syria. in 1958, egypt and syria formed the united arab republic syria became independent on sept....


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Page 1: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and


Page 2: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United

Arab Republic Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961

following a revolution.

Origins and Independence

Page 3: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

In the Arab-Israeli War of 1967, Israel quickly

vanquished the Syrian army. Before acceding to the UN cease-fire, the

Israeli forces took control of the fortified Golan Heights.

Loss of Golan Heights

Page 4: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and
Page 5: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

In the mid-1970s Syria sent some 20,000 troops

to support Muslim Lebanese in their armed conflict with Christian militants supported by Israel during the civil war in Lebanon.

Syrian troops frequently clashed with Israeli troops during Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon and remained thereafter as occupiers of large portions of Lebanon.

Lebanese Civil War

Page 6: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

In 1990, President Assad ruled out any possibility

of legalizing opposition political parties. In Dec. 1991 voters approved a fourth term for Assad, giving him 99.98% of the vote.

On June 10, 2000, President Hafez al-Assad died. He had ruled with an iron fist since taking power in a military coup in 1970. His son, Bashar al-Assad, an ophthalmologist by training, succeeded him. He has emulated his father's autocratic rule.

Assad family rule

Page 7: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and
Page 8: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and


In the summer of 2001, Syria withdrew nearly all of its 25,000 troops from Beirut. Syrian soldiers, however, remained in the Lebanese countryside.

Page 9: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

The U.S. imposed economic sanctions on the

country accusing it of continuing to support terrorism.

In Sept. 2004, a UN Security Council resolution asked Syria to withdraw its 15,000 remaining troops from Lebanon. Syria responded by moving about 3,000 troops from the vicinity of Beirut to eastern Lebanon, a gesture viewed by many as merely cosmetic.

UN wants Syria out

Page 10: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

On Feb. 14, 2004, Lebanon's former prime minister Rafik Hariri

was assassinated. Many implicated Syria in the death of the popular and independent leader, who staunchly opposed Syrian involvement in Lebanon.

Huge Lebanese protests called for Syria's withdrawal from the country, a demand backed by the U.S., EU, and UN.

In addition to the anti-Syrian demonstrations, however, there were a number of massive pro-Syrian rallies in Lebanon sponsored by the Shiite militant group Hezbollah.

By the end of April, Syria had withdrawn all its troops, ending a 29-year occupation. In October, the UN released a damning report on Hariri's death, concluding that the assassination was carefully organized by Syrian and Lebanese intelligence officials


Page 11: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

In July 2006, during the Hezbollah-Israeli

conflict in Lebanon, Syria was strongly suspected of aiding Hezbollah.

2006 Lebanese War

Page 12: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

For the first time in eight years, Syria and

Israel returned to the bargaining table in May 2008.

Syria wants to regain control over the Golan Heights, which was taken by Israel in 1967, and Israel hopes an agreement will distance Iran from Syria and diminish some sway Iran holds over the Middle East.

Meeting with Israel

Page 13: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

In October, American Special Operations Forces launched an air attack

into Syria, killing a leader of al-Qaeda, Abu Ghadiya He was accused of smuggled weapons, money, and fighters into Iraq

from Syria. The Syrian government accused the Americans of committing a war

crime, saying that eight civilians, including a woman and three children, had been killed in the attack.

US attack

Page 14: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

Anti-government protest movement that swept through the

Middle East in early 2011 also engulfed Syria. The arrest of about a dozen school-age children for painting

anti-government graffiti in the southeast town of Dara'a sparked outrage, prompting citizens to take to the streets in protest.

Residents found out their boys were being beaten and tortured in prison.

The families of the boys approached authorities and asked for their sons' release. Activists and observers say authorities shunned and insulted the people. One official reportedly said: "Forget your children. If you really want your children, you should make more children. If you don't know how to make more children, we'll show you how to do it."

Dara’a Protest

Page 15: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and
Page 16: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

Demonstrations broke out throughout the country, On March 25, the government reneged on a promise not

to use force against the protesters, opening fire on demonstrators in the south.

As many as 60 people were killed. Massive protests and the crackdown by police continued,

and by April 18 as many as 200 protestors had been killed.

As the opposition movement gained strength, President Assad tried to balance suppression and compromise, offering some reform and lifting the emergence law while forbidding protests "under any banner whatsoever."


Page 17: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

Assad continued to brutally crack down on protesters. By late May about 850 protesters had been killed by

forces. The continued suppression led the Obama

administration to impose sanctions on Assad and six other high-ranking officials.

Assad intensified the attacks on protesters in early August, unleashing tanks, armored vehicles, and snipers.

By the end of the siege, casualties reached about 1,700.


Page 18: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

In mid-August, Obama issued a statement

demanding that Assad resign and increased sanctions against Syria, freezing all Syrian assets held under U.S. jurisdiction and banning U.S. citizens and companies from doing business with the Syrian government.

In addition, the UN released a report accusing Syria of crimes against humanity.


Page 19: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

October formed the Syrian National Council, a diverse group

of dissidents and opposition leaders who had the shared goal of ousting Assad. Turkey, once a close ally of Syria, endorsed the council and allowed members of the Free Syrian Army, a militia of army deserters, to set up camp within its borders


Page 20: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

In November the Arab League suspended

Syria's membership and later imposed sanctions on Syria.

Freezing of Syrian government assets in other Arab nations

Halting all commercial transactions with the Syrian government and central bank. It was the first time the group has taken such action against a member.

Arab League

Page 21: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

The UN warned in December that Syria was on

the brink of a civil war. "The Syrian authorities' continual ruthless

repression, if not stopped now, can drive the country into a full-fledged civil war"

Arab League observers entered Syria in January to try to persuade Assad to stop attacking civilians, withdraw tanks from towns, and begin talks with the opposition.

Spiraling out of control

Page 22: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and
Page 23: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and


In early February, Russia and China vetoed a UN Security Council resolution that called for an end to the violence, for Assad to hand power to his vice president, and the creation of a unity government.

Days later, however, the UN General Assembly voted 137-12, in favor of a resolution that condemned Assad and urged him to step down. The resolution was non-binding

Page 24: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

Syrian forces unleashed a vicious assault on

Homs, killing hundreds. The assault on Homs continued throughout

the month, and after a vicious 27-day bombardment, the insurgents withdrew from Homs.


Page 25: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and
Page 26: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

In late February, a UN panel accused the

government of ordering "gross human rights violations" against civilians.

It also found that members of the Free Syrian Army were also guilty of using excessive violence, but their acts were "not comparable in scale and organization to those carried out by the state."

By the end of March, the UN estimated that about 9,000 people had been killed in the fighting.


Page 27: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

On March 21, the UN Security Council issued a

statement backing a plan that largely mirrored the proposal by the Arab League, which called on the government to stop killing civilians, engage in talks with the opposition, withdraw forces from the streets, and "begin a transition to a democratic, political system.”

Russia and China, which had previously vetoed resolutions condemning Assad, endorsed the document. Assad accepted the statement and agreed to a cease-fire. He later said he would withdraw troops from cities by April 10.

End in sight?

Page 28: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

In May 110 people, including 49 children and 34

women were killed in the village of Houla. UN observers blamed many of the deaths on

government tanks and artillery and said many of the victims were executed in their homes.

Assad, however, claimed terrorists carried out the attack. In response, 11 nations, including the U.S., expelled Syrian diplomats, and the UN Security Council unanimously criticized the "outrageous use of force" against residents and the government's role in the attack.


Page 29: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and
Page 30: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and
Page 31: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

In June, UN monitors abandoned their fact-finding mission after

being attacked, and a UN official declared that Syria is in a state of civil war.

Assad's regime suffered a blow on July 18, when a bomb went off at a meeting of senior ministers and security officials at the country's national security headquarters in Damascus

Later in July, rebels and government troops battled for control of Damascus and Aleppo, Syria's largest city.

Fighting was particularly brutal in Aleppo, as the government troops surrounded the city with tanks and fired on rebels from fighter jets and helicopters. As many as 200,000 people fled the embattled city. The government showed signs of strain as it attempted to fight the rebels in two major cities.

Summer of despair

Page 32: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and
Page 33: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

Muslim jihadists and members of Al Qaeda

began to join the fight in the summer, backing the rebels with weapons and financing. The development prompted concern that the opposition would become dominated by extremists

Al Qaeda/ISIS?

Page 34: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

Kofi Annan said "without serious, purposeful

and united international pressure, including from the powers of the region, it is impossible for me, or anyone, to compel the Syrian government in the first place, and also the opposition, to take the steps necessary to begin a political process."


Page 35: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

By the end of the summer, the violence in Syria had claimed

about 30,000 people, mostly civilians, about 250,000 people had fled the country, and some 1.2 million were internally displaced.

The rebels controlled wide swaths of the countryside, while the government maintained its grip on the country's biggest cities.

President Barack Obama has resisted calls for U.S. intervention, saying he will not take military action unless Assad unleashes biological or chemical weapons.

Relations between Syria and Turkey, former allies, deteriorated in October after a cross-border mortar attack from Syria killed five Turkish civilians. Turkey launched retaliatory attacks on targets in Syria.


Staggering numbers

Page 36: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

Weapons sent to Syrian rebels from Saudi

Arabia and Qatar had fallen into the hands of radical Islamic militants rather than the secular opposition, the intended recipients.

The opposition began to lose support within Syria and in the international community as its attacks grew increasingly brutal and the emergence of the jihadists frightened many Western supporters.

Who can we trust?

Page 37: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

In November 2012, Syria's opposition groups agreed to form a new governing body that will

unify the many rebel groups under one umbrella. The 50-person body, the Syrian National Coalition, will replace the Syrian National Council. It will also oversee the opposition's military and will manage the distribution of weapons and

funds. The group's leader, Sheikh Ahmad Moaz al-Khatib, a Sunni preacher has said he is willing to

negotiate with Assad. After his election, Khatib called on world powers to fully arm the Free Syrian Army Khatib resigned his post on 24 March 2013 after failing to secure US aid

New organization

Page 38: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

While most nations have refrained from sending troops to

back the opposition, several, including the U.S. have sent financial and humanitarian aid.

The U.S. has resisted direct involvement in the war to avoid giving Iran a reason to intervene.

In December, amid growing concern that Assad was preparing to unleash chemical weapons on the opposition, President Barack Obama said such a move would cross a "red line" and would merit a response.

Red Line

Page 39: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

By the end of February 2013, about 70,000 people,

mostly civilians, had been killed in the war, 700,000 people fled the country, and some 2 million people declared themselves internally displaced by the war.

John Kerry traveled to Syria and announced an additional $60 million in aid to the opposition Free Syrian Army. The assistance will not come in the form of weapons but will include food aid, medical supplies, and materials to help beef up security and infrastructure.


Page 40: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

In April 2013, Israel said they had evidence that Assad had used chemical

weapons, specifically sarin That followed the assertion by France and England that Assad unleashed

chemical weapons on rebel-held areas in Damascus, Aleppo, and Homs in March.

The U.S. initially distanced itself from Israel's conclusion, but on April 25, U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said the intelligence community thinks with “varying degrees of confidence” that Assad had used chemical weapons.

He said the U.S. would need confirmation before considering action against Assad.

In June, the U.S. determined that Assad had used chemical agents “on a small scale against the opposition multiple times in the last year” and said it would begin supplying arms and ammunition to the rebels. The Obama administration, however, said it would not give them anti-aircraft weapons, which the rebels have requested.

Red line crossed?

Page 41: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah,

declared at the end of May that the militant group was throwing its full support behind Assad and would send troops into Syria to fight alongside Syrian troops.


Page 42: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

After months of holding the logistically important city of Al-

Qusayr, which lies between Homs and the Lebanese border, the rebels fled the city in early June after being overrun by the Syrian army and Hezbollah fighters. Many rebels and citizens expressed outrage that Hezbollah turned its guns on fellow Muslims, citing Syria's support of Lebanon during its war with Israel.

As the opposition showed signs of fracturing; Sunni versus Shiite violence intensified; and Assad's forces held on to Damascus, most of central Syria, and cities in the north with the help of Iran, Russia, and Hezbollah, the U.S. acknowledged in July 2013 that the president would likely remain in power and control parts of Syria indefinitely.

Rebels losing?

Page 43: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

On Aug. 21, 2013, opposition groups accused the government of

attacking rebel areas in Zamalka, Ein Terma, and Erbeen, suburbs east of Damascus, with chemical weapons.

Gruesome, graphic images in the media showed victims foaming at the mouth and twitching and lines of covered corpses. The opposition said as many as 1,000 people died in the attack.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry called the attack a "moral obscenity" and an "indiscriminate slaughter of civilians." The alleged attack coincided with the arrival of UN inspectors to Syria to investigate earlier allegations of government use of chemical weapons.

Inspectors were cleared to investigate the site, and their convoy was fired on by snipers en route..

Chemical Weapons

Page 44: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and
Page 45: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and
Page 46: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and
Page 47: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

Agreement on Chemical Weapons?

Because Russia and China vowed to veto any UN Security Council resolution authorizing retaliation on Assad, the U.S. and allies hoped to form a coalition to support an attack

President Obama said on Aug. 27 that he was considering a limited strike on the military bases and the artillery that he believes were responsible for the chemical attack

However, on Aug. 29, the British parliament voted down Cameron's request for authorization to attack Syria—a stunning setback to Cameron

Obama surprised many on September 1, when he announced that he would seek Congressional approval for a military action.

On Sept. 4, the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted, 10 to 7, to authorize the action.. A diplomatic solution was back on the table on Sept. 9, after U.S. secretary of state John Kerry

suggested half-heartedly that a strike could be averted if Assad agreed to hand over all chemical weapons.

Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov said, " We call on the Syrian leadership to not only agree to setting the chemical weapons storage sites under international control, but also to their subsequent destruction."

Syrian foreign minister - "We are ready to reveal the locations of the chemical weapon sites and to stop producing chemical weapons and make these sites available for inspection by representatives of Russia, other countries and the United Nations".

Page 48: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

The five permanent members of the Security Council agreed on a

resolution on Sept. 26 that requires Syria to either turn over or destroy all of its chemical weapons and production facilities by June 30, 2014.

The agreement set several benchmarks Syria must meet before the 2014 deadline.

The timetable is extremely aggressive; such disarmament typically takes years, not months.

UN officials arrived in Syria in early October and began destroying equipment used to produce the chemical weapons. The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons reported on Oct. 31 that Syria had met its first deadline to destroy all of the chemical weapons production and mixing facilities.

Destroying the weapons

Page 49: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

The fragile coalition of opposition groups further splintered in

late September 2013, when 11 rebel groups announced that they would no longer recognize the Syrian National Coalition. Instead, the groups said they would work together to establish sharia , or Islamic law, in Syria.

The move signaled the rising power of groups affiliated with al-Qaeda.

In December, the U.S. and Britain suspended non-lethal aid to the opposition after the Islamic Front, a group that severed ties with the moderate coalition backed by the U.S., confiscated equipment provided to the rebels by the U.S.

By December, the death toll had reached nearly 126,000 and some 3 million people had fled to other countries in the region.

Radical Opposition

Page 50: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), which continued to over-run rebel-held

areas in northern Syria throughout 2013, started to face challenges from other rebel groups in Syria as a result of its brutal tactics and its focus on instituting its strict brand of Islam over ousting Assad.

ISIS was accused of executing leaders of the Free Syrian Army. the rebels' fight against ISIS has compromised their war with government



Page 51: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and
Page 52: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

Much-anticipated negotiations brokered by the UN between the Syrian government, members of

the opposition, the U.S., Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Russia began on Jan, 22, 2014, in Switzerland. The UN succeeded where the negotiators failed and brokered a cease-fire between the Syrian

government and rebels to allow the evacuation of civilians from Homs who were stuck in the besieged city, cut off from humanitarian aid.

A second round of talks opened in Geneva in February and ended—without making any progress. The government placed members of the opposition coalition on a list of terrorists and said the

first step in the peace process must be ending terrorism. The opposition's top priority is setting up a transitional government, and presented a road map to

put such a framework in place. The UN Security Council unanimously passed a resolution in late February 2014 requiring that

Syria allow relief agencies into the country to deliver humanitarian aid without attempting to impede or attack them.

In March 2014, government troops, with the help of Hezbollah, recaptured from the rebels the city of Yabroud, which is on the border with Lebanon and has been a key route for supplies from Lebanon. It was the last rebel stronghold in the area, handing the opposition another defeat. The fall of Yabroud followed that of Zara, another strategic city on the Lebanese border.

Attempts for peace

Page 53: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

In presidential elections held on June 3, 2014,

Assad was re-elected to a third seven-year term, taking about 89% of the vote.

However, votes were cast only in areas under government control as the opposition boycotted the election.

President Obama and many other western leaders denounced the election as illegitimate.


Page 54: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

Syria handed over the last of its declared

chemical weapons in late June 2014, just making the deadline set in September 2013. While the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons praised Syria for complying, especially during war time, it cautioned that Syria has yet to destroy its chemical weapon production facilities and there may still be undeclared weapons in the country.


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Over the last couple of months ISIS has been

in the news a lot for its brutal beheading of two American journalists: Steven Sotloff and James Foley

ISIS beheading

Page 56: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

British involvement

British Aid Worker David Haines is beheading in September prompting UK Prime Minister to say they would “hunt down those responsible and bring them to justice, no matter how long it takes", adding: "They are not Muslims, they are monsters.“

Page 57: SYRIA.   In 1958, Egypt and Syria formed the United Arab Republic  Syria became independent on Sept. 29, 1961 following a revolution. Origins and

Rise of Jihadist presence and the

strengthening of ISIS Who can we trust? What action needs to be taken? http:// Obama Speech 9/10/14

What do we do?