:: the experience - constant...

The Art of the Urut Batin & Lingam Massage TrueTantra Xperience 1 :: The experience :: Tantra is an ancient philosophy and practice that is considered the perfect model and technology to embody mind & sexuality in one process that can lead you to a healing or supra-consious experience. This weekend we will learn how to prepare the body; how to give & receive two ancient techniques on the lingam. The energy generated and what can bring to you is one of the most powerful experiences that a men can have. We invite you to interconnect with your body and the capability that it has. You will learn how to expand your sexual energy and how to control it. This is an experience designed to be exploring, to be learning between men likewise, or that curious about how to interrelate to their own body, lingam & sexual energy.

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Post on 30-Jul-2021




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Page 1: :: The experience - Constant Contactfiles.constantcontact.com/5e8bfc64301/31143b58-152a-411c...Massage. - Orgasm & the learning on expansion of sexual energy. -Multi-Orgasmia on the

The Art of the Urut Batin & Lingam Massage TrueTantra Xperience �1

:: The experience :: • Tantra is an ancient philosophy and practice that is considered the perfect model

and technology to embody mind & sexuality in one process that can lead you to a

healing or supra-consious experience.

• This weekend we will learn how to prepare the body; how to give & receive two

ancient techniques on the lingam. The energy generated and what can bring to

you is one of the most powerful experiences that a men can have.

• We invite you to interconnect with your body and the capability that it has. You will

learn how to expand your sexual energy and how to control it.

• This is an experience designed to be exploring, to be learning between men likewise,

or that curious about how to interrelate to their own body, lingam & sexual energy.

Page 2: :: The experience - Constant Contactfiles.constantcontact.com/5e8bfc64301/31143b58-152a-411c...Massage. - Orgasm & the learning on expansion of sexual energy. -Multi-Orgasmia on the

The Art of the Urut Batin & Lingam Massage TrueTantra Xperience �2


Friday 16.30 - 20hrs

Saturday 9-18 hrs

Sunday 9.30 -17 hrs.

Tea Break included.

Lunch & Hotel is not included


Yogical Space (Via de¨SS Quatro, No.27 ) Rome Italy.

COST: 295 euros

Deposit: 150 euros

MAIN TOPIC STRUCTURE •The phallus is the lingam, t h e s y m b o l o f S h i v a ' s manhood, and of which the h u m a n o rg a n i s j u s t a microcosmic reflection.• Learn how to explore the whole parts of the body that base up the Lingam. • Most of the times we do not know how deep and resistan can be this organ. The URUT Batin technique is a tantric Indonesian Massage that is considered to be one of the most healthy tools regarding erectyle dysfunction, emiction problems, lack of libido and re-estimulation on sexual áreas.•The art of the lingam masaje is not just to touch or manipulate the penus. It has the target to masaje the lingam as a whole estructure f ro m a l l t h e b a s e a n d elementos on it. •It has more than 29 strokes. •You will recognise the sexual frequency in the massage: s t imulat ion, erot izat ion, s e n s u a l i z a t i o n a n d sexualization.

The di fference between orgasms and ejaculation. And the base of masculine multi-orgasmia and the expansion of the sexual energy. Come out of this technique This sacred sexuality tool connects w i th a supra-conscious experience.


- Nude Tantra Kriya Yoga & Sexual Energy - Tantra Massage to prepare t h e b o d y f o r b o t h e experiences.

- Urut Batin and lingam Massage. - Orgasm & the learning on expansion of sexual energy. -Mul t i -Orgasmia on the Lingam . - The power of the breathing & B i g D r a w i n b o t h techniques. - Control of Sexual Energy the techniques on you and how to on other ones. - Trasmutation of Sexual Energy . From density to superior frequencies.

Urut Batin & Linga Massage are some of the most ancient t e c h n i q u e s o n h e a l i n g a n d exploration of the sacred sexuality.

Page 3: :: The experience - Constant Contactfiles.constantcontact.com/5e8bfc64301/31143b58-152a-411c...Massage. - Orgasm & the learning on expansion of sexual energy. -Multi-Orgasmia on the

The Art of the Urut Batin & Lingam Massage TrueTantra Xperience �3

Info. Netherlands Anand Rudra +31 639 49 21 15 (Whatsapp) +34 645 195 604 (Whatsapp) [email protected] www.truetantra.eu FB:http://www.facebook.com/anand.rudra.7

Deposit & Payment:

TrueTantra Netherlands This can be done in two ways. By Paypal or by Bank Deposit or wire transfer.

1. Open an account or go to you PayPal en www.paypal.com 2. Click on the Send Money 3. Select PERSONAL as type payment and select OTHERS 4. Click continue 5. Select how you want to make the payment and then click continue. 6. Check at least twice the information and c l ick send to comple te the transaction. 7. We will receive an email of your deposit and you will receive also an email. 8. The email to be send the money to: [email protected]

Bank Data


TrueTantra Netherlands


Concept: ROME

DEPOSIT: 150 euros

The rest you can pay insitu or by wire transfer

Info. Italy Massimiliano +39 3280889456 (Whatsapp) [email protected]

Page 4: :: The experience - Constant Contactfiles.constantcontact.com/5e8bfc64301/31143b58-152a-411c...Massage. - Orgasm & the learning on expansion of sexual energy. -Multi-Orgasmia on the

� True Tantra by Anand Rudra4

Anand Rudra

Of Mexican origin, living in Europe for the last 12 years. He is an International Relations Lawyer; holds three masters degree on North American  Studies; Relations Mexico-USA; Law & Economics of European Union. And a PHD in Security Studies of European Union.

Entrepreneur; involved in Public Policy and advisor for International Public Policy and Diplomacy.

Being raised in a Shamanic culture by father (Mexican spirita and shaman) and by the grandmother ( Yaqui Mexican Medical Woman) Since he was young, he was attracted to the esoterica world.  As a hobby he has being studying tarot, psicomagia, symbology, ritualism, tantra, sacred geometry and shamanism.

Certified Yoga Alliance Teacher and Arhanta Yoga School System

Tantra Mentoring Program & Soul Evolution Platform

FOR students on training for Bodywork and Tantra Mentoring please be advise that this is a subject under the therapy core curricula. If you want that this practicum comes part as credit to obtain your certification . Please let us know before, to ar range reading mater ia l , e- learn ing seminar, and evaluation.