—^ roads in mecklenburg postmaster...

iS^JI^ VOL. XXII. No. 39 ESTABLISHED MAY7 1895 MANASSAS, VA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1917 $1.00 A Year in Advance ROADS IN MECKLENBURG Letter from Southepy Virginia Outlines AdVuUges of . Road Improvement. ANOTHER VETERAFf DIES Mwk,Fk>ru«c« Fotuul D«*d—latwrnMst •I Family Burriac Cromrf at Bradlar. POSTMASTER SINCLAIR DEAD A letter from Mr. Lucius Greg- ory, a prominent business man of Chase City, to' Mr. J. H. K. Burgwin, of Manassas, gives much interesting information about road improvement in Meck- lenburg county, whicli may be of value to Prince William road build- ers. The letter follows: We built in Mecklenburg coun- ty over B^) miles ©f graded, well draiiied».iulverted roads. . Dur- ing most of t V time (constant rainy weather excepied) we can go anywhere in our county on <>a»a- 'Vha- ' ' '' ' ' most cut in half, for wagons can take about double the former load on the same team, and the teani fares nntieh better than formerly. We bonded the districts sepa- rately, according to the mileage we~h6ped to build. The^^^ thing, of course, was the gradmg. .Ihere axenownosteep g:radeson «n^ public road in the county. In -some sections the soil-was very poor; when we strike those places we find that the roads get muddy. uch easier than where sand ifr ntiful. ITieldealrnateriarts light Boij^wellmixed with -BaSerSinwt used such as found m<»t coiwemeDt to the The advancer in asseBS- mpfit fif Tiropgrtv have ^f our indebtednesa so that in many districtg the levy JB^.no higher thanlt was before: ^TMH is notably ttueifrjChase (Mty and ClarksviUe districts. Theamt^ler districts are not quite so fortu- nate. • - - „ . , The results are thwe: SiMMK«' better teains than Xhave ever seen in the county ^ ^ r e : The ]Mcq^ of the whel« cbunt; are ^iwr in touch with eyV^thiariaBd j^H^JefaildnQn .-ba««^v.«em>oL ads^, Mark Alexander Florance was.*^ found d«ad Monday inoming at his home on the Godfrey place, near Manassas. . He was a COD-. federate soldier and was seventy- si;wyears old, having served in the ctvll war with-the 16th V!i--— ginia cavalry. Funeral services were held yes- terday and interment was made in the family burying ground at Bradley. Rev. Edgar Z. Pence, "Pasto^' ot the' ijutncifan C'hurch, officiated. '—--^—^ Judges Opa& 'mTvrpt iJl^¥i» Pyplf tw^riww —Temparance nrogram KttoAtittt: (Contribat«d) —^ BOYS ORGANIZE CLUB to HoM Ragular MMUM«- PUB ., '• (Jone« D. J«»per,.Sgcretaryj The boys studying agriculture and undertaking home project work have organized the Ruffner nwfetings twice per iiioii The offipers are Percival Lewis, president; Ralph Larsen, vice president; Jones jasper, secre- tary; Keith LeacSiaaft. treaiarer. The object of the club [g to Mr. Florance was the last sur- of hia immediate family. He has several nieces, Miss Helen Florance, of Manas- sas, the daughter.bf-bis brother George, and Mrs. Joseph Hixson, J ^ . William •Colbert and Mrs. Walter Langford, all of this cuun- ty, and Mrs. Susie Barrett, of Washington, daughters of his brother James. - " '' HRS. BAKER WINS 0SSt^ mal^eTarm life more attraeti we; •fanning' inure "profttabter^ -snd ttt' [connect iip-in-a-iiefinite way the agriculture taught in school with the home. The growing of corn, potatoes, piga, nn(< rhit'Wpng will OCCWpy the attention of the various mem- bers this year. Our next meeting will be held Wednesday^ February 21,»t which time interesting subjects will be discussed. '"" - - mm WORKERS ORGANIZE RttralR<ff«* impw«wi b Formed by Prbgressnra i' cQBteat tuuk place Monday Evening at the' Arthur W. Singlajr, Manaswis vimtag^ which they could not h w e . procured in any <*her way^ In 1908 we had 60 accredited hi|:h aehool here; we did net hare a foot of improved roads. We now have a achool plant worth Presbyterian^ Church.7under the j pbatinaster. vice president of the au^ces of the Woman's Christ- People's National ^ n t of M»- vmTemperiirice Union»a8anoc-,^^gggag^ and for many years a <xaam of widespread intopert. ^jp,;p,ingnt member of the bar of luH-eongregation greeted a* pn>nce William county, died Mon- %^l-arrangedprog«nu - ^^j at his home on South Main _ The contestante and^^hwr mih. mftMitr-ltthe age of si«ty-five fecta were as f ^ w a : ' yegre. yhile, be had been in ilt -(jouege uil gabs^"-*^- ^el- [i,gaHh.f^^ wa4^S«^ S>^^Sean«tC rarely absent from hisTpos" $30,000. We have sixty miles of goods roads and our levy'is tUfi against $L65 in 1906. fieddes this, the couiity now has gjxxi steel bridges j ^ o s t over tEe wjlwre ebonty; W-riEre passing thi^fh a 'period now. CofltiBwd on Page Fiv^ YOUNG LAmE^tN<»N*^T Nine young ladies of the sec- ond year high school gave a very excellent recital on Friday after- noon.—!DieselfictiQnaKfiiBclwmii l^ }&es. Hodge who trained the class. The plan followed was of informal con- "How^the proEB*WXIuBjjjb»tE_at Was Started"—Mrs. George C.^gonfln^ to his bed only a few ffixBOor —— -dWB before bis death, which ' The Factory Cfiim^':==Mr8rT^e as a gr^lTshock to his host George D. tfaker. _ .^ -gf fnends in the commtmity. "Jeremiaband ffiaBa"-Mrs. Tbe funeralaervice.took place A. ?.-HtereU, ; Wednesday afternoon at the Ma- '^The Result of Treati«'-|n,a8a8 Baptist Ohurch, of which Mrs. J. M. BeD. . ji,^ ^^gg a-member. The pastor, 'the Volunteer Organist"-fRev. T. D. D. Clarke officiated, in Mrs. Georg^li. Larsen. \^^ presence of a large number "An Incident of the Crusade" I of jelatives and friends. The —Mffe ^.Walker MeFchant. Imagyaud beautifui Owal Uibutea _ MtkBrit^gwastA^ehi^Igwi^^^^^ ^^^ ner of the medal. It was pre- [^^ |,gj^ sented by Rev.' Alford Xollort Judge IfewfltTBett later waS'Con- tinued in that office by Judge Nicol and Judge Thornton. For i number of years.he served "Hff examiner of records. ' (J. J. Copnw. SgewUry) I M D R E N CARRIED AWAY Youthful CriminaU Sent to Rich __ oiond After Committing Many Robberies. Jesse Wauf, eleven years old, and Fannie May, two years hi.s the Qiphan boy and uitl who have madeTheIr home wit! Dr. B., F. Iden, were taken to Richmond this morning by Dr. WillismJ. Maybee.of the Virginia Board of CharttieB andCorrec- tlons, to whicTi they were com- milted by Mayor WagtiTer,'after confessing to half a <dozen mid- night robberies in Manassas in December and January. After, the sentence in the mayor's court "the chitdre^ were returned toJDr^den toawalt the arrival of a irepresentative of the board at Richmond. The trial and sentence rested lightly on Jesse's shoulders and after another series of mysterious robberies l^t week he was found to be the culprit. His gloves weare found at the residence of Mrs. W. M. Milnes where be was frightened jaway by a dog. Con- fronted by tins dSmaging evi- dence. he admitted his guilt and ia aaid to bava 4>T^w^e«^w^• aome ; yride in hia<dventareai ^ ^, L-1.1 ;^ z' -..I ^^eearH^robberi^ werecoii- "r" °"':'n'nri ^ r T ff son wasielected twnporary chi^e InMay 1913. by presidential ap^ poiptmenl, lie was placed^ iif charge of' the post offi^ at Mav nassas. . Bttamber cf Maaweb 182, Ancient. Free JNo. 182, AncienU and Accepted MMOHB.JUMlitlBull^ Ran C<HmcilrNo.-15, :dider Fra- temal Americans. wee grave bis iMdy waaJatd. to 'i giving -—te«^ easy, -told, to observe the gesture, expression and toneof eadiand f.^ » , ^ ; l c o m e addiUon ^.*l«'«r»m.Wtr^txom^^^mj^^^ sK>n on this ladies gave T3ttle a selection, 'The Aflgei « COUlltJ- Eife ,™.^„, biP4Kltef- Hagcmnn. The contestants who gave this nombar were:-Misses DoroAy^ lienUl, Ttidma ^ia/et, gaiza^ —---^— BgdLola ~ -^ beth Clark. Mftbol"Bygn Bad Lola _. "fjin^ llias Lola KUil* was awarded first place. The second contest in which Misses Courtney Kincheloe, Emi- ly Round, Elizabeth Larkin and Elsie Rosenberger took part was based on the poem entitled 'The J. Ride to Death," by Eugene J HaH. The judges awarded th decision to Miss Elsie Roeenber- Thr npmwprinlp ffri"^ awarded by Mrs. Hodge were .copies of the New Testament pastor of the yiresbytetian Church, who made a few fetfaoH^y^iy 1^ ^j^^^^^ ><>n««»»i APIWA, tous ranarks. ^^ ~ T h e audience was favuied with! M^. Sinclair was bom at Brenta- '^*<*° ^y ville, whae he TO admitted to of Warren eeoaty; two a lovdy 8ong,^'Bold Hand,." gang by Miss Swartley' t h e " ^ and began his profession- _ m herowttiinnrfiWf""""T'' ^" aj uuoti.—I^came to~HaMnast Mrs. E. B. Giddings, botbot M»- nassas; one son, Mr. C; A. Sin- wfao^faasbeen associated T; D. D. CUrii, always a Wei- ^^xen the county seat was moved in his strong, dear Toiee '7<«'time be bad been a reakient of Mevei Miss Uu^ Watcf TUI the WeURunsDryr^ The judges of the contest were commMskmer m cbancery By His fatiier. who served duriz^- the Civil war with the Prince William cavalry, was atonetiine in business in Baltimore.and later owned a store at Domfries. which Was destroyed when.jAe Soqtbera f4M%e8 fell back from Bull Run. His 'grandfather, Modecai B. ^nclair, was the first clerk of the Prince WiHiagd coun^ courttobe •r thaayiL»at,_ Jlas office was bdd by memb«« (rf the anelafr family, en both aidea of tbe^ioBse. for more than a fiww ^^^^ ^^^ Jaury. ~Mr. Sinclair is survived by bis num and Mr. C. J. Meetze. tem- perairy secreUi^. after which the organization was. named &e Rraftd Road Impreve- ment League of Prince WilUam carried princi{^ally' toys, money, candy and other things to "Jljlf*^ A large assortment of v^f^n*""^ •^ theJinte of th«r ar- resj^wM iofoA in the bam at Dr. iden^^^rane- dared t h ^ had set the aJarir 4Jk>ck to wake them for ^bxait County P^manent officers^ere elected as follnwH; Dr. f^-g'£;j<j'MQB. a„. . ^^ j,^, t)rtoiaept:ITr. A . ^ R a c B r v f f l £ - " 7 " g r j l ^ ^ ^ prerident. >md Mr. J. J. Conner.' ^^^ J«qeJ>ega secretary and treasQ^v Xhe foUowing members were placed on the Manassas diatricE committee: Vice President Broefa, Stede^seoretary. A rcsdution waa adopted, ao> cepting .the-^XHite ootJined in a bri^. from Waehiostcm, D. C , totyhariottesville. Va.. as drawn up bjT Mr. Hazen and Mr. Conn«', The president ^^ppoint^Meows. atttmtion IE also to the seetioB^ joi the toiwh. U is Jitid that be worked without .his 0A- companion except that in<«e ex- MT. K. si. UynsouiaHl Mr. B«j«u ^^^ ^^ j^^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^ „ T- i. T -u B-K,.„jtwecJtwCTe tfewa—nJtTender's. rcsolations regoertiHg R^^resenfc^ ative Carhh to Ddi hlfl IMHM. judKo for as wife, who was Miss isilia Arm*-^^^^^ with his f at)ter in the practice of dMidKn. ^V^P^'^^^SiOLPfc^W-HOilE BURNED lege^Mr. George G. Tper, clerk MPM •>d Hi* BrU* IWw WWi JMii.»iPi ijf the court, aBd Mies LMUO L>I ^ Metx, acfing prindpal of the higk..'_ s-ihod. To sw they f«»nd it di/-; . ficult to dedde to witam to ©re Lawnvale, the old Lynn home the medal-ia-patting it mildly. j,ear-Gain«willa, waa~aestroye«r After much !f•«™n«2?^Jf52l° by fire Monday night shorUy ^'•.?!?^ "^5^!^^.^!?%: after judges Hon iQL_the_ CSUjfIn moe o'dock. The blaze Som~a C.3. MeeUe, witk hiV Practically all of the own widtJIhg manner, pled for a nishii^s oo the first^leer w< ..„ ._.- large collection and had t b e p l « « . p g ^ , j ^ ^ in , ^ ^ ^^°^™*-'*^bJbo'^?SSd'^V^^ Rev J; FT Burkfl road the Scripi.. present -omiet. -Mr. W. Holm«e_ Raais of Miss Elizabeth — Mabel Hinegardner, two very ex ceUent pupiTs^of Mrs. »odge^ ^^^ clKHB. were unable i^r^c prMi«nt4au&J«fflPn. gg- was very d ifficuft ^yis' -tbej fftre«i- wie is It Jcwibstaiaster ie anything be can fmr the bettov .irumt nf »lw. w>^«iy.rtMn ip cinr. Upcm mo<3on of Mr. E. R. Con- fi«*t y^ J--.i-'tlamwH' WM ^ pointed a tMsmitteie of one to go before the comintlteeof aeyen se- lected from the Senateahd House Af D«;k8—tea to sceore a nart df the Fedgnri wd for nseig^his county. : Thr fnllnwinir in thr prnpnanrt Mr. and M n . S. flynaB, on Cen- ter street, beyood Dr. Men's home. In the first rdbberiw^ltBrr^v^ fore their deteetR» tiie w<«ked t o g ^ e r . Among the storea^tered last rich's jewdry.stMre. The home of Mis. J. B. TTtm- mer from which jars of eiMaiied ^t werestxden Smday dl«^ says, was not in his. itiB- ENTERTAPT Mr.MdMn. ««TlMlr< organization for Princo WtWawi at; seci?efary and treaaurer~fer S a coouty. as nofeaTatoWi ^ who consdtoto the organuation for each district. ' - - - ' Witir the ooonty uiganized in f body <rf twswty atropg.—'Hii^wP E^J^ dismissed udgesflaid, to decide which ^P" I ««*!.«« ,''*« ** testaot did the best^ork. ThelHervin U. Roop. u > CFV onj oyablf nnp, A^oaag. vote of Rubeilsuu, itnmdat)n of the IBe ZfBbr VT. KobeiisoB^tad his bride since the fire have been . V affair was. thanks ^M thegnestsof Mp.and Mrs-Charies ?To"dKe'for hCT^ excellent work in 1 splendid entertainment and to • SnAhetieyoungtodies- "^^^^^^^^^Z:!!!^^t^'J ccntesta ou: nly mean a better road sys- tem far'><)^ county- We {»ay fbJO^^eE^&K^will oi^a^iite eeaTeaiftaffc— evente ef reecnt diiUjo at Bastew Coll^ie was a deKgatfui dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Kenste i* — honor of the eieveotb anr ££j&it£Jmazilsa were laid for eight ' Thegoestswerejrrot. anoMn. TT ill,. M__ W««<lim »mA lgr« Baltantyae Patterson. dw-gosBt of tbe eveniDg, and little Miss Nancy BaSbipk _ Hie table presented a very fes- Qve appearance with ap[»opnate boards The simple gifts were a and-Jiftar full ^usti^ doneJoJ|tfijem|iiingjspa^£. •4KJaOMTZ- jfopf. Hodge roee and proposed a .^-toast t»tbe bride aod-bridegioom Miss Carrie A. Randatt S. Small wood ;^ht to b^ encouraged. ' Several temperance h y m n s weekly letter from home or apej yj^'.^l.'^ asthev areinvaluable.n the train-; were m^er.persedmth«pm^ . 'b^en placed DoeatbatMui uf iiuuis get a^ temperance , , ^ , »prosTarn. y^u too busy to write as often as __j--, f the students in control and; ^:;^^^'^]'>^^;^!^^ he'd like to hear the-news^ 1^*}^^ riri->.ion. . ^^_^ Pro*- <5oxaio^-. _ t,. be ti oped that than the pnce of a postage sUmp; Which I-:.*eeii tr*' >., <^... •• -'-;->„:t from a week will send him,^a weekly .Mr. ,iese can- oftor mvintr all the news -t.e "' ''"' : .* eeri t c t V| -^ Mo.s: of eleven yearsagOi and to their Koontz and j Uttle son Austin, the jov of their hearts: The lua»t we regpondeo ried Wednesday e*Bming»rGrace]tp heartily after it bad beer. - ^ ^ Methediat Epiacepat €b u r c ij.'drunk standtng Mr. William Vwii« Davies has | South, by the paster. Rev. E. A. 1^ aoeial time, Ahich v.. in aijfee of the Ma- Roads. After the ceremony the postoffice. jfaiowinpr the!young couple left for a wedding. of PostmajSfc- Sinclair. ' trip. They wi fii one of some r- ^•rrrTf was f^ntertair.ir. : afterriOC' >i«'iii'l.~ Hi' •'T^ tfTT.T^f" ' - : : nr.M'- A-no letter (jivmR A ant.- to hear 'A"h •-iim l!"^ .JorKNAi - for one doi.ar a vi-ar' not sfinil fA fetters t.'T- r»ccurr«4-«»n Hsitda v r>aviep. who ia ^ nt-.-new ..-V .1. R T. Thomtrr and :".-.n Law of Lieut, i. i<rjre . •; r^oentl.v acfrrtrrt a r; w:l.h tbe Nations] r>Ank much enjoyed, ended at a - 'iiFmake tb^'beflw-from'^re. Ken>rlfi Th'^ in VVashinpTton. where MrfSmail- adioumcd to the;- wood, formerly a resident of the of thv <• ,. F.uckhall netrn't>orhood, is em- n-'-ri? : .- - •- pioveci hv .1 -^-ir.i^. '" , .. • • • ,, * .Mrs >r.-,a.;!w\x>d ;s t.-.q •,;;!,.,.;!,- . , ' ter of NTr and Mrs, A.F: Koor.t" ""^ ' _ ..•M^-r;.tu.at,;u of Manassas, ' '^'-'•'' ''" Z^"^' ''2' •-v;

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iS^JI^ V O L . XXII. No. 3 9


M A N A S S A S , VA. , FRIDAY, F E B R U A R Y 16, 1 9 1 7 $ 1 . 0 0 A Year in Advance

ROADS IN MECKLENBURG Letter from Southepy Virginia

Outlines AdVuUges of . Road Improvement.


Mwk,Fk>ru«c« Fotuul D«*d—latwrnMst •I Family Burriac Cromrf at Bradlar.


A letter from Mr. Lucius Greg­ory, a prominent business man of Chase City, to' Mr. J. H. K. Burgwin, of Manassas, gives m u c h interesting information about road improvement in Meck­lenburg county, whicli may be of value to Prince William road build­ers. The letter follows:

We built in Mecklenburg coun­ty over B^) miles ©f graded, well draiiied».iulverted roads. . Dur­ing most of t V time (constant rainy weather excepied) we can go anywhere in our county on <>a»a- 'Vha- ' ' '' ' ' most cut in half, for wagons can take about double the former load on the same team, and the teani fares nntieh better than formerly.

We bonded the districts sepa­rately, according to the mileage we~h6ped to build. T h e ^ ^ ^ thing, of course, was the gradmg. .Ihere axenownosteep g:radeson «n^ public road in the county. In

-some sections the soil-was very poor; when we strike those places we find that the roads get muddy.

uch easier than where sand ifr ntiful. ITieldealrnateriarts

light Boij^wellmixed with

-BaSerSinwt used such as found m<»t coiwemeDt to the

The advancer in asseBS-mpfit fif Tiropgrtv have

^ f our indebtednesa so that in many districtg the levy JB .no higher thanlt was before: ^ T M H is notably ttueifrjChase (Mty and ClarksviUe districts. Theamt^ler districts are not quite so fortu­nate. • - - „ . ,

The results are thwe: SiMMK«' better teains than Xhave ever seen in the county ^ ^ r e : The ]Mcq^ of the whel« cbunt; are ^iwr in touch with eyV^thiariaBd

j^H^JefaildnQn .-ba««^v.«em>oL ads^,

Mark Alexander Florance was.*^ found d«ad Monday inoming at his home on the Godfrey place, near Manassas. . He was a COD-. federate soldier and was seventy-si;wyears old, having served in the ctvll war with-the 16th V!i--— ginia cavalry.

Funeral services were held yes­terday and interment was made in the family burying ground at Bradley. Rev. Edgar Z. Pence, "Pasto ' ot the' ijutncifan C'hurch, officiated. '—— --^—^

Judges Opa& 'mTvrpt iJl^¥i» Pyplf tw riww —Temparance

nrogram KttoAtittt:



to HoM Ragular M M U M « -


. , '• (Jone« D. J«»per,.Sgcretaryj

The boys studying agriculture and undertaking home project work have organized the Ruffner

nwfetings twice per iiioii The offipers are Percival Lewis,

president; Ralph Larsen, vice president; Jones jasper, secre-tary; Keith LeacSiaaft. treaiarer.

The object of the club [g to

Mr. Florance was the last sur-of hia immediate

family. He has several nieces, Miss Helen Florance, of Manas­sas, the daughter.bf-bis brother George, and Mrs. Joseph Hixson, J ^ . William •Colbert and Mrs. Walter Langford, all of this cuun-ty, and Mrs. Susie Barrett, of Washington, daughters of his brother James. - " ''


mal^eTarm life more attraeti we; •fanning' inure "profttabter^ -snd ttt'

[connect iip-in-a-iiefinite way the agriculture taught in school with the home.

The growing of corn, potatoes, piga, nn(< rhit'Wpng will OCCWpy the attention of the various mem­bers this year.

Our next meeting will be held Wednesday^ February 21,»t which time interesting subjects will be discussed. '"" - -

mm WORKERS ORGANIZE RttralR<ff«* impw«wi

b Formed by Prbgressnra

i' cQBteat tuuk place Monday Evening at the' Arthur W. Singlajr, Manaswis

v i m t a g ^ which they could not h w e . procured in any <*her way^

In 1908 we had 60 accredited hi|:h aehool here; we did net hare a foot of improved roads. We now have a achool plant worth

Presbyterian^ Church.7under the j pbatinaster. vice president of the a u ^ c e s of the Woman's Christ- People's National ^ n t of M»-vmTemperiirice Union»a8anoc-,^^gggag^ and for many years a <xaam of widespread intopert. ^ j p , ; p , i n g n t member of the bar of luH-eongregation greeted a * pn>nce William county, died Mon-%^l-arrangedprog«nu - ^^j at his home on South Main _ The contestante and^^hwr mih. mftMitr-ltthe age of si«ty-five fecta were as f ^ w a : ' yegre. yhile, be had been in ilt • -(jouege uil gabs^"-*^- ^el - [ i , g a H h . f ^ ^ w a 4 ^ S « ^ S>^^Sean«tC rarely absent from hisTpos"

$30,000. We have sixty miles of goods roads and our levy'is tUfi against $L65 in 1906.

fieddes this, the couiity now has gjxxi steel bridges j ^ o s t over tEe wjlwre ebonty; W-riEre passing t h i ^ f h a 'period now.

CofltiBwd on Page Fiv^


Nine young ladies of the sec­ond year high school gave a very excellent recital on Friday after­

noon.—!DieselfictiQnaKfiiBclwmii l ^ }&es. Hodge who trained the class. The plan followed was of

informal con-

"How^the proEB*WXIuBjjjb»tE_at Was Started"—Mrs. George C.^gonfln^ to his bed only a few ffixBOor — — — -dWB before bis death, which

' The Factory Cf i im^' :==Mr8rT^e as a gr^lTshock to his host George D. tfaker. _ . -gf fnends in the commtmity.

"Jeremiaband ffiaBa"-Mrs. Tbe funeralaervice.took place A. ?.-HtereU, ; Wednesday afternoon at the Ma-

'^The Result of T r e a t i « ' - | n , a 8 a 8 Baptist Ohurch, of which Mrs. J. M. BeD. . ji,^ ^ gg a-member. The pastor,

' t h e Volunteer Organist"-fRev. T. D. D. Clarke officiated, in Mrs. Georg^li. Larsen. \^^ presence of a large number

"An Incident of the Crusade" I of jelatives and friends. The —Mffe ^ .Walker MeFchant. Imagyaud beautifui Owal Uibutea _ MtkBrit^gwastA^ehi^Igwi^^^^^ ^ ner of the medal. It was pre- [^^ | ,g j^ sented by Rev.' Alford Xollort

Judge IfewfltTBett later waS'Con-tinued in that office by Judge Nicol and Judge Thornton. For i number of years.he served "Hff examiner of records.

' (J. J. Copnw. SgewUry)

IMDREN CARRIED AWAY Youthful CriminaU Sent to Rich __ oiond After Committing

Many Robberies.

Jesse Wauf, eleven years old, and Fannie May, two years hi.s

the Qiphan boy and uitl who have madeTheIr home wit! Dr. B., F. Iden, were taken to Richmond this morning by Dr. WillismJ. Maybee.of the Virginia Board of CharttieB andCorrec-tlons, to whicTi they were com-milted by Mayor WagtiTer,'after confessing to half a <dozen mid­night robberies in Manassas in December and January.

After, the sentence in the mayor's court "the chitdre^ were returned toJDr^den toawalt the arrival of a irepresentative of the board at Richmond.

The trial and sentence rested lightly on Jesse's shoulders and after another series of mysterious robberies l ^ t week he was found to be the culprit. His gloves weare found at the residence of Mrs. W. M. Milnes where be was frightened jaway by a dog. Con­fronted by tins dSmaging evi-dence. he admitted his guilt and ia aaid to bava 4>T w e« w • aome

; yride in hia<dventareai • ^ , L-1.1 ;^ z' -..I ^^eearH^robberi^ werecoii-

" r " °"':'n'nri ^ r T ff son wasielected twnporary chi^e

InMay 1913. by presidential ap^ poiptmenl, lie was placed^ iif charge of' the post offi^ at Mav nassas. .

Bttamber cf M a a w e b 182, Ancient. Free JNo. 182, AncienU

and Accepted MMOHB.JUMlitlBull Ran C<HmcilrNo.-15, :dider Fra-temal Americans.

wee grave bis iMdy waaJatd. to

'i giving -—te«^

easy, -told, to

observe the gesture, expression and toneof eadiand f .^ » , ^ ; l c o m e addiUon ^.*l«'«r»m.Wtr^txom^^^mj^^^ sK>n on this ladies gave

T3ttle a selection, 'The

Aflgei « COUlltJ-Eife ,™.^„, biP4Kltef- Hagcmnn. The contestants who gave this nombar were:-Misses DoroAy^ l i e n U l , Ttidma ^ia/et, gaiza^

— - - - ^ — BgdLola ~ - ^ beth Clark. Mftbol"Bygn Bad Lola _. " f j i n ^ llias Lola KUil* was

awarded first place. The second contest in which

Misses Courtney Kincheloe, Emi­ly Round, Elizabeth Larkin and Elsie Rosenberger took part was based on the poem entitled 'The

J. Ride to Death," by Eugene J HaH. The judges awarded th decision to Miss Elsie Roeenber-

Thr npmwprinlp ffri"^ awarded by Mrs. Hodge were

.copies of the New Testament

p a s t o r of the yiresbytetian Church, who made a few fetfaoH^y^iy 1^ ^j^^^^^ ><>n««»»i APIWA,

tous ranarks. ^^ ~ T h e audience was favuied with! M . Sinclair was bom at Brenta-

' *<*° ^ y ville, w h a e he TO admitted to of Warren eeoaty; two a lovdy 8ong,^'Bold Hand,." gang by Miss Swartley' t h e " ^ and began his profession- _ m herowttiinnrfiWf""""T'' ^ " aj uuot i .—I^came to~HaMnast Mrs. E. B. Giddings, botbot M»-

nassas; one son, Mr. C; A. Sin-wfao^faasbeen associated

T; D. D. CUrii, always a Wei- ^^xen the county seat was moved

in his strong, dear Toiee '7<« ' t ime be bad been a reakient of Mevei Miss Uu^ Watcf TUI the WeURunsDryr^

The judges of the contest were commMskmer m cbancery By

His fatiier. who served duriz^-the Civil war with the Prince William cavalry, was atoneti ine in business in Baltimore.and later owned a store at Domfries. which Was destroyed when.jAe Soqtbera f4M%e8 fell back from Bull Run.

His 'grandfather, Modecai B. ^nclair, was the first clerk of the Prince WiHiagd coun^ court to be

•r thaay iL»at ,_ J l a s office was bdd by memb«« (rf the anelafr family, en both aidea of tbe^ioBse. for more than a fiww ^^^^ ^^^ Jaury. ~ M r . Sinclair is survived by bis

num and Mr. C. J. Meetze. tem-perairy secreUi^. after which the organization was. named & e Rraftd Road Impreve-ment League of Prince WilUam

carried princi{^ally' t o y s , money, candy and other things to

"J l j l f*^ A l a r g e assortment of v ^ f ^ n * " " ^ •^ theJinte of th«r ar-

resj^wM iofoA in the bam at Dr. iden^^^rane-dared t h ^ had set the aJarir 4Jk>ck to wake them for ^bxait

County P^manent officers^ere elected

as follnwH; Dr. f^-g'£;j<j'MQB. • a „ . . ^ j , ^ , t)rtoiaept:ITr. A.^RacBrvffl£-"7"grjl^^^ prerident. >md Mr. J. J. Conner.' ^^^ J«qeJ>ega secretary and treasQ^v

Xhe foUowing members were placed on the Manassas diatricE committee: Vice President Broefa,

Stede^seoretary. A rcsdution waa adopted, ao>

cepting .the-^XHite ootJined in a bri^. from Waehiostcm, D. C , totyhariottesville. Va.. as drawn up bjT Mr. Hazen and Mr. Conn«', The president ^^ppoint^Meows.

atttmtion IE

also to the seetioB^ joi the toiwh. U is Jitid that be worked without .his 0A-companion except that in<«e ex-

MT. K. si. UynsouiaHl Mr. B«j«u ^ ^ ^ ^^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^

— „ T- i. T -u B-K,.„jtwecJtwCTe tfewa—nJtTender's.

rcsolations regoertiHg R^^resenfc^ ative Carhh to Ddi hlfl IMHM. judKo

for as

wife, who was Miss isilia Arm*-^^^^^

with his f at)ter in the practice of


^ V ^ P ^ ' ^ ^ ^ S i O L P f c ^ W - H O i l E BURNED lege^Mr. George G. Tper, clerk


•>d Hi* BrU* IWw WWi J M i i . » i P i

ijf the court, aBd Mies LMUO L>I ^ Metx, acfing prindpal of the higk..'_ s-ihod. To s w they f«»nd it di/-; . ficult to dedde t o witam to © r e Lawnvale, the old Lynn home the medal-ia-patting it mildly. j,ear-Gain«willa, waa~aestroye«r After much !f•«™n«2?^Jf52l° by fire Monday night shorUy ^'•.?!?^ "^5^!^^ .^ !?%: after judges


iQL_the_ CSUjfIn

moe o'dock. The blaze Som~a

C.3. MeeUe, witk hiV Practically all of the own widtJIhg manner, pled for a nishii^s oo the first^leer w<

. . „ . _ . - large collection and had t b e p l « « . p g ^ , j ^ ^ in , ^ ^

^^°^™*-'*^bJbo'^?SSd'^V^^ Rev J; FT Burkfl road the Scripi.. present -omiet. -Mr. W. Holm«e_

Raais of

Miss Elizabeth — Mabel Hinegardner, two very ex

ceUent pupiTs^of Mrs. »odge^ ^ ^ ^ clKHB. were unable i^r^c prMi«nt4au&J«fflPn. g g -

was very d ifficuft ^yis' -tbej fftre«i- wie is It

Jcwibstaiaster ie

anything be can fmr the bettov .irumt nf »lw. w>^«iy.rtMn ip cinr.

Upcm mo<3on of Mr. E. R. Con-fi«*t y ^ J - - . i - ' t l a m w H ' WM ^

pointed a tMsmitteie of one to go before the comintlteeof aeyen se­lected from the Senateahd House Af D«;k8—tea to sceore a nart df the Fedgnri wd for n s e i g ^ h i s county. : Thr fnllnwinir in thr prnpnanrt

Mr. and Mn. S. flynaB, on Cen­ter street, beyood Dr. Men's home. In the first rdbberiw ltBrr^v^ fore their deteetR» tiie w<«ked t o g ^ e r .

Among the storea^tered last

rich's jewdry.stMre. The home of Mis. J. B. TTtm-

mer from which jars of eiMaiied ^ t werestxden Smday d l « ^

says, was not in his. itiB-


M r . M d M n . ««TlMlr<

organization for Princo WtWawi

at; seci?efary and treaaurer~fer S a coouty. as nofeaTatoWi ^

who consdtoto the organuation for each district. ' - - - '

Witir the ooonty uiganized in

f body <rf twswty atropg.—'Hii^wP


dismissed udgesflaid, to decide which ^P" I ««*!.«« ,''*« ** testaot did the best^ork. ThelHervin U. Roop.

u > CFV onj oyablf nnp, A^oaag. vote of

Rubeilsuu, itnmdat)n of the IBe ZfBbr VT. KobeiisoB^tad

his bride since the fire have been

. V affair w a s . thanks ^M thegnestsof Mp.and Mrs-Charies

?To"dKe'for hCT excellent work in 1 splendid entertainment and to • S n A h e t i e y o u n g t o d i e s - "^^^^^^^^^Z:!!!^^t^'J ccntesta ou:

nly mean a better road sys­tem far'><)^ county- We {»ay fbJO^^eE^&K^will oi^a^iite


evente ef reecnt diiUjo at Bastew Coll^ie was a deKgatfui dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Kenste i* — honor of the eieveotb anr ££j&it£Jmazilsa were laid for eight '

Thegoestswerejrrot. anoMn. TT i l l , . M _ _ W « « < l i m »mA l g r «

Baltantyae Patterson. dw-gosBt of tbe eveniDg, and little Miss Nancy BaSbipk _

Hie table presented a very fes-Qve appearance with ap[»opnate

boards The simple gifts were a and-Jiftar full ^usti^



jfopf. Hodge roee and proposed a . -toast t»tbe bride aod-bridegioom

Miss Carrie A. Randatt S. Small wood

; ht to b^ encouraged.' Several temperance h y m n s weekly letter from home or apej yj^'.^l.'^ asthev areinvaluable.n the train-; were m^er.persedmth«pm^ . 'b^en placed

DoeatbatMui uf iiuuis get a temperance , , ^ , »prosTarn. y^u too busy to write as often as _ _ j - - ,

f the students in control and; ^:;^^^'^]'>^^;^!^^ he'd like to hear the-news^ 1 ^ * } ^ ^ riri->.ion. . ^^_^ Pro*- <5oxaio -. _ t,. be ti oped that than the pnce of a postage sUmp; Which I-:.*eeii tr*' >., <^... •• -'-;->„:t from a week will send him,^a weekly .Mr.

,iese can- oftor mvintr all the news -t.e " ' ''"'

: .* eeri t c t V| -^ Mo.s:

of eleven yearsagOi and to their Koontz and j Uttle son Austin, the jov of their

hearts: The lua»t w e regpondeo ried Wednesday e*Bming»rGrace]tp heartily after i t bad beer.

- ^ ^ Methediat Epiacepat € b u r c ij.'drunk standtng Mr. William Vwii« Davies has | South, by the paster. Rev. E. A. 1^ aoeial time, Ahich v..

in a i j fee of the Ma- Roads. After the ceremony the postoffice. jfaiowinpr the!young couple left for a wedding. of PostmajSfc- Sinclair. ' trip. They wi

fii one of some r-

^•rrrTf was

f^ntertair.ir. : afterriOC'

>i«'i i i ' l .~ Hi' •'T^


' - : : nr.M'- A-no letter (jivmR A ant.- to hear 'A"h •-iim l!"^ .JorKNAi -for one doi.ar a vi-ar'

not sfinil fA fetters


r»ccurr«4-«»n Hsitda v r>aviep. who ia ^ nt-.-new ..-V .1. R T. Thomtrr and :".-.n Law of Lieut, i. i<rjre . •; r^oentl.v acfrrtrrt a r; w:l.h tbe Nations] r>Ank

much enjoyed, ended at a -'iiFmake tb^'beflw-from'^re. Ken>rlfi Th'

in VVashinpTton. where MrfSmail- adioumcd to t h e ; -wood, formerly a resident of the of thv <• ,. F.uckhall netrn't>orhood, is em- n-'-ri? : .- - • •-pioveci hv .1 -^-ir.i^. ' " , . . • • • ,, *

.Mrs >r.-,a.;!w\x>d ;s t.-.q •,;;!,.,.;!,- . , ' ter of NTr and Mrs, A . F : Koor.t" " "^ ' _ ..•M^-r;.tu.at,;u of Manassas, ' '^'-'•'' ''" Z^"^' ' ' 2 '


^ fH lOEL

;^ <K>tm?^L. KKffiA^7=PfeW»tJi^R¥ 1 « , ^ t ^ 'Z2*

SPELLING TEST IS GIVEN ftince WiUiaai County Students Make Excellent Average

ki Statewide ElBiitnatio«H---Superuitendent Mc-lald Conimendi.Xfiftcher«.

Nokesvilie .. Occoquan Purcell Piney Branch. QuantiCo....... 3tuin Huawf.T Thordtrghf are.

_ _ ^ . . . . , Waterfall."

(Cha». R. MeDonald, Ditiaiwi 3upgiii]tci«faiit>r

-. . On Moniai^ehnjATi i i the achoQl clyJclrfinfllliiaAtateaf Vir-ffinia were sriven a test in spellinfir to see how this state compares with other states in general efficiency, and more particularly to see how the counties of Virginia compare with each other. The de-IMrtment designated Monday, February 5, as the day to give the test KQdllfflPaeted the Sapenialehdents that a test on any other date-was not to be reported. This made it necessary to give the test on that particular day «hich to the regret of air the teachers and su­perintendent was one of the worst days we have had this session in regard to children getting to school. Some schools were closed en-tarely and all had very poor attendance, but notwithstanding this difficulty there were 52 p«r cent of the white pupils and S5 per cent of the colored jgiapila-tcstod. with 81.89 pcf cent efficiency for the wlute pupils and 70.59 per cent for the colored.

At this point I desire to state that as sui^erintendent of the

3 2 1 1 1


75 30 21 »


31 12 10 *-

14 Mr 11

90 64 68 34 92 00

97 86 7 7 1 4 76 36

2 _Woodl«wil.., , _ Woodbridge .

Total* afiB av« i«g ir . . ' . . . . . . " . , . . . . ~, 5^ Rooma not reported ig

!'"• SSJ ID ' Wm as 12

26 80 00 64 40

1180 607 81 89

^Security /rertldJKiCeraefi'

COLORED Antioeh Dwiwii (Maiuwaa):


•.•.;-'•• z • Kett leRun , . ^ , j . i Luc«av<ll« I Hanley _ j Neibaco .* j Thoroughfare.^,.. ,^^^^., . . „ . , . . . " 2

Totals and average Rooms not reported.


IC 9

18 17

rxT' 187


county, Twish to c6"mpTTrriiSiFthe"Eeiac^ers^eneS^ sTiowing made and on thei> verj pwinpt return to me of their various re-portJC :The deparlinenl gave the teaeheni .five days in w^ich-t» make their report to the superintendent, and to show how prompt

>ihey an werist T wtn-Btate that on the first'iiBy after the test, Ttiea-oity, one repoVt was receivpd Thif r iYTK >Wirr th^ finrf IHH> W

Eig&tli grade^Rice Green, Walker, Geoi>g» Burdep AtheJ^ ^ a r v i n Larkin, Caroline BeieMt^,

Beverly iba&t.

Rice, Lillian -Bfluteh

reach me and being 24 hours ahead of «H-^thers is worthy of men' taon. It was tjie report of Thoroughfare School, Miss M. Louise Rector. teacher.__ On. the^aecond day. Wednesday, 19 reports w « « received. On the third day,~ThBrsday, 16 reports were received by mjliirand.a.:^were cgJledfor by^>hone and reports taken that way,

"njght 68 rooms were recorded-in the auperintend-rai's office."~Three reports were received in Saturday's mail but of courre were hol^iehT to Rjc^mwiar^ UTthe 16 reports received^OT^ Thursday many were from Coles, Dumfries and Occoquan districts which, if tiiey had hoid tb^ sanie mailing.advantagesartfae other districts, would have reached me ^ hours. eArlier. So we figure that 80 percentor jQore of the feacfaers reporting were strictiy right on time, and for this you have my best appreciation.

Of tte 18 teachers not r^portingt four of thiem had no school on thfffitfrTJtnWVmmt: ftf wPBthpf grtwno haH hnf foiii. nr fiyo pnpi la

Whitmer, Lucy Breeden, Auwild«_Saf' fer and-Sadie Hixson.

sui,-.»..»K [p-iiT g'liiahath /nhnnoii.

BuHd ol Cenere l*

The Quality Store

Seav^ ^«(2la$|||l|raent 1 Concrete can ba^uaed to advan

tage in in|u>y way* on every farm. By eaaily-followed mlea it can hv •ucceSBXuUv Iskl in wiulei', ":"'

Skilled belp uuneceaaary - do the work yourself.

W« win alxllr MBd Ut«ntar« uUins hour to maka eonerala f«ad flaon, watorliw t isukik ilil—fta^ fi iniemfc tm. • • • httaStag* a>»tmnerm*—tmi amrlutiiw.

-—Q»»wr Utaamr O r f Willi



and wweHinde^ded whfit^odo:' A fewdedded toipotk^^^ another diX.aiid sS'all had a good reason for not givi nevertheless feel badHy because they could not be represented

TfaeSCfaoorSof i lh^icni in l j ) an» .luiiiflr »Tr«»«>H«m» awwlr Vfn. f^f^

Elizabeth Pope, Qhriatine Beaehley, Georgia Harrell, Louise Ayree and Jack Merchant. - —. -

Sixth grade—Lulu ArSy,'OnvTaXthey;^ Elizabeth Comweli, Muriel . Norvell L u r k m ^ ^ t s y O'Neil. C t o a Rexrode, XStfiarm* W«fi7:BBama Yatw^ ATST Lunsford, AUison Hod!^ So^«rt Rile^ and Nolan MflU.

Fifth grade—AUce W«>odyard, H e l « ' Bieachley, Chriatine Moaer, Alma Bell, Nannie Salfer,^ Edwaid ^JUM aad G>ay Whitmer.

Fourth grade—Mildred Mille,, EHza-both Colemaii, Edith Gngstf;-WirrvD Ro^nbefger, BoWlinfe Hooff and Hawea

Bowers.Louise Merchant, Peari Stevens, . Elsie Graff, Walter lSexrb3e,l~Wilie Renoe, William Warren,' Ralph Babb, J<»te= Cannwi, FrmnktlD HfHte, Sim Haislip, Norman Muddiman, James

"HolteTrdwide SffliUi. James Garfe{; Robert Stevens, Albert Breeden. Vir pnTa Speiden, tanaXonin , 6uth Babb, Mary Alh y "BHiunt ' Conner, Irene Gather, Etta Hettle,

My goods are guaranteed and


or your money back

Sugar. 8c Poimd

Tfteleu/ " ' ^ t e atedi

Anna Waters, Annie Merchant, Jenkyn Davies and Dabney Waters.

Osmes. Third grade-Marv Lee Arrinstoii,

Marion Bnrtddns, Treva^HoUer, Ga»»-lyne Jackson, Gladys MUU, Paul Athay,

Woodvard. Paul Kinchplne «nd Wnir^^^l

especially proud of fbi^ character of the work done by some of oar •^^hftfB in thft nntvj f>$l" m'hoolft Some of these will monourc up I to a very h i ^ ^ n ^ u r d . of efficiency, shoiwing what ean be done when the teacliiittr g i t e in real earneafc.. Ai i t t le cme-room eoiuitry school has8:dbine8tic*p«n«« pj*?" and h w i>»?»^ ^hpai^^rintPnd^


ent to dine with them <m hia nertviak. 7 On the Whole, tiie eMldren of Prince Williain eptmty are being as weH cared for as the finances will permit., - .—=*

iietter equitHnenTliUieeded in tnany schools and the leagues are doing their bqn; to supply these iggoat needs^but 1 ftope to see the time sooE^wfa«i idl will b<| furnished by the county as foon^^eeded " in order ta_aure so moeh lost motion. -lt^»< misti^m-jdtea^to aflew- -r—-the schoold

Primary—Lucy Arringtbn, Catherine Cannon, Dorothy Comwoll, Virginia CEOSS, Ethel Crosa, Dorothy_Britei!hley, Ethel Breeden, Pearie BeH, EuJtoaLed-a i u ^ 1%9iBM Breaddusi W « K i Jadt-ion, Hgn/y ton Mills, Robbie Athey, Tom Lloyd, Annie Kincheloe, Clarence Comwell, Irene Rexrode, Myrtle Riley, Eva

UTissan^CIover Best Jor l>ennanent iia^

ana Pastiira|(e Yields. JPutj^ta prppordattj M expetl.

Aldeo-Co. \tfH P ftiwBtJLJiL



A fresh anpply of Groceries

always on hand, such as

Cainned Com, Tomatoes, Calh-

tefe, CelcryiCranherries E t c =—

KELLY^ "HEltore YM Wffl EftthuDy Lie

SrraEeTs OU Staur Iaussas,Tk:

i ' • «

Wood's Seed Cat&l6ii: _ for 1917 gJyesfaU Infonnatloii, t o -

geiher wid i teiten ^twn cuaStBiav

etseSTSm shown beat suited fgr t l » different soOa and porpoaes for y h i c h • t h e y . MP wynmniendect, ffnthitsiasdCTWy smtoesed Ly uiu. cuatomers.

g iv ing their experienee.

Wri te for i t and pcicM (tf a n y l Seeds required.

T.W.WOOD&^SOI«S. , PJ#*lnaajfc—t HW _.


iransterto., W. 3 . ATHBY. Proprietor.'

je, FurUitt^e add all kinds of u i f <w o t h e r commodities

promptly transfeired^ or detirered. '



Theway to make two bIade&o| irrass grown where one doeanow: Buy the celebrated Jdagnesitmi Lome from Leesburg Lime €e>. the lime that has been^dd

B and Fairfax for the twehty-ftve years, and out duced them all. and the r for it is because it oontcins


for beawMul gfeen lawns. Write fqgjpccftti LaggjdtgBiar.


pt TUld l&tiilactory a ^ •!£«•_ Hearse furnished for any reasoBabfe^staace.

nesinm and QyiHAnf y^n jn — proportion to Catcium Carboi ,

and the United States Agriflttll tural Department in Year Book -1901. page 161. atatagthni: Mug litiHium iS'aliaoIuteiy injcesBary to j>lant growth and nothing elise will take its place. Send ovden to Comwell Supply Co., Manas­sas, Va.: A. S. Robertson^ Well-

,ingfon,ya.; M. Rollins, Brirttfw. : TFT ordnrw^jons and same iiffl -


And Licensed £jnbahncr

stated^ to do witbout the necessary equipment We hear it

good authoritte8t3istVialn.ui few y)nei e^^ -t h a t Wfl n r f t r o q n i w n ^ »n?i h a n p i n g torfv miM>h u p o n thft

•.i:~. C o .- G «') s 'J i! n .

child, etc., etc; However this may be I am unable to say. but J do say that we^oidd^'ltily^quip ^diesehoorfoomswitb a^ necessary appliances at once, in ord» thst the children of the county may be on an equality, hi iiltli Id nlmid Uiii iiamo fdflt, with thf tame ad v^antages and with approximately the saihe resul]^. Tn iDther words, standardize all the roams qi the county according to state r e q i d ^ ments. giviitg the childrfinBginiradvantageron* with^ie other, so that ,whatever i s required he will be equipped to meet i t Twu thousand dolUurssp^t next year in Prince l l i a m county for standi ard equipment would add 60 per cent to school room effidracy. Many schools are crowded and the iigwh«. «* ffT'^'" Tinnr irf

Five times as effident as the test Iwick.oiieii flame lamps (sadng

them precludes ordinary^Sdehcy, and if to this ecmdition is added poor equipment it is easy to uzidentand why aai^&etcny progress is not mader^

the In this speUipg test we And jtbe p « e m Q ^ Of eight roOTgln 60's. ten rooms m the TO't twenty KS<s^1n~aiiI8(Pi,*i^ve

rooma « theOO^s with eighUmyiuuiusjot reporlecL In ueartyidi the grades some words_giv«BOHt ^irwe misundastbod by ffie pupils and other wfffda of v o y similar sound

'this cogs y. Of course

illttstnte: The word f e ^ was

]b9CwB.&H,etc), coats only afaootswaMk to ata^kmn. Feeds fad tbooBhwtdt ltaMs it pot out Just like your M lamfi Tte

a stioeft wldte U|^ from ooaumo <ooal < ) witlioat introduoiv anr new ' ' I ft ntiiw • Wri'iwiM., win « W wu%

Uf^iqdwr 08 i t a s * ^ tr

V ^ Hoplrinf, Agsirt.B. k DwMofc««rasJ V«

hrx A\y KR>« PfUTirmnnt. M . I , » M , . Y I Prompt sttantioD gJAen sll orders. PrioM

•» low as Bood •errke.and.matenaLinir ias> ifledrical Neds=^ ^ TifirrALie CASKETS OAHWED'IN STOCK.


Save prpertpt attention.

B. y , WHii t i jMansger^

F I H W H B Ae mgf tf~

imi ad Ik Mst #91^

This seems to print to the n e e d ^ pixyetie charts in all our aeho(^ Some teachers use tbem weU; o thos <|D not have them. The «pord * 'embarrass" was spelled five differmt wnyn-«mK.^, embarice, embarreas and embarrice.

We fool that thin test has Uaeu of gratt benefit to both teachoro and the aeheato et t te iaauly iu thai ifpailril lMd^oi and attention W-fla safcjeet^ i*«fa>4 .wt «lw>». places are. . - : —

AgMttT^jgfaraiac JgteBSea iirafi^ iimmiitaaas and cooperation and for the good work they are domg ra their school rooms. BdowisgiTcaatableahowiaclbee^^^staadiagof school reported. , . -


RVPoter Of awttipfg

Having detemufied to devote our idiole time to the Real Estate and Insurance, business, we hereby soHcit all property for sale and request those having property to Mist the saine with .us. pramndy.. J n i f f T ^ t»4erf*rirf,.irflb«IHM« wttttfw tke Dvsiaesaewr bastattoniisM:

C . J . M E E T Z E d.

ad iMtaliatin af fa-aHMid^tttBairiif

lUnRtes. AdjMdn'IbK g j e t Ml pice far wr nd 7

. wMi. let 19 pve yoi a esisBaie

<i. L. R O S E N B E R G E R MANASSAS, yiRGIgliA

ITHOmii^ 0 1 M . 1 . C .

;BairS^BREAD :i8in8de fiUih best materials,

blEked in an up-toniate oven. -haiuUfidJ&AttLjclAaBpAaaa. fnl wnrkman.—Aak fop


accept no-other. We idso havfi a nicfiQinCK LUMCH COUNTER where you can satsafy your a{^>etite. Pull hne-ftf fflfnfsctioiwry.



B v e o r t h i n ^ G o i n ^ U p ! _Ce«t of living;-, farm impiemenU have sd»siiMd: it costs much more to edncate

cfcll»eii than formerly; wearing

Udkcr ad KB W«k


~~ffindi and Building Matmid OF A L L K I N D S , — —

E S T I M A T E S F U R N I S H E D .

i Office; No. 115 N. Union StreeL

tf PsI and evv[ vUiiim yma We are told that fire i'

y Is go\hg

are advancinjt th^ir ptoportiofis—BUT I .

_ -,^ HfreliiWe Fiuqaier'Trnluartl n n i ||HBHaiarMiii|isiijl litii not as y ^ ai1isai iJAairratp« Now. befwv that

^ f l * l a » a W — i l n o t n e f d t t than to need K and Mk hM» i t We will be glad to SiVeyea ratos. No renewing every

Q_ g> or two. JUG- M. KUHE^

^^^y nudte jfiTM

aiKssBat,. Boons. •.B.KXSLOV a.?;T^.s^n.'.,, t.|>«^i«:i -

HRST NATIOKAL toNt > nEToarPoav or m*


•ActatitiTsfreTpd KFCieHen of TiiSF.'

L.F. n o u o H 1 S T

DiaacToas- ••O0,eec \

^ 9 i a .

^wmtrt. 1

*or„ PiiB-i2ri«s^*--*~-«'^^3!^ir

lWvera^~orV ia M. I. C. ftBldinc^


' " " L T ^ M I C School Sv . tern of ^ b * t i i ^

— jCoileve. Grad«»u. L*w. Medi-cme, ELnfmeenns

LOAN FLNDS AVAOABLE ' '<" ern « i i

• •— I'^fcO^raie

\ Ht>rt-Af>;. w : v v " V ^ .

"VKc xgaSfftSSAS J O u i u ' t . n I f I' l i lDAY. r^aBltd?iltX^16: i a i i •3



2>IJ^ J 3 l m t H 0 0 H B i J n U r n U i j A St. Louis judge hag gone on retiord-'ip- favor I of the farmer as making the feest sort of juror. Not satisfied with the general atat^ent, he_pro-ceeds to tell why.

;aiii«ti>6i4s' " " " i ^ p i i i ill :^ja*Mi^aM§of } stuff in the papers and 4nagagincfi.- They get mnddled in their minds in consequence. Fantas-

[ttiie rigfit or wrong in consequence of which

sea and • nia«« Mail JIatter

S U B S C B l E T i £ > N , ^ U O O A YEAR I N ADVANCE

ADVEitTISOtG R A i n tiftv (;enui»i inch furtlMfirat im«rti«>»nd Tw—«y ti*» Camt* to* —eh

<x>atJBiiaiK>e. Libwrvl IMacounts to Yeftrly Adv«rtia«r«. All card! vt thanlu. formal rewlutknu. obituuT oatleM iXhar tfaan 'h-

WIKI dMth notlcM, and *U mKttrr of an •dTcrtWns chsnctlir. i-irK' - <h««U> »•' IjJtMntly, f i l l h< <i>ilill»hBr1.tt tf><t,Mt»irf ,T»»tTTflTf Ttt. .


BUSINESS CONDITIONS SOUND There h ^ newr tejiLaOim^nlhAhi^

- febe eount^rwh^T it faced the immediate pros­pect of war with a foreign power with so little disturbance to the business guise or with greater m?i^-of-eyery interest -that contribiitea to its

of the country's population have responded with alacfity to the call of duty. THfere is a'whote^

-lieaFfed-wiHingneM to meet every requirement r mobilizing the eountiy'-a rcaoureca of stfength

lb the tull^f extent ~~ ^ With banking resources unprecedented and so

diffused throughout the country as to encourage every form of industry and business activity, production afid consumption will continue oh a s(^e that gives reasonable assurance o f undi-minished prosperity and its diffusion to all classes

' of workers. ' " - — The lessons of economy and efficiency are.man-

—ifestin increattBd Ehrlftaisrin unity of purpose to co(^)erate in measures promotive of the general economic welfare. In this deterrmn^on con-

~seEv^ism in all speculative enterprise, is a stc^Bgj^^ng factor in establishing the sound-ness <dHtt)ei3tniet<»e i^on wbck nest tlie 6CIU1-' table rewards for both labor and c^ital-r-Times-Digpittch. " ' ^ . • _ < "v

THE PAapiST IN ACnON Mr. Henfy F<»d nu&^ i^d&r~^at in lining

up behind the President and offeiii^ Jhos auto^ mobile {dant to the Gpvermnenti for war purposes h » i a s iK^tdMaidoiied faisiiadttet p^tiapies, He stiU regards war as the-greatest of idl calamities. but if the United S j i ^ is forced to^fight he is

>^ r ^ ^ to make its- fig^ting^ count: Hestgraie

ucfiono; of capital punishment, they are not to be-depended upon when it comes to rendering a suitable verdict.

according to the farmer, The farmer doesn't read

How different with this same authority.

very x ften, and the magaTiinpsstill leaa. frequently. This is a blessing from the stand point of good i\iry material, He-isnt troubled

Naturally under these circumstances one has a juryman-that is a juryman. — —

•Coming-f rom the chief metropolis of the State that has acquired fame for desiring to be shown,

tiuiis would seem to explain the necessity. There^^e times, of course, when the perusal of a certain class of papers or maga­zines might be the undoing of a promising jury-mah7~ is of record that one talesmsin under consideration to sit in a sensational case was asked whether he ever read a particular publication. His answer was that he did not as he always shaved himself.

PaattJTig over this pogsibly irrelevant detail^ however, it is feared that tSe S t Louis judge is on the wrong tack. Most farmers read their papers with religious regidarfl^r HoraceXJirieeley sp^e to them of oldiaaonediaYiii^ aut|LPrt|yr jTo: day they have their dependable favorites, whose utterances are as the law and the ir(>speL It is more iMn probable also that the publication of the de< tails of modem movements. tu» for their .partic-ular delectation and consumption. Do not most

L Beef, LamB, Veal and Port


Cash Paid for Gmntry^ -Produce aod Live Stock

Gonner's Market

"Songs<rfLDYeanJWar"$1.00 Postpaid Th« M«n««—* JfNnnal PubK>hing Company. MaoasMu, Va.

Mardi C r u . Naw O r l a u u , L«., P M -Mcala.-FU.. Mnbilfi. Al* . , F<iiini«ry IS— ^fl, lfll7.—Atv^iirit l i m e ou:«i)>uiki d<.i(ilii m hailiriiy will tiave UD sale at Wasliii i(' too, 0. O , aui: pnacip.il nUitiouH iu Vir^iuu, Fel)ru«ry V^ to la . iWiT frscfpt from W»»ti in. ton Itok^n wijl be sold keLiruarv 10 »u 1») Bprcial round trip redui«d {are tiokew, bear-

'Tboae-dd.ifiiig to »t*y Tongar uan huve tmal limit (>1 licLei:) extended (o iu>d ioclud' March 19. by pajiog fee of $ 1 (M.

I f jr iktaila Lr Kale 0. ff. " Wiwhiugtou, U. U.

icludias Can—It

G v e your horses a littie tonic before jthfiy h<ivo j o g o j b t ^ the field every day. Itnujiiea. them more efficient. We have

He^ & ClarkV^MT International

Menawii*, yittpaSm.

of tAe great movemeBts issue trom tte eounwy" —if not from Missouri, liien from the palsatai^ districts to the immediate weri wardT

JtisiHiga:ertedthat-Whilethe atfS is TniHtAlfPTi in hift fionciusion. his premise is cor-rfect Newspapers and ixiagaanes inake the ar-

l i xsaiilmild 1.000 small 8ubmarineaan4,3.QO0 motors \r,A\,^^\ ohio^ can serve^to thwart When the . adajfat hi*'Detroit woA^Tand that ftelT'^ifeady 4o^4o^^t» or any needed piepaetwutrf it, with-(xA protn." - - - >_ :. ^ ~_

- Iii Big opimon^ "a paei^tisJKe hardest gjpiter , you ever saw when he finally is crowded into

^ taking up arms," and he believes oonffis we shall- see in Presi^ent Wilson "a real

and he will show you fighting that these roaring li^ra never dreamed of.

We still think Mr. Fordshowedlaek of judg­ment ^^rarhe^rait his peace ^ p to Europe, but Haste is evidently no discount on his Americanism. And if he con make 1,000 snudl submarines, a day, he •JW myompl'^h ^ar TW^ in Jtsingingihe WM to an ^ ^ ti^n Ty ft ffinmmndyqnv^ hfBrtiiy

It wf^ld be a curious tiling if pacifists like the President and Mr. FOB! should accorhpliah what all a>e a l t ied^gh^^

. , . Reason cannot select correct premises; she c w that if war ^jjjy prove the premises you give her; 'MDh,

triiat a wtmderful creature is mian", ^claimed B6B Franklin; "he can flmi rnasuiis fui auj tlUug he 'wishes to do." That is the tremble witiTreasm as^ guide. J Reason canisot guide. Reason is al­ways guided by something'else behind it, ^lich suf^lies the praniaes from which reasw makes its cakulations and records. -Reason is a i ^ c ^ iating machine. Give it oorr»:t premises and it

im m the days bef<»e the city (atat~lras <Oi^amge)-fcad

forgotten all about him' until the oth& day, when the morning tiWn ri>llM UHa4AIIW!JU*Jd ready to help unkMd lUhe coffin and then to £dk>w it to 44t* » lafo rm thr* Villi ttmTMi'fld for feA> ' -Evflrr

now aiid then someone like Imn cotoes homelp and 11 iH ttle s a m e ^ r y so far as we who

Not u r ^ the train ccHMs -stay wiaa>iu are concerned. to astandstill and the baggage car door is thrown

""^ulfo we reineinber-=«a sometimes it i a p o ^ h 9 n c = nant When thr city toofc him he WBsyuuug, and, though bearing a grievous burden, he went

~TpgaHy.~ Wheirtig city gave him tankip us he was an old mui broken bymanyjfriefs. and. desolatk>nk) Ded^up ftomtfte^ead race, where' tm the majesty^the final peace mweoftwi a fe enthroi

What the city takes and what it gives back axe ahrays different GmiuelkueB it steeps them in folly and returns dead wrecks, whereon we

Jook and, read MI ancient reget for

chaic form issA expreSs&m of the law intelligible to the masses. The dty^jaah dips and skims, missing much that is good WitihtHchitracteristie thoroughness the country man absorbs-and re-TOtambera. Hencfi. in Jiis-dav in court he is guali-fed to rergCT^jtBTjiM^ment, which aoCemnjlte

n e w ^ p i r and tiie countryman meet rig^ is bound to prevail !-—WaabingtonTost -

J l£»LUE£-£Aljaa£EESi:

will conrouteand raewii e right answef «v«iy time. But reason has bo power of chmce in tse matter ol premises; like any well r^^ulated cal-

Tnyliinft it anj»matically accepts tlM premises fed into i t You have but to wateb

'^fur own thoughts carefully to prove this. Who or what, then, is responaMe for the choice

of mTTDiiyn that you ffif fl JTitii- yirwi ITITIIITI^"^ It IS life itself which uses reason. It is life itself

aoB, the calculator—And why life need reason? l i f e needs reason to

weigh, eonqaite, compare and record life's intut "^'TnH ApaneneatL WlLJJuuL Uie udctttety mm and recorder, reason, Ufe would endlessly diOfHi^ catf its <>ir|>f**»'"'**' *^ intnitinnw withmit laarw-4ng -atything^-imm-them. l i f e is ihe ete^gr, r^eon the creature. l i f e is the acfanr, reaxm te aeted ^fqagftr-iitfe ia v/x&9^^ai, ro—an nftwtiira

x^ax rjE XC

"The growth of t& bfiln|t b jdie ^xSi evKlence that its polk^ and methods are in accord widi die dranands of present day business j^!^dk-~

Jhe-iBteufadurer, merchaaMMr hanker seeking modem- ixinking c6nftcctiQtts, .j^Lind this

v ^ sound banking We are at all times prep^ed to ctiscuss your i^ii^ments with you and invite consubafeni-

^riiMMan^as & »



I b d m n d t q x m reason as guide imJto exatt-Ssf; maehue above the mind, that made it-^The Nan-

A NEW FIRE HAZARD ^-As a resuk of Ute eenenU use in-the homes of the people, because of their convenience, of small eleem^^vices, such as tfesadns ifons, curiing irons.-toaalMg. electric pafls or blankets, electric plate wannersimd elecbic sterilizes or he&Cen;' a new form of fire peril is coining into promi­nence as a cause of much dertructk>n. Tlus hazard can only be removed by the USMTS of such

taking tbep"»ffft"Hnn tn diwwnnrrt thft


tex of the great unceasi - straggte, and haying sappa

r e t n ^ to us the "empty

up in the vor-rent when they a^tiiiough with OMng it.

That such precaution is seriously neglected kp-Mra f mm the statistics of fires occurring. For

P»nYimftt iy QHc hundred i?port3 ' noted ajK fiivs frcmt

tnd cnmpaniwTis yoo wouhi-ipeMg^ ^ a a k e r , Lawjer «r Doctor, siaee yoor

fcf dapaod on this and liie beat <

IVliflllliltlfn ID roTo^


Home people adjurt yoiir fire»—no oiB? f riend& TTiat is what-it did to him _ — _ , ^ — _ ^ * t,

Are not some fated to bfcbound to the wheel 'this cause, out of a totid of two ttiousand (rf lo8s« and others to walk in the glad places, and at the in the day's reports, and it esttmat« UiatsmaH end of the Dolorosa wav is not there heavenly electrical devices are causing firMat the rate of compensation? Perhaps, but somehow down deep' 30,000 or more in the course of "a year. ^ _^ in our hearts will continue tbe bitteroesg-of an. A characteristic example of -the hazard is ttraf

"annent rpvntt because of emptv and ioviess lives in which an electric pressing iron is left on the thedeeprtisentmor>tb«H-auseof";ha- hi:nd fatality iromn?: board, with the current tunied on, and ^; „ v ,, .- • ^ v : \o w-,. .unarj ispira- then f r-i.Ut n In such a case the fire may not t.-,r,.j ;,.... ~:,«;"- It' ••*> r- "-C-••:••- irafi^dy.- ,ocT-,:r antU some nours later, <rftcn brcolting out; T-m pKHiiiie, ,n uie Pitris uvio.) MtTrury. .it nign;.- Times-DispatcTi

ttew X&^ 8harp«r&: to talk it~dver and get our rateft

Up^odb's^ircJiMrance Agency

lE£i>*- '^im-iAASAS^^'-^itiitSAL, \ I i iPTTITTTiiry IC


. i^ESFX*


—Mr. -John G. Runaldoe con-

chaaada Ford caf.

> . ..... - M r s . A. C. Crouch has been

sick for several weeks. -—Mr. R. L. Brcmo who has

been qgaifi sick, M improving. —<tee a M g h was seen an the

scr«ets o f Maaaaaaa i h i s « o > n -iitg . ^ 3 I Z 1 ~

—Tka Lutheran Cboreb has 'placed a set of new books in its library.

—Mr. H. Thornton Davies. who has been ill of pneumonia, is im-proVinsr.

— D r . ' L . F. Hough has been -confined to his home in Washihgr-4QnJurillneKi ..^.-..«. _ ^ — .

—Mr. George Ayres, df Stone House, neighborhood, been qaite ill.

— ^ th»Luthow>n Gbwch, <^oiated

the has

' —The NortheiwlVitegiiila Farm­ers' Institute was in session today at the court house.

^ M i s s Julia Maloney. the elder daai^hter of M_n. A. A. Haldney, is ill of pneamoniau

UrMr. GeorifeW: Hixson. who h S been seriously ill o f pneu­monia. I s im{HOTihK slowly: ~

—Mins Elizabeth Hiner, the daughter of Mr. ftBd M n . Gvurye D. Hiner, ha8;been quite sick. "

—^Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hom-"5aB been coD-fined to their home by sickness.'

—Mrs. L. Frank Fattie will en^ tertain the Auction Bridge Club this afternoon at her home on East street. " ;

—The boipird o f supervisors,ol^ Stafford couhty iis diw»uisinK t h e advisability ^ f building a , h e w court house.

—Mrs. James Brown, of Waterf-vTew i'arm, below tfueknail.-was taken to a Washington h(»pital oil Wedueuday.——— —^—

— Miss b'arah Ijavis, wbb makes hPT home with Mr. and Mrs. R.

eran Chitrch. Tfaie bridegroom is the son of Mr, © a v i d Carter, of

r JJbkesvUle.-_ J : _

—The ladies of Grace^ Metho­dis t Church are eoc^pleimg i ^ n s for their annual bazaar which is to be held in Conner's Opera House next ton's birthday.; 'Turkey and oys-ter dinners wil l be served and ice .cream, cake, candy find, fancy M fielea wilF be on CTIBT" " ^

B. Sprinkel,. of .Lee avonuo, hoa bean on thejBick list this wt^icr

- T h e Ruction Bridgei]lub:waa| poned 4o entertained-Turaday e v e m n i r b y ^^Jock: Candy wil l b e s o ] d « n Mr. and^ cliffe, at avenue.

Mrs,_G, t B S r

Raymond Rat-b b « e - e n


y -Dr . RoyK. Flannagan, of the State Board of B ^ l ^ w i l l g)<ve an illustrated lecture tonight i^ the Baptist Church, -b^dnning at 8 o'clock. = :'::ir"-\ "'' ".

—Mrs. Francis N<M^ell Laridn entertained at Bridge on Tuesday aftemoon in bonor of Mra. S. H. Griffin, whft l e ^ t l y moved Manaaoao. -—'• '


—A George Washingtma sym­posium will be bekl a t the c o o n d l room of B B M R — C o u a e i l . N a IB, Order Fratwiml Amaneaiia, i iext

— - M r . Wilbor i b a w n e c . 3 Hickory. Grove, wboge hand, was badly crna£ed last Frklfy, was

—The poRponed meking' of the "-"^-f"! f > « > ^^Trr* TriH he held at tfia Town Hall Monday evenmg. Committee neportsand other bunnearwl l l be conaidend..

— — T h e wumiui'B reat room is closed w i t S Monday. MnTlbty-berta Lynn, who liag e t o g g uf the rest room, has been confined t o h e r home t y -aniniored jmkle,

—MISS IsabelJe Hatchisoirand Httle Miates Sosan Ish and A a a i e Harrison, th« ZWb AUM g r u i d -daoghtelrs of Mr. and Mrs. West-wood Hutchison. have beeft qmte ariflr

A. license was issued here this week for the Carriage of Miss L i d i a E. Horn, daughter of Mr, D. l i . Horn. Mid M f c J . H. Flory. son of Elder S. H aH <rf NokesvUie.

—Services- a t the Luther %^ Church, Rev. Edgar Z. Pence, pastor, for the coming week will be as follows :;,Su«day—Sunday School at 10 a. m. and preaching

ioir practice at 7:30 p. m.

—William Greany and Lester Henry, former students of Vil-lanova College, ViUanova. Pa., have eprpUed at Eastern College. They were football stars and special l ights at VUlanova in basketball and baseball, respec fivyy." ^ -

of his

—The ladies of the Presbyter-i m CburcETwill g ive an oyster supper this evening at the manse, beginning at 6:90 o'deck. The men and older boys of the church are invited to .a t tend. There is no admission feeUnd no charge for th6 supper.

—Rev. Edgar Z. Pence, pastor

—Rev. Aiford Keliey and Miss Mr. William L. L^rkin.

Isabel Kelley "went to Washing-iSprai;^ N. C , is visiUng

ton yesterday to hear Gypsy mother. Mrs. L- A. Larkin.

Smith, j r . t l w e v a n g e l i s t r ^ t had 5 j j — g , ^ i ^ ^ Comer, of Wash-

« , ^ ^ ^ " ? ^ ^ f * ^ i 7 ^ ' " " ° ' i"8'«". «P«nt the week-end with

" "^ forming a comnaittee to c 6 n f e r | ^ ' ^ ** with the-evange l i s t concerning t ^'"- ^^^ Whjtmer was the his visit to Manassas in the spring,'8^"®'* <*' "'«« ^ " * « **'"«f Sun-would attend the afternoon meetr ^"y- « ^"^ ^~n« » ' Strasburg. ing yesterday. When it became I Mrs. Margaret Whittington, of known that no aftemoOnmeeting! Washington, last week was the was to be held the^^rip of tbej guest of Mrs. Bernard Trimmer, committee was abaiidoned. ^ ^ „ Q g jj^y ^^^ g j ,

^Stf vices at t h e Manassas May,all of<3>tiett, FauqaiereettB-Presbyterian Church, Rev. Alford ty, were Manassas visitors- Mon-Kelley, pastor, for the coming day.

w«ek w m be as follows: Sunday Mrs. W. M. Longwell, of Gas-- S u n d a y School at 10a. m.; s u b - U w * y , W, Va.. tb i swss lL JA_th« jec_t, Jesus Heals a lfob\emgxi!Jyl^^ff~t^-ief^K^^ w _ « Son; preacmng at 11 a. m.; sub- j D . Waters. ject. Phristlan Education; Christ-

last Thursday at the marriage of Miss Daisy Palmer, of Bristow, and Mr. George W. Wright. Mr. Wright, who is employed in Ma-n a s ^ , is the son of Mr. "Charles Wright, of Paris.

—Harry T. Burleifi^, of N e w YnrVfity, will nppaar at. tha Ma.

nassaa Industrial School for Col­ored Y o u t h n e x t ^ u r s d a y , be­ginning a t . 8 p. m. H e will be assisted b y Jean Kelly, contralto ai id t h e ^ ^ t d o r t a i ^ the scbooL A snudl admission f«e will be ehofgodt

—Miss A m y Gougb, daughter of Mr. Joseph.Gough, of Nokes-Vlllfe, &nd Mr. Forrest Carter, al-so of Nok^v i l l e , were -married here Saturday by the Rev. Edgar

Ash Wednesday at 11 a. m. Miss Louisa T. DavjSrOf Leesburg,jgjll , v i i f r t h e church in the interest of the Au^l iary and make an ad-<ire8s at the fihurc^ a f ^ o*c1o^

Thursday afternoon. The

Z. Pence, piutor oT Bethel Lulh*

- — T h e book parly, which was scheduled t6"be he ld fast n i g h t a t

las been post-Monday n ight a t

members of the Osboum and

high school will bold a spelling matclt, Ten «eBta - -admiasioB will be charged,

^.T-Aubrey Keys, alias John Beaveara, alias William Shaw, was in^e ted for a fek»iy:tU8 week 0 t l ^ February t o m of eireoit court of Lo»k>nn county. Keys , i t will be remembered, broke jail in Ma-

mad last siunmer and a f e w w e e k a j g o T a f t e r stealing a horss-in L^esbiMg, - ~ • sylvania Coortbome. The result ii^ ins trial has not reached Ma-

- T b e bodv **f M«i M«r«>«r>t Sots Lathe, who died Tueai^v in fialtimere. wa»-tafoBghT here to- J « « ^ * f c » ^ * * * » 3 K i ^ ^ a S K

dvr lor banal at BuskWil, hsrf Mm, T.»thft in. mtr.

vived by h e r iHWbaod and two smsU (ftuidren. orBfltiBMM^: two s i t t e n r ^ f r c B e m y Sober tson

B a r y SOCK-Flaherty, of BnrkhalL and two b r e r t i s r s . J i M Howard Sorg. of B a k i m o f c and Mr. Walter Swg^ -

—The> Manassas High Schod b a s k e t f a ^ - t a a m s - W t t ^ l a y t w o j g ^ ^

flaMiaaia Umui iuw ftlgUl ai J U » « - « gaayagai* QlJnner's Hall.

rewTSfgSr The girls ' team

Faoquier county. The boys* opi

team. The first g a m e , will be called at 7:45 p . m . AnadmissioD fes 4>f twenty-flvA.aenta.wilL b e T^Tnrrj ** **"• ^^T-

_-Mra. Walter_L. Sandprs. of West Street, is the hostess of the Bethelehem Good Housekeepers

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burks, of were the guests

ian Endeavor m e e t i n r a t 7 p. nr.; J^-J^f^MS^ subject. Us ing What We HaveJ^^i l®' this week Union meeting at 7:30 p. m. (Bap-1 ° ' *^^- *"d ^ r s . J. F. Burks at tistCKurehTThlhe interest of thef**^ R«etoi^ Gypsy Smith campaign. Wed* nesday—Prayer meeting at 7:30 p. m.; subject. Religion and Na^ tional Education. Worship with us if your church has no s e r v ; ^ .

- R e v . J. F. Burks will bold services at Trinity Episcopal tJhnretr ISunday^evemnBr at~7:8^ o'clock, and service with celebra-tion of . the Holy. Communion on

on women and girisTJf the church are invited to attend. _ A service also will be h e l d ^ the church on Fridayv.afternoon at 4 o'clock.

^ A l litis l ime all colntiiuiiicauls, as w e l l a s U h e c h i l ^ e n , are invited to attend. Instruction will _bo fi^ven on the First Principl^a.

—About a month ago Mr, M. C. Hazen, chief of the District En­gineers Office, had'the misfortune to lose onte of his vniing hoMon.

re horse felt gay, slipped, and fell and never rose again and last Thursday, he lost one of h i s jump-

« ^ f ^ " L ^ » " ' ^ ^ j j ; - ^ f e tereburg covered the nail in iliu f iug ulj • - — tho foot and worked to save tho horscfatt t cottkl-^>tr^-'Mr. Hazen owns a large stock farm in upper Prince William. It was also pub­l ished in the Washington Herald, that Mr. ^azen ' s father-in-law

•?Tliai4h|U ^ m i T w l X M U WO OUIIbtSf

d e a d in bed, .Thursday evening at theiir.Washiilgton hpmeL No, 817 G S t , S. W. Mr. Smi th a pnncor in KDC oumui'ior-tusi years and' w a s widely, known tliejMty^—Wan^nton I S t n ^ raarylG^ - ^


Mf. WaltarA]casq;>a)Cyestei^ day in Washington. — . _

UrrCrB. Atten, o f GiliiaP9tll<6, was in town today.

j S a t o r d a y in Washlngtwi:

Mra. a, u . tMmweii M speno-


dmr w i ^ J i i a s Mary Ann Whit>

I f r . and Mrs. H . F. Davis , of H o a ^ y , were jnTTanassafrWed-n e s d a y r

Miss b a b e i E i d l e y IMS re tomed &<9as«-v ia^^ finoids a t &fri»>

'fc .. :

Mr,_Ed«i i i Coshp<'H iq i" iHy r a f*w i iar i fn Briatnl and

E v a Breeden visited at aiid M n . Albert

Breeden on Monday.

A party of Eastern Collega s tn . A^wirn want tfl tiffl 'llirii Tfnr*

r-of-fiap-pahannock, is the guest of Rev. and Mrs. H. A. K o a ^ "


s4ir<-^t Mi k

Club on^ the afternoon of Satur-F i o ^ ' Tity; PebrTiary 17. at twoo'cToclc.

The subjects for the af lemoooi *», •OF;.,«^M A>K/iv ^^r-i.^.f^ are as follows: - Insu l la t ion of^ Mr. WinfieldAthey. of Chester,

irr-v a Water " "HmiSfnold SaniUtzon" . Pa. , is visit ing his parents. Mr. e\Vr.- sr.d •'ITou.seh,, .1 Injects." The and Mrs. W. S. . \ t h e y . '

?ted to c£u»*. , , - T--

Mrs. Roger W. Payne, of Front Royal, a former resident, last wp«ilf Bgflff tihft g'"«f »f Mrs. W

Fewell Merchant.

Mr. and Mrsf. D. R. Lewis were among the Manassas people who went to Washington last Satnr-day t o - s e c ~ ^ e n Hur ." — ^ -

Mrs. James Low and. little son "Billie,'^ of Waahlngtbn spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. a n d M r s . S . S . G a l l o h u o r " — —

Mrs..M. P. Alliron, of Rappa-hanpo^k, during the week was the guest of. Mrs. E..<A. Roads, at the Methodist parsonagel'

Mr, and Mra.- W. b.- JSwanOgen and their little son attended the Virginia newapapcr eonfcronC'

:ta8t week at . the University of Virginia.

- Mrs; foiypiond * r i f i s f r and Miss Laura Holfisb, of Havre, Montana, are the guests o f Mrs. Hulfish's mothei'. Mrs. Edward J. Evans, i n Alexandria.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E . Nash this week have been the gnooto -of

George Robert

their daughters, Mrs., Berger Cocke and Mrs.

that Uoes

Tke Peoples Natioiial Bank O F M A N A S S A S . V A .


DrrRachet-WtffiaiHB, of RilUp delphia.' has been the guest o i t h e Young Woman's Christian Asso-eiatien, giving a series of lectures on "Social Morality.^' 1 . The Jefffirannian Literary Soci^ e ty will hold itj< regular meeting Friday evenings On Friday.Feb-ruary 23. a joint meet ing of thfr Jefferaonian and Washington Irv­ing Literary Societies will be held. A r o u s i n g debate will be one of the f««mres. y

A stereopticon lecture w » ^ y e n laat night in t h e col l^ie

chapel. Rev. K A. Roads lec-tured to thebotapy claflBon birds.

V ^ p e r services are . becommg more interesting, Special music and-readings being on t b e p r o -


- R O L L O F H O N O R

RDH~of honpr for-Gold RWge^Schoot," Hiss Hmy A. Weber, tea«tier: Rossel Barbee, Lea Bridwell, Clsad ElHcott, Thomas Potter; Ellis Cook. Iresis Cook. Omer i^hart. Mabel Barbee; Grace Barbee, Hattie Uarbee, iSUzaiKUl Code, Edna EMiairt, Frances Earbart, Jessie EUkott And Lueile Horton. .



Roll of honor of Bradley School for Jauuaryj^ Mis8_ Pearl Long teocheri •r auu u«a& jp • * * •

Lottie Dove, Kteabeth Dove, Gladys RobinsoB. BatJi^ Bibb, Hasd Toour. Etiiel Robinson, Goldie Beavers. Claode Blbb^ Sydo^Xiawl^ and James Pries^


We wish to t h a n l c - « g friends. and neighbors fOr their kindness and help during the i l lness Of our

K E^^^PBBTaftW,

^ e Eave a Dice__stock c the foUowmg machineiy tiiat wg are ifm p^tymtt> offaryou nt IL ^"^

— ^, Corn King Manure Spreaders, Hoosier G>rnplanters,

iJoQuer Drills and Lime Sowers, Wejier Wagons, M^giJ and Titan Engihes^lpj,Jj 1 tlLCli^

- X tXase i^ows, int^mationai Pivot — — MMcLCultiyators, Demng Ibdni^

-^ ~ Mowers aiRt^tiiiders

IBSHHCK Primrose and

• u : ur wo . Drt-i)ft ..>, .,.«,» • ^ f ^ p « * \r?-of .M---;p-ppi-^ eye •-«>*•

Manassas Feed, Supply and Implement Co. EVERYTHING FOR THE FARM i

oury D' M- .dl^

•I mm

LimriAAmesz..: JWIINAL. mizx'iit^SBKUAK'j^^ii, .:xs»r.

COURT STILL IN SESSION C o n t i n u a t k m of ProcMdmgt. £iwiC«liat DacidM to Hold MMI^


from L»itWee|tt' l«w|w - J o d c * J. Thonrton PtoudM.

The circuit court of Prince Wil­liam county has been in session

- aarain this week, Judge J. B.T. Tliomton pr«tdifig7 Suinmary of proceedings:


^ Commonwealth against Qeorge _ E. Young-Recogniamee of HOQ ~ for appearance of Yoang at April

term. * (;k>mmonwealth against Irvin

Comwell-Finfrof W> wad eests. CommonwejJth-against Irvta

C!omwell—Attorney for Common­wealth, with consebt of the court, annouQces that c u e wiU IK^ be f urthCT prosecuted.

Win of Samuel Hedrick pro­bated—Jane Hedrick^adminiatra-trix; giYBH bondwKOTdtinrto law,

,B.. F. Hwrtrirk ugainat X-;A;= Morgan —Judgment for plaintiff to recover one haff^interest Tn certain steam engine and roller; costs to be borne equally by plaintiff and defendant

AUowanee to trial jurors in ~ criminal cases. ~' '


Allowance to petit jurors. Wcatwood ^otefaigwi, qualified

as member of board of review of aiiiMiwmiu'HTiii -~"r;,, ".___

Correction of erroneous aaBWw-^of I. T. Shenk.

Correction of erroneous ment of property of C. M. Larkin 4 Ca • __

Kent W. ^oed against M, Botts — Continued April term

m gesnerally to

ing b Manas— May 27 to Jaae24.

Rev. Alford Kelley, acting for the committee appointed to con­fer wtth Gypsy Smitlju Jr., con-oeming the meeting to twlield in Manassas, discussed it with the evangelist in Washington on Mon­day and it has been decided Uiat the evangeHstic campa^n here ^ tt begiinDn May 27 and ek>ae on June 24.

Theraiaitfefsof the town have appointed An' executive commit-


tee which, according (Q ths^piaa bofid issue todayjmore of the evangelist, is to be com posed of the minister and two laymen of each congregation. This committee will meet Sunday afternoon after Dr. Fiannagaii^ lecture at the Dixie theatre to name the following committees i o be in charge of the meeting:

1. Committee oh prayer meet-^Bgr—f r^dividg Uw-tuwn dnto districts and arrange for two prayer meetings in each district each Week, in addition to the reg­ular church prayer meetings for one month before the opening of

the like of which we bad not seen ainoe the road was buiU. We

e bftd^n^:- ^j:j!i^dSI$ftor six years, yet in the past few days where we have been able to get on the roads with machines and dra^ they are getting all right again. Such dirt as Mecklenburg county has, when mixed with water and with wagons going over it constantly, will surely produce mud, and while we have

roM improvement than the first instance. Au< were running in every^ yesterday, while last mud waf. deep. --.

Our bondS'Were all sold a n premium, 5 per cent bonds, and we made the issues of bonds to

SUPERVISORS IN SESSION Many WarraBts Isauwl—Vinrcn and CommtsMoiMn Appouitod

ly SessioB.

At a. regular meeting of the Board of Super isQCB joi Printio William county, held at uiecouft~ house of the said dounty on Thurs­day, the 3ch day of Feb., 1917. there wer^ present J. L. Dawson,

WITH THE COUNH AGENT Haipftrf Advice oo tha Conmiap-

taon of Faad OdMrwisa Wasted.

(C. A.

Occoquan district. Chairman; T. .»~».vc .uu« « i« w«.« w« «- ,« **• Russell^ Coles district; 0 . C

^elTthat giS[t ' 'Sui i i^"ai ' b ^ ^ ^ ^ * ^ ' done during J a S y we are not ^ T. Syneox, ^^mfriiBa diatnct; discouraged.

We would not go back to the old system for any thing on eart^ and we could vot£ and carry

dis-McDuff Green, .Breotaville trict. and J. J. Conner, district

| t <»BEI» Chairman and eierk directed to

warrant on 0<seoquan dtor trict road fund, payable to Na­tional Bank of Manasws, for in­terest due on funds.

In r^ application of T. O. -batham and others to build a

J. GiUise and I. G. Jacobs. 0. W. Hedrick authorized to

the campaign. Ocoisional union prayer meetings are .to be hdd, j}0»lbly 00 Sunday afternoon.

2. ^Committee OH roosic—TO arraMre for.choir^ select a tem­porary leader and. arrange for. the ^fttctiwsof l^ymns pi%viduSW^ffie meetings ift tbotent The evan-geli^t desires a grand piano which

secm-ed in Waahingfa»# Witt none is available-in Manasggs.

Committee on finance—To - €feort*rdera t^FSIlttifchants arrange for the guarantee for the in Prince William county wliude-j Campaign expenses and plah for sire to prpcure license to sell soft drinks for the year iregirming

"May 1; 1917, shall appear in per-son in the court-On J)ho-fleeoBd Wednesday in April to make ap­plication, otherwise it shall be Becessai? for 1 ^ applicant -to Itive at least-thiee wtieks' notice of his int^fltion to make said ap-

ication-hy >nhlifthi"g ^v yn^^

ods to pay off the bonds, but pay all possible each yeair and what you will save in interest is great for tJw payment of-«-bond- this-year means opi^fii^th« interest next year on that thousand, so that each" district -pays $60 less 4Btw«8t «ach -jfear. The. bond

purchase six rpsd drags at a co»t not to exceed $5 each, for Brents-ville dtstrictr —

In re application of J.C.Spencer and others to Fairfax and Prince William "counties to establish a toad leading from Mountain View

be paid as rapidly as amounts ac- «" ^«'^^PP«'"'««; - 'i^!^S^i^TZ^ emei for inatanee. we put a taxJy • -" Hoff'°»J'' R--"- Smrth, C. tha r 'rhen sufficient to pa ^ tne mterest and a. bondr-fot «aeft district every year for ten, then, two each year for ten and three each to comple­tion, and we find that no hard­ship is being worked on any sec­tion. Don't let your people be persuaded to hi ve ten-year p ri.

buyers will kick, but the county arid jJistricts will- b^.the .benefl-cimes. * •

We~feel that, by carryiig o ^ tfie plian we are working _ __ at leaston^ and one-lialf percent

ifiig out

bridge over Hunt's ford on Chest­nut Lick run, the following view­ers were appointed: J. F. Adams,

MoDlgomeiy, Oonoty, Ueaaau*tnUioD

• "Toaotoeof our" grain farmers and dairy, fanners who raise grain, or thoee who have silos from-which they feed their stock in winter, there seems to be no successful way of utilizing the large imKMnit of mnyhag^, ^uch aa straw jiod corn stover, whioh, results as a by-product in the growing of cash grain crops or grain to be fed with silacfe or bay.

It is now the middle «i Feb­ruary and I find that many farm-en tn this county have corn stover shocks, standing or lying scattered over their fields. Com fodder when left in small shocks rapidly deteriorates. Wisconsin invcotigation shows a lota of twenty-four pe^ cent in well

Feeding experiments have proven " well

eared for It is worth much lea§ after the first of Febrrfa'ry.


Box Bushes Wanted —Have you any l a i ^ boxwood growing on, your property? If so write me at once. I pay from $5.00 to $35.00«ach.forgood symmetrical plants growing separately, not in ne^iesi ^ W. Lewis, RoolyB, L. L. N. Y. It-*

And of course it deteriorates much faster when warm weather sets in. Experiments have also shown that cattle can be wintered almost entirely on straw and com stover with a' very little cotton

farm- to a point on the Stone House and Manassas road, near the Cushing^armt jnd to build a bridge-ovSEBuU Run, the foUiur-ing viewers were appointed: Q»milton Swart, R. L. Johnson, M. J. Hottle,'F. A. Cockrett and

seM meal or other concentrates; We hear much about the high

cost of living and yet we farmers are_ lettdng_.fQod waste^ I t ia true that aneh forage c%n not be -con^um^ by humans and would

Georg^-Ayres. R^lut ion passed

otherwise be wasted i f^t were scribe the caat8,\pay the coat of iiot ^tat they can be refined 1 this advertisement and get the

: 4:hroo8^' the-agencF' approvmg

estimate of State Highway Com-HjHHiuii siiuwiuu tiuui at impwy-ittg-the Manassas Toadilbetween

Station 355 and Manassas district i ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ' t t ^ r ^ W J i ' ^ f ^ P l a ^ l ' ^ ^ the risk of loaing the sinking fund

r is eliminated. You will no doubt

wspaper printed ih the county noticei giving the-name of the

applicaat. the date upon wbirfr

rnimt he daring a term of court and the place at which the soft drinks are to be sold

de (whicfe: ^Tte|re. teke apj^ringn and <k)k

The International Hariv/fester 0>mpany of America, a corpora­tion, against James tack, «-., James Luck, jr.. and Arthur

' Luckr partners trading as-Jam^s —Luck and Sons" Offi«iPJ"^8^"*

—Judgment for plaintiff for $180, $176.82 and $605.2 ^ with inter-eat and coatw • .•. ••-' —• • .—-^

CHANCIER? E. R. Conner , and Andrew

Pringlo a£^nst David DecKO overruling demurrer; rer foTod to Master Commissioner or A. anclaif fw report; defend-antgnmted leave to file aoiiwer witfam twenty days, such answer not to delay execution of decree.

W. W. Liming and Sandi T tteraMT^agaiMt Benjamin TJliii nf—Decree -< port of Bonded Commissioner a(rf)t A. Hutchison; Robt A. Hetehlaon appointed specud com­missioner to execute deed to W. W. Liming for real estate de-scribed in tfits'

the voluntary offering to be-given . . - : « j ^ ~ to th6 evangelist on the last Sutt^have many qaestton* fired at you; i.ui,ucc B ^+IFBO,-«ndI ean further help m

answering^ ^sbair he {leased i o doeo.

day. 4. CommTEteie on publicity-^

To advertise the meetings and to arrange for various delegations fgygr^atant Bointg who will come to Manassas during the meetings.

5^ €onsmitC«je on: us^rSr-'To coiwist of one man fHjP- ea^h-church, wiUx other menibers to be added later. The duties of the iigTi rtrwilhbe to seat-the congre-,

lal work among the congre' g;atiori when the •"trail-hittiPSL" 11 ahop' and -see for yoiirsdf Jb gins.-6. Tent committee—To secure the tent and look after the con-Tstaruction of seats and other for= hiahings- . r " The- executive' committee is CTntpaaed of Rer."^rDrB.~01»rky M^srs. Westwood Hutohison andl Boston Steele. Manassas Baptist Chnrph; P^v- J- F. Rurks. Mayor W. C. Wagener and Judge J% B. T. Thornton, Trinity Episcopal Church; Rev. J.HaIpenny,Mea8ra. Saroti W. Burdge and George W. BeQ, Asbory M^Chodtst Emseopat Church; Rev. E. A. Roads. Rev. Henry Itawa^n i"^ **n M«Mnn J.Bnshong. Grace Methodist Epia-^p>l nhnrefa. Sooth, aad Rev.

I iov all the obi lUkdeaiT methocU pf hapdliyg meats have been »Kminaitfid--l>ow

ifimm^ilie^titatt the bwf ir Idlled ia our state inspected daughter house uotill the tisM it ia ddivered to your (ioor,aotUag tjncleam cas-touchft^THEN, ywu w<wJd JDOJ yomr meat ^rom

for state aid <€<«• construction of this ro&d -tbe board agre^ng to provide a cer^in sum. on behalf of Pnhoe William county. -Order for warrant for $480.00,

specijil road fund, payable to Austin Western Company f(HT ii rnad gratHfX pw^^tt f^ Apnl 3, 1914 \ . . Order for other warrants to "lAuatiB Weatprn Rnad Machinery

commiaJBiao. AppHeation made



Cedar posts and telephone poles —seasoned.. Cecil Smith, Nokes-viHe. Va. "- It

Plymouth^ Reek eggs froas Barred Plymouth Bodka; the highest type of the magnificeitt fowls; bred from the leading strains and gOod layers. $1.60 per 15. $2.50 peraO. $6 per 100. Safe arrival guaranteed. B. L. Tharpe. Midland. Va. 37-14t*

Reserve window and balcony seats for the inaugural parade.

«t location on Penn. Ave. Seat $2.00 to $5.00, Special rates to parties and achools. W.H.IIurick, 329 Penn. Ave., N. W., Washing­ton. Br^^ — — 38-4t-

For Sale-PuTre White Ply-mooth Rock eggs—$1.00 for 15. J. J. Conner, Manassas. Va.38-tf

For Rent—One large room over pool room,, satiable for trfncear" business Onterprise. Apply to E. R. Conner. . 38-tf

agotwoavei'-. coats Were left in the court-room^ Parties can come forward, de-^

and converted into a form suit able for the nourishment of man,, aha at tiifi mma timtj u-ttrgg part of the-organic matter 4* re-tusaed to the fields in the-result-ing manure. In a well-planned iayatem of farming alt-/thpgpr-rfnr^ age crops are utilized for feed or bedding.

I. Slieriff;1S^~

For Rent— Dwelling. Largtb flmr/<o« W a t a r and frui t A iiaHri

Barred and White' Ply month' ilocks and White and Brown IKX-horns-eggs $1.00 per 15; $5.00 per 100." Wondfiistaand 1 second at poultry show. Harvey A. Young, Manassas, Va.' 2 2 to5-l


R«v. Alfoid K d k r ^ M I U - M O ^ Lad

Company to cov«r bills rendered February a 1917.

M. J.JHottte- appbintod n pom- : imnae.Mji«pojiLi9'next^j^^ r>n prippR nf ni 1 t.rtwfr>rR and f i team pr«[ent • IteV.

enffinesr Oacar Elliff, John M. Reid< Wm.

M. Jordan. J. W. Greorge and K. ^ Rust appointed commis^ohera (any three of whom may act) to *- Fjwttiet^ An^gements were ascertain just compensation for the land to be_U8ed in widenins: Pure Limd'Luie; on motion of c o o ^ i for R; B. 'Down»-and others. ' Reeolution passed^ offering county funds to supplement fundft raised .by commumtMs.fin;, road improvemei^ - -' _ , Comty_DiiMfc= •-TBr N- Ttoway, paor elatiit-^. •-•••> $14.00

Joontal, print ing. . . . . Ut.29 C. C Leaehman, T r e u i m r , elc«-

trie Ugfata, Jamiaiy, eoart hogse MM) jail 2.60

Janiea Lack, jr.. poor c l a i m — 8.G0 SnpervMon, rnUea^ i. I.. DawaoB.. .fi/i. O. C Hatdiiaoii T. K. RaaariT.

^ ^ Alford Kelley, pastor of the Prwlsyljerian" Oharcb*. ad­dressed the "anion meeting for men and boys kt tbfi P|*sbyteriart Chuntb Wednesday e Y e n i j t g ^ Union Tra-Ctr

!Our RnHJPg an Tfirnp|ao f/ y ^ly.

Alfoi^ kelley bpenedXhe meeting and tile music

led hy Mr. Charl^ i r - M i v + - F o r saB_ Donald who also presided at the organ. •

made for Dr.^lannagan's lecture Sunday afternoon at the Dixie. Theacreand-vot^ of-tfaank»'W^«' extended^ to Mr. RT S^^Hynson and Mr. Thomas W. Lion for free use of the building to the town council for electricity;.tQ^Mr. W. N. Wenrich for operating the m t ^ n picture, machine, and to Mr. Gedi^ L. RoaenbCTgar for


Wanted-Pertnanent local salea-man tosell-our t6ss, coffees and soapa to the consumer. Make weekly d^vwies . l i b ^ a l coin-missions paid.- AttracUve pre-. minms given. Bond required. Himni-ur^8TOrTroe«ooary-for die» liveries. Our reference ahybank

tuefcanlile agency, f Grand or- ageucy. ,427 Sev^

N. W Wash'mgWjy 3th.St^. "•37 3t*

-Rent Dcairablo -S-v)am house on West s t For informa-tion apply to Mrs^Mary £ ; Shan­non, 1316 Euclid St., Washington, D. C.. or Jaa. E. Nelson, Manas- sas, Va. 37-tf.

Brand new Oliver • typewriter Apply at

37 2t for "Bale at a bargun. this office.

For'Sale—No. 1 tomatoes in tin cans. Apoly to 6 . H-. Waahing-ten. Greenwich. Va. 36 tf

^-^S^^m^^t^'^'^-f'^ i

'BuFKV wb'VMK! 84-tf

Why run tberiskt One should bear^in-Hiind that fire insurance

f---- -

-s >ji:

^r^:^-'^^^^iS:^V4i^5S funds ordered; H: Thornton ISaviei dfrectedtoi

-ef bended commissieBerir Janie -T TTttorhack against John

iFft:iaiiCTt el al-DWiHu. uMillt ui ing sale of property; further ad-judged that Janie J. Utt^acK ia entit£Bd to real estate w^owjo^ Thoe. g. Lionuppointedcommia-sioaer toccmveyTitBd^wben fiiuu payment is -made„ mA i * » ** pay judgment liena. etc.. and make report

: :viee3dlt te held ftg; tfag criggd; people cxciuBivciy.

-Georgia F. — - „ Copen et al-Report of Bryan Gordon. maHtfr commissionCT^^ jeonfiraoed, certain matter T^^nfilin served for _future judgment; jhnmM» H. L i o P - ^ p f g ^ " P

- aioaar, ta pay nnt -fUQg -f* **** hands. . ^ „ •.

B. Willard Nails against E. J. confirming Gray et al-Decree

- ^ report ot fir

.sen ipaster commissioner 4iefr. trnetoe, -difectad.-Ja _ real estate known as"Idylwilae.

Mutual Ice Company against Kinchek>e eL.aL-_Leave granted creditors to ft^ ex€eptie»s t© cer­tain aliowances before next term «f court: C A. Sinclair, bonded commisstontT, and M. H. Kmche-iqe. acimir:?-ratrix directed to pHv ' - I t C'-r -in f'tjrt.i.*.

'L I^ LcAli. jr.. airainst^Eft' ,-. - : :P-Dismissed by

Afford Kelley, Messrs. H. P. Dodgib and £ . K. Mitchell. Ma-

Presbyterian (giureh. The mfictings are l e be ^€W n S ^ J T o f i n

F. R. SAiffoes . . . . . . . . . . - -*uaai


Dr. Roy Flannagan. of the Vir-ginia gtfawrOTni

is like anything etoe that is par-;baaed-"tlie siibstatitia] ~kind ia

every evening save on Monday. Eaeh church will hdd ita own l^eaehinff tardea and-^hmdar adraol on Sunday morning.

J. J. Comngr. .^. MeDoff Green. J. T. Srncox . . .Q. B . KraniLniateria) aadirsrlc

at eoart hooae aad jail ^ M, RosMlLpiMtr daim

•JL I^aaTi iw>wr daim

- 4 . »


aou4» ULOO

• » lw. .^mpai ima


to thank the M»aa8sa8 the tokens ofloVe and

-doring my metfc-irsday, Febro-


We lend money on good farms f<xc from three to ten yearst and are ofterir^ s^ tractive ratee and lernufc If yoiCwSTto pUice a loan ofT Jj^SSI^imrSiSHi

^VifBuu* Ifotal and Culvert Co.« ' ^ pieces culvert pipe. . . r M.96

B. • . Bridw«U, wtm m •»>< .. tM^

115—«3I, teetinfi' icng-

OB, Bow Bard we Wed t» «ve luerr Prayer* aii4-4earrwe(« all hi twhi

?iiiiu tBla world of ]

HVi! ::,i»^c.'S^GeiyeadYjjow-:

yowr farm, we can tei^Je it for yott without nnneecaoary

For Spraying sisa

rad tape, and w e invitft yoB samtau^iiiMr^jiaHd



to write us r^arding i t Gaii^eaviUe District Road Fund— PahDer Smith, woric on roads'... " — » • - " Bjaekwen, werit-»a-


aftarnoon. at the Dixie Theatta. the-age of fourteea

wil] he admitted and younger boya may attend* when aecwft' puied-by parent or guardian. -.-Spaciai jMctiajaawttL'"

^Baired Rocks. a^»«i. Comb KedsahQiSiBgle

X tfrtnrfi to men and bpysSonday | al wayi worth mwe P a n tae cbeajT ' variety—aad while imitual ineag^^

ance ia osaally sold at first cost, the ul t iml^ coat ia ofRim^ stag-gating. It is always foodah to hasard aecimtf for the « k e of

Wn^- TWB tiw rMtr It pays to imiwe with W. If. 1

•aid lowest rata* _ tke iMst protadioik' MM

_ try our old Line Companies. If • " ^ v j ) ^ don^Hke tK» increasing oM

. I-***, tyy onr Mutual. Take- . 'pice. AVa represent both

jtaatin Corporation. 35

F o r 5 a l e -EoseJJMkjs^TJi.



Laymem't Miu iooary M<rr»m«iit, Soatk-e m Pr«»byt«ri»ii Cfaarek, N«w O r f — t .

.L*- . March 13 — 15. 1 9 1 7 . - A r c o o n t ibm nKH-iin* .-«nt:ihem B*IIW«T wiil b»Ti> on mie gt VV«»hinv-i-'iT> D. t: . an 1 Dnncii»l b^aione j ', \ .f . ; . i . , : t r.^:iiri^; -••• '• '• p I'are L. •f'*'

j Marc.', i i . ' 2 »i>M ^3. •.->«r,nj; \..>k, r i>rn

;,-,:,» or «r , l« R. ti !¥HlUt», P . i\ A . A ««h-

BSuled o o Request

lUastrates several of the models whirh " wilTlx' wornTKS fill"and w l « e r by

discnminating people-nasn, snd children. With it ywt-i with perfect satisfaction.

B. Rich's Sons T»ei« f St.. cw \^

Wa«liiBj[ • • , 0 . (

snrvej A. H.


survey . [W^ H. MethereTI, assisting

road survey R. V. Re€s, sssisling

survey ' Natiiina'. P.ank c{ Manassias, in-

i terer; <^ IK^—•• ' Brmt*-n[l<' i>istricf Romi rjTTd—

0. W Hedrirk. work and si>^p3ie8 Joe Keva. worlc

Ttppl^ t o t ; . W. Payne.ILF.IXr-6-l«-tf

The corporation tax book.s have 1.20; been placed by the treasurer in

• rrv hands tVif f.-'tU'H'tirtf. Aii Uxe*! "'"""lunpaidfey J ^ v h 1, 1917, -.v::; be i I 4" «iihject to a {R-naity of ii r>er cent. ;ifle'37-4t C. H, Wtxi:. Sgrgrant.-

f fwmiirttitm ot PrcuQ#st *** trton, WP inniyttrtk, C d ^ WOPBOfty. March 5 1917.—tiraAliy r^ ; icM ri'-nr.: -"-

Lick^tn ^ ^

J^iJl. ^u^^^ANASS,^^ ^hJHtJAU FKIUA^ " ' MkUARY t5Ji(|*



^*.--- SDstem



*tjws*rt9i«: i«l-)r-

. .'^tti6i) "not guanuaUM."'

TbufuLeave Man*—> as follow* SOUTHBOUND.

^ 0 . 4*—Daily local, 8Hi& a. m. I M r m r coaB«ctioD at Orange daily except Huo'ta; la 0. 4 0 . for (lordoiwTille anrt ftidunood.

»jo. 43—Daily tluougb traio for CharloUa, lU:03a. m >iii xtop at Maoaawa on lla«

N o . 17—Except Saoday, local from Wa«b mgton td Warreuluu. 0.i?3 p. •>• _


No. 15—Daily tocat for Warrentoa, Chit IottOTTJUe and way gtationg. 5:t2-p. m. t^ill rimii Parlor Car to Warrenton.'

No. 41—Duly ikroagb tram, 10:46 p. m.-

iCovrrtght, UIC by W. O. Chapman.) Mr. Sampson Waters glared at pretty

Miss JoneSi-tbe new employee In the ^ab«r<lasiMU2jl«partraent of the jjreat Sltten store. » " " " ~

Miss Jones had been at work a week, and Mr. Waters had taken a -decided IJldng to b^. After gallantly prom-tBlBg~lter-to- -see Uiat the roffff WA* made easy for her, he had ventured on a familiarity when tbey found tbeiu-sehres alone in the doorway for a mo­ment Now the tingle of pretty Miss Jones' hand across bis cheek smarted atUL ' :/. , ' ^ • \ . . , . ___

Waters was the superintendent of the haberdashery department, and "the drtikded tyrant' of all the girls. Tbey knew that their iwsitions were at the man's mercy. Nobody had so much IllflllHIllg

ftops to 1st oS paaaen^n froto Waahiagtoii ana Alexandria and id iaTroir psaasa^rf for poiata at which •ohadalsd to atop.

NOaTflBOOND. So. la—KTOspt Rnndsy. lnr*t fmsa War

rento^ to Wabhington, 7HK) a. m. No. 16—Daily tliroagh train bstwaes

CharlottesTiUe, Warrenton, M>n<aaii sad

"^S^T&'iJ^B^i^Uu^^W^ I Fltton had a . good as proaUsed It to ington, 9:47 a. m. Pullman Psrler'Car,

No. le—Daily loe>t, M « - p ; tt Orange with C. A O. Railway (rott Kieb-aiond tnd Oordoaarille.

Mo. 23—Daily, tf:03 p. m., local train b»-iwean UariimubuniT # • iisnss ailJ- Wash-lOg'on.

Ha. 44—Daily throagh tnan bstwsen Ma »-)sa8and Waa]uaKton,0:<!&oan.

to take him. Of conrse, tb^ man was ^t his ease

the rowdy fletnen* , ''irt n«nr a

:i!i aaa XoT. „ . ^ _-

sleeping oars for WashisgtoaiBd New Ta*,f-W*at «ort ttf-frooMta had been wllttng 10 :iO p. m, stopson ftag.* : '

WESTBOUND '4th. 4)1—Dai ly tcwst' fur Ha rrisunlwi tfg waj.

r n te rmediate points, 9:40 a. m. Ho. 21—Daily loe^ to HarriaoabarK,

5 no p. ui • _ . „ E. H.COAPMAN. V.TrSaGwi.Jtffr. V. H. T A Y L O E . Pasa."T»»«o IQpr. . K. F. CABY, GsB. Pass. AgL_ ' . R. a. OeW [T-t, Di*. FassT^Kift.


with FIttuu as he. -good as a command.

trword it was" was as

TBOiE? - . . . . : . : .. - -, :—: Fltton had never run bis store very

snccessfuUy. He liad Inherited itr which was ^ e principal reason. He leaned more and more on bis em­ployees. He was an old man, and wiien

•'Youre a little peach, girlie,' he «ald. " m wait for you a t the rnda ibor at seven tomorrow." —JUjBevf-n n'flftck. ha. ant Mls« Joitsa a4 hy- appointnisBt and escorted her to (he gurfuoe car. "We"'ll get supper out fTiefe?' he said. "Lobsters and beer. rfaen_we'U take ID the show

gratulated Jitanself upon his partner. Miss Jones was well bred, there was no dOnbt of that. She was In a class by herself." He began to anticipate an en­joyable summer.

"What's that umbrella forT' he ds-maaded.

"Why, It might rain, you know," faltered Miss Jooee^

Mr. Waters roared with aaughter. •Tfea. luul i t mvi^Jaiav, or.hnil."-4itf mimicked. "Say, if you ain't the Itmltl But I guess I'll educate you."

Tbey had supper together at a tlasby restaurant, fljl^ with overdressed ytuths and glrfs. Under the stimulus of the beer Waters became exuberant m nts professions of admiratlQU, and be hardly, noticed that Miss Jones otaly tasted hers.'

"Now for the shows,'' he saldv

you something." Thejr e u t e ^ a car and shut d<i\m

a declivity Into a dark tunnel. Mr._ Waters seized Miss Jones in hirf oriua and clasped her to bimi while he kissed bor ugHin and again. When tliey emerged into the light he saw that she was crying. She rtnfcbtd her nmbrella UghUy.

"Well, of all the dead sports!" .i« exclaimed. ','You'd-carry that umbrella to your wedding, I guess, Dorothy."

Miss Jones returned no answsr. danghtiir, now a t TAssar. came to i 3 % ^ took In a nnmber t>f trttacr shows, t

the—ownership—^well, Mr. Waters smiled. He expected the general mao' agersUp of the sales department And

him. niet« woe BUirtoi nwU'S&nr con-'

cernlng Nelly Oregg, who had disap-jieared from the store -asrear jbeforc^ One .of the girls had seen ner onB'road-"way late a t night and Kelly luid shrunken from Ler and harried away.

was a married inan was' known

=!= = r OULIN & M A f l t i N CO.

WashingtQil's Lea(

—-For CfeiasrGUui, —Silvfer ware. E tc

Our supremacy in Uie fo^owing lines has been reco^^niaad f a r j e u a .

Bopendablo qnalitiea, exelnal»Blj I owest prices for THE B8ST.


High-Grads'Ortla*^ Chiam TaUawuw Table Glasan Rich Cat Glass Toilet Seta Brass and Ca CkafiagOiskM Chaaa«Diski ' Stadanl Laaapi Parlor Laorar-KiteheaQiMMni"" Ba&rooaa Plstar**.

\i\m&imwm. F St. and 1214-18 G S t .



My line_enib? and Qaeei





Well-Oraded and Drained ^ r t h Road, ~Wtien Dragged Regularly, Is

Quite Satiafaotory.

Two very strlkHig^ facts present' themselves to thooo who hava jBotiood our country roads this season. The first fuc't IK that proper drainage is vitally necessary -to ordtir to- have a permunently good road. The second fact is that a well-graded and dralutM] earth rojjd. when dragged rexularly, f will give us a passable and fairly good read /»\'«» under, utwormal weather

Some of the 1)est roads "wo have passe<f over this st-uson Uuve been simply dirt I'oudS receiving log-drag treutiuent. Someof the worst roads we have gone over this season have been expejislvely jiiiide graveled roads which have b*?en bud ^^mpty beoiivse «£ 4 a ^ of drainage.—The fnodamontal-

"I m ^ be going bovae now," said the't girt, as tbey passed the terminal. |

Mr. Waters laughed^ "Come and hare a whisky," he said. "Itli cheer

principle of road building, after nit is ^^ald and done. Is to so grade our roads

«nd provide drainage that the water can get away.

Sentiment in tlie m l ^ l e West seems to be gradually settling dow-n to the opinion that good roads are a ne­cessity and not a luxliry. Bollding roads for automobile owners now means-bttildlng roads for farmers and not for city people alon«. The farm

l o o l r a s ^ thlB iras ywir fuuwal.' ' -"My father win wonder where I aiu,

faltered the g l r^ ' "Ah, cut H o « , " said Waters. "Say,

s a u t a e . ttatar^../h»m Miawn at the stor« ars A PPJ*ar tongh lot I Now, If y<m treat nw'light n i treat yon r i ^ t I swear.

'My wife's going to leave me—^yes, J knew yoQ'd beard about her from those old hena bcMnd the connter. T h e y ^ aiwaya ready to s t tc t a i a g e into a frt^ ler. Anyway, she's going to leave me, the Locd be'praised, and-TU 4 » ^

it thing liy yoik Just as socm ajpl csn do» yow -—y,;

yff°JgEr- Siiy^ w h a f a t h a Jaattert- Y ^ y t r a c t o r and the farm truck of th«Mn-t n ^ "Will furilier umpliasbcw ~tlre Im­portance of good coBntry'"road8. The (fnly_tbinil that must be insisted on Is that roads must be made of the'best matcfrtals at .band, and the work moat be_dpne under the supervision of thotkg

«wrnsiai id, ' f t^-niaiang. . This ~^' ifiturBlly adds to the cost le inleutM! liglll, amoni! supervis

the moving crowds,' they m i ^ t have -Another fcing that must be understood been alone, for none noUcedtlwm. each u thatKrftigntenance of the ronjt y e * person_w:as bent npbn his o'wn ^maafr^aMf'ye&ri prompt attention b e l n r p a l ^

' to rBp re, Is Jmit w neeourt a tm

Lei theda have (i

BROWNIE The children always enjoy taking picturgs—it adds to the pleasures of the day's outing; besides, taking them is cleaC educational fun

With every Kodak ar Brownie purchase^^'-

monthly magazine for the amateur pho­tographer.

DowelFs Phannacy THE REXALL STORE"


DorotEy—" and he.^ whispered _some-tMng 'la her ear.

The "girl turned and looked a t ^ ' f who HTcBiy. lu UiB Intensg

meats, ."ftll-b* all right" coaxjst & . Wa- -

tew. "I took to yo<|..<ifem the first miBttt« I saw yoa.viriddo. I said to my-1 self, that-glrl'v^a good^iookeritf ewer thwriH W l n A e . Ami, rtii> n««ds • pro-

first construction. We predict that good-road building

will cootbiQe to be ^ e of U M oMst popolar aid>jects for discussioa for Oie next I sw-^ «Id for road bnHding, providtng |75,> 000.000 to b« spent jdortng tbe next flTe yeara.wben a BUhllar sum 1B aOaedj by the local immuni ty , means tliat a national syrtem of-roads ts to-become

glH a h n o k from -tlie tkooglit iet attractlag Um. And U i v . V a t e n mt psrtlcniaily Tleioas towasA Miaa J<

Ha m n t np t a bee that «mil i ig; baftic»cfa«tog tlata.

*7 wtat to q»eak to yoo." te Mdd. . Waa JawsajplH:.down bar aeeoiiBt M6k and waited petientlT.

"I gn€aa~ynm wwwi'l feriUn -w«tt tUs Horyac UddOk" be aald. "Xtet mmr« pretty ^w tbiat you did. I

•hanMaHm«i|k«*L T daet Haws a h a * ^ — - —

tara: leanliyf " f v<'y « W the conn-im. "MI. FlUwi umria • guud d a t r of me W^lmMmt, He 'ilfum^.cut what ge«a on ao king M* tke aalca •p te the mark. He leaves, me t»

la lay w*y i auBtaaw.' irhat I say goes with him. Get t h a t r

At t^ut moment before BUSs Jones could answer, an elderly gentleman, with a sofaolnrly lookt which w.onid hny.c made it. almost Impossible to 'hfentify him with the o'wnershlp of A_i>epart-mcnfntOFOi came slowly townwl thntti frmn the rrowd. "Mr—Watera-cursed-nnder hla breath. "It was Mr. Fltton. - !'8ay, ttCTg'st^boss;" he wfclspvrH to the glri. "Bie a good sport, kid. amr play up to me."

"Good eveaiag, -Waters," said Mr. Flttoa cUsuqMy. "Seeing the sights?:'

"Yea, sir," said the manage . came aown '%>' have a look about

me," said .Mr. Fltton, watdilng Misf. Jones rather InteaQy.ynd-tbenlookina^ TamUfliigiy-«t WwtBf^^ '=^~-"'^==^

•Vs aistertat-Uw, sir." said Waters. "Came u p ^ town from PeOBsylvania this morning, and die wife adced me to brbig her along to Con«7 and show

- ^ wfr sorpcised to hear yoa say that Waters," said Mr. yitton. mildly.

"HPW, •Iryinqiiirrql OW' wUiet. uu-

"Becaase she happens to daagfater,^ returned his empkiytr iiom* rrom- inp r

Just K04 studying tha

tn nnrtfirrttiflft at tte day when she wlU take bold.

"Till gotng t» tahe-heW _ ^ ' i ^ J , "Tm •Brry;focJS:iKi; I Mlas DoroOiy.

did to yoa yestMday. in tbe donrx Mr W « < » « PMI ««rry T rfl«l»-t oio.:

' Mr. Watera ^'Utiaf ict ' — that SB me: TgwrfFy, MM FHWa. U

1 that as a qnesttsB," giri. "I itws-atg _ * ^

By Cather, and be support me." IJaUr^tr duMais wuulda't-g» Tefy-

fu," answereft Mr. Waters thoi^htftd-ly. "Sttn. I guess you'd bste to go

mere. But I ^ going to new, ^ fld he^Bre auywie uudeisluud '

^rwB uapiieBtitg.. m s mra u e i u y folded ber umbrella and pulled-«ur » ntbe and v»T7 lbtet«mng horsewliUt. —"fireat Caeaar!" sttouted the :IL::I-

pstiing up^Ss JumdeT. -'DttfT

Fd'hSTe known iibo_yoi^ W U n The iash colled itself ahoot

hls-teg% and he le»ped and yelled with tostaatly - -a—crowd gathered

about them. Whir! It descuodtfd « • manager's back aad iSouMem'

turned to fly, but tbe crow4.

heme-Mat mube-e ld maa ftm'i lest' Jehi wsuMa't yes!"

Waters Aon ting approvingly, barred

'n f«rt»ta^ mmM " •MWirftri Mil

Our new stock has ar* aiCTIT' - l y ^ • t i l l t f l ^ mmammm^t—

of last year's titoA tA d w otd pricer -Come before itiagkUaoUL


looes. •We# you're Ulfcltg SeBm^

WAUrt. Well, tbe4, i -WtM MWty -fllria la my departmeat And not Uttle qiltflres. 80 you'd best make up wttt

. seHlwit OB ^be^sroBndrbr 'bT 1nTh Ti-r-irr ir-at ri till Wat

M»a ra gtv* yoa i good tiBa. kML W h M r —Miae Jeaee-

"Tm Sony for what I dM this SMxn-Ing." she said penltentiy. "And HI go irftb y»B To C55ney.~~

1 • "Now you're talking sense," ^ d the \ cmnager. molUfled. S e g l a n c ^ qn}<:S-

~' " —rrrr- ^ ly nbont him. "Let's kiss and make up," " S o n g s '-yf L o v * « n d W a r , " n lif adffed. ,, .• > I. _ . . , « . . , , „f Miss Jnnof <x:cnfle<l him a frt rtd

c o l l e c t i o n - • t h e > e». ^ o e m . of ^^^^^^ ._ ^ , Wn^rv-, ^ « . i h o r ^ t b « l a t e D r . H . M. v. l a r k s o n . . ,„ hm teir.,Ts -nvr-s.nt^pr OTI the tips. i l . O G postpAJd Addre.»« T H E :• - • : :i;i ».th ;.„rs and

his way. 'The^vvay tb¥ pTl plied the iM.ih vu*]

something to b%>emerabei«d. evvrjoqe agn'cA In lu l l • lUmUU VlkUH VAi

t-A frotai sheer pabt aad tenor. Uiss Dorothy b n ^ e the butt i •Shoulders and left him.

'^eti see. fatb«rrdear.~li^&kes mod-em metitods to ma -stot^," she rrplained to the old .centlfc

who had reluctanUj afegedr a • meet her there that evening. [ ^ And. iini:irtw1~tey

t ^ r auto rolled an-ay.

*-Mmg In the TewnsMp Tlwwiah WMeh TMs RMd Runs O*

Tsatlty. The statea, H & e w B i r p n ^ ' more Ufaeral in iqtswdhtg sJMMjy

for blgbwaya. From an agrtcultnral jmaiHHm. tb* BMUt destrabte b ^ p l o A sod seed fs ipaaaaia JMS> nsss must come f^om the Individual farmer

be retOIses that good raads - « • a hrrsnilty l a tbe proper deveiopaMBt ef ibe gountt?.—The Farmer.



la Mixed WKh Heavy ftoad Oi^ I W l M r Aear l i ^Btnaiit«—Mas 1

MM»r. / TlHi mndcra gdhrme of protecting

road surfaces with q>rayed oU has de-Teloped a new method of patching boles. Grarti U mixed with a heavy luad uO. wbKib acts as a MuJer. Is impared la advance and carted te

t h . p . fA i»y y, tn t>f done. I/SBS txfcrti is needed than when it Is used dry. because the hole need be fined only I«»l and tamped, while twitb the er«a*ry method the petehtng

on « toy TCKlg -|» t g twt lOBira f e BK&eu can DO used to pisparsP

n i l i lu i^ ^ PnpnItT liagashke^

If-yoanralue Accuracy in thd execution of your Job Work, you will xuA he disi ycHnted iwith THE JOURNAL S service

Leas Money an d ^ r t a e « t j — S o m e fanners would be betttT'eff If

tbey aolrt their oows aad beught milk siad bnt&t. Yet t b ^ don't vsiUae that they are kwlng real money on

l a

Practical Preference. Thtrline. 1 iov*> yoo so mocb I waald

giac"}' (iio for yo-i."

-. k<M'*^

Using Sky aa Shed. T b e e i t r a v a e a n t farm<T w h o

h\v.e pky tn shp<i hla mnrh •i:.i :.•.;,.,.(_•: Tor 1 r''^-*s Hwi f«xr I •"••• ••" ' • • - ••' l i i . ' - - thrtt

uses nrry i« In

^ t^'o'-r i . .s ruj«»ir» i c


^ W b e n you Uiink of purchasing a watch, a ring, a scarf . -• r=tw^bnx)di pin^ or other Jfiwdry, raneffifeef ^ MJflL._-4'^

ropi^ yoar wants . Most a a y t h i n K i n " ^ : r^izz—-:a|iuituig. j^uoda line- w U l b e fouml ftewt*- —

at ui attractive prices

Watck RepairiDg and FjlOkg et Qassa

H. D. WENRICH JOURNAL. Mar.*»*a«. Vir

; .jpweier and lli^tician ^

M i1in!%.«HR!« V;: ~r.ir



WINTER'S LEGACY; It Leaves Riches In the Soil Whick

Can't B« Boyaht. I

''In the Spring lune."

juimjfAt,, ^gp&AY. >EEBRtrAgr-i6. lap


era tters comla


Um« Up to th« "Limiting Fflctar," N«t Bayofwi—Aftar This Halp Out WHh Manurv and Pho«phat«»—H la Ofiiy In That Way You Can Oat tha Baat Ratum* f_9r tha Caah_lnva«tnf»ant.

Some meu are dead lucky. Tb»j lost Hit tigbt. doing notbizig In «*r-tlcalar to get along, when a plum fi^la Into tlKir laps out of a:clear sk;. People Buddenly begin to Mce a liking to soDie corner of a towri." "Nobofly know* wby. Old residenters leare tbe b»Ba M thai- wfrp Blvayg Mill"* fwn g*' far then, l>efore, for bouses with' mod-

- i l i e feUein at tbtwe liere Croe«9-ro«d« ] nukes iue^nred." said BHI NoftB Doc- ilurgau. who had just stepped into Norris's store as tUe last'of the farm-

c'tMuloK out, and aome jwere ;«- •»». —S;3 i^BW|Mbe"

shed to i>ick up tbe women folka«tUi« meetluK buuse for b<»ne.

"For wbj'/" aald Doc. "Cbewla'tllfi rag about «.lt tbe trouble-naw 1n.the^ papers! Wbat'a elgbt bour day* to tbem an bas to work fitteen? What's coal sborUMie iu New Xork to them aa bnrus wood? Tbey ain't mimlo' tbe railroads!" Bill broke out botly.

"Vfmi. w, -mOi"-^- ««*d tfa» smUlng. "but B1T« them time they'll come aroond to seeing vbere theli' baatnc— books.up with thefonn-try's. IMd yon notice that as^ry rail­road man expects the.trotfDle of car abortaxetO-break out wnpm In Spring? Better aurse tbe troubfe t^lk aadtfet

But After Two Years of Flouriahins Crop Something Els* la Noaded to keasan the Soifs Holding Power For Potash-^Thia Is the Special Funotien (f

Tlie succesi" utteudaut 60 potato growlri;; with the use of a fertllJ»M itmlaljiiiig a hluli lont; bee" "'I' , estaliii-^ihed. The •'X-perlenc^ bax IK-«U SO well advertised t>T the r«i>r9ii^tstir«x of the Oermaa

. - ^., , „ . . potash industry In tbis country tb«r ^ ^ ^ " ^!! i^ ' '" '^"'^ t h U J j n t e r J ^ ^^^^^ j ^ „ , , , fertilizer » a s e?

e n improvements In the new sectljWi. 8 * real estate 4>>ooiBS. the, land-poor cat rlch«nd the propert^^of tb«thrift)-of former days, runs down. New rail­road branches are spreading over the oMmtry and cheap farms become. ^^P' Taloable, because tbe get-away for '—' geiwral crops or nmrket and otchard-q^ecWties is easy. No extra horses

for Spring needs.' "Oh, yon Can't get tliem, (aUexL^tS

boy nothing till tbey have to have It," aaid^BUl jfroucfally, bat with a hope and r«uly for argument "It don'.t pay to store seed; it eats Interest. It won't do to store fertiliser 1 it might get

Who wants to handle' lime twice? That's tbe talk. -Bight from »ho/.gr t» tha flald. I've heerd It before.

wajTohk UaTettr t)erkQ)t for lontr haala and the cUldren csTe a l)ett)er ckance for ^ood schools^.

Moat (>f ii» get the fl»-by from for-taae aii4 It's natural to get soar, ea-padally over the good luck of those wko have never deserved I t Bat wlKCp th« nse? TO cnltlTate a bntonfl M ) i t only makes every day's work ^ o w harder. ^

-All vtvy wvll for "Cheei'fuiness S^de-tkm" to preach the "New Thonghr* aoaS that kind of thing. The tzoBble^ wtth them is that tbey -fast t^k and norer give a practkial idea. >n>ere are lots of things that bring

"Ves, but all cars for high 9ilc«d goods aad -ibe itig- towfls In March, and nothing for Asbby Station till June, Is different. What's the good of big mar-

" leflJrlees. when the crops are'Starved

pected to be dlstluKulshcd by contain­ing ten percent of this element. As a commercial Interest was Involved In

may be assumed that this percentage was liberal to sa v the least. Success­ful potato growers have, ag a rule, been liberal u.iers of such high potash ferUlliters. Tlie limit to their crops, as far as tba ualug.up of one Of tTSe pTfiBt food elements is-concerned, was not detei uiiiieO by sbortasje of ^poteeh.- If the growing crop used op all the nitro­gen in tbe fertilizer, then the potash and phosiAorlc acid, over th«U

W A S H I N G T O N .

.oa Spent at Kann's-Th^e Home of

Sealed Records-Puts This


teoeaM, which we do not earn. -Xioqk Mt of the wlndow'.arthat troaen plow-ed M d , the doda thawing and crack-^ in the annshtg^e. It is woriclng and

plant food for iiMtt jtaaoa'fl g n w t h . It in the printer with its ele-iMenta ot lutrd weathw that crack and l«aeb the aoU particles f<»- new snp-

.. " dw value of that tmpaia a'cUoh .of SEOTT a id tliafr In dollars and c«its, for i r la tyhat keepg a a a t t e f e a t ^ s t i ? ^^ Dlant food available in the soil to mak^ atant twelve or'more bnsh i^ of irheiit; year after y^tr. Dednct from thte the •etaal coat of l o w i n g and seediaf and what to le f t « t7 the v a l n e - o f ^ i ^ Indiels p ^ acre, U yoor anearned in-

J(^/ "WI H, It is n«t much and th«i «very-~ V bady.^ctg It, so what is the xmel Jtwt

• thfa, that you <an. bklt this. liuuk -trf - wMpK- actt(» for fishing more ArtlUiaF

liMt ot the aoll, with eommon neam^

a f ' s t i t •»"'~'>^«'Kr t*^t gvATyhody ~not got. Just see! "Rrtar^wwS

axle grease off yoer hands in cievr wa-ter. How mtich good does robbing do tewawrgettlng ihem dean? Pat, iwe seAp or pnt ammonia m thft^witfir. How about It then? Now,- th^t Is dwmical action, it gets dirt looae. And cbMDieal action iet«. plant food loose. Ammonia wonld do it, lye wonid -do It, bat they ciwt ton mnch,—For prtre


Patfof it on Ymff Own Ttaroria Ream . Let .the Victrola, King of Entertameri» Provide

Amusement for the l^tire Family During theM Long and Of ten Tedious Evenings. 1.

.Fairy TalM and Bedtime Stories for the little totA •Games and Educational records for the scho<J

J « l f c « l j j — ^ W a * ; _ . _ " , . , - . , : —

•Dance musi9 and popular songs for the ypunger set •And all of the favorites on piano, accordion, im^in, records of the-pperft; and hundreds of^thersfgrAe gjrowjtriyt'-- -'.-^^ .' •' ' . • -— —

All Brought Inito the Home Through the Means, of the Records

DECIDE NOW to buy « Victrola fofYOUR HDMEat KANN*S, where Superior :—'. • —', '.—i^-^ SP — '-, '—•!•; .-M—..n.. / • • - • i l l . —•••II—I • - i i « w — • ^ i i s — m - ' ^ - a m l a M i -Wi^irTT, • • •

"SwTice IS yours at.«ti tunei^

and reaolts there Is only Un^e, and Ute stroogest is the cheapest. Lime and winter weather for getting the )>igKest unearned IncreaJae fr<MO tlie soli. Bnt mtod yon, they vi^l only get ont the plant fooid-that is. ready Jtmc solnHfiir

> It may hot make more than a f air crc^.

J i ^ e larger one, bnt generally tt doe< n4>t nay. Titat la where extra plant ^ood cornea ln,_te give * hetter rettrn for your labor. U m e np to what tbe pfofeasors can oie "Umitlng fketor,** not beyond. Then help out with ma-nare and phow>bsitta. -^hen-and oari»-tban wni these coatly additlone gtve >wu Hie beat le tnm tar the caah In-Teetmtiut,— That—is—pcoAt,—Winter weather and .-OHiumu seuse fclte >oo aft of natmre's unearned lncrea8e_atid that Dins profit Bpe"° lTmnr'~**V

i T B veryTagwrtant teTlinlng to in tbe soli so aa to cwne in cpntaft with all <he acidity that may eriwi In o r d » 4 » do this effectively, ^ime should tie applied with a lime or f<>r

m s a ^ p r e a d a - on the pWwed fleW, after which it Hhoutd be well mixed In th^ y»fi ~<*h « rtiafc KSJTOw. Through thia method the ilme reaches both .the top and' bottom soil for tts-work of hentraltidDf the aiMs anq peirformUw ih*

-etiMC tonctieDS for nUA Ume Is osed.

before they get a fair start? Ton let them talk trooble till they wake np to getting on, that tluwe who are atm^ now -will liaud It on to them by-and4)y. In the SprtaiK time." whistled the doc­tor.

"Jfg taken you pttt'Qi> them shnttcrs.' Joe, who came In as the doct<» went out 'Yun boys are generaBy aelilng -to s e t I

Joec^iauetL. • f ffnt Ta» firniilr, JtHTCtl

Sfasroder and Sam Pile to ^nake vp a car of hydrate in sacks, to store for Spring, in place of their com wUeb we shipped yietiddy."

HotrtM went hOBW. MhMUaK' "In Uie. JHwtiig Time." T

anced proportion to nitrogen, was el ' ther lost by drainage or stored.

Now It is cbaracteriagc of sprbeut quality of the soil that it holds potaa)i with great t;enactty. Even when it is lntroUuce(l with a fertiltser be­

an ail-fired time to "yond. the anlTs power of retention. It "nnarrffit BID at j t« netJastLloiajli- 51SS/W d4 B«Hi> J v

drainage^ even in a "wet seama, be-i^nao. ,.f- tho ai^mng absiMtitlve DOWeT

of_the subsoil, fbr this element Dnr-ing periods ofdrwightrwhqi t h w e ' ^ an npwaxtl movement (tf m^stare, on aecoimt of strong sorface vnipiyaUiaa, from tbe soil and the leaf smrfacea «« tbe crop, tbe potash la. carried froaa the subsoil back into the aigJCace soH. Bo it moves bach and forth.

Now. since iwitash fiuui Geimany fahs been out of tlio uBgstlqa and fartllfter*

ncpcMTC ftC Ptnu I f>*M ACT

FEED TO tjjPflOVE _ . a ie twfvfi, HI pwaBUt. Ul ^tMti Uww'e is little or itone of this material, the

have lieee -as largp n», mnul.

Ways In Whicti ilie New System Aids Farmer in Pinaneina^XIs »usliiaaa By. season of the facfBttea created

iiy ite.gwietHi Fatui uauiAia.,. •hii1i-|-suifimer, it wlH ha was passed lastt

easier to the fntnre <or a farmer fee secnre money to make needed Impmre-ments or for tiie pnrchase vt live stock, and it win be easier also for the land-leaa n a n to porchaae 4b fUB^ aMWil» ing to"a recent pabUcadon of the De-_ partment of Agrknlttire (FaiMsrs" BaDetln 780) cntiflid "How-tte . Fed­eral Fiarm Loan A ^ B e n e ^ tbe Farmer." • '_ _ T « . . - r,^—. •__,. bijut, ejgaBjijBeff

itsat m J y at all Ttte Federal land

ttates. It is expected. money to lend to farmers-on farm-moRfafe The intereet-t>a*«ee wlB^he s a t than 6 per cent, nor more cent above the rate paid on A > sold by tbe banks. If .4% per ccat bonds nfaonld IM^ tosiieil, llwisHaft tbe

-rale charged en leans weaM be-614 PCT~>ait or less. Tnere win be no <xMnmiaslon8 or bonnsM- 1^ loans win h» made for periodj of time rang-Ia«. from j to <u Tears, u m fflitiy away with tbe tnmMe and expesee of

jreggf^t renewals. _

Maay lanaeca. In feeding their DUoC ov«look the fact that beef aerap or some-similar feed k v o ? wswtlal dnrini: tbe winter aaonths if a good tlllUiy ^^ 'V.K* 1* I" V* utii i tWl-—j eeaseyteat -method ot feedlm

l«pn. , . ^ , . . . . -tien to o w farmers and tmckere'irhlcb will save them froes spuiOlB^yiii tim future, so miM-h meney for pdtMh. '\

A succeAsful North Carolina fhrmer

w emt.MM.g wi Mi HUMS tmt^a/L scrap Is IB a niaAfi mftoe of thKepcrta (Xtmmeal and one part each of wncat bran, wheat mtehmngs. ami beef aeiap. aummed milk or bottermttt may^te -oKd m ptaee e ( tfei baeC>Mea*i» bat If

aboold b« fed. In experiments conducted by tbs De-

partmwjt of A«rlciiltnie. It was foond

> - . - ^ti^^ ,»« .» . l^h.y Iffii^ y ^ p pro.

"sorir B y crops or pnatoeri MM wjud. or-better than before. w b w J was asln^ rm per cefic ^in r w- ^ ^ t i l i i « . " ^ ^

gflli tfo potato T!Wir wfces pwtash 'rom tbe sou and there Is a I M l 0t

_ -arailabtllty-ut tw« >Vwmmt. when^ tte

dnced. on the average. 41.5 eggs, while those fed the s a a a ration wltbaat tbe necap s r e d n s d oatr a . 7 , Tba coat tf

w a a - 2 2 h i r t w fi>r eT«y < than in the caae ot tbe paUeti Aid beef scrap.

b«t they also aboold always be for eac*!) meal. ' If one-tiilTd of tbe scratoh grain ramisbe<l tbem is ted ill iUc uiui ulua aud t a u<hlfdj at algaC the btida wfll Uke mot* cxerdae than If th<gr receive oU^ the grain they de-abe^lnihe morning. tares may be made of equal parts by w.lyfc* at rrmr^mi r a m w»M«at- a n d

pri^iertv lii retatlOB to sob ahai^paon. wUll vt Um wBi wUl bt an Bto

•-*• W e d to need pot-.

accnmntBted tain amouBt

horde fans beknr « ea-TQs^f i li<»aflise' tat


At $15^^ $4ft $at m i i o o , KsMa^Fdofftli floor

absorptive p<>wfr of the aoO aHowa Httle to V taken np by tW f lWUlaUy aoA water t» properly feed'tbe grow­ing crop, thoogb abeohrtely tliete « a y

Sow here is where M>e valaabte prop-amendhtenl c o B n tote f erty of « soil

play. It Is the signal property^jf lime. T - " - - -'• I iMii III! Ill I <n n t ' tirrt It Til- "^"power of fcaseBWf t t e

•oU's boning power foT IHWudi-, Ll»« take* its place la the aeU-coMt<natii«n aj)d liberates it to tbe soU moistore i«> ilia rrtP « CiSlft TWfl jmn Wtlt

Tbe payment «t a .-wrtaio peH or Uie principal annually or semiannually, with tbe intfwat jKlJi-Ae jaeqalred. The total pa> ruent. including the Inter oats, or of two parts of cracked c«rB fvt. will be ih»' same for pach year. . »n4 one part each of wbeaL V>d oata. .iDil •»: i h>' . ;>' larpe pnonph no that Other dlrpctlons for the winter care :he eni.rc ir.r. •,.«! will Ix" r«*d off at , of ywinri* are f»m t« Ined 4n « new p«b-t the em 1 of i:.i- iHrtwl. TUe annual pay- 1 licatioD of the United StaXaa X>cpai»') rnoEt :^ai r-zp'''^ ''> P«f *** * t* *" • m«H of A.ffrWuituEe. ClrcQlarTl. Ofr | at »!.»*»,- ytuu. interest i t i ijer cent ^ flee of tJie.SeCTaarj. WHnt*r R B J Piv \ ft W »«**>. t« fW»-?4 - 1 dnctk'n—• ^-— -•

omt potash ia the fertilizer shonld be a limit of H«k for » HWdent potato

Resort fo the KDII amendment w e ba*e r^ii^ «ttpntion to wpnl^ thea.be in "onTcr. TTw spirtlvatluu m<-Klpnit(' line, to. t>e rppeefed fr>Mo»l»« seasons

Th£.atllt«itlo« i>f b<)nght poush in <.iA.Mui ot the season's treed. liBve j-'iT tpil out. Iifls been a n^leeted U')fiU ill ggwi'OiliH-al lUarsfTire 1ft aplt* r i f f f t -grtwreae—


A FARMERcaarying jat exp^ pack­age from^ i>ig mail-order^hQiW^ was

accostecH&y a local dwler.;

l2gl»ggi yoa the T iroin^ iiieZ OTjrftiiiiy anci hegideg you would

EDlTORS^ iN CONFERENCE ' Virgrtua" nrawspvper MCB Arc

GuesU 4 t t^e UniverMty ol Virginia.

"*"•*' The first--rrrfeihfa"Tie«SI>ap^r conference and the mii-winter meeting of- the Virginia Press Aseemti^n war bckKa*-the Uni­versity of Virginia, Thursday and Friday, February Sand9. Sixty editors from the entire st^te at­tended, and were weJccmed to the University by the-preeideBt. Dr. Edwin A. Alderman. Professor Leon R. Whipple, of the School of Journalism, arranged vifhat is

< fijBJjl t? hft ?n^ nf the nwwt cal programs ever presented at an editorial gathering in Virginia.

Mr. Don C. Seitz, manager of the New York World, spoke on -'Preserving- the- Goose." ' ^ mean take care of the farm inter­ests of the country," said Mr. Seitz,. "for • he farm is the 'Goose 4bat Lays the Gold«B

_ Egg. ' . We must help the farm-. er find a. better market for hia

goods. . -'The farm lands of the West

are overcrowded. The young men are turning their faces to­ward the South. In a few more years, Dixie will be ^ e agricul­tural center of the UnitedStates.''

Among tliejQtherieatures. were toe speecfr-on "Tfee Newspaper C<mference," by Mr. E. G. Mose-ley, of the Pa&viUe Methodist, pq»ident of th'e'Vii>gloia Press Asaociation, and Professor Whip-pie's talk on ' "Die Profe&saoii of JOUI'UHUBIU.


Mr. and Mrs. Charks D. S. Clarkson have the warm and sin­cere sympathy of their mapy friends in the death of their

-_|b»'-i r^iiJftaif^argar, . . which'occurred at their home in Haymarket on Wednesday eve­ning, February 1^ The funeral took place from St. Paul's Epis-1 been very severe on the copal Cburch^oo Friday after-(rabbits at Mr. Soytter'f

These daya j-emind thase who live in this community_that Uncle Sam is really preparing for some emergency. The frequency of

at l-'^'ZL.iSmiSmm^ would indicate a speeding-up pro­gram. JIhe j-eceut cold weather has'

young rabbit

noon and she was laid to rest in'i farm. Several were frozen this the churchyard beneath a pall of j week. beautiful flowersr It is reported that Mr. John Not only by her greatly bereaved i Hicks has purchased the balance

parents and in her o*n home is {of the estate of the late Mr. A. this lovely and perfect flower of \ Stone babyhood mourned _andjmi8apd, ;

"^InSahT^fnendiB. fer=to alt; -T. „ . • , I hu i^otomac river is frozen

--George M.Goodwir^diedofpneu- Many of us are enjoying the monia Monday afternoon at his lengthy visit of King Winter home near Nokesville. He was" Mr. and Mrs, W, -8^ Smith, seventy-three years old. Fun- who have been very ill of grip itt»J 'nnti^li rinnn Wc-" .:^^wiJ*Bai**>-week4.



river is who came within the dunshine of! j n ^ /» . her little life she was trnly a joy \ ''''*"' ^J"^ *'! ^™^^ |f ^""^^^^ and a blessing.


except on the Norfolk steamboat ; line.

'The embargo ri^iently declared A card party will be given at j on all perishable commodities

the town hall Monday evening *tj by the Pennsylvania railroad, 8 o'clock for the benefit of the north of the Potomac yard, has library; The price of admission bgap partly lifted. will be twenty-five cents. Re-] Mrs. W. L. Dodson has been freshnrents will be served;' ' confined-to her home ttie xrast

The Charlottesville Chamber of Cammcrca g«v«» a hanquet at the

Several persons from Haymar­ket attended the Gyp^y Smith meetings in Washington during the week. -

Monday was the coldest morn­ing we have had. The mercury j registered three degrees below zfefo at 5 s. m: : '

A "letter from Mr. C. E. Jordan has brought newsof )iia-sa£e *x^ rival in Panama, where*he is the gueat of re lat ive The voyage w«s rough, according to Mr. Jar-jian, who aayg at meat time he

Gleaaon Hot<4. i>'olg«r McKJnacy; the >'Benztown Bard," of the "SunpapCT," Baltimore^jecitedl^ ^ seme "homrapun" verses and Dr. John Stewart Bi^atL-fiicb-Z04»d. New-Leader, spoke pn "New Tnrginia and the PreM."

T W MMBWnthaW caiiMwy, New York, inatalledjinewmodd 19 linotype with an eieecnc m e ^ ing pot. News of thecon^rence waa reported by s U ^ e B S m ^ e iwhnnl of JrwynflliMn, and xpnb.

listed dttPyln the Giuurtetteft. ville—progresa."' -

—The porpoGc of the meeting

was obliged to hold dishes with one band and eat with theodier. - Mr. A. C. Duyte-haa moved from Mr& D. E. Cowbig's house

W. W. Butler's roonas, formerly occupied by the Masons.

Mrs. Edward Leonard and her SOB, who is employed at 'Lees-borg, q;>ent Si»day ^ " ^ Hn. Leoivttd's iaxu^iat, Mn. Edna Pi^me. — ^ - — -

week by sicjEnesa; ' Miss Inez Allen spent Saturday

and Sunday with her parents in Caroline county.


Mrs. Thomas Rison is rapidly tecQyfiring_,from Jiei: recent ill-nww, - - :..„:

Mrs. A. W. Clark has closed her residency here and eohe to MoujrtfUnien, Pa., to j<m her husbuid. -

Mrs. A. L,Macklinw9s in Alex­andria on business one day'dtir-ing the week, ——.'• '" •"".- •''

day afternoon and interment was made in the family burying ground near Orlando.

The funeral was held in the lit­tle church for which Mr. Good­win bought the land and which he helped to build. The minister in charge was Che Rev. Mr. Mark, of the Methodist Church.'

Mr. Goodwin was born Decem­ber 12, 1843, the youngest son of

HTs — TliDTHas and Mary Goodwin eldest brother, Marshall Goodwin, .entered the Confedenrte service with the 49th Virginia regiment, serving until bis death ^ year later when be- sueeqmbed to a fever. '

MI'. Goodwin was unmarried. He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. B. M. Bridwell and Miss Octavia Goodwin. 'He was a first cousin of Mrs. J. W. Prescott, Mi^seEramaHxooJwm- M[«7 E E. Conner and Mr. E. H. Goodwin, Of Manassas.

He was a man of high charac

C L i n O N

The Aid Sucitty ^t thi; i're.- by-terian Church niel i-Viday yveE-ing at the hume of IVfr n. W i

proved Mrs. C. E. Chkrke and Miss Es-

tella Alexandria attended the funeral of Mrs. James Miistead, in Manassas last Thursday.

Mr. W. A. J)ane, of Indian Head, Md., spent the week-end at his home here.

The grip epidemic ia slowly^ vanishing and we are glad tqjbid it fairwell. There are very few


ter^a true Virginia gentleman, pg^^

in our village who did not fall victims.

Mr. Harry Pearson, of Eastern College, was a guest at Mr. C. E. Clarke's on Saturday.


Mr. E. JD. Shackelford has fully recovered from his recent illness and is able to be out again

Buckley. Owing tn ifi»'fxtreme^

was not large. All preaenl en­joyed a good social liour alter the buainesa. aeasion. RefreaLnient* were served by the hostess. Rev. Alford Kelley and his sister, Miss Isabel Kelley, were present, re^ turning to Manassas on the fol­lowing day.

Her.-lAiford-Kelley preacheif Sunday morning at the Presby-torian Church, th<; subject of -faiB-sermon being" TheLord/s Need-Later, at a congregational meet­ing it was decided to invite the Rev. Mr. Wright to conduct a series of meetings at some date convenient to him and not con­flicting with a meeting to be held by the Baptist congregation.


Rev. J. F. Burks, of Manassas -Mr.'Johft-T. Glarfce motoredt©[held servieefl at the Episcopat

Dumfries and Quantico Sunday, chapel Sunday afternoon. Mr.-Willie Win<<«nr h«Q HPAH} Rev. W. L-Naff wjllDreaehat:

•n the sick list for several days.-1*'?^ ^«f*IU.^?1''*t ^"'"^^^ ® ®-•hM T r» II r> li. *T:> J niHg at 7:30 0 clocK. Mr. J. Russell Bolton, of Fred-1 vVe are very glad to ^ee that

ericksburg, passed ijirough Min- the necessary funds have been nieviUe Monday^ en route to Ca-


was to bring into dqise co-operar tioh the two great edoditioiwl fadtors of the state-rtlie Univnw sity and the Praia. — — — -


CoaatjrHaaM At. «tBhdk»b-g.

TiHIianV (Silhtn^ Prince

William County homedemonstra

annual meieting of tlie coonty home dononstiation «g«it8 of

Kacksbwrg, P e b r a a r y 12-23. Miss Gilfafl* i» nn' *hn' unnrimg


Last Friday; Bessrs. C M Sommeis^ Cecil Beane and MeNJo^rfDcfc--vin Gny dragged'tbe road be tween Summiers and Catlett with a wood drag. The land was just right tor this work, and a won* dwfol'imiMwement was made over twonpflesTDf TWKtr These

kind to'his neighbors, especially to- those in need, and will be missed aaa nrngbbw by nchahd poor. - : - •- y- -

Mrs. Robert Brown «nd Misa Nellie Payne, * both of Mount Ranier, Md..vwere the recent guests of their sister, Mrs^ C. H. Walter,.near Nokesvill^.

Rev. J. F. Bmrka will hold ser Tleea. mtfa celebratia^ Holy Cosnaianion, Sunday mom ttar a t ~ S t r Annella I f o s o m l ^hapefc—4 L^uten wfvlCfe will

JAL Vf^imtine social wjEu held, at the school house Wednesday eve-ning

ivva a<wu«7^ *w^AMCOuaiij ^»-«- --^ — . — ^ . W.VM^JWUVX

Mitw fJM^^jpfoiiid-a^^t JOidJL^ cfflld^unite aadffljaese: Kefresfam^ts the post-office

were-served ]»the guesfas. BfaBHtt C. C.Dulany. of Bto^d

Son, and Clinton Gurriaon. of Antipch, were HiXBWi et; visitors en Wednesday;

lEr:G. IS. ArtneUbaspurchased a new BBscdine-engiiin^ and wood aawingc^tfit.


men travel this road every day «nd felt a persomd intei^t in it and if men living' along, other

m<». and do lifcewiao, wo wouia have better roads, better, horses. better men'and no doubt more suffirftgist parades.

Dr. E. M. Colvm, of Washing-toa^ spent Sunday on his f ahn h&e, BiBqlao dkl Mr. 1*. L; Colvin

A Leuleu wryl Tnursday^enin, —-i - —-—

ening at 8

A party of four from Washing­ton passed through Minnjeville by automobile Tuesday, 6n route to Dumfries to tow back an auto­mobile^ whidL was left at Dum­fries. ' —

Messrs. J. L Hinton bndR. C. Ennis were guests it the honoe of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. CJaAe* Tiies-


Mr. George Davis was buried

raised for a health campaign in Fairfax county. " *. .=

We gladly accept Miss Ruth Millan's correction of our report of theisesnlt of the spelling con­test at the teachers' meeting at Centerville three weeks ^ o , and would likeXo,congratulate.Miss Millani teacher of Legatp Schpol which, won first honors instead of third as our t^port staled.

CATCHES MUD TURTLE, Jack—Detwilor -recently aue-


Monday aflernOiHi at the family


The pupils of the Dumfries scEool made a general average of M perjeent, in the state spelHiig testr

Among the Sunday visi Dumfries-w^e Messrs. Dannie Alexander and Bennie Be i4 of Hinnievffle.^ ~ ' ~~~—

burying grotmd at Woodbridge. Funeral services were he.id_at^ Baptist Churdi. The sympathy of MinnieVille is extended to his family. His three sons. Brady Mid Grover. of Woodbridge and llo^ttm, of North CaroUna. «rer«, present yhcn the end fanw' *

Miss Ruby/Payne and Mr. Bu^ lan^were guests of Mian Oeie

Several persons in tiie neigb. have been busy.cutting^

ice. i t is reported that tibe u e is t k wtntw for BeveraT years


c ^ . sp«id Satnr-and Sundiv at his

BrentsviUe is ea^riendng the coldest w«ither known for yeara.

lion a g ^ b attending dieaxtr it^. wyntrm- ni.»> iftr^t^ thi^ *nd foor hundraLpounds for Mr hiks been hfurvested,

.Bev. Bam^t Grimaley preached ViiKiuia wliidrJa-hrtng hnld at hm^ Rm«l.y m»r«i.,g «w4^g.{»

cumuutljee and has also takeir-att active part in the discussion of foAing dub'problems. Several ad<faes8esfaavtbeen m a ^ t ^ Mr.

who has bedi beard sevsfallimeB in Ms naasas. Mna ^ a G. Ag-new la taklmt a iitiouinwnt iwrt in the conference.

EafK"aays prnffr>aa.4a antf full and the a^auiuga argleft

'- attoid ^sr tat^carea the aSmetr Ocn eiame~ma meetings of thar own.

trfiije day night h^nie here.

tn delivering: their hogs to Nokesville. Messrs. Newton R, Laws and L»mtr Colvig~aHTied a JMg w< tbree

at nia^t His safaj^ -SMufaqr -evening was Kutb. based opcm Hebniwa'11.7. He apuke very entflitfiiningly of the rewards of fid^ Jtamanifested in die Uvea of Koah, Abraham and Sarah, and nf tha pnnishmpnt tfat almwrg

L. W. "Trenia; on arrival at Nok^ville they found ;tbe hoff dead, supposedly from tlie ront^

Greene last Wedneadadr evening ^ Mr.. J^ke Herehant, who is em-

pk>yed at the GaitiaonviUe mine, i^ynlJthe week-end wfth bis fwa-ily here.

Mr. and Mrs.<George Ashby, of Quantico, and Miss Oeie Greoie. of tins plftce, w We the guests of i^Sand Mrs. W, « . Siaaen Sat-urday evening.


Mrs. Charles Adama^ of Clif­ton, ia visiting her daughter. Mrs. Claade RrawnCT.

¥ r . Guy Ctine. who is attend-

folk>w8 diaobe£eiiee iMod lack oi faith. Br%Ked upon his hear-« » A e faf t t lpt the God who da stroyed the world, saving only

fwniiy, ia the same G0<1 WlM tAd4y p l e a ^ inSTlhe

free that the m e m b ^ in attend- worid to be reconciled W jpipj, and who wtM tediy pQhijb the nniui and-ffliUlMdituU jCsHMLbe haain the past

Keys, sun uf Mf. J. T . |


Tbe SfawiP.Honse, Bcbool and homes Wednesitty after a vmt to 4ei«ue are flourialilBg.

The ovater minnar whu.h «,»«

given at the home of Mrs. :H. L. „..„ „^. „„.,^., „„^j^. ^ ^ Hundley Friday evemnr "wagi&ior the past three wUksj gpwt succew. The profwida were uiwd -fnr th«. li»n<.fit of the jStooe Moose School.

Mr. ee<Mrge Ayrea and his son t a v e been vety ill ef measles.

your seed to tbe ~inigb~Saool and* tested.

The school will

Agricultural have fBcfn

be glad to bal

Misa Katherine Ayrss has iheaales. She is confined to ber bed at tbe home of faor aunt. Mrs. 4 i **-l"Tffy In Manaassn '

Measles seem to have^^edii^ up the jolly skating parties in tiie naiyhborbood. Tfeiurcelj a Imiig



. to sprad several nxmtha In ^W.i»fainxtoBJod IMtiBiDB^

Mrr. J: very sick. _

Misa A. M Dunn wKn h*«|^j,j|

has escaped it. Mias£Uik^

Mrs. ~k. C. Ciuuch has beeii fll irmonft

Mr. Paul Alliaon has nofeasiea at rgtaadpatantSy:

inj; Bethel High Scbool. s p e n t ^ week-end at the home of iaa father. Dr. CrCBni:

Miss, Vij)i|- Keys, returned

The Gi»fi^ood Sehocd and Road Improvemeat '(League will hold its regular (neeting at Min nieville JKsbod house twnorroy evening. An interesting program has been.prei»redl>y~the.com­mittee in charge. The pt^deni reque^ tbe attendance of all members,!^ the program includes repmrtB, appeantm^its taid othac important business. -—Mr. D. e . Alexui^'was^ a: Dumfries visitor-Sunday.

Our mail carrier rqxnts that the toads are moch iniproved. aa they sre har^packad aiad traveled. ~ ^ ^(OKr.

weighing 23 pounds, the honest ever known toJbecapturedin this aection. Jack was very proud o £ hi8~c&tch.

Mrs. W. W. Woodyard and Mrs. Weaver gprp Managsas visitMX one d&y last week. Mrs. Jdin Detwiler and h r cousin shopped in Manassas Saturday.

Mrs. Charles Adams left oni>ri-day to .visit her daiighter. Mre. Clatule Brawner, of Domfric ' whgfrjtfte is helplhg

neiTgr'andson: The y«wii: people are ebjeyin^^

mcBting duruv the cold weBti)er. ' Automobile owners have en-

joyedlbe roads since the^Jiaverr "Smoothed^ down by travel.


r ^ j - ^


OPPICB OP THE STATE HicawAr COMMISSION, Richmond, Vs., Feb. 10,1917.

" « M s will be received^ at the" CMrk'a Office, Manassas, Va., ?"rt»L12o'cloeJc noon, March 8. 1917. for the eonstruction of 4.52 miles of road between Station S56 and Manassas Distritt Une. in ^ n c e WUUam County. Virginia, the first tworailes to be surfaced witti soil. ~ Plana awf specifications «^^ «« file at theClerJc's (^ke , Manns-sas, ya.,aiid at this (^ce . Sped-fications furnished on a];^)Iication to the undCTMgu«gj. ~—

Washington. Mail Wi Dm all, wliu Uaajjtfai

with her sister, Mrd J ) . C. CUne. "left

SfttMfday^ for faonfe in Nur-4oah-

Mr. Snd Mrs. J^nes Hooper^' of the Mirny ap^nt 1«Q> ^

day in WaihingtOn sn buoinaai Mr. C. A. Montgomery, county

duBonstraCion agent, visited oar aebod Wednesday evening.


H i s s s Euta Keys. Myrtle Rain-ev. Dorothy and IVInm H M T I S

were guests of the Misses Hoop-era, of the Mines. Saturday.

Little Clara, the feur-yearHdd daughter of Mr. and lira. Clark OUfleU, uf HopWdl; died'on Monday fmm hnrn«—received when her ctothing caught from an epea fire. tSie w»e the former home of l iw p*pwi «

been Ksdtingbam ctnnty.

M«y Gosaom has Quite ill fo^ the^Mstseek. ~


An entertainment will heaven at Waterfi^ school house tomor^

.neck for J250.QB naust aoccn^i^ eMh bH). The right la, reaerved to reject atlfeWr'

39-2t G. P. COLEMAN, State Highway Commissioner.


f^/f^ tlftiiUnrf nf W M I I •^*»'"'•'"^ "*"'»• .Jiitufuiiv- y^ta*,. ^ - spent STweek^end with' y * - jfaJvCTtcontinues qoite m.|'Tfe^ W^L. Naff preached^toan G^Byme. ~ " ^-HwiyTtobbsbas aegpted] attentive congr^ation Sanday

Commmcing at 10 (yOock, A. H.

— HayiB^ decided to ducootiiBe fmrm-'^ «iw, I will offer at poblic anction. on the above-named d»t«, two mile* Sontb-weet of MaBasMB. Va., on the road leading to Cobpton. tiie follnwinf, r^.

row evening. Refreshments wjii six-jeikr-oM cow, <v.ming ^r««h 4»

be used fer adiool imptpvement sp^ <»rin, w^^n iiapT.te»=r-*«wi>' Tbe ^blic ,s cordially invited t o p Z ; I ^ „ ^ , ^ : * w ' w *""' ^ attend. !nio lot of Wtwte


vi^ i max.' trot ma-rtTmamm rA- . . . . . « . . . . , '«»••-""*•"»««»• iv. v^yujjja.. itiar— Ilgrsee B e Vaughn laj

spending tbe week with friend^| |in Washington.

jiat you may get saaxuaoB n ^ .rns at the lowest cost Atf

1 feed.r.ff economically? . t ;-r. n»n is here for the use

: i;:e larn-jers. and vce will hAJ .Mr. and-Mrs. TJ. T. , Syncnxi ;.: • • --r. :rr anv possible ser- sport Sunday at the home of Mr.

tTu*h.-AbfeL - '

Miss. Juiffl Cato is v;.i.M ,-. r r

Claude Eirawner

»ewj | d .

Waahingtaoi WejJ»oraing aLAntioch. in bis new! Mr. £ E. PlckeU spent several

days in Washington recently. was a I ' WEEK-END VISITQR.S

Mrs. John Barr. — -«MLtAfltf^ft~j

_ _ _ _ 'S~

flOUSEUOLD GOODS tuuiiuiiier- -oo» to mentiob.

TERMS:—Sums oi JIO.OO and unaer. •—It; «Ter that aonnnt mrvnmt «f HBT' niontha will be given, the pvrchaser ex-e«otJi^ intereat-bearing, rt ifotiabip hote with approved securit*, payable > »t The Peoptea ilatkwaJ B ^ V Ms.'


I • > . . . * • * ^ : ••>?4.

- _ A jiociaLj»ili .sch>'>i' house at row ar 7 p. m. :'ry Methodiit

., .,, . .*^^¥'^««n |enceGo8eom. wholwe attending^ quite ill. IS improving. 'schoolin Haymarket, were guests

i „ -^daughtpr was bom Thursday at their respec^iwe homes or San-hcM ^t\\J'^!?^- *"^ M' - C. -H. Rrawner. day.

Buckhal! :..Qior-. LurLaineil at carvi.-, I„c.~,.aj.. : 'u ..;r.' for the benefiLofiiTJests were Misse. •" ;"- ;"':,: "-',-•' ' T " :

iLi \u ia ...iii.^'^........ ^..^ tors. '.-._.:., :,; S:2.^''' •

W. D. iREBN. W. R.'

.\uftioneer. MAY


T T K CJiiiuf«u^o« of tb« .South and SmitJiem C onfer«ac» <flr £i)iujinnTi »na

h e r indurtrr, M*r.-,- . , , MAr.-.' . - -. , 7 :91T .. r .. . , . . . .

- tr-:!. • ,„:. •'•

for ^ynfi ii.int* noma ^xtryirty