{ present progressive inglesespañol the present progressive is used for actions going on in the...

Present Progressive

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Page 1: { Present Progressive InglesEspañol The present progressive is used for actions going on in the moment of speaking and for actions taking place only


Present Progressive

Page 2: { Present Progressive InglesEspañol The present progressive is used for actions going on in the moment of speaking and for actions taking place only

Ingles Español

The present progressive is used for actions going on in the moment of speaking and for actions taking place only for a short period of time. It is also used to express development and actions that are arranged for the near future. Present progressive is also known as present continuous.

El presente progresivo se utiliza para acciones que tienen lugar en el momento de hablar y de las acciones que tienen lugar sólo por un corto período de tiempo. También se utiliza para expresar el desarrollo y las acciones que se disponen para el futuro próximo. Presente progresivo también se conoce como presente continuo.

Page 3: { Present Progressive InglesEspañol The present progressive is used for actions going on in the moment of speaking and for actions taking place only

El Present Progressive o Continuous se utiliza en inglés para hablar de situaciones en curso, que han empezado pero aun no han llegado a su fin: It’s raining (Está lloviendo). Esta forma verbal se utiliza a menudo para describir situaciones que tenemos delante de nuestros ojos o que sabemos que se están desarollando mientras hablamos. Por lo tanto, muy a menudo el Present Progressive está acompañado por adverbios o expresiones adverbiales como now, at the moment, at present, currently etc.

Como se utiliza el presente continuo

Page 4: { Present Progressive InglesEspañol The present progressive is used for actions going on in the moment of speaking and for actions taking place only

Formas del Present Progressive o Continuous

Page 5: { Present Progressive InglesEspañol The present progressive is used for actions going on in the moment of speaking and for actions taking place only

1. Forma afirmativa

El Present Progressive o Continuous es una forma verbal compuesta por el auxiliar TO BE, conjugado en función del sujeto de la frase, y por la la forma de participio presente del verbo principal (V+ing).I am reading the newspaper.He is having a shower.We are playing tennis.

Page 6: { Present Progressive InglesEspañol The present progressive is used for actions going on in the moment of speaking and for actions taking place only

2. Forma interrogativaDado que el Present Progressive contiene el verbo TO BE como auxiliar, la forma interrogativa se obtiene invirtiendo el órden del auxiliar y del sujeto:Are you reading the newspaper?Is he having a shower?Are they playing tennins?

Page 7: { Present Progressive InglesEspañol The present progressive is used for actions going on in the moment of speaking and for actions taking place only

3. Forma negativaLa forma negativa del Present Progressive consiste en la forma negativa del verbo TO BE acompañada por el participio presente del verbo principal:I’m not reading the newspaper.He isn’t having a shower.We aren’t playing tennis.

Page 8: { Present Progressive InglesEspañol The present progressive is used for actions going on in the moment of speaking and for actions taking place only

Spelling rules to the present participle

Reglas de ortografía para el participio presente

1. When the verb ends in "e" normally "and" falls before the -ing: make - making; take - taking.

2. When is a monosyllabic verb finishing in a single vowel followed by a consonant, the final consonant is doubled before the -ing: stop - stopping; -sitting sit; win - winning. But look when more than one vowel in the verb, not double the final consonant: rain - raining 3. When it is a verb whose bisilábico is the second syllable, the final consonant is doubled before the ending - ing: begin - beginning; prefer - preferring. But if the stressed syllable is the first no modifications: visit - visiting; open - opening Exception: In British English, the verbs bisilábicos accent on the first syllable ending in "l" and "travel" folding "l" before the ending - ing (traveling). In American English, the consonant (traveling) is not bent. 4. No modifications when the verb ends in a vowel or consonant + y: play - playing; study – studying 5. verbs ending in -ie change this by a vocal group and before the -ing: die - dying

1. Cuando el verbo acaba en “e” normalmente la “e” cae delante de la terminación -ing:make – making; take – taking.2. Cuando se trata de un verbo monosilábico acabado en una sola vocal seguida por una consonante, la consonante final se duplica delante de la terminación -ing:stop – stopping; sit -sitting; win – winning.Pero fijaros que cuando hay más de una vocal en el verbo, no duplicamos la consonante final:rain – raining3. Cuando se trata de un verbo bisilábico cuya sílaba tónica es la segunda, la consonante final se dobla delante de la terminación - ing:begin – beginning; prefer – preferring.Pero si la sílaba tónica es la primera no existen modificaciones:visit – visiting; open – openingExcepción:En inglés británico, los verbos bisilábicos con accento en la primera sílaba acabados en “l” como “travel” doblan la “l” delante de la terminación - ing (travelling). En inglés americano, no se dobla la consonante (traveling).4. No existen modificaciones cuando el verbo acaba en vocal o consonante + y:play – playing; study – studying5. Los verbos acabados en -ie cambian este grupo de vocales por una y delante de la terminación-ing:die – dying

Page 9: { Present Progressive InglesEspañol The present progressive is used for actions going on in the moment of speaking and for actions taking place only


comparing vacation spots

comparando lugares de vacaciones

Page 10: { Present Progressive InglesEspañol The present progressive is used for actions going on in the moment of speaking and for actions taking place only

para tomar una decisión de donde vacacionar las mas debemos tomar una serie de estándares o preparaciones además de gustos personales

to make a decision on where the most vacation must take a series of estánderes or preparations in addition to personal tastes

Page 11: { Present Progressive InglesEspañol The present progressive is used for actions going on in the moment of speaking and for actions taking place only

Español Ingles

1,.la playa es un lugar perfecto para aquellas personas que quieren divertirse y pasarla vien con toda su milia o pasar un buen rato con sus amigos

1 .the beach is a perfect place for those who want to have fun and have fun with all your milia vien or have a good time with friends

Page 12: { Present Progressive InglesEspañol The present progressive is used for actions going on in the moment of speaking and for actions taking place only

Español Ingles

2 parques . se le recomienda esta alternativa a aquellas personas que cuentan n bajo presupuesto pero quieren salir de viaje

2 parks. This alternative is recommended to those who have n low budget but want to leave trip

Page 13: { Present Progressive InglesEspañol The present progressive is used for actions going on in the moment of speaking and for actions taking place only

Español Ingle

3. montañas o lugares pasiguos ,se recomienda este tipo de viajes a personas que quieren encontrarse con sigo mismas ademas de querer pasar momentos de tranquilidad y relajacion

3. pasiguos mountains or places, this type of travel is recommended for people who want to meet them plus I still want to spend moments of tranquility and relaxation

Page 14: { Present Progressive InglesEspañol The present progressive is used for actions going on in the moment of speaking and for actions taking place only

4. la selva se recomienda a personas con un espíritu aventurero y que quieren explorar y aventurarse todo al mismo tiempo

4. jungle is recommended for people with an adventurous spirit and want to explore and while aventurarsetodo

Page 15: { Present Progressive InglesEspañol The present progressive is used for actions going on in the moment of speaking and for actions taking place only

Hay muchos otros lugares en los cuales se pueden divertir y recrear como familia o como amigos

los principales factores que debes tomar en cuenta para una vacaciones son

1.- seguridad2.- economía3.-estado de salud4.- tipo de recreación5.-epoca del año6.-lugar al que se desea ir7.-papeles en regla

8.-pequeño estudio del lugar a visitarThere are many other places where they can have fun and recreating as family or friends the main factors you should consider for a vacation are 1. security.2. economy .3. health. 4. type of recreation5. time of year 6. place you want to go 7. papers in order 8. small study of place to visit