the surface features of a place or region such as mountain or deserts

Chinese Culture And Geographical Power Point By: Keonai Ya’Saura

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Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Chinese Culture And Geographical Power Point

By: Keonai Ya’Saura

Topography of China

The Surface features of a place or region such as mountain or deserts

Huang He[Yellow River]

Principal river of northern china often called the cradle of Chinese civilization . It is the country's Second Longest river.

Huang He

Bringing Chinese to the modern world

Chinese is a big part of the world because of their food.

Many people don’t really look at the box of rice when you order it.

There on the box of rice there are symbols that mean a lot to the Chinese world

Chinese Bell TowerThe symbols on the rice box means

. The Bell Tower also contains several large bronze-cast bells from the Tang Dynasty. The tower base is square and it covers an area of 1,377 square meters. The tower is a brick and timber structure and close to 40 meters high.There are several legends regarding the Bell Tower, one of them tells

Chinese Economy

For Chinese people they have jobs like teachers, driver office workers, builders just like any other society. And information service , hospitality ,culture exchange and international trade business, education business and produce goods for developing countries are the most popular business now in China. The lifestyle is not as developed as developing counties but it is quit relaxing and easy everyday you can see new things happening.

2. For Foreigners in China some of them are expert in industry fields work in China as engineers also some business man start their own business in China. Since China is fast developing now there are many opportunity for everyone to set up their own business.

3. There are also a large number of ESL teachers or other language teachers in China.

Chinese Bell Tower

The tower was built in 1384 by Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang as a way to dominate the surrounding countryside and provide early warning of attack by rival rulers

Chinese Political Boarder

SummaryI learned that the bell tower was build in

1334 by Emperor . The tower base is square and it cover an area of 1,377 square Meters. Huang He is the second longest river. I also learned about the Topography of china

Ya’Saura Brown ;))*!

summaryI learn about the Chinese

people and how they don’t get the same thing we get today THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Keonai Perry ; ) !! <3

Thank you for
