- power exercize overview...discomfort and that is totally normal, but please use...

Your POWER of Being Exercise Overview This is a quick overview of what these exercises do for your energy and why I find them important. Some of them do sooo much more than I can put in this article. You will find additional article on some of these separate from this one soon in future postings. The Switch This exercise is important to start with as it allows your energy to start moving. Sometimes as we go through normal everyday life, we may experience stressors (even simple things) that our body is not sure how to handle. This exercise sends the message to get energies flowing. It allows everything else to move more easily. Central Dig Plus This energy exercise is a huge multi-tasker. It connects our two “core” meridians that go up the front and back of your body. Also, it opens up our spleen meridian to calm down stress and allow us to adapt to any stressors that we are exposed to. This exercise also allows your aura to attach to your body for protection and opens up the point on the bottom of your feet that allows you to ground into the earth. More in depth information coming soon in a separate article. For me, this exercise is a must. My clients agree! DNA Spiral This exercise is a great multi-tasker as well. It works to balance and activate your crossover pattern throughout all levels of your energy system. As you do this exercise visualize a DNA helix in your large auric field and move it through all systems of your body down to the tiniest crossover pattern in your body, your DNA. Be sure to start at your feet, using two fingers and move up and down three times. This helps you to bring balance and move out fatigue. (Also, demonstrates twelve strand pattern. More info to come.) Tappings There are five basic points that I encourage you to tap throughout the day. Some are demonstrated on the first track, others on the second track. Kidney points are the first ones, the same points that you rub on in the Switch exercise. Tapping on these get your meridians running in the correct direction as well as shoots extra energy up behind your eyes. Spleen points are on both sides of your ribcage as demonstrated and directly underneath your breast, tap on whichever is most tender. This helps adaptability, metabolism and calming stress responses. Stomach (cheekbone) points are at helpful for grounding energies and hormone balancing as stomach meridian runs through breast and ovaries and uterus. (However, good for both men and women). Thymus point is on the sternum and helps with your immune system as well as your heart center, very powerful point. Fear Tap is on your hands while your hand is on your chest. It connects into a meridian that presents calmness to our body, no matter what the source of fear or anxiety is. Tapping Little Fingers Since we are so connected to each other right now, this is a great exercise to pull “you” back into your body. It allows you to be strong in your own body and to feel compassion for others without being “overwhelmed” by others energies. Crown Pull This exercise opens up your head to allow excess energy (that may cause headaches) to move out of your body and allows more information to come in when necessary. If you are prone to migraines start in the back of the neck. Otherwise can start on your forehead and move backwards. Use whichever technique feels best to you. Marilyn Eagen Youtube Free Segment -

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Page 1: - Power Exercize Overview...discomfort and that is totally normal, but please use your own discernment. For those of you that have had lymph nodes removed, you may

Your POWER of Being Exercise OverviewThis is a quick overview of what these exercises do for your energy and why I find them important. Some of them do sooo much more than I can put in this article. You will find additional article on some of these separate from this one soon in future postings.

The Switch This exercise is important to start with as it allows your energy to start moving. Sometimes as we go through normal everyday life, we may experience stressors (even simple things) that our body is not sure how to handle. This exercise sends the message to get energies flowing. It allows everything else to move more easily.

Central Dig Plus This energy exercise is a huge multi-tasker. It connects our two “core” meridians that go up the front and back of your body. Also, it opens up our spleen meridian to calm down stress and allow us to adapt to any stressors that we are exposed to. This exercise also allows your aura to attach to your body for protection and opens up the point on the bottom of your feet that allows you to ground into the earth. More in depth information coming soon in a separate article. For me, this exercise is a must. My clients agree!

DNA Spiral This exercise is a great multi-tasker as well. It works to balance and activate your crossover pattern throughout all levels of your energy system. As you do this exercise visualize a DNA helix in your large auric field and move it through all systems of your body down to the tiniest crossover pattern in your body, your DNA. Be sure to start at your feet, using two fingers and move up and down three times. This helps you to bring balance and move out fatigue. (Also, demonstrates twelve strand pattern. More info to come.)

TappingsThere are five basic points that I encourage you to tap throughout the day. Some are demonstrated on the first track, others on the second track. Kidney points are the first ones, the same points that you rub on in the Switch exercise. Tapping on these get your meridians running in the correct direction as well as shoots extra energy up behind your eyes. Spleen points are on both sides of your ribcage as demonstrated and directly underneath your breast, tap on whichever is most tender. This helps adaptability, metabolism and calming stress responses. Stomach (cheekbone) points are at helpful for grounding energies and hormone balancing as stomach meridian runs through breast and ovaries and uterus. (However, good for both men and women). Thymus point is on the sternum and helps with your immune system as well as your heart center, very powerful point. Fear Tap is on your hands while your hand is on your chest. It connects into a meridian that presents calmness to our body, no matter what the source of fear or anxiety is.

Tapping Little FingersSince we are so connected to each other right now, this is a great exercise to pull “you” back into your body. It allows you to be strong in your own body and to feel compassion for others without being “overwhelmed” by others energies.

Crown PullThis exercise opens up your head to allow excess energy (that may cause headaches) to move out of your body and allows more information to come in when necessary. If you are prone to migraines start in the back of the neck. Otherwise can start on your forehead and move backwards. Use whichever technique feels best to you.

Your POWER of Being DVD Overview (Part 2)

The POWER Exercises This is an acronym that fits the process of moving into your own power and taking care of your own energies. This is probably not a part of your daily routine, however if you are really trying to heal something or want to go deeper, you certainly could do this routine everyday. Otherwise, once a week would be a good way to use this track. Each of these exercises are very helpful and powerful in their own right, you may choose to do just one of these at a time. However, they do fit very well together in one process and it is very effective to use them together. Feel free to use them in whatever way works best for you!!

P—Peaceful ProcessingThis is an exercise that pulls in our meridian system, aura, chakras and other energy systems. I recommend doing the first two tracks first and then taking a deep breath and focusing on an issue or an emotion. Remain focused on this issue or emotion as you do this exercise, breathing as you go. Do this in your own time, you will notice a shift!

O—Own Your Own EnergiesConnecting Heaven and Earth—This is an exercise that clears your energies, assists your energies in grounding into the earth and connecting to the energies above. This is also about bring Yin(feminine) and Yang (Masculine) balance to your systems. This is really important for both men and women right now. This is one of the shifts that our entire universe is going through right now is finding the balance of Sacred Masculine and Sacred Femi-nine. This is a great exercise to do after working with a client before moving onto the next. There is so much more that this exercise can do that I will address in a separate article at a later date.

W—WOW yourself with Joy! 10 Hearts-Your body has a system called Radiant Circuits of Joy. There are 10 pathways in your body that can carry this energy and in order to feel joy we need to have these pathways “plugged in”. This simple exercise can help you plug-in these pathways. Also a great exercise to do daily, if you wish.

E—Embrace Your Own Body! Mingmen Opening exercise—this exercise is about appreciating your own unique body and feeling confident and balanced within your own body. The Mingmen Point is a point of decernment that recognizes toxins that you do not want in your body as well as emotions and feelings that you do want in your field. When I say toxins, that is a very broad term, could be emotional, environmental, food or something you take in physically, you do not need to identify anything in order to clear it. Also, once cleared, this point knows to allow joy, love and other “feel good” emotions in.

R—Retreat and RenewHeaven Rushing In—This exercise is a great one to follow all of the other clearing and balancing exercises. It is about opening up to all the possibilities in your vortex that you may be aware of or you may not be aware of the amazing things that may be available to you. You simple ask for all that you are ready for to come in!

Power of Being DVD Overview (Part 3): Individual Extras and Meridians

Neuro-Lymphatic Massage This a technique I learned from Donna Eden. I was previously trained in Lymphatic Drainage with Upledger. However, these are two completely different techniques, and have similar goals. Lymphatic Drainage is a very little touch technique that is a very valuable modality. However, this techniques is about rubbing vigorously on neuro-lymphatic reflex points that send messages to the lymphatic system to open up and drain. I just wanted to make sure that there was no confusion about these two very different approaches.

The purpose of this exercise is to get the energy moving in your body so that your body can release the toxins appropriately as your lymphatic system is meant to do. There are many reasons that are bodies do not automat-ically do it as efficiently as it should, so it is important to do this exercise. When you first begin this exercise you may feel a little fatigued later in the day as your body will release toxins that have been stored for a while. Drink plenty of water and know that the more your body gets used to this, the less issue you will have. Keep doing this technique as you will notice that you feel better, you may notice less swelling or "bloat" in your body as well as a decrease in pain throughout your body as your body learns to let go of toxins that cause pain throughout your body.

When you do this exercise regularly, you will feel like you are cleaning the inside of your body!I demonstrate all the points in this exercise on the DVD, and some people can do all them deeply at one time. I do want to emphasize that if rubbing on any of these points is extremely tender and makes you uncomfortable then lighten up to where it is tolerable or even stop if it does not feel right to you. Most often, there will be some discomfort and that is totally normal, but please use your own discernment. For those of you that have had lymph nodes removed, you may choose not to do this exercise or you may just do counter clockwise circles over the points without touching the skin or very very light tapping (barely touching the skin). Once again, use discernment.

If you have an autoimmune disorder such as Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, you may want to only do a few points at a time, either doing others later in the day or a different day.What has worked for some of my clients is doing approximately 1/3 of the points one day, the next 1/3 the second day and the last the 1/3 on the third day. As time goes on, you may feel that you can add more each day. Be gentle with yourself and listen to your body!

The Celtic Weave This is also an exercise that came from Eden Energy Medicine. The Celtic Weave is an entire energy system of its own. This exercise weaves together all of the energies in our aura (the energy around our body). Our aura serves as a protective field that normally has a 4-5 foot radius around our bodies, this varies a lot, talking in terms of "average". This field holds chakra energies and many other important energies to keep us safe and vital. Sometimes our aura gets "drained" or develops holes or thin spots or it can detach from our bodies. This exercise can correct those issues. You will know as it feels very invigorating, you can repeat it as often as you like, make sure you turn around and weave the energies behind your body and you can also do a few little weaves on the side of your body. This feels really good.

Taking Down the Flame This is one of favorite exercises as it does so much in one exercise. This is a great calming exercise, when you feel that your energies are "fired up" or going to fast or have that anxious feeling inside, this is a great exercise to do. A perfect exercise to do before going to bed at night and if you wake in the night and feel "wired, but tired", try this then also. Not only does it take down that firey feeling it also connects our chakras, so that they are working together in a more efficient manor. This exercise also seems to help us to feel grounded and safe. Very calming and effective exercise!

Tibetan Prayer Pose

This is also a variation of The Wayne Cook Posture for those of you who are familiar with that exercise. Several years ago when I learned this, it was probably the most life changing exercise that I did, sounds too simple to be so powerful----but it is. This exercise is about bringing balance to "scrambled" energy. You know that your energy is scrambled when you are transposing words or numbers, having trouble focusing, your thoughts are bouncing around. Another symptom is reading and not remembering what you just read, or your mind wander-ing off while reading or listening or falling asleep while reading. Also, "scrambled" energy is contagious, if a teacher is scrambled, several people is the class may be falling asleep. This is an exercise that I not only did every morning, but also did everytime that I sat down to read. After a few months, my body started to develop a new habit of staying balanced and most of the time, I don’t have problems focusing when I read. I still do it daily, but just to make sure I stay "unscrambled"!

The Vitruvian Man My friend and teacher Dr. Samantha St. Julian introduced this exercise to me. This exercise can serve as a daily routine all on its own. It also can serve as a meditation if you follow closely and focus on each position. Just follow it exactly on the DVD and you will feel the mediatative quality of this exercise. Leonardo Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man is probably a familiar picture to most of us, especially those who are in the medical field. It represents four differnet postures that each represent the four dimensions of human beings.

1. Physical Body 2. Astral Body-this is the space that we often visit in our dreams and our psychic senses come from here. 3. Causal Body--the state experienced in deep sleep where we tap into Jung's collective unconscious, make connections to archetypal energies that can be a piece of how we are designed as a human being. 4. Spritual Body-- the highest world where the witness state of an individual exists or sometimes described as "out of body" , outside yourself looking in.

This exercise has a similar effect to yoga poses where you can be tuned in to a more harmonious energy frequency, it integrates these four energies so that your entire system recognizing a higher vibrational frequency and "attunes" to this new level when done with quiet receptivity.The order that they are done on the DVD correlates to the order listed above. If this description feels complex ---thats ok, dont worry about the details, just feel this exercise. A beautiful exercise to do daily or when tired or stressed, you do not have to fully understand it to get the benefit. Just relax and allow it to work! Reference: article by Dale Schusterman DC

Meridians For the purpose of this DVD, it helps to know that meridians are the lines on the body that are used in accupunc-ture and have been effectively used for thousands of years. Tracing the meridians are a very efficient way of keeping your energy flowing. The meridians are designed in pairs on each side of the body and one pair that is up the front and the back of the body. There is a twelve hour clock that each meridian carries a two hour segment that is its most powerful time, it is beneficial to start with the meridian in its power when you trace. You do not need to do all three tracks of this, just pick the track that corresponds to the time you are exercising and do that track. So, if are are excerising at 6:20, do the 5a-7a track and so forth. This is a excellent exercise as the meridians connect as if they are one long tube, and if there is a "clog" or stagnant areas, tracing over them can help to open them up and keep the flow moving smoothly.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Marilyn Eagen

Youtube Free Segment -

Page 2: - Power Exercize Overview...discomfort and that is totally normal, but please use your own discernment. For those of you that have had lymph nodes removed, you may

Your POWER of Being Exercise OverviewThis is a quick overview of what these exercises do for your energy and why I find them important. Some of them do sooo much more than I can put in this article. You will find additional article on some of these separate from this one soon in future postings.

The Switch This exercise is important to start with as it allows your energy to start moving. Sometimes as we go through normal everyday life, we may experience stressors (even simple things) that our body is not sure how to handle. This exercise sends the message to get energies flowing. It allows everything else to move more easily.

Central Dig Plus This energy exercise is a huge multi-tasker. It connects our two “core” meridians that go up the front and back of your body. Also, it opens up our spleen meridian to calm down stress and allow us to adapt to any stressors that we are exposed to. This exercise also allows your aura to attach to your body for protection and opens up the point on the bottom of your feet that allows you to ground into the earth. More in depth information coming soon in a separate article. For me, this exercise is a must. My clients agree!

DNA Spiral This exercise is a great multi-tasker as well. It works to balance and activate your crossover pattern throughout all levels of your energy system. As you do this exercise visualize a DNA helix in your large auric field and move it through all systems of your body down to the tiniest crossover pattern in your body, your DNA. Be sure to start at your feet, using two fingers and move up and down three times. This helps you to bring balance and move out fatigue. (Also, demonstrates twelve strand pattern. More info to come.)

TappingsThere are five basic points that I encourage you to tap throughout the day. Some are demonstrated on the first track, others on the second track. Kidney points are the first ones, the same points that you rub on in the Switch exercise. Tapping on these get your meridians running in the correct direction as well as shoots extra energy up behind your eyes. Spleen points are on both sides of your ribcage as demonstrated and directly underneath your breast, tap on whichever is most tender. This helps adaptability, metabolism and calming stress responses. Stomach (cheekbone) points are at helpful for grounding energies and hormone balancing as stomach meridian runs through breast and ovaries and uterus. (However, good for both men and women). Thymus point is on the sternum and helps with your immune system as well as your heart center, very powerful point. Fear Tap is on your hands while your hand is on your chest. It connects into a meridian that presents calmness to our body, no matter what the source of fear or anxiety is.

Tapping Little FingersSince we are so connected to each other right now, this is a great exercise to pull “you” back into your body. It allows you to be strong in your own body and to feel compassion for others without being “overwhelmed” by others energies.

Crown PullThis exercise opens up your head to allow excess energy (that may cause headaches) to move out of your body and allows more information to come in when necessary. If you are prone to migraines start in the back of the neck. Otherwise can start on your forehead and move backwards. Use whichever technique feels best to you.

Your POWER of Being DVD Overview (Part 2)

The POWER Exercises This is an acronym that fits the process of moving into your own power and taking care of your own energies. This is probably not a part of your daily routine, however if you are really trying to heal something or want to go deeper, you certainly could do this routine everyday. Otherwise, once a week would be a good way to use this track. Each of these exercises are very helpful and powerful in their own right, you may choose to do just one of these at a time. However, they do fit very well together in one process and it is very effective to use them together. Feel free to use them in whatever way works best for you!!

P—Peaceful ProcessingThis is an exercise that pulls in our meridian system, aura, chakras and other energy systems. I recommend doing the first two tracks first and then taking a deep breath and focusing on an issue or an emotion. Remain focused on this issue or emotion as you do this exercise, breathing as you go. Do this in your own time, you will notice a shift!

O—Own Your Own EnergiesConnecting Heaven and Earth—This is an exercise that clears your energies, assists your energies in grounding into the earth and connecting to the energies above. This is also about bring Yin(feminine) and Yang (Masculine) balance to your systems. This is really important for both men and women right now. This is one of the shifts that our entire universe is going through right now is finding the balance of Sacred Masculine and Sacred Femi-nine. This is a great exercise to do after working with a client before moving onto the next. There is so much more that this exercise can do that I will address in a separate article at a later date.

W—WOW yourself with Joy! 10 Hearts-Your body has a system called Radiant Circuits of Joy. There are 10 pathways in your body that can carry this energy and in order to feel joy we need to have these pathways “plugged in”. This simple exercise can help you plug-in these pathways. Also a great exercise to do daily, if you wish.

E—Embrace Your Own Body! Mingmen Opening exercise—this exercise is about appreciating your own unique body and feeling confident and balanced within your own body. The Mingmen Point is a point of decernment that recognizes toxins that you do not want in your body as well as emotions and feelings that you do want in your field. When I say toxins, that is a very broad term, could be emotional, environmental, food or something you take in physically, you do not need to identify anything in order to clear it. Also, once cleared, this point knows to allow joy, love and other “feel good” emotions in.

R—Retreat and RenewHeaven Rushing In—This exercise is a great one to follow all of the other clearing and balancing exercises. It is about opening up to all the possibilities in your vortex that you may be aware of or you may not be aware of the amazing things that may be available to you. You simple ask for all that you are ready for to come in!

Power of Being DVD Overview (Part 3): Individual Extras and Meridians

Neuro-Lymphatic Massage This a technique I learned from Donna Eden. I was previously trained in Lymphatic Drainage with Upledger. However, these are two completely different techniques, and have similar goals. Lymphatic Drainage is a very little touch technique that is a very valuable modality. However, this techniques is about rubbing vigorously on neuro-lymphatic reflex points that send messages to the lymphatic system to open up and drain. I just wanted to make sure that there was no confusion about these two very different approaches.

The purpose of this exercise is to get the energy moving in your body so that your body can release the toxins appropriately as your lymphatic system is meant to do. There are many reasons that are bodies do not automat-ically do it as efficiently as it should, so it is important to do this exercise. When you first begin this exercise you may feel a little fatigued later in the day as your body will release toxins that have been stored for a while. Drink plenty of water and know that the more your body gets used to this, the less issue you will have. Keep doing this technique as you will notice that you feel better, you may notice less swelling or "bloat" in your body as well as a decrease in pain throughout your body as your body learns to let go of toxins that cause pain throughout your body.

When you do this exercise regularly, you will feel like you are cleaning the inside of your body!I demonstrate all the points in this exercise on the DVD, and some people can do all them deeply at one time. I do want to emphasize that if rubbing on any of these points is extremely tender and makes you uncomfortable then lighten up to where it is tolerable or even stop if it does not feel right to you. Most often, there will be some discomfort and that is totally normal, but please use your own discernment. For those of you that have had lymph nodes removed, you may choose not to do this exercise or you may just do counter clockwise circles over the points without touching the skin or very very light tapping (barely touching the skin). Once again, use discernment.

If you have an autoimmune disorder such as Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, you may want to only do a few points at a time, either doing others later in the day or a different day.What has worked for some of my clients is doing approximately 1/3 of the points one day, the next 1/3 the second day and the last the 1/3 on the third day. As time goes on, you may feel that you can add more each day. Be gentle with yourself and listen to your body!

The Celtic Weave This is also an exercise that came from Eden Energy Medicine. The Celtic Weave is an entire energy system of its own. This exercise weaves together all of the energies in our aura (the energy around our body). Our aura serves as a protective field that normally has a 4-5 foot radius around our bodies, this varies a lot, talking in terms of "average". This field holds chakra energies and many other important energies to keep us safe and vital. Sometimes our aura gets "drained" or develops holes or thin spots or it can detach from our bodies. This exercise can correct those issues. You will know as it feels very invigorating, you can repeat it as often as you like, make sure you turn around and weave the energies behind your body and you can also do a few little weaves on the side of your body. This feels really good.

Taking Down the Flame This is one of favorite exercises as it does so much in one exercise. This is a great calming exercise, when you feel that your energies are "fired up" or going to fast or have that anxious feeling inside, this is a great exercise to do. A perfect exercise to do before going to bed at night and if you wake in the night and feel "wired, but tired", try this then also. Not only does it take down that firey feeling it also connects our chakras, so that they are working together in a more efficient manor. This exercise also seems to help us to feel grounded and safe. Very calming and effective exercise!

Tibetan Prayer Pose

This is also a variation of The Wayne Cook Posture for those of you who are familiar with that exercise. Several years ago when I learned this, it was probably the most life changing exercise that I did, sounds too simple to be so powerful----but it is. This exercise is about bringing balance to "scrambled" energy. You know that your energy is scrambled when you are transposing words or numbers, having trouble focusing, your thoughts are bouncing around. Another symptom is reading and not remembering what you just read, or your mind wander-ing off while reading or listening or falling asleep while reading. Also, "scrambled" energy is contagious, if a teacher is scrambled, several people is the class may be falling asleep. This is an exercise that I not only did every morning, but also did everytime that I sat down to read. After a few months, my body started to develop a new habit of staying balanced and most of the time, I don’t have problems focusing when I read. I still do it daily, but just to make sure I stay "unscrambled"!

The Vitruvian Man My friend and teacher Dr. Samantha St. Julian introduced this exercise to me. This exercise can serve as a daily routine all on its own. It also can serve as a meditation if you follow closely and focus on each position. Just follow it exactly on the DVD and you will feel the mediatative quality of this exercise. Leonardo Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man is probably a familiar picture to most of us, especially those who are in the medical field. It represents four differnet postures that each represent the four dimensions of human beings.

1. Physical Body 2. Astral Body-this is the space that we often visit in our dreams and our psychic senses come from here. 3. Causal Body--the state experienced in deep sleep where we tap into Jung's collective unconscious, make connections to archetypal energies that can be a piece of how we are designed as a human being. 4. Spritual Body-- the highest world where the witness state of an individual exists or sometimes described as "out of body" , outside yourself looking in.

This exercise has a similar effect to yoga poses where you can be tuned in to a more harmonious energy frequency, it integrates these four energies so that your entire system recognizing a higher vibrational frequency and "attunes" to this new level when done with quiet receptivity.The order that they are done on the DVD correlates to the order listed above. If this description feels complex ---thats ok, dont worry about the details, just feel this exercise. A beautiful exercise to do daily or when tired or stressed, you do not have to fully understand it to get the benefit. Just relax and allow it to work! Reference: article by Dale Schusterman DC

Meridians For the purpose of this DVD, it helps to know that meridians are the lines on the body that are used in accupunc-ture and have been effectively used for thousands of years. Tracing the meridians are a very efficient way of keeping your energy flowing. The meridians are designed in pairs on each side of the body and one pair that is up the front and the back of the body. There is a twelve hour clock that each meridian carries a two hour segment that is its most powerful time, it is beneficial to start with the meridian in its power when you trace. You do not need to do all three tracks of this, just pick the track that corresponds to the time you are exercising and do that track. So, if are are excerising at 6:20, do the 5a-7a track and so forth. This is a excellent exercise as the meridians connect as if they are one long tube, and if there is a "clog" or stagnant areas, tracing over them can help to open them up and keep the flow moving smoothly.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Page 3: - Power Exercize Overview...discomfort and that is totally normal, but please use your own discernment. For those of you that have had lymph nodes removed, you may

Your POWER of Being Exercise OverviewThis is a quick overview of what these exercises do for your energy and why I find them important. Some of them do sooo much more than I can put in this article. You will find additional article on some of these separate from this one soon in future postings.

The Switch This exercise is important to start with as it allows your energy to start moving. Sometimes as we go through normal everyday life, we may experience stressors (even simple things) that our body is not sure how to handle. This exercise sends the message to get energies flowing. It allows everything else to move more easily.

Central Dig Plus This energy exercise is a huge multi-tasker. It connects our two “core” meridians that go up the front and back of your body. Also, it opens up our spleen meridian to calm down stress and allow us to adapt to any stressors that we are exposed to. This exercise also allows your aura to attach to your body for protection and opens up the point on the bottom of your feet that allows you to ground into the earth. More in depth information coming soon in a separate article. For me, this exercise is a must. My clients agree!

DNA Spiral This exercise is a great multi-tasker as well. It works to balance and activate your crossover pattern throughout all levels of your energy system. As you do this exercise visualize a DNA helix in your large auric field and move it through all systems of your body down to the tiniest crossover pattern in your body, your DNA. Be sure to start at your feet, using two fingers and move up and down three times. This helps you to bring balance and move out fatigue. (Also, demonstrates twelve strand pattern. More info to come.)

TappingsThere are five basic points that I encourage you to tap throughout the day. Some are demonstrated on the first track, others on the second track. Kidney points are the first ones, the same points that you rub on in the Switch exercise. Tapping on these get your meridians running in the correct direction as well as shoots extra energy up behind your eyes. Spleen points are on both sides of your ribcage as demonstrated and directly underneath your breast, tap on whichever is most tender. This helps adaptability, metabolism and calming stress responses. Stomach (cheekbone) points are at helpful for grounding energies and hormone balancing as stomach meridian runs through breast and ovaries and uterus. (However, good for both men and women). Thymus point is on the sternum and helps with your immune system as well as your heart center, very powerful point. Fear Tap is on your hands while your hand is on your chest. It connects into a meridian that presents calmness to our body, no matter what the source of fear or anxiety is.

Tapping Little FingersSince we are so connected to each other right now, this is a great exercise to pull “you” back into your body. It allows you to be strong in your own body and to feel compassion for others without being “overwhelmed” by others energies.

Crown PullThis exercise opens up your head to allow excess energy (that may cause headaches) to move out of your body and allows more information to come in when necessary. If you are prone to migraines start in the back of the neck. Otherwise can start on your forehead and move backwards. Use whichever technique feels best to you.

Your POWER of Being DVD Overview (Part 2)

The POWER Exercises This is an acronym that fits the process of moving into your own power and taking care of your own energies. This is probably not a part of your daily routine, however if you are really trying to heal something or want to go deeper, you certainly could do this routine everyday. Otherwise, once a week would be a good way to use this track. Each of these exercises are very helpful and powerful in their own right, you may choose to do just one of these at a time. However, they do fit very well together in one process and it is very effective to use them together. Feel free to use them in whatever way works best for you!!

P—Peaceful ProcessingThis is an exercise that pulls in our meridian system, aura, chakras and other energy systems. I recommend doing the first two tracks first and then taking a deep breath and focusing on an issue or an emotion. Remain focused on this issue or emotion as you do this exercise, breathing as you go. Do this in your own time, you will notice a shift!

O—Own Your Own EnergiesConnecting Heaven and Earth—This is an exercise that clears your energies, assists your energies in grounding into the earth and connecting to the energies above. This is also about bring Yin(feminine) and Yang (Masculine) balance to your systems. This is really important for both men and women right now. This is one of the shifts that our entire universe is going through right now is finding the balance of Sacred Masculine and Sacred Femi-nine. This is a great exercise to do after working with a client before moving onto the next. There is so much more that this exercise can do that I will address in a separate article at a later date.

W—WOW yourself with Joy! 10 Hearts-Your body has a system called Radiant Circuits of Joy. There are 10 pathways in your body that can carry this energy and in order to feel joy we need to have these pathways “plugged in”. This simple exercise can help you plug-in these pathways. Also a great exercise to do daily, if you wish.

E—Embrace Your Own Body! Mingmen Opening exercise—this exercise is about appreciating your own unique body and feeling confident and balanced within your own body. The Mingmen Point is a point of decernment that recognizes toxins that you do not want in your body as well as emotions and feelings that you do want in your field. When I say toxins, that is a very broad term, could be emotional, environmental, food or something you take in physically, you do not need to identify anything in order to clear it. Also, once cleared, this point knows to allow joy, love and other “feel good” emotions in.

R—Retreat and RenewHeaven Rushing In—This exercise is a great one to follow all of the other clearing and balancing exercises. It is about opening up to all the possibilities in your vortex that you may be aware of or you may not be aware of the amazing things that may be available to you. You simple ask for all that you are ready for to come in!

Power of Being DVD Overview (Part 3): Individual Extras and Meridians

Neuro-Lymphatic Massage This a technique I learned from Donna Eden. I was previously trained in Lymphatic Drainage with Upledger. However, these are two completely different techniques, and have similar goals. Lymphatic Drainage is a very little touch technique that is a very valuable modality. However, this techniques is about rubbing vigorously on neuro-lymphatic reflex points that send messages to the lymphatic system to open up and drain. I just wanted to make sure that there was no confusion about these two very different approaches.

The purpose of this exercise is to get the energy moving in your body so that your body can release the toxins appropriately as your lymphatic system is meant to do. There are many reasons that are bodies do not automat-ically do it as efficiently as it should, so it is important to do this exercise. When you first begin this exercise you may feel a little fatigued later in the day as your body will release toxins that have been stored for a while. Drink plenty of water and know that the more your body gets used to this, the less issue you will have. Keep doing this technique as you will notice that you feel better, you may notice less swelling or "bloat" in your body as well as a decrease in pain throughout your body as your body learns to let go of toxins that cause pain throughout your body.

When you do this exercise regularly, you will feel like you are cleaning the inside of your body!I demonstrate all the points in this exercise on the DVD, and some people can do all them deeply at one time. I do want to emphasize that if rubbing on any of these points is extremely tender and makes you uncomfortable then lighten up to where it is tolerable or even stop if it does not feel right to you. Most often, there will be some discomfort and that is totally normal, but please use your own discernment. For those of you that have had lymph nodes removed, you may choose not to do this exercise or you may just do counter clockwise circles over the points without touching the skin or very very light tapping (barely touching the skin). Once again, use discernment.

If you have an autoimmune disorder such as Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, you may want to only do a few points at a time, either doing others later in the day or a different day.What has worked for some of my clients is doing approximately 1/3 of the points one day, the next 1/3 the second day and the last the 1/3 on the third day. As time goes on, you may feel that you can add more each day. Be gentle with yourself and listen to your body!

The Celtic Weave This is also an exercise that came from Eden Energy Medicine. The Celtic Weave is an entire energy system of its own. This exercise weaves together all of the energies in our aura (the energy around our body). Our aura serves as a protective field that normally has a 4-5 foot radius around our bodies, this varies a lot, talking in terms of "average". This field holds chakra energies and many other important energies to keep us safe and vital. Sometimes our aura gets "drained" or develops holes or thin spots or it can detach from our bodies. This exercise can correct those issues. You will know as it feels very invigorating, you can repeat it as often as you like, make sure you turn around and weave the energies behind your body and you can also do a few little weaves on the side of your body. This feels really good.

Taking Down the Flame This is one of favorite exercises as it does so much in one exercise. This is a great calming exercise, when you feel that your energies are "fired up" or going to fast or have that anxious feeling inside, this is a great exercise to do. A perfect exercise to do before going to bed at night and if you wake in the night and feel "wired, but tired", try this then also. Not only does it take down that firey feeling it also connects our chakras, so that they are working together in a more efficient manor. This exercise also seems to help us to feel grounded and safe. Very calming and effective exercise!

Tibetan Prayer Pose

This is also a variation of The Wayne Cook Posture for those of you who are familiar with that exercise. Several years ago when I learned this, it was probably the most life changing exercise that I did, sounds too simple to be so powerful----but it is. This exercise is about bringing balance to "scrambled" energy. You know that your energy is scrambled when you are transposing words or numbers, having trouble focusing, your thoughts are bouncing around. Another symptom is reading and not remembering what you just read, or your mind wander-ing off while reading or listening or falling asleep while reading. Also, "scrambled" energy is contagious, if a teacher is scrambled, several people is the class may be falling asleep. This is an exercise that I not only did every morning, but also did everytime that I sat down to read. After a few months, my body started to develop a new habit of staying balanced and most of the time, I don’t have problems focusing when I read. I still do it daily, but just to make sure I stay "unscrambled"!

The Vitruvian Man My friend and teacher Dr. Samantha St. Julian introduced this exercise to me. This exercise can serve as a daily routine all on its own. It also can serve as a meditation if you follow closely and focus on each position. Just follow it exactly on the DVD and you will feel the mediatative quality of this exercise. Leonardo Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man is probably a familiar picture to most of us, especially those who are in the medical field. It represents four differnet postures that each represent the four dimensions of human beings.

1. Physical Body 2. Astral Body-this is the space that we often visit in our dreams and our psychic senses come from here. 3. Causal Body--the state experienced in deep sleep where we tap into Jung's collective unconscious, make connections to archetypal energies that can be a piece of how we are designed as a human being. 4. Spritual Body-- the highest world where the witness state of an individual exists or sometimes described as "out of body" , outside yourself looking in.

This exercise has a similar effect to yoga poses where you can be tuned in to a more harmonious energy frequency, it integrates these four energies so that your entire system recognizing a higher vibrational frequency and "attunes" to this new level when done with quiet receptivity.The order that they are done on the DVD correlates to the order listed above. If this description feels complex ---thats ok, dont worry about the details, just feel this exercise. A beautiful exercise to do daily or when tired or stressed, you do not have to fully understand it to get the benefit. Just relax and allow it to work! Reference: article by Dale Schusterman DC

Meridians For the purpose of this DVD, it helps to know that meridians are the lines on the body that are used in accupunc-ture and have been effectively used for thousands of years. Tracing the meridians are a very efficient way of keeping your energy flowing. The meridians are designed in pairs on each side of the body and one pair that is up the front and the back of the body. There is a twelve hour clock that each meridian carries a two hour segment that is its most powerful time, it is beneficial to start with the meridian in its power when you trace. You do not need to do all three tracks of this, just pick the track that corresponds to the time you are exercising and do that track. So, if are are excerising at 6:20, do the 5a-7a track and so forth. This is a excellent exercise as the meridians connect as if they are one long tube, and if there is a "clog" or stagnant areas, tracing over them can help to open them up and keep the flow moving smoothly.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Page 4: - Power Exercize Overview...discomfort and that is totally normal, but please use your own discernment. For those of you that have had lymph nodes removed, you may

Your POWER of Being Exercise OverviewThis is a quick overview of what these exercises do for your energy and why I find them important. Some of them do sooo much more than I can put in this article. You will find additional article on some of these separate from this one soon in future postings.

The Switch This exercise is important to start with as it allows your energy to start moving. Sometimes as we go through normal everyday life, we may experience stressors (even simple things) that our body is not sure how to handle. This exercise sends the message to get energies flowing. It allows everything else to move more easily.

Central Dig Plus This energy exercise is a huge multi-tasker. It connects our two “core” meridians that go up the front and back of your body. Also, it opens up our spleen meridian to calm down stress and allow us to adapt to any stressors that we are exposed to. This exercise also allows your aura to attach to your body for protection and opens up the point on the bottom of your feet that allows you to ground into the earth. More in depth information coming soon in a separate article. For me, this exercise is a must. My clients agree!

DNA Spiral This exercise is a great multi-tasker as well. It works to balance and activate your crossover pattern throughout all levels of your energy system. As you do this exercise visualize a DNA helix in your large auric field and move it through all systems of your body down to the tiniest crossover pattern in your body, your DNA. Be sure to start at your feet, using two fingers and move up and down three times. This helps you to bring balance and move out fatigue. (Also, demonstrates twelve strand pattern. More info to come.)

TappingsThere are five basic points that I encourage you to tap throughout the day. Some are demonstrated on the first track, others on the second track. Kidney points are the first ones, the same points that you rub on in the Switch exercise. Tapping on these get your meridians running in the correct direction as well as shoots extra energy up behind your eyes. Spleen points are on both sides of your ribcage as demonstrated and directly underneath your breast, tap on whichever is most tender. This helps adaptability, metabolism and calming stress responses. Stomach (cheekbone) points are at helpful for grounding energies and hormone balancing as stomach meridian runs through breast and ovaries and uterus. (However, good for both men and women). Thymus point is on the sternum and helps with your immune system as well as your heart center, very powerful point. Fear Tap is on your hands while your hand is on your chest. It connects into a meridian that presents calmness to our body, no matter what the source of fear or anxiety is.

Tapping Little FingersSince we are so connected to each other right now, this is a great exercise to pull “you” back into your body. It allows you to be strong in your own body and to feel compassion for others without being “overwhelmed” by others energies.

Crown PullThis exercise opens up your head to allow excess energy (that may cause headaches) to move out of your body and allows more information to come in when necessary. If you are prone to migraines start in the back of the neck. Otherwise can start on your forehead and move backwards. Use whichever technique feels best to you.

Your POWER of Being DVD Overview (Part 2)

The POWER Exercises This is an acronym that fits the process of moving into your own power and taking care of your own energies. This is probably not a part of your daily routine, however if you are really trying to heal something or want to go deeper, you certainly could do this routine everyday. Otherwise, once a week would be a good way to use this track. Each of these exercises are very helpful and powerful in their own right, you may choose to do just one of these at a time. However, they do fit very well together in one process and it is very effective to use them together. Feel free to use them in whatever way works best for you!!

P—Peaceful ProcessingThis is an exercise that pulls in our meridian system, aura, chakras and other energy systems. I recommend doing the first two tracks first and then taking a deep breath and focusing on an issue or an emotion. Remain focused on this issue or emotion as you do this exercise, breathing as you go. Do this in your own time, you will notice a shift!

O—Own Your Own EnergiesConnecting Heaven and Earth—This is an exercise that clears your energies, assists your energies in grounding into the earth and connecting to the energies above. This is also about bring Yin(feminine) and Yang (Masculine) balance to your systems. This is really important for both men and women right now. This is one of the shifts that our entire universe is going through right now is finding the balance of Sacred Masculine and Sacred Femi-nine. This is a great exercise to do after working with a client before moving onto the next. There is so much more that this exercise can do that I will address in a separate article at a later date.

W—WOW yourself with Joy! 10 Hearts-Your body has a system called Radiant Circuits of Joy. There are 10 pathways in your body that can carry this energy and in order to feel joy we need to have these pathways “plugged in”. This simple exercise can help you plug-in these pathways. Also a great exercise to do daily, if you wish.

E—Embrace Your Own Body! Mingmen Opening exercise—this exercise is about appreciating your own unique body and feeling confident and balanced within your own body. The Mingmen Point is a point of decernment that recognizes toxins that you do not want in your body as well as emotions and feelings that you do want in your field. When I say toxins, that is a very broad term, could be emotional, environmental, food or something you take in physically, you do not need to identify anything in order to clear it. Also, once cleared, this point knows to allow joy, love and other “feel good” emotions in.

R—Retreat and RenewHeaven Rushing In—This exercise is a great one to follow all of the other clearing and balancing exercises. It is about opening up to all the possibilities in your vortex that you may be aware of or you may not be aware of the amazing things that may be available to you. You simple ask for all that you are ready for to come in!

Power of Being DVD Overview (Part 3): Individual Extras and Meridians

Neuro-Lymphatic Massage This a technique I learned from Donna Eden. I was previously trained in Lymphatic Drainage with Upledger. However, these are two completely different techniques, and have similar goals. Lymphatic Drainage is a very little touch technique that is a very valuable modality. However, this techniques is about rubbing vigorously on neuro-lymphatic reflex points that send messages to the lymphatic system to open up and drain. I just wanted to make sure that there was no confusion about these two very different approaches.

The purpose of this exercise is to get the energy moving in your body so that your body can release the toxins appropriately as your lymphatic system is meant to do. There are many reasons that are bodies do not automat-ically do it as efficiently as it should, so it is important to do this exercise. When you first begin this exercise you may feel a little fatigued later in the day as your body will release toxins that have been stored for a while. Drink plenty of water and know that the more your body gets used to this, the less issue you will have. Keep doing this technique as you will notice that you feel better, you may notice less swelling or "bloat" in your body as well as a decrease in pain throughout your body as your body learns to let go of toxins that cause pain throughout your body.

When you do this exercise regularly, you will feel like you are cleaning the inside of your body!I demonstrate all the points in this exercise on the DVD, and some people can do all them deeply at one time. I do want to emphasize that if rubbing on any of these points is extremely tender and makes you uncomfortable then lighten up to where it is tolerable or even stop if it does not feel right to you. Most often, there will be some discomfort and that is totally normal, but please use your own discernment. For those of you that have had lymph nodes removed, you may choose not to do this exercise or you may just do counter clockwise circles over the points without touching the skin or very very light tapping (barely touching the skin). Once again, use discernment.

If you have an autoimmune disorder such as Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, you may want to only do a few points at a time, either doing others later in the day or a different day.What has worked for some of my clients is doing approximately 1/3 of the points one day, the next 1/3 the second day and the last the 1/3 on the third day. As time goes on, you may feel that you can add more each day. Be gentle with yourself and listen to your body!

The Celtic Weave This is also an exercise that came from Eden Energy Medicine. The Celtic Weave is an entire energy system of its own. This exercise weaves together all of the energies in our aura (the energy around our body). Our aura serves as a protective field that normally has a 4-5 foot radius around our bodies, this varies a lot, talking in terms of "average". This field holds chakra energies and many other important energies to keep us safe and vital. Sometimes our aura gets "drained" or develops holes or thin spots or it can detach from our bodies. This exercise can correct those issues. You will know as it feels very invigorating, you can repeat it as often as you like, make sure you turn around and weave the energies behind your body and you can also do a few little weaves on the side of your body. This feels really good.

Taking Down the Flame This is one of favorite exercises as it does so much in one exercise. This is a great calming exercise, when you feel that your energies are "fired up" or going to fast or have that anxious feeling inside, this is a great exercise to do. A perfect exercise to do before going to bed at night and if you wake in the night and feel "wired, but tired", try this then also. Not only does it take down that firey feeling it also connects our chakras, so that they are working together in a more efficient manor. This exercise also seems to help us to feel grounded and safe. Very calming and effective exercise!

Tibetan Prayer Pose

This is also a variation of The Wayne Cook Posture for those of you who are familiar with that exercise. Several years ago when I learned this, it was probably the most life changing exercise that I did, sounds too simple to be so powerful----but it is. This exercise is about bringing balance to "scrambled" energy. You know that your energy is scrambled when you are transposing words or numbers, having trouble focusing, your thoughts are bouncing around. Another symptom is reading and not remembering what you just read, or your mind wander-ing off while reading or listening or falling asleep while reading. Also, "scrambled" energy is contagious, if a teacher is scrambled, several people is the class may be falling asleep. This is an exercise that I not only did every morning, but also did everytime that I sat down to read. After a few months, my body started to develop a new habit of staying balanced and most of the time, I don’t have problems focusing when I read. I still do it daily, but just to make sure I stay "unscrambled"!

The Vitruvian Man My friend and teacher Dr. Samantha St. Julian introduced this exercise to me. This exercise can serve as a daily routine all on its own. It also can serve as a meditation if you follow closely and focus on each position. Just follow it exactly on the DVD and you will feel the mediatative quality of this exercise. Leonardo Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man is probably a familiar picture to most of us, especially those who are in the medical field. It represents four differnet postures that each represent the four dimensions of human beings.

1. Physical Body 2. Astral Body-this is the space that we often visit in our dreams and our psychic senses come from here. 3. Causal Body--the state experienced in deep sleep where we tap into Jung's collective unconscious, make connections to archetypal energies that can be a piece of how we are designed as a human being. 4. Spritual Body-- the highest world where the witness state of an individual exists or sometimes described as "out of body" , outside yourself looking in.

This exercise has a similar effect to yoga poses where you can be tuned in to a more harmonious energy frequency, it integrates these four energies so that your entire system recognizing a higher vibrational frequency and "attunes" to this new level when done with quiet receptivity.The order that they are done on the DVD correlates to the order listed above. If this description feels complex ---thats ok, dont worry about the details, just feel this exercise. A beautiful exercise to do daily or when tired or stressed, you do not have to fully understand it to get the benefit. Just relax and allow it to work! Reference: article by Dale Schusterman DC

Meridians For the purpose of this DVD, it helps to know that meridians are the lines on the body that are used in accupunc-ture and have been effectively used for thousands of years. Tracing the meridians are a very efficient way of keeping your energy flowing. The meridians are designed in pairs on each side of the body and one pair that is up the front and the back of the body. There is a twelve hour clock that each meridian carries a two hour segment that is its most powerful time, it is beneficial to start with the meridian in its power when you trace. You do not need to do all three tracks of this, just pick the track that corresponds to the time you are exercising and do that track. So, if are are excerising at 6:20, do the 5a-7a track and so forth. This is a excellent exercise as the meridians connect as if they are one long tube, and if there is a "clog" or stagnant areas, tracing over them can help to open them up and keep the flow moving smoothly.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!