-..n van nuys alrnopt lea^e premises...

-..n •I ••. -'iH . 11 i'iS i l - : ' ^ ' ^ LEASES A-P Helicopters Ind lea^e premises Van Nuys Alrnopt L-1338 5-25-60 F-9/^2 Abarta Frances • , L-994 Lots 20 and 22 Bl 11 South i Vloodlawn-use us maintenance yard 7^-^ S i Alroort, ^ , L-IO^O 'fi"^-^ '"'" I'—'Union OU Co oioluslva rlal't t o -^Hll Union !;23 £t o i l 'Airport L-1051 'interstate Co l e t t 5 n « I.'un ^ Hastauraat Bids- South Side • " [Airport Z-105A Celifornia Flyers Inc Parcels 1 & 2, . I Abarta Franoes L-1079 ' rental 4824 S Main St 7-1-41 for^Kalntonanoe^Yard ,fpr Bur ' Abila Tract et al L-1290 Lots 5 4 6 7-19-56 Ventura Oil Co F-74540 "Aero Activities Corp L-974 ~ ; ' Rental certain' property, on -, Los /ingeles Airport : Aeronautiool Radio Ino 1-1195 lease rooms 82 fc 23 1-1-47 ',. , soryloi bld,r: LA Airport flle-36864 Airport Bldg Developmt L-1258 i!rporl-§fi Airport f-fsl^l 6JSiSFi •, ! Airport L-CHO 'i ' Trnnsocntlnent.'vl & '•.•oatorn Alr Servlcs lease Blueprints Airport L-eoO ,'Stendard Oil Co oioluslva right to 'Jell Standard gua Airport L-981 „-^The T'jJ--os C o . , Exclusive rli;ht to sell g-as & oil produots Airport -Standerd Oil Co exoluslvo right to soil Standard gas 1-1002' .Airport L-1003 ^.--iix^bluslva r i g h t t o sell - Texaco eas fc oil I Airport L-1027 [ . 'Th9 Texas Co Exclusive right to Ball gaa & oil Te^caoo Airport L-1031 ..--Stan-Jard OU Co exclusive , rljjht _to_ sail Stendard naa ' . Airport L-103E ^'Ciillf-ornla Flyers Ino 1-24-40 '- Hanial Hani^er .f4 Assignment _ AJrport L-103e ,-'Standard OU Co exclusiva i- rlght to sail Standard gas Airport L-1039 .--The Texas Co., Exclusive , '- rlglit tO_3QU gas 4 oil Teiaoo . Airport L-1041 ,,_-' Stnndard OU Co exclusive >- rlsht to sell Standard gas [Airport L-1043 - -^'Cal-^l-ornla Flyars Ino' , 9-24-40 '- Tlsntal Han,sser Unit ,^5 Airport L-1044 ^ Korton Air Service rental of >- Hangar Unit ff3 Airport L-1045 ,.--Douslaa Alaoraft leesa 9-1K-42 L 10.06 acres land .Airport 1j-}0'i6 -'Califorr.; •! Fivers Inc Parools 3. 4 B'Usa Cl^JS.-.room Airport - U n i t e d S t B t e a of Amar lou Dapt of Coiureroe Room 200 [• Adic Bulldlr,''i L-1047 ,'.''.irport L-1050 . Texas Co exoluslve right t o s e l l j e s & o i l •Tex.-jco :Airport , L-10C3 Standard Oil Oo exclusive • right to sell Stnndard gas ' Airport I-1C64 U.ilon o n Co exoluaive rl^ht to sell Union Gaa & Oil i Airport L-1067 Shell Oil 00 exoluelve right to sell gas and oil produbts ' Airport LA NO American Aviation ino L-1068.- lanao nddl 5.35 ao add .38 ao to brig leaas - L-106BA ord aaslgn lease Def.Plant 0-85314 ord amend assignmt " 0-88493 , nnw laasa No ll.iiA-flla S.nflfl . . ' Airport L A L-1068 No ii.-jerican nvlttn-5.35 acres Aaa ,3i acres orit leaseL-1068A Assien lease 5.35 aores l/efense Plant Coru - L-1071 . f i l e .i-S-dS ,, !'e"l?l lili^""* '^^^ot%lth .. 6-7T44 i Airport - L-1069 HO Amerloan Aviation,ino pent 4.068 sores month to month i Airport L-1076 ~ Shell Oil 00 lease part i for servloe station Airport L-1077 ~ California flyers,ino 1-5-48 leaae ,47 acres Airport L-1083 North American Aviation Inc 6-6-42'-, rental ^proj^ 3^509_aoro8 ,. Los Angeles Airport L-1084 J lease L A Investment Co 5-19-45 ..^ 25 ft r/w lii;ht lana anproaoh Runway "A" -Contraot 13b79-file 11581 Airport L A L-1087 j ,. lease bet City 4 U S A 6-29-4S. ! nnaratinn traffic oontrol tower '• amendment install wind equipment ; attach to original lea3a-4-i-44 '•,flS§g^!a^d'\p,V,S A ,, 'ioift-^E -for army faollitles attached to naw-^. leTr>a "0. IJl" i^alatiOT 3 n.iroala flle 15829 ! ,extend lease USA above .1 90 da file 15892 L-U64 7-13-45 L A Airport, ;(-1104TA • leBse amending 9-89-43 , ^. -No IJp4-Oj6D3 acres to No Am AvlatJn- f Irport L A ease space 4th floor Administration Bldg to U S Airport Standard Oil Co sale oil products E.e,ri.Pd_6_mo a f t e r wnr Airport Union o n Co sala oil products period G no after war L-lllO 8-4-43 A-fllo . 15298 , L-U18 18-1-43:.^ , f i l e 10,689 L-1119 1 2 - 1 - 4 3 _^ file 10689 ' '

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Page 1: -..n Van Nuys Alrnopt lea^e premises F-9/^2ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326880163_12102012.pdf · ord amend assignmt " 0-88493 , nnw laasa No ll.iiA-flla S.nflfl . . ' Airport


• I

••. -'iH

. 11 i'iS

• i l - : ' ^ ' ^


A-P Helicopters Ind lea^e premises Van Nuys Alrnopt

L-1338 5-25-60 F-9 /^2

Abarta Frances • , L-994 Lots 20 and 22 Bl 11 South i Vloodlawn-use us maintenance yard

7 ^ - ^ S i Alroort , ^ , L-IO^O 'fi" - ' " ' " I'—'Union OU Co o io lus lva r l a l ' t

t o -^Hll Union !;23 £t o i l 'Airport L-1051 ' i n t e r s t a t e Co l e t t 5 n « I.'un ^ Has tauraa t Bids- South Side • "

[Airport Z-105A Ce l i fo rn i a F l y e r s Inc

Parce ls 1 & 2, . I Abarta Franoes L-1079 ' r e n t a l 4824 S Main St 7-1-41

for^Kalntonanoe^Yard ,fpr Bur

' Abila Tract e t a l L-1290 Lots 5 4 6 7-19-56 • Ventura Oil Co F-74540

"Aero A c t i v i t i e s Corp L-974 ~ ; ' Rental c e r t a i n ' property, on -,

Los /ingeles Ai rpor t

: Aeronaut iool Radio Ino • 1-1195 l e a s e rooms 82 fc 23 1-1-47 ' , .

, s o r y l o i bld,r: LA Ai rpor t f l l e -36864 Ai rpor t Bldg Developmt L-1258

i ! rpor l -§f i A i rpo r t f - f s l ^ l 6JSiSFi •,, ! A i rpor t L-CHO 'i ' Trnnsocntlnent. 'vl & '•.•oatorn

Alr Se rv l c s l e a s e B luepr in t s

Airport L-eoO , ' S t e n d a r d Oil Co o io lus lva

r i g h t to ' Jel l Standard gua Airport L-981

„- The T'jJ--os Co., Exclusive r l i ;h t t o s e l l g-as & o i l produots

Airpor t -Standerd Oil Co exoluslvo

r i g h t to s o i l Standard gas


.Airport L-1003 ^.--iix^bluslva r i g h t t o s e l l

- Texaco eas fc o i l I Airpor t L-1027 [ . 'Th9 Texas Co Exclusive r i g h t

t o Ba l l gaa & o i l Te^caoo

Airpor t L-1031 ..--Stan-Jard OU Co exc lus ive ,

r l j jh t _to_ s a i l Stendard naa ' .

Airport L-103E ^'Ciillf-ornla F lye r s Ino 1-24-40 '-

Hanial Hani^er .f4 Assignment _

• AJrport L-103e , - 'S tandard OU Co exclus iva i-

r l g h t t o s a i l Standard gas

Airport L-1039 .--The Texas Co. , Exclusive , '-

r l g l i t tO_3QU gas 4 o i l Teiaoo

. Airport L-1041 ,,_-' Stnndard OU Co exclus ive >-

r l s h t t o s e l l Standard gas

[Airport L-1043 --^'Cal-^l-ornla F lya r s Ino ' , 9-24-40 '-

Tlsntal Han,sser Unit , 5 Ai rpor t L-1044

^ Korton Air Serv ice r e n t a l of >-Hangar Unit ff3

Airport L-1045 ,.--Douslaa Alaoraft leesa 9-1K-42 L

10.06 ac r e s land

.Airport 1j-}0'i6 - 'Califorr. ; •! F ive r s Inc

Parools 3. 4 B'Usa Cl^JS.-.room

Airport - U n i t e d StBtea of Amar lou

Dapt of Coiureroe Room 200 [• Adic Bulldlr,''i


,'.''.irport L-1050 . Texas Co exolus lve r i g h t to s e l l j es & o i l •Tex.-jco

:Airpor t , L-10C3 Standard Oil Oo exc lus ive • r i g h t t o s e l l Stnndard gas '

Airport I-1C64 U.ilon o n Co exoluaive r l ^ h t to s e l l Union Gaa & Oil i A i r p o r t L-1067

S h e l l Oil 00 exolue lve r i g h t to s e l l gas and o i l produbts

' Ai rpor t LA NO American Aviat ion ino L-1068.-lanao nddl 5.35 ao add .38 ao t o b r ig l e a a s - L-106BA ord aas lgn l e a s e Def .Plant 0-85314 ord amend assignmt " 0-88493

, nnw laasa No l l . i iA-fl la S.nflfl . . ' Ai rpor t L A L-1068

No ii.-jerican n v l t t n - 5 . 3 5 ac res Aaa , 3 i ac res o r i t leaseL-1068A Assien l e a s e 5.35 aores l/efense P lan t Coru - L-1071

. f i l e .i-S-dS ,,

!'e"l?l lili^""* ' ^^ot%lth .. 6 - 7 T 4 4

i A i r p o r t - L-1069 HO Amerloan Av ia t i on , i no pent 4.068 so res month to month

i A i rpo r t L-1076 ~ She l l Oi l 00 l e a s e p a r t i fo r servloe s t a t i o n

Ai rpo r t L-1077 ~ Ca l i f o rn i a f l y e r s , i n o 1-5-48 • l eaae ,47 acres

Ai rpor t L-1083 North American Aviat ion Inc 6 - 6 - 4 2 ' - , r e n t a l ^ p r o j ^ 3^509_aoro8

,. Los Angeles Ai rpor t L-1084 J l e a s e L A Investment Co 5-19-45 ..^

25 f t r /w l i i ; h t lana anproaoh Runway "A" -Cont rao t 13b79-f i le 11581

Airport L A L-1087 j ,. lease bet City 4 U S A 6-29-4S. ! nnaratinn traffic oontrol tower '• amendment install wind equipment ; attach to original lea3a-4-i-44

'•,flS§g^!a^d'\p,V,S A ,, 'ioift-^E -for army faollitles attached to naw- . leTr>a "0. IJl" i alatiOT 3 n.iroala

flle 15829 ! ,extend lease USA above .1 90 da file 15892

L-U64 7-13-45

L A Airport, ;(-1104TA • leBse amending 9-89-43 , .

-No IJp4-Oj6D3 acres to No Am AvlatJn-

fIrport L A ease space 4th floor Administration Bldg to U S

Airport Standard Oil Co sale oil products E.e,ri.Pd_6_mo a f t e r wnr

Airpor t Union o n Co sa la o i l p roducts period G no a f t e r war

L - l l lO 8-4-43 A- f l lo .

15298 , L-U18 18-1-43:.^

, f i l e 10,689 L-1119 12-1-43 _

f i l e 10689 ' '

Page 2: -..n Van Nuys Alrnopt lea^e premises F-9/^2ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326880163_12102012.pdf · ord amend assignmt " 0-88493 , nnw laasa No ll.iiA-flla S.nflfl . . ' Airport

Airport Tho Texas Co sale oil products' period 6 mo after war Airport Sholl Oil Co salo oil products period 6 mo after war

Airport.L A laase,12.56 aeres-laod i to Defense

L-1180 7r3,, 18-1-40^ [I

file 10629 L-1181 ' 12-1-43.

file 10629

ioii^ls 87932 '

Airport L A lease 4.187 aores land

1-11-25 3-9-.- -

california.Flyer3 Ino for Mfg purposes-file 16



Airport L A release to city from USA 1.167 acres of land-file 1

.irport L A • ease bet North Amarlo-... .-^, ivlatlon covering 3.34 ac_land

L-U27 3-28-44 ' 5889

L-1130' 7-19-44 1

file 17416

L-1131 7-1-

Airport L A amend Lease 1185 Calif ' '?-15-44 ,Flyers add 1.6 aores land-fUa 167341 Airport L A L-U30 amend Lease USi- -No Amer 10-4-44 avixtlnn «xt P.60 runuo Runway 0

sleo mo tenancy 3.895 no used s t o r e o l r o r n f t Difg

Airport L A lonoo 0^777 noroa by

file 16011 L-1139

flls^lfiise L-U-tC ll.SO-44

»I(5 *».«njn.n *vl«t.Jnp flri-f 1 1 << I"**?

Airport L A L-1144 Douglas Aircraf t Co 5-1-44

g ran t eagmt -^o-'irne •nn rov-l7.'i?.l *^^° amend Douglas a i r c r a f t L-1145

Lease 1045-delate 1.333 ^e 7-19-44 . .w_, „..„-i tA3i»3 yrrflle, 17381.

1 Airpor t L A L-1146 -' oovar mutual grant of 7-19-44 :_

ovor c e r t a i n lands-Ord 88496-F17321 amend-lease 14»948 ao i 27471 VT-nHr Ord_ 0?495.f l l e^ ;73§l__ ._[ : L-1147_/ '

, ' Airpor t L A L - U 6 1 --' l e a se No Am Aviat ion 00-4-1-45

,405 ac r e s nip._tenanoy-file 19991 amendment to above l e a s e L-1162

.--' Calif F lyo r s en la rge 6-27-45 '-taxlwaya & c - f i l e 19992 Airport-LA supl lease-hangar space

Icon.Airlines Inc C9771 _ file 20967

j t a i e r l Crd -


L-1166 11-88-46

supl lease-hangar apace Pan American Airways Ino

I/-1167 U - 8 8 - 4 5

Crd.ep77J Alrpprt-LA

file 20967

supl lease-hangar space Transeont & Weatern Air Crd G9773 file 20967


Airpprt-LA ^ L-1169 supl lease-hangar epaoe 11-28-48 United Airlines Ine Ord 89774 file 20967

Airport-LA 1^1170 supl lease-hangar spaoo 11-28-46,.

_Sll!g5i7^i!i .5f£le_20,9.6,7. Airport-LA , I/-1178 [

CL Gibson e t ux l ea se 6-85-46 ^ Res tauran t Bui ld ing f i l e 83116

! Airport-LA ,- No American Aviat ion CQ

l ea se •Hangar /?3 f i l e -83950

L-1183 5-16-46^^

Municipal .AlrECr.t .L-lie9 Leaae space bldgs A 11-26-46 fc B to W U Tel Co file-25675 s

Municipal Alxaort L -U90 !^^^ . Lease space b ldgs 0 11-26-46 ^ & D to W U Tel Co f i l e - 2 5 6 7 5

A l r p o r t - U I . - n 9 2 ,' ope ra t e eonoeasions by l l - 2 0 - 4 < Wm H Simon & M Lyman f i l e 22676

t- •'

( Airport LA , . . i-i^Ol ' Lease Hangars 4 & 5 5-8-47

to Garrett Corp

[ LA Airpor t L-lSOe ' §£iric-[^n^lilSliJj^ayl55Lirl?r-§?6ftl



Airport Plastic Process lease premises parking


Co L-1252

port Dept , , „ Ifzl^ib j

Ai rpor t Comsn Bd of L-1253 Ai rpor t Bldg Developmt 7-2-53 prop LA I n t n l A i r p o r t - l e a s e

i p a l AlrporA L-1267 . North Amor Avia t ion Ino 5-24-54;

P-63626 -

LA j iunie ipal AlrporA North Amer Avls t io i l e a s e bui ld ing s i t e

Ai rnor t LA U S A Cor n n t l -

.. - - . pfl pf EnKTS - ,, . .„-ali 'ol-4rt,gulQoa m l s s l l o - i n a t u l i



Ai rpor t LA Diinlc of America


iSTOTOS'"'''^='-^-5^P-tu65 ' ' ai'}'r°omo'y/-""'-' t m i

^jijSO-oonBt hangar typj_(^g^go

I Airport,Comsnrs Bd of L-1287 Lease-10 y r 3 - 8 - l - 5 6 7-2-56 s i t e - S a n Fdno Valley Airpor t_ ,

. r-7ii721. I International AlCDQX.t L-1292

Pan American Airways Ino lease fl'jtigi

LA A'l rnn rt ConUhental Airlines lease-hangar space F-75 5 62

LA I n t e r n a t l Airpor t L-I300 9 V-'esfern Air 'Lines Inc2-19-57 L " l ease -p remises F-77487 -v; '

LA I n t e m t l Airpor t L-1305 I Douglas Airpor t 7-10-57 ix '

_use of land F-79877 "V

International Airpoxt L-1306 I United Airlines THo g-S^57- ' ; I lease site F-70497 S •

k I A i n t e r n a t l AiXpujLt L- i3 i4 ..ease i l l pa rce l s 6-16-58

F-8iV899 No Amer Aviat ion

LA I n t e r n a t l Alrp,or,.t L-'l315 Lease U 2 - p 6 r e e l s 6-16-58 No Amer Aviat ion F-8ii899

Il A i n t e r n a t l AlraorJ: 1,-1323 l e a s e premises 4-1-59 TSQI " P ^ T ^ i r r a T.p>>nTat:nr^1 fl.il • i __J' ;., . ' , ' ' _, _P-S"035,

A i r p o r t LA I n t e r n a t l L- i331 Bonanza A i r l i n e 3-24-60 hanger s i t e 115TH 115-1 amen<:ment C-21-02 "-94394

L A I n t e r n a t l Mjrjjjait P a c i f i c A i r l i n e s inc l ease -hangar s i t e s

thP-lo F-9 5416

L A Internatl Alxport L-1334 Western Air Lines 4-27-60 lease premises-mtnce fac



1 ,





Page 3: -..n Van Nuys Alrnopt lea^e premises F-9/^2ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326880163_12102012.pdf · ord amend assignmt " 0-88493 , nnw laasa No ll.iiA-flla S.nflfl . . ' Airport


t. ••" '-1

l^tmn ^HMf Scandinavian AlUlnes[i-i4-60

A Airport L-1340 Fed Avelntlon Agency 8-2-60_ Insse premises F-95937.

L A Airp.pr.t Space Technology lead

L A Mun Airport Pac Tel & Tei lease

L-1341 8-3-60 .-P-968O4 , -1

L-1342 8-16-60 ' P-0725S

r.-1343 , ei-rp.-ZiO P-O73 72

L-1348 . . ^ . «. . . u . . ^ . xivxal iXUIl . . . ^ 1 0 - 2 6 - 6 0 -2nd amendmnt-Hangar #7 ' . - , „ „

,L A Al ran r t , No American

North Amer Av i s t i on

Akmadzlch P J L-1236 Notice extend l e a s e 12-16-55 for 1 y r - d i s p o s a l p i t K-47S91 Ventvortl-. It " o o t l i l l l Blvd y::i'.:y l--::.:iC-i:i-i::-57

'E:-:tC'i!d icar-c i::tt-12-3-5S

Al l i ed Auto parks m o L-L320 162* No;Maln i t 5-20-61 ex t rhn lhn-bf - lease—' ••r-'80254 1320-'f'oTTTinrly IJvont PrivMnr Jl.'infi.' i mnnt

Amor A i r l i n e s Ino f a c i l i t i e s and-hangar snace L A Airpor t /,i icnc;,,it a;.t->-3'-i-5S Landing fees

L - U U 7-14-43 P-7757


Amerloan A i r l i n e s Ine L-1166 supl l ease -hangar spaos 11-S6-4S., I,A Alrtiopt-OPd 89771 - f i l e 80967 N

Ataar Legion, ,' ^.-,

j - 2 e - 5 i

-Lease Sylvan

2?'?fdS?! l e a s e - a -


:t t ime a t t to

I American Legion " ' L-i261 Lease prop 14541 tiylvan 9-21-53'-Ext to -7-1-54 F-46756 Ext to 7-1-55 l\e use by Zoning Admin Fr idays

..£SC t °7-£556°'S"JJjt..7-.l=5.7 Ext leaso-7-1-57 to 6-30-58 Frt lensn-7-lT58 ,to 5-' 0-59 ,

i ^ rlfl§ Jtt:??5iGo'5-3=-6o Ext lease 7-l-'60 to 6-30-6I

Angulo Leonila et al C-L-I244 Lease to City for dump 12-13-51^ prop Vanalden Ave P-50899

m ifJSSS^2«8-f6-l-51 to 9-30-56

Animal Center L-i227 in Griffith Park - - 8-9-49 Rec & Pks Lept F-38762'

'•,.• Amendment. 6T11- -J6 . Animal Cpn.ter , ' L-i.^27 '

opera te a r l f f [ l t n Park P-ScfSs Rno *•- P'rkfl na^t

"Animal Shelter-Human¥ ' L - 9 6 4 Oxnard St 1/,737-Rosenberger Maynard fc Rosal ie



/ . - I IOCj

Animal Shelter-Humane L-969 T.r^ '—: Granv i l l e Ave-2226

A M fc Uary E Barnard.

[ Animal Shelter-Humane L-1034 Oxnard St 14737 Rosanberger Maynard

[ A n t l - A l r c r a f t L-1275 • MissUe-U S A Corps of 5-2-55

E n g r s - l n s t a l l P-67232 LA Ai rpo r t ,


Deglnnlng 6-I-49-endIhg'

S5^|h^rn_C, 1208 21-48

WQQfl.,Avo, R/W aqQ8.?i!J5 *°?,ISiB5„

A T & S F Trail-„-!.v bus loi-idlng

A t l a n t i c Oil .Co Lease Lot 3 nr Lecouveur-S "L" St

L-1263 . 4-19-54 F-63016

Bcird-AjrJ.no Parking Inc L - 1 3 1 9 Lease 7223 k 7141- 12-1-58 Baird Ave^lescda F-87603

Baird Ave 7223 fc 7141 L-1319 Baird-Air.igo Parking 12-1-58 Inc-Rfi.isrta f-87603

Ba ca ^

ryoj^ n 54 to F-6:i

Bank of America k Ei Pueblo de LOS -m; J3

o i l


ms-iv Barber J L-998

Auto ParH-SprLng-Tprnple fc Sunset

; Barcus OU Co ' L-976 All of Lot 15 Re-£ubdlvlslon of a i t 3 R.-inge 7 I'l'llminaton

I Barnard AMS: (tery E L-g69 2226 Granvi l le Avenue use as a Humane Animal S h e l t e r

' Bay C i t i e s Corp.,„ „ . L-1235 J l c a s e - 3 yrs -225 Santa

' i?i£gn?iS?i?§' i?n?«^°yp-/.75U

M nir-to'-tiUo 9-3otir -

L-1829 p a l l f gtate_of^^Park^Co|tsn,8-l l ;4» Ca l l? S t a t e or Park Comsn 8-11 ;;S2^9-2*S95fi^-??:55D*? Konlea-5o

: ["onanza A i r l i n e r ^ i.,A I n t e r n a t l Ai rnor t ' j , / - hnngor s i t e

y r s for nark nurnoSeS ;,BeLl3 i.ddie L i l l i a n L-9'^6

Co.-nmorcial Duoomraun i-.mella I 'ts B:-irKlni;_.i s to r ln t ; automoblle3_

' Bli . ir Robert L-967 -Knntiil Property a t L0.1 /.ni;eles •, Ai rpor t

iBliio Diamond "Pl t i -1194 ' -.• lona.-; to LA By-rroduoto l-3i;-.17

.' Co '|-i'aahliif;ton f.-. Alaraoda fllo-,'2G287

Bone l l l C o t t l e L-1243 Oil-Gas l e a s e 12-26-51 fJlsdemenant Farm .^'"-50371 _

Bone l l l C a t t l e Co L-1322 d r l l l l n s I'ar 3 - , 1-29-59 u ( . t . . . . V 4 1 - I 4^....l;^»Q.^ ^ r t . , * . p — T » _ r n . » r r i

Page 4: -..n Van Nuys Alrnopt lea^e premises F-9/^2ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326880163_12102012.pdf · ord amend assignmt " 0-88493 , nnw laasa No ll.iiA-flla S.nflfl . . ' Airport

( . — , l.

Brig.M Vlaltpr M L-1074 7 J 7 jj l e a se o r r l n g 3t south 10-1-41 ~ ., of Sunsfit Blvd for auto station

Brlgf^s •',-altcr V. , L-1075 lease ME oor Ist 4; Hill 6-88-41 i from City for auto park station

Broadway (K) & l-'lsalon Rd L-999 SE cor - lease assigned to 10-1-48 Ollmore Oil Co by John P oreen Broadway-1322 North L-1177 Emanuel Green lease 1-1-46 > ifrcm City file 82675

Buchanan M a M o M L-1302 Pro:.n.35l6j Van Nuys 2-1-57 ' ,S^nPS8g^;f%s^|?^-^-i-5f-Spf f 325 7 Extend lease att-l!.--6-60

[ Building Site ^ fe-|?^Z/ IiS Mun Airport 5-24-54 . North Amer Aviation InCjr_63626 loose

Collf Dlsantor Office 11-1321

n8finS"Conter-ctato ofF-3809b Cn^.if

' CaUfornlo Sxpoaltlon Bldg L-1091 a por of leaaod by Sixth 7-30-48 Bist AKrlculturnl Assoc, 'California Flyers Inc L-1000

Hnntdl prop -L A Airport ; r.U.rtln-Jiii.-.or; Se Pauline

California Flyers inc L-lOji' Rontal llant;ar nA 1-84-40 i_

_ l isSl i^tSt^l t ' i "?^ Union.Bk So Tr Co Ca l i fo rn i a l l y e r s Inc L-10il3

Rental Han^tir Unit #5 9-84-40 : L A .'.lun Airpor t i o o l - « . - t TI-1 n - Rl/. A. ' l ' r C o A t t . _

California Flyers Inc L-1046 Lecse Parcels 1 & 2 ;. Use Classroom k Test Block

California Flyers Inc L-1054

Parcels 1 k i-L A Mun Airport L_

C a l l f o m l a F l y e r s , Ino L-1077 ' .47 aores a t the 1-5-42 :,.

,L -A Airpor t

Ca l i f o rn i a P lyers Ine L-IOOS -Banger Dnit jjiS Los AngeleslO-14-42 ^ Airpor t California Flyers, Ino L - U 8 5 '• lease 4.187 aores at 3-9-44 C_ Mun Airport for manufaoturing purposes file 16734 amend Lease 1185 L-1131 add 1.6 acres .., file 16734 amend Lease 1131 L-1162

J enlarge taiiway-airport 6-27-45 ; filo 19998

amend Laase 1125 L-1176 delete 1.488 aores from 4-8-46 Xaase-llSS-less rent file 16734 assignment of Laase li25 to The Garrett Corp 4-5-46 • attaohed to Lease No 1186

'Caltf Institute' ef Teoh — . • Loaaea 275 Aores fr W&p Oept

in Inyo Co , .0,?.,iU7799-.-.,..CP 7a787,_-..xO-xb'-% ' Cnliforr.in-3t.-ito of - l.-lllJO

jl(3 of lui ' l: Cm Jll lorioo IJ-IO—15 (.. :o t : : in •iTuOt OZViB ^ , „ - - , fci' ,;i:ii'i: ..:Ui' oaoii - - l e ••'-.'•-i. , .

Ca l i fo rn ia u t a t o of L-1210 l a i i ro rn i a u t a t o or L- iu io

h n Hiiii5§pi' ?sssfe k m On 1 1 , Per


S t a t e of



ho?th°§?«Sdi8g^^oS?g§L'8fl-^-ii=*9 for Tinpk TMii?nn««g yeara

Ca l i f S t a t e of L-1230 Lease-month to month 3-31-50

rise's? i:^ir ""

7J7 !'

\ California State of 'Lease Parcel 4 at

L- l i 34 7-10-50


•'• Ca l i f S t a t e of L-1321 Lease-LA Po l i ce Dept 1-26-5'? :, Tfihs M i l t a t l o n OenterF-88096 Cal i f DIsas ' ter Office

jCalif Trus t Co L-1259 Be teaporary road-imp 5-27-54i 4 th S t be t H i l l S t & F-53401 Harbor Parkwav

I Cameron Robt e t ux L-1289 Asslgnmiint from ben Cohn 1-25-57; for blug a t 7043 Reseda F-74773" Bivd

j Complin, V/arren L-1202 , C;6i.7. len.-^e Lot 1 , 5-16-47 U

k?iiin^S\Sr'='?,- ,. file 23919 ICampUn V/arren W • Ci ty loooe pbr Lot 1

Lookland P l - r e n t a l - a u t o ! Canoga Park C of C

g e m e t Ave - Al ley 6 LA°6°o? fiSfeast l o t

L-1811 6-15-48 P-23919


kUill Canoga l>k C of C L-1325

Canoga ?k fc Canopa Pk 11-1-59 m t h Contr.r-lf'n.ifi-TinrklniT„„ Hun Tec Ci te ' F-9?409

' Carlo y, l.inurloo J ' - I,on:io •wr.tnr V.'oU


'L-119G oito £-.'il-;7 DI.it V'lOO j'or yr'

file 17700 Cocelln St 820-850 I - I Z Z J , B

S & R Corp-lease space 4-2-49 x i for parking-Mun Cts ' P- iqn«s ^ <

.-.:.:'';;'.•..::,:: !;e I c a c c - C - ' ^ - ' ^ ' ^ - - - -i Central Ave S-Jackson

L-1299 l-?.3-57

! J

, Po l i ce Dent - lease F-7734J? p l i c e cars-Sp Pac_Cp___. ^

Cent ra l Avenue & 55th L-1060 Thomas F F i t z g e r a l d 6-4-41 : l e a s e Health Dept C l ln lo emend Lease 1060 L-1134

6-21-44 n . ex tens ion . to_,7/ l /46-at taoh t o leasey Seymour H Kaufman e t ux '

r e l e a s o Ci ty fron claims a r i s i n g ' -frcm^une of lanse 1134 flle-OOSQ

"Chandler^Biirtr-ri848 L-1096 / Vta & Maggie Klun^) l aa se 8-1-48 x as Po l loe Suh -S t i t l on f i l e 12680 Extend l aa se 8 yea r s 5-84-45 8-1-45 to 7-31-47 f i l e 12620

Chandler Blvd-11242 N Hollyvood r.alph a KliEip e t o l Po l i ce Dept - lease

, Nn'.:Jeo oT Tnn-i ii.Ttl nh-

L-1250 7-16-52 ' -x F-12650--'- • I

at't=12-S-5S ( L-1359 f I I Chavez Ravine

..* Los Angeles Dodgers Inc 8-16-60; 9 Pa rce l s \ !

I Chavez Ravine Abila Tr-Lots 7 & 8, Ventura Oil Co

L-1291, C

km \\ j ClUiurens iluCpltiji Uoc L - i : i 6

i -yoa r ieauo t t 4614 i ' -U-49l--auriLhrt Blvu F-365r6

ii, '-i-50 - i lot ica extunu l euse 1 yOur to l i - 3 1 - 5 1

I Ci'rcio Auto PurkB Inc L-9'76 i EuKt uldo of Brotdwuy bot u iTid 3t fc 3rd St

C i r c l e Auto Parks Inc L-937 Kentdi old City Hall s i t e us parklni; s t a t i o n .

y % y


£' *- i

1; '?•

v : k'


r r




"% I


Page 5: -..n Van Nuys Alrnopt lea^e premises F-9/^2ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326880163_12102012.pdf · ord amend assignmt " 0-88493 , nnw laasa No ll.iiA-flla S.nflfl . . ' Airport


'• •ii-


City Clerk Lease-S205 Melrose Elmer 0 Dyer et al

City Clerk Lease 7043 Hlvd-lease Ben Cohn et

City Ha Ui35 lea


al 1 Van Nuys rwin St

L-1288 7-2-56 F-74581

L-1289 ' 7-2-56 F-74581

"iri!Sn''w''0ic8onnell o t a l '

I'-1S42 11-30-51 F-5-"^394 '

J • ),

J City HaU(v.'est L A) laase rooms 42-43

L-1140 8-29-44

to county of Los Angela3-fllal418(3g; City Park -riarage Inc„ L-1232 Lease 50 Yrs-subsurfaoe 9-33-50 -space Pershins Souare , » "' 3" publio auto Durklng station


Civ Aeronatld Adm L-1191 lease space Airport forl2-26-46

_, <l9fl.tjr,q .-VM9.r „oj)ej^t,3^^F,-2|5S74 _

' Cleveland O U Co L-1217 - S-yr-laase drill oil 3-18-49 •

City of Inglewood F-32006

Clinic L-1155 -,- Schirm Inv Co rent - 7-28-45 -SOOls 3 1st St for_neal,th clinic-

Cohn Ben et al i L-1289 Lease-7043 Rebecca 7-3-56

» U,:vd-Clty Clerk F-74773

Cole Estates Co L-lOil Prop 6;;:i,3 i G223k Sta I.!on Blvd -Use Eng Lraftg Ra Field Off etc

Cole Estates Co L-1189 -lease 6283 Santa Monica 6-22-44 s-Blv3,—2 yrs a.l Eng Drafting Room

•file 17505 Lease extended 8 yrs 10-88-47

Coliseum Lease See Agreement No 23694 under i, ^ .Contracts . , , "'

LOt _ |iii-Lports_ii_rana - L-U96

Collins Uazle C 1-1141 lease water well site 11-4-44 -

.Lpt.B4.^.Tr.,,487.8.-Sa_n_.Pda.yal}ex.. '•"Coliins Mazie C ' : ~ L-1173'

l e a se vrater v/ell s i t e 11-28-45-San Fernando Val ley •, f i l e 17790

C o l l i n s , l^razlcTc '. L - i l 97 Leaae •i/ater i.'cll S i t e ,2-l,n-47 Huston-'^lybourno DIstVSO-:: oer yr

.Lo,t,.24..Jraot, 'VS78 file..l,7.'Z,20_,_ C o l l i n s St 11^12 L-1232

Lease-2 yrs-Branch 10-27-55 -. Sa les T9x„_ F-71347

j!J?!2l?HglI y .Consl""Co


Comfort Station L-1136-7 2 ten yr leasee app 8-83-46 ^ vrith Pac Eioctrie Pwy CQ San Pedro & Wilmington

f Ue 14988 Am8ndmt_.attaohed_to^ Lease ,- 1136

Continental Airlines InoL-J295 Lease-liangar space 9-17-56 LA Airport FT75562 \

Control Tower L-1191 please Civ Aeronautlpa Adm 18-86-46 •-,' 3pa.ce ,at, airp.ort for oparatlqn^

1 Cotton Exotonge Bldg L-1293 . 501-502 8-20-56 ^

,-/ Elke 0 Zajdman r-75394

Courts L-1239 Lease-2 yrs 11-14-51 Dd of Supervisors F-A2027 San Pedro 41239 Viost LA 41240 Van Nuys , - 4124I

•. .' Crcwshav -Charles M et r-1 £,-1327 1 ::o !!oll'-n/d - '.r'.cing Lots 12-1-59'

r n..1r -n.. -|-. 'I'—ct w_no3nt

IS months "lease - y y - --'I'-yi


Crossing r/w Son Vlcente-

?urton on bth St etc ao Rev Co ' Crossins

Venice at Thurman Pac Elec Rwy Co

Culver City Hosp inc Lease 5 yrs auto flh'r'r'',n'T pnp no

L - 1 2 8 0


L - 1 2 8 3 12-9-55

L-1346 l-'1,-60 v-95225

Courtroom 14423 Sylvan Ave

47 1-1-52

\ l % ^ l l ^ - ^ % \to ^ ^ ^ " F-42027#l ^

' Cypress Avo Arroyo-Aye 35-L-1056 r i d e r extend l e a s e use 4-21-45 3ldev,-alk U I-ao H H -5-31- 'DO-at taoh *

Cypress Avenue(S'j„l Agrmt)L-1066

SIOTJI^^^O Hwy \lllM^ Davis Hcmor B L-1133 rontal 81416 Sharman V?ay 8-89-44 -for subste Pollos-8yTS-filel0485 Davis Homer tt Lennle L-968

i:i4lD & il416j Sherman Way purpose of Police Sub-station

Davis, Rcoor B fc Lonnie I/-1089 uae. Storerooms in. bldg 6-1S-4S Sherman Way Owensmouth

DeCamp 0 3 5 yaar leass-llSSO Santa 4-8-49

L-1283 , 4-8-49 r-37057

! Defense Plant Corp L-1071 asslfjnmt laase 5.35 ao 11-19-41 U ^ from North, American co-flle 8588 ord amendrat lease asslgnmtO-Ce493 new leaso for ajnand " L-U54

I I Defense plant Corp L-U24 i .., lease 18.56 aoree land 10-1-43 1

at alroort ae por ord 87938 file 15741

'Defense Plant corp . L-1144 -grant easmt Douglas Alrorft5-l-44 ., rorr U9.3 150 •'t : t «l'-nn-rt-fnnl7SPl

', Dafanse Plant corp L-1146 - cover mutual grant of 7-19-44

eisrts T"ith "ou'jlis W r c r - . - r t 10 over lands st L A Alrport-fUe 17381 authorised by ord e6496

I Defense plent corporation L-U47 ,' -' amend lease to cover 7-19-44 '

l/l,OAO ^e - t J. A Hj^nnn t •• n i ^ n t " ! Of $7471-authorlzed ord'8e495-fllel7381

Da Long Streat 1407 ^88 SQ X

L-1218 9-30-4e, \ \ ^ t 9 " 8 l y § " - a " t o parking 9-30.

I K 3:?° KosP-Sanuel K taBus * L-12i7 J ' „.?.T.^40.00 ,_

• ^

, Dal Mar Engrg LaboratorlesT,-1323 Le.-ise-prenlses 4-1-59 T, f) i n t o m p t T ,«-l,i>nm»t. V-rton-^f

Page 6: -..n Van Nuys Alrnopt lea^e premises F-9/^2ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326880163_12102012.pdf · ord amend assignmt " 0-88493 , nnw laasa No ll.iiA-flla S.nflfl . . ' Airport

r yr

Dingier Jeanette B L-U49 7,6<3'9| ' lease water well site 11-21-44 •4!

Lot 80 Tr 9500-3an, FdoJ^l^if;^^ ,

I Dingier , Joanot to S ' L-1190 I

DlsDOsal P i t • L-1836 P o o t h l U Blvd 1-1-51 I • ./entworth St F-47891 ReuUa B P e r k - l e a s e

, . 5 V r « - : i , l l 0 . n n n o n onni .n , I Douglas A i r c r a f t Co L-lO^iS -

Lease 10.08 ac res land L A Mun Ai rpor t

i Douglas A i rc ra f t Co - L-1099 , Amend l e a s e 1045 to 12-9-4S inc lude fue l o i t s F i l e 3343

Douglas Ai rc ra f t Co L-U44 '• g ran t easmt Defense P i t 0 5 - 1 - 4 4

use 150 f t iT.^ " t n l r n o r t - f l l e l 7 3 8 1 alsOamond No 1045 d e l e t e 1.333 ao

a t a i r p o r t - f i l e 17381 L-U45

; Douglas A i r c r a f t Co L-1146 cover mutual g r an t of 7-19-44 ' . easmts with Defense P i t Corp over lands nt L A A i r p o r t - f i l e 17321 au thor ized by ord 88496

Douclas Aircraft L-1305 LA Intemtl Airport 7-18-57 ' . use of land F-79877

Duerr HO L-1179 assignment from Griffith L-1180,' Co re incinerator at 5-16-46 8648 E 26th S t - V o m o n - f ^ ^ 20960


see abo^ve 8 l e a s e s

Dupee Leo

'•fl'ln,?'"9i'-if/*y °" iV.s^/erson Sf ' - 11700 Jiffferson Blvd-Culver City

OyerElmer G et al ' 'L-1288' 8205 Melrose-City Clk 7-2-56 . Branch Office-Extended F-74581 '

_ 5-21-62-Ternlnated.,on...4rl2-62 Effie Street'1108, ' X-1888 llargarlta A Cartin 8-5-49 , lease 3 yrs-Health Dept F-36570-^

fEl PUeblo de Los Angeles L-131 i bank of Amer 4-10-58 Lgtse'- KE corper^iiain F-85314 st « Sunset Blvd

El Segundo-wly k nly L-1160 United States Amerioa 5-24-45 Lease approx 880 acres known as LA Hyperion Screening Plant

filo 19835


City Engineer L-1315

^ l i m iltlSe Bldg th tM' Engineer Branch Office L-1304

6223-6227i Santa Moniffl 8-10-61 x N-ln.-. ,'qnbanh F-7365-)

Engineer Bur PeCamp 0 B t< 11550 Santa I

L-1283 l e a s e 5-yr 4-8-49

Ivd F-37857

L-1886 yrs b ldg 7-1-49

8.32 Santa llonica P-17585

Engineer Bur

. •211'bart,!,1or,»an ,a t_al Engineer Bur L-1268

11550 Santa Monica 6-3-54 • Blvd-J^OO per mo F-37357

—Robt ll.Jackson_at_al..j:;lease, Eng Bur L-1274

Lease 7134 Reseda Blvd 3-1-55 2 to 3 y r s , F-59888 Dorothy'^M Luther .

Eng Bur


mit enue Pac E lse Co- lease

L-1278 K


" ' lh 'i'-2-5'i', F-73653

L - l 1-.

En§ Bur 6223 Santa Honlca Blvd- lease I-iina itorgan

• Event .-'arkinf: Manncomt L'cLos An^elps Et £ i-i£r..et E t - l yr Ext--,\.;; ::-.-::tt-^-.y.-6ii Li-i.-l.-rc /"-IT-Inrl k u t n P^ji-kc a H-,

expos i t ion riark L-i296 50-yr l ea se por t ion Lot 9-27-56 "P" for Spor t s Arena- F-6i202 U A Ke;.-.orlai Coliseum

Farrell Vera et al

^ '

L-1325. eane-5 yrs-Sunnyslde 8-25-59 i,, aKk„r.ots 130 & 131 F-87176 li Street Parklnr-

[ Fashion i-aague Bldg(Eng) L-1815 ^gfi^'^^rg^egje kmtl-

I Fashion League Bldg L-1830 Calif State(Flnanoe Dept 3-31-50:,

Fed Aviation Agency Lense-prenlses L A Airport

L-1340 S-2-60 F-95937

L-lOOl Fickes Lloyd S SE cor N Bwy & Mission Rd Assigned by M 0 Eohus

Fickes Lloyd S L-10i2 • EE cor N Uwy k Mission fid

Assignment to John P Green

Figueroa Street st at York Blvd

fegli«S?8|ei^?f L-1284 12-22-5 F-71920

Finance Dept of State of Calif lease 2 yrs RS lat * Hill


L-i2ia 6-7-49 F-37676

1-1150 18-15-45

Fire Engine Site renew lease Veterans

-Administration to 1-1-48-file 7532

Fire station ~L-1048 Lauren Canyon Hettinger Alice M

"Fire's'tation Li^l006' Kat'l Blvd 10416-Palms Holland Harry A

Fire station L-1006 Nat'l Blvd 10416 Palms Hutchens Helen fc Francis

"Plre station L-1006 Nat'l Blvd 10416 Palms U Marx Edward A



assignmt lease to Gon Pet Co letter attach to lease Ho L-1108,

i Fire Station Lease monthly ;i90.00

y ' U 2 4 8 Laurel Canyon ['• Alice U aatciiitiei-

F i r e S t a t i o n s i t e - L e a s e i i24Z Laurel Canyon Blvd -Fred G r i f f l n t ,

F i r e S t a t i o n U242 Laure l Canyon l ease -Fred a Ur i f f lng

L-1237 2-1-51 i

L-1303 4-25-57 k, F-78666 i;

T-"13[L7 9-11-58 .._ F-78666

I *• I ' ' ||

F i r s t St-237 2 ' E-I285 l l inoru Hatoba 7-29-49 , to l ea i ie -s toreroom P-5a706

F i r s t St 326 W L-1234 Lease Parce l 4 from 7-10-50 -. S t a t e of .Calif t h ru F-42195

, 12-31-50(Pol ice S t a t i o n )



^ • y



|V i cD


1 I

« : i-1'


: ^


Page 7: -..n Van Nuys Alrnopt lea^e premises F-9/^2ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326880163_12102012.pdf · ord amend assignmt " 0-88493 , nnw laasa No ll.iiA-flla S.nflfl . . ' Airport

t ' . . l


' y 'n \zi '. -.-a

• • - ^





;, •


. : : i


i ' l . .-5


4 . t

il k-i I

<v I •'-1


1 •-.-"J

•1 fc-'-.l •I

ist Btreet-2001 L-1155'f3 Lease to Sciilrm Inv Co 7-2t!-i5' for Health Clinic P-1821{i Notice extend to 9-1-50 Ext to H Jenkins et al to 3-31-5i

att to lease Notice extend to 8-31-53 Notice extend to 8-31-54 r:otlce extenJ to 8-31-55

l3t i Kill ?"inanc.a_Dapt State Calif 6-7-49 lease NS corner £ yrs

L-1816 -.6 " -F-37676

55th iit at Cantral Ave lease TF Fit'zgerald Tloslth Clinic f ar.ond lease L-1060


L-IOGO 6-4-41

nnco L-U34 6-21-44 ,

axtonslon to 7-1-46-attach to laase > Seymour H Kaufman et uz J release City from olalms arising',

from use of Leas* 1134 f110-9958

Fitzgerald Thomas F L-1060'. • •-' lease Health cUnic 55th &. 6-' 4-41' ,

cent-"! «"e - - t i l a 9958 awendad lansa to L-1060 L-1134

fila 9950 6-21-44 extend lease to 7-1-46-attach toloai

j Seymour H Kaufman et ux .,j release City from olalms arising

frcm use of Lends 1134 f116-9956 Foothill Blvd L-1236

I'tent.vorth St-Reuiia B 1-1-51 :. Perk disposal plt-loase F-47891 5 yrs Ext to 12-31-56 (Ak.Tiedzioh) Ext to 12-31-57 (Akmadzlch)

'4th St bet Hill St fc Harbor Pkway-

'/ , leases for temporary


L-1269 L-1270 L-1271 P-s-i^ni

y Fowler Drilling &

producing Co Loase-Vilm,! ngton Dl Avi/i>ntinH'....

L-1309 8-22-57 F-76064//1

Pranklln Avonue-2970 L-1184 City leaso from 3-1-46-, »'(«hello Bohwolm Hnlgh to be unod for Maintonanco Yard

file 6504

Pranklln Avo-3970 L-11B5 ,.-• Mobolle Sohwalm Haigh fc 3-1-46

Hnrolrt I.arcnn lease to ' Ity for Maintonanco Yord & Dump

file 6584

O a r r e t t Oorp ~~

'•• f5?|lS' '?n^' 'T5iiP'"'-°' '" ' _nanmt a t tached t o Lenee 118B

. O a r r e t t Oorp L-1801 .-' Lease hongors 4 fc 8 LA 5-2-47

Airpor t f r 1-1-47 t o 1-1-58

AJ.rport-oonst-l innrar F-6H600 typo lildg .•-i.:'^i;ii.., L : i . , l ( j . , , - i ' . , - , l , ' l . . ; . T , - ' / / -2nd /•„ .!•.:.; ,1. ;:ti,-,-,..j,.-.-^;:9' • 3ril Amoiidnit ctt-i'.-T.i-bO

• Oonorol Petroleum Oorp 1-1108 .-' assignrot from 01]jnore OU Co

l^gpfi Mla.n^on^R^ fc.North pdwgy Oeheral Pet ro l tmn Corp L-1805

Proper ty a t SV/ corner 10-31-47 N Broadway k Mission Rd f-9966

L •' - '


Oetzoff Hynen et al Lease-Parking^Diat Dist

L-1345 W I

107-Ir 5822 P-7^734

I Oibson C.L. et ux L-1178 lease Restaurant Bldg 6-85-46 at LA Airport file 83118

-[ Nina Gilbert et.Bl ,,„,L-125?, Lease- 2yrs -62i53-6227i 7-1-53 Santa Monica Blvd P-17535

: Ollmore o U Co L-999 . SE cor N Bdwy & Mission 10-1-48

_Rd - leaso assigned to ! Ollmore O U Co • L-]lOe

contraot lease from City 4-8-43' property at Bdwav.-v lUs.ilon Rd

file 9966 I Ginsberg J L-1007

For Lot 1 V.llson's Buena Vista ' Et Tr for grease rack purposes •

Ginsberg J-Lecsee , L-1055 •. 1 •.•/ilson's Buena Vista • r^or L n t J. .. •!... o.^1. b. j.,u(,.

St Tr-Asslgnmnt lease r ' Golden State Hospital

•'r^-"." '-in I'-wne '--to

lease-ZlfVo'wne 2 yr3-7-l-52 '

L-1253 -ftve 10-8-53 6-30-54F-33377 •

Oould Albert et al L-12^3 -' Lease-1 yr 12-11-51

SiglJi^i^lSlE^oSi!! Dept ^-"^95 Oreater L A Plans Inc L-1271 fie temporary road-Imp 5-23-54 4th St bet Hill St fc- F-53401

.. Harbor, Parkway Oreen Emanuel L-1177 lease 1382 North 1-1-46 Broadway tilo 22675

'Oreen John P.- lease on SE L-999 • oor N Bdwy & Kiaslon R-J • 10-1-48 assigned to Ollmore Oil Co

——^»Bi.kAH t n n —In ^

, Crttiii John P L-10;x Prop EE cor N ilwy & Ul.iiilon RJ /-.SKlf.ned liy Lloyd S Fickes

Gr i f f ing Fred 1 L-1303 Lease l l Z ^ i Laurel Cyn 4-25-57 Bivo as f i r e s t t . t lon F-7d666 s i t e Gr l f f lng Fred X

11242 Laurel ^^unyon L- i3 l7 9-11-58

l i jbse-use f i r e 3tatlop_,^^^^^

G r i f f i t h Company L-1179 City l ea se land a t S-16-46^ S648 E 8flth St-Vornon-onnBtruot i n o i n o r a t o r and b u i l d i n g e t o soo Lease //1180 f^io 80960

[ ' t tp l f f l th Co ' i . l i 7 9 ' k 1180 • enendments a t t aohed , to I .-U79

pe r Ord #90009-8/16/46 . f i l e C0960

G r i f f i t h Company L - u e o leeoe t o Ci ty land a t S-16-46 S642 E 26th P t - V e m o n - i n o i n o r a t o r and b u i l d i n g e to fo r 10 years see Lease i l l l29 ' H e 80960 .808 Doea. 87953

I G r i f f i t h Park L /. Ld of Education oni'rfito Anlmiil Cflntfir - K-1K76?, /.inonum.ont 6 - I I -56

Hul(jh Froclerlo L-1057 ...-- I'or Lot ;,1 Woi;t Hor l,lcl< Tr

Use .Mtlntoiianoe id fc Dump Ornd

L-1227 8-9-49

Holgh lloboUo Cchwnlm L-1164 lease to City to bo 3-1-46 used for Uuintonanoe Yard 2970 Franklin Avenue

flle 6584

Page 8: -..n Van Nuys Alrnopt lea^e premises F-9/^2ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326880163_12102012.pdf · ord amend assignmt " 0-88493 , nnw laasa No ll.iiA-flla S.nflfl . . ' Airport

Halgh Mabelle Sohvtolm L-U85 / and Harold Larson 3-1-46 • lease to City 2970 Franklin Ave to be used for Maintenance Yard

"^''"""P file 6584 _

Halverson Spencer L L-983 Lots 1 i 5 9 10 Block F Canal i St-011 and Cas Lease

•Hamm Kathryn B L-997 '. • 40' Lot 8 Bl 35: Tr 1589 Harbor : City-use of Humane Commission

•Hangar Space L-1295 LA Airport 0-17-56 ' Continental Airlines F-75562

Hniircrs #4-5-6 L-1347 ' North Amor Aviation 10-20-60 Icnae P-9S127

Hangar Bldg Gar r e t t .Co rp . , l e a s e - iA,. lntorntl A i rpor t to const

Hauoen Bi rd ie D ' 8 yr leaoe-Oolden

•Jtute 1100-417 Towne


L-1809 7-88-00 F-33077

isxt'io'u'oo a' t t-7-i"-50-0-30-S6 ax t louaa a t t - 7 - l - b l - 0 - 3 0 - B i

Hansen Bi rd ie B l e a s e - / 1 7 Towne Ave 2 y rs - ' ^ - l -52 .to 6-30.

L-ia53 10-8-53

•54 F-3387?

Health Center L-1809 2 yr lease-Birdie B -7-22-48 n^ssen-Golden State nos^ital

To-;;ne Ave- P-?5) lixteiislon l ea se a t t - 7 - • to


Health Clinic L-1C60 loaca T? Fitzijarald 6-4—il 55th L Cantral file 9958 amend leaso L-1060 ,L-1134

0-21-44 extension to 7-1-46-Qttaoh to lease

L-1155 7-28-46 - "3216 -

Health Clinic at iOOl 1st St E-lease to Schirm Inv Co F-18; JJotioe extend to 9-1-50 Ext to d-ii-52 to H Jenkins et al

att to lease

Health Dept l.'.onthly lease-off loos Sunset fc Bronson

L-1204 10-28-47 i „ F-30261 ^

, Health Dept •SaP^Kli8?SiH°a?iiilpSElt|l22-49 .417 Towne Ave for Hlth Cenge o i

L-1809 lt?l22-«'-

Health Dapt , I -u r j a r l t a A I..artln

-38570 f:! Hearst Publications Inc L-1012 Cort premises Cahuenga Dlvd i^ Elec lUuralnating Signbd purposes

- Hettinger Alloa M L-1048 5 yr l e a s e uso of f i r o - 0 - 1 - 4 0

Bta-11R4?. I f lur i l Canyon Blvd-f 1103783 ord ronow loaoo 6 y r s 0-09483 frora 6-1-45 7-20-45

HottlnFlor AUoo U LuiKiO !::ojitri,.y„? :uo.oo ififeL,


r. lllchlund I'crk Dist

(ii'SJ* f^^l'"".?)! el _.i'°.?LS,nc.'igE:?^£it',8 '-Dggt

I'-1243 ,

L-1006" Holland Harry A 10/,16,Nat'-| Bivd Palms Uso for P l ro S t a t i on I'urpopon

Holly Cons t ruc t ion Co L - 1 2 8 2 ^ | i -I Lease 2 y rs -branch Lie 10-27-55 « ^ "

fc Sa les Tax Of f i ce - F-71347 11412 C o l l i n s St Assignment t o H fc Gladys Beldenverg - 3-9-56

Hollywood Bowl Assn Inc L-973 Cahuenga Blvd & Highland /.ve ' j use as automobile pklng s t a t i o n (

! Holly.vood Bowl Ass 'n L-995 " I I n t e r Ca.huenga fc Highland Ave ! ,„ use as automobile parking s t a t i o n '

I Hollywood Bowl Assn L-lOiO I n t o r Cahui;n|-:a ,"•: Highland Ave ' I'urji 0|K)r autoiiiolilJf Pldin.; r t a t l o n

Hollywd Ree Hoopi ta l L-1106-Irll26 louse and sup to U 3 A for wnr durat lon-13S0 N Wlleox Ave-f n e l 4 6 4 l |

Horwatb Robt Louis I.-1148 leaoo water woll site 11-22-44 '

Tr 1000-San Pdo Valley-filo 177S0 Houiiliv; j'lUth

Loa!;e for 1300 Carulnol -St ' Dflfi Contract 70'J07

Hui!lui.'; 0 Howard L-10y9 10],'/ Eo ilroaclway ; u t e ap auto park

Humane Coram'n L-997 Lot 840' Bl 32 Tr 1589 : Harbor Clty-Haram Kathryn

Humane Comm'n L-1037 Parcel Land-Harbor City '.. Phillips Leslie & Bessie

Hutchens Helen k' Francis L-1006 10/16 Nat'l Blvd Palms u. Use for Fire Station Purposes

Hyatt Oil Lease L-1246 ~ Pacific Coast Hiway 12-27-51. & Hyatt Ave F-35688 -0 K Slosson-lease,

Hyperion Screening Plant L-1160 United Statas Amaolca 5-24-45 '-.. lease approx P.SO nores nly & wiy El Segundo

file 19835

Hyperion Sludge Plant Oil rilling Edwin Vi Pauley modified-att to lease

L-1116 10-29-51 X I F-9825 -'

Incinerator L-U79 , City lease to Griffith 5-16-46^,

Company land at 2648 E 86th St-Vemon-construot incinerator and buildings eto filo 80960

. see .Lease. #1180..._ _ [ Incinerator L-1179 fc 1180

_ amendments attached ,to I.-1179 , per ord 90809-8?16/46 ^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^

. Incinerator L-1180 - Griffith Co lease to 5-16-46i,

''•ity land st 8648 E 86th Pt-Vemon inoinorator and building eto for period of 10 ysaro

. ano Iiaaao, 7 9 J h ^ ^°? . , ' Inslo-//ood Olty of L-1S17 ' Clovoland Oil Oo 3-16-40 • ,

O-yr-louDo d r i l l o i l P-asOOO N

I n t e r o t a t e Al ror f t fc sng L-1107 l eaae 1.61 oe land " 6-8-43 ^

_8t I. .1 .Mrport- 1 yp a t 8500 _ . . I Intorutiil.n Co (The) L-1051

Cov lotting Mun hontuurant Bldg '.. South Elde L A Uun Airport

' Inyo Oounty L-i07S Seo 32,33-T03-R33TI lIDB.ViI t,. Inyo Oounty-for a i r p o r t purpooeo -~






', i I

Page 9: -..n Van Nuys Alrnopt lea^e premises F-9/^2ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326880163_12102012.pdf · ord amend assignmt " 0-88493 , nnw laasa No ll.iiA-flla S.nflfl . . ' Airport


11 jl- , '.5.;


Inyo Oounty , L-1073 .<r-s See 2,3,10,U,14-i '13-R35K 1—* MDBfcil-inyo u o - a l r p o r t purpos»a

Inyo County L-1086 end VI 4 P Dapt City of 7-1-48

_L. A. 85 years land In

inyo County of L-U0.8 Lease land In Bishop fo r 18-e-4'8 Airpor t purposes by W fc P Jackson Robert e t o l ^ -1223 ,

nosli5nmt„of l easo 4" i43lS

IIS58 l a g W n l c a B l v S - ^ ^ " "

Jeckson *'obt M e t n l L-1268 54,00 per mo-lease 6-3-54 •'r55'^ Sr.nta "nn.icR P_37«57 Clvd-Bur of Eng 'y::t iea:,'C ;itf.'-s--'-'/--j'-') E:-.-'o lo.-.so ::Xt---'-^-OroO T'/.llCTQd 0

Lanltershlm Trac t m


• Jackson St 321 ^ - - I F - i r , So -'ac Co •'-11 -57 lease-Police Oent F-S6657

,~Jamar A L-1015 SE cor Je f fe r son & Cent inela i L A Co-Agr icu l tura l Purposes

Jamar, A. 1-1088 Jef fe rson fc Cent ine la 9-18-41

_Blvds. ,

, Jp f fe r son fc Cen t ine la L-1082 Sou-Qieat Corner leased 9-18-41

_ by A. Jamar Jefferson St L-1062

Leo Dupee rent property rent 11700 Jefferson Blvd.

' Jenkins Harry et BX„ L-1155 •Ext lease Healtfi Clinic 3-IO-50x 2001 E 1st to 3-31-52 P-18216 (ext att to 1 asel Ext to lease 9-1-55 to 8-31-56

: Jensen Henry L L-llSl -' lease water well site 18-26-44 ..

Tr e929-3an Pdo Valley-file 18848

Klump, R. A. et al L.^i203 .- Lease lots 1 fc 8, 7-7-47- ,-

11242 Chendler Blvd, N.HollyiTOOd -_ -to. olty 92150 a mo file 12620 ._

['' ""fi.galph Arthur et al L-1250 . 11242 Chandler Blvd 7-16-52

lease ^"21650 ease-7-ll-55p AOA-JO

%m^^^^B '?J3i5§§^- , "^ -"^^^ Klump Wm S: Maggie L-978

U^iii Chandler Blvd No Hly.vd L for use as Police Sub-Station

Klump William & Maggie L-1096 11242 Chandler Blvd 8-1-42 ^ as Polloe Sub-station-file 12620

Extend lease 8 years 8-1-45 to 7-31-47

5-84-4S f i l e 12680

' Korach B-Asslgnee L-1055 Por ,Lot 1 -viilson's Buena Vista ..,„ Et 'ir-Assignmnt l ea se

Koran Frank & P e a r l L-U55 y Ext l e a s e Health S1J,'?1?,^-19;50 ,

, ' -jr-ni V 1s t St . t o . 8-3lT52F-18il6 > • (Att t o ...ease/

Lake s t fc Penmar ava-,r L-1181 .,.' 1 yr l e a so t o Pedro 5-1-46 , --.

•Valentino l o t 4 ^110-23601

[-Ltnalng fees "T-T/ . - i i^" "L~iITi for 5 m a j o r , a i r l i n e s ' thru ;

,--' L - i U 5 N (Anenciint l e a s e s 1166 thru U70)

-L' ^ L

'ij^^^ffigrf'^f"^ i;85^/iKv^5t al'

Larson Harold and L-1185 Mabelle Sohwalm Halgh 3-1-46 ' lease to City 8970 Pranklln A-vo to be used for Maintenance Yard and Dump file 6534

' Laurol Canyon Blvd L-1040 • S yr louso uae fire sta-6-1-40

at 11848 - AUoo Hottln«or-fUe 3753 ord renew lease 3 yro 0-09483 from 6-1-45 7-26-45

Laurel Canyon Blvd 11242L-1237 • Lease monthly ^90.00 2-1-51 ' Fire otatlon i-'-'b.ivoo Alice ;.: Hettinger

Lf-urel Canyon uivd L-i303 U242-Fred Urifflng 4-25-57 lease as fire station F-78666 site

Laurel Canyon 11242 L - 1 3 1 7 Fred i Grlfflng 9-11-58 lease-fire station F-78666

Lebus Samuel K L-1218 Lease-l yr-1407 De Long 9-30-48 St-auto parking (Reo Hospital)

, *1.34C.OO Lecouveur Avo L-1263

S "L" St 4-19-54 Atlantic Oil Co-leaseF-630l6

^ i > A I

Lee S Charles et al Parking Olst 107 Tract 5822-lense

8-2^-bO F-78734

Levine,E-AsElgnee L-1055 For Lot 1 ".•.'ilson'p Buena Victf, • St Tr-Asslgnrant lease by J Ulnsbg

Ubrary L-117S Bd Library Conmisn lease 11-1-4S port V/LA City Hall file 28277

Library Commissioners- L-1053 Bl' of-space V.' Los Angeles City .. Hallat Ui46 Sta Monica Blvd

Library Commission Bd of L-1175 lease port of WLA City 11-1-4S

• Hall for Horary f 11« 82877

, Library Site i-l}28 contract with USO Board 6-14-44 \ dormitory Armed Servicej^'omen,^

License & Sales Tax L-1282 Office -11412 Collins 10-27-55 2 yrs-Holly i onst Co F-71347


• Lick J Charles L-1220 Lease tide lands 6-1-49 Venioa Qrea-4-1-49 to 4-3D-66

• — F - S ? ' Lick P ie r L-1307

Lease-25 y r s - t i d e l a n d s £-9-57 • Pac i f i c Ocean Park IncF-79873

Lockheed L-1332 Lease premises A-8-bO V.-n ?ri;ys A-',rport P-94637

' Lockland P l L - l S T Ci ty l e a s e por l o t 1- 6-15-48: r e n t a l - a u t o park ing purp F-23919 m-—...iji„n,-__T,4—

; Log Coffee Taverns Ino L-1028 prop Hoover & Jefferson Blvd

Ord extend lease 0-89348 extension atteohad to 4-24-45 original lease file 19380

, LA Dd of Education L-12S7 ~

Bf!??f!h"Pi':fiJc°rf??Ks t m l z -Los Angeles fly-Products L-IO6I

Page 10: -..n Van Nuys Alrnopt lea^e premises F-9/^2ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326880163_12102012.pdf · ord amend assignmt " 0-88493 , nnw laasa No ll.iiA-flla S.nflfl . . ' Airport

Lon 'inRolon By-I'rortuot.i Co 1-1194^-^,^} ' lo.ir.o'por Bluo Diamond I'it'-l-2,^-;-4S'il'

•i.'aHhln(;ton blvd-A,l nnodn s t '• > t, , Los Angeles^C-of C L- l ;


, Los Angeles City High L-1049 i Enhool-cert land Central Jr HI', i Echool-N H l U nr Eunset Bivd'

i Los Angeles-County of L-991 11,730 sq ft SE wing Main Et LeV City Hall

Los Angeles-Co of L-99t U t h 15th I6th 17th 18th 19th 20th floors City Hall

Los An&eles-Co of L-993 5,680 sq ft ','Jly nor Controllers ; vault in sub-basement City Hall

' Los Angeles-Co of L-1009 Space 1864 sq ft '.'/est VVlng Znd i floor New Mun Bldg Van Huys

Los ;mgele£5-Co of L-1018 Approx 1737 sq ft NW cor : nd fl :. , City Hall (Hm 4^ Por 43)

Los Angeles-Co of L-1019 , Spoce, approx 1,705 sq ft Hm 7D :. basrant City Hall , ,

Los Angeles-Co of . L-1033 Court Rn Sixth Floor '•. Kan,Pedro City Hall

Los" Angeler.-Co of L-1056 10th Uth Ijth fc ;:ist floors ; ,, City Koll Bldg

Los Angeles oounty L-1070 alterations in 2na floor ' h;unioipal Huildin;^ at Van "uys

Los Angelas County I/-1086 to pay §625.00 add rent 4-28-48 i-x Court 6th floor San Pedro

Los Angeles County L-1140 lease rooms 42-4.-5 v.-est 8-29-44 L.,. Los Angelas city Hall-fllal418(39 )

Los Angeles Co of Bldg-14423, Sylvan Van Nuys-lease


L-1247 1-1-52 -s

..... ^ . _ _ . ^ F-42027 #1 lo.Tl Court Sti45.63-EO

t^°snh°Lty Hall t m , '.'

LA,County of „ ^ , Lease-5 yrs-Oct 1 m \

LA County of Lease-month-raonth

1266 -1-54

.JiHtbl':.il^\t^j^_uiI-MlLiuii LA County of L-1272

Lease-Temple bet 7-21-54 Grand-Hill „/«, parking spacerR/W

Los Angeles Co of ' L-1336 Loase-portlon San Pedro 4-11-60 " 7-5

'1 City He.U -54375

Los AngelesDodgers Ine L-1359 Chavez Ravine 8-16-60 9 pa rce l s "

L A Harbor Developmt Co L-1298 o i l d r i l l i n g 12-26-56 S 5 submerged lands F-75738

Los Angeles Examiner L-1012 Cert premises Cahuenga Blvd '. Elec IllLunlnating Signbd purposes '

\ Loa Angeles I n v . Co. - 2 5 f t r/w leaae from

Los Angeles -^Ir Por t • y. ( f i l e 11581) I -

t -1084 5-19-48 K

I L A Jluiiiorlal Coii.'ioum 4-1296 W ^ '—I 5o-yr l ease por t ion Lot 9-;'7-56 « • '

111-11 for Spor ts Arena in I'-64202 ' Exposi t ion Park k

I I l o s An,-ele3 No-Horkot I.-1320 '''• | r ^ 5 * , ;J[' J[i5,i''ancE0Bit 12-16-59 ' 1 y r - p " t n : , - r ' : lng F-g0254i^l

i Los Angeles fc Sa l t L-1017 Lake RR Co-prop for temp s to rge ' K mat i equlp-offlces-Lcv;ronce-Lemon|

I Los Angeles fc Sa l t L-1035 | Lake Rfi-bet F i r s t k Aliso Ets •• | use s torage of mat ' ]E fc.equipt - j

I Lullier Dorothy ji L-1274 iiefcse-7i34 Reseda blvd 3-1-55 •• r. to 3 y r s -uur of .^ng F-593a8 -bxtend ,i.eaaL' bCl- L-o-'j'/ cxLiii-.u ' iijase kill- '/ y/- 'j6

Extend lca:;o E t t - i 2 - S - 5 S

i Luther Harold M e t a l L-1330 Leqse 7137 Reseda Blvd 3-3-60 Eol loe p<>i>t-V"Volley a t p t i n n -3 -r;..•.-.,:,:la'J;,on.lo.^^c-a^tF-59888#l-A 1

Lyman Mike & Vfai E Simon L-1192 operate concess ions a t 11-20-46: i., LA Ai rpo r t f i l e 28676

i Maoy a t Progross S t r e e t L-1103 l e a s e t o U S A for 8-1-42. ' b i l l e t i n g of t roops fce - f i l e 13676

L-i313 Main St NE corner

|i"^2ii!o' i|'*Los, ^ m m y Angeles-flank of Amer-lease •

Maintenance Yard L-994 Woodlawn Ave Lots 20 fc 22 Bl U South-Frances Abarta

'Maintenance Yard & L-1057 Dump Grnd-Port Lot 2120 por Lick Tr Halgh Frederic

Maintenance Yard L-1079 r e n t a l from Frances, Abarta 7 - 1 - 4 1 ' -premlses a t 4284 S i :aln S t r e e t Maintenance Yard L-U84

3-1-46 i.. 8970 Franklin A-venuo City lease from Mabelle Sohwalm Haigh i ,^^^ ggg^

Maintenance Yard fc Dump L-1185 Mabelle Sohwalm Haigh & 3-1-46'-Harold Larson lease to City 2970 Franklin Avenuo

file 6584

Martin Clarence e t a l L-1245 Lease-month-month 12-26-51 L 1223 N Y?mon-ambultnce„P-50974 --sub-s t e tlon-?35.00-Rec_Hosp

i Mart in l i a r g a r i t a A J,-12?'s

^ 5:!g.l«E?fn^sir8§li^K o^pfcsiSo^ Martin James R & Pauline L-1000

Rental prop L A Airport Calif Flyers Inc

Marx Edward A L-1006 10416 Nat'l Blvd Palms Use for Fire Station Purposes

I liatoba I.linoru • Laase-storeroom

L-1885 7-29-49 , F-3a706 \

McConnell './inton e t a l L - 1 ? 4 2 14435 'r;rwln St-'i|.175 mo 11-30-51 Van Nuys City Hall F-50894

„.. Ais'l gnmant,.,£i27-52.a,tt„leaae Z. Mc.Cornlpk Street Miltoff)

1 n ^nTncnt .e omsnrs

It,, -'fr

' I ' . ' . •




. , : • !


Page 11: -..n Van Nuys Alrnopt lea^e premises F-9/^2ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326880163_12102012.pdf · ord amend assignmt " 0-88493 , nnw laasa No ll.iiA-flla S.nflfl . . ' Airport

UoGulre Louise U l e a s e water we l l a l t e Tr 12426-San Pdo Valley-

Melrose Ave 8205 City Clerk Branch Office-Elmer 0 DyerF-

Mld-Tovm Investment Re temporary road-imp 4 th S t be t H i l i S t fc Hfinbon Pnrlrwflv

Hoe Husse l l e t a l 12455 Lopez Canyon l e a s e - d e p o s i t rubbish

1-1158 18-8-44

• f i l e 17790

-1288 , -2-56 -74581

L-1269 5-27-54 F-53401

L-1326 9-2B-59 F-92520


Horgan G i l b e r t e t a l L-1226 Lease 2 y r s bldg 7-1-49

• 6223-6Z23i Sta Monica r-17585 Blvd - Bur Eng A f f l d a v i t - e x t i e e s e 5-24-51

II 11 n 5 - 2 0 - 5 2 n I. n 6-30-55 11 n n 5-i4-56(F73653i

Hoi't .-in :.'ina 1,-1304 Leasc-6223 Santa -7-2-53 ' rionlCP Blvrl-Knt; Eiir *_7?6';?

. R»t lARfio a t t ' , ^ Morton Air Service Inc L-1044

Rental Hangar Unit f/3 L ;. Uun Airpor t

Morton Air Service Ino L-loeO sublease to Ho American 1-26-48 Aviation Hangar No 3 at Airport

•'Mortori"'Ted'FryTn"g Serv ",L-1010' Rental Hangar No 3 L A Mun Airport

Morton Ted Flying Service L-IOZS' Rental Hangar 3 L k t.Iun Airport

Municipal Court Bldg 14428 Sylvan Ave

L-1247 1-1-52

yZn^Nuy'silCo'LA-iease'F-42627 # r 5345.63 per,mo

-' Kun Fr,c S i t e . „ tTl?25„ CanotiR I'k & Canoga U - 1 - 5 9

Nat ional Aviat ion Corp ,L-I014 , j Rental Hangar 5 ..

L A Mun Airpor t

, North /jiiericaa Aviation L-965 Parce ls 1 1 3 Los Angeles Co

. North American Aviat ion L-1065 Cov honta l Uo/Mo 3.509 acres L A Mun Airpor t

North American Avl'itlon L-1068 '••-SS^e 5.25 no lund L A Alrpnri; add 0.32 no orT«-Ie.-isa LilOce-A

,„ a t tached to..orl/zln;il .Ina,"!!* _. . North .'.mfrloan -iWlatlon L-1069 ,

month to month r e n t of 4,008 aores K. imlo i pa 1_ . 'airport

~ Ho, Araerloa'n' .'.vi'dYlo'n Corp L-107r a s s l r n loose 5.35 ac res to

'"n-i, ^,^U)0?T.^%n\i,im>-n:^..•*liVn'"ffi'-\irs No Amorioon Aviat ion L-1078

r e n t 3.815 aores 1-16-48-month tononoy-L A Airpor t

North Amorloon Aviation L-1000

f l i c No 3010 . . ., North Awrloan Avlotlon L-lOOl

publnoac from V.nstoeast 8-10-48 '. , ^%'JiLe W S S ' " ° 2 " ^ a i r p o r t

.North Aiporloun Aviation Ino 1-1003. - r e n t a l approx 3.509 noros 0-6-4C _L.A. Airport

North Am Aviation lne LrllOO H'lneiirs ,'/H fc 3 Muni e l - 18-23-48 ' pal Airport ( r o n t a l ) p i l e 13563

'[ L

i-^_No Amer -.Ivlatlon Ino L-1104 7 ^ • Ci ty t o lea.ie 0,603 8-10-43 '"

, a c r e s a t )'un A l r p o r t - f l l a 13838

t-ll^.t No American Avletlon lease amending No.

1104 0,603 acras L A Airport

No Amar Aviation Inc L-U05 City to lease 1.15 2-10-43 acres at i'un Airport file 13801

No Amer Aviation Ino lease 1.087 ao L A

L-U22 Airport-12-1

No Amer Aviation Ino lease 8.066 ae L A

file 16510 L-1183

Airport file 16511i8-l-43

North Amer Aviation Ipc Lease bet City covering 3.34 ac land L A Airport

m'.° 44 .34'ac land L A Alrpb?t-fna 1741E

NO American Avlatn Co L-1138 -/ • amend Lease 1183-6Xt 250'10-31-44-runuD Runway C-Alrport - flle 16511 also month tenancy 3.295 ac L-1139 used store aircraft mfg &c-fllel8438

North ABiarloan Aviation L-1148 rantal 8.777 lnnd at - ll-29-44^ T A A l n n n n t - f 111 l' 'AA7

No American Avia t ion L-1161 l e a s e .405 ac r e s 4-1-45

mo tenancy L A A i r p o r t - f i l e 19991 • No /jnerloan .•Wiatlon Co L - U 8 3

l e a s e Hangar i'fZ- ' 5-10-46 T.A, Airi inrt f l le -C3?50

- North Amer Aviat ion Ino L-1267 LA Municipal Ai rpor t l -2L-5^ l e a s e bu i ld ing s i t e

por l t e F-63


t,o Araer i .v ia t lon inc ..-1314 Lease i U - p a r c e i s 6-16-58 LA i n t e r n a t i Alr.v,jrt F-34399

Ho Amer Avia t ion i n c L-1315 uease i i i pa rce l s 6-i6-5ii •

• LA i n t s r n a t i j i i r , io r t l''-ri4Ji99

North Amer Avia t ion L-1347 Hangars #4-5-6 10-20-60 l e a s e F-98127

North Anor Avlot lon L-I348 2nd Amendmnt-Hanger_)('7 l(.!-26-60 Ipn.'ifi-LA Tntp'rnptl'^ P-68600

No American '^viatIcn Inc T , . I J , ^3

Lease L A Ai rno r t n-i2-(!;o '• F-1* "3 72

Ho Hollyvf90d'?klng ^ ' n ^ p ' o pnKprshSi T. ^ . , -Tr

9 :

Ji ©"ff S t r o o t Pnr'^ihc[;" I ' ^ ^ S

Sunuysido Lots 130 . 8-25-59 S 131-Vorfl F n r r o l l o t {.Ig^^^^

McCornJct:' 'sl-No*lloUyvc('^-f?60 Hke Dl3t-Hd of TruffleF-60960


Oi l

oii ; i;°o^rcS" ''= '"^""fci ls^^ Oil DrlUinK oil uriUing Hyperion Sludge Plant Edwin V/ Puuloy-modlflod-att

L-U16 lO-2' -51

Mite ••""•?; 1..,. ' -•"»


: L -ro.llt,.,W^'


Page 12: -..n Van Nuys Alrnopt lea^e premises F-9/^2ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326880163_12102012.pdf · ord amend assignmt " 0-88493 , nnw laasa No ll.iiA-flla S.nflfl . . ' Airport

o n Drilling- L-1298 submerged lands 12-26-56

, I A Harbor Developmt o. . . ,

Oil-Gas L-1243 Misdemenanf Farm 12-26-51 lease-BoneUl Cattle F-50371 r n


on S: Gas \V Imington Playground 8-Jj.-57 I^owler D r i l l i n c fc -n-nl^nkUi

t.-1309 i-Trl-t „


Oii * Oas Lease L-i310 for a r i U i n g in Rcncho 5-29-57' Hark - Signal Oil fc F-d0098 U;..'i Co X HlohflRid Oi,L Corn



Olm.-.r o n Co n.'inqr.o Lo.-; Pr.los VcrcioD-lon.'-.o o i l \;i.

P a c i f i c A i r l l noa Ino L-1333

trfStiJ^rM iii ggrt mt% Puoi r ic Auto P.irk Co L-970

I'.a.it !:l'.lo of Broadway bet ;.ni1 : . t « 3r.l ;,L

L-1246 12-27-51 F-35638

L-1090 9-4-43

P a c i f i c Coast Hlway fc Hyatt Avenuo

• 0 111 SioOfon-loase Hyatt Oil Lease

P a c i f i c E l e c t r i c Co r /w c ros s ings a t San Vlnontn Blvd "nd Moreno A'vo-Bundy Dr-Hurllngnmo Avo o to Termination of Lease 1090 a t taohed t o Loaoo f U e S l l l

Pac i f ic E i o c t r i e Rvy 00 L-U36--7 ,

lo lToA'^^t^^oT- §SS PegoJI

S^SdSf l?tach to leasrl^lfl . A-mendrnt a t t a c h to l ease -6 -12-56 Amendmt a t t a c h to l e a s e 11-6-56


Pac Elec Ky Co L-1270 Re temporary road - imp 6-23-54 4th St bet H l U St & F-53401 HAnhnn Ptirkwnv „ .. —

Pacific Elec Co L-1278 Walgrove Avenue 12-23-54 • & Venice fllyd_ F-6398-4 Pub Wks Dept-Bur _Eng-leas.e

Pao Elec Rwy Co L-i283 Venice at Thruman crossing


Pac Elec Rviy L - 1 2 8 6 223rd St - i lomandle 5-1-56

- . , « » - . . niT n /^ . ' • P-7^^° l6 E-,;p ,ler.:>o r.-'oo~'---i7-59

Paoi f ic Fl'pc Pllll- Co ^.-^.VX .Sepulvnrtn -Plvd 7.: ?. /-«;? '., '^rno.iltlnn ",1,"(1-Tnnsp P-Aoft^)/ r r r ,1,r,no , .

Pnc,i,flo Ocean I'nrk Ino T,-1307 Tje.'ir.o-.?5 y r . i - t ldo landr 8-9-57 •., Lick ?lor,-.„;r.rKMi-, A t t . -r''.-.|7?.8.i;,3

Peo Kwy Co , L-12d0 Crossing r/w-Scn 3.4-55 «, t VioonteSBurton F-473'53 #1 on 6th St fc 3 othor l o c a t i o n s

"pac i f i c Sub-Ctution L-968 Sherman •//ny 21416 & 21416J Davis Homer fc Lonnie

Pae Tel fc Tol Loaso-LA Mun Ai rpo r t

L-1342 8-16-60 F-97258

I'uekham Harry Lease 10 yrs-10460 '// Plea Dnnt Rno fc Pnrks


..' 7Bfl5

Pan Amer Airways Inc L - U 1 2 facilities & hangar space T A Airpor t Landiflg fees ' 58 •m

' Pan Amerloan Airways Ino L-1167 supl l ease -hangar spaoo 11-28-45 I.A Alrport-Ord 89778 - f i l e 80967

[Pan American Alnrays L-1206 „ Sun t o L-1118, Alr 10-83-47 , 1, P r e l g h t Terminal , LA Ai rpor t

Pan Araer Airvays Inc L-1292 Loaso-premioos H-lb-5,6 • I n t e r n a t i o n a l Airporjf .yj i rn

."Pflrka L-18E9 , ~ Cullf S t a t e of Park Oorasn 2-1149 1 lensg oenehss N-Santa Monloo-OO yrn fni? ^ • r r ^urjiJ^ses

I lurk Cor,!rilaalon-ad of L-1350 lo.-,i:j'J XotiJ froi;) i;tiito ti-lO-iO i On,rifoi'nin for D;jrk-^,, . . ,—-.

Parking i - l ^ S J 7

h^%o^.tVl\t,^^All St i-35888 ' fl *: ^ OorTi

• Parking L-1232 • Ci ty Park Oarawe Ino 'j-22-OO

laase-uO yr-i 'ershiiits Suua nu*^3i.irf?.c'; spnc©

Purklng Airi iort Plastic Process Co lnn.i=n

Perking " yr lease

. uare »-:^1519


Ii-1252 9-30-52 P-54743

L-1316 P-76157

an Nuys Prop Owners Parking N Assoc inc

Parking _ ^ L-1320

Ho L^s Amelos-Market 12-16-58'--1 yr-Evont Pnrklni' if-ff 'Un ::anagement •--• f/i

"tJi^'y^ S Charles Lee et al F-78734

Parking Dist #107 Tract 5822 Hyman Oetzoff, et al

9-27-60 F-7S734

Parking Space L-1272

Temple Street , 7-21-54 x

...5l'cS5S?r,2^-i /W,:leAse _ , .Parkins Space i.-1346

Lease 5 y r s 111-60 f s o - n r Ci ty Hosp i ta l i,||=,.j,25

iPeuley Edv.ln ' O i l fc Gas Lease

L-U1.6 , 11-1-43-F-9825 Modified re Hyperion

Sludge Plant-att to lease 10-29-51 guitcialm Deed 8-28-52 froia Kdwln W fc htroid R Pauley-ettached to lease

to .-, ,';n

Pearlman Max E L-1016 Asreoment to quitclaim at L expiration of lease ^

(Poric nouolla D Loaoo otio

L-1236 1-1-51 F-47891 l nnum






Page 13: -..n Van Nuys Alrnopt lea^e premises F-9/^2ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326880163_12102012.pdf · ord amend assignmt " 0-88493 , nnw laasa No ll.iiA-flla S.nflfl . . ' Airport



", 15?'


Porshlng square L-1143 77.Z.I ^ - lease bldg U 3 0 by T.'ar 10-31-44 i—*

Council -3 5350 Month- fila 18368

Pershing Square City Park Garage Inc

L-1232 9-22-50

leQse-50 y r - subsur face apace •TuSllc auto narycln.'T 3t9tlo,'i


i'etroleum Tran?p Co L-985 Parcels A B C D Los Angeles Co

Phillips Leslie & Bessie L-1037 Parcel land Harbor City Use The Humane Commission

Ploo Blvd Harrv Paokham to, I saso 10 vtB-Roo ft P i rk lieri-t

L-1281 P-37585

Plan Comsn Lease premises 14541 Sylvan St f r ADier Leg 1 nn f n r . w

Plan Comsn American Legion Ltd Post #193-le8se-prop l l U l Svlvan-7-1-53-

Plastlo Process Co Lease-premises parking purposes Airport

playground Dept agreement .rospission^loaso^

L-1233 2-16-51' F-46756'

1oRn_ Rl


?-4^7?6 to 7-1-54 L-1252

y Albert v/oy-iands Venice Csllfornla

30 Avenua

I/.703 , 10-88-'.,

Police Dept L-1235 Lease-3 yr3-225 Santa I.lonloa Blvd-radio relay station Day Cities Corp

Police Dept , L-1243 Lease-1 yr-f50 per mo 12-11-51-Hlghland Park Olst - P-50395

, . carklnc l o t - . L-1250 7-16-52 F-12620

e t a l - l e a s e L-1299

' p o l i c e Dept 11242 Ciiandler Blvd N Hollywood

, Pa l nh 1 Klomo

Pol loe Dept Lease-100 ' _ _ _ S-Jackson-pol ice oarsF-(W54-So Pac i f i c Co _ _ "7-7

° ° J J = ? P 2 " 5 S ^•:f^-^^9 loaSe-321 .Tpckso.n St F-."?i'-i657

Centra l 1-23-57

Pol ice Sub S t a t i o n L-973 Chandler Blvd U242-NO Hollywd Klump •I'/m t Maggie


p o l i c e Subs t a t ion c 11242 Chandler Blvd

__. by Vftn & 1,'aggle Klusift, P o l i c e Sub-Sta t ion

7,240 HemmgtAve-Cangga

L-1096 8-1-48

Pk-lease George L l-nftS

L-1231 9-15-55 •

P"f-g2732 N progress St at Macy lease to United states . ,, .. , American-terminate 6-30-47-fllel3678"

L-1138 6-14-44_.i, "lie"


Purdue„Ave^l62Q L A County of lease WLA 5-1-53 to "m-M 11 t-''^


Ramsey '.'/ R & W S l - l l O l o i l fc cas by W fc P 18-15-48 1350. a c r e s nancho. Ei-KlS,Al.i?n Rancho b r i i l s i t e •L-1349,

S igna l Oil fcOas "/-yMrJf : l e a s e ' - ^ '3-'°

Rancho Park ' li-i^JlO Lease for d r i U i n g 5-29-57 o U - S i v n a l Oi l Co and F-8009«

• h lc . i f l e ld o l i C o n

\ r

Rancho Los Pa los Verdes L-1329 7 7 J \ Oloiicr o n Co 9-27-59 r-* l e a s e o i l F-927n6

• Rebecca Blvd-7043 L-1289 Ben Cohn e t a l 7-3-56 Ci ty C l e r k - l e a s e F-74773

'Rooe lv ing Mosoltal , l"^fi^ln rJSS^nl y s - s u t p narking. 9-30-48 1407 De tons St-SamualTC Lebus

. i i ^ n ^ O O

Receiving Hosp i t a l i - l i 4 5 , , tSSSe-ilipnth-month , 12=26^51,. .'Martin e t a l

[ Ree & Park Dept L-1881 Harry Paokham to lease P-37585 • 10 yr3-10460 '// Pico

:"Rec fc farks Dept L-1227 • Agrmnt witn co jiouo re 8-9-49

animal center Griffith r-38762 Park - emended 6-U-55

' Rec & Park Comsn 1-1229 • Leasa-SQ years beaches 2-11-49 1 , north of Santa ronloa for

r-,r'.: —jrTosas Rec Sc.Harks Coi:isn L-l<y6 50-yr Toase portion Lot 9-i7-56 "P" in .-.xpbsltn i>t rk l''-64202 for Sports i-.rena,

-ne.<i;ents-Unlv of Calif'-"-.., Use of Lab Bldg-virus research by, Hlth Dept-See Contract "20405

F.ehab1,lltation Center drill lng i'r-r 3 'iTin'',-',! C r t . f r . C

Hemmet Ave 7240 George L Smith 1-yr-lease store-room

•[,-\'>27. l_2o_5o T»_i;n^i^l

tm.1 P-10425

Remmet Avenuo 7240 -- „ Geo L Smith et al l-yr-lease store-room

Remmet Ave Alley S-Sherman "ay LA C of C-lease lot

Re leasS-2 yrs -3 ?75 per mo for Police Sub " George L Sralth for Police Suh-Statlon F-62732 tl

L-1838 7-1-51 F-10485


Reseda Blvd 7134 Bur of Eng Dorothy H Luthe



Reseda Blvd 7137 1-1330 I Pol Dept-W-Valley Sta 3-3-60 ^ I Hprold yj.nther et r l ^ l f t f ^ j f i - t , ""'

Residential Land Corp L-984 I Five parcels Beach Frontage •- I

Richfield o n Corp L-1310 Oi'l .-t Gas lease for 5-29-57 driUing in Rancho F-3009g _PErk Ritchie Mildred' C L'-1268 ' Lease 11550 Santa Monico Blvd 1-20-60 Successor to Rotort M Jackson

Rosenberger Maynard fc , L-964 Rosalle-14737 Oxnard Et for use as a Humane Aniraal E.helter

L-lu;4 Rosenberger Maynard 14737 Oxnard Et use as Humane Animal- Shelter

Ru bblsh Deposit 12435 iiopez Canyon R u s s e l l Moe c t a l

•tW49 -F-92520 N

Page 14: -..n Van Nuys Alrnopt lea^e premises F-9/^2ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326880163_12102012.pdf · ord amend assignmt " 0-88493 , nnw laasa No ll.iiA-flla S.nflfl . . ' Airport

' ' • • ' ' ( ,

E u; li'Corj) , L - i ; i 4 /7/- . , aeaGc to i-iiiit -pace .'t-.-,-49 i^i:^ fur pariiiiig-.^iun Oourts K-j'-.'OcJS •il5 l<aii oi, u d;:0 Cecel ia o t ^ . .ii..e'.ia.;jeiit .t i:]>:LwriaiOii fur .±1 y r s -iiee Cui'itracl i9^o2 (r-3o604)

S a l t Lake Rhy Co L-1284 Lease-prop-Figueroa 12-22-55 St a t York Blvd-Pasadena Aye

San Fornando Valloy , L-,1173 l.:azle C Col l ins l e a s e 11-28-45 ',',',?ter v.iell s i t e f i l e 17790

Son Fernando Val ley /jina J '••'/ilkins l ease wnter i"ell a i t e


I i •„•


San Fernando Valley

of Airport Corasnrs

L-1174 12-1-45

file 16848' L-1287


Sen Pedro . l-il37 lease app P B Rwy Co 8-23-44 10 yr term eomfort station fllel4eoaf

Ean rciiri-i L-i:i39 U - l / , - 5 1 F-/,20:7


I i oanc - i yr i i -u i 'Mcu

Dl rci i i 'o ,

fi:'V">'wsIv$' i.(;"S'P 1,1 kv.6-Ai Loiili: E V.'Lilucl' Oli u l n Pedro City of L-1260

[rssSng^^,""", Mm ,ease-6tn floorr5 yrs-Oct I

floorr5 vrs •San Pedro City Hall

£ga§|l§8!t 5H° F ° i M k •-onnta lionioa.-^^S L-1235 'Day Cities Corp-laase-3yr3 radio relay stutlon-Polico

• Est 3 yrs 8-16-55 F-47514-530Jl

ouiiba r-,onioai north J i--j,ccw £^i^»§j^5f Per^uORmen 2-11-49 So5yPiPfoP«Sa?k^y8gg85l"" Santa I'onlca Blvd ' ' L-1129 lease from cole Istates 6-23-44 3 yrs-use Engineer Dapt Draft ROOm

Santa Monica Blyd-11550 L-1223 .


kuL L-1259


Santa Lonica Blvd S223-6223£- Ens Bur lease 2 yrs OlJbprt ''orjar. at al_

Santa Monica Blvd 6223-62275 - lease ".yrs- fiiibert Nina et al- City ling

Santa Monica Blvd-11550 L-1268 Eng Bur-lease , 6-3-54 5400 per mo-Kobt Jackson etal F-37357

Santa Monica blvd 6223 L-13'34 Klna Morgan 7-2-57 . Eng Bur-tease F-73653

San Vicente Blvd L-1090 r/w crossings at Moreno 9-4-42 Avo-Bundy Dr-Burllngame A ve eto Pacific Electrlo Co rile 9111 Termination of Lease 1090 a.ttaohed__to Lease 13/38/45

San Vicente Blyd L-U82' Longwood AvB-Tromaine Ave 5-1-46 Vi'oodbury College lease City

__Laad_.—.—. . fi ifi_.iia2a_ i c e n t e Blyd„,. , 1.-128 fpn on 6th St fc H-4=5

o the r l o c a t i o n s • F-473 ' c Prry Co - c r o s s i n g s r^'w


Scandinavian Airlines lease premises ziino T.A InternAtl Airnort P-94962 mtnce f a c i l i t i e s '

1 Schaub Nina L-1304''V/?-. ' —•. 6223-'8227i Santa Monica 8-10-61 %f

Engineer Branch Office F-73653,, -,.

• SciiiriU Investi;ient Co L-1155 B Rental lease 2001 £ 1st 7-:'8-45 >-, I fur Health Clinic • F-13216 'X Notice exteno to 9-1-50 12-16-47

Extenu to S-il-Si - att to lease Extpnd to 8-31-53 att to lease

333^ te of DeptJ

month to month

L-1230 3-31-50

lur of Sng)

Seidenverg Harry & Gladys-Ssslgnlfient of

L-1232 , . . „ .^ 3-9-56 l e a s e frm Hniiv Cnne^t c n - n i Co-114i2 Co l l in s St ex tens ion l ea se -9 -25-57 ex len:;! on

.-:i ; i t - v - i i - - j i j

I Soldonvorc Hnrry ot Al L-1282 •Lonso-l l /12^Coll lno e t7-21-59 •

tJhiiW Frank L L-1U05 • Uao uiirtajii projuirty ns ' playground

Ehi:iU o n Coiiiminy L-ySj F.xoluMlvu r l c h t mkt l^lioU OU ' 1 I'rod :it L A Munioip/il Airpor t

• ' S h e l l o i l (Jo L-y89 • Arawnded Agreement to mkt Ehel l ; Frod a t L A .•Jun Airpor t

['Shell ' o n Co L-1008 Exclusive r l g h f mkt Ehel l Oil : prod .L A Mun Airpor t

~ Ehel l -OU Co L- io;6 • Exclus r i g h t mkt Ehel l OU prodi.,

L A Uun Airpor t

Ehel l o n Co L-1040 Eclus r i g h t mkt Ehel l Oil Co prod L A ilun Airpor t -

' She l l Oil Co • ' ' ' " L-IO67" e s l u s i v e r i g h t s e l l ges fc o i l '--products LA uiu i lo ipa l Ai rpor t

: Shell Oil Co"" ^"7"" ~L-l07'r parcel of land at L A "~ ;.. •..irport for service station

Shell o n CO L-1098 • -' Lease at L A Airport 11-18-48 ^ _ 1 ^aar sal o petroleum products

Shell o n CO L-U.'21-' ,_ lease salo oil productsl2-l-43 L ^

1. A Airport for duration ,„,^. • rj-i-Q IU0..U

Sherman V/ay 81416 L-U33 . lease 2 yrs Police 8-29-44 ^ substa- Homer B Davls-flie 10425 ^

Senulveda Blvd fc Pxnositlon Blvd



Slewar t Reuben 0 e t a l L-1187 l.iQGO storeroom a t 21416 46 l-x Shermen V/y for Pol loe Subs ta t ion

|'Slinairori~ifc Oas Co 'L - I J IO OU M Gao l e a s e for 5-29-57 d r i l l i n g In Hancho F-80098 \ «

_park ^ _;_ ^ Signal o n & Gas L-134'?

i-ease-Hancho D r l U s l t e l 2 - 2 8 - 6 0 x ( F-9 73 58 N '

• -

i Simon Wn H fc Mike Lyman L - l l f i S ' opera te oonoessiona a t 11-20-46-..

^ Ai rpor t f l l a 82676

[ s ix th D i s t r i c t Agr i cu l t u r a l L-1091 - A s s o o . a Jtor of Ca l i f . 7-30-42'--

Exposl t lon Bldg.

([• • I'i


I'.'': ft - -' f. •• r- • •

k- -'k'





y ! : . • '

t . .



tya-f-y ' ^ T

I-: ' • : . ' • ' ' ' '

y y. y &. '

f i







Page 15: -..n Van Nuys Alrnopt lea^e premises F-9/^2ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326880163_12102012.pdf · ord amend assignmt " 0-88493 , nnw laasa No ll.iiA-flla S.nflfl . . ' Airport



6223n6227i Santa Monica Engineer Branch Office Nlna Schaub

Skyvaya of Calif Ino lease promises Van Nuys Alroort

L-1304 'X'-i 8-10-61 w J F-73653

1.-1337 " 5-25-60 P-95938

'SI Slosson 0 M L-1246 ' Pacific Coast Hlway 12-27-51

- fc Hyatt Ave Oil Lea3|! ,5^38


Smith Oeorge L 1-yr-lease store-room 7240 Remmet Ave

Smith oeo L et al 1-yr-lease store-room


L-1810 2-88-48. P-10485

L-183e 7-1-51 F-10485

Smith George„L ' L-1281 Lease Pol Sub-Station 9-15-55 -7240 Remmet Ave-Canoga Pk 2yrs-7-l-55 >d 575 per mp_5273a

sohus a 0 L-975 Rental Port Lot "A" Tract 49^^ ' for service station fc garage

Sohus a 0 L-999 Por Lot^ "A"-Tr 49Zi for Servloe Station i Garage

Eohus 1! 0 L-lOOl Assignment to Lloyd E Fickes EE cor N Bwy & Mission'Rd

So Pacific Co L-1299 Police Dept-lease l-23-57_, 100" W-Central ^ - ^ ^ ^ S-Jackson-police cars 7-;3'frf

So Pec Conneny LTI??/. T,ef!se-321 Jackson St ?-in-59 , Police Dept P-8''-.657

^°X.^^SI|l-Mig°P*ers IncL-1287

X??!SSC -Hangar-Van Nuy|;^-59^

Space Teclinology L A Airport-lease

sparks fc rundo Sng Co L-U35 - lease olt" land Vernon 4-10-44

for sravel pit -flla 17C05

Sports Arena L-1296 50-yr lease portion Lot 9-27-56 "?" in ijxposition Pk- l-'-64202 L t. ,.;ei:Joriai Coiiseuiu

Stahl John M 1-1815 - Vonthly lease . ,-»_ , Fashion League Bldg (Sng)

Standard O U Co L-980 Exclusivo right to mkt Etd Oil Prod at L A Mun Airport

Standard Olf Co L-990 Sun.set iilvd i H Spring-use as bprvlce station etc

Etuiidard O U Co L-lo6i Exclu."; right mkt Etd Oil prod L A lilun Airport

standard Oil Co L-1031 Right to mkt Etd O U prod L A Mun Airport

Standard Oil Co L-1036 Exclus right mkt Etd Oil gas & oil prod L A Mun Airport

Standard Oil Co L-IO4I Exclus right mkt Std Oil Gas fc Oil Prod L A Mun Airport

Standard Oil Co L-1058 Lots 1 i 4 Block 20-Lone Pine Inyo Co


Standard Oil Co L-1063 7 ^ • Exclus Right s o l i Etd Cias fc O i l " '

I'rod L A Mun Airpor t

' Standard Oil Co ef Cal i f L-IOOB ° SxolualTo r i g h t t o s e l l , 10-14-4S

Standard Produota Airport

3tnndQrJ OH Co • L-UIQ l ea se s a l a o i l products 12-1-43 L .'. Airpor t for d u r a t l g g ^ g l l e

St«ndard,.Oil Co -yvenhuxst Aye

s t anda rds Bur of L-1163 l e a s e equipmt o a l i b r a t ' n - 6 - 3 0 - 4 5 T r l p l e t t t Barton I n o - f U e 20094

25 ^14 • " " -•torer.oom

iSOo oer rao 'UatoSa to l eaae P-SO'/og

St Mtnoe Yd L-1308„ 328 V; Sth St-San E-22-57 Pedro-Lo'jls S 1,'ilder gtgQ^jj

Strong Frank R Inc L-966 l l i '1'/ N-inth St -garage purposes Lot 8 31 1 Beaudry Tract

Sugaman J J Co see S fc H CORP

Sunset fc Bronson (Health) 1-1204 Monthly l e a s e - o f f l e a s lC-22-47 -., n -n -J F-30261

l i

iVarnar Bros P i c t u r e s

I Sunsat Blvd 4614 C h U d r e n ' i Hosp i t a l Soo

' S u p e r v i s o r s Bd of Lease-2 y r s - space

Superv isors Bd of - Lease-2 y r s - soace

|??5i^:og"y ' '^" Supervisors Bd of

Lease-2 yrs-space Van Nuys City Hall

_—A7.07A.on Sylvan St 14428

Van Nuys City Hall

kMl L-1239 i i - u - 5 1 F-42027

L-,1240 11-14-51 P-42027

L-i241 11-14-51 F-42027

^ ^ 5 ° " ^ % ^ ' " ' '

L-1266 1-1-54 P-42027

per mo

^Sylvan S t r e e t " L-1233 _, #14541-Lea3e premises 2-16-51

f r Amer Legion for c i t y F-46756 _ Plan Comsn v;kly mtgs 1950-51 "sylvan St-14541 L-I26I

Amer Legion-Post 193 9-21-53 ' Lease prop 7-1-53 F-46756 Ext to 7-1-54-^40 per mo Ext to 7 - l - 5 5 - t 4 0 per rao

Ext l e a s e 7-1-55 to 6-30-56 a t t to l e a s e 6-15-55 Ext l e a s e 7-1-56 to 6-30-57

6 - r 5 - ' 6 Temple S t r e e t L-1272 ._

bet Orand-HlU 7-21-54 f ark ing space

A County of

10th St a t C a b r i U o L-U57 ..- l e a s e o l t y p roper ty t o - 5-21-43 --

V S fi. - f l l e 19575

l e a s e r e s t o r a abova prop L-1165 ,-• former condi t ion by U 3 A-8-18-45 •

f i l o 19575


I Texas Company,(The) L-9S1 Exclusive right-sell Texaco gas I i oil prod at L A i;un Airport

L' L

Page 16: -..n Van Nuys Alrnopt lea^e premises F-9/^2ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326880163_12102012.pdf · ord amend assignmt " 0-88493 , nnw laasa No ll.iiA-flla S.nflfl . . ' Airport

Texo;j Co (The) L-1003 77i: r ™ Exclus right Efell Texaco gas & •

oil L A Mun Airport •

Texas Co (The) L-10i7 Exclus right sell Texaco Gas fc •-Oil L A Man Airport

Texas Co (The) L-1039 Exclus right sell Texaco Gas & : Oil prod L A Mun Airport ;

Texas Co (The) L-1059 Exclus night Eell Texaco Gas & • nil Pro L A -ibxTi Airport

— , .• •

Texas Co., The I.-1093 to sell Texaoo Oil Pro- 10-14-42 duets L.A. Alfiport , I Texas company . L-l120 lease 3a2o oil .oroductsl£-l-43 T, A Airnort for iiiirntlnn-f 1 le I

3rd Street-106 L-1254

1 - ^


leE'fee-5°yrsi-'f3,427.2g J i s f e i ? ;,-er ac-AbrahSa'P Zajdman •"*"•'

3rd St 106 Cotton Excg Bldg



333 V/ 2nd Inc \ l m l l . iitgSa Bldg (Eng) Wk-

Tide Lands S!SJ?is!5«! :-iEi§' to tS6-l8 l e a s e

Tidelands - L-1307 Lick Pier 8-9—57 Pac Ocean Pk Ino-lease 25 yrs

Ticev. ater Assoc Oii, Co L-982 Sale of petroleum products at L A Municipal Airport

Tidewater As.ioc Oil Co •L-IOO4 Sale Pet Prod L A Hun Airport

Tice-.vater Assoc O U Co L-10i5 Sple pet" prod at L A .-/lun-Airport

Tidev;ater As:i0c Oil Co L-1038 Sale pet prod L A Mun Airport

Title Guarantee & Tr Co •L-977 6k25-bii5i hta. Monica Blvd Br Office Bur Eng Hlywd Dist

Torj-anoe City of L-1236

rr:.?rd - ;;orir.andle 5-1-56 P E Sisc xJ w F-73916

. .pjiC E l e c Rl.-'/ Towne Ave 417

2 yr l e a s e - B l r d l e B Jiaosoj)-Oolden S t a t e ;;Oop-iioalth Contor fixt loaae at t -7- l-BO-0-30-SO Lxt loauo a t t - 7 - 1 - 6 1 - 6 - 3 0 - 5 1



Towne Avonue-417 L-l253 lo(ise-2 yra 10-:i-53 7-1-52 to 6-30-54 F-33377 B i r d i e B haoiion ot ol

Trnnt l?on r-i, ' '! , ' ' Imnrr-nn to rrrn Toln J -T^ -?" .. ,i!-^l.r.Vnn iruvr r>rnr P-7A1,'i7 Omcrs

Trnot 5822 L-1344 Parking Diot 107 9-27-60 : 8 CluirloB Loo o t a l if'-78734 >

Trnct 5822^ _,, L-1245 Parldnc Dis t #107 9-27-60 •, Hymnn Ootaoff e t a l *-78734 S

Trnfi ' lc bomonrs lid of L-1339


'Traffie Court, i ' J ^ l t ^ " ^ 1 S fc Corp l i j a se , . r an ta l FlSgnns "^l"

space-parking-l iun Courts *,f*'"rX PIS Ifall 3 t S S20-S50 Cocolla St .,

; Transcont ln ' jn ta l fc -.•/ostorn L-920 [• ' . ' l ir Service l ea se wlt-n Ai rpor t -I

Dlueprlnt .s in Lansa f l J e _ ,]'

., Transcont fc Vest Air' Inc L-1U3 : [•' f H o U i t i e s & Hangar 7-14-43 L A Airpor t i-7l5T /„,end:.it a;:t-1-2b-5E 94^0 Landing fees

I Transcont & V/estern Air L-116e supl l ease -hangar space 11-28-45: LA Airport-Ord 89773 - f i l e 20967

I T r l p l e t t fc Bar ton, Ino L-1163 l a a s e equipiiiant Bur- 6-30-45

S t a n d a r d s - c a l i b r a t e 4 o - f i l e 80094 " 2 6 t h St-2642 E L-U79

City l ease land t b 5-16-46: (Griffith CoirrpHny t o oons t rup t i n c i n e r a t o r & bu i ld ing e t c see Lease jjfllSO f i l e 20960

'86th St-2642 E " L-ii'79~& 1180 amendments a t t a ched t o L-1179 pe r Ord i '90809-8/16/46

f i l e 20960 26th St-2642 E L-1180

G r i f f i t h Co l e a s e t o Ci ty 5-16-46 land - i n c i n e r a t o r and b u i l d i n g eto^ fo r per iod of 10 years see Lease #1179

2r,3rd S'creel; & ilor.-Tiandie ac ross P B r / r Pac Elec Rwy

f i l e 20960

L-1286 5-1-56 K-73916

L-118e Jd 6-14-44 'or Armed

i U S 0 Board contraot with Library

ai?^iSi'?'o§Sfi-*ifS?98. u s 0 LOS Angeles area L-1143 l ea se bldg pershlng 34uar l0-31-44 '-~., '//ar Council a iJ350 month ly- f l io l8368

' Union Bonk fc Trust Co t - 1 0 3 2 -Lease a33ip;nmt Cal i f L-1043 f l y o r s inc a t t to 12-10-40

• Union OU Co L-1050 Exclusive r i g h t s e l l Unioii Gas fc _0J.l Prod L A Uun Airport

: Union Oil Co L-105'2"'"' Lots 6 fc 7 dl 21 Town of Lone ' Pino Inyo Co

~ "1-1064^ ' Union o n Co Exclu.'i l.ijjht i iel l Union Cos OU Prod L A Mun Airpor t

Onion Oil Co of Oal l f . I.-1094 to a e l l Union Oil Produot«10>14-«S : Loa Angela* a i r p o r t

•Union 0H CO , , l ' -3 ' ' ' }3 ' lanoo n.'i,lo,oll prci(Uicts.i2-l-4.i '

,1. A Airpor t for i lurntlon fl.loTf>nng I Union Pao Hli Co ~ L [ 1 I 0 ] 7

prop tomp ptorugc mat .'.; oijulp u officiiii-l.iiwri'nco fc Lemon Eto

Union Paci f ic RR Co L-1030 I'lid Way Cypronp Avo /.vu 33 to Flguorou i;t

Union Paolflo R R Oo j!8Sr%SlieJi:«e^^g;|.4

fiie 2227

L-IOSS 17-48


0„ .•


Page 17: -..n Van Nuys Alrnopt lea^e premises F-9/^2ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326880163_12102012.pdf · ord amend assignmt " 0-88493 , nnw laasa No ll.iiA-flla S.nflfl . . ' Airport

• $ '


Union Pac i f i c RR Co L-1066 7 7 f t Cypress Ave Figueroa St t o ' r- " Ave 33-Agreerant for ped way

Union Fac H H.Co(r ider) .L-1036-l ea so extended 5 -31- '50- 4-21-45 ' use sldav/alk Cypress^Arroyo Seco-

Unlon P,:5C Rwy'Eupl Agrm't>L-1065

§fiPIIXVIilo-»ei^54?55^ Onion P a c i f i e Rwy Co L-1066

walkway over r a i l r o a d 5-3-55 extension-5-31-1960 F-5022r

United Air Lines Transp , f a c i l i t i e s & Hangar

L A Al-rnort. A:nc:ndrro att;-.'=i-a',J-5S Landing f e e s

L-1115 • .7-14-43 •o-'jnc'j


. United Airlines Ine 1^1169 -' supl lease-hangar spqea 11-88-45

L», Alrport-Ord «9774 - file 80967

United Airlines Ino L-1306 Lease-site 8-6-57 International Alrpoi;t„. .„_

United Cigar Stores Ino L-979 101 H Broadway-storeroom -j

U S Govt-Lept of L-1047 ^ " ^ — Coi.uuerce-Ulv /.er i d-iiin L i: '

••lun Airport-fim luO .'.ilnln iilcg (File 414^')

Also lease for X i i . T y i acres at airport for ri^olLlit •iei-i.il:ial for Ar;.iy (i-lle 3977)

!University of Calif Use of Lab Bldg for virus work-Health Dept - See Contract 20405

•! 'Vaiantlno Pedro i-1181 ,. 1 yr lease Lake st & 5-1-46 i

Penmar ave lot 4 file-23601 [ Vanalden Ave L-12'44

.Nly Kittridge Et-lease 12-13-51-for dump purposes from F-50399 Leonila Angulo

•[" Van Nuys J'7-'-?' ri~ Bd of Supervisors •Ul-14-5d , lease-2 yrs-space P-42027 Citv Hall-t7.976.00

, Van Nuys L-1247 14423 Sylvan Ave 1-1-52 LA Co-,Lea-se F-42027 #1 , munolpal Court-$.345.63 per mo

• Van Huys Airport L-ISS? . Southifest Helicopters 6-9-59 cover hangar site-amen^m); ,,_ ',

'•; Van Nuys Airport L-1332 Loclcheed Aircraft F-94637


• D.S. of America L-1085 • THrecUon Fire Sta, 12-24-41 gpounds._Veteran;3 Adm.j,facility

. United States of America 1-1087 - Airport Traffic Control 6-29-48 ""--Tower_,jfHa 10319 isup.lease.attaflh

L-1097 10-14-42 „

un i tod s t a t e s ,-• l e a se land a t

,.\r:erlca' Irport

for army facilities attach to new lease deleting 3 parcels No 1117

file 15829 1-1-43 extend lease 90 da amend L-1165

Lease UI_7- file 15829

Unitad States Amerioa L-1103 y laaae from City for 2-1-42 '--.,

billeting troops fco-Ma,oy_at; Froccreas

United states • L - I U O '-lease space 4th floor 8-4-43 u,

Airnort Adm Hld«-fllo 15292

U S A L-1106/ L-1126 ---' sup lease 1350 H V/Ucoi -6-14-43 -.,

for War Duration - flle 14644


Van Nuys M r p o r t Inc Skyvays of Calif lease oremlses

L-1337 5-25-60 F-g,S938

Van Nuys Airport L-1338 A-F Helico.Dters Ino5-25-60 lease prerlses F-944,?2

Van Nuys EivQ-135l6-i/2 in Ptcoi;na- C i v U lief ;.umin HdqrLrs 3 years-

_..i'.abic 11 ouchanan . Van Muys City Hall

vin St-leese MoConnell et al fclnton Vl' U

L-i302-' 2-1-57 '•. -F-78257

L-1242 •^

United states

1.167 acres a releasing to

land on .' i'X IS -

L-1127 , 3 - 2 8 - 4 4 ^

'^l!f.?Se_1582^ ,' Unitad States America L-1132

—-' lease Progress at yacy 3t 6-14-44 !-to tnrriln^tn 6-30-i7-'l]e 13678

United States America L-1150 ^ renew lease Veterans - 12-15-45 L

United States America L - U 5 7 - lease olty property 5-21-43 ',.

10th at Cabrillo(SP) file 19575 restore above prop 1-13 65,

fornar condltiOn-fila 19575

U S A L-1159 lease approx 9-1/8 acres 6-24-4*^^ land Venice Distrlct-fUel9731

Van Nuys City Hall 14423 Sylvan St

L-1266 1-1-54 F-42027

United Statas of America L-1160 lease approx 220 aores 5-24-45,: nly fc wly El Segundo known as LA Hyperion Soraening Plant

f i l e 19835

• van l/uys iJunlolpal Bldg 1,-1070 ^ a l t e r a t i o n s in 2nd f l oo r

Los Angeles Oounty

: Van liuys Prop 'o-wners 1.^312 ' Lease-mo to mo lOts Z-iy-5o

y 8-13- 'fr 2l'J0 '-76i57

I Van Nuys Prop Owners L - 1 3 1 6 „ Parking Assoc Inc P-76157 5-yr lease

: vonioe-Callfornla L-703 --' agreement rescission leaseio-88-42-

P Albert_wey-playgrpund_landa 3p_ Are

Venice L-1159 lease approz 9-1/8 acres 6-24-4k "^

,,_-Unltsd-t!tiites,.America-file. 19.731 [ Venice L-1283

y at Thurman 12-9-55 v crossings F-47160

• ;_ .P.ac_Elec_Kli[y_CQ 472A8__ [ Venice Area . L-1280


U S A Corps of Engrs guided m i s s i l e e n t l -a l r c r a f t - l n s t e l l

L-1275 ?-2-55 X P-67232 \

g^||nLir|2$-l§ iS"° f:i7ie6 Vanioo-17th Avonuo ^il^ StKnioy^ialot P-§6i Ext mo-to-mo basis 2-15-55




Ventura Oil Co Lease-Lots 5 fc 6 Abila Tr et al

Ventura Oil Co Lease-Lots 7 fc 8

L-1290 7-19-56 \ F-74540_ •'?i

L-1291 7-19-56 N

Chavez Ravine-Ablla TrF-74540 • «


Page 18: -..n Van Nuys Alrnopt lea^e premises F-9/^2ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326880163_12102012.pdf · ord amend assignmt " 0-88493 , nnw laasa No ll.iiA-flla S.nflfl . . ' Airport

Vermont-Glauson Bus Assoc

_-1313 10-2i58 *fc

Vehicle Park ins Dis t Ijl2jgj22#2 '

i VeK'.ont-Slauson L-1318 Yer. :oni-Slausoa. Bus,,, „ i0 -21-58 • Assoc 7.-.ricing D i s t ^rlO^_^^^^^j^^

Veterans Adminis t ra t ion L -U50 renew l ea se f i r e s t a t l o n l 2 - 1 5 - 4 4 -

to l - l - 4 8 - f i l 6 7 5 3 2

' Veteran Ave. fc " i l s h l r e L-1085 ' B l v d . Srpc t lon F i r e Sta 12-24-41 -;

grounds Vet. Adm. U.S. of America

WLA Ci ty Hal l l e a s e p o r t by Bd Libra ry



Walgrove Avenue & Venice Blvd Pub Wks Dept-Bur Eng

Wall Street 815

for parkffigifil 'gl^ciS??




f:§9g§5 Vi'alt'o ;,uto Pks fc Garages L-1013

NE cor First fc Hill Ets nuto par^: service station eto

V.'nr counci l L-1143 lofioo bldg Porohln.r • 10-31-44 '

,qniiiire tn II n o-rt 43B0 mn-f,1,1n]n,'lflfl

'.'.-nrd John S h i r l e y jlgjao?? .o.^yerlng d r i l l Inf QS-

oil HyparloS.Tra m'' • timz'i. .t Plant prop^

Ward John S h i r l e y ' L-1116 ~ l ea se covering d r i l l i n g 9-27-51,^ oU-Hyperlon P lan t F-9325 ^ ' amendment-12-19-51 to l e a s e

v,'atar fc Power Dapt L-1088 o l t y of L.A, fc Inyo County-1-48 25 yrs land In Oak Creek

Water V/oU S i t e s -San Fernando Val ley

Col l ins Mazia C-Tr 4878 L - U 4 1 Dingier J B 9500 L-U49 Horwath H L 1000 I.-1148 Jansen Henry L 8929 L - l l S l

, McGuire Louise M 18426 L-1152 Wilkins Anna J 7274 L-1153 •;

f i l e a 17790-18848

V/ater V/oll S i t e Mazie C Col l ins S?,n Pemondn Vpiie-u-

1-1173 lease in 11-20-43-^

.file .17790 V/ator'V/all S i t e 1-1174 7

/inna J '.'I'ilklns l ea se 12-1-45 Rpn Pemando VpHey flle..l.8.8_48

L-972 St i Broo'itlyn Ave L,,

'Aatnlck Jack SE Cor S ta t e use as a gasol ine s e r v i c e s t a t i o n

V/est Coast /a i rc raf t L-1042 Rental Hangar Unit ^i-L li Mun Airpor t

i 7/estooast A i r c r a f t . 1-1081 suWeesp Jo No American 2-10-42

__lill.°No§lgi"^! ^ ^ . . ' V/est Coast Cessna Sales 'L-1011

fc Service-Rental Hangar sZ L A Mun Airport

,,Viept Coast Cessna Sales L-1024 fc Service-Rental Hangar t'^l L A Mun Airport

I'li'est Los Angeles L-T24O Bd of Supervisors ll-14-5> lease-2 yrs-space P-42027 City Hall-57,315.00

• •



! Western Air Lines Inc facilities & hangar space-L A Airport .•mc:idi:it =tt-3-;;0-58

, Landing fees

file 22277

L-1114 7-14-43

' Western Airlines Ine 1-1170 , supl lease-hangar space 11-28-46-.) IA .Mrrort-Ord 09775 - file 80967 'j

' Western Air Lines Ino L-1300 [ lease-premises 2-1,9-57 '-. I LA Internatl Airport F-77487 <

' Western Alr Lines. L-1334 Lease-promiseo 4-27-60 -• A internatl A-' rnort P-9'-4'i l mtnce facilities - - - •^ 1st Amondmt att-0-l';-C)0

V/estern Union Tol Co L-1189 Loooe opaoo bldgs A 11-20-40 '-xl fc D munlo airport flle-2507G

' Wootern Union Tol Co 1-1190 loano spaoo bldga C 11-26-46 fc D munic airport file-25673

[ way P Albert 1-703 , agreement resolsslon lease 10-28-4ai-

_Playground Dept land8^30_Avenue

'• Wilcox Avenuo)1350 No| 1-1106-1126 - lease and sup to U S A for war

auratlon-HoUy Boo Ho8plta^jJ^Jo_

! Wilder Louis S et al L-1308 Lease-328 W 8th St 8-22-57 S;-;n Pedro-St Mtnoe YdP-S0555

V/ilkins Anna J 1-1153 lease water wall site 12-1-44 i-.,] Tr 7274-San jfdo_Vall8y-fila 18848

i V/iiklns Anna J • lease water vrall site

San Pemando Valley

_ - Lease 'i'/gtor

1-1174 12-1-45 t

flle_18848 1-1198 ' / / i lk ins , Anna,,J

Le.iaa • ' / g to rTe l l S i t e ;j-",-47 °^=1l!'e=l7?IS ^ '


h •

Page 19: -..n Van Nuys Alrnopt lea^e premises F-9/^2ens.lacity.org/clk/rmdroot/clkrmdroot326880163_12102012.pdf · ord amend assignmt " 0-88493 , nnw laasa No ll.iiA-flla S.nflfl . . ' Airport


Williams Ed e t ux D-378o5',5:'l - Grant Doed-S tn Forndo 11-2^-5?" ' ' '

Valloy i i l r po r t - l 956 Bond Fd

: '.'/ll?lnra3 Torrls at ux L-11G8

' fe?''8urs°S!?rf!ulie^i'^?q'^^^-^'' • .•.fflflflvlt ntt-U-aO-49


Wilmington 1-1136 l e a s e app P E Ry Co 8-23-44 10 yr term oomfort a t a t l o n fUe l4968

WilmUigton Playground L-1309 ' 'i,'owior, D r i i l i n s , fc a-Z^-^T,,,

Produoijij Co •- 'F-76064#l l e a s e - o i l - g a s

• Vomen Armed Service

mmmWm Librar: JSl


ary and

ry College Leasa.Clty Lapil San vlcante Blv

L-1182 College

3an Vlcante Blvd to Traaalne Ava Ext time 2 yrs 5-1-49 to 4-30-51 att to. contract

, Ext time att-5-."51 t.n A-^O-f^n Youngsto'.-.-n Eteel Prod L-971

Co-Lots 1 to 6 incl & N side of : Lot 7 ul J Lay-Star Tract

Zajdman Abraham P et al L-1254 City Eng Dept ll-i-52

i '8g=r l rFl t -*3 ,427.29- . to '^ '^ '

^Itfre-W&V^Sra St t W ' ' ' ' ' 5 ,y rs -Cot ton tech , F-54927

Zajdman Elke G L-1293 Lease-501-502 Cotton 6-20-56 Hjrchange Bldg F-75394

Zajdman Elke G ''" L-1294-Lease-510-5U-512 Rins S-22-56, Cotton Excg Bldg-106 '^-^^^jj



• " - , «