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r 1 \ ..... \_ i ' I ! ' I ' -. ·- ' ' \ " ' I ' ' ' i " .. , t ; • I W*' e. ... tt£.$3 it Qi . ; ' .• New Mexico as a. State; The Development of Its R«i!sources, and the Elevation Of Its People. WHITE OA.KS, LINCOLN COUNTY, N. M., JANUARY 10, 1884.l NO.5. ---------------------- -----·-- -- -·- ------·- LIVERY CAMP and COUNTY. I "- lilllr: J>:ll'•l' held at I One or two pleasant socinl oc- - Hed C!oud,Jau.l, 1884 • .ASSA YEllS. J E " I - . . :Sligh's, 'M:oJiflny eve. c:m·· nr:1·s week. ' Editor Golden E1·a: -, pAUL MAYER'S Olt, 0 wil•l; thi:•g is the R••rnemht!r tho me<'linl' tlt' the 8trJt'k Oltl man G-au?..-., chinf 1<noli: at CaJ'J'i• 'r!Jet'e is ahVll.\'!; >'OIIHl f<1J' tlHl .,- ,.,-, .. un a- JL nuty lJc; A . , ' .. . ('I · 1 1 1 11:o1 .J,. • It puuehes the , 1 , 10 ;.. ,, n.td it pqaebe• t.be !l'!OCJ.Illort at Roswc.l, •Ill the 21st of zoz,,, was Ill. He !'Ill tied ·1 ' II'IStmn to >cal'. 'I iu•rc m V<· "''-'" AS SAYER l ·ve'"'U sa• a Au:ltho>nmc i ••• atfereutlec. thi<: mnnth. I L()Uill 'Vhite made a btlhlt·e<eu.-. (lf nud within n. of fal_l;' I i Qu thou s;tmplc J•tke's lJill'C 01111·. ,Jirn f;omilint• faec appen.red! Ha·. Alt:oc:k's whidr wa;; starting miles, t1fteen thous.uul lllwep (,:;r;c? AND d f d St "' . I Peacb? Ill our Oil He a·•·pr,J•ts . .f,Jr home without auy lll'i,vm· in parti- lmlll!>),. clestrnring Oil I' r for an ea CIJ e Chase put. in his alJllClll'tl.IICC t\t i ('\'PryU' mg lovt>ly at Lincoln.- We I cular. i time heiug-. i.hoHVill;! 11\J COIII'Io•i':_V I v, or b I J' 1 I · t\n·, the c:un.-euicu<.:e or l'ighti pa··· ttte. 1 1111 wre. Albl'ight, and l<'•·ed I a.ucl White OaksA,·e. ''r S 1 »f othc•J',;., hnr. a .. •ut co\·eriug ,,f i:\ltiU ,• ,10 fut• !, •_m.' <l•'pa.!'h•d t.o_ the r:tilt·oa.lll nlt.Jod h.:tV;J t;,l:e:, :t to :t - .. _ _ 0111' l'llll"·e 1i:n· with th•! W<>•'"' •. 1 tht·t•e .! c>n. Sattn·.r1ay, ·_.wd ou Ins t•etum Willi well ft•t• the_ D··lawa•·e . "' '['I . - 1 . • I 'vurr..: OAK5. , - . 1 1 1•u•e m c: l:trg'! aJ'I! Chemist. Ana,lytica,l White .At•emte. I Y. llo•witt ,·lttl'tiC'cd llmi.Httel ll'lllg Wil-l lnm the wltu .. at V•n·is' nl!l !Jl!leP,:ahove·tcmru. 1 ·' , y rwt pm·w in g a I'<Hil'-t: t" IIH'l'it JJ"lfl1'B UAJ(.S, .NEnr JIBXI_CU. t•(•tn•t in!'<t week. ' jlillve with thH put·- I\L Whiternau, the pion<•et• rHI'rf:hllut, f 1 :io•tHhiJip or gratililde. ·'\Vhut c.:au't I . [l I t . t b I A ll Q I l I f I 1 of the ranch mwtn ()f t.owu. J·s ,•ts lnt!l. .. ,n,_ h• b"e •. IJ,_" b 1 . A••"Y'- .. l.Ut· .,r.e< ""'· r,<uo• rt<:> 0 " "'" 11 ·! m ouut 1 o;ot Ht<', J'nJu t w owm· " " ' etu·e• nutst be (•lJdured.' - :! 51} .. .. awl u.hv:.:..vs clu httu.•l a .. :.- l 11:r 1 \'r II \V C .. t>n. t · l 1 · 1 J.•,.,. :ort.u,c. .Ia-" San .A .. d I'C" ou l . " VlitfG( ,. . . (•e•l & I" " Illig OJ' an lllllllt'IISt: ;<rue ' w uc 1 awl Greeu are work- -- -------- Hewitt awl Clmso• l't>hw:tterlllw Com- oil" clay Ill !It wee'-. will :ll'l'h·c iu a fc¥1" .. l\ 1 ''· w hih!- iu ,{. . the ll.UIIll:tl i'orC<>N•er - K H ' tt>c.l' 1 .,. 111 \V'rttltlc•.. Thb hnn•e_is f<>l' stod.:- man a well t.t•wl.: uf f G . 1 V . I A "0.1:" -o!SON S ... . l I . . . :tru•m" l':tlll iew Jude fol' H>U'l'Y 1111'11 awl mmer·s. and :tn< mnlcs lii'P«ctio!.•· D . *ir .\{i,,c.;lhumh.o :.u•l Reportl!di.li'"ll· Cor- ofth" p 11qt 1 'II b I l I _, ••e1·g•'S, torm•·•·!y of \Vhitc Stllicit<t<\. r . . . . WI c p I:'!IQe( to s IOIV 1'011 :\t'OIIIIu. Pat Garrett sprut )JomL_ty night ill . L d d St 'I 1 the Vl.lnge :1 la.st week. 1 - 8peae<•, Hnwaru and Feast lvery "ln I ee a,o e 'I ' town. H:: !'ll.\'s the C:lttle :ll'e lu;okitw . t E">'P 4 TP (;!» l Ca.tlt. clcJHLI'tc;l 'lao.t. Wl'ek I •. •·· . \\'- Sui,_lri·. wh•> 'I'IS Rl.>cnt. cl' I . ., luve bceu ··J·mmiu•T a lhift from the J •- L 1 - "J 1 1 1 svlcu 11 .y iu the lowm· eountrr, owing ,., for Ius c•tluwtiona.l rh<li'!!C IlL Liueolu. HI e tune WJtlt us of late, lelt ou tc) tlte c•.xcetlt',otl.'tll" fitte ;vJ·IJtct·. u,, bnttorn of a. 70-foot sllafr, ou the Dead- -)Near j)nuui.ul & :\!iller'.;.(- 1 1 f' " , J'J. A.. H 0 II • . 1 , 1 1 . B 1 . on• ay ,,,. ::-oeonn, wltet•nlic w1ll I'C- lode, to c:·1t a utineml-bcal'iuu urot fl'lmt• 1 . 1 , , 1 1 1 . lhal.tlwlndhllls.havegi\'l•u - rw•m ot• .,n,r! mou .. at (•n.•t, Je >:JYi'·;, 11 lrdgc 30 feet west. Wllll'l-: OAI\:S, J';ll<:XICO. o.Jt agniu :utet• an of o;cverai .,.,,, 1 "'lJc•t·e 'I'll'•··· 1 ,._ 1 ,.\ rtiC'.'·ts 111 . 111 · 0 ,.,uo t1·:m e, was raportt·cl, '" , .. •. , , ""exicau veddlar;; are around clar"'· . The of the un t't>J'tllll ate ex every day or t1vo, :t."J<ing two dollm•i! KL L, - N. ·)f. aUII to be boul at . :\U iitncii. H:t ..r nu•l grni.1 uJwny ... ou h:llJ.il ;tuil All with the U. 8. T .. and fur ,ule. o\ ,;ple .• ,IH c.orml i,, eouuoctiuu with Office, at. [.us y. l\f.. pt•omptl} I tile dtaute. 'l'erm• rea;ou:tblc. attmuletl to. Uomplctc o;et of phlts -------- --- ----------- showiUg nll loc:ttiou>; m:ulP.ollll the J>lfOFRSSlON'A f, CARDS. Peeos. Farms for Sale and To Rent. Stock Ranches for sale. Cora·e;;pnmlPncl' snli•-ited with llatl- • ic'!l me:ming STOCK R.A.NCHES, Mines. Lands Wbuo title ean be ha•l witbiu thirty •laY• from clo•.. of WAXTED BY GEO. B. BA1Wl'.:H; ATTORNEY AT LAW, N. )f. D. J. lvt. A. JEWETT, U. S :Mlnm·al Deputr Sm'\'eyor, Mexico uncl .<\ l'izonn. United Stnt.:s Deputy 8m·\·eyor, Luu isiaua. ANn CIVIL ENGlNEEH. Ot\lce .- \VIUTE 0Al'S John Y. Hewitt. -JOHN!.: ATTORNEY -AT-LAW, European and Australian Investors, .A LliUQUE!tQUt:,ol '11;tt'. ED. R. Real Estate & N. M . WIIITE OA.l\.d. N. !\1. BEXUY D. lAND AND GENERAL AGENT. Otlh:n at Las Cl'tiCW!. }'J'(HPpt :tt1NH;OIII hefOJ'(• f he Lrtncl omcc.--C:JI'I't!>lii')U 'It•( I('(' • • A .,_ iicti••(t '1:2- L"..LlD.lD.g ge:n.v. \Vllll'E OAKS, ··r -'1. _, • IJL.tGJOHII'l'll SILUL'- DOERGES' . '3Jacksmith, \Vagon and . Repair IEi'irst-class work of' all kiltds (lone :tt the slw;·test uotici'. OAKS, - --• - N.M -------------------------------- . JiEA 1' DAVIDSON, OFTUE MarKet, ( EA . 'li W POST OFJ!'lCE:) ' ' WRITE OA - p t Beef. llttt•.ol 1 n. ·erytbiug get "'b 11 ' 0 'at•raom on bali kept. in a lirst-clrus s up, .. f; : ' stll Jl!ol A R&llR K\_ ll, ][)( AA B R K J TT'£'1"l'TITT' - A A RKP.K Ktv\ . T ]OI X M AAAA R Jl .. )t' T 1! X Jl ll A K R 'It \ ':: .llll )14 : ; \ T Chris · , . WRITE OAKS \. \IJo:o. T. Bs,H.r ... Jit .. , Hr.t Cn\XIH+tm, ft 11ot·Gff. 'Vbito Oa.k:i, N. !\I. liEo\LL. .\: HOUuii, AUorneJs and CounsaUors f,J Law, Lincoln&. White Oaks, N. M. JJ<iFPrac•ice in :tll tile Conrts iu tl:e Territory. \V. F. TILAXCH.AUO, u.s. MINERAL DEPTY W. C. MeLON .A J.D. U. S. MINERAL DEPUTY SURVEYOR. -:AND:- Nota:ry P1.:t blic \VIUTE OAKS, NEW John A. Helphingstine, L s, """'" y e WHITE OAKS, N. li. -o- JS.Criminal P1·actice a Sl•ecialty. SAMUEL D. LECOllPTI':, Attorney and Advocate, ('uruer of Waslrington &nd Liviugstoa:. Street.•, White Oaks. New l\Iexic<'. Will attend to any law collection lnntl awl tniutng rltejudiein.ry and bar o Kansas, nud citizenH of White Oakii. C Ewncol'AT'l'F.ttSol', NotarY Public. 'VILLIAll WATSON Patterson · & , Watson, -ANI).- BiPUig ·Brokers .. WJII'dl OAltl, \ A SPECIALITY.-Rxnmication of mining .... :.-· \(.,'0. utailllSa!ld titlet to nauual · _. 1' 'k. 3 asi!l!l!lllment doac for uou-re;;l(,cuts. Pat Beef, l(utton or. I ,. . .• nd, Soltctted. &Low - liS C.ASJI· ... :. aee · - . \ w.um o.u;:s,. - Nt.1r I(wu..:co, ; l ' Uapt. 1\mnpt.. n got in !lronrlav ni!!ht.l . 1 1 1 , : n 't . 1 . dier Bttl'J', who hadlv fmzeu fot• t• .. .... OtJd t'oi'clc•."J". \VI'tli 11 , 1 · · - I 10 wit !I :1 l1ig loatl of "trno:k" ft'olll Car- 1 , 11 , •e tl'l"" of tb 1 . 1 . l - wlti!c lost iu lhu uwunt:tius, was pt'e· bu\· l 1 .., , :. 1 • ,, ei e gs cnn: 1 Jf!IUi- .·er,; a t JOSe agures. th't"(' . 1 . 1 . 1 1 · d seutetl to the Itt lt'ort Stan- · · ',.. · t1 u s1g tt lot 1e ere 1111 e•· the I:L1np- Dr. B. F. Smith, of fanH•, has l\1"1·. !•f the Patos lh_.•hl, ., 1111 1 c•tJI'nttra:r· 111 ,. t•• t.llc· t.m, mul plnce for him at •r:ill, llt:COilljl:line•l )[t·. over to Soclli'I'O. , eouu·at:lt!d. for ah ol1l fuuud1·y iu Nt!IV Wu •. Stone heltl't ;\S well. Htt:'l'.\' ll(l tittJ CUIJCell the hoFpital; out a lellf'!l' fi'OIII that lkintl hellJ'ICil outfit that the pt·opuses til tlll'U it into :l trntol'"• 0. P. srncltea· an.l tr'tmt N c\V l\Iexieo orcs on ·C. L. late of Albuquerque, i;: uow I iving in the Jicarillas wir h f:uu Hi·, nwl g·cts En A. :11. plaee. are tuo in Ht!l'lll:lll Br:cl\, fnJ' tlu·eo \'f•:ll'" a. citi- 'l'ltnt k ('o(l \ 1 't ,- t tile sea ba:trd, tu'euuvhwe capit:Ll, bur- l I T , \ 'e ( 011 Sl:ll' 'e lllllll 0 Zl'll of Bonito, Saturday fm• n <le:ath 11 ,. here lw 1 , 111 110 , 1 , \VI :tt dened in the U1·e!:ct>ut City, that mining . ' I . I I · l Ill ,.. " . e, ' e 1 ' I . . t b . I'ISit t<J 11;; at h.J'\VII: .;. Q,, theil· t•eeonl is. · · IS a. l!gltuna e ti!'IIIC$S. ZI!:NO, Sluwilf Poe ngrrin viRite:l wee!:, in connection with his lJtiSIIII!"S in rcceiv('r>hil! of the lltmlesu&ke wlt(H'e he will f•ll' a time enj(•y himself. , 1 . 1 . S · - a.utl thl'n r••tul'H t•·, tho ultl c:uup. 'l'UE w tf'lllllle of wa:,l throngetl an Andres, Jau. 3.188:1. E f II 1 . · on \V ruornirw ou the EtliloJ' E1·a: EA o llifl.. . e ou f·u·lruu·hwof the '.ft>ritOJ-!i·v of New The past week ue!'11 one of uuu:;:- 111 in c. Dr. l\lch·in P111leu, now nt Loni•\•ille.l 'lexJ·cc> ••• L"',. 111 n 1 "' All . 't ... "a. •L 1 •:J· eu-a!"'S:tu 1 • Doe. \Va!TI'II hren fo1· :1 few days Ky .• ha.s h('PII nppoinL(l<} Sm·gwm of j Prns(lcuring -wiuw>s Doc. \\T tll'l'en. in_nap:tcitat(J(l for·.wurk. by stitc:h'' in. tlc(l ht n(•g. N. M. V. :\I. \Ve kuuw Thia actiou lJNHght tntdea· our 11_1; _bad>, got wlule domg smne !.cavy jthnt. ,•,ou:a do:·tnt• t.hc abo•·e peeuliar sp';,eial ><t:lfuto) makes it httmg. allJ•Jght. If _he coulrl nnrl nt a $25 htxtu·y to a mau a Taliat'oltTO !!Ol i•l f••om the II, but Its JUSt now nt·e '"011 of a . " wl . \!. ·t ::o , ICII CII'C.IIII" <liiCeS San la"t 1veek. in <lne time I'UthPr indieate that a 1·emat·k nttered flft,'l' the l•l:Wiug his l'I'<)[ICI'I.Y in good ..;hapc. l . l.h:u·lel' :\lctcalfe h:ts heeu in town gros•ly ol'iusnll.ingly. Thecasct wa;;duiy fo1• a few !no n;o hnppy lt!l if JWnderecl, ancl the jr11T foun<l thntl\Ir·. A little misuu•hm•t:mrling of he hall elai' 11 Hn s:ay;;" he has Allen wa" I!Uiltv as JwlgP kinil i,; mportetl f••nm the Bouito a;; been in P.onit·> City all the time, and Blnudur·cl tulmi listererl :L f1 u·a.ight· lta1•ing betwceu Hilly Rn·t :md unt cle:vl, :ll' we hat! J;UppoRell, rep·••·t- 1·ebuke of $:!5 firm ami' cosb; of Billy D:)I'Se!'· ing- rrl-o that B.•uito c:uup is feeling pl·oseeution, Ol' in det'a.!tll of the same, \Vlmt ir•t;;; ber;otlle of 0. P. Hurt ;.watlily horeful. sixty d:,y,; iupa·isoutueut. ; •Hill tile B!Jnitu e<>ll''f'lltt';ttiu,; work;? \V. S. left ye>'•er,lny f:JJ' The of the Tc•tTit•n·r inf New ew York. li1·. H. is ouc of the old Wt• hope th•T luu·ea't got awar with 0. P. b;wli tln·n·. ( i-. It Young. h:t;; jwl. l'Pc·Pive!l a f•·•·•h ,;upply <>I' Diek (;tl'l :&II till ynur Try It im an.l reu \yill he The C'l'id;:et, iu the U.mht cl impl'o\·iug ·•II !l''!ll:lltiutahec•, aurl lool.;- iul-f well. :Mm·e depth i;; Whttt we Wllltl, ail tla'•Jitgh thts cuuutt·r .fi ple:t'l:tut d:uu:H IV:t-> held ,{, tl,,, re,:;idcuee of !lt· Lntw's nu 'I' om W all:tetl lii'OII ght in e()rnC fill•' euppt.•l' 01'1', c:out:duiug U!Lli\·e., cop- I''' I'. Sn !w:u·ly :ls we eani•·•U'II, it. c:uue fl·um lll!lltl' tltu 1110111 h of N og:ll cat1n11. W 111. us by lettc:·s that he is 11t J.:eu"t•n, A1·izona. fot· two wcckQ. u,, l'<lmrts a. new •trilw about lit'ty milt'> nn!'th of that place. "0l'o runs wuy nv." Ewing; P·.llt!W"On will •·etm·u i•1 Aill'il t'ot· his awl <!hil1heu. The pt·es•·ut sea •.ou_ of the ycat• b too a. time I t•• the I'C'IlHinll to t.he east of their M•·xi.;o q, Di CilM't.·:r, y: :::lanr.lwz ti:uc•·•, ··rrwl '1m;; soine ,_"CHit! rn·nl>PJ'tl·, 1 -lll'>!ltJ-earnr on f(IJ' wnJ·iug pQpPei:t.lly in tlaP Audt'I'S \V,, 1llol ice Bl:tur;hat'd lnH l\louda\• mot·n- uot lt·a.•·n Nl''t, but will iug. Defc•nsc not haviug thnii· ,·euturP to I hat it will hr un «leu·i· pt•c;ent •• was for one nwnt lu _N.,w Mexko. /Jou 1:oyayc. WPPk. An•l the m:tn with nanJe 11u•l Sdtell al'c hailed in Htlu. Tl.e offense c:f,;l;;i,ud of hac!.; :q!niu ft•oJu lht! :\1:1117-llto&. ThPy fim to the on du'l'iz,•zu brrm!{ht •thont 6:'1 Jl(>af! of st••ek t.his. l'llltge. Pa·::se•:uliug wilne•R. *•·· J. K ti•uc. :tllfl a l1ad o;olcl a 'l'v Sli\l,'h. A •f :j;:!(IJ is ot(r<.:d l.>y lr•·ar Bt•n."Lan•''l"ll l11ow u'l•<' i'l au :\1r. Alcoek fo1· c,mvictiou ur such nntieiprctury •·ealizatiou of th•· ultimn.te ofleHS, atHl $100 fnu-fnre of Galll'iers tt·muhoue in the ntii••·ed by the wm·nitr!!. 'l'IH' dfcu"o of it.>elt' is a seriou5 oue. . Mr. Det·byshim, l'(•pt'(W•ntath·e of the The l':tdiant glol'ies of H wi!11, wilcl Honl.h Cl)lll[l'liiY of ludianrt, who hns \\'I'SIN'tt stuod ovet• i<peut t.irnc in this l':t!ll)J anc1 Bo- piue-clatl Baxter :uouutaiu, 'which, nit.u, to tlw of Cl'vWucll with a J.(Oitlt'O halo; and a C"lllJiauy, stal'ted f'n1· lwme in the ruiuia g claim, cast 1ls vast Sunday, a im· aowanl the t•:tst. Iu the :Jt'ot\·saitl l.JI'I!eSiOU aut! ll I!O;;d pr:•pet·l.f IJC'hiud SlmdtHV 1 ioehiud !IIIIIIUlltill, i.'tl'<Ji!ed_ him :twrritiug hi; t•eiut·n. a yonug ami lovely couple, lo&ked in Attunwy II. B. Fm·gus3on gr t. in the fond embrace of routh :5aturcl:ty IU<H'Iliug ft'lllll 1 iuuoccuc.,. Tha.t·i'!, the young was Virginht. .l\J t•. locl;ed. "Dat·liug," fdl tbe word ujlOn a that money his left ear iull lwt, p:1.ssiou:ttc sel:llh fairly iu the auti N pet·, ·•bchul!l hel'C the pwof tlf my ,\lt,xieo well meutio1wd as :t pt•.,spec:- loYe I" Ani.lthe maiden, tmllirig 0111. young·•· At, att inl'aut ol' but two ulonths ti\'e fie!tl of inveo;tm•:nt; autl funhet· of his stat·bo:tl'll poeket the young himself J'l•:tdy to go ahead mau's Uockf',}t•ot w:ttch, pointed to the of nge . On1· bat·bct· hns left and gr.me to will! tlte l:tw Ill iu the seulefllent! f:ttcful hour: 12:01 11. m. Iu_ hev othe1· gt·l't.'lll'l' field8. It is a plea.\ltlllt thing of the Wiutm·s c.-Hat•!, lt:I[Jiug· :t .svee<i)' lt:wd, tbe while fondly eutwino•,lnbout ft()\V t•• I'Cilect that I he use of the Ulll'• . tcl'llliuatiou uf t.hc 8ll:liC, hh:. slight, gii·lisll figure, she held au her is llluwst unknown in the hest Eng- The New Ye:lr dance ginm by C<ll. ulmauac. Upon the b:Lt.ik, iu hu·ge, li»b SOCiet.v, 311(] tiJ,•tt 111any tlf' Olll'IUO"t C d l bold, Jaeob's Oil "' 'l'•>uin was a gmn sueces11 m tota · P •·o,nJ'nent llll"ll·c llle 11 a 1 ',••ays sl 1 ·,•ve 1 k 1 emblazoned the m_,·stic shm-1884 i-_ .And 0 ,. :uul ill .:letail. The: aLt•m! atuts ttoc -e, themselves. tlt'b sign wn.s wrhteu ht t.he; book , iu fro111 f:u· all(l Ju.<at•, aud uea1·l.1 the [ 1 P s:licl that it w:L:s the momiug of tHe fit•st · <'lll'Y :1tterson has affected through euth·e co:Jull-y w:Ls J'ClH'eS\'Ilted. Our 1 · clno. . And it was S:}. H. B. Fe•·guss')u, n sule to e:tsiPru pal'• iufc:n·mant, a most l'"lhtble authoritr, tles ot' a nne-sixth iute1·est in tho Ladv st:tlcs th:tt the wot·thv Colonel was A hushed silence, 118 of a su<ll1l'nly· smitten llitby, fell upon all the l.md- Godiva m11f a. one-aix:th interest iu the JH'Oill}lter, nuumger bl!Ss-iu·cllier I sc:tpe; the listening jacli:·t·abbit iu the -tita, for the sum ot' $1,500. A good tuHlnmrshulled battalions with nil toage bn:sh tl'('mulet!, aml quietly summm··s work f'>l' Hcm-y, and cncour- the aeem·acy, pt'•!Cisiuu, tliguity :md out ot' line of t.hu large, liquid ltea:·s, aging to tJ:ro.,pectot·s. aplomb of a Division· cu•nmander which 1 ._,Jictl dowu iuto lhil :u;t·oy<>. boyi' coutmct on the Sl)litait·e White Oaks, lly aetual tigut·e"• has The yo,ug man IJa(l wept. Suu•Jeuly, They un1v have sltippetl uve1· HOllO in clear bullion with : 1 motioa of utte1· sut;render antl work m such sh:1pe that ft·om <lm·iug the last fl)Ut' And l deilu-givc-awayitiveuess, he this .tune 011 they expect to •·en! ize mo•·e, have IJ()t :1 decent •nill in tb3plao:l', We, his fail·, young bend upou bet· bl}som, than has._ t'or tlwu1 1 s:ty without mteudiug· nnd while sobs of miugle(l joy a 0 flo UJ) luue. rbey llave the I .;light to Ma·; and the plucl;y !It· IICl'VOUS agitation bOI'U of l!le the best Wlshe:l of all. 1 tie ten-stamp mill which has been the of his emotion Hhook Ius sleuderfi·ame Uttl activity ill this c:tmp, in the way ,,f lomitiu g, or mt her relocnt iu g cla hwl. \Ve h:l<l frJrll >eveml part!'! of· the tel'l'itnr), \VItite n:>t. ryxcepted-E. L. 13loorl, .J. S. Uctldmg, J. P. and Jones hnil· iug fmm that point. l hl' Hays pt•ope•·t_v i<> nt n stnnoi still -do not knuw when wot• k will I.Je l'c· su ·!lerl. They have rcad1e1l u depth of 207 f•.>.et on th£ Ruagi1 anrl He uly, hnvmg followe1l thtl lead the cutire dista.nc:P. None bm. tlw workmP.n \Vero allol\'cd in the shaft, Lhm·efore we t!Rll not say bow the ie'lol l•lokq,- b•tt, as they h:tve :q>illicd fot• a patent, we LH'esuwe it. the E. L. Bl•>od doue t:o,;sidf'l'aLle wm·l• ou hi;; IH'<>SLJI'et;:, Bmue of them slwwing very fine. He still devel- oping, aud we b,lleive wiilme -t with which he ridtly deset·vei!. Hlootl a well in!'o,·nwil gnutleman, nuda pleasnut companion, hut not a. 1 r .. iue1· of a bucking mule. We two of C:Lpt. ,Tack Ct·aw- fo·;·d's r:'aim". If these at•e au indica· tion of othm· propertil's, he is cel'- tnjuly a '·i;,manz:t_ King," in all the word -implies.· Tile Wllitell whieh is being developed by a tunnel. 's, in our opininll, the finest pros1wct in the 8un And refl, [t is umll'l' covm· feet, aucl they have tal;:eu out uothiug but high j!t'a\le ut·e. The Captain's a:·c all wot-l;:e•i, and he lmd 11 o occasnu to g.l lo the Jlills .t() see the old vent· out and the new vear iu. We . . lel't .Mt·. Crawford's camp with a bral'>J uf fowl", J)l'eseutt'd to K L. Blood by the The Sau Anch•es is attJ•nctiug atten• tiou, uud at 110 distant clay will be one the bulliuu-pt·oducm·s in the tel'l'itOI'Y· Yours,' JoE BuSH. Ant<Juiu, N. M., Juu. 7, 1884. 1h TVItonz .Jl ag Goncent: · I, the hereby pronounce ns the elo,<;ing sPnh'nce of the all- VeJ'tiscment of Diouifil) Cha\·cz y which appeared in the issue . .. .... ,.. . . of the Gor,l)EN EnA for.:.Tnnuat'Y Srd, aud I have this dl\y givcu the case into the hau<ls of my lawyer, John Y. He\vitt, of 'White Oaks, N. VI., that ha may take legal pl'Oct:edmgs in the ma.ttm· to 1 •rove that U1e ;;tat!!'· meut is false. PAUL ISAAC, Misrepresentation. B. H. Dye, of this· fJiace, has repre- sented himself &9 my in somu mining mattera; !fhis he· has clone \V it bout any autbodty w lJatevet·. He ha3 uey:-cr rcprescntel}. me, with my knowledj£e all(t r.ousl'nt; fm·ther, when te makell . .such rept•e.Qeutation!', be makeR them knowing he bas no a.uthot·- and I W:al'D thepublic·agaiust such I'C[>I'CSt'UtUtiOUS. . . . . ·, . ·. , i .- : . :{IENRY J. ' . 'l'he <b.nce at Ewing Patterson's ou stoud-by of the camp, for we kno\v ·as a g;:utle ca,}tns boul!h, as Ttnu·sdtty evening is s}ml;:cn of by all ·that a teo-stamp mill no niurt>fills his I wit11 one haml he sot'tly.vulle•l the those attending no;; the most ambit ion lhan it ctues out· own. -,· the 1\eg or' his oYel'alls upon tile tc?p of uml enjorable occasiuu ot' the khid White is a good 10c:atiou f·n• a. his "Dn,tiiug, what ba\1 be(ju, is which basta·auspired in our circles this quartz mill. went .. I am. tnine, l;lr gosh; you season. Heu1·y Pattersouacled as host, Ou Tburiiday cveuing. at the can bet your !iWP.etly snlelma isonl ill tho abseuee of Ewing _Pattel'SOJ:lt hoJil' ot 7 rn., nod at the rt•sideuce nt' :r 1lin't going. to sew oa your(but- 0 whose wife gracefti1ly pt•csided. ,._ Ju-'a'gc Bl:t!lchaa·d, there will take plnce tou>1 f01· )on, if you dress_ as as d\- incetiug of m.embers of l;l1e G. White, an old and iuftuen-1 the 'wedding of twn of OUI' plTViou!'lly, bi:hel·to I" ;The vl:.itlc&lu Gou!lty Stl)\lk will of the country, \Vll!'l youu.g folks, Mr. }1)1. Ke.ely and M1ss I . telescolted . II " · ,, . • . , .. . . 111 the e•tr last week dmug @Ollie trad· Jennte Hobson. Attea· the Ct'l'emouy' the bdl •. fbc deed was donP. . , Mqndal:.t Jail. a.m. iug and looking arouurl. \Vu have the evening will be ful'tlll'r · more use for a B. a \Vc!com_e. foJ• stwh m•m, S!Jeut iu ,.,a socinl diluce at the· future The o.f t!1c sunset pog .. ax· mnte then· VJstt;; to our VJWU. home of the_yomu! couple. t>tn· ,vet·y halo at nudmght; can be i t.rud1t1g: "ltock J he lvwea· C(!llll' I'Y docs uot know ns ueat go iu advance. Oua· explamcl} by the filet tl111.t \lTC B.l'C. \ mcu 1s: for much of us rr.s \Vc could wi;;h were the final notice 'VIII we have uig through the of a t\1\ mcmbm·'ll tube •. ca.sc. drlmmtic uuhr is 1 \\". · ' . ' \' --· --· '. "' ·.·

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" .. , t ; • I W*' • e. ... tt£.$3 it Qi

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.• ~-- -· New Mexico as a. State; The Development of Its R«i!sources, and the Elevation Of Its People.

WHITE OA.KS, LINCOLN COUNTY, N. M., JANUARY 10, 1884.l NO.5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~-~----~~-~-~-&-~--~-~~~~-~--~-~~~--~-~-~~---- ---------------------- -----~-- -----·-- ------~·-------------~-------- -- -·- ------·- LIVERY S'l'~4JJLE. CAMP and COUNTY. I "- plPn~ant lilllr: J>:ll'•l' wa~ held at I One or two pleasant l~ttlt• socinl oc- - Hed C!oud,Jau.l, 1884 •

.ASSA YEllS. J E " I -. . • :Sligh's, 'M:oJiflny eve. c:m·· nr:1·s lhi~ week. ' Editor Golden E1·a: - , pAUL MAYER'S Olt, 0 wil•l; wie7'~ thi:•g is the •lwotiug·~ti~k.l R••rnemht!r tho me<'linl' tlt' the 8trJt'k Oltl man G-au?..-., chinf 1<noli: at CaJ'J'i• 'r!Jet'e is ahVll.\'!; >'OIIHl c:ro~!': f<1J' tlHl

.,- ,.,-, ~~..,-~ ~ .. un oto'tllt·~e a- JL nuty lJc; A .·~ . , ' .. . ~ ('I · 1 • 1 1 11:o1 • .J,. • ·~~.a...&....~ It puuehes the ,1,10; .. ,, n.td it pqaebe• t.be boall~. !l'!OCJ.Illort at Roswc.l, •Ill the 21st of zoz,,, was Ill. He !'Ill tied ·1 ' II'IStmn to >cal'. 'I iu•rc m V<· "''-'"

AS SAYER l ·ve'"'U sa• a Au:ltho>nmc i ••• atfereutlec. thi<: mnnth. • I L()Uill 'Vhite made a btlhlt·e<eu.-. (lf her<~, nud within n. I'IL!liU<~ of fal_l;'

I i ~' Qu f>i•l'~t thou s;tmplc J•tke's lJill'C 01111·. ,Jirn Cr~nt'~ f;omilint• faec appen.red! Ha·. Alt:oc:k's t~>am, whidr wa;; starting miles, t1fteen thous.uul lllwep (,:;r;c?

AND d f d St"' a..~ . I Peacb? • Ill our ~lllrl~t Oil 'l'ne~dar. He a·•·pr,J•ts . .f,Jr home without auy lll'i,vm· in parti- lmlll!>),. clestrnring Oil I' r ~~~~c for ,_:u~

an ea CIJ ~ e G~v. Chase put. in his alJllClll'tl.IICC t\t i ('\'PryU' mg lovt>ly at Lincoln.- We mi~s I cular. i time heiug-. i.hoHVill;! 11\J COIII'Io•i':_V I v, or

b I J' 1 I · l'b~pt•et t\n·, the c:un.-euicu<.:e or l'ighti pa··· ttte. 1 1111 wre. 1\lc'~~r,, Albl'ight, llitlgwn.~· and l<'•·ed

I Cor.Ca~izoSt a.ucl White OaksA,·e. ''r S 1 »f othc•J',;., hnr. a persi~r .. •ut co\·eriug ,,f i:\ltiU ~.fePlwr;:on do!!tmin~· ,• ,10 fut• !, •_m.' Inn~ <l•'pa.!'h•d t.o_ the r:tilt·oa.lll nlt.Jod h.:tV;J t;,l:e:, :t contr~_.et to ~ink :t

- .. _ _ 0111' l'llll"·e ~VI.'!'\' 1i:n· with th•! W<>•'"' '~E'\'~ 1\IE--X.~IUO •.

1 tht·t•e tll<'ttth~. • ~NWER. .! c>n. Sattn·.r1ay, ·_.wd ou Ins t•etum Willi thll'r~·-toot well ft•t• the_ D··lawa•·e . "' '['I . - 1 . •

I 'vurr..: OAK5. ~-. , - . 1 1 uut~au~ve. 1•u•e m c: l:trg'! aJ'I! •;ertnm~ Chemist. Ana,lytica,l

White Oak.~ .At•emte. I J.,~; 11 Y. llo•witt ,·lttl'tiC'cd llmi.Httel ll'lllg Wil-l lnm the ~tnt!r•mcn wltu .. Mil!~, at V•n·is' nl!l !Jl!leP,:ahove·tcmru. 1 ·' , y rwt pm·w in g a I'<Hil'-t: t" IIH'l'it JJ"lfl1'B UAJ(.S, .NEnr JIBXI_CU. t•(•tn•t in!'<t week. ' jlillve ui~oti:ttP•l with hin~ thH put·- I\L Whiternau, the pion<•et• rHI'rf:hllut, f1:io•tHhiJip or gratililde. ·'\Vhut c.:au't

I. [l I t . t b I A ll Q • I l I f I 1 cha~e of the ranch mwtn ()f t.owu. J·s ,•ts lnt!l. .. \· ,n,_ h• b"e c•ltlcl,··;I~' •. IJ,_" u.cl<•tl.~. b 1 . A••"Y'- ~-·sa .. l.Ut· .,r.e< ""'· r,<uo• rt<:> 0 " "'" 11·! m ouut 1 o;ot Ht<', J'nJu t w owm· " " ~ ' • ~ ~ ~> etu·e• nutst be (•lJdured.' Ytu--·~k~r!,l.olutl ~ilver - :! 51} tll~nnc~ .. Ua,~· .. awl ~ro:uu. u.hv:.:..vs clu httu.•l a .. .~.&u :.- l 11:r • • 1 \'r II \V C .. ~J" t>n. ~· t :· · l 1 · 1 J.•,.,. :~ull 2.'.~1 :ort.u,c. .Ia-" I"rm~ rca<t~u:oLic. San .A .. d I'C" ou ~loucl:tr. l . " ~ VlitfG( ,. . . (•e•l & o'~ I" " Illig OJ' an lllllllt'IISt: ;<rue ' w uc 1 ~lc•Sr~<. t\hafli~t· awl Greeu are work-~;:~ r:~;r. -- sg~; -------- Hewitt awl Clmso• l't>hw:tterlllw Com- m!tTn(lt~I'"Crnporium, oil" clay Ill !It wee'-. will :ll'l'h·c iu a fc¥1" day~ .. l\1''· w hih!- iu ,{. . the ll.UIIll:tl IIS~C~SUiellt ~II ~l'hJ i'orC<>N•er - ~51) K H ' ~. tt>c.l' .~Jlll 1.,.111 VTn~t \V'rttltlc•.. Thb hnn•e_is h••aclqua•·.tpr~ f<>l' stod.:- man !we,,~ a well as;.m•(1~d t.t•wl.: uf f G . 1 V Aualyti~:r\ l'c~t "-'~) . I A "0.1:" -o!SON S ~ ... • . l I . . . :tru•m" l':tlll iew Jude fol' H>U'l'Y

~ ,,....~;-., 1111'11 awl mmer·s. On~. ~~-tl!ea~aut and gout~. :tn< mnlcs lii'P«ctio!.•· D . *ir .\{i,,c.;lhumh.o :.u•l Reportl!di.li'"ll· Cor- I.~icut. 1\.av:uutu~h, ofth" p 11qt IIH~Iln 1 'II b I l I _, ••e1·g•'S, torm•·•·!y of \Vhitc Oak~.

1'C~PO:ldCJlCC Stllicit<t<\. r . . . . WI c p I:'!IQe( to s IOIV 1'011 :\t'OIIIIu. Pat Garrett sprut )JomL_ty night ill . L• d d St 'I 1 the Vl.lnge :1 pa~;<utg Vl~tt la.st week. 1 - .:\{e,;s•·~. 8peae<•, Hnwaru and Feast lvery "ln I ee a,o e 'I ' town. H:: !'ll.\'s the C:lttle :ll'e lu;okitw .

--;i}.~- t • E">'P 4 TP t_ra~N"TS (;!» l Ca.tlt. Davi<l~OII clcJHLI'tc;l 'lao.t. Wl'ek I •. •·· . \\'- ~.·· Sui,_lri·. wh•> 'I'IS Rl.>cnt. cl' I . ., luve bceu ··J·mmiu•T a lhift from the J •- L 1- ~-- "J •~ •

1 1 1 svlcu 11 .y iu the lowm· eountrr, owing ,.,

for Ius c•tluwtiona.l rh<li'!!C IlL Liueolu. ~mne HI e tune WJtlt us of late, lelt ou tc) tlte c•.xcetlt',otl.'tll" fitte ;vJ·IJtct·. u,, bnttorn of a. 70-foot sllafr, ou the Dead--)Near j)nuui.ul & :\!iller'.;.(- -· 1 1 f' " • , • J'J. A.. H \VIIF.TSTO~E, 0 II • . 1 , 1 1. B 1 . -~ on• ay ,,,. ::-oeonn, wltet•nlic w1ll I'C- "o~.l lode, to c:·1t a utineml-bcal'iuu

urot fl'lmt• ~•anHI~ ranHtllll~ • 1. 1, ,1 1 1 . al•us:nte~ lhal.tlwlndhllls.havegi\'l•u -rw•m ot• .,n,r! mou .. •~ at (•n.•t, Je >:JYi'·;, 11 lrdgc 30 feet west.

Wllll'l-: OAI\:S, ~E\V J';ll<:XICO. o.Jt agniu :utet• an illucs~ of o;cverai .,.,,,1 "'lJc•t·e 'I'll'•··· 1,._1,.\ rtiC'.'·ts 111.111 ·0 ,.,uo t1·:m • e, a~ was raportt·cl, '" , .. •. , , ""exicau gauJ<~ veddlar;; are around clar"'· ,_.0111.~c. . The ca~c of the un t't>J'tllll ate ex -~ol- every day or t1vo, :t."J<ing two dollm•i!

}~IJS\1' KL L, - N. ·)f. • JtF~:;n.:l·Uc n.,r~C'"' aUII ~(~u~l rig:~ to be boul at

. ~ :\U iitncii. H:t • ..r nu•l grni.1 uJwny ... ou h:llJ.il ;tuil All husiiW~!'; with the U. 8. T .. and fur ,ule. o\ ,;ple .• ,IH c.orml i,, eouuoctiuu with

Office, at. [.us CJ•ur.e~. y. l\f.. pt•omptl} I tile dtaute. 'l'erm• rea;ou:tblc. attmuletl to. Uomplctc o;et of phlts -------- --- -----------showiUg nll loc:ttiou>; m:ulP.ollll the J>lfOFRSSlON'A f, CARDS. Peeos.

Farms for Sale and To Rent.

Stock Ranches for sale. Cora·e;;pnmlPncl' snli•-ited with llatl­

• ic'!l me:ming bu~ines~.

STOCK R.A.NCHES, Mines. Lands

Wbuo un·U~p:ttcd title ean be ha•l witbiu thirty •laY• from clo• .. of ~&e:;otiati:>u.


GEO. B. BA1Wl'.:H;


• • N. )f.

D. J. lvt. A. JEWETT, U. S :Mlnm·al Deputr Sm'\'eyor,

~<'W Mexico uncl .<\ l'izonn.

United Stnt.:s Deputy 8m·\·eyor,

Luu isiaua.


Ot\lce .- \VIUTE 0Al'S AvE~UT£'.

John Y. Hewitt.


European and Australian Investors, .A LliUQUE!tQUt:,ol



Real Estate &

N. M .

WIIITE OA.l\.d. N. !\1.


lAND AND GENERAL AGENT. Otlh:n at Las Cl'tiCW!.

}'J'(HPpt :tt1NH;OIII ~0 htr~illt'SS hefOJ'(• f he Lrtncl omcc.--C:JI'I't!>lii')U 'It•( I('(' ~0.

~,.... • • A .,_ iicti••(t '1:2-L"..LlD.lD.g ge:n.v. \Vllll'E OAKS, ~· ··r -'1. _, •

IJL.tGJOHII'l'll SILUL'----~·-.------------

DOERGES' . '3Jacksmith, \Vagon and

. Repair SUo~! IEi'irst-class work of' all kiltds (lone

:tt the slw;·test uotici'.

lVhp.J;~ OAKS, - - - • - N.M --------------------------------

. JiEA 1' ~"fiARKET. ---·~-----------------------



MarKet, ( EA . 'li W POST OFJ!'lCE:)

' '


-p t Beef. llttt•.ol 1n. ·erytbiug get lle:t(l~hee;;e. Sau~nge

"'b11' 0 'at•raom on bali kept. in a lirst-clrus s up, .. J~ f; :


' stll Jl!ol A R&llR K\_ ~ ll, ][)( AA B R K J TT'£'1"l'TITT' - A A RKP.K Ktv\ . T ]OI X M AAAA R Jl .. )t' T 1! X Jl ll A K R 'It \ T· ':: .llll )14 : ~

; \ T

Chris Eb~e\op. · , . WRITE OAKS \.

\IJo:o. T. Bs,H.r ... Jit .. , 1.~ineoLt. ~.:'.f.

Hr.t Il~ Cn\XIH+tm, au~l ft 11ot·Gff. 'Vbito Oa.k:i, N. !\I.

liEo\LL. CHANOLBi~ .\: HOUuii,

AUorneJs and CounsaUors f,J Law, Lincoln&. White Oaks, N. M.

JJ<iFPrac•ice in :tll tile Conrts iu tl:e Territory.



W. C. MeLON .A J.D.


Nota:ry P1.:t blic \VIUTE OAKS, NEW ~lExrcc

John A. Helphingstine,

L s, """'" y e :r~ WHITE OAKS, N. li.

-o-JS.Criminal P1·actice a Sl•ecialty.


Attorney and Advocate, ('uruer of Waslrington &nd Liviugstoa:. Street.•,

White Oaks. New l\Iexic<'.

Will attend to any law busiuo~•. collection lnntl awl tniutng t.itlc~, sltle~,_.ote. ltefPreucc~­rltejudiein.ry and bar o Kansas, nud citizenH of White Oakii.

• C Ewncol'AT'l'F.ttSol',

NotarY Public. 'VILLIAll WATSON

Patterson · & , Watson, J:...~ ~::EIES


BiPUig ·Brokers .. WJII'dl OAltl, • \ A SPECIALITY.-Rxnmication of mining ....:.-· \(.,'0. utailllSa!ld titlet to ~am'l; ct~r~tra<.!t.Hakeu: nauual

· _. 1' 'k. 3 asi!l!l!lllment doac for uou-re;;l(,cuts. Pat Beef, l(utton an~ or. I , . .

s;i.n!ll!e~ .• ~Cbee!e~ndPlCI< nd, Cort'e8llOM61~e Soltctted. • &Low - liS

C.ASJI· ... :. aee • · - . \ w.um o.u;:s,. • - Nt.1r I(wu..:co,

; l l·

~ '

Uapt. 1\mnpt.. n got in !lronrlav ni!!ht.l .1•1 1, : n 't . 1 . dier Bttl'J', who wa~ ~o hadlv fmzeu fot• t• .. lt·J~ .... ~ OtJd tllt'~e t'oi'clc•."J". \VI'tli 11,1 · · - I 10 .ns~mm••,uonro.t~SIOWIII!!:t - · ·~!a•• ~ ~. wit !I :1 l1ig loatl of "trno:k" ft'olll Car- 1,11, •e tl'l"" of tb 1 .1 . l - wlti!c lost iu lhu uwunt:tius, was pt'e· bu\· l 1 ..,

, :. 1 • ,, ei e gs cnn: 1 ~~a Jf!IUi- .·er,; a t JOSe agures. th't"(' .1. 1 . 1 1 · d seutetl to the nutlwrit.it:~ Itt lt'ort Stan- · · ',.. · t1 u s1g tt lot 1e ere 1111 e•· the I:L1np- Dr. B. F. Smith, of smeltt~r fanH•, has

l\1"1·. l\I•·Phe~·~on !•f the Patos ~aw- lh_.•hl, .,11111 11111~t, c•tJI'nttra:r·111,. t•• t.llc· t.m, mul plnce wa~ n~ked for him at •r:ill, llt:COilljl:line•l )[t·.

over to Soclli'I'O.

~ ~· , ~ eouu·at:lt!d. for ah ol1l fuuud1·y iu Nt!IV Wu •. Stone heltl't ;\S well. Htt:'l'.\' ll(l tittJ CUIJCell the hoFpital; out a lellf'!l' l'eC•~lVecl fi'OIII

that lkintl hellJ'ICil outfit stat~;; that the Orl~ans. u~ pt·opuses til tlll'U it into :l trntol'"• 0. P. srncltea· an.l tr'tmt N c\V l\Iexieo orcs on

·C. L. Hubh~, late of Albuquerque, i;: uow I iving in the Jicarillas wir h hi~

f:uu Hi·, nwl g·cts hi~ En A. :11. thi~ plaee.

rult·~ are tuo ~11·ict in ~'llch rnattm<~. Ht!l'lll:lll Br:cl\, fnJ' tlu·eo \'f•:ll'" a. citi- 'l'ltnt k ('o(l \ 1 't ,- t tile sea ba:trd, tu'euuvhwe capit:Ll, bur-

l I T , \ 'e ( 011 Sl:ll' 'e lllllll 0 Zl'll of Bonito, ~lll.l'tf'll Saturday fm• n <le:ath 11 ,. here lw 1,111 • 110 lll~llt ,1, \VI :tt dened in the U1·e!:ct>ut City, that mining

. ' I . I I · l Ill ,.. " . e, ' e 1' • I . . t b . I'ISit t<J 11;; t<llllt~ at h.J'\VII: .;. Q,, theil· t•eeonl is. · · IS a. l!gltuna e ti!'IIIC$S. ZI!:NO,

Sluwilf Poe ngrrin viRite:l u~ tlti.~ wee!:, in connection with his lJtiSIIII!"S in tlu~ rcceiv('r>hil! of the lltmlesu&ke

wlt(H'e he will f•ll' a time enj(•y himself. ,1.1 . S · -a.utl thl'n r••tul'H t•·, tho ultl c:uup. 'l'UE w tf'lllllle of Ju~l1ce wa:,l throngetl an Andres, Jau. 3.188:1. E f II 1 . · on \V l•tlue~dav ruornirw ou the ~:o111itw EtliloJ' E1·a:

EA o (J\Y~ llifl.. ~ . e ou f·u·lruu·hwof the '.ft>ritOJ-!i·v of New The past week lm~ ue!'11 one of uuu:;:-111 in c. Dr. l\lch·in P111leu, now nt Loni•\•ille.l 'lexJ·cc> ••• L"',. 111n 1 "' All '· . 't ~'" ... "a. •L 1 •:J· eu-a!"'S:tu 1 •

Doe. \Va!TI'II h~~ hren fo1· :1 few days Ky .• ha.s h('PII nppoinL(l<} Sm·gwm of j Prns(lcuring -wiuw>s Doc. \\T tll'l'en.

in_nap:tcitat(J(l for·.wurk. by a· stitc:h'' in. tlc(l ht n(•g. N. M. V. :\I. \Ve kuuw Thia actiou wn~ lJNHght tntdea· our 11_1; _bad>, got wlule domg smne !.cavy jthnt. f~1·. ~ret. ,•,ou:a do:·tnt• t.hc abo•·e peeuliar sp';,eial ><t:lfuto) whic~ makes it httmg. :'''!!tiiiiZ~llou allJ•Jght. If _he coulrl nnrl nt l!·a~t a $25 htxtu·y to call~ a mau a Jone~ Taliat'oltTO !!Ol i•l f••om the II, but Its wltm·euhoul~ JUSt now nt·e '"011 of a . " wl • . \!. ·t

• -· ::o • , ICII CII'C.IIII" <liiCeS San Audt·e~ la"t 1veek. in <lne time I'UthPr my~ttcnl. indieate that ~m:h a 1·emat·k i~ nttered flft,'l' the l~t, l•l:Wiug his l'I'<)[ICI'I.Y in good ..;hapc.

~ l . l.h:u·lel' :\lctcalfe h:ts heeu in town gros•ly ol'iusnll.ingly. Thecasct wa;;duiy

fo1• a few dny~. !no kin~ n;o hnppy lt!l if JWnderecl, ancl the jr11T foun<l thntl\Ir·. A little misuu•hm•t:mrling of ~om•l he hall ~ohl" elai'11 • Hn s:ay;;" he has Allen wa" I!Uiltv as eh:u·g·ed~ JwlgP

kinil i,; mportetl f••nm the Bouito a;; been in P.onit·> City all the time, and Blnudur·cl tulmi listererl :L f1 u·a.ight· lta1•ing nl'i~•·n betwceu Hilly Rn·t :md unt cle:vl, :ll' we hat! J;UppoRell, rep·••·t- go,,d~ 1·ebuke of $:!5 firm ami' cosb; of Billy D:)I'Se!'· ing- rrl-o that B.•uito c:uup is feeling pl·oseeution, Ol' in det'a.!tll of the same,

\Vlmt ir•t;;; ber;otlle of 0. P. Hurt ;.watlily horeful. sixty d:,y,; iupa·isoutueut. ; •Hill tile B!Jnitu e<>ll''f'lltt';ttiu,; work;? \V. S. II:tthawa~· left ye>'•er,lny f:JJ' The crr~e of the Tc•tTit•n·r inf New

~ ew York. li1·. H. is ouc of the old Wt• hope th•T luu·ea't got awar with 0. P. b;wli tln·n·.

( i-. It Young. h:t;; jwl. l'Pc·Pive!l a f•·•·•h ,;upply <>I' lllf'l'l!h:iwli~e. Diek (;tl'l :&II way:-~ till ynur "'''l"r~. Try It im an.l reu \yill he ~ati-tiu!l.

The C'l'id;:et, iu the U.mht cl i~tt'if't, i~

impl'o\·iug ·•II !l''!ll:lltiutahec•, aurl lool.;­iul-f well. :Mm·e depth i;; Whttt we Wllltl, ail tla'•Jitgh thts cuuutt·r

.fi ple:t'l:tut d•ilth'eu~' d:uu:H IV:t-> held ,{, tl,,, re,:;idcuee of !lt· Lntw's nu

'I' om W all:tetl late:~· lii'OII ght in e()rnC fill•' euppt.•l' 01'1', c:out:duiug U!Lli\·e., cop­I''' I'. Sn !w:u·ly :ls we eani•·•U'II, it. c:uue fl·um lll!lltl' tltu 1110111 h of N og:ll cat1n11.

W 111. ~iveu iuft~rm~ us by lettc:·s that he is 11t J.:eu"t•n, A1·izona. fot· two wcckQ. u,, l'<lmrts a. new •trilw about lit'ty milt'> nn!'th of that place. "0l'o runs wuy nv."

Ewing; P·.llt!W"On will •·etm·u i•1 Aill'il t'ot· his w~.fe awl <!hil1heu. The pt·es•·ut sea •.ou_ of the ycat• b too nn~afe a. time

I t•• r~•k the I'C'IlHinll to t.he east of their

M•·xi.;o q, Di lll;~j,, CilM't.·:r, y: :::lanr.lwz ti:uc•·•, ··rrwl '1m;; soine ,_"CHit! rn·nl>PJ'tl·, 1 -lll'>!ltJ-earnr on f(IJ' wnJ·iug hef<ll'c~

pQpPei:t.lly in tlaP ~an Audt'I'S \V,, 1llol ,Tu~t ice Bl:tur;hat'd lnH l\louda\• mot·n­uot lt·a.•·n l1i~ hv~inc••'! Nl''t, but will iug. Defc•nsc not haviug thnii· witues~ ,·euturP to ~ay I hat it will hr un «leu·i· pt•c;ent •• ~nntinunuce was had~ for one nwnt lu _N.,w Mexko. /Jou 1:oyayc. WPPk. An•l the m:tn with th~ nanJe

M,,~,r~. La•J:t~tun 11u•l Sdtell al'c hailed in Htlu. Tl.e offense c:f,;l;;i,ud of hac!.; :q!niu ft•oJu lht! :\1:1117-llto&. ThPy ~l'ttiu:,;- fim to the gJ':t~s on du'l'iz,•zu brrm!{ht •thont 6:'1 Jl(>af! of st••ek t.his. l'llltge. Pa·::se•:uliug wilne•R. *•·· J. K ti•uc. :tllfl a l1ad o;olcl a )'i~>.:e. 'l'v Sli\l,'h. A n~W<Ll'<l •f :j;:!(IJ is ot(r<.:d l.>y lr•·ar Bt•n."Lan•''l"ll l11ow hi~ u'l•<' i'l au :\1r. Alcoek fo1· c,mvictiou ur such

~ ~

nntieiprctury •·ealizatiou of th•· ultimn.te ofleHS, atHl n•ldit.iotmlt·ewal·,l~of $100 fnu-fnre of Galll'iers tt·muhoue in the i~ ntii••·ed by the s~uck a3'il~ci-ttiou.

wm·nitr!!. 'l'IH' dfcu"o of it.>elt' is a seriou5 oue.

. Mr. Det·byshim, l'(•pt'(W•ntath·e of the The l':tdiant glol'ies of H wi!11, wilcl Honl.h Cl)lll[l'liiY of ludianrt, who hns \\'I'SIN'tt snn~ent stuod cdgewi~u ovet• i<peut ~nnw t.irnc in this l':t!ll)J anc1 Bo- piue-clatl Baxter :uouutaiu, 'which, nit.u, ll~tcucling to tlw nft'air~ of hi~ Cl'vWucll with a J.(Oitlt'O halo; and a C"lllJiauy, stal'ted f'n1· h:~ lwme in the ruiuia g claim, cast 1ls vast ~hauow e;1~t Ja~t Sunday, 1~.mviug a g1~od im· aowanl the t•:tst. Iu the :Jt'ot\·saitl l.JI'I!eSiOU aut! ll I!O;;d pr:•pet·l.f IJC'hiud SlmdtHV1 ioehiud ~;lid !IIIIIIUlltill, i.'tl'<Ji!ed_ him :twrritiug hi; t•eiut·n. a yonug ami lovely couple, lo&ked in

Attunwy II. B. Fm·gus3on gr t. in the fond embrace of routh autllru~tful :5aturcl:ty IU<H'Iliug ft'lllll WIH~elinl£, 1 iuuoccuc.,. Tha.t·i'!, the young n~nn was \Vt·~t Virginht. .l\J t•. l!'c,l·gu~~Oill'I'IHH"ts! locl;ed. "Dat·liug," fdl tbe word ujlOn a •tw~t plca~:wt vi~it; sa~·s that money his left ear iull lwt, p:1.ssiou:ttc whi~­sel:llh fairly e:t~Y iu the ca~r, auti N t~W pet·, ·•bchul!l hel'C the pwof tlf my ,\lt,xieo well meutio1wd as :t pt•.,spec:- loYe I" Ani.lthe maiden, tmllirig 0111.

young·•· At, att inl'aut ol' but two ulonths ti\'e fie!tl of inveo;tm•:nt; autl funhet· of his stat·bo:tl'll poeket the young uunouuce~ himself J'l•:tdy to go ahead mau's Uockf',}t•ot w:ttch, pointed to the of nge .

On1· bat·bct· hns left 11 ~, and gr.me to will! tlte l:tw Ill :titer~ iu the seulefllent! f:ttcful hour: 12:01 11. m. Iu_ hev othe1· gt·l't.'lll'l' field8. It is a plea.\ltlllt thing of the Wiutm·s c.-Hat•!, lt:I[Jiug· :t .svee<i)' lt:wd, tbe while fondly eutwino•,lnbout ft()\V t•• I'Cilect that I he use of the Ulll'• . tcl'llliuatiou uf t.hc 8ll:liC, hh:. slight, gii·lisll figure, she held au her is llluwst unknown in the hest Eng- The New Ye:lr dance ginm by C<ll. ulmauac. Upon the b:Lt.ik, iu hu·ge, li»b SOCiet.v, 311(] tiJ,•tt 111any tlf' Olll'IUO"t C d • l bold, ~t. Jaeob's Oil CIHU'aCleE'S, 0~tuod "' 'l'•>uin was a gmn sueces11 m tota • · P•·o,nJ'nent llll"ll·c llle11 a 1',••ays sl1·,•ve 1 • k 1 emblazoned the m_,·stic shm-1884 i-_ .And 0 ,. • :uul ill .:letail. The: aLt•m! atuts ttoc -e, ~ themselves. tlt'b sign thn~ wn.s wrhteu ht t.he; book , iu fro111 f:u· all(l Ju.<at•, aud uea1·l.1 the

[1 P s:licl that it w:L:s the momiug of tHe fit•st · <'lll'Y :1tterson has affected through euth·e co:Jull-y w:Ls J'ClH'eS\'Ilted. Our 1

· clno. . And it was vet·~· pi·eviou~ly S:}. H. B. Fe•·guss')u, n sule to e:tsiPru pal'• iufc:n·mant, a most l'"lhtble authoritr, tles ot' a nne-sixth iute1·est in tho Ladv st:tlcs th:tt the wot·thv Colonel was A hushed silence, 118 of a su<ll1l'nly·

• • smitten llitby, fell upon all the l.md-Godiva m11f a. one-aix:th interest iu the JH'Oill}lter, nuumger ~111rl bl!Ss-iu·cllier I sc:tpe; the listening jacli:·t·abbit iu the -tita, for the sum ot' $1,500. A good tuHlnmrshulled hi~ battalions with nil

toage bn:sh tl'('mulet!, aml quietly g~tt summm··s work f'>l' Hcm-y, and cncour- the aeem·acy, pt'•!Cisiuu, tliguity :md

out ot' line of t.hu large, liquid ltea:·s, aging to tJ:ro.,pectot·s. aplomb of a Division· cu•nmander which 1 • ._,Jictl dowu iuto lhil :u;t·oy<>.

'1'~1c boyi' coutmct on the Sl)litait·e White Oaks, lly aetual tigut·e"• has The yo,ug man IJa(l wept. Suu•Jeuly, ex~ll'l;,sn~>xt ~uonth. They un1v have sltippetl uve1· HOllO in clear bullion with :1 motioa of utte1· sut;render antl th~u·. work m such sh:1pe that ft·om <lm·iug the last fl)Ut' mouth~. And w~ l deilu-givc-awayitiveuess, he pill~wed this .tune 011 they expect to •·en! ize mo•·e, have IJ()t :1 decent •nill in tb3plao:l', We, his fail·, young bend upou bet· bl}som, ~a·oftt than has._ b~eu pos;~ible t'or tlwu1 1 s:ty thi~ J~;st without mteudiug· a~1y nnd while sobs of miugle(l joy n~d a • 0 flo UJ) t.~ tln~ luue. rbey llave the I .;light to Ma·; Glas~; and the plucl;y !It· IICl'VOUS agitation bOI'U of l!le iut~usity the best Wlshe:l of all. 1 tie ten-stamp mill which has been the of his emotion Hhook Ius sleuderfi·ame

Uttl activity ill this c:tmp, in the way ,,f lomitiu g, or mt her relocnt iu g cla hwl. \Ve h:l<l rep1·c~eutativo;,; frJrll >eveml part!'! of· the tel'l'itnr), \VItite Oak~ n:>t. ryxcepted-E. L. 13loorl, .J. S. Uctldmg, J. P. l~ttl>et-s and Jones Ta~iafcrro hnil· iug fmm that point.

l hl' Hays pt•ope•·t_v i<> nt n stnnoi still -do not knuw when wot• k will I.Je l'c·

su ·!lerl. They have rcad1e1l u depth of 207 f•.>.et on th£ Ruagi1 anrl He uly, hnvmg followe1l thtl lead the cutire dista.nc:P. None bm. tlw workmP.n \Vero allol\'cd in the shaft, Lhm·efore we t!Rll

not say bow the ie'lol l•lokq,- b•tt, as they h:tve :q>illicd fot• a patent, we LH'esuwe it. ~<nitll the owner~.

E. L. Bl•>od hn~ doue t:o,;sidf'l'aLle wm·l• ou hi;; IH'<>SLJI'et;:, Bmue of them slwwing very fine. He i~ still devel­oping, aud we b,lleive wiilme -t with ~ncees•, which he ridtly deset·vei!. ~It·

Hlootl i~ a well in!'o,·nwil gnutleman, nuda pleasnut companion, hut not a. succr,<;~fnl 1 r .. iue1· of a bucking mule.

We vi~itetl two of C:Lpt. ,Tack Ct·aw­fo·;·d's r:'aim". If these at•e au indica· tion of hi~ othm· propertil's, he is cel'­tnjuly a '·i;,manz:t_ King," in all the word -implies.· Tile Wllitell lorl~> • whieh is being developed by a tunnel. 's, in our opininll, the finest pros1wct in the 8un And refl, [t is umll'l' covm· 2~ feet, aucl they have tal;:eu out uothiug but high j!t'a\le ut·e. The Captain's :tR•es~mcms a:·c all wot-l;:e•i, and he lmd 11 o occasnu to g.l lo the Jlills .t() see the old vent· out and the new vear iu. We . . lel't .Mt·. Crawford's camp with a bral'>J uf fowl", J)l'eseutt'd to K L. Blood by the fu~·mm·.

The Sau Anch•es is attJ•nctiug atten• tiou, uud at 110 distant clay will be one the la!'ge~t bulliuu-pt·oducm·s in the tel'l'itOI'Y· Yours,'


~au Ant<Juiu, N. M., Juu. 7, 1884. 1h TVItonz ~t .Jl ag Goncent: ·

I, the unde1·~igned, hereby pronounce ns ti•l~e the elo,<;ing sPnh'nce of the all­VeJ'tiscment of Diouifil) Cha\·cz y Sauch~>z, which appeared in the issue . .. .... ,.. . . of the Gor,l)EN EnA for.:.Tnnuat'Y Srd, 18&~. aud I have this dl\y givcu the case into the hau<ls of my lawyer, John Y. He\vitt, of 'White Oaks, N. VI., that ha may take legal pl'Oct:edmgs in the ma.ttm· to 1 •rove that U1e ;;tat!!'· meut is false. PAUL ISAAC,


B. H. Dye, of this· fJiace, has repre­sented himself &9 my l'et1t·e~~ntative in somu mining mattera; !fhis he· has clone \V it bout any autbodty w lJatevet·. He ha3 uey:-cr rcprescntel}. me, with my knowledj£e all(t r.ousl'nt; fm·ther, when te makell . .such rept•e.Qeutation!', be makeR them knowing he bas no a.uthot·­it~~, and I W:al'D thepublic·agaiust such I'C[>I'CSt'UtUtiOUS. . . . . ·, . ·. , i .-

: . :{IENRY J. PA:'f'TEUS(l~ • ' .

'l'he <b.nce at Ewing Patterson's ou stoud-by of the camp, for we kno\v ·as a g;:utle ca,}tns boul!h, excl:tim~, as Ttnu·sdtty evening is s}ml;:cn of by all ·that a teo-stamp mill no niurt>fills his I wit11 one haml he sot'tly.vulle•l u~ the those attending no;; the most plea~aut ambit ion lhan it ctues out· own. -,· the 1\eg or' his oYel'alls upon tile tc?p of uml enjorable occasiuu ot' the khid White Oak~ is a good 10c:atiou f·n• a. his ~Joot. "Dn,tiiug, what ba\1 be(ju, is which basta·auspired in our circles this quartz mill. went .. I am. tnine, l;lr gosh; lm~ you season. Heu1·y Pattersouacled as host, Ou lthi~) Tburiiday cveuing. at the can ju~t bet your !iWP.etly snlelma isonl ill tho abseuee of Ewing _Pattel'SOJ:lt hoJil' ot 7 V· rn., nod at the rt•sideuce nt' :h~t :r 1lin't going. to sew oa your(but- 0 -~~e,! • whose wife gracefti1ly pt•csided. ,._ Ju-'a'gc Bl:t!lchaa·d, there will take plnce tou>1 f01· )on, if you dress_ as tigl~t as d\- incetiug of tb~ m.embers of l;l1e • ~ol~l~ G. White, an old and iuftuen-1 the 'wedding of twn of OUI' btl~t lmo:n~u-1 hel'etofl~l·e, plTViou!'lly, bi:hel·to I" ;The vl:.itlc&lu Gou!lty Stl)\lk '~~ociapou will ~1a1 cttl~..eu of the Puua!'~o country, \Vll!'l youu.g folks, Mr. }1)1. Ke.ely and M1ss I suu~c;~ slo~lv . telescolted l~$elf . II \ll}te:,P!~fe ~~. " · ,, . • . , .. . . 111 the e•tr last week dmug @Ollie trad· Jennte Hobson. Attea· the Ct'l'emouy' the bdl •. fbc deed was donP. . , Mqndal:.t Jail. 21."~~-~~ t:~,o;clo.d: a.m. iug and looking arouurl. \Vu have the evening will be ful'tlll'r ple~&santly · was.n~ more use for a B. ~~t }Wg~t~ll,1'or'f~e~o!tt8miaet· ahva~s • a \Vc!com_e. foJ• stwh m•m, S!Jeut iu ,.,a socinl diluce at the· future The 6ccurreuc~e o.f t!1c sunset th~ pog vet'~ ·inlprn~tait~ .. ~h!~~~~·;y~tl ax· ~?d mnte then· VJstt;; to our VJWU. home of the_yomu! couple. t>tn· ,vet·y golde~l halo at nudmght; can be i t.rud1t1g: a1~ ~lll>Ol't~n~t)Oll~,'~~t}t "ltock J he lvwea· C(!llll' I'Y docs uot know ns ueat ~oo~l W1s~1e~ go iu advance. Oua· explamcl} by the filet tl111.t \lTC B.l'C. \ mcu to.~ml~~ ~t 1s: l!n'port~ut for much of us rr.s \Vc could wi;;h were the final notice 'VIII we have uig through the of a t\1\ mcmbm·'ll tube l)rJ~f1jit •. ca.sc. drlmmtic uuhr is 1 \\". · ..~..,,~..,.1

' . ' \' --· --· '.



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,, .~

Does Grazing Pay 1 . -

P. 0. Acltlre<s

Suven R ivCJ·~, ·


. l •

WHITE OAKS, NEW &'flEX. Uio Peuast:o, Liucvlu Co., N . .M.


l\L l -OF-: NUU.AL AN JJ P~4 'l'US BA NUIJ ES ' .


I I.IscoLs CmiNTY, !


I •

: Letter I-Iead:-s.,

I !



.Note Heads,


Bill Heads,





-• &c., &c.

r:E....C., ~~



The CI-IIC::AGO VlBEKL.-i ... NE\¥~ :!S recc~n'iz~d as FJ~ pa~;;Q!'~ u_n....

surnas~ed in all tl1e ~~r-~wuil·.:~r~::·::!:L.:..:; of l~n1.e:ricar-"- ~ont-r_ . ..t!i~m. It. - " staJ d~ COJ:1spicu cu·s ~-; no:1g t.l1.e xne:.:t·o::_)c1ito.n journ"lis cf the coun-try e.s a corn:plE:te 1\fev.-s-p<';;"r In ff1e rnattcr of telegrnpluc serv­lceJ h;..v1r1g the advanrarr~ of cca:Je:;t:.on. ;.·....-~th the CHICP-GO D ..... ~ILY' l~E"\-7JS, it has 6-T. l;~s cc;::-r,l~::..~nd all the disp2..t.ches of the \;v-estel'Xl A.ssor:lat·-·d FreE.~, b0s.c~c~-:; a ""fJeJ"} ... e:-o:tensi ... .re service of Special Te~egrar11.s 1ror.a ail 1rr:portant points. As a Ne\tt s-pa per 1t bas X".:.o supe:r1or. It :ts JI'fDEPEl\JDEl\fT in Pol".ttics" presenting all po:it1cal nevYs h'ee team par<.:san bic>s Ol' colo:rinf!, and abso­lutely -wlthout fear cr favor as 1.0 parties. It 5.s, ,n U-e fD.Jlest sense, a FAMILY lJ,.!l .... PT~l~. :£a.cl1 :;._Psue c.')u"!..cdJ.1.s: s·~v .. ~~"al c;cJ~lJLPLE'I':ED STORIES, :a S:SRIP~L STORY o:t :ab:3cY"t~i::l~:-- :. .. 1""•·"'·c· .. ~~ ".i•_._t a 1ioh varity of conden$ed notes Ql1. ...t as..,.Jions ..... i).r!.., ] l){.i t.li.~'t..! j,~ • .; J .1 h-::ra t.u1·e .. Science, e:tc.1 E;tc. Its Ma .... ~:.C2t Quoiat.;.ou,:; .:~""-· c .. :nt:-1-.~t-~ :.· .. u~:t. to ua reli~d upon. It lS UI1£tUf;~tc-s~d as ~:t:n ent 'Jr·~"'i=:i:.tl~J, :J~~n'c~~ ~~~1tl t.:ru~r-­

·worthy GENERAL FAMILY NE"',VSPAPER. \Fio :::t•}·j;<bl:sh .:!Ph:!

.(}.'loin. the columns oi th_e \i\l}~EKLYNE··,V8 a h: .. v .. r of t.b.') v"-'-1~·u!..ta;.~_­

comn1.8lldatlons it l-..1.as l't":!Cei-ved.

vVHJ1T OLD ABGUT THE ''CH:CAGO W [!{LV N_ W3'' WHEN TH£Y RH;!:\ii 1 li[lt, ;>;;:~:',CRIPTIG;>JS.

\Yilll:un \:.um •r,... l>nrtt;'!l:", O.ddnn I Cf1l1:. t • l Jt 1~ fall n: -n.·~~"i~t· .:. ,::.:~. "'\l. "1\~t ~~t·· .... ~~,._: }l.ch .• 1<H\": •{ t•,ml\. it al!' thl~ th•:-t l)l~,er in n)t,.ond\ j urn 1l~ r· .. '•itt •+' ~1~\h~ ••f ·;;J<or Arut:ric.-J. r ; J •hr~M.i·, l ~,:_. ~,n::.:~-~1- tH•,i :u :,;:,1{'1;~

t.. \. \\"Blrh, Stt 11,an. o •• ~.\vg,: ult j,.. 1 'I'!H-: \\-J:£l;:L":' :-"1:'=""':4' :11' !ii·~. 1.-tl. !>c-t~"1 tt.~r lhtm nl:\11~' 1 •I lb!.! $~ Jt:.1u •J ... •• 1 c:nu-'t'" of it:t hPP·p:.-r;'i-:.~~-~ .t•; i!~lii•! ::a 1n>htt .. ·-

,J)luu·~ P M:,lmw~:!·la 8L <:nnrlt--. "'Cl'N'"t'. :'\f!'W I !!hln:.r .'TI-t> t·n: l:!'l'~:rt~ f L 1 ~~· ~!1 , .. ,,.~.r·:~::i 1;:; =~~ urh•ow-,.. Lu .. to•IJtt.: ··hltNlllMilll!!Y'Hir 1m;wr· i Hl'li ~~~~ ,.i ... e~· f'Ol.i ·~·~~ J'~ ,~~ .... ·~ . \-ltl,nth~l"'- 1 r~)c-.•J\''· (ml.t~t ~u\i ynur .... !:1't> 1 ·M. E ... ·,\t,~llp-H!. ;•·\fl•l!!t. ~. 1. ""!J.~·.,. •·uw·no \\"'f:: 1 ... 14Y :\rn;:--. 1ro.!.:llt••l. h~.:tL-r. bt.•tc:l. } ·~tt l:;. 1he, "kf.'~l~:,.·,.t ~J·U ~c ... t it.t!j1·· l "'t.r 1 ~\'( •d 1 ... onnt.•r Bl1~~ a lii('o\l il1l!tl n m.w.tll"Y' (Jf 1 rt:•ct L .. the 1\J.W!"!. It !• lilt- nc\\' .. llapl!r of the u:;y It j ).lr.:-t. l .. ~i·l~{~!~ 1->1. 11um jh,lL .~lt>-... :o::A.)<~: ·~r j;oo trne to lb nnrne .. lilw .f•H11 tJ:l}Jr :- P"• :· ~Wt.;t. i: ~- t :tth; ut!:t-.-

Alfr .. d P. Fo ... tcr. 1\"onuhn:l. Jlf-nry l)n~mn·~ l p••JH•r..a.. l•tlt f.o •lt~i 1lk•: tN .. ~~~J ;;-_, ,,.t~n ~t ... t.be 111 •• ~·l)"': ~ lt i~ 011e ot the t~lt.:UJ!t-St PtllH;!r,. i W :r:A:r.Y ~£,,·q. ~~ !JUh}i .. lwd H ,,~_ a. Ln,·;~ :..:H ...-.l!~~l,t ·; ... ..,.-q --~)11: ~~s .1}!1-t.

\\". ,Y, i~lu i!c•s. Ad:-nt·' .. :\oiich."' ~tns: • ·I lriz'1ly p1ea:--!:'d !o,"!;;. t h.• ~1-!-._" :-$. for J t.!l'1. ~w;'~ cou't\\~mttnur ... .:=annmh r. 1t is tln:: l,e~t liii$J .. l.f'~c~:'!td1~1~l ;~l ·l!(h!~ \t:,\y lhZAti gtt ).nUH~r fHt Ut'\\t<O! b;tH· e\:er ~~~~·~·. ,, bnth ~Hk'6 o£ n C! ,""t<fiu~} f·.!,.lrly ... t::- fortll~ wh1\'.h

I_..~·tc·r J .. an'"m·~. J·~~tt·u a. !-':h·n-...lf'rS Co 1lnty·, l!; ntrt·l·ly 'imp(!o;:nbl~ .. to !..l..'t lJ .t. t::trh:;Uy 1~:u-i.y Nell."' ~njs: •·1 lila~ 'J'JI1!: \\'-EJ:.1U~Y ~E\~:'!. jmtrm11-Qf t~ltht.•.r ~Hie.'~

The above extl·acts a1'e sufficient to shuv,r in vvhat esteen1. th~ CHICAGO VlEEKL Y NEWS is helo by its old subscribers.

Our sp.,cial Clubbing Te1·ms bring i.t 'Within the l'each of a? Specimen 8opies ntay be seen at tlus office.

~end subscriptions to this offic,a.

, -:THE'~:-

G :e:e:t..6.; URLINGT&

.., r;z ... ~




· .

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' f

The Golden Era. ----...,.. 'l'litrllSDAY. January lo.

Pr11l,.,,e ,h l;:e-~. S. T"rrtll. Proua~e Clerk-S lt. c~rb-t. :>hentr-J \V. :•ue. l E 'l" ~hll!.e. {foau:.r Contw:.dto.a!'r~, ( fost"' '\ltltJt:luO",

' A. \\ 11 •m. I H. L..- i.!t .. aek,

:Jeh\WI Ct~r..mi .. lUale-t", ( :;n1'!s .Er~kccoa. ' E. '"'"'u<.

Pi;.~;ncr Y•l ))-0Ill1-:01'0RY. Sllstl<!ll "' tne i'.,~c~-~~. It. m. u;l•l1.rd. Cu.,..~abt11-C~ • !l"\'I<L<>u.

... 1

-;011' THE:­r.

FioJ.~eer Store., Keeps His Stock =::=:=:=---­

Inct eased Demand of the Country. ~WHITE (MKS AVENUE,+

!N AI,T ........ P .AI~ TS OF THE ClTY.

•• Houses to Re:nt, CoUections

And Taxes for Nan-Residents.

Ti-tle to City Pro»erty.

OSClTR.._~S. SAN ~l\._NDES,

N 0 G _._>l_L, RIO BONIT().




----~-------- ---

~Toga.l Sto:re., !JOSHUA T. WAYNE, Proprietor. I

Benet knon n iu Lin'!,oln Count\· a~

f "


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I '-

. ' . . .


• ' ...

~-·:~::,oe:4•~·~~~~~~~~-~·-~·~·~i~-:-~j·"'-~-D"CiD,~'"'7"' .. - ........ = ... ::-~::-.-~.=~·.or:.~ .. ~-~-~--II:C~·c"'·"!'.:.~~~--:'!-~-~-~~~~-~--~-~~-~.~~~-~--~-~-~--~-~-~-"'.~-~~~-~-~--~~-~~-~~~~-~---"""!"-~.~-~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,_i!!!.~~-~~.~.e,.:;...~.,~ .. ~-~ .. \~--~.!'·~~~~~~~ .. ~•~~~~~~~ . r''"i. G<~-.-dr -·-··- E \Vli:nc we l'cnd of Sll(l\V·$lhle!i 1111(1 ·;en80illhat the 0\VIll'l'S ofcnttl" iu this the t•cligions i!et•vicc~ at the St. John's G'Ji'.N'ERAZME.ROHA:NPISE . . : •• e . 0 'en ra. l!Oid: weat_h~;~·. i_n C~IOJ'IldO, Wi.! "!'C u:atm·a~ (!llltle couuu·r !<hould cougrttt·l chlll'llh, :uul then rcllll'l•ert to the Ex-

~~~-es,se~tl Wtth 181l.lt'fsku,s '1'1111 :L 1

11 " 1'11111 ul:tte th~>lll!!CIVC$. Auin.lt\1 snfl'ea·i""• · .-cuth•e 1!-~au..;iun. The olll\' ont"idc

• u O"J leJ'd, o tll' we an Vtl lilt no • · • • "" 1 · · . l'llo\V,.tuul the days 1m~ pusaiug by' like nntl pecuumt·y lo~s m the bus me~,., aa·e

1 gtwsts WPJ'e S••nrr.t·u·r I< relmgny•en

... 11(. s. Taliafetro, E~nor and ·Manager.

Jones & lft· s. Tal~af~rro, Publishers~ the c:lul:'iot uf tim., riding on 1 he maZI! l'Cilnced h• o. •niuiutnm, nnd th~: itulus- I mul ~IJ·s. 'l'aylnr. Thr• I on•~> wns of a th·eam. Oh. it is nic<J !-,Journrtl. u'y ftom·ishf.S pel'f'lll't:c, beenuse ~·at'l'ied, ciOJ!••;i 10 \'isito1·:; hcfurc eight u'dm:k.

O\JR AGENTS. ·Yell, the chaa·iut nt' timll l'iding em on iu thl' .rni<l"t .,f its natua·al nml · · ·· AUGUST.

; ---.•-. - t.he lllll:IJ.l ut' u d I'CI\111 i1 l't'l:lly 11 ir-e. lJI'OJjl'l' 1'11\'il'tlll;nt•nt~. N t·W l\h·xico is Tao folll)l\'iutt per..au$ ate duly auth.,'l'ized Ilardlv 1&11\','tbiul! •tiC!ll', m.lt:~s it is t.hc tile fita'eiit cattle cuuntl'" in Uu: WOI'ld. &!!t-b~lii'<•r '.!Jilt, tiCILOIIIi ~Hk: · - J .NEJV ADVEll1'JSE.llEN1'\:I,

l'i.s. 'fxnll&t.a., BoxrTo U•c:omoth•e cJf lll'Ogl'CSS sliding down nud rite cvut••ntl•(l ''.oirc;; ut' millinns tr J. (.t.lJ~:<.o:NY, FT. ST.\!0>'1'011. ~ I. b f I I I I 'Ill k J. W •. i>ol:,. - E.\UI.t:CHRIK. t;tl~ COu\Ve 0 I& t lllllg &t. · ftll 31111 l:a(l(lY ('all e \VI . me. lhO~e of :S•u·rH L1n, · l.tNllOLN. 1 ..:t 1 f' t' ( lJ 1 J\, U •. W'HE1'11TONF.1 - • - hm>WELL. , . , • I lllllul'el S 0. a :lll<. llll'llj' Ctltl..: UICU

}liSg.,\{.\(lHIO: l'tOHUOX, • !lF.tl Ci.OUO. ~ U t•gent eflortR IU'e lllllklllg 10 ;:;emll'C ill the :lS~Cl'l ion. ~ •• u a;;e.ot• a~e "•ti;.-dr.ccl to r!•cei;rc muuey uu • 1 ) • 1 • f' II N i\1 • ·--~~~~~~ 1\tUNN & CO .. of t.lul I'Nr.~n·IPJ<' .a.~nmt<'.I.N, .,0n.

aitb.leriJJI.iOu.:O.:lu.d rou~iDt. t•U!".h"l\llie. nn :k{>J) ~( Jn'JtL IOU oa· . •e r (•\V " ·eX.JCO ' ... - t!nue tO:H":t as ~,,fidf· •rs f•,r l~att~ltt~~ e:l\r~atS. 'l'radc ' J • ·J · '('J 1 • J I 1~ • Jl •I I''' V'1lla ,..I 1111~ fQ '1lctl lllark•, C.upyrillhl>, !'ur the UniLctt Stat.-s, Canud•t,

PATENTS ·---··~-.~~- .. -~ -· w·- - f C:,Cl:: ntttt•e. . lU Cf.P:l'_.RlUI't! \V,lllt~ to tUll t. I·' au · " J~n~htnd, Ji'runN~.Gc.·:n!lll'f,etc. Ifand}look;aboUt.

E . . .. , I . . I . I tl . ll't~ I' ~·l"ll'lli(lll wm~ htl'l\'' (' .,. l'IIICII!O ... .,t, fi'W. '1';,,.,, ..... ,-en,;;-ellrS'Clo'j)l'riencl'. lfir •• t .. te<l at the Pos~ omc~t at Whtte Oak~ ·I· Sl.. I W!Ult!l to gl'lllJP e \\'II I II' a/,!11 Jll, . .. (!. e • . • • •' - Pllt.emsohtainl'<l fh••IIJI!!t1.i.UNN & co. :n-o noticed all St:eu~.~,<l Cia~.; .\!ant,;~. • I , · , I • l · , I , 1 I• . II '-' ·tl 1>.1,. 'tl'tu (> , Ill , , .1 !In tlte Sri~.X'Tt•·a~.· ,\ l·• ~IUCAY, tho largest. t·c,t, an<!

. , 1111g aty (11'0 )(elliS of l'ltiUU.•IIIIIIIS up. t CClJit ·~ If' •''11 I • v Ill J e,.lllu mostwideh·circuht.<•l! •c!eutitlcpnpm·. ~a.:oarc:a•. I • • 1. · , 1 , r. • , , • ·olv, t · .· \Veekly. l'!nlendhl entmtvln"" and inh•r<>stin~t ;11• · ~- -- --: ......... --- .. -··-- ... w,.nts to llll', lle<elf ul'lwceu Gill' tlu- 11°\\ II 11gnreil .1~ ·"' m... •II UJ))II· formation. 8pcclmcncopyofthe;o;ci~>naille.\tnel'-

l II ( • •• ~ t 1• L 1''00 I • · · ' · t" .. '''I 1. J) •'tl lean RPntfree. A11ii!'P.>S~LUl\N &CO .. Rn~;s·rwic II 1e Clll> l.lle Oo ovotl ag 3tJllll . ,v ... \'oli'tl ;leJVO>'I a.t.lll lllltlllll.mtt tiCSit'IICtmn. Vll.h! lltiRI·I.W!'S :t llli.S. ~. II! IOU~ e \~I l ,A)t£RtC.\NO:Iice,:Milr•¥.11lway, New York. F.t'l.'ltchnzciJ l:.t~d 6,000 Chill'l:n•'n w~t·e -mad clmw its puy. It i;; evt•n :111 lll''lll'Y iF, I hn t a!l suun !I~' lm.gcls a I it· kdlccl. At tluo~ g;UJlt.' pt'OlJtot·tu•n •. Cinua uonuced th11t it will snon 111m t ttt lie het•lctl, ht• blow~< e\'el'\'11!111~ he hus SOUTH"VVESTERN wuuhl went• Fmnce 'm1t Vel'y bo~lry in: S:uua I•'c, aiJ(l begin .. , dmw ·upon thH j into a palllltlll t·c~iclimce, with a uupo~fl. I be c••ur~e ut' time. I· territory flll' it!ll p:ly until tht• a ppmr)J'i-1 nn1l. ;L IIHIJ'tgn ge,. nud ~~~ AI gCtnq~uu

, . · . · ,. . -· . tiuu is nuule. ll i~ jtlst t. hat z .. alous in I huh:m ua111c nu 11. Ht•· lu,;t Iuctm~1 fht: (li'OCluttUllluu o. the Kmg <:!t' l.be I • r. . v'llll ,·I '"'Jillln l't'rnerllliCI'"'I , ••. ,~ ll'l'llell

• • . . • 7 , t m o';CJ'\Tlce n Jt-1. t:•>I'IUll'\', I I .. • ·• " L' • • •" • STAGE COMPANY

C'aa'tH\'ILI lS cut. fo~ the! Mardt ,h•·as into a. hulic;;' ~cmin:uv His 10tilJ lin· fcsti\'tit•S nt New Ol'leaus:, to VPNI the flis muj•·ilty, r4nrll Sullh•un, ch icf ol' fini•hecl IIHIIISiou, with·~ $200,000 111,;;:,_ s :!6th of Fcba·u;u·y lli'XI,,.ignetlaudsca.leti of the Ol'llet• of .l\[ost Noble Slnggel'i', gill£", is llUII<itiflel'cl1 in his :t.s;oigtlii!Htt an by llltl Rt'X himsdf.. has been received. ou 'hj..; tt·ium plull tu \'V' 111. Enclitlt•U :md Jlnt'llce White,

. The lll'Xt •luor ucighl-cu· 'fennc~~~~ct•, pt:ogt'e";; tha•m.agh the w,•;;t with be-~ of :New Ym·k, under date ot' ·~llllt••u·y ,1f tht•uow har•Pr stlite of l{cutlll:kr, is comiuJr houoJ'!I, i'Uch as hatmet·s,ta·~tn~- 4th, 'J'hi;; j;; Uul 011111. of who.:11 c·r·!l\· gt!tting pi(jued :tt ite- sisun·',.; goud luck pat't!llcies, iH'Ill!l!l bands. &t:., nnd si11ce. tious the New Yot·k Sun was wont to 1111.d begin:-~ to ct·y 'ime too,'' Wllllling tlw oegt·o botd l'OI'let• laid lii111 un h~s! ~'l·l'nk as •·fait·y c:a·C'atious of an Alndtliu

'e;ome such SUIJi!Utntial honot• as the bacl•, hatl met 110 ouc tu rla r·e Ius jmiaul.'' f>onr fellow, he has had ma11y Vh~e-Pt·e,;idcltcy. " t'l•cnvn, until Pote ~h:Coy, :'~ DcnVt'r,' an 1111 nnd t1 nvn, and mny come out all

broke u clmn· ov•·t' hii t•ov:L) mug. IIi~: l'i~<ht \'ct. high11e~s wouhl lmvu nta~lr· a ~ow, but " • ~~~~~~~~ l';:.flucte<l that a -15 W<llll d kill e\•en ll Look Our For a Racket.

:\rri-.·c, JJepart,

Antonio, White Oaks . -:.\sn:- Ft. Stanton.


"*·'.l"Inu~ •.rnblc =·*-AN ANTC"tSIO.

lflll'l~ Q£.KS.

ll:~o 9, m. 7 a. 1n.

'l'hn Gazette 1•11 blishes ot•iginal stoa·ie~. Time to st'lJ stock when thnt happt•ns. \Ve ~ay, . ju~t t'o1· u guess, tb1Ll H;\tlle.r lms al h!wl!ll some ,!·oamg bciy to gut fL holtl on him. ~uad ~be ii l'ho\Ving lmr fm\vur, dVt•r him. Oh, li~Ulley. ; ou la;u·,lJ~· hadn't ought 10

slu.ruca·. He'll ctet it vet, it' he IJ·ieo: hi;; ~10· lh •

foulislmess tou often ou the buy;; out hcJ•e.

An·h·e from Sau A utonio G \\r. P••ichard,. Uuilcil '5tlltes eli;;- lte1mrt fur "

A n·h·e fr,un .Pt. ~tanton tl'i1~t alt.tu·ner for New l\lexico. lm;; Uepnrt for ..

4 9 .• m. 2::1·.1 p. m. · 2:;!;1 p. m.

~ u.. m. comnletcd hi;; husines;; Ill \V ash- t'IIRT STAISTO:S.

() • 1 · . b tl ,,. inut,;n, .with the Iutel'ior Depn•tment, tg,::~~: ur camp~~ mngmg ou ~- 1c e.,e· ., . . . •· · · 1 tl · 1 ~,, 1};, >"t •11 ''Ill and has seem·ccl rn. uch mlormnuon

i p.m. II a. m.


!-"~ 'I'. BaJ•uum, !!!llf~ :m ('Xch:mgt. haR JU~Hlc bis last will uml testament. 'J'hei'C are 700 page¥ of it. 'l'he oltl .g<'utleuum ts wonla; 10,000,000 it ;lfl·

peal'"; all accumula~C'tl by judicious mlvt•t·tizin!!. Gootl~ chnru:e fo1· the lawyet-s. il:-tliey C!lll (lUI}' prove the old s lrowuum ~~ CJ'a.fa k

ui'O\VS \Vll 1 Ill> IJIIU' u ~ ..-• • u I . , . • ' "' • . . . · aml dO<:Omeuti tlmt \Vtll nul hnn

tlte ltttlc ten-sttllllll bla.~s "'ill, nnd no • . • . I . l k t r 1 .1 · · h ~ J' • \V. Ill Jli'O~CCIItltl'• :t on"' < oc 'f• 0 <tllu protlucuw nune nt the ::S·J uau·c. e 1 1 "' . .. . d b

"' • ~lml'k;;. ''hu JJtlllC\' JUlUI UIIJ';I.IC Y wunt anothea· null. \Vc: uc·crl :uolhcr l · "" . 1 . . 1 fi l I . t f• k l Sm:nt:u·v T1·l.ler, he.· sav!'.uf ~eurhug an mill. L CUll)(· Ill p t!ll V 0 \VOl'. IIIII ' . • J

. • . . . . a1·mv of !'pecinl auents ft·orn the l:uH could m.ake plentv •lf mont:\' hel't•, 1.f It · • . "' 1 .1 . 1 · . • . • offici! 1uto the st:ates :uu ICI'I'I .)J'Je~, ms hatl bu,;mes; men to 1'1111 II.. \V" lut"C 1 , 1 1 .1 1 •. ~s "'IJu•t·e

. • IIUeal't ICI ll IIIII tl Ill e O, c .. es •• IIC\'Ill' lwd n fan· ~hmv. \Ve want sonw 1 • . • 1 ll 1 j'a(oe

. . . . . huul eu11·1e~ .we1·e 11181 tl · ll'ong 1 ~ ~ one to come here WJth. so.~me ulea ot • fl' I· ··t l tl • \V'II I'C\'et·t to the • . , 't ,1 H ,}VI~. IIIH I(.~C I ·

· husiuc.-.·s nbihry atul bu;>mess uuegl'l Y· · t Jnt ,0 1101• Cl'lll'l"" <1t' . . . I U'l)V(ll'lllll('ll II. .. •• . ' ...... I .O"<i ·r ,.1111.,;:;011 •f.•J<:,·r,cJitl't of All- That kn11l of a ruan wall gt•t help tuu ; "' 1 1 b ": t r t. 1, 1 - • ~ .l.il f 1l·uu COVl'l'o'l V tIll~ S\'!1 1'111 0 S e,. >1.

• •. • • . i : · .,.r .~ make auouc,· he1•e. \Ve have no .Ill'· ' · • • • • worth, IS by ltt ll'hiJYson. out of .l~.a.a,.., · • • • d • The IH':l<:twe he hll't,hel· state~. wa~ •r · E 1' 1 . , • 1 Lher u~e tot· llH y ot.hct• l.:m . 'You l11•a a· 1 ' • e out ut • n g tan< , we htean , 1e · . . . c·n·t·ied on ttl au nln J'lllllll¥ exteut in

by t:uglis~l D.nby lout of ~mpot·tcd us_; thi~h a gooll place. t.oa· a sttunp New )[,•xico, mu1 in m:u~v iu.;tnn<"es ]I,J,elll:b Jo,ut'; he by Gt·itlith Gaunt, I null. ()onto !uul sec about Jt. the ~uiltv JlaJ't.ie;; h>t\'e hceu' :t[lpt·e


R. JI. lULLS. Sut•'t.

Ll Vl!.'RY S'l'AJJLR.


CORRAL, CForruerh· St<mo's.)

who was the sou of l_.J,,hu Gaunt, who ltrl· t1c1111,e .. 11, a;td he mean!!! w nt•u.;cclttc.-'fhc Ot·cgou Nll.\'igntiou awl r WJII'fE OAKS, was the son ot' n Guuf.n, it' om· memory · · 1 nem in.'' 1'ribune. • N. ~J.I

pt·ovoment compttu~·, pl:trit:g m w11. 1

Sl!~·ves us. 'fhis: geue~!ogi?al work is:& the Northum l'acifio.: t•aih·o:ltl, h•tV<• Col. \Vd1b, of the Retort, i~ 11l~o n?w A FULl, !lGPPJ,y OF

t.~·tfte u:w to ~s, but; I$ st1ll nompam· mach• thitws tlecideclly inll'l'e!!tiug foi·. in Wa;.hingtnn. llu too wnuts actwn t•~?~~- suniJc, lf )'ou 1mce get the bang San Jt,,,anet"co. [t would not 11 ppear, I in the h•u•l-t'I'IIUt1 mal.t~·rs. . Th~a·e is CORN, OATS, HAY &c., ot. It. ; nt fii'SL ,.ight, tlnlt ~o ~nl icl a city M 8an fun II hmd, ancl l~et•e's w tlh you fot· it, On H md :tud for Sale.

]')lstwnnl tl11! tid!, of mnigration J?t·mwisco cnuhl fintl iu nn iutet·iut· geutlmueu. \Ve 1.1 !'Oun fix .. ,,Jihl ,_,f .fiows. 'Ve at·e a.hu(it tr) Sl.'lld sorne tmvu so fnl' di~tant ~~~ (.'hit:llg'O, n I;•Jlll• tltc•e l'als.:: SWCIII'~I'8 SIJ they cau't sleep Horses Boarded by the Day or Week. 1 uh·ty Apaches and ~b~u· as man\· J>u- petitur in tht• least woa·thr ot' ltct· of nights.=~~=~~~= c!>los to the tmiuiug schoJol for (udl•ln notien ; but such is t.l1u case. Pa·t•guu ou;--Wash;ngton L;tter. youth, locate1l at Cji.rli..:le, V:t. \Vt, aml Washington 'l'm·ritut·r now buy I -

. ~-----------~----

('O~V TR.-H:'i'UHS.

THE NEW tdEXICO trust tb•!V Willn:•t rn'lke au\·'rai!} on largt•lr !Lt Ci1ic:q~o, au•l llr lh•J 11'1111'1· Regtyalnr~r•'e>ro"rl~~t'J~hel~r.a: 9.() lSli'l f. be blond~,) stock of' ~hat. stat~, antl thllt awJ•tutiuu fll•:ilitie:o~ l'umi~h!Hl h\' tlw \. 1 ~" 11 Ill;;'! " 11• . • ., · '.c -·' . · · they will not. lldu2' ba.ck nuy lla•l ;1bvvu mcutiouetfcnmtmnie•. find tlh·m· T .. o. kmlJ •luwu fl'l>lll' t 11 ~'. g:LI ~··•·•e;~ " 11 :=--::-: Imbit~ with there. it. i~ ahvays more selves :11Jie to lay duwu their g:••u•is at tltu m·w 111111"l'• the \'CI'tllc~. 11~ lll::~ui­

--· ... or less dnuget•ous tolvisit the col'rupt- their own d.oot-s M r:heilply us tilt-y e:m tuou~ thnt th•·r '11'1l .:t ~lilt'nt u . 0 ''·m!g Mining, Locating iug east. ;, Le lluli"'c1·etl nt S•ur l<'mucisco. ::;1111 bt•d:; of nwu-·tiut• figr_•n·~. geuml eouu

l''..auciso;u will lose frolll 6J lo 8() lJl'l' ll·uunr·e~. Wt•ll-sh'llfl~(l l••:arl~. awl i< --: l SD:-,.

Exda:tnges fr.1m tllll'V<!l' th.C' union cent of hr;I' Jn>l'tiwrn u·:ulc. g' ueml ail' uf intlepell~ieu(·o. ami ~C:t' report a WILVL' <>f iutct!"'c culd. At Min·~ s:uii'ofaetiou, as if th ·y H!JlH'cciMe•l neupoli;;:, Miuu., o•\ J;mnm·y 4th, the 'fhe be~t cxl_•i~itie)ll of busiuc>~il 1111111~ the hoQUl' of heing memhP•"·ele<"t of , --o--

Developing Comp'y.

lllermn·y ~;~toot! 30 tle~t·ee~ ll•.'low zero agement 111 uullmg mattet'!!' wluch has cou::,re~s. Tlu~ <•a·g.tlllZ•lliou ot' the .Jm::< :l!cl!t:rm!IT, t;~.,·t ''"''"l!er. nt high noon, aud liliewise el~ewhct·e. cc•mt? tmtll·a· om• notice iu thi.; (:OUntJ•y, hnnst: of re1n·•~~entnti•·e;; iii complete. :o.r. L.ll:oa1·ox, Asst. liau:~::e•·· At the sam~> time w.~ W:lllzetl at·omul i.1 the mauuca· in W' hich tim new D I'Y At'lc•a· the hoi i1l11\' •·eee~s • .lm~iiii.'R~ ou the .1. c. Kr..:?INO':R, :':t•erct:try.

the R(l·eets !,)t' \Vhite JO:tks iii out• slill• Gulch ,;,ill proje<'t W•lil Cr.JIIl'Cl'tCd !lUll inside: 11!' well liS (JIJ lim (•Utside or I he s. 11. llK.iRLl, Trell.surer. l•e:·s. \\'c have uo lee het·e aru1 no cal'l'iml out. Cut. ~'lctchet·, we ltcli•!\'t•,, Jegi~lativu t:li:tlllhCI'" will bt·gin in -o-· -

1'110\V, exce}lt ll little J>lltcb R\VILY llll ull w:1:o~ 1 he leading, if uot the sol.: mo\'CI' e:u·uest. It JII'OIIIi>'es 10 be bl'isk. '1'\ae Wi.ll J,ncate. Sun·cy' nwl Develop llliuiug

Cul'l'izo Jttonntain, W hieh h:t~ i:la•·elr iu th!1 matter. \Vit bout lillY fluur!sh ~•1111 hem Pacific lobby hns p1'11balll) Pro:>er:ie3 iu. a.u!' of the Camp3 of

nfl'ordecl our met·clwuls enough cooling ol' tt·um pet;;, w illmut any (ll'Olll i~es Ul' t't•ccived :1 had;:set by the ~e:uulal the the Territory.

matt·t·hd to keep U(cit· o.rstca·s from any- hitc;hes. the !ll'l':mg<~mcnt,; Wtll'c 1mbl it:atiuu ot' Huntington·~ letters h·ts Cnutr9~ts for As•c••mcnt or

i!'lloiliug. l quietly a111l .-ystemutic:lll~· Cill'l'icd nUl, t'l'Nlh·d. IluweVl:l', thll cOIIIIIIitleu ou De,·olopaneut Work Tnk~u. Estimate~ llade,.

::-- . ·' . • au1l the fia•,;t that. uue lillu\V ut the llt'W P11uific:: I'RilToads, on thu house sidP, Law•· Proof.; Proeured aud .Filed,

~b·. Upt&c, 1\It·~ Optldi come now, tlu~< miit, wa~ when the wngorar; with the was cuusitlN·ed ~~ prize WOJ'th strug M' E • d A d R f d U will nevet• do. Wt! rave gone .tn ,1111 machineL'V Wl!l'e met euming uvet• f'a•um gliug fol'; Cas~illy, uf NC\·ad>l, Clll'l'icd me~ xamme n apor e pon. the ~roubltllmdexpen~eof est:tbla .. l~mg 1 Cnt·thage. Now tl.nt i.; busiue•s. 'l'hnt il otr. vc1•y mndt to the surprise of Om·re.~pomlencc Solicite.(l. 11 prl\'llle cot•t·e~pnrlfleflt at \Vushmg-' i,. whttt we likl" to see• Thi>~ tn•uutgc- tho~e who :u·e not hl"himl the scenes. 'ton,. ~o fu_t·uish tis. aH tpe news rea hut, meut tlo uottn·esume that they 1u·e cuu- c1111~iCir is a t hh·11 ot· f'om·tll mte mem· p~ymg hun a. l)r~nce1Yj~8al!u·~·. and t·r~u- ferriu~ :m iueo~tiumhle boon upon the be1·, tutd this is h.i~ Ja>~t tenu iu con­'!mg all the bus!ness ~~s~!l of. fiua.ncial evunLI'Y by bl'in1,!iug lhei_r mill into thd gt~e~s. His Mlllt~> sutl'eL'" severely by mvoh'PIIleut wh!l:h tb!tt unpile~. fhell . counta-r. 'l'iley ju,.t go nt it as :a :>itnple the eJ:actitlns or th(j Cuutt·al Pacific

!0 have you tl~hherat~!y c?py, almost business enterprise, o.ud clu their think- mnii!IJllllf, au d yet uo oue iuw.giauls Jra full, •.ttu·p~·W!lte Washmgtou IPUer, iuu- hefore thtl) ·llu thch' hnihling. If tltnl Cm·sidy J.e~it·cd the chail'mlurship mul to do so _a·epeate.dljY,·.~s t•eal.l)· .quite tl•; associ:Ltes of Col. Fietcltet• h1ulnll of the committee on Pacific l'ltilroads tro bacl •. It 18 ll rlo.t·m~piece ot pU'acy, nct•!d wiLh hio~ dit•eutw••s in the otlll'r for the Jllll'pose of llCCtll'ing lcgisl:~tiou 1\Ir. Optic. l Nogal enterprise, the Nogal llliiiiUIIl 10 t·egulate t11e J'a•t•igbt l;u·itf uf. that

Jtl':i'I':RF.lH'•·s:-W. J. Spen<!e, Wm. W.atl;,m, D.J. :II. A- .Jewett. W, 11. Weeol & Co .. Richard Yonug ntlfl W, .F; JUauehard, :>llor White ll~>k! Netr l\lexieo.

S.·lLOUN OARVS. ----------------- ------

Miller's Place, GEO. W. MILLER, Proprietor.

\Ve nre iu receipt orl the htest 1:ail- mine woulcl not now be suuuJing idle. coucem. ' S. ~. Cox will prohably not accept H:~mlles the !!'llfling 1\elltncky

road mapot tbe Santa: l<'e a·o:1d, which . . 1 b 1·am!!', ~.uch as the Old!Timcs;, th.e.Oicl t • 1 1 1 d ;, • .1 ,_.,. Fl'Om U.c mnges of the uut•t I co111c. the clutit·mun~thip of theiiiLVa.l co_rn.t_lnit·

Cl't' am Y s aows. t 10 "'lire :lllu ~ul .• lty . • . 1 1 T11•·'c • t'l n Atlf' ~u 1 no· tltll"' tl1e ( lll r tl • 1 r. 1' ·· 1 1. 1 J a·elmats ol sufti!J'llll! um toss among t ac tee. II is of l.iltle consequence to· Uux ·' · 11 ' k ••··~ 1 " '" 1

o . us t•ot_u to T;::ueJ' "11<Wlt aunt a lt!ltf . catt:e in tho~e climllte-smiueu l•lti- what n•tm•nittee pusit.iuu he holds. Crow, the lfildniu nml the <JhCI'IT of the tim.e~. . he ma. p i11 a model ofi . I "'I tl I f I t 1. Ca·ct•k ('liP. In tt"l' •t t•lteat)!!l' w·Jl·l'"kC\') . -, . tnt el'. .a. 10 we•t 1er 1:1s o . a e uceu H 1! h:t!i V111'iecl accom plishmen Is, nud · · ' · " ,. · · · • • neatness a1ul firusb. T~1e five lure-rue- II • l t .. t f ll AI 1~ k 1 J• n I I II • • . • \; • , UIIIISUa Y ~>eVt•t·e Iii I Ill· l'••r o · 1e the lll~jot·ity willneetl his se•·vicws bt•· A'' '1"~ • lllll · •Y~', rl"R!l 1 11111 · arwy, rulmus, P~&mfl.c, Moun.tam, Ucnu·,ll, d 1. l' tl . · l . Pencil B1on 11,1j· na1,1 R\'t' \~•Itt'•!·,.,. all ' . couutrv kll at sue 1 a mae ae Ill lilt fot·e the ses•i .. n is many wcel•s oldet· · " " " · · '' · ' "• Eastemaud lutel'·Colothal,ares·aml>Pd i ·11' •. tl ,, ,.,1. · -1 d' t f · tl .... t'l' v in culot• upon ltil fnct> ~ auc1 the whole I ualm'a y r.:verls Lo le l'lt age~ ·• uc l Iio ha;l hi;; f;mlts nud h·ailtiei!, but hi !'I u·ec 1'.01•1 te uJS 1 ca· .•

'lt' • . . were made among the •·augu~ of l\Ion- 11bilit.y is unquestioned Hatl he not --Jake __ fl. ot'lll"' a verv valual' e .. httl. e tmcket . ''V . • ... , b 1 ,, tl

. • - i • • · tnnu. • vonnng, ... e a·as m auu 1e rmt•le IL ~<peech :1t the O'Donnell indig· oo. rnp.an.to. n to those WJ~Inug ro tt·ave.,

1 A k • 11. d • 1 • • f WI' II Sample WI'th You • _ . • ,; • ,. ·:m;:as va t!Y nt•Juo· t 1e wn~aet• o uatitm ruceting hort>, he 'V(lUI<l have . · • eatber ll[JOU th lq CIC~Illlt a·oad 01' It;> m.. 'Sl ) ~ · · 1 '

· • 1· · ou- , till< ewu ulli'III:C Will c•·s been chnirman of tne f'OIIllllilt;•e ·on -------··------tonmet·ous e"nneetJOD!I. • . · . • · ,, 1 _ ., ur.1t nouceable foa· then stWtll'lfy. vall o fomign nfl':~h·s. Peny Belmont was B WHITE OAKS L .Toe; Fowlet· j~ not Jai'mg. Hiit law· J'aiiling on the rnugu is not c!aimetlto e.cat·ct')y presumptuous ennn~h to luwe .ILLIARD HAL

yet'tC appealed his en.<~e,\slu·r:wdlv post-, be a stJucinll~·lmm.aue hnsiues~,au•l only rxp<'etf-d t.he place•. · He i~ a cleve1• . . ·

p'l:1ing ~he rnattm• tmt~l it was too late 1 appNanhes 1111ch ~~ Elllllld·point when ymw g man but l:u:ks expct•icuce. 'I' he ·.rnE FAVORATE RES'lRT

for the ap[Jeal to come! UP the: present! pursue1l i11. such ~onuh·i<:s a&s a. a·~ the choic1! of Cm·tcu for the chairmanship fQ. R £V£.R·. YBO·OY._ . tt't'tn of the Supreme ~.J•!rt, n.ud thus Jnatul'al homes oi· cattle \Vhen free, was in evet·y wa) wise nnd judicious. giving .ll'cnvler a _respjte ot' <•ue real·• I No rancbman love~ to see an anima: It was a just recognition ot' au able uud II(• will escape atJd' g~ \o O!tl Mexico. ·1 mu tilate<l or sutfm·ml!'. ft·om the (lft'ct ts ex pe1•ieuced mao who led the fi l{ht fot•

-.-. :o:-lliLUARD TABLES_,

Should this maunot l'~i:.-eive the pliu-l of cold; he dol!!! not lake to see a herd R:uu1nlt. Mt•~'ent which his ca·i!mt> met·its, thi~ 1 with t\VO or tlll'ee i•~ebeR of k~ ~~nd The Jll'esidrnt'e (.lhl'istmns WM about FINE LIQUORS, tea·l'itot'Y' will ~$Ve l'ece~ved a deep 111111 .,. snor f~OZt'llllpou tbe~r. backs, clul~llll!' tl.!e quietc!!t ('Vf'l' spent at tlu~ White IMPOU'I'ED CIGARS


las:tin<>· di;wrat,-d a. tJCttm~&ueut woutnl thou· vuals und len.vmg .litem miSer- Honse. The1·e \Vas furmn.l obst!rvancll. . a-· . O O d. :tM:J:- "' .. _ 1• O., .. .. '. I . •I . • I . . " --and will .. bn \'C brand~d ucross that·. able fo_r wei.'~"' even 1f. t 1ey survu·e 111 of the ilay. Ye"tl'rd~y mol'lling Pt·esJ.

fa·ont which she mu@f ojmds tur11 to the I a stunted I.'XISteuce. A. hoof oa· bol'll .idcut A1·thm· aJ'O!!e about ten o'elo!:k WHITE. OAK~, • · • N. )(. worhl, "'Bnma·o life i11i uotbinJC·hct'P..~ frozen from a living, anima! is u?t nncl brP.akfasted with lit-. Allan Ar· -·-----------~--.;._ H.·.· .. ere i~ ~&.e ... ·~~~.me. 0. f irime. Hel'e i.!i l pl_ea~.nnt. f.~ CIJUtcn.llllat:; 1101'. 1 s :l ptle thnt• aud Mill& Nellie Arthur. 'fhol lmport~nt to Parties Going East. the a1nd111cr place of F(' -b:uaded nma·•. of blenchmg bt•ne~ of c11l'ld Alllmnls, Pl'esident.'s Cht·istmas pt'Cscnls \Vet·e ....,.. T'eke's'l) all P-:--ts . tl 8 , t

.. • , 1 , • • • -· 1 • • otn m 1e .a esare new cler. Re&-e· ill. t"e.lan ltllerc 111\V i11' wbich WI'J'e wurth, \Vbcn alive, $'.!5 to n pall' nf !!ohtnn·o dtam.cud en.r-a·iugs t.o on iale nt the De.-,t iu Socorro. Banage






' '

8}iOKI:\fG A:YO



JI,ATUHV Aim, OOOUS, SASH, &c., &c.

"~.;;:. '

\VIUTR U.4,U A VJ: •• • WHiTE OAKS,~-.:\:£

The :Soss Store! -------



t ta~le an~ anc~ roceries, --~~--~------~--~~=-------~---




Fine Cigars aH~ T o~accos. Cor. Pine St. and White Oaks Ave.



I Sll.oeeu!lrs to Onao, Sal.r • .tK &; Co.,l



' ..



:E="Oa'"'\.?\7' A,OZNo-

CCCCCC{lC {; 0 c {;

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N y

The celebrated Stuc:Jebaker an(Cbut1er 'vV ugoz.~ .. Buggies,' Buckbo~rds and evthing on ~vl1ee1~~.

Tlle most eomplet~ a'tld wen ~SSC>l'ti>d 'W.ho1t~Oe~ iu tlw Tert•itory, of Grocct'ico;, Dt'Y-Gooclf>~!ftll'llis~liu~-q: ~ ohons, Bats, Caps,

. . '.Jarpets1 Clot~mg; Boots;~; ' .Tentl;l, and · . . · Miners OutfLtS':·~ &c. . • Jn.Wil'IISn~>, . That wid btr. a fine dn•· $30 apil'Ct', :t mol'e cbr·ct•ing spectaele. Mis.s N •.!IJic. , and a cheek.· fm· $150 to !.tis I cheeked ~hronij'h. E.uquirie~ .cb~erf~alJy a.uswo'l'ed

• J b , • . OJ!i.ce liuul'il.,..'llA•-IJt, to 5 ''• tn. • · ·. (ot this, :'~ttr clto~t'!.• · ·In vio:w of such f:,ct~, it is witb tlouble sou. Aflet· t•ca.-fast, tile tl'IO aU!!lltlc<l · . · rH~O. 11. POT'.rJm A•~ut .• • i i . SIIC!'III.l&ttoatwu tS.aiA to th<> «l;!i~J~tj ool, ti.r...~ HUion ~e,

. : -~~

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.. J '• . .. . ~ .:: .. ~·~.:!:~=w.\'l•-~w.~~~· ...... jt;';.;~~--