· mnn s !join peuned up for rollr ijui!! gllo the fellow a chnmc glo\1lod ti eullon ilr muy be...

--- e\'ery man IS thinking about n new ing suit to my in--nnd the styles [<:II" the COl1lll1g senson. [am confident I have something "just I'ight" for l c\'cry need in my range of prices- " $ 13 to $28 Per Suit, to IIrder --- FOI youl' fino cor- I sec the Balgains we a I c olTel inO'- " cornel' , . / , "

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Post on 02-Dec-2018




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---e\'ery man ~yho IS thinking

about n new ~Pl ing suit to ~ee my snmple~-just in--nnd the styles [<:II" the COl1lll1g senson. [am confident I have something "just I'ight" for l

c\'cry need in my range of prices-

" $ 13 to $28 Per Suit, to IIrder ---

FOI youl' fino cor­I e~pondence sec the Balgains we a I c

olTel inO'­"


• ,

. /

, "

Gin -puts' Cured' Them. Fret Sample Box Leads to Cure. , ,

Only those who hnvA bcen torbure<l .lth Kidney Trouble can apP'rcclate how Mr. Trumper Buffered. Bemg II. railroacl man. he WIIS called upon to do all kinds oC heavy work. Tho constant .train oe

weakened the kidneys. I received tho Bample box of Gin Pills

and WIIS benefitted by them. My Buch bud condItion I

~~lfl~~[~iJ~~~I~~~~~~~1~i~;1 .toop without pain. In 1,!1,.,:~11I'y 1"'"1<'U me nellrly nil the time.

r:~~~3i~t~ boxes ot Gin Pill., the timo Ilt hellvy work all Ilnd dId not 1080 II. day.

.,~,a~~l'" TR,u1tIPER, Napance,Ont. Do twmges cllteh J au ns yotl

mloop T Are you subject to Rheumn. tlsm, Sciatica or Lumbago f Docs your lllndder gIve trouble t Tnlte Gin pm, on our positive guaranleo that thcy ",II curD you or money refunded, 50e a box -6 Cor $2 50. At dealers, or direct ,t you cannot obtain froln drur.~iBt. Sample box freo if YOII mention tlUB pnper. Dept. N U., National Drug &; Cbc-';;Icul

CU.,Lnnilcd, 'roronto. 11, ,

Intel hgent Corpornl. Officor-N OW. 8UPPOSlllg the patrol

sent out dIdn't return nt tho proper tIme, "hnt would you chi?

COl pOl nl (nftor much thought)­Sell then kIt, B,r."-l'unch

SoU corns IIrc cllfhcult to crncllcnte. but Holloway's Corn DUle WIll draw them out pn11l1essl~'.

"Somctllnes I S'PICIO"S." SUlCI Uncle Eben, "dat de onl1es' mnn dat realJy nn' tlUly loves "01 k 18 de on~ dnt's IUlln' Bomobotly olso to do It."­Wasillngton Stal.





have hailed from Hull since 1861-and these 67 cl~n~~:r.t~~·Betterment have resulted in Eddy's Match ••

• :;:.r'lla,ohltnl! . I of Perfection attained by No Others.



... I

• •

• •



I hnt 1\llS Ihl r Inht \Ie HOW

18~t /0:10\\ nlHI thc big burst tront V" (llllU 1\11811 tit

"'~I t I hi' 1_11111,1 \\ould ho\"e been b&<idly

1'1, 1 f'n !If

';0.;01 BO \ lolcntly but tbl t Ihe OnS' pole ~ttintl snld tile cllptnla

1 h It S tlnl! sir But tlIere s l}I'en II gc.otl tlenl of \ olcanlc gllK goIng Ill" mnn s !Join peuned up for rOllr iJUI!!

Gllo the fellow a chnmc glo\1lod TI eullon ilr muy be 1111 Ilghl III tlie en \ I! (,ood II a ter thore too ~II \ S so hlmselr BS SllIde 8 account II( s a plctty lu(nble citizen "heD It (OllleH to loollng nfter blmselr \\ ollidu t wonder Ir we'd Dod htm 1lt ns II fld d~ -

1 here \\ ns DO clew to I \"es n nd Me Guile? nsked Burnett presentlf

None' It was tbe captuln who nn BI'i ered

1 he gig grn ted Rnd tbe tide b~lllg hlgh- they IIndOO to the bose or tlie clltr BlIlOett cnrrylng bls predonH ex plosh os oloft In his arms

Here s lhe 8POt," sold tbe cuptliin Sec \\ hm" tho \\ ater gocs In througb

tbose Clel Ices Opening lit tbo top, too," Bald

don "-Ho let out bill bellow, roaring Onr

rO\l 8 nnme I doubt It you could project your

voice rnr Into a cave tbua blOeltl'd ' enid Coptilin rarkloson "We II tr, tbla

He dl ew bla rovolver nnd 1lred I he meD listened at the crevices or the rock No sound camo from wHhlu

"Your enterprise, Mr Bnrnelt" snld tbe commnDder, with n gesture 11 hleh turned 0\ er the conduct of the nO'nlr to the torpelto expert -

Barnett examined tbe rocks w'lth en thuslnsm ~

"Looks IIko moderntely easy sturt" be obscl I ad ' Sce bow tile velDS You COUlll almost blow a design to der In that'

"Ycs, but how about bringing do" D tbe whole en, e? '

• Oh or COU1SC theres nl\\ays nn ment or uncertatuty when YOII'r'e".II~"F.I;

Ing \\ lib hlgb exnla'91\'e1'~'~i~l~~i:~i~~~:~lff ~ xpert ':Bnt~" ~!!:'~i.I'~:/ ~!.'an 'cliop tlils ax '

Dropping his lond lessly upon n nat rock wil,i .. " Pt,oje!Ct('d from the wnter ho busIed hi scarch along the face or tbe PresentI'V, \11th nn Ah

'" or ~ntig~n'~_

tlO)1 he climbed to\\nrd a hand 9

hi eadth or plRtform whore 1'-·'--;:;"'11 pa tcb of purple Dowers

'Throw mo up R knlre, be coiled


AN OLQdlME CHURCH I T,I: .. ::.,~~::Eu~.H~RD~::~'" I 1 Audlenc8S IS The main contention of the snAke

, ohafmer whether he be 'Indian or Red I IndulD IS that he IS abaolutely 1m

mune from the bites of the most pOlS 'onous snnkes nmi tlie manner IJl

Landmark I n Simcoe which he nllows lumself to be bitten County, OntarIO, Rec"lI. Day. by a cobrn or'\adder tncver falls to

Impress, not only the native, but al.o When LIfe Was More Strenuous the white man unacquainted With the Than It 15 at Present-WIIS Erected tricks of these humbugs For hunl' In 1845, and Had Gaelic and Eng- bugs they really are, although it must

be confessed thnt they prOVide a very hsh Speakmg Congregation I InterestlDg and fasomatlllg entertalll

The Orllho Paoltet, many months ment h • ago publIshed a picture at Knox As a matter of fnct, snake c armor I


Peace R,ver Man ExpatIates Upon Wealth of HII District

The wonderful resources rn'og11lfi cent chstunccs nnd future POSSibIlIties of the, Pence Hlver cOllnt~ 1\ ere Ie counted 10 1\ Wmmpeg Free Press Ie porter olle dny recently by an en Lhuslnst III the person of J K Corn wail ,,110 has spent the last twelve yeurs there He IS not only Impressed WI tit the development under way 1lI

the vast country northwest of Edmon ton but IS uSllIg every endeavor to­odueale the outSide pu bilc to the riches Iymg there unexplOltecJ

, People he sUld nrc gradually



FOP. lOEB 21, 1909

Ted of the Losaon, Acts vi, 8 15, VII,,-54, to VII' 3-Memory Ver ••• VII, 55, 56-Golden Text, Acts vII Sg.;....Com.1 ,-mentary by Rev 0 M Stearns •

lCopyrlgl t 11109 by \me,la .. 1, •• _!aUon 1

It to I

Ch~rch III the Township of Oro In almost" ItltOUt exceptIon play clther the County of Simcoe 'with snakes whose fangs and pOlson ~The ploture was accompamed by a ous glands have been removed or use. 1

short history of the bUlldlllg and the non venomous reptiles which the, congregation, us follows pnss off as dangerous varieties And

ThIS flckety old bUIlding has an Ill- when they have attempted to charm terestmg Illstory It was begun III snakllJl \llthout removmg the pOison 1844 and fimshed III 1845 Abo t that then exlubltIon has Illvarlllbly como

beeommg COlll1lZnnt of the tremendous wealth that hes burled m tho ferble northland but It IS really hnrd to properly Impress the publIo "Ith the extent of tho naVigable streams tho wonderful produeliveness of the SOli the pOSSibilities for cnttle rnncllll1g find With what IS of most tmmedlfite Importunee tho neo~ssity for devI lop menl of the lumber fishmg and rum

We hnve In tills bool. or the Acts tho hlstol ~ of the QCollllllng ot the church, tbe botly of CIllls! gntbered from JellS nnd gontlles ul tho Spirit t(rough the olloslles nnd others wllo 'Iere used liS \I elllls the npostles Bucll I~ Stephon IIl1d Philip mell 1\ ho lIere chosen oml set OPIII t to OVelsee tlIo mlnlstrallon of rUllds to tbe POOl, but who bellig filled II Hh lho Holy Spirit, wero lIsel1 mightily III preaching the \\ onl OUI 101(1 Josus slid concel n­Ing His chlJlch 1 he gntos (II Isdom, pOl\e!) of hell shull not 11Ie~nll agnlnst II (~[nlt XI I 18) bllt Ilo dll not sny thnt hell \\ 011111 not fight ngolust It,

t H IUd to n tIaglc end III SPite of their skill Ime, on saao Buohanan offere and dextenty m handhng and the

$200 to the first Jlen Presbytenan churches er(lcted 111 the country dis­tncts of ontario Knox was one of therhUlldings' erected under tillS offer rhe Gllehc and English Prcsbyterum congregatIOns JOlll~d In the bUlldlnG of the chUich ihe Guehe commnDlty at that hmo bewg much larger thall

,h:;~~~~i~;~:~~Sf~"\ilhe hI a congregations j. worship together for fivo gel,Lmlg such supply ns Wnq

dlfllcuity was to find q mlDlster \\ ho could pI each In both EnglIsh and Gaehc TillS difficulty provmg wsurmountnble, the EngUsh­speaklllg congregatIOn nsked to be al­low to get a pastor for themselves and a (lissolutlOn of the umon was at ranged both colitmumg, however to worship III tho one bUilding When~ Rev Dr Gra~ came herl! III 1851, he took charge of Knox Church and was thorefore the fhst tmmster to hold regular servICes thero HIS JUrlsdlc tlOn then Included Oro. Tny Me­donte, Morrison Flos Rama Mara

ane! South OnllIa sen ted With planks of wood when Dr

supposed mnglonl antIdotes which they carry \\lth them

Often tlu!,! IS simply a plcce of tree root for which great ml!dlcmal quah tIes are cllllmed when appited to the 'Iolmd Sarno nstoOlshmg and mex pltcuble cures however have really been brought about by \\ bnt IS known as the snakc stono TillS IS nbout the Size of a threepenny bit darll III color nnd IS sOICl to be token from the @Iate of a snake's mouth although only one snoke III a thousand hilS It When wetted nnd applied to n- 'I ound It ap pears to hnve some sucllonlll proper ty by '1lllch It tllitos n firm hold of the skm, and Its removal- reqUires some foroe It IS sam to drnw tho pOison out of the wound ulmost III slantancously

There Rre renlly two kmds of snake ohmmCls VIZ tho Jugglers who pro fess to hypnotize Bnakos by the must enl pipe and other menns and mnke them pelform nll sorts of tricks while III that, coO(l1110n nnd the profeSSional snake finder, who guarantees to rId 0

house of uny reptIles With wInch It mny be Illfested

The former, who IS generally to be found Rt nntlve bazullrs, cnrnes about With 111m as hiS stock Ill-tradc says Tile Field, a tllme cobrn or two whoso flings nnd pOlson glnnds have been removed The performer ,ull squnt ClOSS legged on the ground plaYlllg a \\lld plpmg tune on hiS reed like III strument ,nth the snal.e III IllS 0011 two feet III front of 111m, olwaymg the ereot POI tton of Ius body 11l slow uo com pam mont to the muslo From time to time the mnn Will stop play mg Ilncl pass IllS hand With a gentle qUlverlllg motIOn baokwards and fot: wards n few mches from the cobra who strIkes at It nnd mIsses the hand hnvlllg been Withdrawn WIth marvel lous qUickness

The sllll)<e-filllder well as sorts th

mg mdustfles There ara 3600 miles 01 nn\ Igable

strenms III the MackenZie II uter shed sald]\[r Cormlnll Cnn vou nppreclnte thnt? nud thov nrc In bet­tor shnpe lor d(lvplopment to-day thnn IS the mighty MISSISSIPPI \nth 1111 Its but'jllst the COlltllll~ So He InstIllct­tribulllrlos nud Illtnr the UllItod I ell the IJlOllh!'ls centlllies befOlo (lor Stutes hus spent hundreds of millIons I III Ezek II Gl I helC nlo U""I~ s on them for Improvements These ellomlos 1\ 11IlOut but somollmes tho wators mil serve the purposc of open Itoublc gels \I Itlln lhe Cllillch liS In lI1g up the flne new country to the the ense of \111111118 lind SII~phhll nOlth the snme as-tho MISslsslpnl NOli It Is II elise 01 mall' cllses of dis: the MISSOUri and tho Red did lor the ' II1lCldle \1 est 111 the ellfll dnys \t snllsfllctlOI1 011 lho 11111 t of Rome bellg present there IS nn Rotllnl mOl)p.y III ministered 10 flOlIl tim common fund vestment on tlwRn streams of $226000 I bu l\lel\e tltelcfole cnlled tbe dis­Imd !J1C Hudson BflY Co hns lust COlli (1[Jles togelhel 111\(1 n[lpolnted SCI ell pleted 1\ new gteel stcmllcr to run hI) IlIcn full ot tI e 11ol~ Ghost and \\ Is­tween th" ArctiC and the 101ler 1\[, c dom to sce to Iltc3e ml1tters Stephen, ken'lc It IS cOl1lpped \l1th eleetllc n mau full of fnlth III d of the Holy lights baths and other modern Illl l,host helnn \I hnl lie \lould cnll chnir-PT(lvrclments 'II I t mnn of lho commltrl!e 'fhe npostles

loro IIro prac.,cn y on y \\0 th I I II I J bTI'I Its 111 the nnvlgI ble "aters of gnle emso IeS 0 10 II Or< nn( prny. wlllch I spenk \ One of the~e IS 'Ihnt er aud thc disciples llluillpllcd glently '" k '0\\ n as the Vermlhon chutes on nnd mnny ot the (lilesls follo~ed So, Ihe Pelce rIver about 50 miles below "hethm It \Ins IllljCI lind preachtng Vertlllhon Theso are n sorles of rlm<ls 01 s~r\lu::: tnulos th~ Spirit IItought nn,1 ""tcrlills abo ,t one nnd one-h"ll 1111(1 God glollllcll III tllcm mIles In exlent The oth~r IS on thn "'0 must be 81 It It Ollod tor e\ cry (hent Sl,lVo river 100 'mIles soulh of I<lud of SCI \ Ice <'I en the lowllest If T "kp Chlnno\\nynn whore there lire \\ 0 II ould trtll~ SCI I ollie LOid Happ'" 1 6 miles of falls und rapids affO! d 1111 ' by the WRV tremendous wotel pOller lie Illose 1\ Ito cl\n loolt ulllnto His fllC'o

The enoneona Iden prevUlls Ihnt lind sn, lor I II~ 1I11l0nOI of sonlco costlv WII"on roads are neoessarv lor \\ holly nt I hI cOlllmllndment' ([ 01)0111111( 1m tho countrv lint! until thiS Chlon XXI III 21) 10 nccept meekly R pp.comp\ shed prngrlls9 Will be slow nntl Ch~~lfllll~ whntelCl rIll nppoint!l

Such III Ideo IS "bsurd All thltt IS liS nud h(,111 It 0' do It lI11tO tbe LOld' 11eceSSArv 10 tnn the eO\lllln IIml en nntl heCol C Oil} I 0111 Is nil lIe nsl !I • 're ronal rlovelonment arc h,o short ot \IS nnd 10 contlnllo thOieln till He iln~s of fl\11"nv to connect '11th the enlls to sOlllolllng else Stopllcll hn,­wAt"rwl\Vs Onr. (If thesll should nortl "pst pb~llt 250 or 275 nlllcs to IlIg ncceptell tile "'" I~ lind dllll, ult Allu b "ell rlVor I\nd the ot!, 1 110rlh ser\ Ica Is soon fOI Jd lIolllng II1lr­lIest ~b'll1t 400 mIles to the Penll" rlv ncles nnd so SllNlldng t1mt those 1\ 110 er That 110 tId rIo the trick It 1\111 hoard \\ 010 1IIn ble to loslst tha II Is not bo Inn!! before these hnes 110m nnd tho sph It b~ \I hlch he spnl c comploted" Such mnntreslntlon of lho power ot

McBrIde Fooled 'Em "n ex member of the Canndilln

House of Commons at the Wl.IIdsor Hotel III Montreal reoently tdld n very in\nrestlllg story touclllng the Ihst or prehmmarv, negotlntlons be tween the Grund Trunk Puclfic Rm I II uy and tho Government of BnllBh Columbia

It ~ppenrs that 11 lendmg Conservn live from the east WRS truvehng III " CPR sleopor gOing to the cOllSt nnd 011 the sllfe trlUll were four well kno\\l1 gentlemen who were on nil Importllll mISSI011 to tire BfltlSh Colum bin MI11

the lisen Clulst 80 sllrs the nd \ el Sill y thnt Stephen 19 nrlestcd /Inti brollght lIelore the C(lUll[ II nnt1 fnlse \\ Itncsses Iny to his ehnlge thln~s lhnt he II as wholly Innocont of "hIlo be W/IS boo lug thus lrented Illt~"_llis r ord tlIe Lord must lIu\ e been smlllllg 1I(l01l

him for tile refloctlon \\ /IS seen III his fnce \I hlch seomed to the coullell IIko thc fllco of nn n lI"el

Delng permitted to spenk Cor himself, he lehenlseiJ tho llutlonnl history flom Abrnhnm lhrough Isnne Jncob ]0

sepb l\IOBOS nnd on 10 Dn\ III and Solo­

Lor.d Northcote was spoken lstry then liS lit tho presont hended but 10 by HOIl Rlchnrd McBnde DIlY n!tel

mon and lho tomilio nnd tlIen to I ho Immortul Son ot On\ 1<1 the lrne lem­

., ____ ... __ ... _ ...... _'!""_"''' dRY these gentlemen \~ould come III ,. I from the smoker lind diSCUSS II ays

Rnd mellllS for bnnglllg their nllssioll to a successful close and some of the methods tnlked of whereby the Pllllle Mmlster of Drltlsh Columbtn who up parently wnR unknown to most of tho paity was to Ibe worked \\ ould sonnd beltor III 11 parlor car thnn If put 1IIto prlllt 10 the columns of a newsPIIPcr

It hnppened however thllt 111 the next SOllt wns a strong COl1servulive \\ ho aU thiS tUlle lad b'cn taklll~ 110tes nnd till~ aentiemllll lit oneo wrnf.n to Promler Mc13mic tellillu hUll

the del nnd reilltllll( hll<1 pns~od

P delegll ilY 111 VIlli leiter 'lent

pie Ho enlnlged IIpOIl the III II cut­ment ot Joseph b~ his brethren nnd or l\[oses by tile [lcoplc w hom be \I ns sent to dell I !'r nnll then nccused thom to thelr,fnco of being the mUlelcl era or Jesus ns tholr fnthels hnd lIa!'n or the prophets 1 hose to II hom Peter prenched wore pllcltctl In tholr henrts ..•.. "._ .. ,""' nnd nsked whnt tho~ shollid do nnd thollsnnds ropented nnd lecolved JaHUS

ns tllclr Sal lour IIIH] r 01(1 (II 80 87), bllt theso \I Cl e cut to tho honrt lIud gnashed tlIelr tooth stoPllcd their (laiS cast Stephen out nnd stoood hlll1 to ~ death Sph It filled Poter got S 000 souls but Spirit filled SteplIen got stones enough to Itlll him nntl In ellch en so Ood was glorlfiod Altbough tho yomlg man at II hose feet tha wit­nesses who stonod laid dp\ln

murde~;';;'~':J';, ::i(,

" I

, .

~\>I i

-' " · , l' q ,

·t · ' 1 ~)

., • \

t I

.\ ! , • I


• ... f i

• r 71 . ,

, ,


, \ L "


· , 1

L I i'



FRIDAY. Fnn, 19.


seen :It the office of Messri'E, & .J. ardy & co.;aO,31 and 32 Fleet$t., London, Eng.~ fl'ce of charge; and that firm will be glad to receive news, sub· ~criptlons and ndvertisements on our behnlf. ••• The Times.

Additional Locals~

F. ThoriUlbert was~a visitor to 51. Claude and Winniprg the. be­ginning of Inst week.

:i\l iss Eleanor Bif;scti left on Sat· nrdny for Winnipeg ",here she will attend business college. .

MrR. Fairbairn left on'l'hursday of last week for her home at Por· tage ofter visiting for some tilD!! with Mr. aud Mrs. '1'. Adair. ' . .

Ceorge Cal ie nnd 'I'. Wilsoll hn\'e dissolved partncrship. ~rr. \Vit!;oll will resumc farm work, while the implement bllsiu~ss, 'Yill ue continued h~' Mr. Gorie. ;, .

A fjuestionable horse deal was made hrre recently by wbi::h a man from J,ollrdes is said to have been victimiscd. 'flte animal was a looking beast, bllt so SlIddenly tbe power of nndelstal1ding 011 way homc that it wns co',,,,·,,,',,

, into Ben Foster's_ yard 011 a --Manitou Cnnadiiili.

-_.-Dairying Instr·uction. . ,

A Rpecial course ill dlliryillg

dangerous when no

includec\ ill its construction. I~~:~~~~~r;;'; keeping·of tbe interior of oll.prl!.m~1! ises thorol1ghly cleaned of llnmmaule material wonld go ai~loilil way to prevent fire~. and ~m~!lir.in compe'lled by lnw ..... 'fberc the apparently trh'ial nMtch.:s : tbe use of a'l;al,et)'.ma~c:n

be opcned nt lIIan;tolm Agricllitur'

al College all February the 22nd. ~tt~~i'i~~~~i~;,II~~~~~~~j~~~j~r~~~I~if~ immediately following Convention

'IV c;ek. Special instruct ion wiil b~ u;,li~\:*.,l:~~~:ii~:;Jal;f~~ given for-the benefit of tlItJse::.who I <lon, Ca.r.herrY,llllIc\;:\ wish to become operators of cheese factories or crcameries, and farm; er:s' wives nod daughters who de; sire to become more proficient home dairying- will be Kivell Ull·.U~'-'. portunity of spending' Irc:dlilc:tiion ;S4:~cl1red tillle as they wish. The fultcol1irse"i0 1Ili11led.l willlnst until the first April. Those c1e~irillg fLtrther formation mav obtain it by sing the Agricultural Winnipeg:


. '

, ,

arrived and

and passed into ~tock.

••• .. Print.s and Muslins

Trim~ings . ,

Silks for Dresses·

Shoes Clothing

H·ats and Caps ".

" King of the RQad" 51WENTY • FIVrr DOZEN


Shirts' arid Ties .'

Laces and- Embroideries .. '

Furs to Go at Cost

-$B·"': -CAL VERT

The' Smithy ,

General Blacksmithing in nil its branches. Our SpeCialTy -Horsc·s!loeiug.


D.~D': A PIt,N.,. SHOP av ITS WORK.

9'he 9ime8.

Tho plUl8word to QUAl.­JT1i AN'U STTr.rn In Job jlrluUng. ~

II "to llUvo n rullr &qull':'

)led Job plunt nIH cftn« 0 ull 011\86"'5 ur work from It ,181t101{ curti 10 a full shuot llostor,

I!nnk "nrk nnd Com· merctall"rlutlllg Bra two of our 9110ClnltlOl.

Call or "rllo for prl •••• .. •






.' .Mrs, Andrew Oliver W~1Jt ~inllipeg on Wednesday. . . -

.Miss Aitchesoll left all Wcdnes­c1aY'cvcning's train for Pll1mas.

. R. J. Mills \Va~ in Rathwell 011

n:iday and Saturday of last week.

A, nnd I •. Kindrey \'I'cre business "isitors to Somerset 011 Tbl1rsdny.

Wilbur Vnughan RJlcnt the week­cnd in Winnipeg, returning to 'I'rc· llcrne on 'fuesday. .

Spioh Kop is the post' office opened coun\{ last month. , , .

Mrs" AU' McGowan left Thursday' of last wcek to husband in Port Arlltu'r.

Rcv. Mr. Bowman, i::1l11igrlltion chaplnin, of Wioui, peg, WfiS in tOl\'n last "cck.' ,

'rite Ree\'c nnd' Mrs. Spinks re­turned on i\!onda\' evening from an extended visit ill British Coltlll1!)ia.

'VUI. Frame returned ou 'I~lIcs· dav front tbe cit}', after' spenclir:tg several-wceks in ~i!l!lipeg ~nd l'ortage:


. T. Ilooey. is looking after the . wareli'luse cITd of M. H."Staples' ·Mn;, ... ,;._!

. implement agency, Mr. Staples be­iug'ou the road in the ints:,rest of bis spring trade.


_ ~'- '. ~~~~J~


• ~ "-': .~f'y ... ~,

Don't forget that we have entire control of the celebrated .'

. Fit~Rite Clotllng,' Marsh's High-Mc~it' F.;cihV.C!lr, .~ .





\ .~~ •••• ~ •• ~ ••• ~;Q~ •• ~~ •• O~~ •••••• ~O ••• OO ••••••••• - . .

Wanted at Once!-f -.... '3_d ftl

lao Work Horses

weal' Scott's band - made t('am harness. Your horses will b!< able to do more 'wvrk if

\\'p.~1' good fitting' collars and hamel'S that adjust to the shape 01 the body p,·upel'iy.

I in and see Ollr spring stock. I t will be a pleasure to show ),011 through.

OIL! '.

$ o • • • • • • • • : • • • i

Have YOli a hamess lhnt nee'cls to hel grcnsccl? If HO we have the best oil on the market. We' can save you 25 per cent. 011 it as

we buy. it ill larg!! quanl ities.

• .,. • • .. • • o WI; DO l'mST - CL.\S5 IHlPAIIlING AT I{E,\SONAIlI.I: PRICES

Have you tried Ma)lcr's Stocli food? It 25 - lb. pails for. . . . . . . . . . .

• is a wonder. : . $1.80 cash 0

• .,. • J. R. SCOTT =, TREHERNE!

TREI1ERNE' 5 . BIG LbATtIEI~ HOUSE ~ • • ... · •• '.4~.4 •• ~~.~ •••••••• · .......................... O.

.:. ,', t '.' -:-- , .. ,I, ,I, ,I. .1. ,I, .r. ,I, • t. ,t, ,r. . :, ~ -}. 0:'

Ladies' SI<irts An assortment of B!lles, nnd Black,

principally Panama Hild Voill! Cloths, made ill the

late:;t Designs.

Waist Sizes - 24 - 25 - ~G.

LCIlJ::ths - 39 - 40 - 4 I. .' I

Another Lot o''l.adies' Sample Jackets and Cravenettes

Prices nt --least 20 per (,Cilt. Ic~s than regular.

J. G~ McGowan &, Co. , "

. -i' .. ,¥, ,I, .:­,', ,', : .: . .:. .:. .! • ,', ,I, , .:. • •• ,', ,t, , .: . .:. ,', ~' . ,I, , ,', .:. ,', ::: -'See Ralhwell Ari.

,r, . on Page,S. ~.I.

! TR£H£RNE ::: .'. , , ' .:.

ff.. .... v...bJ!. ... J .................. ;. ......................... . ,--. .... '"\' . . . . . ........... . 'JI ............... _._ ..... - ........ ,'. -....... 'e ...... " • • -. .... ,---.--.. -.. ,'~-.............. , .. .

Cal' 01 12 iilch B. C. sprllc~ striplap at $26.00 per

M; and do not forge! lhn;'.illch lumber .\\·C are !'elling

at $19.00 per M-it is good "nlue.

• •

A Mistake 10 Recent Cable Dllpatcha~ Leads to an Erroneous I mpressl RegardlOg Re organlzat on of

Empire Army-No Nogot Atl,,,ne ~}~~~~:~~~:a~~~~Crk!~I;~~~ Yet to Such ~ ... m;"tlinn "'·'I'.IG~"'rm"11 ~1:~~16~':d:!~,

Ottnwn - A ~n~j;~Ei~:i;~lih~~;l~;:l~ lhe eCfect U at ~!:~nj~~~~~in~ ,; cussed belween i: oOlnl nulhorltles for t~~n~J;~gll~:l~\~f: of an empire army IS r t a hendquarters as n 810n of the speech made pe I 11 war secretnry

hnpPlest stonces

It IS thought thnt 1\lr Hnldnne only relerred to the agreement reached at tlw last Impenal conference In regard to a mlhtary staff for the empire III T&lephonea to Operate Trains co lIIeetlOn 1\ Ith wlllcth bSlr Richard Clucago -TI at the BubstltutlOn CartwrIght has recent y een In ..,.11)("·1 LI e lelephone for the telegruph 111 Innd TIllS scheme hilS ueen acceded to operat1l1g tra ns wIll not dIsplace tele on the purt of Ollnlldu but thure hi va graph opernlors I~ eVlClent from the lOt been any ncgotlntlol s 10l)klllg to pOSItion talm t by tI e Ilhnols Central the establishment of an lImy of the lond The COl tpllny IS

ull trams on Its ~1.~~~~~-2~.~~,~.~~,c,,: emplro nnd Cherokec In " It 18 thOt ght thl\t under eXlstlll!( pholle but the telegraph operutols

co IdltlO IS of colo IInl I utonon y L havo beon retllllled to work the tele would be Il very (lIfIleult mntter to pholles It IS Iurther stated thnt successfully curry out suel n scheme tI ere has been no change 1U the PLY

nnd thnt U e telephone opernlors are To Try Yaks 10 Canada rccClving the same wnges IlS they dId


them who ir~~~~;~~~r~~;~~~.~~~~\~~ gIVe I t to tho of thnt mmorlty It nnd it IS e~:ht.l.i~~~t~~ might be brought UglllllSt the efforts. 01 mon to IIvert It lind lit that event It wOllld be mere mall alono who would hove to fight ond du: wI de the very utmost women could do -nnd no smnll purt after all us a IIlmor eontrlbut on-would be to nct as one IS plensed to 'ro:irilll)l-I ber n poet hns cnlled them stermg nngels


Oltawa -A smnll herd of ynks " whep they SCI ved at the key domcstlC nlllmni new to tIllS co ttJnent The IllinOIS Cenlr LI IS now extend but common III puts of As Il nnd \Ug the telephone lines for the com north~rn Europe ,nil shortly be plele operntJon of trallls all over ~h~l~ll~\,~C~~~:~:~:s~;'{'~~~?r\ brought to 0 LIluda under charge of system III d representntlves of the the department of agrICulture with rond Bny thnt the new method IS glv I;~~:~~~~l~~~ II vlcw to aBcertaullng theu SUltabJl ng entire BntlsfllctJon bemg a great I : It~ for domestlci tlOn 111 tl e mpro\ ement over theAelegraph pnrls of thiS country The sUI~iiestii)Jl'1 thut pnrts of Lnbrador mhnn hmterland mlgl t be su tllble for ynkM WIlB mnde by Mr J rne~t Thompson Seton the nntural st dur mg n VISit to Ottllwn some t1111e The flesh of the Yllk IS the slime flllvor nnd texture IlS thllt of Ihe com man ox It IS somewl nt I ke the bufCnlo but hns n dOCile temper

1\Ir Setoon beheved thnt It could be bred nnd domesticated throughout the wI ole northern belt of Cnnadn from I libra lor 10 the Yukon Over n yenr ago whIle VIS tlng tI e Duke of Bedford 'I ho hus n herd of yaks Mr Selon suggested thnt n few of them be sent to Canndn for expenment [he Duku offered to give SIX of hIS herd to the Unn Idlnn government Ilnd his offer hos been Ilcceptcd lhls cx pcnmentnl hOld wJlI be brought to t he Central EXPCflllCl tol FILrln Ilnd their I umbors Will be JIIcIeused by frcsh I IIportatlOlls ns soon ns exper 1cncu JUHtlfies It

11 0 yl k s chief hnb1tot 15 III nnd the IdJncent pnils of ~p"I,ri;ll ASIll Its hnlr IS long aud covers funge hko stylo Its flnnks nnd should ers The yok rug IS n notable artIcle of commcrcu Yak mIlk IS ono of the elllol articles of dlOt 111 TIbet The

Wonderful Gas Welt J\[edlCme Hilt Alto - The

wluclt has been struck well which IS bemg

IS 8 mply remnrkoble down 1 909 feet nnd a pressure ,eqlunll to 4 500 000 Cll blc fcct per d bee II struck ThiS IS enllllll horsepower The glls the flnme sprang up 78

gro md Work IllS been ~?r:)f<)~)~!~~~;tI~ir1.~fg:~~~~~~~{~:~~~~f;~~ the smk shalt until more clln be secured when I tWIll down consulerably fnrther 11l the ef fort to tup the 011 sprmgs whIch arc believed to be underIymg the grent gos field /'

ynk does not 11kll heat at n1l nnd IS i~IC~~~~ll~~~~:l~ 118 20 000 fcet IIbove the sea lovel found m the summer senson ns IlIgh,c ~~:.~Fi~~llilli~~~.~~&E;~~I~:;~~1 In Tibet It IS both u \HId uud domes tloated nI Imlll ;ilb~(inrl~, OlgO,


Handle Trams by Telephone WII mpeg -lhe C P Ril IS to try

hUIIl desplltciung by telephone on ItS J~~~'~':c~~:~~i~I~~0~~~~~il~1i~ westcn IlIlcs InstructIOns hav./l been Issued for the IIIstallnhon 01 the lele "uflieiient, phone system on tl Clr Im()'" bet\\ een ;>'

Wmlllpeg lind Bmndon nud It I~ ex peeled thut It WIll be 111 operotlOn by Morch If tho exporullent proves snt Isfnclory under CXlstlllg atmospl enc conditIOns other section WIll be con VCI ted TIII~ iL~ll~~~:lc:~~~~~·. mode hy \\ Illtnm Whyte Ident

At presCi I ~ustern 1


QU te Respectable London Has a Firm Who Mnk@s 0 , '" .. _. of Forgotten Bards Specialty 01 Them

Until qUlte recently It Ised to be n Joke among edItors that one m every A model costlltg 11 Itm ponnds \ 11 ten of the pupils turned 0 It of the often save thousand. III I la\ C I"e high school III the avernge Cunadmn A compllcllted pllll 01 (J 'n all elevil town In ver~ truth the lion or per~pechl'e \le\\ mal be al

prodt ced most umntc'hglble t) n Jury "helens most 01 LI e 1IIgelllously bUilt nnd colored

early to thu model sho" s at a glance the po nts h umd rum In cllSPU te SOld t\ at Most of the models used by barr s

poels I Il~ ters In court nre constructed by 1\h 'i:,/~:~~~~~~'~. popllnlLOIl Thorp of Gray sInn Rond london t· true who hns mnde a Bpecmlty of lIls

Compnrlltlvely few readers of thl kind of "orlc for OHr hlenty yeors present generntlOn nre nwnre thut UI! Some time ngo a coach overtulned lote Rev Dr Dewllrt "ho pussed neor I ymllll!ton In Hnmpslure ond

IIY but two or three ye LTS ngo III severol pnssengers were IIllurcd One ago 115 1864 pu bhshed nn antho of them brought an actIOn agmnst entitled SelectIOns from C IIlII the local nuthontles nllegmg tI nt Poets wltl OeenslOnnl Cntlcill the mlshnp wns cous1!d by the de

BlOgrapluclIl Notes nn Inlrodue feetlVe stale of II e ron I nt lhat pom! Essay on ClIlIlldlan Poetry By Tho defendants denied tIus III d 111

L>UIW,1ru Hnrtley Dewort ThIS \ 01 the ochon a mo leI of U e pnl tic ,lnr gUllI\!1 ume WllS pubhshed by John Lovell bit of rondllny 'las p It III ev dene~

Nteholns street Montrenl and IS nnd the result IIns n tr umpllunt \1111

and timber would jle an ud t the hendquarters of

1111 pr:lllc:ip,nl strenms tl erc should be forest rcserves for the regulntlOn of \\ ater supply nnd fish wells should be mnmtnllled to enable the finny tnbes to rench tllCir spnwn lIg grounds ond pcrpetunte the speelCs

rnthllr scnree nlthough Ils elreu for tho local author I 08 ~ I 1$ n odol U'~~~II "OS consldemble cost ng £30 snved t\ c aull or I 08

m 1864 lhe pOI ulntlon of Cun mnny thousands fOI other net on9 I;~~~.~~ less thlm It IS lo IllY lIould have assuredly folio led ml n v covers 305 )loges nnd ,un for the mJurcd pnssenger

o,[~r:I:~~'~~'~! over elghly contrIbutors A model wlllch cost .£50 to bUIld ] 111 m Ikmg hIS sclecllons nnd hns figured In more courls of

young Mr Dewnrt of th It dny IIIW than nny othor ever rna Ie re was careful to choose the work of produces lit htUo two substnuhnl verse II t ters who pUllI heed to the VIllas The 0 vner of one of them lllws of thyme and metre disputed lhe right of tho olher to

These velses ure not of tI e type thnt bmld III n pnrhcIlnr spot The caso nppenred III the poet s corner of the t II old fasllloned country weekly by nn~ even un y we tt Ight up 10 tI e House means Some 01 the nnmes th t fig of lords so tillS pnrtlCulor no leI ure III the nntholo"y nrc still fnnllhnr 1 as bean hnndled ~y more of II S eve.!' to the ) 01 ng Canndtnn of lhe 1\Inlesly s Judges-not lo mellon twentieth ccntury _ those of DArcy Jurymen-thlln nny other of Its kmd Magce Wm Mclachllln John Ren le Seve I m Ihon pounds wns the s 1m Charlcs Sangstct IlIld Charles Hel v~ Involved n tho prorluctlon of nnother Soge lo Clle 0 fe v IIIs1ances model Tho hllge Bcheme for supply

01 the mnn) young lad es whose IIIg Birmlllghnm \lltlt \1 nler from Ihe numes fi gure III the hst one c LIlnol "nlsh I Ills "ns beCoro tlto HOllse of help wonder I g , hilt b eumo of them lords the au It montlO ted "as tho -whether they contlltued 10 \ rile estimnted cost of thiS colossnl under poetry nfter they got marrted No tnlnng The pIa IS ,el e bamg op doubt lit 'It nlty 0 CnnndulIl hOllsehol J posed by some of the Gla norgan of to.:<JIlY tl ere IS I chensl ed copy outhofitlOs \Ihen Mr Mnnsorgh IIho of thiS old vollll1e precIOus because npponred for tl e promoters of tI e It contllms III cleor 1111 t verses thnt scheme prodllccd a model Illustrat grandmll wrote" hen she WIlS u yO\ ng IIlg tho nnture of tl 0 "orlt proposed girl to be earned out 'Ith the reslllt that It '~Il e seon also thnt lhe pocls tho OPPOSItion co npletely collnpsed

COll1st,ruocti'Jni of hul n centl ry nl!'o \lere Wlfllt oro cnlIe I 1 gl t and nlr mClln bMk vnrd In Beek ng tl e ""HC.I cases br ng gr st to LI e mill of lhe thnt St pposed to be modol m tIter SOllle trndesman or ';;~e;'~n1~~11 t mnny cases the selectIOn pTlvato reSIdent fI tds tl nt a neIgh I IS crcEhtcd to Borne already bar IS commcnci tg b 111dlllg opora

volume of the poet 5 com lions which "tll ntcrCcre wlth hIS wr>'rk~, In fpet It S ObVIOIIS fights 111 the t \ a m(hspensllblo bless

flin "hen I ternture III mgs mentIOned \n Ilccurately made 1l11,eal·'·1j,tn'lrlS· proctlclIlJy con mlllllltUi e of tl a premises belonging

,i,.,,,,.'n as the Nml both Sides al 0 vs the Jury nt a -so:hool.' Il local the pomts m (hspute

and II and plnster nre lho clnef t used m constl uctmg these

Inst Pnrhament thoro wero .n',n t;'"n, bOi n Onnnclluns m the

the n lttve born number

nlso meludes ono born 111 Soutl

U e httle Green felt In

dlCntes the gtassy s\\ald n Id bits of sponge dyed greon nnd mounted on wire bont mto npprop"nto shnpes mnko oonhsllc II COB Pebbles lInd sand nre used for pnths nno ronds \n ordmary model enn bo bUIlt m n woel< though SOIllO more eln bornte olles may, take t vo or !I ree months to complete



Joseph Sawyer of Montreal H as Beat en Everyone I n Sight

The followmg IS n bnef record of p.lay by Mr Joseph Sfi\\ler 01 Mont­real the ne\! CI Ilad nn chess chum p on

1902-WOll thud pnzc In the pro v nClol tournamont

1903-'-Won tho cbump onsti1p of Montronl Ohess Club lind 01 the same team took second pi lice 111 another tourney nt Carele St Dems losmg III both tourneys 3 gnmes out of 27

19M-Won the har dleap tourna mlmt.<iMontrcal Chess Club The



Son 01 Former Chief Factor Tells of Llle 1 n the Early Days-Whisky and Tobacco Made Trad ng Profit able-Story 01 a F ght W th In dian. as Result 01 " Dispute­StOIC sm of Native Women

S1I1clllir R rom illS

cc Ices II e II tercsu g I r '(\11 g I I tilo. till) S , I S I lie more" prohLublu but I tOle hr\tclIlt lor tI c men lr 1U I tg by tl 0 IIBC 01 liquor \1\ lhe co I [llnws lr I( Ill!: II, I LI c llllh I t lUi illS 1I e I uaL eellLUr) I'i ere geller

OUK ~Ith tI ell hrel ter John 811 ell I S Iys "I lie euel excused thell selves 111 I Islol Y l) au) IIIg LI cy hu I to give It'll or or let lhe Ir Ide go else 1\ I ere J t , IS I 1I el tho Ie Ir uf wl lit tl e 111(11111 s I IghL 10 alter dr IIkll g II h sk) th UI lillY fu Ir or II SllllctlVC hoslthty th t mllde tl c con puny t II Ic th olll:h I port hole m on g Ite II tI 0 e' h d 's Mr Smolnlr s ',8 Ilthougl 300 1311 cldcct I lOre or less PIli te I I elc sober 01 dr 1111 u RI~ht \,0 sllll (e r n I IUlln s oolles

SOl Ie of the 11 I) clerks nlld Ira I er~ Iboul II b g I u;t I kl I Ino ton 1\ ere Hent 0 It 0 I tic 1 11 1118 10 lrudo At tllK lost lh Crees of I'll usc I to cnll p mlc" I I ) I on hurc II d sell 1 n essel g r 10 I II g uut I lr d tg 1> I' 101 lh \ I I I ot ,II I 10 1 cet lhe HI okleel \ I 0 11\ I ys c III e 00111 I~ IIId II I I I l h I lureds lip to Ll" fort I h /\I lei 8 trud I were I osl Iy 1 I nk ls gUI < powder COtiOIl 8t 0 Ids 1 I 1681 III blue md I nk e Iheoos lei IIlId blue slurtl/lg blue druggclK IJ g silk 1111 coUm colore I h n Ik leh elM I 1"10) sh l\ Is l(lbuc co I e Ids of I I kllll~ 1111 I VI rlllli 011 fm (llllllt ng rl ere IV s goo I lust Indll II ru I too I I ull II goods wore axel 1\ g I to Idv Intllgc

1 he COlliI' lilY" lob ceo WIlS goo I Ilurlleolllrly the currot shupe LI e strongest vo I Id \ I II dl I woull give thr e buff tlo oboa for Olle 01 tI ell tell \ all sUld Mr Slncilllr

" I ell I elm I, took tr ull I g P ITty out to tl e pI UI 8 frolll 1 In 01 to I c wouit-llft r 1I e Ued Hlver cllrts Clunll ill-lIke II ell III: 01 3( curts I Ilh L IIIIIl 111 cllll1 gc 1 e ch Before tl e u Ive \1 of eartH he wrlUll lelld II buuch o[ p c ... I 011 es \ It I I I "ge supply 01 goods Whel the, urTlvcd It the In

11 \liS e II I tI e~ would hn I II couple of b g sku tel cs I1l1c IC/ldy for tI ell IIl1d wuter ot h uHI to II IX wllh II 0 villsky [or there v S 10 secrecy ubout tI e dilutIOn 0 I , lrndmg trip like Ih It the clerk lould bring mostly 25 gllllol s of J "" I\CII rum

good and strollg [lell you s Il 8 Mr S I cli Ir , I d vhen It WIIS mix ed the I" OpOI tlon I 01 Id b· flvo qual I.e of Willer to or e of splrlls

I ho rlldluns lOt I I swnrm around our cumps ouch holdll g out a pot or p \II lind ~o IIIIIIY dnnklllg the liquor 1 hpn tI cy wvuld come buck I lid lhrow 11 few slIInll sl, I s or a buCillo robe We d I koly gil C n lIIall I pmt for thnt By llld byo who t r.ll lhe I quor WII.'! donc 1I1Id the Indillns were sober onough to thlll\c of It we \\ould tmde our other St pplIes for moro f irS The1 we d pacI, liP ollr cmpty c Irts Wllh tho furs und go b ck \,0 tile post

I toll you II W IS 1I0t plensant to be out theru tradll g "hell vou brought hCluor to tie [n(\IUI s but It put the Indllll I I cood hun or lind helpcd on the trnd nil I hnd troublo on sev eral tiIlles on II Iflldmg expedition One of tI e worst ,,/IS out lit n big camp nenr Engle Hill Creek Bilitle ford r" as IVOighinll drll I ment­the pemnllean thl!t UII Ind lin WaI ted 10 sell He hud a pIece of IClithcr IIround It that I told him WIIS hcnv ler thlln the mOl t Tho Indian-he

drunk-grum bled thut I I 1<1 II WILYS sOUlctlung to say and Illthou~ reason

I slIld It to hIt me gun I <loilge,d,.·. t my heod onco three the first A t Indull~l\~nln~I~~Jfl~

but 1\\

• 1

• ..

PIO.qe(l·i'ri~'i!'i~l~t~J.~.i::~ screen, nre

cnndle WIck confedernte

blo\l s out bell 0\\ H

'in!\tunc.Js:..··where n bnll or ,o~~~;~~l1}! be broken on n '. blanl, cartrIdge

Pme pmt of

Shake well, nnd doses of n teaspoonful every

hours 1 hiS mIxture possesses henllng, henlthful ploportlCs of

tho Pmos, nnd Will brenk a cold 10 twenty-four hours nnd cure any cough

IS curable In hu~ mg thIs for­mulu put up, be sure thnt your drug­gist USIlS the genume Vlrgm 011 of Pme compound pure, prepnred and guamnteed only by the Leach Chem­Ical Co, Wmdsor, Ont


A Cast-I ron Trust There 18 a trust III Fuller's earth

W Ilh the final process known only to one or hlo persons, II hose hps are rigIdly sealed Tho doposlts of Ful­ler s earth eXist cll1cny at Dath and NotllOghnmslurc, England and at Maxton, m Scotland, m addItIon to depOSIts m the London dlstrlot The industry IS plnctlcnlly controlled by a combmo 1\ iuch stuctiy preserves the methods of propnlOhon of tho earth

Relief for the Depressed -Physicnl IIml mental depre"slon usually havo thelT ollgm 111 a dlsol dered statc 01 the slomach and liver, as when the~e OIgnnB are delnnged m their nctlon the whole system IS aflected Try Par­melee's Vegetable PIlls They revlvo the dlgesli v e processes, act bene II­c1l11ly on tho lIel\ es and restore til'! SPIrIts os no other pIlls will They IIlO cheup, Simple and sure, and the effects IIro lustmg

e produced by A speCial WIg WIth a IrasCible Maglstllttc- Officer, \lhy

10 It Ilorked by n I dHI you bung thIS prisoner up befol" clothes IS generally me? Cnn't you see he's as deaf as

·.~,~~~~~1,~~~~; mnmpl1latIng n door nail? .".''''.!. WIth Ule I Pollceman-Ol was told yc'd gIve o As tho ball 18 01 hun a heanng, Bor I-Judge

n glnss' a mere touch shattor It Repeat it :-" Shiloh's Cure wih

In these exhlbltlOn$ some of the rifle "exports" inVite gentlemen [rom Ilrways cure my coughs and colds,"

audience to testify thnt the otnC1~,i..wenpor IS mdeed londed The cart- I TIIO London cnbbIeS were glnnng

shown looks vcry well, but It each other '~~~~:~~~~!~f:f&:~;I~~r;i:~~~:~~cSL~'~'lSh;i;ell of thm Ilax blnc]tened to - HAw, wot's tho mattel \11th youP" .r R lenden bullet It would demanded 0110

: ~~~~r!l~f,~~!~:]~i~1~~ not-hurt n fly "Nothmk's the matter \11th me, )OU bloom1l1' IdIOt" "You gave me a nnrsty look," per-

Sisted the first "lIIo? Why, YOli COl talnly 'ove a \

IInlsty look, bnt I dldll t give It to yon, so~'elp me 1"-Everl!I'ldy s Mag ozme



- ,

, .. \I ....... '" ,cl'HE BARGAINS WE HAVE TO OFPER: 4}~ miles I 5.-Quarter Section, o' mIles n.

of Ratliwell; 45 acres tinder Cllltivatitin, - 50' 1110le easy (0 clenr, bnlnnce wooC!; glnl1n1·~. \ ." j

4,-Half Section,' il miles fro111 " l'rehcrne: 2:30 ac. lIndcl' culti­

"alion, good bu ilc1 illg:'), plenty of standing wood, bcst walel',

, 'Ye have lUany others- all 0\11' list

I h,\1 are eq un11y -as good bllrgfdns. a lilst class farm. • Wnte or call in nnd see liS.

. ~ ....... ~.~ ....... ~~.~.~~ ..... ~ .... . i THE OLD REtlABLE HABDWAR'E.!

.:.\:":.~'.~' '.~'.'.. "0;... ·flnsl,\op in COnnefJl\on.' . ..... :.':"'!'~":".':"::'.: .,

ijraphophones ! ,~~. " and R.ecords i

• I • • I: ~ }Ve sell graphophonp.s lind also keep on hand a full line of records

.• h, At both diSC :lnd cylindel machines. Get 'Your sur plies here.


.-I:Iuve a Complete Stock of

SeaS()l1a ble 11erchullc1ise . .

..~ ... -'~ ,'" - - '";~~

FRIEND-! What about a g-rain g-l'inder, ga~o­line engine nnd wOl'd sn IV to dl' nil YOl1r \~Ol k at home? Call and let llS give YOII a plice on an 0111 fi t.


,\nd what ah.lllt a ]lUlIlp 10 have you,' well fixed ill good urdm' before 1 he hard weal hel ~els in? \Vc have lhem in wood and ill'll, wilh cilmb1c

cylinder force-pump.

~ have n full line of Cutters

nnc\. Sleighs. Our bob.sleighs have cast or sp"ing shoe.


Treherne '. ,-~ .,.~'.... . .... -'~.. . _I!I'II,. __ I_.

The Fruit StOJ8. CANDIES

and NUTS



- /

• d