^mmmm · r.hi ^ssabpsf^m^ 6ridir0h contest •-•" results w ft tie bachelor chttifbis...

R.hi ^ssaBPSf^m^ 6RIDIR0H CONTEST •-•" RESULTS WftTIE Bachelor Chttifbis Lib*rty A.-C Put teg Game Agalart Stroug Elisabeth Ijs* tktviuasTsrft M*w tiua jrees o UBBBB& '' ' """"—~~ r ^" '• ^ ' ••" : - •""' :•'" ' "I 1 ' tt . Yt» football teams n p w m l t m the Liberty *. C. oi this etty. and., tlw fUuwi Heart School or muaheto, koUlsd to a IMS tte at MversMB I*>rk «a Saturday morning. Atthuagh tho vlalten outweighed the »><>«n« team. I t o Raaway player* proTwl much tester than their h»**i»r The Kltiaoeib team scored basher plotting uprumotod Pint. «ji.t going, over for tho ttr»t touchdown. Ya« UbeW» received, and ward pass tocarry the *>•« aowu to their opponarts twainy-yenl Ho,* Hero ttliT r slaked out of ilanger Uoaaman selm-d y»rd» around right and. i »nh aljht iwra rwrMlcMoKMaairailMiatttUai Taw lawn WUI Wwhat y«« W*M A survey of tb* Batloat tmmaa la ffHIUwr aaurial* nma uiawfTTrt tea* pass. MacUa InMo»*6)»». nation aneaa rarde end brought iho ball io l i e KUiaboth ten-yaru" Ha*. X Mackle and Hsrar had bwn Utrowa for losacs U o a m u took tin 1 b on a taekto play - TUB Bacred H a t * * * ec**** <«* w o o d touchdown in tho third quarter. Onion Intercepting a Hahwaj pa«» and numtng turty rant* tor a louch town. Pastor tailed to sick the coal Tlw Kllsabathaas eonllxwd to load until the tourti quarter. At thta point J«n*« w«» •uh»tUut»d tor CToabr at l»r» and. and ^Vmt•on »«H ^w Ifcw at hain>acw. Kun»ftrMacklo and Moss- awn. and a forwud. Wataon to Jouaa, brooshr th« boll to Ui« vUUors twantr yard Uns. After lhr« attoupt* to ail- met tho ball had tallad, Watson tAr#w a tons tuf wajd ^o~ Joiw**who m»d« a wnaatlonal catch, and mllOBOt aetuaa th* Dno. Derbu lha nmalaiar ot UM P»rtod. tb* dall i w a w l bock and forth, ttro Biki Item* of Loctl InUnat Ke*ar%iaupas/s\ H^*I**JB MB^^ 1 *OOH^ ^^,V*« * • ^™ ^»-»— - ^ tlea » t h » lam* «um)ly ef Uiss* lo 6* Touadta " '—"—'— '^' —^ -aa rarty-yard Ua*. Mossman aad Mackle war* the Star asrronnor* tot the Ubartya. wall* Pastor and Qulna excelled tor the oarocblal *cheol boy*. The line up: Railway «*****] Heart .. ,. Lawless Lett Kad Harrison Laf. Tackle Bartn tot w tot w nfedaetUa tiiM Valwbla u Vbaa* •tamann TO-MQRROW j;i.J.;^»-,i-.,>,:^,...;.j...a:;;»v»,J;.BI Hbvocarc NOVEMBER I?. PRfC! r»<rt«« nwfa . C. ftu!8J> Ol 8t O«orae) SV*IUI*, U OB th* •lefcltrt. "> : .- ' : ' ~ : " : .' '-'• •'-• MM. Karl HsUsabert. et St. (Marge avaaua. has Ntwaad boa a nojoan at New aochaUa, N. Y, MlH-JBUiibeth Ony, ot M etiatoa? aeks at Worcester, Mass., cad other poiata.- - '"'.. M». H ClalboUffle Horn, of ISO *J| I.Pi aVa—-^**—* *********^ mwjrmn*. •••- Hamilton ttraei. be* beaa vblttag bar parauttMr: and Mm. W. P. Creaki. 6f lueksnsaelf, Jo* pa«t two days. Mri. muik tiunhara. of Perth Am- boy, was theitwai of tho Mlua* Wor- eaee lind Mildred Waiant et M avaa*. on Saturday. -WHH* avanuB. t* ea)oyliil dl f th nuB. t* ea)oyliil - .— "r-- dttllen for the P«an«yl»aJlla S i l t Frank TO-DAY flu «• P«* ***»>** PMif "Tortured Heart* with Virginia Pearson T>Hi»tli«r with lb« nlalli «plwda of "GripofBvO" Ud WHIiRW " (»U«d TUB'UUbl>4IC lil »U» PURCHASE OF NEW HOSE - IS SESCIKDE0 UlM M»fP<!ri« 8<SUl«r, Of ft OaSTCtti whaw «h» hat bMB Fmtdaat, HU* ataalot j Patttwtt. Juater Vte«-1IH. Aly«h Vaa va*^ TWM»«r >«»: aahAd wwg il llaiiltter, dlrwtsr ofTke •aja*UJHv \a*W*."V#*M»Vi nas—ej * * • » ^***7W^4f^aT l»a»U 1(tt-»—- - b* dUposud of moat advaatsgaousry by [aiion waa enjoysd. ffOWBli*- KW» «»ymai:—ui—>J«K—— •wmi. thenfen. Ibat tblt garb fe U J f most dvant«BS orchestra, ^oth of Kaypert, spent Has. day with Mr. and Mrs. Hlfry L. Hartlu _^ lot 1 Whlttlaijtreat. A* all «r* talented w can I moaletans a v«y pleasant mosletl-*** NXXT WBBK " ii SUk» and Sqtirii" u r Idaa of tb* eeadUloa* arlth w»Kb pramlAmt Caatttra of aeeUaaT »a» a wall preawatad daaerin. »nj, teeatarr atfi. CUfwea. OUvwr. V«n TJI». -MB w«U aa tatamsr wan yastardsr aflsrnooa L«wrefl«, Mrs. Ma^ttuufwoel; Albea- «f tl» wavk hem* of Mri. TCW. Faadbtoa CeDBail 08 TSMday •raolafc la- ot Ma_jf|fA_wba> auidMit ot aubjacw la WBMB thai puna _«B8t . Haliy. wto-wllwmlitoi ft Oaa wag aacaatasVtHMa playgrouadV who ceaaldarad the proe* i t a^UoaTroai taa^-locsU^oo^ps^TlsnaeTHB* fea (UiposwJ of most advant«BSOU*Ij by r>tnratnc Ittotl*» « U la th* turn ef «ni»K. " - la cttlaa ot 1*0.000 pasel* of Bat* taa -wluctloa of inwtonw by n«ttou» -whlel) furnWia mldu* lit for f«rtlltur u«<> haa proved tfl b* a nfofltabla ma- iilclsal «a««n*r<w. and IB •mailer eoa- mualltsa It miMht w«U wit tmUlB* tne. N>im»rot» alial^aa of raw»»>>• liae» «h<>w tlmt on tha avvraav snata edMitttua* 3.3 par««ot andof tba fW- Ultaer lnar*JWota. potash 0.3 p»rrant. Iwnc ptoanbar* 1 par rant aa<J nltro- B^lt lit UWCOTul OK HDinuoulfcp«T ii>ui. Ou tbU bul» t&e value it a ton of raw rt b abeot US, tba gram bates t t U t lon WBI «njoj«d. Howard J. d*rla», of B a m ? » ma. aatartatoad «roumb« ot frtsads on Thursday «y«nlni. Waltor Oartawtlt*. ot U1 Wtat Orond itraot. la drt*ln* a now Bulok oar. Ml«» Uo«u l'tppln«er ipant Sunday In- Wttililaetoa. D. O.. visiting tha Whlto Itouia. tha euiauma. tha capital and juany othor things. An enjoyable thaatf* and dlnuer party wa» gl*»« by- Mr. tad Mri. Otto Wrtiajo b abeot US, tba gram bates worth 13 aad tha fartlltur tntraeUasti ¥ ^n^itm e4 J, O"p0«S-N«Ll. VUCCUaTTARY Celebrates Eleventh Birthday In Royal STyW With Music Speeches and Fine Dinner, and Mrs. LeQraada Hadgw. |fj%£ t^u evvvw"***; ^14*Aa 4Va\a. *•**%« •*••»• *m* -™» w»—w—vv — — thrwiTpSIaclpar rf>r»nge. Sfsro »T»«* nt Mrr « a 4 Mr*r Henry M. Woodruff, ot 39 Qamlaary d ddU ITSlh aathoda of doing till* l Ttw l M W.-T.UX,, .»,, t ^«~-, of the *•• du* to th» ottort* ot the- eoinmtt- ^ t o ^ ' c t * wa. nttlngU- celobraud ^ ^ ^ T ^ Z Z ^ ^ last nveolng *uha splendid bau<w« Wii> c h t U t o p h a r nichardson and Her- Oaatar Bl«bt Guard Sltfct TacU* KlcatEBd Qautarback Loft Haltbaek Rarer. Watson .. TvbUB SuUlvaa ttanlay _ oln ^ ^nngtup, and «nt*rtatnm«ut progra.m at Herman ^)vn jqtMtm --- • - iY" 1'"*' "<"«•« hnlMlnr. rr -,.-.j hy »ll Keen regrol w u «x- firt th»t Mr. Irvtug street Caterer Waber served McMabou. the chairman ot tha corn- one ot bis best chicken dinner* and nilltve bad beeu takau 111 and was un- that meau* there an none bottar able to be preaont. nealdea the must- Tweatynw members ot the club en- cal program there ware speeches of a .«,__», _^-_ t»wwia]|—nil in aa—isoiiln—tiu 1'imi'Hf^ati*** w\i a of doing till*. Tba anrbace U eootad and atratuatl aadthmi praued dry and dagfaaacd Ui ga»olln<>. or too oatoam I* drtad directly In rutnry bot »lr kllsa aad tb«n dogwai-wl In gaao- lla«,'6r It ti drtod and d«irrea*«d lu onaeptfttleo. Af raw aarbat* mntalna TOpar caat watar aad SJ5 per cant iraiw. tb* vtald of th» tankam naldua or far- tUlsw abonld about 23 par. cant Tbta rout ton» efraw b h a a ^*e>a %^ ^ e»^ aa^ * ^^^ ^v ••-".. 1'o.lm. of l»7 Elm avaaua, on Mday night to Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. K C M night to Mr. and Mrs. E Savago. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. CoBa. Mr. TBtUI four toa»~qg-WW' Barca^q-wiataa- Iwiaad* to ylald on# ton of dried tank- as* aad tut -wotta ot grease,totb» ntall euukat the drlad taakan aall* for about tlO a ton and at wholesale jayed tha spraad Moaamaa . CohlU .. Qalaa . Laahay .. Cottar yej tuaspraaor-aanr pro«r»m .»^..». . Then were exvottent vocal number* present t>} Thouia* lAUShlltt »n<l L W N<w«av ~" cal pa •octal nature Made by were: Prealdent Loula nj xnoai.i* i^juaniin R«U M .-,-w-w.. . . - «•• « bile Max Uublu UelluhtiHl the gathi>r _Kublu. vu-o i tialdent Herbert OahHag, ing uf.h piano ««l«cllon* Three ot th.-' Secretary Max Rubin. Treasurer orlgtal charter member* ot the club , James J. O'Donnell. Sergeant-at-aima Right Halfback. w w nrcaent. Includlug Oaorg» (on. Frrd Voorblaa aad Qoort* Green T»> f i..h w»* oraanlrod fnr aoelal pur- FuUback —jtttawa. Ralwmeytr; nBglra. ltaab to; UBar. Ladlow; head Uaaaaan. SlUa; Uaaaawa. Sine and KnlUnaon; Ha l Chrlstopber Rlchardsoa. Fred Old*, former star twlrler forthe Rahway A . Charles Parks. Arthur* Carlson. avenue. Sunday and attended tba lTIth aDRlveraary of tbo Jirat Prssbytsriaa church- Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Hopkins, ot Commerce street, have moved to Sum- mit avonue. Jersey City. Plana were completed tor the basur to ba held tn tha Second Presbyterian Suly-Jn-Qeeamhar at^tha Saw 1Nov. I. oavatiat t&o t**r Out lw'ie»*«i and CBBUlslas sway- Pltny QlifforU Haddan. et Ja<jua» avanae, ftvai aaxcwaek lor * Batinaaa trip to Italy. ,. if CarltoE" A. lUnsoca, ami of Mr. and MM. W. A. Raaaomisw raiuaed hla atudie* at Dlavan'a laitltuta. He la a member ot tha Thata D*u PI tnur- ally and haa Juht baas alactad presl hla elan nu»l«ood »«eaue. satOTtatead at dlo- aer yaatarday Ura. B. J. Civs, or Newark; Utia Ontoa Clark ot 81 BUa» h»th Training MBOI for Nuraaa of HSU* bath aad Ufa. Tbomta Clafk ot Wait Bald avaanavlUnway. 8 Tha •unWarsMy el th« City Nuraa ComalttB* ot Oso ClWo CTu* bed? teraally gootsttd tha .«•» UJU9 sou* BM anglaa and n»» si4«f#d tad faasiadad ita tttloa ot taa BM«1O4U HWliag la pudiaaiBC 1JW (sat et iwaaJMm tfi* Bunk* Coasuy k et Ph Uadalpklav ba et tha writ 0* 140. Mrs. Martin O'Coaaor et Waat hose ot Mr*. William Pendlatonof B l a aveaua. eM?.80. At prafaot, howarar. only six elttaa la tbo United Btttaa oparata their owa reduction plants tad about twenty a«nd thalr garhan to rrlwtely owned plant*. Thaw liroduca to the coura* of a rear 100,000 tons of <unUns« or rartlllMr, made from t.O4B,uon touaot raw garbasa. ! t all ot the ISO cltlaa In tbo tlaltad Btatoa which turn 1 op f «>«w> holt lag Soelaty 1 * meeting on Ueaday al- tafaoan. - Itra. frank alias dalltattuUy aa> tortalned tho aatartainmaat oommlttaa ot Columbian schoollit h«r homatua l C day ovanlng. . n^ . ..... w ...»»...».^ .—. . —:—^_: n ,-UJAQ POM, and has been Identlnad with • Russell llobllUel. William aenwamer. I (h|> errv BOWLING LKAQUB JLfta» wtaala* ta« &wt |a8M by at W>« th PO«B» and has been laenunoo. »«n, imwu IIDUIUU. »»•< some ot th* bast social gatharinga hanfjWUIIant F Webar. . tn the city. The club Is lu a flourish-1 a « > « • Morton. Oeergo Worth. Fred Ing condition ana ocenptea attractive j Voorhlea. Elmer Hanwm, Walter R. quarters tnthe Exchange building. Its ; Miller. John Somerlndyka. Thouu membership comprises somo s of the j UoughUn. Prank Walker. - Prank moat popular young men ot the city. Cooper, aaraold Runyon, Herbert Jef- of the sueces* ot th* affair I Was and David Roll. garbage dlanoam tta b f BTI»0~to taa &*at two t*ia*» to Vaekt CTab last altat at tba Y. U. O. A. UUy* tn . y Gay Howard lad taa bunch taacr tactiad tha Rasiblwa 'with It*, at Vt* aad He* (hl> BMthaj ot garbage dlanoam tta total ytaM abould ba from iBT.I»0~tonB to gjx^oo toa» of fortlMser por yoar *bla w«aUL b* worth, from t4.WO.000 to <T,OO0.O0O. Addltloaal fntllUor-siii. tertul could also ba obtalnod la tha clttea ftam dead anlmsls. stroet «w»*p. Ittgs »nd itablo manur*. NtAO SheriH's Sal«. 81IKUIKVH H*L»—Nsw Cuuri Albert u«ldm»u vs. rann. ilofsadaut. at Law. m»n. ,\.tl..i. QBIU TV*- a**a\s> aaa«««*w* (a. d*. be^ at. tar. i lit m* t nl t«o <>\.L_- All tbuae trsi nremlKC. Irln lUhwny. Cou: Ulu ttoirwrauoa ef ssht dsyt rseu or naresls of. Uni «oi Ing sail Qag la ths City o tuuty at UBIOO UU4 gtst* of Mayer Ludlov C MlUor Total* 1SS 1S1 Ua U3 1SS 1S4 is? ssa ui City L**0"e Btandlno Woa YACHT CUJB ...... m x« u» .,„„ i*t in M* ...... •'•Urn 1M 1U •. «» MS m ....... MS J»l Somlnary Club Rahwacka Rahway Yacht Club N. Sk Club .... Junior OL.U. A. U. Uerek Coaviany . - • RaaiWar A. C, .... BualBws M«u TT. M. C. A. Stael Bjutpaent Co. imaH IS .10 ..to . e .. « .. 6 .. s .. I .. 0 •10 PROQAM aftlOAV A musical comedy "The Peak" Pam- ^""Whlch-nntde such a hit bore-last winter will ba given ta the-hlah school auditorium aa Friday evening under >«.«fcnspleaaot the Parent-Teacher As- 0 S a aoctatlon. ot Colurablan school. Naw faatuws hav« bcon added la tha. fora b t MUs Bdlth*t«rtlIU TJTI Hj sliilfi ^1alP m 'ti uj «m-fcamai 4VU.a.\aA. sh.v4».AfteisV violin solos by Mlaa Blsle Hamad. l*a- Ue Stewart aad 'vocal solo* by W u araeo Walton of tba high achool faculty; John Hottmanjmd Earl Law- son and a. clog dano* by Harry Malnser Tha comedy will ba tallowed.by three two reele ot aoving pictures tinder the able direction ot Mr. CUaton Wil- son during which music will ba fur- nlahad by Tandy** efeaaatra. —».w*i A. C. „„...:" is» IM u* „.„.., vn «* IM 141 1W 1SS 1«S «• . IM ua in Total* »•* Tt7 Tto Merck Ooapaay «elntat opMt tto teftrtiac dapa Friday awealng sy siMttrir >t vJhro* stralrhx from the K. B- d o b . Vb* latter ware not rolling *a Uiril inaal Ttinn aad tan easy vtc- tbes to tto taat-caiBE M«r«k outat. WBA entwaged and outtared each wtMXhm Ugh roller ef tto coa^a with _ ._.^ ^ *. mm ^ e> *>_.. *wa *ii TO PACK CHRISTMAS BOX Tba Loenat Oroir* and Milton Mis- sionary society wU pack a box Bat- orday. Nov. 18, at tha Milton chapel at SJO p. a. Th* bffit la to bo aent to Mr*. l*aac Messier. MoKea, Kentucky. Anyone Interested U cordially Invited to *e ataasmu aaa jjf*».*afch_as cloth- ing, toys and dolls JeHU to gladly re- calved ktaalc Varda am) OharaMar. 'Back Tatdi and. Character" la a lhani* Btata Setltb CeamlialoBeS Dls- ll ltedMtlx oa-of-PenaiylTanla- aelocted-WMntlx for out et Us -weekly talk» oa bMltb and hftrtaaa. Dr. DEteu said: "BFB* TUHa oaca wtota a atory to htohh»-B0Hir»d nnt, that tojtaajlfc lot No. IS «a mnn. than™ tu p vwjtwly., - ,i,.ira..eM. & " •Isttt Into tbe-oecupanfa ttae character one mint look at the b*cV and set at tbo treat ot a man"a bouse. •Thi bH tt rn to Alice NO. a er A umi<* IH WHWM gJ3(WIVlSWV "INPOaUAYtSM.!' __ t RE you 'Iafoftna- I'ta nallu "- tioa*? »tkv»j -aala-aaapla •iaet ay turn* i* 'In- Batien.' seaia o{ titsa t«—eatuvally tbink j Idra fiv« UMB ia- torsation about «ay- tkintf. Tha Ttlapkoae Diwctory th« rial -e» *"• w f 0 aUsiAjIa- WkaT tiW? »gUifa«lj»paapT«&»d • Aliea, u aba tp- pkou« aumbm protebfile youag Udy «»ib««TvboM MM watad'at a low book- notflattato tn« ewwi d«l% and th«a. pboa»> DirectO alter aba bad waived *b«y i«etir«d tbait etw atUrtaativa aotl, ttl.pboas gftar tija Di- a't you pliaw tall wctojfy w«t to j»«a "woa't you fflt wbtt factory w«ak ta yra*. "Infeftaatioa "I am •milad. Ust DiVaotery wti k* autdl ; idtoaoraaBy ? lies e ollv IDS: tlisno ti« nettt Bedened Canal Leeka. So be told that Bnphael In hla«salw someat* when not painting a Raphael was constructing a loeomotlvu would scarcely surprise you more than to be told that Leonardo da VlBd was a pio- neer canal lock builder, fiat the hand that put ur<on tha \vnlls ot tout Wstortc church In Slllau "The Last Bupptr" dcaleucd. tho. locks *ut ilUanii »«aaW. ILColHMwu HStttt oHaew«L«Wa*»*aTlCo|lU aad Qolllaa Sal. CUMord MUtoe Saade e*tr»vw«» r«r-4B« N.*. -dnb xsa.1 and badtt«WgbMt ««B*1« H TimH"*»ti* M Pff Much Intareat la Betas dUBlayed by local weaaa tv tha Portmantean Thea- tre entertainment at Wallace Hall. Newark Y. M. C. A. Priday atterBon and evwslag wtdar theansplcea ot the Ceetanporary Club, ot which aaverml local woaea are Members- The rop»Hory««ai>Maeat- Matlne*. "The Ida brother' wtlh aa 4V*f*g» ot MU. Ooldea Doom." rNovtmheJeaa" j -ffls Who T a w "While the UAtata BolVownlag. "Birthday ot the la- -"Voloea," *xA "Lady of^the Taeajoorea: Weeptna- WUlow Tree)." Way MEECR CO. S6 Kelly. us 118 »l ws til ~1»- la* SIX IB? 1 Aft Outaaaa. When Major General -8fr Jeha Ue- NaUl. V. C. waa badly weoBded at Ba- taaun In the Aahantt war he waereed torn th* buah exchUmlnc la angry and faffignant toaea aa U aoa* oae bad-deerly tasulted him. "An Inter- nal ecoandrel «ut tl»»r» haa aaot we through the armr Unraaaenable Wafnait. Mr*. IMclcletoa -fwltb newapaper>— HeWa a writer iinn flautea out that In fifty yeara we undreaa tor bed e»er 18,000 Bmea. Plckleton—And yet yon kick IfI break the monotony once In —Tin- *r r" 1 "** T " ^^ Trttl< mT clothes eDBerttmltlaa Waited. Jit a party one evening a mantee Tady TTB» TOtertelntuir the assembler' eaapany with an account of their: flret nO-"andtow.after making It __ oa* another, her husband had planted a ttee Inremembranceot It. It w* aao" JO XZOaC OL «. OlAQ * U"M>«- ••This bring* as aga.ta to tb* question of back yards. Ia your* as clean and well kept aa you can malm It. or la It Uttered with trash, cans, kladllnff and other- rubbish? Are tho-e»r*ase and wast* properly covered and tree from aicsT Ar*l*» stablp and eutboa** fly bre»dlaa centers tor the neighborhoods Tou have work ahead ot you for your , health* sake and torthe take ot da- | coney If any et theao condition* exist "tf UMH are ehtldreu la the faully- th» back yatd should be their play- Kteuna. A dell house, a Wrnlnir not*, a swine or a tent will provide almost un- limited entertainment and helptokeep chfldrtti off the streets." Heaeaa aa Cleanup*. if yea have tramps >or~ YU«._—. yoa don't want-lost put them on tho -tnlB.toE'BBlhrvtt*, O. They'll ba chew- fa«y Meelvefl." Th* aew- oScUl «ys- taa ta that place make* the advent ef a tew "he**" a Joyous occasion. The "bam" b a municipal aate^to Beltorae. Bare are a tew ot the thlnei they have Jane lor this town of 0.000: it Nu. B» MBia tyst tn HA « Ktorly coruer of said lot Me. ost t •omharlr n\on« th* wmiurly Una No. as iffl.18 lest to the northwly **" l ;i Itue.of N& n flff.18 r»t to the noKBsny i Lake Awin «mt~thanee runnlac si stone tb« iiarUurly side of LilM ITWS ftot to Us mstarly sMe ol ?.\r.b _ . . . ! •...In*) BH.I nluiui l\f ttaur Htrwt ami BOln» snil Ustnv lutn No. 13 to ...» , lot Nu. <n on mapot pro! D. rresnsB o ftra^ ssrtKt^JLliffSaS'^l^SB ir vwlon. App*arln«..also by auas Wfsjffl or b«lon. Apnssrlnc also by ssas 1st snil "loCt uumlwr on msp^ot propsrw *elon«- lim to lleory L. L*m»h«tr ountobr ¥**;£> Un >&lnr«b, Ailmrvjor 18M) snd nlM In ths - . ^ ..—... dif|t*t oflcs. ct •—Usalnalns st s point < •Ids Usln. suset. aista 3 r«et t » m the Intsnectti ui i.B.. ^..onaloa to the 1 ' " Coimway snuma-sssterly 1 stnet: thenca la sa eastsrly < « rlAtaaelsa to llslii sirs. wwu «. Per ia- tveiybody. but it takaa .aoaaoaa will call to snucb sior* time to call at tor a Htuabtr tbat'fc ia the, Telipboa* Dircetrwy than «atfetth* ntuaW from the Di- oa tbe i«set block?' AnotW will ..It 'Will -it r»ta today?' Still IX rim WJ*a»y w*i»t*> •*•***•**••* **w»*. -«- —-- etbirtwillaikmatatall r«tary, itwlf, that ita tbtra tb* Btwsit reeip* really m wdste of ttma -fer-raalcina-Uyif <«ka.—te-call-ma—uadw—nien- OfeouHe. I-tari'ldo'sll eireuautaaeu. BeaToUa, -the** tbiagt. People- it takca nay time away don't really uadmtanid from starving people who wbat Fa Be** for. aad wally need my help. Nmti wttkJtlkt KiavfeM tb* Win Chiif NtW YORK TELEPHONE CO. of form*? CoaaoOaas-rVule O, 8a- gslhmK. Tba raport of teraur Vitm CUM ilally wa* oa* ot tb* set mhla aad ooasiau glwa is tha history ~ ' —«lty-aed ffoa eoaaoUaaa at**, tb* 8r* asd water oommitt**, * whs •aldi "I don't tblak aaytblag gat awayfraa tb* toraw ahlaf aad hi* r* .ha aho«]d ba eerasMBdad fs? It," Attar tha rwdtasT ot tha MBOK It waa rafarrad to tba Ufa aad watar <v)ffifi(«a« In ordar that tba reeosv wndgtioai made nUfht ba cauldered. J rt» reftert ahewad that It bad prsb- abiy-.bajB the baalaat yea* lathevhl*- tsfy of. Uw foc«l fir* dapsutaaat, aa tl|«M,war« twty-e«» •Ursa, maladis* thlMyBtea al d'4tt tUI | , r « thlMy-Btea fegalar «ad' alama aad twotttoa.baa d itUI atoraav laid t3M (*«e of heaa aad thai lew waa |l,0tM. Tnla waa tha ara Out fara aJawst eaaealt* tb* New Jaraay Esforniatofy. Tba eaasa* ot the Bfty-four area ported war* glv*B as follow*; Bonfires sfatj barolHg rebblsh^ thr**; oaralss* of matehat. four; ehlmney •rat, eight; naphtha explosion, one; laWltlon ot gmpltae, oaa; Incendiary, s*v«a; lamps- upset, thr—; llghtalat> earn; uv«coals in asnv box. one; over- boatad tar taaks, two; oreraaatad atovas. three; sparks from chlaaey, oa*; apoataaaous eombasUoB ( tour; ttaknowa eains*. sevas; falsa alarms, two- Tb* fir* low waa plaead at lioo, -OMr-aliout any pr-eaat, of which . w u eoverad by lasaraae*. "Coasldaf- Injr th* number of fires, location, and ooaitruQtloa of buUdlflgs, sad th* la- fbuataabl* eeat*ata of stai*, oar city* be* b**a fortuaau that tb*- loss** war* not greater," aald Uta former ahlef. fcf tiut ioirtaa InapeVjWon le I taia aigea ^bd^ fall N ^ACADEMIC HONORIESCAPING «nt Of Hire TrQetate loaai eo»p* Uanday avtalac ' Oa Taa*Uy ewnJa* * d«U««Ua« ot tar H D h « PtaltUUld eefBg, Tea dalanatlsB ooav SrtuS Y*». rmUtitk Watvar. Un. OintM eil««r> Uf*. Jiew Vasdar- Alvab Vaa wood. _'„ Ua. Karl* tner- The aMBhtn ot the Chafeb Work* ara Chapter et i t Paul'e ebarea w»r« 'aowrulaad Btrotflar Millar; J r y o t UT Bryant street, whsra tba followlag oOears war* alaetadi Pr**ld*nt, Mrs. H. T. MeCUntoek; vtos-prMldsat, Mrs. A. P. saoartaryv-Mrsv' t. OUrfe MsUck; trMsarar,* Ml** Lydl* Coa- ' •£& COMMENDABLE HA!f¥ SCHOLARS or tattar. thaflatfollows! Marina Darttatt 4i- HareM fiadf Awitil oJ Safes In, S&wtUui bm GAS PIPE IN BREAIS CELUR bruit la a alp* la the eallar aad u and fMor tb* gaa easily eatsfad ta* joom eneapfail by Ufa. HflhwaltMr, At Lab* hod a bard eoid at tb* tlaw is* Ksla* S; Ddrl* Howard 1; David . batb sveooa, and JaoojKJWlU Jj Orae* Lawr*aes •; Bus- nlsbt. As sooa a* gas and what* H*2^*&&}±?2!?»!»' ^^mTWTm^'jUmg.^ TJajotay Mirsh »i John Mator 4; fes m, wht bo la bad aaeoagaloag. ftatb tor 'a lanebaott to b* sarvad ia Qaeaav bar aad am for tie prsMnutloa of "Mawly ltary ABB" by, alia* Marlon Brnlyn Bttfk. 4; John Si Batb Rlonards J; Lillian Rosrka 4; > improvemant aad this afternoon eh* noraac* •bcrldsa 4i K*an*tb Haaa jwaa pronouacad w*U oa ta* road to ! S; Al«Mad»r 8loaa 4j Balls Baltb J( J r**o»*ry. __ , HCTIRCMKNT MAKKIB Tha ntlroairat .of. Mr. tad Mr*. Ocorg* B. Uoffsaa, of MBD avana*. from m*mb*-.»blp la tb* i a s o Taaat* WINTEBTSPORTS AT "RIVERSIDE" Flaas CtjasiaWfeti By C«amilt« F«r tpnWH Sbtiiii at CITIZENS ASSOCIATION PROPOSED FOR WORK paygruadV who ceaaldarad the proe* voaa oroaiBl a Bart ot tb* park as a ihatlag BSM. Aa *uihasfca*nt will h* nud* lo ratals Uw waTar oa s «w tain nan at tb* told afterttba* baas flooded freev tb* dty atalas. It Is JtTH«t« raadar, at the twrlsb roataa. aaxt Vtandiy avaalag. fheiaV BrwaBlZ at tba awatiac-war*! 5ha Ibn. afleiilw. H. A. I* Hacttlar, «f§. A. P. «iru»l- san. Hra. W. W. P*«dm«i, Mri. WU, l i a s BUai, lln. Tluj««a H. 01rtasn«r, Iff*. K C. Mead, Mrf, A . X WaatUlfs. UN. J. 0. Uallelt; HIM I#dla COB- MeCllatoak. «y « w B»opl* waa thai U?th» tmtisnft ot Mf-xaa Mrs JohBLsJdsnof WCw- Wtalfred Staart f j O«orge Tea* (; Joba Vaaseo Ptallae WHson 4t nsrry WoMtor Ros* Z«ld*l S; EUtabMb Bardsa >; gtf r charg* a seiaJl adsHsMoa fa* to offset this •spaas*,. Providing tba project caa a* eorrlad oat after aa •atlaut* ot tb* cost 1* obtslasd plan* will thso ba aud* to Introduce varloo*la* sport*-. Hbsd* Tree Coeaalssloaar roses* Mnar'Broposad tb* torauuioo of a ClUsaaV Asaoetetloa wits a maaber. sble> f** of IS»«r aaaas ta tsrtbsr davalop lh» park as s> public play- areaad tba year round, A coesmltta* to pr* ••' --roper plans for esjrrytna out t wa* aamad. laeladlac Kngaa* Millar, r C. •hotwalt sad L. R. Carcwrigbt. , rnrtbtr eoniidaratloo was glvta to ' ntlslnr funds fnr wiping not th« b*J- asco dao (or ta« mnliiH at in* park Chairman- H. II Jardla* aaaoaaesd that $100 more woald b* paid tbl* wsaik. which will auk* 1J.T0O already rtlMd- Ptaas for further soUdutlon Vlvlta Aadsnea 4s nidsrla Bum t: i riot Brown f; NtwaB Gbas* Joba DHselll (. - Morris Braehatuaa t; is Oaorg* Cowl* S; •vsolag at tb* lot. of tot Ulllaa X: Halsa Mill* Aateato aiafrld* , bom* of Miss Bsl* J, 1 LlvlBgton tttwH. ITHwlwth, wb»r* e tbariaas* s*a- plon* war* msd* for etrrytfl* oat tb* usual custom of th* elab la aladag Edward Aids* S; Mcry Bargaa KatbaMa* BnUty Si taer Cawea I Ot tt* Pr* •HftwllHi M*rgar*t 7aefeges 4t MaaH* Mr.-xaa Mrs. JahnLsddsfl, of 14>iCatv wh*a tbalr tar** ebJlbaa, Aga**, muaer sad Ma*t*r John, c*V* * Or*- w*U party la honor ot Doretty'iad Jack Wada, ehlldraa of Mr aad Mrs. J. WlUlam Wad* ef Mapl*ttrrac*,who shortly lasv* to rsstd* la Cblcaco. Tb* event was mad* doebly lat*r*«t- las; to tb* Mttl* folks, by th* la- ot Mrs, Z^nldsorwao^rdvid" nl bostsss la ibsrroto Aa«*a 4rJC»rl*tol» Sou*%; Danaar KMd 4; WM11 ta^^*^ »st of ttusds. ^Hoaara -war* wea or Mis* Uario» Oiftaaear, ef tal* etty Moor* ti Joba Hetsaisa St Muddall 4; Israel Nidal I. rtson Cbss* S; Margaret. Carton «; Dorlads Oladak 4; Llanaa OeOutt f; Jsaal* Sara >s Clifford Duiaphy I; Paal BUlott 6; Marjorl* rrenaaa 4; of proWdlng gaajra of Interest for the »t»*tts. Aaabundsac* of refreshment* was a*rv*d at' tbo'eloa* of raar*v*> alng ot enjoyment and profit to tb* youngsters. Bsaldsa the Lodd»n call- Hath Jaasbowiu 4; SaarasI Lev* 8; Brem there wer* prtuat, Mlsus Doro- try Wade, Mary Ovcrtoa, Rath Millar. Catharia* Heed, J«ak Wad*, J*ss* Ovarton,' OsatU and Ssltxar '• BSOTSS. BIS PAftABE TONIGHT Plans wars eompUtad W*dB*sday nlfbt by th* Democratic-Club for a >(«• paratln tnnlfht 4n 'ealohratlnn ef daaflt. of. oa* nwa aad sartoat Injury td several roQtara_aa rosult'of fires. -OB-JOB* SO, -UlaV Waltor Daly waa . fatally baraail by tB«explosion of a Isafr at bit hoau, 4S Mala street Oa Ho*, W, 191B, Alazaadarfluaalaraad "vnilltai taarywwa aarioasly baraad by tb* expiation, or naphtha at SO Jsaiastreat Oa Oct W, Wl«, Edward Van Sebelek- was aarioaslr bara«d by adds aad Joha jCongs? rscejved a ea\A'jpisBi r 0B 1 u%lli ttaad froai ft : tkt^ih jui" "WV tne reelection of Wilson and Marshall, f a s procession will farm la Cherry headed by th* American Vita' and Dram Corps, of this city. Joseph aaday "will act at aunbal aad haw charge of tb* vaxm&t.-thaptea&tloa will pass trom-CtotrW'i&mt.is/ttMln H Odt tttae*r'ii* to Hearea to to Seminary avenue' done tor this town of afiOO: Pollabttd the atreetn. carried oft tho tohblth from every back yard* pat the baseball diamond la Una candlHoa and started a newer ayttea for the city. After* the aewer Is completed they'll BB ™ttowetfc pa«fcis new streets. The hobaea do theae things wUllagly, 1 heerliatlf^ew Bwy^rowenthe-BBBo 1 - 1 Mnttoriy dlteetlea SO «Mt to tte BolBt «Bd pl»t» ef DeRtnslBg. IMlas lots* sod la DIM* «>, » on jiiae «r"&wpsrtjr T«- ROTH-CO. - Big Specials - IPor Wednesday mvi in nil IJJ ar. a> "-is i on.—Boston Transcript DIITaraot Prapoattien. *A)ax defied the llghrBlng.** "Yoa. That was before they had electricity tamed aud harueewd in wlrtts. .?g«^*«7W«eMnd-teday he wouldn't havo the nerve to talk backr to a telephone exebanje."—"Waahlag- -ten-Star. v h i a t l f ^ e w BwyrowentheBBBo nOe. *b«y are gtvra thai? choice of ibe two- to eonnettton with a Vigorous plm to supply Alteoaa. !*«-• with aomo rcc reaHoaal tactllUea the ehauber of com mere*, has started a community eanlri- »ad <#«r*d a beautiful flas as a tropnr W ttwMBBsatfrlBsww of the Ponusj"! ^a!»««|lJWy^laaaaJEa»baJLieacuo orkers la Altoeaa. and tba cta«« «: ^ n fUyrf m *U» league Uoqolvalwi •W'CUas Olathe mmw !««««««• ~ >' wmajHavtiEeoRO SPECIAL. TRAINS. Yal« Priawtotf Foottoll , Saturday. November 18th tMf 3*n»J City .555 «'«1« 1 J-JSS sat tntaa Is or thaearlier Vfeal Cutlets Legs Trenton Scrapple •aaU ^*MU HI .TV ' IQfb Pork Chops Veal CBops Fre»h Hams Pork Kidneys Lamb Chops 8«rf*raX»einbeT»oeUi# deeaxtassat «•> eaivavt alight -eat* aad baMb wall* .pertoHnlair -fir* dutj>- «t 'tba Opwf* House sad'VashIagtoa*'ball-fir«s."' ** 3a th* report It waa raeoauaaadad Due to Seminary avenue to ttrese to CaatrsI *r«a«ft io Bryant tame* to Biyaae streettoCouuawe* stv*«t tff'|i«lB to Cherry to Irving street aaoU thsr..clab - beadquartan, wh* refreshmcaU will b* sarved e U t . wher* refreshmcaU will b* sarved. An^iuwnt are fa«ii*d ta_4«eon and Illaunlaat*nfba1r)roni*sr%t pUftta of business far tjA 'ocesJnon. "»1r •that the elty_i«B «a r old hookjwd i]jirf^4y tutelc sotna" ptlc9 ^ol**, L aad tore* lacldtrt net aowla 0M. :~atata4 -tbat^eloyeft. lengths ot bant aad coupling* wetw to itikaMah*a*rfn*UMiUsiu, Mis* Leonl* 'cr^mmm nil .nuiliu li> dntn V Cewsa, aad by the** praasat ware: Mrs. C. H. Lowa, Mrs. B. D. D«Oroot, Mis* EUU Oroot, of BUfabvtb; Albnt Jeasby, Craafordl Ur. and Mrs. O*org* B. mng«mrf*r Bhannon. the Miss** Oieubsw irirdnla Mrsea* J; Edward FMcarakl CIar*ne* Bcawr ;S Margawt Tstly Mary VbiU 2; LMTBOmJ; Cstb- •rlna B*ttn*tt t. Edna BadsJW 8; Chart** Br*w*r 3; Ctaitrod* C*s*y I; Hoary CrMby Ij Joba Elder 4; BmUyflssklll S; Orgc* Hoffmaa 2; Haul Holland 4; Vraak HoUlas* S; -Alfred Hopkins S; edits Jackson 2; Zlfeabcta Jeffriss 4; Harw K*nn«dy %: Leal Mantlo 3; Jos*** Martin K; gv» Schlactman 4; Aacnst Sfiba*td«r street Bear tb* elab room* and will bar Mart*_ Sebasldar S^_-Alle»_8isioa -ti L*sll« Stasrt S; Miimi* Sonar "4f Prsd Tomlliisoa Ji Emir TttthlU*!; Nathma Zaeleasa 8; Merles Brows t BUcabatb-Oaff 4; lOliabatb Pesa* S IjiUsB aelwllok 4; Siebard Muoa 2; Aacasta, fletff S; Herbert Sebwalfgar 3; Louisa Smita S; MsdaUa* 8«al*r-S; Bessie Tayaor S; Bobart ITblw t% Louis VaJeatla* S; Bam Vaa By** »; CUatoa WsHtsr 3; Harloa Walk*r 4; m™HIZ*-*'.. S Z££*2 V. Ha^a^BooaU^l^raaC-M^* MU* Ms* v«ng«b*a*r, of Bsbw*y_ •IRTMDAV PARTV In «il»hr»tta« nf luw tight* ^>rt% day annlvarssry Miss Iran* Oaltaa, dsaabtar of Mr, and Mrs. Jeba J. Del- ton, of 241 West Oraa< strut, ptasuv antly anUrtslned a aaaibcr of yeaag. paopl* oa Monday aftsirnooo.Ttetlai*; was well spent witb tarloa* Kama*, vocal and lostramsoUl tsrotle and r*> fraabmants.- Tb* featoro of tb* Isttar wits csndy of dlffsraet colors. Mad- cal sslacttsas were pro«1d*d by Btloa SUtoa aad-JTottc fcbwaifsfr.- Tha** present.were: 'flu Mlss**~«b*l Soekfal, Mabel and Birelya .tudlow, Jull« BebwaltMr, CscOa Conrad, Isabetl* Moss. Trsa* aad Halm D«J- too. Jes«pbia* Waltaasaaa 2j Ward 3; WUlfas Ward 9; Owrtf* Way.3; rda Wak*a*ld S; Hatca WklM 2; 8adW Wifcctf S; Obdys WUt> baad 4; Vlrgiala Wbit*b«ad 3; WU- OM HIOITHOAV In c*I*bradoa of bar birthday Mbr E3»l« VUaagaa, daaghttr et Vin Cbl*f aad Un. Musau* Maaacaa. ot in Jftloa **tw*t« wa* t*ad*r*d a 4*Ugfil# ful mupHta sarty gcterdsr O«CBIB*V Ttwhottv* wa* BNttUy doeoratad for It* oees*Ua v u i S N m aad aataaaa atsat* we»w tb* erdar of tb* *v*fai8«. Tbos* puinnf Mb* TBtSa UmmUtc, lHl«f<HUi)« AIMPHH* aivenfeyMi*. H*rft«uus ami Mr*. Ala«* Added latarast waa glvea tb* muling i or tb* Rabway Branch of ta* vurcy Coaolttaa et Nsw^Jartay bald Wsdnasdsy altsraaea u Uu> boat* et Mr*. Freak U. 8tlUm«a. of Kim *.**- aee. la tb* natup* of-aa aeMna* V Mrs. r>«ak llarrlawa. ot Miw York, who retaniad tmtitfy ffoo tb* Tt*atb BSMlafMttit when. sb»sarvad foe abodt *jt*a» on an aatbaUac*" staff aad Uu«r la avitospltal la tb* Latin Qaartav of Par». BaaUs* giving a most eom- pr«a*a*lv* ueoaar e« tb* seaoea aad siparlaac** wblea h*ld tb* eloa* at- tafltloo of all. sb* also cxblbltad a aaab«r of smalt Blctow*toqi'va a tot- '^mmmm Aftaresr* Clrela. wbleb ha* a ellala at ta* PeatOradoal* ItwpdaJ. N*w York, and has b**a a re«ttar**»ly ne> e**sfat agency la Dili-Hint i^f»«ifii» paralyat* ftctla*. . ta«se> TOM presaot were: Cbsiraua II. II. lardla*. Oay M. Howard. »ehool SiiB«riBt*ad>nt W. T. Uttle. L. Has- salt Cartwrtgbt aad W. C. Uotwall. ! AT A dsllgbttal card party was tJ**a Wasiaaadsy ait*rnaoa by HIw Anus Allots, tiagkur ot Mr. aad Mrs. »eb- art Allot*, ot Mtvpoet etraat. to awtlaa wltb tba work ef tb* commit- t** also sacaptad poruoa ef tb* OB*. Aasoaa tbosa prosaat were: Un. rraak Hsrtisaa, Mr*. 9. H. Alb**, Mr*. tt'it'Con.. firsTsT*. aUracav Mrs. Artbay R. Wsodsll. Mrs. Bvorett H. Basics. Mn. A. IL CbambsrUla. Mrs. «7UUaB a. MarUa. Mr*. Otto Psisa. Mrs. f. W. tUU. Mr*. W. H. Clok* Mrs. t. O. Baaa, Mrs. Wtlllaa miss. Mrs. Thou** It. llsbarta, Mrs. W. It Petanoa. Mrs. Loaraad n*4g*s Un. Joba M. Randolph. Mr*. tUyaotd* Mrs-Chspmsn Mrs. C. O- Collls*. Mrs. T. V, DobUa* Mr*. CbarUai R. Msltafc. Mrs. Artbar nail. Mr*. 1. H. Baskar- vfll*, Mrs. Clifford Milter, Mr*. Bsart H. Meyer, tb* Mlssw "Jetol HoMa- maa. Mrs. B«3pi SUHaMa aad Mrs. rrtns M. Itfllaaaa. TIM Y«r of Strtkt X i r U by BfMint S«£d Erwt tt CDWREHENSIVE REPORT BY MRS. A. R, WENDELL son* la tbl* etty bf tba CtvW Clab wa* aoaansd s f t l H -tttstll - -by a*ay-ef (ba-BMM sreeatn spinwd woaiaa ef tb* dty Tb* stad tor tb* eeeasfoa wltb flovaM asdal lauraau ocaaptad tb*Us* tt tb* gaa*u. Owing to tb* recent r*ssa> aailoB of Mr*. Kart Haiaaabtfi. «fe»- as* ba*a eaulmaa of t»» vUitxaf aars* wwimWaw Uao» tb* work wu Martad. yiercttifaua Mr*. A. n. Braartey waabEO. A* tstsiwiartetsv* of fb* a>Ht> lag va» ibaroagB aad *«saaF«fe*av •iv* ratfdrt ef lb* work «hrae by S**> iwtsry Mrs. Artbar A. W*ad*n a* fa* iaoa*Bn*aat twi Tb* Mlssa* C«tb •baarar, Lae«« Mora*, R*l*a a ^ b*tb; tb* Miss** Sorotby Msrtbv Ks- tl ; b*ee» Cbss* aad Aaaa AHata, of tals •aUir :/ " : tlUltO sTNTCHTAIMKS Tb* W**tml*t*r Oolld of «b**Koad Pr**byt«rfaa< cboreb bad vary pis**- snt maatJag on Tossdsy aftaraasa with Mrs. CUntm BaJMroT ttr—c "Old Spain ia K*w Aawrlta" was tb* teeie^of-tisatrrsadlas* Moate sBd-yafr*sbaumt*-add*d to tb* •Bjoynuat. of tb* awatlaa. Tbo** " -W, JOB**, v. •>.«, rutm*. tiaal arrangsnunts for tb* daae* to b* b«Id la Xenlar* baa •> m > day •vmlsg. He*. 34. war* asad* Wadaaadsy *v«aias at tb* awatlac of Tb* VUMlflg Mara* Coamiua* of tb* CM* dab- do*** luthird ywar of sawte*. well eooMBl wit* lb«.Bca._ gr**a oaring tb* past twatv*. i To I««MM« «• inftUMi Ua work, two. BMasaar* w*r* added to tba ta* tb* tm at tb* yoar. aaktmg tu comaoaltlsa s* follow*: Mr*. Karl IMsaabws; Mr*. A. O.BnarUy: , Tboaae 3. Adcaw: wsvwary - Ma. Ariba* B. WcadaO; Mr*. M. *>. OttMU Mrs. r. C. flyer aad Mr*. O*»rg*at COST. B* OB* MasW wm a* pro*U*i star** ewasstfa, of by H*rbf*w>Jtte »*, lHl*d to tug* t**b taust to aat- br lk» sad Wtt Otbrteatv PrtUatfasry BM* »HtWtSlB««Ht Ot tb* bO— Of" _ . Mls*edaaOr1tsebk*.of CUouesira«t.!sad T4S socaat tmnUm vtotts. » tasaf Tb*r* was also * dlamsstoa of tb*;of «J# «Mt*, cod sdWsabtllty of boMin* a aftb saat- tbroagb tb* saasif f*** of ktr pilltXr* vwaary esUbrstloa ta Vctomary. A ! ft*sU*s fit** frsas Bfc* *awOI a>—ting of tb* saeteiy wtH *•;Uf* Iwaiw tempamf tar bald at ta* ebayztn Taanday wnlag. bardie ptr'**at war*: Mfg. , , Mrs. Chan** Corbto. Mr*. Ctbaa j tb* Ml**** Margajwt aad Tb*r**» k*a asistad at atad HfstiKrai, -and" toarer, Mr*. Ctaorg* A. Toaag; Mn.|Pr*pislE. Ida Marbscii, Ofme* Mssucvclvca car* ia afUsa BtmVumilf BUM Tboaus lX_Rob*n*. Jr, -tb* Ml' jsizdna Ofttsdjte, CUatoa Bsry, 9hu n* aa* aawwattwd. I EdJtb COUIBS, Bwttflc* Longstrotb, Otbftdit, ekorlc* BrttWWa, liatalt* Bdgsr and MaMoo Baker aad | Orteca aad Tt*» Msrboco- Mrs. CHatea M. Bskar. .of tatereolasl* «f «Udt ta*** fianafintrt to Vmnlt 8 t Of ttoW *tm «sWa« ta* HSMORfAL SCUVteS at fto'ln lafsrsrf ftatg|»tiralar-)ir1aasst"* Raadlas* Clab thara ws* IBKJIC about sixty pwatfaaat weawn. oftb* city, amtly aMfetwr* of tb* elab. IB* AO&s&o ClaS-aad Ci»f» «ab and frtoad* at tb* boa* of Mra. Josspb W. Msrtla. of M Msia strMt, yastorday- aftaraooa, Tb* sstbarlac took tb* SUM of tb* ' ' Saawolaat ead Prof*ai»* Ofdar ef aad from Hat* to *** of tto neaUu&ttia* H*v. Vraalc Moor*. *ap*r- fito" aiMia'ar* w*B eaal aussosial svrrle*tofe*fc*td Sasptr* tbaatr*. thmoay momta*. B*e. *. at * erdoefc. a*r by Un. HatstalwrsT It wm*s<st«dtbattaW8p**kcr for tto far cb*> tsJuiwatOBtofitaoVi waa r*e*lv*d witk g » s t d'a f l , g ad'aieaw of wslfoea* wa* also to a aact of ttovwaiaWt. *I»»B by PnaUtmt Mr*. aad tto anstesJ aasitora Wit Att*H>9;at mmt mmma. «Uav. Vadar «to aaapieMef tto p , Mis* J«n* BoftV of 8a*fi» Strsr; Ite m W TIHa M j Ctt WESTMINSTER OOILO Ml atriftM. j*H»*y Ctty ; Stmear Wyeoff S.- stm Ww TTITIH atriftM. j*H»*y Ctty; Heft EfiriaM. Ocorc* VOUC, Jo*«f>B B H Hta laitetl i A dellthtfal aoeltl gmtfieriag of tlw Lasli* Zleuaeraua a c f Bym, Harry Hotaa* laisatetli; air. ft M XVestialattar CSaUd ef-th* Wrst f r * » kOMred Barttort i: y y ; aad lln «LftMoHaaoa, Mr.aaa Mr*. bytiHaa church was held oa <£aetday d aasd Strtm 3;*Siaala*> BUsi S; WB- ttitt toward tto •wing at tba aeta* «t Mrs. HJdurd Dialei Sm/lmta. ISJB Sranafes 3; E*elr* Bardw guriSK ths j*aiv Two Ieagtiu of boaa y. Hprtaa, t»t loc^traioa lf d ^J^J ; MteBte Clef 2: «lld* dotasrS; Mirioa •re at th* w%er vMrkaJo" ba repalfed, f taaath* ha*e bs«n ntwlfed awl tsar haw bees 'etrced-os Uu» *CMI> sriiig i UBiquiT* 1 * vvwayw malaw< —ajj *' Geattty. xumt ceiutmvPums Cnuaptoa J; Gtadys Crov/eH 4s Ufflaa ef weal dl«eHIoa«, anote asd reftj»*li- d' tb U ' l k l SaBhwa, irrcd Haraas. tto Sabow *; Treoertefc XMrwtw'S; OTaekr tb* Uaur pas* '-ttolokly WaOae* SSUiott»; Attt*WllHsal »g tto Aaothar auwtiaf of Out OtttfA wfflb* Sonsid WmaaarJt: Lettlm Moaoay: vAawB«* taoa* ttimr—^ba^UlMmtm xt Sdltft Jtow *t . jhBM* Bags* »; fofen aebeabota* *; E i»WVtm^»^m ii GUM* ase*a» Ss i 3; Wffifcaf asHaid Ss K M Haowr a Am*- SMsuWg 3; Jereour Sseekowlt* ' th* saJBft, Oaaeeoaat el Uta tonstdeJayana espowrt-wa wew only ibto to aavre Bboat flv# letiKtlis, •whlcu •ruer* win be «a faapoHant f ffie HepubHcan a* they 1 wer* not Satotoput IB Hervlce str«asn& v M%«v balane* went t0 the~ittnlf h«#l*.'" I \ftttld aaggest that *OOT lire aa£ waier eonUnlttee **e By ; g pp f tafia* -Sj BUir J£*aWS; S A W £aW- ; "ithtmmWmmmmi Si lost ; tmm BdMrbr *; aad . B. Martin. *^"irto~l»~*»«pal*if imr tte asSTii at g*d Ctam Ctrtifwg «wte galaW " wA a. Umtem-imm- Cmmim- 9. Sraw Talnsi'alnsli f am m>*^ waa rtpotto* tm 0av MrK ad aytibe>lBs\ja t*) taH* flMasossfSasTtavV > .5: ris*.

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Post on 09-Nov-2020




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Page 1: ^mmmm · R.hi ^ssaBPSf^m^ 6RIDIR0H CONTEST •-•" RESULTS W ft TIE Bachelor Chttifbis Lib*rty A.-C Put teg Game Agalart Stroug Elisabeth Ijs* tktviuasTsrft M*w tiua jrees o

R.hi ^ssaBPSf^m^


Bachelor Chttifbis

Lib*rty A.-C Putteg Game Agalart Stroug


Ijs* tktviuasTsrft M*w tiua jrees o• U B B B B & '' ' """"—~~r^" '• ' • •" : - •"" ' :•'" ' "I1 ' tt

. Yt» football teams n p w m l t m theLiberty *. C. oi this etty. and., tlwfUuwi Heart School or muaheto,koUlsd to a IMS tte at MversMB I*>rk

«a Saturday morning. Atthuagh tho

vlalten outweighed the »><>«n« team.

I t o Raaway player* proTwl much

tester than their h»**i»r

The Kltiaoeib team scored

basher plotting up • rumotod Pint. «ji.t

going, over for tho ttr»t touchdown.

Ya« UbeW» received, and

ward pass to carry the *>•« aowu totheir opponarts twainy-yenl Ho,* HerottliT rslaked out of ilanger Uoaaman selm-d

y»rd» around right and. i»nh aljht iwra

rwrMlcMoKMaairailMiatttUaiTaw lawn WUI W what y«« W*M

A survey of tb* Batloat tmmaa laffHIUwr aaurial* nma uiawfTTrt

tea* pass. MacUa In Mo»*6)»». nationaneaa rarde end brought iho ball iolie KUiaboth ten-yaru" Ha*. XMackle and Hsrar had bwn Utrowa forlosacs U o a m u took tin1 bon a taekto play- TUB Bacred H a t * * * ec**** <«*w o o d touchdown in tho third quarter.Onion Intercepting a Hahwaj pa«»and numtng turty rant* tor a louchtown. Pastor tailed to sick the coal

Tlw Kllsabathaas eonllxwd to loaduntil the tourti quarter. At thta pointJ«n*« w«» •uh»tUut»d tor CToabr at l»r»and. and Vmt•on »«H M» w I fcwat hain>acw. Kun» ftr Macklo and Moss-awn. and a forwud. Wataon to Jouaa,brooshr th« boll to Ui« vUUors twantryard Uns. After lhr« attoupt* to ail-m e t tho ball had tallad, WatsontAr#w a tons tuf wajd o~ Joiw** whom»d« a wnaatlonal catch, and mllOBOtaetuaa th* Dno.

Derbu lha nmalaiar ot UM P»rtod.tb* dall i w a w l bock and forth, ttro

Biki Item* of Loctl InUnat

Ke*ar%iaupas/s\ H ^ * I * * J B M B ^ ^ 1 *OOH^ ^^,V*« * • ™ ^»-»— - ^

tlea » t h » lam* «um)ly ef Uiss* lo 6*Touadta " '—"—'— '^' —^


rarty-yard Ua*.Mossman aad Mackle war* the Star

asrronnor* tot the Ubartya. wall*Pastor and Qulna excelled tor theoarocblal *cheol boy*. The line up:Railway «*****] Heart

.. , . LawlessLett Kad

HarrisonLaf. Tackle


tot w m»tot w m» nfedaetUa tiiMValwbla u Vbaa* •tamann




NOVEMBER I?. PRfC!r»<rt«« nwfa

. C. ftu!8J> Ol 8 t O«orae) SV*IUI*, UO B t h * • l e f c l t r t . ">:.- ' : ' ~:":.' '-'• •'-•

MM. Karl HsUsabert. et St. (Margeavaaua. has Ntwaad b o a a nojoanat New aochaUa, N. Y,

MlH-JBUiibeth Ony, ot M etiatoa?

aeks at Worcester, Mass., cad otherpoiata.- - '"'..

M». H ClalboUffle Horn, of ISO*J| I.Pi aVa—-^**—* *********^ mwjrm n * . — — •••-

Hamilton ttraei. be* beaa vblttag barparauttMr: and Mm. W. P. Creaki. 6flueksnsaelf, Jo* pa«t two days.

Mri. muik tiunhara. of Perth Am-boy, was theitwai of tho Mlua* Wor-eaee lind Mildred Waiant et Mavaa*. on Saturday.-WHH*

avanuB. t* ea)oyliild l f th

nuB. t* ea)oyliil - . — "r--dttllen for the P«an«yl»aJlla S i l t


TO-DAYf l u « • P«* ***»>** PMif

"Tortured Heart*with

Virginia PearsonT>Hi»tli«r with lb« nlalli «plwda of



(»U«dTUB'UUbl>4IC l i l »U»


UlM M»fP<!ri« 8<SUl«r, Of ft OaSTCtti

whaw «h» hat bMB

Fmtdaat, HU*ataalot jPatttwtt. Juater Vte«-1IH. Aly«h Vaava*^ TWM»«r >«»: aahAd w w g

i lllaiiltter, dlrwtsr ofTke

•aja*UJHv \a*W*."V#*M»Vi nas—ej * * • » ^***7W^4f^aT l»a»U 1 (tt-»—- - • — — -»

b* dUposud of moat advaatsgaousry by [aiion waa enjoysd.

ffOWBli*- KW» «»ymai:—ui—>J«K——

•wmi. thenfen. Ibat tblt garbfe U J f most dvant«BS

orchestra, oth of Kay pert, spent Has.day with Mr. and Mrs. Hlfry L. Hartlu

_ lot 1 Whlttlaijtreat. A* all «r* talentedw can I moaletans a v«y pleasant mosletl-***


"iiSUk» and Sqtirii"

u r Idaa of tb* eeadUloa* arlth w»Kb

pramlAmt Caatttra ofaeeUaaT »a» a wall preawatad daaerin.

»nj, teeatarr atfi. CUfwea. OUvwr.V«n TJI». - M B

w«U aa tatamsr wan yastardsr aflsrnooaL«wrefl«, Mrs. Ma^ttuufwoel; Albea- «f t l » wavk hem* of Mri. TCW. FaadbtoaCeDBail 08 TSMday •raolafc la- ot Ma_jf|fA_wba>

auidMit ot aubjacw la WBMB thai puna_«B8t. Haliy. wto-wllwmlitoi ft Oaa wag aacaatasVtHMa playgrouadV who ceaaldarad the proe*

i ta^UoaTroai taa -locsU^oo^ps^TlsnaeTHB*

fea (UiposwJ of most advant«BSOU*Ij byr>tnratnc It to tl*» «U la th* turn ef

«ni»K. " -la cttlaa ot 1*0.000 pasel* of Bat* taa

-wluctloa of inwtonw by n«ttou»-whlel) furnWia mldu* lit for f«rtllturu«<> haa proved tfl b* a nfofltabla ma-iilclsal «a««n*r<w. and IB •mailer eoa-mualltsa It miMht w«U t» wit tmUlB*tne. N>im»rot» alial^aa of raw »»>>•liae» «h<>w tlmt on tha avvraav snataedMitttua* 3.3 par ««ot and of tba fW-Ultaer lnar*JWota. potash 0.3 p»r rant.Iwnc ptoanbar* 1 par rant aa<J nltro-B^lt lit UW COTul OK HDinuoul fc p«T ii>ui.Ou tbU bul» t&e value it a ton of rawrt b abeot US, tba gram bates

t t U t

lon W B I « n j o j « d .H o w a r d J . d * r l a » , of B a m ? »

ma. aatartatoad «roumb« ot frtsadson Thursday «y«nlni.

Waltor Oartawtlt*. ot U1 WtatOrond itraot. la drt*ln* a now Bulokoar.

Ml«» Uo«u l'tppln«er ipant SundayIn- Wttililaetoa. D. O.. visiting thaWhlto Itouia. tha euiauma. tha capitaland juany othor things.

An enjoyable thaatf* and dlnuerparty wa» gl*»« by- Mr. t a d Mri. Otto

Wrtiajo b abeot US, tba gram batesworth 13 aad tha fartlltur tntraeUasti

¥ n^itm e 4J, O"p0«S-N«Ll. VUCCUaTTARY

Celebrates Eleventh Birthday In Royal STyWWith Music Speeches and Fine Dinner,

and Mrs. LeQraada Hadgw.

|fj%£ t^u evvvw"***; ^14*Aa 4Va\a. *•**%« • * • • » • *m* -™» w»— w — v v — —

thrwiTpSIaclpar rf>r»nge. Sfsro »T»«* n t Mrr «a4 Mr*rHenry M. Woodruff, ot 39 Qamlaary

d d d U ITSlhaathoda of doing till*


Ttwl M W.-T.UX,, . » , , t ^ « ~ - , of the * • • du* to th» ottort* ot the- eoinmtt-

^ t o ^ ' c t * wa. nttlngU- celobraud ^ ^ ^ T ^ Z Z ^ ^last nveolng *uh a splendid bau<w« Wii> c h t U t o p h a r nichardson and Her-


Bl«bt Guard

Sltfct TacU*



Loft HaltbaekRarer. Watson

. . TvbUB


• • t tanlay

_ o l n ^ nngtup,and «nt*rtatnm«ut progra.m at Herman ^)vn jqtMtm--- • - iY" 1'"*' "<"«•« hnlMlnr. r r - , . - . j hy »ll

Keen regrol w u «x-firt th»t Mr.

Irvtug street Caterer Waber served McMabou. the chairman ot tha corn-one ot bis best chicken dinner* and nilltve bad beeu takau 111 and was un-that meau* there a n none bottar able to be preaont. nealdea the must-Tweatynw members ot the club en- cal program there ware speeches of a

. « , _ _ » , _ ^ - _ — t»wwia]|—nil in aa—isoiiln—tiu 1'imi'Hf^ati*** w\i

a of doing till*. Tba anrbace Ueootad and atratuatl aad thmi praueddry and dagfaaacd Ui ga»olln<>. or toooatoam I* drtad directly In rutnry bot»lr kllsa aad tb«n dogwai-wl In gaao-lla«,'6r It ti drtod and d«irrea*«d luonaeptfttleo.

Af raw aarbat* mntalna TO par caatwatar aad SJ5 per cant iraiw. tb*vtald of th» tankam naldua or far-tUlsw abonld b» about 23 par. cantTbta rout ton» efraw b h a a

^*e>a %^ ^ e » ^ a a ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ v • • • -" • .. — —

1'o.lm. of l»7 Elm avaaua, on Mdaynight to Mr. and Mrs. Edward S.

K C Mnight to Mr. and Mrs. ESavago. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. CoBa. Mr.

TBtUI four toa»~qg-WW' Barca^q-wiataa-Iwiaad* to ylald on# ton of dried tank-as* aad tut -wotta ot grease, to tb»ntall euukat the drlad taakan aall*for about tlO a ton and at wholesale

jayed tha spraad


. CohlU

. . Qalaa

. Laahay

.. Cottar

y e j tua spraaor-aanr pro«r»m .»^..». .Then were exvottent vocal number* present

t>} Thouia* lAUShlltt »n<l L W N<w«av ~"

cal p a•octal nature Made by

were: Prealdent Loulanj xnoa i . i* i^juaniin R « U M .» .-,-w-w.. . . - «••

« bile Max Uublu UelluhtiHl the gathi>r _ Kublu. vu-o i tialdent Herbert OahHag,ing uf.h piano ««l«cllon* Three ot th.-' Secretary Max Rubin. Treasurerorlgtal charter member* ot the club , James J. O'Donnell. Sergeant-at-aima

Right Halfback.

w w nrcaent. Includlug Oaorg»(on. Frrd Voorblaa aad Qoort* GreenT»> f i..h w»* oraanlrod fnr aoelal pur-

FuUback—jtttawa. Ralwmeytr; nBglra. ltaabto; UBar. Ladlow; head Uaaaaan.SlUa; Uaaaawa. Sine and KnlUnaon;

Ha l

Chrlstopber Rlchardsoa. Fred Old*,former star twlrler for the Rahway

A . Charles Parks. Arthur* Carlson.

avenue. Sunday and attended tba lTIthaDRlveraary of tbo Jirat Prssbytsriaachurch-

Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Hopkins, otCommerce street, have moved to Sum-mit avonue. Jersey City.

Plana were completed tor the basurto ba held tn tha Second Presbyterian

Suly-Jn-Qeeamhar at^tha Saw

1 Nov. I. oavatiat t&o t**r Outlw'ie»*«i and CBBUlslas sway- Pltny

QlifforU Haddan. et Ja<jua» avanae,ftvai aaxcwaek lor * Batinaaa trip

to Italy. ,. ifCarltoE" A. lUnsoca, ami of Mr. and

MM. W. A. Raaaomisw raiuaed hlaatudie* at Dlavan'a laitltuta. He la amember ot tha Thata D*u PI tnur-ally and haa Juht baas alactad presl

hla elan

nu»l«ood »«eaue. satOTtatead at dlo-aer yaatarday Ura. B. J. Civs , orNewark; Utia Ontoa Clark ot 81 BUa»h»th Training MBOI for Nuraaa of HSU*bath aad Ufa. Tbomta Clafk ot WaitBald avaanavlUnway. 8

Tha •unWarsMy w» el th« CityNuraa ComalttB* ot Oso ClWo CTu*

bed? teraally gootsttd tha .«•»UJU9 sou* BM anglaa and n » »si4«f#d tad faasiadad ita tttloa ot taaBM«1O4U HWliag la pudiaaiBC 1JW(sat et iwaaJMm tfi* Bunk* Coasuy

ket PhUadalpklav ba et tha writ 0*

140.Mrs. Martin O'Coaaor et Waat

hose ot Mr*. William Pendlaton ofBla aveaua.

eM?.80.At prafaot, howarar. only six elttaa

la tbo United Btttaa oparata their owareduction plants tad about twentya«nd thalr garhan to rrlwtely ownedplant*. Thaw liroduca to the coura*of a rear 100,000 tons of <unUns« orrartlllMr, made from t.O4B,uon toua otraw garbasa. ! t all ot the ISO cltlaa Intbo tlaltad Btatoa which turn 1 op

f «>«w> h o l t

lag Soelaty1* meeting on Ueaday al-tafaoan. -

Itra. frank alias dalltattuUy aa>tortalned tho aatartainmaat oommlttaaot Columbian schoollit h«r homatua


day ovanlng.

. n^ . . . . . . — w . . . » » . . . » . ^ . — . . — : — ^ _ : — n ,-UJAQ

POM, and has been Identlnad with • Russell llobllUel. William aenwamer. I ( h | >


JLfta» wtaala* ta« &wt |a8M byat W>« th

PO«B» and has been laenunoo. »«n , i m w u IIDUIUU. »»•<some ot th* bast social gatharinga hanfjWUIIant F Webar. — .tn the city. The club Is lu a flourish-1 a « > « • Morton. Oeergo Worth. FredIng condition ana ocenptea attractive j Voorhlea. Elmer Hanwm, Walter R.quarters tn the Exchange building. Its ; Miller. John Somerlndyka. Thouumembership comprises somos of the j UoughUn. Prank Walker. - Prankmoat popular young men ot the city. Cooper, aaraold Runyon, Herbert Jef-

of the sueces* ot th* affair I Was and David Roll.

garbage dlanoam ttab f BTI»0~to

taa &*at two t*ia*» toVaekt CTab last altat at tba

Y. U. O. A. UUy* tn. yGay Howard lad taa bunch

taacr tactiad tha Rasiblwa 'with It*,at Vt* aad He*

( h l > BMthaj ot garbage dlanoam ttatotal ytaM abould ba from iBT.I»0~tonBto gjx^oo toa» of fortlMser por yoar*bla w«aUL b* worth, from t4.WO.000to <T,OO0.O0O. Addltloaal fntllUor-siii.tertul could also ba obtalnod la thaclttea ftam dead anlmsls. stroet «w»*p.Ittgs »nd itablo manur*.


SheriH's Sal«.81IKUIKVH H*L»—Nsw J«

Cuuri Albert u«ldm»u vs.rann. ilofsadaut.

at Law.m»n.,\.tl..i.

QBIU TV*- a**a\s> aaa«««*w*

(a. d*. be^ at. tar.

i lit m* t

nl t«o <>\.L_-All tbuae trsinremlKC. IrlnlUhwny. Cou:

U lu ttoirwrauoa ef ssht dsytrseu or naresls of. Uni «oiIng sail Q a g la ths City otuuty at UBIOO UU4 gtst* of

MayerLudlovC MlUor


1SS 1S1 UaU» U3 1SS1S4 S »

is? ssa ui

City L**0"e BtandlnoWoa

YACHT CUJB...... m x« u».,„„ i*t in M*. . . . . . •'•Urn 1M 1U

•. « » M S m. . . . . . . MS U» J»l

Somlnary ClubRahwackaRahway Yacht ClubN. Sk Club . . . .Junior OL.U. A. U.Uerek Coaviany . - •RaaiWar A. C, . . . .BualBws M«uTT. M. C. A.Stael Bjutpaent Co.


• IS.10


. e

. . «

. . 6

. . s

. . I

. . 0

•10 PROQAM aftlOAVA musical comedy "The Peak" Pam-

^""Whlch-nntde such a hit bore-lastwinter will ba given ta the-hlah schoolauditorium aa Friday evening under>«.« fcnspleaa ot the Parent-Teacher As-



aoctatlon. ot Colurablan school. Nawfaatuws hav« bcon added la tha. fora

b t MUs Bdlth*t«rtlIUTJTI Hj s l i i l f i ^1alPm'ti u j «m-fcamai 4VU.a.\aA. sh.v4».AfteisV

violin solos by Mlaa Blsle Hamad. l*a-Ue Stewart aad 'vocal solo* by W uaraeo Walton of tba high achoolfaculty; John Hottmanjmd Earl Law-son and a. clog dano* by Harry MalnserTha comedy will ba tallowed.by threetwo reele ot aoving pictures tinderthe able direction ot Mr. CUaton Wil-son during which music will ba fur-nlahad by Tandy** efeaaatra.

—».w*i A. C.„„...:" is» IM u*„.„.., vn «* IM

S « 141 1W1SS 1«S « •

. IM ua in

Total* »•* T» Tt7

Tto Merck Ooapaay «elntat opMtt to teftrtiac dapa Friday awealng sysiMttrir >t vJhro* stralrhx from theK. B- dob . Vb* latter ware not rolling*a Uiril inaal Ttinn aad tan easy vtc-tbes to tto taat-caiBE M«r«k outat.WBA entwaged 8 « and outtared each

wtMXhm Ugh roller ef tto coa^a with_ . _ . ^ ^ *. mm ^ e> *>_.. *w a *ii

TO PACK CHRISTMAS BOXTba Loenat Oroir* and Milton Mis-

sionary society wU pack a box Bat-orday. Nov. 18, at tha Milton chapel atSJO p. a . Th* bffit la to bo aent toMr*. l*aac Messier. MoKea, Kentucky.Anyone Interested U cordially Invitedto *e ataasmu aaa jjf*».*afch_as cloth-ing, toys and dolls JeHU to gladly re-calved

ktaalc Varda am) OharaMar.'Back Tatdi and. Character" la a

lhani* Btata Setltb CeamlialoBeS Dls-l l ltedMtlxoa-of-PenaiylTanla- aelocted-WMntlx

for out et Us -weekly talk» oa bMltband hftrtaaa. Dr. DEteu said:

"BFB* TUHa oaca wtota a atory tohtohh»-B0Hir»d nnt, that tojtaajlfc

lot No. IS «a mnn.than™ tu p vwjtwly.,- ,i,.ira..eM.&"

•Isttt Into tbe-oecupanfa ttae characterone mint look at the b*cV and set attbo treat ot a man"a bouse.

•Thi bH tt rn to


NO. a er A umi<* IH WHWMgJ3(WIVlSWV

"INPOaUAYtSM.!' _ _

t RE you 'Iafoftna- I'ta nallu"- t ioa*? »tkv»j -aala-aaapla

•iaet a y turn* i* 'In-Batien.' seaia o{ titsat«—eatuvally tbinkj Idra fiv« UMB ia-

torsation about «ay-tkintf. Tha TtlapkoaeDiwctory i» th« rial-e» * " • w • f 0 aUsiAjIa-


t i W ? »gUifa«lj»paapT«&»d• Aliea, u aba tp- pkou« aumbm

protebfile youag Udy «»ib««TvboM MMwatad'at a low book- not flat tato tn«ewwi d«l% and th«a. pboa»> DirectOalter aba bad waived *b«y i«etir«d tbait etw

atUrtaativa aotl, ttl.pboas gftar tija Di-a't you pliaw tall wctojfy w « t to j » « a"woa't you

fflt wbttfactory w«ak ta yra* .

"Infeftaatioa"I am

•milad. Ust DiVaotery wti k*autdl ;idtoaoraaBy

? lies e

ollvIDS: tlisnoti« nettt

Bedened Canal Leeka.So be told that Bnphael In hla«salw

someat* when not painting a Raphaelwas constructing a loeomotlvu wouldscarcely surprise you more than to betold that Leonardo da VlBd was a pio-neer canal lock builder, fiat the handthat put ur<on tha \vnlls ot tout Wstortcchurch In Slllau "The Last Bupptr"

dcaleucd. tho. locks *ut ilUanii

»«aaW. ILColHMwuHStttt oHaew«L«Wa*»*aTlCo|lUaad Qolllaa Sal. CUMord MUtoe Saade

e*tr»vw«» r«r-4B« N . * . -dnbxsa.1 and bad tt« WgbMt ««B*1«

H TimH"*»ti*MPff

Much Intareat la Betas dUBlayed bylocal weaaa tv tha Portmantean Thea-tre entertainment at Wallace Hall.Newark Y. M. C. A. Priday atterBonand evwslag wtdar theansplcea ot theCeetanporary Club, ot which aavermllocal woaea are Members- Therop»Hory««ai>Maeat- Matlne*. "The

Ida brother' wtlh aa 4V*f*g» ot MU.

Ooldea Doom." rNovtmheJeaa" j-ffls Who Taw "While the UAtataBolVownlag. "Birthday ot the la-

-"Voloea," *xA "Lady of^the

Taeajoorea:Weeptna- WUlow Tree)."


S6Kelly. us



ws til~1»- la*


1 Aft Outaaaa.When Major General -8fr Jeha Ue-

NaUl. V. C. waa badly weoBded at Ba-taaun In the Aahantt war he waereedtorn th* buah exchUmlnc la angry

and faffignant toaea aa U aoa* oaebad-deerly tasulted him. "An Inter-nal ecoandrel «ut tl»»r» haa aaot wethrough the armr

Unraaaenable Wafnait.Mr*. IMclcletoa -fwltb newapaper>—

HeWa a writer iinn flautea out that Infifty yeara we undreaa tor bed e»er18,000 Bmea. Plckleton—And yet yonkick If I break the monotony once In

—Tin- *r r"1"**T" ^ Trttl< m T clothes

eDBerttmltlaa Waited.Jit a party one evening a mantee

Tady TTB» TOtertelntuir the assembler'eaapany with an account of their: flret

nO-"and tow. after making It u»__ oa* another, her husband had

planted a ttee In remembrance ot It.I t w* aao"

JO XZOaC OL «. OlAQ * U"M>«-

••This bring* as aga.ta to tb* questionof back yards. Ia your* as clean andwell kept aa you can malm It. or la ItUttered with trash, cans, kladllnff andother- rubbish? Are tho-e»r*ase andwast* properly covered and tree fromaicsT Ar*l*» stablp and eutboa** flybre»dlaa centers tor the neighborhoodsTou have work ahead ot you for your ,health* sake and tor the take ot da- |coney If any et theao condition* exist

"tf UMH are ehtldreu la the faully-th» back yatd should be their play-Kteuna. A dell house, a Wrnlnir not*, aswine or a tent will provide almost un-limited entertainment and help to keepchfldrtti off the streets."

Heaeaa aa Cleanup*.if yea have tramps >or~ Y U « . _ — .

yoa don't want-lost put them on tho-tnlB.toE'BBlhrvtt*, O. They'll ba chew-fa«y Meelvefl." Th* aew- oScUl «ys-taa ta that place make* the advent efa tew "he**" a Joyous occasion.

The "bam" b a municipal aate^toBeltorae. Bare are a tew ot the thlneithey have Jane lor this town of 0.000:

it Nu. B» MBia tyst tn HA «Ktorly coruer of said lot Me. ost t

•omharlr n\on« th* wmiurly UnaNo. as iffl.18 lest to the northwly

* * " l ; iItue.of

N& n flff.18 r»t to the noKBsny iLake A w i n «mt~thanee runnlac sistone tb« iiarUurly side of LilM •ITWS ftot to Us mstarly sMe ol?.\r. b _ . . . ! •...In*) BH.I nluiui l\f ttaurHtrwt ami BOln» snilUstnv lutn No. 13 to ...» ,lot Nu. <n on map ot pro!

D. rresnsB oftra^

ssrtKt^JLliffSaS'^l^SBir vwlon. App*arln«..also by auas Wfsjfflor b«lon. Apnssrlnc also by ssas 1st snil"loCt uumlwr on msp^ot propsrw *elon«-lim to lleory L. L*m»h«tr ountobr ¥**;£>Un >&lnr«b, Ailmrvjor 18M) snd nlM In ths- . ^ . . — . . . dif|t*t oflcs.

ct •—Usalnalns st s point <•Ids e« Usln. suset. aista3 r«et t»m the Intsnectti

ui i.B.. ..onaloa to the 1 ' "Coimway snu ma-sssterly 1stnet: thenca la sa eastsrly <« rlAtaaelsa to llslii sirs.

w w u « . Per ia- tveiybody. but it takaa.aoaaoaa will call to snucb sior* time to

call a t tor a Htuabtrtbat'fc ia the, Telipboa*Dircetrwy than «a tfet th*ntuaW from the Di-

oa tbe i«set block?'AnotW will ..It 'Will

-it r»ta today?' StillIX r i m WJ*a»y • w*i»t*> •*•***•**••* **w»*. - « - —--etbirtwillaikmatatall r«tary, itwlf, that itatbtra tb* Btwsit reeip* really m wdste of ttma

-fer-raalcina-Uyif <«ka.—te-call-ma—uadw—nien-OfeouHe. I-tari'ldo'sll eireuautaaeu. BeaToUa,-the** tbiagt. People- it takca nay time awaydon't really uadmtanid from starving people whowbat F a Be** for. aad wally need my help.

Nmti wttkJtlkt KiavfeM tb* Win Chiif


of form*? CoaaoOaas-rVule O, 8a-gslhmK.

Tba raport of teraur Vitm CUMilally wa* oa* ot tb* s e t mhla aadooasiau glwa is tha history ~ '

—«lty-aedffoa eoaaoUaaa at**,tb* 8r* asd water oommitt**, * whs•aldi "I don't tblak aaytblag gatawayfraa tb* toraw ahlaf aad hi* r*

.ha aho«]d ba eerasMBdad fs? It,"Attar tha rwdtasT ot tha MBOK It

waa rafarrad to tba Ufa aad watar<v)ffifi(«a« In ordar that tba reeosvwndgtioai made nUfht ba cauldered.

Jrt» reftert ahewad that It bad prsb-abiy-.bajB the baalaat yea* la thevhl*-tsfy of. Uw foc«l fir* dapsutaaat, aatl|«M,war« twty-e«» •Ursa, maladis*thlMyBtea al d'4tt tUI| , r «

thlMy-Btea fegalar «ad'alama aad two tttoa. baa



laid t3M (*«e of heaa aad thai lewwaa |l,0tM. Tnla waa tha ara Out

fara aJawst eaaealt* tb*New Jaraay Esforniatofy.

Tba eaasa* ot the Bfty-four area r»ported war* glv*B as follow*; Bonfiressfatj barolHg rebblsh^ thr**; oaralss*

of matehat. four; ehlmney•rat, eight; naphtha explosion, one;laWltlon ot gmpltae, oaa; Incendiary,s*v«a; lamps- upset, thr—; llghtalat>earn; uv« coals in asnv box. one; over-boatad tar taaks, two; oreraaatadatovas. three; sparks from chlaaey,oa*; apoataaaous eombasUoB( tour;ttaknowa eains*. sevas; falsa alarms,two- Tb* fir* low waa plaead at lioo,

-OMr-aliout any pr-eaat, of which. w u eoverad by lasaraae*. "Coasldaf-Injr th* number of fires, location, andooaitruQtloa of buUdlflgs, sad th* la-fbuataabl* eeat*ata of stai*, oar city*be* b**a fortuaau that tb*- loss**war* not greater," aald Uta formerahlef.

fcf tiut ioirtaa InapeVjWon l e Ita ia aigea ^ b d ^ f a l l N ^ACADEMIC HONORIESCAPING

| « «nt Of HireTrQetate

loaai eo»p* Uanday avta lac ' OaTaa*Uy ewnJa* * d«U««Ua« ot t a r

H D h «

PtaltUUld eefBg, Tea dalanatlsB ooavSrtuS Y*». rmUtitk Watvar. Un.O i n t M eil««r> Uf*. Jiew Vasdar-

Alvab Vaawood. _'„

Ua. Karl* tner-

The aMBhtn ot the Chafeb Work*ara Chapter et i t Paul'eebarea w»r« 'aowrulaad

Btrotflar Millar; Jryot UT Bryantstreet, whsra tba followlag oOearswar* alaetadi Pr**ld*nt, Mrs. H. T.MeCUntoek; vtos-prMldsat, Mrs. A. P.

saoartaryv-Mrsv' t. OUrfeMsUck; trMsarar,* Ml** Lydl* Coa-

' • •£& —


or tattar. tha flat follows!

Marina Darttatt 4i- HareM

fiadf Awitil oJSafes In, S&wtUui bm



bruit la a alp* la the eallar aad u

and fMor tb* gaa easily eatsfad ta*joom eneapfail by Ufa. HflhwaltMr, AtLab* hod a bard eoid at tb* tlaw i s *

Ksla* S; Ddrl* Howard 1; David . batb sveooa, andJaoojKJWlU Jj Orae* Lawr*aes •; Bus- nlsbt. As sooa a*

gas andwhat*H*2^*&&}±?2!?»!»' ^^mTWTm^'jUmg.^TJajotay Mirsh »i John Mator 4;

fes m, whtb o la bad aaeoagaloag.


tor 'a lanebaott to b* sarvad ia Qaeaavbar aad a mfor t ie prsMnutloa of "Mawly ltaryABB" by, alia* Marlon Brnlyn Bttfk.

4; JohnSi Batb Rlonards J; Lillian Rosrka 4; > improvemant aad this afternoon eh*noraac* •bcrldsa 4i K*an*tb Haaa jwaa pronouacad w*U oa ta* road to

! S; Al«Mad»r 8loaa 4j Balls Baltb J( J r**o»*ry. __ ,HCTIRCMKNT MAKKIB

Tha ntlroairat .of. Mr. tad Mr*.Ocorg* B. Uoffsaa, of M B D avana*.from m*mb*-.»blp la tb* i a s o Taaat*


Flaas CtjasiaWfeti By C«amilt«F«r tpnWH Sbtiiii at


paygruadV who ceaaldarad the proe*voaa oroaiBl a Bart ot tb* park asa ihatlag BSM. Aa *uihasfca*nt willh* nud* lo ratals Uw waTar oa s « wtain nan at tb* told after tt ba* baasflooded freev tb* dty atalas. It Is

J t T H « t «

raadar, at the twrlsb roataa. aaxtVtandiy avaalag. fheiaV BrwaBlZ attba awatiac-war*! 5haIbn. afleiilw.H. A. I* Hacttlar, «f§. A. P. «iru»l-san. Hra. W. W. P*«dm«i, Mri. WU,l ias BUai, l l n . Tluj««a H. 01rtasn«r,Iff*. K C. Mead, Mrf, A . X WaatUlfs.UN. J. 0. Uallelt; HIM I#dla COB-


«y « wB»opl* waa thai U?th» tmtisnft otMf-xaa Mrs JohBLsJdsnof W C w -

Wtalfred Staart f jO«orge Tea* (; Joba VaaseoPtallae WHson 4t nsrry WoMtorRos* Z«ld*l S; EUtabMb Bardsa >;

gtf r

charg* a seiaJl adsHsMoa fa* to offsetthis •spaas*,. Providing tba projectcaa a* eorrlad oat after aa •atlaut*ot tb* cost 1* obtslasd plan* will thsoba aud* to Introduce varloo* la*sport*-.

Hbsd* Tree Coeaalssloaar roses*Mnar'Broposad tb* torauuioo of aClUsaaV Asaoetetloa wits a maaber.sble> f** of IS »«r aaaas ta tsrtbsrdavalop lh» park as s> public play-areaad tba year round, A coesmltta*to pr* ••' --roper plans for esjrrytnaout t wa* aamad. laeladlacKngaa* Millar, r C. •hotwalt sad L.R. Carcwrigbt.

, rnrtbtr eoniidaratloo was glvta to' ntlslnr funds fnr wiping not th« b*J-asco dao (or ta« m n l i i H at in* parkChairman- H. II Jardla* aaaoaaesdthat $100 more woald b* paid tbl*wsaik. which will auk* 1J.T0O alreadyrtlMd- Ptaas for further soUdutlon

Vlvlta Aadsnea 4s nidsrla Bum t : i

riot Brown f;NtwaB Gbas*Joba DHselll (. -

Morris Braehatuaa t;is Oaorg* Cowl* S;

•vsolag at tb*lot. of tot

UlllaaX: Halsa Mill*

Aateato aiafrld*

, bom* of Miss Bsl* J, 1LlvlBgton tttwH. ITHwlwth, wb»r* e

tbariaas* s*a-

plon* war* msd* for etrrytfl* oat tb*usual custom of th* elab la aladag

Edward Aids* S; Mcry BargaaKatbaMa* BnUty Si taer Cawea

I Ot tt* P r *•HftwllHi

M*rgar*t 7aefeges 4t MaaH*

Mr.-xaa Mrs. JahnLsddsfl, of 14>iCatv

wh*a tbalr tar** ebJlbaa, Aga**,muaer sad Ma*t*r John, c*V* * Or*-w*U party la honor ot Doretty'iadJack Wada, ehlldraa of Mr aad Mrs.J. WlUlam Wad* ef Mapl* ttrrac*, whoshortly lasv* to rsstd* la Cblcaco.Tb* event was mad* doebly lat*r*«t-las; to tb* Mttl* folks, by th* la-

ot Mrs, Z^nldsorwao^rdvid"nl bostsss la ibsrroto

Aa«*a 4rJC»rl*tol» Sou*%; DanaarKMd 4; WM11 ta^^*^

»st of ttusds. ^Hoaara -war* weaor Mis* Uario» Oiftaaear, ef tal* etty

Moor* ti Joba Hetsaisa StMuddall 4; Israel Nidal I.

rtson Cbss* S; Margaret. Carton «;Dorlads Oladak 4; Llanaa OeOutt f;Jsaal* Sara >s Clifford Duiaphy I ;Paal BUlott 6; Marjorl* rrenaaa 4;

of proWdlng gaajra of Interest for the»t»*tts. Aa abundsac* of refreshment*was a*rv*d at' tbo'eloa* of raar*v*>alng ot enjoyment and profit to tb*youngsters. Bsaldsa the Lodd»n call-

Hath Jaasbowiu 4; SaarasI Lev* 8;

Brem there wer* prtuat, Mlsus Doro-try Wade, Mary Ovcrtoa, Rath Millar.Catharia* Heed, J«ak Wad*, J*ss*O varton,' OsatU and Ssltxar '• BSOTSS.

BIS PAftABE TONIGHTPlans wars eompUtad W*dB*sday

nlfbt by th* Democratic-Club for a>(«• paratln tnnlfht 4n 'ealohratlnn ef

daaflt. of. oa* nwa aad sartoat Injurytd several roQtara_aa rosult'of fires.

- O B - J O B * SO, -UlaV Waltor Daly waa. fatally baraail by tB« explosion of a

Isafr at bit hoau, 4S Mala street OaHo*, W, 191B, Alazaadar fluaalar aad"vnilltai taarywwa aarioasly baraadby tb* expiation, or naphtha at SOJsaiastreat Oa Oct W, Wl«, EdwardVan Sebelek- was aarioaslr bara«d byadds aad Joha jCongs? rscejved aea\A'jpisBir0B1u%lli ttaad froai ft

: t k t ^ i h j u i " "WV

tne reelection of Wilson and Marshall,f a s procession will farm la Cherry

headed by th* American Vita' andDram Corps, of this city. Josephaaday "will act at aunbal aad hawcharge of tb* vaxm&t.-thaptea&tloawill pass trom-CtotrW'i&mt.is/ttMln

H O d t tttae*r'ii*to Hearea toto Seminary avenue'

done tor this town of afiOO:Pollabttd the atreetn. carried oft tho

tohblth from every back yard* pat thebaseball diamond la Una candlHoa andstarted a newer ayttea for the city.After* the aewer Is completed they'll BB™t to wetfc pa«fcis new streets.

The hobaea do theae things wUllagly, 1heerliatlf^ew Bwy^rowenthe-BBBo1-1

Mnttoriy dlteetlea SO «Mt to tte BolBt«Bd pl»t» ef DeRtnslBg. IMlas l o t s * sod• la DIM* «>, » on jiiae «r"&wpsrtjr T«-

ROTH-CO.- Big Specials -

IPor Wednesday

mvi i n nil I J J ar. a> " - i s i

on.—Boston Transcript

DIITaraot Prapoattien.*A)ax defied the llghrBlng.**"Yoa. That was before they had

electricity tamed aud harueewd inwlrtts. .?g«^*«7W«eMnd-teday hewouldn't havo the nerve to talk backrto a telephone exebanje."—"Waahlag--ten-Star.

v h i a t l f ^ e w BwyrowentheBBBonOe. *b«y are gtvra thai? choice ofibe two- •

to eonnettton with a Vigorous plmto supply Alteoaa. !*«-• with aomo rccreaHoaal tactllUea the ehauber of commere*, has started a community eanlri-»ad <#«r*d a beautiful flas as a tropnrW ttwMBBsatfrlBsww of the Ponusj"!^a!»««|lJWy^laaaaJEa»baJLieacuo

orkers la Altoeaa. and tba cta«« «:^ n fUyrf m *U» league U oqolvalwi•W'CUas Ola the mmw !««««««• ~ >'



Yal« • Priawtotf Foottoll ,Saturday. November 18thtMf 3*n»J City .555 «'«1«1J-JSS

sattntaa Isor tha earlier




•aaU ^*MU

HI .TV '







8«rf*raX»einbeT»oeUi# deeaxtassat «•>eaivavt alight -eat* aad baMb wall*.pertoHnlair -fir* dutj>- «t 'tba Opwf*House sad'VashIagtoa*'ball-fir«s."' **

3a th* report It waa raeoauaaadad

Due to Seminary avenue tottrese to CaatrsI *r«a«ft io Bryanttame* to Biyaae street to Couuawe*stv*«t tff'|i«lB to Cherry to Irvingstreet aaoU thsr..clab - beadquartan,w h * refreshmcaU will b* sarved

e U t .wher* refreshmcaU will b* sarved.An^iuwnt are fa«ii*d ta_4«eonand Illaunlaat*nfba1r)roni*sr%t pUfttaof business far tjA 'ocesJnon. "»1r

•that the elty_i«B «arold hookjwdi]jirf 4y tutelc sotna" ptlc9 ^ol**,L aadtore* lacldtrt net aowla 0M.

:~atata4 -tbat^eloyeft. lengths otbant aad coupling* wetw


itikaMah*a*rfn*UMiUsiu, Mis* Leonl*'cr^mmm nil .nuiliu li> d n t n VCewsa, aad by

the** praasat ware: Mrs. C. H. Lowa,Mrs. B. D. D«Oroot, Mis* EUU D»Oroot, of BUfabvtb; Albnt Jeasby,Craafordl Ur. and Mrs. O*org* B.

mng«mrf*r Bhannon. the Miss** Oieubsw

irirdnla Mrsea* J; Edward FMcaraklCIar*ne* Bcawr ;S Margawt TstlyMary VbiU 2; LMTBOmJ; Cstb-

•rlna B*ttn*tt t.Edna BadsJW 8; Chart** Br*w*r 3;

Ctaitrod* C*s*y I; Hoary CrMby IjJoba Elder 4; BmUyflssklll S; Orgc*Hoffmaa 2; Haul Holland 4; VraakHoUlas* S; -Alfred Hopkins S; editsJackson 2; Zlfeabcta Jeffriss 4; HarwK*nn«dy %: LealMantlo 3; Jos*** Martin K; gv»Schlactman 4; Aacnst Sfiba*td«r S«

street Bear tb* elab room* and will bar Mart*_ Sebasldar S^_-Alle»_8isioa -tiL*sll« Stasrt S; Miimi* Sonar "4fPrsd Tomlliisoa J i Emir TttthlU*!;Nathma Zaeleasa 8; Merles Brows t

BUcabatb-Oaff 4; lOliabatb Pesa* SIjiUsB aelwllok 4; Siebard Muoa 2;Aacasta, fletff S; Herbert Sebwalfgar3; Louisa Smita S; MsdaUa* 8«al*r-S;Bessie Tayaor S; Bobart ITblw t%Louis VaJeatla* S; Bam Vaa By** »;CUatoa WsHtsr 3; Harloa Walk*r 4;

m™HIZ*-*'..SZ££*2 V. Ha^a^BooaU^l^raaC-M^*MU* Ms* v«ng«b*a*r, of Bsbw*y_

•IRTMDAV PARTVIn «il»hr»tta« nf luw tight* ^>rt%

day annlvarssry Miss Iran* Oaltaa,dsaabtar of Mr, and Mrs. Jeba J. Del-ton, of 241 West Oraa< strut, ptasuvantly anUrtslned a aaaibcr of yeaag.paopl* oa Monday aftsirnooo.Ttetlai*;was well spent witb tarloa* Kama*,vocal and lostramsoUl tsrotle and r*>fraabmants.- Tb* featoro of tb* Isttar

wits csndy of dlffsraet colors. Mad-cal sslacttsas were pro«1d*d by BtloaSUtoa aad-JTottc fcbwaifsfr.- Tha**present.were: ' f l u Mlss**~«b*lSoekfal, Mabel and Birelya .tudlow,Jull« BebwaltMr, CscOa Conrad,Isabetl* Moss. Trsa* aad Halm D«J-too.

Jes«pbia* Waltaasaaa 2jWard 3; WUlfas Ward 9; Owrtf*Way.3; rda Wak*a*ld S; Hatca WklM2; 8adW Wifcctf S; Obdys WUt>baad 4; Vlrgiala Wbit*b«ad 3; WU-

OM HIOITHOAVIn c*I*bradoa of bar birthday Mbr

E3»l« VUaagaa, daaghttr et Vin Cbl*faad U n . Musau* Maaacaa. ot inJftloa **tw*t« wa* t*ad*r*d a 4*Ugfil#ful mupHta sarty gcterdsr O«CBIB*VTtwhottv* wa* BNttUy doeoratad forIt* oees*Ua v u i S N m aad aataaaa

atsat* we»w tb* erdar of tb* *v*fai8«.Tbos* puinnf Mb* TBtSa UmmUtc,

lHl«f<HUi)« AIMPHH* aiven fey Mi*.H*rft«uus ami Mr*. Ala«*

Added latarast waa glvea tb* muling ior tb* Rabway Branch of ta* vurcyCoaolttaa et Nsw^Jartay baldWsdnasdsy altsraaea u Uu> boat* etMr*. Freak U. 8tlUm«a. of Kim *.**-aee. la tb* natup* of-aa aeMna* VMrs. r>«ak llarrlawa. ot Miw York,who retaniad tmtitfy ffoo tb* Tt*atbBSMlafMttit when. sb» sarvad foe abodt*jt*a» on an aatbaUac*" staff aadUu«r la avitospltal la tb* Latin Qaartavof Par». BaaUs* giving a most eom-pr«a*a*lv* ueoaar e« tb* seaoea aadsiparlaac** wblea h*ld tb* eloa* at-tafltloo of all. sb* also cxblbltad aaaab«r of smalt Blctow* to qi'va a tot-


Aftaresr* Clrela. wbleb ha* a ellalaat ta* PeatOradoal* ItwpdaJ. N*wYork, and has b**a a re«ttar**»ly ne>e**sfat agency la Dili-Hint i^f»«ifii»paralyat* ftctla*.

. ta«se>

TOM presaot were: Cbsiraua II.II. lardla*. Oay M. Howard. »ehoolSiiB«riBt*ad>nt W. T. Uttle. L. Has-salt Cartwrtgbt aad W. C. Uotwall. !

ATA dsllgbttal card party was tJ**a

Wasiaaadsy ait*rnaoa by HIw AnusAllots, tiagkur ot Mr. aad Mrs. »eb-art Allot*, ot Mtvpoet etraat. to •

awtlaa wltb tba work ef tb* commit-t** also sacaptad • poruoa ef tb*OB*.

Aasoaa tbosa prosaat were: Un.rraak Hsrtisaa, Mr*. 9. H. Alb**,Mr*. tt ' i t 'Con. . firsTsT*. aUracavMrs. Artbay R. Wsodsll. Mrs. BvorettH. Basics. Mn. A. IL CbambsrUla.Mrs. «7UUaB a. MarUa. Mr*. OttoPsisa. Mrs. f. W. tUU. Mr*. W. H.Clok* Mrs. t. O. Baaa, Mrs. Wtlllaamiss. Mrs. Thou** It. llsbarta, Mrs.W. I t Petanoa. Mrs. Loaraad n*4g*sUn. Joba M. Randolph. Mr*. tUyaotd*Mrs-Chspmsn Mrs. C. O- Collls*. Mrs.T. V, DobUa* Mr*. CbarUai R. Msltafc.Mrs. Artbar nail. Mr*. 1. H. Baskar-vfll*, Mrs. Clifford Milter, Mr*. BsartH. Meyer, tb* Mlssw "Jetol HoMa-

maa. Mrs. B«3pi SUHaMa aad Mrs.rrtns M. Itfllaaaa.

TIM Y«r of Strtkt XirU byBfMint S«£d Erwt tt


son* la tbl* etty bf tba CtvWClab wa* aoaansd s f t l H - t t ts t l l --by a*ay-ef (ba-BMM sreeatnspinwd woaiaa ef tb* dty Tb*

stad tor tb* eeeasfoa wltb flovaM

asdal lauraau ocaaptad tb* U s * tttb* gaa*u. Owing to tb* recent r*ssa>aailoB of Mr*. Kart Haiaaabtfi. «fe»-as* ba*a eaulmaa of t»» vUitxafaars* wwimWaw Uao» tb* work w uMartad. yiercttifaua Mr*. A. n .Braartey waabEO.

A* t s t s iwiarte t sv* of fb* a>Ht>lag va» t » ibaroagB aad *«saaF«fe*av•iv* ratfdrt ef lb* work «hrae by S**>iwtsry Mrs. Artbar A. W*ad*n a* fa*

iaoa*Bn*aat t w i Tb* Mlssa* C«tb•baarar, Lae«« Mora*, R*l*a

a ^b*tb; tb* Miss** Sorotby Msrtbv Ks-

t l;

b*ee» Cbss* aad Aaaa AHata, of tals•aUir :/

" : tlUltO sTNTCHTAIMKSTb* W**tml*t*r Oolld of «b**Koad

Pr**byt«rfaa< cboreb bad • vary pis**-snt maatJag on Tossdsy aftaraasawith Mrs. CUntm BaJMroTttr—c "Old Spain ia K*w Aawrlta"was tb* teeie^of-tisatrrsadlas*Moate sBd-yafr*sbaumt*-add*d to tb*•Bjoynuat. of tb* awatlaa. Tbo**

" -W, JOB**,

v. •>.«, rutm*.tiaal arrangsnunts for tb* daae*

to b* b«Id la Xenlar* baa •> m >day •vmlsg. He*. 34. war* asad*Wadaaadsy *v«aias at tb* awatlac of

Tb* VUMlflg Mara* Coamiua* oftb* CM* dab- do*** l u third ywarof sawte*. well eooMBl wit* lb«.Bca._gr**a oaring tb* past twatv*. iTo I««MM« «• inftUMi

Ua work, two.BMasaar* w*r* added to tbata* tb* tm at tb* yoar. aaktmg tucomaoaltlsa s* follow*:Mr*. Karl IMsaabws;Mr*. A. O.BnarUy: ,Tboaae 3. Adcaw: wsvwary - Ma.Ariba* B. WcadaO; Mr*. M. *>. OttMUMrs. r. C. flyer aad Mr*. O*»rg* at


B* OB*MasW wm a* pro*U*istar** ewasstfa, of

by H*rbf*w>Jtte» * , lHl*d to tug*

t**b taust to aat-br lk»

sad W t t Otbrteatv PrtUatfasry

BM* »HtWtSlB««Ht Ot tb* bO— Of" _ .Mls*edaaOr1tsebk*.of CUouesira«t.!sad T4S socaat tmnUm vtotts. » tasafTb*r* was also * dlamsstoa of tb*;of « J # «Mt*, codsdWsabtllty of boMin* a aftb saat- tbroagb tb* saasif f*** of ktr pilltXr*vwaary esUbrstloa ta Vctomary. A!ft*sU*s fit** frsas Bfc**awOI a>—ting of tb* saeteiy wtH *•;Uf* I w a i w tempamf tarbald at ta* ebayztnTaanday w n l a g .

bardieptr'**at war*: Mfg. , ,Mrs. Chan** Corbto. Mr*. Ctbaa j tb* Ml**** Margajwt aad Tb*r**» k*a asistad at atad HfstiKrai, -and"toarer, Mr*. Ctaorg* A. Toaag; Mn.|Pr*pislE. Ida Marbscii, Ofme* Mssucvclvca car* ia afUsa BtmVumilf B U MTboaus lX_Rob*n*. Jr, -tb* Ml' js izdna Ofttsdjte, CUatoa Bsry, 9hu n * aa* aawwattwd. IEdJtb COUIBS, Bwttflc* Longstrotb, Otbftdit, ekorlc* BrttWWa,liatalt* Bdgsr and MaMoo Baker aad | Orteca aad Tt*» Msrboco-Mrs. CHatea M. Bskar.

.of tatereolasl* «f « U d t ta***fianafintrt to Vmnlt 8

t Of ttoW *tm «sWa« ta *HSMORfAL SCUVteS

at f to ' ln lafsrsrf 1» ftatg|»tiralar-)ir1aasst"*Raadlas* Clab thara ws* •IBKJIC about sixty pwatfaaat weawn.of tb* city, amtly aMfetwr* of tb*elab. IB* AO&s&o ClaS-aad Ci»f»« a b and frtoad* at tb* boa* of Mra.Josspb W. Msrtla. of M Msia strMt,yastorday- aftaraooa, Tb* sstbarlactook tb* S U M of tb* ' '

Saawolaat ead Prof*ai»* Ofdar ef aad from Hat* to

*** of tto neaUu&ttia*H*v. Vraalc Moor*. *ap*r-

f i t o "

aiMia'ar* w*Beaal aussosial svrrle* to fe* fc*td

Sasptr* tbaatr*.thmoay momta*. B*e. *. at * erdoefc. a*r by Un. HatstalwrsTIt wm*s<st«dtbattaW8p**kcr for tto far cb*> tsJuiwatOBto fitaoV i

waa r*e*lv*d witk g » s td'a f l, g

ad'aieaw of wslfoea* wa* also to a aact of ttovwaiaWt.*I»»B by PnaUtmt Mr*.aad tto anstesJ aasitora Wit

Att*H>9;at mmt mmma. «Uav.

Vadar «to aaapieMef ttop ,Mis* J«n* BoftV of 8a*fi» Strsr; I t e

m W T I H a M j CttWESTMINSTER OOILO Ml atriftM. j*H»*y Ctty; Stmear Wyeoff S.- stm Ww TTITIH atriftM. j*H»*y Ctty;Heft EfiriaM. Ocorc* VOUC, Jo*«f>BB H Hta laitetl iA dellthtfal aoeltl gmtfieriag of tlw Lasli* Zleuaeraua

a c fBym, Harry Hotaa* laisatetli; air.

ft MXVestialattar CSaUd ef-th* Wrst f r*» kOMred Barttort i: y y ;aad l l n «L ft MoHaaoa, Mr.aaa Mr*.bytiHaa church was held oa <£a etday

daasd Strtm 3;*Siaala*> BUsi S; WB- ttitt s » toward tto•wing at tba aeta* «t Mrs. HJdurd Dialei Sm/lmta.ISJB Sranafes 3; E*elr* BardwguriSK ths j*aiv Two Ieagtiu of boaa y. Hprtaa, t»t loc^traioa

l f d ^ J ^ J;

MteBte Clef 2: «lld* dotasrS; Mirioa•re at th* w%er vMrkaJo" ba repalfed,f taaath* ha*e bs«n ntwlfed awltsar haw bees 'etrced-os Uu» *CMI>

srii ig i UBiquiT*1* v v w a y w malaw < — aj j * '

Geattty. xumt ceiutmvPumsCnuaptoa J; Gtadys Crov/eH 4s Ufflaaef weal dl«eHIoa«, anote asd reftj»*li-

d' tb U ' l k lSaBhwa, irrcd Haraas. t toSabow *; Treoertefc XMrwtw'S; OTaekrtb* Uaur pas* '-ttolokly WaOae* SSUiott»; At tt* WllHsal »g ttoAaothar auwtiaf of Out OtttfA wfflb* Sonsid WmaaarJt: Lettlm

Moaoay: vAawB«* taoa*ttimr—^ba^UlMmtm

xt Sdltft Jtow *t

. jhBM* Bags* »;

fofen aebeabota* *; E i»WVtm^»^mii GUM* ase*a» Ss i3; Wffifcaf asHaid Ss K M Haowr a

Am*- SMsuWg 3; Jereour Sseekowlt*' th* saJBft, Oa aeeoaat e l Uta

tonstdeJayana espowrt-wa wew onlyibto to aavre Bboat flv# letiKtlis, •whlcu

•ruer* win be «a faapoHantf ffie HepubHcan

a* they1 wer* not Sato to put IB Hervlcestr«asn&v M%«v balane* went

t0 the~ittnlf h«#l*.'" I \ftttld aaggestthat *OOT lire aa£ waier eonUnlttee **e

By ; g pp ftafia* -Sj BUir J£*aW S; SAW £aW-

; "ithtmmWmmmmi Si lost; tmm BdMrbr *;

aad .B. Martin.

*^"irto~l»~*»«pal*if imr tte asSTiiat g*d Ctam Ctrtifwg «wte galaW "

wA a. Umtem-imm- Cmmim- 9. Sraw Talnsi'alnsli f a m m>*^waa rtpotto* tm

0av M r Kad a y tibe> lBs\ja t*) taH* flMasossfSasTtavV

> . 5 : ris*.

Page 2: ^mmmm · R.hi ^ssaBPSf^m^ 6RIDIR0H CONTEST •-•" RESULTS W ft TIE Bachelor Chttifbis Lib*rty A.-C Put teg Game Agalart Stroug Elisabeth Ijs* tktviuasTsrft M*w tiua jrees o

TO THE FRONT Make It a SpecialOrder of Business

-1a»9 tav teach with the bant 'as*-** i t u u assassin j

• ta*lv» naw hydrant* were reported

•lastallsd daring th* year. maUnt atotal ot lag wtta SH inch oduhl* out


'"Thar* were aaveral hydrants thMhandicapped tn* efforts ot the departaaat during th* year, nota&ly the oneoa Ualn street, near Monroa U I M I . Ithaving caosad nrloua delay* at thaopera house aad Washington h * n firaa.1 would suggest thai the f«Ot) appropnatsd by tha city for tha care ofhydrants b« used tu th« ensuing yearIn taaUns and repairing th* datsctlreoydranta. instead ot painting thorn.which. I thin*. U unnooQaaary outsldaot every a«ooi.d or Uurd year

"! v> •:i| also tuggeat that y«ur Braand wxtrr committee be .empowered tomake a .'survey o( th.. rlty with re-

' of placittst

to have the titl« to your real estate guamfltaad.Is (h l F l h iy y p y

loan in oaso a flaw io tba title i»Consult the


by saytH* that th* city ta to pay ealy; HUM ftw ttiav apparatus.

Title Department

Fidelity Tmst CompanyPRUDENTIAL BUILBIN6, NEWASS. N. 3.

Union Couoty Aj«acy, 8 West Gr*sd St., Elizabeth.

to pay tha man for wortt don*. IB•om» Instances 1 understood t i e mail'*poaitlon with U»» lalac&oa* eosmaay> u la Jeopardy M? tana andaa wlti-

that ta* report b* rsearrad aad fllad.tha haw aaxia* seeaptsd and th*Msyor aatSiorUsd to sisn * a iespUnoav. " —' ._

Co BBaaw

s t r aIks Bushls* hast sot had a tart wilefcth» Bejabers e£ Uw eottttdl u>4 the*

la «as«*l eoajj *Ua*aa. »Htkla« Uiay «a*ht ta haw

tt tmui b*ter* It U_5x«iatt" CMS-ellaaa

•fa CeoBcOaaa fr»rabl*y* raiaartuCouadltUS BehSefei- cw&Be4 J

y 4latloa to atUnd ta» (UsoaaUaUoiJ:tne easts* 8»tard«y,*ftai«&o% taa!tbat fsoa I.W to «40 e'eJeek Us* seta*-attu bad b««o e&mtsd «t tB» whJUbrids* oo Madlaea HID read u d at •d«ad «ae ol th» wauf m«la oiar IB»Hamllttsa gtNst 6ftdg*- J*r\ 8«h**f*f•aid tfiat It was tfi» 4aalt «S d » eoea-cilman If h* had oat b a n pfraaat.CouacUsu Q«t« addtd tint t&« up-pa»ttu had *se**d«d is«eUIeatioaaand raqulzamuits aeeofdla* ta Uw r*part* cud*.

Mr. TT*»bI*y said tint Ui* aatta*a&onld be triad free <*• d**d «adi lo-|Ui* watar Balaa Is Widttl*? i t twt atulSlsabvta avtoot u tha*» urn tsar*dlfflcnlt to parap rrera. Cooneflaaa

ta E^aat Ullton i n s w bo- !street

dlataiic« ot b«cwe*a

! to aasia I would recommend that tll*~man Vo bo appolstad as drlwr

of tha n«w aaxln«. b« t .man wtlb. m*>^».r.i -iiit.,..i - Kr.<,~.,.. .^< , N . . ~,nHi | , n i o . i .».l o)»clrtcaJ liuUncta. a man(ion In a locallUr «h«r« a toiioua fin wtjo wonia ba tn * poattloa te rspalrmlxbt occur a! ony moarat. and n • roui- «r»- alans vlraa aad box»a ati-annot ro«i ttfcum (n t&s thought thai 1 oaco wbaa >aia« la oat ot ordar. Wbil*lisa » n r win be at biib watar la caaa ' tba otbor man could nil In a (raat daaJof flrv. or that our «upplj at flr» ho»a { of hu tpare Ume In tba inasacUoa ofla ado<iuate to la; a«TaraJ lona Unaa, ' bulldlns* and nr« nasards to u to

1 would ulao atroagty recommend that1A» poaltloa with respect to tha angle*

~ -of A._cxsau. number c* our hydrants bereadjusted ao that the outlata wouldfac« tha roadway aa thalr present poal-tion nandlcajia our pumping engineto such extent that they could now tisobut th* ooa otatlat.

"With respect to our nre alarmayatem I wish to atata that at preeantIt la an antiquated ayatam comparedto the preatsnl day ayatom. A modernsystem woold e* a three-legged tlngl*wire circuit ao Uuu any time User*was a (round or a break In tha Use.two sections or two^hlrds ot oar cityvrould be protected, whereas tt therehaPPflBl T" *— a hf~««*ft »«>w nnr whol*system Is oat at order- However, astt would be too expansive a propoaltloanow to change It. we most us* allreasonable means tn remedy th* short-coming*- 1 worked and fought duringsty whole term as cblel to have con-ditions regulated la a way ao thatwhan thare was a break la our system,w* could command a practical man to

-adjust the trouble at once. _T o u r fir* aad water commltt**

.claimed that according to an agree-ment made with the Naw Jersey Tale-phone Comuaiu at ma time Utalr fran-chise was granted the Telenohne Com-

—pawv itrmd to repair, maintain andkeep oar fire alarm system In nut-class condition, but i found that everytime there was trouble with th*systam, tt was necessary to wait untiltelephone work was finished firstwhich meant from several days to two

—wwaas and then the city wa»conu>aUad

Improve our 8nj prevention nrvic*."The acquisition o{ a new triple

combination motor engine early lastmonth was a groat progressive moveand thould be commended by all th*cltlsana ot our city, but there Is oneImportant point to look Into before wecan reap the tall benefit ot this Im-provement. It Is s modern and ex*pensive machloe and In order to mak*It successful and Inexpensive, greatcare and Judgment must be used to

*v» it manned and managed hy mod*arn methods. Otherwise. It will b* tnthe same condition as our &re alarmsystem, a worthless lavasl&ienl to ourcity, andMilit

a handicap to th* depart-

While my relations with your fir*and water cotataltts* have not baanas cordial throughout the year as Ihave wished It. In order to have maa>aged the department on a more•Indent and bustneas-Uke plan, whichcould have baas don* had your eoa-mlttee accorded me th* respect thatthe aen under m did. Nevertheless.I take this opportunity of extendingyour honorable body, as a what*, a ythanks asd appreciation for th* co-operation givan a* tn th* rapport ol-ray-dtttt*s during th* year.

"I further thank the police depart-ment tor the yaluabU assistance and


BaBOalN HATINEESVeaaateav >ad Sateraat. Sac. 60c

?Se aad tt .00

tax. SEXT WEEKIt. B. FBaZ'-E Prmata tka MeatPemrtel Draau Siaca "JUdaae X"

THE SILEHT WITNESSBy Otts HieareKk.—Direct treat Its

TVs Seattle' Baa la Naw YerkSEATS NOW ON SALE

courtesies they extended to the de-partment and to myself during th*year. I wish further to extend mymost hearty thanks and appreciationto the officers and men ot the depart-ment as I feel that I cannot commendthem too highly tor the able andefficient manner tn which they par-formed their dutlea during the past

Wilson and Marshall RatificationAH th« nitlMna af R«fiw»> mm repeated to partioi-p*ta inuMlsbntiag tba aleotion of Woodrow«* Pwsitlent, oa —


Friday Evening, Nov. 17th*«t 8 o'clock. UMt at Democratic Clab B«adqoar-tera. Cherry and Irving gtr««ts.


y^i)|V^^-^:'?^S^;^'j^y^*-^^#£";:inV-;;y:;^»;r^;.^j^ -„ ..53S$Prfd«y An«rnoon.


suits for the"man that'*, hard oh hi*

: clbthcj.- - I r i s h worsteds—direct

; - from; County Cork;We were the first to intro^

dace theni to Arnenca.

; Bait

RooKHan roadway

-*t-Ht!«-Bt Hnsdwrnw

FOOTBALL!Saturday, Nov. IS, at 3 O'clock

Rahway Higb Schoolws,


Adml««Jon 38 cent*

CHRYSANTHEMUMS!Season now at its height, nearly 200 varieties in a mar?o!ous

range of colon. Toa are cordially invited to visit theGreen Houses

J. R. BAUMANNGreen Houses Hazeiwood tvanuB. near St. George Avenue

Teiwphonw 1 62-Rahw«y


Complete varleHas in every wood and every ttyie, at" iff pffcea, frem thecheapestit ts~safe~td fcuy up^t© the raost-haadsorae-productionxof theforemost iurntture^nak«r»4n^ the-c^o»wy^ IncJaded_in_eur j»n»g«hcnsiveand representative lines are Stickley Bros, suites, In the characrens-ticaTTy exclusive destgns for tyirich thj» house 4*~e«efy5Kh«re__faffloiis

* C , r \ l W U J TllJtam tad M»ry, QoeM Anns gnd Batt* Gtst&n. Vmia Qo*rto«and Louia Quinie. Oiirl«» U., J«ote» L. Elixih«lB_gad Medam AmwHas.

. Fum«d O*k.Mshoesny, Walnat. Combinstions of Mtheciay «adQ f t y O t k GoJd<IB 0 , k - Butler Ort, Mtai«0v««e.

-8uB'«a • * * or without mirror backs: with hijh laji or Io*- fronts:Jtraigj,t or bow-fronted; with or without "wiugf," «s4 in g!l difTerent

stytes_oX-Elos«»-«nd drawer arrangements. Center table* that extend to 6 ft. or 8 ft., withmassive pedestals or graceful left. Chlae (3o««3 flat or with bent gtsscea. Oisir cover-ings: Leather. Tapestry. PJush aocLHiir Cloth.

-Populsj-orked Saltes and the batter trades to meit all reqairemests.Values that cannot be duplicated. A pVttenlarly toM ielccriog bgrwwrr

Si SO and $250—four te tea pfeeaa Oa a convwaiaat ehsjgjB-«c««ttnt if pteferred.


Seners Kltcneneeds eeeaeaiiza rJaa, Ubor audDo sway with that eeastast wmalag ts aad frsa tl! dif-ferent parts of the kitchea. SystamstlsH *Wffc tad eHinl>nates watte, tad create* aad keeps erd«r. . . . w*« a nshowing also aa entirely new Uaa «f K!tth«»wrtt6» aadTablet in al!-«teei—tse latett der»tejrBJ«flt *t tie taocIdea in uaitsry Isomeg. Ualets abtaid, tW« astaL«jQIjr%.tmia i« clean aad brijit inMarinet totalattety. Osa-rtldetinf the advantsje. or an-tttal vttr vood, there fanot nearly the differaace ta pries) *«t em aiggt

Besides the above toraer ChiefHally gave an Inventory ot the appar-atus on hand aad also stated that there J

t-are fourteen miles ot wtra coveringth* entire city; seventeea flro alarmboxes and two telephone call numbers."There are eight new modem Qara*-well boxes, five old fair Qamewollboxes aad tour antiquated Universalboxea; seven gongs, ot which two arepublic and five private. Five newQamewell Indicators have been In-stalled, tour at fire houses and one atwater works, but they have not been


' * PRINCETONTale - Princeton FootballSaturday. November 18thLaat* J m v Cttjr 0-.T9 mud 11.0a

A. U^ Newark s « . 10.15. XOJO and11-13 A_ U GlUmheCb 0JQ. 10JS.It-oo and 11JS A. U. Baliway 1CLSSA- M- N«w Bmaawlck 10J3 aad11J* a. u.

*Tbc Qaa of th* «arller tralna taadvlaaa.• • i r l i l TtmlM B«tarml»* aTi^ Game

TBAUiS ANHUUJEDO B thla daw all recnlar U»l»a*rvl«a on th« Prtucetoa Breach ba-t »JSS j 730 both


Reputation!Dee't B« Satisfied With Just Ordlaary Lumber

Where Yoo Get

And Yoo'U Bay From


A. £. OIJABK, Local Bep.21 We.t«*Id Are.




Oil Heaters


Auto Rx>b««

flrat batas Oat tha action ef tha eoas-at the) pwvlOB* neitraa; Is par-


rap t)

Sebaat«r taU UuUaspArtauatUat tdr-had Ua

tat *»• 6t IS*ealt ta vmstt*m> fa tte «IW. Ut.

Mr. 9Ueb»t.' Th* raaalattea feHow*: ^Uul *»' «rs*e*m our *>

SfKUtlaa to Outlw « . liaefc*? ef tfc*fir. UBd«f*rttaW oS». K*waJh tarhis elw«rfal and asilria* wat* la tits*wt«ral tasta ef ow s*w aaur ar« •»-

asd Oat Uw «Hy elatK eosv«yto Mr. WMB«* Oia tiiasks of Ota SaayoYaaJ City ef

waat*4 ta knew why tk* <«*r» Is saes a> narrr u-aeeapt tt*aaparttaa aa it had taaa ia tta ettxseveral w»»k« mad Uwtasta a*J ealyJast oaaa aid*. "That U ampto avt.drae* mat « • k«vw net 8a*a la ~a

I*>. Oag*. Bay >BT mytits. "We wwd th» terHw etliiat

sad I b»U«vw itttoaM b»-&atat tmm. It iM*-twm.Ttaaa to its *ee«j*»&c«

M avassstruer waf wflUaa!to u»» tt em aad t i* m*mm has

Oat h u b m ra<iilr*<l e« JL?Mtmoa ttti i» saw ao

W u gnaf

sisaM B**se»n<»aV at ea«a.Tto aetieaetrifwd by H». Oaaa wa»


saae warn eHUtatixfqeancllaaa fwathy wyBWf_t»

kaaw whit a u u t e i e f tfi* ST. aadsratar commlUM bad Vi*B pfaaeat attli* tsau and tow tiuy ee«Id s• raaatafioa at tiat klB4-w14fi«at-fe«ta*Tt t m and sseina; tS* *B«U» ea trial.Mr. Oag* said that ha haa reeajfwC

« aad taat UM nnatt of Uta ««•tttaar of th* rite) Ofttf»f«Wt**«-WMraa«t*nt If ha aa4 sot ssewsi faHhwtatotaaUoo froa Ha

Viaefiav na4 mad*a attKatH.t*st aa4 ttat Us repent badaoe taaa (afltuaaad-is any way.

tUfof* tba adaatsa'of theBHaMiBB W«TW iwrevad altar taay hadt * n read by City Cterfc L»ab«ft Mr.Oaasi eflsrad a satiaa of tile

f^ftr Roberts146-148 Mtin St


than ofitvad r motion Oat tba par-ehaue) la. rmtiaA*4 tntt tbla aacloawaa also emrrtad . TBaa Mr. Sac*msute tha raotloa that th» mUtotsa b*apDrovstf with ch*> eerraettetw asada In

"Phis aettoe) waa USua by thm eaaaeiiteesss* 6% tn* writ et eaftUtvt frsnt-«d oa padUsa ot (araar Caataeflaasrraak C. Kscatfcart by Jaatlea (Janv-mas*, of UM Sncma* Ceart. Later Intha> taaatlnt th» patMf* lamsri by Joa-tloa OomnM»# wars- ittaVaaA-afazzadto tha law essoUtaa and City At-tsnwy Debbln* ta task aft» tha ettys•tote of th* easa at th» kaarroaT oa Wo*.K.

Oas «aaliMaa lHSNasf«o,A aouanaiaulon from th* ftatnrsiy

Oas Light Company was f*aU> by CityCfarfe Laabart as foltows:

"Tia Railway- 0«* Ua*t Companyrcapvetfolly 'bsgs to Infona yoor boa-

-«Mbta body last In anfor ta satis-{faetarU* aapply H* eastSaMfw with a

nwaawry to mas* a naw eofuwetloafrom its stofsss taut! at tba eornar atCuatral avesaa an4 n««mw»M straatwits Its mala sopoly Bfp» Is CsatreJavrnna sad is oroar to do Oria It win

Ouf ba raa^Ni *at a strip of tkspstvaaaat ea Caatratforty fast across aad atgataaa ItMfeaavhU ba takan op.

"Vadar O» cfisxtsv grantad to tblaeoacamy by tka «st* law* «f US*, itiuu da rttjfr A l i

PabH« Sarviaa at»*at car* .nUriug |h* B*W tWaaJnikl atatfes •*;****plaoa, Naviark, brtn« yon «toa« to thJa^bia atatw, vrtwttlacB B f 8 » ° i * « '&«wart. r1U«on«Hv aar<w« Military Paik froa th«_T«tala«l ala««B.


COIL BRO4D, NEW AND HALSEY STREETSStore Op*t\ Saturday Until 9.30 P. « , We Give and Redeem Surety Coupon*

H Furniture Store Splend-idly Helpful in Home

PlanningWhat hundreds and hundreds of New Jersey homes want, when they

want it, at a price they are gfad to pay. is shown hi the largeriispla1

of poor, ill-flgasoned lumber and careleiput to^etlier is dear at any prfcg, no -matter how tow that price may b«rft-^Hahne Fttrniture, made of sound, well-seasoned luineer careiotJy -unit* Htogether, wears and wears and wears. And in addition, it is FAIRLYpriced.

~1Tdu make no mistake in boyfog Habne Furaitsre. It is the satis-fying kind.



on th« Prtucetoa Breach»JSS • a. moj 7-30 t>. m..

wfU be aaaaUaa.JUl atop* of » t « U r Ualna at Prlaee-taa JnartloQ will be anaulled after*_SlL a. m- aod before 7 2 p. m.

"Pennsylvania R. R.

able to prove thetr wortucondltton ot the circuit."

Accept New Fir* engine.The formal report ot Superintendent

Charles H Fisher, of tho engineeringdepartment, ot the Baord ot Fire tin-derwrttera, was received from MayorSimmons and read hy City Clerk Lam-bert. The report was as' follows:

"Results ot touts ot American LaFrance automobile combination chemi-cal and hose wagon; type. Standard 75,maDUtacturere No. 1.S7Q

"Engine—Sis cylinder, 6\k Inchbore, sls-lnch stroke, 7S.6 horsepower,». I* A M formula; Ignition Bosch

Don't Neglect the

Silveron your


T l


<f O L««»vMle Avenue

gradedelivered in



masneto and battery with single setot spark plugs; Wostlnghouse self-starter: capacity ot fuel tank, thirtygallons.

"Pump—Rotary gear typo. Qaarratio—engine to pump 1.66 to 1 andS.0S to 1. Contract requirements—Stated to be 750 gallons at 120 Pounds(contract not readily accessibl» tor ex-amination.)

"Tested—At white bridge^ -v Utfc-unltonnly ten teet and- three Inches.

"First tests—Duration two hooia;Layout ot hose and noxxle: One Unaof 800 feetTSd 6neTIHe~bt 160 (toot o l2%a Inch hose Into Siamese and play-pipa with two-Inch tip. . : •

"Averasa discharge and pressure,773 Bnllons at 126.6 pounds net: eni iasape«d. average R. P. M, 1.US; pumpspeed, average R. P. *M. OT6; remKrlts,o K. ' -•; •_ • / : • - : ;

•Second Test—Duration, ono hoar.-ot hose and nozzle: One line

ot if.o teet of 2*4 Inch hose withy! i»8Inch no«io. Average discharge Jindpresuuro. 381 gallons at 21S.08 poundsnet; eniclne spaed, avorngo R. P. M.l.OBS; pump speed, BveragerBviKTaTWt)\ remarks. 6. K. Qeneral rejriarksX&SLT • ••:•. ;

:::-;i;v:v^: ; i- tnn- rnnrlirtE of-thn


The nieeess of yonr fhsaksflvlng dinner denends nooa* the jappointments ot your table. Silver plays an Important wurt. Onelda |Comsnualty and IMT Roger BrotheM Hat *U«r wfll five ton* to yo«ftable at moderate oost-

8ATURtJAY ONUV1 SALE O* 8HEFPIELO SILVIBBWArtE „Reproductions ot tblsjopnlar war^on^ala thia_waak._ Prices ta-

eluds mohogram engraving.

Double Vegetable Dish 7JSGravy Boats and Platters. .&?*Roll Tray with handle ....4JiSBread and Sandwich Trays. .S.4S

Tea. Snooas, set of 4 U o -TaMs Spoons, set of 6 ....UW


.?ir||CounoUiQan Oage- ottered *-1-4BO

set 01 eSoup Spooas. R. E.. set ot 6 W»DessertSpoon*, set ot« . ...4»S0Xksaert Forks.'set ot 8 ....4£BButter vBpreads, set ot 6 . .4.00Butter"8preads.jBe tot . .'.-eVIlB.-

••..toot^aiUid^ipksi-fset^ot;*;.*.?^";Qravytjidle; . . . . . . . . . .C. :i.-1.7B;Cold Meat Forte:. . . . V.. i ; . 13OCarving set, 6 pieces . . . . . . 10.00He , Serven ;>,;...>.,.V...-,8.80-

, Fruit. Knives^ set ot «>, , ;» ,348.

Fruit Baskets ;^.V..;^riv?Se'Cheesa and Cracker dl»h

wllit naadie-T.. i . . ;»*»Vasea ^ : . . " « . . . : . . . . , . . ^ S

..WellanaJBrw^Platter . . . . i t m ^ J

iPea Spooaa, set of 6 . . . . ...1U»Table Spoons, set ot . . . . . . . « J »

Soup Sswxtns, net of 6 ...•.*«>Dessert Spoons^ set ot 8 . . . .3,78 :Dessert Foeks, set of S .; . .a/B.Bouillon Spoons, set of 6. .S3SButter Spreads, set ot 8....&*Q

:.toW :a^^>"aS.:set 'of •*SlTJIJBr.Qrayy,l*uftr':. -X. '1..'.. .•.'.i-.T,»vColdsMeatSSttt;. . . . . . . .: . .tJB.;CarvinK Seta, S pieces . -RBOWo ServerVvv..; .v. . . . . . . ,aaisFruit Knives, set ot 6. .&SB

Initial-'; eneravtiw froo on the' above" ltBWB

when 70a <MB bay orbaild a. home ot yourowa? " '-

The Industrial Buildingand Loan Association

will advaaoe yon the aoney

INQUIRE N O W. F. €.' Bauer's Store

135 trying Street Rahway, N. J.


Vie* PreeldentOHESTER V. H*.1fNK8


Financial SaeretaryF. BITSBR

DA.VID A.RUHTROHO- - - -Cowusel —


whatever yea'tfalsc* la th*> way «*OUR eoNneneNinv

Is sure to-saUtfy yea. lT« ecoarmany varieties, bat la qmality tiascwU UtUe dlHerano*.

an miy CMAr ta aa cried aa *••can prowe.

MINTON D. BROSSUS Cherry St., HsOiwmy, S. J



Areh 8UBBOH»ertrteheat ate.

225, Bread St.


The namS—Dosa's Inspire* eonfi-denee<~-Doatt'« Kidney Mil* foe kid'

Tw fflsrTJoaS'arTOtHtaeTrtrtor-lskhrwfflTJoaSaOtHtaeTrtrorlskhttebiHK.. Bout's ReguletM tor a mildl t i gold at aU draft- store*.'

HOME!Oo You Want One?

Will build to suit on choicelocation and sell to you on easypayments. You pay only cashfifksaa and: no commissions orhouse jobbers profit. ._

A limited number only.


Telephone 474

«*>as>;ia»asr as)<a) |>as*astmmm


feMiaasa, mat tt» BSTJKM* et til* r»11t!ae> la tOTsaryoar JteaofabU baif

B t l t to trUrJaKraet lu «OelsIs ta act Is eaaewttn*)«oorpaar asdas4*r tha mtgaf

•isles ef tta add city oflelala.I t Is tartaar- daajfsbl* thst at potats

1U Wain Street, Telephone 45-ML R«hway,i /rrn nnuitl IMPDCjiCiMn pnCT RY RHYlMtl

alao e£rftftdl Haw of vepeUbl*. asd frnit at 1o««at m.rk*tBate Friday. SatnHay;aBd MomJajv

i-AB &OJ&. BiHsnttajt bm retanaed withia 30 dmym lor Stmmpe.


B 1


Extra laree Grape Frait^ for-25c



Loos* Peanutt|t^l^fe?!#a»f?8fl*;Bllttef, i^iii,

Fancy TeaP e r B

Fancy Santos CdffeeB i b l ^

BesiWantation Coffee30Peril* -

| 5.30

- -$1.3O

Flourl Flour! mokedCaliHams w-8 tbsf'lb

Grape FruitV r V W Tp

Vory_ V r y VataWT

3 for 25c


iestic Bntterine;iigobd-sw:B.Btl»t';'

N.B CCractrtsv SKiaf I"OU,lire »ftittk Teaf,

HomemadeMince Meat,lb

Country RollBntterine,

Pjaflre,Codfish, lbOxford Brand Vanilla

in cans


*j*TI Cl


Out mmtntat.y Satocta. mm*-assst—Olk?

. lr>*a* ptata mmm »aefe-«sto up, tiatst otmuUm. £at» pfflar

(Is fflaatrsfiQ tisti aaalfiftlt d t M a tauk. t*9 aaat

b taiil W S *

Bfnfng t9t9astr> K i td


Plaf&or Brisket *

fp* pound

Fresh Pork

Rib LambChops, ib

aadar aavassaats

to etws stfaata to nocalisA by(As IBastratas.)

plaea saU atnatria

SaersUfy Kaada ^Bgat

tottomtnt O* laadlac; el th* UUtr an4

saat i s Ofaar- t&ataatavwaatf b* nofitettoB tatwOas Csapaay aa«T tHa etty dfBriaU. Ha

alwsiatatr jweaav

WiMUfti «*»taav fa-mat a*

latrtrs at Omfialaiil

fal; baa a <a«» tsmritlIs Waft twtaa aft

*t$U aaUCov

*l*Usf _ww«wat>l*vte->liaa> tfca-saOiaHtto* eC

rwab-saasaa atsaV fSac th*

far Uw asjsefwtsfao at tba rfty avBeUtiv

ttastistt tk» wmmt to ra**»x*« t» thaattest ctfonbfiiav

WiWUtm-^mmtf:***,'Tr*mW«y*«aU flstt tS» «a» gUHi«BHr

j—jJ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 sta^s^MM^s^J^ iJa^^^aJ^maJafc'

> apicy mi** rwnas W

•tar Ihw rnaKianeei •« H>r


Page 3: ^mmmm · R.hi ^ssaBPSf^m^ 6RIDIR0H CONTEST •-•" RESULTS W ft TIE Bachelor Chttifbis Lib*rty A.-C Put teg Game Agalart Stroug Elisabeth Ijs* tktviuasTsrft M*w tiua jrees o

Friday Aft»moont.Ndveu»b>r 17.

According to th*the mpf**«ntatlv<» Of Ui#«utiin. >t ldl ai>p»a4M til lull In •*"

ordinary are test,than met the WrfflS Ot th«

~ W« wond« whatcouncilman Traabtey wolld .ror iho n*w onslse than It h*s alreadypassed through-.- - —

; The ralu* ot the Rasney law andita batiant to a municipality la as

i om-rg-ney of this kind »SS wall1 dsmouttret«<l by th* (oar trips BJOd*

W«. I to mn city by Bupertntouaent JFtteaar:1 wbo appeared most thorough IB alt et

mi work.

. Novsunea IT, I«».CtTV 8OW.IN0 USAQUS

u, a A.

fh« Kik* uarf* a el*«a WMMSth« bawling oaten iigalAU th* •**«<•»at MeCartiwy's allays ea Watfeftsdayoveala*. Mkiag Us* first fcaaK By IB.tha sseead by C4 uul tfc* iUN by

«as tha hUh relief 8* tk« SUtebU *v«f«8« at 111. WUto' Mo-

tUi . Matlar. t « J « tYofke WM «l*a elow to tiwwtth 1R. CrewaU aad DebMMUta_ bit eltt&wa Cor tB* SatiM. <&•tortaw t 1=» *** 1 u w *1M.1. ttM

A cwAVOt »MOULO am M A D *

mptnmle to >H? Cotntnon

Council tiUtnmle««vk In th«? annual report of tona«Mtv rm«r Frmn*i» T HaJly. wfcorvtlt-oj from wrTiw th» Urit of t»»month Th« tiwjt««<lo<M am wortbjrel cawtftri aomUeraliOT—J(


|C V. LudlowH. HarrlnuullortosC W. Ladlow

1S4119 USIt*. UO


gSMMaat tfairiM •«r i t s U at

at Us* lMdrad Club tiby« Uut al«bt6 U Ut cmt

la fwal !• twe SUM*. Tffc* BdcMwcUab*i u H3 la In* Utur iasw aadWOO «UU7. VofBif atJtdM C W i l *

MttaotaatiaJ rolllac ebulaiat aa »»*?-M « or *>»-i asul t*«ua* iw» IM BUI fea.CUfKW^itaT-wH-B^ilrMntrtor-Ui*

tke1* t

J W. li«aJMh.*a> * ^ T • aair aiaai BMBaBaj ™ • ™ ~^^^"^a» " ~ - aj — - —

It a. at, Ite4§*£iat et tka Midtao**OOIB to* tHahhsi worsbis. SwaiM ay

ta* KAktar •» "fe* ***** far OoA"T.i» p. S , He*iUl SWfeaJ

eral«s awvfaM. t o * eJuar wttl b* *#•by Ut* Mania e«&MUa; **V

orwwt by th* pasUt*. *~fa*

4 P. tS*

U *m ut!

C U K W itldctaaa with &a «nts»t e< tt4J tada alfoBUk of tt£ ItooBay wtt* MS*in ottter wltb «a »»•««• «* » ' « *&4hl#b«iai4rt-wa»ML-V»a8*at hada Hat!* « M» aaiS aMnt«4 i t tXfY»al»ad Uibboo* «a« BoMwiefe (Bt-io««d elowly with **eras«i el i » aal1TJ.3. day Howard UmlUd Uoaicywits aa a««f«|» of ITU. Si» * « m


1 1 *ICO

als r.. TM t t t8TBXI. EQUIPMENT CO

HI 1T<


ill- H * 1U

111•hos«<i by hi* w^rk and eltort* that B«a*4 practical TOmaon«nw tdwi* al-wajr> Intended lo lmpro»» l&o «in<I-•ncy of tne d<>panmeat Ktwjt a r»ar'»

aa bead «J W* HapoHaBtand vnjt«ctln« force, whlcfc

Ma tk* »«and real u<><xl« of a < iy»tpni. h» t> T »tlrvd from offlc* by the caitoai andrrmlationa ol th« city. t i« mB* UVT»I7 utk« rhlvt ror a KTtwt manyT»ar«.

ThU ca»ioto »n«t pr«cttcob» allowed to continue U Imental to tn«> cltT"» b»«t lartrwlta. b«-oause It ranom at the time wb.«aUw point ot grvateat e*ci«ncjr Ur«acb*d. tk« baad of ooa oJ t»» aoatnlnable arm* ot maalctpal aarvtea.Aa IB the caa* of Chlat Itklly tfca««clal siakca r*coma»nd«Uon» andwo*m o « ot «mtr «rtth no fartherwpower or opportunity to follow oat hlaplan ot action. Anothor ehltt esaaainto power aad m m laare la all«ay the uoad« ot taa dapajtmant and

th« time h*Tilo

I*opwaUoa HIT

to put Vmtsrm—ot


US 1>1

ns IM

Tctart . . . ._. * t l



Th-j Sasilaary Club eoatlnoed Itswinning itres.tr on W«da«*aay exeala*by taking three straight traa tha R*b>wacka. 1» each of the first two gamaathe winners had a margin of thirty-two. ragUtarlng a »14 mark In ta« **o-O&tS". b l "thfl t b i f r l SftlUtt'"tV WmaVHsV—OlB*1

away. Harbart Moonojr had th* beatanrage ot tha match with US. whllaOeorg* Young was next ta order with110.3 Soatwlek had It 1.1

Schmidt led the Rahwack* with aaw r a g * ot UOX Hi K. Millar, whorolled tha last gaats ta tha SMtiauyUne-up apllled the wood tor U4.sail HobUttal oada »4aublnor M« and 8oiml«lt MS. The eeorw:


m u» IMm i« ...U. Olbboaa

-«T-•srHea baa axplrad. Tata nranota ataonlta T»Ucy firoa tatat «d«aad punned yaar aftar yaar satU taa4apaHm«at U Kind to Its c nanamtbl* effldaacy

A ayitaa of tal* kind would not botsiaeatad ta any w*J)-man««*d bo>h m baa**, bat It appear* coedaaoagb far Yauntetpal Baaascmaal. ttthe tndtrtcraat atutoda ot U« CityFtttkon OBji be coaaldersd as ladle*-!

r. Olbboaa 1U 111 IHooney Uff IN W4

TntaU *n n* IMftAHWACKS

Vaa Saat 1» UO 1(4BrtefcaU »« l «

W Hoblttnl iTt MSR. HobUtsal It* VMSchmidt « • *>»

Total* ' U 4


144 lit litIM IM in1 « ITT JS1MO m ui141 ltt -111

T*S T1S 4*4 [ I Inward


.Van Saatiici.u*

!•. OiBbana


U« ltt'lttt» a« inIll litm m» i nt« IM VU

ILDKRA.V CL0»_»»» « *

tarw aUak esriy haiftiiIfe.



The HiHabte Fur Ship-


lira. Ct***ae* OttW, ot W WWMMMf«*t> tuu fattaraad' treat s ffatt witk

b l t M aaa (rlaaa> Ift J«f«*y City

Ut. as* iOi. Hind m±imt. oi

HaH, et U Ifa»U tarraaa.^

m i ? M*rMeei*Y ewuncwN*v. BWMHM ft. flfiwrafiW, N M ASaailay aoluat Ifl a. a .Uemag «eHkI» U »\Jo&ter Ltuaa> 9 a. » ,KaweHlt taHiiaV t S. a*.K«««tlat eaawa aaniav t4aV S*v.

Kiutuea JVBlssr. ehaeUfe U t i* M«wjaYtCf SategBUta«y wUI OfaaUk tt liU

l twte%


(Uv. K. *,««&e«t.' Pwatlai

torr CaHttaa* aMfeU**.U «. BU ftsrrte* with tgaelal aaaid.

' W "AM ftaHHm


IB*% KsaapUaaal otin m o * wfaU*Call day* car swalai* yttuttasam at 3»tfla» Ce. R«S«ay,Ifc J. " 81T41


ftatiwa; atlfea B n * Curtain Ralur In

but ta* local* did aManlll tbs wood a> wall aa usual. Ta*yhad a cood opportunity ot taking ta«nnt two (aataa, (alllns down by only

m im" litIn tha eaaatag setsloa ot th*

Bawling Uwgae but night Ih* NCwj MAPkt AVtNUt WIN*York Elks s&isthered ta« aspIraUeBT Tha Uaple Avenue footballof tha tUbway Kiss by asking It coaUouad Ita winning gait yaalerdaythree straight; Bath t*am* wU*ar m«rnoon by

town u u i 14 to 0. Touchdown* wervsutil* by Wads and Love sad a tafttyby QXJonnor. T»a Una^p follows:

_^_ _ Mlpia Avenuetwentysievan ta ike'aratana twaaly^Undaay Bdfa*two In the aaeead. ta th* third th*planer* from the metropolis roaiped! And««o««r — • Qulaa


100 bATC

HO* WAfWim—Apply Whtataaa ear

Good Baft•Son haan. Aaply SMI B M O «Motor Ce. Oarwood. V. J. alT4t

away to a big lead et 10*. Koops sadSchmidt ware the only Rahway pta*Bar* to hit the. high place* pad theyaveraged U« aad 1«»1 napeotlvaly.A. Wntphal. U»* Jooas and A. WiuaUw«re th* chief plaers tor the wlnaars.

avaragedTm; JUKat. XVUand WaasalL lit. The Utter made

Rlsht TaekJ*

W*l«ao—Steak B4l8*»..tt@«rt«ac«4aaa. S«U ffiaotrte Uetes Co. Qaywood. K. J. alt<K

3. Ediar


s. mis*




8. OXoonortit, th*tn«»j»'t

oaly double osatury ot taa

NIW YOltiC BI,KSWaatnaal 114 114 1IT

A. Waatpaal 1T0A. WaaaaU _ ^ ITJa Starr 7TT... T—TKU Johaa US

Total* . . . ,


l i tl i t

ta national, state and moAldpal ifairs throaghoat tha aattoa tt Is I

~«e«afic mar» *»M*altaroasa taa UtiilaUT* aeu adoptedtaat It ta a rceacalMd tact that a«*rtala, d«aalt» ©alley ta taqairad toUMlwri tac boataca* et t»a ettlxaaaawl tUBayan, aa XMU aa taa aRUftW aay eaaasaaRtal eaaeafa, Wli i a*a>»«1aaT inltey treu y a u to yaar Htakaa wach teaser to aeeompUth nar-

tasroT«aaBt taaa waatl

y*a» Ihua fax la In*taa baat torn of any taaa I

, SM 141 114RAHWAY BLK8

U«Carta«y IIS 1U mSchmidt 188 It] UOYorke, 144 IR IMrytt* 144 ISO 110K o o » IM 1 U IT4

Totala I0J M« SOS


the Junior O. t j . A. »*. v i lntat tookthree Mralsat from «»• attrek Com-naay on Tttaaday a«aabts. Daaptt*lha t»et th»t tha Uarcka w«at 144 latha aaeoad aaaatea tka Jnalor* ~bsatthem cot by attaaa plaa, mikta* (St.the baat acora et ta* toaraamaat tatutar. Joa Kally euA* a saw Idgh ta-dttidnal auik wttb Mt. B«ry ptanar

MAaONS START TONIOHTThe bowling taaa ot tamtayatte

u a » o tn th* Masonic League wtu rollIt* lint match of the schedule tonightagainst Anchor Lodg* at Ptainfteld.The local team captnred tha choaploa-*blp last season and should auk* aatroas Bidtonroay.

tor It la - tha

Lett Quart


am r. aawLaft Bad

Kaaaany H. PacawUaQaartarbaek

Left HalfbackWataea

UstaRUtb Halfback



t»3tAHetR 8AVWaueetssoii TO

CHAt. C KO1N1Q 'mmr AND vcosTAat,!*. ttr MAIN rrntst1.

self- Knraun. saeatalea. ttBIabaf«n. t*& OB Or. TBemaa*OIL Ha* fe* «t». .tafva, bfSaeold ba k«pt la «T«fy haa*. a


«ajr •wutfa* and tfaaitstiJtottaawi. eaeaW wlU teat OM Bast 'jwrltrtt

Ut. sad K s . P . J . aty«M. oc. «TBffaM ¥•(«•«•. s » «BtaHaJdiair 14V.ktyafa* tw« atattHU Ik* Mlrtir Hmhalaai fcBaa) Its***, tit BcHifiat Sprfati.1%.

ICr. and lira, U J. OtwaaitCar «Ba1•aOdrta. at ts* Otesx N*w Yoik Cityw«f« Uu» g«ia*o «tf B d lOMBriatar tit tiw.hUBfiy e««r tatday.

1*la> Kite liaMla. vtta la Bis bwoao a-jftiiM s i fflft .HWIawrOaaanU UtMp^sL- H*w

HTAe Popular Playfaetii%w Mttla St-

Ftetomai Pgtectiv*rStQryH

Bust? C««iJf—"P«fklBiAattttttt DIM*. Tw« P t t V n

, OottHida«. et 8af-tt. T.. daaaamr c?-m» lUy. Pr.

•ATTIN M««t TOMORROWCoach Short** football prow****

Btttla Hlia ichool. saiaabata. willhat* to tn«al tuMe thaa taay tef teany (a s* thaa tar this aauos O thayara to ratam vtetoriout toaorrsw fromniwrmlda Park whara taay grapplewlta tie Raiaway Hl«5 BeSoona TSiannual trtdlroa tilt Coach ISllaaoa'aatavatt Is ta Baa tattle aad will tT»th* Battlaltu a hard Agbt troa (hesound of the whittle until time lacelled. Tha etme itaHa at S o'clockand owtnc to the teaaral tstaraat tathe match a large attendance ti antld-pated.

o» Tan ott*7-"wltBr-garateT6rtaa~3\UUoW waa aborai i l l l iM >*aa «aOswaa\ tw a. tarm etyean at Hast- TfcatefMe It aaaastaoBtoml aad nccwaary that the bead

a>k-davartamat atoaU

la tobtJ. walla oaly thraa ot laa ltarek*climbed to that height, to tha ant

third cmatea the Jaatera had »nb-"WW11 U H h d

fca aimed tor a tans ot year* tastaad.etCsraslaglayear. Tal* woaM gt*a

toad ot tha deaaranat opt**-taaity to work aVsaa; c«KaI& ekoaaat t t * nd*tor a aajBfter ettta*M brteg a«i»*e«aNa

MataFa. that

y*are and*

a a afcoaU bed tfco tea da»«tf *•» *jaa»

!• taa rnnartiit caampaUUaR • »the apte«m «ad *>w»to«m •te-

«d_tha pRKaattoa with aa aTatasa otSSJ. hla beat atada game belaa: S04.o* Kelly and ColUa* wen Ued ter

alga hoasta tor tha lUreto thetr avar-aga tMlag l» . l . naak BUa* a*er*gadXT* tor tha Jttalota, whU* Joe Sottauaha4 »TSA aaaVQaarga Otasaa. 1*1. »

l «

al* a*x eaea wooM aava UMIT oawll-BV cUet la «8e* ter a term atasd thacaky akoUih taa patty

m tMUast thatth* raeeat alaeUeiu

OftJtat a«BK aad gaanral coapaMt« tha « j h tahCa iiatmi

otdll-hy .the C3»y

«ra s» a Vsac way t o w *iintirtw T-- waatt.



: at w* mst te> cbaesmtaBd. Hei tan***, Iwt

Th*t&U city

•fc*. awttaie •**»*• *» Oct.%: Sadaa; that Saw U» abawrana

Church News- «Y. PAUL1* CHURCH. .Rev. H. A. L» SadUer, Paster

Twaatyaaeoad SttHday attar TrtattyiT JO a. m. Holy coamaalea alxo the

corporate commoaioa ter the SocialChapter aad Saadajr achool teachertv.


JDN1OR O. O. A. M.JoaBofttaaa «

paator et thai Becoad Pra»byt*rlaachurch, ot Railway.afXONO BRKSKYTSRIAN CHURCH

Rav. **. W. dehiuen B. O,The Ray, George 8. Matt PatamttB,

et th* atrat Preabytattaa chafca, e tHock»w«y. N. J« wlU oecusy the palpltaaxt 8nadajr moraine aad evaalag.

Tke prayer masting will bo heldWedaaaday avaallig.

The l . P . 8 . a a wUI auat Sundayevaatag at T o'clock.

Th«f* wOl be avaeetrng et taa «ea>

W.M a. a u Moralag prayer,comanaloa «sd aertaoa.

3 p. a u 8aaday aehool eaaaloa. Kaw • _papa* «l»*y* weleomfc - s ~ * tregaUea oa Wedaeeaay awateg at t

7.M B. ta- BteatBB M*$ar"*jtf aer?l o'clock to alaet a, patter, who win aa-ram* hladnUea attar the pulpit has

P. BUa*










CHy i aat

Uoaday at 1 p. av» The XQtajaal o*ea dodared vaeaat oa Jaa. 1. Taaulllary will meat at the Soaday Boar* ot Trertaaa h»Ta tataed a call

(or a paxtaa. meatlng tamadlataly tol>lowlag the coagregattoaal- aeattag.taa-meettag 1* tor tha parpeta ot hav-lag* the merabon ot tha church coa-

—The Junior CoaBnaaUoa cUaa wlUauat oa Monday at-4.lt t> JSI.

Ulaa 1L Bralyn Stark et Boetoa, taaaotad lapaMaaator; win «t«a Bartamotu recital. -I(eratr~ Mar? Asm"IM M«vnila> avaatag. Bert Mataoa winaccoupaBy Miss Stark.

Oa Wadaaadsy evaalagtath Wstrtet SuBdsjrSe*

_ihS B31u>

dakRahway YkcktCtabRahwaeto ^ .

Uen wlU hold Its uaatlag at St Paal1*eharch, at 7.45 B. m. Teachers ot allsehoola welcome. Two Importantspeaker* wfll address tha laeettag.

Tha Jaaksr O. XJ. A- M. wtU atteadactvlcea at this chareh at ?-M p. BL_

j«alerO.tr. A. 1LSaaddtr A. C.Uardt CeoapaayY - U . C A.

Start Bajapsaaat Oa..


j ^ _ > 3. Aaeteat Or*wHibartBua, at -lt» awatlag

OeMrt ta

aaBOnr laat Satatdsy«raaa Ur.

fkaas eeeaatatw tte *•-of trial* fey

racper earrleaa at St, Hn^> chaw*next stusay ewaalas la a,oo4y. Tfce

d huy s

scrrieea wtn fc* Ti»M aadar the aaa-( a » Kslgata e»-C6>»aba» aBi«a» R«T. it- P. esraona. l t a «tfca Newark flra departuaat.

spaadcer. The OCbanUaa .winat St. Stair* **n 8caday awa-

?:» and then prseeed to thatDorlag the aaaUng Toeaday


NOT W. A addyeia

sldar the placing ot the BUMS en thimarket tor asla.

The Ladles' 8awlng Society wmeet la the church "pariorTRIiaay"tenooa at $£o o'cloek. Bveryone

ghald osder the aaipleu ot thla societyoa Dee. S. t aad 7. Dtanw winearred aaea. aight.

FIRST tAPTIST CHURCHRaw. P. Q. fcUwtll, fettar.

S.4S a. au 1108*8 Bratharhood. tab-lecW-The Ptohlea ot Ufa." Matt. ?:

Did you menof Railwayever notice

the differencein appearancebetween men

The 13th Ghtptef of the- "S*6f»t ef the Sahmerin*"

Mr. Itii? SiH.r li "In aad Out"ideil f w» Firffitauiu-- "Atonement"Vtiit Ct-Uy—"Tbe Iron Mitt"

, Wtfliiinipfwin. pMfnr of ta«- St. JKSU*aTsta&Urt ehsfea. eateaga, tit »g*a«v

"Tat VTtrw weak* wltSTlMf Hat*i>4a4aw-.

yof TXaltr afattodlat ehafeh.

lty Hattedtat aftsu-et . - . .a * flwt aamlntUoa e l aaaaw tabk

Taaaday «««alag; i t the skatlagof tfi» Raavway HeBfav O

MONDAY— BopEffsrti will b* Bad* to h»T* allMoay eoff«otad'fw ifca Brftpawa

gaa U Uemtna tsdaeaats *o Out tte balMlag eaa

row. loft to rlglit>-t»a lUaaoa Slaaaor s t e « . Itadallaa Batty. Ifasal Bswtead.

a wijayatBaeaalor Olrta•«ealfir


T h .

Astts Thoro. Aaits Rlgsiaa."~ " Bd Of»e» Hsllf.


w«r» distrrbated of U» dallghtfal'-mtMQBanae party k*U ooTharsday,

A. Msiiy. or l a «a«r aasa^armel>tot. t, wtta Mis* Ksth«in« Noosss.01<as WMW dUcnsMS Iprl a^-theatr* '.1ft 8*calaarjr avaaae.

a««y it .Ui«' Blppadtvs*. j«*w Terk } An t&e s t e a m waCBy/ Th* w i t mmtUg of the elah- ulght, lneIadla«T ft. MIsaa* Mabel'dent. Miss HIab*th^wS«aisTsaS»7wOl be,bald st tha hoae of Ml» Rswlsad. Katharine rraaks. May Me- tary.-M!*» AaltsAnna Thorn, of ?< Cherry streeL At Coy, Katharine Stooosn.

t awaant lot [andUIWH Itabet^dant



Rahway, IN*_JL

Petticoats,Ladie* black orcolored aader- —skirts from

$1.00 to $2 00

Onderwear,Soots Under-wear for chU-dreo, ^O-rar


rgise *tni eaxlr~

Wiuter CoatsFor Ladies from

$7.00 to $20.00For Girls 6 to 14 years

$5.00 toFor Boys 2 1-2 to 8 years

S3.00 to $5.00For Girls 2 to 6 years$3.00 to $8.00

For Babies 6 mos. to 3 yr*


for Boys 6 to 16 yearsMackinaws at $45.00

The abovecoatsare all m_adeop ih the newest materials

and styles

Outing FlannelsGood quality iacoleyǤ stripesor plaia colorsAt 10c yd.

Scarf Setscap and acartof all wool aa~-~fora in plaincolor aad c o s -eiaatios at



A Favorite FeoV—Eddie Foy

Saturday Matia«e» 2.3OX Q d Q30

6e sad 10c

.'•out and ready far scespasey aest

-: Th* siaaibn* of th* H. B. S«wlag Ldab, ar tal* titn paid their uteat*'of reipfet to Ms. Saphle N«Isoa. ot!.•Hrth Amboy. authar ot Miss Ani»'

I Balance NVr. I. 1915. ««7<.•3184: mntribntinni. t!5



SchaffnerMarx clothes




Lowest Priced Electrically EquippedCar iff the Worfdl -

" Standard Equipments ;£It^Me...-U|;his.::,t}Bd'

Starter; llee$Hc Horn ;..; TWo-Uaitear aadeev«r aad side curtains, ^

lamp aad teol eqaipaJeat iaeladiag jack and, r . A leaf, coasbiniBg «s¥«iry iriifiBeoieat ef detailaad at the tdWeat |lrie^-ep^«fateflV;'^^'.JiiiifeW fad

ztfe^oiigtMeiraZ x3fl-Coa8troctfo5=^E*t log; desaoBstratewhat this car is arid eaa do! . ^ ^ ;

For Winter : Have:'» Detroit Weatherproof De-tachable Top—"Chavrajpt?1 .Foer-JVtoaly D. W. B.Top, $90.00. • - -



win be aiade by the rector aad tha«holr will reader special waste. MVwaleoaia.

Tha Hea-» dab wtU hav» Ua aoath-ly raeetlag ea NOT M. waaBV.3)fedfcpH;Albea. et Oaloala. wlir?iaa5fi£3SrraosBt visit to SsHa»l u l Prassee.UaaUag wm B* oaaa to aaytaaa et ISyaara ot age aad ever.

IS.1046 a>-gs,-MoraIag worahlp. Mraon

by the B*v. W. U Wardal!. st Me-tsehea.

11.48 a. m, Bible school; atadythataa, "5Wa Malta to Rome."

Brotherhood etThe Chrlstlaa

< Raw. U V, «>«*»»«,. Jiw Tirtir10 a, at. able aehooV Pttaucry. &r-

tsrmadlat*. Janlor dosses. AdaH. Or-~ ' BIhU cfiUHea Jrfclodiat W%f

Sarean JBlble d s » tor wwaea^^U L a , niviae'wenhlp. Samoa by

7 p. ta, eacrtattma Eudearor aeeUng.Topic: "Why Qtri«H«Hlty Is the Hopeof OnrOoaBtry" iMAex: ilr. Cltr-aaea V. t«dlow.

7.45 t>- BL. Dttrtna worship. Sareisafcy the Baster. _ —• •"" " t e " a y e r aarttes.

tfetock will h» lad

U.4S a. auAadrew and IHdUp:

p. MI- Y. T>. a C "Whyramn1 ^tux C6na-

lh B a. Hiss Rslh Bsasey.

Ttero'u a btylo aboatthorn which ia diatinoliye;

ideas, bat beeatxes of adigaity wMob—JBMICB the


There's a fit andfiaiahto them which adda tothe Impression; and

246 Main Street, Rahway, N. J.

•Poeaday •vealag; f b * dtlagattea' eoa-prU«d ta* Ifiiaaa Xaaa- Sefiaeu*.Sarrna Tfeoia^ KatbaHM ICatlaff, S a -

lag Wsdiieaday cveaJas la heear efh«r WftBdiy. Q«a3«». maale t a d r*-t r m o a a n u wara tha. order. Tboa*srwaae: Tlw i f l i a u Cmrrl* "Wtesaar,C*rH« Srant. y u a l a Bsraat. QtadyvfJuagiaV VUStret Ooilf*y. I f taad itay Moir. —eld HoOBBUa, @4ofga KarrlaV TUotSa*Solllws as< AUrad HeaUa.

fbo flni Boralaatloa ol ofieara teaktlai*o last Bff^*~ a > >l»q fflltff*ar ftf

PHde el tnslea Cornell. No. 47. Daagls-tan ot Xlbaaz. „ A .d«l«otioB mBraust trau Loyalty to Aawric*doanell, N«. 18t ot Elisabeth. A feesleelMl wfil Ira held at tKa aaxt m**Vla* en Thursday. Baa. 7.- *.- " - .

The aHHabsteottWFHoly Kama 8o-_ _ "5lty ot St. Uaryit ehweb «cra> gtvta.

as laitrfriBg: addrese Utt sight fey At*u J h A'C«B»Uy<rf I S wlOnXafj iiVUWf}tl_ •"•». U O U H O M X * • v ' V **eBW"arkv deaUlaar Ufj«Iy .with tha *H>dene* ef Sed Iff aitar*. Caudnoaa

-WlHtea-J g»aa«*ay-gaw<i-avaa*-fasert-of the county Holy NSBse dsaiioflswa-Ues is this city. Oat 8. Th* eaaaiR-ta* was dlschsfgsd with taiaka. Vie*Bresideat Q*»rg» AndaMiisW prealdedaad Jehu Q*yer

aDpronrlatc. aawste'tor-tha-oceggloa. -aed- to th*manager of tbe Empire Theatre teghl» cootMrttltn-and asilatanee; to theNeadlawork. Oalld for Us doeiUlae etgarssats; to tha Athsolaa Clab,Home Raiding Clab. tfaaahlnc Society,Society for the flick Poor, to taaDaughter* at fhe Aiasrlcaa Baveltt'ifr/it. to thar Mtttf Cnmmitfa «QT aft.

ad John Qyer waa userttsfy.Ulu Jeaale Worth. «i Bae*-«t»*t,

is apeadlaaT the v u k esft wttli C«a-ford frl«od».

Mr*. Xeaaoh Beaa. ot H«wa»k -wartbo-goait. of- tor jfl«t«r»i_!B9_M!«a«»ABJHU Ektharla* an« May Voz, et SIUaloa-atrMt'_yettefdsy.

Oly, rsuttse it6

aloaOnlyt d 6

tefdsy.nasiter«~wer»- tfaas-h C l l N VU/i

Only, rsuttse nasiter«wer» tfaas-utad 6y Ahwaethy Conaell. No. VU/iRoyal Afeaanm. Ia»t night.

TflM Ad«le Henhen. of «Sara*«ni»l d h b f t l J l

Baptist MlssUnaiy.Clfe!*, mnaio all others who either parSBaaltf ofthrough their clubs hsv* eoelrflmtsd

It is a plsasniw ta stata.thst earssssfsd-aBeasls tor.tuppdH ta th*.

Common CtstmeH et Sshwiy wert atlast sneeeamfal ^aa* |10» wms S » « J »StiMtaA tor os* as* last Jaasary. It


eatartaltud the meaber*nb ygateWisy aWafaaea.P 5 ^ w > l ) i « et th* W. 0.

lag- ta4 star year ha* I H B - deHvaa j^ahar B^WendelLfrtBrih*} totoviac feafeea: 1, Stl* e t Adsfiu; Sirs. jrTcTta* Bad Gros* Chrlstota* Sssto; J, " " "'ywt-eall*et*d beta g»tI««tsT-arg***JJy aistfl*

wm to fceWteHOi

there's a quality^ of ma-

jy^teatlsV. Hiss Rslh Bsasey. j7.4K"p. t a . B « a l a g wonldp. saraMsa

by tha pawt&r. • ls«ie Man Jn BuatBeasj;*'ttdl aislc -attedBl aiaslc.

Wednesday, NOT. Si,


7.4E p. auS p. m. tie*

topic -Qaltters;"8.45 p. ta, Nosnaal class study. A w*teoaafaran,

HOLVRaw R. W. CilWtt. Raatar

T JO a. a . Holy eommnnlea.

. rp-fit p. BU BteBlag" prayer and


terials. which tolls its ownstory-of yo«r good judg-ment «s a bnyer of

' clothes.

W« can at any figar©T--aaitl-the-prieea -ir«iB»-1"'- to $S5 are low for itieh"

goods. '


HAZELWOOD PARK FIRST!-*--=a&$9l?ai Ordinary Real Estate specu-rtatloniTnit a plan to provide Homes, at avery moSeratu cost, on satisfactory terms.

1 Pflffc offers an iriftal sitr. for a tometo people of moderate means, who wish to live amidst

leagiag surfoundings, enjoy all the advantages off, yet surrounded with every advantage of

city life—water, gas, electricity, trolley service,Upolice protection, public schools, churches and good

Mrtorfea ot-ai-l-avinds——~


An Opportunity for the Home Seeker I

W»Teeomueud this property, as one of the best-Opporfaniitina feringeBtinonU,that baa over beenoffered in the City of ltabway. Full particolaiBa« to lots, peiee, teans, eta., cheerfully given.

Joseph T\ Mead & Son^ StreetrRaiiway; K.1.—

- UTS o-eleek wltb aim, B. & SaOaokvof US Conaare* stnet>

> -.The taembars of the tfptowo 'WKlatqtubv wsfe ctitortBiHed Wedaesossrm»ht by HIM Hda O*rtliw»lte, n€4MSeminary aveaBev BOUOH watw ww»

^by-Mis* satluw Miow **A Him SU«a>- b«Ql Oarthwaita. Mairfe aad Mtreah-

",• awtsts sdded fis.tha onjojmast et th*>etel» mejabef*.. Othew vMttuit: Waa•Brain* Vrraston; Vtt. John J. HoH-

Millar aad Mr*. Da-rid A

The Ite*. M. P. Cofeoraa, «»>nipt*lnof tha K«warte finr depariovlit, wm

k at tbs wape* «enie» at W.h h S d r * l i * t tM

•aeak at tbs wape* «enie» at W.lory's- ehareh Stmdar «r*nlii* at tMV i k tmdar Uw aaaplee* _e* tt»

T CtertTaSKnMHUf 6T Catenrtia».Ta«rSsvrPJ;•r*b»f-. esator. win act as ealencut;« • IMS, B . X WstlWUft jraattteM,4wee»; ths H»r. J. P. GrsAy, C6t-mdt, »nb-dB«e6B;-Uie 8*?. V. J, 8 e *

r4B««ta* -Ot-eareMatilW.. Mpedal«ukTe wffl~Be~rea«eTe6r by-th»T!ho»rander the 4Ir«etIoti of A. H. Mate**.

tHarCturdt WorkaM rfHW Church,t th H l CoajtortBr.iMt fhla *OfU-

fr. H. B. ContMtoB. o?8t.

[ polltan Insannca Co, ITS.tio.iO: «st«ruinm«nu. solas, a t eI385J1; asl* of IUd Croas aaola, JMfl;total. Jljij.77. Otobnrssatents—Sol-ariM. ttlOJZO; aappUas. 174.74; tete-

110; lnddratslft. S43.74:.te«aL-• balance,

this onnlas work ha» one* mot*deisioastratad lu tuo(a|n«a« and Jaatt-fl«d Iti axlataneey', •"'•' \

ThaalW kr% doe to Mr»

_.Se.M».,'W?1 W. Vealdston tor •»

, ? 1 . eadton tor •»klfldty altawteg tha> Vl*ltlng JlasiaCeaalttae tha oaa o( her hoosa farthalr aaatuU taaa; to onr EaurtaJa.Bjaat. eeaauttsa. ae^ only (or Ota

Ialiio_for_tKa_artlatIe antfSaakcasaarfaui ttaUaa, which evokedto ranch tsTorabla couiacat; to tha

Mrs. Helseabarx ssafea fuHagirabout her reslcnstlea a* ^rtgiyiaTt etthe eoauflltue baesa** tor healthwoald not permit her to eeetlaoe thedotlsr davoMag apoo her.

Deris* th* attcmoom a. auHterisasmastesl jragrjai wts esnUd oat Is-cltsdlag iria&o solas by ytaa TUnamnr

tad Mrs. Waldo Berry; caatnlto sola,I b c Harold I*. SobiasoB, all ot whomwere warmly U t S

Clafcsasd Jbr.talt

aaa th* r»>uaats^NiW s«rt«d by tsaatbaw

ot fh»r JoBle? ICarcT Ceamittam, eetvslsttag ef the- Mlsws Corlads Cladak,Hndag«|d« HsHMiy, Vlfgbda-f>ar*aasVl*»ia£s Chan aad Uartel PratL

US* P*adletoo was daelsNd a

Aafeng: UUJM prewtMIwatw: rr*al>tot Mac O, i t OalAwsn Sswata*yHIM Baebal ashtawn. U s . A. ti.

ey^Uts K«ri B b U l b s ,3.

d u ; St>s. jr. ts. w l b i . A. H.C&uabartsia. Mr*. 7. K. Wtts.- Mrs.

from MetssssUtsa Ut* las.Co,i~4, !B*essl»t» froai "entertalnaiefli*cud salesi, •ad'eV tneWey taatitbU&L.'

It Is with. ds*9 Wfretthat w* l

efiQss^XFs'Sl^BU^r »Fli U U a V %!aTBSaQXarSiCaaajL' Qk , B ar*

this tBoutli—«Tlass tsdeed.very eeglaalag ef this- work, Mrs.

brought to. beas-dajottea^asd aa «z»cnttT»

ability which hire aeeompUahed. r*.sails and hay* nude Jh* work_t!i*soeeeuit l* today. No eaa eBaldaa**

' ate** ,sealoiuly fff MSrwshe.bas daoe, aad th*

m»hafiiffrfflfl f *8ls t*""* s h * I *

are- glaA howewsr to reparfc that atlln^iIsSfae-tlie peattJon ofea aeeoamt et her tMt

j«7« «tnt jfeamte w a

A t * weeUfig: et th* CM»CUb. N4-wnber ?, w Vfc«-«h«biiUul atra.

A. D. Bre*Viey< who has J ^splstidM ht&oin this wotk, W i ejected

•W« aiaaearaiy Jhopa that

Sirs. A. D. Breorlsy tbeo mad* astrong plasv (or coopsrstlon and soar-getle effort* 1n disposing'of-Ri 'seals and eapnased hopes that S0.WWeoald be told this year. 8h* anaoonceithat piiar a o t a i d h d

__v-M»svJoha.HoSeun; chorche*. Miss EleanorRoberts. Oaring th* aftatsaoB MSworth of seals were diseased ofamong th* different scab***.

Mrs. Brswley also suds aa appealfor the donation ef say saltohls waj*rebr not hew 13 as* far tte* eity aaw*

also appealsd for roes and ewtafauwhich tbe nurse coold as* to good •£•


iW s«rt«d byICarT C

roysl hestaobr aH a* tbey daportcsfollawtatta-daHghffnt afternaoa.

Msry-Shotweli: Kn. L. A. Parseai.Itrsr Jobs J. Haftntaa, Mis. WtUoBerry, Mls»X3Mmsr Bebtrts. Ma. WB»H*"1^ Wf'M MtoJtata


AlaatiiMr*. «*6n»-Cowt*, lbs . o .Cowl*. . Mrs. Cisrwue*

Saarael D. Lo«t. Mrt. U « .Mr* Wsltrm W gelrwar. UfaH. Robwta. 8r. Mla» BtaiarMls. Ka*Eathar Csry. Mrs. P*tar TllliBsn. Mrs.HaroM U RaMnson. Mrs. SterbanMoras. Mlsa Alton. Mrs. Austin, theMime*- Mart* as* MargastOa- Brls*er,Mm. C. N. rerrsaL MI** EatUy Smith.Mrs. Oscar B. Oartbwslt*. Mr*. Hobert

J. A. Ovtnen. Miss Msy Dakar. Mrs.WlUwnoa, Miss Steams. Mrs. W. M.Pmdl»%m sno Mr. W, yr, fH

rr. HONOR s e t t

Iffi*roll at St. MART'S earoeUal s«boel th*past month asaerflar ts the aaaaaes>raent taida by is* nrr.V.A. ita&tr.Th* largas* asab*r wan to tb* ststhgrad*. which hsd slxtaso. ?hs high-est averag* we* auoa fey jjsraca?W«d«. of IS* statsi gfmde, «ae Bad J9,vkfi* there warv thM* i s t3w i

4t.as fdSows:

i a iHviwaaihaaar roB for tk« sdteal tt

Balsa MeCs*. If; M«b*I JEHsfiy. » ;Maretm HaaiB*n, *7; 'tlag*. tn Aan» Bflane^ . _

Seveatlt Oritto—vtmesat ttsffly, tf;Walloe^Ptagbora, i? ; J«aM Oamml-

<7;Beaalaay. IS; -aagiaald Clark, IS.

Sixth O«d»—Dorotliy Wstlav M;Clan Ssaafs, St. Xowtts Sassftaa,»aatebUg t»Kalley. **; Catbaiia* J^aaks. M;Alice Kflsby, M; Catharia* HlHer, ff;Agaa* K*ua*y/g7; t«ntacl» HeOaagbi7; Agues £sddes, a?; liirtatet B*dow, tf; J i a a Baals, K ; AHe» Fisavtgaa, M; Jefca Ahtasorte «f; vionae*M C U

An tha rmnmlltsw st laa Board etTrod* wUI BSW at CHy tUB Masday•ventngv' Th* awatlag. ot O* tasrdWilt b* h*|d Maaday. Htrr. ST.

C&arias C Msrsh and ttafly hafe• thelr.beBi* is at. Oeerg* at*-

winter.Joseph Ozmaa aad Jobs dalla

TUltow b> K*w Uanaa. Bftdcssartaad «la*r CeaB»e««nt eKS«s tB* tfwtef thaJweO.

Mr. aad Mrs. Kelt Crswtcy. ef tt

Mrs. Kst* Oamtsoa. ef 10 KawBraaswieK awniw. has too* ta Wash*tegt- O. C. '

Mn. Oeergs Jeska and dsag&t«v.EdUB ef Asbary Park were gaoats thisweak et Mr. and Mrs. Marts Kaaks.of l«W«*tH»s»Iwo<sdmT«so«. thmwtl ssavcl tha wtatcr icrVUmOm.

U. A. gplagar aad d*s*fc*». MissJsaav o t « Waat MOtea. svssaav saaatSnadaty with tdstlfa* is HsxHssa.

MM. L ». Btrtlett sad sooav L r. sadimaai et tlmw Braaawtek avass

spsst Saadsy In Washlagtaa. D. O.Mfs- r. O. Baftsr. et US Baafltaa

s&aet. hsa r*tan«4 tma Ptelasbew,wfesWK: sti* ass baas far. ste «ask> en<-fa f ^ l W ^ l

was BiiH* may at ttoef «».'Basids* t i n . Setiar Ommthram saas irtfag: Is Hstesbam.

aga>ef «».th

eiaasy Wtwes Qtwfi t * Yfcwiiat Ballyst Uyrta Tbsatr*

LyHe thaatM tadsy has th» last etth* graat TtatmoM detattiv* Meria*.

tedsy* pfettss. * h « » wffl alss b* •twa-port draaja, "raa CaaHi&a; ef CBJ-Hee» Gam" gatt a bae&t? evawdy.

ehsBtsr of "r%* Ssoet ef ttw 8iB-rfB*" as* "Mr. Matty totter." la

oa* ot his Hit* sjlttflnr n-jifcilsa. suitas Aaarteaa, dxaaa* of ssmsaval tel**-wt» esBsd "Ataaaasat,"' a fla* pn-

Maadsy to Trtaacl* CayIWIiOrad*—AaaaNoItaM^Low*. Ks«aa ftr-Jta

t» Bfady W; KuKsaHt* SOTSH, t«; | an* d m u aVtatlMaitawt Baday IS; MUxaOwtBehwiaV Fniia" irsimn Ins IHiT atUsgsrU.


Thlfd Qraflf Wwnnr Ulsa. tfSSrtT

_ _ and I*M; j ehanetsr setar. -ran with s irayataa*

. I eoauay «rta Sddia Psr» "A

8*SMd Qrado^-Aibto SeawtadU[ ¥naadsy

UT e*tfc*Ha* Uaaaa«i,-W; _O«rt*eh, gg; Lawvaeos Back, » .

Rrat Giad*—M«r MiMi.fc»» o j .Mey &»l*y, ts .

K•a ta* Ktadafgswts


Attha? a*fBy> Vnaeis StOacM>T«t>Wta, etawsfsw KaMK.


aad Kcystaoe aaanlj'. 5wm a« SBetn BHg*aV* wHh

the gw*t s«tal -lit*rty,- wUck baasort steeb ta fh* foot ftaai *etlHHF H H S I OB\ f t * nrmTTp.

Ifo; 192 Main St., Corner Milton AveOur Effort* to PIe..e th* PBbiic of ft*h*r«y H«^« JUt With GraUfVIn^SuC C«.! We appreciate tlw llb.r.1 ^ t r t m . L ^ r ^ ^ ^ ^ i i r ^ i v * t o

TO AUb EAtlTe#^*lfi O t tLox>k at these Specials for Saturday!Jfm, Oeoeg* a. OsHaway, slue*

bas^bem a. Mgnlar iilteeawt at-th*C a & l l t U r f l * » « > 9 « B et

iolriag fl Streetea«rh*lf peek, 31e ,~

lettuce, BMIU k t £ 8-10c

t h s Bofar CofitforteE etwrentW to ! de*.to-

es will be> givea byI*aaef* at th»r Ugh aebiaitttiiaoa.-S tfdto*** sYakklfat Far-

A H t H -fftat «5r«*«fi^uurlQc | lTliaHiiirilii j "lufclilll I *>t

Beniamtn PSTIBV SUmfor* and Mrs-Bmaaod Oarheaa.jDabait.. „ J ,

MM. Thoma* jrshowed th* .AOowiaa-

Do not take life tooseriously — you willnever get out_of it

alive.The most you can get

out of life issatisfaction


A tryon will prove.Suits and Overcoats

$20 and more.


BAUERTelephori« 3 2 5 125 Irving

Spceiak ftr Frtfiy m l SatonlayCHOCOLATE PEAlsmT CLUSTERS » c

JERSEY GKJBAIf CARAMELS 39cTSm* esaw^ttwr. ataft JEMsaV asaaa* Miligj: at g"L :

Page 4: ^mmmm · R.hi ^ssaBPSf^m^ 6RIDIR0H CONTEST •-•" RESULTS W ft TIE Bachelor Chttifbis Lib*rty A.-C Put teg Game Agalart Stroug Elisabeth Ijs* tktviuasTsrft M*w tiua jrees o


to? vert tea. ter t»* ««*•«la wiajtsa • *t**wajx

fte tott*rn r*«««ctfttllr r*qa«M to »• « i * «

Jostle* la t»* U K U w*«ra(a Mrwrtr <V«(wl rvluld t&> ••«!•

b#Wrv "ft^ulvr ipJand" In Walt

«at in r««a at r»*a»ii*s at rwjairt at*& In cuaJWKtiaa th»r»wU» food

tsrowa (town th» tarn* uui frrokm «nj


«ld to b* Uw sx*aU*t '- 4ra»«tteuwb MbM "ttsdain* X." tt ***

tan fan wfteat »l*y at it** at—a* fat

NBW ta.*ae AtuRieAN LA FRANO* n u t

«»* , •« to tfi*

alassr aaarg* a«lsst ««l«et R. r*. AldtB. ot tie fooft* Wart

t*n InTtMtKmtfoa wowrta • toot

•Mawalk I* t»»« vkbtoulT mscl «••«tr«cttv«tr r«lal4. wfcU*fM« at abnaalabia andsmTtm. to «>wJ> oomluloii f»r r«*r». <Maialn th«<rv«SbflrM. *r» wrpe touched '


•HOAO «T. TrimATNl. NSWAMK8**laala« Uoaday, Nov. » . R. tt.

«iU BOW hi* stea*«tlaa otThm llteat WtU«aa- to th* Bread

«i r*«*lT«l erom It.Son. **o »r# laits« i*«

i* W*MS«M t n r a tram»f»«o* to a* ppaMrty of l»«

ta t »• irajH«d u «rtw»!<s»at tlai* for <Am coaiplvtlaa at «ertl toO«c IS T»» coolr»<H «11» tar

of Ui« vor% fcy D*r 1cialmwd t&at th»

rw u »it«a«loo of Urn* ovtas W tk*f*« tkat t»*T bad b « a ««lar*d br tk*daw »rrtv»l of ih« pip*. OsoBeUBaaMeUcy. eaairuui of th* «r*UM*«esouuttva. itatcd th«t Ji» taw ttv* ontk* crcand a w«*k aaa or eer*. u lwcatsa to know why tkan tkoula baasr «atasat<n of UXM a n f i m r y

City KtutOHW U t n k Una told t i«

Btrwtt ttMatN. Ht«mrfe ter tiWn i l I* tt* ««fjrfulImprogsloo oa tU-SNt attfrtla N«« York sad hat «««•capacity «fe«4* 10 Ow Utallf*«lac«. - f to Sttot Wiiasat" it

W» art aftaal»y»t«a ljt tkli


A M«a«aalrarfttr .

. Ae««i«my Sf»

wtt» tit* ITrwaaliir* ort»i» «»s>* to sw»»i ttoat tnm Bat-On* tt tMNIk (ft* l!l3«W»l*

CR; Altonwr DooMaa was u k i dtor kU o<M»tua lo Ul* a a t t w aad a*tiprmctd Uauwlt •mssatlcallr t&att)k« Boar* of rte*aetd«r* «n» itaaBna» « • R»i»«J la a raUMrmaan« lad tkal It «aould b« Ute duty

th* •mount ot |3X$T . (4 Mats* , jfi? tforqaH A

aattw tor ta* t;

to t&« itrcH

>»o«U net b« ewedtMd to 48out

taaaral Mvor yluu> tt tkay coatlaaatkl* U^kuul*! BMtftod aa« ttwaj>»to kty • m « eoauar; to «tr «rla&«a

afcaaH OtlH •««<&« tt* cklrt atOB l i* Jo*

it."Monoa oM tkal h« Had

b*» trylaa to f4t l»t» t*ctloa at Mil-on tratiw 4Tala«tf of aurfiu*(tar tk« uaM t«o r*»rt tara«tkoMw Rurtolsk aad tkat rvwiuridwO*kMB« aad only teMy k m a»Ja to•%t th« »r«]iK* tBTovca. Hethat Mr Baeklajr as chalnau of t»«

eoauBlttt* aaeald Uft* ttottar «j> wtla U« rM«toia«n.

Vail aUr "Ws ootht

ba aW» to comj>J«» t»» work IB tb*ttat «t»t»»t, aad that tfca n m wwaa aate aa a Baitar of precautiontt cover tka dalay (a r*eatrta« th*

•taad of «rrwUs* than If ttay rasov«

and otkar dr««BUtaa««a oovrA M IB« eoattraetw haa no eoatral.

U ta*t!ta Ua*

aaekia? offendHorn ttat tt* tta* fc* aat

k Vail eoatsadsd that Itr -ttat a*-H*a

weaht have t* *st*adttaw any way It tta werk «

ittsaeBt• a, aatlaa ttat tt* nattar to IBM *a th*Mate tmt t«« w«*k» aad tml* atsuoa

CBRard B. OckriB*. Ceaaettauui Back-« 9 amid t tat tt* BoarJ ofttaatettar* had taaOf «ectd*d to lay

lnMain Ur*et

aaa tt* rtver. H* aald that h« now

Attorney DaSBtn* aala that ta* *"*•»••Man tkeafci lay th* w w w a«ord-

tns In plans aierercd hy th* City ofkwayr T%*y ama tana it aa

way that w*> want tt- They ar* set alaw ants th*au*lva* althoughoften act that way."

hy A. J. Millar, attor aaothsr

•isettte Bgfct la tt* asettaw «t Hasatt

to th*polte* eaaralttm.

In th* revena at City TraanrarCotoa r*c«tBt* et W.M1.M war* ahewa•ad dttkareaaMats ot W.H4J0, tatv

a halaae* et UU«*i.t3. T** bal-aacwa ta th* vartooa analdgal fond*w*r* A n n to h* as fallow*: Con-

rand, I t t K l t ; or*. I U I K 4 ;uaea. ti.na.nst»T««3; BsUe*. tln«r to IIMMt'

. BUti aaonnt-*r«d raid. Tut

/Veil end 'Fhen* Ot4*t*Rtemiv* Prompt Attention


Rccetror W U B.sortsd nc*tthat R la t&« (IUS ot sort** nc**Ha aaMaattaf to tutu.tf.

to pise* th* crawrj O«*J*I* •**•«*wafer tta eMvvaBc M*. Baektay th«a 1 Aanat; tt* a t a t a n ot In* coancU««ttsdttat eUsea* and alas th* Beardiaad ettyettctala jw«*nt war* th* tel-

had «*q«*st»a that th* local 'tewtnf: Itayor Harry Straaoaa. Prcat.by a smattary **w*r ta 4 « t 8t*wart B. Uottatt. Ooaadteiaa-

H* aald tt th* {*Mas»B Overt* It. Q*t», CeaadtaMa*r» BsnB»t*d to

aa ttaLaseOsa et m»s> i


WtUlaa U BodtaorRarold S. Baeklar.Banxy W. <3«acy. Ftaak U Foolln.SaBa»l R. Uortcm. Chartaa Se*Ml»r.J«ka K i t a g p n a . Da<rld H. Ttaabl*?aad J. Janto Van. Ctlj Ciark Cfcarte*B. 1/iaiVart. CKy T H u o w W. H. COsUa. ARaraar 9. V. Dobals*. E»-

Frxakita Hank. 8CFMI Comsat*-


end A e taa^te Earn ofwe offer, wfcile Usey last,


Sbe 9 ft x 12 ft. at $60.00Regularly S75.Q0

Do YourChristinas

Shopping at This Store!IB anottar month ChxUtmas will to hor* and

a«aln that atrons aplrtt ot (ood will toward maawlU aak* ttaalt Mt by all ot via. Atatn \r* willb* co&ttiou ot a atnasttaalas ot tt* bona» otmcadahlp aad t«Uo««hl)s r«O*etlB« eaaaeiaUy lathat commaadaota eiactte* ot tUX. (Ivtnt.

To wh»t «it«nt«»tony aajay tt* datttntt ot tttamarry n w t ot tta y*ar dcaaud* tatgaly oa tt« 6r#-paratlon> w« tak* BOW.

- Worry, a* tta aaylmt con. oae* kill»d a eat. andthe worry ot "what to t i n * k u klU*d a«ay anothorwUo Joyoa* Xaaa.

Way wait till tt* Uat mlauta to purchaa* ttoaa-hollday praaaata? Now I* tt* aaiwlbl* UB* to attrt.When yoa aaa an artlela tnat appaali to you* bay It.Wn«n you a** an artld* ttat I* attntctlvaly prteod.bay ttat. Aad wbaa Chrtitfaaa com** your (aondnswill to orer, witt no worry, no tatlcu*. aad vltt tt*aatlataetloB that e««ryttlns kaa .toan parehasad atIta lo**at nrtc*.

W* ar* Ntfy t«r you Mr.maa aKoaawl Mr*, ana Mlu ehrtat>


y f wfctell

work of Ik* tahaoM ««M ef l

saUaw. fban&y. T»*a*«il«a« Oaf

r**ta*i "JwtieB.B M H S aad VOW)


lifcat. M * ^ a««a«* Caawtoit St.-•• ' '• l i t i l f

Mmt to «]£«&/ to w l w- H H OMUU ajMttJiar** tt*tot at w» Uaw b~ ««ry cb«««••alati*. ttt/t; l*>U*y awntnj »f

aat,w«a. aet ten-,-tt- »aaii«ra*t, tt. aaaM aot to

>»titwit imTtirtny ma Unv lirit TwaM 6f » » » » , tt to tii*

•Urr- Of tito dattsatlir bltla«tiui

ISHr* art Uat sear fuslaa ia* MtSfHUilSiSaieisr* iattl '*». J» trWirat

u AaaatoU* a«» lae«ud wttb tmiwuMn m eft Wwi Y. aua Biiwrd, H. to fui liey «8

wmiiitr nfto *4j«at«l ttr tl» Oaa*e«uea. at

":«»«•. Taa aySMKt .»*• «•» tett i U M i a i w*a» ft I* SMalUd

;. HaiBlUU. -«« »»wbJi .In Ow" teat M.a. «*«*» ttotey awreijis. ;.

& »• ta

at «»Jto


T»l(* Hsar V3H*t-Uas* M«r Ham•uUaWfly WtfUUMft V8O' A*ft wVAX*. W

dewa aad safitr ftem aw <

BARGAINS BARGAINSSlightly soiled but will wear as good as new.

A Clean Up Sale.

l i a i <ara«*a wU« tad «• •«t»4©*a. w*ait" u**maa "iaH»#*iM B ladlgtuoeB. and gMWtHwa itaaaaad «s i&eofn t eeeld net t»*parosad ssa «« ay nosMwont. 1 kadtakaa aaay twdielflw wtihoot teoaat

James McCollum\ FURNITUREVictr©las, Bieyiiii.

day I saw Vlnol sdmtlsad. anday a y suad-to try i t t SAW

r (teO* feexCa tttay of

••- *kl» tWw « •tiaTfanHnn fstma by

W» tfs a«if»;«C ta* tostwfca »«ni e i m s t i t ti«

.»«» ieewwfcsT

* i t , f« • « aa atMaiiii «sd I «•» ««mtc « t iakk SB O* tSlMk* Hy *lH».a< ait**

M aa mt. tar I -vmii m t a t

£BK to US. Sty

day. tsse* via b* UJtls raam.aadlag,.

esaus to as again, la a ««a»dyCtowB." tftit wu *o me-

eswfat la S«w Yefii City a few wsaiwsds. It dest Sattsr «nat - Vteteritesrs-assMr* In. as th» fssatt Is tn*•asis ia *a far as geod cteaa whol*-

! ta* Satilf* a ;ot_oa»Of Tn* «*«*jMt books »»«• wift-WB. etlttd "Th» SSast." • XrO* :


t» ftW«Baila«l b SHKk tatllrr.ttra* teallag to «fttMrytsallag sac& •tfoasw. Jty

narn* ar* airoagaf aad itssdlw tad1 aU«9 fls* at slant, swakcaiag i«>tfwlMd tad rwdy tor a* day* *v*au.

-Taalu Is la a elasa hy lluli. Ithas tetrad am aer* t&aa aaytftias«1» I |a*«jlr»«r flssdi aad 1 toltewaay treasa «la:<«H«n an 1 did willBad It •foaity a* gasd."

Klnttla'sy >


teat and ha«* t>ta«d

•f a tad nun's r«Jav«aatlea. Usrs Is

to miss, to* It luacss lato Us* varyfsaftal'eoadltuies tail ars feasd la

horn* who. Uke tne Bsast of!ts*~ t a m e ~nu no rsaBiia orwoilgoodness and aspBlaass asaas. It's

a•r Chaa tefar*." tarma od*&. Look-part. R T.

^ i i raasas; Viaol bulUiSp -B*atrva-dswxt woa*n io nalckly la te>

d p(•seta scateaataa and giyea«egEe»eaaua. la i d l i i te«Ja wis*. —-r

W»-waat to lay to «v«ry ****. n wdewa. u»*fwartwd wesaa la aaltwaytast w« «UI -year aeaay

I My y

Vlaal falLi to.E*tt> y<5B a» It did Mra.Od*U. A. * . JOritHa. disgust. Ball-«*y. rt teall K«r Smmf Unto*.

But*•K'TA Pal BLteTw

Aa «ajayabt* asstlna* nfttPal Ff«t*falty Of tn* Hftt U«aanh «ss hald Tassday syaals« atth* keeM et Hiss OIca Carlsea. ef lotW«at QMSd sad tollewia*W«at QMSd atiMt. s *««£«*- « M « ateetad: Pt«la#at. HIM

atreaa tassoa that laavca its Isprtntoa th* mlad for ywr» to eoa*.

Wadmiday will ta th* r«d Icttsrday ot ta* wa*k da* to IB* coatasUfe fa Hte h }


•UU. liT.tl FW **U

etewrat-Httte woaum la tart ^

o a iAUS—toaH diintto. leu laHaulweod Caastsry. Win matiim

Mp|d.-Uarga«flt« CUfk, -«Bo

wffl t* a i n ia bar Utcat trlQasS.Saaas." "Sllis aad Satias"

U oa* or t£* twMtstt aad seat chara-'IBs Bietwas that this slaver Ilttla ladyhas yst «tvwf«d la. WaanmUisyaalaor* oaaeafalns tt* play or th* atarfor. la ae far as ta* itar 1* eeaoarnsd,ta* ftaoway 9M?1* adatf* Iwr- aad


TNINITV LKAQUt A6TIVBIUDCftt frOB all dnwrtments ahew

lag saasfal aetlflty aad pratsws lata* work fsatarad tks aeataly bos-iasss BMatlac Md sodal of ta*


V. UeOtnotn.it vaa Dmeatsrs**-aas. Frtaestea, N. J. al»-H

at set- faffirtflf « | i l l t t I d*e)iisd to try faalso.

li?. tad l i n . U K.JBWHH aad tea. ettlatd is good uau. t t o «aad*fiS*saw ctartlag ea jay »s<oad kaV

to CXaua. Mi. afld, tf tt p*6**» ax «aed at la«i Satar-

m m maiou m*"Hw ailliraat tnatawata aad asdl»

so nllaf. O u day



a B. Ettsas.:

Have You a Friendin some other «eit or towa who does aot know

wort at wiitniatls $tt«*s«.far aaaalM «r tajtat tto stadia U«&vta« S0W*. *e* Btee* tolls* 8. S.»ndgw. tWL IwT-W.

We would like to send her a sample of aRahway product; that is a sample package ofWbeateoa and our little receipt book.

Will You Help Us?Send us the name and address of your

friend carefully written on a post card. Let ushave also your name and address.

We Will Send You Freefor your trouble, four lithographed souvenir

t cards in eolom, and F V


age aad receipt book free of charge to your

Write today.

The Wheatena CompanyWheatenaviile, Rahw^ay, N. J ~



taroAys, Sifcway KU. SaKk^iSaiway lire Alarm Stations


WOW caw teny—r esat.tS* tilrtMf rm» t * « try «a



HAL ISTAYt ii«Jobs J. Cefisy. IrHac««y. K. J.

UBU * «8H. « • invtNe

lor « r * taawsacGuals. Caatwwinl, BaittsM, St«is»Said, eeaawebl Vafaav KHJHAI e«

VugSt^sL HMSedlat

Ola» Cartoon r vtM-arsstdsat.E«s Tayaev; wesWary, HissIQag;

f IdaMUi 1bf»r*t Dtta-

hast; cttassraa*. Hrs. tad H. WO-* ia*r*

th» Ulu*» Ortes 8»-( 8asi*_f>«e*sto and f*frwb>

'ettsres tMld oa Taatday •vealag attn* koaw ef tns Rav. aad Mr*. 3,wmicm Bydar. of Milton avtaa*. His

Iasw eoaatlttltlflB was . Its 'finalramdlat and wasadOBtsd." Tns

tuu. m t n rai JOTTO ££P~8te(w «t IS* trrtmg KWIt

Inqnlr* J. •?. K»Uy 11* Ifrla* s o * *

TiS^f?t^* JtOTS

M—Hate I

I CKsny atrwta.I AM,


X (_ _• • iMil i lS t«salsatjss<

At s

lay Wldftefc «ttb Tnea** Wffllajasis ssatttarj^ EffieBdag.jtJ>«roatla* rarlaoa sssass War*

'^p. muta addsd to th* *ajoya«nt ef th* (enjoyed sad - NffssliBaafs ssrtwd.gatlKttag.

Help DIgestloii1b k d t i


:«m eajey t i i day *B the »or« baeaase ot ae«M»i-«o why deiw/ysaesatt. the -• •

N. B.—I»c?eav>e* by thm$niee of Wilton Ruga

For Men. Wom*B •nd CbUdren«^wTO«adiwatoei l» l iwBiMi ta any othercredit clothlat ator* tn tta atata. *abraclnt *wirsr

Uaii rabrtc. modal a»l celor. OMne Is and e «, o o t n t . o n « a r " m o a t . - U h a t a j x ; •';.••.;•;. .. . • • - . • : . ,

Cf Sttits 85-87 Market St. Ntwafk,N.J.

stantial Merchandise at

Jr«warfc, and CO.,CO. In

Elizabeth.qtuillUea at oar

^ we can




km; ptlt B© In a gre«Q nolro caae-«bt UboUpooiu, «tx knives and






These prsseat war*: Tt* Omr. sadHrs. Hydsr, th* Hlissa Smlya aadAda Bydsr aad Joha Eyder, Us. sadH H . J. .W. Bssetu Kr. «ad Mrs.•Htt&U WUUAtu, i l n . S^asaaa t a tUASU, Harry I t Albertsea, tW Utssw

•MB Sarah aad Bthaf Lsins


ta- ft*t»ItotttrejeteM j?ull<» Bsedate** l»UlBee*to

•lecctrteaSy ei^d»ed and Ipirfo^guteri, ttken to fa? Id >aw l s -

Ab» eWaB Hs« ef ditfirtnt aosfas|S9ms. Gaahor laatalaaHtt. *~" SEB'fn*'1 iSW KXCKLSIOIt 4»speed. th« Blest eajwertal. lpa*d>*st

,»nd Kafest tnai&ise OS^wo wnkels;•ryaar fe sibraiaes ef IO<B** Saatosv


OAtxs, saw routAJIB jiatiST o n

mail WITO «M>COB «ALB—Bsalnatea and Qadwlh**

mad typ«*»ttsfs far aala *ary f"*tisSB, Asa* nw4 la** as« ef Hi*latest aadst aad gees as new. Ad-

"drsMB, A. «af«a*^rd. ait-H

MatwT aad caariott* »tad«v Hainand Halva Naylar. Olr^s-Bantt, O**.

Bran, flttatoy B«t


s et tieeal Oatea*Ul tw h*ld at th* ba«w ofllr»; ChartM Nlduda. W H slleadsy, Ko». Mr^t^K, at,A l?^a ef Cotetda^ will b» th«

iv sad «-*sd«l bear «flt to.««.Jeyed.


thsf 'Woman 6a«nth* e«a»e.

»«rlnary7 -WlWUBa,

F*j««4neehlnt«l w^Ut«a»aUda*ys


« B 8*UB gsntrfwi

as* bwdi. A 1

MtttS Tf L£T

aad b«d«- t t t Wastnorlf-tf

0 S BSQW-=Hte*ly firnHiall sefa caed locatJoa; wfflt. l«pr***>

h f e l t h t A d a * «


i A*«» :

HIGH & p e r n rFUMEHAr

Steady WorkGood sMen can sccare ffood position*

u B€otorm«a or Coadaetots oa PublicService Railway, try applying at Car-house, East Jersey aad LHrisgtoa Streets,EUsabeth, aay we*k-d«y between 11A- M. aad I P. M.

t-n. •• « • ' . ..

toufisrirfioai. atmur i


>*«ay tbr <


EgVyyi Or mm*.jrs-

m. tasamat. OM

i-^wttfc aBVBeaflal

Tdttnff Vmrtemm 'taejUr*Jf.it.gsM^mii, saa-Stt- rtttfrri iiunini

— * - • — - " • -raMHe

WAi«Br>—Soys « f « f j l year*; &«•


AMTSt>ti&)t(EiW«rkll>Ctal>iy & Andfww*,!* Otfity

ffiSS—"Si' f S

•arANt*O--A. : lady.aBiiniili'•Li**

ttB»S&a*j* ayft C*,,«t, dwrg*

u r n



Boys andGirls WantedS6.OO teftart. See«tulwfikttk««w«rk. Rbte*worker* «c« msikiug fr*t« fSjQO to *9.OO s « ;


witWti; turner W,J.R*TELEPHONE 3O4,

tU«# ttay twtirl



5 ^ Workmen^ IM1 tog L*M»ASS#18SS


& a & ^[xBredJfrcjIJPwaa. Ball

ratf{iftaiv '«mMEit:

MaltoBrauA.'tlito 4MrftflNii-fcia^wMfl4wtf ^


Get a Start in life


CM for ooe «f^etoyewiiow ii

aaae •uanttHovgK,r«V,

•)^_i:_,i - .

V ,

S i T ^ t c ^

Page 5: ^mmmm · R.hi ^ssaBPSf^m^ 6RIDIR0H CONTEST •-•" RESULTS W ft TIE Bachelor Chttifbis Lib*rty A.-C Put teg Game Agalart Stroug Elisabeth Ijs* tktviuasTsrft M*w tiua jrees o

9 ' «si|ik«;f ;f ^



T?ic Shielding ShadowcaUwi

"Tha Earthquaka"


EdaH Goodrich" The Making of JHaddalona'

MONDAYVictor Moor«

Small Loins of Pork

Urk. W.Oes «i .(!• moat

l»4er» Indite tf Ih* CtiFWtL <tait-at" a t

tail SUMat M tteay n s « t

Hau* attleetaa, ulil^u, U«Wama Otti*. yutor rtnt i u«k>M«fc»..l!«tt Ot*nt*. al»aiaCwuUt* "tto et Taw:" aawJa.

AaeatMftie awat nwitihi»«Meat*a *<urta* to* ittHai

«KF. at U«K«*. Kt>. W. Laacstteta, tegmu at IK* tiwol

HIM Smuuc UocXNtth to t&t* «tty.tae. kWMr vsea -Dtaa&aUaa «t t&eHM' a&d l*e latttr mwaUfe* einaali*-»Uoa «t ttU&lHa of IS* AawtUafi

.Beth neatta wmNtf

«tis4jiuBt sa l «tf*eii«« tea«ft»Uaii at

Perk Chop*22elbrue«e*y

O«org* Walah tetirtty alaat the** Un**,Mm** kavta« atettdytestable MSUUUIMI wti«a

tad to tow it atmil r « p « C

to'BMttien at R*b*eeainMt wao attended ta*

W t S H U S A fMarguarita Clark h»r aefivdttta at peWJe idtNMM %»»

«aatpl«t*tr ali«d taa Ow ialai aaailiac

Ituto aad »H

, BMttaa ia» addtMa by Stn. ]a*aaterlhsw «a» alas a tpatah ay Jtf».<t«ort« M. etswa «a (a* testa, - f t *l»r» ot t i l l k«tit at 8Ut Of«as«.

lltst* R«««au l ln . WUUaa««4 «•» Ja «karf« of tit* CA«S OOUIUXO Public He&ooJ; a Mety et aa OJdtls*

J\ld«v CIUHm A. StKtitSStttd,, Ot WMrtct School.-*«mia« toe fecortai Jiatty TBs m««iltit

ItoriBt MM. r. W. Laaiiuota. OOMMtw>a» «h« Rseaw* O3(9«I1 CSapU?. attltla city. «rM«at 9 « N : Mtt* S«aUte*


OmtiM IVtimwrt ran in ***** O.A H. P«r(«<M Pra«f«H«

M w t u t at U» Batocc* OanuUCtevtar. Dau>«n at tft* Aanrlcaa»»»»1»"«« "* >IH»XtT ••r .r . »»)) !•«[.•

aa4 took. pn>«lB«at jsarl ual ^trlctle anatac «t tk*

vale* n n n l pnauaaat »»oipan. an sseaUaat naaleat Iand d*t«cUM* ratFMluaaats

Natteaal Son»u Daachtcnat

•t T%« WaaklBstim. N«ra%rt. as

at th*

i Coloa ta Boron** Rait. Oanreod, Taee-• ilaor »T»nlnj dtMBlaawtI ijgtliut Qvajiuila WIU4Ft

I on a cftar«« of Mdoctkn auday. «

Lanaauota. HIM JiUl* li«naea. t in .Tin latwation «aa proeitee^d by [ Hjr P»al LasjwM at IBs taMUsatlaa ot.J. J. Vail. MM. H. r. Mooaey, MM.

Ito R»». Rllay A. Vfcee. toU»««d by ; &!. daught.r. Mm Ann* 8. LMagaH. JW. A. Ramos. UN. R. W. KUlott.Millar «a* formerly- a f*sJ- - Utu Aila Wooarott. lire Cautva C.

Uanh aad MM. WlUlaa V. MeK«mil».UM pfmntatloa at Ut* calat^ ta«

PEOPLE'S CFRThen: was never a time in our twenty-five y< ars in the grucery business that th« market was stronger than it isto-day on 95 per cent, of the entire line. We have to-day oae of th« largest stocks in the city of Rah way andwe are goiug to Rive you every advantage of the market A lot of our line 1* S to 15 p«f c«nf. £«fow th*

l t t&4oy. Stndy onr Mcmy.Savfa^ed-anrf^aw vuiff ft« a wfruwu——


Seatu.r«ifayf>*''IStov« I® a n d M o n d a y , ^HQV

FLOUR IS LOWER!Gold Medal Flour, JOW«£?«?S

At; u»wsa pateestBbL $U.OO ; 1-2 bbL aack SS.SO;24«4b sack, $1 38 ; 12 Ib a«ek 7Oc

<]3iampion of the World, . - -WmtO, SIO.75; 24|-lb aatk, $1.36; 12-lb mk.

SPECIALS ON BECKERS FLOUR!Small Size - l«c pkgMediamSize . . . tScpkeOld Homestead 10c; 3 for 27c

. . . , - . . . . - ^. Ucpku


APPLES! APPLtS !-*e k»« l«i«ltf hu fflf t BU

2 1 c

Extract Honey. glasa 12cPint Jars . . . . . . . i-.-.-. . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . 28cQuart Jar*. -,.. .0I\ ?Av;; '.1 :.$0cCombHoney .v- . . - -20cbo*

7 cakes 26cf, cake* 26c


Swift's Naptha Soap -Armour** LigUt House SoapThe Argo Starch •'__ - .

Selected Eggs for 39c per dozenBest Creamery;B

41i* lb23 c lb

Cap* Cod and Jaraev Cranberries

29c lb, 4Oc lb aad 5Oc Ib

NBW H.O. GOODSH-O. Oatuweai.. -- . . . . . . . .

;Small PKMO


J5 W« C1O«* at 6 P. M., Except Friday, 7 P. M., sad Saturday, IO:3O P. *L - §








lb £i 1 €

Forequarters -:Spriag Lambt lb

FreshPork Kidaey*

lOc lb

Ghtiek ,<-

Rib Re*st»18c lb .


Lccse 2 O c22iii

BladeSib Seast



T«l«phon© 4 0 3 ROTH-CO. 14 OttefFy Street


LEHMAN'SA Waj£v«B«arPr«ntfarRBfii«tiAefS.&H.Gi««itSttinap« Wfth

4J*toH)ember 17th and l&th

Star Naptha Soap Powder, pkg. 4 -cJj Curtice Bros Plum Pudding 9,22,12c

Best Plantation Coffee, Ib 1 Q c

Babbitt's Soap cake, 4 cSweet Apple Cider, gallon, 2 5 cBromangelon, any flavor, pk'g. @c

5 Prttms, can 1 0 ^

2 SoJect Taa ^ f l .

*» Sal Soda• * ! — 2-pounds AiL

£>utitoe iVeltf,*ot

Oat Ova Potash.3 for 23c

Cottolenelirfesutua SOcJ

Rabtaa BruUut

Bclfca BalUriacPrill, paektje

_ Scrapple:,

Prime Bibfme Rib **£%*,Roast, lb 4yG

IBcRib RoastBlade undrlb-

Stew Lamb.', ~ pound 14c

FUU «rfetiri lie

Oaf Owaikite P«k

Rolled Pot

Steelr, f& It5c

DutchCleanser, can

Mule Team" Borax, lb

Gold Bust

Holland Her.



eardaley'a jnMustard, bot O C


HtlUiil Hetris*

Sttleh Brand Poor/B / , pkg.


a^ y * ^ * * ^ * y e y - 22o!t'PwtM« StawtMi on all purchases paid at


jrsSO with" each lb Progress Coffee - 3Sc20 witli eocb I b ^ e d Rag Cofiee 30e

TI5 with eaclv lb €eUta Satbr Coffee 2Se.

-10 with-ejtcb BotirlcPuiitan Vanilla 15«10 with 3 lbs Best Carolina RiCe

tO vi l .>L Poriltn Root Beer Erfraet'

10 with each 3-lb Jerome Stanch' I

ACTIVEMEETINGtte«a«t afcsa* a*ealS** »i«ir«i# *»•«*•» Is bait*


Hcdiif itXlaXtCtiaMttteebi

Afeat~T« SEllie i H I > fars a e c t l ;Ptalf asd Se&resB«tf

Dtitfe SelFw Shrtk|

««MfitKb. aaduk aft.tne- itoass* timOtHEfi VALUABLES AKDMOSEY OVEKLOOIED



CIM trite liter ta taa Mar ef tt*

a gaatfy. «<&«•» «ftlea At a* atnlig el «*»

CMSCO. Sto. U « , Kauftu .irrniiV jlin<< at nit iratt itf tlaHalt-year aad Hn. OeWttt _ _ _ _ ,

o e «B*mr~«n>etiaaepwy. S3S.J. B**JT mot;miu,T» a awf aaa U W K Onlw atla * tear *attr Csestalaa«4 aalan *. St. C,*; alswtaR ta fata

Wae M. P. SoMaaeasttaaiaa «t J. A. laMAn, «*• to aev teaai et Ow cetan* meemmtUa» tale «fetar Is eae-IItaHa T. BHeter as< Hn.

wtair.cisatt. jcaajsa. ttla aag jripaiTnj! Oeta Oat- me ewetrw

w luseH • fimafgw ta ratte t w | «wM mwwut etttefer ea eiTiwifiiinl * • » to* t&*-C9ia^.ttes et f%t

aadata. .ftatu^s is HalaiaU, caam« u i Mayer H***r if ii elssd to tate tawjaa. tigstm tan* «t iala TMw.na ta Hi*. «<CTat»eawart, Cwrmtflftta*

taiu v s s eat a» Sat n > aatewaed. «blleOHHHW aaU'ttat it* «*tm tmt Ow(at eaaaa4N«a iall«tN<l er tt* Bay. « e i ateo antaaeaad alO

wewianaia d«u.ttisk

at tKe setat « t e » O « BOTHtHBt as» dM flea* «ae

iws* «ntaU tatOe fitoade Kn. Oaten Laa«tots (or

tto Orrte fsr (te

«BUJ laian tm Ost sB ef OM le.aaa U e*«leek m. asdk«lBe aaljfc* feHa«ei~ ay eSsrW ts

aa I twmcy amw laigtm.

wf-*tm&mt*i tar tke ekalr vute- tke<b«etlea et A. a

Taieagkew ala i&tmm ffatserts (b> fete «****.

swt tat t*» tiewwM exl u *BTrw<rTfj|'<ff- aaj ahr waritefcaU ttudaaa Oatt»jsua»u A.8^si»wa«a WO-,1™* " » * •»«« om*mr P«.r Bwu tae laat

t u u w a U Oa totM. tat Uw« « uaatd that la « t e ta Mart attcaUaa et att as*

te> va*t, Ma. B4Kktba «tty prepenyta Jeek-ew aw

-n«Miaa s*»t ta tfce Hairtu•law (sr ebtalalas a mes&sntils « aiay Jala ta* s***y

suitry vtndow Out fttet- fer OH* eata, aad eae decto tiia aMasaf*.law anek aowa a»ea "Smm

by ltoi caaba et Ike SUM «•»»*> aad an**. Tea stay anfe at • alio*. ?&m vare'-csaeafM *y OMfeBeta;any e( Oe wte-jwettty.


at P«rt3i Amtoy aad ate* ef tkaai aieawty to Ow wwetn et tiaet <s*w gfir weaaa &e» ttaia eltr ta UeaefaafeefesfdMrf Its.

ts- eaeiiaHtlsa tw m. at* t . 1 l . a i . tMtfaBas Is ttat ^ j Tiw, yeasave '<ies« safety aajt wett, I* ttae*d ef safe edeeitT limtm U mawd «f lafaw. traatar «adeduseta, bet tu» ia a«t tfe* «aat t» aa

ta tt the seed et s a w &»

aay ettar vtadsw ttaathat ef t&s paatry and the tkMBwa>»w ct Una eeajaO tot

Uw ysa* farthe «vrk by the

ffca seatU «a» ralMd by the

VNU«T COHPJUiV «lf>9ie«IUO fer tta a#w Kahway

aid ef feeaa Wast laeretaeat that Idea Katie T. Brfaur « w fitlow*: FreebUet, V n . t . A. Sameaa;Itf*. W a ptaee afeaat theailhtii 1a teg»

fttitfMt' au i«es tae. Mim Otsmi* ^Caowaiai H» imttc fbawsf* iww.eC

nf flifr Vtnl*mi *mi et ttoa Mei? wmm

Chunk mm leawtftfee ag bat «6e Wait—


aad «ef» jaUUtwd la flw <•last Timdir 9drmt* Utfst yaata&fay

JaaieL&.Jte»«r.«be«a«eaeeta» » « * "Irrtwt

veddlas ts EBH• Jaist avttatlas tat«IMt iftttyea* ee Uwia In «*!«• ta Sdytfce Ta*tflt daaafdBf et tHa ballet aad esavletlea Ha. Sanaa Saaa, efMleaar tmt lit*. 8. & tuniO. efesatiiuw tit* taad

•tattid. ~ ' Hre. r. a HenfB, ef tto 9Hmt«ae to8y islandttraet, was ua<to«d an ea> be cafeeNd fatSer ttaa ylaU te anybar ef tlw MesA. ffce eKwetetw ate: (etoat tse aea«Ib r i l tiuuk Mwba T auab> •!«• St IM tMi

llaye? Mlaaaaa wa« watatr ao> jansla llacB i h e w ea Battfday ai- taaptatlea. Nee «atO yea ate ableBland*! at tsa esaeladea et ala « •taraeas at Oa hena et Ulaa Matilda. Otvts Jeaeok, Oaxfaato aty t h»*» toea a *>•*V»tiumi*aim**ntM**mtCteHfcwalt*. ef «T W«*t et die «»« . saUed by tkeet t»* tMOK aad sat fey

taeaaUt ^ejodlee er fear etVeltosriaa ttba tVMch by toe Mass? Tba vaHee»tW» wan

a «JBjrittt»s.wa» apBdataa byM* b l « m » w w attwded to aad to

U» pwrtbOltpr elJBf«*r onaHaff aad tba'eaat

Loeaft et tfce etereb,"Never dtoate 6 e a die WnBaa A. B*saaB.8.&.¥«HBaad ««etJy ewoelt* the p&yHetu"*

-aad- ftfut Bason

AHfceegfc awenl « •tS* wtra wen t y Uiw Oeiatte AfacwetCa,S trt» maohoed. She «erldMm naawA-fae thl* Smh Ida* Zalda Ulna taktoi aaesad tUIeale eeaeefi styoa, bat esntlsa* to _ _esaitata ef Tatar c«Bsia&, toUew tbe >Mtgneiit ballad ea the die-

Friday evealag,tattt to esseetedttetItlia KbtoOaH!t«alt». uttaef aHgbteauKiaeee. Weald tstrwd. That, gr matTbacdera LaadenbMgtr. CliaH** *O- <!Mfaew!Ub»SHd«t»»fewdaye,M«f. Hlae Hutet Caswtt, Hlsatath;•ar aad Qaerga H. Lala«- Cad thaw f « n m aaeh oaa la evr KITCHEN SHOWKft

• w . <3aflae A.111M daw- Voraaa. Haw Tottn th»Rataulu « « • mad* by Ur. IPUaar Tne asaafcer thes rafsffsd tsWu*» Oetsfte Aluawettb, SdytBa aad«t the valiu ef bavjuc th* cteb tees Am wfeo &ad«doed w e n la tteceoadlaum Oafs «a- Iflldrad Ttfrtll. Adate If aHfatta et hlstfivy asd vebited te tae ea fan Ca»e» o« the tan b«te« wertwrf «sWOIlaSM. Zalda Hint, laUnto Sleat,Ute valaa ot a live mcubcr- tact that they fotlowaf the eeavMlcoa Sctanby w a i n by a- SBUOT sambtr hie baad aad eoe etniwMtr. HeUMtU GaHaihw, Hd«s OHwaB, Dew-ahip conalttM. Jodgs Jeha W ef • right eaaeetaBea asd no aatta? ef raUtlvee aad Ucade at tb» hoaie Radaredt&y. ChSM. ebto OaRbwalW, I n . Watlay ij»k» ef the a««d or attractive «a- whu the «wld eald they suneed Oetr et Mr. aad H«- 2 a O ffiatewi ef ! •IniHint ftitnnw tnit griff* ****

/f3m,eelabwtlea ef hte ttfthday «sal-

WBtar BaaaaaB, Hlw ABB* M. Seatstbat Bad bam glvmeaily. He «ook» egflwtatieilly-et thcln. He pelatod te the aveMIie ae

sea 8f thle type aad-TT- Hatllda. artH •trvec

•wet* y»» ffleeBuckley laid that any ebb

to ba wmieem* mart bav« IM» et t#Baad moat 1M a wiw**«ist*a**.er*«ilJ*-

later beeaaa thm rede etBJ* austinCemlBg elaaafr te the ptmmt ttmm to ef tfiesd*. Oard* asdIfiu Adale Bwetd, daagbtw ef SIt vlded by the f m r tfeeefeJHteebpaid hit* Mhote ts Dealel CCcasaK Pwetafc AslUi alulae esd eeewplad tb» U w ead

dand t i n . Loola Hswld, et fl'CfienyUOB tef all eltisua, that U waatiet the the craat trisb, water and palUfeal e u

atlaale oiafrtda. Wi* tost prise ta dlaner wae tarredtend«f«d a pleanibt «*•

pany on many -mr1»y a, fwr. tat t&at every* drawlsK effectivetana fMOt their ttvee he eald am* mtutm cwk. t m eftteeeueany ef yeas* people. .Sw#»M-body should feel at hom» asd at Ubttty Kattwriae liajteHeB. Kw&fc: OMaswra W«9 dUwndiUd ttoea-aal ytm wsfcawu lut C ataa

Ha aspreuad v«tl> a unve was to my no trbea aayaa* JL- 8tmstaa,-iir.*a& Stet-Mr. aad lbs. »*H BwHw

frtahHest*. B6U* «ere wndertd byBeattav at tha'deey latenat shown a*h d

altaape* to swerve-yea fras the pathAha Heler aad Vlw Halda Ssriau.Indicated by the lafgt attendance, aad ef doty. ftwB the paf& et true siaatoddAiaone (faeee pnee&t .wen:the ieaUmsat •hem in. the dbaeted: by • xlcbt BRM aad K4*tm Cm*4Ila»«a HaMal WfflUaK. Httid*aad v*i»i am ssmabim ta U)? wartalythereyou w mSkti to et Tlwawt, aad. Crraa

at ftoOt Aafcs?tefl,OU*« MoVKaf,eews toMcfi ueatliis armed %rltfc ua* taaporaliaad paMtagUerte BtoEwttth.Idaaafer O» adfaaeHiienCet the 'dob. may be fcarev weaHB> pBnnarieat that Svd^t fJrah&L Mhs'OMblS, wifiltttHa e«H»d"atteiiUdtt ta the at* eteend t» yoo, tal.*tat *» they aoeuu, oncmmoma.t» mod Adele fierote^ Jtohm Veto

t K l AlPreptofc Mr. andjtra.fat Whleh the Blst& Wai* Be; yea aaerifiee yotr

•A.O««*» Bowtey. Chattee Kswlav Al-ot KUaabettb,ls ee»''

" bert Klrateta. OJ«etti&ms«n CiiffwdWotffi, Itaeat Via Sehaaeky of Jiab>way, and 8. Hdrteav-itf gHwltoHt. %

* abN«d haii aeffttecIrttsATHENIAN CLUB UEBt« -

The ueuBet* oftha JUhaaua Clt* •fir todsatdtarTtlut eiMater then. eaUtbat attsefca«lB:f«Bttteei»e*JeriHttf8Se. She

» •*"» *^«T* * * * "***»^ e are toe Ia**e te be ajjfiaeil byef B u t Hagafrfsad, .a»*iia8, p

ttaadlii«s were fctvea by I t e . JoIiH.lBaaBoa. "The VaHty^ o i j a l ^

ana wt' Mx*. caoras ji»,**ao-1 wire won by

Mi*. Harold !•,

-OTOiribaiila an* t te 'Tte- MtMe an J retrimiimmtir added to tt*-.

aVHjdtiftveT &*»

fctuik»tJals^J^H^Suaa8«ft8jlatX,ef<1aW. BLB. 8 U « .

<eale* btt tied Wf toia>"HfS. tlaiiay JJttnhmSU larm., *fc«B»»* t t&tt leesUsBft w « > * et

~ - • • ( h itf:XB(ir«'Beeaft

Cbffla. «ia rMi* StJUlira.- Ii. B. Handy. Mr*. Kart Balaan-

tore. Jobs,*. HoMmau, Ur«,B.JaecsWhfaiiafcJlrB. ^ afeaU ba «Se«*r*4*»*.

«O. VrUajjr L>i>lnK at tk* ho*>»itateeW^.Mit
