pakshi... ·...

Two Years Bid lbr Pashu Pakshi Page No.1 G OWR.N MENT Of RAIASTI{AN A ddifibn a.l/ D {rdor, R egAo*il V eter L^er! tsiolngica.bUnit TERI,4S et C9NDITIONS OF T|{ERATE CONTRACT Of ?a,rlu/?a*,rhi/ ForTwcYenry (2ot8 ta2o2o) NmrRa,je*fuMotorv, AgrwRoa.d4Ja,md,oLA JAI?UR, R+JASTILAN - 3 O 20 3 L l-1o1:. : - 9 47 40 6 + 1 5 2,9 6 80 7 8 7 7 60 ?llONE NO : 0747 -2680676 E - m,aiL ID : jdzl>plal>@ yiloa. oc. (ru --ia ---*\'*z Q.'- -*-4 <>- '('{6 - - Signature of Bidder |.

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Page 1: Pakshi... · 2018-03-07 · Created Date: 3/7/2018 2:57:54 PM

Two Years Bid lbr Pashu Pakshi Page No.1


A ddifibn a.l/ D {rdor, R egAo*il V eter L^er!





ForTwcYenry(2ot8 ta2o2o)




l-1o1:. : - 9 47 40 6 + 1 5 2,9 6 80 7 8 7 7 60

?llONE NO : 0747 -2680676

E - m,aiL ID : jdzl>plal>@ yiloa. oc. (ru

--ia---*\'*z Q.'- -*-4 <>-

'('{6 - -

Signature of Bidder


Page 2: Pakshi... · 2018-03-07 · Created Date: 3/7/2018 2:57:54 PM

Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.2


5.NO PARTICULARS Page No. of Bid

1. Cover Page 1

2. 2

3. Section (A): Notic€ lnvitins Eids ( Nl8 ) 3

Section (B)r lnstructions for bidders ( ITB )

5. Section (C):- 8id DataSheet (BDS ) 6

6. Section (D): Qualificalion and Evaluation criteria

7. Section (E)r BiddinB Forms 8to14

(E)(i) Technical bid submisrion sheet 8

(E)(iD Formats for Qualilication Requirements (List of Documents) 9to10

(E)(iii) List of ltems Quot€d by Bidder 11

(E)(iv) FinanciaUPrice Bid Submission 5heet 12

(E)(v) Declaration by Bidder under Section 7 & ll ofRTPP Act,2012 13&14

8. Se€tion (r): Condition of Contract and Contract Forms 15 to 26

( i ) General conditions of Contract 20 to 23

( ii ) Spe€ial Conditaons of Contract 24 to 26

liii)A8reement 27

liv) BOQ 33&34

9. Bid Cost deposit, ProcessinSfee deposit, gid securitydeposit 30

10. speciflcation 28&29

11. Affidavit of Non conviction Format 'A 31

12. Affidavit for not being black listed Eormat'B' 32

4*w\r E* ,C-q 5

Signature ofBidder

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Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.3

Section (A):- Notice lnvitinp Bid (NlB)

{Nr(IFTSIi'RiErqfdq, Rtft6 ftarro, lrinro qg EfuFr dA'6 a{rr{. EFRI r\6, qrr€}d. qqgr

6ciE': a.ft.+r/cg q.|i/6{ / 1i-1s / 3sr'l

{-fih_<r F{{drqldq qiiftff Frirr6. qrERrd q{ faf$er iA_6 a6ri. drlr€Ia. lrr5r { ffir ftqlq G efu.r 6rd d fa\

qyJqll d{ Td 6{ nrlrSl B qr dtirEr m1B 2omt{r €fu< crfl E}i i 02 d d fift 6qr{)dqq&Aft( {qCS{si\ t 3I&E( ffgr,/clrftq qrfofilr Em lrfr{fl fud_dBfl i { +dif{i'e * qtqc * irr{ilr{.{.} qrnfud d ora tt.tff * {iifd fu{rqlird irsrae http://ep.ocr.lasth.n.8ov.h Sd lttD.//,ppp.nlanhan, [r d Br r16al. dln ila rqr {S iTgr{c n fiqn hfr Brs{dk ff,ItI i rrdr ll .H n riiB_d qr{6r0 EqFr d +.srr" q{ 4 d q {]-6& tt

11 * g \q ffi cfiifh rIAr -r Eqis lIE afiR-< fittr6, criArf qq faftdr dtu6 {6r{. Eqgq drT-rd +nRi-" {tr n Eqr€ frE MD RtSt qqsi + rrc rlA r{gd 6{i rtt cifd{ h& tr?F -rqfd{. sfrR-6 f{i!r6.qrinr.6 c{ Eft_fl dfa6 f6r{. drrsH. rqgr d nqr 6.{m E},n I 6Ed trd he-ql rrr a irdsn qr,q 6!t Ir ff fie ffe{ E}i d litu 12/03/2018 +l cr+ 11.30 ri

2 3itr drfn iH cqr srd{ rti ei ftfu 0079372919 6} mn ,a, .i3. drr drfr ffi qtri q{ 6rqri ai qqqrEh 22103/2018 i6l (r{i 6.m rd d.. 3irr dr+r ir$ qtrr <idi d frft 23103/2018 srd: fl.oo Tq

6ri16: aq.+</c{ qcfr/@q/,17 1sl'

qftfaft ftqfun 6t qfinl Yd rnq{a6 6rffi tn II srg6 $i flaq {{{ r}atfrrdi G $qr{ Aqrq: +fn ffi1 "rqgr I

2. 3n96. q{{l G srsqd EcFr. rrq. inqsr 6t rq t5 shft6 cffiqi G fr.a. tqfi tE I f; +A 6r r6nn forrfi 6ftq sqrnR q_i fuf6l qR_qrtri so rqR cfdqr { iaa-6 Et sd ('6 *+q tft-qr {{rar{ cr d I3. qnq flirrd RISL qqs{ 6} 3ltrdr{n hE<r A firiq d sr6{a6 6rffi ig ii-d t I

.. iJq f+irr6 (ACP) G +{d Effi d-fi.W+e f{i{r{q cgqEr 6l effii Fk<r ffiq q}*a w s{dt€ 6{itdr

5. ffi qfud, h{lr4lftff {arr6. gwffi/qfr.Fiirro (€rFn) 6}6. {a{ q.-e fifurdq c{crdr, dqgrtr. qaar lqe, ontol <ror t

B. tg$ ......................................... ....... ... . 6l {r{it I

--.$it; k * ..1--'454qhi+fr frirrd


qqrFrd {nr Fjqd ffi cfd{i {Rr <lifi qr, {@ ,}{f*rr si8ge

6re< 3irl.q d 3rfllid dlrd 61 2 qlim

Signature of Bidder

qliR-{ii h?ro

Page 4: Pakshi... · 2018-03-07 · Created Date: 3/7/2018 2:57:54 PM


Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.4

section (B)} lnstructions to Bidders (lTB)

Noto: - PleaEe leallllho Teins & Conditions cerrlullv. lncomplote Bid are liablo to be reiect3d.

Bidders should read these conditions carefully and comply with them strictly while submitting their bid.lhe

followang points may be noted so that mistakes/lapses/shortcominSs during Bid submission may be




All pages of the bad document are to be filled (wherever r€quired), signed & electronically submitted

essentially online. The columns and information required to be filled in the bid document should be typed.

lf a bidder has any doubt regardinS any condition of specification mentioned in the bid notice/ catalogue,

he should, before submittingthe bid, refer these to the AdditionalDirector, RegionalVeterinary Siological

Unit, Agra Road, Jaipur. Rajasthan immediately and obtain clariflcation. The decision of the Additional

Oirector, Regional Veterinary Eiolosical Unit, Agra Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan shall be final and binding on

the bidder.

Online 8id in two pans i.e. Iechn'cal Bid (Pa(t) and Financial Bid (Part ttlare to be submitted till 6.00 PM

on.a4.,.?..:.1fl.. to the Additional Director, Regional Veterinary giologicel lJnit, ABra Road, Jaipur,Rajasthan for the purchase of Pashu Pakshi and r€turn for the peflod of Two years from the date of ratecontract . {A5 per NtT No {.6i.,/c1 q!fi/6ql r7-, "l a?99/ oate .2:.3..:l.$.It is expected from all bidders that they will ens!re that documents to be used in bid set will be given to

a reliable person only, and that only a fulty reliable person shall be authorized for oSC. So that the

confidentiality ofyour bid/ rates is maintained up to bid opening & that your documents are not put to

Comploinrs lodged ln Additlonol Dh.ctor, Reglonol VeEinory Blologkol Untl agto Roo4 tolput,Rclosthon should beot slgnoturc, nome, ld prool ond fiouh nurnbq ol tll€ aomploinont. Thls ls

lmpottont os mony dcpottments ftcelyE mony complolnts on kttar heods ol cedoln componles wholoEt on denied to hdve mode the coaploint uwn tlElr vedficotlon. Rnther, a ,cv cohpdnles hove

osked the concemlng deportments to toke octlon ogolnst those pe'rons wtro hwe lfiudukntly mode

use ol theit lettet heods. fhererote, unduthenthoEd complolnts moy not ," o.ted upoa.A!_ECL!&

orovision of sectlon 43 ot Th€ Ralasthan Transpareno, ln Publlc Procurement Act. 2012 ; Whoever

lntentionally files anv vexatious f.lvolous or mallclous aopeals or comolalnt under thls Act. wlth theintentlon oI delavlna or deteatlna anv orocurement or causlne loss to anv orocurlns entity or otherbldd€r. shall be ounlshed with fine whlch mav extend lo twentv lakh rupees or IIve oercent of th€

value ot orocurement. whlchever ls less,

It k odvisdble to outhorlze ln wftlng the pe6on requhed tor Addltlonol Dlrector, Reglonol Veteinory

Alologhol Uni , Agro Rood, .lolput, Rolosthon gld who oft enployed ln yout Jlfin on solory botls-

Q!ote onlyfor the products forwhiah your Product Permission meetsthe 8id specifacations.

Quote rate at website of e'procure in BOQ for the Unit exactly Siven in

catalogue at paSe no. 33 & 34.

The uploaded Aulho.l.allon cenlflc.te/Ucense .nd other documents should be clearly legible. Date

of lssue otthe documeots should becl€arly leSlbl€ undated or documentswlth llleglble date may be


-*<-Signature of Bidder





-"...$iEtc". .:-€ =

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Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.5

9. upload the Bids on the e-ponal well in advance so that failure ln uploadlng can be avoided and no

desired documentremains un-uploaded.

10. all Bldders ar6 lnn.uded nol to Illl the tormatr wrltten by hend, Bldde6 should to submlt all the

formats neatly typed so that mls-lndeEtandlry ragardlng avolded whlle decldln8 the lechnlcal bld

and ltshould be slgned by bldder/authorlzed sltnatory.

11. Bidders may send theirqueries to followin8 officers:-

1. tlnance relat€d lssues - Mr. Rajve€r Singh,A.A.O.-1 Mob.:-96m181160

2. For technical lssues - Dr. Sarita Yedav, Additionel Dir€ctor, Regional Veterinary Biological Unit, agra Road,

Jaipur,Rajasthan Mob.:-9414064152, Emeil:[email protected]

12. To Suide bidders and to give clariffcations regarding bld condltions to bidders, a Pre - bid meeting will be

ned on*.J.'./f.... at t1:30 a-m. Additional oirector, ReSional veterinary Biolo8icaluna! Agra Road,

Jaipur, Rajasthan. Basic conditions ot bid floated u,lll rerhein unchanged and no chanSe will be allowed in

basic conditions of bld on the requen ofany bidder. Clarification may also be sought from the concernin8

officers detailSiven above. The bidders/ prospective bldders maychoose to attend.


Signature of Bidder

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Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.6

Section (Cl:- Bid Data Sheet ( BDS I

E-BID FoR THE nATE COLTRACT F]OR Purchas€ and Purchasc rerum of P.shu & Pakhl(riate Crntract lo. Two Ylars Perlod; 201&2Ol

1. 8ld Referenc€ : lfrff.+.,/qg qff,/6q/1t1a/3s1oatdt 07 10312018

2. Pre- bld conlerence I r2lO3l2O1A at 11.30A.M.(Addft lonal Dlrector,B.P,Lab,Jalpur)

3. Date and time for dornloading : O9/O3/2O,a t om lo.m AM onw-d.ds

bld do.ument

4. Last date and time of submission | 22lo3l211a at5.OO PM

ot online bids

5. Date end time ot openlnS of | 21l,gl2o18 ai u.oo AM

Onllne technical blds

6. cost ot the Bid Document : ns.5o0/-(Enclos€ it as paSe number 30)

7. RISL Processlng Fees for every bldde, : Rs, 50O/- (Enclose it as page num ber 30)

8. 8ld s€curity : 2x otthe estimated v.lue ofthe each hem .s grven ln the 5s colunn ln thellsl ol(.ralotr|e (prg. no. 3Ol

_+.{-\iE- g-r* .---a--.9


Signatue of Bidder

Page 7: Pakshi... · 2018-03-07 · Created Date: 3/7/2018 2:57:54 PM

Section (D):. Qualification and Evaluation crit€ria

Ellrlbllltv criteria

i. giddershallbe an Authorized Supplier havingvalid authorization mean asfollowlnS.a. Authorized Supplier means a person/firm having valid CPCSEA regisatration/authorized by local

authorityor license issued by competent authorlty.

ii. Authorizati?n should be up to the date and renewed/ valid on the date of opening of technic.l bid i.e.

ziGSt:l-:-l-a----., il the_authonzation submitted by bldder is not valid at the time of opening of btd thati.e- onlrG./t.,./6 the bid will be rejecred. lf due to unwarranted reason the validity has not beenrenewed by the compenent authorlty then a lette. from the compenent authority should be attachedcertifoing that the firm has appli€d the renewal of the authortzation or whaisoever document inquestion (Bidder should essentially attach 5uch .ertificate along with the main document in question).However successfui bidder willbe liable to validity ofauthorization up to the period for which rates areapproved.

Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.7

All the provisions of Rajasthan Transparenq/ in Public procurement Ast, 2012 and the provisions ofRajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Rules,2013 will be appticabte in this bid.

Bid rhould not be submitted for the product/products for which the concern /company has beenblacklisted / banned any quoted product either by Bid inviting authority or Govt. of Rajasthan or else itwillbe liable for rejection at any sta8e.. Forthts btdder shallhaveto submit an duly notarized atfldavlton stamp oI Rs.1O/- in Format'8'at page no,32

-:..r.r\i= &.* :* --i:'

Signature of Bidder


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Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.8

Section (E)rBidding Forms

E(i) . Technical Bid Submisslon Sheet

Technical Bld Submbsion SheetDale:NIB No.: flff.d<,/cYJqe/6q/ 1t 1a/392 /dt........" ):i-._/g

To:The Additional oirectorRegional Veterinary Biological UnitAgra Road, Jaipur

We, the undersigned, declare that:(a)We have examined and have no reseNations to the Bidding Document, including

Agenda No.:(b) We declare that we tulfil the eligibility and qualification criteria in conformity with the Bidding

Document and offer to supply in accordance with the specifications, the delivery schedule andother requirements as specified in the Bid document.

(c) Our Bid shall be valid for a period of 90 (ninety)days from the date fixed for the bid submissiondeadline in accordance with the Bidding oocument, and it shall remain binding upon us and maybe accepted at any time before the expiration of that period;

(d) lf our Bid is accepted, we shall submit a Perfomance Security equivalent to flvo percent of thevalue of the items approved in our favour IPSU'S shall submit the Performance SecurityDeclarationl for the due pe.formance of the Conbact; Within 15 days From the date of disspatch

(e) Our fim foa any part of the Contaact has not been debaned by the State/Government or theProcuring Entity or a regulatory authority under see 46 G RTPP Act

(0 We understand that this Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof included in yournotification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal Contract isprepared and executed;

(g) We agree to permit Govemment of Rajasthan or the Procuring Entity or their representatives to

inspect our premises, accounts and records and other documents relating to the bid submission

and to have them audited by auditors appoioted by themi(h) We declare that we have complied with and shall continue to comply with the prcvisions of the

Code ol lntegrity including Confict of lntercst as specifed for Bidders in the Rajasthan

Transparency in Public Procuremenl Act, 2012, the Rajasthan Transparency in PublicProcurement Rules, 2013 and this Bidding Document during the procurement process and

execution of the Contract till completion of all our obligetions under the Contracti



ln the capacity of:SignedOate:

Duly authorised toComplete AddressTeli

sign the Bid for and on behalfof:

Faxl E-marl

-q-.{r.\il $* .o-e 4'----+--<>

Signature ofBidder

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Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No,9

E(ii). Formats for Qualification Requlrements

All Bidders are instructed to fill up the format5 neatly by hand. Eldders should submit all the

torm.bSlven below neatly written o, typed and dulyslgned by bldder so asto avold any

tn^re -------havinS our

Offlce at

do declare that l/We have read all the conditions of the 8id floated by the Addltional Director, Regional

Veterinary EiologicalUnit, Agra Road, raipur. Rajasthan for purchase and return ofpashu pakshifor the period

2018-20 and aaree to ablde by allthe conditions set forth there in.

lAVe declare that we are participating ln this bid in the cepacity of euthorize supplier. lnfle enclose valld


l/We further de.lare that the rates offered by us shall remain valid for the entire period ofthe Bid. lAVe have

enclosed the followinS docu ments as per details given a8alnst each:-

.. n ^ -a".A..-+..iT-\\e J-Iw .-€:e-4'


Capacity of Eidde(Authorire Supplier)

Nam€ of authorized signatory

si8nature specimen of authorized


TotalNumber ofpages in bid submitted

Total Number of products quoted

TotalSid security for allquoted item

Bidder har to fill all the columns given below:-



Name ofDocument Applicable to

bidder or not



Dateof valid


Bidder lhould mad lt as p.gel

Enclosure numbe.

(,Ar Fr €r.mple/ direcdoi ln lhe t d


1 2 3 5 6 1

1. 8id Cost deposit (submit on

PaSe no. 30)


2. ProcessinB fee deposit

(submit on Page no.30


Signature of Bidder

Page 10: Pakshi... · 2018-03-07 · Created Date: 3/7/2018 2:57:54 PM

3. 8id security deposit(submit on Page no 30)


Affidavit of Nonronviction 31

5. aftidavit for Not beingblack listedFormat'8'


6. Authori!ation Certiflcate Biddershould mark it as


7. The oeclaration form insection "E (ii)" Signed bythe Badder.

This document itself (Page No. 9

& 10)

8. List of quoted items inFormat given in section "E

(iii)" siven at pase no. 11

and si8n it. Bidder shouldflll all the columns (neatly

type, not by hand)


9. GST Registration and PAN

No. Copy

Enclosure 2 & 3

Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.l0


1. lfany document do6n't have date of issue or last date ofvalidity, write Not Appllcable (NA) in

respective columns.2, Ensure that the scanned copies of doauments are clea y readable & legible,


Signatue of Bidder


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Two Ycars Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.l I

E(iii). List of ltems Quoted by Bidder

Note: List ofQuoted items- lt ls compulsory for all blddeE to lill the b€lowformat as perthe quoted

Total Number of produ€ts quot€d

s. catItem

ruffils Requiredspeciflcations (Yes / Nol

oate oflssue/Renewal

valid upto




license Details Fulfils Requiredspecifications (Yes / No)

Date of Valid upto PaSe No.

Name & Speclmen SiSnature of Otflcer ot the tkm who 1 ameis authorised to make correspondence w:th Department

+..$-F{r P,.'p *-C Slgnature

Name of firm & addressDate: .-\---a-

Signatue ofBidder

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Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.l2

(E-iv) Financial/ Price Bid Submission Sheet

Financial Bid Submission Sheet

oale: 7 3, tgNtB No.: Br 9/,

The Addfional Director,Regional Veterinary Biological Unit,Agra Road, Jaipur

We, the undersigned, declar€ that-

(a) We have examined and havs no reseflations to ihe Bidding Document including

Addenda , if any

(b) We ofier to supply in conrormity with the Bidding Document and in accordance

wiih the specifications, the delivery schedule and other requirements as specified in

Bid document.

(c) We understand that you are not bound to accept the low€gt evaluated bid or any other bid

that you may rcceive-

ln the capacity of:



Duly authorised to

Complete Address


sign the Bid for and on behalf of:

+\r-Nit Pr^ €-t

Signature ofBidder


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Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.13

E(v) Declaration by the Bidder under Section 7 and 1'l of the Act

(To be submitted on Non-judicial Stamp of Rs. 100/-)

BidderDeclaration by the

ln relation to our Bid submitted to The Addiiional Directoc Regional Vete.inary Biological Unit,

Agra Road, Jaipur [p.ocu.,irg ertity./ for procurement of Purchase and return of pashu pakshl response

to their Notice lnviting Bids No. A.O+d/q{ cafi,/i6q/i-1s/3*1 Dated 07103/2018 we hereby declare

under Section 7 and 11 of the Rajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act, 2012, that:

1. We are eligible and possess the necessary professional, technical, financial and manage.ial

resources and competence required by the Eidding Document issued by the Procuring Entity;

Declaration is given below as per Finance Department order F.1(8)Vitta/GF&AR/2011 dated


Declaration bv the Bidder

ln relation to my/our Bid submitted to ............................................ forprocuement of......................,...,......,.., response to their Notice lnvitingBids No.3i.91...... . Dated..7.:3.:.( [.... ...I/we hereby declare under Section 7 ofRajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act, 2012, that:

(a) ,we possess the necessary professional, technical, financial and managerial

resources and competence required by the Bidding Document issued by the

Procuring Entity;

(b) Uwe have fulfilled my/our obligation to pay such of the taxes payable to the

Union and the State Govemment or any local authority as specified in the

Bidding Document;

(c) Vw€ are not insolvent, in receivership, bankupt or being wound up, not have

my/our affairs administered by a court or a judicial officer, not have my/our

business activities suspended and not the subjeot of legal proceedings for any ofthe foregoing reasons;

(d) Vwe do not have, and our directors and officers not have, been convicted of any

criminal offence related to mylour professional conduct or the making of false

statements or misrepresentations as to my/our qualifications to €nter into aprocuement contract within a period of thee years preceding the

_4-+w.r\ir2- 9n^Signature ofBidder

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Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.l4

commencemeDt of this procuement process, or not have been otherwrse

disqualified pursuant to debarment proceedings;

(e) I/we do not have a conllict of interest as specified in the Act, Rules and the

Bidding Documert, which materially atrecls fair competition;

Date: Signature of bidderPlace: Name:



2. We have complied and shall continue to comply with the Code of lntegrity as specified in theRajasthan Transparency in Public Procurement Act, the Rajasthan Transparency in public

Procurement Rules and this Bidding Oocument. till completion of all our obligations under the

Contract; as per Finance Department order F.1(8)Vitta/GF&AR/2011 dated 04.02.2013

3. We agree that Grievance Redressal process during procurement process will be as per RTppAct, 2012 & Rules, 2013 and Finance oepartment order F. t(8)Vitta/cF&ARpO11 dated


4. We agree that additional condatjon of contract will be as per Declaratjon Finance Department

order F.l (8)Vitta/cF&AR/201 1 dated 04.02.2013.


Signatue of Bidder

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Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.15

Section (F)r Condition of Contract and Contract Forms

rriRro vg frtuffir +fu6 sdrg, sqg{ tS cS qff aq G srrfi 61 (1

rifu{r 3rdfu zore-zo fu ffi 61 Yrtr

cld,- <t +i n qi #fcnr aI w fttr d BsErff $6 q6nr qftg:-r. qi sfua sq * ffi fus c"n$ d rgvn ttff ffit ilcn-ffi R-s crJ-r d?n

ffiq fus qrd- u d.ft t

z (a) <t vr<t a siol n d 6}ff qGc r Yr<t s 3id d 3rf,{ iti qr a-'it it qrdqetAiqdffr

(s) <t vFd Tr fus n-6rt qr,fr T q t uS r5wn tq dff q{S <T i qRfrrE isifud qrfrq {q{ inr 3lr+{q-6 t, R-{l ssd Eqr{ ffi6ri rff of qr+'ft | qgqfr 6r qqr rcrrrdt d scRrffi n gg-+'ff fu{i6 o1 qqr< qrqrd {& qriqri qq fl qra +6R f&'qr qr}.n I

(.r) d drfi c.r, d srrr qrd rr futftq h-€ n A .rff vr$ qrRq ern ffi qq en<qs rfi ftrd qrff srRq I qR *efidr frffi r< d ftc <i T6 fus{r srrdlt d sn crJ Ir ffiq fus d sqfrrd r< qr qdt fiS ff fuft d A srqiff <t 3iRrd r& or+ qGc


g. ffi d{f, s€ sd/qrqrfuit d lfr-6R d qri'fr d {r.Fg3lt/qrd d fuc\'s{.q.,/s{6n 6m er0-qf, fu<rro t, qr q{ a}rit +t d fu srwd i s{qrd 6T .{FIR 6{i t, ftrsd ftc ffi qrff of 'r{ t t Sfu d fuc (Rriq s{'{6tt

l. ffisrdr swrg Ib\ qri srA qra d 3rd l6-s G qrx snR d qrqqrfi Tefqis 6{ d. fld €rftra qnr G frr}q fffrsr + ftd "t qrr d drsd 6\ q{sin q+6 dI d ffi M t $ 3rfr'R-ff fr4r6, qriRro vg frtu-sr dft-6 {6r{,uug< t w*ow crq fl a-{r qrRc t

s. qra i;d<n fudt qq \-ffi 61 3IFff ffi qr {sS ftffi qFr ol sq iitqri q{

rff nn r tsr ori qr oIfrft€ frirro, qrifrro vg lifr;er dft-+ ror{. qqg{

a'l rifuqT 6} ffig-a or{r qr crci Efui6 qI ArE 3r.q scgffi 6rffi od 6r

3Tfu6R *.n r

o. ffi fuw wi qrdr srqrr s{i 3rd fus G lonrr d TEk d argun il<r

,tBc r orot qn fuF + qri n 3lfrftff fricro. criRrr qg frfoffr $E-6 {6r{,uug< or Frdu 3rtdq d.n da{r st#{rdrc{t 4} qrq E}rn I qfr 3lr{tr d T E 6f{qq3r5+kd fu-s d srisq {fi +e i d rt rcE d or c-ofr * q qr$ qt

qeA t, aqr qra v<( ori qr ccd uri d an"r d .fi 6i{ qq qr rrff d'ft at

X"frot trrcrar ol dfit,. #orcmort or vr$ vrfuqo cRfr& 61 fufr rfi qcq qr ft-a-ro d cfts{ i

cdr6{ qrcn or frfferq G qiq 6"{i 61 3Ik6R atrn I

s. qR .rydfud fr-s, rq< s 3Tr6R d orfrR-< erq eisr{ 6I qld cBrE fu-ql qrdr

t d s+ *6t1 T€t fufi qr+T r 6rn ga: fu<r ftffi 3lifiR-€ arra d wt forroo) sff qcq q<-rrr *rn I

Signature ofBidder.<=E-9 4

o.*r-Nf &*

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Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.l6

e. 66R {€t o1 .r{ Tqoit ol fuaro am uq sqq €{i d qd qt qrqq a qrir

drn r

10. ++<krr d fu+qrt at.ff f$ qi.r +1 'ri qrgt qr cg qeff {<ral {eIFI w qtil

crq 6{i srd o} erd <nr i qra tqr{ o{r oi$ rfrZgoer< di qr 6H 6freli of <sn rt drd-ffdr qrd crwcdf Er*r qFIFr of qiq ig Ftalr 6{t s{q qr{

.r{ rfi 1'q ofr o} Wr 6{i A frC fti*<rc d.n r E-q & oE sIftftff ar.rd tqrffffir

r. cwr{ srfrftff fricro, ff.ff. *<. vugv qr v€-+ cfrfiB d rigfr A sr5m rffftri qfi ol furfr n sr5cE 6) ftffi ifi sqq {1q f&qr qr srdl t 1

rz. w,ff e+ar{ .r{ <f ri*"rrcli + qffit d ftq qrq ftfi ac{r{r <+i n qft'r }s'r.nsr, gff g@. o* snft fiS Errkl qqR qFryko *i r qra d qR-qr isg{ fu+r urt n t

13. qirrirdf 3rffi t strter crq iri w eqr{ s+ fifi o1 qrhn ffi{rdr lirsdffi Sqq ol rr$ t, sTri{r crq fiti ori d drftq * os ft-{q d 3r4fu A ftdIqwrg qi qfisn otnr snicr {-n-dr/firs€ c-{ 6Rr qI eS tor qrtql


ffifldr d swr srrq w qffiit cRr 3lriyr ti c* qi.roat ol crswrodr d3[jqn qra qwr{ 6ri d qaeTr 6{fr dff I ffi rs ft-< t qn.r s{fr qri.fffuq fu{ orfrR-ff fricro. +q, qqy sRI ffi -lX

"1 qffil ffi ur:

n Esrfff .r{ qrx d+a or-Jqfid t ftilst ffiilfl qE f{dq o{ rd fu 3lq-{r

cM,ft <{t qr gq ffqrrr 6) {q.ri 6i Eqrg 6{i d lac adffd dii qr rff t

frqrrr dtdi i sifu'o qr*r * oq qr oIE-6 {Wit d sm or atfuon sTci crsgt[&o rtror t t rai ro eql or qqq t cs €ft-sr +it clrdrt d fuq qrq Etrff |

era i#<n 3{rst+6dr Qr$nr ci,r d ,rg qrer ro srjrilkd <ei w a*geti +1

3n[ftf 6ri d fuq erq irrn r

r+. (o) ffi ffi sn q++ M d Fd-s{rrt drfr n oifu-d <tt o1 iq ffi fidri d ilftq d so F{ff d rrqfu d ftc As dfit(s) ffi ol Ei ffi d frB t d s{ il6 fu dfft eftR-m ftarro. criFro

vg frfo-er dfu6 {6r{, wgr 1ti ffi<rrn 3{rq$ s6qfr t qs erqB oifiq qn d ftc {6r r6i tt

1s. frEkn d vrd am tM G er5a< d srw rrd of 6ffi 6{i AqRqrqssq .i16 q.ri S n-do ge w vsd q< d rww ori fit

re. rdo ffi d qrQr M rra d erSun ffi qFfifft'rft orFJq tr+crRr d 5q Iqq o*rfi dff r qgd fo-< ffi cl fr-qn {fi f6qr qri.n t qe nRr ro</S.9.d sq ;t orfrR-ff fticro, S.ff. d-e. vogr S qer il q,n osrff qrBc t fu{ffisrdpii o1 ffi fr{d rff ?tl ur+,ft, s+or slfuq qc ffidi d elfuq 6c tffi6R fuc qri A \.6 qr6 qrE atdr ftqr qri.n r qra ddqrnell A qrrd n

En qfu1fr crRr d Eq n qMr or ftqr qri.n r cFd'fi {rRr qRFrrc nsdfufi orJcrftd qrar $ Tq or 5 cft{rd dfi r uR er5+tr< ffi{rdr frRff€orcfu A .fi-fl qFil&'{Rr wn ocri t orercr 3ri{q Frqrkd 6{i i erqwd {6dr

+.{r'Ut >- g,*Signature ofBidder

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Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.l7

t d rs erqr-dr 6) +e A srd oT Bcis-{ 6rc[ qli qrt'n <eTr vsdcRurrrssq ffi,cft,tfr vRr qq or ffi ft'qw or fi qriff t

17. qr5"a dA- dI o\ gs ennq or q: qrt di A k{'6 i rs frc d 3r4fu n

fuifR-o cc, i qre{{r6 nRr d erq c{ \16 3[5Ttr qs f]q1fr6 orcr d'rl Tqr

vFd1fr {rRr qqr oqrff dffr w rffi d {rfrr d-{d ffi o} *iilrqro d'r iWr 6tqr ,/rsnE-d rli d srrr< 2 r 6 srq fu qrtff t {s qfu1fr nRr wfuTrrr Enr oi{ qrq 6r grran rS fuqr qri.n r o[g{q q, q{ drd-Erdt d eRr

3rftft6 f{irr6. vriRro vg frfu$r dft-6 ror{. qqW qr i}ff qk6 qr eprq

M q.'s{rrro d sqs csren fuc qr+i r :rge+l Frwrka o€ or qq ffi<rttdr{r {6{ fuqr qr}.n I

re. srfw s.s rz i ftffi srd d 3r<fts di gi .ff hftfu qrq d fi-or :r3*koffi<rarit d rg+u ra 6t ffid oti i orror cfu$ d qrRr sqr oqri {srsra rri w ilefi ss s{ d 3rjqrfud rqt d r<s oti trq erfrR-< frisrfi,rriRro vq Afuffir Sfu6 rort, uuy o) v< agrit d Efra qrot <r ar&m{ S qs d vs$ em ftrs .r{ d w *qo ori ol qe dfi aen qc s{s{d {n o) lr5dkd frri uri at qa-a frc qn + rs E-< d fi-m Er qgett

d ftri q6 3[J{q qi fqqrR-d 6{i qfr$ d qrRr q,n ocd e.n s{rff (r{)s{ 6f q-J'tfud eli qr X{ ol q{ d crq ft-qr$ftc qr,fi ol qqr{ 6{i d fun

ffi<n dffr fr-frq q4 d orsqal r6i w sr+1 .ff 3TFrq (dr$ vffi) vRt w<d qri,fi


rs. s{ 61 frrt qri sre g.rdrq qc isor qq ad-fi gnr rer frqr qrirn I

20. (1) ffi srd i qra E5+fi A fui frffft€ frtn ,ri sqq 6l rifu<t o1 arqr+o

srd q{sr Brtrn detl q$il dftErdr ci.r6-di oTffi i r{ d crc eniv srq diqq vs ersE d fi-r* qra qqr{ 6-{i o1 q+en otrn t

(z) qR ffi<nr ffi srd n frF{tre 3r4tr d.ftid{-ftdl ro ot ffi ori n3fiFFiI T€iII t 3i1 ft-dq t qEr{ 6(dr i d ddr ![ffi srci qfrio qt

ffifidr e v{r rsFrFr ftnt qa qrq qq eqr$ 6ri i 3rsqf, 16r t, d Xa dFrqfrfud cftlrd d +*Rr o1 crRr cRfuiRd lotn d w d qr ft {rk d 5qi eqa ot rd'n t

(o) fuRa ggffi sqq +t r,zn ersfu ro ft-ae d fug z.s cfrsrd I

(ro) fuitR-a Eg+,ft rr{q ol r,zl erqfu t 3{fu ftr{ s{E-fdq oflS 3[sE d-6

fuae d frc s cfrsrdt

(.r) hqtRd S+,ft d 3IIfi irsE i 3rfu6 fu-g 3lkrdc a/4 q-4fu u- 6se d fu<

z.s qfrvro

(q) f+rfR-d ggtft qsq d s,/r 3rsfu Q 3lkd frr{ E-d g5{'ff ereB d T{lq1 3rsE

ro ft-aq go ro qfrcrd

(sJ TdMRil 3n{ffi 3r4E S qqn 3rqft 3rqt( ro km qrqrq 3TFdt €rrR Tdl dqrhfi


zr. tii, sq.itcr, f{n, gBqr, FrfrfrT qg qefr sIrR d ff ad-slr qqr{ 6t'n v€ }Ed qr< sqdq <q srA ad-fii dr fi Erfu{ or frqr qr+,n t ve +-p--id-o* rra

c --#:q.^r\ z ;D. b"" w'-'C Signarure of Bidder

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Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.l8

arre aff qaa ffi d zl sC n Tff sdrdr * d sS <w qrfu iol-6. shfr{cld nr d lfffrq t A-ff dfft m gfrw d+a s kc d ftri dfft 3 ft-r + c{qrdft-+ ftrS q-+<r d ug vftrit o\ *arq or frqr o}EqT elh qsi *rw sron ol6f{ Erfr fff t tit aE *qo Ad-{r t T{d A !n+,ff I

22. q6 3rFrnE rfi t fu vg qm qwr{ oti sre fficrdRit of fi vg wt arfue

fti qri r

za. vg vlMl 6) sdri ot drfrq id-fl of qfud d qri,ff r {6 }€ (qiq) d frflqt rrgqfid dfi r sridR-n fticro, ffo ffo d-< wngv fus drfrq frt sdri A ftrn6in sS ft-{ a$-fi dr qr++r vari tifi rq qftft< ft*ro. dq qqW

sm qe arfrq +€ (qiq) d Fnrs * crfr fi or rofi tt vg cS d + drqdad-fi d srfrff frrn ortn, ssot fr{d BS E{q 16< qqr osrfi E}fi t

za. r4 d rrd 1+to wro1,- qwa ffiEnr sRI €R-<r A orfffd qqr{ fttt .r}qrqn d frri aW al .r{ drd {ih<r qn orqE 6 +{rr ffi <rn d ws qrarfrrd i GrE-fi rff *,fr, fffs qc q6 (qs-d ffi<nr) vs qcn,/ft-{iur ol Tqoito\ ft;S erq qfu d ftd i-i r qR s-ff orq0 A +rH ftffi ff wqq aA-qR ttsrqrr a fu6q {@ 61 6{ orm * 3{ersr tt srqn o} {hff srq qfu d ftridd 3r-<,ld aqe o1 ori sr& qtqd t oq frra q* *+ar t a\ ae ofaR-<

ftArro, ctRr6 vg ftfu-gr dR-6 a6ri, oogr d re ofr 3lerEr ffi d @rdq{cr tn dsn d rr{ {fl off d s,rr{ i 3Td 61 ?rfts 6 qrqrt qEr{ frti,.dqr i-i ,rt qrqn d id d irf,,fd tq ae nfrr reyn qer ff imi,ff I qqafrd-ildr sq ofirrrr or v6 rcr"r c1 t n fu qqror q, ii d drtq ro o1 ,r{{ qr q-{rt ,rn M d qqq t gs eus S qrqqFit 6T fqkd-d crd{ l}-qr.rqr t r

zs. frqr- qm -trqfud {ierrcil A cfrw n rS rrco i gg{ fuqr qrtn t rsrr6 qFq

qrrm i a] +ff, Erft, fd-flr qr srd +sq gtrs +i * 6R'r qr gd mr6 3IrR dEnr 16srr n qqi 6 ftri {s4rr qrcrl or ffqr orr vom i t fict }IqN IrEFrogm ar< ftqr qrirn


ze. qR ffisrdr tS trd sTrtfud orar i d gst sFtd vrd d 3IfrR-€ dt qr ssdft-Ed d d vtr6t dr$ fu<r ftffi q+tr t v<E o-rfl qri,ft r frffi.ff <sn i tSoH fi qd dqd dgi T& sr* qrtff. qs 6 d ffi o1@nfr*srq i vde rg fuqr .rqr 6) r

zz. qft frfu<r d Sqd 6{i A qrarq i{r$ 6 squ i 66 q<ftra ot{ frsKssq d d qrrar qrorit (ffi{dr G cgcrm{ fu{rrr d cffi ol0rort) EM3rfrftff fticro, uriFro q liffiNr dh-6 ror{, v+y 6} .tq ftqr qri.nfus-6r ffq erfuc 6tn t

za. coii q Ni o\ crd' rr ed fio fio *< (wrsH dq) d qC i arcr iFn. q6i a

q-d {iq-6rd a-o ft+ Eo M ffi <n qrirn t ur$ qr< cqr 3IrR 6{6*€rc d 6rffi 6nA am of qrifi


&/ o-8 -#'+'.*r$ig 27-

Signature of Bidder

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'l wo Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.l9

2s. cizT q{ d ergrn rqo Rrn .ri c$it s} +{ fur n-6 Es srg { sInvro, frtgqd ftri ror ur rdql 1 3itq qe or<E { ot{ cg orJqlff qrqr qqr d {6 cg {6r{tg *6R TS fuqr qrt n dan iitfrErdr d st {cnr{ * gr< cer+ d,n t

30. qw 28 s 2s i sFk 6rd + ftrn +#<rdr drn ssd cftfrE 6t qftft-{ 3rfrftc(frisro fr. fi. d-q * $q-d *eTrftd 6aqr e}.n atft' enqc{6 q++ ff qr sd t

cfdfrfu 6l qrq. rrdT q Ma qq* sc-$ rwraT* 3rfrftfr fttYriE 6rq|dq n Tir-A

t orrocr ocri Cii t

31. fr d ffi ff srd ol {,f Eq i qr ariRro Ec + BEiEi ad qr # 6ridqns sq * qrr r oti d <rn d uffi d gt vr efRro rrRr q< oti orftitro 6) 1rr srfuon

32. s€ff vrd * 3rdrsr nrpp erEfrqq G rrqrerrr alo scrq{ rt qrrffirtrr orEfrqc2012 si fiqq 2013 m + qrqirrn d qra-qr d od,i t

aa. oTfi-dqfi ffi<rdr sqrqr €{en d ftrf'qr/onisr t s-6qd .r& d on{ vt tgr at ftijcrqrl fren,/3lffi sI 6t{ ffq/ 3nirr 3lftfrqq qr erfuftqq qr +&el-d Srgw rE t tlr ceTq oiI Rftq 3rfi-d 3rffi A wceT tt ffq,/3ni{r A (qft-r o1 irqE q 3ls6cfr d on"r scrtd Ec vQ-a rqa or rd'n r

cerc arq-d d frs scn 2sool-(3rerl s.ri d ror* qfq S sqn qra) G Ffrq3rQ-d o1 frfl sci roooo,/-(rBeR lsqd cs 6qR Eci qrr) +ff I

(or) rw oTff-a orffi - 3rfrftfr fincr6fsEaa), qqqrd-{ frqrrr, trq. qqgy I

(q) trfrq slfi-d 3Iffi - ftisro, cScrfr{ f}qFr, {ru. qqg{ |

8s* @A X

Signatue ofBidder

Page 20: Pakshi... · 2018-03-07 · Created Date: 3/7/2018 2:57:54 PM

Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi

1. General Conditions ot Contract

Submission ofOnline Bid

Page No.20

a. Financial Bids of those Bidders who qualii/ in Technical Bid will only be considered for flnalization ofFirm and Rates.

b. All en€losures/disclosures in the Techni€al Bid shall be filled in meticulously with pr€cision and withdocumentary evidence wherever necessary.

Allthe required documents/ enclosures willhaveto be uploaded & attached alonSwith TechnicalBid(Partl of the 8id) only. Eligibility for Financial Bid (Part-fl of the gid) wiI depend on the outcome ofdocuments uploaded/electroni€atlyattachedtoTechnical 8id.

Financlal Bid lPart-ll of the Bid) shall contaln only the details oI rates offered. The Bid form dulyfilled as per instrudions given on the e-procurement site online only, please do not mention yourrates except in the format given on line at above site. {http:/

8OQ (Financial bid) giving the rates for various items in individual should be uploaded separately as

Part - llhere after called. "FinancialBid", which is to befilled online onlyas per BOQ.

The dates scheduled for Receipt & Opening of Aid are fixed. However, th€ Additional DirectorRegionalVeterinary Biological lJnit, Agra Road,laipur, Rajasthan reserves the right ofpostponing thedate ofopening the Techni€al or Financial bids or both in the event of any unforeseen circumstances.

lf the last date for submission of Bid and opening of Bid happens to be a public holiday, the notifieddates sha ll a utomati€ally get postponed to the ne)d working date.






Failure to upload the properlyfilled and signed Bid (Part{ & ll)shallrenderthe Bid invalid.

The Additional Director Regional Veterinary Eiological Unit, Agra Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan shall not beheld responsible for non receipt of the Bid due to failure in uploading thereof for any reason

ln the event ofbid being submitted by a firm it must be duly siSned by an authorized signatory. ln theevent of a partnership firm it must be siBned by himself or on his behalf by a person holding a powerof attorney authorizing him to do so and in the case of company the bid should be executed in themanner laid in the arti€les of association. A letter of resolution must be attached in favour of theauthorized signatory. Any change in the Constitution ofthe Firmlcompany shall be notified forthwithby the Sidder to the Additional Oirector Regional Veterinary Biological Unit, Agra Road, laipur,Rajasthan and such change shall not relieve any former member of the Firm/ Company from theliability under the contract. No new partner/ partners shall be accepted in the Firm/ Company by theSidder/Biding firm in respect of the contract unless he/ they agree to abide by all its terms andconditions and submit to the Addltional Director Regional Veterinary Biological Unit, Ag.a Road,

Jaipur, Rajasthan a written agreement to this effeEt. Receipt or acknowledgement of any partnersubsequently accepted as above willbind allofthem and willbe sufficient to discharge for any ofthepurposes of the contract.


All correspondence /queries in this connection should be addressed to the Additional DirectorRegio nal Veterina ry Biological Unit, ABra Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan.

**-\ir St* ..8-€Signature ofBidder


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Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.2l

ii. Dkect or lndirect .anvassinS on the part of Bidders or their representative shall disquallfy their Bids.

iii. Appropriate cateSory of Eidders as per prevalenV existinS rules shall be eliSible for Price &purchase preference as per rules.

iv. Any provision not included in this do.ument shall be governed by the relevant rule5 mentloned in

the Rajasthan Transparencl in Public Procurement Rules 2OB, aTPP Act, 2012 and GF&AR followed

in Rajasthan and timeto time amendment in respective .ules.

v. any objection aSainst the quantity of the approved item indented i,e. beinS more or less compared

to the prcportlon ofquantity mentioned In the Bid document, willnot be entertained and shallnotbe acceptable as a Sround for nonsupply.

vi. The Purchase Commjttee will have the right of rejection of all or any of the quotations wlthout

Biving any reason for the same. The right to conclude parallel rate contmcts wlth another flrm for

the stores detailed in this catalogue is also reserved by the Additional Director ReSional Veterinary

Biologlcal t nlt, ASra Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan.

vii. The Bidder shallfurnlsh the following documents at the timeofagreement. Original docu ment for verification,. Allthe OriSinal Afiidavits/t ndertakinS.



To ensure continued supply without any interruption, the Bid inviting authoritY reserves the riEht to

llx more than one firm to supply the requirement among the qualilled Bidders. Orders will be placed

p€riodically based on the stock positions of stor6 and supplyin8 capacity of firms.

To the extent posslble, no neSotiations shall b€ conducted after the pre_bid stage. Negotlations maY,

however, be undenaken onlY with the lowest or most advantageous bldder under the followinS

circumslances-(a) when rinS prices have been quoted by the bidders for the subrect matter of procurement;or

(b) when the raies quoted vary considerably and considered much higher than the prevalling markel


The Bidders, who are declared as t-1 Suppliers for any number of items quoted in $e Bid, sh.ll be

required to execute necessary agreements and Performance security withln 15 days from the date ofLol/LA as specirled in the Bid terms, for the supply of the lnstruments for whlch their offered /neSotiated rates have been declared as L-1, Execution of the aSreement and deposltlon of therequired Performance securlty shall entitle the approved L-1 supplier the prioritY for receiving and

executlng the purchase ord€rs placed by Additional Director Regional Vet€rinary Biological Unit, Agra

Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan.

Additional Director ReSional Veterinary Biological Unit, Agra Road, Jaipur, Reiasthan can take decision

regardlnS deviding Quantities amonS morethan one bidder atthe time ofaward accordinS to Rule 74

of RIPP Rules,2013.


4. FArctAUsE >E- Vu' ..**C 4/

:'.^r-r\it Signature ofBidder

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Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.22

iii. Allremittance charg€swillbe borne by the Bidder.



Ihe goods will be delivered fOR at Of{ice store in perfect condition. The lupplier, if he so derires, may

insure the valuable Boods aSainst loss by theft, destruction or damage by fire, flood, exposure to weather

or otherwise vlz ( war rebellion, riot etc). The insurance charges will be borne by the supplier and th€

state department wili not be liableto pay or reimburse any such charges incurred byth€ supplier.


a. Advance paymentwillnot be made.

ii. Unless otherwise sgreed between the pa(ies, payment for the delivery of the stores will be made onsubmission of bill/s in proper form by the Bidder to the Purchase Officer in accordance with theprocedure laid down.

Ihe price charged for the Store supplies unde. the.ontract by successful Bidder shall in no eventexceed the lowest price at which the successful Bidder sells the stores of identical description to anyother personr durinSthe period ofthe contrad.

lf any time, during the period ofthe contrad, the Eidder rcduces the sales price chargeable under theconkact, he shall forth with nodry such redudion of sale price to the Additional Okector Regional

Veterinary BioloSical unit, Agra Road, laipur, Rajasthan and the price payable under the contract ofthe stores supplied after the d6te of coming into forc€ of such reduction or sale shall standcorrespondingly reduced.

Articles rejected by the purchasing officer or by his authorired person will have to be replaced by theBidder at his own cost within the period specified. lf however, due to exi8encies ofgovernment worksuch replacement either in whole or in part is not considered feasible, the Additional Dir€ctorReBional Vete.inary BioloSical Unit, ASra Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan afte. giving opportunity to th€Bidder of being heard, shall for recorded r€asons, be free to recov€r / deduct a suitable amountcorresponding to the cost of rejected supplies including any other losses from the payments or anyother du€s to be made to the supplier. Hls decision in this matterwill be final. The defaultin8 supplieris liable to indemnify Addltlonal Okector Retional V.te.lnary Blolollcal Unlt, ASra Road, Jalpur,Raiasthan without any protest or demur, for any lossesto him on this account.

Legal proceeding if any arising out of the Bid shall have to be lodged in courts situated in Jaipur City

The purchase committee can relax any of the terms and conditions ofthe Bid. ln case of urgencl theTerms & Conditions will be relexed by the Additional Director Re8ional Veterinary giological Unit,Agra Road. Jeipur, Rajaslhan, subject to subsequent confirmation by th€ Purchase Committee inaccordance with RTPP Act,2012 & RTPP Rules,2013.


iv. Payment of those goods which need testinS shallbe made onlywhen such test5 have been c!rried outand tesl results received conformingto the prcsc bed specilicrtion.

?* ("--e #c'. -+\f-\Ht Signature ofBidder

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'I'r'o Years Bid for Pashu l>akshi Page No.23

Recoveries of liquldated damages, short 5upply, breaka8e, rejected articles shall ordinarily be made frombills- Amount may also be withheld to the enent of sho.t supply, breakage, rejeded articles and in case

of failure in satisfactory replacement by the supplier alonS with amount of liquidated damages shall berecovered from his dues and Performance security available with the depa(ment. ln case recovery is notpossible recourse willbe taken under Rajasthan PDR Act or any other law in force.

In the evenr of any dispute arising with the districB regarding the suppli€s, the decision of Additional

Direclor Regional Veterinary Biological Unit, ABra Road, Jalpur, Rajasthan shall be final and binding on

bolh the panies.

Filllng an appeal

lfany gidder is aSSrieved that, any decision ofthe ProcurinS Entity is in contravention to the provision ofthe Ad or the Rules or the Guidelines lssued there under, he may file an appeal to the first or second

Appellate Authority, within a period often days from the date of such decision, clearly Siving the specificground on which he feels aSSrieved.

Feefor first appeal shall be Rs. 2500 and fo. second appeal shall be Rs 1O,OOO

(a) First Appellate Authoriry- Additiooal Directo(Hesltl), Animal Husbandry, cor. ofRajasthan, Jaipur.(b) Second Appellate Authority- Director Animal Husbandry, cor,t. ofRajasthan, Jaipur.

Validity ofBidsBids shrll be valid foru Period of90 days from th€ drte ofopcning oftechnical bid.

U. All the Provisions ot RTPP Act 2012 and RTPP Rules 2013 will be appli

5-rr\xf z--9"^ **C


cabl€ in this bid.


Signatue of Bidder

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Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.24

( ii l Special Conditions of Contract

1. ltocum.nts to be Electronlcally attached / Up-lo.ded ln the Icchnlcal Bid

The Bldd€r should essentlally upload the followlng atte.hments / certlficates tor the ltems aid€d alglgllEhtheBld dotllment here after.elled "Part- 1",

{1) Proof of Bidding document Cost 500/- paid in favour of Additional Director Regional Veterinary

Biologi€alUnit, Agra Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan. (Please enclose this document at Page no.30)

l2') Proof of ProcessinS Fees 5OO /- paid in favour of MO R|SL Jaipur. (Please enclose this document atPage no.30)

(3) Proof of Bid Securlty paid in favour of Additional Director Re8ional Vete nary BioloSical Unit, AgraRoad, Jaipur, Rajasthan. (Please enclose this document at Page no,30)

(4) Affldavit for clean record (Non Conviction Affidavit) from the competent authority in Format 'Aexercising the powers under Relevant Act. lf not applicable under Relevant Act then a non-conviction

declaration on a non-judicial stamp of Rs. 10O/- duly attested shall be submitted. (Please enclose this

documentas PaSe no.31)

(5) Afildavit for not being black listed in Format'8'on non-judicial stamp of Rs. 10O/, duly attested by

notary (Please enclose thisdocument at PaBe no.32)(6) Duly attested photocopy of Authorization for the products duly approved by the authority,

mentioninE date ofapprovalfor products ouoted in the 8id. The license & product iist both should berenewed and up to date. (Bidder should mark it as Enclosure-1 (if the certificate has more than onepa8e, then please mark each page es Enclosure-la,1b,1c and so on at upp€r rightcorner)

(7) Copy of acknowledSement of EM-ll and an affidavit on non judicial stamp paper in case of SSt ofRajasthan. (Bidder should mark it as Enclosure-l{if the certificate has more than one pa8e, thenplease mark each paSe as Enclosure-4a,4b,1k and so on at upp€r right Eorner)

(8) The Oeclaration form in section "E (ii)" Signed bythe Bidder. (Asgiven at PaSe no.9 and 10)(9) [ist of quoted items in Format given in section "E (iii)" as given at page no. 11 and sign it. (if the

certificate has more than one page, then please mark each page as Enclosuae.3a,3b,3c and so on atupper right cornerlBidder should fill all the colu mns (neatly typed, not by hand)

(10) Attach copy ofGST ReSistmtion and PAN No.


a. All documents must be submitted online. Up-loadinS unatt€sted copies ofthe above documents willnot beconsidered valid and shallrenderthe proposalto be rejected.

b. Documents should be under the name and address of premises where items quoted are actuallymanufactured.

c- The Sldder wlll ba llable for outrl8ht reledlon lf / diicounts / speclal offers are made/dlsclosed in the Technlcal Bid.

2. Subml5slon o, flnanclal Bid

The Bid form duly lilled as per BOQ (Financia I bid) givinS the rates forvarious items in individual should be

uploaded separately as Part - ll here after called. "Financial Bid'.

1. 8id co5t, Processing Fees and Bid Security byway of DD/Banker cheque page (30) must be submittedseparately prlor to the date of openin8 of the 8id. 4-

Signature of Bidder@'c-+\r-\a a\-=- P.,^

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Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi




Page No.25

The Bld Security lhallbe 2X of the estimated value of each item.

The 8ld Securlty must be submitted ln favour of Additlonal Diredor, Reglonal Veterinary BloloSicalthlt, Aera Road, Jaiput Rajasthan ln any ofthe followlnS forms:-

Oemand draft or Sankers cheque of a scheduled branch.

The Bid Security wlllbe refunded tothe Bidde6in due course.


Rates and necessary partlculars should Incorporaie net rates p€r kilogram only. Rate must be valid fortheentir€ period of the Bid and must be offered conforming to the following:,

i. Rates must be offered net only a8ainst per item. The net rate must be inclusive of all charges by wayof packin& forwarding, incidental or transit charges includinS transit insurance and any other leviesor duties etc, charSeable on th€ produd. lf rates are quoted giving any free goods quantlty or cash

discountsthe sam€ shallnot be considered,

ii. OnlyGSTcharSes and surcharge if .pplica ble will be payableover net nte.

iii. Excise duty or surcharge prevailing on the date of submission ofthe rate must be included jn the netrate and should also be shown separately in the Financialgid (BOQ).ln the event ofany subsequentvariation (increase or decreasel in these charges by th€ 8overnment (state or central) th€ sam€ willstand modified accordingly.

iv. Other statutory increase or decrease shall be agreed upon mutually between Additional Dlrector ofRegional Veterinary Biological Unit and Bidder and revised rates shall be applicable on orderreceived by the contractor on or subsequent to the date of such increase / decrease in Sovernment

v. The rates should be confined per kilogram only as far as possible to the packing units mentioned inthe catalogue and different rate tor different packinS should be avoided. Further only total priceshould be offered egainst specified item. ln no case the rate should be split up showinS the cost ofany on the component parts ofthe specified item. lf split price are found, the item may b€ tr€ated

vi- The rates must be written both in wordsand figures.

ln case, any item supplied by the approved llrm do€s not conform to th€ requlred standard the payment

thereof, if received bythe supplier shallhave to be refunded to the indenting offlcer/ additional Dire.torRegional Veterinary Biolo8ical Unit, ASra Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan. Apart from this such supplier shall beliable to be deah with under provisions of Relevant Act. The supplier will not have any rightful claim tothe payment o, cost for substandard supplies which are consumed either in part or whole, lt may benoted thatsupply ofSoods less in weiSht and volume than those mentioned on the labelofthe container

o-\- <--\ x-T\r' €'-U =:=a|'r

g. r*-\XI- c>l.- Signahle of Bidder

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Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.26

is an offence and the same will be dealt ln accordance with the existing law and in such case ev€n the

contract is liable to b€ cancelled.

l/We have read the aboveterms and conditions and l/ we agreeto abide by the same.

A @-J)\-.r- <--\-- $e-'

-+\-d-\\\' z?z

Signature olBidder

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Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.27

( iii ) Contract Forms

(e) The Schedule of Supply;(0 lnstructions to Bidders;(g) The Notic€ Inviting Bids:(h)

ln the event ofany discrepancy or inconsistency within the Contract documents, thedocuments shall prcvail in the order listed above.

2. ln consideration of the payments to be made by the Procuring Entity to the Supplier as indicatedin this Agreement, the Supplier hereby covenants with the Procuring Entity to provide the Goodsand Related Services and to remedy defects therein in conformity in all respects with theprovisions of the Conkact.

Signature ot Bidder

(with seal)


(to be erccute<l on a non judicial stamp of desid Atfiount il the bidder is doclarad sucrgssfu,

An agreement made lhis_ day of_ between(hereinafter called "the Supplief'), which expression shall, where the context so admits, be deemed toinclude his heirs successors, executors and adminishators of the one part and the Governor ofRajasthan/Additional Director Regional Veterinary Biological Unit [name ofthe Prccunng Entiy if other lhan a depaftment of lhe State Govemmont (hereinafter called "theProcuring Entity") which expression shall, where the context so admits, be deemed lo include hissuccessors in otfice and assigns) ofthe other part.

WHEREAS the Procuring Entity invited Bids for certain Goods and Related Services, viz.,Purchase end return of pashu pakshi and has

accepted a Bid by the Supplier for the supply of those Goods and Related Services for the sum of(amount in figures and words) (herein afrer "the Contract

PNce').NOW THIS AGREEMENT wlINESSETH AS FOLLOWS:1. ln lhis Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respecltvelyassigned to them in the Contract Gferred to.1. The following documents shall be deemed to fom and be read and construed as part of this

Agreement, viz.:(a) The Procuring Entity's Notilication to the Supplier of Award of Conkact(b) The Bid Submission Sheet and the Price Schedules including negotiated Price, if any,

submitted by the Supplieq(c) The Special Conditions of Contract;(d) The General Conditions of Contract;

&^---s gSignature ofBidder

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IT\,reIFI SGDI(orql_dq qRR-fr f{iyr6, crtRro vg ftfoer dff6 {6r{, qrrffi, qqgq

qyJ r{fr 6q +6r q{ zors-zo ffi 6r ftffiffi) qRRr6 (ir) (r)



{ffiIT 6Tflffi,r


6q ifTrr{qrftd qrir


ffi il'fr'( fffr(qroq) (sc{ d)


s{ lqil 6t lTt {€l

i sPrar rfidI Tff

1 "ts

g{ar rt, €6-< q{€t

d re ftrA Gf{ orEo


685 {rI 51000.00

2. e{.ilYr E{Qr. I 1.5 fard qR 5000.00

3. Frfif+.r€FPI, irqq 30s 450

NFI280 Trr 2000.00

4. sS-< gF{qrE{EI, Ff< vrt, 18

Trq i 3rfu6350 {rI 600.00

T{ qT{I H{eL 4 qr6 gq oT 14 lrl 1000.00



ffiqrdr + EFErr

Signature of Bidder

qr[E-e (SAnr6{E(3)

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'l wo Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.29

{rqerlll TNifl-torqtdq orfrR-ff f{tsr6. criRro vg frfomr dlf6 {6.d. qrqffi. qqCt

qq qff qrr$ +fir q{ zora-zo ffi 6r @fr) qRRrB (3r) (tD

fficrdr d Ewrrr

-q*t$€ €L- 8n* '@*/)4


wqri orft-fi"r




ffiicfd1R Ift

qrdq(Ed n)


EI rqd dt qT

a5 g o]!r< rSEI TS

1 "ts ser qq, qfi( q{gl drs ffiI 3ih 3rE6 .rr{ 685 qrl 12000.00

2 wrn{r gteq. 1 15l6dlq{ 200.00

3. fNll+rr g{ezl. 300 450 qFI 224 fl 50.00

3 qS-< gBqr grq, q$-< rt *m ra

qrq qr erfuo175 TrT


5 rg{ea, 4 qrE gs 4T 14;I'T 200.00

Signature of Bidder

qrrE-s (dRfficl{)(3)

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Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.30

Bidder should enclose his Proof of Bidding

Document Cost Five Hundred Rupees at

this Page, Page no. 30 (Copy of Demand


Bidder should enclose his Proof ofProcessing Fees Rupees Five Hundred at



this Page, Page no. 30 (Copy of Demand

Bidder should enclose his Proof of Bid

Security at this Page, Page no. 30 (Copy of

Demand Draft)n(lY'&--


Signature of Bidder

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Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.3l

Format 'A'

have been granted license nos.

...........granted on (date......................................) valid up to

(date............................................) and the said licensee has not been convicted by any of

the state government or central government organization for the violation of provisions of

the relevant Acts and Rules there under, during the last three year5.

I .-..-.-..-.-...................... owner of M/S. (name of firm with official

address) ................,... ..... ...,..,. undertake that the above information is

true to the best of my knowledge.

9..^ r\ XJ - z\lFE--*- Sigruture of Bidder


Signature ofBidder

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Fomai 'B'


(On non-iudicial stamp paper on Rs lm/- and duly attested by Notary Public)

Prop/Partner/Director of M/S





hereby declare that:

I have read the terms and conditions of the Bid and I agree to abide by these terms and

conditions and other tuidelines issued in this retard.

I have enclosed all additional undertakings and / or certificates as required, as per Bid conditions.

The information given by me in this tender form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge

and beliefand the rdtes quoted are not higher than the rates quoted to other Govt. / SemiGovt.

/Autonomous / Public Sector Hospitals/ lnstitutions/ Org.nisations in the same financialyear.

I have not been deretistered or black listed by any govt /autonomous institution, hospitalor body

in lndia for an item which is being quoted here by me in this Bid or for participating in bid


P"^@g'--'({ten,,tu" of Bidder


Signature of Bidder

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T*o Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.33

Financial BAdditional Director, Regional VeterinaryBioloqical Unit Jaipur

Bid lnviting Authority

Pashu Pakshi Rate contraci Yea? 201a-20Name of ltemB.P.Lab/ Pashu Pakshi /Pur./201 7-1813991

Name of Bidder

Purchase of Pashu Pakshi APPendixS.No Item Specification Approx.


per No.GST rr

applicableTotal (4+s)

1 2 3 4 5 b

1 Sheep Healthy Male, Whiteskin sheep, Bodyweioht 18kq. or more


2 Rabbit Healthy, Body weight 1-1.5 kq.



Healthy, Body weight300-450 qm.


4 WhiteMice

Healthy, White mice,Body weight 'l8gm. Ormore


q MaleLamb

Healthy, 4 month of age 14

Signature of Bidder

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Two Years Bid for Pashu Pakshi Page No.34

Bid lnvitng Authority Additional Director, Regional Veterinary

Pashu Pakshi Rate Contract Yeat 2018-20B.P.Lab/ Pashu Pakshi /Pur./201 7-l 8/3991

Return of Pashu Pakshi AppendixS.No Item Approx.


per No,GST r

applicableTotal (4+5)

1 3 4 5 61 Sheep 685

2 Rabbit 444

J GuineaPiq


4 WhiteMice


5 MaleLamb


Sign gf Bidder




Signature ofBidder