thank you lord: as religious family we have been born in your church, in order to be not new in...

as religious family we have been born in your Church, in order to be not new in doctrine but new in practice. Thank you for your Spirit urges us since the origin of the Institute to be faithful to this vocation and identity.

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Post on 24-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Thank you Lord: as religious family we have been born in your Church, in order to be not new in doctrine but new in practice. Thank you for your Spirit

Thank you Lord: as religious family we have been born in your Church, in order to be not new in doctrine but new in practice. Thank you for your Spirit urges us since the origin of the Institute to be faithful to this vocation and identity.

Page 2: Thank you Lord: as religious family we have been born in your Church, in order to be not new in doctrine but new in practice. Thank you for your Spirit

Tú nos has llamado a esta familia, a esta comunidad [para seguir los pasos de Cristo nuestro bien y participar en su misión y traer la Buena Noticia a toda la humanidad.

Page 3: Thank you Lord: as religious family we have been born in your Church, in order to be not new in doctrine but new in practice. Thank you for your Spirit

We feel upon us the burden of the Church that impels us to live and to bring the Good News to all creation.

Page 4: Thank you Lord: as religious family we have been born in your Church, in order to be not new in doctrine but new in practice. Thank you for your Spirit

A pesar de nuestras debilidades nos comprometemos a seguir el estilo de vida de tu hijo Jesucristo. Tu estas con nosotros en este peregrinaje y cada día nos llamas de nuevo a responderte en pobreza, disponibilidad y con todo el corazón.

Page 5: Thank you Lord: as religious family we have been born in your Church, in order to be not new in doctrine but new in practice. Thank you for your Spirit

You Lord, call us to encounter you in the mission, in the prayer, in those who are in need, and in the beauty of the nature respecting its integrity.

Page 6: Thank you Lord: as religious family we have been born in your Church, in order to be not new in doctrine but new in practice. Thank you for your Spirit

Tú, Señor, nos llamas a compartir este ideal en la comunidad. Nos has reunido y nos has dado hermanas con ideales únicos: para vivir tus mandamientos de amor.

Page 7: Thank you Lord: as religious family we have been born in your Church, in order to be not new in doctrine but new in practice. Thank you for your Spirit

We give you thanks for the generosity of your compassion.

Page 8: Thank you Lord: as religious family we have been born in your Church, in order to be not new in doctrine but new in practice. Thank you for your Spirit

Te damos gracias por María Inmaculada quien es nuestro modelo y señal en el camino. Su vida en pobreza, obediencia compromiso en la misión de su hijo, su disponibilidad a colaborar en el reino con su fuerza

Page 9: Thank you Lord: as religious family we have been born in your Church, in order to be not new in doctrine but new in practice. Thank you for your Spirit

. Thank you because you continue in trusting us and sending us in this world assuring that you will always be with us, in enlarging our hearts to the needs of all.

Page 10: Thank you Lord: as religious family we have been born in your Church, in order to be not new in doctrine but new in practice. Thank you for your Spirit

Gloria al Padre que nos consagra, gloria al Hijo que nos envía, y gloria al espíritu que nos ama. Amen

Page 11: Thank you Lord: as religious family we have been born in your Church, in order to be not new in doctrine but new in practice. Thank you for your Spirit