn it might gl¯o the clew to my where- ....

nu leeeu net oareworn Iaoe abo ts B ’whet makea ~e ery! ,, ....... ¯, u . ut Ive ¯ fr/end here, a young Mlelutel Reese.

~zammy mane,’" ne erz.~], "you vc lawyer; and ho tells me I was & almpl(~ Miehsel Rome, the deeessed miser ofI htvoU’tonlynOhere,WOrds to th~azk you. If Oalob waszn~z. e a man oz mew x~.~ upon O~.r ton to run away aa I ditL (3ol. Monk- 8an,Frlmehloo, m a slave trader at one

He’d as0h a head for speakln°, he’d mtko my zo~iun~ a~ m~_o. You snail ])]ay the, ton made the first attaok on me, and no period of h~ Oal~, and made muohfeelin’s clear. ,-~_y_ ~-~e,.mors, .z~zu w e~. ve.tve~ ,~nu law could br/n8 me in guilty of murder, money out of the trn~e. The wealth,a~o ,~ m ~ue.0t.a umee---tuat )s, when "I’ve qften wondored how the one amaased’ by him amou~ to ~even orThere’a eploter Inourold Bibloofan angel myempscomem, blow whichkn~)ked hlmupagainltthe eisht mill]os’, n large art bein thefrmathemklse, "Oh, you needn’t se, flol They’re wall oouhlhavokilled him. It wna the moat vslutble read eatsteP[~ theC~lfofkad though he ha~m’t ~o-sre~ seat, and no bon_nd to some in ~ome day, for I’ve fire, I gave him after I got awuy from nlan metropolis. He made I doaen far-tq~otsele~onhLieyes, mnde up my mind to sueeeed,~tad yon

hisgrMp. IknowI’mreall~gulity. I tune~/n hislifetlme, and wu doaenHe leek~jemtttke yoo, De~n, with ~our amllo aay your~olf 1 never f~ii when I try. wanted to kill him, and lne blood Le times, by fho be~kru of others b,ogood d es, you,., asv me, for there w.on m, han,,s, and’b- i;L&ndlwhenererI~thttl)10ter, ’twfllnakeme m~rder in my heart wlwn that old rufl]uu "[rm goin~ for a l~g oru[seon the ~,~ A-]~lmhe~ he’ lived ~-~,~’-~,.~-~

th",k of you. anused me. £ don t think anything hv e~)Mt of Afr]~t, in the Albatr(me0 and years a solitary ]lfoin ¯ sinai] and meanly~’hoohildreuwfllbeso hal)pyl Why, Debhy eouh]asynowvouldmoveme.", when I retnrn I’ll c~mo l~tck toFalr- l;ernishedap~rtment lnone of hisown

will ’mostgo wild; "You don’t oh, you young v~bon,lV" v/ow. For I feel that*I re,st sen you, bu’ldinKs, but of lttehlul quarters withcried the wail-known hoar~ votes ; and whatever the eonse~luen(.es muy be. an a~luaintanoe in ¯ suburban vllis4Be,.8he frettedhtnd,,Opoorm~hehlldat lieavln’ her gaxd/ug be-tU~llnl~, Mrs. (2ottrtney and her ¯on "I wi]] write when I can; but aa I do so M ~o evade elty taxation on his per-s~w O,d. Moukten standing on the not know the oour,e wo are to take, or sepal property. Hie bus[seas offlee, inlt Wlestlm~eI’mthtag_u glad -- Dabby, ef ozdy fo~threshold, with a large horse-whip iu the l)oz, t~ wo ~e to /ouch u~, I eannnt whieh negotiatlon~ involving mlllJon~hie haml, und ht~ red faee imrple and tell you where to adtlreas yo,r letters. Were (~mduoted, wan a small room hard-NOW l eau t~ld the po,io~ I pl~ted them l~t ¯wollen with pmlon.

aprh)g. In twoyeure I wilJ.bo at ht)’,’e." ly large enoush for a Chhmse eisaron Caleb’s grate : he h,vod the flower~, and tt "@-"’t be mbved by anyth/ng I say, Thuuktul for the letter, Mrs. @out’hey shop. In hubita, drms and manner he

~!~i~e:~en~anSI’~ ’~I ’~e toolone_L..guI_~I~_:_e~:J~_~ h.,k n j, tho broken thren~ie nf hot life, was a mI~er, bnt he wu aware o| it, .d ’

~wm, u ef bo’ll knowand tried to fill it with tho ohl lntereete dlsl,asaionately p~tested that h~They’re t-bloomln’ all arooad him whila ho’eand tho old duties. ¯ couldn’t holp it~ bemmm it wu a di~-sleepin’ there he1~w. But the two yeurs spread to four. and ease with. Oa the othor hand, ho aalt~--~rs. If. T. O,,r~tt, , Haq,er’a Ma,j,ul,~. um ~.~urtney/a/fly took n,) /urther th~ e~lo fv,~n ~om. that he wouhl ~)me day do 8end with= in his mean/ng, a euttiu 8 htnh deeoended The mt,ther’a ~dr turutM gr:,y, and her .the money he was am~,sh3g.’ He often

............... upon IlLs ahouMer, oyel h~t tb,~ light. It w,s ~ueh a talked of the l~,(lueste he would make toItie ~m’l)Hsiu 8 wh~,t a Mare. of,ha .With acry ]ike that of a furioua lull- weary work waitin~ and wak~lng [oroimrttable u~ sml zhado numeron~names of the Statea are ~bbrevhtted.-- , real, Tom threw himself upon h/~ an- ’whae never esme f

t6 none ot whioh h¯ ealh~l the aid.P, Ltun Time,. Ls. ,ekes f Con,,. you ta~onist,. (3ol. Monkton w-- an old IBha knew hy heart all the sht,or. Leas than three hundret)not Penn. u better one than thatY It d man, but tali, and being ¯IkI~i powexthzl, on th0 Ah4ean oo~t, aoA the

publie uses, while themak, m ]H~. IIL--Haek, 1~publican. ’ J theltnz4~lo wm¯ vlol~lk one, wh/eh desolated it, Whereso zn~r go to relaUvm-

; new eaeee, 140.. There -i~ hardly"- " " " a ee]llden ~ house iu the eity not entire’y v~ant which..... L ~0~st. Ga]

¯ Of the’9( t i’ol: near"Sitttngbourn¢does not .contain one or-more person’s downwith the disease, or ]ytng deadawaltiog burial.

" at Jsmmb ! ;h| !~. m0ns were killod The increase of the malady among the coloredwith ths an r iro , , population to-day t8 frightful, while it doesdeaths oec e The.town of~Mi~k0~ea, oe~iinl 6t the C)rOle ant seem to relinquish ita hold upon thetoUlu~(ert r ~’Borsod, inHunsaz~haa be~nldmostentire white people. Every hour in the day new

.... ~eet4a.I~ld ~ath.l~a It,~t41~- ’ lak[wsatobya etorm. A thousand houses victims ure reported, and phyal0tens gofrom~re ’deskeytd b7 ~s ~ and over 400 house to house on the run. The county

~Ju..dKeJohnA, Inns]k, agLh0rO~ t~oBouth persona were :Mlled. The’~opulatlon of the J~il whtoh in 1873 wasin I~o heart of the~aromm ordinanee of a~don, died lU Btlti- place was esUmated Jtt about ~0,0~. infected d/striot, yet was free frommore~ theother d~y, q~ed z/xty~flve years, the fever, now contains seven stse&

" The prisonera, nm~abering nearly 100, arn nowAt Lower Boulder Valley Mo~mtsin, -Men~ ¯ ~Phe "Yellow ~.ever ~eour~e’ "tans, a man named Jackeon ehot and IdlledM~ be/og removed to the Forreet Prieon Farm, onwif0,..from whom he had.been Sop,rated ’for Miss. President’s Is iD ~ s ke]~t~ome ume, after whieh he blew Ida own bralne " You-. q~u "ne~ez under a etron ~o, pL are zscot. .;: ..~ , -.,.:~. :: .., . ~ Nobody oomee "here. thick with the an Its the

8eerotaryShormanmtdoat]peeebktToled0,w~rld heArefltsed sheRer to Our nnfortum~ numborof Is a eorre-t~ees." llueinua houeea, banks aud eehools spondln8 increaae in the alarm amoOhio, 0u the flnl~el~lqueaf~s of the d~." L idl cloud. :N~L~ *dSna Of bus~to~exoept amo’ngonoe who have thus far e~caped,.~ere were fo~-~pedttO-, io-b~pte~filed ~ tho Ohios~o dhRrintduring two d~s

nm.ese, docPt0re and nndortakore. Our white numbers are moving into the oouF’ 1.900 to 1,400, ~t Unw even to take up their

reeee y. ~ ’ ’ ~ end thl, re are the ears ou the lines of thePortinos.q~ ~ow& and Dtkota htve ~ rill- Ho aa[d that hi," their live. here. There are’

ted by a nUrr~eane whieh proetrtted many asebtant but :that he wM willing to tldcves at work. :Not a day Orbuildings, hilled a numbex o~ horsse and did dutythat the that numbers of burglaries do not oocur."other severe damage to property, ;D0xtog the lnatrueted to From other points the reports on the twos,y-

’ ~ immense heUstone~ hd~ i~Of t l~la ;to the oouvcn-ninth showed a continual inorstse in thenearly nvo inchea In qitoumfel~ Ntar i~eo of tho remaining lnhebitants, and beyondnumber of victims to the plague and a spread¯ Reinbeek, Iowe, oue man wea kllled]~y a ftll. this not to attempt tny dietribution of his of the ~ise~e. At Canton,~is&, tho fever w~sng btrn and another by lightning, . marl,but Juat to mako it up and throw it on iueroseing and four deetora were down with it,

The Conmrwttlvel Of the th[~rd Virsinht" ,the brains as they ptse, leaving the work of one having died.- In the vieln/ty of Grenada,coogre~uonld’dletrlct hta nominated Qeneral dhtributlon to be performed by tho railway Miss., iL waa al,o spreading. At Vieksburg,Jeaeph E. Joh--ton for Congress. pmhd olerka Mi~s., thcre were one hundred now e,~es of

& Mnmphis d[~patoh of the twenty-seventhfever and twomy deaths. Meanwhile eontribu-Two cotchse of an e~0m’sinn tndn)Umpedstys the fever ou that day was the worn, thua t/one for the ~ick were being takcn up all overthe ,task netr Loekwond, Mleh., and coiled far, the dstths a~gresathi8 thirty-two and the oountry, aud even In L|verpool a see,Lugdown an embaultment. Thirty penoua were nnmber of new ones ulna,y-six,. Out of a to devi~o menus of aid for the sufferers wasinJuxl~, seven’el ~rinus]y and three fatally. In,ion of over 40~000 only about 0~000 zo. hohl. Iu Now York ©[ty boxes were placed inAt IAvinssten,, u small town in Winona ed in I he place, the re~t havingfled. The many of the notela and restaurants, eo that the

county, Minn., the boiler to run sing t d~rem Was forwarded ~o ProeAdontcharltably-luolmed of limited m,~. _ a thr~ of-M~, a byt’. te~mayot and-other-o/~etale~.--"lucontrlbuto--mnall-sun~-e-ifid--thus~t~ Frits, , Lf of the yellow fever utri0ken ~outh, we heavtor oontribuflone of merchmtte and busi~

8ohnen ~tf~ll"requeet you to exercise your dLs- now. sou.Ne[nar~ mary.’powers in the appointment of a’ Uptotheth[zt/eththorewexel,604deathsina tl co~ mk~loa of the ablest pltyeloians M~dflvo~outhem otties and towns, dl~triLuted a~and a boy named wet’o: lats, h~ the oountry, for the purpose of followa: New Orleans, 920; Memphis. 056;killed, being eru.hed by fragments of LiflcallF woeUgatin~ tha san,as, nature, Vioksburg. 198; Oronsda 149; PortGil)son, 35.boiler or of tho wreaked thrtaher, or eealded nests a~ hzrther prover Uo ) of the fearful In Now Orleans there were 169 new ea~oa andto death by steam and hot w¯ter. A man mio ~ ,~ reginK. Gozq :r~ s will uudoubt-81 doaths, the whole utmther of oaeos beingnamed Wluderliue wa~ mortally hurl The make a sulta~e appro pri ~tion to reward about 4,000. Atele~grem of the thirtieth says :oan~ of the c foc narvlees eo valuable to th0 "From Carroltou to the Uulted Htates barracks,

Another sweep of nearly twelve miles, the

’ far the most afflicted, and thodamporI and o¢ ’so. The fire telegraphed for nose from Ha- m th, street the more rapid theburned flcree]y in tha.ternaee,.mz~l the ueumdvaansh.~nd Charleston, aud a number havesteam ~ up qu[q]d3, ctllth~l, an ozplo,~on,ottrrived ~from Mobile¯ Poverty and distresa nowhurried totremenuous loroe. The boiler wu torn provtil to tn alarming extent, and runny have of ha,lenapleoca and the frtgmente hurled atom been sick for several days without being ablehborera with the fa~l offset above (] to ~,z~/au. Nt~rl

unattendod by aa frequent one. The latest teodez

Thn thrsihor Wal thrown 200 feet by the fore disease, almost luvarlably aimwaof the e~stpir~steam, luonl eUea. is eongest/ou of the kldney~." At-- Th.o Kansas Rupubll.e~n~ /~ enm~DU~, at have absented Memphis there wore sixty-eight new eases and".topanl, put a 8rate ttoket in the field Imd oOm0 lye tt all." aixty-flve deaths. Phys[oians and nurves froma~ted ~.lstf.oml favoring groeubneka I . edvloes othe~ Ilohzts oontiuued to ax’rive. "Found~m~e or nauonal t)~k not~, and doelurh: detd /n a house" had beeomo oommontuat all the oblJgaUone of fhe of vlst/ng nerves. Tbn followinK ap.should be he really dl~oharged. [HLu’geo| a oommlttee of citizens ahowa the

M : frem U. E. Bent, deputy eondltloa nf affairs h: tho strlckonbo~rL,~q ~x)ileo~)r of cuatoma at Vi0ksburg: " Twenty- st, pread aud fatalitythree doathl yesterday, mix hu,dred oasca all ootlre suel)eu~|ox|outth:B I Whenthat she was too trod& treatment, and th. I:lsKue sl)ree~Jh:g several Lhousa.d i~)or

with fearful rapid,,y. (fret, svffodn8 and city who are destitute ,f the¯deetituth)n muongthe povror classes. Bue the of subsistnuoe umd uuab]o to proeuroundertook to put I United t~tate~ authorities, and urge the hupera,wo~k_ ¯. A lsr~oI ~)rti"n of those are now s,ek.the bed to ktll him, hoolung tc tire neeessRy for .(Iovermuent’ald. Jtathumazlu inn llUlUDer [soonstautly h~croashq4. Muchplteoualy for hie life, sayhl~4, re,lt|lred Imlnediately. Weather unfav0rah]e."as ,be e,,nmittee dlsllkt, s to sek aid fn:el thedon’t kill |uo, don’t ktU mnl" Anolher disl)ateh fn~m W. O. I’axton. grand chaxlt,hl, ahroad, who have eo Kt, oerooelythe appeal, hut threw him on Um Oomlnandurof KnishtaTeml,lar, tutye: "l)laeaee reSpoltded to fern|or oalls, st,on,alLy altd bu-after eutting his throat, struck him on thn aide aud destitution walk haztd hi hand lu thht city. re-,dry oompel tl.,m to r~,tiuuat furthur s:~of the he~ with &~of-irantoem~z[lete F.ighthufidrodea~ea~nuth~rtrealme, it. ’L’t]e i,rompt t,~l,ta,oo." &t Vh~k,bm"8 1,10 newher work. ~ ’ r . ’ ; ’ ~ ~ weather JS vary uhhtvorablo. We ne,~d every. ,~a,e~ a|ut thirteen deaths were r,,|,ortt~t.While ’l’izom~a Cr. ’ thing. ’lYalnsand steaml,,)ats allatopl)ed." A Washington dispatch KiVt, S U|O oflh,htland A. ll.]tl~k In Nuw Orlemzs the yullvw foyer report ou reimft -f the et|rKeo,t-gen~r~l (If thO maxiaonant lawyers the twuzdy ~eventh ehuwed ,)lie hundred iml ht)*p||al s,,rviee ,or the wu~k endit)~ n theamiulug psporsat thaformer’eofl)oe, nLhety-four new tw, ttoe snd fort,-nine deaths, th’rtlvth, am folh,~s:aroae wbieh oudud tu llushoy’s dra ,tome holm wan arousal by tht~ ,u<~eoaMol ltl N,,w Orleans. to date. there have been apistol and ,flriug, almost in,tautly treatmeut of a patios| in tl’,, laat thr~,~s ot terM,If %877 e~s ax~,l H67 deatha.lilsekhton, Hutlhey wta arroated. "’ , dotth by a Ilew me,bed. Th. rcme,ly see- At VlehstmrKb there are ,ow SOt) casea, htlfAuotf’er frlgbtfuLaihu. "~-t~ la sprtid~ing the dylnK nlau with tee .....

I~tret~ and life l,aII~et f~ll I.t,, a IleI~tl~ ~h’~’I,.to pleeae, At G¢~v,atiN Mtn., the sl~atk~n ot affudrs

fourth was landed on s sheb ou the twenty-~ve~tth waa seme~lutt b~,tto~tllth~Jtu’ed, thMI a numobr og i~praOltaWbo htd l~/’OllZ Orvuada and oLIher imlota axe rel~rt~.

Au ~devahw lu herin r~oovt, r~di ~zd aa they At Ht. h~mls theft, wt~e etsht ©~ ef leilow~bout thirty.five not ~wo~it~b~d to’the fovur alxtl tWO dt~tlm f~m tho fever¯ AtItur,a Murphy, who wlut kll uaLr~ht~ Fran! it was thought Ihal a obaut;o quar&lttltze below Ht. LouLs U:exe were sixCaltahaa fa|al[~ injured, and (tw.~rse Fustor l’by’toitXm ~:d ~,,. ~d tmo death. Umtthu, tweuty doubttnl

,tinned to arrive, pativutn edmztted ,hu[uK the forty-elsht hottr~very mrtou.ly Injured. aud all wore wurkin8 haxd to ohe~k the terri- eudh.~ l~,t vvenillGThe Toulouse Greenba~kera oOureued et . bLe pla~ue. L At ~’airo, Ill., o~ dust!,ia ofllclal]y rVl~rted;

put up; .....as m~ioh energyas if t hey’had n~d~ "XeW ......rieh ,find".. i~ .the gold regions of the ; he found; eo~-~ : ......West. None but a close observer would f- the l~pnl z~hZlt imaginn that the half dozen quiet work. in Az~eriea ~tinmen and noiseless little engine in the more ~ Vith am~ ’",excavation below were the operators and older ,Ea~tm, n m 4he ZtbW ~ :’"machinery of a gold mine m full blast of the We~ .~mong.the;moat:im)m.~ The habit of eecreey is so gteat with tho ment e¯usee of.,the ~ ar~]n(il old miner that but a few people in the opm.~on: a sodeota~.,]j/e,:po~r,food~ibad,city are aware of whatarioh "flud"the yentttat:o.~ ~nd .geaeml d~0~;Bondstreet mine is. nygienio: zequtrsments~idl- -e~z~dtie~ng ....... to n-,uxity :ot:ti~me,- of whieh-,ne~;~; ..... "-Tho last Cradleful of the debris w.~s si " "roekin~ in the washer, and therefore the ghte~nese m an ind:eation. ,. ........miners- had no 0bjoeti~)n t~ te~llifi " ~ un ~ex’~pe°._ ted friend m-mtu h~ bee~ .... |much money they had made m dis~ve~ed in a kind of‘* "aV~deole e~,process of mining. In the first genoerod rage, whioh preve~Mthe :debris : is: submitted ~ ~ beoom~g_ ..... :washing in flumes. Thsse are long a~r. theboxes, twelve’ inohes deep, fourteenwide, and any length that may be de- ~zn~lin°d .alewISe-polluted :sired. Thero are one hundred feet of ~u hampton W~,.hU4:~thatflume used in tho Bond etreet mine. wn.e~ the sUeIS~_ ded mSt[~.a" ~ tld0k-

The water used is pumped in by the ee~ u~ez.e ie go~,oa ¯ alleat deet~o.o,gine and than elevated to the washer, tion of the -foul- mattor~ through the ’after which the esme water ie again eon- agoney of millions of tho minute erea-dueted to the flumes~ thus economizing turee, I?y eome held to,be of ~ but "..’ .it and eatehing the ~m~dlest paxtielo of -by Mr’.~Au~8ell believed to !~..ot...v~_tw . -.

b]o origln: ’-On .e:Imo~ the"~’ ’ .the preeious metal.Forty tens ,of the debris fluid throusha ~pe, tt mm found ,

washed in the to contain myriad¯ of little.browh or-ton of concontrktions, gamsms, surreunded with ¯ ~ml,~submitted to the gold washer, and re- subetaues. Eaeh ~m~ was found

to be native in i~ ~oveme~te. amd ~ot "dnesd to baso mePad, turning ou~ thrse ~~hundred to flvo hundred pounds to the aPt~

the reftneryaud reduced to fine bare, body, and with ~~-980 fine. From the refinery the hare ¯ery flexible talk ~ter death, the~ego to the mint, and.are there turned into tiny atoms give off N~ odor aimiler tobright gold pianos. " .that of sea.weed and ch~nse to a 8rosa -

"How mneh have you mf~]e in your so lot. During llfot~ ~yevo!vebubb]mltwo monthe of city mining ?" was se~ed, ot ozygen g m, whfch ! ~ b to the

"We have got about 860,000," Mr. water fro~ ~e effseb of "Robert~ said. "Here are~lS0 in bright iug matter on wh|ch~wenty-dollar gold pjeoe~ that I huvo feed. It ia a

of the We have on/orty or fifty s~0ks of the basoto go to the refinery. Eaeh sack

weighs oue hundre,’l pounds. Be.sidasthere sro eight or teo ten~ of tAilinge,old bit~ of roeted iron with partielea ofpreeimt8 metal sticking to thorn. Ti~eeearo to undergo a proee~,of piokl[ng,and the precious metals separated fromtht~ base. We ezpeet to realize a Con-sidorablo amonnt from those."

Tho ezpenee has uot bven ~ muoh asmTtieipatod, nnd tho net proceeds nrelhmdetgmo.--N~w York ,Yun.

--, , n|

A Girl ~ho Could T~row Stones.A Neva;la mere writes to tho Virginia

OiLy 2’~rrltorlal Enterpriae as follows :he te ne, ," fume,, i,,

wl h there wore six houn~in8 gir]swithout a br0ak., l|efng very poor, tile|ttther had taktut the o]de~t to tmsmt himin out of d(~r work. To this she acem-ed to take nnt|lraily, and eventually bo-name ,4z adept iu mowing, rasping, tree-felling, mad eve~ enow-ahoo/ng--(.nethe mr~t dit~eult of thisbe tocomma|ld of.( Although frillthe boys ef h~x ,go in doing the alivewgrk, tl~en~ w~ eulv one thin~ in whichsho ~howt~l ~ de,,i’,le~l mlpertority, ~mdthat wtm,in st,me.throwing. Tho i)r~-eiuien ~hd veh~ity vdth wlfieh shet~)u]ti hthd one of t~hose misatle~ was tome, who wet0 ¯ yt~r or two her junior,a ~Offla3o O[ nnvtq~nn~ ~dt~" u~dadmir,~Uon. As a lW(~)l ol her skirl,,the "bruught h.me titr~ partriJg~e,(rufllod gr~uee,) kiiled~in (me day wi~,Ik.~nm-"

asry eoavengors. . ,,

Curi0us Bible F~mt~~ee lB~ed. Pnnes.of.Gmmda, heh. " .

p~h throne, ~ b~order of the erown for fea~ ,he shouldaspire to,he throne, was kept in solik, xyconfinement in the old prkem It thePlace of Skulls, Madrid.’. &tierthree y~txe in thls living tomb deatho*une to hie release, ind. the followingremarkable reeearehes [~kan ~ .the.BiL4e, and marked with an ~d neff on,the rough walls of his sell, told how’hebraiu ~msht employmeak t~h~theweary years: ,

Iv: ihe Bible the word ]E~t is foUad.1,85~i timm ; the word ~’ehov~ ~time,, and the word Reverend bgt o~oe,and that iu the nmth verse of,lie lllthP,ahn. The eighth vt~me~ the llYthPaa]xtl is the middle vlUm Of thO ][~lbl~kThe ninth veme of the eishth ehapkwof 1,:ather is the lougset veree;flRh reran, eleventh ohspter of BL JoShie the eh~L In ghe 107thtour ¯ereea ~’e alike--the eighth,/ft.teeuth," twent~.ax~t and _~4tmLF.~h ver~, uf the laet~ ~ e~ht~dike. No namas or ~-~l~t~h moz~

~ix sylhtblm are formal in theBlble.thMy.aa~mth ,~ ’of: lmalah

nineteenth simpler e~ ~d lt~isare alike. The word 0t~t e~eUm but~uee ia tha Bible, and that in t~o thud,~latpter o{ Joel. Them m~t fOmul inboth book¯ of the Bible 8,f~488 let-hun, 77~],tqt13 words, 81,87~ veras~ 1,17~ehapters, t~d 66 bo~k~,

Page 3: " mndd.pevok the "way o~teu tO so.ions dan~Jr. It Is qoiM as neo~Jeery to ~ erases Impure aeoumulations from the bow-ale as tt II to enlt or sleep; pod no health o~n be expelled

il- detect it. Jtlr. Brown invites those who Sheriff’s Sale. qusntly- ........

~ld~sueh ’it planl~.to .secure t~.e.e~l .end By.vtrtue’of.a.writ of Oeri f~rils, to mo ill-- rented, issued out of ti, e &tlunlle Cit.uit Couri, " ...... NO Mosquil~es.’

Tits propc-ty is bounded~on the North by,thecelebrated hostelry known ¯l ,’CttA DWI CK S.0u the South, two end s half miles dirt.tit, isSEASIDE PARK. s new resort of the B4ptist~.Thla locality has special claims to popular fa-vor, as it is botti

In Equity, wall be sold at public vec,lue, onWednesday. Nep!. "lSth. 187~

%T TWO O’CLOCK in the ¯lternouo of ~ai,ldly. st the-Hotel of l.ouls Keohole, Eglr liar-bar City, Atlnntiu County, Ill. J.,--An th,it certaio tractor piece of leo,l, st,male io the tow.uf Ham,uoltton, Counly o! Atlsmic and Shi{~

t~idilii4~ i polht ,lt’Plvru,,utti]i,,nd ~ dlllnU "eof- 1~.12 chntn# fr,,in’the Petel’lOll Ii,~e, ~udru,Tsthe¯e’e.(lI o,,rih Jid~lreea and ’3it miuutes,east ] 5.10 Chains t,, ~ p.lntin the line of thepetersou lurvcy; tla.oco i2) by the line of ~aldsurvey, north 6b de~ree~ and ~4 mloules salt825cbainstu¯p’,lut; Ih.oee(3lsouth 14 degrass sod l0 mluutcs. Weal 2i 64 chains to ¯p,,I-t In the m d,lle of Plymouth rt,,,d aforee~id ; thence (4) by the mid,lle ~f Plymouthr~ad, north 71i degrees aid 30 mlou,e’~ was5 45 ebatns to the ph,ee of ll~glur~ing oontam-ing ten nores of lui d being lot ~o¯,q ,,n plan ofParma of the t)r~wl] llact and tile ca,us premise~ which J.hn A; llruwu ltu,|’(trltee, his wife,conv©y~d.te.tlle i,resuoi gr,itit:ir~ in ,XitPl forWil:iam Morrll, a.d reo-rd,.I ill the Clerk’s nffloe uf Atleotic C~,unty i,i i,iber ~5 of d~ed~.full6 436. &r., reh, li,,u there to being Lad willmore tully appear,

S~lzed as too properly of WiUlarn L, Gal.hrnhh, nt hi, deal,. I.k,~n Ira exl,nu’l~n at the"lnh of Thn blech~illcs L~en uud llull lille Ai-llochitlvo, &c., tempt., nlld t:i I)e $.td ill’

S. V. ADAMS, ~het,ff.D.tod July 201h, I 71;.I|AuuY L, ~i..tl, ll ~olicitof

Prlnler% Fne i.i~ liO

amid bUm, informing him ot the loliltion~ihere fouud. The seed is suppo~d to benmtered when the ~ begin to open. Atthe.~me time they can obta31n seedg for¢ "their owli experiments. If the~l" do s~ Mr.

I ~rowu would be glad to liars the r~ults

-~ ....... Wh6- m~u~ i~e- iute-r~t@d, ~e- V/6~Id ~t~-that Juto ie employed in making oource

and usa foundation fol: cel;tain ]~iltdsof carpeting, and is also ~ome~imes mixedwith silk in cheap satiu fabric. A.ud ifit cau be grown here. it might be made ivery valuableorop. Those intercsted canebtaln a copy of the circular by ealliug at

" ore" office. It is said to be Ibur times asln-odoctive as cottOn or If, ix, attd requireshOt.Ore thau otle=teuth the labor to pt~-dace it~ attd not-half the los& there is inhemp or lhix hi its m;iilll[actllrelwhilo juteImge¯re Worth in market one-fourth tOone-half a cent-per yard more than flawImd they hl¯t longer.

The elcctiou in Vermont went ]lepub-

li~, of conme, thoollii there w~s some

doubt ae to whether a Grceubacker was

eiceled ill nile Cong~essiobal Distri0~.

Dr. Pugh wlll have. the amino "IIeze.liilh" a8 an opponen~ tbls campaign, al

..... he hus been -omhtated by’the Green.lllekern, and will probab]y be takee upbJ the Duniot:ratu,

It Is tdoarly settled that Oldy ttl~Jut |0,-

-- HEALTHY AND D]IYNo slteatlou co the"At]antlc Coast I~ more

famous th ,o thi.~ for its supefloi "

~portin~ Advantages-

The Beautifu! 13ay Is ~O mites In leugtb andabout 5 miles iu width, wllh a depth of only 5feet, thus affording exoelleut opportuuitles for

YA OHTIN WITH 8AF’TYThle~l’L,y has el,o been ealebruted for Its #Ion

O.f*rere aod 6’/,~,,,,7 uhd exCellent Fi’iADig and-Cr,dd~;.y, The ~izes of our lntJ are all uniform--lIOOxlOO feet each, the t~rma easy aud

PRICES LOW.-IIv n epeelal resoluti~u of the Beard of dl-

rlletor~, a number,if fine I,,ta. t. the value ofSt- T/i.,i~.i,,l I)othlr,. have heeo xpproprlatedss II I.utlltatlle iund towlrds thc erecthn, In

/tlliii.lleltl!li;I, ,,I a lleull r01i ~llWING WOMIIN*,at ofemlll-yl~ent. A |l*llel ’and many eol-lUg0~ hnvn oeeu c.utrarted for. ~o thai bel.rvIlls cl,,~’~ of the preaent aoiloo vlshors mayflud amlilo iice.mmoda, ious.

C; M,: Engiehart&Son7

! .....t, littlllt lt l ltYThirteenth St., Market to Chestnut,"




the l~ltiouer, tm we hive been 1~_7 .ui~ i~m~i~.timtod with contempt. ~here’plylenerolly v~Id

be, ?*We don~i mu ib’bl road for yes. ~ ~ oonilnuedup to the time of A. K. Hay~l e]eetlen to the Pre~l-~ney.’ He notou]y glmn.ed Hmmmo’oton and otherJfavo~ buthedldit gr~erully,-nud would have donemore for us. hut for an llllberad oppmltlon.

In the election of llr/7, the Bberal pulley men wereslicoce~ul, and they immediately aol to work to mldcetheir mimagemeut sucli is to benefit mine uther phice~be61dca thcen at the two ends of the road. Immedi-ate]~ there was a rebeBIont aud those who couldn’trule were determined to rufn. ff they could. Theyuodertook to bear the stock, with the hope sod e~poet.utica of buying It up at a low figure, and thaa contretthe raid, M they hid done, They signally fidled.Then, fn a spirit of malice caused by dhmppointmtntthey dle~.l~l of their own.stock, an&at onCe aet=to:~work at the new, and, if potable, rulu the old f’oad.We Mk imy ~candld man-If there’was-aoylhteg honor-ahle~ Just or eveu manly io aunll a ceoras ?

As an honmt Jonr~allet, knowing these facts, weeoMld not fa*or sueh course, and,wn ~ happy 10 ea7

_w_~ Ix~.~in JJtlllhla~J~ .oomllmFo~very nlpe~lEeiiper In thlstmd adjoining eountlra.

As to being pild for what we have laid. we hurl.b~_~k lh~.a.efniilion ~.the- 1nile uatlelll-i lul- blle;Tllser"lad malleloml as the hi~irt that engendered It. Wehive never received a dolhlr from the "Old Reliable"Company that we hive not received le~lilenttely, for

¯ advertillng, and for piper, which has not uncoated to$)0 fn llx ycerl. We grent we hate recelred f~von,for which we are duly thankful. Ingratitude b not anelement of our nature. Though ht~ we nnt t~elvt, Aa’shlglo favor we could never hive advocated so wild,i~kleas and uleleas ¯ scheme aii the Narrow Oaugnrued. ~)far is our puss is concerned, it ben be~n

dlmiase wml done, encept the few bruilus received by more than paid for Jn legitlmatn advertkemcnts and

........ ~oul~llihlnK~?f tho time table ..............Mr. 8~. Ion._ ................... :: .....V’e hay0 been thus lel~gthy.ln giving reisoes for our

llr.Wevtsitedtbe Fair st Vtnela~d co.tce, and to Jaetifyour~elfld It.-Only for thlswoon Wednesday, and ~as htghly pleued. Thn ExhlbBIoo should lave taken no o0Beo of the lisa spirit maol-wll ~ In every department. The cubistic n 9f f~it .fl~tod toward u~ and should -~ come to the alamoWlilliOt allexttulilveailnotheryce~m, we were ~old, conclu~lon that the man dld ~vhen the Jaekasa kicked

hlm, ¢ontldered ft~m whence It came, and ~Md uothlng

about it.

(F~r the South Jersey llepublieon.).Ifr. ~,dilor :--

DliAll SIR : Your Issue of Aorn~t ~]St I @on-

talnc~ a very interest]ugartl©le~ he¯did "Com.

mission Scalpels." Wl~h your permitslon I

will make few remarks upon the subject, be~

ing well awa-e that tho ~writer I i’efe’r’to, ]ills

b.en one {if those very ecs|pors, only a veryfew yearsego. I|etlienreproeented oneoftho

best houses in ilnw Yor~, (take his own word¯torit,) and exhausted afly amount of gas lu

blowiog for salff house, lie would do his bestto make every ]~ruit Orowcr believe th~ the

ha,ale that be represented wM the 0nly hours

In New York that was hobesi e~eullh Io sellfruit, and succeeded iu making quite ¯ uumhor

bf Prult Growern believe it fora.ehort time;h.t u]as ! after ¯ short time, che0ks e¯me back

protected from t31s¯wouderful I~ouiul the resultof which the hosre failed, sad probebly the

ngent was not Imerl enough to get his share of

the scalp. Therufore, to day, l:e is what we

term ¯ sore.head. SInen that ttmu he has outhenu able to rnpreseut a respuusih|u htluso iu

New York, therefore hn makes mn thlell of ilia

fable of the fox with the sour rrepee~ Berauselhe getffle/nlm--cannoi-repreiei~ a I~llponslhle

hauls he now plunlalms that lbey ¯rl Ill so.rand dlehonell~ which I lake lhe liberty Io die.

bole. ~l~e hale lhout Ilghi loud Comlleslon

lloules lu New York, that reeelvosud sell llllm.

Uitlnton Ira|t, aUd I do liut believe that cue of

them would labs one eexit more than beloog~

to ltlem._ I~o e o " e! : ,n. ,_g_hulil-uses in llnuimoutoo {*~r a number uf ycar~,uud

lira repttsenled here hy agenta, ond [ em sureIhat thn shipperr from this town well know thut

Ihole aealp~rs, IIr .gents, are ai hi, nest all day

aslhowrlter ufthllscalperarllele~ Nevert,ln.

I,~ss, If Ihe tel.rued tfentlemsu can rnrolullon.lie tbn Frult (Ir,~wnr’a Ui.loo nf llaulmontoo,le,I InllrUel Ul hol in make nlnrO mnnny out

of our fruh in Ihe foluro Ihau In Ihn pllll,I trulyhopn lhit he will ©.an llul sutl let hll Illhi

Ihloe for the public gued~ nnd nol stay at Ill,me

aod konp ilia iiiht hurniog undue a buthel, fur| aiii euca ti~st wl All will Ipprlfl&le aoy Im

pru¥1n~ent iu mstketlug nor fruit. The belierway In Improve the Fruit (trownr’a Inteteil Is,

to eomn out In lhelr mlellnll ¯ed lake eu as.tire Imll, Inslsad of slaylnpl al homo, Itld9..w//.,j all the while aboul the dllhoUell)’ ef

others. The (had Book is ousof the bestIlalliei in Ilia wl,rtd, whloh sayl, " Let nl fir*tInka the b¢,l.l out of oa: own eyes," Iheo waW Ill all ba baiter pre]larad lu sen the Im~ll mollIhll Ii In our hrolher ¯ eyes. It Is vnr- dan.linlOUl for plrlOOl it, lull In ilill hilUlUl Illthrow it cult.

| havn teknn this up simply me dnfend ihaeliuii|lil,lu uian lif ~l~aw Y.li, Ihai ira dolcehuliulil tn Ilnmla~lnleo. Nany ~f tbam havnadraneeJ moo*~ to Iha fruit |rowers wbn¯Ihly had uo utler way t;i rails a dollar. IndIll¥i Inlaid lii~lu erllll lit ship lhilr fluli in,~itliulit any charge, alld hive tile said thenit tllll Ol nol ynil’l erlldll, Io hllp Ihlm~lunl,~ud now tel p~vllalca thenl Ill ~llshollil~, ilid,hll Ihey hlvt 1o sisal Io pay Ihlll slaclr . li ,lllO itll¯ld I lid ]il plain to trill thll Io ’he¯ill leo will make lloh u Ilslalelll. lurooelllion i mull sll,l slu pnriliia Ihil ti¯~ceeiiiltellon itn led their Iwprallall~llvai ire¯ a hi, lair e| the 1tater nf liil ~llslpnl" artlnit

t’llU IT !.] I~;’¯ ¯¯,

.V~e_Ye~ ~, . . _-_. _" _- ........ : _Bought at forced nld~ young, lidlel allleo , fine

Illk. Yo~g ~ifadrell et]llm, .with¯ 8rlmd~amol~mentofall klnd~ and gHng to be mld~ ~ Ahemany one can atoul them, houmtlyi al ~ ~ ¯

E. L. L~vli’e.

Hot Bread, Tell Rp~ll, Rusks. &C., at ~ere’ averyadlernoou. " "" " ..... 4w

Go to P. 8. Tllton’a for good Butter and Gheise.

to P. i. Tllion’s for Um beet Boom an(! 8hoel thatbareevery impmvemeet for comforl and coovlmlence,Mr. Tllton sells good shoosand &t low prices. Don’tbe deceived. " ....

Everythlnglu the Grocery line can be boelht at P

S.Tliton’s at bottom prism. Itlsthe bcadquartere.forGrocerlce In Wlmmonl~. o . .

A ful! Uue of ~ta aud £hoel to. be-fonild atP. 8. TI~ro~li.

it" Carpet Weaving, at 14o. S, Dirweu’a Blooi-

For thn bast of grooerLea, P.8. TU~II sen el¯w.yo |m pply-li~m. .... - -

P. S. Tlttoo is alent for the Singer Bewingchios.

P.$. Sqltoo’s Is the’piece tobey boohi+and abuse-a-good altlele for Utile mooey.

i~. ~o~, l~o"r, ~e~, ~h and Ziisl, ~’~,~n hand at P. 8. Tlltou~s. - .........

W. IL Tliton I, Agent for the Wileoo Sewingl~lchfne.

Liver is Klnli.The YMrer Is the Imperial organ of the’whole human

system, as ft cmitrol~ the life, hceUh lind liepplnt’ll ofrain. When It Is disturbed In itl proper I¢lioo, IllklndsofailmentasreJt~ uatoril rmult. The dlgeitlnll.of food, the movements of 01e-hi.7/rt and--blood, me ao-lien of the brain and-uermu8 system are all. Im01edl-/a~ly conu-e~fed " with the work/no of the Liver. ItFntn been sucee~fully preyed that ltrcen’s AulUlt lllnw-er Is nneqtmUed fn curing all persona amlcted with,Dyspcpelaor Liver ~mplilnt, aed all thenumeriml~ymptoma that r~ult fro~l an unhealthy condition ofthe Liver an4 stomach. 81mipte bottle to try, 10 ~nts.Positively sold in all towns on the Western OoullneoLThree dcetl will prove Jt b Just what you want.

Vttrloum (;aulel--Advnnclng ymri. care, slekdel~ dillppolailueut~ andhereditary predilposltloo--all opcretelO tuni the hairgay aud either of them In¢llireS it tolh~l~ preriulllirnlyArim’s lliln ~’luos will r~ttbre" faded or Kray, Ililitor rid halr toarich b~n era deep bhtck,it may bedeqfr~l. It softona and cleloeee the scalp, #flog It uhealthy action, and removal aO~¯ctir.es, dandrnlfandhlimor~ "liylti ~ lalllng hair la checked, end nowgrowth will be produced In all ~ whera the folllelceare not destroyed or glands decaye~L Ill effectl arebeautifully shown on br~hy, weuk, or liekly hldr, towhleh I~ ftlw allpllatiloos.will pi~lace lhe gloll andir~ihnelm of youth, llarmleN and aure In ira opocell0nIt la lateral.treble Iwa dre~ilng, and IS aspedally Val.uod for tho soft luetro and rlchueis of tune It lmpartl~It c~ntalnl neither otl uor dye, and will not eell or col-or whlle camhrle yet It lalUI Iongon the hilr, endkeel~ t fresh and v gerous.

Foa IIALn ar aLL DllLall,

~t~arrtalles.AU(1--¥I,qI,E--At 8mlth’e llmding. Aug. 26t t~y ltev.

%%’, N. Og,~lrn. Jmeph J. Aug to ~lnry R. ]~ildo, bothof 8mlth~l Landing.

I°RICE--SIMPKINS--At 8ellth’s I~tndlng. Aug. Slut,ily liar. W, N. Oghorn. J. K. P. Pdce to Ann EUla-lletll 81mpkhnl, b~ili of Rlileytowe.

P~tl~ ~,lll~trlt~Jtlixtiitlt.

1%llad This.YeU ~an-nh-~eftesh freR sod vegetablen ibs

whole yenr round, by oiling the iJrangor Fa allyFruit aud Vegetalfle Evaporator. It can beused on ¯ klt0hen stove, eo extra expense fortuft. Puvs for Itself In two dayi. llntlll price$:i5’II05i0. Ageutawauted In every tow,,.Trsde eullplled at very Ilbsral dlsoouot. Sendfor circular, flee The Eultern Manf’g Co.

Ol#ioo 700 PlneSl, Phlle.



C0&L Y£ED.Orders filled direotly

from oars duBng tiie fall.

ConauJt t/our oww interesA~bl/ ~’eein~ ua before

yot, ,fivs anyorder.G. F. S&XTON.

lltlllluaton, ¯aI. llu~i, !118. ill. II.

A ~s lumdaome volume of llll plgml, co~"tabling oousidei~¯hle murlrtbeu=ll!0,QI0 ..- .... .............

eorreet Pront~at/on, Dell.nitl~m, a~l ~tyl~ o.lel~., ‘ ....................... J:: ......


KARBOB OITYAgricultral Society

will be held on. .............

-~olldai# and Tllld~ill"Se’ptebmer ~8 & 94, ’78 ’ "

AT TH~ NEW FAIR GROUNDS,St. L~uis Av¯, and Aplsla St.


N T " ; --- " :_


Page 4: " mndd.pevok the "way o~teu tO so.ions dan~Jr. It Is qoiM as neo~Jeery to ~ erases Impure aeoumulations from the bow-ale as tt II to enlt or sleep; pod no health o~n be expelled

in e]o~ the fibersforoldl~n

e-fll~mtthim+’ the fir+ leave+. A double bow their hea~s, and emch crestmre in ruth nevet-faiting~~-I]+ and left as rou sl~s‘iner of thiek woUeu oloth wiJl emt~ apses to find a plaee of rest end to hesse of~orei~e. In t he+._morujug ~she~wo~l-a-~-o-~ bound burst from the.bosom of the ~ght and- blm~e.above thehorizon ;bt~ the ~ir wste.hes for hiscoming, and sends first but o~ae littleray to announee his approaoh, and thenanother, and then a handful, and sogently draws aside the enrtain of nighta~d slowly leta the light fall o- the faceof the sleeping earth, till her eyOlidS-open, and likem~n, she goes forth again


to labor till eveniug. . +]zmwsl~pers, .................

of the exeention. " " - " -

l--~ ........ / _ -/--~i~,a-l~-~h-l~a~ a+tutl aemor~.:[:ms_~+, on--m~-, +Je ......... + [- " Accomiqg to c...... tion of h /ea~re population. ~ Lste imported dresses-show a deeided

............ {+1,4~9,145,~&)~, b revival of the Lold-feshioned shirred

....... [lows:- Europe, ++ trimmings.

--: .......

I sO~)~’ ~Jl+~P~’

Imp,forandMantl+ Gmmet bells are to be used this fell dress winter ornamented f~-imm~gB., and for gar~J+ capes with ef bl+mk on combe bom~et~ + mesh+ andap- _ "’+ "’+ " ’°’+ " IG0m m+K Nm ........... ....+

lique +or+, aro fashiOnable: .....~+~ mm~ . ....Ths "Alumnus" is ~he hat of hste for ~-

theantumn; --+ It is shaped preeisely -111+6 I m.u~ ~o~ +v~ m,~; ~.¢~ Poll ~ i,..,,mo +..~m’m.-| tllm la riling+to tl~e ~e4t-pel~ lloab Produl+t~the morion, seen in suits of ancient l u.,t.~t.4~a,~t~m.~.

armor,’is bound with velvet and trimmed I -I:ff,with three folds of satin, a star-shape~rosette of eatin ribbon on the left eideand a short ostrioh plume.

None of the new goods for wintebonnets are plain E~ome have very finestripes of alternate dark and light eolors;others have wider bands of velvet andsatin; others are nniform in oolor butare of sstin and .plush. A few arsplaided and a very few broken ~eekBappear.

Largo square buokles for belts fromtwo to three inehos broad are importedIin ol~gmved silver, in pearl, and in jetImixed With steel. Evezything indieates Jthat bolt~I dress wuists will oontinue infavor. New belt ribbons are elaboratelyembro/dered b~_hand, or else-brooadedin tho loom. Brightly flowered beltsarn worn in Parla with ’blsok silk and

Page 5: " mndd.pevok the "way o~teu tO so.ions dan~Jr. It Is qoiM as neo~Jeery to ~ erases Impure aeoumulations from the bow-ale as tt II to enlt or sleep; pod no health o~n be expelled

TIP-TOP DRBSSIN ~r M. V. Chapman,Philadelphia Office 507 Pine Ikt.

~ILT ml Wmr.r. VOml

qp~.~m. ~home. (~u~mloul.lnorJucouveelenre --OF-- oM~dmodforml~hsldc~ldevleel, medlcslorol~elooi|WOI~IM J y l~.d fur pal©hand rer+~rencm uf ramona poeedl, Orl~laeslet dmlgel." lelde-iIIrhl I~d lablbl.

GUBTAV KLAUd, bO N. OIb BL rbll,, cavmm5 &wiinmellll, i+olerfmvelml, hlldnll*moqt~

is gotten from


.o,....,,..,..,,~.,.,.,.u.,,...,,.,,.~W, Wem~k* pniJml.ry ezemJoelleus sed f~mlsh

flILIN I UA|tANTgrI~-If you OldUlOnlllloPllelllablllt~,ll~lof~utrll~,sndailwbo .DIIIIEAIII~IIp J BKIN DII~Bill ~ou#ult are Inl*r~t~lln now lhreulJm~ sad JPidlUllm Iov11-

1)il. VAN I)YKg Joorsoo oe by i.tl.r. (advice I~m) ed to IIIId fur a copy Of our I’Oelde ~or I~J0J0N PSI+.II*oUI~I’ WhJCll le asat fr*,~ tv e.y add~ ud t~ml~lal, O05<m-.-1610 Mt. VIY+~ION gT., ¥1tlLA. 4~.ly --’It’-- ¢ompl*te IOlllrttOUOlll how Io oblahl~ islllnll eed oll31rvmlas, blemall.r, Darlntg Ihalqut lye ]tealswe bye

L W SHEBMAN & Co, ~ " ’-’"""’Y °’ .... .,. -,.o .o. o,.,..,e.,,,,,.,.o..c,~.... ,., .,.,,.a, BAO00 h.. ~u.od o,.ny l.dlutlona lh.reol It+

aod r~mtlln inv~l~m, ond mo Idvo mtls~tory m6ml.e a ~-I+ep|a<Jod o01 th. ml.rlt*¢, we liler~fl,rm eauUoa Ida

en¢l~Iblldmuerevetycosuiylulho IJllloa.

~hewlnle4pdoat pumhmiuIauch Imlmlluo& ][~U|~ BAGGIER 41: (VO.

Commission M0rchants ~,,.i..+o.o,.,,.,o,, .... ,o,,~.+,,.,..+,,~...e,.,...,.+.,.,-.,,+,,,.S b~mr~nll a bard ur m*tmllo lad+l, r~n, -r thvut,wlvm Bltlldlll0 WSlIIIII~U, I), (J,

lltlal eel ll~le mmrkl ar. pOltt’hild, hy An* l~d ~~~ai~lii~

~ Borries, Poc+ol+es, Sweet ,.~....~ u.. ~,,, o, c~...m,, .uu.t,. ,.,,. For Bede and to Rent. ,~ J+ot,Uo~., ~o. ~. ,...i.. ~,,,+,., a~ .,..,..o..+o

e+m im ~iml.lul.h~l l+y i Tla T~ql on mtrb |uml+ with Imlu~wd lhlell sad ~’lllqpt IolI wltb

mt ... o...o...+oo., ....Bosto n, o,.,7.oee t+., ~ ~+ le ~m~,.+4 a,uV For lad, Ikoi leO0 1o IMI,O00

~I,000 Im~ maplay*~ le ll4Xorl~, In ~ llmalmlut. ’

~, E. COR. 6TH ~ MAPt]~T STamTu=Ho,.e, v--~.-45,--i+ llrl ~t~mt 5’0 IUI~T r&OMMtello A iorrll.

, Ida, LAW~I]~IICII, l~u~ hskm, lllll Ma& Bk¯ ~ellel ...A derllqi pul tl roele~e~’ IIIo~el~0o.J i AIWTIN KIMIALL & 00~ I1~ rock.

~’fl) L IS2t’hm, ll~im~m, lleld ~I U~ O~muW~l letuP,, Ba~aeUm, II. J.

-~ e~t Weaver,




Barber ShapeTht uuderollluOd hal opened u Barber 8hop tm

Elellevue Ave.sad ia pr,psred to Cut Uulr, Bhempoo, Bkevs&0.# in th* bept mnnaer.

A (]h~n’ Towd fo Every Manl

Open ovary day, O,u I~unday (tom ~ te 18the morulug.

J 3.~]~PB 00AST.Hammon|ou. Ml~r, ’72, l$.tf

Treee t Trees It Trees I ! I


The following luttor wo fOutld, In tholast IlUl,her of tho A~btn’y Park Jour+tai~aud wo copy it with the hope .£ tt~ l, Ul-thlg uotxte o[ our people who tJdnk It noevllor a ueoe~ary evLl. to thLaklltg aboutIho terrible ourso ti~t is doing uo muohharm every~+horo but in Maine:

The ~e~ thtt 3tour paper is read byChriutien people from alL pttrta of ~[swJersey must be my apology, if sue is nee,l-ed, for addreMi~g you on this subject..

I am a nativa of the State of bhdno+md~kuew the Btat.e well In rum tlmeh ByflKy.peara 18o; and Ikuow how lllaatthq~l~eut time.

.+JS~ ~carl lq~O I~I oountr7 U well Idelt~’ti.ve.raJI hod b~ where liquor wtut,old to all ooumr~and every co.try Itorokeeper told ilquor by the IlhUs or glues.In thorn dnys I newr heard of a perleuwho wu a total abstainer; a~l drtmk~fl’omthe b~by who took gin toddy fOr tho elRl~to the gnmd-I~.b~ wbo took ~ elinl[ u& tOU|C.