€¦ · --- --- --- -- -.----- -- - ------- -----r_ ----- -- --i-3! i-_ _ _ _...

- - - - -- - - - - - - - .--- -- - - - - --- - - -- - - - -- - ---- -- - --- r _ I- 3 I- ! SUNIAY A1llIL6 , H39 ( . 'I11E OMAhA JAILItEE : , ___ __ tota' ' 1o. ICilpattick , 1och & Co. of thtfi city had Just purchaec th , stock.- N. . . A. .1uIin of the Kuhn company. who am tile 0wner and oeratnrA o th ( Vhlto- 1toue Inn. IocattI at IItth and Cart av' ewe ,, , reecivefi a te1cgratn from their mani- ger - that the fire hnd rnIed tIier property. and although bulhfln hail been .estroye1 all around them , tha property wM icafe. Tel- egram - to the same effect wore received by the Orchard.WIlhoIrn company ; whose branch atoro Ia located With a Irgo itnck at Sec- Ofll - ( flfl ( Myc'r nvenne , and also by the Mc- Caguo - 1nveitment comjany a to their olflce- a tecont and flennott avenues. Among the Omaha people wiw were burned out wa I ) . C. 1attetcn. who held a 1eae- on tIit. IarIey building. lII Ic , IclidIigt- he. . Ieae. will be opProxirnately 3LOO. Among tIine who subronted from him were 1) . V. ho1c. E. lleno'JIct nnl the Great UC1)U1)lIC ) ) aoll ( Mltilng company , whose aggre- gate - loss ill ho In the neighborhood of 1000. - C: J. C'3nan & Co. cf thiR city had within tlio last tow (lays received a stock of goods valued at $1,200 , located at Third and lIen- nett - iivenuo. Last Tliursiay the go3dM scre- ortlered to ho rcturncd to this city and Mr- .Cnan . is of the opiLlon that they are now In transit , but may Possibly have boon do- tamed and iurned. ) The Coloriidu Ltimter , coinpany which Is branch of the Cndy Lumber company of this city , reported at headquarters Inst evening that $1,000 worth of Iiitnber which IIfll boei delivered to buhldhiigt under con- struction - hin1 ieen , burned and was a total loss , The yard , however , was safe.- J. . . It. ( ictty. who In conducting a restau- rant - on second aventn , and I) . W. Saxo , In- a sinhilnI' business on thio same thoroughfare , -cro just outaldo of the burned distric- t.UA'I.IN . IN t3IFX1C.tN SIbVIIt lINI- SllpportM 4)1 tlti' V're iiiing lie- fllIs'ui.Ii - II 31 I ii.r IC I IIei.- EL . PASO, Tox. April 25.A special dIe- patch to the Times tonight from Chihuahua , Mexico , Says : The most terrhblo mining dIe- aster that over occurred in northern Mexico happened Thureday afternoon at the Vieja mine , about twelve mIles from this city , In the Santa Tulaila dletrict. The mine is a- very rich siier mine and has boon worked for thio last 100 years , The roof of the mIne has been UPportod by great nihlars of ore , anl a few weeks ago P. It. Prieto. tb owner , began taking out these i1pports. I'rleto urged the miners , v1io are MexIcans , to con- tinue - t work in spite of IroLests ) , it is iid , and the terrible accIdent resulted. 1lghty- five nnii were at work when the cave-in oc- curred - Of t11Ctt ) eighteen escaped , sixty- seven were buried , and of these thirty-seven have been taken out , seven of whom are doati a11 thirty srIousiy crushed and many will not live. There Ia very little chance of recovering alive the thirty mcmi yet under the earth. The governor left here today for the'r- e.CA11FOItNIA , . ( ) I.I ) MINi ON F'I1tI.- PInIIICH . 1ieOhI4i ( 'omiliol imliti J.IMMC- N'viIi 11 * 'er li'zty.- IIODIE . , Cal. , April broint out In the t3tandard mine tlil morning 1)ofore the day shift came on. TIme lire started on the 550-feot level. The flames are still beyond control. and tIme man shaft Is a burning furnace. MIners are doIng everything in their power to bulkhead all cross cuts. to prevent the fire frcm spreadIng to the I3odie mine , with which it Is connected. The doe- tric - machinery btirnrd L that In-it In one year ago. Miners cannot ascertain the ex- tent - of lIme damage , and may not for several days. Time less is thought to ln very great.- No . one was In tIme mnmme at the tlnie the fire started. 'l'lme Standard Is one of time prlm- sclpal - gold mnnes of the state , and ita stock Is mostly owne(1 by New York people- .3lismur . IIIsiaes. WEEPING WATER , Neb. , April 25.Spec- ml ( - Telegram.-FIro ) started thIs evening between two frame buildings containing a feed store , machine shop and broom factory. The contents and buIl1iiigs were consider- ably - damaged. The fire department prevented a total ices. Loss about 500. CRESTON , Ia. , April 25.SpocaIEarly ( ! this mnornIngltelargebarn of Henry Itee.te , ten nmIlea outImwent otCrestorm, was de- stroyed - by fire. Elght head of horses , two mules , 100 tOns of hay , harness and farm implements Were cowcumnetl. The total loss is about $3,000 ; partly Insured- .CtNIISSEM . 'I'O A FAMOUS i1UItJ1It. ' .Votumtmi Ieelure.SIa. ' Shot er ) ( l I)1H4 'Vu , Ye , , rs igo Iu.1mi . WAUPONVis. . , April 25.Minnie Allen , a convict , 30 years old , servIng two years foi' Irurgiary , lia confessed tbaton the night of April 2d , 1894 , at Buffalo , N. Y. , aho shot and lihie Montgomery Gibbs , a lawyer. She lived at Niagara Falls , on the Canadian side , and clams that Gibbs lied promised to marry her. She says sh met himis on the corner of Bryant street anti Ielawaro av- cimue - , and repeated her request that ho marry her , Ho rofud , and slw shot h4nt three times. She says alto makes tlmo confcialon- to clear Clarence Robinson and wife , who are serving life sentences tar the murder , She said that at tIme expiration of lipr eon- tonco - she will go to Buffalo and plead guilty to tIme charge of murder. She viIl , be re- leased - in a : ov weeks. About a month ago she sent for Warden Ilnucroft and told him that abe had a secret which hind bei. troubling her conscienc for a long time. She thou told itin she had shot Mr. Gibbs in l3ufTaio. She said that she bad first met Gibbs in Canada moverni yeara before the murder and toll in lava with him , lie apparently returned her atiectIons , but subsequently deserted her. Becoming des- Perate - at the wrong done her by Gibbs , she timrcatont'd his life. But the attorney vaiil mm ntt nticri to her , and ohs says that after lie loft her in CanaIa , site followed Itipt to Iiuffaio. Again she ioaded with him anl asked htini to keep 1mb pramina , but lie rcfusd to do so , She then waylaid bins at New York as lie was eturnimmg to- ltls home , shot hint amid fled front the city. - ___ , Jo , t.IIolr1'YYOMJNG' $ ( OFJtNO1i. ' ( , nmu It hi t'tilei'tI I misit II C by a- ( 'MN 'l'riu a szmi'l I on- .CllE'INNE . , April 25.Spcclai ( Telegram.- Yetermlay . ) - at Lnramio Ludwig George wna founti in a demnr'nted condition starting toiilk barefooted to Cheyenne , Site lud- a revolver , amid Haid site was going to shoci Governor itinhurds for defraudimig her out of her leiso to semite school land , Governor flichmartls was seen today in ref- erence - to the niatter. Ito aaid Mrs. Oeogoh- mati been thn loeeo of a section of aclmool laud , thu lease 111)00 WhIch expired in Jan.- ry. . . She offered to ro.leaso the land for term of live yesrs at ami aimnual rental of 32. Tlaviil McCulloeim offered to Icaso time t'amc' land and pay $77 a year , antI occureti- it. . Them is no c4uso in ( Ito treatment by time land board of Mrs. George for hog to- beconlo insane , ' ' ( ' )' %'ezmrN for , t rsn.I'- mi. . . . April 2.Thme- gati ot ltnllanN who belong to time Malta mmoclt'iy 1mm and niiout 11aehton , who vere- cosivleted yesterday of arson.ero toda- ettamteoii to tWOIltY yrars each In lime twn - tenhinry, They ore .11111 I'nss4vnla , ..lamne- HCareilt' , .1oiph eamnoratmi aitmd lilce SlPCI , 'i'lms ( uriner , v1mo was time leader of the Mniias. Was senteneetl to seivo an addi- .tionul . ilvt' years for robbery- .a . - - - - - - - II , . ' 1. ) iii'hI mig 0 iIstms1&- e.ICNOX'1LLi . , 'l'enn. , Almrli 23.floportel- mt out Inst itlght that a 1110) )) WU on the way ( remit J.ffarnon county to lynch Murderer flawes pruvo to be a fake , Mos4age from Dandridge , buiimosed to b time base of the mob's opematlolis. show all quiet , mind no- itlelmipt 1t lynching threatened , nil ) VIII'flt $ Of Oom'mi ii V'sMI.lN , .t iriI- .u . New 'oric-.trrived-Unibrla , from Y1tverpooi ; Asehen , from liremen , Sailed- 'eendatn. - . from Itottordamu ; ls Gosogne , for liarvo ; Siuitgart. for llrsmnou ; tulds , for Naples , etc. , Thilngvafla , for Stetin , etc. . Cmsmnpmila , for Liverpool.- At . l.iwbouSaUuIDanm2O Marra , for Nec' ? otk.- A . I Liverpool-ArriYemIEIruria , from New York. 3ilot-Oeergl' for New York.- At . ilmsmburg-SahlCtl SQrremato , jet' Now Yo1ohmtmiia - Sailed - , for Tacoma. : i rc-Satied-La Iiourgcgno , fr ow . ' oimtiiamit-Saiied-Nev York , for Niw Vurk , - -- - - - - -- AL'ICELI ) CARLISLE Governor of' Illinois Disputes the eore- thry' - Official Figures , CHARGES HM ; WITh A CHANGE OF HEART ( thou H I frunmi .t nieii t S't'eImes- Us'it i iiat , ; t'p I h. Sb te- 11,11 - * tIt it't'fl t itmul lMsleM- Ileferreul 'I'o , Sl'ltlNGlIFM.D , April 25-Secretary Cir- lis'o - : has len answered by Governor Altgeid.- In . a Pointed open letter , xnati p01)110 toJay , the guvrlmor replies to time address on time muohiey question , whIch the secretary rectntly delivered at the Auditoriummi in Chicago. Uov- ernor - Altgeld'a letter is as follows : A teacher Choul(1 ( be willing to ansvert- jtietIons. . At the close of Mr. Carlisle S ; , eech a number of gentlemimen arose and asiceti for further lmiformmttloll , but Ito turned lila back and slIpped oft the stage , anti , by dIrection of his mnamiagera , his questionertt- vere imtlstet out hy poilcemnemi. lie could have ltimnelt very interesting on a number Of I ) lots iilcli be Iertltent1Y ig- norod. - . Iii ISiS , when discussing the money riuostion in congress , ho expressed his con- vietlon - In the following lammguage " 1 slmal mint sitter into ami examination of the causes whirls have combined to tie- Ineciato - the relative value of slIver nod to- uI 1-eclate the value of gold since lS3 , but I- am one of those who 1eiievo timat they am a transient mind temlorary In their nature , anti that when they have misset1 away or have liceim removnd by the separate or- tiniteti actions of the nations most deeply interesteti In the subject the old ratio of actual mumml relative value vii be re.estab.l- imbeti . on a firmer 1ouridation than ever. I- krow that the world's stock of vreclous- mnetnls is none too iarga , anti I see no rca- soil to rmpmehen' ' !. that it lIl ever become So. .Iankintl vlti he fortunate , indeed , If time annual iroductton of gold anti slIver coin hai keep imee with the annual in- crease - of population , cmnmerce nod in- tlustry. - . According to my view of the 1301- )ject - , ( ho conspiracy which seemns to have been formed Imere mtnd In luropo to destroy by legisiation anti otherwise from three- sevenths to one-half the metallic money of the world Is the most gigantic crime f this or any other. age.- "TIme . conmttmmmatlon of suds a scheme would ultinrntely entail niore misery tEpOIS the hiumun race than all the wars , pestIlence and tmtmine thjst PVcr occurred in time isis- tory of the world. Tue absolute afli in- .stamitamseous . destruction of half time mnos'ahlo property of the worlmi , including horm'es , 331111)14 , railroads and nil other appliances for carrying on commerce , vJilie it vomilmi be felt more sensibly at the Inoment , votmli not Produce anything 111cc tile prolonged dIstress amid disorganization of sotlety that must inevltgby result fromis the ermnIment anni- hilati - U of onp.hait of time metallic money of the world. JOHN G. CAflLISLF."- l.'elmrumtry . 21 , 1878. " CllANGIi ) TIIFIIR ViFVS.- It . wili le seems that this language is clear and emphatic antI hits none of the sophistry and pettifogging about it that are found itt Isis Chicago siscech. Ills awful predIctIons made in ISTS CaIne to pass. lie not oiiiy saw his otvn isroplsee fulfilled , but he saw tile misery of his country become ovemi greater titan ho lma predicted. F'iniling that his vIews had been correct , Ito con- tInned b itolti them until he entered Mr- .cev&and's . : cabinet. when , ill some tayst- eriotma - manner. there was a. change of- heart. but ( or somne reason he seems unwill- tog to talk about it. 'rimere are two other members of the. cabinet , Hoka Smith of GeorgIa , and Herbert of Alabama , who , like CarlIsle , bad made their voices heard for nearly a lifetime in demanding the res- toration - of si'ver ailmi in denouncing the great conspiracy that struck it down ; and strange to say , when these two men en- tered - Cleveland cabinet , they underwent a change of heart , and lIke Carlisle , they avoId taklng ! abotit it. When Satm of Par- ses - saw a. great light anti chmimmged IsIs vIews he was anxlomm to tell all the world about it : bitt these three statesmen seem to- ho ashamed to discusa the manner or their conversion. Why did not Carlisle throw a little light on this question ? 2. All of these men now denounce those people tvhio are OppOsea to the ium1e god standard as balug scdundres ! and lunatics. Yet they are only following the doctrines which Carlisle & C. . preached. Are we , then , to infer that Mr. CarlIsle and hl two cabInet associates were scoundrels antS luna- tics - until they got to-ba 01st men , and that thels the tineI of a cabInet positIon jiot- mad. . ' them honest. but gave theta Irains ? If not , then 130W are wo to know which- end of their career was homiest , its- telligelit - and patriotic ? Far in time RbSCIICC- of amoy explaItsItiOrt some of us TnIgtt ) think that they were honest and patriotic , when in the vigor of their manhood they wt're stand- log by a wronged peopie , and that it is the latter tttl Of their-career that is destitute of honesty , intelligence or patriotism. Car- hlle - should have ted us- .APP5AI. . .. TO HISTOIU?. 3. Mr. Carlisle sh-uid have explained why it was that for 200 years gold and slverh- eimi list' maikot ratIo of about 15 to 1. The ratio tixeti by law was 15 to 1 In some casio- tries , l5',1 to 1 in most countrIes. and for a- whllt' 16 to 1 in our ciuntry. Sit other words , tIme market ratio. as shown by the tahie9 , memained practically tue same isa the statutory ratio during all that timne. If the two mnetalm canmmot stand together how does it happen that they ( liii do so without serious fluctuatIon for O0 yearn , notwith- standing - the fact that the annual produc- lion of earls metal varied greatly from time to tinte ? 4. If omsy one of the metals can be a standard aIsmY a measure of tile value of timings , and if a combined mmtamstiard of botis- go'd and sthver Is as it is to have two yard- sticks of tliit'erent lengths , why was It- ti'mit sonte of the greatest iInaIicier of the wothsl. noti psrIiclihmi ry Baron Rothscisiltl , slated iti io , tisat it. wis the suits of the two metnis taken together which formed the measure of the value of things ? No matter svhichm 'metal mlht for a tinle pro- dominate. - . neverthcless the 803)1 of the two takeis toetiier was the muensure of the value of all prterty. If the Sante countries Itast stricken down gold by uw and destroye4- it for monetary ures anti made silver the sole standard woulti hot eUver have g"ne upa- misi the lurcisam3immg Power of gold gone tiown ? & Mr. CarlIsle lsnul4 hnvt exphulnel why It t'iss that in every coummiry where sliver was striekems down. it was t1on 151 , the mtrh- itrat' - net of government , 511511 titut iieili.ere- oInInm'rce nor busimsess had aiiyth'n ' to dot- t'Ithm it.- r. . . it It ; a tunmlamemstal lmtw , recogntz'ml by all gelds standard Iinnneicrq. cX&pt rectnm- converts. . that tvls is tht' oum' of niolmey- in the worimh is reduceti , the rehiing arice- of all property and consim.iitia gof:9 : thuwn- eorrtspotithimighy , tlIer. ' () : the wiimlng nut imy law of nearly half Lhi fli.ltmdy ot' the world imati to redu'e thit' belting iriO ) of- consmnomhitios ProloItlonateiY. ) Anti , inns- mtIcll - OH time deht tvt'rc iio edimr.'J , memt in- .terest . wmlm4 not retitineil , no.1 its axes t 'n it not rt'dsIcetl , does not 'lr Carlisle htmlce- vemi stow just as he 311(1 ( In il78. that a great crlnie stas conslnittemh ngailnit. the otire debtor eImis , and ngalnst this pr'.ltmcinr- c . mlsg by imriisglng almout a eom'hittc.n , . of , ti- fnII s I) ) ' 1155 ' which compelled Iho 'lebicir , tile Itrosiucer amid the labrer its 5011 LW l" AS- tilucis property or labor mu. tere rornvmly , necessary tO get the .mmiimn ,mnlOmllmt of money ? CONCERNING PRICES. 7 , It Prlcn are si , reduced that it takes eveiytimlng tue debtor can get together to pay his flxetI charges and evesyilmlng thtm' laborer ccii got togelhir in bsly a. little o'arse clothing omit ] ; tlaiis food for his ( min- tly. - : . eats eitlwr the debtor or tile laborer spend mnuch money biiyiiig oIlier artidleb ? ' mid it' hits cannot , ( lien mntImt thin I msot ra- suit In hint lestructioml of tvhsit we once called omit' great home mnrk.t . ? It tlsls is- iehlroyetl , at) that out' gremit factories anti inihimsiries are iimab1o to dispose of their vro- thsictions - , ititIst they not shut tlo'n amid thil ow labor out of employment ? Is not that exactly t'imat has hiaspond iii this couss. try ? 8. As tile iaborr prospers lilost wimen theme is mt large demand for time articles he creates , mhoes it 001 necessarily follow that sushI timtre le a rise in prices , ito that the debtor chsss smnd ( he lmroilI'ilg , enmi do large tnisehlamieous luyIng , tImro Is no hope for tlsi iniar.r ? ' 3. Ati thst'm it tanimot lie a gemteral rise In- imriecs svlthout an imtercmssn in the volum' of- mooney. . flitIst not tite lrem3t'nt parmiiyls anti stanatiomm continue lii titci tvorlti until the % 'aiumno of l0000V is ugtiill restoreil to tt'isat- It t'mls before silver svmms stricken shown ? 10. There are in time Uniteti Slates ovem' 0,000 baisktl. includIng msati'issl , state auth- ilrlt'ste. . Time comptroller o ( Ills , currency.o- mn . of Mr. Cmtrislo's ttsslstmtuts , meceived reports ( rommi these bamsks , uiluowimug the total amount of money or every klssd that each baltic hued on July II , IS9. Fi'omis this report It olmepars that there wits in rounti- mmunshers only $127,000,000 or gold Iii mill of hue banks of time LJnitett Htnte. This was nh of the available gold in limit. . country. There ttmts about $ lft000.000 ) lit the treasury itt that time. but this is Itoh available. Mr. Carlisle 111(1 ( mtOt refer to these figures , which are icisowit to he accurate hut intenii , hi cited time i1turcs Iveii utul by tue dftoetor- of time taint , also one of iuii assistumnt , in- wimicim it is oaimsied that Ihere are ahutul $ * ( , 0.000 of gold iii this cotmmmtry, Mi' . Cmii lIsle must knpw that these figures mire imscorrct9. anih that time tabis given out by mime director of tite saint on tisis Point are werihles * , boeau5 It appears fromus his re- port toy 1193 that ho assumes hint every dollar put imi clrctiiatlomm t.inciS iS7 in this country I , siihl ip circulation , except 'where ret'orsi was made of exportation , and that ho has made no allowance for the money that was casi'lel over our northurn- bsindary and our southern boumntirtry for tenty-fotJr years , nor for the money emi- trr'ii - iack by the ( 'hInCe It3rtng thtt time , nor for gold' ein tmod in the nrt and hot reporte during that tIme , nor for all that ; oct. nor for a I that was carrld across the ocean in the pockets of our people mitmr- Ilsmc - nil tiso.e enrs. Yet the director says In imis report of 1891. that during the l'nrls- dxi ) sltion the total sum Silent ty 0111' 1100'- iti abroad in one your Wmis over $ h3O.O * % imy does Mr. Carlisle use figures that he knows mire inerleci , nod tire mnminitetly- g.vsn Out only far thins ptiipOe of misleati1- 01 - : - the Atnerieai PeoPle Oil the qimertion as- to the ant -unt of money thsn'3' isave In cir- cuhmttion - ? 11. A year ago Mr. Cheveand edit for his former ow lsartner nmmil close ( ricoh , and through him Clevelausth nod Carlisle together , made a secret contract tritim an- other - friend. who was a farther cUemst of Cleveland , ly , whirls that friend nail imi- mtassocifite mre ulalors , were enable ! to snake aloe of ten utjliliomm dollars out ef the got'- ermsment - in a few tveeks on a smal bsiti- transaction. . Anti tist' reason given for tills extrior.ihmimtmy anti oven crimstlnmtl Tir- ec.itIre - %; 'nN thmmit the phecmuators : and sharks ofVall Street hati agreed to Protect the governmssent against time gold riltis until the following November. That is , the wealth- lest , the so st ossterurislng. most powerful , flmot lndtmqtrtotms atsl thrifty nation on the glolrn Paid tribsito to a small iand of specsm- .lators . for puotectton , Anti ts'imeli time mantis of November arrIved , these speciml'stors withdrew their protectlomm. and then the govermimuen t Proceeded to lsssmo an 'thor ' $100, . 000,000 of bondr , thus increasing the burdens of our peollO. ) Now , Mr. Carisle might have oxpatlateti- on this and iminted otit to the Ainerlcat- iiierpe time. ioty character of the states'- manshil ) Imivolvoti iii these transactions ; for stramige to Ey , many of our intellIgent TeOPlt' mire utterly tinahiht' to comprehend it. While Mr. CarlIsle tiocs not Seeni to- hmivn been a sucees. in the capacity of- hsmnco steerer among the iaboring men of- Cimlcngo , there are many ; aints upon whtch lie cosiid be very interesting , anti I would t4slggest that they hiring imim hack amid let him talk about mssttn'rs in whtcis he is at- honse. . JOHN 1' . AhTOEbI ) . "COIN" hiAht'Id't"S ANSWEI1- S.'I'it'ii' . suit ( nuzy1tepi I i's d a ( tilesi- iiims - ( I'roiioiilm.ieil iii 'VIie lire , OMAhA , Anril 25.To tlmo Editor of Tue- 13cc : I enclose asmswers to the QuCstions propounded its year Itapor , to which I ImopO you will give sisace. 1 , If time dollar of 371 % grains of pure silver is the unit for all primary mnoney coined by tue UnIted States , why do free slIver men iorslst in setting up gold as time unit ims deniandin a ratio of 16 to 1? If oliver is tis unit standard , why do not they demand time ratio of 1 to 15 ? Time answer is : It is not true , blmnetalllsts- do not accept gold as time unit of value. The thee confounds symphony of language with fact , and on timat builds an argssmsient. They are imarti up for argunient and that is time reason why tiscy do It. The hhee's argument ensbraceti in Ihsis ques- then is something lIke the fellow wise proved to hIs own satisfaction titab a cat isad three tails. lie did it this way : No cat imas two tails , amid o'o cat has one more tail than mm cat ; therefore , a cat tins three taIls. 2. If free and unlimited silver coinage at 16 to 1 by tito UnIted States alone tvould restore tue bsuillomi price of an ounce 0 ? all'- ver to 1.29 in gold , what advantage 'lil time debtor class galmi unless time debtor is a mine owner or hiss a stock of silver bqhlion on hand to sell ? Aststver : The debtor class would find a market for thmeir iiropert' . They would ox- chammge - their Property for about twice as many dollars as tlmey can now , and withm these dollars they tvouhml pay their debts and save their homes from sheriffs's- aimi and theniseives from becoming paupers. 3. If the bullion price of silver were re- storetl - to 1.29 an ousmee by th passage of a ( rae sliver coinage law , would any bullion owner want to go to- tue trouble of carryimmg imis metal to time nulnt and wait isIs turn or coinage , if lie could sell imis bullion Its the market for as many dollars before it was coinetl as ise would receive from time mint after it was coimied ? Answer : With tito mInts open to tree coin. ago of sIlver as tlmey are now to cold it would work timls way : A man ownnt Rllvor bullion would sell it to any ne wanting it , atfree coInage prices , and it , or all of it , not being absorbed in that way , iso "would take it to tue mint anti have it coined Immto money ; it would be harstied back to him in the form of money to spend-to invest-and you and I could get some of it. It would work just as It did before 1873 and just as- it does now with gold. 4. If time bullion price of sliver wore equal to its coinage value , would there be any more silver in actual circulation among time people titan there is miow , when time silver dollar itt equal In pssrchmaslng and debt-pay. tog power to the gold dollar ? Answer : To admit tismtt timere would not be would be to say that the people would not accept more money than thhy imave now, it they could got it. Do you know of any- bcdy - hero iii Omaima of that kind ? With free coinage , silver would seek time imaint and W9 wuulml have all the silver produced , lint. comisunsed by the arts , in circulation as money , anti to say that the people wuid not exchange thOir property for good money is- to smy that they do not want more money , wlmih is not true. 5. If the -restoration of the bullion price of silver by a free coinage act did no- ncreaso time aggregate money cIrculation , what would tise mperchalm , the farmer and the mechanic not immediately comicerard itt silver oninimig gain ? Answer ; Tiso former alsawer answers th's- quection. ' . 6. Assunto tisat the entIre silver prod- uct - of the United States , say 100,000,000- ouuices , were coined amid added to our 'eel- unto of clrculatin money every year , would an Ammiarican fimrmnor , cattle raiser or planter get a penny more for lila product than lie gets under time presemmt system. when every silver dollar and paper dollar is as good as- a gold dollar , and so long its the price of- graims , beet mud cotton Is regulated by tile supply and densanmi for these commsrnodities iii- tue tvorltl'e markets ? Anawcr : There is not 100,000,000 , but ad- mit - that timers is , I Imope there wIll be. But when a umian admits tlmgt there will be more money in circulation. mind in tue sante- breatis rays that time produceis will not get Inos.o of it for their products tItan they did when money was scarce , ito says that which every one knows cannot he trime. Those who reinonsbor oltl times know better , All econo- maiMs know better. Time man who makes i3uclm a stittontelmt is rattled. 7 , It free amid unlimited sliver coin- age - at 15 to 1 can be mnatntalned regardless of time bullion value of time white metal , and without an international agreement , why imave Mexico and Chill failed to keep their silvem' dollars on a parity with gold ? And why do time Mexican mnino owners simip their silver bullion to tue American and Emighisis markets , ts'imcn they can imat'o it freely coined into Mexican dollars at time Mexican mInt ? Armswer : Because they are not big enough , as I explained last night. it's 111cc ° summ- ding - a boy to mill , " and because time boy can't got tlmero , is no reason vlmy a moan can't. The Mexican silver when sent here is ox- cusamsged - for goid , and witiu the gold our "c'heap"-chieap under gold standardprop- erty - ' is purchased amid taken to Mexico and 93111 Zor at least tsvice what llmoy paid for it iii gold. That is tIme reason why they do it. , II , HARVEY- .S'I'iithtEl . ) V1' 'I'Iil S1L''ltlt : hiIN , 1dmiImuIstrnt1on Smuldto lie 'I'ryluug * u- 'uIul rol Cite ituste Comu'mu lieu , OrrUMWA , Ia , , April 25-Speclal ( Tolo'- grssmnTlme ) free silver loaders were tmroyn into a state of excitement today by ath'lces- to time effect that the admnimmlatration proposes to make an effort to control the Dubuque convention. Simico lion , J , J , Iticisardeon'sr- otmirn lroiim Washington timore have been two nsootimmgs of the federal office imoldera lo the southern losit JudIcial district and sonme of the pmomnimsemmt poetmimasters , anti the ivord wa- givei out that they must take an active part ho see that every coumuty sends am- i"honest mnoacy" delegation , At the Iceokuk- isseeting DistrIct Attorney Fullen , Collector Stactihouse , ex.Distriet Marshal Ed Camp- hell , l'estnmaster Ayres aisd various deputies wore ltu'esent , arid as a result timoy mire vorki- mig - like beaverd to gel time proper delegation selected , 'rime free silver men have not counteti cii this and 1mm many places confess they will be fotmnd napping. however , out of time elgimt coummtitmi wimicim have lucid con- .ventiona . they chains a solid silver delegation so far. 'time miewe from flack Hawk tonight gives time leaders hero fresh coursge , Culled a ill , uii'lmuhiiit Cous'vuutloui , LENVER , April 26N. ! . Stevens , state comusitteemmsauu of time bimetalliC party , has called a state cemsvemstion , to be held iii lice- cr - April 28 , for time purpose of electing delcgatea to the national convention , BWS IN IllS OWN 11OIE I iI C Interesting 1Cofl1kst of Iowa Democrats at- S ill Waterloo. ) . . t ( SCUND MONYCAPTEJIWS THE CONVENTION , it ' 1'il ii't' it iI % , ,) it't'l IT ( 'mihleil I mu his' tile Ciultt'utiizmui 1'oPei's hifi.ri' .t Il ) ' t II int" 4 1,1 I (( ihuisi iui'ss- "ili - 'lm'miitsneteii , WATERLOO , Ia , , April 25.Speciat ( Tel- ogram.Tiso - ) gold stamlarth lmeoide won a do- cldoJ - victory in Horace floie' hmoimme county imore today. They outntmnmheroi the silver I1iie moon timreo to two. Time silvorites , howovr.- iii , . semmd a contesting delegatloms to liubuque , but it is imms' pretty clear timat the gold mmu's- siviIl outmmunmbor theist at the state conven- tion - , Today's democratic cosmvcmutioss Was char- acterized - by the wildest sctnes. In time outset the Cievelammd moats captureti time ccii- ventlon - through Secretary Walker of time county committee , Just as time orgamiizatom- ! perfected Chairman Scott of use coin- maittee - entereti the imnhi , ignoreti tlme PrOceCi- logs and called anotlser convention. Tlmtmm the two convonticns proceed in time sanso hail simultancamiely , each howling the other dowms. The dietumrbanco contimitmed for more than 015 hour. The Cleveland isson summoned SherIff Law had Marsimal Khimmgammmams was brought on thto t'cene by the tvhitc misetai- omen. . No arrests were muasie- .Eacim . convention aniopteti resolutione on time muouie' questiomi , time difference being as great as possIble. Time sliver macmm declared thmemoselves in favor of holes for delegateasl- arge. - . or any nesition time liarty amy have for bins in time state or nation , SOUNI ) )1OPiY IlMOCItA'h'S MidiT- .trlegntes . to tlut'l.ineohlt Coimveustlot- tSeleet eu iii StImluc Ceutmu ties , GRAND ISLAND , April 25.Spcclal ( Tele- gramn.At - ) a meeting of the sound money democrats the following delegates were elected to the Lincoln conventIon ; S. N- .Wolbacim . , James ltourko , Charles Ryan , Fred Asimtomt , Frank. Lange , Frank Corklns , W.- II. . . O.doon and W. Ii. Platt.- OI1D . , Neb : , AltrIl 25Spscai.The ( ) dem- ocrats - of Vahiby county will hold tiseir con- vantlomi - April 27 , for time purpose of electing four delegates to attdnd the democratic state convonticu.- CIIADRON . , Neb. , AprIl 25.Speclal ( Tol- egramThe - ) county convention of the sound mooney democrats tva.s hell imero today. After speeches by 110mm. J. I. Leas , chmairmnami. and others , the followIng state delegates were elected : Ilomm. Jr I. Leas , Robert Osborne , Lee Garner , Patrick Fitzgerald and henry Wobier , FAIRBURY , ' Neb. , April 25Speclal. ( ) Time gold standat-delememit of the democratic party held a county conventIon yesterday aftermioon , with" tvery precnct represented. and elected"tim following delegates to the state conventtoim' J , C. ICestbrson , 1. C- .Ilartlgan . , A. ' H. Thyomus , C. iirsmor , T. L. Ew- log , F. 13. Wilpton , J. 13. Zook. HASTINGS , 'April 25.Speciai ( Telegram.- Time . ) - .soummdmmoniey democrats from time van- ous - precincts -of'Adarn county met isere in convention today. sid selec ol do'eatc.s to the state convention. - The delegates are : J. E. Jones , W, St MeAuley , Joimn Hoffnmnn , Carl Smmyder , Matt Scholi , Charles Wahiqutet , Cor- neilus - Muiiett Cyhms Fo.ney. Time delegates were instructi'Jto vote for henry Kohlor- ot Blue IhllI'fti-dstrict delegate to the usa- tiomial - eonvOtitlbn. There were no farther imiatructicns offp'rd- .O'NEILL . , Ne65 , April 25.Speclal ( Tel- egrani.Tlset - ) deipocrat.s of liolt ecunty isset- In conventlor lt this city today to elect dele- gates - to tbt tat convention. HI HodgkIn was elected iatrxpan , and M. D. Long scene- tany. - . Resolttioti' , vnc auioped endorsmsg 0. F. Ihigliq of thIs city as camididato for delegate to thm'e 'natf nal convem'stion from tIme Sixth congressional district , and aiiowimmg isbn to select the delegates. D. A. Doyle will head the delegation , SCHUYLER , Neb. , AprIl 25.Special- TolegralsiAdmlflistratiOn ( ) , iemocrats im convention this afternoon selected these delegates to the state convommtcn ( : H , E. Phelps , F , C , Reineck , M. M. Jiucli , Is !. Decker , II. C. Wright and Garrett Folkeim.- E. . . E. Davis. ____ SECIJRIO I'OShTIONS IN AlYitGI.Fo- r&'hamsiude.l . icebruuskilums Presided For AgaIn ' 't tiuc St. Lotus Ctisi'eittliIl. LINCOLN , April 25Special.A ( ) pohiti- cal runmor , having its fountain head Imu time animated meeting of time McKinley teiega- tion - at time Lindoil hotel , was today In act- lye circulatioq around time corridors of the state capitol. This rumor Is to time effect that MclCioicy managers have settled on Senator John M 'Tisurston as their candi- date - eIther for temporary or permanent chairman of the St. Louis convention. It had been gemierally supposed that Semmato- rTlmurston was slated to make time speech nominating McKinley , or , at least , cense lii with a good second to the noniinatimmg ad- tiross - of some otimer orator. During the macct- lug of yesterday the discovery was male that Ed Gillespie of hula city had beess fore- handed - enough to secure time appointmc'nt of assistant sergeant-at-arms of the conventIon. This dovctopmon was in the nature of a great ( iiaappolntusent to several. including Delegate-at-Large Thomas P. Kenmiard , who had eiected a certain friend for this very position. It I ,iid that. time appoimmtment was secured through tIme recomminmeisdation of Senator TlmuratOfl , Time Nebraska tielegation.i- mowcver . , went aheati and recomumisende- dJansea 1olIook as the choice of time First diatrict for doorkeepe- r.liehii'y . I'lels thu the Gloves. OMAHA , April 25.To time Editor of Tiso lice ; Ilearimig the refurcml of "Coin" Harvey to debate time subject of free coinage witim- Mr. . itosiewater , and time oubstitution of- Ilryan , and also seelmig the apparent desire of Vandervoort to get a chance at Mr. Hose- water , I respectfully offer , here and now , a- cimaliengo the either Vantiorvoort or Bryan to debate time msmeits of free and unhimimite- dcoirsage of gold anti sliver and time benefits wisicim would accrue therefrom. Any timno will suit muse ; any place as well , Or , it tiseso gentlemen imappomi to be too busy , any champion they may present , wimotimeri- me be democrat , , polUhist or republican , In justice to timq , working clasa to wimich- I belong , I cImIi0time rigimt to say tlmat we should n be usemi to bring the chestnuts to eter. , And as I speak for ; you to publish tiuls ehal- If - Ofl ? . Mr. Ros'svtV will not attend to them , either or bOtih'j iivo us a cimanco at at least one of tlmemmi , ,, "GENEI14tL" KELLY- .IIiirvr"P4 . ! O'iuuuulimi Jougngemueut , OMAHA , Atprlt125To time Editor of The lice : I see by s plsort editorial in time first column of penimmg'a lieu timat you In'- timato timat Mr. W. H, Harvey charges $100- a night for leqt.miying and also receives "a toy- alty - Ott timegmiUtbrettoa' sold at the door. " Now, I dou't , ieIteve Time Boo would seil- iirmgly - misrepresemmt iue facts.- Mr. . . hlarvennc.barges nothing for lecturing , All we slid vttO pay isis actual expenses amid pay forsmmfhQo opera house. As to the books sold , ttmeiVCrO soid , by time W. It.- Ilemmmmett . COfllflitY of Omaha , Klmsdiy give this oxpianationmiuiiYOUr paper , as I feel sure you will. s B. F.VILLIAMS , Secretary of Republican flhinetahiiu League , Omuly MUlCiIl1C" $ Nmimuue Mtintiomis'd , MUSICOGIIE , I. f ! . , April 25.TIme repub.- hlcan . territorial convention met In t'mis 'tv and selected the following msanied delegates to time national conventIon : I' . L. Sopor and 1. H. Foitz , delegates'at.large , and John Coyle , J , P. Grady , It. Ii. Rosa and W. T, Morgan , district delegates. The conromstlon instructed for McKinley , umsaoimssously , ro other name being Presented to limo convea- tion - , _______ Sil'cr1tes to itioct 1mm Iemi'er , DENVIR , April 25.I , N. Stevens , Col- orado - state comnmnltteeman of the bimetallic party , hiss called a misses meeting to be imohi- lin Ienver on the uiimt of April 28 (or tiu purpose of orgaitiziug the new party im Col- oraslo. - . _ __ _ _ _ _ See "ad" of Ak-Sar-hien Cycle Co. , page 20. TUE LiT WEJiI ( New Process - Gasoline Stoves NEVJ3flBEFOIU3HEARDOFPIIC- ES.MILTO . OEHS & SOS' Dissolution and Removal Bale The coming veek will no doubt exhaust our stock of" the New Process Gasoline Stoves , and if it should you vi11 always regret not buying while you bad an opOrtUflity to secure one of these celcbi'atcd stoves when you could have saved Ten Dollars , Don't delay , but come at once if you expect to buy a gasoline stove this season.- cw4t . "New Process"- L _ 1896 Design 1L I Gasoline V ' 4 ,. 1flji kY . ) THE NEW PROCESS IS- VA1tRA ? '. TED. , _ Removal Smtto .s Foi'istut' l't'lca Cut Price .r- , 4 . ? ; 44 % ¼ 3-i3tttiset' Stove , wi1t Step and Reflex Oven .. . ..... . .. . .. . 22.10 ) 812.75 ' _. : th3 4-Btirimet' Store , with Stop anti ilehlex Oven . ... ...... . . . . 23.00 814.00 ' ' Our sale on Ranges , Cook StovcJ , Ice Chests , House and Kitchen Furnshing Goods , is the gleatcst opportunity ever offered the people of Omaha to secure bargains. First class , high grade goods at cost and les- s.Fourteetitli . t aitci Fariiaiii Streets. jSTOOD AT TIlE 'PhONE Beauties .1 the System DISCUSSed at the Olub. ' MESSAGES 1HAT FLIT ALONG TIlE WIRE iimiii' of I hue Oil .1 Ft's I ulres thumit Go- 11usd In hlmuiuI s'Itiu liii , 01' tue iouiut'stic TeIiuOiue , They were situng around time easy fire- place - in time beautIful lsotmio of the Onialua club one evening imot many immontiss ago , dIe- cussimmg - time advantages amid the disidvantage , of the msummmerous fin tIe siecie Inventiono timit- isave alnmost become commonplace in their tmse. Tue telegreph , the j'nomsograpiu ' , time kimmetosicopo and oven tIme all-powerful X ray iufi been brougist up , ts'cli lmamidlcti from all sides of the subject amid timea IndefInItely laid on the table. Thuems sonic oumu its the cenmpany turmmet.l time lmammds of Fatimer 'l'imsse's dock back a dacsde ammd time commversatlon turned on tue unany lmasa of time tclCAiona- question. . One nsemnber wimo doesn't live a dozemi blocks away ( roust time club cild timat he imad- miever regretted Isavimug put a 'phone into imis house , for it saved him time and trouble and anxiety with whIch the niontiuly charge of the conspammy was smot to be compared. lie found it convenient. to teieplmone for luls- carrl.ago , tluat. lie woLuld bring a friend homsi- eto dinner , or timat hue was suddenly called htmL of town , wlmen isG wanted to join a nIce , quiet little , game. "The greatest benefit I derive ( rooi It , however , i in discovering time isresence at time imoumse of a lot of elmurcim delegates , or amy wife's cousIns twicereum- moveil - , and timers avoid a meeting.- "My . wife Is a tionr soul" ime added , "buti- mor eart Is so b'g tim-at sime (eels It imecossary- to tnk care of a quarter of time visiting dl iegatos tlmat aecmn to imseet In conveiutlon at our chmurclm abommt. every otimer week. 11cr big soul just expammds so timat sue can't help It. I don't mind it , emily I'usi mlgty glad tvo've got a 'pimone. Tisrea tlmmies lately I've beemm saved by the little tt'ire. I've foummd- timat a wluole comifercmmce of delegites were ohttipg csroummtl thu table waiting for ama to 01110 borne and asIc the hlessimmg , and I've- 'Pisoard my regrets at being detained at tse0- 111cc. . " ? fAKES A hEAP OF TROUIILE.t- lTho . newspaper mann was tue miext to testify to tiuc fact that the electrIcity hired inomitluiy from the teieiimone company was utterly indispensoble , "Of commse , we could lmardhy get. aiomug witlsout it now , We cams cover isiaces by 'Phone where we couldmm't send a reporter , auid timezi we caim keep track- er our umsen arounui town amid when occasont- lemnande , locate thmeims a imurry , Ouir- smaciety editor finds it so valuable iii getting time names of guests attending a micIalf- unctiomm as does the night PoliceS reporter in- Watciuimsg somali fires at Simeemley aimd at. Walnut 11111. hut the inmsoceimt looking hittlo box gives uis a heap of trouble , at timmies , so mimucim trotihle iii (act , tlmat I almost deter- amino to ask that. It be taken out , "You isavo no Idea of time thuosisanda of people who , on the slightest provocation , run to time nearest telepluono to tell their troubles to a msowepaper , I doms't kmsow why they don't call up the police statiom- a."Vo . are called upon to answer questions 80 varied that ommo wouimi timink a'o em- lIhoyrd - a corps of a half dozen mnei for the exclusive use of our Information bureau , JUBt as time paper is about to go to press anml everybody is on time imustle , the mnecic lIttle Instrument will demand to know time date on teluicim the first UnIon Pacillc train crossed time bridge , or time namimo of time pennant winner in time National league dur. lag the aeaoon of ' 88 , Of course , we imave all these facts at our tongues' ends , but the minutes lost in transmitting time desired iii- ormnatiomi - ( are valuable , "Along In time isight , or perimapim better , in the early morning hours , tiuo whole umigh- tataff is stirred up by souse fellotv who wants to know whether A's imsnd is not higher timamu B's in a play that is carefully oximlainsat- iat a wearisome iemigtlm. Our night editor wee called to time 'phone shortly after a couple of clocks time other nmorning. ' 1 want to arrange a prize fight , ' said a husky voice , and you could almost sumieil the aicoimol corn- .ing . across time wire , Timen iso went omm to enumerate ifls dimensions and time victories that ho lied won , 'I'll light you , ° replIed the msigimt editor , 'Vs'imo are you ? ' cammmo bach iii frightened tones , 'Ohm , that's all rlgimt. You just come right up hero aimd I'll give ycmtm- miii time iirlzo fight )'ou want. ' The anxious one rephietf timat Ime would. consider the immat. tar , and I guess lie still has it under adv- lsomms - en I, LIVELIER THAN TilE FIRS'I' IIAIIY- ."Vo've . got a 'phone in our imoui'e , too , " remsmarked a pronslnent citizen trout the Ilansconm park district , "and it Iceops us on time Jump moore titan time first baby in a somali flat. At first everythuing was lovely.- My . wife rioted telepimonlously with butchers and bakers and canmiicstick-niakers , She would shop , cimat anti direct entirely by- wIre. . Simo lmunted up the address of every other residence 'pimono in the directory , and found some excuse to talk to eacim one whom site knew. I could see that elme was iongiiug ( or the day when the new euhitlon of time directory should como out with our miamne in amsiong time select 400. Even beforet- ime book was issued , a good many psoisie got on to our 'iulmono , but Iielemm explained that oven if it did give souse trouble o send mmiossages to an enitro stramigor four doors below wiretl by anotimer entire stranger in- Ceuncil hilutf or 1mm Walnut 11111. still one nilust rensenmber that it was a great convesm- lonce. - . "The tiirectory canmo out at last , and our tt'lro began to heat UI ) Imnimiedlately. lichen was deligimtcd at fii't. Site got moore recog- nitton - ( remit all over town tiuami she lint ! ever expected. l'eople tlmat sime has ! forgottc.m for years greeted her warimily , an-i sent the up- staIrs - girl on errands all over tise neighborh- ood. - . warnsed sup our end , too , its great shape. I gueas w'e must have loathed more elccts'lclty Into tiunt diapimragmim in a week tluaui we iaitl for In a nuonul.Vo shifted our trade to those stores that imad 'pliomme- ssolely. . arraisgeil et'erytiming fromsi a- transactt'is In brown soap to a dinner party at lcng range. All of our friends partict- pated - ts cur lon4iistance joy. We learned tvitimin ten days Ilmat a private 'pimomse was a pubic smsap , nod like everybody else we gave way to t'ox populi and labor1 for the great- est - good to time greatest number tuncealmjgly- ."Next . , the madam's temnpor began to- crcaso and crackle , and the fact that nothing would Intiuce nmo to aumewer tlmo bell did not make it city better. I watt wliiiimg to take chances timat it wasn't cisybody I wanted to talk to , and tt hess I was alone I always , choked off tue sound with a, towel and nteod- it until mmsy wife came back , where timere was eloquemice amid an umiphugglog of time ma- chine. - . I took down a numsiber of time con- versations - at first , souse of wimlch were funny , but timey isalled upon rapetitlon. Time mnatlamn would ray sweetly , 'Hello , what is- It ? ' Then else would adnilt who she was. After that I could ainsost bet upon it that aho woulsi ask the god to the msmachImie to spell it. Spelling it involved comumpilcatlons , such an 'r , q , r , a , T , ' with the accemmt on time 't. ' Next she 'would declare that site did not know Mrs. Blank , nor where she lived , amid , after another silence , lichen would query , 'Tell her whose baby its sick. ' Mary wosmldt- liomm be called end sent to Inform Mrs. lilamsk that Mrs. Jones' baby wan very sick , and she must go tisere at once- .IklT . WEST FARNAM HARD- ."I . isad a good deal of trouble with the phone for time lIret few days after I hind It. put In the house , " said a moan from west F'arnamn street , "but notiming very serious until one day I imati two or 4tisrce friends up to diniser. Time lmantiy little instrummment was in time dinlmmg roonm , by time way , and s when the bell rang tise nearest man to time transmitter leaned back and took tIme mime- ssage. - . I beard him saycs assd 'Wimat ? ' ansi then lie began to biusis and grow cmi- fUt'cl - ( aisd lie turned to mist , in much eumili- arrassnient - , saylmig : 'lions , you'tl better take this yourself. ' I picked up time funnel cimeer- fully , atmui was asked if I waa Mr. P. 1- adnmittod It. The voice timemi wammted to know wisetimer I timougimt it. was a gemmtlei- msammiy - thing to swiuitlho a iiarml-working widow tvtim two clmildromm to support out of- a paltry 8. Feeling facetious , I Immqulre- dif the voice wonted my opinion imrofession- ally or as a friend. TIme volco lost its tout- per and flied ito opinioms of me amid of may whole 1cm and comsnection , including misy wife , after steeping time opinions , In vitriol. Sue told she ila(1 ( sent that dress out to may isouso antler false pretenses , anti that iti- mati cost her GO cents in car fare for col- lectora - , who eouitlmm't find anybody at house , ontl now what sime wanted to kmsow was , was I going to haY lmor bill , or was I miot gmslng- to pay it ? Site allowed shic wotild have amy wife arrested under any clrcumst3nceotisat- wasi a aisle issue. I called ltlmmry down amsti turned over time ccmitroversy to her , which simnuimore-mI tlosvn to a plain alibi on Mary's- part. . It was some other Mrs. T. tt'hmo Imad got time goods , still I cotmlti see doubt in time ayes of my fricimmis , s'hio left. Cathy , aumfi wise evidently consideretl mae umndcr a cloud. There hiatt been a coimimmoss between us over since , TAIl ON TIlE C'LLS , "I reasoned withu I.ary that evening anti trioml to show her host' that Infernal telu- phone tvas iimiderrnimslmmg our prevlotmsiyi- maimpy lmonse , whereupon alto got angry atud stated timlisga about my exaggerated ecoim- 015W - timat she would not. imave 'aid In cold blood. Wo didn't speak again umstii mom'n- lag. - . It ts'ent on this tray for a steek witim that awful boil alarmnimsg time imoumso at time most unexpocteti times , uustil it got to be a nightmare , with miay extensions , untIl finally I hociareml war. I had lcept tab cmi time Ilorformnance. Out of 100 calls recortle.i , fifty-two imad more or less conmmoction with our imouseholti , timirty-six twero of interest only to our neiglmbom's. mind twelve wem'e from entire stramigers , shmo sougimt to give us some eamploymusent as electrical I3amnar'- Itanct. . I told Mary timat telepimono woulmii- mmmvo to coummo out of tue imouso , She said it- ssouidms't , Tiuero was no place else to imut it.- I . I naked imor wimmit was time nmattor with time stable. Simo got mmmd. I got mad , I told lice he cotuld choose between time telephone and mmso-butim of us coultlms't stay there , Site saiti that ims I made uehu a poimit of it abc dltimm't maumid telling nsa tlmat time telephone was better conmpuny timan I. Well , it t'omm- ton from bail to worse until I gave uny ulti.- mnatuusm . of a divorce ftosn one or frouu time 'phone. I was a fool to do it , icnowiimg- wounemi , especially angu'y womnen , ems I do , anti , of course , imar teicction was time pitoim- e."Fortunaicly . her brotimor is all electrician. aol Imci comliose1 tIme whole qimarrel by putting iii a switcim or cut-off , which , by- turusing a Itni ) , lr.mtvs all the fangs of time wily serpent html has clinsimcd over our Ejeim- garmion walls , Now tsliemm I count' imonme I etmumt omit the mamitiing world. l'eople stanmi- in drtmg storcs nusd ) 'earn for us , but the ) ' cannot rechi tus ; they t'snaot gut a tinkle otut of our bell , timid there 15 peace ii ) time fammtily , Souse of you ft'lltus's that are on the t'orge of U tiemn'stlc crisIs eiilit to try it. " ' 8iituii ml ii i.ii I iii' Jhzuh. ' Vlmus , 1mm a Lest nmgoies rtreet car a contest for room arose time oIlier tlay b'twean tt svnmnti'- mith '- a baby nmmd a woman with a hug ilog , Time woumsumm whim the baby caine a'it llrt t'sat , and te wonsemi witiu tie tlcg s'a , c 'u'io1- There in no danger of e'owlmi to tituch- ivreferencu to bab'es ot"r d"gz lii 1h1't em- shigimtencti - cmsulmlrY , anti iii any o'int the ilme ought to be drawmm at pugt. Alt 1ZOXA'S 31 0 tN'I'AlN l'L'Z'lI.fl.- I . I t mi ibis' 'S'iuruhlOtI. ' Si li hmiiis'ersIile , i't'mi k , 4)1' Oumi y Iii I'gttiuriu I al iri'os C For the last haf century the Amnoricam- iresitients of 'l'ucsoms , At iz , immsve beemm try. lug to solve a mystery in the utisape of what appears t4 lie ml. hole tiurotigis ii tssouumtmtl- npealc hum i'laimt sipimt frosts time totvus. Iii time rmtrliicd m'ir It 1cmoks to be ohily it short tllstamsce nwmuy , w'isrmm In reality it is at least forty miles. Pbs' omirliet residemuts muoticeti time pheimoniemson , amsys time Saul l"rnimcim'c'o Call , amid the only di illetul ty t ii at in y In tiuc- tt'ny of tlnsilmsg out jtmst trimat it watt wmtst- hu. . ) fact that it ts'aH Imimsecesalbie , antI tvlicsui- U.u' )' Cain , ' amsywitor , ' near the ttlot the Ito o- disalipeared front sight , 1mm ( act , it calm cull' be seems ( ruin ,withimi a ( ott' mullets cf- Tust'aon , muuid this ismss led nialsy people to- lelive thmmtt it is not imolo at mmli , fly the aid of a good marine telescope thue- mnoUntmuln can be brought to wltimimit a few malice , but itot near enough to tell the exact nature of the rock formation , An astromiomi- . - cal teleseope cnuinot be focusesi on it , usa tlmo mountain is t' 0 near. A first peeP through the glass would eaml one to be- hove that there was no mn'stery imbauut it , 'Time hole appears as plain as PoiSihuhL' , htmt several slays' study of the spot trill develop tiio fact that tue "hoist" does hot always oolc the samne. 1tlammy timuysu tt'iieit time sicv- ig .lam'hc isehmind ( lit' mmintmntaiu the hole will rltenr a brillIant white , lIke us snowdrIft , tutu on ulays when lIme mdcy Is blue it trill often look so dark as to be aimst invisible- .'l'lcse . : fmwts have led many to think that It is an imntbnse pee ! of mimics hyIng witii its lutilisimed stirmiee towmirl time s'lcr and to- ilceting - tIle cloi formatiosms of aumothor part of tile hor.zon instead of being tIm .igimt seen through the hle. Vieweti with , time naked eye time imole simply tmiipemsm's as a white spot , imt the telescope reveals pine trces amid other details , altlmougi ! % 'ery in- dist I net iy. The range of mrmountmtinms In whirls thiC strange Peak can be seen imi kuiuwmi as the ( "atalirmns, antI numniorous parties have rnadti the attemsmpt to climb it , htit all iinve failed ems account of the steep and rur"etl ,, ,,.-. prociplees in the vicinity. The peak is a ' umigh ouse , anti can ie seen (runs mumy poimst- in the jourumey toward it , hnut wisems ten ashes out of Timcson tue hole can no loner hue naomI , evemm with tile aid of a glass. This can ha oxp'mtlmled ott the urdca theory , as a- scrface of hint material would not reflect IL l'hsy Of light toward versotl's eye after timey got out of its tiligIt? of praiectlomm , SmilhIuta' iIiIs hiuuci' br ii I'rizt' , TACOMA , April 25.A race to Aumatrahla for $500 a side is on botis ceo tIme hiritisim- simlp Andrlna anti the Scattisim laies , wlmlclt sailed tomiay. liotb ves.aals are fast sailors.- Thuree . years ago time Ammmlrlmia's captalmm won $1,000 lim a race fromn Tacoma to Emmgiand- .iil . a (' ' ( ' urns 'l'mii.'ms Omit i'nI.S- T. . . LOUIS , April 2i.A specIal to this i'ost-Iispatcht frouum El Pasa says : This Santa Eulaiia mines of Chmiimuaimua caved imu yester- day. - . Seven nminors wore taken out dentl and thirteen woumutled. Forty-tour otimors are stilt 'n the mines. Is'mithmi of mu 1)ny- .AUROItA . , Ill. , April 25.General Nicimola- aGrousci , veteran of tile Mexican war anti hiero of Stone Itiver , Corinth , amid Murfreos- inro - ; , died at Imis house lit thmis cty today of cancer , TO CURE NERVOUS DYSEPS1A'- J'o Gmm I mu Fl esiu , to SI rep ' Vehl , I u Is. uminv % 'himu t A misrtle iuuiti 4t.iiI I) iges- lion ilciiui , iizuic. ' uu 'I'd's ( of- Shliti ct's jysiriusIii 1ll IiitU , 1mm eu't'sfiiig Hi iu'rlrult'i' ( If ml ju Inillnn.i- .'mutliiujiuu . ,, ) ( , No trouble Its inure common cr more imils- ummtlarstootl - I imatu nervous slyspepsla. I'eoplmil- mavltmg it timinlo that their miorves are to blame anti are surprscti that timey are imot , ' curoui by mierve mswuliclnes timid spring rome- tiles ; time real seat of time miscimief is lost aigimt of ; hue stomnmmchm is thmo organ to be looked after.- Norvomus . dyspptlca often do mint have any ImaImi whatever in time iutqmmmacii , nor luerhaps- atty of lime usual syntptouiss of utomssaciu wc'alc- .floss. . . Nervous dyapepala shows itself imo- tIn the stomach ao niucls as In nearly every otimei' organ ; lit sousie cases tile Imoart palimi- .tmstes . anti is irreguimim' ; iii otimermi hue lci'lrmeymi are affected ; in titimors time ijo.oin are calm- .stipatc'sl. . . With imeatiacimes ; still others (mrs troubled whim loss of flesh and aiipetite , wmti- uaccunmuiatlon of gas , sour miingmt and heart' , . bsinmiMr. . t.V. . Sitalper of No. Ci l'ropect 13t , . f- Iumdfamapohls , limti. , writes as follows : 'Ai- mmotivo of imtmro gratittmdo Imrourmilts 1150 to t'rlto these few hues regarding the new auth valu.- ahlo . inetUCiluL' , Stuart's I'spollsla Tablets , I ham luceim It tmt1'erer frotim nervous dyapep'- tsii 101' titO inst ( "hr years ; imave used t'arlosis- itatent iumedirlnes cud oIlier reimmetlos without nil ) ' 1mi't-raiii' ressilt. 'rimey msoissetime.m gave tdmnlarary rilf until tlm effects of the moe ii- cimie - wore off. I Lmttu'iluted ibis to my so- iontary - , lmabits , lielmug a bookkeeper with iii- tie pimysit'bl exerelbe. but I am glad to 511111- timat time Tablets have overcoiie alt tim't- eb'iacles , for I tmmve gummed In fb'sim , sleep bettor nod ani better its every tray. TIme msio'o is written not for imotoraoiy , but It- isased ems actual facts , " htesprctfmm.iy yuur , A. V. SllAltL'Ehl , Cl Prosimect St. , Imidiammapohis , , It , s.afe hi ) C5 ( list Stuart's Iyspup ! Tablets wiil mire mummy totnmtcti weakness or dIsease exteit enmicer of stomach , 'rimey curs sour aiouaichmi. : gmss , lost : of flesh iid all' petite , hlrepicummcba , pmmipitatiou , imeusrtburim , constiiu.ttkn miami Iemmdacimea ; , - Send Itmr rniuabs little btsol ; on t'iumaCh- miitsadad by addressing Stuart Ce , , Marshall , cli iiaiata ( U iiiz Cd P5 chu ges at jil

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Page 1:€¦ · --- --- --- -- -.----- -- - ------- -----r_ ----- -- --I-3! I-_ _ _ _ _ 'I11E OMAhA JAILItEE: SUNIAY, A1llIL6, H39( . tota'' 1o. ICilpattick , 1och &

--- - - - - - -- - - -.----- - - - - --- - -------- ----- --- ---r_I-


I-!SUNIAY A1llIL6 , H39 ( .'I11E OMAhA JAILItEE : ,_ _ _ _ _

tota'' 1o. ICilpattick , 1och & Co. of thtficity had Just purchaec th , stock.-



. A. .1uIin of the Kuhn company. whoam tile 0wner and oeratnrA o th ( Vhlto-1toue Inn. IocattI at IItth and Cart av'ewe ,, , reecivefi a te1cgratn from their mani-ger

-that the fire hnd rnIed tIier property.

and although bulhfln hail been .estroye1all around them , tha property wM icafe. Tel-


to the same effect wore received bythe Orchard.WIlhoIrn company ; whose branchatoro Ia located With a Irgo itnck at Sec-


( flfl ( Myc'r nvenne , and also by the Mc-


1nveitment comjany a to their olflce-

a tecont and flennott avenues.Among the Omaha people wiw were burned

out wa I ) . C. 1attetcn. who held a 1eae-on tIit. IarIey building. lII Ic , IclidIigt-he. . Ieae. will be opProxirnately 3LOO.Among tIine who subronted from him were1) . V. ho1c. E. lleno'JIct nnl the GreatUC1)U1)lIC) ) aoll( Mltilng company , whose aggre-gate

-loss ill ho In the neighborhood of

1000. -

C : J. C'3nan & Co. cf thiR city had withintlio last tow (lays received a stock of goodsvalued at $1,200 , located at Third and lIen-nett


iivenuo. Last Tliursiay the go3dM scre-ortlered to ho rcturncd to this city and Mr-.Cnan


is of the opiLlon that they are nowIn transit , but may Possibly have boon do-tamed and iurned.)

The Coloriidu Ltimter, coinpany which Isbranch of the Cndy Lumber company of

this city , reported at headquarters Instevening that $1,000 worth of Iiitnber whichIIfll boei delivered to buhldhiigt under con-struction

-hin1 ieen, burned and was a total

loss , The yard , however , was safe.-J.


. It. (ictty. who In conducting a restau-rant

-on second aventn , and I) . W. Saxo , In-

a sinhilnI' business on thio same thoroughfare ,-cro just outaldo of the burned distric-



SllpportM 4)1 tlti' V're iiiing lie-fllIs'ui.Ii

-II 31 I ii.r IC I IIei.-


PASO , Tox. April 25.A special dIe-patch to the Times tonight from Chihuahua ,

Mexico , Says : The most terrhblo mining dIe-aster that over occurred in northern Mexicohappened Thureday afternoon at the Viejamine , about twelve mIles from this city , Inthe Santa Tulaila dletrict. The mine is a-

very rich siier mine and has boon workedfor thio last 100 years , The roof of the mInehas been UPportod by great nihlars of ore ,anl a few weeks ago P. It. Prieto. tb owner ,began taking out these i1pports. I'rletourged the miners , v1io are MexIcans , to con-tinue

-t work in spite of IroLests) , it is iid ,

and the terrible accIdent resulted. 1lghty-five nnii were at work when the cave-in oc-


Of t11Ctt ) eighteen escaped , sixty-seven were buried , and of these thirty-sevenhave been taken out , seven of whom aredoati a11 thirty srIousiy crushed and manywill not live. There Ia very little chanceof recovering alive the thirty mcmi yet underthe earth. The governor left here todayfor the'r-


, .

( ) I.I ) MINi ON F'I1tI.-



1ieOhI4i ( 'omiliol imliti J.IMMC-N'viIi 11 * 'er li'zty.-


, Cal. , April broint out Inthe t3tandard mine tlil morning 1)ofore theday shift came on. TIme lire started on the550-feot level. The flames are still beyondcontrol. and tIme man shaft Is a burningfurnace. MIners are doIng everything intheir power to bulkhead all cross cuts. toprevent the fire frcm spreadIng to the I3odiemine , with which it Is connected. The doe-tric

-machinery btirnrd L that In-it In one

year ago. Miners cannot ascertain the ex-tent

-of lIme damage , and may not for several

days. Time less is thought to ln very great.-No

.one was In tIme mnmme at the tlnie the fire

started. 'l'lme Standard Is one of time prlm-sclpal

-gold mnnes of the state , and ita stock

Is mostly owne(1 by New York people-



IIIsiaes.WEEPING WATER , Neb. , April 25.Spec-

ml( -

Telegram.-FIro) started thIs eveningbetween two frame buildings containing afeed store , machine shop and broom factory.The contents and buIl1iiigs were consider-ably

-damaged. The fire department prevented

a total ices. Loss about 500.CRESTON , Ia. , April 25.SpocaIEarly( !

this mnornIngltelargebarn of Henry Itee.te ,

ten nmIlea outImwent otCrestorm , was de-stroyed

-by fire. Elght head of horses , two

mules , 100 tOns of hay , harness and farmimplements Were cowcumnetl. The total lossis about $3,000 ; partly Insured-



'I'O A FAMOUS i1UItJ1It.'.Votumtmi Ieelure.SIa. ' Shot

er ) ( l I)1H4 'Vu , Ye , , rs igo Iu.1mi.WAUPONVis. . , April 25.Minnie Allen ,

a convict , 30 years old , servIng two yearsfoi' Irurgiary , lia confessed tbaton the nightof April 2d , 1894 , at Buffalo , N. Y. , aho shotand lihie Montgomery Gibbs , a lawyer.

She lived at Niagara Falls , on the Canadianside , and clams that Gibbs lied promised tomarry her. She says sh met himis on thecorner of Bryant street anti Ielawaro av-cimue

-, and repeated her request that ho marry

her, Ho rofud , and slw shot h4nt threetimes. She says alto makes tlmo confcialon-to clear Clarence Robinson and wife , whoare serving life sentences tar the murder,

She said that at tIme expiration of lipr eon-tonco

-she will go to Buffalo and plead guilty

to tIme charge of murder. She viIl , be re-leased

-in a :ov weeks.

About a month ago she sent for WardenIlnucroft and told him that abe had a secretwhich hind bei. troubling her conscienc fora long time. She thou told itin she hadshot Mr. Gibbs in l3ufTaio. She said that shebad first met Gibbs in Canada moverni yearabefore the murder and toll in lava with him ,lie apparently returned her atiectIons , butsubsequently deserted her. Becoming des-


at the wrong done her by Gibbs ,

she timrcatont'd his life. But the attorneyvaiil mm ntt nticri to her , and ohs says thatafter lie loft her in CanaIa , site followedItipt to Iiuffaio. Again she ioaded withhim anl asked htini to keep 1mb pramina ,

but lie rcfusd to do so , She then waylaidbins at New York as lie was eturnimmg to-

ltls home , shot hint amid fled front the city.-_ _ _,Jo, t.IIolr1'YYOMJNG' $ ( OFJtNO1i.

' ( , nmu It hi t'tilei'tI I misit II C by a-

( 'MN 'l'riu a szmi'l I on-.CllE'INNE


, April 25.Spcclai( Telegram.-Yetermlay

. )- at Lnramio Ludwig Georgewna founti in a demnr'nted condition startingtoiilk barefooted to Cheyenne , Site lud-a revolver , amid Haid site was going to shociGovernor itinhurds for defraudimig her outof her leiso to semite school land ,

Governor flichmartls was seen today in ref-erence

-to the niatter. Ito aaid Mrs. Oeogoh-

mati been thn loeeo of a section of aclmoollaud , thu lease 111)00 WhIch expired in Jan.-


. She offered to ro.leaso the land forterm of live yesrs at ami aimnual rental of32. Tlaviil McCulloeim offered to Icaso time

t'amc' land and pay $77 a year , antI occureti-it. . Them is no c4uso in ( Ito treatment bytime land board of Mrs. George for hog to-

beconlo insane ,

' ' ( ' )' % 'ezmrN for ,t rsn.I'-mi.

.. . April 2.Thme-

gati ot ltnllanN who belong to time Maltammoclt'iy 1mm and niiout 11aehton , who vere-cosivleted yesterday of arson.ero toda-ettamteoii to tWOIltY yrars each In lime twn -tenhinry, They ore .11111 I'nss4vnla , ..lamne-HCareilt' , .1oiph eamnoratmi aitmd lilce SlPCI ,

'i'lms (uriner, v1mo was time leader of theMniias. Was senteneetl to seivo an addi-.tionul

.ilvt' years for robbery-

.a.-- -----

II , . ' 1. ) iii'hI mig 0 iIstms1&-e.ICNOX'1LLi

., 'l'enn. , Almrli 23.floportel-

mt out Inst itlght that a 1110)) ) WU on theway ( remit J.ffarnon county to lynch Murdererflawes pruvo to be a fake , Mos4age fromDandridge , buiimosed to b time base of themob's opematlolis. show all quiet , mind no-

itlelmipt 1t lynching threatened ,

nil ) VIII'flt $ Of Oom'mi ii V'sMI.lN , .t iriI-.u. New 'oric-.trrived-Unibrla , from

Y1tverpooi ; Asehen , from liremen , Sailed-'eendatn.

-. from Itottordamu ; ls Gosogne , for

liarvo ; Siuitgart. for llrsmnou ; tulds , forNaples , etc. , Thilngvafla , for Stetin , etc. .

Cmsmnpmila , for Liverpool.-At


l.iwbouSaUuIDanm2O Marra , forNec' ?otk.-


I Liverpool-ArriYemIEIruria , from NewYork. 3ilot-Oeergl' for New York.-


ilmsmburg-SahlCtl SQrremato , jet' Now

Yo1ohmtmiia - Sailed - , forTacoma.:

i rc-Satied-La Iiourgcgno , fr ow.' oimtiiamit-Saiied-Nev York , forNiw Vurk ,

- --- -----


Governor of' Illinois Disputes the eore-


-Official Figures ,


( thou H I frunmi .t nieii t S't'eImes-Us'it i iiat , ; t'p I h. Sb te-


-* tIt it't'fl t itmul lMsleM-

Ileferreul 'I'o ,

Sl'ltlNGlIFM.D , April 25-Secretary Cir-


-: has len answered by Governor Altgeid.-



a Pointed open letter , xnati p01)110 toJay ,

the guvrlmor replies to time address on time

muohiey question , whIch the secretary rectntlydelivered at the Auditoriummi in Chicago. Uov-


-Altgeld'a letter is as follows :

A teacher Choul(1( be willing to ansvert-jtietIons. . At the close of Mr. Carlisle S

; , eech a number of gentlemimen arose andasiceti for further lmiformmttloll , but Ito turnedlila back and slIpped oft the stage , anti , bydIrection of his mnamiagera , his questionertt-vere imtlstet out hy poilcemnemi. lie could

have ltimnelt very interesting on anumber Of I ) lots iilcli be Iertltent1Y ig-


. Iii ISiS , when discussing the moneyriuostion in congress , ho expressed his con-


In the following lammguage" 1 slmal mint sitter into ami examination

of the causes whirls have combined to tie-


the relative value of slIver nod to-

uI 1-eclate the value of gold since lS3 , but I-

am one of those who 1eiievo timat they am atransient mind temlorary In their nature ,

anti that when they have misset1 away orhave liceim removnd by the separate or-tiniteti actions of the nations most deeplyinteresteti In the subject the old ratio ofactual mumml relative value vii be re.estab.l-imbeti

.on a firmer 1ouridation than ever. I-

krow that the world's stock of vreclous-mnetnls is none too iarga , anti I see no rca-soil to rmpmehen' '!. that it lIl ever becomeSo. .Iankintl vlti he fortunate , indeed , Iftime annual iroductton of gold anti slIvercoin hai keep imee with the annual in-


of population , cmnmerce nod in-


. According to my view of the 1301-


, ( ho conspiracy which seemns to havebeen formed Imere mtnd In luropo to destroyby legisiation anti otherwise from three-sevenths to one-half the metallic money ofthe world Is the most gigantic crime f thisor any other. age.-


conmttmmmatlon of suds a schemewould ultinrntely entail niore misery tEpOIS

the hiumun race than all the wars , pestIlenceand tmtmine thjst PVcr occurred in time isis-tory of the world. Tue absolute afli in-


destruction of half time mnos'ahloproperty of the worlmi , including horm'es ,

331111)14 , railroads and nil other appliances forcarrying on commerce , vJilie it vomilmi befelt more sensibly at the Inoment , votmli notProduce anything 111cc tile prolonged dIstressamid disorganization of sotlety that mustinevltgby result fromis the ermnIment anni-hilati

-U of onp.hait of time metallic money

of the world. JOHN G. CAflLISLF."-l.'elmrumtry


21 , 1878. "CllANGIi ) TIIFIIR ViFVS.-


wili le seems that this language is clearand emphatic antI hits none of the sophistryand pettifogging about it that are found ittIsis Chicago siscech. Ills awful predIctIonsmade in ISTS CaIne to pass. lie not oiiiysaw his otvn isroplsee fulfilled , but he sawtile misery of his country become ovemigreater titan ho lma predicted. F'inilingthat his vIews had been correct , Ito con-tInned b itolti them until he entered Mr-.cev&and's


: cabinet. when , ill some tayst-eriotma

-manner. there was a. change of-

heart. but (or somne reason he seems unwill-tog to talk about it. 'rimere are two othermembers of the. cabinet , Hoka Smith ofGeorgIa , and Herbert of Alabama , who ,

like CarlIsle , bad made their voices heardfor nearly a lifetime in demanding the res-toration

-of si'ver ailmi in denouncing the

great conspiracy that struck it down ; andstrange to say , when these two men en-tered

-Cleveland cabinet , they underwent

a change of heart , and lIke Carlisle , theyavoId taklng! abotit it. When Satm of Par-ses

-saw a. great light anti chmimmged IsIs

vIews he was anxlomm to tell all the worldabout it : bitt these three statesmen seem to-

ho ashamed to discusa the manner or theirconversion. Why did not Carlisle throw alittle light on this question ?

2. All of these men now denounce thosepeople tvhio are OppOsea to the ium1e godstandard as balug scdundres! and lunatics.Yet they are only following the doctrineswhich Carlisle & C. . preached. Are we ,

then , to infer that Mr. CarlIsle and hl twocabInet associates were scoundrels antS luna-tics

-until they got to-ba 01st men , and that

thels the tineI of a cabInet positIon jiot-mad. .' them honest. but gave theta

Irains ? If not , then 130W are wo to knowwhich- end of their career was homiest , its-


and patriotic ? Far in time RbSCIICC-of amoy explaItsItiOrt some of us TnIgtt) thinkthat they were honest and patriotic , when inthe vigor of their manhood they wt're stand-log by a wronged peopie , and that it is thelatter tttl Of their-career that is destitute ofhonesty , intelligence or patriotism. Car-hlle

-should have ted us-



3. Mr. Carlisle sh-uid have explained whyit was that for 200 years gold and slverh-eimi list' maikot ratIo of about 15 to 1. Theratio tixeti by law was 15 to 1 In some casio-tries , l5',1 to 1 in most countrIes. and for a-

whllt' 16 to 1 in our ciuntry. Sit otherwords , tIme market ratio. as shown by thetahie9 , memained practically tue same isa thestatutory ratio during all that timne. Ifthe two mnetalm canmmot stand together howdoes it happen that they (liii do so withoutserious fluctuatIon for O0 yearn , notwith-standing

-the fact that the annual produc-

lion of earls metal varied greatly from timeto tinte ?

4. If omsy one of the metals can be astandard aIsmY a measure of tile value oftimings , and if a combined mmtamstiard of botis-go'd and sthver Is as it is to have two yard-sticks of tliit'erent lengths , why was It-

ti'mit sonte of the greatest iInaIicier of thewothsl. noti psrIiclihmi ry Baron Rothscisiltl ,

slated iti io , tisat it. wis the suits of thetwo metnis taken together which formedthe measure of the value of things ? Nomatter svhichm 'metal mlht for a tinle pro-dominate.

-. neverthcless the 803)1 of the two

takeis toetiier was the muensure of the valueof all prterty. If the Sante countries Itaststricken down gold by uw and destroye4-it for monetary ures anti made silver thesole standard woulti hot eUver have g"ne upa-

misi the lurcisam3immg Power of gold gonetiown ?

& Mr. CarlIsle lsnul4 hnvt exphulnel whyIt t'iss that in every coummiry where sliverwas striekems down. it was t1on 151, the mtrh-itrat'

-net of government , 511511 titut iieili.ere-

oInInm'rce nor busimsess had aiiyth'n' to dot-t'Ithm it.-


. it It; a tunmlamemstal lmtw , recogntz'ml byall gelds standard Iinnneicrq. cX&pt rectnm-converts. . that tvls is tht' oum' of niolmey-in the worimh is reduceti , the rehiing arice-of all property and consim.iitia gof:9: thuwn-eorrtspotithimighy , tlIer. ' ( ) : the wiimlng nutimy law of nearly half Lhi fli.ltmdy ot' theworld imati to redu'e thit' belting iriO) of-consmnomhitios ProloItlonateiY.) Anti , inns-mtIcll

-OH time deht tvt'rc iio edimr.'J , memt in-


wmlm4 not retitineil , no.1 its axes t 'n itnot rt'dsIcetl , does not 'lr Carlisle htmlce-vemi stow just as he 311(1( In il78. that a greatcrlnie stas conslnittemh ngailnit. the otiredebtor eImis , and ngalnst this pr'.ltmcinr-c


mlsg by imriisglng almout a eom'hittc.n, . of , ti-

fnII s I ) )' 1155 ' which compelled Iho 'lebicir ,

tile Itrosiucer amid the labrer its 5011 LW l" AS-

tilucis property or labor mu. tere rornvmly,

necessary tO get the .mmiimn ,mnlOmllmt ofmoney ?

CONCERNING PRICES.7 , It Prlcn are si, reduced that it takes

eveiytimlng tue debtor can get together topay his flxetI charges and evesyilmlng thtm'

laborer ccii got togelhir in bsly a. littleo'arse clothing omit ] ; tlaiis food for his (min-tly.

-: . eats eitlwr the debtor or tile laborer

spend mnuch money biiyiiig oIlier artidleb ?

' mid it' hits cannot , ( lien mntImt thin I msot ra-suit In hint lestructioml of tvhsit we oncecalled omit' great home mnrk.t. ? It tlsls is-iehlroyetl , at) that out' gremit factories anti

inihimsiries are iimab1o to dispose of their vro-thsictions

-, ititIst they not shut tlo'n amid

thil ow labor out of employment ? Is notthat exactly t'imat has hiaspond iii this couss.try ?

8. As tile iaborr prospers lilost wimentheme is mt large demand for time articles hecreates , mhoes it 001 necessarily follow thatsushI timtre le a rise in prices , ito that thedebtor chsss smnd ( he lmroilI'ilg, enmi dolarge tnisehlamieous luyIng , tImro Is no hopefor tlsi iniar.r ?

'3. Ati thst'm it tanimot lie a gemteral rise In-

imriecs svlthout an imtercmssn in the volum' of-mooney. . flitIst not tite lrem3t'nt parmiiyls antistanatiomm continue lii titci tvorlti until the%'aiumno of l0000V is ugtiill restoreil to tt'isat-It t'mls before silver svmms stricken shown ?

10. There are in time Uniteti Slates ovem'0,000 baisktl. includIng msati'issl , state auth-ilrlt'ste. . Time comptroller o ( Ills , currency.o-mn


of Mr. Cmtrislo's ttsslstmtuts , meceivedreports ( rommi these bamsks , uiluowimug thetotal amount of money or every klssd thateach baltic hued on July II , IS9. Fi'omis thisreport It olmepars that there wits in rounti-mmunshers only $127,000,000 or gold Iii mill ofhue banks of time LJnitett Htnte. This wasnh of the available gold in limit.. country.There ttmts about $ lft000.000) lit the treasuryitt that time. but this is Itoh available. Mr.Carlisle 111(1( mtOt refer to these figures , whichare icisowit to he accurate hut intenii , hi

cited time i1turcs Iveii utul by tue dftoetor-of time taint , also one of iuii assistumnt , in-

wimicim it is oaimsied that Ihere are ahutul$ * (,0.000 of gold iii this cotmmmtry,

Mi'. Cmii lIsle must knpw that these figuresmire imscorrct9. anih that time tabis given outby mime director of tite saint on tisis Point arewerihles * , boeau5 It appears fromus his re-port toy 1193 that ho assumes hint everydollar put imi clrctiiatlomm t.inciS iS7 in thiscountry I , siihl ip circulation , except 'where

ret'orsi was made of exportation , andthat ho has made no allowance for themoney that was casi'lel over our northurn-bsindary and our southern boumntirtry fortenty-fotJr years , nor for the money emi-trr'ii

-iack by the ( 'hInCe It3rtng thtt time ,

nor for gold' ein tmod in the nrt and hotreporte during that tIme , nor for all; oct. nor for a I that was carrld acrossthe ocean in the pockets of our people mitmr-


-nil tiso.e enrs. Yet the director says

In imis report of 1891. that during the l'nrls-dxi ) sltion the total sum Silent ty 0111' 1100'-

iti abroad in one your Wmis over $ h3O.O*% imy does Mr. Carlisle use figures that he

knows mire inerleci , nod tire mnminitetly-g.vsn Out only far thins ptiipOe of misleati1-01

-:- the Atnerieai PeoPle Oil the qimertion as-

to the ant -unt of money thsn'3' isave In cir-cuhmttion


11. A year ago Mr. Cheveand edit forhis former ow lsartner nmmil close (ricoh ,

and through him Clevelausth nod Carlisletogether , made a secret contract tritim an-


friend. who was a farther cUemst ofCleveland , ly, whirls that friend nail imi-mtassocifite mre ulalors , were enable ! to snakealoe of ten utjliliomm dollars out ef the got'-ermsment

-in a few tveeks on a smal bsiti-

transaction. . Anti tist' reason given fortills extrior.ihmimtmy anti oven crimstlnmtl Tir-ec.itIre

-%; 'nN thmmit the phecmuators: and sharks

ofVall Street hati agreed to Protect thegovernmssent against time gold riltis until thefollowing November. That is , the wealth-lest , the so st ossterurislng. most powerful ,

flmot lndtmqtrtotms atsl thrifty nation on theglolrn Paid tribsito to a small iand of specsm-


for puotectton , Anti ts'imeli time mantisof November arrIved , these speciml'storswithdrew their protectlomm. and then thegovermimuen t Proceeded to lsssmo an 'thor ' $100, .000,000 of bondr , thus increasing the burdensof our peollO.)

Now , Mr. Carisle might have oxpatlateti-on this and iminted otit to the Ainerlcat-iiierpe time. ioty character of the states'-manshil ) Imivolvoti iii these transactions ; forstramige to Ey , many of our intellIgentTeOPlt' mire utterly tinahiht' to comprehendit. While Mr. CarlIsle tiocs not Seeni to-

hmivn been a sucees. in the capacity of-

hsmnco steerer among the iaboring men of-Cimlcngo , there are many ; aints upon whtchlie cosiid be very interesting , anti I wouldt4slggest that they hiring imim hack amid lethim talk about mssttn'rs in whtcis he is at-honse. . JOHN 1' . AhTOEbI ) .

"COIN" hiAht'Id't"S ANSWEI1-



suit ( nuzy1tepi I i's d a ( tilesi-iiims

-( I'roiioiilm.ieil iii 'VIie lire ,

OMAhA , Anril 25.To tlmo Editor of Tue-

13cc : I enclose asmswers to the QuCstionspropounded its year Itapor , to which I ImopO

you will give sisace.1 , If time dollar of 371 % grains of pure

silver is the unit for all primary mnoneycoined by tue UnIted States , why do freeslIver men iorslst in setting up gold astime unit ims deniandin a ratio of 16 to 1 ? Ifoliver is tis unit standard , why do not theydemand time ratio of 1 to 15 ?

Time answer is : It is not true , blmnetalllsts-do not accept gold as time unit of value. Thethee confounds symphony of language withfact , and on timat builds an argssmsient. Theyare imarti up for argunient and that is timereason why tiscy do It.

The hhee's argument ensbraceti in Ihsis ques-then is something lIke the fellow wise provedto hIs own satisfaction titab a cat isad threetails. lie did it this way : No cat imas twotails , amid o'o cat has one more tail thanmm cat ; therefore , a cat tins three taIls.

2. If free and unlimited silver coinage at16 to 1 by tito UnIted States alone tvouldrestore tue bsuillomi price of an ounce 0 ? all'-ver to 1.29 in gold , what advantage 'lil timedebtor class galmi unless time debtor is a mineowner or hiss a stock of silver bqhlion on handto sell ?

Aststver : The debtor class would find amarket for thmeir iiropert' . They would ox-


their Property for about twiceas many dollars as tlmey can now , andwithm these dollars they tvouhml pay theirdebts and save their homes from sheriffs's-aimi and theniseives from becoming paupers.

3. If the bullion price of silver were re-


to 1.29 an ousmee by th passageof a ( rae sliver coinage law , wouldany bullion owner want to go to-

tue trouble of carryimmg imis metalto time nulnt and wait isIs turn orcoinage , if lie could sell imis bullion Its themarket for as many dollars before it wascoinetl as ise would receive from time mintafter it was coimied ?

Answer : With tito mInts open to tree coin.ago of sIlver as tlmey are now to cold itwould work timls way : A man ownnt Rllvorbullion would sell it to any ne wantingit , atfree coInage prices , and it, or all of it ,

not being absorbed in that way , iso "wouldtake it to tue mint anti have it coined Immto

money ; it would be harstied back to him inthe form of money to spend-to invest-andyou and I could get some of it. It wouldwork just as It did before 1873 and just as-it does now with gold.

4. If time bullion price of sliver woreequal to its coinage value , would there beany more silver in actual circulation amongtime people titan there is miow , when time silverdollar itt equal In pssrchmaslng and debt-pay.tog power to the gold dollar ?

Answer : To admit tismtt timere would notbe would be to say that the people wouldnot accept more money than thhy imave now,it they could got it. Do you know of any-bcdy

-hero iii Omaima of that kind ? With

free coinage , silver would seek time imaintand W9 wuulml have all the silver produced ,lint. comisunsed by the arts , in circulation asmoney , anti to say that the people wuid notexchange thOir property for good money is-

to smy that they do not want more money ,wlmih is not true.

5. If the -restoration of the bullionprice of silver by a free coinage act did no-

ncreaso time aggregate money cIrculation ,

what would tise mperchalm , the farmer andthe mechanic not immediately comicerard ittsilver oninimig gain ?

Answer ; Tiso former alsawer answers th's-quection.


.6. Assunto tisat the entIre silver prod-


of the United States , say 100,000,000-ouuices , were coined amid added to our 'eel-unto of clrculatin money every year , wouldan Ammiarican fimrmnor , cattle raiser or planterget a penny more for lila product than liegets under time presemmt system. when everysilver dollar and paper dollar is as good as-a gold dollar , and so long its the price of-

graims , beet mud cotton Is regulated by tilesupply and densanmi for these commsrnodities iii-

tue tvorltl'e markets ?

Anawcr : There is not 100,000,000 , but ad-


that timers is , I Imope there wIll be.But when a umian admits tlmgt there will bemore money in circulation. mind in tue sante-breatis rays that time produceis will not getInos.o of it for their products tItan they didwhen money was scarce , ito says that whichevery one knows cannot he trime. Those whoreinonsbor oltl times know better , All econo-maiMs know better. Time man who makesi3uclm a stittontelmt is rattled.

7 , It free amid unlimited sliver coin-age


at 15 to 1 can be mnatntalned regardlessof time bullion value of time white metal , andwithout an international agreement , whyimave Mexico and Chill failed to keep theirsilvem' dollars on a parity with gold ? Andwhy do time Mexican mnino owners simip theirsilver bullion to tue American and Emighisis

markets , ts'imcn they can imat'o it freely coinedinto Mexican dollars at time Mexican mInt ?

Armswer : Because they are not big enough ,

as I explained last night. it's 111cc° summ-


-a boy to mill , " and because time boy

can't got tlmero , is no reason vlmy a moan

can't.The Mexican silver when sent here is ox-


for goid , and witiu the gold our"c'heap"-chieap under gold standardprop-erty

-'is purchased amid taken to Mexico and

93111 Zor at least tsvice what llmoy paid forit iii gold. That is tIme reason why theydo it. , II , HARVEY-



) V1' 'I'Iil S1L''ltlt : hiIN ,

1dmiImuIstrnt1on Smuldto lie 'I'ryluug * u-

'uIul rol Cite ituste Comu'mu lieu ,

OrrUMWA , Ia , , April 25-Speclal( Tolo'-grssmnTlme) free silver loaders were tmroyninto a state of excitement today by ath'lces-to time effect that the admnimmlatration proposesto make an effort to control the Dubuqueconvention. Simico lion , J , J , Iticisardeon'sr-otmirn lroiim Washington timore have been twonsootimmgs of the federal office imoldera lo thesouthern losit JudIcial district and sonme ofthe pmomnimsemmt poetmimasters , anti the ivord wa-givei out that they must take an activepart ho see that every coumuty sends am-

i"honest mnoacy" delegation , At the Iceokuk-isseeting DistrIct Attorney Fullen , CollectorStactihouse , ex.Distriet Marshal Ed Camp-hell , l'estnmaster Ayres aisd various deputieswore ltu'esent , arid as a result timoy mire vorki-mig

-like beaverd to gel time proper delegation

selected , 'rime free silver men have notcounteti cii this and 1mm many places confessthey will be fotmnd napping. however , outof time elgimt coummtitmi wimicim have lucid con-


they chains a solid silver delegationso far. 'time miewe from flack Hawk tonightgives time leaders hero fresh coursge ,

Culled a ill , uii'lmuhiiit Cous'vuutloui ,

LENVER , April 26N.! . Stevens , statecomusitteemmsauu of time bimetalliC party , hascalled a state cemsvemstion , to be held iii lice-cr


April 28 , for time purpose of electingdelcgatea to the national convention ,


iI C

Interesting 1Cofl1kst of Iowa Democrats at-

S ill Waterloo.)

. .t (


1'il ii't' it iI % , , ) it't'l IT ( 'mihleil I mu his' tileCiultt'utiizmui 1'oPei's hifi.ri' .t Il ) '

t II int" 4 1,1 I ( ( ihuisi iui'ss-"ili- 'lm'miitsneteii ,

WATERLOO , Ia , , April 25.Speciat( Tel-ogram.Tiso

-) gold stamlarth lmeoide won a do-



victory in Horace floie' hmoimme countyimore today. They outntmnmheroi the silver I1iiemoon timreo to two. Time silvorites , howovr.-


. semmd a contesting delegatloms to liubuque ,

but it is imms' pretty clear timat the gold mmu's-

siviIl outmmunmbor theist at the state conven-tion



Today's democratic cosmvcmutioss Was char-acterized

-by the wildest sctnes. In time

outset the Cievelammd moats captureti time ccii-


through Secretary Walker of time

county committee , Just as time orgamiizatom-!

perfected Chairman Scott of use coin-



entereti the imnhi , ignoreti tlme PrOceCi-logs and called anotlser convention. Tlmtmm

the two convonticns proceed in time sanso hailsimultancamiely , each howling the other dowms.

The dietumrbanco contimitmed for more than015 hour. The Cleveland isson summonedSherIff Law had Marsimal Khimmgammmams wasbrought on thto t'cene by the tvhitc misetai-omen. . No arrests were muasie-


convention aniopteti resolutione ontime muouie' questiomi , time difference being asgreat as possIble. Time sliver macmm declaredthmemoselves in favor of holes for delegateasl-arge.

-. or any nesition time liarty amy have

for bins in time state or nation ,

SOUNI ) )1OPiY IlMOCItA'h'S MidiT-



to tlut'l.ineohlt Coimveustlot-tSeleet eu iii StImluc Ceutmu ties ,

GRAND ISLAND , April 25.Spcclal( Tele-


) a meeting of the sound moneydemocrats the following delegates wereelected to the Lincoln conventIon ; S. N-



, James ltourko , Charles Ryan , FredAsimtomt , Frank. Lange , Frank Corklns , W.-


. O.doon and W. Ii. Platt.-OI1D

., Neb : , AltrIl 25Spscai.The( ) dem-


of Vahiby county will hold tiseir con-


April 27 , for time purpose of electingfour delegates to attdnd the democratic stateconvonticu.-


, Neb. , AprIl 25.Speclal( Tol-egramThe

-) county convention of the sound

mooney democrats tva.s hell imero today. Afterspeeches by 110mm. J. I. Leas , chmairmnami. andothers , the followIng state delegates wereelected : Ilomm. Jr I. Leas , Robert Osborne ,

Lee Garner , Patrick Fitzgerald and henryWobier ,

FAIRBURY , ' Neb. , April 25Speclal.( )

Time gold standat-delememit of the democraticparty held a county conventIon yesterdayaftermioon , with" tvery precnct represented.and elected"tim following delegates to thestate conventtoim' J , C. ICestbrson , 1. C-


, A. ' H. Thyomus , C. iirsmor , T. L. Ew-log , F. 13. Wilpton , J. 13. Zook.

HASTINGS , 'April 25.Speciai( Telegram.-Time

. )- .soummdmmoniey democrats from time van-


precincts -of'Adarn county met isere inconvention today. sid selec ol do'eatc.s to thestate convention. - The delegates are : J. E.Jones , W , St MeAuley , Joimn Hoffnmnn , CarlSmmyder , Matt Scholi , Charles Wahiqutet , Cor-


Muiiett Cyhms Fo.ney. Time delegateswere instructi'Jto vote for henry Kohlor-ot Blue IhllI'fti-dstrict delegate to the usa-



eonvOtitlbn. There were no fartherimiatructicns offp'rd-


, Ne65 , April 25.Speclal( Tel-egrani.Tlset

-) deipocrat.s of liolt ecunty isset-

In conventlor lt this city today to elect dele-gates


to tbt tat convention. HI HodgkInwas elected iatrxpan , and M. D. Long scene-tany.

-. Resolttioti' , vnc auioped endorsmsg

0. F. Ihigliq of thIs city as camididato fordelegate to thm'e 'natf nal convem'stion from tIme

Sixth congressional district , and aiiowimmg

isbn to select the delegates. D. A. Doylewill head the delegation ,

SCHUYLER , Neb. , AprIl 25.Special-TolegralsiAdmlflistratiOn


) , iemocrats im

convention this afternoon selected thesedelegates to the state convommtcn( : H , E.Phelps , F , C , Reineck , M. M. Jiucli , Is ! .

Decker , II. C. Wright and Garrett Folkeim.-



. E. Davis. _ _ _ _SECIJRIO I'OShTIONS IN AlYitGI.Fo-



icebruuskilums Presided ForAgaIn ''t tiuc St. Lotus Ctisi'eittliIl.LINCOLN , April 25Special.A( ) pohiti-

cal runmor , having its fountain head Imu time

animated meeting of time McKinley teiega-tion

-at time Lindoil hotel , was today In act-

lye circulatioq around time corridors of thestate capitol. This rumor Is to time effectthat MclCioicy managers have settled onSenator John M 'Tisurston as their candi-date

-eIther for temporary or permanent

chairman of the St. Louis convention. Ithad been gemierally supposed that Semmato-

rTlmurston was slated to make time speechnominating McKinley , or , at least , cense liiwith a good second to the noniinatimmg ad-


of some otimer orator. During the macct-lug of yesterday the discovery was malethat Ed Gillespie of hula city had beess fore-handed

-enough to secure time appointmc'nt of

assistant sergeant-at-arms of the conventIon.This dovctopmon was in the nature of agreat (iiaappolntusent to several. includingDelegate-at-Large Thomas P. Kenmiard , whohad eiected a certain friend for this veryposition. It I ,iid that. time appoimmtmentwas secured through tIme recomminmeisdation ofSenator TlmuratOfl , Time Nebraska tielegation.i-


, went aheati and recomumisende-dJansea 1olIook as the choice of time Firstdiatrict for doorkeepe-



I'lels thu the Gloves.OMAHA , April 25.To time Editor of Tiso

lice ; Ilearimig the refurcml of "Coin" Harveyto debate time subject of free coinage witim-

Mr. . itosiewater , and time oubstitution of-

Ilryan , and also seelmig the apparent desireof Vandervoort to get a chance at Mr. Hose-water , I respectfully offer , here and now , a-

cimaliengo the either Vantiorvoort or Bryan todebate time msmeits of free and unhimimite-dcoirsage of gold anti sliver and time benefitswisicim would accrue therefrom.

Any timno will suit muse ; any place as well ,

Or , it tiseso gentlemen imappomi to be too busy ,

any champion they may present , wimotimeri-

me be democrat , , polUhist or republican ,

In justice to timq , working clasa to wimich-I belong , I cImIi0time rigimt to say tlmat weshould n be usemi to bring thechestnuts to eter., And as I speak for

; you to publish tiuls ehal-


-Ofl ? .

Mr. Ros'svtV will not attend to them ,either or bOtih'j iivo us a cimanco at at leastone of tlmemmi , , , "GENEI14tL" KELLY-



! O'iuuuulimi Jougngemueut ,

OMAHA , Atprlt125To time Editor of Thelice : I see by s plsort editorial in time firstcolumn of penimmg'a lieu timat you In'-

timato timat Mr. W. H , Harvey charges $100-

a night for leqt.miying and also receives "a toy-


Ott timegmiUtbrettoa' sold at the door. "Now, I dou't , ieIteve Time Boo would seil-


-misrepresemmt iue facts.-


. hlarvennc.barges nothing for lecturing ,

All we slid vttO pay isis actual expensesamid pay forsmmfhQo opera house. As to thebooks sold , ttmeiVCrO soid, by time W. It.-



COfllflitY of Omaha , Klmsdiy givethis oxpianationmiuiiYOUr paper , as I feel sureyou will. s B. F.VILLIAMS ,

Secretary of Republican flhinetahiiu League ,

Omuly MUlCiIl1C" $ Nmimuue Mtintiomis'd ,

MUSICOGIIE , I. f! . , April 25.TIme repub.-



territorial convention met In t'mis 'tvand selected the following msanied delegatesto time national conventIon : I' . L. Sopor and1. H. Foitz , delegates'at.large , and JohnCoyle , J , P. Grady , It. Ii. Rosa and W. T ,

Morgan , district delegates. The conromstloninstructed for McKinley , umsaoimssously , roother name being Presented to limo convea-tion

-, _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Sil'cr1tes to itioct 1mm Iemi'er ,

DENVIR , April 25.I , N. Stevens , Col-


-state comnmnltteeman of the bimetallic

party , hiss called a misses meeting to be imohi-

lin Ienver on the uiimt of April 28 (or tiu

purpose of orgaitiziug the new party im Col-


-. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

See "ad" of Ak-Sar-hien Cycle Co. , page 20.

TUE LiT WEJiI(New Process - Gasoline Stoves




OEHS & SOS'Dissolution and Removal BaleThe coming veek will no doubt exhaust our stock of" the New ProcessGasoline Stoves , and if it should you vi11 always regret not buyingwhile you bad an opOrtUflity to secure one of these celcbi'atcd stoveswhen you could have saved Ten Dollars , Don't delay , but come atonce if you expect to buy a gasoline stove this season.-



"New Process"-L_ 1896 Design

1L I GasolineV

' 4,.1flji kY


VA1tRA ?'. TED.

, _Removal Smtto

.s Foi'istut' l't'lca Cut Price.r- ,



?; 44%

¼3-i3tttiset' Stove , wi1t Step and Reflex Oven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22.10) 812.75

' _.: th3 4-Btirimet' Store , with Stop anti ilehlex Oven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.00 814.00 ' 'Our sale on Ranges , Cook StovcJ , Ice Chests , House and Kitchen Furnshing Goods ,

is the gleatcst opportunity ever offered the people of Omaha to secure bargains. First class ,

high grade goods at cost and les-



taitci Fariiaiii Streets.


Beauties .1 the System DISCUSSed at theOlub.



iimiii' of I hue Oil .1 Ft's I ulres thumit Go-

11usd In hlmuiuI s'Itiu liii,

01' tue iouiut'sticTeIiuOiue ,

They were situng around time easy fire-


in time beautIful lsotmio of the Onialuaclub one evening imot many immontiss ago , dIe-


-time advantages amid the disidvantage ,

of the msummmerous fin tIe siecie Inventiono timit-

isave alnmost become commonplace in theirtmse. Tue telegreph , the j'nomsograpiu' , timekimmetosicopo and oven tIme all-powerful X rayiufi been brougist up , ts'cli lmamidlcti from allsides of the subject amid timea IndefInItelylaid on the table. Thuems sonic oumu its thecenmpany turmmet.l time lmammds of Fatimer 'l'imsse's

dock back a dacsde ammd time commversatlonturned on tue unany lmasa of time tclCAiona-question. .

One nsemnber wimo doesn't live a dozemi

blocks away ( roust time club cild timat he imad-

miever regretted Isavimug put a 'phone into imis

house , for it saved him time and trouble andanxiety with whIch the niontiuly charge ofthe conspammy was smot to be compared. liefound it convenient. to teieplmone for luls-

carrl.ago , tluat. lie woLuld bring a friend homsi-eto dinner , or timat hue was suddenly calledhtmL of town , wlmen isG wanted to join a nIce ,quiet little , game. "The greatest benefit Iderive (rooi It , however , i in discoveringtime isresence at time imoumse of a lot of elmurcimdelegates , or amy wife's cousIns twicereum-moveil

-, and timers avoid a meeting.-


wife Is a tionr soul" ime added , "buti-mor eart Is so b'g tim-at sime (eels It imecossary-to tnk care of a quarter of time visitingdl iegatos tlmat aecmn to imseet In conveiutlon atour chmurclm abommt. every otimer week. 11crbig soul just expammds so timat sue can't helpIt. I don't mind it , emily I'usi mlgty gladtvo've got a 'pimone. Tisrea tlmmies latelyI've beemm saved by the little tt'ire. I've foummd-timat a wluole comifercmmce of delegites wereohttipg csroummtl thu table waiting for ama to

01110 borne and asIc the hlessimmg , and I've-'Pisoard my regrets at being detained at tse0-111cc. . "



newspaper mann was tue miext totestify to tiuc fact that the electrIcity hiredinomitluiy from the teieiimone company wasutterly indispensoble , "Of commse , we couldlmardhy get. aiomug witlsout it now , We camscover isiaces by 'Phone where we couldmm'tsend a reporter , auid timezi we caim keep track-er our umsen arounui town amid when occasont-lemnande , locate thmeims a imurry , Ouir-smaciety editor finds it so valuable iii gettingtime names of guests attending a micIalf-unctiomm as does the night PoliceS reporter in-Watciuimsg somali fires at Simeemley aimd at.Walnut 11111. hut the inmsoceimt lookinghittlo box gives uis a heap of trouble , at timmies ,so mimucim trotihle iii (act , tlmat I almost deter-amino to ask that. It be taken out ,

"You isavo no Idea of time thuosisanda ofpeople who , on the slightest provocation ,

run to time nearest telepluono to tell theirtroubles to a msowepaper , I doms't kmsow whythey don't call up the police statiom-


are called upon to answer questions80 varied that ommo wouimi timink a'o em-lIhoyrd

-a corps of a half dozen mnei for the

exclusive use of our Information bureau ,

JUBt as time paper is about to go to pressanml everybody is on time imustle , the mneciclIttle Instrument will demand to know time

date on teluicim the first UnIon Pacillc traincrossed time bridge , or time namimo of timepennant winner in time National league dur.lag the aeaoon of ' 88 , Of course , we imaveall these facts at our tongues' ends , but theminutes lost in transmitting time desired iii-


( are valuable ,

"Along In time isight , or perimapim better , inthe early morning hours , tiuo whole umigh-tataff is stirred up by souse fellotv who wantsto know whether A's imsnd is not highertimamu B's in a play that is carefully oximlainsat-iat a wearisome iemigtlm. Our night editorwee called to time 'phone shortly after acouple of clocks time other nmorning. ' 1 wantto arrange a prize fight , ' said a husky voice ,

and you could almost sumieil the aicoimol

.across time wire , Timen iso went omm to

enumerate ifls dimensions and time victoriesthat ho lied won , 'I'll light you ,

° replIed themsigimt editor , 'Vs'imo are you ? ' cammmo bach iiifrightened tones , 'Ohm , that's all rlgimt. Youjust come right up hero aimd I'll give ycmtm-

miii time iirlzo fight )'ou want. ' The anxiousone rephietf timat Ime would. consider the immat.

tar , and I guess lie still has it under adv-


-en I ,



got a 'phone in our imoui'e , too , "remsmarked a pronslnent citizen trout theIlansconm park district , "and it Iceops us ontime Jump moore titan time first baby in asomali flat. At first everythuing was lovely.-


wife rioted telepimonlously with butchersand bakers and canmiicstick-niakers , Shewould shop , cimat anti direct entirely by-

wIre. . Simo lmunted up the address of everyother residence 'pimono in the directory , andfound some excuse to talk to eacim onewhom site knew. I could see that elme wasiongiiug (or the day when the new euhitlon oftime directory should como out with ourmiamne in amsiong time select 400. Even beforet-

ime book was issued , a good many psoisiegot on to our 'iulmono , but Iielemm explainedthat oven if it did give souse trouble o sendmmiossages to an enitro stramigor four doorsbelow wiretl by anotimer entire stranger in-

Ceuncil hilutf or 1mm Walnut 11111. still one

nilust rensenmber that it was a great convesm-lonce.


"The tiirectory canmo out at last , and ourtt'lro began to heat UI ) Imnimiedlately. lichenwas deligimtcd at fii't. Site got moore recog-nitton

-( remit all over town tiuami she lint ! ever

expected. l'eople tlmat sime has ! forgottc.m foryears greeted her warimily , an-i sent the up-


girl on errands all over tise neighborh-ood.

-. warnsed sup our end , too , its great

shape. I gueas w'e must have loathed moreelccts'lclty Into tiunt diapimragmim in a weektluaui we iaitl for In a nuonul.Vo shiftedour trade to those stores that imad 'pliomme-ssolely. . arraisgeil et'erytiming fromsi a-

transactt'is In brown soap to a dinner partyat lcng range. All of our friends partict-pated

-ts cur lon4iistance joy. We learned

tvitimin ten days Ilmat a private 'pimomse was apubic smsap , nod like everybody else we gaveway to t'ox populi and labor1 for the great-est

-good to time greatest number tuncealmjgly-


, the madam's temnpor began to-

crcaso and crackle , and the fact that nothingwould Intiuce nmo to aumewer tlmo bell did notmake it city better. I watt wliiiimg to takechances timat it wasn't cisybody I wanted totalk to , and tt hess I was alone I always ,

choked off tue sound with a, towel and nteod-

it until mmsy wife came back , where timerewas eloquemice amid an umiphugglog of time ma-


. I took down a numsiber of time con-


at first , souse of wimlch werefunny , but timey isalled upon rapetitlon. Timemnatlamn would ray sweetly , 'Hello , what is-

It ? ' Then else would adnilt who she was.After that I could ainsost bet upon it thataho woulsi ask the god to the msmachImie tospell it. Spelling it involved comumpilcatlons ,

such an 'r , q , r , a , T , ' with the accemmt on time

't. ' Next she 'would declare that site did notknow Mrs. Blank , nor where she lived , amid ,

after another silence , lichen would query ,

'Tell her whose baby its sick. ' Mary wosmldt-

liomm be called end sent to Inform Mrs. lilamsk

that Mrs. Jones' baby wan very sick , and shemust go tisere at once-





isad a good deal of trouble with thephone for time lIret few days after I hind

It. put In the house ," said a moan from westF'arnamn street , "but notiming very seriousuntil one day I imati two or 4tisrce friendsup to diniser. Time lmantiy little instrummment

was in time dinlmmg roonm , by time way , and swhen the bell rang tise nearest man to time

transmitter leaned back and took tIme mime-


-. I beard him saycs assd 'Wimat ? '

ansi then lie began to biusis and grow cmi-fUt'cl


( aisd lie turned to mist , in much eumili-arrassnient

-, saylmig : 'lions , you'tl better take

this yourself. ' I picked up time funnel cimeer-fully , atmui was asked if I waa Mr. P. 1-

adnmittod It. The voice timemi wammted toknow wisetimer I timougimt it. was a gemmtlei-


-thing to swiuitlho a iiarml-working

widow tvtim two clmildromm to support out of-

a paltry 8. Feeling facetious , I Immqulre-dif the voice wonted my opinion imrofession-ally or as a friend. TIme volco lost its tout-per and flied ito opinioms of me amid of may

whole 1cm and comsnection , including misy

wife , after steeping time opinions , In vitriol.Sue told she ila(1( sent that dress out to mayisouso antler false pretenses , anti that iti-

mati cost her GO cents in car fare for col-lectora

-, who eouitlmm't find anybody at house ,

ontl now what sime wanted to kmsow was , wasI going to haY lmor bill , or was I miot gmslng-

to pay it ? Site allowed shic wotild have amy

wife arrested under any clrcumst3nceotisat-wasi a aisle issue. I called ltlmmry down amsti

turned over time ccmitroversy to her, whichsimnuimore-mI tlosvn to a plain alibi on Mary's-part. . It was some other Mrs. T. tt'hmo Imad gottime goods , still I cotmlti see doubt in timeayes of my fricimmis , s'hio left. Cathy , aumfi wiseevidently consideretl mae umndcr a cloud.There hiatt been a coimimmoss between us oversince ,


"I reasoned withu I.ary that evening antitrioml to show her host' that Infernal telu-phone tvas iimiderrnimslmmg our prevlotmsiyi-maimpy lmonse , whereupon alto got angry atudstated timlisga about my exaggerated ecoim-


-timat she would not. imave 'aid In cold

blood. Wo didn't speak again umstii mom'n-


. It ts'ent on this tray for a steek witim

that awful boil alarmnimsg time imoumso at time

most unexpocteti times , uustil it got to be anightmare , with miay extensions , untIlfinally I hociareml war. I had lcept tab cmi

time Ilorformnance. Out of 100 calls recortle.i ,

fifty-two imad more or less conmmoction withour imouseholti , timirty-six twero of interestonly to our neiglmbom's. mind twelve wem'efrom entire stramigers , shmo sougimt to giveus some eamploymusent as electrical I3amnar'-

Itanct. . I told Mary timat telepimono woulmii-

mmmvo to coummo out of tue imouso , She said it-

ssouidms't , Tiuero was no place else to imut it.-



I naked imor wimmit was time nmattor with time

stable. Simo got mmmd. I got mad , I toldlice he cotuld choose between time telephoneand mmso-butim of us coultlms't stay there , Sitesaiti that ims I made uehu a poimit of it abcdltimm't maumid telling nsa tlmat time telephonewas better conmpuny timan I. Well , it t'omm-

ton from bail to worse until I gave uny ulti.-mnatuusm

.of a divorce ftosn one or frouu time

'phone. I was a fool to do it , icnowiimg-wounemi , especially angu'y womnen , ems I do ,

anti , of course , imar teicction was time pitoim-e."Fortunaicly


her brotimor is all Imci comliose1 tIme whole qimarrel byputting iii a switcim or cut-off , which , by-

turusing a Itni ) , lr.mtvs all the fangs of time

wily serpent html has clinsimcd over our Ejeim-

garmion walls , Now tsliemm I count' imonme I

etmumt omit the mamitiing world. l'eople stanmi-

in drtmg storcs nusd )'earn for us , but the )'

cannot rechi tus ; they t'snaot gut a tinkleotut of our bell , timid there 15 peace ii ) time

fammtily , Souse of you ft'lltus's that are on thet'orge of U tiemn'stlc crisIs eiilit to try it."

'8iituii ml ii i.ii I iii' Jhzuh. ' Vlmus ,

1mm a Lest nmgoies rtreet car a contest forroom arose time oIlier tlay b'twean tt svnmnti'-

mith'- a baby nmmd a woman with a hug ilog ,

Time woumsumm whim the baby caine a'it llrt t'sat ,

and te wonsemi witiu tie tlcg s'a , c 'u'io1-There in no danger of e'owlmi to tituch-

ivreferencu to bab'es ot"r d"gz lii 1h1't em-



cmsulmlrY , anti iii any o'int the ilmeought to be drawmm at pugt.

Alt 1ZOXA'S 31 0 tN'I'AlN l'L'Z'lI.fl.-



I t mi ibis' 'S'iuruhlOtI. ' Si li hmiiis'ersIile ,

i't'mi k , 4)1' Oumi y Iii I'gttiuriu I al iri'os C

For the last haf century the Amnoricam-iresitients of 'l'ucsoms , At iz , immsve beemm try.lug to solve a mystery in the utisape of whatappears t4 lie ml. hole tiurotigis ii tssouumtmtl-npealc hum i'laimt sipimt frosts time totvus. Iii timermtrliicd m'ir It 1cmoks to be ohily it shorttllstamsce nwmuy , w'isrmm In reality it is at leastforty miles. Pbs' omirliet residemuts muoticetitime pheimoniemson , amsys time Saul l"rnimcim'c'oCall , amid the only di illetul ty t ii at in y In tiuc-tt'ny of tlnsilmsg out jtmst trimat it watt wmtst-hu. .) fact that it ts'aH Imimsecesalbie , antI tvlicsui-

U.u' )' Cain ,' amsywitor ,' near the ttlot the Ito o-

disalipeared front sight , 1mm (act , it calmcull' be seems (ruin ,withimi a (ott' mullets cf-Tust'aon , muuid this ismss led nialsy people to-

lelive thmmtt it is not imolo at mmli ,

fly the aid of a good marine telescope thue-mnoUntmuln can be brought to wltimimit a fewmalice , but itot near enough to tell the exactnature of the rock formation , An astromiomi- . -

cal teleseope cnuinot be focusesi on it , usatlmo mountain is t ' 0 near. A first peePthrough the glass would eaml one to be-hove that there was no mn'stery imbauut it ,

'Time hole appears as plain as PoiSihuhL' , htmtseveral slays' study of the spot trill developtiio fact that tue "hoist" does hot alwaysoolc the samne. 1tlammy timuysu tt'iieit time sicv-

ig .lam'hc isehmind ( lit' mmintmntaiu the hole willrltenr a brillIant white , lIke us snowdrIft ,tutu on ulays when lIme mdcy Is blue it trilloften look so dark as to be aimst invisible-.'l'lcse

.: fmwts have led many to think that

It is an imntbnse pee! of mimics hyIng witiiits lutilisimed stirmiee towmirl time s'lcr and to-ilceting

-tIle cloi formatiosms of aumothor

part of tile hor.zon instead of being tIm

.igimt seen through the hle. Vieweti with ,

time naked eye time imole simply tmiipemsm's as awhite spot , imt the telescope reveals pinetrces amid other details , altlmougi! %'ery in-dist I net iy.

The range of mrmountmtinms In whirls thiCstrange Peak can be seen imi kuiuwmi as the("atalirmns , antI numniorous parties have rnadtithe attemsmpt to climb it , htit all iinve failedems account of the steep and rur"etl ,, ,,.-.prociplees in the vicinity. The peak is a 'umigh ouse , anti can ie seen (runs mumy poimst-in the jourumey toward it , hnut wisems tenashes out of Timcson tue hole can no lonerhue naomI , evemm with tile aid of a glass. Thiscan ha oxp'mtlmled ott the urdca theory , as a-

scrface of hint material would not reflectIL l'hsy Of light toward versotl's eye aftertimey got out of its tiligIt? of praiectlomm ,

SmilhIuta' iIiIs hiuuci' br ii I'rizt' ,

TACOMA , April 25.A race to Aumatrahlafor $500 a side is on botis ceo tIme hiritisim-simlp Andrlna anti the Scattisim laies , wlmlcltsailed tomiay. liotb ves.aals are fast sailors.-Thuree


years ago time Ammmlrlmia's captalmm won$1,000 lim a race fromn Tacoma to Emmgiand-



a(' ' ( ' urns 'l'mii.'ms Omit i'nI.S-


. LOUIS , April 2i.A specIal to thisi'ost-Iispatcht frouum El Pasa says : This SantaEulaiia mines of Chmiimuaimua caved imu yester-day.

-. Seven nminors wore taken out dentl and

thirteen woumutled. Forty-tour otimors are stilt'n the mines.

Is'mithmi of mu 1)ny-


, Ill. , April 25.General Nicimola-aGrousci , veteran of tile Mexican war antihiero of Stone Itiver , Corinth , amid Murfreos-inro

-; , died at Imis house lit thmis cty today of

cancer ,


J'o Gmm I mu Fl esiu , to SI rep ' Vehl , I u Is. uminv% 'himu t A misrtle iuuiti 4t.iiI I ) iges-lion ilciiui , iizuic. ' uu 'I'd's ( of-

Shliti ct's jysiriusIii 1ll IiitU ,

1mm eu't'sfiiig Hi iu'rlrult'i' ( If ml ju Inillnn.i-.'mutliiujiuu

., , ) ( ,

No trouble Its inure common cr more imils-


-I imatu nervous slyspepsla. I'eoplmil-

mavltmg it timinlo that their miorves are toblame anti are surprscti that timey are imot ,'curoui by mierve mswuliclnes timid spring rome-tiles ; time real seat of time miscimief is lostaigimt of ; hue stomnmmchm is thmo organ to be

looked after.-



dyspptlca often do mint have anyImaImi whatever in time iutqmmmacii , nor luerhaps-

atty of lime usual syntptouiss of utomssaciu wc'alc-


.. Nervous dyapepala shows itself imo-

tIn the stomach ao niucls as In nearly everyotimei' organ ; lit sousie cases tile Imoart palimi-


.anti is irreguimim' ; iii otimermi hue lci'lrmeymi

are affected ; in titimors time ijo.oin are calm-


.. With imeatiacimes ; still others (mrs

troubled whim loss of flesh and aiipetite , wmti-

uaccunmuiatlon of gas , sour miingmt and heart' , .

bsinmiMr.. t.V. . Sitalper of No. Ci l'ropect 13t , . f-

Iumdfamapohls , limti. , writes as follows : 'Ai-

mmotivo of imtmro gratittmdo Imrourmilts 1150 to t'rltothese few hues regarding the new auth valu.-


inetUCiluL' , Stuart's I'spollsla Tablets ,

I ham luceim It tmt1'erer frotim nervous dyapep'-tsii 101' titO inst ("hr years ; imave used t'arlosis-

itatent iumedirlnes cud oIlier reimmetlos withoutnil )' 1mi't-raiii' ressilt. 'rimey msoissetime.m gavetdmnlarary rilf until tlm effects of the moe ii-


-wore off. I Lmttu'iluted ibis to my so-


, lmabits , lielmug a bookkeeper with iii-tie pimysit'bl exerelbe. but I am glad to 511111-

timat time Tablets have overcoiie alt tim't-eb'iacles , for I tmmve gummed In fb'sim , sleepbettor nod ani better its every tray. TImemsio'o is written not for imotoraoiy , but It-

isased ems actual facts ," htesprctfmm.iy yuur ,A. V. SllAltL'Ehl ,

Cl Prosimect St. , Imidiammapohis , ,

It , s.afe hi) C5 ( list Stuart's Iyspup !

Tablets wiil mire mummy totnmtcti weakness ordIsease exteit enmicer of stomach , 'rimeycurs sour aiouaichmi.: gmss , lost: of flesh iid all'petite , hlrepicummcba , pmmipitatiou , imeusrtburim ,constiiu.ttkn miami Iemmdacimea; , -

Send Itmr rniuabs little btsol ; on t'iumaCh-miitsadad by addressing Stuart Ce , , Marshall ,

cli iiaiata ( U iiiz Cd P5 chu ges at
