
¦ y> I i I in- rru pjNWWD vner roSjD p*a vnw ists : but they ore cultivated, coll ege Sk-o ^no aV.4 p ure h ear t create , unto months of some of ' its ' ¦ dispensers; :bnfc . Hi ghest oif alt ra 'ie averjihgPower. -r-Latest U.& GOvlt.Repprt HP filUPf IPan filflfi llfii *wh ™» that ' the Israelites lu Egypt bred intellects, inteUigeut religionists mp. p I^rd ^^ , ' _ ¦ " ' " - ,, - . .; ¦¦ _ < __ * f#>l;Vt > J JJu n lHOIIuUII lolUUIIlul . ^JTZ „,„i ~o„in„ « i„«,i nni«t n B^nnfinr«l hnnr. within ine! < " to consider the complications and perr . f)B^A. .;' . ,; , ^ , ...,; ^y . ' j > ^ Vfe >i'V:V jJ t-\ were in possession of scrolls (written do- and zealous humanists , standard-bear- Ma„y a^ ^spheres, various the ac, plenties of the American rabbit sphere; , :W" «V. .| . ^L^hv,.* I* ,.K «^l£a B*tV,M» : Tr~ cument8) ln which they found delight ere of enlightenment and culture, com- tivities of the . modern rabbi. He-is So innch is be denied, that . the u '| ' ¦ jtt^J^jv| l !'^|42l11v | j| l u ISAAC M. WISE, - - ¦ j unior. Sabbath after Sabbath ( Midrash Rabba umuding the consideration and respect still, essentially the teacher, a link, , in hdbitam and-syfltematip' concentration ' . ; B^y^^Mfi^^;: M r- '' m^rmMm wM M'| g% and Tanchnmn to Exodus ) there re- of the intelligent. ' the endless chain of the Law ; he is not of e ffort, and stra dy: " upon one ' subjeot, ¦ ¦ . Mim^M";. ' . ¦» <W«jM ; '1' - . ' —»»¦ ' ;%& .W. -iKvW' Jf m}. * ;Cw LEO WISE & CO., ¦ j ^»w fk . . T-Lii* to-day, , ouyi; more than he hath. - ever that independent and - thorough; invest ¦ :l «KilgMaHli- - T% ^^ : ' -± 'J : r _ ~ - ¦ lwi^vj wj - oc oc ^w , mains no doubt that those savants verily been.Wuuotuous priest , of conse^^ PL-BLiamm and PBorBHT9«s. ^ believed the Israelites in Egypt were in the grand finale. presence or the.zealous, saver, of , souls questioh hold :in them a healthymass- ' , ¦ , j; i^^vj , U ¦ ' v «.l«^r—s i[ WZwMWW HsVCSM T~~ T ,„ _ ^7^ T^t- a. possession of written documents. If we Friday, 13 m., the examination worn , eternal punishment , not. the grace- ing of . forces; a.worthy creative ambition ' J^~ " ^^ '*^\, ' J S^SI^SSte* ,f <A . - ^^W ^ T^j mN^WM- Offi ce: N. W. Cor. Fifth and Ste. fl ^ ^' "^J ^^^11 repaired to the synagog * Sffi^- ^^ . ' ' ' ' ¦ ' ^B^OLWTE tY PU&E^ V n !nno« n Tnn« 90 1MK / "" . .F ^! 3 (l K1 . 1 u 7M*ipr n'PK. -U the college. The seats wore , all ocon- peuser . and giuirdiau lof .myBterions the temptations to thoughtless ¦ repeti- < . : .. - . . ¦ ' rmTr *^^ ^ -, ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ , .., ; .y. : . tj n cmuau , v. r junc av , tpgu. ^ 'in, "Moses said , I took upabook pied, Avhen the president of the . college, sacraments. Ho is and . remains » . sim-, tion or, mechanical v. cuDirig ; and the ^r~r- ; ;— v ¦ .;¦;„ -,. . . , ¦ ¦ -:. - .i - .„ : ., -. . . _ . ,. -'•:' , ¦• > ¦< " - ,. , . Entered «« woond-oU.a mail matter m tho of Bcrcihilh (Genesis) and I read in it , after a brief discourse on the . result, of PJy*' . tether .; the unprivileged guar- ringingjruth sounds out fr om the very sider Yhether by ^edtb . ^ shrewdness ^^^Wijb 'Ui successor Poifoffl ceatcinoiDnAtuohlo. i n j i..™ n. ^„ m n» fk» m,,, ^ ' h<« orni«5« n fi mi ¦ ' ¦ nmifprrp ' ii rii« nna diau and preserver of truths to which insincerities of our condescending or brillianbr, the rabbi should strive in the holy office. ; ' This, ' aocordiue f n p 0.t ornee Cincinnati, omo. . and I'saw the doings of-the geuerahon the examination , ^ conferred ^ the,, aoa- au haVe eqVl uccess; student of the waruers that'the rabbis should , never for the highest praise , for .that tribute pnr traditions, is the ori gin of the en ° ¦IB BSCWPTlOB PRICE . PER TM - - - •$* 00 of the deluge " (Mldrasb Rabba to Ex- deinic degree of B. H. L., being the - past , - ' observer \6f : ' . the present , worker sink to the level of the scrap-bo ok es- 0 f love and veneration which is paid torn and law iri Israel , that the teacher Wlli Deboritl $5 00 odus); we know what kind of scrolls, or ¦ J imp ' 'wVyKT lart ou the six grad- for the 'future! ' Humble learning and savist or artistic lecturer. ; Bnt ; the nuresigting lj to the . modest worker must rbe, ordained , by an authorized PBiiasa lo EliroDB One Tear - - - - SI 10 written documents they possessed in nates from the Preparatory Department , diligent teaching are still the whole ' . of sohohuship whi pb. is held up .for om- aDOve the brilliant talker , -to the meek teacher , Wherrhe ^ was ordained , Joshna rmmni w mm, mi icai *»j ^ ' *:. ... ,,„_ ,„ mH o M ¥ha V,,. ' f. n_ his sacred duty ; but as unto a modern emul ation is often mere- miorolo gy. a hero above " the pushing . schemer. HP was told, "This .book of the Law EATBS or ADVUTlsme. 2^ r^^^ ^ ^^w2 n ^Uta^SST S 2 Joseph an tnn D^a new world has petty .pursuing , -of genealogies, . a j enild- noy ^ np„lV n4f npan tW}& «hoU not depart from thy mouth , ¦ tC u ^«ii»,.nt.r. n-ni.,tin„. »«d OMtiu riu tfioo adopted or transcribed in Genesis. Such ter the collegiate department of the ¦ * ^ . ' ¦ . ^^ . > . ,. ish, e ureka-ttixunph ove r discovered " J ' , ' , " * ' ; ' . , ' ¦ ¦ .y,„ shalt meditate therein day, and ni D},r SSff £S »Z^2SSa1 S at leas t must hav e been the opinion of college and the fraternity of its stu- g^ m ^^^M misprinted vain Lking out of spirit- napj f> ^3 Is it v* V . tterj . . . worthy: tto ^.thou ta WMW^ /S^ i - ^ -!5-- : 1- those ancient Rases and is oho ours dents HSTwk SKj S ual emptiness with;th e rags and tatters ideal , a flame honorable above thou prosper. " *So do your teacher B«t M for display ADVEBTisKMKNTa msA. "»ose ancient sages, aod is iwi ours, uen s. fe^ "*SP^ fG ^ n fe5f, ,^!S ^" ' Of antiquity, - which ob sonre s dear in- others that is ' bestowed ; nppn now ordain you , and 1 tell ' you . as 6iA tacmn on application. based upo^internal evidence orthe book, The degree wm conferred on the fol- g^^'^f^^^o*^"' sight wit£ the sweepings of musty ar; yon ' with ¦ the ' solemn , /ceremSn>s God to Joshua, "then wilt thou £ sue r— and sets aside all former speculations in lowing successful students : Israel terpo se spiritual authong. but wpin . oh 8 ivea> - ¦ ¦ i^b huhilng in dark comers of this day? I know; not the calling cessfnl, ; then wilt thou prosper. " ^" ^ v£i£ ™ 0 w* « <£l the Elohistio and Jahvistio aUthon. in Klein, IZanesville , Ohio ; Charles Sore i^th?ciwumscribed £& Tof the *¦¦ ¦ «»» «W method to acquire; broad which makes. ^PP^^eart and^ . moj e , ¦ ;TiriIlIg w the faoulty, the President dB&SB^^''^ * ' « «- ^ We ^ Chi ^ m - M S D S 6l0n ' i^t^^i^WS S e Z^ i ^SKndT 1 ^.S SK tf -aK-lfSftl^ . continued thus ,;, VeSrable breJnS ' in »..».,. MT .f tfc. a. nrtlwMti I- im» ' ' ' J ca - Cincinnati , O.; Leo Mannheimer, weU as in his schoolrooms; he teaches ^^^^f^' ot their hote heart that it forget its vahities, its and ooUeagues . is it your will an d wish wSFtin^&m^ The Sunday law despotism is doing Cincinnati , O.; Simon , Cohen, Ft. &fe»^^ | - , gl s g^" tI ?f;» books into comprehensive vistas of na- greeds , its spites and : *¦fled with that these c andida tes^ shnll now be or ^ ISSSSSSS^S^^i- it* work of oppression this year . as . 'it Wayne , Ind. ; Theodore Joseph, Park- § %S8$*Efi£S55SE? For^hb rel *ionnl movemegs. The rabbi is^ach- ^,; wUh patien^ ^h^ w^e^ rt ,.e nw ,„.ua«. MC AH»aA,L,u did ^many ^^a^ before We are lin- ersbnrg, Pa. ¦ . " , < Ij ^&j ^ ^ Smrt fc^Et ^.^tifi! ^ ^ ai^tes - ^^^cpflvinced that Ao>«rtl«mento oI conjreotton». unloiioUiw>. f ormed of the foll owing legalized t ont- thk obmnation. ' ¦^¦ '^• " ¦^ 0 -?r:-^^V-ir y f?5 swaying^ of the time-spirit'that; he against the droop of weakn ess , unmoved you 1 possess , the abiUty and the earnest ^^i^^^^&^^^l ^" ^ 1 ^ . Friday, 7. 30 o' clock in the evening, SSo ^^' -ft^ StW-te^SSWfiSl see Sa?CS^S£urm ^^ convc^on ' ^ the coliege ^*^.^«2 A4 . % j S^L 'SS& 'SSL&SS H ^ ^T&tSS'gS ^^ 0^^ '^ ^ tenri to-th« numbe r of nnwn pnbuahtxl. seem tpat, the spmt pi : lnroierance is took place in the Bene Yeshurtm Tern- rig ^ ht in the mam, which answers: not , . ., HtaratiiM-not ^ to auarrel jrive toTroide and to uplift. God jrrant pounders of : , God's . tow ,?,the bearers of ^SS^^S^SffSS^SSSSi imprisbrmiente nave teeh made in the ing with light, flowers;and exotio -^^^iS^Mo - r^-^bS > ' '.to; studyjvrtth :.M, ' to ^^ ^|»^SJ >«inK ans^1 ^ in the afflrmative , SS.^^^ puft^^TiW'lSS}- United States of Christian ,men whose plants. All seats in the house were pW, r S? kSd Jii; of those out- fe Sl S^^ wlJ«Mu d ?^sanies of d oub t and S the candi dates ' mooted the ^ rostrum, "^ ¦ ¦ ' " ¦¦ ¦ ¦; - : - ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ' rS^ ^X £^n^^^^^^ ' <^^ '^^ ward , attractions which glitter and ^^^^t ^:^ de - sTX ^ir^C 8 ° of Ts ^f and ' the:President said: «' In . the name ' ^SiW/ 0 ' w ; dd h lngs » nd Cartels will be ^^8 1^ families ni^Ue - ' flrat' day re presentative men and women of sumo ; but a pai nni lino- 37 , i; .the sideratum of the rabbi' s hours of study your self-dedication and , fixing your un- , of ; fchis holy Thorah , this assembled ffe ta^ ot lS ' raMSfilS^ofl^lH ' of the week. A remarkable part of Cincinnati culture and learning. The heart pure, the spirit firm , a man sound and preparation J but a thousan d tinVes falteringhope urwn : the . rock of , ages ^ in •will be made for publication of , from |3 t o llo this matter is that these men observe ~„Ai^^ «*„= mn h,«. nf monbHtw ' at the core , strong in the act , 'he is. the more'to be i mpressed and urge d is the ask ; of him again as yon do j iow., behalf of this chose n 'faanltv nt v»n» Mcordlng to lenSh. Aocon nti n0t wcee4ln B '^Sj S ^ ¦ Xg frtSSh andience was a picture of mentali^ min iB ter we need and want. . It is the faithful , the persistent , the enthusias- A pure heart create . .unto me, O Lord; Wh all of this cboamj i^ ct , met. ro&W^ana^^^^^ in^rrespondence with the rites tobe turning + of ; the tide from lm . . #:M p oJMr ' .S the Bible. Thef J[ a firm spirit renew Thou within able' ^^S ^" ij g -* J * »« ' . si to pay for one y«*r. . . ' ¦ : : . . States havo used the police power performed. pl ay to the demand of worth ; thous , - rabbi ' s soul should be steeped me. , Amen ! Amen! with the authority, ot. the law of . the ComiPHioiTioH. ,,t .i^ hT th« L^ v,m against this clas s of citizens : ;Mary- ' At half-past 7 the organist opened ands re-ech p the protest even while mi^ in ' ^he; Bible-roirit and «h» Bible| The ohoir and organ took up the mag- State of phio ; and the ordinances of ^Sr^^ p^&^S^S^ W Tennessee Georgia,-Mississippi . . the ^^^ with ¦ ; g^ p^ e, » '&*£* ^n^L^t^L his ¦£ nincent theme and^ng P saL 30, text the Union of American ,, Hebrew Con- IWSSSWi iRSBl^ ^ Bfthe^S%Sended ! 8, 3 70 andjth^procession entered throu gh the &!& ^1^& ^SmSSS 3SS!o W.^^:: ^w l& Si English , music^ProLor.Nembach ,;. ^gregations , I r perform .this 8 olemn rite y - _ t--, ^. 0 ' - " :— days have been spent ' in prison in ' this middle door and advanced in the mid- ranks; they had been drowned in the learn i eloquence; his . text-book'with a masterly production of sacred /music. M ordination , even - as Moses ordained If E WS ITEM S. present year.; Have not these states die aisle ito the altar. It consisted of high-tide , of popular foUy. And even which _ to study the; world, ^ast and pre- Co„feh . inK the academic degree of Joshua; and do hereby declare and pro- t ^^^ '^^'^^^ tS^' y ^iff- - Son ' moSmus - ^ Board of Governors, the Executive S^^I^ to hSSf" & *%& J^^hSdwSd^sh^ **&<** the candidates; and beSowing ol^m you Rabbis in Israel , h^ceforth / ^& to£f ^2&%E£i$l3 1ffi SSle ciSs? T ludu8ttlonB ' committee of the 1 Union of American tionalist brj the cnarlatan, among, the ities . his vade-mectmv at Wand at all on them the ordination of lawful teach- , and . forever consecrated as . ^ teachmg, rtavecilve addreMei , before the time »peoifled. The case of ,T. F. Hothrock, of West Hebrew Congregations, the Faculty, profession, his class finds little encour- times. He,; " should . be , 'biblefest 'in erg in Israel (n« iin7 na , 0D). the Presi-: servants and messengers ^ of .,the Most N*w vorfe. --Belore Monday noon to S16 E. . Salerii, IU. , whos e arrest oc c urred May the orator of the occasion; " Rabbi Max agraaent and less respect. learning his, bible .^o t by , roto but by dent of the FMm ^. addrea8ea the co^ Hi gh , to ' carry the , blessings of tlie . . «th 8treet. gQ . ^j ^ ; aonoaiod j O' Allison, W«ii«. m t „t w»,„ r^io«». » t. We may regret , we cannot alter the heart; nor should be come to it , , as an « ™»™i»^ u«vu OTOO u inrA tn nil vonr hrethmn to nil ohii rt B «Ulmote. -Before Monday noon to "Mur- ^ \v ho se^ase ££w ^ papers hav^ S HeUer ' M ' L - ° f New Orleans , La. , fact that ' in the reli gious world, of to- enemy to study its Weak points, but gregation thus: Ix.rd to aU your brethren, to aU child- : ho .^nautlon S^i eta^K^V^ to ^Ihree candidates for ordination, day-mind, I do ' not limit my .state- as a. lover to intoxicate himself with its Ho.nobAblk . Brethren :-It is my rea t f v men - . . He Pronoun Ced , the '" in««'^.«^S^?? r o !anMhJnT 0 P n n 0 Atlanta, Ga. , to bo sold to a chain- and several visiting guests from the ment to the Jewish" pale—that, more or beauties. : ' pleasant duty to e xplain to yon and , to priestly benediction over the candidates; AAleifieby, Pi V , ' ' gang contractor for one year , ibis fine alumni of the college. There were less, in aU deuomiWations ^ the pulpit That which the ,Bible contains .of all . whom it may Concern, that this and kissed them. ' The choir recited I,ool. vlll««-B6fore Monday noon to 106 E. having been paid :;- by some unknown amoi nr ' the latter the Rabbis Marks of work or tee minister, is looked upop as solid troth and inexhaustible heart- goiemu convocation, ' . . : of. . - . the Hebrew the same benediction. Kentnoky St., between lit and Brook St.. friondT ^ . . ; among ine iawer tne ivaoDis j aarKs oi h ig chief ft,,^^ aB > / ; ¦ indeed,. 'the - . te8M orj d .will not .;be . lessened, by- . , an. , , atom Tji^ - g^^ Us Board of Officers , bu ° , buluo w , ""• ¦ . . . - . - ¦ .- . -. ¦ ¦ :ci »lcia«o.-BtforeTnei«ay noon to AiiMi. Robert Wliaiey is now in a felon' s Atlauta ' Ga - Fleischer of Boston , 0f his fitness. It is characteri stic of . a through all' . , the hai r-splittingsi of Faculty and Students , is intended to was a splema momen t . -when the - , ^iV , 7i s^d W7 ' W0 ' 8?Q I>Mrbonl 8t '' Boi)nu c ell i" Ce ' nten'iile , ' MdW on a thirty Mass. , Rosenthal, of Lancaster , Pa., time which worships the . aggressh-e , ' . 'Bible Criticism ; " Solomon will per- ce iebrate ; the close, of the twentieth hoary teacher kissed the candidates, . Kew ' o rleanBi-Before BatnrdaT noon ta days ' sentence from May 27, for setting Franklin of Omaha, Neb.,; all of them which will not go hunting; ; for ish; God , is ^ made to say in Sh moth soho]astic year (1875-95) of this instil pronounced over them the priestly ben- ;. - ¦ -, -i^J^aiW S&^S-^S Sm H T 4 -* ' %** i % ?r SSidS'Si^S^ K£is Bffi Eri*5fc£ & SSKSSS'A SL8S, g-* *% ;. •*• -• r : mb. sabhtsi. w. goldbkbo . the gen. church member who.. wgnrite that day^^ . of the ark , occupying the east end of the The voice on . Moimt Binai , according move as much, from the ^ Bible as a of the faculty, and all omcially. connect- vehemently. . - -., - ¦ . •r»i asent and oorreapondent of thia as the ' Sabbath: ' - . ' : ' . ' . : : temple. . ... , . to rabbinic ; legend , sounded to each booklet from Jhe let ter Yod.. *. ;, . ed with .this seat; of learning. This v Now the two presidents of the Board paper , 1* now tmreUing in the Vfeit. These men regard the payment of President Bettmaun , of the Board of man—stroiiglyJor—weakly, ino aV . nc- . There is a world of other studies annual exaihihatibh ' convinced the _ex^ and the Unibn declared the degree ' ' " ' " ' ' ' ' . the" fi ! ,c «5 ' - »«' - . ac kiiowledgmeut of Governors, saluted the audience in a cording to. his ' strength ; so mast relig- which , demand, and are entitled to. ; the aminers that-according to t^ rules and lawfully conferred and the . ordinatiou . ' - -;¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " »i<nw>irnnii» th e instice . of the laws which make , . ^:- ¦ ,' . ¦ ,, - , . , i An > o vni m nnmn 'tn ekrh at™ npfnrrlinff rabbi a time ; art , science aud r hter-! re gulations of the Hebrew Union Col- ^^ . * " , ' {' ¦ ¦ ¦ l^„ „j*.u - i_ . ^ „;,j ¦ ¦ ¦ , , JBWI8H 0AISKDAB. their flues possible, and' ; for that rea- hr.ef . and expressive address and intro . - ^^ir tW o^aSS- ' ftf- fflSS? ature, ' philosophy in all its branches, legV three of its worthy studerita . who perfo™ed in . accordance , with law and . / lWt-do ^-WSS. ;. so u refose to pay the fines. f + : duced Rev. David Marks , who opened Whether a8 iweemng ; tempest ^ Then young Rabbi Solomon, W o "Snii am ^" -" , '"' v ^ ThnnSw Jni? 2 * ' -^^ the exercises with a de vout prayer,;fol- soothing whisper. In this vast edifice wi th all . the social , commercial and Cincinnati—Morris Newfleld,^^ Seymour in behalf of his ' colleagues, delivered .:. Nm. -Hocm l '.Ab::; ::::;.:.;:::':" .: i ^onaay, ' jtiiy 32 Tm? mrmjr mrTtT-a vpab nv twt? lowed by choir and organ with Psalms I must raise my voice to be heard ; the p olit ical move ments of . the day and G. , .Bpttlgheimer and George, J. Solo- , an eloquent fareweU address to the col - Faat oi Ab ...... v. ...Tbnnday, Jnly so lnJb iWJSrl lxJSiil xxi&A Ux in.J5 . ti,; . , ¦ ? :. . - . ¦ inn /ier ninof roiimnn misn . >i«r v>Bt*-iA. hour,, each one shoul d find in the rabb i mon—^h av e acquired ' the - necessary , . , Li j . v a> j "S»«ffka^^"'"^8ffi ' tt5S- HEBfeEW TJNI0H COLLEGE ?* < J^ ; te^ music by the immor , g™£ Si^of^ oil- that^lvid aad sympathetio , interest , to learning and attained the maturity ^Tf lege P ^ 0 . ^ the tethers officers and m i«r ( «»...,..,. wwn«aay, B«pt. i8 CLOSED JUNE 14 1895' tfl ^ Haleyi, which poured solemnity Ss^ting C0 1KLn B ^ ot she ne^d the broadnesses and depths of which good character ;an d intelligent piety^ class-mates , the city of ; Cinmnnati and , «.^ e <J»r , prerlon» is also obaerred aa Kew ; _____ . and sanctity over the assembly- It set not screech ahd Mream in the jibber- nothing that is human can ever be for- which'* entitle them to receive the. ,aca- the as sembled audience. . : , ; ' ' , " " ¦ A gentleman of cul ture , and e rper- my, imagination aglow, : and appeared ihgs of sensational titles and ephemeral fign ' , but^ agj ainst the mad currents of demio ;degree and the ordination ^ of The choir sang the Halleliljah choros NOTICE TO CUE SUBSCRIBERS, ience-he is snll one of o,ir most loyal like ns :nS. outpohring of the holy - j ^W^^ -tg^ So\TthTxutbid ^™ -S; : < Se SSn 8 SJ il 'Kos^ ^his . <* Handel , and f ^ Rabbi Rosenthal closed : ; The IsRAEUTK will ; be mailed where- co-Workers-said to us iii the ' city of spirit;, ;. . . ;. kre.not yetTso f , ar that unive rsities ' need rabbi must.pray, again and a^in ^ for ^entieth scholastic year , with the co^^ "Jvoca- 6T6r^SZm tZlmS Buffalo, N. Y., where the Council ' of , Now . Mr. . Bettmann introduced the highly colored IpostersV to ath^t stu- P 1 ^ heart and :to this: aordemiQ degree , aiid , tion and . henBd^ctipn ,. .^ , ; . ¦l . aS^SffS^L^St^^S: tne . IT. A. H. C. met ih July and or- learned sp e aker, Rabbi Max Heller , a dentaor art ; exhibitions a^ cireus, clown ^"KectS remat ? Io&\^VSte0,1 ^ ^ « was a gala evening never to be Bcrip«on pp« ^ There te noextraoharge dered the ppening of the Hebrew tJnion »emto M> _ii^ aU hingfto b^^V?^^' B ?_e authority vested in me I make ^°t^ which closed the twentieth Sst^r E^^ is here in fuU. - . , . ^S^^S^U^SSsS: . Ah^et fumlya^ the rabbi m aTpray p SSSJS^& ^tZ l t ^S^. scholastic year of the Hebrew Union = . " ¦¦b ei ^ changedL as^eah^ntly m derired favor of your .pet institute, but liiy ¦ . . the oration. " Sometimes, ''^ says R. Chania, " the for. strength of heart and mind to r«w« cem that . ' this Hebrew Union College College , to remain closed till -the ; ; ^y M n} kt e : .W tt ;*ii faith in its ; success is rather feeble . ; £. . ¦ p resident i Gentlemen of the -Fac- Sor/ Tutherl Sel 'rtSs ^«i S«B_f&ta.^^ fi rst Monday i n Septemte r. , the aummer or contempl atei going away our American . born youths, ; I appre- ' . ulty and of the Governing <Bqard , &4f between^ " hvo Sor Ms waffs that- .enclose . his books a study l aws^the State^ „io^and thl on. ' ' ¦ ,»¦ ¦ * . .. , follow^S^S^ .^ ^^^^ S8? ^ i- »- i__^ _v filDi_i^ ¦ blffi ttaTa 'fcft to ^^' aStt the ideal i^ this materialistic society. , " that are to .be. Ladies .and Gentlemen : theicommonplace for a Simple tour de much to investigate . and . learn-as to Hebrew. Congregations , with , the right bratl0Q ln the Cincinnati . will reach you with ' greater regularity Since then the Hebrew Union College Th^ cu'cmnstances . . under which , I force of preacher 's ski l l , to glean oneJs teach and do. ' -OT' KDJ* tw in pifl. Go to confer academic degrees .on worthy on Walnut -Hills was no pint of this. than correspondence. ' , ¦ " ¦ ¦ ' hna ' a *i\t fortv t-hrpn rnhbis to Americaii am caU|a to address you must : l)e my subjects everlastingly from newspaper cut and see what the people are doing ; students and furnish them diplomas - as It was ah impromptu affair , by. 'the del- - ^ ' ' has . sent torty-three rabbis to Americaii excuse for adverting for, a.; moment to headlines, to racclimatize in the pul- this iuiunction Of thV ancient fabbis testimonials of snob degrees having e ~. ltes to the Counoil held in the citv - . . . . - , . .. ¦ = . congregations, . and fift y students, - matters . of. personal , import. I find pit the spiritual hand-to-mouth liveli- ^n S ii^ruUest^ -fore? to ^ the active b , een : conferred upon ¦ them.' Further- ?f ^ S to th? . Council held m ; . the city The Chicago Manual Training School almost all Americau ._bom boysT-one ' myself on this pulpit platfprm . _ where I hood of the daily newspaper is to shol- rabbi of to-day He ihuit study the rnore ,.I make proclamation to all whom or-JNew , urieans an i»ecemDe r/.iasc as a is assured another .year ' s existence at girHremain in the college, seeking ^}™£ " e J* ^riAtea Z f^ . 1^. the religious temper to unhollow peo ple an d learn how to- deal with it.rnaiiy' concern that the teachers of recpetion personally toi ,lW ; Hell6r, to lon^ TLwi rf „.¦ ¦£ ,?{„„ ,. 0 nreriara ' tion for the; rabbinical office to tb^se who taught and guided me in the synngog atmosph ere, to degrade the them ; he must live with the people aud the Hebrew Union CoUege are a lawful which , however, the .faculty and . least . This' worthy institution re- preparation lor tne r . abbi uicai . omce, to ptber yearS i ,wher? j am now myseH to sermon into the mere feuilleton of the feel With them HeTneeds for iimself faculty, with the authority of .the State ai imni „f the collet Were invited It * ¦ ceived a short time ago Twenty Thous- which will be added m September next speak modest and hearty words of conn- service. - We mean to, secularize and.we tb oteerVe Xte zt first ^ hand1 in the of Ohio and the Union of American aIamm of , tn0 college, were invited, it ; . and 1*20 , 000) Dollars from a " Wel l quite a number of freshmen. sel- tb those who have -foll owed me on vulgarize, to march with the age.while thousandfol d change s of teeming re al- Hebrew Congregations, and the author- was an elegant affair , arrangea oy-^ne Wisher. " .Would that there were more The . twentieth annual examination .^-^^.^t^JI^ S2' «JS n -iSf ^ ^ dan cing to a whim. . . .. ¦ ¦ .: ¦ ¦ ¦ ity jarid bis people need to. have . with ity vested in them, by -the . laws ;^ ^ ahd friends , and . admirers of Rabbi Heller. •!well wishers " abro.ul. proved that there is talent, zeal, ideal-: *?& ourcaUinV It is ordv eleven " b '^** ^ ^; lino . # A pui-e heart thein a man, a living personality, and customs of ^rasjrdamed rabbis^ to the hosp itable and: generous friends of J ~L . L and promising possibilities enough ?^o Srt& ^ere^S c^te .^^T^^^^ - and . f t^^S g^^g ^ e^th^hS^m^^^^ n. H»M --in " -i f « ». iu this college to gratify the most san- stand, at this period of , the burning firm spirit renew Thou within me, There J^^rertei^^\^ _? teaehiiim ¦"* obligations as. arev cus tomary in pleasant "Being-among-ourse lves we The Mumapal Council of the city q K tatio * 8 0 / our idettli8tio thorn-bush when . imariqatlbn bursts is neither purity of motive , nor- ;flrm, SSS SiSt Sh Israel to.te conferred ; from master tp have enjoyed for many a year. of Vienna was dissolved by order of * Think for a moment of a class aflT. e T th , a ^ °L^° h ^i wltl J "J ess °\ aim "'Z 11 ^ : excrescences. th ' example of. character. Ah! what di sciple, and I will how confer, all con- , ^J« _ 1_ : H» government. The city is to be ^ SiS'S 2ffi "ffi ft &£%?£ t^l SjrifwS ^SfS ^^^^^ ^»& ^S^J ^^- ^^^ U CHICAGO IS*i&ITE'8; SCHOOL E ^Si Z^rlt Z and brightboys of the age frL 15 to after helping A^^ ^ ^ pS iS SfcK^ru ' pl u^ %£*£^ : < *i^ : ito& r > TICRI0 ' mission These are thei fruitei of the de yonilgj) ter8 that ' are at W1 *h e . *^ venen»ti°n to the - wise We must ^^^^ -^ , anti-Semitic victory in the last muni- ' ^e time studfnts of the high S$ T& l&*Jti^i^-h& ^tffl^i^ tiS ; ilUS refined ' tact , -what constant and weary- Before I entrust ; you ,, worthy candi- Mr. B. Jelenko. the enterprising man- cipal election. Prince Wmdischgraetz school or the University of Cincinnafi , &^SS^.&.^SSm^Si^ wSlu oSSte^SmA S** ***** uhdisc ouraged hopefmnTss dates ,; with ( J. m«i^«) this '^diadem ager of the Chxcaoo teR^TK, has ar- he Mimster-President, announced examinations in the Hebrew ri ghteous , crowned: . even : noV. in re- ways ' thlbiblef SbSS . 5 iSM' ^ho ' ut br^al se^shne ' slH& nrl^oy S^^' S^^^&^Z^ rai 8 ed a Pionio which will be given , Mm cri minal proceedings are initiated AnHna B . c d r^mbering hearts with the evergreen to reverent generati ons/ God' apla^f TS^^l ^hiM ^^Z n^nyoSXe^^^ts ° dSng p«Se and Tuesday, ' June 25, at Columbia Park to against Pfarrer Deokert , of Weinhaus, _ Greek; Gorman aTd French , ^tftace Sy ^ters wiSt theii Tt* ^™ * ^o^Sttv m^vl' words vwhich . flow from; the ^mouths honbrlbuS^loyal VS& Tvour 1 , 200 Jewish, school , children among who preached three anti-Bemitic ser - Qr - u ich j^ ^of^tte^^ttew oMhe nn veree .^^g^ nug we ^ ^ ^ ; ¦ proct^ ^ tGem^ c 6untry , ch ari table . and kind to «% whom will be included the pupils of the , mons of the lowest type in his church, hmo ^^ Think of the wi^ut ' their !Jng exp^rience ^ to give just eVr^^^^ £repis?% a ?^ub^ and also-that the higher clergy heartily examinations from S0^1^ W ??T\ M** *™. there no solution ,-no ^enlightenment. & W o^K rtff^^r"xS_i rL\ /pr ig^t aS'faithMin^^^ supports the government ,n the- :its ^ B J^ ^ & t vXS i ^ one S ^' ^ m™ rt t>™ -™ * » * ^#^ t ol * .^ yA->to : piotures ,in charge Whe holy 'dS appertaining Ten of , the Rtudan setUement. The measures to put a stop to this revolu- hflr wifch mcieat ^ g™ _d ^Sj yMt w a? perhaps ^ ^ or d to you DaO Kin . pl.DKi if it is his pulpits ^ the ; ideal man. If ^ he to the sacred office of a true , teacher• ; m Chicago , TimeiBeMd says: tionary movement , which, tlireatens the commentaries ¦ from Mishnah Talmud this: that having received the ^dvan- an .empty word, it is so to j/ou, because ™LW hi^;influence beyond , the Israel;, one more^bligatio^you . take , : <rr hxough this beauWol charity , cbild r«n peace of society and the fundamental "T ~Z li-A i m m \ La ua ' ta(?e8 of education yon have received ; n-h r^A DnH hb vrin know not how teln f le * «*. »* wordj s .to live long- upon yourselves , which is poless sacred born and reared in thdr «»rly chlldhopd to Driiicinles of the constitution CodeS and Mldra8 h . general history .g^i J oe inta the " w ^ orld^id its I , , •-? i 7 T ^°W " ?P er than as a dying echo of 'earnest olo- and no less important than the fcolies t ••Darke.l BM. ia" ,w iU be given on« ;daysmld principl e!, or tne constitution. and history of literature and culture f vn ?k ?, von aw? ZtT m Lk to search and explain. Let the burdens quence , a hia must be the power of a be- duties you are called upon to fulfil.- flower, aid birds,,: Philanthrop ic men and T— from nearly three thousand vears be- havingentered^L same battle with of this modern day ? receive the de- loved and admired personality, of one This solemn , duty to which I call jonr women^re doiak all th»y i>*n' towd prepar- maintained that Moses was the anthor there not an admirable idealism in f^ater. ™th ^ oupo^hmifaes ^ i ^ io less ^ I of our people a realization of the moh- friend , It ia a heartless sneer to . con- of the Thorah never depart from your ^IhiuSaxoSni a re beneficial , mon- of the book of Genesis as far as it>is Je- this toilsome cours e of studies? The reminiscencedTot ^ first KKS strous and unjust distances between demn as pastoralism, the close and en- mouth, thou shal t meditate thereon 'day taUy aad phyS ollly eiperienT hwTproven , hovistic r the VCfc/Am and the Ail Shaddi study of Hebraic philosophy, systematic sympathetic and personal appreciation xSf!iM ^" P «! W S r '' 3^t us Joshua ben dearing assooiatipn of rabbi and rongre- and ^ night,^ . God ^ said to . Joshua. The anrf lrom^hto . fact ^noott ragement is given nieces in Genesi a am anninn t Honn^finta twin™ nn A ^Mn^—^L^iS «,„ of vonr imMUdinp SiX that t shnnld I*v> d^ in the Rome of his day, when gation ; a coldly intellectual notnre may Rabbi, accordingly the custom and prao- thoae wbowvhearts art in the work. It pieces in i^nesis are ancient documents theology and ethics-belongmg to the « ^ your impends or ; trials that i should he saw the precious pillars of palaces limit its task to the mere presentation tice at all times is the teacher of' his hoped, that there . will be many viaitora upon i. e. prfi-Mosaic, which the author adopt- course-we shoidd think requires a «"* 7°" °*"LSJ?^. t ° " rt SoV. ,v„; covered from the (fold and the pbor of truth ; 'but the teacher who is hot people , as said the prophet. " For the th M™? * to - l! lta fff" a l ;to ^ IM fil £S; ed , on account of their par ticular import - good l y portion of idealism and ctdti - RoSc aSns of S wretches by their side crouching . in guide apd companion and friend at; the fins of the priest are guards of knowl- ^S^ ^ ^ ^J ^SS^S L u i S^ ance , as he did adopt the genealog ical vates it considerably. Wo for oar part au1hori£ but tl ?grtte w_3?aSS ¦?&.™? S iugS U^' ^ 8 ,/ e , n W n ** ^me time is not a teacher;in the ^o- ed^ ^ th e Thorah is^ngkt: -Wife ESSS^^" *^*^ ^ , tables f rom an ancient book (Genesis V). stand before all this with profound ad- th e diffident impressions of a tentative ^^ ^^^T^ ^ffie WhS? Sh?-rS?^l»«!SS? % _^« SSSSfe ^StJ V "HtS **«*>?&* « f *? , **& pom^s wVhid. S t Work. £ mi i ^, . t -.ttit . . , , . . i" ",v"'"" uu ion T11p- in this mica i hwo n (>«mtaj to bouse, who would say to the labor- who turn relations of sacred confidence of Hosts; " The teacher must always usi of committeesasd program. Act- These documents are Geneas I, VIII, miration of the spirit developed and ™5' t " I mB Tto SZ a tt er ^ the leKend mokes Cain say to into mere tools of diplomacy, but such learn, to-be able always to ' teach. The Jnron the ei^atWe conimUteear^ IX, XVII , XXII , XXVII , 28to XXVHI , fostered in this college among- the the sacrediiess and «r?Jitv^?f wWh Abel - " &* off the earth, it is mine ; " abuse shooi d hot ih. any , meas ure de- Rabbi-must teach the Thora h, says the Stumer, M. Eowrioh- Bev. 'Dr. .A.; J..JtaJW, 9; XXXV, 1-22; XLVHI, 1-19. A cur- American youth. -I deepg feel for Si even now ! ^ %?$ ?$** ¥"*?*' < **&& ^ foo ^. the ^nde . ur of the.true min- prophet, the people want to- learn of ^^^^^^^S&. ' sory ins P ection of theSe pieces wi»l show As . bel ieve. in Judaism and its provi- ™h^££lf !tfjg W^tX^rS^S ^f &gSttt &iJg k^SSor^^^) £ S^ ^^^^^^ that they are not only in style and tone dentin! mission , wt can only look upon S lid fflut S $ he bl dy ^^torial shows of their- witnout guile, ' without greed, that the ornamental to tne expounder of to " Sffl ' l&'fe^aW^^S^- differ ent and more antique than the body the Hebrew Union College, with its 8 Bnt your hearts also ' mv friends y; 18 0IuPle substance m all firm spirit, without weakness , without Law. But first and foremost he must Strauss ' ; 7- ' J. of the bo ok , but they also contain the emiiieifpfncnlty and its corps of young ought ih this moment to tremble with these to hold attention and to retain doubt can ' sow- a-harvest of sublime expound the Law, hence ' above all other^ -The . various stan ' dlnK Oommittedy are: -in subst ance of the history theology, students and ^ a lumni . JL rock or ^ t^£^^ ^-J^ SXV hSSttElJ^^ &££& ^ ! vS/ ^ SS^ol '&Mffl^^^ and the ethical development of the pre- salvation for American Judaism, tho ^ JJSn r ;»> oce»t *™ tangneiB. ampie opportunity for throwing to the And even beyond the family relation serve, promulgate and^laShe m^^^^^ ' ' Y^i^ « ,„ ^„«Mi Mosaic patri archs. We did not refer in modem Zion from wh i ch cometh forth n3^ ^P,J Cast upon the Eternal thy breezes on our biblical banner the which binds him to his congregation eraturo of Israel , the holy treasures of T^^r^l^n ^S the book to th e Rabbinical or Talmudi- tho Law and th, word of God from ^ of '^l^iT ft^Sttant ^f ffirf bS* ^^ ° f Ti & teo ™™V " ti !? ir , " **%*¥ not tor the saki of God' s chosen people/ Candidates . . SuS&^-^&%i%«^ ^rzz Tr bf th u ^ "ts- Thes r n,,, rrr ¦?rV?^ £^r r4 %^^ ^^. *. P „i. -^a affAter* * js etS.a?3S sw^ ss^^^meh^. ^ because it appeared to us self-evident, must fill every heart that bents for Is- under the shadow of the Almighy, I pit work of this day. Inseparabl y con - zenship and hnmanirv. of civilization Ybri have learned in this college to read Jackson-' Mrs. A. t 'Badrinakw Mra. Henry The Rabbinical testimony is abundant, raol' s cause wi th pride, joy and exulted attr . *¦* comes . not often to us as the nected with this work, though to mttuy and enlightenment. To the Gentile he and: understand this sacred literature ' Adlef t Mra. C*ni«L; 8tr«tisa, rJr. A. J. Mes- Speaking of t he book of Josbar some hope for the speedy spreadimr of lijrh t K wu * i, m Rfi °L au lmil}lclt a separate and even a superior consid- stands for the choicest of what Juda^ th' 6 key has been given yon to the treasv '^'^ Vt i^^J ^^ 3 ^w hu hati ' Rahhi-i nf th« Talmud ndvftnrn ti,« nr.i' n n^ frL , v, -L P j Ug ol " « , trust. The child has been somehow eratiou , is the rabbi' s activity in his ism has , to give, as the model of Jew- ury, this key and- no more. You nrom- : Rowing is the program which haa been . Rabb s . °f the J*V mnd ^ vaDc f^ and truth , h mnauity and peace. The weaned from the longing for the par- private sanctum , in the study where he iah manhood to place .by the side of in to make the bestnVe of this^^ y v^S^A^ ^S i i U^a m. " «. : 0>VP ^ ion , it is the book of the righteous, viz. knowledge and enthusiasm imbibed eiit s caress and voice. But we are ponders and prepares his labors. In Christian ideals , as the mouthpiece of ment. I con only prophesy for Shat ttffiu .?^S Sohwl nS SHoM of Abraham , Isaac and Jacob . The same and inhaled in this college are carried clll "»ren again on the mountain-tops of other countries the graduatinff rabbi the sentiments and views , which his your success as teachers in Israel will street ^ 8-30 a. m'/ march to " .tlie Polk Street is advan ced in regard to the Book of the far and wide over this country and will SS?h«?.« if ' T'JY1 d the \yishes and as- takes with him to his congregation from congregants as a class are supposed to depend on your zeal and diligence in Depot, acoompaoled by the' Chicatto Marine Covenant fEmiiM Xxrv 7iwhinh Rn,r,« h«™.» i,..n™iJi T! m ¦ ¦ li^ Pirat10"8 ^ thw hour migh t well rise the university the profession al vanity cherish . But like Moses who seemed the steady study of the Thorah The Baid. ' Train Wes for (^lumbU PMk '' 11 Covenant (Exodus XXIV, 7) which some beget knowledge and enthusiasm in the; fcom the depths of your hearts in the of orfg ^ inal Investigation. I He looks to Jethro ' s daughters on *W3 WK ail sensationalist in the nulp^ of the ancient savants maintained rising generations , with and after ns.; taaa of prayer. Let me give expression npon himself as by his profession one of Egyptian in garb, even though his emv is an^^ abnormity; ^ ancl the abnormal 9 " l ^% m * "^fci .^ . , - n ?i,««T.ria«in with =- r^ rs x zz. ii.TS£i£S^^ r£*HH^"^ ^^ ^^ ^^Jm ^t^^st^msTm^ 1 ^ VLsrwX »r. "r: it rT^ rV" 6 ' 0 "' 1 ^ ^^^rE^F ^ si£ t ^srjr-^ a s«»fi»'!?^^ a«'ft\3BSaKfe^ - 'W authorities believed that the book skeptical friend of twenty yean ago. | i«B . star. aud s let the Psalmist be our younge r rabbis to cultivate bur ancient the intense eagerness -of lofty aspira- only; repentance f oll ows often too¦ V™ chUdren , oalist nenlos, exeroiae. and of Genesis was written prior to the other The alumni and the students of this 8 P 0J » smftn . I" - 'hese incomparable literature so as to become . scholars. It tions , must proclaim him nnmistak- late. We ordain yon to be teachers in w ^ 8, ''^v-V . ' .* 'J , •.i m- parts of the Pentateuch, and Moses was college, we hope, nre not all saints or ' ° 3 P 3 |«» niti Di^K is an advice mostly uncorr grated bv ably a Jew. And in consistent opposi- Israel, wliioh includes the dtity ^SS^Sffiffi its . author. If we furthermore read pray i ng machines or shouting revival- 1 ^ D , jMne., 0ath6ln, I sSn^fi^^i^ 6 ^ wStef i ft *F& *&& tf l& *$K f S£i^ .. ' ' ¦ " . ,:. ' ¦ . ' . ' . - : ' ^ i ' '

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¦ y > I i I in - rru pjNWWD vner roSjD p*a vnw ists : but they ore cultivated, college Sk-o no aV.4 pure heart create ,unto months of some of' its' ¦ dispensers; :bnfc . Highest oif alt ra 'ieaverj ihgPower.-r-Latest U.& GOvlt.RepprtHP filUPf IPan filflfi llfii *wh ™» that 'the Israelites lu Egypt bred intellects, inteUigeut religionists mp. p I^rd^^ ,' _ ¦"' " - ,, -..;

¦¦ _ < __* • f#>l;Vt >J JJu n lHOIIuUII lo lUUII lu l . JTZ „,„i ~o„in„« i„«,inni«t n B^nnfinr«l hnnr. within ine! • < " to consider the complications and perr . f)B^A..;'.,; , ^, ...,; ^y .' j >

Vfe /¦ >i'V:VjJ

t - \were in possession of scrolls (written do- and zealous humanists, standard-bear- Ma„y a ^spheres, various the ac, plenties of the American rabbit sphere;, :W"«V..| .^L^hv,. * I* ,.K «^l£aB*tV,M»:— Tr~ cument8) ln which they found delight ere of enlightenment and culture, com- tivities of the. modern rabbi. He-is So innch is be denied, that . the u'| ' ¦ jtt^J jv|l!' |42l11v |j |luISAAC M. WISE, - - • ¦ j unior. Sabbath after Sabbath (Midrash Rabba umuding the consideration and respect still, essentially the teacher, a link,, in hdbitam and-syfltematip' concentration '. ; B^y^^Mfi^^;: M r- '' m^rmMmwM M'|g%and Tanchnmn to Exodus) there re- of the intelligent. ' the endless chain of the Law; he is not of effort, and strady: "upon one 'subjeot, ¦¦ .Mim^M";.' . ¦»<W«jM;'1'- .'—»»¦' ;%& .W.-iKvW'Jf m}.* ;CwLEO WISE & CO., ¦ j ^»wfk . . T-Lii* to-day, , ouyi; more than he hath.- ever that independent and - thorough; invest ¦ :l«KilgMaHli-- T% ^^:'-± 'J : r_ ~ - ¦lwi^vj wj -oc oc ^w , mains no doubt that those savants verily been.Wuuotuouspriest ,of conse^^PL-BLi amm and PBorBHT9«s. ^ believed the Israelites in Egypt were in the grand finale. presence or the.zealous, saver, of • , souls questioh hold :in them a healthymass- ' ,¦ , j;i^^vj , U

¦' v«.l« r—si [ WZwMWWHsVCSMT~~ „T ,„ _ ^7 T^t- a. possession of written documents. If we Friday, 13 m., the examination worn , eternal punishment, not. the grace- ing of .forces; a.worthy creative ambition ' J^~" ^ '* \, ' JS^SI^SSte* ,f <A .- ^WT j mN WM-Offi ce: N. W. Cor. Fifth and Ste.



" J ^ ^11 repaired to the synagog

* Sffi -^^ . — ' ' '


^B^OLWTEtY PU&E^ Vn«n!nno« n Tnn« 90 1MK /"" . .F ^!3 (l

K1.1 u 7M*ipr n'PK.-U the college. The seats wore, all ocon- peuser. and giuirdiau lof .myBterions the temptations to thoughtless ¦ repeti- < .:.. - .. ¦ ' rmTr*^^ -, - ¦ ¦¦ ¦ - ¦ , ..,; .y.: .tjncmuau, v.rj unc av, tpgu. 'in, "Moses said, I tookupab ook pied, Avhen the president of the. college, sacraments. Ho is and . remains ».sim-, tion or, mechanical v.cuDirig; and the r~r- ; ;—v

¦ .;¦;„-, . . . , ¦¦-:. - .i -.„ : .,-. . . _ . ,. -'•:',¦• >¦<"-,•. , . —Entered «« woond-oU.a mail matter m tho of Bcrcihilh (Genesis) and I read in it, after a brief discourse on the .result, of P Jy * '. tether.; the unprivileged guar- ringingjruth sounds out from the very sider Yhether by ^edtb.^

shrewdness ^^^Wijb 'Ui successorPoifofflceatcinoiDn Atuohlo. inj i..™ n.^„m n» fk» m,,, '™ h<« orni«5«n fi mi ¦'¦ nmifprrp'ii rii« nna diau and preserver of truths to which insincerities of our condescending or brillianbr, the rabbi should strive in the holy office. ; ' This,' aocordiue f np0.t ornee Cincinnati , omo. . and I'saw the doings of-the geuerahon the examination ,

^ conferred

^the , , aoa- au haVe eqVl uccess; student of the waruers that'the rabbis should, never for the highest praise, for .that tribute pnr traditions, is the origin of the en °¦IBBSCWPTlOB PRICE.PER TM - - - •$* 00 of the deluge" (Mldrasb Rabba to Ex- deinic degree of B. H. L., being the -past,-' observer \6f : '.the present, worker sink to the level of the scrap-book es- 0f love and veneration which is paid torn and law iri Israel, that the teacherWlli Deboritl $5 00 odus); we know what kind of scrolls, or ¦Jimp' 'wVyKT lart ou the six grad- for the 'future!' Humble learning and savist or artistic lecturer. ; Bnt ;the nuresigtinglj to the . modest worker must rbe , ordained , by an authorizedPBiiasa lo EliroDB One Tear - - - - SI 10 written documents they possessed in nates from the Preparatory Department, diligent teaching are still the whole' . of sohohuship whipb. is held up .for om- aDOve the brilliant talker,-to the meek teacher, Wherrhe^was ordained, Joshnarmmni w mm, mi icai *»j^ ' *:. „ . . . ,,„_,„„ mH oM ¥ha V,,.' f. n_ his sacred duty ; but as unto a modern emulation is often mere- miorology. • a hero above "the pushing . schemer. HP was told, "This .book of the LawEATBS or ADVUTlsme. 2^r^^^^ ^ w2n ^Uta^SST S 2 Joseph an

tnn D^a new

world has

petty .pursuing,-of genealogies, .aj enild- noy

np„lV n4f npan tW}& «hoU not depart from thy mouth ,¦ tCun«^«ii»,.nt.r. n-ni.,tin„.»«d OMtiuriu tfioo adopted or transcribed in Genesis. Such ter the collegiate department of the ¦ * . ' ¦. ^^. > .,. ish, eureka-ttixunph over discovered " J' ,', "* ' ; ' . , „ • '¦ ¦ .y,„ shalt meditate therein day, and niD},rSSff£S »Z^2SSa1S at least must have been the opinion of college and the fraternity of its stu-

g J«m ^^^M misprinted

vain Lking

out of spirit- napj f> ^3 Is it v*V .tterj . .. worthy: tto^.thou ta WMW^ /S^ i- -!5-- : 1- those ancient Rases and is oho ours dents HSTwkSKjS ual emptiness with;the rags and tatters ideal, a flame honorable above thou prosper." *So do your teacherB«tM for display ADVEBTisKMKNTa msA. "»ose ancient sages, aod is iwi ours, uen s.

fe "*SP •fG^nfe5f, , !S "' Of antiquity,- which obsonres dear in- others that is ' bestowed; nppn now ordain you, and 1 tell 'you . as 6iAtacmn on application. based upo^internal evidence orthe book, The degree wm conferred on the fol-

g^^' f^^^o* "' sight wit£ the sweepings of musty ar; yon ' with ¦• the ' solemn, /ceremSn>s God to Joshua, "then wilt thou £ sue— r— and sets aside all former speculations in lowing successful students : Israel terpose spiritual authong. but wpin. oh8ivea> -¦¦ i^b huhilng in dark comers of this day? I know; not the calling cessfnl,; then wilt thou prosper."^" ™v£i£™™0

w*™« ™<£l the Elohistio and Jahvistio aUthon. in Klein, IZanesville, Ohio ; Charles Sore i th?ciwumscribed £&Tof the *¦¦¦«»» «W method to acquire; broad which makes. PP^^eart and^ .moje , ¦;TiriIlIg w the faoulty, the PresidentdB&SB^^''^*' ««- We


^m- • M


6l0n' i^t^^i^WS SeZ^


1^.S SK tf -aK-lfSftl^ .continued thus,;, VeSrable breJnS' in »..».,. MT .f tfc. a.nrtlwMti I- im» ' ' ' J ca- Cincinnati, O.; Leo Mannheimer, weU as in his schoolrooms; he teaches

^^^^f^'ot their hote heart that it forget its vahities, its and ooUeagues. is it your will and wishwSFtin^&m The

Sunday law

despotism is doing Cincinnati, O.; Simon , Cohen, Ft. &fe»^^|- ,glsg^"tI?f;» books into comprehensive vistas of na- greeds, its spites and : *¦fled with that these candidates shnll now be or

^ISSSSSSS^S^^i- it*

work of oppression

this year .as.'it Wayne, Ind. ; Theodore Joseph, Park- § %S8$*Efi£S55SE?For^hbrel *ionnl movemegs. The rabbi is^ach- ^,; wUh patien^


nw,„.ua«.MCAH»aA,L,u did ^many^^a^before

We are


ersbnrg, Pa. ¦ . • " , <

Ij ^&j ^ Smrt fc^Et . tifi! ^ai tes- ^^^cpflvinced thatAo>«rtl«mentooI conjreotton».unloiioUiw>. formed of the following legalized tont- thk obmnation. '¦ ¦¦'^• "¦ 0-?r:-^^V-iryf?5 swaying of the time-spirit'that; he against the droop of weakness, unmoved you1 possess, the abiUty and the earnest^^i^^^ &^^^l^"^ 1 . Friday, 7.30 o'clock in the evening, SSo ^ '-ft^

StW-te^SSWfiSl seeSa?CS S£urm ^ convc^on'


the coliege ^* . «2A4. %j S L 'SS&'SSL&SS H ^T&tSS'gS

^^0^^' ^tenri to-th « number of nnwn pnbuahtxl. seem tpat, the spmt pi : lnroierance is took place in the Bene Yeshurtm Tern- right in the mam, which answers: not , . ., HtaratiiM-not ^ to auarrel jrive toTroide and to uplift. God jrrant pounders of :, God's .tow,?,the bearers of^SS^^S^SffSS^SSSSi imprisbrmientenave teeh made in the ing with light, flowers;and exotio -^^^iS Mo-r -^bS &»> ' ™ '.to;studyjvrtth :.M, ' to ^ ^|»^SJ



in the afflrmative,SS. ^ puft^^TiW'lSS}- United States of Christian ,men whose plants. All seats in the house were pW,r S?kSd Jii; of those out- fe Sl S wlJ«Mud?^sanies of doubt and S

the candidates 'mooted the rostrum," ¦¦ ' • " ¦¦¦ • ¦ ; - :- ¦' ¦¦ '' •

r S^ X £ n^^^^^^ '<^ '^ ward, attractions which glitter and ^^^ t : de- sTX^ir^C8 °of Ts f and' the:President said: «' In.the name' ^SiW/ 0' w;ddhlngs »nd Cartels will be ^^8 1 families

ni^Ue-'flrat' day representative men and women of sumo ; but a pai nni lino- 37 , i; .the sideratum of the rabbi's hours of study your self-dedication and, fixing your un-, of ;fchis holy Thorah, this assembledffe ta^ot lS 'raMSfilS^ofl^lH ' of the week. A remarkable part of Cincinnati culture and learning. The heart pure, the spirit firm , a man sound and preparation J but a thousand tinVes falteringhope urwn: the. rock of ,ages

in•will be made for publication of , from |3 to llo this matter is that these men observe ~„Ai^^ «*„= „ mnh,«.nf monbHtw' at the core, strong in the act,'he is. the more'to be impressed and urged is the ask ; of him again as yon do j iow., behalf of this chosen 'faanltv nt • v»n»Mcordlng to lenSh. Aoconnti n0t wcee4lnB ™' SjS ™¦ Xg frtSSh andience was a picture of mentali^ miniBter we need and want. . It is the faithful, the persistent, the enthusias- A pure heart create ..unto me, O Lord; Whall of this cboamj i ct ,^ana^^^^^

in^rrespondence with the rites tobe turning+of ; the tide from lm.. #:M poJMr'.S the Bible. Thef J[ a firm spirit renew Thou within able'

^^S "ijg -*J *»« '.si to pay for one y«*r. . • . ':¦¦ : : . . States havo used the police power performed. play to the demand of worth ; thous,- rabbi's soul should be steeped me. , Amen ! Amen! with the authority, ot . the law of . theComiPHioiTioH. ,,t.i^ hT th« L^ v,m against this class of citizens : ;Mary- ' At half-past 7 the organist opened ands re-echp the protest even while mi^ in' ^he; Bible-roirit and «h» Bible| The ohoir and organ took up the mag- State of phio ; and the ordinances of^Sr^




Georgia,-Mississippi.. the ^^^ with ¦; g^p^e, »'&*£* ^n^L^t^L his ¦£ nincent theme and^ng PsaL 30, text the Union of American, , Hebrew Con-IWSSSWiiRSBl^ ^Bfthe^S%Sended !

8,370 andjth^procession entered through the &!& 1 & SmSSS 3SS!o W. ^:: w

l& Si English, music^ProLor.Nembach,;. ^gregations, Ir perform.this 8olemn ritey - _ t--,^.0 '- " :— days have been spent' in prison in' this middle door and advanced in the mid- ranks; they had been drowned in the learn i eloquence; his . text-book'with a masterly production of sacred /music. M ordination, even - as Moses ordainedIfE WS ITEMS. • present year.; Have not these states die aisle ito the altar. It consisted of high-tide, of popular foUy. And even which_ to study the; world, ast and pre- Co„feh.inK the academic degree of Joshua; and do hereby declare and pro-

t ^ ^' ^' ^^


iff-- Son ' moSmus

- Board of Governors, the Executive S ^I^ to

hSSf" &*%& J^^hSdwSd^sh **&<** the

candidates; and beSowing ol^m you Rabbis in Israel, h^ceforth /• ^&to£f 2&%E£i$l3 1ffi SSle ciSs? T

ludu8ttlonB' committee of the1 Union of American tionalist brj the cnarlatan, among, the ities. his vade-mectmvat Wand at all on them the ordination of lawful teach-, and .forever consecrated as .^teachmg,• rtavecilve addreMei, before the time »peoifled. The case of ,T. F. Hothrock, of West Hebrew Congregations, the Faculty, profession, his class finds little encour- times. He,;"should . be ,'biblefest ' i n erg in Israel (n« iin7 na,0D). the Presi-: servants and messengers

of .,the MostN*w vorfe.--Belore Monday noon to S16 E.. Salerii, IU., whose arrest occurred May the orator of the occasion; "Rabbi Max agraaent and less respect. learning his, bible. ot by , roto but by dent of the FMm^.addrea8ea the co High, to' carry the , blessings of tlie . .«th 8treet. gQ. j ^

; aonoaiod j O' Allison, W«ii«. m t „t w»,„ • r^io«».» t. We may regret, we cannot alter the heart; nor should be come to it ,, as an «™»™i»^ u«vuOTOOu inrA tn nil vonr hrethmn to nil ohii rtB«Ulmote.-Before Monday noon to "Mur-

\vhose ase ££w^ papers hav^ S HeUer' M' L- °f New Orleans, La. , fact that'in the religious world, of to- enemy to study its Weak points, but gregation thus: Ix.rd to aU your brethren, to aU child- :ho. nautlon S ieta^K^V to ^Ihree candidates for ordination, day-mind, I do' not limit my .state- as a. lover to intoxicate himself with its Ho.nobAblk .Brethren :-It is my rea tf v

men-. . He PronounCed ,the'"in««' .« S ??ro!anMhJnT0Pn n0 Atlanta, Ga., to bo sold to a chain- and several visiting guests from the ment to the Jewish"pale—that, more or beauties. : ' pleasant duty to explain to yon and , to priestly benediction over the candidates;AAleifieby, Pi V , ' ' gang contractor for one year, ibis fine alumni of the college. There were less, in aU deuomiWations^ the pulpit That which the ,Bible contains .of all . whom it may Concern, that this and kissed them. ' The choir recitedI,ool.vlll««-B6fore Monday noon to 106 E. having been paid :;- by some unknown amoinr ' the latter the Rabbis Marks of work or tee minister, is looked upop as solid troth and inexhaustible heart- goiemu convocation,' ..:of..-. the Hebrew the same benediction.Kentnoky St., between lit and Brook St.. friondT ^ . . ; among ine iawer tne ivaoDis jaarKs oi h ig chief ft,, aB> /; ¦ indeed,.'the -.te8Morjd.will not .;be. lessened, by-., an., , atom T j i ^- g^^ Us Board of • Officers, bu°, buluo w , ""• ¦. . .- .-¦.-.-. ¦• ¦•:ci»lcia«o.-BtforeTnei«aynoon to AiiMi. Robert Wliaiey is now in a felon's Atlauta' Ga - Fleischer of Boston, 0f his fitness. It is characteri stic of . a through all' . , the hair-splittingsi of Faculty and Students, is intended to '« was a splema moment .-when the -,^iV

,7is dW7'W0'8?QI>Mrbonl 8t'' Boi)nu cell i" Ce'nten'iile,'MdW on a thirty Mass., Rosenthal, of Lancaster, Pa., time which worships the . aggressh-e, '.'Bible Criticism ;" Solomon will per- ceiebrate ;the close, of the twentieth hoary teacher kissed the candidates, .Kew'orleanBi-BeforeBatnrdaT noon ta days' sentence from May 27, for setting Franklin of Omaha, Neb.,; all of them which will not go hunting; ; for ish; God, is

^ made to say in Sh moth soho]astic year (1875-95) of this instil pronounced over them the priestly ben-;.-¦-, -i^J^aiW S&^S-^SSmH T4 -*'%**i % ?r SSidS'Si S K£isBffi Eri*5fc£&SSKSSS'ASL8S, g-*

*%;.*¦ •*• -•"« r: mb. sabhtsi. w. goldbkbo. the gen. church member who.. wgnrite that day^^ .of the ark,occupying the east end of the The voice on . Moimt Binai , according move as much, from the ^Bible as a of the faculty, and all omcially. connect- vehemently. . - -., - ¦. •r»i asent and oorreapondent of thia as the' Sabbath: ' - .' : ' .' . : : temple.. . . . ,•. to rabbinic ; legend, sounded to each booklet from Jhe letter Yod..*. ; , . ed with .this seat; of learning. This v Now the two presidents of the Boardpaper, 1* now tmreUing in the Vfeit. These men regard the payment of President Bettmaun , of the Board of man—stroiiglyJor—weakly, ino aV .nc-. There is a world of other studies annual exaihihatibh ' convinced the _ex^ and the Unibn declared the degree' '" '"' ' ' ' • . the" fi!,c «5 '- »«' -.ackiiowledgmeut of Governors, saluted the audience in a cording to. his' strength ; so mast relig- which , demand, and are entitled to.; the aminers that-according to t^ rules and lawfully conferred and the . ordinatiou .' - -; ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦" »i<nw>irnnii» the instice . of the laws which make , . : - ¦,' . ¦ ,, - , . , iAn > o vnim nnmn 'tn ekrh at™ npfnrrlinff rabbi a time ; art, science aud r hter-! regulations of the Hebrew Union Col- ^^ . * ", ' {' ¦ ¦ ¦ l^„ „j*.u- i_ . „;,j ¦•¦ ¦• , , JBWI8H 0AISKDAB. their flues possible, and'; for that rea- hr.ef . and expressive address and intro.- ^^irtW o^aSS-'ftf- fflSS? ature, ' philosophy in all its branches, legV three of its worthy studerita. who perfo™ed in. accordance, with law and. / lWt-do -WSS. ;. sou refose to pay the fines. f

+ : duced Rev. David Marks, who opened Whether a8 iweemng ; tempest ^ Then young Rabbi Solomon,r«Wo"Sniiam^"-", '"'v^ ThnnSw Jni? 2*

'- the exercises with a de vout prayer,;fol- soothing whisper. In this vast edifice with all . the social, commercial and Cincinnati—Morris Newfleld, ^ Seymour in behalf of his ' colleagues, delivered.:. Nm.-Hocml'.Ab::;::::;.:.;:::'':".:i^onaay,'jtiiy 32 Tm? mrmjrmrTtT-a vpab nv twt? lowed by choir and organ with Psalms I must raise my voice to be heard ; the political movements of . the day and G.,.Bpttlgheimer and George, J. Solo-, an eloquent fareweU address to the col-Faat oiAb ......v. ...Tbnnday, Jnly so lnJb iWJSrl lxJSiil xxi&A Ux in.J5 . ti,; . , ¦ ? :. . - . ¦ inn/ier ninof roiimnn misn . >i«r v>Bt*-iA. hour,, each one should find in the rabbi mon—^have acquired ' the - necessary , . , Li j . v a> j"S»«ffka^^"'"^8ffi 'tt5S- ?» HEBfeEW TJNI0H COLLEGE ?*< J ;te^ music

by the immor, g™£ Si^of^oil- that^lvid aad sympathetio , interest, to learning and attained the maturity Tf lege P^0.

the tethers officers andmi«r( «»...,..,. wwn«aay,B«pt. i8 CLOSED JUNE 14 1895' tfl^ Haleyi, which poured solemnity Ss^ting C01KLn Bot she ne^d the broadnesses and depths of which good character ;and intelligent piety^ class-mates, the city of ;Cinmnnati and ,«. e <J»r,prerlon» is also obaerred aa Kew ; _____ . and sanctity over the assembly- It set not screech ahd Mream in the jibber- nothing that is human can ever be for- which'* entitle them to receive the. ,aca- the assembled audience. . : • • , ;' ' , • " ' ¦" ¦ A gentleman of culture, and erper- my, imagination aglow,: and appeared ihgs of sensational titles and ephemeral fign ', but^ agj ainst the mad currents of demio ;degree and the ordination

^of The choir sang the Halleliljah choros

NOTICE TO CUE SUBSCRIBERS, ience-he is snll one of o,ir most loyal like ns :nS. outpohring of the holy -j ^W -tg So\TthTxutbid ™-S; :

<Se SSn

8 SJil 'Kos^ ^his .<* Handel, andf ^

Rabbi Rosenthal closed:;The IsRAEUTK will

; be mailed where- co-Workers-said to us iii the 'city of spirit;, ;. .. ;. kre.not yetTso f,ar that universities'need rabbi must.pray, again and a^in

^for ^entieth scholastic year, with the co^^ "Jvoca-6T6r^SZmtZlmS Buffalo, N. Y., where the Council' of , Now . Mr.. Bettmann introduced the highly colored IpostersV to ath^t stu- P1

heart and :to this: aordemiQ degree , aiid, tion and.henBd^ctipn,. . , ; .¦l . aS^SffS^L^St^^S: tne .IT. A. H. C. met ih July and or- learned speaker, Rabbi Max Heller, a dentaor art; exhibitions a^ cireus, clown ^"KectSremat ?Io&\^VSte0,1 « was a gala evening never to beBcrip«onpp«

^ There te noextraoharge dered the ppening of the Hebrew tJnion »emto M> _ii^ aU hingfto b^^V?^^' B?_e authority vested in me I make ^°t^ which closed the




in fuU. - ., . ^S^^S^U^SSsS: .Ah^etfumlya^ the

rabbi maTpray p SSSJS^&tZlt ^S^. scholastic year of the Hebrew Union = ."¦¦b ei^ changedL as^eah^ntly m derired favor of your .pet institute, but liiy ¦ • „ . . the oration. "Sometimes, ' ' ^ says R. Chania, "the for. strength of heart and mind to r«w« cem that .' this Hebrew Union College College, to remain closed till -the ;; ^y M n} kt e:.W tt ;*ii faith in its ; success is rather feeble .; £.. ¦presidenti Gentlemen of the -Fac- Sor/TutherlSel'rtSs «i S«B_f&ta.^^ fi

rst Monday in Septemter.,the aummer or contemplatei going away our American .born youths,; I appre- ' . ulty and of the Governing <Bqard, &4f between^ "hvo Sor Ms waffs that- .enclose . his books a study laws^the State „io^and thl on. ' ' • ¦ , » ¦ ¦ * ... ,follow^S^S . ^ ^ S8? i- »- i__^ _v filDi_i^¦blffi ttaTa'fcft to^^'aSt t the ideal i this materialistic society.," that are Ladies .and Gentlemen : theicommonplace for a Simple tour de much to investigate . and .learn-as to Hebrew. Congregations, with, the right bratl0Q ln the Cincinnati . reach you with' greater regularity Since then the Hebrew Union College Th^ cu'cmnstances . . under which , I force of preacher's skill, to glean oneJs teach and do.' -OT' KDJ* tw in pifl . Go to confer academic degrees .on worthy on Walnut -Hills was no pint of this.than correspondence. ' , ¦" ¦¦' hna' a*i\t fortv t-hrpn rnhbis to Americaii am caU|a to address you must :l)e my subjects everlastingly from newspaper cut and see what the people are doing ; students and furnish them diplomas - as It was ah impromptu affair , by.'the del-- ' ' has. sent torty-three rabbis to Americaii excuse for adverting for, a.; moment to headlines, to racclimatize in the pul- this iuiunction Of thV ancient fabbis testimonials of snob degrees having e~.ltes to the Counoil held in the citv- . .. . - , . . . ¦=. congregations, .and fifty students,- matters . of. personal, import. I find pit the spiritual hand-to-mouth liveli- ^n S ii^ruUest^ -fore? to^the active b,een: conferred upon ¦ them.' Further- ?f


toth? .Council held m; .the city

The Chicago Manual Training School almost all Americau._bom boysT-one' myself on this pulpit platfprm._where I hood of the daily newspaper is to shol- rabbi of to-day He ihuit study the rnore,.I make proclamation to all whom or-JNew , urieans an i»ecemDer/.iasc as ais assured another .year 's existence at girHremain in the college, seeking }™£"eJ *$°

riAtea Z f .1 . the religious temper to unhollow people and learn how to- deal with it.rnaiiy' concern that the teachers of recpetion personally toi ,lW;Hell6r, tolon^ TLwi „„rf „ {¦„„.¦¦£,?{„„ ,.0 nreriara'tion for the; rabbinical office to tb^se who taught and guided me in the synngog atmosphere, to degrade the them ; he must live with the people aud the Hebrew Union CoUege are a lawful which , however, the .faculty and .least. This' worthy institution re- preparation lor tne r.abbiuicai. omce, to ptber yearSi ,wher? j am now myseH to sermon into the mere feuilleton of the feel With them HeTneeds for iimself faculty, with the authority of .the State aiimni „f the collet Were invited It *¦ceived a short time ago Twenty Thous- which will be added m September next speak modest and hearty words of conn- service. - We mean to, secularize and.we tb oteerVe Xte zt first^hand1 in the of Ohio and the Union of American aIamm of, tn0 college, were invited, it ;.

and 1*20,000) Dollars from a "Well quite a number of freshmen. sel-tb those who have -followed me on vulgarize, to march with the age.while thousandfold changes of teeming real- Hebrew Congregations, and the author- was an elegant affair, arrangea oy-^neWisher." .Would that there were more The . twentieth annual examination . -^^. t^JI^ S2' «JSn-iSf dancing to

a whim. .. .. ¦ ¦.: ¦¦¦ ity jarid bis people need to. have . with ity vested in them,by -the . laws; ^ ahd friends, and . admirers of Rabbi Heller.•!well wishers" abro.ul. proved that there is talent, zeal, ideal-: *?& ourcaUinV It is ordv eleven " b' ** ^;lino.# A pui-e heart thein a man, a living personality, and customs of rasjrdamed rabbis to the hospitable and: generous friends ofJ ~L . L and promising possibilities enough ? o Srt& ^ere^S c^te. ^T^^^^ -and . f t^^S g ^g ^e^th^hS^m^^^^n.H»M - - i n " -i f « •». iu this college to gratify the most san- stand, at this period of, the burning firm spirit renew Thou within me, There J^^rertei^^\^_? teaehiiim ¦"* obligations as. arev customary in pleasant "Being-among-ourselves weThe Mumapal Council of the city q Ktatio*

8 0/ our idettli8tio thorn-bush when . imariqatlbn bursts is neither purity of motive , nor- ;flrm, SSSSiSt Sh Israel to.te conferred ; from master • tp have enjoyed for many a year.of Vienna was dissolved by order of * Think for a moment of a class aflT.e Tth ,a^°L^°h i wltl

J "Jess °\ aim "'Z

11 : excrescences. th ' example of. character. Ah! what disciple, and I will how confer, all con- , ^J« _1_

:H» government. The city is to be SiS'S 2ffi "ffi ft &£%?£ t l SjrifwS SfS

^ ^ ^^»& S J^ -^^^U CHICAGO IS*i&ITE'8; SCHOOL

E Si Z^rlt Z

andbrightboys of

the age frL 15 to after helping

A^^^ ^ pSiSSfcK^ru'plu^ %£*£ :< *i:ito& r > TICRI0'mission These are thei fruitei of the de yonilgj) ter8 that' are at W1*h e.* venen»ti°n

to the - wise We must

^^^^ - ,anti-Semitic victory in the last muni- ' ^e time studfnts of the high S$ T&l&*Jti i -h& tffl^i^ tiS;

ilUS refined'tact,-what constant and weary- Before I entrust; you,, worthy candi- Mr. B. Jelenko. the enterprising man-cipal election. Prince Wmdischgraetz school or the University of Cincinnafi, & SS .&. SSm Si^ wSlu oSSte^SmA S ******* uhdiscouraged hopefmnTss

dates,; with ( J.m«i^«) this ' diadem ager of the Chxcaoo teR^TK, has ar-he Mimster-President, announced examinations in the Hebrew righteous, crowned: . even: noV. in re- ways 'thlbiblef SbSS.5 iSM' ho'ut br^al se^shne'slH&nrl^oy S^^'S^ ^& Z rai8ed a Pionio which will be given ,Mm criminal proceedings are initiated AnHnaB.c d r^mbering hearts with the evergreen

to reverent generations/ God'apla^f TS^^l hiM ^ Z n^nyoSXe^^^ts°dSng p«Se and Tuesday,'June 25, at Columbia Park toagainst Pfarrer Deokert, of Weinhaus, _ Greek; Gorman aTd French, tftace Sy ^ters wiSt theii Tt* ™

* o^Sttv m^vl' words

vwhich . flow from; the mouths honbrlbuS^loyalVS& Tvour 1,200 Jewish, school , children amongwho preached three anti-Bemitic ser- Qr - u ich j ^ of^tte^^ttew oMhe nn veree . ^g nug we ; ¦ proct^

^tGem^ c6untry,

charitable.and kind to «% whom will be included the pupils of the, mons of the lowest type in his church, hmo ^ Think of the wi^ut' their !Jng exp^rience

to give just eVr^^^^ £repis?%a?^ub^and also-that the higher clergy heartily examinations from S0 1 W ??T\ M**

*™. there no solution, -n o ^enlightenment. &Wo^Krtff^^r"xS_i rL\/prig^t aS'faithMin^^^supports the government ,n the- :its

BJ ^ & tvXS i oneS ^' m™rt

t> ™ - ™ * » * ^#^ t ol *. yA->to : piotures ,in charge Whe holy'dS • appertaining Ten of , the Rtudan setUement. Themeasures to put a stop to this revolu- hflr wifch mcieat g™ _d^Sj yMt wa? perhaps

ord to you DaO Kin . pl.DKi if it is his pulpits ^the ; ideal man. If

^he to the sacred office of a true , teacher• ; m Chicago ,TimeiBeMd says:tionary movement, which, tlireatens the commentaries¦ from Mishnah Talmud this: that having received the dvan- an.empty word, it is so to j/ou, because ™LW hi^;influence beyond , the Israel;, one more^bligatio^you . take ,: <rrhxough this beauWol charity, cbildr«npeace of society and the fundamental "T ~Z li-A i

m m\ •La™ua' ta(?e8 of education yon have received; n-h r A DnH hb vrin know not how telnfle *«*.»* >» wordj s .to live long- upon yourselves, which is poless sacred bornand reared in thdr «»rly chlldhopd toDriiicinles of the constitution CodeS and Mldra8h. general history .g^i Joe inta the "world^id its I , , •-? i7 T^°W " ?P er than as

a dying echo of 'earnest olo- and no less important than the fcoliest ••Darke.lBM.ia",wiU be given on«;daysmldprinciple!, or tne constitution. and history of literature and culture fvn?k ?, von aw? ZtTm Lk to search and explain. Let the burdens quence,ahia must be the power of a be- duties you are called upon to fulfil.- flower, aid birds,,: Philanthropic men andT— from nearly three thousand vears be- havingentered^L same battle with of this modern day? receive the de- loved and admired personality, of one This solemn , duty to which I calljonr women^re doiak all th»y i>*n' towd prepar-maintained that Moses was the anthor there not an admirable idealism in f^ater. ™th


^iio less

^I of our people a realization of the moh- friend, It ia a heartless sneer to. con- of the Thorah never depart from your ^IhiuSaxoSni are beneficial, mon-of the book of Genesis as far as it>is Je- this toilsome course of studies? The reminiscencedTotfirstKKS strous and unjust distances between demn as pastoralism,the close and en- mouth, thou shalt meditate thereon 'day taUy aad phySollly eiperienT hwTproven,hovisticr the VCfc/Am and the Ail Shaddi study of Hebraic philosophy, systematic sympathetic and personal appreciation xSf!iM ^" P«!WSr'' 3^t us Joshua ben dearing assooiatipn of rabbi and rongre- and

^night,^. God

^said to.Joshua. The anrf lrom^hto. fact ^noottragement is givennieces in Genesia am anninn t Honn^finta twin™ nn A ^Mn^—^L^iS f« «,„ of vonr imMUdinp SiX that t shnnld I*v> d^ in the Rome of his day, when gation ; a coldly intellectual notnre may Rabbi, accordingly the custom and prao- thoae wbowvhearts art in the work. It i»pieces in i^nesis are ancient documents theology and ethics-belongmg to

the «^your impendsor; trials that i should he saw the precious pillars of palaces limit its task to the mere presentation tice at all times is the teacher of' his hoped, that there .will be many viaitora uponi. e. prfi-Mosaic, which the author adopt- course-we shoidd think requires a «"* 7°" °*"LSJ?^. t° "rtSoV. ,v„; covered from the (fold and the pbor of truth ;'but the teacher who is hot people, as said the prophet. "For the thM™?* to- l!ltafff"al;to


fil £S;ed, on account of their particular import- goodly portion of idealism and ctdti - RoSc aSns of S ™ wretches by their side crouching . in guide apd companion and friend at; the fins of the priest are guards of knowl- ^S^^^ J ^SS^SLuiSance, as he did adopt the genealogical vates it considerably. Wo for oar part au1hori£ but tl ?grtte w_3?aSS ¦?&. ™? SiugS U^' ^8,/e,nW n** me time is not a teacher;in the ^o- ed^


the Thorah is^ngkt: -Wife

ESSS^^"* * ,tables from an ancient book (Genesis V). stand before all this with profound ad- the diffident impressions of a tentative ^ ^^T^ ffie WhS? Sh?-rS?^l»«!SS? % _^« SSSSfe ^StJ V "HtS **«*>?&* «f *? ,**& pom^swVhid. St Work. • £mi i ^, . t -.ttit • .. , , . . i"",v"'"" uu ion T11p- in this mica i hwo n (>«mtaj to bouse, who would say to the labor- who turn relations of sacred confidence of Hosts;" The teacher must always usi of committeesasd program.—Act-These documents are Geneas I, VIII, miration of the spirit developed and ™5'_£ t "I mBTto SZ a tt er the leKend mokes Cain say to into mere tools of diplomacy, but such learn, to-be able always to' teach. The Jnron the ei^atWe conimUteear^IX, XVII , XXII, XXVII,28to XXVHI, fostered in this college among- the the sacrediiess and «r?Jitv^?f wWh Abel- "&* off the earth, it is mine ;" abuse shooid hot ih. any , measure de- Rabbi-must teach the Thorah, says the Stumer, M. Eowrioh- Bev.'Dr..A.;J..JtaJW,9; XXXV, 1-22; XLVHI, 1-19. A cur- American youth. -I deepg feel for Si even now! %?$?$** ¥"*?*' <**&&


^.the^nde.ur of the.true min- prophet, the people want to- learn of ^^^^^^^S&. •'sory insPection of theSe pieces wi»l show As.believe. in Judaism and its provi-

™h ££lf !tfjg W tX rS S f&gSttt&iJg k^SSor^^ ) £ S^ ^ ^ ^that they are not only in style and tone dentin! mission, wt can only look upon Slid fflut S $he bli°dy ^^torial shows of their-witnout guile,' without greed, that the ornamental to tne expounder of to" Sffl 'l&'fe^aW^^S^-different and more antique than the body the Hebrew Union College, with its 8Bnt your hearts also' mv friends y; 18 0IuPle substance m all firm spirit, without weakness, without Law. But first and foremost he must Strauss ' ; 7- ' J.of the book, but they also contain the emiiieifpfncnlty and its corps of young ought ih this moment to tremble with these to hold attention and to retain doubt can ' sow- a-harvest of sublime expound the Law, hence 'above all other^ -The. various stan'dlnK Oommittedy are:-in substance of the history theology, students and alumni. JL rock or

t^£^^^-J SXV

hSSttElJ^ &££& ! vS/ SS ol'&Mffl^^^and the ethical development of the pre- salvation for American Judaism, tho ^ JJSn r;»> oce»t *™ tangneiB. ampie opportunity for throwing to the And even beyond the family relation serve, promulgate and^laShe m^^^^^ ' ' Y^i^ « ,„ ^„«MiMosaic patri archs. We did not refer in modem Zion from wh ich cometh forth n3^ ^P,J Cast upon the Eternal thy breezes on our biblical banner the which binds him to his congregation eraturo of Israel, the holy treasures of T^^r^l^n^Sthe book to the Rabbinical or Talmudi- tho Law and th, word of God from of ' l^iTft^Sttant f ffirf bS* ^^ °f Ti&teo

™™V " ti!?ir, "**%*¥ not tor the saki of God's chosen people/ Candidates.. SuS& -^&%i%«^^rzz Tr

bfthu "ts- Thesr

n,,,rrr ¦?rV?^ £^rr4 %^^^ .*.P„i.-^aaffAter**j setS.a?3Ssw^ ss^^^meh^.^because it appeared to us self-evident, must fill every heart that bents for Is- under the shadow of the Almighy, I pit work of this day. Inseparably con- zenship and hnmanirv. of civilization Ybri have learned in this college to read Jackson-'Mrs. A. t 'Badrinakw Mra. HenryThe Rabbinical testimony is abundant, raol's cause with pride, joy and exulted attr .*¦* comes. not often to us as the nected with this work, though to mttuy and enlightenment. To the Gentile he and:understand this sacred literature ' Adleft Mra. C*ni«L;8tr«tisa, rJr. A. J. Mes-Speaking of the book of Josbar some hope for the speedy spreadimr of lijrh t K wu * i,mR f i °L au lmil}lclt a separate and even a superior consid- stands for the choicest of what Juda^ th'6 key has been given yon to the treasv ' ' Vti J^^

3 whu hati 'Rahhi-i nf th« Talmud ndvftnrn ti,« nr.i'n n^ frL, v , -L P j Ug ol "«, trust. The child has been somehow eratiou , is the rabbi's activity in his ism has ,to give, as the model of Jew- ury, this key and-no more. You nrom-: Rowing is the program which haa been. Rabb s.°f theJ*Vmnd ^vaDcf ^

and truth, hmnauity and peace. The weaned from the longing for the par- private sanctum, in the study where he iah manhood to place .by the side of in to make the bestnVeof this^^yv^S^A^^S i i U a m."«.: 0>VP ^

ion , it is the book of the righteous, viz. knowledge and enthusiasm imbibed eiit s caress and voice. But we are ponders and prepares his labors. In Christian ideals, as the mouthpiece of ment. I con only prophesy for Shat ttffiu .?^S Sohwl nS SHoMof Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The same and inhaled in this college are carried clll"»ren again on the mountain-tops of other countries the graduatinff rabbi the sentiments and views , which his your success as teachers in Israel will street ^ 8-30 a. m'/ march to" .tlie Polk Streetis advanced in regard to the Book of the far and wide over this country and will SS?h«?.« if 'T'JY1 d the \yishes and as- takes with him to his congregation from congregants as a class are supposed to depend on your zeal and diligence in Depot, acoompaoled by the' Chicatto MarineCovenant fEmiiM Xxrv 7iwhinh Rn,r ,« h«™.» i,..n™iJi „ T! m ¦ ¦ li Pirat10"8

thw hour might well rise the university the professional vanity cherish. But like Moses who seemed the steady study of the Thorah The Baid.' Train Wes for (^lumbU PMk ''11Covenant (Exodus XXIV, 7) which some beget knowledge and enthusiasm in the; fcom the depths of your hearts in the of orfg

^inal Investigation. I He looks to Jethro's daughters on *W3 WK ail sensationalist in the nulp^of the ancient savants maintained rising generations, with and after ns.; taaa of prayer. Let me give expression npon himself as by his profession one of Egyptian in garb, even though his emv is an^^ abnormity; ancl the abnormal 9"l %m* " fci . . „,-n ?i,««T.ria«in with=-r rs x zz. ii.TS£i£S^^r£*HH ^"^ ^ ^ Jm ^t^^st^msTm1VLsrwX »r."r: it rT^rV"6 '0 "'1 ^^rE^F si£t srj r-^ as«»fi»'!? ^ a«'ft\3BSaKfe^ -'Wauthorities believed that the book skeptical friend of twenty yean ago. |i« aud s let the Psalmist be our younger rabbis to cultivate bur ancient the intense eagerness -of lofty aspira- only; repentance follows often too¦ V™ chUdren, oalistnenlos, exeroiae. andof Genesis was written prior to the other The alumni and the students of this 8P0J»smftn . I" - 'hese incomparable literature so as to become . scholars. It tions, must proclaim him nnmistak- late. We ordain yon to be teachers in w^

8, ' ' ^ v - V . '.* 'J , •.i m-parts of the Pentateuch, and Moses was college, we hope, nre not all saints or ' ° 3 P3 ™ |«» niti Di^K is an advice mostly uncorr grated bv ably a Jew. And in consistent opposi- Israel, wliioh includes the dtity b£ ^SS^Sffiffiits .author. If we furthermore read praying machines or shouting revival- 1 D, j Mne., 0ath6ln, IsSn^fi^^i^6 wStef ift *F& *&& tf l& *$KffS£i

. . ' ' ¦ " . ,:. ' ¦ . ' . ' . - : ' ^ i '
