respiration= ◦ movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ appropriate rate tachypnea-increased rate ...


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Page 1: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs
Page 2: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Respiration=◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs◦ Appropriate rate

Tachypnea-increased rate Apnea-no breaths

◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Page 3: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Thorax-pressure is negative vs. Atmospheric pressure◦ Partial vacuum within thorax◦ Pulls lungs up against thoracic wall

Pleural fluid-between lungs and thoracic wall◦ Provides lubrication

***Lungs passively follow the thoracic wall!!

Page 4: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Cardiovascular effect◦ Large veins-no pump to push blood back to heart◦ Negative pressure helps draw blood back from

veins into heart (atria-receiving chamber)

Page 5: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Drawing air into lungs Enlarge thoracic cavity

◦ Diaphragm contraction-flattens the “dome”◦ External intercostal muscle contractions

Where thorax goes, lungs follow! Pressure within lungs lowers

◦ Air enters airways

Page 6: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Pushing air out of the lungs Thoracic cavity decreases in size-

increased pressure◦ Diaphragm relaxes-dome shape returns◦ Internal intercostal mm. contract◦ Abdominal mm. contract-push organs up

against diaphragm◦ Requires little work to exhale

Except with rapid shallow breaths

Page 7: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Quantity of air moved Tidal Volume= volume of air inspired and

expired in one breath Minute Volume= volume of air inspired and

expired in one minute Residual Volume= volume of air left in lungs

after maximum expiration

Page 8: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Tidal Volume= 10-15 ml/kg◦ 10 kg dog=10ml/kg X 10 kg=100-200 ml/breath

Minute Volume= TV X RR◦ If RR = 12◦ Minute Volume

= 100 ml/breath X 12 breaths/minute =1200 ml -2400ml in a minute

Page 9: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Exchange method-Simple Diffusion!!! Concentration gradient-difference between

concentrations of given substance on either side of barrier

Page 10: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs
Page 11: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Oxygen binds to hemoglobin on the heme unit.

1 hemoglobin can carry 4 oxygen particles

Binds vs. Releases based on oxygen concentration in location it is in.

Page 12: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs
Page 13: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Regulate gas diffusion =Total pressure of a mixture of gases is the

sum of the pressures of each individual gas.◦ Atmospheric pressure-760 mmHg◦ Atmospheric oxygen = 21%◦ Po2=760mmHg X 0.21=159.6 mm Hg

Page 14: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Partial pressures-valid for gaseous and dissolved gas states

PO2 and PCO2 of alveolar capillary blood is determined by PO2 and PCO2 of alveolar air

Page 15: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

PO2 (alveolar air)=100 mmHg PO2 (alveolar capillary)=40 mmHg So which way will O2 diffuse??

PCO2 (capillary blood)=46 mmHg PCO2 (alveolar air)=40 mmHg So which way will CO2 diffuse??

Page 16: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Both lungs and cardiovascular system need to work for proper oxygenation of tissues◦ Ventilation (V)-lungs◦ Perfusion (Q)-cardiovascular◦ V/Q mismatch-disruption of either

Tissues suffer

Page 17: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Skeletal muscle-voluntary control But…. Breathing does not need to be a

conscious effort!! Respiratory Center in medulla oblongata

(brain stem)-Carbon Dioxide levels!

Sheep brain

Page 18: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Controls inspiration, expiration and holding breath

Subconscious level Nerves to respiratory muscles Conscious control-overrides

◦ Only for a short time!!!

Page 19: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Stretch receptors in lung◦ Reaches stretch set point during inspiration

Signal sent to respiratory center Stop inspiratory muscles, start expiratory muscles

◦ Reaches deflate set point during expiration

Page 20: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Chemical monitors in blood (Carotid and Aortic Bodies) and Brain stem◦ CO2 content◦ pH◦ O2 content of arterial blood

Any variation of these three parameters◦ Respiratory pattern will be altered

Page 21: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

If CO2 rises, pH falls◦ Blood is more acidic◦ Trigger respiratory center

Increase respiratory rate Increase respiratory depth

If CO2 drops, pH rises◦ What do you expect to see??◦ When can this occur??

Page 22: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Low O2 in blood (hypoxia)◦ Triggers Respiratory center

Increase rate and depth of breathing Severe hypoxia

◦ Neurons in respiratory center weaken Can cause decreased or cessation of breathing

Page 23: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Due to extremely high metabolic rate, respiratory tract must be highly specialized to quickly and efficiently deliver Oxygen and remove CO2

Page 24: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Choanae-internal nares that opens from the nasal cavity onto the roof of the mouth

Larynx structures surrounding the glottis (opening into the trachea)◦ No vocal folds!!

Page 25: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Syrinx-Enlargement of the trachea above the sternum◦ Voice box of the bird◦ Number of muscle>>complex vocalization

Songbirds-7 pair Parrots-3 pair Ostrich, strokes, vultures-no pairs of muscles

Page 26: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Trachea branches into bronchi Bronchi enter the lungs, lose cartilaginous

protection>>Mesobronchi Mesobronchi branch into 4-6

ventrobronchi>>parabronchi Parabronchi connect to air capillaries for

gas exchange

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Page 28: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Air Sacs◦ Paired air sacs

Cranial Thoracic Caudal Thoracic Cervical Abdominal

◦ Unpaired air sac Interclavicular air sac

Page 29: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Air Sac function◦ Reservoir for air◦ Warmth and moisture to improve diffusion of air

through lung capillaries◦ Thermoregulation-internal evaporation of

water>> cools◦ Buoyancy

Page 30: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Lungs◦ Very small◦ Attached to thoracic vertebrae and ribs◦ Highly vascular◦ Inelastic◦ House air and blood capillaries for gas exchange

Page 31: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

First inhalation-expand thoracoabdominal space-creating a pressure gradient◦ Air moves into posterior air sacs to warm and

humidify First Expiration-air is pushed into the lungs

for gas exchange

Page 32: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

Second Inspiration-◦ Air moves out of lungs into the anterior parts of

the air sacs Second Expiration-

◦ Air leaves the body via trachea No mixing of inspired and expired air!!

◦ 21% oxygen


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Page 34: Respiration= ◦ Movement of air in and out of lungs ◦ Appropriate rate  Tachypnea-increased rate  Apnea-no breaths ◦ Sufficient volume to meet needs

This workforce solution was funded by a grant awarded under the Workforce Innovation in Regional Development (WIRED) as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration working in partnership with the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, the Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation, and the City and County of Denver's Office of Economic Development.  The solution was created by the grantee and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the U.S. Department of Labor.  The Department of Labor makes no guarantees, warranties, or assurances of any kind, express or implied, with respect to such information, including any information on linked sites and including, but not limited to, accuracy of the information or its completeness, timeliness, usefulness, adequacy, continued availability, or ownership.  This solution is copyrighted by the institution that created it. Internal use by an organization and/or personal use by an individual for non-commercial purposes is permissible.  All other uses require the prior authorization of the copyright owner.