· pressure (ptio2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p "...

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Page 1:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences




Page 2:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences


Page 3:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences

RICHET CHARLES (1850-1935)

En 1902, Charles Richet découvre, avec Paul Portier, l'anaphylaxie, phénomène biologique d'une importance extrême, aux conséquences théoriques et pratiques considérables, et qui lui vaut le prix Nobel de médecine en 1913.

PAUL PORTIER (1866-1962)


Page 4:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences


Page 5:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences
Page 6:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences

1989 n=821

1992 n=813

1994 n=1030

1996 n=734

1998 n=486

2000 n=518

2002 n=502

2004 n=406

2007 n=602

NMBAs 81,0 70,2 59,2 61,6 69,2 58,2 54,0 49,6 48

Latex 0,5 12,5 19,0 16,6 12,1 16,7 22,3 26,4 20,3 Hypnotics 11,0 5,6 8,0 5,1 3,7 3,4 0,8 1,4 0,8

Opioids 3,0 1,7 3,5 2,7 1,4 1,3 2,4 1,4 1,8 Colloids 0,5 4,6 5,0 3,1 2,7 4,0 2,8 4,6 2,3

Antib 2,0 2,6 3,1 8,3 8,0 15,1 14,7 12,2 17,9

Others 2,0 2,8 8,3 2,6 2,9 1,3 3,0 4,4 7,1

Drugs responsible for HSI-IgE peranesthesic reactions

(8 epidemiologic surveys of GERAP)

AFAR 1990-1994-1996-1999-2004, BJA 2001, Anesthesiology 2003, JACI 2011, Minerva 2012

n=821 n=813 n=734 n=486 n=518

NMBAs 81,0 70,2 59,2 61,6 69,2 58,2 54,0 49,6 48

Page 7:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences


Causal agents Estimated annual number

of case

!"#$%&'()%**+%,)-*.-('*.')-*)64%*.')78$-,,-/*9median [5th-95th perc]

Male Overall Female

Overall 780 [555-1005] 100.6 [76.2-125.3]

55.4 [42.0-69.0] 154.9 [117.2-193.1]

NMBAs 458 [326-590] 105.5 [79.7-132.0]

184.0 [139.3-229.7] 250.9 [189.8-312.9]

Latex 155 [110-200] 59.1 [44.8-73.6]

32.6 [24.7-40.5] 91.0 [68.9-113.4]

Antibiotics 101 [72-131] -

Others agents 80 [57-103] -

PM Mertes et al, JACI 2012

Page 8:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences

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Page 9:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences

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Reitter, Petitpain, Mertes, Allergy in press

Page 10:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences



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Page 11:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences


04/$)<==<)&/)<=>>(!! ,721<#"'("'&.2&'*+*:.f5*&-%L3",'M''gF'^4#*("'H'd'b_''!!N%,L3"'#"5*-%P''M''

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11 Sadleir et al, BJA 2013, doi:10.1093/bja/aes506

Page 12:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences





Page 13:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences


Page 14:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences
Page 15:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences


Page 16:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences

HSI –IgE médiée et moment de survenue

F?$*',7>+*8"/'+)*,$*-5'(&5+:"-,,!! D+-%<%2-%L3",'M'</-*5*&-*1%+",'jj''!! O#2(3%-,'("'#"1:5%,,*4"M'4/5*-%+",jj''!! Q*-"W'M'<#2+&.2,:*,1"'%+*343#"'5",',f1:-91",''

Page 17:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences

HSI –IgE médiée et moment de survenue

G-*8$*',7>+*8"/'+)*,$*-5'(&5+:"-,'!! ;3#*#",'M'#/*&-%2+',/$i#"'(i,'5",':#"1%i#",',"&2+(",'''!! 8f:+2-%L3",'M'#*#"''!!J2#:.%+21%1/-%L3",'M'"W&":-%2++"5'

Page 18:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences

HSI –IgE médiée et moment de survenue


!! Q*-"W'M'#/*&-%2+',23$"+-',/$i#"'M'@a'd'HE'c6'(*+,'5",'1%+3-",'L3%',3%$"+-'5)%+&%,%2+'&.%#3#4%&*5"'

!! O#2(3%-,'("'#"1:5%,,*4"''

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!! O#2(3%-,'("'&2+-#*,-"'%2(/,'

!! ;252#*+-,'M'<5"3':*-"+-/6'<5"3'("'1/-.f5i+"6'k32#",&/%+"'


Page 19:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences


Page 20:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences

HSI et moment de survenue

F",8&/)".5,8-,7$,/(+.".H+-,'!! D>7!M'3#-%&*%#"'*,,2&%/"'d'3+'*+4%2"(i1"'(3'$%,*4"''^5i$#",'"-':*3:%i#",_'%+,"+,%<5"'*3W'*+-%0.%,-*1%+%L3",'


Page 21:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences


Page 22:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences


Dosages Tube Prélèvement < 30 min

Prélèvement 1 à 2h

Prélèvement > 24 h

Histamine EDTA + (+) Tryptase EDTA/sec + + + IgE anti-AQ Sec + (+) (+)

+ : recommandé ; (+) : si non réalisé au moment de la réaction


Page 23:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences


!5-)%5H(4--;'&()J-%#B(4#;'&7;'%5(!! K.#",.25(,'%+(%&*-%+4'*+'*55"#4%&'1"&.*+%,1'Y"#"M'!! 'AhEa'+125l5'P2#'.%,-*1%+"'!! GhEa'm4l5'P2#'-#f:-*,"'

!! N",3,&%-*-%2+'1*+2"3$#",'<f'-."1,"5$",'(%('+2-'12(%Pf'1"(%*-2#'&2+&"+-#*-%2+,h''

!! n%#-3*55f'*55'5%P"0-.#"*-"+%+4'#"*&-%2+,'(3#%+4'*+",-.",%*'*,,2&%*-"('Y%-.'1"(%*-2#'&2+&"+-#*-%2+,'"W&""(%+4'-."'-.#",.25(,'Y"#"'*55"#4%&'"$"+-,h'

D Laroche, P Gomis, E Gallimidi, JM Malinovsky, PMi Mertes: Anesthesiology, in press

Page 24:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences

G Volcheck and Paul Michel Mertes, Immunol Allergy Clin N Am , in press

Page 25:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences

]-5%&;A;#&(!!N"1:5%,,*4"'!!D(#"+*5%+"'d'(2,"'-%-#/"'!! o'&2#-%&2p(",'!!n*,2:#",,%+"q'!!=53&*42+q'!! !34*11*("Wq'

Table 4 : Management of cases with a fatal outcome

Early death n=23

Delayed death n=8

Fully documented cases 22 8

Mean interval from NMDA injection to first symptom

(range) (min)

2.27 (1;5) 1.75 (1;4)

Mean interval from first symptom to epinephrine bolus

(range) (min)

3.93 (0;10) 1.8 (0;5)

Mean cumulative epinephrine bolus dose (range) (mg) 15.34 (1;60) 13.9 (4;26)

Mean interval from anaphylaxis to death (range) (hr)

- in patients with CPB (ECMO/ECC) (n=9)

85.7 (4;385)

- in patients without CPB 1.23 (0.5;4)

Mean volume of vascular filling(mL) 1957 (500;5500) 2500 (1000;4500)

CPB, CardioPulmonary Bypass; ECMO, ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation; ECC, Extracorporeal Circulation; NA: not applicable

Reitter, Petitpain, Mertes, Allergy in press

Page 26:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences


•! EE'*+,6'5*:*#2,&2:%"6'.)/".)*+"%,1;IJ,%HKLH6'*(#/+*5%+"'b'146'1j@`'5"H$%%$8-#,M;N,%HKLH6':3%,'*(#/+*5%+"'F6Aa'"-'1"-*#*1%+25'@'14'!"#$%%&''(&)(*'+(,-.(/01(2345(/66730/(230//4(

•! AA'*+,6'&%1"+-2:5*,-%"6'.)/".)*+"%,1;M,%HKLH6'4#*("'>>>6''*(#/+*5%+"'F6H'146'OD'#"12+-"'d'Ga'11.46'5"H$%%$8-#,3,%HKLH,#"$"#,%2+'(3'<52&6'OD'@FF'1184h'!$)*8&9(&)(*'+(-.:;(30/3(

•! 'bG'*+,6'&.25"&f,-"&-21%"6'Gg'\46'.)/".)*+"%,N1%H6'4#*("'>>>6'*(#/+*5%+"'F6@G'1&4l\4l1%+6'-#*+,P"#-'"+'>;?h'D:#i,'@'.6'5"H$%%$8-#,311%H;,#/(3&-%2+'(",'(2,",'()*(#/+*5%+"'("'12%-%/h'I3++"5'"-'*56'V[D6'(2%M@Fh@F`El<r*l*"#H@@'

•! 'a@'*+,6'."#+%"'21<%5%&*5"6'@@H'\46'.)/".)*+"%,,1;3N,%HKLH6''4#*("'>>>6'*(#/+*5%+"'F6a'14'"+'@a'1%+6'@g'1%+'M'*(#/+*5%+"'F6H'14'"-'5"H$%%$8-#,0111,%H,O2P,%HKLH_6'*1/5%2#*-%2+6'!C'*(#/+*5%+"'F6a'14l.',"$#/"'"+'AF'1%+h'N*P-'"-'*56'DIDN'E@'^HF@H_'@agB@A@'

•! 'AH'*+,6'1*,-"&-21%"6'ba'\46'Q)/".)*+"%,01,%H6'4#*("'>>6':*,'*(#/+*5%+"6'6'EF'1%+'M'5"H$%%$8-#,011%H6'#"4#",,%2+'"#f-."1"6'R*Y*+2'"-'*5h6'[23#+*5'2P';5%+%&*5'D+",-.",%*'^HF@H_'Hb6'AHBAb'

Page 27:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences


Leysen et al, Anaesthesia, 2011, 66, pages 519–531

Page 28:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences


Clarck et al, Anaesthesia 2012, 67, 266–273

Page 29:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences






Page 30:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences


Tajima, et al, Anaesth Intensive Care. 2013 Nov;41(6):765-73.

Page 31:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences



Time course of cerebral cortical blood flow (CBF) , tissue oxygen partial pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences MB–EPI group vs. MB group, &p " 0.05 between-group differences EPI group vs. MB group.

Zheng F, et al Crit Care Med. 2013 Jan;41(1):195-204.

BM 1 à 3 mg/kg

Page 32:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences



Page 33:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences




Influence of genetic determinant in allergic reactions against muscle relaxants

Page 34:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences


•!a cohort study conducted in six vocational schools

•! follow-up, every six months after inclusion


•!Apprentices (2 year training) in bakery and hairdressing (quaternary amonium compounds)


•!BHR determined by a metacholine challenge test (conducted at every visit, V1 to V4).

•!Genetic polymorphisms •!Allergy ocurrence

Allergy to reated allergens, including quaternary amonium compounds

Personal habits(smoking


Early occupational

exposure Atopic Status, Polymorphisms




Influence of occupationnal exposure in allergic reactions

against muscle relaxants: The MIBAP study

Guéant et al, doi: 10.1111/cea.12189 Clinical & Experimental Allergy, 1–7, in press

Page 35:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences

Names and formula of the quaternary ammonium compounds commonly used by hairdressers

Page 36:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences

Predictors of sIgE against quaternary amoniums ) O.R. (95% C.I.) P

Age 1.13 (0.95-1.33) 0.157

Sex 2.93 (0.93-9.19) 0.065

Total IgE 7.10 (2.26-22.30) 0.001

Phadiatop 1.67 (0.61-4.53) 0.318

Hair dressing 4.97 (1.69-14.66) 0.004

Pastry and bakery 0.99 (0.20-4.95) 0.987

Page 37:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences

]7;(W7"9H")%#;(=86"&7;'%'(!! D+*:.f5*&-%&'#"*&-%2+,'-2'7JVD,'*#"',%W'-%1",'12#"'&2112+'%+'72#Y*f'-.*+'%+'!Y"("+'

!! >4C'*+-%<2(%",'-2':.25&2(%+"6'3,"('%+'&234.',3::#",,*+-,'%+'72#Y*f'<3-'+2-'%+'!Y"("+6'Y"#"'P23+('%+',%W':"#'&"+-'2P'<522('(2+2#,'P#21'72#Y*f'<3-'%+'+2+"'2P'-."'!Y"(%,.'(2+2#,h''

!! O2,%-%$"'#"*&-%2+,'-2',3&&%+f5&.25%+"'%+'Fhb':"#'&"+-'*+('EhG':"#'&"+-6'2P'72#Y"4%*+'<522('(2+2#,'*+('*55"#4%&',3<r"&-,'#",:"&-%$"5fh'72',"#31'P#21'!Y"("+'Y*,':2,%-%$"h'

Florvaag et al, Allergy 2005: 60: 1312–1315

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Page 39:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences


Before Years after Tuxi® withdrawal 1 2 3 Trend P-value P-value LbL

PHO 33 (11.0) 15 (5.0) 17 (5.7) 8 (2.7) -0.418 <0.001 <0.001* MOR 30 (10.0) nt 8 (2.7) 4 (1.3) -0.667 <0.001 <0.001* SUX 11 (3.7) 2 (0.7) 1 (0.3) 1 (0.3) 0.002 0.002 <0.001*








Before 1 year 2 years 3 years


Page 40:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences


CFA 18/04/2013 40

Page 41:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences


Étude de l’association entre l’exposition à la pholcodine et le risque de réaction anaphylactique peranesthésique liée à un curare

Étude cas- témoins

Début de l’étude février 2014, fin prévue en 2016

Dès la survenue d’un CHOC ANAPHYLACTIQUE à l’induction anesthésique

composez sans tarder

le 0 800 871 943 (n°vert)



Page 42:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences




!!?+'",:2%#'M'>("+-%X&*-%2+'(",'P*&-"3#,'("'#%,L3",'$!C-3("'D5:.2'M'(/&5*#"u'*3'+31/#2'$"#-' 0 800 871 943 '' ' ''

Page 43:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences


Pour Votre


Page 44:  · pressure (PtiO2) in the hippocampus, ! corresponds to the beginning of treatment. *p " 0.05 vs. the CON group, +p " 0.05 between-group differences


Source GERAP