~, the australian national university research …... · fnnily planning prog ro. rm~ s on...

- Professors Professorial Fellows Fellow ~, THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY RESEARCH SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES DEPARTHENT OF DEMffiRAPHY ANNU,iL RZPORT 1970 Staff 17/1971 J . C. Calduell, B .A. (N. E.), Ph.D . (A.N .U .) (Head of the Depa.rtnen t) : W .D. Borrie , O.B.E., M.A .(N.z.) (Director of the School of Social Sciences) : Noma R. Mc.Arthur , B.A . ( He lb.) Ph.D.(London) - until August . C.A. Price, B. A.(A~el.), M.A.,D.Phi~.(Oxon) K. G. Basavarajappa , M .Sc.(Ka.rnatak ), Ph.D.(A.N.U.), Dip.Deoography (D.T.R.C.Bombay) Senior Research Fellow Research Fellows : E. F. Kunz, D.Phil.(Budapest), M. A.(Sydney) : D.J. van de Kaa , Drs. (Utrecht) Visiting Fellows Research Assistants Secretaries Depa.rt r.1enta l Typists : M . Singarinbun, B.A.(Gadjah Mad~) , Ih .D.(A. N .U.) I . H. Burnley , M.A.(C ant ., N .Z.), Ph.D. (Victoria, N .Z.) Christ :.bel Younrr , B. Sc . (Adel.), Ph.D. (A.N.U. - fro, July H.G. Brooks (Departnent of IrJIJigration) - until Au.gust G. Nielsen (Cor.cordia College, Illinois) - until February Nancy v. Kuskie Patricia Pyne , B.Sc.(London) Irena Krywoszyja, B.A. (Newcastle), Registration L.A.A. : Anthu Davis, B. Econ . (U .A.) : Helen Uare, B.A. (Durhan), Ph.D. (London) fron i'-Iny . : Elizabeth Nurser , B.A., M.A.(Univ. of Calif., Berkeley) - froo April : Lynette E. Ross - until Novcnber Elaine M . Ballestrin - froo Novenber Margaret Schock Cheryl-Lee Bell - fron Feb. to July Christine J. Mn.rrnpodi - fron July

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Page 1: ~, THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY RESEARCH …... · fnnily planning prog ro. rm~ s on fertility levels in ~he Pacific or Asian areas . They nro Valc~~ie Hull nnl T .H. Hul~•



Professorial Fellows








J .C. Calduell, B.A. (N.E.), Ph.D. (A.N .U.) (Head of the Depa.rtnent)

: W.D.Borrie , O.B.E., M.A.(N.z.) (Director of the School of Social Sciences)

: Noma R. Mc.Arthur, B.A . (Helb.) Ph.D.(London) - until August .

C.A. Price, B.A.(A~el.), M.A.,D.Phi~.(Oxon)

K. G. Basavarajappa, M.Sc.(Ka.rnatak ), Ph.D.(A.N.U.), Dip.Deoography (D.T.R.C.Bombay)

Senior Research Fellow

Research Fellows

: E. F.Kunz, D.Phil.(Budapest), M.A.(Sydney)

: D.J. van de Kaa, Drs. (Utrecht)

Visiting Fellows

Research Assistants


Depa.rtr.1ental Typists

: M. Singarinbun, B.A.(Gadjah Mad~) , Ih.D.(A.N.U.)

I .H. Burnley, M.A.(Cant ., N.Z.), Ph.D. (Victoria, N.Z.)

Christ:.bel Younrr , B. Sc . (Adel.), Ph.D. (A.N.U. -fro, July

H.G. Brooks (Departnent of IrJIJigration) - until Au.gust

G. Nielsen (Cor.cordia College, Illinois) -until February

Nancy v. Kuskie

Patricia Pyne , B.Sc.(London)

Irena Krywoszyja , B.A. (Newcastle), Registration L.A.A.

: Anthu Davis, B. Econ . (U .A.)

: Helen Uare , B.A. (Durhan), Ph.D. (London) fron i'-Iny .

: Elizabeth Nurser, B.A., M.A.(Univ. of Calif., Berkeley) - froo April

: Lynette E. Ross - until Novcnber

Elaine M. Ballestrin - froo Novenber

Margaret Schock

Cheryl-Lee Bell - fron Feb. to July

Christine J. Mn.rrnpodi - fron July

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- 2 . 17/1971

Dr Pric e continued as Acting Head of the Departnent during January and February. Professor Calduell took up his position as Head of the Departoent f r on the beginning of Ha.rch . Professor Borrie , now Director of the School , r etains h i s chair in the Departuent.

The interests of the Depnrtnent have continued to be in three najor areas : (a) Australian deoocraphy with_ eophasis on fertilit¥ (a _ nnjor survey of foD.il y forriati on in Australia was begun) and nortality; (b) the population of Asia and Oceania with att ention to Fiji~ New Zealand , New Guinea , Indonesia , Philippines , Kor ea. , I ndia. , nnd Paki stan ; (cJ international nie;ration and the settlenent of irnigrant s in Austral ia ; (d) the preparation of bibliob:rraphies in the fields of Austral ian fertility and inni0ration .

The Dopart nent has continued to co-operate with other organizations . Professor Barrie att ended the Pr eparatory Meo tine to organize the Second Asian Populati on Confer enc e in Bnnekok of which ho was elec ted Chair:m.n . Professor Ca l dwell wont to Kuala Lunpur to rn.ke rec o::-nendations to the Departnent of Foreign Affairs on the future of the rinlaysian Census . The DepartL1ent co-operated with the Bureau of Census and Statistics on aspects of the population censuses of Austral ia and New Guinea .

Work in c c-oper.:1tion with the Co:nonwealth Bureau of CenS1~s a ;.1d Statistics , and Departnent of Innic;ration, has also continued , oo:poc ially in connection i.ith the coding and cross- ta.bula tine of the birthplace end birthplac e of parents questions of the 1971 ~ensus .

Dr Price continued his work as Honorary Director (Social and Political Aspec ts) of the Social Sc ic:1co Research Council ' s Innigration Projec t; Professor W . D. Borric bei:16 Cl1airu1n of the Project Coru:1i ttee . Several surveys have been conpleted two have been uri tton up and odi ted , and arrangenents are now being nadc for publication.

The Den oGraphy Depart.1ont accepted an invitation fron the Departnont of Public Heal th of the Adninistration of Papua and New Guinea and the University of Papua and Now Guinea to sponsor jointly a conferenc e in Port Moresby on Popul ation Gr owth and Ec ononic Dovelopnent ; tJw c onference in Novo.Jbcr was attended by Professor Caldwell , Er van de Kaa and Dr Singarinbun.

Professor Caldwell, Ilr van de Kaa and Dr McArthur gave evidence , on invitation, on population trends and population control ncasures in the world and the Pac ific to the South Pac ific Sub- connittee of the Foreic;n Affairs Connittee of the Australian Parliane:1t in Decenber .


Mr H . G. Brooks of the Depart,.1ent of Innigra tion worked in the Dopartnent on a Coononwealth Public Service Fellowship on the history of Australia ' s post- uar assisted innigration proGraono until A~"Ust . Professor G. Nielsen of Concordia Col lege , Illinois , visited the Departr1 ent until February under the auspices of the Aus tral iar-Anorican :Cduca tional Foundation studying ~lends ( Ger:oan Slavs) who have settled in Australia . Dr Hollingsworth visi tod the Depnrt:-1011t for two weeks in March while returnine; to the University of Glnseow frow a United Ha tions assign­nent in the Ihilippines and cave seninnrs on historical deno . .:;rap].1y and internal nigration. Mr G. McNicoll visited the Depart:o:it when roh:.rninc to the Denography Departnent of t.11.e Univorsi ty of California (Berk0ley) fron the Population Institute of the East- Host Center and Gave soninars on correctinc poor population data and on denographic- ec onoL,ic interrelations .

Mrs V. Wili1eln, President of the Australia:1 Fanily Planni:1.g As socio tion, brought Dr Ae,nete Braestrup , President of t~1e International Planned Parenthood Federation, to Canberra to visit the Deuoc;raphy Departuent a:1d the Cor.JI!lonwealth Depart:1ent of Health.

Page 3: ~, THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY RESEARCH …... · fnnily planning prog ro. rm~ s on fertility levels in ~he Pacific or Asian areas . They nro Valc~~ie Hull nnl T .H. Hul~•

3 • 17/1971

..$.,:tudon t al).d Teachinr; A~tivi tios

Two studen ts c;ained Ph.D. degrees and one student (Mr Khawaja) an M.A . during the year. .'I':nir t:-.0:::; :::.o t,er9 :

Christabel ~1~ Younr;: "An analysis of the population growth and nortali ty of selectoJ birth cohorts in .Australia, with refercl1ce to the relationship between cohort and transvGrse (or calendar year) experience", has joined t h e staff.

M. Sivanurth,:y: "Convergence of ago- sex distributions and population change in the presence of nigration", :has returned to a university post in India.

M.A. Khawa.ja: "Late feotal and infan t nortality in Australia, 1935-6611, has

joined the Now Zealand Dopart::ient of Statistics.

Studcn t:-:i prc-.-5-o'"'.ll y on.rolled o.nd con tinu;i.ng their rcsonrch arc :

J.P. P.nba.nn°tvn..1:: uGrowth and cha.ncinc structure of labour force in India, 1911--1981 tl 0

C .Y. Choi: "Chinese i rJI1it:;::.·ntion and sottlonont in Australia, with special rcforen~e to the Chinese in Melbourne" .

N .D. Hicks: "Evidence and contcr2porary opinion about the pooplinc of Australia., 1890-1911".

M~R. K}wn: "Grmrth patterns of the population of East and '\lost Pakistan with special r cfer o:1ce to population redistribution" .

S.K •. Ja.in: "Cohort nuptia li ty in Hew Zealand".

E .O. Koivuka.n.gaq_: "Scandi;.1.:1.:vian n i c rntion to Australiau .

T.H. K,rnn: "Korc.:tn population, 1945-66".

P.F. McDonald: "Trends in 1·mrriaco in Australia , 1911-1966".

J.T. Yaoagychi~ 11 :ibu oGraphic transitions and labour supply in post-uar Japan".

In addition there was one :Jt.:::.ff cc.;.1c.:'!.. elc-.tcr for "- P.1 .J;).

D.J. van do Kaa: 11 The a.onoc raphy of Papua and New Guinea's indigenous population11

Now studGnts enrolled during the year wore :

S.L. W. Towndro,-r: uFertili ty change in JJdan , Philippines".

D.R. Lavi.2,: ' . . 2,_i 7:i- plam.ing patterns and fertility differentials in Australia".

S-.K~ Gaisio: "An nnalysL: of levels rrnd trends of vital rates in C:hnna, 1948-1969.

Two other student s Lave accepted scholarships to work on tl1e inpact of fnnily planning progro.rm~s on fertility levels in ~he Pacific or Asian areas . They nro Valc~~ie Hull nnl T .H. Hul~• ar"d are expected to arrive enrly in 1971

S0ni.r1'.lr activities lurinc; t he yo~r concentrated on work-in-proc;ress discussions in w-hich s tl ·~0 1.1ts nnd stl'.ff annlyscd their own continuinc research ,

Page 4: ~, THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY RESEARCH …... · fnnily planning prog ro. rm~ s on fertility levels in ~he Pacific or Asian areas . They nro Valc~~ie Hull nnl T .H. Hul~•

- 4. 17/1971

and on general seminars during which visitors and others discussed important demographic themes. Dr Price took two students for a course on minority groups for the H.A. in Sociology.

Staff Research

The major new work begun in the field of Australian demography uas the preliminary planning and first activities of the Australian family formation project. Those directly concerned were Professor Caldwell, Dr Young, Dr Ware and Mr Lavis. By the end of the year Dr Ware had almost completed a bibliography of Australian family and fertility studies, and the planning for a major survey of a metropolitan population in 1971 was well advnnced. Professor Barrie continued nith his interest in th~ demography of higher education and Dr Basavarajappa prepared population projections to assist this work. Dr Baso.varajappa also continued with his ,1ork on Australian fertility trends. Dr Young worked further on the history of 1:1ortali ty change in Australia and is pro·ceeding to examine native-born and for,ign-born cohorts separately . Two papers have been prepared on these topics.

Beyond Australia Mr van de Kaa completed his study of the demography of Hew Guinea's indigenous population (to be published by the Administration of the Territory of Papua and Nm1 Guinea in 1971). Dr Mc.Arthur proceeded further with her nark on Fiji ziving special emphasis to urbanization. Professor Caldwell completed the analysis of a census age-statement project in West Africa, edited a book relatin__; population growth to socio- economic change in West Africa, and proceeded fUJ'.'ther with a study of the evolution of population policies and population control programmes in Asia. Dr Singarimbun completed his field work on family growth and fertility control in rural Java and is now analysihg the data.

In the migration side of the Department's work, Dr PriGe continued his studies of the comparative history of the restrictive i.Lunigration policies of Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States ( doing considerable amount of this during four months' study leave taken in Australia). He and Nrs Pyne continued the long-term anc.lysis of Australian immigration statistics with emphasis on the differential mortality and contribution to natural increase of the native and foreign born. He also undertook a study of emigration from the U.A.R. to Austrc1lia. Dr Kunz continued his study of Displaced Persons in Australia, carrying out subsidiary projects on tertiary- educated and professional groups and on patterns of natu.::::-alization. A cha:)ter and a paper have been prepared for publication on the:Je topics . Dr Burnley worked on immigrants in metropolitan areas and on the residential patterns resulting from their settlement . Drs Price, Kunz ru1d Burnley uorked r.ri th Mrs Nurser as research assistant on a new edition of Australian far:1igratiom a Bibliography and Digest which will be published in 1971.

Several members of the Department also contributed to the general study of ,rorld population trends. Professor Barrie published a book on The Growth and Cont:r:-ol of World Population; Professor Calduell was the major author of A Manual for Surveys of Fertility a.nu Family Pla!1ning~ and Dr Price wrote a paper on the relationship between internc.tional migration and world population gror,th.

Other Activities

Professor Caldi,ell accepted invi tat.ions to demographic conferences in Tokyo and Nen York during October and November. Dr Price attended two meetings of the Refugee and Migration Committee of the World Council of Churches and an international conference convened by the South Africnn Institute of International Affairs at Johannesbur5 . :Jr Burnley attended and presented a paper to a meeting of the New Zealand Geo{.;Taphical Association in Christchurch.

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- 5. 17/19 71

The Departnont wishes to rc:;:icat its appreciation of the c ontinued c o- operation of the Bureau of Census and Statistics and the Dopa.rtnent of Ir.1JJ.icration in its research. Special consun tahdations and unpublished ma.torials ':.c..do avail abl e c ontinue to bo essential fow1do.ticns of a substantial part of the research of the Dcpa.rtncnt~ The Population Council is also providing support for two projects.

StA.i'f P0~iticn

The approved level of acadc::1ic otaff in the present tricnniun. is nine, one post being occupied by the Director of the ~esearch School of Social Sc iences . At the end of 1970 one post was vacant a11d it was anticipated that a second would bcc ono vacant early in the new year uhcn r.ir van de Kaa takes up appointnent as Direc tor of tho now Inter-University D0no£p.·nphic Centre in the Netherl ands. Posts are a t pres0nt advertised and it is anticipated that one or two appoint_.c:it::i will be :c:in.do in 197:.

PUBi,ICliT I ('lJ.3

AI1BANNAVAR, J . P . ' Changes in t:10 E:!ploy1ent Pattern of t:10 Indian ':Torking Force, 1911-1951', ':::l10 Dc-rnlo-,j11,c~ Econonfos (Tokyo) , Ifarcl1 1970 .




' Errors in the Esti1.:ta ~ion of Fertility and Hortali ty for Population in the Process of Destabilization 1 , Ashish Bose & S. P . Jain (ed.· :· ~ssays in Dor2or;re.phv, London, Allen & Unwin, 1970 7 12ppo (~·ri th IL Si•1.:i.r11:i.:.~thy).

1A rejoinder- to !1iss Sp,:ncor 1 s coi::r10 1ts on pre- nari tal prec,nancies and ex-rn;_ptial birt:.1'.J i;_1 1-ustralia , 1911-66 ', _The Australian and Neu Ze,;i.13.Ed Jnu-rn:i.J_ ofS00joJ..QGY< volo6, no , l , April 1970 , PPo 7 9- 84,

_T.be3;r'0',{,_1_ nnd Control of WoTl.d J:opulation , Weidenfold and Nicolson , London~ 340pp~ 1 970.

1Dooographic Trends and ~:lucation in Australia 1966- 86 1 ~ pp. 1 97-226, in ?J.am1in1 in AustraJ in:1 Dducation , G. ll . Bassett (ed .). Report of a Senim.r on Educa~io~al Planning. Australian Council for Edu•:::atio112l Rcson.:;.·ch 1970,

' Deuoerop~1ic c·1.d Social C:'.1anges 1 , pp.3- 19 in Medical Practice and the CoTJD.unj,_t;: 7 R. G. Broun a:1d H.rl. 1'fl1yte (ed-;:-;. Proc eedings of a conference c ,my o:;.1ecl by Lustralia!l Nn tionnl Univcrsi ty in J ohn Curtin School of Mc:licnl Rosonrch, Canberra , 26- 30 Aueust 1968. Austr alian University I~ess , 1970,

' The Groolrn 1, in .n.D . Trli!1. and K.', . Thouson (ed .. ) , -~Jµl i__grc!_nts :id}

New Zealand, Hnssey University , Pali10rston North , 1970 , pp . 100- 124 .

' The Poles 1 ! in A.D. Trlin a.nd K. W. Thonson (ed .. ) , Imigra.Ylts :yi Neu

Zealand, ric ,Jsoy U::1ivorsity, Palnerston North, 1970 , pp .100-151.

' Ii::migratio:11, Atlas_ of Australian Resources , Conncntary, Canberra ,

Depart:1ont of lfotioncl Dcvelopnont, 1970, 20pp .

Page 6: ~, THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY RESEARCH …... · fnnily planning prog ro. rm~ s on fertility levels in ~he Pacific or Asian areas . They nro Valc~~ie Hull nnl T .H. Hul~•

- 6. 17/1971

BURNLEY, I.JI. (continued) 1 Innigra tion a.;_1d Metropoli ta"l PopuJ.a tion Growth and Chane;e in Australia, 1947-1966 1 , __Proq_ecd~1r.;:s_of the 6-~h Heu Zealand G0ography Conference, Christch1ITch 1 24-28 August, 1970, e<lited R.J. Johnston, 1970-1971~ 12pp.

'Asians and Contli1ental Europeans I in N . L. McLeod and B.H.Farland, Wellington Prospect_ 1840-1970, Hicks Snith, Wellington, 1970, PPo64···70,



A nanual for Surve;v:s of Fertility and Far;iily_Plaru1.~!1e._: Knowled.ge , Attitudes and Practice, Now York, 1970, raajor author.

'The Spread of Anti-natal Knowledge and Practice in Nigeria ', Population Studie~, :March 1970, pp.21-34, (with A. IGUr1).

'Urbanisation and Fertility Control in Tropical Africa ', African Urban Notes, ifovenbcr 1970.

'Occupational Chanc e among Chinese in ifelbourne ', jl.ac~, X1, 3 January 1970, pp. 30)-311.




'Finnish Migration to Av.stralia - Basic Characteristics 1 (in Finnish) , Suoni, (bi-nonthly paper) Christr:JE.s celebration issue, Brisbane, 15.12.1970, pp.4-6.

'The Deuography of Prinitivo Populations', Science, 167, February 1970, pp .• 1097-lJ.OL

'Innic;rants ', chapter 6, in A.F .. Davies and S. :E:!ncel (eds.) Australian Societ->'.:, Cheshire, Ifolbourne, 1970, pp.180-199.

' Migration fron the United Arab Republic to Australia' , Migration 1'..Qi~ 14, Spring 1970, :pp.33-40 (with Patricia P;y11e) .

'The Mierants' chapter 4, in V.G. Venturini (ed.), Australia - ·A. Survey, (Insti tutc of Asian Affairs), Harrassowi tz, Wiesbaden, 1970, pp.59-75.


':Cconomic aspects of fanily planning', _Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studi8s, v,1, 3, Uov. 1970, pp.102-105 .


'Fanily Planning' (In Indonesian) , Dwidjaya, Jogjalmrtn, 1970, 40pp .

'Trends in First Marriages in Australia , 1933-66 1 , The Ec_onomic Record, Scpte·.11Jer 1970, pp . 402- 410.

'Errors in t!10 I:stina tion of Fertility and I>lortali ty for Population in the Process of Destabilization', Ashish Bose and S . P. Jain (eds.), Efil:<?:,Ys in D.:uo,c_::r:._~1]._y 1 London , Allon & Unwin , 1970, 12 pp . (with K.G. Basavarajappa).

van do KA.A., D. J.

'Estir.1ates of vital rates and future growth ', 1fo.R.J11!_inea Rose8.rch Bullet:in, .:54, April 1970, PPol-23 .